Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 25, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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The Best Suit at $22.50 You Ever Laid Eyes On-In Other Stores 'Ttvould Cost $35 or More See Them
Jewelry and Watch Repairing Agents Roy al Worcester, Bon Ton, Adjusto and Howd&LeBeau Corsets
argams tor
Children s DayG
rowhuDs9 'Needs T
Two Ribbon Specials
Lot 1 Taffeta, Rib
bon, heavy weight
silk, in all colors, for
hair bows; a regular
45c grade; special
sale price, OQp
the yard Zuu
Lot 2 Moire Taf
feta Ribbon and fan
cy Ribbons, in large
assortment of styles ;
values np to 3oc.the
yard; on spe- IQp
cial sale at I ub
There's Something Listed for Every Member of the Family and Savings
of the Best Sort Are Represented Here-Open 7V 9:30 P. M. Saturday
Olds, Wot
TwoNeckwe'r Specials
Lot one is made up
of jabots, rabats,
stock collars and Ve-nise-
lace, Dutch col
lars, regularly worth
35c each, good
.styles, too
Lot two is niching in 3-
yard lengths. Cord top,
tourist ruching, 1 On
worth 20c box at. . .1 Zu
White tourist ruching,
regularly worth 15c
the box, on sale at. .
Children s Sweaters fZu $1.48
Unequaled values obtain today in the
brightest andbest children's department
in the Northwest. Mothers who want to
saye and who care for best styles and
clean new merchandise will soon have the
hafyit of shopping here exclusively.
THE SWEATERS are in white,-gray or cardinal,
and for little folks from 6 to 14 years of age.
Four grades are" specialized, the regu- 04 MQ
lar $2 quality selling today for 0 ' iiO
Regular $2.75 quality, Regular $3.50 quality,
special for Q1 QQ special for PO C7
Saturday ...... 0 I 3 0 Saturday 01 1 0 1
GIRLS' DRESSES, Winter styles in plain or fancy
materials, neatly finished, ages 6 to 14 on ny
years, special today at this low price OZiOl
GALATEA AND REP DRESSES, for girls from 6
to 14 years of age, dark or light color- OA flfl
higs. good values at $1.25 to.. &4iUU
CHILDREN'S COATS, ages 1 to 6 years, all new
Winter styles, and all the latest ma- CM C ftto
4 II:
It i I i.
T nv
terials, priced at $2.75 to.
Hair Bolls, full
length, sanitary net
covered, large fluffy
rolls, worth 40c, OCp
special N fcUu
Hair Barrettes, large
assortment, shell, am
ber.' or jet, regular
50o values, spo- OCn
cial at
Bone Hair Pins,
straight or crimped, 6
or 12 on card, regular
25c cards 1
for '
Hair Nets, of human
hair, all shades, 1 Cn
2oc values for..,JU
Listerine Tooth Pow
der, 25c jgQ
size 1
Woodbury's Facial
Cream, 2,"o 1 7f
value 1 ' u
Hazeline Snow, .for
chapped hands, etc.,
worth 50e, 9 Op
Doilies at 10c
Friday Economy Special
in the Art Department.
Crocheted Doilies, in 6, 9,
12 and 15-inch sizes; regu
larly priced from 15c to
75c each ;
spct-ial. . .
V3 Less
Nightgowns at 69c
Women's . Nightgowns, of
soft, fleecy, warm outing
flannel, in neat striped pat
terns, extra long and wide;
well tailored; the best gown
made for cool weather at this
price. Be prepared for cooler
nights; have two or three of
these gowns to wear; CQp
special at Ouu
Vhite Lace Curtains, in
Brussels effect; full size,
neat patterns; regular
$1.75 values; 4th v Q1 1 fl
Floor, at 0 1 1 1 U
Reg $1.35 values at 90
$2 Gloves $1.48
We made arrangements with
the Alexandria factory in
France to. supply lis with a spe
cial line of suede and glace kid
gloves that we could sell at a
lower than regular price.1 The
Alexandria gloves always give
perfect satisfaction. ' This lot
comes in large range of colors,
all sizes, and in suede and glace
finish, and they're grades that
sell regularly up to $2.00 and
$2.25 the pair; at spe- AQ
cial price, only...- 0 i 0
Men 's $1-25 Shirts 65c
A striking special in the Sixth
Street Men's Furnishing Shop
for Saturday. Shirts made of
good fast color materials in
wanted shades and patterns
and the correct styles for this
season's wear. Shirts that fa
vorably impress fastidious men.
