Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 06, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Through Express Will Soon
Run as Portland-Pendle-ton
Local Passenger.
Eastern Oregon Is Promised Better
Transportation Schedule Begin
ning Next Sunday Delaja
HaTe Been Very Frequent.
Beginning next Sunday, trains No. 11
and No. 12. on the O. R. & N-. known
ma the Pacific Expreee and Atlantic Ex
press, respectively, will become local
trains, operating only between Portland
and Pendleton. Coincident with this
change the O. R. . " Put n
fast mail train between Chicago and
Portland, the latter carrying- no passen-
The change in the through service l
for the betterment of local traffic, con
siderable complaint having been made ti
the failure of the trains mentioned to
keep to the schedule. Thte trouble has
been caused by the heavy through traf
fic incident to the Seattle Exposition and
the colonist rates. These two factors
have compelled the use of long, heavy
trains, which found It practically impos
sible to make the local stops for Passen
gers and the Urge fruit shipments and
maintain the fixed schedule.
Tourist Travel Drops Off.
Now that the tourist travel has dropped
off. the four through trains a day each
way will care for the through traffic and
the other trains will be able to handle
the local business and keep to schedule.
After the change takes place the trains
will be designated as No. 1 and No Z.
snd will make slightly better time than
heretofore. The leaving time from
Portland will remain at 8 A. M.. but Pen
dleton will be reached at 8: P. M.. or 15
minutes earlier than heretofore No. 1
will leave Pendleton at : A. M-. which
fe the present departing time, and win
arrive in Portland at 6:15. instead of 6:.
The Oregon Short Line will also put on
a new local train to take the place of the
through train eliminated between Hunt
ington and points East. There will be
no changes In the schedules ot the other
through trains on the O. R. & N.
The new fast mall train running be
tween Portland and Chicago via Omaha
will be operated out of Portland as the
first section of No. i. leaving Portland
at A. M. and arriving in Chicago 58 to
60 hours later. The leaving time from
Chicago over the Chicago & Northwest
ern Is not yet known in Portland, but
the fast mail will leave Council Bluffs.
Iowa, for Portland at 9:10 A. M., arriv
ing In Portland at 7:50 A. M.. the run
ning time between the two points being
48 hours and 0 minutes. This Is exactly
nine hours faster time than Is made by
the Chicago-Portland Special, the Harrl
man fast train over the same track.
Will Save- Business Day.
Vnder this arrangement Eastern- mall
will leave Chicago In the evening and
arrive in Portland In the morning of the
third dav out. The saving in time will
be practically a whole busnieM day in
Portland. The Chicago-Portland Special
now leaves Chicago at 10 P. M. and ar
rive at 8 P. M. on the evening of the
third day. The fast mall will leave Chi
cago somewhat earlier, but It will be
after the close of the business day. when
all 'Western mall will have been made
up. The mall will be laid down here for
early morning delivery more than 13
hours sooner than that brought by the
Chicago-Portland Special.
The Oregon-Washington Limited, mak
ing the same running time as the Chicago-Portland
Special, leaves Chicago at
11:30 A. M. and this train now brings the
bulk of the Eastern mall, delivering it in
Portland at 8:30 A. M. The later departure
from Chicago by the fast mall will re
sult In the Eastern mail arriving in Port
land in the morning, carrying letters
posted in Chicago or delivered there from
Eastern points about one day later than
under the present arrangements.
According to the understanding here
the fast mail service now being inau
gurated on the transcontinental roads Is
a sort of try-out" for the big contracts
that will be awarded by the Government
In February.
Government Kmploye Then Returns
Blade Fined Ten Days' Pay.
For extracting a razor from the mall,
shaving with it and then returning it.
re -ad dressed to the original sender, a
clerk of the Railway Mall Service of the
Chicago Division was recently subjected
to the loss of 10 days' pay. The novel
case is the subject of a paragraph in
the Railway Mall Bulletin received at the
local office yesterday.
Another case which involved the loss
of ony one day's pay for the offender
recounts the carelessness of a rairway
mall clerk, who. In tossing a sack from
the mall car, allowed it to be run over
by the coach, thereby injuring the contents.
AVrlter Airs Opinions on Dishes and
Peach Garden Hats.
PORTLAND, Oct. 5. (To the Editor.)
