Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 05, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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    , -
. .... . . . . .
i -
- i : ' T ' : i w
fs i r
Resents Husband's Liberty
and Becomes Inmate of
Questionable ResorU
Dragged Into Court Through Charge
Against Charles J4ies, Proprietor
or Idle Hour Cafe, Faith
lessness Is Discovered.
By the arraignment before Judge Ben
nett of Charles Jones, charged with rent
ing a house for Immoral purposes, a sen
sation was developed yesterday morning
In the Municipal Court, which resulted
In shattering the home of W. H. Thomas,
a respectable man living at WS'-j Union
avenue. It was disclosed that his wife,
Airs Mabel Thomas, a comely young
woman of 21, of refined appearance, had
without his knowledge, been leading a
dounle life, and that while she had lived
at home posing as a good woman, she
had at the same time been an inmate of
Jones' resort.
Thomas, after aiding his wife to secure
her release from prison, renounced her,
casting her aside, either to continue her
fallen career or to mend her ways apart
from him. The husband Is a fireman
employed between Portland and Salem
on the night run of the Southern Pacific
Railroad. Jones Is the proprietor of the
I11 Hour Cafe at the southwest corner
or Second and Clay streets. Jones, with
two women of doubtful character. Mar
guerite Henry land Anna Graham, were
arrested by Sergeant Riley, the man be
ing charged with renting the resort and
the women with being inmates.
They were arraigned before Judge Ben
nett vesterdav morning, but after looking
Into ' the legal aspect of the case Deputy
City Attorney Sullivan announced there
was no city law under which the charge
might be brought against Jones. Ser
geant Riley was extremely anxious to
press the case against Jones because,
he said. Jones had defied him, after
having received a warning from Chief
Cox not to rent rooms above his resort
for immoral purposes. The case against
Jones was therefore transferred from the
City Attorney's office to the District At
torney's office, where a complaint was
filed against him and the' saloonkeeper
rearrested and held In default of J1000
As the women were brought before the
Judge, he said to Sergeant Riley, "Are
these the only Inmates of the place?"
"N'o, your honor, there was a third.
"When I raided the place this other wom
an Jumped out of the rear window and
climbed over an eight-foot fence. She
left her hat and wraps behind." Judge
Bennett held the two women and asked
Sergeant Riley to make an effort to find
the third.
Riley's Investigation disclosed that It
was Mrs. Thomas. He proceeded to the
Thomas home and placed the woman un
der arrest. Her husband was at home
when the officer arrived and when Ser
geant Riley explained the nature of the
charge against Mrs. Thomas, ha could
not control his distress. The scene be
tween husband and vwife was dramatic.
Later at the police station Mrs. Thomas
said: "It was all my fault. My hus
band is a fine man. Ha never did any
thing wrong against me. I was Jealous
of the liberty he had as a man. He
could meet 'his men friends and go out
for a sociable time and this made me
angry and I thought I would get even.".
Thomas secured J50 with which to bail
out his wife so she would not have to
remain over night In prison. He passed
her by In the corridor of the police sta
tion, but turned his head the other way
and wouldn't look at her. When Jones
was told that a married woman had been
snared Into his resort he denied having
any knowledge of Mrs. Thomas' home
life and said he thought she was an
habitue of the resorts. When this was
told Mrs. Thomas she said: "He Is a
liar. He knew that I was a married
woman all the time and was only too
glad to get me to go Into his place be
cause I was not, as he called It, an
'old timer.' "
Jones. Mrs. Thomas and the other two
women will be brought before the court
today for trial.
"William Howard, alias "Lefty" Flti
; gerald, a noted safe-blower and bank
, burglar, whose reputation Is well known
ell over the country, together with Frank
Burns and Tom Morgan, two young yegg
men, arrested with him. were sent to the
rockpiie for 10 days each upon the charge
of vagrancy. Although the men were
without funds, aid reached them from
some mysterious source in the East and
Attorney McAllister appeared In their de
fense. The men had been arrested by
. Detectives Snow and Coleman upon the
general reputation of Fitzgerald and
upon private Information given the police
that the trio had been planning a bank
robbery in Oregon City. .
