T 13 THE MORNING OltEGONTAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1909. r NEW TODAY. New House In Irving ton, close to carllne and 10 minutes' ride from 5th and Washington sts. Built by day's work, of the very best materials, and all ready for occupancy. Full concrete basement, with laundry tuba and toilet. Fine living-room, with fireplace, double floors and Dlendid finish. Four bedrooms, bathroom with toilet, and large sleeping; porch. Price, 525Q. Can make very easy terms. Rountree & Diamond 241 Stark St., Corner Second. Corner Lot 50x100 Desirable apartment - house site close in; present income $43 per month. Price and terms right. Attractive Home Johnson Street between 23d and 24th streets; fall lot; must be seen to be appreciated. Smith S Everett Failing Bldg;. If You Have No Lot la LUCILE On Those Easy Terms HURRY They Are Goings Fast, and Next Month 111 .DO TOO LATE SEE RADD A PATTOS, 90 Fifth St. $12,000 Cash $3000 Per Annum in Rental And time on the balance of price. This is the way we can sell you a finely located 50x100. with high-class im provements, not far from Morrison and Tenth. The value is bound to increase: xrt, mn make lease of premises at S3000 yearly, or. if you desire to occupy it m . 1 - s . A A ft a ItAAA yourseit. you can in inc jivy iu ivw per year out oc it. x-nce is POltSEX-RATCLIFFE REALTY CO, 320 Lumbermen' Bldg., Stn and Stark. 32 Lots $6400 Think of it. J200 each for lots lying between Gladstone ave. and Holgate St., west of E. 26th. only la minutes' ri.ie from center of city. You can't du plicate it anywhere. Ask us about it. You can double your money. Grussi : Zadow SI7 Board of Trade Hide, 4th and Oak. G. tt d H 6 a. & E. G. & H. G. & H. G. & H. p W House and Lot in Sunnyside, 7 rooms; 35th and East Taylor. A nice home for a song. Gibson & Holliday 304-5 Gerlinger Building. M. 4643. P & W & IL G. & H. G. & H. g. & n. Everett Street Nesr Tenth Corner lOOxIOO, .VJKK IVr Ip'ilo or Lt-ase. A. EACKIS, 819 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE DEALEUS. ' Andrews. F- V. A Co. 11. 3348. 10 Hamilton bids. Backus. A Clrvtngtcn). 019 Ed. Trade. Baker. Alfred A.. -'1- Ablngton bid a. Heck. William G.. 312 Falilr.g bldg. Blrrall. A. H. Co.. S02-3 McKay bids. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker A llict. 5c2 ilcAay biwg. M. fits. Chaoln A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8- A Ch 003 Corbelt bide Fields. C E- A Co.. Board of Trade bids. Jennings Co.. slain 183. 200 Oregonian. Parrlsh. W atklns A Co.. 250 Alder St. Schalk. Geo. D.. 164 Stark at. Main or A 39X 6 barker. J. P, A Co.. 122 H Sixth St. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand art. and Multnomah si. (Holladar Addition). Walker. S. T.. nl Corbett bldg. Whit. B. F., 2274 Washington St RE.1L ESTATE. For Pale Lota. HAU ACREX Just north of Laurelhurst ; c-.ty water, improved fltr-t. restrict d district. high. A snap at 15uo. Kasy terms. Fhone Tabor 4.H. B LV?.. IRVINGTON PARK. 7VtltV. at $.V less than rost, 100 feet of Ktl'.in saworth ; prn.e only $875. frmi Kolbron fe Behnke, -103 Couch bUjr. SACRIFICE. ROSE CITY PARK. oinT has lft at grat sacrifice, on account of sickness; beautiful vUw. M 43, Oreponian. FOR PALE Corner lot In North Fkpdmont 50x10'), only $5 50; terms. P 4S4, Ore gonian. JX'ST the spot for store $7M. part cash, 5r.xloo facing v. VV car in near in: a.l improve ment. Owner, AD 437. Oregonian. TO- SELL for $7.m. corner lnnxioo, with $100 down and $12. .V p-r month; no In terest. AB 420, Oregonian. $1 1.10 Full lots, near Union ave., 10 min utes car ride, bltulltblc streets. 1-3 cash. HXD A Ht'jLKY, Third Street. IF you own I ?t will build you a. house on term. 15aj:man Co., 3C3 Abinun bids. Main S BEAUTIFUL aites on Port!and Heights, near car; every one a dandy. Baker, 51W Board of Trade bids. tVxl 10 for Ho cash. bal. ?I0 month; lots around eell Or fr--iTi a thiri more to twice a much. RnthcMM b'.rig. 5nxKo ON Overton St.. chol-e Nob HM1 lo cation. $42'M; tt'Tnu. 27 Board of Trade. VERY cheap full lot on 2d st.. near Lincoln. Goddard & Wiedrick. 243 Stark st. 50rlOO ON KIIMngsworth ave.. close to car barn. $0; terms. C27 Board of Trade. 4 LOTS Willamette add.. $100 each. Baker. 619 Board of Trade bldg. 0Oxl35 LOT. summit Mount Tabor, cheap for cash. 1039 E. 13th st N. Phone C 205L REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota, RIVER FRONT. 100100. 20 minute ride ite!lwood car, overlooking1 river. ery choice. $1200. terms. Two acrea. nocaspur station, a. r. xv. R.. West Sid 125 ft on river. One tree. ip. Tha best bur on river, only 22 min utes' ride from town, 3300. Terms. Equity Investment Co.. 603 Uerllnger Dldf.. ia and Alder. CHOICE HOMES FOR, SALE?. 2 7-room Swiss bunralows on Broadway, In Hancock-Street Addition, two blocks from streetcars, 7 room a besides bath and pantry with inclosed cupboards, cement cellar with front room, taeatir.a furnace, wood iirt. ce ment double wahiub. tinted waJl and fine Inside fn-ish; also vacant lots for sale at reasonable price, inquire met uroaaway. Home Tel. -C S140. 1330 LOTS. Include! rraded street. aldewalka. water. 5c fare. 20-mlnute ride, beautliul trees, best buy m city: 10 vr cent aown, balance monthly. Equity Investment Co., 60s Gerllnirer bids., 2d and Alder. FOR SXAPS On lots, or houses In the Rossm Rose City Park Elmhurst district. Phone Scaberg, Private Exchange 4a or A 2770. (Elton Court.) 8 building- permits by G. W. Priest aloiw laat week shows ad vance of district. Be wise; invest now. KENTON". SWIFTS TOWNSITE. 50x100 on Derby St., adjoining- bank buiid ins; In heart or business oenier, Owner. 501 McKay bids;., 2d and Stark. GARDEN". CHICKENS. ETC. $100 BUYS NOW lots on carllne. new add ition. 2t minutes from business center; JuM the place to grow garden truck, own your own cow, enfeitens, etc.; terms or 0 e,c month. National Realty & Trust Co., 320 Washington st. LOT 50x1 CO, near Kendall Station, Estacada car, terms. Lot near Mount Scott car, 6th ave., terms. Lot on East Hoyt. near 30th. 8. C. PRIESTLEY. 414 Dekum Bids. IRVINGTON. 