I object to the editorial In last Sun
day's Oregonian on "Cookery and Di
vorce," because the wholesale state
ment is made that the American house
wife Is a poor eook. without furnishing
any statistical authority. The labor
ing class was weighted down with the
accusation of being homeless because
the bulk of their wages went to sup
Til v the demands of the Inner man,
whether raw material, cooked or badly
prepared. The Oregonian omitted to
Take the biscuit-making process.
with its double sittings of flour, its ac
curate measurements of baking pow
der and salt, thorough mixing In of
lard, with addition of milk and water
to bring the dough to the proper con
sistency for rolling and cutting. If one
could but swing above the homes of
the American women throughout the
United States one would see tens of
thousands of women removing from
their ovens biscuit that . would cause
Goliath's mouth to water and make
David forget to throw the pebble, so
eager would they be to partake.
The Oregonian says there Is no way
to compute precisely the number of
homes wrecked and divorces caused by
bad cookery. But one desirous of
ameliorating this great wrong, that is
s a vulture eating out the heart of
the home, may easily gather the statis
tics by the simple application of addi
tion, subtraction, multiplication and
division. The statistics bearing upon
the frightful number of wrecked homes
and divorces due to drunkenness, bru
tality. Infidelity, Incompatibility of
temper, and so on ad infinitum, can
be had for' the asking from the courts,
and the bala'nce can be easily com
puted by a fairly good mathematician.
As to the allegations that woman falls
In keeping her part of it In this par
ticular, "preparing her husband's food
disgracefully." and that the workman
cannot afford to keep a cook, and a
wife as well, why. In the name Ot
suffering humanity, don't such bus
bands marry cooks instead of fashion
plates? There are plenty of them
back "East spending their lives In other
people's kitchens, yearning for homes
of their own.
I really believe I could prepare a
very palatable meal with a peach
basket hat securely fastened on (al
though I have never been the possessor
of one). . . .
I think I am safe in saying that the
laboring class is not in the, habit of
Indulging In a "fine Juicy steak The
large families ordinarily supplied by
the laboring class find the tough
round or flank steak in closer touch
with their purses. To make this por
tion of the bovine palatable or even
cuttable It must be well cooked. It Is
easier to prepare the handsome potato
with Its Jacket on, and much less In
jurious to the hands of the laboring
man's wife, than the preparation of
the "clammy putty." the outcome of peel
ing, mashing, seasoning and laborious
beating, to make It more appetizing for
her husband. The latter violent exer
cise 1 doubtless for her muscular de
velopment and aids her intellectual
evolutions of peach hats- with their
fowl mountings. If she can by sewing,
working among prunes or even taking
in a little washing occasionally on the
quiet, get together enough to procure
a peachbasket hat, without which she
feels conspicuous, then. God bless her,
let her have the pleasure of wearing it.
She clung with "hooks of steel" to the
friendly little sailor hat, with its mod
est band of ribbon or graceful fall of
veiling, until forced to relinquish It.
She is at least not guilty of killing
the fowl adornments, and she is, un
consciously, perhaps, supporting the
great artificial flower Industry.
The Oregonian says: "We have been
educating women away from the do
mestic arts." "We." What is meant
here? The "we" who has been strug
gling for enlightenment during the last
half century is still in petticoats, and
Is- in no wise incapacitated for her
home duties, unless a keener realiza
tion of her Imperfections and a desire
to attain a higher standard of perfec
tion may be reckoned as Impediments
to her domesticity. MRS. C. A. T.
President of Electrical Workers Has
Warrant Sworn Out for Fi
nancial Secretary.
G. Frank Garrey. financial secretary
of the local branch of the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Is
being sought by officers from the con
stable office. A warrant was issued
for his arrest yesterday morning charg
ing the embezzlement of funds of the
organization amounting to $944. Com
plaint was signed by C. A. Jordon.
president of local lodge No. 125 of this
T- a n lots hrtnr last nlffht the
union official had not been found, and
some fear is now entertained that the
man has left the city.
According to the allegations of Gar
rey's fellow members, his Juggling of
the union's funds extends back over a
period of nearly one year, with forger
ies on the books to cover up his short
ages. Owing to the falsified condition
of the books it is not now possible to
ovtnmt nr the defalcation
charged against Garrey. but it is said
that it will reach 4. io oouun a.
, .amanr nf the alleced dis
crepancies it will be necessary to em
ploy an expert.
