Store Will Open Saturday at 8 A. M. Closed From 10 A. M. to 12 Noon Then Open Till 9:30 P. M. xjrr .77 j7 JTJ) J7 n npjCL Extra Bargain Prices That Spell a VVBICOTHKB lO JrTeSiUem 1 Utt Warm Welcome to Our Customers TAFT SOUVENIR BADGES FREE Handsome Mementos of the President's Visit Ask forOne New Fall Suitings Special98c Yard Over 1800 yards of the newest and most ad mired Fall suitings, in many colorings Q Q n and patterns; special the yard, only. . UUU Store Closes at 10 o'Clock Sharp In order that our employes may see the President and the parade, our store will close for two hoars and you must plan your shopping so that you can come before or after that time and there are many bargains that should be snapped up early in the morning. Closed from 10 to 12. Big Stock Child's Coats do v.. 'J. Woolen dresses for school wear, made of good quality serge in navy, PQ cardinal or brown; ages 6 to 14 years, special Saturday at only . .uJiUu BOYS' KNICKERBOCKER SUITS, in dark wool mixtures, aces 2 to 6 OM fln years. Special values for Saturday's selling at, the suit, $3.48 and gliJU Bath Robes at $2.95 Bought from a large manufacturer at a Fast black lisle taffeta, with tape edge; good strong frame nn and neat handles ; strictly rainproof; values to $1.75, at. . .0 I lUU REBATE FIE IS PI Southern Pacific Admits Unin tentional Violation. OTHER CASES DISMISSED Attorney Pleads Refund Was Made Inadvertently on Shipments of California Products of the Soil. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 1. Th Southern Pacific Railroad pleaded guil ty today In the United States District Court, to Teb&trn? and was fined $1000 by Judge OUn Wellborn. Through At torney C. M. Durbrow. of San Francis co, the company entered a plea of tech. nlcal and unlntentlal guilt. The max imum penalty would have been J10.000. The counts in the Indictment on which the fines were Imposed were the cases in which the Southern Pacific had granted rebates to the Penn Fruit Company and the Harrls-Newmark Company. Concerning the Penn Fruit Company rebate. Attorney Durbrow said: "This company shipped oranges from Arlington to Riverside over the Santa V and from Riverside the fruit was f-arrled to its final destination in the Kast by the Southern Pacific "Because it had been the custom of This store is headquarters for children's wear of all sorts. In coats for little ladies of 6 to 14 3-ears, there '8 no establishment hereabouts carries one fourth the assortment we do; prove this assertion for yourself. Bring the little miss in and let her try on some of our coats. You see how they fit and how well they look, then note the low prices. That will settle it. You'll be a regular customer in this department. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S COATS, ages 6 to 14 years, come in plain colors and fancy effects, well made and very stylish, a value that at- QQ tracts all who see them, special Saturday. .0 11 30 WOMEN'S WAISTS, in tailored linen styles or Pretty, lingerie waists that are worth up to $4.00 in many patterns and all sizes, regular 04 QQ values to $4.00, special for Saturday at. .0 I wU Girls9 Dresses $3.69 fraction of the usual price, and we'll make a new bargain record with the . values well give while they last. Cap tured a lot of 300 in this buy, and should sell them all Saturday. They are blan ket robes in various colors and pat terns; good long ones, full sizs and nicely finished with cord to match. In fact, they are splendid bathrobes to sell at $5.00, but as we bought them so we '11 sell them, and Portland men may lounge round their rooms in greatest comfort for little cost; regular $5.00 QO QC val; special at this low price. . OZi uu Splendid Umbrellas $1.75 Values $1.00 the Southern Pacific to make a half rate charge on shipments of fruit and other products of the soli between local points In California, the request for re fund on these shipments was granted and the law was violated Inadvertent ly " All other counts in the indictment and other charges were dismissed at the request of the attorney for the com pany and on motion of tscar Lawler, Assistant Attorney-General of the United' States. The indictment dismissed by the Government was one in which rice, wine and tapioca flour had been Im ported from Hongkong to San Francis co by the Pacific Mall liners and brought to Los Angeles over the South ern Pacific road. It was contended that the rate between San Francisco and Los Angeles was local, and therefore there had been no violation of the law. BAD CHECK BLOCKS LOVE Ex-Captain in Trouble Over Affinity and forgery. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 1. S. K. Flti hugh. formerly an Army Captain and lately a constructing engineer for the Warren Improvement Company, was ar rested here yesterday on the charge of having forged the name of vjeorge Chad wick, of the firm of Chadwick & Sykes, to a check for $500. Sibyl Speers, a 16-year-old uirl. who had attempte- to pass the forged check at the Crocker National Bank, was instru mental in the arrest of Fitzhugh. 