Howard maintained he had reformed
; and now he had drifted Into "nothing
: but an old bum." but the detectives said
this was merely a "stall" and they would
' feel safer to have Fitzgerald behind the
bars. Attorney McAllister attempted to
have the men dismissed upon the ground
' that technically thelpollce had failed to
prove that his clients roamed about from
' place to place without risible means of
support, as the law defines vagrancy.
k Judge Bennett held, however, that com
I mon repute would suffice for evidence
! before his court in vagrancy cases and
sent the men to the rockpiie. to give the
police further opportunity to Investigate.
Arthur G. Wright, the camera man who
was arrested Saturday morning at Sixth ,
and Morrison streets. Jivt before the be
ginning of President Taft's parade be
cause he had a revolver in his possession,
was arraigned before Judge Bennett but
his case was continued to enable the po
lice to Investigate further. Later In the
forenoon, however, a telegram was re
ceived from James Brosman. Superin
tendent of Police of Lowell. Mass.. which
corroborated Wright's statements that, he
was a special police "officer of Lowell.
' that his people were well-to-do. and that
he held - a responsible position pb
draughtsman with the Smith Iron Com
pany of Roxbury, Mass. Wright said
he thought' that in accordance with the
custom observed throughout the country
whereby officers carry their weapon
when away from home, he was not vlo-
- lating the law here. As no evil Intent
' has been established against Wright, he'
will probably be fined and allowed to go.
So many cases of misunderstanding of
the recent ordinance providing that side
walks may neither be swept nor washed
with water between the hours of S P. M.
and 19 P. M. have arisen that Judge Ben
nett advised the business public yester
day morning from the bench to acquaint
Itself with Its provisions.
"It will cost each man brought Into'
this court on this charge $5." said the
judge when the cases of Frank Payne
and Christ Dulses were called. At Inter
ference from the attorney, the Judge
said: "We enforce the laws, down here.
don't make theip. Payne had sweat
the street In front of a cigar stand at
Burnslde street and Dulses had
swept In front of a barber shop nearby.
Both men were fined 15. ,
W. M. Houghtlln. a tool thief, was
sentenced to nine months In Jail. He had
stolen tools from a building being erected
by the Mltcheil Company at Twenty
second and Knott streets. Fred Eggar.
the driver of a milk wagon, was fined
to for blocking the Steel bridge. The
evidence showed he had driven his team
in front of a Lower Albina car all the
way across the bridge without making
an effort to turn aside. R. C. Morrison
looked suspicious to Detectives Carpenter
and Price during the morning of the
Presidential parade and had been picked
up. He agreed to get out of town.
Ijist Legislature Changes Time for
Shooting Gnm? Fowl.
To date 2796 hunters have taken out
licenses in Multnomah County for the
year, while the anglers number Dep
uty County Clerk Schneider has issued
193 hunters' licenses. 833 combination
Former Canal Officials Are
Building Oregon Trunk. -
Jackson Smith Tells of Visits to
Panama .by Taft and Roosevelt
and Contrasts Characteris
tics of Two Executives. .
The Oregon Trunk Line construction is
under the supervision of several men who
were prominent In the organization of the
i X. - - A ' . s 1
? - , e i 1 i -frWiMiin i s i
k. . .. r j ttimu J t,. &2tJ&s
the country and had become adapted
physically to the tropical climate. I was
really glad when the three days Qj his
visit were over." '
Mr. Park performed exceedingly diplo
matic services for the commission in
Europe. During the French occupation
of the canal xone the word "Panama,"
says Mr. Park, became a synonym for
sudden death. The European countries,
as a rule, had adopted laws prohibiting
the emigration of their citizens to Pan
ama. Agents 'were appointed by Mr. Park,
however. In nearly all the countries of
Southern Europe and laborers we're In
duced to emigrate to France and from
there to Panama. This plan avoided the
complications of the law, but Mr. Park
was compelled to keep in the background
himself in France. The best of the labor
ers for canal work were found in North
ern Spain. These Spaniards and Italians
were sent over in large numbers, but the
construction work attracted men from
practically every known country on the
The greatest proportion of laborers were
negroes from the West Indies, but these
men were poor workmen and It became
necessary to menace them with the loss
of their Jobs in order to get good service
out of them. When the European labor
ers were put at work and the negroes
saw them drawing double the pay that
they did they realized that It was neces
sary for them to work hard, and work
harder they did."