Garrey Is well known In Portland
and has been engaged In work for
union labor.- especially In behalf of
men In his own class of work. He was
very active In securing the passage of
the ordinance for separation and In
sulation of wires to protect the lives
of linemen. Officials of the Portland
D.nnov T iirhtlA Power Company were
once arrested, charged with violating
these ordinances, at oarrey s instiga
tion. The discussion of some discrepancy
between Garrey and one of the mem
bers led to a scrutiny of the books
and a general investigation followed.
W. S. Junkin, treasurer of the union,
"All the money turned over to me
by Garrey as financial secretary was
receipted for. "We think the evidence
In this oaie Is clear and that there
will be no trouble in securing a con
viction. The ledger has many false
entries. He kept two cash books and
a card system, and it will take an ex
pert to tell the true state of affairs
Eastern Schedules Considered
at Local Conference.
St. Paul, Having Shorter Route, May
Lead In Cutting Passenger Fares
Between Pacific and
Points East.
Chief rate clerks representing the
Great Northern. Canadian Pacific. North
ern Pacific. O. R. & N.. North Bank and
Southern Panlfi are in session in Port
land for the -purpose of "checking In,"
revising and adjusting passenger, rates
from Pacific .points to he East
This is a semi-annual gathering of rate
cleilrs, icx twice each year new tariff
sheets are lesueil by each road under a
gc-.ieral po'icy adopted by the head's oi
p.renger "raff;c departments. Tie rate
clerk's work is largely a matter of de
tail and expert compa-ison of :ha r.ves
proposed by the several roads. Roulmjs
rxe also compared and readjusted.
New Factor Comes In.
The session being held in Portland Is
of more than usual Interest because of
the new factor about to enter the west
ern passenger traffic field In the Chi
cago. Milwaukee & Puget Sound. No rep
resentative of the new road is In Port
land yet. but one Is expected from the
Seattle offices within a few days.
The St. Paul road may upset previous
calculations, but at the present time,
while it is expected that the St. Paul's
influence on one way through rates will
be of a slight downward tendency, no
radical change is anticipated.
The mileage of the Chicago, Milwaukee
& Puget Sound between Seattle and St.
Paul is about 150 miles less than that of
any other Northern road, and the possi
bility Js conceded that the new line will
announce through one way rates pro
portionately lower. If such course is
pursued it will be up to all other roads
to meet the reduced rate.
Issue Is Not rp Vet.
However, this issue may not appear
during the present meeting, as it has
not yet been announced that the St.
Paul will inaugurate its through pas
senger service within the ensuing six
months. It is admitted by railway of
ficials, however, that the new trans
continental railroad will , have to be
reckoned with sooner or later.
So far as any radical change in rates
Is concerned, the rate clerks in session
in Portland would probably submit such
a contingency to their superiors.
Whatever its policy as to rates, the
St. Paul Is Interested in the meeting be
cause of the round trip business of the
railroads. The completion of the new
line gives the traveler another choice
of routes, and this factor will have to
be taken Into consideration In formu
lating the tariff sheets in so far as they
affect round trip business. This will
be wholly a matter of routing, however,
according to present understanding, and
no change In such rates is anticipated.
Sleeting Will Take Week.
The work of the rate experts will like
ly consume a week or ten days. This Is
the first time the conference has ever
been held In Portland. Portland has
the general offices only of the Harri
man lines In Oregon and the North Bank
road, and heretofore the Portland rate
clerks have gone to Eastern point to
attend the semi-annual meetings. At
times the sessions have lasted a month.
This year the O. O. & N. urged that
the meeting be held In Portland, and
gained the concession.
The rate experts present are the fol
lowing: J. S. Mullane. of St. Paul, representing
the Great Northern: Otto Schaffer, St.
Paul. Northern Pacific; J. C. Glendlnlns.
Winnipeg, Canadian Pacific; F. S. How
ard, San Francisco, Southern Pacific. J.
C. Cummins, Portland, Harrlman lines;
C. B. Holt, Portland. North Bank road.
The conferences are being held In the
Wells-Fargo building.
Railroad News Notes.
A special train, made up in New
York, and carrying about 70 members
of the American Bottlers' Protective
Association, will arrive in Portland to
day on the Southern Pacific from San
Francisco. After remaining here all
day the party will go on to Seattle
over the Northern Pacific.
Of Interest to local railroad men is
the, announcement of promotion of
Donald Rose, general agent of the Illi
nois Central at Salt Lake, to the post
of freight traffic manager of that rail
road, with headquarters at Chicago.
W. W. Arthur, chief clerk In the
Actor Would Rather Farm in
Oregon Than Be Great Star
George Bloomauest Says His Ambition Is to Settle Down on Ranch in
. This State and Watch Crops Grow.