2 lots near new carline and Knot: at-, lowest price iota so ciose in; 2 $loOO lots for M2o9 each to quick buyer for future Jjonie or for investment. Terms. James C. Logan, IHiSa Washington St., phone eo. SIX lots, unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin ValJey; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for sale at a great barrain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. phone Main 934. FULL lots, $27.50 cash, balance S5 per month; price 275, on Mt. ficott carllne, 5c fare, city water, graded streets, very cheap. LIND HTGLEY, 132. Third Street FOR SALE by owner, two lots on corner. exclusive residence district, vv ainut rtrn, S3000; terms. 4U9 A b mg ton bldg. Phone Mam 8410. For fesJe Houae. IS HAWTHORNE PARK fl-room house. Redwood finish. Paneled dining-room, Dutch kitcbTi. ' Reception hall. Toilet and servant's room on main floor; Bathroom and toilet upstairs; Large bedrooms, big- closets; Concrete basement; Furnace, gas, electricity; 1 largo porches. Price $6500. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. SUBURBAN HOME. A fine acre of ground, facing on 2 nice streets; a, modern, nearly new, large 5 room cottage, has cement basement, hot and cold water, wired for electric lights, plenty of fruit, cross-fenced with woven v. ire fencing; & splendid home at Hazel wild. 25 minutes' ride, 5-cent carfare, $Kj(H less than it Is worth; let us take you out. GRUSSI A ZADOW, S17 Board of Trade Bldg., -4th and Oak. $5000. HOLLA DAY ADD. HOME. Eittht rooms. larre closets, two bath room?, a hall and pantry, close-in property In the fine residence section, furnace, grate with a very nice mantel, pane.ed Horary, gust and electric fixtures, cement cellar floor. cement wash tuber, nouse was ouut ior home, good condition; a big profit to ycu on your buy. Phoce owner, liaat 62 or B 1362. IRVINGTON" HOME FOR SALEt. $6350, including bonded mreet Improve mems: tern-j: 6 room, sleeping porch, good attic, furnace and two fiieplaces; on aihait street, haif block iron, carllne. Phone Main 6527. S10 A bargain. West Side. 160x100 feet an improvements in. only 10 minutes by car from Tnira ana uorruon sts. $10,iXK) 1 0-room house and full lot. close in. West bide. $5000 Fine, large home site, out M. Tabor way. I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. - SEVERAL FLATS. WEST SIDE; INCOME. 1 9-room house, absolutely modern, Irv tngton; best location; a number of choice lots and fine corners cheap. Any buyer Interested will do well to rail M. 3630, room $00, Oregonian bldg. W. II. Herd man. I OFFER for eale my home, consisting of a large house on quarter block, at the corner of E. 2'lth and Hancock stt.. Just twj blocks fmm Broadway carllne extension, now building. WILLIAM M. GREGORY, 635 Chamber of Commerce. $3000 In Mt. Tabor, cozy, attractive 6-room house, on we.it slope, electric lights, gas, fireplace, furnace, hot and cold water, set tubs, on SxlOO lot. fruit trees, grapes, raspberries, roses and street Improve ments, s block from car. Call Tabor LOOK A good buy, on the Mount Scott carl in ; acre, cleared, fenced ; 5-room new house; water tank, gasoline engine ; near Lents, 5-cent fare; price, $2500. Call at Rayburn's store, Lents, owner, 1 to 5 P. M. IRVINGTON HOME. Jnst completed; strictly modem, 6-room house, exceptionally well built; shades and fixtures; a bargain at $4SO0: terms. East fcth near Brazee. Owner. 31 Tillamook. WILL take lots or acreage for my equity of $ iv.o in .'-room nouse anu corner lot, 60x100. at East 50th, near Hawthorne; bain nee $25 monthly ; price $2750. phone B 2517. NEW modern 4 -room bungalow, wired. large lot. basement, cement foundation, pantry, sink, toilet, bath, lavatory; price 11600; 1160 cash, balance to suit. 424 Henry bldg. ROOM modern bungalow, among the trees; wonderful view, 1 block to car, not far out; pru'O $15C0, arr.all payment down. James C. Logan, 321!a Washington St., room 464. LOT on West Side, easy walking distance. whu wo mau roiiages; gooa place tor flats or apartments; present Inrome equals 8 pr cent on price asked; $65O0. M 436, Oregon. an. A HOME. fl-mom houie; be t -built home In neigh borhood. 319 E. 37tft e-t., south of Haw thorne; s. fw hundred dollars cash, balance to suit. 67 Beck bldg. 13 DOWN buys 5-room house on carline. Katherine Addition ; $;0 down. $15 per month. 5-room bungalow, Woodstock car line. National Realty A Trust Co., 823 Wash, st., ruom 516. EAST SIDE HOME. 2 lots, large house fine grounds, abund ance of fruit, convenient to carllne, $8000; terms, or might trade. Vanduyn A Wal ton, SIS Chamber of Commerce. MODERN bungalow in good district; must be soli soon; terms to suit buyer. Call 310 E. 45th st., IV blocks south of Hawthorne car. MODERN 0-room bungalow; lawn and roses; corner lot, eth and Mason sts.; $4S0O, terms $7oO cash, balance $30 per month. Phone Wood .awn 2229. 2oo NEW. modern bungalow, with fur nace. In Vernon, near car. beautiful view, corner lot, with east front, fruit trees; terms. Telephone owner. C 2301. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6-room modern house on corner, wem. Side, reasonable. Cail 254 N. 2Ctn st. Phone Main 4DS5. 4-ROOM modern house, 2-story, lot ftOxloO; $1850, terms. Owwr, 1603 Huron st-. Uni versity Park, St. John car line. BARGAIN In new 4-room bungalow, modem, on Mt. Scott line. Price $950. terms. C. S. Wood. 422 Chamber of Commerce. NEW, modern houses, Holladay's Addition. B. Rice. 690 Wasco. Both phones. FINE bungalow; 272 Stark. $159 down- tlfi month. REAL ESTATE. For 6 Houses. H FIRE'S YOUR CHANCE. 