T 14 " the MoroayG oregoniax, Tuesday. October 5, 1909. , j . I ,., Hi,,,!,! -T.T,rw ..xTrnAa rOS. BPT. I K BENT, FOB BALK. HEU. WANTFD-MALE. . -I " ' joshed Booms. Apartments. - Miscellaneous. IN addition to our large stock of all kinds of new nd Una second-hand household goods, we have mr.de several exceptionally good deals this past week: for Instance, we bought the entire furnishings of the lsrge home Just sold by Mr. nd Mrs t. O. Long. 1176 Cleveland avenue Pied mont; the goods at now at our store, and some very fine i.leces amen gst them, also we have bought most of The house hold furnlsnlngs of Capta'- and Mrs. A. S Foster s larse residence, ll2 illlama avenue, piedmont; the roods will be on sale at our store on Wednesday, the out of October; there are many choice pieces, toth ef antique and modern workman- . . .1.1. 1 1 A vt' fnrnlan SHIP in UIH cwiict iwji. - - houses throughout and on the Installment plan, too Western Salvage Co . 627-629-631-633-635 Washington St. Both phones. . - W 1 A41 Tin nS trCLlAL utrtn - J1 ivw -hand sewing machlnea that must be said this week regardless, of price to make rrom for carload; 40 arop-heea. all makes. White. New Home. Singer. Wheeler at WKson. Domestic and standard. Do not forget the place White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washington, cor. lllll H. D. Jonec. prop. , BOOTBLACK STAND. tiled. J bather chairs, brushes; might let on shares. 1 Remington typewriter. No. 7. good as new. 550. 1 Hammond typewriter cheap. Edison Home phonoeraph with records. Roll top desk 25-foot launch hull. 414 Dekura bldg. Main 646. FOR SALE One J. B. Smith 6x24 planer: alao one Houston sticker. bxl2. "Ill sell ore or both of these machlnea at a reason able figure. Terms If desired. T. J. Ham mer. 2.l Washington St. A NK"E 3-stone diamond ring, cheap, or will exchange for horse, buggy or most any thing except real estate and mining stock. S't9 East 28th at., Woodstock car to Glad atone ave. 1TPEWRITERS. alt makes. $20 to 50. fully guaranteed. easy payments; rentals. $3 per month. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co, 203 2d at. 'I.I rl iunch at eaerfh-e: S) feet length. 12-f.t beam, loo H. P. engine; ieed 13 miles- electric lighted, complete equipment. L. A. Marsh. Norris Safe Lock Co. DENTIST'S reception, operating and laDora ;orv. office furniture and fixtures; water and " el-trlc power; good location. Address OvS Fowler at.. Roaeburs. Or. WANTED Saddle and brldTe In exchange for light apring wagon with top and half art team harness, or will sell cheap. Phone A 2849. FOR SALE Beat flrjr -tt. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover. Ill Water st. Phone Main 74iLAo44J. FINS Jersey cow. oieap. or will take horse or buggy in exchange. so East 28th St.. Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. NEWMAN Moving Picture Exchange rente movlntr-plcture machines. Alma, supplies; lowest price. 526 s Washington, near 17th.. FOR SALE at a bargain for cash, a dia mond brooch, containing 121 atones: value $1000. Address AE 422. Oregonlan. TYPEWRITERS Factory rehullt. absolutely guaranteed, all bargains. li to 565. North west Typewriter Co.. 320 Ablngton. M SSiO 3IXGER sewing machine, 2 months' use; flrst c.a repslr; bargain. X 432. Oregonlan. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 S'.ark St. M. 1407. t0 BUSINESS CARDS, 51 2.'.. Ryder Ptg. Co.. 357 Burnside t. Main B536. WANTED aiiSCELLAXIHOrS. WANTED Railing on counter for office 17 feet wide; also filing cabinet with lock. stenographer's chair, office shelving. Clyde. 306 Goodnough bldg. Main 553S. WANTED Men's enst-oft clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 3d at. North. Phone Main 0272. WANTED 50 sacks of potatoes or less as part payment on flne piano, nearly new, balance terms If desired. Address O 433. Oregonlan. NEW STORE OPENING WE NEED THE GOODS. TOP PRICE PAID FOR SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. PHONE SELL WOOD 14. SECOND-HAND furniture and household goods Woodard's Auction House. 201 2d. Higheat prices paid. Main SOTS, B 1034. HIGHEST price paid for seuond-hand furni ture; we buy all kinds seeond-nand men's and ladlea' clothing. E. 1061. 4 Grand ave. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Am-tion Co., or you'l) get less: Fbonea A 2445. Main 8951. WANTED Showcases and 12 to 16-foot neat shelving. AL 439. Oregonlan. HIGHEST prices pId" for rubbers an-1 met als. J. Leva. IX Columl la at. M. Sis. W.AtED Large roll-top desk. R 484, Ore gonlan. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. HELP WANTED MA MALE, t WANTED Toung men to study wireless telegraphy: railroad telegraphy, railroad wires In achool; day and evening classes. Oregon College of Telegraphy. S3 5th st- WANTED Second hand on bread, -s-ages 519 per week; only first-class man need apply Royal Baking Co., Vancouver, Washington. CAMP COOK $75: hotel cook, country, 560; steel sharpener, $79 and board. Free fare. Others. C R. HANSEN CO.. 26 North 2d St. BOOKKEEPER Correspondent. familiar with machinery. Commercial Abstract Co.. 4oft Commercial Club. WANT 2 good shlnglers to take contract to put on 76.000 ahlngles. Call J21 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED "Young man to drive grocery wagon. $9 per week. Call 21 E. 12th St.. corner Ash. AGENTS wanted to represent us In Eastern Oregon and Washington; good proposition. RS North 3rd St. . WANTED Man and -wife to .work on ranch In Eastern Oregon. . Wm. Heall. Belve dere hotel, city. WANTED 4 bricklayers, out of city. $: a hours, Pacllic Employment Co., 12 N. 2d st. t - WANTED A boy over IS, for delivery wagon, some experience. Apply Waacher Bros., grocers. 