The Great Northern apparently has
spared no effort in getting men for the
Oregon Trunk Line who are experts in
engineering and organization, which is
taken as another indication that it is not
the intention to stop with the construc
tion of a branch line into Central Oregon,
but to push on the road and develop it
Into a main highway to California.
William Howard, Alias "Lefty"
Tom Morgan.
hunters and anglers' licenses and 4040
anglers' license.
In speaking of the bird law yesterday
h remarked that there Is some misun
derstanding regarding it, many hunters
believing that the open season begins
October L The time was changed by the
last State Legislature to October 15. In
all but two counties the season closes
November IB. .
This law applies to Chinese pheasants,
native pheasants, grouse and QuaiL It
Is unlawful to shoot any but the males
of Chinese pheasants at any time of year.
The law limits the shooting of all upland
birds to five In one day, or 10 birds In
seven consecutive days. It Is unlawful
to kill Chinese pheasants In Jackson, Jo
sephine, Hood River and Malheur coun
ties. The silver, golden, copper. Jap
anese or Reeves pheasants are protected
Due to Arrive.
Nam. From. Data.
Alliance Coos Bay In port
Aria Tillamook In port
Breakwater Coos Bay In port
Roanoke San Pedro... In port
Rom City.. San Francisco In port
Sue H. Elmore. TlllaniooK. .. .Oct. J
Eureka Eureka. Oct. 10
Geo. W. F.lder. .San Pedro. .. Oct. 10
Kansas City . . . San Francisco Oct. 1 1
Falcon. ' San Francisco Oct.
Henrlk Ibaan. . Homkong. .. -Oct. 24
gelja .Hongkong. . . . Inden t
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For. " Date.
Argo Tillamook. ... Oct-
Breakwater Cooa Bay. ... Oct. 6
Roanoka .San Pedro. . ..Oct. S
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . . Oct. 7
Roae City San Francisco. Oct. w
Eureka Eureka Oct. 11
Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro. . . Oct 12
Kansas City. .. San Francisco Oct. 15
Falcon Sen Francisco Oct. 18
Henrlk Ibsen. . .Hongkong Nov. 1
Sella Hongkong. ...Inaefl t
Alliance Coos Bay Indefl't
Entered Monday.
Arryll. Am. steamship (Dickson),
with faal oil. from San Francisco.
Eureka, Am. steajnihlp (Noren).
with general cargo, from Eureka
and Coos Bay.
Noma City. Am. steamship (Han
eon), with general cargo, from Saa
Cleared Monday.
Argyll. Am. steamship (Dickson),
with ballast, for San Franclaco.
Eureka, Am. steamship (Noren),
with general cargo, for Eureka and
Coos Bay.
by law throughout the state and may not
be shot. ' This is also the case with the
English and Hungarian partridge and the
bob white partridge,. .Quail and Chinese
pheasants may not be killed In Grant,
Harney. Gilliam. Wheeler, Morrow or
Malheur counties until October 16, 1313.
The old, old story, told times without
number, and repeated over and over
again for the last 86 years, but It Is
alwavs a welcome story to those In
search of health There Is nothing; In
the world that cures coughs and colds
as quickly as Chamberlain's Cough
5nr Discovery Has Revolution lied the
Treatmeat of Skin Diseases.
Nothing In the history of medicine
has ever approached the success of the
marvelous skin remedy known as
poslam. which, at Is safe' to say, has
cured more cases of eczema and skin
diseases than any remedy ever offered
for these Ills.
The success of poslam Is not at all
surprising when It Is considered that
even a very small quantity appiiea to
the skin stops Itching immediately and
cures chronic cases in two weeks. The
very worst cases of eczema, as well as
acne, herpes, tetter, pues. salt rneum.
rash, crusted humors, scaly scalp and
every form of itch, yield to It readily.
Blemishes such as pimples, red noses.
muddv and Inflamed skin disappear al
most Immediately when poslam Is ap
plied, the complexion being cleared over
Every druggist keeps both the 80'
cent size (for minor troubles) and the
3 Jar. and either of these may be
obtained In Portland at the Skidmore
Drug Co. and Woodard. Clarke & Co.,
as well as other reliable drug stores.
