i r TIIE MOUSING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1909. a I ! ' fEMOXAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . -- 1 HOUS. WHEN TOU MOVE you'll need new fornl ture. Buy It judiciously and the savings will exceed vour moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of tho largest furniture houses in toe city In less than two years. Lookers are shown, the same courtesy as buyers. MORGAN-ATCHLE! FURNITURE CO- Grand Ave.. Cor. Eat Stark St. East Ankeny. MontaviUa and East Sid line cars pass our door. KBW. modern. $5ooo home. 8 rooms, over looking river, on Willamette boulevard. $25 per month to suitable tenant. Devlin 4t Flrebaugh. 510-11-12 Swetland bidg. WHY RENT? With our org-inlx&tlon. lellmlrallrg mid dlemen's profit. we can build yoj any priced houte fr cash or on easy terms and Ave you money: plana and estimates free; a postal will bring full details. R. BAILEY. Poatoffiee Box 4i3. 8 ROOMS, modern house, with gas. electrlo light, hot-air heating, large attic, con crete basement, one block fn,m eariine ani school: rer.t $25 per month. l::t East Tay U.r. cor. 49th. . FOR RENT . 4-room ana I l-room mod ern cottages. $11 and Hi: i -room flats. $10 each; all r South Portland. C. H. P:sgott. owner, t Mulkey bidg. Pac. phone. J; T SIDE suburbs. near carllne: one acre; house, barn; flr for Rarden. cows, chlck er.s; $10 month: near schools; snap. 2sth North.. "W" car Jrom Depot. 3d or Morrison to 26th. block riorth. TOR RENT Modern 3-room house, bath, light, etc.. at 3l East M:h street, near schools: Hawthorn ave. lid Mt. Scott cars; price is nwah. W :i sell furni ture. Telephone li 3617. $S PER MONTH 5-rom modenv fcoue with flrepia.-e, corner ot Marguerite r and E. Lincoln. Howard Land Co.. Slf Swetland bidg. Slain 777. - BUXGAI.OW S rooms anil bath. new. strict ly nodern: Sth and E- Main sts: rent $22.30. Inquire Main --4V. or J.u!. or call SIS Oregonlan bidg. FOR rent. 3-room ctt ige 413 Hancock St.. SI. Hath, electric lights, etc. In quire at 435 E. 7th st . N.. cor. of Tilla- 8-ROOM modern home: carpets and shades: references. Haverstir A Gallagher, .1.9 Lumber Exchange bids. Main s..18. WE HAVE a large demand for good places. Hartman & Thompson, rent dept.. Chamber of Commerce. MODERN house, walking distance, furnace, fireplace, electricity and gas. rent $30. Apply 8'H D,ckum bidg. -ROOM house, modern and In Hrst-class condition. Apply s:i Front, cor. W hil- FOFt PP1NT 6-room cottage, close In. Tel. East 3648. (20 5-room cottage. 448 11th. Inquire 44 Hth at. Furnished House. WELL-FURNISHED houses. 1. 26. $35f lower flat. li: unfurnlstied house. $10. Apply 44 Jth St. North. "W car from Depot, on d or Morrison to Jth. block north. FOR RENT Modern 5-room apartment, beautifully furnished. Inquire the Mor daunt. ISln and Everett, or phone Main 3167. rt'RM.'Hfirj flat. 8 or T rooms. 'n!l Tues day or Wednesday evening, at 4w0' Clay street. ' FOR RENT Handsomely furnished 7-room home: on Overton St., near 2-d. Call Tuesday. A $753. 10-ROOM house for rent, furnished, or will ell furniture at bargain; good location, close In; can rent rooms. Phone East 353 8-ROOM house, furnished. Inquire 1065 Williams ave., or phone Woodlawn 839- NEW 3-room furnished flat. T minutes P. O adults. 304 Montgomery, bet. 5th and 6lh. 253 X 22D ST. Phone M. 1H. 8 rooms, modern conveniences. Call after 4 P. M. FURNISHED house, modern, all conven iences; references. 618 Northrup st. FURNISHED T-room flat, walking distance. G 4111. Oregonlan Houses for Kent. FurnJtnr for Sal. ROOM FLAT. JEFFERSON ST . Nice flat of 9 rooms, rent only $32.h; furniture Is good and $.14 worth of rooms rented out: price only 8575. part cash. $20 tier month. GRUSSI ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Blg.. 4th and Oak. HERE IS A DAN DT. A perfect dream. S-room. modern, close in. rent $:: and rooms rented bringing in $c.S and vour. own room; furniture cost over 8I0IMI. nearly new and will sell for S7.-.i: Boom Sol. Sd Washington st. TENTH-STREET HOTSE. 7-roora house, rent only $5, furniture is good anil for sale for $3l0; $150 cash, balance monthly; a snap. CRl'SSI & ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bidg.. 4th and Oak. RiiOMlN'G-HOt'SE. 8 rooms, rent $'.5; price -'."0. worth $4w; nice close-In location, roonia alwavsull. every room nicely fur nished, clearing $10 month and have three rooms for v.urself; house la modern. See H. W. GARLAND & CO., 1KI Fourth st. FIO BARGAIN. -ROOM FLAT. Sweilest of furniture, quartered oak. brass beds, fine rugs, furniture cost $ti,"i0; will sell for 4.M on easy terms; nearly new. phone Main 755. A GOOD BL'Y FOR YOU. 8 rooms, rent only housekeeping rooms, close Inryou can more than clear your own rent, and price is only S2t3; terms. Main TRM. SIX-ROOM furnished houee, walking distance. West Side: HA: or will sell majority fur niture; references exchanged. I'hona A 4740. FVRNITCRE of six-room house, complete, nearly new; piano mahogany furniture, brasa beds; cash or time. Telephone C aia. Ft'RNlTfRE of 7-room house for sale. Cheap it taken at one. 167 North 17th st. FLRNITTRB of 6-room flat cheap"; modem. walking distance; call after 12. ti Oli - san, , 8-ROOM flat. 40. party going abroad. 6-roora. flat with piano, nicely furnished, rent 82; s-nd others. a7 3d st. 8-ROOM house, furniture for swle. 37 B. auth si., oorner Pin. 8 ROOMS, modern, elegantly furnished, close In. cheap. Call 871 3d at. 8tor FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick .tore building. 100x18.1. 8. E. cor. Front and Pin at . Apply C. A- Oolph. Mobawk bidg. - - STORE for rent. S-story brick corner. Front and Yamhill. Apply Red Front Clothing Store. 1st and Taylor. 6TORE for rent on 6th st, ne quire 75 1st. ear Stark. In- STORE loth and Everett. 82i: good location any kind of business. Whllnev. 3U4 Oak. FINE church basement, cheap to right par ties; close In. Phone Main 9441. , STORE 2xS4 on prominent street. West Side; new building. 3-4 Worcester bidg. Offl CO- OFFICES. 813.30 and up. Desk room: furnished offices. Suite for dentist and physlcla. Ail night elevator service. Best Location. 