15th and Broadway. EXPERIENCED solicitor for family liquor store. 370 Waahlngton at. EEVEI.ER wanted. $3 50. nine hours'. Pacific Art Glass Works. 151 Front at. A STRONG boy wanted. Royal Bakery, 11th and Everett. CO ATM AK ER and bushelman wanted at once. 327 Washington st. Bt'SHELMAJf wanted for men'a clothing. Apply 2S9 Washlrigton st. CLEAN dressed boy to deliver good for tallorshop. 489 Washington st. BOY wanted. 1 years old: good wages. Apply immediately. J2SV 5th at. GOOD bushelman and presser. Apply 441 Washington St., cor. 12th. BOOTBLACK for barher shop. Wages guaranteed. 345 x Morrison. WANTED Boy. A4ply the Monarch Tailors, cor. 6th and Alder.. . HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman: big wages; permanent. 2:5 Commercial block. SEAT, quick dishwasher wanted. Pteln'a Restaurant. SiMt Stark; no Sunday work. TOUNG man to work In tailoring store. Monarch Tailors, fith. corner Alder. WANTED r Press -oy. 1 Phone Herald. Uresharn. COAT-MAKERS Steady Job. Acheson at Co.. 14$ sth St. FIRST-CLASS waaher and harness cleaner. O. R- C. Stable. 14th and Yamhill sta. EVERAL good tea and coffee sollc Call 7SU4 Mississippi ave.; take "L" tea and coffee solicitors. car. WANTED Camp cook for S men. Call a A. M.. room 32 Washington bldg PUYS ar k couehir.akers wanted. Carman M.'g. PUYS an couentr.akers want. To.. lMh and Upshur st WANTED Competent e-hlpplng Clerk. Ed warda Co.. 11 First st. PHOTO coupon and portrait acents; line offer. Hubner StudU. 719 Swetland bldg. WANTED Bench hands. Oregon Planing Ml. a 19th and Vaughn. "WANTED Carpenters, helpers. laborers, ahioglers. East 11th and Pine sts. PHOTO COUPON agents, beet ofTer; rood' money. Davis, .$41 1 Washington St. COPPER RIVER RAILWAY. Cordova, Alaska. CAMPS RUN ALL WINTER. Steady work. SnflO men bow at work; want looO more; bridge carpontera. helpers, teamsters, track layers, rockmen. tie-makers, tlmbermen and laborers; big wages:: good camps: commis sary stores; ahlp every week; boat Mils from Seattle every week. Fare from Seattle to the work. $15. M. J. Heney. 814 Colman bldg.. Seattle. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. We want experienced salesmen for high class residence property; property close in terms 10 per cent down. 2 per cent per month: LARGE COMMISSION due when CONTRACT IS DELIVERED. Ask for Mr. Saunders. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade bldg- S4 4ih at. WANTED Two machinlsta. $3.50 to $3.u; 4 rough carpenters. $3.50: band resawyer. $3- 2 mill tallymen, $2.30: car tallyman, $2 SO; planer feeder. $2.30; lumber graders, $2.50. ' , Large list of other work. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT co:. . Main Office, 12 .North Second Street. SALESMEN We want six A 1 aalesmen for the best, most sightly building lots In the city. The improvements gas. sewer, wa ter, cement sidewalks, electric lights and teleihone are all In and paid for; street car runs Into middle of tract: automo bile transportation: good commission, call mornings. American Trust Co.. 200 Chamber of Commerce. MEN wanted, young, strong, good vision, account Increasing business on all rail roads, for firemen or brakemen: experi ence unnecessary. Permanent positions; $75. $100 monthly. Promoted to conductor or engineer. $150. $200. State age. weight, height: Bend stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonlan. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trad la eight weeks, help, to secure positions; graduates earn from IIS to $25 weekly, expert instructor: tools free; write foir catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 34 North 4th L, Portland. Or. WANTED Young men over 18 to prepare for clerk and carrier examination Immediately; date Nov. 17: a few days only for riling application: life position with mlary and -promotions: you will have to act quickly. Pacific etatea School. McKay bldg.. city. IF vou want a Government position, we can show you how to secure same, and will preoare you at small cost: examina tions soon. Call or write. C C. b. b.. 4J5-7 Lumber. Exchange bidg.. Portland. Or. W4.NTED Young man with little money as rartner In flne real ernate office; am alone and tired of hired help: experience not nee essary if you are willing to learn. Swet land bldg.. room 610. WANTED Steady man to check goods, etc ; pay 2a week now, which can be Increased with Interested help; $!30 re- ' quired. Particulars 417 Board of Trada bldg. WANTED An experienced salesman to sell the capital stock of a life Insurance com pany: aalary and commission will be paid. Address P. O. Box 642. Portland. Or. MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $35 weekly- you can learn the business In a short time; short hours, easy Inside work; les sons reasonable. 520 hi Washington. WANTED At once, wagons and teams to haul lumber by the thousand, steady work and good roads. Apply 538 Worces ter bldg.. city. WANTED Railway mali clerks, postofflcj clerks, carriers; examinations In Portland November 17; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 423F. Rochester, X. Y. Earn$15to$35week, watchmaking, engr'g.. op tics; learn In few months; positions furnished or start business without capital. Watchmak ing School. 