But no one Is even asked to pur
chase poslam without first obtaining
as experimental package which will be
sent bv mall, free of charge, upon re
quest, by the Emergency Laboratories.
32 West Twenty-fifth street. New Tork
American construction work In the Pan
ama. Canal Zone during the Roosevelt
The former connection of John F.
Stevens as chief engineer with the canal
work, is understood. Mr. Stevens has
brought to Portland with him two for
mer associates In the canal construction
in Jackson Smith, vice-president and
general manager, and Leroy Park, secre
tary and treasurer of the new railroad
Mr. Smith went to Panama first as as
sistant to Mr. Stevens and when the lat
ter resigned he became a member of the
Panama Canal Commission and was Com
missioner of Labor, Quarters and Sub
sistence. He resigned about one year
ago. Mr. Park " was the European em
ployment agent for the commission and
was stationed at Paris. -
"Having supervision over transporta
tion in the canal zone I was assigned to
take charge of Mr. Taft on the several
occasions that he visited Panama during
his term as Secretary." said Mr Smith.
"When President Roosevelt visited the
canal work I received a similar assign
ment. During these visits I gained a very
clear insight into the different character
istics of the two men. Mr. Taft went
over the works in, a leisurely manner and
It was an easy task to show him around.
"Mr. Roosevelt has been termed
strenuous' and he deserves the applica
tion of the term. After the first day
with him I quit attempting to take the
lead. He poked Into everything and If
there was a single detail of the work that
happened not to be going smoothly that
day Mr. Roosevelt detected It. It became
a standing Joke on me that I had never
wilted a white duck suit, such as we
wore there, until 'Teddy's' visit. Mr.
Roosevelt lost his Secret Service men and
wore me out when T was familiar with
Will Superintend Repairs to Steam
ship Alliance Rudder, Rudder
Post and Shoe Are Missing.
George D. Gray, senior member of the
steamship firm of Gray & Holt, of San
Francisco, owners of the 6teamshlp Al
liance, is in Portland looking after the
repairs necessary , to the vessel as a
result of the loss of her rudder on the
Coos Bay Bar last Wednesday. Mr.
Gray accompanied the Alliance to the
drydock at St. John, where she was lift
ed yesterday morning. It is expected
the boa't will be ready to sail Saturday
night on her regular schedule.
Examination of the vessel on dock re
vealed the exact extent of the damage.
Her rudder, rudder post and shoe were
carried away, but beyond that there is
nothing wrong. The report that the
vessel was leaking badly is wrong. The
craft failed to take any water.
.Captain E. D. Parsons stated yesterday
the Alliance struck well Inside the bar
and soundings and charts showed 20 feet
of water. In the opinion of Captain Far
sons, the Alliance struck either a rock
which had been washed away from the
Jetty or else hit the old boilers of a
wrecked steamship. Years ago a steam
er was lost in crossing the Coos Bay
Bar, and records show that the boilers
were never removed.
The Bteamship Nome City, owned by
the same firm, will not be placed on the
Coos Bay run for a trip. It is the in
tention to rush the work so that the craft
will be able to sail on schedule Satur
day evening.
Captain Parsons denied the rumor that
he has resigned command of the steam
ship Alliance. The rumor was current
on the front yesterday that he had left
the service of the Gray & Holt Company.
Charges Filed Against Capt. Panter.
Alleging malicious -Intent on the part
of Captain W. T. Panter, master of the
steamer Coquille, In ramming the gaso
line launch Wolverine on September 16,
complaint has been made to Local In
spectors Edwards and Fuller. The com
plaint Is accompanied by several affi
davits, sworn to by passengers on the
gasoline craft. An Investigation will
probably be ordered.
Selja to Carry Immense Cargo.
With 70,000 barrels of flour and close
to 800.000 feet of lumber, the steamship
Sslja, of the Portland & Asiatic Steam
ship Convpany. will clear Thursday for
Don't overload.
Weight does not nec
, essarily mean warmth.
Modern methods of
making Underwear, our
kind, give the protec
tion needed in our cli
mate without encumber
' ing the body.