9he declared that she had met him iit a mat rimonial bureau In Oakland, that he had posed as a rich man. used the name of George Chadwick. courted har. premised to marry her and had given her the chock t purchase a trousseau. The prisoner said his arrest 'vas a mis t:iko. and that he had never had any dec lings with Miss Speers. He stated thnt he had a wife and two children In Alf-n.eda, Cal., and that he was formerly a Captain in the Thirty-sixth JJnited states Infantry. . Saturday, Qlds W $1.50 Kid Gloves 95c$2 Veils $1.48 $1.75 GLOVES $1.39 PAIR Women's black or assorted colors, in eluding tans, browns, navys and white; splendid quality kid. Regular $1.75 0 values for DoubleRibbon Sale A rousing special offered in the ribbon department two bar gain prices that mean mighty sav ings on good quality ribbons, they're in plain taffetas, moires, moire taffetas, satin taffetas and fancy silks; widths run from 3 to 6 inches. Lot 1 contains values up to 65c the j'ard for only Southern Pacific Engineers - Completing Work. FIND OPEN WINTER PASS Head of Corps Says Road Could Bo Connected With Oregon Short I.lne via Lakevlew With- out Snowsheds. CHICO, Cal., Oct. 1. (Special.) En gineer E. E. Cooper, of the Southern Pa cific Company, and his corps of surveyors have, after several months' work, brought th preliminary survey for the Goose Lake Southern Railroad to a point near Vina and headquarters have been established in that town for the comple tion of the work, which will take two weeks. Cooper says the route surveyed from Lakeview, via Alturas, and down Deer Creek, to an open Winter pass, offering no serious obstacles for construction or operation. It could be built on from Lakeview to connect with .the Oregon Short Line with little difficult engineer work and without snowsheds. The route for this road has been offi cially approved and located from Lake view to Eagle Lake, In Lassen County. Engineer Cooper's outfit consist of 35 2!)R SURVEY n Children's Day ?-w "v ,: v.- -v s.'5 i: -lsi!,a , srs :s: s tm-:iiw:miimii:-, -sas Lirtiirira'ii'atfi mmr i 11 immwn 1 --iiiniiiihw wmn-Tiiinatfrttitrti Women's Dent style Cape gloves in shades of Prix seam; fine soft cape. Regular values the pair, at .' WOMEN'S AUTOMOBILE VEILS or scarfs 2 or 2i2 yards long. Regular $2 values, sale Saturday at this very low price $1.25 FLOUNCINGS AT 59c 2-clasp kid gloves in Swiss or nainsook skirt nounc, neat designs, open work patterns, 27 inches wide, su perb quality. Selling regular ly at up to $1.25 the yard, for sale at this low CQ price of , u3u S1.39 35c Neckwear 19c Lace stock collars, jabots, croat stocks and novelty neckwear. Worth to 35c each, at iQn only 13b RUCHINGS in neck lengths, white, black, light blue, pink and two-tone effects. Regular' price 10c the length, for 5c sale at men, 20 pack animals' and two four-horse mountain wagons. BOND TIMBER FOR CAPITAL Loan of $1,500,060 la Made on California Forests. ALTURAS, Cal., Oct. 1. (Special.) . Thomas B. Walker, Minnesota timber land king, who owns hundreds of thou sands of acres of fine timber in Northern California, has deeded 187,000 acres in Shasta and Modoc counties to bis Red River Lumber Company and that con cern has given a deed of trust to the same property to the Minnesota Land & Trust Company, to secure a bond issue of $1,500,000, which sum Is to be used in funding debts of the company and build ing great mills and factories to convert timber into merchantable products and railroads to haul them to mam lines. Documents covering these transactions have Just been filed here. It la believed here that the extension of the McCloud River Railroad into this county through Walker's holdings is part of the plans to open these forests. This lino is now but eight miles from what will be its Junction with the Klamath FaUs-Alturas Railway, which connects with the projected Goose Lake Southern road, both of which are to pen etrate Walker'B tlmberand connect with Southern Pacific main lines. Calhoun's Trial Continued. SAN FRANCISCO,. Oct 1 The trial of Patrick Calhoun on a charge of having offered a bribe to a Supervisor was con tinued today untU November 16, at the re quest of the defense. General Whittlesey Dies. WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. General E. Whittlesey, for 25 years secretary of the Board of Indian Commissioners, died here yesterday, aged 88 years. He was a na tive of New Britain. Conn. A caterpillar each'month eats food weigh ing 6000 times Its own weight. - ' - '" ' I ' .... U .iy.Bt Vdm. I Open from 12 Noon Till 9:30 Evening All clerks will be back in their places and ready to serve you at 12 o'clock. We know that there will be a rush to take advantage of the many good specials offered, so we wdl be prepared for you. From 12, there will be no let up in swift selling till we close in the evening. tan, all sizes; to $1.50 QCp of silk mull, on OA AO vD I i"U A Hover Laces 98c 45-inch nets and all-over laces in white, ecru or cream, decidedly simerior for slips, yokes, etc. Values up to $2 the yard, at 98c WOMEN'S BELTS in black elas tic fitted with good buckles in large assortment. Values 29c to 50c for UPTON COVETS CUP Sir Thomas Would Challenge on Own Terms. OBJECTS TO OCEAN TRIP Says He Will Not Sail Marine Freak Across Atlantic to Race Against Another Skimming Dish Created In America. NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Joseph Garrett son, managing editor .of the Cincinnati Times-Star, who was among the passen gers to arrive on the steamer Maure tania last night, brought word from Sir Thomas Lipton that he would sail from England for New York October 9, to made a tour of the country and to issue a challenge to the New York Yacht