325 Kearney at.. San Francisco. WANTED Partner who will Inveat equal amount In equipping a motion picture theatre. Particulars call 326 ft Wash ington at. WANTED Flrat-clasw country and city sales men: preference given men with thorough knowledge of this territory. R. D. Btone. 15th and Marshall, WANTED By Oct. 20. young man take charge of smokehouses: must be experienced and reliable. R. D. Stone, 15th and Mar shall. HARD candy maker, steady employment. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis. WANTED Young man of good education; good opportunity for right party; in re ply, state education and if previously em ployed state where. 0 4S0. Oregonlan. BOYS, good wages, steady employment. Pa cific Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davis. "4.N put several energetic men in position ' to make good wages; no money required. 323H Washington st.. room 28. TWO experienced grocery porters: only ex perienced men need apply. K. 430, Ore gonlan. WANTED Young man with some exper ience In drug business. Call room 605 Commonwealth bldg. GERMAN man and wife wanted: desirable, permanent place on Hood River fruit ranch. AC 422. Oregonlan. WANTED Shipping clerk; must have had experience In Portland, with knowledse of city. R. D. Stone. 15th end Marshall. WANTED Boy with wheel, $ per week; good chance for advancement. Call bet. 7 and 10 A. M. 1S4 Madison su WANTED At once, an experienced tailor to do bushellng. Apply at once. F. H. Friendly. Eugene. Or. EXPERIENCED man to lay out sash and look after saah machines. Apply Northwest Door Co.. city. WANTED Two wide-awake boys for packing room: good opportunity for advancement. K 433, Oregonlan. CORRESPONDENT Experienced man for collections. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. STENOGRAPHER Thoroughly experienced young man. Commercial Abstract Co., 40S Commercial Clutt bldg. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper with . best references. H. B. Lltt. 351 Washing ton st. WANTED at once, man waiter for restau rant. Phone Palace Uesraurant, Tilla mook. Oregon. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial Abstract Co.. 403 Commercial Club bldg. SHOE SALESMAN. A thoroughly experienced flrst-c!aj OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. TAILOR wanted for r'Palr work In cloth ing store. J .iv J. Padden. 602-4 Main street. Vancouver. Wash. t WANTED Lad to help- with Janitor work In exchangefor Instruction In bookkeeping, shorthand, etc. T 439. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED advertlalng or special edition solicitors always in demand. 306 Goodnough bldg. YOUNG man to learn printing; no cigarette smoker. 21 m Oak St.. upstairs. WE secure positions Tor our members. Special membership. Y. M. C. A. S-ROOM cottage, walking distance. 52 East 7th st. North. East 3418. KWANTED Man and wife to work on fruit ranch In Hood River. AC 423. Oregonlan. CARPENTERS wanted. East ISth and Brazee. . WANTED Tailor. A. Rosenthal se Co., clothiers. 3d and Morrison sts. BOY wanted, with wheel: good wages. Ap ply S. J. Traverso. 132 Alder st. HELP WANTED 3IAXK OB FEMALt WANTED One hypnotic substitute to travel and assist In giving public entertainments: lady preferred; good-paying proposition to right party. Address H 432. Oregonlan. CHINESE or Japanese wanted for general housework; must be experienced: small family: $.10. Write L. Swett. Rainier, Or. Give phone number. WANTED Kt once, man cook and woman helper: must be good cook. Phone Palace Restaurant. Tillamook. STUDIO Music German. French. English literature. 4.".2 Morrison. Main 20U7. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert. $3 a month. 269 14th. Main J83. FISK TEACHERS" AGENCY ofTers good po sition to A-l instructors. 614 Swetland bldg. THE OREGONIAN Has a "Want Ad" . Telephone Service Anybody who has a telephone can cll up The Oregonian, ( Phones: Main 7070, A 6095 And have their Classified Advertisements printed as ordered. Bills for advertisements will be sent after publication. Phone Your "WANTS" Today and Every Day RATES. Situations Wanted Mala situations Wanted Female For Rent Rooms Private Families Rooms and Board Private Families Housekeeping- Rooms Pri 7c Per Line Each vate Families J Instrtlen- Exceptions. Situations Wanted, Personal, Medical and Employment Agen cies advertisements not accepted over the telephone. HELP WANTED MALE OR 1T.MAI K. ARTIST wanted (portrait), crayon, paatel; highest prices, steady work, agreeable sur roundings. Address J. B. Henderton Com pany. 116-11S-120 East Channel at.. Stock ton. Cal. MAKE money writing stories: pleasant work for you: big pay. Send for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran cisco. TO employers, send to free labor exchange for jour help. 33 N. 4th st. Phone A 7723. HELP WASTED FEMALE. WANTED Lady cashier for doll rack. 27S Couch at.: wage $1.50 per day. Inquire Mon day, 11 to 12 A. M. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam llv of three, good wages. 394 Marguerite, phone B 1S2S. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCT. 32014 Wasnmgton St.. Room SOT. Main 6S3S or A 3200. GIRLS, good wages, steady employment. Pa cific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis. EXPERIENCED woman for alteration de partment women's garments. Apply 171 3d su FIRST-CLASS plain rook for boarding house, 'white or colored; one who Is not afraid of work. Call 374 Park at. COOK for 3-room apartment, to sleep home. Call bet. 10 and 12. Beryl apartment, on Lovejoy. bet. 21st and 2d. apartment 5. WANTED A competent woman for general housework: second girl Is kept; small fam ily. Call 620 East Ankeny. ' COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be able to cook; 4 adults: good wages. Apply 794 Glisan. cor. 24th. MILLINERY saleswomen, experienced and capable: also stock girl and apprentices. Fraly Bros.. 214 3d at. WANTED Help on men's coats; one that knows how to work with machine. Room 32, 142 Vs 2nd st. AT ONCE, good manicurist and hair dresser. Apply after 9. Mme. Hudson, room 207 Macleay bldg. WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone C 1038. 316 Monroe St. BRIGHT country girl for dining-room work. Good wages. 201 13th st. WANTED A girl for light housework. 6S8 Couch, near 18th. GIRL for general housework; a good place. , 335 E. 7th N. WOMAN cook for chopbouse, forenoons, J20. 425 Morrison. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Apply 739 Kearney at. WANTED Parlor and chambermaids. Apply . ti.i IT.-., onri Tar1r fltn. Oi. noicu - ' - MIDDLE-AGED woman housekeeper for small family. 335 E. 7th X. SCHOOL girl to work for room and board and small wages. Phone East 2254. WANTED Lady teacher In Mission. Apply at 145 Vs First St.. to 4 P. M. MILLINERY makers and apprentice wanted. Celesta Hyde. 320 Flledner bldg. FIRST-CLASS' family cook, wages $40. St. Loula. 245 Vj Washington. Main 2039. WANTED An experienced housemaid. Call In the morning. 830 11th st. SECONDgirl. Call morning or phone Mrs. C. B. S. Wood. Ford and Main sts. CAMP waitress. $30, room and board. Call at 205S Morrison, room 1. WANTED An experienced waitress. Colon ial. lu:h and Morrison. SCHOOL girl wanted for light housework. 337 1st. COMPETENT girl for general housework; 8 adults In family. 414 Stark st. WANTED A young girl to assist In light housework. Call 77S Hoyt. WANTED An experienced pantry womia. Hobart-Curtla. 2tJ5 14th. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply B69 Johnson bl Gf RL3 WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 3. Grand ave and Eaat Taylor. WANTED Experienced girl to work In confectionery store- 1S1 3d st. WANTED 3 experienced girls for dipping chocolates; good pay. 33 Burnside st. GIRL for general housework. 425 Tillamook . T.l ' inn ZTnmt 1 TT1 Si . - ". -. ..... WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and stenographer. H. B. Lltt. 3S1 Washington. DRESSMAKER wants experienced help. 420 Tillamook. WANTED Girl for cooking and general house work. Apply 752 Flanders et. FINISHERS and alteration help. Acheson & Co., 148 Sih su GIRL for general housework: no laundry; small family; good pay. 410H Morrison. WH want several Indies to heip us soil city lots on easy terms. N 431. Oregonlan. SEAMSTRESS wanted to assist tailor. Apply Robinson Co.. 2S9 Washington su COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply 70S Marshall st. THOROUGH course of millinery taught in 6 we-ks; terms reasonable. 415 Alder su NEAT girl for general housework; no cook ing. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. GIRLS wanted to sew mattress tick. Call Carman Mfg. Co., ISth and Upshur. Complete All Other ClnssifJcctlons. One Time Two Times Three Times Seven Times 12c per line 22c per line 30c per line 66c per lino Six words average a line, but on all charge ads the actual num ber of lines will be charged re gardless of the number of words. HELP WANT K I) IK MALE. EXPERIENCED girls to sew burlap arid cotton bags. Good wages. Steady work. Applv at once. AMES. HARRIS. NEVILLE CO., Fifth and Davis Streets. WANTED A lady with a very small amount of capital to Join me in opening a salt water taffy and popcorn place on one of our busiest streets; I will fur nish two-thirds the capital and give part ner full half interest on account of her services; to be between 30 and 33. . very neat, good figure, no incumbrances and take full charge of place; I am desirous of obtaining such a partner with the above qualities more than the amount of capi tal she can control. F 434. Oregonlan. 1 JACKET. SKIRT AND GOWN WORKERS. Permanent positions to thoroughly ex perienced and competent workers. Apply to Mrs. Richards, In charge of alteration department. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly experienced and competent. Wanted in a number of our departments; permanent positions to the riirht persons. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. WANTED First-class coat and skirt hands for alteration room. The Bartholomew Co., 400 Washington su IF you want a Government position, we can show you how to secure sume. and will prepare you at small cost; examina tions soon. Call or write C. C. S. S.. 425-7 Lumber Exchange bldg.,. Portland. Or. 1 r GIRLS wanted to make shirts and overalls. MU Hood Factory, 233 Couch. WANTED Intelligent lady to take charge of Seattle office for advertising company; salnry $00 per month and 0 per cent com mission. Call at 302 Commercial block. WANTED Experienced house-to-house demon strators for new toilet line: big money for hustlers. Call 10 to 11 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M. 304 Wells Fargo bldg. EXPERIENCED second girl: family of two: good wages; city references. 