303 Swetland Bidg. FOR KENT Fine office wih reception room; furnished or unfumls'.ieil. 5"3 Lum bermen's B'.dg.. 3th and Stark. WILL RENT large office during Winter; furnished with desk, table, chairs, type writer and phone. E 43d, Oregonlan. NICE modern, office rooms In the n rex el bidg. reasonable. S4L Yamhill at. A FEW choice office rooms for rent In The Oregonlan bidg. Call at room 20L CHOICE business location for doctor and dentist. Phone C 1342. FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bidg. Apply Room SOL DESK ROOM, with use of phone and type writer, etc. 517 Worcester bidg. WAREHOUSE storage for rent 100 feet square ox portion big building, close in. trackage facilities. Kins Mala S548 or 337- - ., .i,ti VIT1M I BUSINESS OFrORTlMIlts. I . FIXE RESTAl-RANT SACRIFICED An especially fine restaurant la offered at a sacrifice price owing to peculiar cir cumstances. , ,, The location Is excellent and will grow better every month. 1 Expense is Jow and trade Is fine. Cost 84000 to fit it up and you can buy It for much less. eCOOO will handle. If you are looking for a genuine bar gain in a restaurant, and can give good references, we will be glad to tell you about the very best proposition of the kind in Portland. This-is not exaggerated one bit. F. and F. COMMERCIAL 4 REALTY CO.. 403 Merchants Trust Bidg., 6th and 'W ash. LOOK. We hava some tine chances for business; row Is your time. Call and see us at once such as liooming-houses. Cigar stores. Grocery stores. Confectioneries. Bakeries, Salonns. - . Furnished and unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, I'nfurnished houses and store rooms. Lots and "acreage. ThUS RELIABLE RENTAL AGENCY. Real Estate. Rooms S-4 Grand Theater Bidg. , Phone Main 8164. WANT TO SELL YOUR FLAT? We have buvers for a modern flat, or small roomlng-Jiouse. wll located, on West Side. Phone Main 10 83. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Oregonlan Bidg. fIX.vs Pig stock pf splendid motion pic ture Alms f- sale to make room for in coming supplies of brand new ,merlran films: terms on machines): we will rent commercial films for 1 per reel; our ex pect operator teaches operating thorough ly for 810. Laemmle Film Service. 214-218 Wells-Fargo bidg. BUSINESS chance department Ames Mer cantile Agency, established Vs'il. Only legitimate propositions listed. Numerous applications for business openings, city and country. Information furnished In all mercantile, manufacturing and investment "tHE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Aoington Bidg. CAN SHOW YOU. We don't care if you ara from Mis souri, for we can "show you" that we liae the lst restaurant proposition In the city: price 750; $1750 cash, bal ance easy terms. VOIGT LEWIS. 33 Vi Washington St.. Room 204. WANTEC IIIjOO to 8S,MK additional capital In established mfg. buHnV-e; prospect of K0 per cent proilts in llilo; closest invrs'tl gall.m Invited; dealing direct with owner; no agents. Inquiie at ! 5 Chamber Com merce bidg. r WE have hotel cigar stands. rooming houses, grocery store, bakeries, saloons, etc. in any part of the city; snaps. See us at once. The Reliable Rental Agency, rooms 3-4 Grand Theater bid. Phone Main 8104. WE have customers every day looking for rooming-houses, restaurants and business chances. List yours with us: we can sell them quick. Phone Main 5S10. or call Volgt & Lewis, S2a Washington t.,k room 204. DELICATESSEN store; old established and la clearing J2S0 monthly; owner has made plenty of money and Is retiring. For particulars call room 6.3 Lumber Ex change. A FINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Mrs. Bennett's celebrated 3 stores and bakery: carries name and good will with business; will be sold swgether or sep arately: J250O will bandle. Call 272 Stark. ROOMING houses as follows: 47 rooms. i2S rooms. 20 rooms. 17 rooms. 13 rooms. 12 rooms. 9 rooms. 7 rooms: all well located and st right prices. CM 268V Washing ton, room 812. WE have two positions for salesmen; one In Wash., one In Idaho; It will require mme money to handle account: call at factory office. 475 kl. Alder, or phone E. 4it. CIGAR factory and confectionery store, whole or half interest, for ale at an at tractive price: the best value in Portland for the money. Call room 1(12. 2S0V 'Washington. " AN EXCEPTIONAL GOOD OFFER In a grucery store and In one of the best of Portland suburbs, sold by owner: this ie a b.irgaln; look into this. AD 438. Ore gonlan. GROCERY store and house and lot In valley town for sale: will take some prop erty In exchange. M 429. Oregonian. FOR SALE HIGH-GRADE ROOMING li'H'SE; FINE HOME AND CLEAN; MANY MORE; CAUSE SICKNESS. 416 41S HENRY BLDG. CONFECTIONERY STORE doing over 83t a day; this Is one of the very best open ings In Portland: will Invoice. Hall Hloch. 2S6B Stark. ROOMING-HOUSE We have one for sale. exceptionally nice and clean, good furni ture, high-class roomers, house fulL all ZSGt Washington St.. room 612. SALOON On account bf poor health, will sell all fixtures and stock; long lease; cheap rent: good location; Vs cash. Call 24S Is Stark st. WE can locate yon in paying business. Be fore buylruc be sure and see us. Kinney Sc. Stampher. 831-531 Lumber Exchange bidg. Phone A 4SsL LADY partner In fine business; 8150 will buy t interest: pleasant work; no oppo sition. Call 1 to 4 P. M. Tuesday. Room 301. 24rt Yamhill St. 82-Vi BUYS established business, suitable for man and wife paying 4 to 8 per day. Particulars, 2S63 Washington St.. room 612. 0 DRUG STORE, end of carline. no compe tition: will Invoice. H.all e: Bloch. 2bOB Stark. PARTNER In the furniture business; re pairing and upholstering a spcialty. Call Zat Stark st. BAKERY A good retail bakery clearing 8200 a month: investigate If you are looking for something good. AB 421. Oregonlan. MARKET and grocery; fine location; big trade; will Invoice. Hall It Bloeta, 26fia Starlc MEAT market, half Instance or whole, doing business over 810U daily; Investigate. T 42G. Oregonian. GROCERY STORE. 6 fine living rooms, cor ner, good trade, invoice. Hall Bloch. 