0-room bungalow, modern, new, 30x42, full cement basement, with two foot shelf . all around, east iront, oeautuui location, electric lighted, floors In first-class shape. wails tinted, linoleum on floor 01 Kitcnen. T.antrv and bath, new window shades; fine lot, 50x100; fine lawn, roses and flowers; also lawn mower, hose and sprinkler. Over 100 fine homes built within sight of the front door this Summer. One-half block from Alberta, car; 25 min- uie ride from Ja and wasninftion. Fine car service. Fine residence district. Price, $2800; 4500 cash, balance $15 per montA. See this fine place before you buy. Call 957 E- 20th st. North. A HOME FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR AT A BARGAIN. $2400 buys a pretty new bungalow, 6 rooms, all modern, close in. Just a block from car. 15 minutes to8d and Morrison sts.; easy terms; a very small payment down and th-a balance $15, like rent. Be your own landlord and collect the rent. $1$00 buys a good 5-room cottage on 1-8 of an acre: chicken-yard, a-arden: nice clean little home for the working man with a family; near to school and car; only $100 down, small monthly pay ments. Beautiful new 6-room house 'not , quite complete, can have it tinted to suit I your own taste: one block to car; moaern in every respect; a great bargain, as it is j close in; 2iio0; small payment down and balance like rent. These are but a few or the bargalna we have to offer and are selected app-sal to the man who wants to stop 1 the rent iea. Glve us a chance to talk It over with you. MITCHELL A CO., 420 Swetland Bldg., 5th and Washington Sts. FOR BALE BY OWNER. New, 7 rooms, modern in all Its arrange ments, on finest corner in Walnut Park, nice lawn and boulevurd, shade trees, full cement basement with laundry and fur nace, new gas range and water neater; New, modern 0-room bouse, furnace and other equipment all in, run cement oase ment. cement walks and retaining walls. sewer and water connections, fruit trees and nretty lawn. 2 blocks from carllne. clone Jn and fine residence district; price $3S00. terms. Inquire 409 Ablngton bidg. phone Main fc-410. IRVINGTON HOME, must be sold; strictly modern 9 -room, well-built house, at 833 Hancock st. (cor. of.E. 26th St.), must be sold. Large verandas, sleeping balconies, oak floors In both stories, enameled wood work, 2 fireplaces, full concrete basement, etc. This house was built for a home and will be sold at very reasonable prioa j and terms. Price 110. 500. Aaaress room 11. 250 Vj 3d St. Phones A 2882 or Main 6692. INVESTORS. We have 50x100 corner in Hawthorne Park with 1 5-room and 1 6-room house renting for $3 per month and can be Increased: navlns: over 10 per cent on price $4000, $12i0 cash will handle. Equity Investment Co., DOS Gerllngeft biag., a ana Alder. ONLY 150 DOWN. $2250 takes a dandy 5-room, modern bun- falow, paneled ana tinted waus, oeam ceu nsr. full basement, lance attic, everything as complete and convenient as any $3000 house on the market: terms. $15 per month; see this at once as it Is far better than paying rent. W. M- conkiin to,, 407 Welia-Fargo bldg., or 1040 Hawthorne avenue. HOU.ADAY PARIt SNAP. Sell or trade for Improved aereage, COx 100 corner, S-room modern home, easy walking distance to buslness center, two DiocKs rrom union ave.. 1 enni. Equity Investment Co.. 509 Gerlinger bldg.. 2q and Alder SWELL 5-room bungalow, 1 block north of Rose City car on Linda Vista ave. (66th at.), corner, with cement walks, beautiful fireplace, bookcases, buffet, enamel finish. etc.; double construction; go see It; you can't buy a lot and have the house built for the price, sitxt. on terms. james ijogan. sole agent. 326 Aaahlngton St.. room 4iM. FOR SAT.H BY OWNER. Residence on -2d. and Northrup sts.. lot fiOx 10O. faces eaftt, fine yard and flowers; house newly painted and tinted inside and out: strictly modern: rooms, oatn, cement bailment, best furnace, servant's room in attic: can rent for $30. Apply 732 Overton. between 22d and 23d. Splendid buy for $7500. Terms. ' ARE 70a looking for a farm or acreage? van 1 ran 10 can at THE CROSSLEY COMPANY," 708 and 709 Corbett Bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat you right. It surely will be to your advan tage to see us before buying. We don't publish our list. SUBURBAN HOME CHEAP. . $125 down, balance like rent, buya new six-room bunsralow on carline, 25 minutes out: has cement basement, best plumbing. large fireplace, china closets, all conven iences, with over 4 full-eize lots, all fenced; few young fruit trees; price $2950. See owner. 171 3d st., near Yamhill. IRVINGTON HOME. New, modern, seven-room home In the choicest part of Irvlngton at a sacrifice, as owner ts leaving the city; two large fireplaces, hot water heat. hardwood floors, three large porches; improvements In and paid; half block from new Broad way carllne. Fhone E. 394 A BIG SNAP. $1000 Full lot, partly finished 5-room cottage on Ellis st.. Midway, $300 caan. balance monthly. Equity Investment lq., U5 lierunger oiug.. ana Amer. NEW. modern 0-room house; nice lot, good location: easy terms If desired. New California bungalow, containing 4 large rooms and basement; small cash pay ment, balance monthly, a little more than rent. O. M. SMITH, 221 Com. Club BKg. AT Clnrks Station, 43th at., a 5-room mod ern, bungalow, good lawn, lot 60x100, co- men t foundation. basement. wooaurt. rooms tinted, electric fixtures, bath, toilet. lavatory, sink. Dutch kitchen, sidewalks laid; price $2350; $250 cash, balance suit. 424 Henry blng. Shoppard. CT1 F.A " HOMES MONTA VILLA. lOOxIOO 4 rooms, comfortable; $10C0, terms. 5mxKiO ft momn. modern: $1350. terms. 60x100 7 rooms, modern; $liV terms. 529 Lumber Exchange Building. FINE 2 -story. 6-room. new, modern, first class construction, flrsnlaco. furnace, ce ment walks. un-to-date neichborhcod. close to car. very reasonable price: I2&0 cash, balance monthly. Owner, W 437, Oregonian A BARGAIN. 8 -room house with servant's room. thoroughly modern, 10 minutes' ride to center of city, lot 5nx85. 5500; half cash. Call 6S0 East Ankeny. Telephone B 2183. FOR SALE A sirhtlv lot 50x100. command- Ir.r sood view of mounralns. on Weet Side; 3 blocks from carllne, 15 minutes' ride from business center; price $3.0: can give terms. C. C. Smith, 401 iictway D.ag. TTOR RALE RY OWNER. a-room colonial house, near public and high schools, fine neighborhood, cement basement, something choice; terms. 674 East Ankeny st. phone B 2250. EXTRA good 6-room hous. fine fireplace, built-in china closet. Dutch kitchen; $3000. half cash. Call East 3578. $200 CASH Modern 6-room bungalow, COx 10O. corner lot, balance easy terms; owner will sacrifice, $2000. AM 4"y, uregonian. MODERN 6-room house and 50x100 lot at 444 Broadway net. itn ana stn; terms reasonable. AM forced to rell modem 5-room bungalow and tWxlH of choice, lightly ground at sittuu. 