A lot 500 dozen, light or dark
iolnrs: cuffs separate or at
tached : sizes 14 to 18
values up to $1.25, today.
en s
Small Sizes
Shoes $1.00
They are sample shoes the most
carefully made shoes that leave the
factory but sample shoes show off
to better advantage in the small sizes
and narrow widths these are show t
shoes. The most of the sample shoes
are worth $3.50; some of them are
worth more. Then we add a large
number of small sizes and narrow
widths from regular stock, broken
lots; worth up to $6 pr., special .,.$1
Childs ' Shoes at $1.35 Up
"FRIEND MAKER" SHOES FOR CHILDREN, at special prices'and seven styles
to choose from. They are the best made, best wearing and are all round the best
looking and most comfortable shoe to be had for the money. Button or lace, dongola
kid or calf; light, heavy or medium soles. All priced as follows, according to size :
Sizes 5 to 8, the pair $1.35
'Sizes 8y2 to 11, pair $1.60
Sizes 1114 to 2, pair $1.S5
Sizes 212 to 7, pair. '. . . .$2.39
WOMEN'S FUR TRIMMED JULD3TS, and slippers in gray, red, black and brown, all sizes, qq
regular$1.50 grades; these are offered at the exceptionally low price of J Jll
ft ST".
.--- : !..;';. -.1
Children s Coats Special at $4.98 Ea.
. ' ' .
Women's $10 Silk Waists at $3.85
This line of children's coats comes in plain colored cheviots,
the best shades of the season, or in fancy plaids, stripes
and mixtures. For girls from 6 to 14 years of age, and
decidedly stylish garments they are.
Special for today in the suit dept. at P.rrKJ
Mothers do not by any means overlook our superb as
sortment of children's coats. Better this season than ever
before, and even lower priced than former seasons. Let
the style center of the Northwest supply the smart things
that your daughter wears, too. ,
WOMEN'S SILK WAISTS A lot of 300, in good styles,
plain tailored or trimmed styles and in black or colors, also
in white and cream. Messaline or .taffeta silk, also laces
and nets. Handsome assortment of styles and all OO OK
sizes. Regular values up to $20, special today . . . 3Q 1 0 J
Blankets $135
Fleeced Blankets, in plain
gray, extra large size and
good weight ; blankets
that sell regularly at $2.00
the-pair, and they're good
value at that; Pi QC
reduced to W 1 1 00
A Sale of Petticoats
Plain colors, stripes or moire
effects, in black, navy, gray
or green. There are many
different styles of finish, and
they come in the "Klosfit"
or "Anna Held" tops. Also
with drawstring tops. Priced
at $1.25
Comforts $l3S
Covered with figured silk
oline, filled -with fine
white cotton and yarn
tied; light and warm; de
cidedly fine' quilts ; $2.00
values; special, Qr'
on 4th floor. . ...01 iwO
ware Bread Trays, regular
ly -worth $2.25. spe
cial at Sjil.oO
Bread Trays, regular
ly worth $3.75 each,
special at. . . $2.75
Fern Dishes, regular
$2 values at $1.40
Dessert Sugar and
Creamer, regularly $3
a set, special. jjSl.03
$2.00 Bon Bon Dishes,
special. $1.50
$7.50 Nnt Bowls,
only $5.0v
$4.50 Bntter Dishes
only $3.25
$6.75 Fruit Bowls,
only $5.35
3- piece Tea Sets,
sugar and creamer
and spoonholdei reg
ular $9.25 value,
only $7.25
4- piece Tea Sets,
sugar, creamer
spoonholder and tea
pot, regular $12.25
value, at $9.75
Women's Underwear Sale
Specially Priced for Saturday
A whole aisle full of bargains in the Hosiery and Underwear Depts.
Women's Vests and Pants, vests high neck and long sleeves; pants
ankle length, light weight, fleece lined; sell regularly at 45c the
garment; special at the very low price of only.