2l6B Stark. FURNITURE of 7-room hoiye for sale, all new; cheap rent: close fa. Call S4t Stark iL ' FOR SALE Grocery store, doing good bus iness; rent a month; will take 8330. Call lltfi Mliwaukie st. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCK& Telephone and other bonds bougat and old Fletcher inv. Co.. 123 Abington. PARTNER wanted for cash store selling potatoes, butter, etc.; pay active man J123 month. 417 Board of Trade-bldg. PARTNER wanted: prefer man used to farm produi: guarantee good salary, also share of profits. Call 24i Stark st. 82."0 AND big money for sober, steady man. No Sunday or night work. Apply 143 i 1st St.. room 10. FOR SALE Half Interest In well estab Irshed transfer business. Inquire room 60S Fenton bidg. ' SPECIAL $Si)0 and services will pay active, sober man $?00 month ss partner in old established ofllce. 'Call 248 V Stark St. I WILL buy Campbell Automatic Gas Bur ner stock and Portlaj i Concrete Pile Equipment. AE 43G, Oregonlan. MERCHANDISE store in good country town. Room 417 Board of Trade bidg. LOTS to trade for anything of commercial value. Hall 4 Bloch. 266B Stark. CIGAR STAND, down town, long lease, 860. Hall 4 Blooh, 26B Stark.. 82 FOR 10K business cards; 100. flOc. Rose City Printer'. H2Vs 3d St.. near Taylor. FOR SALE Cigar and news stand: worth Attention. JS4 Morrison, neaf Park. SOLID grocory: can try it before buying. 417 Board of Trade bidg. HOTEL. 12o rooms, center of city; price ILl.OOO. Hall Blooh, 26B Stark. DRUGSTORE Best opportunity to buy; doing good business. AT 435, Oregonlan. JOOO WOODYARD In best location, goo equipment auins s'"" . jjooo Grocery and confectionery. IN" competition, nice business, light expenses. Will take half in Portland real estate. 83r,o0 Grocery, feed, hardware, Van couver. Wash. A "Hrst-class proposition, lu- "iulsXeneral store. Including property, good suburban location, no competition. This Is a good one. Will trade for im proved farm. , . 810.000 Ladies toggery, beauty parlors. etc.; or.lv one or us Kinu m !iunh !" nml doing big business: owners leaving . ,n .....finalh nnr Ulv. jour own iciniB i . Ti ties: or will trade for real estate. A D.g opportunity and a moneymaker. EQC1TY INVESTMENT CO.. 50$ Gerlinger Blug.. -'d and Alder. INVESTIGATE THESE. Rooming-house, 14 rooms, fine location, nicely furnished, clears $55 month;. cheap rent;" $t50 will handle. 10 rooms, elegantly furnished, centrally .located, snap; S3u0. ABBOTT. THORNTON CO.. 326 Ij Washington St.. Room S10. . Phone Main 2310. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. Nice store on 3rd St.. right down town, doing nice business; only "30- llent only 815; come quick. tVe hr.ve another good place for 8.V10. on Russell St.. handle some groceries. See us for business chances. CRU??I ZADOW. 317 Board of Tra-le bids-. 4th and Oak. GROCERY STORE Nice clean "stock of groceries on Wil liams ave.. fine location; owner must sell, his receipts average 840 per day and rent only 81R.t: will Invoice about 81400. e have others. GRUSSI ZADOW. 817 Board ot Trade bidg.. 4th and Oak. WE have for sale a hair Interest, requiring little money in one of the best located real estate offices In Portland: this in terest will easily net 8200 per month, and Is an exceptional opportunity. Particu lars. 2Siii Washington at., room 61-. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Owner must soil furniture and lease of 17-room house; best location, near Nortonia Hotel: always full; pays 1100 or better per month. Inquire 307 Board of Trade. LOCAL manufacturer has proposition to make caitv wishing Investment with serv ices: factory running full time and earn ing larse profits on capital. Call or ad dress H. B. 1. Mfg. Co . Cor. E. th and Alder. ' WOODWORKERS. You can secure a Hrst-class fob and big returns on a very small investment; work Inside. Call room 313 Lumber Ex change bidg.. 2d and Stark sts. WANTED Young man with little money as partner in fine real estate office: am alone and tired of hired help: experience Tint nec essary If you are willing to learn. Swetland bidg.. room 610. ANY town of 1000 population is good if von have the location. I will sell or tracks you three box ball alleys so It will make you a profitable business. V 431, Ore gonlan. A CHANCE today for a man with $260 to get work in cash business as partner; will pay you $18 to $25 woekly; experience not necessary, as duties are easily learned. Call room 62J Lumber Exchange. WANTED A competent party to manage a new modern rooming-house on salary who will- Invest $100U-or $2000. Investment in cludes paying Investment. S 434, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Laundrs In "Portland doinr a paving u1r.ess: ground 100x100: 8"00: part cah te rltrht v party: will bear thoroush Investigation. R 433. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT and short-order; trade can be doubled: 2."0. Two good grocery stores; Investigate. 8R7 Third st. WANTED Rooming-houses, 10 to 12 rooms, we have several buyers with cash and terms. Phone M. 0303. or A 1321. H. W. GARLAND CO.. 191 Fourth at. WANTED Partner who will Invest equal amount In equipping a motion picture theatre Particulars, call 6S6H Wash ington st. 89O0 For Interest In old real estate busi ness, ground floor; best location: no com mission, deal with owner; give address. S 430. Oregonian. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. The best location in the city. Is clear tng over $200 per month. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bidg., 2d and Stark sts. NEW railroad town In Valley, fine opening for all kinds of business: also carpenter and mason. Call and talk it over. 529 Lumber Exchange. OFFICE business: active man can make $200 monthly as partner; references fur nished and glvn. For particulars call room '823 Lumber Exchange. REAL ESTATE ; owner wants steady, sober partner; this requires very little money and energetic man can clear -tno month. Particulars 417 Board of TraiT bidg. WOOD and coal "business: half -Interest for sale: established 12 years, will stand In vestigation. Particulars. 2:16, Washing ton, room 612. BAKERY for sale, doing 820 a day cash business In a lively town In Washington; part cash, easy terms. Address Box SS7, Kelso. Wash. IS ROOMS furnished complete for house keeping at a bargain: terms. 