410 Falling bldg. 97.v New. modern 5-room bungalow, fuil lot. east front. 11S5 Maryland ave. Inquire at 1035 Maryland ave Terms. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, by owner, new 8 room house, fine view, easy walking dis tance, reasonable price. G 458. Oregonian. BUNGALOWS. 4 to 7 rooms, all new, $1500 to $sroo; can arrange easy terms, an 813 Chamber of commerce. OWNER Corner 2 lots, largo 12-room house, unfinished inside. Phone Tabor 47a REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. TWO Fine new Dwellings Started In IRVINGTON PARK, Yesterday. 30 Fine Homes There Now. Lots $400. Best Buy on the Market. F. B. HOLBROOK CO., Room 1. ( . Worcester Bldg. BEAUTIFUL cottage In Rose City Park, only 300 feet from carllne, near the Ala meda; 6 large rooms, 2 bedrooms, beside reception hall, bath, pantry, full cemen oasement. launary-roora, cement tub: stove in laundry-room, electrlo lleht fix tures, fruit-room, window shades, lot &0x 100, street Improved, cement sidewalks; fine lawn and garden, near store and school a bargain at $2750; can ba bought on easy terms; ir you want a cosy little home, don t neglect this opportunity, but see a once Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of uommerce. GRANT-STREET HOUSE. Good 7-room house on Grant, near 6th, only a few minutes' wa!k down town, rood comfortable home and a bargain at $3650, on easy terms; you must hurry if you want it- GRUSSI & ZADOW, S17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. For Sale .Business property. EAST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. A rood piece of centrally located busl ness property between Union ave. and Grand ave., which pays a net income of over 4J per cent; price $sooi. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8009, A 2353. BUSINESS block on Williams ave.. that pays better than 10 per cent, at a bargain. 607 Beck bldg. AN INVESTMENT that speaks for ltself- b us in ess rooms, income b0 per month. Price $3750. C. S. Wood. 432 Chamber of Com Miscellaneous. FOR SALE A beautiful home at Oak Grove. Oregon City line; BO minutes' ride; 1 u acres of ground, new 6-rcom house. pantry, storeroom, brick t Imp lace, 75 feet verandas, 200 choice roses in full bloom. 75 beaung grape vines, 300 bear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants, 60 bearing fruit trees of every description, new barn and outhouse, larre chicken corral, fenced and cross- fenced, enough garden truck planted for good -a 1 1 id family, every foot of ground cultivated ; line lawn around the house. dotted with select shrubbery, etc.. eta Inquire on premises, Louis Brandt. Oak urove. or. ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted 70 por cent of walnuts in Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plantings ever soia in uregon, we ieei, our prop erties should invite consideration; $100 cash. $15 per month for each live-acre tract. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. anc.V Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WANTED A competent party to manage a new modern rooming-nouse on salary who will invest S1000 or $2000. invest ment includes paying investment. S 434, Oregonian. FINE INVESTMENT. Fine corner flat, one biock of 23-at. car and naviner better than 8 per cent on the investment; finest part of city. Owner, 319 Commercial bldg., 2d ana wasmngton. 10 ACRES of tcbolce platting ground on the section .Lane roaa, ciose to jit. iatwr $12,5irO. See owner, 410 Falling bldg. BARGAIN Flat building. West Side, in district with big future; price $.000. M E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. CHEAP FOR CASH. NICE 3-ACRB SUBURBAN HOME Addrtds J 433, Oregonian. FINE apartment site, West Side; price $8500. 412 Marquam. LIST YOUR property wltn Sigel & Co., iiorrlson. jfnon. main zjao. a 4i-in. TO EXCI1ANGJL BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME TO EX CHANGE FOR WEST SIDE CI 1 X PROPERTY. CLOSE IN. 5 1-5 acres of land: eleaant S-room house. large barn, splendid orchard, all kinds of choice fruit; Vt mile from Oregon Electric carllne at Tigardvllle, close to graded school, on rock road, 10 miles from Port land, all in high state of cultivation and in perfect condition; will exchange (or West Side improved property; will pay difference. SMITH. HOSSACK & GODMAN, Oregon Electric Depot, Front and J4T-rson streets. Phone Main o421 WILL exchange 160 acres. 100 acres In cul tivation, good nouse, Darn, granary, nop dryer, horses, cows," nogs, implements, 6 miles from good town on stage line. S. C. Priestley, 414 Dekum bldg. WILL trade $1900 equity In $3000 modern 6-room bungalow ior anytning, land p f erred; give particular. AM 428, O; gonlan. 1000 to 100.000 shares splendid Nevada-Utah mining stocks for furniture, rooming -nouse. hotel, realty or nuaineas property. x io, Oregonian. WILL exchange fine equipped established motion picture tneatre in jrortiana ror lot, acreage or farm. Particulars, 5284 Washington st. WILL exchange a good lumber wagon for cordwood. Tel. Sellwood 181 or bellwood 11S2. ROOMING-HOUSE Will make you a good deal on a place. Call room 31a Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. JUST FINISHED, 6-room, modern house, close to K.iiiingswortn, to iraaa ior arm. G27 Board of Trade. PLATTINO PROPOSITION 7 acres. Im proved, $10,000. Take halt m trade, pnone A 2b4tf. $70 EQUITY In $20O lot to trade for any thing or value, yi a., uregonian- TRADE LOTS for launch. Describe launch. Owner, H 434, Oregonian. YOU can trade any kind of property room iO'lii Board or Traaa. GOOD pino to trade as payment on vacant jot. js 43S. oregonian. FOR 8ALF, TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO. Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle. 5s29 Chamber of Commerce, ' Portland. SNAP. $35 pr acre for a nice 120-acre place. 