295 West Park. LADIKS at heme day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, Si. 00 doz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. 843 i Washington su. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2 GO 2. WANTED Girl to assist in light housework. 2 In family. 3v5 11th su; top flat. Apply mornings. WANTED Experienced operators on over alls: also learners; pai0 while learning. 75 lai. st. WtXTED Competent girl who can cook and do general housework; out of city (fare paid. Phone Sellwood 87S. WANTED Lady canvassers for a new arti cle that every woman must have. Call 64 6th st. BUSINESS house requires all-around serv ices of mature woman; references. X 437. Oregonlan. AT ONCE Bright 15-year-old girl for clip ping and pasting. Allen Press Clipping Bureau. 245 h Washington St.. room 17. WANTED Kenned, cap.ioi-s woman :.r i -i-sponalblB position. Vlavl Co.. 99 Roth rblld bldg., 4th and Washington. EXPERIENCED nurse to take care of baby. Apply 709 Nnrthup St., between 10 and 3. SITUATION WANTED MAUL Bookkeepers and Clerks. HIGH grade shorthand reporter. Just In from Chicago, a member of the Chicago Law Reporters' Association, is lekinK for a good opening In the West. Have done the most exacting court, convention and committee reporting and can furnish highest references as to character, ability, etc. S. 432, Oregonlan. HARDWARE man: 11 years' experience, mar ried, age 3S; A-l reference. Address C. M. iB., 110 Flume. Boise, Idaho. YOUNG man with some experience as Inside ulwnui, grocery and crockery. 2S7 1st etreut. EXPERIENCED office man. German corre spondent, aecks steady position. T 42S. Oregonlan. M iscellaneons. CARPENTER and builder, day or contract work. Address 1S Falling. Woodlawn 12-SU. JAPANESE wants situation as cook. Ad dress 810 A Burnside st., city. CHAUFFEUR Experienced Japanese wants position. K 436, Oregonlan. WIJL.L give 3 to anyone helping me to get a place as receiving or delivery clerk ' for some railroad or company in or out of city; have had good experience, L 4j1, Oregonian. Torxa rjerman. exnerienced in kitchen work, wishes steady position; handy with bread and pies; country hotel or out of city preterrea. Newman, r uunccum WANTED Position as manager and buyer In crockery, glassware and household dept.; 10 years' experience; best of references. Ad dress G 434. Oregonian. AM reliable, with good references, want Janitor or other ngnt work, oamuei j. Skeet. 33 N. 4th. Home phone A 7725. WANTED A position bv an electrician and machinist willing to commence on small wages, u WJ. oregonian. PRINTER All-around printer and press- - man; lo years' experience; total aoaiainer. 13S East 68th su North. JAPANESE boys want situation, any kind of work, and as schoolboy. V 433, Ore gonian. STATIONARY engineer, used to electrical, refrigerating work; best reference. AK 4oi, Oregonian. A-l BARTENDER, swber. young, competent, desires position; best references. AB 415, Orezor.ian. WANTED Light work Inside or outside, by respectable middle-aged man. not par ticular about wages. x 4da, wregonmii. CARPENTKR Vanta contract or day work; plans furnished. Address C. J. Dickerson, Z4 tt. 14th st. A LICENSED chauffeur, good experience, wants situation for private auto. P 432, Oregonian. MARRIED man, meatcutter, wante work, any kind, town or country. L 433. Ore 'gonlan. CHAUFFEUR would like position driving pri vate car; will furnish references. AC 427, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work after school hours and on Saturday. D 43G. Oregonlan. JAPANESE cook wants position at private family. Main U36, 121 r. lotn. HOUSE and window cleaning by O. A. Thompson.. Phone Main 5SG4. YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation at housework in family. P 431, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FfMAI.E. Bookkeepers and stenographers. STENOGRAPHER with long experience and best of references desires permanent situ ation. Call A 5579. COMPETENT stenographer, experienced, re liable, desires good position. R. 430, Ore gonlan. POSITION a stenographer: three years' ex perience; any salary considered; willing to go out of city. O 431, Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer desires position. Phone B 1705. BY good stenographer with some experience at moderate aalary. Phone A 5446. FIRST-CLASS stenographer desires position. Phone B 1943. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER from the East would like few more engagements by the day. Telephone Main 4108. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants engage ments; shirtwaists a specialty. Miss Collar, Main 3491. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs. Anceles. 8264 Wash. St., room 214. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by day. Phono Main 5432. Nurses. UNDERGRADUATE nurse, well experienced, solicits any kind nursing; maternity, semi invalid or Infant; reasonable. Call Main 3U3S. WANTED By experienced confinement nurse. Job Immediately. Phone East 1350. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes position as housekeeper in widower's . or bachelor's home. J 430, Oregonlan. Domestics. WANTED Good home for young lady whore she can work for board and room and go to business college. V 432, Ore gonian. TWO girls would like place In a private family; one is good cook. Call 629 Savler street. 