362H E. Morrison st. Phone East 4070. CONFECTIONERY and cigars, 4 living rooms, corner, low pent, $400. Hall Blook. 266B. GOOD-PAYING movlng-plcture show to trade for real estate or rooming-house. A 431. Oregonlan. GOOD Tiavlng restaurant for sale: snap. $?oo If taken soon: depot location. 189 Columbia st. Call and see- property. MOVING PICTHRE business for eale. The best paying thing In the West. Call 843 M Stark st. WIDOW, owning hotel, wishes respectable party with some money as partner. 618 Northrup St. FINE cigar stand at streetcar Junction: will sell Invoice, about $5?0; terms. Call 272 Stark. SPECIAT. Partner wanted used to farm produce: will pay $0 month salary, also share profits. 417 Board of Trade bidg. BANK Official position and control: will require about $15,000. Hall & Bloch. 266B Stark. ARB you looking for the best Investment In Central Oregon? Write- the Harney Valley OH Gas Co., Burn. Oregon. GOOD SALOON for sale cheap If taken at once. Inquire at North Paolnc Brewing Co.. cor. of 18th and Upshur sts. FOR SALE Half Interest In billiard and pdoI hall; clears 8300 a month. 416-18 Henry o;jg. i - 81000 HARDWARE stork cheap, rent 820. Q 4. in. uregontan. BARBFsP-S. attention; shop for rent. Phone ii- i 1 1 -j i FEED business, now cleNjng $200 month. Room 417 Board of Trade bidg. WANTED A small grocery stock at a rea sonable price. P 433. Oregonian. WANTED Partner, lady or gentleman. $230 month. Bonner, room f7. 102'i 3d St. RESTAURANT: cheap rent, lease, sml place, good stand, terms, lei North Otii. BAKERY wanted In country or city. Ad dress W 42, Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY store, fine looatlon. will Invoice. See owner. 227 First st. BOOXHVG-KOU8ES. ROOMING-HOUSE. 41 rooms, rent $140. lease: price $2800, $1000 cash, balance out of house; every room is rented, clears $180 month and have 3 rooms for self; everv room light, large and well arranged ; furniture Is A No. 1. mostly golden oak, maple; carpets brussels and axmlnster; everything complete and clean; first-class. close-In location; troubM In family cause of selling. H. W. GARLAND 4 CO.. 191 Fourth st- DO ANY OF THESE SUIT YOU? 9 rooms. $500 all cash. 8 rooms. $600: $330 cash. . IS rooms, $1000; $tKX cash. 27 rooms. $1300: all cash. Will trade last one for acreage. VOIGT & LEWJS. 828H Washington St.. Room 204. GENUINE SNAP 20-room house, house- keeping apartments, close In, modern house, cheap rent, long lease, clearing $10O a month: for quick saJe $J5M) takes It: hurry If you want It. Room 301, 2S6 Washington st. Main 7583. m ROOMING house of 12 rooms, central loca- . . ,. ..11 Of V . 1. lion; ail xuii. x 'i ' " 1 . . FOR SALE by owner, 18-room lodging-house, clearing $80 monthly; price $500. A. 4929. WAKTEiD Rooming-house with ten to 15 rooms, well located, with lease, and must be a money-malter; gixe full particulars first letter. F 431, Oregonian. 12 FURNISHED rooms, clear $50 month; 8S00, part cash. 7 furnished rooms, bargain. 3U7 Third Street. ROOMING-HOUSE, 15 rooms, good furni ture, best location In city; can show good proilU on Investment. AE 437. Oregonlan. WANTED A rooming house from 12 to 23 roiuirs. state price auu wiiwu. be cheap. H 421), Oregonian. SPLENDIDLY located rooming-house, at bargain price; full particulars 2H Stark. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR HEATING PLANT FOR OREGON STATE INSANE AS1LLM. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The Board of Trustees o the Oregon State Insane Asylum will open sealed bids for the construction and installation of a heating plant at the above named institu tion on Monday, November 1. 1909. at -P M at the executive chambers. State Capitol. Salem. Or. plans and specliications for same may be seen at the office of Josiah C. Moore & Company, Beck bidg., Portland. Or.; at the Builders KxchanBe, Seattle. Wash.; at tne Builders Exchange, San Francisco. Cal.i at the Builders Ex change. Chicago. 111.; at the office of the superintendent of the Oregon State Insane Asvlum. Salem. Or., and at the Executive Chambers, State Capitol, Salem. Or. Each bid must be accompanied oy a cer tified check in a sum not less than 10 per cent of th total amount of the bid. and ' the same should be sealed and addressed, to the undersigned, and markred on the outside of the envelope, "Bid for Heating Plant. Oregon State Insane Asylum. The Board of Trustees of the Oregon State In sane Asylum reserves the riiiht to reject . any and all bids. n m,akthuk. Clerk of the Board. Salem. Or., Sept. IS, lOUi). NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. Notice la hereby gnen that the partner ship heretofore enisling ltween J. Leah and August Weinert. partners, doing busi ness under the firm name and style f the J Leah Furniture Company, at 121 and 1"S Grand ave., Portland. Or., which part nership has been dissolved by mutual, on sent and ?ald August Welnert ie to con tinue said business under the same name IT desired, and all bills receivable are to be paid to hitn, and nil claims of all kinds against ild partnership are to be paid oy the said August Welnert Dat4 this 1st day of sente m bw. 1 A. t EINKt. , J. LEAH. SEALBD bids will be received until 4 P. M.. Thursday, the 14th day of.October. 1!0 at the office of the Port of Portland for supplying a 1000-ft. steel ,, towing hawser, and an unfinished shaft. Speci fications ma' "ad upon application. The Port of Portland reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. ,John P. Doile. Clerk of the Board. U. S. EN'GR. OFFICE, Boston. Mass.. Sept. 30 1!X. Staled proposals for motor generator sets, motors, centrifugal pumps transformers and lightning arresters will be received here until 12 M.. Oct. JO. It'OK. and then publicly opened. Informa tion on application. Edw. Burr. Lt.