18 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1909. 1 1 j ' 31w ' . tC3s fetiill --:afm : ' l tlSKIf O p - . - -Fy 'Qcu ale coldiattif irwited to attend tie band Swiiiiat 0ieninf and cetetlation atendant aion comdeion o SPcbttand'b SSabfjcAt and SBe&t 0teai Q6fa6fi&imen r r . ' tyfe a&& tie entile icittation to come and mem tie entabtjcd titole, tie conifat&s uawtfrieb and convenience on evebtf Aide, tft id an cxiititicn, a city in it&etfe an institution cfl commetce tiat is uniaiee. 'fele i& evelp ccntlivance and inven tion tiat feletficuijd coatd device to inate 6wiUn &cmetiinf moke tian &ioiiiny ia6 evel teen. Sefaie in tii& &al tytetit, and to etattii 97ie tyfteiel 9P Sfiiant SPtote ill fioiutak letfatet a6 tie fiteaAanfebt e&olt aialt feom ttiifinij, and, c couk&Cj tie tetit c tufinif itaceS in SPokttand. ' , ' SPtan to te iviti ab toni&loiv evenings 0cto6el &ixA, Jkorn f:30 to 40:00 Programme FOR Tomorrow Evening - Professor Rosebrook and his splendid band of 30 pieces will entertain the visitors in the main building. RoseBloch-Bauer will render several solos, in cluding the "Star-Spangled Banner," accompanied by the full band of 30 pieces. Waldemar Lind and his fine orchestra will be stationed in the balcony (main floor) of the new annex. The Hawaiian Orfchestra and Singers will entertain visitors to our -new cafe and restaurant. Seventh floor. . J