GEORGE Bloomquest. a Portland
favorite of the days of the Co
lumbia Stock Company, has had
Just such experience in the 30 years of
his life as would fit him for great
things to come. He has been playing
a little of everything most everywhere
In the country. Young Bloomquest's
early training reads not a great deal
unlike Henry Irving's, when you re
duce It to cold rrlnt.
But young Bloomquest, who Is ap
pearing this week in a lively and really
fascinating little sketch "Nerve." at
the Orpheum theater, isn't figuring on
the day when he will branch out In
a Shakespearean repertoire, or deeply
serious work of any sort for that mat
ter. His Ideals are not hitched to a
star but to a plow.
"I want to save up enough money to
buy an Oregon farm," he confessed
with admirable frankness, yesterday,
while making up for his turn.
"It'll take five years more In vaude
ville, so I've figured out." he continued.
"I Intend to stay In vaudeville those
five years. You can bet I'm living as
close as I can and I'm counting the days
until I land on that ranch.
"Now, you needn't smile," he broke
out really quite offended that his sin
cerity might be questioned. "This Isn't
press talk. I'm sincere. I'm going to
have that ranch. Another five years
will pay for It."
"Have you ever farmed?"
"Not a stroke. But that isn't the rea
son I want an Oregon farm." he replied.
"AH you have to do out here Is to plant
the seeds, harvest the crop and then
sit around by the fireplace all Winter."
Since leaving Portland four years
ago Mr. Bloomquest. who played
Juvenile roles so admirably, has done
a little of everything. He first went
to New York and played "Just Out of
College." Then he toured Mexico and
played a season In Cuba. After that
he was in San Francisco stock, ramaln-
T . ......
1 t." r. .v
' if
1 J. J
George Bloomqnest, Actor Well
Known in Portland.
ing until after the earthquake. Then
he went to Rochester for a season,
then Baltimore, then Denver. For the
past year he has been knocking about
on the Orpheum circuit. He has his
own sketch now, and in "Nerve" he
has one of the best things going.
"I'l use It the rest of this year, get
a new one next, and so on until the five
years are up then to Hood River or
the Rogue River country for a farmer's
life," he concluded.
After Suffering a Year with Raw,
Watery Humor on Hands and Face
Prescriptions Did Not Do a
Bit of Good Scratched Till Blood
Came and Had to Quit Work.
"I suffered with ecaema for one Jr
and had two of tho beet doctors in
Awn Kut. ASeir medl-
CF!?ji3v. cine did not help mo.
Sjs"'S3 FirBt of all there were
small white pimpiee
on my left hand and
I had to scratch until
the blood came. Then
they would puff up
and water would run
out. Wherever this
water would run inern
' l J v. nAv nim
plea until my whola
left hand was a mass
other hand became affected and they
were like a piece of raw meat. Then it
came on my face, neck and under my
right arm so that I was unable to raise
mv arm for two weeks. It became so
bad that I was obliged to give up work.
" About four months ago I started to
doctor and the doctor told me it was
eczema. 8o he told me to get
ointment and soap. I used them for a
month and they didn't do me one bit
of good so I tried another doctor. He
gave me three different kinds of medi
cines, but I was very much put out
when these remedies did not help me.
I was unable to sleep at night and I
gave up all hope until I decided to try
the Cuticura Remedies. I used two
cakes of Cuticura Soap, two boxes of
Cuticura Ointment and three bottles
of Cuticura Resolvent and I am. glad
to say I am cured. Miss Nora Shulta,
243 North Third St., Reading, Pa., Jan. 4
and 7, 1909."
f-I ; Promoted by shampoos
Hall with Cutioura Soap and
rSfwh hsht dressings of Cuti
U TOW 111 Cura. This treatment al
lays itching and irritation, destroys hair
parasites, cleanses, purifies and beauti
fies and tends to make the hair grow
upon a clean, healthy scalp.
Catlcurs Remedies are sold throughout the world.
Pottir d Chem. Corp.. Sole rops., Bton,
Mmb Milled tree. 32-pyre Cuticura Book.
?lviti- iVfntlon nd cure ot diseases ot the Btla.
office of the agent of the Harrlman
lines In Chicago, is in Portland on a
pleasure trip.
Con Hallack Testifies Husband
Beat Boy With Cord-wood and
Poured Wine Down His Throat.