-Col.t Engrs. ' Miscellaneous. TO the Taxpayers of. Multnomah County, Oregon: Notice Is hereby given that on Monday, October IS. 1909. the Board of Equalization of Multnomah County will attend at the office of the County Clerk of said county and publicly ' examine the assessment rolls for the year 1000. and correct all errors in valuation, description or (Jualltles of land, lots or other prop erty, and It Is the duty of all persons in terested to appear at the time and place appointed, and If It shall appear to such Board of Equalization that there are any lands, lots or other property assessed twice or in the name of a person or per sons not owner of same, or assessed un der or beyond Its value, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, said Board of Equalization shall make the proper corrections. B. D. Sigler, County Assessor. Portland. Oregon, September 23. 1900. NOTICE. Under no circumstances will I be re sponsible for any debts contracted by any one other than mse& from and after this dare. Oct. 5, 1909. IHA HUTCHINGS. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I will not be responsible for any ac counts of my wife. Mrs. RuthXBeckman. HENRY BECKMAN. Architects1, contractors, engineers, get Paclfio Builder Engineer. 4ll Board of Trade. "Fair Deal," removed to 47 8d St. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Valuable Australian poodle pet dog with white and brown snots: name Bus ter Brown: either picked up or stolen. Will pay 823 for the conviction of .those who stole the dog. or $15 reward for finder.- Party who Btole may cause great trouble, so kindly return. Victor Friend, room 33 Cambridge bidg.. 32 Mor rison. $50 REWARD will be given for the arrest of the murderer of a Japanase on Second and Couch streets, on the night of October 2d. All necessary information should be made Immediately at the city detective department. T. HIRAM ATSU. LOST In Lipman-Wolfe's or Meier Frank's, or on the streetbet. 1st and 10th, Morrison and Oak, large sterling Canadian pin, valued as a keepsake; reward. Wootl lawn 2128. Lcst English setter dog. answers to name "Duke": red and white spots: license No. 185. Finder please return to 274 Burn side st. Reward. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front st. Phone Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. EXPRESSMAN who took trunk from Oak street dock Friday for the Benson Hotel will be prosecuted unless trunk la deliv ered, or notify L 432, Oregonlan. FOUND A fountain pen on Willamette Heigh's; owner will kindly write to. M. R. Ullrich, 58 Lucretia at. Descrsption required. LOST Fox Terrier bitch, dark brown head, brass-studded collar. Return to 343 a Morrison; reward. LOST Lady's gold watch at Exposition Rink; finder return to Commercial Restau h rant and receive reward. LOST Lady's gold watch and pin. Satur day, Monogram M. W.; return to 8S9 Savier st. Telephone Main 233--. reward. LOST Large Waterman's fountain pen; keepsake; liberal reward. 482 Williams FOUND Lady's gold breastpin. Museum of Art. 5th and Taylon. Inquire LOST Emerald st1ck-p!n. Return to 286 12th st and receive reward MONEY TO LOAN. Bead EaUta $500,000 ON Improved city or farm prop erty, building or small loans at lowest rates: large loans a specialty. J. H. lie Klnzie Co.. 514-15-16 Gerlinger bidg. FIRST and second mortgages and- contracts purchad on Oregon and Washington lands. ). L. Devereaux. Fenton Jldg., 84 6th et. $ '00 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Beck, 111 Failing bidg. CASH LOANS Large and small sums, 1 month to 3 years; reasonable rates. Prud homme, 636 Chamber of commerce. IMMEDIATE loans on real estate, chattels or personal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bidg. Phone Main 802. MORTGAGE and building loans 7 per cent on choice property. J. J. McCarthy, Ab iugtonDldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent. Loew enson Bros.. 105 Sherlock bidg. MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Wra. MacMaster. 8u2 Worcester blk. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND T PER CENT. LOU13 8ALO-.ON. 233 STARK ST. MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent, Frary Seita. 132 5th. at. PRIVATE) money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Mlley, room 204 Gerlinger. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money: loans. Lewis & Co.. 251 Wash, st MORTGAGE) LOANS; REASONABLE RATES. LEWIS CO.. 261 WASHINGTON ST. LOANS on real, personal, obattel or collater Bl security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fentoa,bid. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contract. W. H. Nunn. 844 Sherlock bidg. Lstate funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E .Thom 18 t.fi. unt Multnomah Co.. 400 C C MONEY to loan on Improved property. If for building purposes. Interest does not commence until actual disbursement or. funds. Liberal repayment options. co ' lumbia Life & Trust Company. 214 Lum ber Exchange bidg. TO LOAN. , Plenty of monejr to loan at 6 ana l ' per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL CO.. 3VD-310 Abington Bidg. MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other teal estate securities, bought on city property or lands anywhere in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble.. 3i6-31i Lum bermen's bids.. 6th and Stark sts. ON IMPROVED city property or for bulldlcg purposes; 3 to 8 years' time; liberal repay- . ment privileges; money advanced as builc lng progresses. The Equitable SUvings Loan Association, 240 Stark st. FOR SALE Two 7 per cent mortgages, e7."0ii each: security high-class west aide real estate; halt valuation. P -420.. Ore gonian. ' Chattels and balnrlce. MONEY F0R EVERYBODY. ANYONE ' Steadily employed can borrow, $10, $20. 2.r). $30. $40, .VJ. $75 or $100 of the EMPLOYES' SALARY LOAN LANK. All we ask is your personal note; no mortgase; no lndorser or security; every thing strictly confidential. . ' l.tt'EST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10 repaid In installments of 45c $20 repaid in installments of 70c 850 repaid in Installments of $2.00. Larger amounts in proportion. 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday and Sat urday evenings to 8 o'clock. STATE SECURITY COMPANY. 