15 acres in cultivation, balance timber worth twice what is asked for the place; excellent farming land, miles R. R., 5 miles Oregon City. F. hlhs, -21 Vs Morrison m. FOR SALET 160 Here? of as good fruit land as there Is In Klickitat Co., well located, on wagon road, close to Trout Lake; 2.000.000 feet, pine timber; every acre can be culti vated when timber la cut. BLAIR A RUSSELL, 403 Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE 2,000,000 feet fine timber, close to Portland, at a bargain; J.duu cash. 416- 418 Henry bids.. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises oc ail Kinas. Kinney & Stamphor. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER and HOMESTEAD rellnqulsh- ments, 227 Worcester block. ACREAGE. I OWN some fine unimproved acre ago near Beavorton which, if I can sell by .Nov. 1. will make an exceptionally low ngure. F 423, Oregonian. ACREAGE In largo or small tracts on car- line, close in: cno;ce river iront; ow acres to subdivide. Kinney A Stampher. 531 Lum ber Exchange bldg. A 4881. FOR SALE 1 acres near Eugene. Or. W. Brown, 205 Morrison. 4 FINE suburban acres on track. $4000; worth $5000. J 434. oregonian. S ACRES, 8 mllea from city, near carline; terms. K 431. Oregonian. 7i-ACRE tracts, 89 minutes out, $125 down. f IV iuuuiu, y wlo a.u t. tt t lit u Lai v. SUBURBAN acreage; will exchange for a farm. Address O 432, Oregonian. 2 ACRES, close in, toOO per acre; easy terms. 423. Marquanv ACRE AGS. 20-ACRE BARGAIN. 20 acres, nearly half in cultivation, acres In strawberrios, small house, fine soil, surrounding acreage selling for $400 per acre; our price for quick sale is 8250 per acre, or will sell 10 acres at $300 per acre. This is a snap and will not last. Let us tak-e you out and show it to you It is on the Section Line road, near the intersection of the Rockwood road. W can give you terms on part of it; $2000 will nana 10 it. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ONE TO FIVE-ACRE TRACTS. - Let us build you a pretty bungalow m the beautiful buburban Homes Club tract. O. W. P. Railway and Powell Val ley ; macadamized road ; with abundance of pure water piped under pressure for domestic and Irrigation purposes; only 7 miles from business center; iuo can are free mall delivery, public school, electric lights and telephone. Price per acre $o00 and up. Easy terms. Let us snow you. 245 y Washington St. Main 8033. A 4928. 1 ACRE, at Nlckum, 5c fare, $900. 2 acres, 1 mile from Lents, $800. 2-acre orchard. Jennings Lodge, $1500. ' 4 acres, Linnemann. cleared. $1000. 6 acres, milo from Linneman. $1125. f arrea. V. to Kvramore. IISOO. 10 acres. 9 miles out on carllne and creek, small house and barn. S2850. Terms made on any above. See us for choice acreage. Equity Investment Co, SOS Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Aider. INVESTORS. If I can sell you the best 160-acre tract of land on the Oregon Electric, near Port land, for platting Into 10-acre tracts, with in one week, you can have it for only $3600 cash, balance easy terms. A chance ior you to make $io,0'H; partly cleared. ISOJt 235. M. JOH.N, OK. SNAP 160 acres, Columbia County, $1200 7 miles from R. R.. 2 miles from Ne- halem River; about 800,000 feet second growth fir piling; excellent farming land must be sold this week; a good chance to aouDle your money, uoddard & wied rick, 243 Stark st. HOMESEEKER Or Investor, my 13 acres within flvs miles of city limits for sale, location, price and terms is tne nest oirenng on tne market. 216 Worcester Block. TWO 25-ecre tracts near Beaverton, at $175 per acre, half cash, bai. term of years at u per cent, ihis is a good investment to hold as this land will bring $250 per acre in ua tpnng. CHISM. 615 Cbuch bids. $150 PER acre la the snap price on a few of our lu-acre tracts, we nave 1 tracts, m eral with springs and running water, on S. P. and electric line, 8 mile? from city; siDO to stu is tne price. Terms to suit. CHISM, 615 COUCh Dldg. 'WHAT Walla Walla wants la you." and perhaps. If you investigate, you will want Walla Walla, Our valley Is an agricultural paradise; our oronaraa are mailing gcoo. Send for booklet S. Commercial Club. Walla Walla, Wash. A BEAUTIFUL home, suitable for platting; 6 acres; ail improvements; will sea at half price, $4O00; terms; 5-cent fare, Mt Scott line. Call at Rayburn's store, Lents, owner, 1 to a i M. ACRES, lies beautiful, over 600 feet frontage, good Investment at $2400; hi cash ; long time on balance. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. 6-ACRE tract walnut land; clear and level; few minutes' walk from wnsonvii.e. . on Salem car; some cash, balance long time. uui tsecK Diag. 9 ACRES choice platting ground, adjoining Woodstock and overlooking tne city; yum 410 Failing bldg. FRUIT LANDS. A RARE BUY I offer for sale for a short time 260 acres rrult land, nnest enot sou, 20 miles from Portland. 300 feet above Val ley, out of frost belt, 2 large springs, running creek of living water; can be Irri tated from creek : at least $1500 worth ftandine timber. 7-room frame house; sell for $35 per acre. ONLY PIECE GOOD LAND NEAR PORTLAND FOR THE MONEY. O A. RAD ELL, 2K2 Alder st . Portland. VRITTT I.AXf) ACREAGE. 40 acres, all cleared and practically level, fenced and cross-fenced, new barn 30x40 and 2 springs on the place; crop of oats harvested this year; teiepnone, i. r. D. and milk route: county road on two sides; 1 mile to school and church, 3 miles to a thrivlne town on electric line, 26 miles to Portland; price $123 per acre, half cash. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. YOUR CHANCE Rich Klickitat fruit lands in 10-acre tracts; advantages same as Hnod River, with twice the sunlight; rail road shipping town near; deep, splendid soil, just made for apples; we'll sell it to you in the rough, or" clear, plant and tend It ror you, just as you wish, $30 an acre and up ; terms ; a south exposure means the top of the marKet; come ana tarn it over with us. Murdoch & Young, 411 Bu chanan bldg. . FERNROCK FRUIT TRACTS. 