2 GIRLS, experienced cook and waitress, wish positions, camp or city. M 431, Ore gonian. HOUSEWORK by colored girl, good refer ences. 05 Ninth St. N. Main 3200. EXPERIENCED cook and second girl wishes position. Phone Main 8773. . COMPETENT woman wants general house work; good plain cook. J 431. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED, middle-aged woman, best references, desires situation housework, family of 2, In flat; no furnace or Sunday night dinners; wages S30. Main 2039, A 4775. COLORED girl wants' position as waitress, chambermaid or housework, without laundry. Phone Main 6195. FAMILY cook, $40; hotel chambermaid, practical nurse, housekeepers. St. Louis, 245 Vi Washington. Main 2039, A 4775. ' LACE curtains laundered to suit you; satis faction guaranteed; prompt delivery. A 7052. POSITTON. first-class cook; boarding-house; references H 433, Oregonian. DAY WORK wanted. Phone Woodlawn 1050. TUTORING by experienced teacher In all branches. A 7753. COMPETENT woman wants steady work for Thursday. Phone Tabor 8. LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for and delivered. 40o pair. Tabor 1597. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Salesmen who can sell trees; outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good terrltorv. Address Oreson -Nursery Company, Orenco. Or. via Hlllsboro. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling cholco nursery stock out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. Agents, bl(- money made selling our nursery stock- great demand, fine line, cash com miaslon weekly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem. WANTED TO BENT. WE are In touch with several parties wish ing to rent desirable homes on either East or West Side; furnished and unfurnished: if your place 1b for rent, kindly call and see us, or phone Main 0719. THE SOUTHER-ALBEKTSON COMPANY, 286 Oak St. Portland, Oregon. WANTED By two young men two or three furnished rooms with board in pri vate family. Must be reasonable. State location and price. References if de sired. V. 430. Oregonian. WE will rent your house for you. What have you to offer on East or West Side? All rents guaranteed In advance. National Realty Ht Trust Co.. 32tfc Wash. St.. room 516. WANTED Four or five room apartment, furnished; West side. Would sublet from party leaving city. State terma In let ter. Address S 431, Oregonian. COUPLE wants furnished house or apart ment; highest references; give description and price. 620 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 3056. WANTED To rent boardins-houee or house with large dining-room, suitable for keeping boarders. M 430, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent new 6 room modern home in desirable residence district. N w30. Oregonian. WANTED By young lady teacher, room and board, walking distance. N 434, Ore gonian. MODI5RN bungalow or rottage. 5 or 6 rooms. iHfir, or call 115 7th st. Chapeau. Phone A 4382. MODERN house or flat, close in; state par ticulars and price. S. 433. Oregonlan. UNFURNISHED rooms, must be nice. B 4321 Oregonian " HOTEL RAINIER, 140 JvUIU.ua. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New. modem, fireproof building, team heated, hot and cold running water In an rooms. Richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and It doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house, nice large ofTice on ground floor, every thing first class: rates. 50c. 75c and fl per day; $:l.oO and uq per week. Call and sc- IL3. 128 6th at. North. THE MOODY HOUSE. 3d and Jefferson Sts. Away from the noise: 5 minutes walk Washington and 3d: Just completed: new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy; single rooms or suites: permanent and transient: 13. $4 and J5 per week. Phone A 7731. M. 8C39. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner 10th and Washington Sts. New management; THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS ; single or en suite: SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; toarist trade solicited. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and Burnside. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms 510 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to 30; eienant public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL NORRIS. Washington and 17th; new building, newly furnished; every room light and sunny; hot water, steam heat; reasonable prices. THE MERCEDES Corner 20th and Wash ington sis., ek?gantly furnished rooms, hot and cold running water; phones, bath; Ideal place. Price 15 and up. HOTEL BUSHMARIC. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2047. M. 5347. HOTEL LENOX, cor, 3d and Main sts.. fur nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite the Plaza. PACIFIC HOTEL, 2-14 Columbia St.; Summer rates; run ning water in all rooms; transients 50c to $1 day; one call means another. NICE desirable rooms, from 51-50 to 55 per room; free phone, lights, bath, etc No. 2 North 14 th st. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and bathe free. 327 Vs Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral, 53. 