Try our $1.00 Gar
ments today.
166-170 Third St.
the Orient. The craft will be the first
regular liner to get away with general
cargo since July. Her flour cargo will
be the largest taken from Portland In
several months. The Selja will be fol
lowed by the Hercules and Henrik Ibsen.
MarIne Notes.
The steamship Nome City is discharg
ing genefal cargo at the Couch-street
The steamship Eureka, for Eureka and
Coos Bay ports, sailed last evening at
8 o'clock.
The steamship W. S. Porter, of the As
sociated fleet, is due to arrive from San
Francisco Thursday.
The oil tank steamship Catania Is due
to arrive tomorrow afternoon with fuel
oil from San Francisco. ,
The British steamship Earl of Douglas
shifted from the Oceanic dock to the
coal bunkers yesterday afternoon.
The steamship Roanoke is due to sail
this evening for San Pedro and way
ports with passengers and freight.
With passengers and freight from San
Francisco, the steamship Rose City, Cap
tain Mason, arrived up last evening.
tor San
Arrivals and Departures
PORTLAND. Oct., 4 Arrived Steamship
Nome City, from San Francisco: steamship
Rose City, from San FYanclaco. Sailed
Steamshin Eureka, for Eureka and Coos
Bay; steamship Rainier, from Prescotts,
can Francisco; atearosnip Argyll,
Aatorla, Or.. Oct. 4. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 8 P. M. Smooth;
wind southeast. 10 miles: weather, cloudy.
Arrived down at 8:15 A. M. British, ship
Glenholm. Arrived at 8:16 A. M. and left up
at 12 noon Steamer Rose City, from San
Francisco. Sailed at 1:30 P. M. French
bark Montcalm, for Queenstown or Fal
mouth. Arrived down at 1:30 and sailed at
2:30 P. M. Steamer Argyll, for San Fran
cisco. Left up at 11 A. M. French bark
Gen. Faldherbe.
San Francisco, Oct. 4. Arrived at 8 last
night Steamer Kansas City, from Portland.
Arrived Steamer Hornet, from Grays Har
bor; steamer Comeric, from Karatzu; steam
er Charles Nelson, from Everett; steamer
Tampico. from Seattle: steamer Tiverton,
from Ludlow; steamer Qulnauit, from Grays
Harbor; steamer G. C. Lindauer, from Grays
Harbor; steamer Nann Smith, from Coos
Bay; schooner Hugh Hogan, from Coo.uille
River; steamer David Evans, from New
castle, Australia. Sailed Steamer Cascade,
for Astoria.
Point Lobos, Oct. 4. Passed yesterda:
Steamer Roma, from Port Harford, for
Dungeness, Oct. 4. Passed October 1
French Bark La Perouso, from Antwerp, for
Puget Sound.
- Yokohama. Oct. 4. Sailed September 29
Norwegian steamer Henrlk Ibsen, for Port
Tacoma, Oct. 4. Arrived Steamer Wat
son. from Seattle; steamers Olympia and
Gynsum, from Alaska; steamer Harold Dol
lar. from Belling-ham. Departed Schooner1
W H. Talbot, for San Francisco.
The German bark Llsbeth will leave port
In the morning- with a cargo of wheat for
the United Kingdom. The steamer Olympia
Will YOU Accept This Instant Rcliet FREE?
SEND ns youf name on apostaL
We will mail you a sample of
Kondon s Catarrhal Jelly Jrt
At All
25c and 50c
Sanitary .
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tl3Vu"'lniC:jll n4a l!$'jlmJloitl.'l
Enough for several days' treatment.
Enough to prove to you conclusively
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Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly Is applied
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Reduces the thickened membranes,
stops abnormal discharges, clears the .
nasal passages for easy, natural breath-
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the lungs over healthy surfaces.
That is the logical way to cure ca
tarrh Dr. Kondon's way.
, You would not apply salt water to a
wound nor spray it with a violent medl-
The blessed relief that even the free
sample will bring you will encourage
you to continue its use until a complete
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Vou cannot afford to neglect nasal
catarrh even In its earliest stages. It
will not get better of itself. Neglect of
cold in the head opens the way for the
attack of the catarrh germs.