10 and 20-acre tracts, cleared nd level, suitable for apples, peaches or berries; ele vation and soil are Ideal, H mile to school and church, 2 miles to a thriving little town on electric line, 1 hour's ride from Portland: come in and let ua tell you all about these tracts; price $S0 to $100 per "COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. $700 CASH will buy my equity In ten acres one year old orcharu, spuzenuerg, Jona than, Yellow Newtrwn apples, Bartlet pears. Bing and. Royal Ann cherries, four springs, good soil, lies hlh, good air drainage; 5 years to make full payment, at 6 per cent interest. T. A. Lawson, 252 Alder St.. Portland. CONSIDER THIS 160 acres finest Klicki tat fruit land. 8 acres cleared, SO light growth, all wire-fenced: large mineral spring; house, barn, well; speedy devel opment easy; all this $40 an acre, rea sonable terms. See Murdoch & Young about It. 411 Buchanan bldg. CHOICE apple land $40 per acre, or would taka a' home m Portland in exchange. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATK, "WANTED WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. XOB HILL PREFERRED. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg., M 4th st. S WANTED. The best West Side real estate invest ment that $26,000 will buy, either apart ment or close-in property, with some In come; give description; no agents. Y 434. Oregonian. WANTED Close in quarter block at not over $20,oo) or 00x100 corner at not over $10,000; preferred with some income. State location. owners only. P. 4o, Oregonian. WANTED Party to furnish lot and build house lor oo cown and i;o a montn, witn interest: all improvements In and paid for Irvlngton district preferred. Address O 434, Oregonian. WE pay cash for equities, contract. What have you bousnt on payment, lots or acre ages? Will buy or sell youra a once. Na tional Realty & Trust Co.. 326H Wash. WANT a new 6-room cottage or bunga low, not too far from cars; can pay $400 cash and $25 monthly. Owner's address, M 433, Oregonian. IF YOU have a goofl site for sale on Port land Heights see saker, oiu uoara oi Trado bldg. HAVE client for houso of 7 rooms on West Side, not over JoOOO. Goddara A Wied rick, 243 Stark st. WE can sell more cheap houses on terms. Send or bring descrlt-ilon. llabb & Pattoa, DO 5th st. WB want 5000 acres of land in one trace: Give particulars and price. 327 Lumber kx change bldg. HOMES built to order on your own terms; eatisf action guaranteed under bond; inves tigate plan. R. C Young. Box 40G4. OWNERS, what have you for sale in Irv lngton or Holladay lots? Eaker. 519 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Home on Portland Heights, or would consider good building aite; state price and location. AN 424, Oregonian. WANTED 5 acres near city. 29 N. 9th St. Main 7392. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS. f, CHOICE! agricultural relinquishments, on stream and county road, near Portland. 14 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Morrison. FOB SALE FARMS. 160 ACRES 43 miles south of The Dalles, 90, acres In high state of cultivation. 50 acres more can be cultivated; wen improved, pien tv of water for stock and domestlo purposes It kind. r.1 friilt nan be raffed on the Hi ace. apples equal to any in the state; price $40 per acre. 109 acres 5 miles out. 80 acres la lected fruit trees, apples, pears, peaches an r.herrle. 10 acres bearing and 2o acres tw vfftri old : 50 acres other land In cultiva tion. all of the land can be cultivated, all kinds of berriea raised on the place, plenty of water from crk ana two weiis, gooi S-room house, all fences hog-tight, every thing necessary to run the place; a great tin "train nt &K.GiV Tha Dalles is a growing city of 6000 nnnl v have river and rail transport; tlnn 'which mni 4hAr. freight rates. W have numerous other Rood bargains, wrtt todav. or better still, come and see ua W are ready to show you. HUDSON LAND COMPANY, The Dalles, Oregon. W f v W r A I RT OR FRUIT LAN D. 141 miles from Portland, 2 miles from R. R. station, 1 miles from electrio Jin on Rood county road; 80 acres, B0 acre cleared and In hiirh state of cultivation; A soil and level, fine new S-room house, cost $1800; large barn, granary and other out buildings, good soft water, 3 wells on place, fine youag heavy team, narneas, wagon, nac n 4 nil nressarv farm tools, large an small; 3 cows, 700 sacks of potatoes, ahou 500 bushels of good oats, 1 acre fine stocl kaie, and vegetables and household furnl ture: electric line rfarht of way grantee across place, and adjoining property Is held at $150 and $175 an acre. This piaoo mutt be sold in a very few days. Price $150 per acre. will give gooa terms 11 purcnase' at once. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 84 Fourth at. Board of Trade bldg. BEST ON MARKET. . 117 acres, 20 miles from Portland, rvtuntv mad. near R. R. atatlon. Quarter a mile from small town, school and church good house, two large barns and granary, storehouse and othwr good outbuildings lnrcrn ft on I a orchard In fine condition. KOO' family orchard with largo variety of smalt frnita: about 70 acres cleared. balanc slashed and all fenced and cross-fenced iroorl runn In sc stream across place : 1 0 hay, 20 cows. 8 calves, four good honses, 3 pigs, chickens, 2 'buggies, wagon, harness, Plows, cultivators, harrows, rake, mow r et.a.rfltor. all dairying implements an all small farm Implements; will sell for $130 per aero, gooa terms. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. BEAT THI9. 40 acres, most all cleared. 13 miles from Portland, on good county road, 1-a miles from electric line, tt. rt. station ana whji town; large house, in good condition, cost 26o0: rood well and windmill. cost $600: large barn, cost $500, and A(hjr ttf hniMins-f. rosti 500. all fenced an ro.fnnri a.iod familv orchard, two bug gles, two wagons, double dlrk seed drill mower, rake, roller, plow, harrow, culti vator, all other farm Implements, separator, nil rtalrvlnsr imnlements. KOOd young team. four cows, one heifer, ono sow. two dozen chickens, about ten tons of good hay, one acre of potatoes, two acres or biock nare, all other garden; price fot-vr. ooa iruis. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY". 84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. TTITVTT TTTTS OVER. A fir.ta 10-room house, hot and cold water, bath and toilets, nice conservatory, brick cellar and milk house, gooa nam and all necessary out buildings ana is acres of as Brood land as mere is in in fttntA ISO acres tn cultivation. 