54. $5 per week; transient. THE RANDOLPH, Sd and Columbia, rooms: bath, heat; 60c to Jl day. 52 to 54 week. Furnished Booms In Private Family. TWO elegant brand-new furnished rooms, single or suite, fireplace, phone, etc. : cIoko in; also flne large att!c room, very reason able, for gentlemen only. Main 72S5. FURNISHED front rooms, private family, furnace heat. 30 10th st. N., bet. Wash ington and Couch. Phone A 2S40; call forenoon and evening. FOR RENT Nice, pleaeant room in private family for one or two gentlemen: all mod ern comforts; East Side, walking distance; references. Phone E. 1S9. FOR RENT 2 nice furnished rooms In good residence section; can get table board within 1 block. Apply 690 E. Burn aide. PLEASANT furnished room; all conven iences, private family, 187 Vs 16th st near Yamhill. BEAUTIFUL room. beautiful furniture, beautiful location. 215 13th St. .Furnace beau Hot and cold water. Only a few left NEWLY furnished front room; steam heat; reasonable. Call evenings. 664 Couch su Flat 1. 60S FLANDERS, bet. 14th and 16th, neatly furnished room $6 per month. 53 MONTH, nice clean room, bath same floor; nice location. 452 5th. NICELY furnished homo, 55 a month. 429 6 th st. NEAT room, one 52. two 52.50 per week; bath, phone. 280 Clay. LARGE, newly furnished, suitable one or two gentlemen; reasonable. 624 Flanders. FOUR nice, light, unfurnished rooms for housekeeping at 666 Washington et. ROOM with or without board for young lady, 520 per month. 482 Williams ave. FOR RENT Furnished room. 299 Eugene St., near Williams ave. Unfurnished Booms. THREE unfurnished basement rooms. 826 Park. Call 471 Alder. Phone M. 4593. Booms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern in every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water in every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. THE WEAVER, 710 Washington st, near King, brand new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want the best in the city for the money, call and inspect; dining-room in connection. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary. 610 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange, ISO 5th su Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. supt. THE COLONIAL. 165 end 1U7 10th St.. cor ner Morrison, select zamuy notei; reason able rates. CHOICE rooms In up-to-date newly fur nished first-class boarding-house; parking location. 374 Park su THE LINDELL, 209 Market Nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board: mod ern, reasonable; fine walking distance. THE MANSION. 300 Jefferson, elegantly furnished rooms; table board $5.50; best service. THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison; American plan; rooms 510: hot ana cola water. WELL furnished rooms with good homo board. 107 11th streeu THE CALVAP.D- Take W car at depot to door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097. Booms With Board In Private Family. LARGE sunny room, newly furnished; nlco surroundings; good home cooking ana all conveniences. Terms reasonable. Main 32S0. NICELY furnished front room, modern home, private, 'with or without board. 214 Beech st. Phone Woodlawn 044. NICELT furnished front room, with or with out Doartl. inquire 4t ji,ist joinsu ROOM and board, 53.50 per week. 653 Wash ington st. ROOMS with board. 149 15th st. bet. Morri son and Alder, phone Main 34! 2. NICELY furnished rooms with board. 129 14th St. Main 360. SMALL neatly furnished room with board 5J5. 549 lamniil st. BOARD and room, clean ami reasonable. 725 Hawt.'iorne ave. a j-t. Apartments. LAURETTE APARTMENTS High-class, new, brick building. 3 rooms and biith, steam heat, hot water, iireless cooker, telephones, janitor service, gas range, one 540, one 545; choicest neighborhood: 5 minutes from Portland Hotel. 11th St., near Salmon. NEW brick apartments, 325 11th su, will be completed Oct. 15; now open for reserva tions: 1 rooms, modern, very nicely fur nished, wall beds, steam heat, private bath and janitor service. See landlady, 321 11th su HIGH-CLASS apartment, suitable for three adults, piano, bath, nice yard; an excep tionally nice place, 540 month. 52S Morri son. STEPHENSON COURT. 515 Mill St., 2. 3. 4. 5-roora apartments, bath, hot and cold water, free phone, gas; very reasonable. Phone Main 5110. WELL furnished 5-room apartment. West 6ide. Phone Main 5175. or call auart meat Ha. 3, The Marlborough. TWW RF..TT.KAV. 624 Marshall Street. The moat EXCLUSIVE furnished apart ments In theclty; 3-room suites. PRI VATE BATHS and reception halls; both phones FREE In each apartment; electrlo elevator; nice larffe verandas both front and back: large lawn and beautiful shade trees: low Summer rates. Take W car to Marshall, go 1 block cast HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrlacn St.. new brick build ing, completely first-class, furnished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compre.-sed-alr clean ing. Janitor tervice; some unfurnished; rent very reasonable. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 SU Clair street, near Washington Will be com pleted October 1. A few three-room apart ments left; they possess every modern convenience lncludinc wall beds. gas ranges, refrlgeraturs. etc.; location and surroundings unsurpassed. THE IRVING 2!st and Irving sts.: 4 rooms and bath, basement, apartment; heat, hot , and cold water, gas range and shades; low rent. THE WESTMINSTER, unfurnished 4-room apartments. 6th and Madison sts. Flats. ELEGANT modern upper fiat; every con venience; walking distance; adults Inquire S2KV, Mill at., beu 6th and 7th. Phone Mala 7S39. FOUR 5-room fiats. Just completed, modern conveniences. 1S7 Whltnker. 