Club., Referring to his plans. Sir Thomas, according to Mr. Garrettson, said: I will race for the cup if I am per mitted to do so on even terms. But I will not engage to sail a marine freak across the ocean to compete against a skimming dish. "When the Shamrock crossed the ocean she came within an ace of sinking with all hands and I shall never ask another man to subject his life to such useless Sir Thomas said that he hoped the New York Yacht Club would permit a race A Goodly Host of Bargains Black Dress Goods Saturday 98c Yard Regular $1.25 quality, 'and the correct weight and weave for latest Fall suit- QOn insrs: snecial Saturday, at. the yard.. 00 U Child's Shoes $1.35 Up Thousands of parents know the superiority of our "Friend Maker" line of shoes for children, but to make them better acquainted, and introduce them to still more we make special prices on them for Saturday. They come in 11 styles, in the heavy leathers for hard wear, and in lighter for dressy use. All sizes and widths, at one scale of prices. Take advantage of this rare opportunity. Sizes 5 to 8, worth $1.49 at this low price $1.35 Sizes 8Y2 to 11, $1.79 value, at this price. .$1.60 Sizes liy2 to 3, worth $2.19, at this price. .$1.85 Sizes 2 to 7, worth $2.69, at this low price. $2.19 OUR "FEEL EASY" SHOES for Children are the best made and best finished shoes on the mar ket. For little folks from 2 to 7 years of age, it has always been hard to get shoes that would give service yet not be stiff and uncomfortable. The happy medium is reached in the "Feel Easy." Sizes 3 to 8 at $1.75 Sizes 8ft to 11 at $2.00 Girls' Sweaters for $1.48 These sweaters look well and bring much comfort; come in gray, white or navy blue, or cardinal; all sizes; regular $2.00 tfjl RQ values, on sale at the exceptionally low price of, each . . . U I iTU $2.75 values,- $1.97 $3.50 values, $2.68 $3.75 values, $2.87 45c Underwear at 29c Fleece-lined pants and vests, in medium weight cotton; vests high neck and long sleeved; pants ankle length; sizes 4, 5 and 6; reg ular values -up to 45c; spe- OQp cial for this sale at only.. Zuu Women's Union Suits, high lit it long sleeve, amne lengtn; sizes and 5 only; regular $1.25 PQp values only; special at ... UUU Misses' Merode Union Suits, Winter weight, all sizes; regular prices, according to age, up your choice oi any size tor this low price Women's Hose, plain black cot ton, colored cotton, lace boot, and black with embroidered in step. Values to 35c the lp pair, choice at I I U Women's Hose, in plain mer- cerized lisle, black, navy, gray, cardinal and Copen- nQn Values to 65c pr. under conditions he would suggest. Mem , ktw York Yacht Club, dis cussing this report tonight, made it clear that there has been no change of senti ment in the club since a similar proposi tion c the Irish Baronet was rejected two years ago, and that the club still holds that the famous trophy stands for maximum speed on the required water line length. ' It was pointed out that gossip regard ing challenges for the America's cup. especially by friends of Sir Thomas, are perennial at this season of the year, as under the rules, challenges must be made before November 1. in order to comply with the ten months' rule allowed to build a defender. Would Make Ills Own Rules. LONDON, Oct. 2. Sir Thomas Lipton, who. will Bail this month for New York, said in an Interview tonight that his Remedies are Needed Were we perfect, whioh we are not, medicines would not often be needed. But ince our systems have be come weakened, impaired and broken down through indiscretions which have gone on from the early ages, through countless' generations, remedies an needed to aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise acquired weaknesses. To reach the seat of stomach weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is .i j I ri- p:..a CllAn MHial Discov noimag v gw 1 . " ery, a glyceric compound, extracted from native medic- inal roots sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users, ror Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Stomach after eating. Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal Derangements, tne tnscovery is a The genuine has on Its' outside wrapper the Signature You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alcoholic, medicine of known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. V neck, ii ... j fa to $1; 39c Children's Hose, including heavy weight for boys and light weight for misses. The best values for this price in 1 Cp Portland; special I UU Boys ' Underwear, medium weight, ribbed cotton, shirts and drawers, sizes 24 to QQ 34. Values to 65c at Ouu position In regard to a further attempt to lift the America s cup had not changed. "I am always ready," said Sir Thomas, "to challenge with any slzo boat they like, and under the so-called universal rules now existing In the New York Yacht Club and all the other clubs In America: but I am unwilling to chal lenge under the rules of 36 years ago. which now are not used In any racea In America." Hitchcock to Rejoin Taft. S.VLT LAKE, Oct. 1. Postmaster-General Hitchcock, who came here today en route to Los Angeles, after an extended Journey through the Northwest, an nounced that he would Join Mr. Taft October 11 and accompany him through the remainder of his trip. Mr. Hitch cock departed for California tonight. iime - pnjycu im mui