40 acres o: mr tlm her. tha balance slashed and se'ded; this property borders on the river and boat landing on the place; It is on a good county road 2 miles from town and 30 miles from Portland; it is a beautiful home and a self suDDorter: it is in nn condition and has been well tended; it Is a bargain at 119.000; 2-3 cash, balance 6 per cent. GEO. W. TCRNER, .16-417 Bothchild Bldg. WESTERN HOOD ORCHARD LAND. Ra an orchard owner and secure choice annle tract in this very deslrabl lopalitv amon the foothills on the west ern slope of the majestic Hood. Good as the best and far cheaper in price than tha more exploited sections. becure oui riAcrrintiva booklet telllne- all about it Ruv now. while prices are low. and double your money by Spring. No better soil on earth; produces marvelous results. See the fruit in our ofiice. Call and will gladly take you in auto. Don t delay, VANDUYN & WALTON, 616 Chamber of Commerce. FOR A BEAUTIFUL HOME NEAR PORT lAiJ. Ift-acr tract., all cleared: 2Vi acres fin orchard on each tract; located in a beautl fni Mrtlnn of the country, in Eood com munlty, Bhort distance from an eiectrlc line and one mile from a R. R. atatlon. 12 mllea from Portland; fine black soil; will produce the very bent of truck garcen or rrun: price J20O per acre; will give excellent terms. ' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. K2 ACRES 14V; miles from Portland. good county roaa. i va mue ironi .man twn nnrt B R irtation. IV, miles from elcc trio line; 18 acres cleared, balance slashed and burned; good -room nnuao, sniau imin and other outbuildings: all fenced andcroes- fenced: auarter of a mile from school, in n vlcinitv: nrica S10O an acre: an excel lent subdivision proposition; will give good terms. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 81 Fourth St. Board' of Trade Bldg. HERE IS SOMETHING. trtii acres, B'.j in good cultivation. fenced and under irrigation; 3'i acres bea verdam. balance swale; no better garden land in the etate; 2 house!.. 1 barn; . blocks from station, 8 miles from Portland $4500, J1700 cesh. 3 yea, 6 per cent: al. xu. acres in cultivation, near Tigardvllle house, bam, SO fruit treea, U acre straw berries: SieCO. T0O cah, terms. 3C9 Board of Trade. Phone Main 7579. AnderaJn, Morey A Co. 22K PER ACRE. 5 or 10 acres. 10 miles fnt npnr rarunc. nr?i Roll. A.iiiia, $2700 30 acres best aprle land near Lyle, Wash., famous iviicKiiai irun mnu, a .nino- TVil! .all 11) ncrrs. Terms. oQr.n if) .ITU. on carllne and creek, half cleared, small house and barn. 9 miles from town. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. 508 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. HERE IS A SNAP IN FARM. ja inn in cultivation. :i ble barns, good T-room house, 30 cattle, about half cows; 50 goats, some noga ana l-iihtkciio, about 50 tons of hay, S.OOO.OOn feet saw tiirfl.er nnd new R. R now building right to the place; only tt miles from town of 1O0O; price $10,000. good terms. Lincoln Invt. Co.. BUI, iSH waaningion i. THE MAN WHO WANTS A HOME. You can buy one acre or 1000 acres rich, improved fruit land or dairy and grain lands, tributary to rornanu, on easy terms, or will exchange for city property. DEAN LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO.. Chamber pf Commerce, Portland, Or. WHAT Walla Walla Wants Is Y'ou. Presi dent Roosevelt said: "walla wana maue the pleasantest impression on my mind of any city I visited In the Northwest." The surrounding valley is an agwuiturai pa Use It Is making good. Send for book let S. Ask Questions. Commercial Club, Walla Walla. Wash. FOR SALE 10 acres highly productive Wil lamette Valley land; grows finest vege tables and fruits; near town; clnse to Port land; cleared; $12". per acre; easy terms. COLUMBIA TRI ST COMPANY, , Board of Trade bife., 84 Fourth St. FARM of 23 acres. 6-rooin house, big shade trees, barn 32x40 ft, seven acres in fruit, eight miles from city and H mile from S. P. R. R. ; at low price and easy terms to the right man. CHISM. 615 Couch bldg. nxE dalrv farm. 300 acres, good water, house, barn, 1 mile from good town,. good roads, R. F. D, route. For further particulars phone 4x2 Oregon City, or at Beaver Creek store. $450 CASH for 40 acre, if sold soon; unim proved; 2 mllea from railroad, on county road; 20 acres can be put in cultivation in 30 days: fine soil, no stone. J 432, Ore gonian. SMALL farms on bay and river, or will ex change; 5 acres, no improvements, $200; 8 acres and house. $600: 55 acres, well improved. $2500. easy terms. O. Mld dlekauff. Toledo, or Yaqulna. Or. $12.00 80 ACRES, 18 miles from Portland, 40 acres good onion land, balance rolling, some timber, live stream. Write, phone or wire Eastern & Western Realty Exchange, Main 7005, 145ft 1st St., Room 10. $6.00 PER ACRE. 4 cash. 100 acres farming land; plenty water and wood. Eastern & Western Realty Exchange. 145 !r 1st st. Room 10. DAIRY farm, 130 acres: 27 cows, tenm of horse, all Implements; Income $225 per month; price $100 per acre. 4!2 Mar quant. SEND "for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. THIS Is your chance: 70-acre farm. 25 In cultivation, 84 mllea from town; 2000 cords of wood on place. 412 Marquam. ACRES, close in, $3000: $1000 cash. Marquam blda- FOB SALE FARMS- SPECIAL THIS WEEK. HITHER HOOD FRUIT LANDS TEN AND TWENTY-ACRE TRACTS We have a special offer for this week of the choicest fruit lands in the famous HITHER HOOD section, in 10 and 20 acre tracts, as low as 14 cash, balance easy payment; prices range from $40 to $100; now is the time to buy while prices arwewill take you out to HITHER HOOD and help you make a selection. Call and get our booklet and arrange to go. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES, $22C'0. ' All In cultivation and in fruit. 400 trees In ull bearing. 400 trees of ron tons and Gravennte'.ris' 4 years old. $3011 worth of crop goes with place; all fenced: fine soli, nice and level; U blocks from electric line; 12 miles from Portland, on fine road. This plate is not run down, but kept In good.shape. Partners' troubles the reason for such a low price. $SiO 'cash, balance time per cent. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN IN A DAIRY FARM. Ift2 acres. 65 under cultivation, 45 acres pasture, balance good timber land; lies nearly level, on a good county road: good house of 6 rooms, barn and outbuildings with small family orchard of about 3 acres; 2 creeks and springs. 14 mile to school, church and store. 3 miles to a thriving little town on electrio carllne; will ell stock and Implements; $30 per acre If taken soon. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 94 Fourth Street, Eoard of Trade Iildg. WHAT IS THE MATTER? We have an elegant tract of land at Perrvdale near the Southern Pacific, two thirds In cultivation: lavs sllglitly rolling; no better land In Oregon: only two men have looked these lands over, and they both bought. We are ready for you to. buy the next tract. Three 34-acre tracts left; which one do you want, at $70 per acre, one-fourth cash eaev terms on balance. CHAPIN HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. DArRY LAND. BE?T PRODUCING LAND IN OREGON, ABOUT 75 MILKS PR'"'M PORTLAND: EXCELLENT FOR STOCK. FRUIT AND DAIRY; ONLY $8 PER ACRE. EASTERN EXCHANGE. 226H MORRISON ST. A 3670. MAIN" 3022. SO ACRES, 40 acres In cultivation, young orchard, team, good house and fine barn; stream through place; good fences; 25 miles from Portland: on good county road, two miles from good town, price $6500. Will excharge for house and lot Chapln & Herlow, S32 Chamber of Com merce. 720-ACRE dairy farm, on river, covenlent to Portland by dally steamer, with landing on place; Columbia River June flood covers part of land, insuring plenty of green feed all year. For price and terms see I. G. DAVIDSON, 81H Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP. Can you use a 40-acro tract, 20 acres cleared. Including a y-acra apple orchard In full bearing, only 20 miles from Port land? Land lies on main county road, with fine Improvements; price $400. till" Board Trade. $10 PER DAY AND EXPENSES IF NOT Found as represented; mall and largo farms all over the Northwest. If you want a cholco farm of any kind, good value and a square deal, see F. FUCHS. 221',, Morrison St. FREE to homeeeekers !7x22 Rand, McNally pocket map of Iduho, also irrigation map and official reports on U. S. Government reclama tion project. Call on Mair & Prall, 2 Lum bermen', bldg. 240-ACRE farm - &f-0 apple trees on place; 412 Marquam. ' $25 per acre. 100 acres alfalfa land, easily Irrigated, John Day River. 41U Marquam. SIX and five-acre tracts. Reasonable. By owner. 207 Mohawk bldg. HOMESTEADS. HOMESTEADS AWAITING SETTLERS. FREE LANDS IN OREGON. The last opportunliy to get a slice of Uncle Sam's domain Just for the taking and a small location f-e. 13. S. COOK A CO.. 503 Corbett Bldg. $51-41 160 ACRES, In Clackamas; house and . barn. 15 acies Improved, 2 h- miles to town, worth $ooo when Improved. i"all. write or phone Main 7005. Enstern A Western Realty Exchange. 14.".V First st.. room 10. HOMESTEADS FOR THE HOMELESS. Will locate you on eon,, of the finest land in Central Oregon:" fee $50. Call or addresa 1134 E. 2rtth St.. N. Take Albtrta car. f WE tan locate you on 320 acres dry Tann ing land. Eastern or.Kon; representative or ground. Call at office for particulars. Oliver & Havlland, 416 Lupibermens bldg. FARMS WANTED. 10 TO 30 acres under cultivation; house and barn; within 10 miles or J'orilana; low land preferred; leatw. with privilege of buying if euited. N 430, Oregonian. WANTED Partially Improved ranch; state absolutely best oner, terms, c v. .rl., J 10ih st. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Largo tract timber land, suitable for cordwood;. mu.t be near I'ortiana. on railroad. N 433. Oregonian. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and liars. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons, to rent by month or year: we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes. day. week, or month. Phones E.st 72. li l.".1. Haw thorne Stables. 420 - Hawthorne ave. BUGGIES, harness and wagons at cut prices. goon, guaranteed, wen-Known Duggies at 157.50; big sales and small pronls. Tha second largest stock of goods in Portland. C. L. Boas & Co.. 320-328 E. Morrison bt. FOR SALE Some well-matched teams, also some good single norton, some gooa rancn teams. Call al camp wagon oppotslto Ful ton Grocery Store. ' FOR SALE 20 head of all purpose 'horses Just arrived - from California; must be sold at camp wagon opposite Fulton Gro cery Store. WANTED Four teams for fresno, work. $0 a dr.y. team ana teamsters; iico mauiu. Phone Woodlawn 1021; Address 1)78 E. 2th St. N. FOR SALE CHEAP 1 team of black dralt borons, I mare and I r."r.e, ago 4 ana a years, weight 30OO. 144 East Second 81. N. YEAR-OLD team, 2400 INs. ; fine pullera, good walkers; no blemishes; cheap. 27 Pet tygrove. Main 6KI7. HUBERT A HALL. 3S0 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles; iow rates on-ousiness rigs. HORSES, mares. rigs and narness 2i4 Montgomery. klnus for sale. Antomoblfes. NEW LO-paseenger automobile, complete. suitable for stage lino or signt-sreing purposes. Auto Garage & Machine Works, 531 Alder st. FOR SALE 60-hoisepower Thomas Flyer, JOOR. in perfect condition and tuny equipped. The price Is right for a quick sale. P 437, Oregonian. PASSENGER. 40-horse auto, best of re pair, cash or may trade. 403 Couoh bldg. l'lunoa. SCHUBERT piano, perfect condition, cost $500, win sell for S175 casn. cnioa Dent ists. First and Morrison. GOOD piano wanted by responsible party ror u monins or year, fiione laoor -limi. FINE- Hallet & Davia piano to rent. 453 Morrison, cor. 13th. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Set Ivory billiard ba!!t: also Cen tury Dictionary and tncyelorecaa. Pftcae A 1019, or addsss AD 422, Or.gcnian. FOR SALE New furniture nf four-room flat cheap. Call 179tt Grten ave., near 23d and Washington t. ANGORA kittens, pedigree, very handsome. only $12.30. pnone jiain 27H. $30 TAKES a No. a Oliver typewriter in A-l condition. B 2120. FOR SALE Neat houseboat, r looms. $250. Fhone Exchange iV. FOR SALE! Steamer Star. Inquire Star Stand Co., office room 2ul Hoard oc Trade bldg. H3 107.2