1 block from S or F car; adults preferred. FOR RENT Modern 9-room upper flat. 150 North 24th St.; key at 794 Irving st. Phone Main 591. ELEGANT modern C-room flat, 69 Trinity Place. Inquire on premises. Phone A 20S0. !--( ! i rent -14-room flat, unfurnished, at 154 Kuasell st.. Alblna. Apply at grocery store underneath. MODERN 4-room lower flat, basement, yard, sunny, near r.ir; adults; 510- 7S0 Wil liams ave. Phone Woodlawn 420. FLATS. 731 'i and 733 Hoi st.. near 6 rooms and bath. Inquire 132 6th 1 C Main 0278. - FOR RENT Furnished 5-room flat, modorn, walking distance. Call 693 Glisan after 13. MODERN 5-room flat, completely furnlphed for housekeeping. 1'hone Woodlawn 1205. VERY modern 5-ronm upper flat, walking distance. Main 7112. MODERN upper 6-room flat. 7S0 Kearney, near 23d. Key at 712 Kearney. FOR RENT A 7-room modern flau Apply 334 Jackson St. MODERN 4-room flat, near D3d and Wash ington. Call A M. and evening. M. 8988. MODERN 5-room flat. Sherman su near 0th. West Side. Phone Main 807. 518 5-room modern flat. 771 Mississippi, rwar Beech St.; "L" car. LARGE 7-room flat. 498 Mill, near 14th. West Side. FOUR-ROOM flat: furnace, gas stove, water heater. S25 Northrup. Main 3225. Housekeeping; Booms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newlv furnished for housekeeping. In cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free- furnished apartments $13 per month up; single housekeeping rooms 2 50 week up. best In city for money: short dis tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or loth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms; t rooms. 510 month: 3 for $12; cottages. HJ, 5-6. 535; flat, 4 rooms, 516: unfurnished house, S10. 864 26th North. "W" cat from Depot, on 3d or Morrison to toth; block north. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS, 631 4' Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free hath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. ONEONTA. 1S7 17th, near Yamhill: take W car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites, by week 55 50, by month $20 and up; hot and cold water, baths and phones free. Main 4697, A 43. TWO clean rooms to quiet couple; gas. toth. phone, 514- Call mornings. 244 7th SU $1 25 weok, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton su. U car. THE M1LNER, 3.10 'A Morrison, cor. Park, homo apartments, all conveniences. 51.50 week, large, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 1S4 Sherman. N1CF.LY furnished housekeeping rooms. The Raymond. 170 11th su SWELL housekeeping rooms In new concrete building. Phone C 1342. Housekeeping Booms In rrlvate Family. SMALL family. dining room, bedroom, kitchen, bath, electricity: by German lady, ablo to do cooking. 027 Williams ave PRIVATE residence. 4 rooms, on 27th St.. near Clinton; reasonable. Phone Sollwood 832. THREE newly furnished housekeeping rooms. Call between 11 and 1 nnd after 6. 302 U E. Burnside St.. cor. Grand ave. 3SS JEFFERSON ST. 3 nicely furnished rooms, ground floor, no children; Toler ances. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, $12 month. isS Pettygrove su phone Mala 3423. WELL furnished connecting housekeeping rooms, bath, gas, fireplace, sewing ma chine, large yard. 421 Second St., $HL 672 KKRBY ST. 3 furnished housokeeplng rooms; nice bath, phone, etc Phone Woodlawn 1505. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. well furnlshe.1. ol-an; $14 up. lilth. or 3d-u cars. Inquire 3SS North 21th St. FURNISHED front bay window suite, hath, gas and rhone. $15 per month; also $10 suite. 117 N. ISth st. NICE newlv furnished front room, ground floor, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 83 i West Park. three nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, laundry, phone and bath; very reasonable. 490 Market st. FOR RENT First floor of private residence: well "fiirniehed with all mo.lern convenl encee; very reasonable. Phone B 2053. DESlRAltT.E, pleasant, central housekeeping-rooms; phone, gas. 32 11th st. North. WELL furnished, sunny housekeeping rooms. 51 North 2.M. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 05 N. 10th Et. SLEEPING J-KOi M, kitchen privilege, clean, quiet place. 528 Morrison, near 10th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, 520. 402 Clay su 291 t'HOSP.Y. near Steel bridge, 2 or 3 rooms, excellent location, modern. THREE or more unfurnished rooms, 206 i:tth. M. 7G4S. THREE modern rooms for Winter. 147 N Gtand ave. No children. NEAT, furnished housekeeping room. 3.14 Park st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 425 East Ash. Phone E tat 107. THRI-13 newly furnished ronis. $15 to destr able tenants. 074 East al:r.on. 5-ROOM house, gas. bnth and shades. 1S6 Meade St. Inquire IS 4. ls 255 Chapman, 6 rooms, gas, bath. Key 230 14th st. Main 76SU. t MODERN lo-room house, near carllne; rea sonable rent. Inquire at 140 Second st. MODERN 8-room house, 153 Hnho St., South ern PcrUand. rhone A ::C.i9. FOR PENT Modern 7-room house. Holla day Park. Inquire 724 Multnomah st. 7-UOOM house, aos East Ash. Inquire 168 East 14 Lh, nt-ar Belmont. 5- ROOM house In Fulton Park: bath. Phone Main 7500. 6- P.OOM cottage, 21rt and G. Apply 324 Mar quam bl.Ig. FOR RENT 7-room cottage. 703 Everett St. Phono Woodlawn 1752. NICE 6-room house, close in. reasonable. Inquire 453 East Sherman, corner 8th. FOR RENT Nine-room houas- 433 Wil liams ave. Phone B 240S y