Misses' Union Suits Merode make, all
sizes from 1 to 8. A special lot, regu
larly worth to $1 a garment, according
to size, your choice of any garment QQp
in the lot for the low price of OwU
Misses' Underwear Finest elastic ribbed
pants and vests; all sizes from 1 to 8,
high neck, long sleeve vests; ankle length
pants. Regular values up to 75c QQp
the garment: special ,.. Owu
Children's 20c Hose, 11c Pr. Rough and
tumble hose for boys and misses," fast
black, seamless, with spliced heels and
toes and double knees. Regularly priced
at 20c the rair; selling today- at 14
the low price of. III
Women's Winter Weight Fleeced Pants
and Vests, high neck, long sleeved vests;
pants ankle length. Regularly priced at
75c the garment ; for today s sell
ing, at the low price of,
3 Pair Hose for $1.38 A special showing
f women's fastblack hose, medium or
heavy weight hose that challenges com
petition at 25c the pair ; today ,fl4 QQ
half dozen pair,for only OliwO
Exclusive Agents Merode Underw'ar
This superb make of hand-finished Under
wear for women, misses and children is to
be found only here. No other store in Port
land can supply you. See immense stock in
knit goods aisle.
Hi Iff IjT
. The, minshields offered for this
week are for men or women and
are the best for the money ever
brought to Portland. We've made
good on our ."ONE-TWENTY-NINE
SPECIAL," and this lot is
a rare example of the quality.
Paragon frames, Usje or serge cov
ers, neat handles in Ebony Mis
sion ; not to be equaled at . $1.29
Boys' and Girls' Umbrellas, with
lock or hook handles that .hang
over hooks in school rooms ; fast
color; regular . 75c values, special
at ....4S?
Odd-Piece Embroideries
Resular 20c Values 10c Yard
Hundreds of odd pieces, short lengths and parts of sets from our em
broidery stock on sale at about half price. In going through our as
sortment of embroideries we found immense quantities that must be
sold at once. Swiss, nainsook or cambric materials, edges and inser
tions; .widths from 1 to 4 inches, and values up to 20c the yard.
Your choice for today only at the remarkably low price of
Women's Handkerchiefs, with machine
made Armenian lace edge ; fine Swiss
materials or all linen. Special 3 1 7n
for 50, or, each I lU
Special bargain display of Handker
chiefs Saturday. , The handkerchief
counter is covered with a display of two
big lots. One lot regularly worth 5c
each, at 35 the dozen, or each 3
One lot regularly priced at 12c each. .7
Silk Mull Scarfs in all the leading shades
for head drapes, shoulder throws, etc.;
75c values, at the low price of . .48
25c Wash Ribbons 15c
Suitable for trimming underwear or
fancy work; all light shades; regular
price 25c piece of 10 yds. Special. .15
See the magnificent display and assort
ment of imported and American Trim
mings in newest fancy for Fall. Mesh
nets embroidered in old silver, old gold,
gunmetal, etc. Colored trimmings and a
host of new novelties, and all low priced.
Excursion Party Lost After Collision
on Hudson.
NEW YORK. Sept. 24. A 33-foot
launch containing a woman and three
or four men was run down by a tugboat
In th Hudaon River, oppoaita Ninety
second etreet, before daylight today, and
it is believed that all the occupants in
the launch were drowned.
The launch, named the Madegar, was
one of scores of such vessels which have
been constantly flitting about the Amer
ican and foreign warships in the river.
Incident to the Hudson-Fulton celebra
tion. It is believed that the occupants
of the launch had been visiting on board
one of the American battleships and were
returning to shore when the Madegar
was struck by the tug. The launch was
not overturned and was barely scratched.
but it is believed panic seized the woman
and her men companions and in the ex
citement they feaped overboard.
One of the French battleships turned
its searchlights on the scene of the col
lision and several other vessels put out
their rescuing crews in small boats, who
searched the vicinity, but none of the
missing persons was found. A strong
ebb tide was running, and it Is believed
they were carried down the river.
The identity of the Madegar's owner
is not- known, and there Is nothing on
board the launch which would lead to
the immediate Identity of any o( its oc
cupants, although a woman's tailored
dress and silk coat Indicated to the
police that they were persons of means.