Over 10,000.000 packages of this won
derful remedy have been sold in 15 years.
Thousands have testified to its merits in
unsolicited letters. Read this:-
Seattle. Wash.
Gentlemen: I have had a bad cold and
catarrh in the head for months. I have
Ask Your Physician or Druggist
cine which would burn. Itch and irritate
the raw places;
For the same reason you should stop
the use of sprays, snuffs, douches and
atomizers for catarrh. The delicate
lining of the nasal passages is raw. in
flamed sore from the action of the ca
tarrh germs.
Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly is soothing,
healing, pleasant and cooling. Apply it
once and you will have instant relief.
Continued use. three times a day, will
effect a permanent, safe and speedy cure
of Catarrh, Catarrhal. Deafness, Hay
Fever, Asthma. Cold in the Head. Ca
tarrh of the Stomach, or any complica
tion resulting from chronic nasal catarrh.
Kondon Mfg. Co.,
r write ns
at druggist's
or write as
fOlna mm fcwVj
. been to a srood doctor and had It treated,
but did not set much relief, so I heard of
your Catarrhal Jelly and have nsed It
four days, and feel fine In the head.
Please send me a free sample of Pilease.
Remember, that Kondon's Catarrhal
Jelly is sold by over 35,000 druggists in
the United States but if yours does not
have it, send to us for 25c or 60c tube
(stamps or coin), and we will mail at
once, postpaid. The 50c size contains
three times -as much as the 25c size.
Every package is sold under our abso
lute guarantee of satisfaction or money
refunded Send for free sample today.
Minneapolis, Minn.
il ava-is-i ,
it druggist ij
r write us
sr."""r'ic i
1 Who ito bme. I C I
I tfSr iaTaUJO-VV
For Self-Wrecked Men
I Dp Not
Treat All Diseases
x But Cure
All I Treat or Do It Free
If In need of a physician, why not ro
o a specialist before your case reaches
an advanced stagre, perhaps a serious
complication arises where it requires
months to cure It before you place
yourself In the" hands of a specialist as
many times an incurable condition is
reached before you realize the necessity
of rolne- to one who treats. MEN and
r ma .inn MEN only of diseases of tlie NEKVES,
I Care AH Blood and Skin Diseases Never to Return.
I Cure Nervous Debllltyt No Stimulant, bnt Permanent.
I Cnre All Urinary Dlaeaars Without Surirery In Any Form.
. I Cnre Ail Complicated and Associate Ailments of Men.
Consult Me (Free) Before Placing Your Case Elsewhere
VAmir" Mill Ml Vftll FNflW everything In your future depends on a
iUUriu fllAit, UU IUU tUtUu healthy nervous system more than any
thing; else? I would advise any reader to can me at once If suffering,
urrnnir irm MtU should not forget that no n:atter what the cause
MlUDLb AbtU HlN 0f their TISSUE WASTE, that they can be cured by
my NEW SYSTEM where all else tried falls. I have the quick cure,
ftl n MUM today bv the use of my NEW SYSTEM need not undergo the
VIA) ,mLn misery they have had to undergo in years gone by. I heal and
strengthen diseased, weakened membranes. Call at once If you need relief.
We have added to our office equipment, for the benefit of MEM ONLY,
a FREE MUSEUM of Anatomy and sinllery of aclentlfle wonder. Mnn,
fcI,4r t. Life-size models illustrating the mynterlrn of nun. hv-.-iag
thi body In KJth pjI p"d r-r rt'vrl rr.-rreia.
COSTS YOU NOTHING. -I cheerfully give you the very best opinion,
guided by vears of successful practice. My cuj-es are permanent and
lasting. No tonics that stimulate temporarily, but thorough scientlflo
treatment for the removal of conditions responsible for functional de
rangement. Call If you can. Write today for self-examination blank If you can
not call. No business address or street number on our envelopes or
packages. Medicines from Jl-60 to $.B0 a course from our own labora
tory. Honrs from A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays from 10 to 12.
0 - 201 MORRISON ST.,
, ja ' I I a Bet. Fourth and Fifth,
regon LVJedical Inst. oregon.
arrived today from Alaska with a cargo
of gypsum. The schooner W. H. Talbot
with a cargo of lumber, for San Francisco,
towed to sea today. The Blue Funnel liner
Keemun Is duo in port tomorrow morning,
from Liverpool and Yokohama.