The two little Hallack children suffered
almost unbelievably, according to charges
made by Manual Hallack and his wife,
Cora D. Hallack, In the divorce court.
Mrs. Hallack filed her answer to her
husband's charges In the Circuit Court
yesterday. In It she says he beat their
little son Chester with a stick of stove
wood, raising large welts In the child's
flesh; that he poured wine down the
little fellow's throat until he could not
stand up, and that he told her he did not
want the children. Mrs. Hallack has de
nied her husband's charge that she
placed concentrated lye within reach of
the children, causing the death of one.
Mrs. Hallack says her husband, who
is a carpenter, has no cause for suit, be
cause he took her back and forgave her
all on September 15. five days after he
filed his divorce suit. She wants the
custody of their only living child, Leona,
13 months old. and 25 a month for her
support, besides $100 attorney's fees.
Sarah M. Pilkey. who married Charles
C. Pilkey at Suspension Bridge, New
York. April 18, 18S8, filed a divorce suit
in the Circuit Court yesterday, alleging
he has deserted her, and that he was
cruel to her before he left. The last
time she saw him was a year ago in
August, she says. She wants the custody
of their child, t25 a month alimony. J100
attorney's fees, and her maiden name,
Sarah M. Campbell.
Harry Dlmick. a carpenter, told his
friends he "liked a dog better than his
wife." according to her charges, made in
a divorce complaint on die in the Circuit
Court. Mrs. Anna Dimick says further
her husband beat, choked and dragged
her through the streets of Portland. She
married him May 31. 1899. and they have
two children, of which she desires the
custody. .
In addition to his allusion to the canine.
Mrs. Dlmick says her husband told others
"she was not really and truly his wife."
Although he earned $3.50 and $4 a day.
she says he has contributed nothing to
her support for more than two years. She
wants $40 a month alimony. Attorney
John Manning Is her counsel.
A L- Bog(T9 Is also unhappy. He filed
a divorce suit yesterday aKainsl Maude
L. Boggs. saying that although he provid
ed for her a home with such comforts as
his station in life would permit, she left
him a year ago in June while they were
in Belllngham. Wash. The couple mar
ried Novemher 17, 19W.
Important Charter Amendments to
Be Voted Upon.
MI1AVAUKIE, Or., Oct. 6. (Speolal.)
At the regular annual election of Decem
ber 6 the voters of this town will vote o;i
several important amendments to the city
charter. The Mllwaukie Commercial !ub
sent delegates to the special meeting of
the City Council last night to ask for Wie
prlvilage of voting on the amendments
and it was granted.
The amendments are as follows: Ena
bling the city to issue bonds to a greater
amount than $1000. as is now provided for:
to enable the property owners to bond
their property for street Improvements
and for construction of sewers: to make
an ordinance effective immediately on
its being signed by the Mayor. Instead of
waiting ten days: enlarging the munici
pal territory by adding the Lewelllng Ad
dition north from the schoolhouse.
It was ordered that all these amend
ments be placed on the official ballot at
the regular city election December 6,
making it the most important election
held In Milwaukie since the town was
Incorporated. One purpose of the amend
ments Is to enable the city to Inaugurate
a general system of street Improvements
and sewers which will cost about $75,000.
This year only two Councllmen. City
Auditor, City Marshal and Treasurer will
be elected, the Mayor and two Council-
The Additiojuwith Character
Go to LAUEZLHUXST, if you want a good home or a good investment.
If you investigate, you will find that in LAURELHURST you can get greater
value for your money than in any other place in Portland.
All of the lots in LAURELHURST are at least 50 feet wide and 100 feet deep,
while some of them are more than 100 feet wide and run back from 160 to 190 feet
The prices of 50-foot lots average $1150 each, and some of them are as low as
$750. Of course, the large lots referred to will cost more some of them being worth
$3500 but they are equal in size to three or four ordinary lots, and are very cheap
at the prices we have placed upon them.
We have made a very thorough canvass of the real estate market in Portland, and
are convinced that there is no property at all comparable with LAURELHURST to
be had for anything like our prices.
The best advertisement this property can have is to have people inspect it and
compare our prices with the prices of similar property in other locations.
Public Improvements
When you see LAURELHURST, consider what it will be Eke when the improve
ments which have been ordered by the City Council have been made. All of these
improvements have been included in one contract, and will be completed at the
earliest date possible. .