"Can be depended upon" is an expres
sion we all like to hear, and when it is
ued in connection with Chamberlain's
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it
means that it never fails to cure diar
rhoea, dvsentery or bowel complaints.
It la pleasant to take and equaUy valu
able for children and adults.
Prohibitionists Celebrate 4 0th Anni
versary in Chicago.
CHICAGO, Sept 24. The policy of the
Prohibition party In the National cam
paign of 1911, and possibly the Presiden
tial candidate will be tentatively deter
mined' today by the scores of party lead
ers who are In Chicago to celebrate the
40th anniversary of the founding of the
built on the site of Farwell Hall, in which
the party was organized in 1869. .
Notable members of the party, Includ
ing former candidates for the Presidency
and Vice-Presidency, are in attendance,
and it is asserted that the gathering will
be .tantamount to a national convention
in point of attendance of men who direct
the affairs of the party.
It is said ithat a movement is on foot
to have adopted a rcrugh draft of a 1912
platform which would deal with current
conditions politically, tariff and other
things, as well as the basic principle of
the abolishing legalized liquor traffic.
Among those here are: John Russell,
aged 87, temporary chairman of the first
convention and Prohibition Vice-Presidential
candidate In 1872. who arrived
from Boston yesterday, and John P. St.
John, of Kansas, 76 years old, who was
the Presidential candidate in 18S4.
What Pensioners Draw.
ington, Sept. 24. The annual report of
"the Commissioner of Pens'ons shows that
on June 30, last, there were 7881 pen
sioners in Oregon drawing $1,280,731 an
nually from the Government; 11,017 in
Washington, drawing $1,780,413, and 2393
In Idaho drawing $292,709.
If anything la wrong with your skin, try
fSantlseptie lotion th result wUl surprise
you. Any drugstore can supply it-
Grants Pass Will Use New Transpor
' tatlon Method.
GRANTS PASS, Or., Sept. 24. (Special.)
The ponderous traction engine and its
train of lumber trucks recently purchased
by Spalding Bros, to convey lumber from
Love's Station, 12 miles south of here,
made its trial trip yesterday in good
shape, and brought to the local mills 40,
000 feet of different cuts of lumber. This
amount will be increased as soon as the
road is put into shape. As the outfit
takes a track about- ten feet wide, It is
necessary to have regular stations, and a
person in advance to notify others of its
The outfit created considerable excite
ment as the heavy machine poked its
nose up the main thoroughfare, and
horses that were used to the automobile
1 r.r r.A rt thalr Anm flnri ffRVfl the thing
.a wide berth as it approached them.
The innovation of traction engines will
not displace the hauling of lumber with
teams, but it means that the mills are
increasing the output of sugar pine, and
that men and teams cannot be found to
haul with at this time of- year. It is re
ported that the owners will save on each
trip about tm. The engine travels at
the rate of three and four miles an hour.
Groom Finds Proof of Bigamy in HU
Bride's Trunk.
KANSAS CITY, Sept, 24. When he
found four marriage certificates In his
wife's trunk, Frederick Chapman, of this
city, who believed he had married an un
sophieUcated country girl, investigated
further and discovered what he consid
ered evidence that Mrs. Chapman had not
oeen aivorcea irom ner last husband.
Chapman confronted hto wife with the
certificates and she confesBed to previous
alliances. He then preferred charges of
bigamy against her and she was arretted
last night.
According to an alleged confession to
the prosecuting attorney, Mrs. Chapman
admitted having boen married to five
men besides Chapman, and said she had
deserted each of them.
Trunks, suitcases and bags. Largest
variety at Harris Trunk Co.
Will tlnri rest and comfort for tired fet If
they will shake Allen's Foot-Ease, an anti
septic powder into their ho before iart
ing out. Over a quarter-mUMon packages nf
this world-famoua preparation were aold
during .the pan-American Exposition , at
Buffalo, and nearly as many at Ht. Leuia,
It cure tired, ahinp;, swollen, perspiring
feet while you walk. U0,Q00 tct imoniala. Gt
a 2JJc package of Allen' poot-Eace teday eC .
any Drusest. Don't accept any aubatUut. i