3Uft Falling bidg. - u S U S U S V S U S V S U SJJ 8 C 3. MONEY TO LOAN. THE KEY TO SCCCESS 18 READY CASH. , WE HAVE IT AND WILL LOAN I IT TO YOLV quickly, without delay, and strictly con fidential, on your real estate, furniture and piano (without removal), storage re ceipts, life insurance policies. Jewelry and diamonds and ail kinds of securities; at lowest rates in city; on easy weekly or monthly payments. .First and second mortgages aid contracts bought. U. S. HEAL ESTATE Ai BROKERAGE CO., Boom 12. Hamilton Bidg. Phone Main 20S4. 131 Third St. U S US US V S U S U S US US 13. CHATTEL LOANS.' Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance poli cies, salaries and all kinds of securities; KEAL ESTATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO.. -410 Abington Bidg. MONEY advanced salaried people, housekeepers- and others upon their own names with out eecurtty: cheapest rates, easiest pay ments; offices In 60 principal cities; save . yourself money by getting niy terms lirt. TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Kxchange Bidg. MONEY to loan, any amount, on furniture or any kind of security; chattel mort gages purchased; quick service. Room 320 Lumbermena bidg., 5th and Stark. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. M. Delovage. Jewelers. 2B9 Washington St. PRIVATE" loans on household goods, ptanos, etc.; $10 to $100; low rates. Payments to suit your convenience. Inquire 308 Falling bidg EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., 321 Abington bidg. Money on installment plan. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get and easy to pay. F. A. Newton. 015 Henry ' blag., cor. 4th and Oak sts. - MONEY loaned cl stocks and bonds or any security on short notice. 607 Beck bidg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bidg. LOW rates; we loai. money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 8d st. Loans Vvantea. CAN" use $2000 for term of 8 to S years on good country real estate security, valued at $6000; will pay 8 per cent. C 435, Ore gtjnian. A CLIENT of ours who has ample security wants a building loan of $15u0 for 3 years; will pay 7 per cent. Hartman & Thomp son, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED From private party. $1000 for 1 year; Improved residence property as se curity. See owner at room 23 Lafayette bidg.. 6th and Washlngt.m. Phone A 2027. FOR SALE $2700 mortgage at 6 per cent Interest, secured with farm property. , w 436, Oregonian. WANT $1800 on new bungalow 3 years, or will pay $25 monthly. V 430. Oregonian. $1200 MORTGAGE for sale. 7 per cent. Hart man & Thompson. Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Loan of $1000 on West Side im proved property. Phone Main 3'y5, A 3Uo5. WANT $400 on real estate, pay $25 monthly. K 431. Oregonian. , WANT 7 per cent building loan. $1800 on $4000 valuation. L 430. Oregonian. ifhJmonAiji. HAIR GOODS at factory prices; pure French hair switches. 95c and up. Paris styles In hairdressing ;' scientific face and scalp massage. Aza H. Klbbecke. teacher of dermatoiogy. Hairdressing and .Mani curing Parlors, Grand Leader. 5th st. INFORMATION wanted of A. P. Nash; last heard of was railway conductor on an Oregon railroad. Address Harry Pearc, care Clerk District Court, Omaha, Nebraska. DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively: private hospital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047, A 2411. 506 Commonwealth bidg., 6th and Ankeny. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichesters Diamond .Brand Pills. Fur 2 5 years known as the best, safesu Reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. ALICE A. . GRIFF. Diseases of women and children. No charge for consultation. Room lo. Grand Theater bidg.. Washington and Park sts. . MAin 8928. A 3007. MiSN When weak, nervous or despondent, use Sexoid pills as a bracer; restore health; price $1 per box, 6 boxes for $3. Audri T. J. PM-rce, bio Aiia&y Diug- RHEUMATISM. paralysis, skin affections, diseases of women, all chronic kidney, liver stomach, nei-vous trouble quickly cured; lady assistant. Dr. BVierce, 316 Alisky bidg. FOUND A place where special attention is given to remodelling hats by up-to-dato trimmers; English correct millinery. 331 Morrison, Marquam bidg. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root ' Pllia are positively the best. Take no other. Price, $2 per box or 3 boxw $5. Address T. J. Pierce, 316 Allsky bidg. LADIES, take notice; Mme. Hudson gives the only scientific facial massage in the city. Manicuring, 20 286 Washington St., room 207. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons eevted on, rips sewed. Prompt culls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3o8 Stark. or WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin diseases, sores, ul cers swollen glands, kidney, bladder and (piles. 181 1st St.. Portland. FINE millinery, low prices; trimming, clean ing coloring wings, plumes, etc., a spe cialty. Marie Orchard, 227Ji Wash., room 27. LADIES' TAILORS. Hlmovsky & Wallsteed, Selling-Hirsch bidg.. room 14; suits $55 up; remodeling. Mme Courtright. skin and scalp treat ments, faeiai deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 225 Flledner bidg. M 50-2. DR. - ISABELLA MACKIE, Private nosplta,l for women. 200 E. &0Ul St. Tabor 899. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Tr Ketchum. Office hours 9 A. M. to 5 P ". 170V d St. Main 8770. DR LOREN&' NERVE TONIC TABLETS, 25c box. restores lost vitality. Stipe, Taylor Drug Co., 288 Morrison st. DR PIERCE cures all nervous, blood and skin diseases, both sexes; charges 50c up Address 816 Alisky bids. JFNIOR Biddy is here with me. Write to Aunt Mary. General Delivery. P. O. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bidg. M. 8478. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. B60 fiii..n st. Main 8215. Agents wanted. no CORA c. TALBOTT. Diseases of women and children. Ladies, you can avoid surgical operation by consulting -mj; electric treatment for nervous diseases; private hospital accom modation. Rooms 17-18 Hamilton bidg. phone Main 1031. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach disorders, under physicians' direc tions. No. -7 East Eleventh street, one door from East Ankeny car. Phone East 260. Home. B lSOli BL'SINISS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 333 Morrison, for. 7. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking. Accountants. E." H. OOLL1S & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating -and Systematizing. 324 Worcester Block, phone Main 6567. H. A. MOSHER, accountant- and auditor; 'business of corporations, estates, counties, municipalities solicited. 250. 3d. M. 2484. Assayer and Analysts. Portland Analytical laboratory. 622 Worcester bidg., 3d and Oak. M. 5980. FOOD, commercial and drug analysis. Clarke. .....j s i . I' Onrfl.nri Ol viaoawttra m6 . . . . Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 2"H Washington St. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. Afternoon Kindergarten. THE MATTINGLY KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL, 268 14TH. M. 889i Attorneys at Law. RALEiGH P. TRIMBLE 4O9-410 Mohawk bidg., 3d and Morrison. Telephone Main 5252. H. H RIDDELL, attorney-at-law, 735 Chamber Commerce. Main ,4764. A 3531. Carpet We vine. RUGS made from old carpets: also Colonial rag rugs woven. Northwest Rug' Works, 133 Union ave.. Eait 3i0. B 1280 Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bidg.. -Portland. Chiropody. WM ESTELLE and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 8o2 Gerlinger bidg.. 3. w. ccjr. 2d and Al der. - Phone Main 1301. DR O. O. FLETCHER, chiropodist and foot specialist, 30d Alisky bidg.. 3d and Morri son sts. Main 8T62. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. p. Hill, room 429 Flledner bids. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Dunton. Tilford bidg.. R. 2U4.'10th and Mor. ECONOMY foot and scalp specialist: bunion skeptics invited. 167 Park st. A. 2ji8. Collections. Bonded representatives Commercial Law In terstate Audjustment Co.. 620 Bd. of Trade. Carpet Cleaning. IONB Carpet Cleaning Works; work guaran teed. East 360. B 2236. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE CO. Silks, suitings, rugs, fancy gooda 70 6tn. Dancing:. RINGLER'S Dancing Schools open Sept. 18, East Side; Sept. 14, Western Academy, and Morrison. Phone East 5670. Dog and llorse Hospital. DR. BROWN, D. V. S., D. C. M. Office, 324 Flanders at. Main 4088. A 408& Education I. MRS. MARY ELAINE F. PRATT'S private school. 715 Thompson Btreet; English branches, tutoring, coaching; references. Phone East 456. Electrlo Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for. rent or sale. 213 2d st. Feed Stores. ZIGLBR MI9NER, hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 29 Grand eve. E. 482. FwrtUUeT. FREE FROM WEED 8VKED We have a few loads of choice fertilizer for lawns, roses, ornamental shrubs, etc. place order now, it will soon bo gone, phone East 4314. Harnesa and Saddlery. R M. PRICE HARNESS CO., St. Phone Main 2402.. 831 Ankeny Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 188 Front st. . Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 6th 63. A 2153. Johnnnie on the spot. Musical. BMIL THIELHORN. Tlolln teacher. pupil of Cevclk. A 4160. Pine 834.. Main 3045. M C. SMITH, teacher of piano, 402 Salmon - st. Main 7340. Conservatory course. PIANO STUDIO 2ti9 14th. near Jefferson; modern methods. Phone Main 8893. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum bidg.. Third end Washington sts. Phone, office. Main 349; res. East or B. 1028. Le Roy Smith, graduate Klrksville. Mo.. 18P8: post grad. 1907. 318 Swetland bidg. M. 1987. Faints. Oils and Glass. RA.S.MUSSEN CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent and pension Attorneys. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. 604 Dekura. J 3 HIRSHEIMER, pension and patent at 'torney. rooms 202-1 Labbe bidg. Faying;. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. at Portland. Office 402-3-4 Worcester block. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 817 Beck bldg Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD, PIPK CO. Faotury and office near 24th N. and York sts. Main 8489. Rubber Stamps. ' ALSO seals, stencils, office stationery, eta. Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Roofing. OLYMPIC ROOFING CO.. 820 Cham. Com.; damp-proonng. repalning. M. 8010, A 4220. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co.. office 'and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate iron rooms and flreppjof vaults for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Plan'xt and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 596. A 1906. .OLSEX-ROB TRAXSFER CO., General transferring and storage; safes, nianoa and furniture moved and packed for Shipment. 209 Oak st.. bet. Front and 1st. Telephones Main 647 or A 224 1. OREGON TRANSFER CO., Storage, Free Trackage.- Heavy Hauling. Phones. Main 69. A 1168. ' TV VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. 40-42 2d st. Phone A 18S4, Main 1618. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Bales at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Signs. FOSTER KLEISER. SIGNS. The largest sign-makers in the North west. Bth end Everett sts. Phone Private exchange 55. Home A 1155. Showcase. Bank and Store Fixture. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Vr.T cii fo . nth end Hovt. -Rl f.apitu onuni. 1 I Lutke. Mgr. ' L THE Jas. I. Marshall Manufacturing - Co.; manufacturers showcases, cabinets, store, office fixtures. 289 Couch et. Main 2i03, Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 614 Front. Taxidermist and Furrier. OREGON'S best tsx!dermi.t; expert in all branches. C. M. Harris. 495 Washington t. Taxldermlsts. SKINS tanned free with head mounts; fur work. F. B. Flnley. 249 Columbia at. Typewriters. - WE ARB the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter BiX- . change. 2S7 Washington St. SPECIAL prices: all makes rented, sold re paired. P. D. C. Co., 2.11 Stark. Main 1407. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st. Wall paper, lincrvstra. room moulding, etc.. Wood anil Coal C MULTNOMAH WOOD CO. Boxwood, fir and oak cordwood. Exchange SO. A 3773. BOX. planer and cord wtvod In any quantity. Standard Wood Co.. East 2315. B 1 V.'5. 'BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COK. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON ST TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAN KINO BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL Im.K IN AT.I. PRINCIPAL CITIES OS- ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL (ll'ir.M ur THE UNITED ST ATUS AND 'EUROPE; 4 PFK CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS CCOUXTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT IN i VAULTS. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Facltlc. Leaving Portland Ashland Passentrer Cottage Grove Passenger... Shasta Limited California Express San Francisco. Express. ... , West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger.... Forest Grove Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger... Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger... Roseburg Passenser I Portland Express Shasta Limited West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. . . Forest Grove Passenger.... Jjorest Grove Passenger. . . 8 .15 a. m. 4: 15 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 7 :45 p. m. 1 :30 a. m. 7:20 a. m. 4.00 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. 5:40 p. in. 7:30 10:40 5.ao a. m. p. nu p. m. 11.00 a. m. 9:30 5:35 10:30 S:00 p. m. p. m. a. m. a. m a. m. 11:50 4:10 p. in. Northern Pacillo. Leavlng Portland Portland and Sutle Express. . Portland and Vancouver Special Puget Sound Limited Yacolt Passenger North Coast Limited, via Sound Xorth Coast Limited, via North Bank Arriving Portland -? North Coast Limited, via Sound North Coast Limited, via Ncrth Bank . Yacolt Passenger Seattle and Portland Express Fuget Sound Limited Portland-Vancouver Special. A. . . 8:15 a. m. 10:pi a. m. 8:00 p. m. 4 :00 p. in 12:15 a. Ui. 8:45 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 8:60 p. rru 9:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:33 p. m. 10:30 p. nu Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Atlantic Express., Chicago-Portland Special. ....... Orcgon-VV'ashii.gton Limited Soo-Spokane-l'orlland Salt Lake Express Arriving Portland Oregon Express Oregon-Washington Limited. ... Eoo-Spok:tne-Poi'tland Pacific Express Chicago-Portland Special R:O0 a. m 10:00 a. in. 6:35 p. m. 7 :00 p. m. 8:00 p. nu 8:40 a. m. 8:00 a. nu 9:00 a. m. (1:30 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Astoria Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Kxprest Astoria Express Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger 8:00 s. m. 6.30 p. nu 1:18 p. nu 6:10 p. nu Portland Express ljj:lS P. rn. Portland Express '!;...;? !,, Rainier and Portland Passenger. . ilO. .5 a. ra. Rainier and Portland Pasaousor. 1 u:-0 P- PU Canadian l'aclllc Railway Co. C. P. K. Short Liue via Spokanoj 7 :00 p. m. Via Seattle 12:j6a.m. Arriving Portland I C P. it. Short Liue via Spokancl 9:00 a.m. VI8 Seattle I 7:00 m. JEFFLR.SON STREET STATION'. Southern Facinc Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas passenger...... Arriving Portland Dallaa Passei.gur Dallas Passeuner" T:40 a. m. 4:30 p. in. ..-.110:15 a. m. I 5:05 p. nu ELEVENTH AND HOVT STREET FASSENs OfciS fel'AllUN. Spokane, Portland Seattle Railway Co. Leavliisl'oiiland ,. Inland Liupue Lxpress .o.a a, m. For Chicago, at. Paul. Omaha. Kansaf Clfv St- Luuis, Billiu. Bpukuue. Cuiie, Liu'ont nasr.tucna. Kaiiiotus, p.co. Roosevelt. Graliddalles. L io. V nite Shimon. V aiicouver ana iuteruiedUie stu- Columbla River Local 4;1 P- J. Norm Bank LimlteQ ..u. 40 p.m. For cnlcgao. Dl. Paul. Omaha, Kansas Cltv St. Louis. Bllllnta. Spos-aiie. Cheney, Lanront. M ashlucna. Kaiiiotus, Pa.co. Koosevelt. GranUdalleS. Lyie. W hit baluioa. oievelisou. Vancouver and mieiiueiHti sta tions. . Arriving Portland N.1Ulc:1: Vaul.; Omaha' s; Snout Xr Po"ivelt. urauviualles. Lyl- old.uuale. White salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and mSLoctl y.. Roosevelt. Grauddailes. Lyl.. Ooldendaie, White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver . and, Intermeuiave stations. Card Oregon Lieetrle Kail was- Co. Tim i eavini Portland for fc-alein and Int. ! 45 20. 11:00 P. M. Limited tor Tualatin anaJ-buV- A. M. A-ucal tor Vvlon ville and Int. stations 6:io P. M. leaving Portland for Forest Orove- and In .m"oni-6:4u. 8:30, 10:10 A. .; B;i4. 2:15. 3:30. 6:86, 8:8a 11:A V. -U Arriving Portland from Salem end Int. stauons i:uO. U:oo A. ..; 13:05. Kin. $;. 5.7 , , m 10 40 P. M. Limited from Salem 2nd TuaTaun-5:05 P. M. Local from W U souviue auu int. stations 6:55 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and In t stati5n-i :50, 9:35, 11:25 A. M. ; 1:30. 255. 35, 5:25. 8:10. 11:00 P- M. Portland Railway, Light & Fower Company. Cars Leave. . Ticket Office and Waiting Room. Fust and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Slruels.. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND . L MOliKiSO.N STREETS. Oregon City 4:00, 6:30 A. M.. and every 80 minutes to and including 8 P. M.. then 10 00. 11:00 Pi -.; last car midnight. firesham and Intermediate- pulnts 6:55, 7-4 43. ; W:-5 A. 51.. 12:45. 3:4 3- 45 4 45 5:43 6:45. 7:45. 11:13 P. M. 'Fa'lrvlevv and 'i'routdale 6:jj, '1:40. 6:4j, 9:45. 10:45 A M., 12:45. 2:45, 3:45. 4:4u. 3"r'n7.ade'ro and' Intermediate points 6:55, 8- 45. 10:43 A. M.. 12.45. 2:40. 4:43. : P. M. For Vancouver . Ticket Ottice and Waiting Room. Second and Washington streets. A iL 6:13. 6:50. 7:23. 8:00. 8:33. 9:10, 9- 50 10:30, 11:10. 11:50. 1 "p M 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30. 8:10. 3:5V. 4- 30. 5:10, 5:50. 6:30, 7:05, 1:40, 8:10, 9:23, 10:35. 11:45. On third Monday In every month the last car leaees at 7:05 P. M. - Dally except Sunday. Daily excopt Monday. TIMECARD UNITED RAILWAYS CO. Leaving Portland for Burlington and Int. stations. 6:15. 7:15, S:15. ft; 1.1. 10:15, 11:13 A M.. 1:13. 2:11,s3:15. 4:15, 5:15. 6:15. 8:10. 10 P. M. Local lor Llnnton and Int. stations, 11:45 P- M. Arriving Portland from Burlington and Int. stations, 8, 9. ID. 11 A. M-, 12 noon. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. .7. 8. 9:50 11:35 P. M. Local from Llnnton and Int. stations, 7:15 A, 31. Ini 1