LOS ANGELES. Oct. 4. Claremont ar
rived from Grays Harbor. Tallac cleared for
Portland; Shasta cleared for Bellingham.
Geo. W. Elder arrived from Portland and
cleared. Shoshone arrived from Columbia
R'seattle, Oct. 4. Arrived Steamer Cot
tage City, from Bella Bella: V. S. Army
transport Sheridan, from Manila: steamer
Governor, .from San Franclaco; steanwr
Northland, from Sitka. Sailed Sleamers
Watson and Portland, for Tacoma: bark
J. D. Peters, for Sidney; steamer Jefferson,
for Skagway.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday. V
High. Low.
B:4f) A. M 6.S feet!ll:13 A. M....3.B feet
6:07 P- M S.S feet!
Cures all Kidney, Bladder and Rheu
matic troubles; sold by all druggists, or
two months treatment by mall, for SI.
Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St.
Louis. Mo. Send for testimonials.
Your Kidneys Will Act Tine and the
Most Severe Bladder Misery
Simply Vanishes.
If you take several doses of Pape's
Diuretic, all backache and distress
from out-of-order kidneys or bladder
trouble will vanish, and you will feel
Lame back, painful stitches, rheuma
tism, nervous headache, dizziness, Irri
tability, sleeplessness, Inflamed or
swollen eyelids, wornout, sick feeling
and other symptoms of sluggish, In
active kidneys disappear.
Uncontrollable smarting, frequent
urination (especially at night) and all
bladder misery ends.
This unusual preparation goes at
once to the disordered kidneys, bladder
and urinary system and distributes Its
healing, cleansing ana iu""""s
ence directly upon the organs and
glands affected, and completes the cure
before you realize it.
T..e moment you suspect any kidney
or urinary disorder or feel rheumatism
pains, begin taking this harmless medi
cine, with the knowledge that there Is
no other remedy at any price, made
anywhere else In the world, which will
effect so thorough and prompt a cure
as a "fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diu
retic, which any druggist can supply.
Your physician, pnarmacist, banker
or any mercantile agency will tell you
that Pape, Thompson & Pape, of fin- .
cinnati. Is a large and responsible
medicine concern, thoroughly worthy
of your confidence.
Only curative results can come from
taking Pape's Diuretic, and a few days'
treatment means clean, active, healthy
kidneys, bladder and urinary organs
and no backache.
Accept only Pape's Dluretlc-flf ts -cent
treatment any drug store any
where In the world.
Iffl CM)
I Treat Only Cases I
Know I Can Cure
When therefore, I accept your case for
treatment, you may confidently expect to be
cured? There la no guesswork or experiment
ing about my methods. They are certain, safe
and thorough. -
I treat for real and lasting cures. Every
remedy I employ has Its part In bringing
do tlve and permanent results. Under my
?reatment the patient who notes Improve
ment in his condition can feel assured that
teal benefit and not a temporary drug effect
has been obtained, and can continue with
confidence that a thorough cure Is being ac
complished. My success as a Woclallst Is
due to the fact that I accept no Incurable
ailment and always treat with a cure In
vleV, never resorting to the use of a remedy
that brings but temporary encouragement
to tho patient.
The Lending Specialist.
I m Always Willing to Wait for
My Fee Until a Jure Is Effected
Contracted Ailments
Be sure your cure Is thor
ough. Not one of my patients
has ever had a relapse after be
ing discharged as cured, and I
cure In less time than the ordi
nary forms of treatment require.
Specific Blood Poison
No dangerous minerals to
drive the virus to the interior,
but harmless, blood - cleansing
remedies that remove the last
poisonous talnt-
My tretment Is absolutely
painless, and perfect results can
be depended upon In every In
stance. I do no cutting or dilat
ing whatever.
Consultation and Advice Free
In consultation I am always glad to render such helpful advice as I
may be able to offer, and I Invite all afflicted men to consult me free at
any time, either In person or at my office or by mall.
. My office Is open all day from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., and Sundays from
10 to 1 only.