Under the general plan of improvements there will be two-foot parking strips
between the lot lines and the six-foot cement sidewalks, and nine-foot parking strips
between the sidewalks and the roadways. The roadways will be paved with asphalt,
26 feet in width. The sewers, water mains and gas mains, with laterals extending to
the parking strips in front of every lot, will be completed before the roadways are
paved, so that the streets will never have to be torn up. Shade trees will be planted
in all of the nine-foot parking strips.
When you see LAURELHURST, just imagine what it will be like when all of
these improvements are completed, and the yards are all covered with green grass,
flowers and trees. Then you will understand what you are paying for, and we are
satisfied that you will agree with us that our prices are just about one-half of the
real value of the property.
Do not assume that because we have a large number of lots, you can always get
the particular one that will suit you. Although every lot in the addition is a good
one, some are more desirable than others, and the chances are that if you wait, some
one else will have the very one you want, when you get ready to buy.
We are offering SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to those who buy now, also to
those who commence building this year.
To see LAURELHURST, take either the Rose City Park or the Montavilla cars.
Both lines run through the property.
Office on the ground at East 38th and East Glisan streets.
Henry Building.
Phones Main 2565. A 5234.
JcWJ relhu ns tCo.
Nos. 522-526 Corbett Building.
Phones Main 1503. A 1515.
men holding over. Following the regular
election a special election will be held to
vote on the amount of bonds to be Issued.
Ing to an alarm from box No. 17, whan
it collided with a westbound streetcar
on Third street. W. H. Green, driver of
the engine, who was thrown to the
ground at the time of the accident,
brought suit for $2500 damages recently
and lost. He was on the witness stand
Oregon Trust Investigation Said to
Confirm All Charges Made
With Other Disclosures.
Yesterday was occupied by the Grand
Jury in hearing evldenca against Fred
Merrill, proprietor of the Twelve Mile
House, which was brought into the lime
light at the time of the fatal Joy ride of
Mrs. Dolly Ferrara. Eva and Anna
Meyer were brought before the Jury yes
terday morning as witnesses and after
they had testified, the Jury sent to the
Circuit Court for a copy of Merrill's ap
plication for a license.
The instruction of Judge Bronaugh
when the JUry was selected, charging it
with the duty of investigating the road
houses, will. It is thought, be carried out
with great zeal. The disposition of these
resorts and Merrill's case occupied the
entire day. Merrill became informed In
some way that the matter was -under con
sideration before the inquisitorial body
and late yesterday afternoon was seen
about the District Attorney's office. He
had not been summoned as a witness and
the rumors that he might be indicted had
evidently reached him. The Jury ad
journed without making a report. This
will probably not be done for a few days.
It is the intention of the Jury to make
an investigation of the affairs of the Ore
gon Trust and Savings Bank as soon as
the report of the experts is finished. Most
of the work on the books of the defunct
bank is now completed. It Is believed the
case will be ready for the Jury by the end
of this week. For the convenience of the
District Attorney, who will require sev
eral days in which to digest the report
of the experts, they will be retained until
the Jury Is entirely through with Its in
quiry. The contents of this report are
as yet unknown, save that all of the alle
gations made In general terms at the
outset of the Investigation axe said to be
true in all details. The shortages have
been trac.ed down and even more than
was at first suspected has been found,
it is said.
Streetcar Company Is Sued.
The lawsuit of H. E. Hawkins, of
chemical engine No. 1. against the Port
laud Railway, Light & Power Company,
to recover $1207.50 because of a collision
early on the morning of September 5,
1908. Is on trial before a Jury In Judge
Cleland's department of the Circuit
Court. The chemical engine waa reapond-
it i Tki ' f
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STALLED IN DETROIT MUM., Ot 1 1(01 1, n.
of Detroit, Mich., is preparing for the immediate construction
of a 25 kilowatt high power Clark Wireless Telegraph station at
Portland. This station will be 12i2 times more powerful than the
wireless now on Council Crest owned by a New York Co., and will
be the finest and most modern on the American continent.
A limited amount of 25,000 shares of slock is being offered for
sale at $1.00 per share, par value.
Equipments, for other high power stations have been ordered to
be built at Seattle, Astoria, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Vancouver,
B. C, Victoria, B. C, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and other Pacific
Coast points.
Within 12 months the Clark Company expects to have complete
control, of the wireless business on the Pacific Coast. Their high
power machines will have a range of 500 to 1000 miles at any hour
of the day or night.
Upon the completion of the Portland and Seattle stations stock
will be advanced to $2.00 per share. ,
For further information, write
701-2-3 Oregonian Bldg., Portland.