16 TOE MORXTN'G OKEGOyiAX, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909. . Aotomoonrs. I AUTO BJLROAINS. Chalmers-Detroit, forty, roadster, used three montnu. practically new, original price $.-iooo our price $2500. Orient runabout. $44'o. Moon touring oar. $12.'.0. Pope-Toiedo touring car, Caolllac. single cylinder. $3.V. See these cars. thy must be sold; no REASONABLE OFFERS REFI'SKU COVEY MOTOR CAK CO. 3&417 O-If. p. 6-pasenger White Meant car, with top and curtains, apeedometer. Rum more gas lamps and automatic generator, trunk rack, two near tires and tools: car repainted and pood as new; 105U. C. M. Hess. Goldendale. Wash. WANTED Second-hand piano: must ba good condition and low price. M 382. eiregonian. jimi and $1' per month buys a rK-h-tonel Martin p.jnn: oak rase. In excei.ent c inCltlon. Evanav 72 5th st. - 13 CERTIFICATE on Kllera Fiano Houae. aood until Sept. 21. Mr. Darling. Phone m. CAN aell your piano: send description at once. X IS3. Oregonian. BECKER FIANO. ' $250 cash. Phone Main M lare Uaneooa. SPECIAL OFFER we have 100 " hand sewing marhinca that must be sold tnls week regardless of price to make room tor carload : 40 drop-head, all makes. White. New Home. Singer. Wheeler A Wilson. Domestic and Standaru. Do not forget the place White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washington, cor. inn. H. V. Jor.es. prop. 3 FOR PALE One 3?-H. P. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine. Iltt.e used; also air com pressor ar l air tank. Including three In-iersoll-Sulllvan drills and other fixtures to go with this engine, at great bargain. Apply 6-S Chamber ot Commerce. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 120 to $00. fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals. $J per month. Pacific Stationery ak Ptg. Co., 203 2d at. FOR SA.LE Good American Box Ball Al levs. In good location on Main street; easy terms. Address Sunset Investment Co.. Boise. Idaho. FOR SALE Beet dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover. $13 Vater au Phone Main .4jl. A NEWMtN Moving Picture Exchange rente movlng-plcture machines, nlms. supplies, lowest price. 526 Washington, near litn. FOR SALE 3 fresh cow. one s-gallnn milker; one choice family cow. 14S0 Macadam at. Fulton car to Idaho at. AT $.15 and 140. a specialty of Scotch and English woolens, belwarps. etc. David M. Holbrook. Tailor. 403 Couch bldg. 3-COLT revolver. 22 Winchester rifle. B. A R. telephone. 2 telegraph Instrument, tent and cot. Call up East 4S0S. FRESH family Jersey cow with heifer calf. $63; testa 6 per cent. 178 Weat ave. Call afier 12 o'clock. FOR SALE A good patent, outright or roy alty. Address Box 24. Banks, Or. FIRST-CLASS pool table for sale at 321 North 17th at. BOO BL'SINESS CARPS, $1.35. P.yder Pt. Co., 357 Burnaide at. Main 5538. FOR SALE $125 graphophone at a bargain. 567 Irving. Phone M. 6035. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 6tark at. M. 14U7. TWO Great Dane doga. Beeson. 387 Third at. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men'a cast-off clothing and shoea- we also buy household furnlshlnga; highest prices paid. Call at tha -Fair Deal." 2 3d at. North. Phone Main B272, WANTED Billiard table. 4 "4x0. and aome pool tables. 4x8; price must be reason able. AC 407, Oreuonian. or 10 h. p. marine engine, re Give full particulars. C 404. ver-e gear. Oregoman- SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get lass. Phones A 2445. Mafta 895L EAST SIDE AUCTION JOBBERS. Wanted Sd-hand furniture; pay high-eat price. 4 Grand ave. East lOol. B 2044. I WANT good 12-gauge L. C. Smith. Parker or Winchester shotgun. If reasonable. L 408, OregonLan. WE will pay 30c per share for 1O.O00 shares of Comtiork Golden Gate mining stock. S 404 Oregonian. WANTED Box bowling alley; also good pool tablea Call at 526 Washington, or phone Main 8458. WANTED Two houses painted, 1040 Cleve land ave. WANTED Mediura-slxed diamond earrings and solitaire, cheap. M 4 OS. Oregonian. HIGHEST prices paid for rubbers and met als. J. Lev. 186 Columt ia at. M. alia, SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. HELP WASTED MALE. WANTED First-Class- fish and poultry man; steady position to right man: must have reference. Address W 407. Oregonian. CANDY-MAKER wanted. Bee Mr. Brown, manager Dolly Varden Candy Shop. Mar quam bldg. WANTED Bov with wheel: steady po sition. Apply Sllverfield Co.. Fourth and Morrison at. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; new. swell ofter. Cutoerth. photographer. Dekum bldg. WANTED First-class portrait solicitor. Ask for Mr. Carter. Portland Photo Sup ply Co.. 149 3d. TRAVELING salesman wanted,' handle staple: state experience and age. Rodgers Paper Co . Salem. Or. COOKS and "kitchen helpers headquarters. California Wine Depot. 14 24. Main B300 BOY wanted for delivery purposes. 832 4th street. EXPERIENCED salesman for city. Apply Zig ZiR Candy Co., 184 Matiuton st. WANTED Boy for general work. Hotel Euclid. 18th and Washington. BARHEi! first-class, nonunion steady Job. ,M6W Washington st. BEST offer in the city to live agents. The Huhner Studio. 719 Swetland bldg. BARBER wanted Saturday. Money guarantee. lit 1st St. WANTED Operator, steady and reliable. Cut berth Studio. Dekum bliig. WANTED First-class waiter. Apply at 41 Third St., Peerless saloon. GOOD barber wanted. 112 4th at. Steady Job. PLASTERERS wan'ed at the Glenco school, 4ft Belmont St.; long Job for good man. 25 MEN wanted on Millers ave.. Sellwood. Pacific Contracting Co. REVELER wanted. Pacific Art Glass Works. 151 Front St. BARBER wanted for Saturdays. Ss Burn s.de. EXPERIENCED architectural draftsman. Appiy room 11. 2.1 s Third st. PHOTO COUPON agents, bc-st offer; good money. Davis. 342 Washington st. DISHWASHER wanted. S3 North 18th. corner Davis. BOYS wanted to wrap soap. LuckeL King & Cake Soap Co.. t40 Hood St. BOY over 18 years, to work for Wascher Bros., grocery. 15th and Broadway. YOUNG MAN or boy with some experience setting type. 231 Stark. MATTRESS makers wanted. Washington Mattress Company. Seattle. T E want a man capable of selling. Call 272 Stark. WANTED A good coatmaker. J. S. Jen sen. The Danes. Oregon. HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wages; permanent. 215 Commerc.al block. WE secure positions ror onr members. Special membership. Y. M. C A. TAILOR wanted. 146 Park st. WANTED Derrick men. East Pins and Oak. RED CROPS EMPLOYMENT CO.. 20 North secono. mti Main 52S. . We want today the following men: 3 head failer.. $3.23; 3 second fallers. 3; o buck'rs, $3; 2 chasers. $3; 3 rig ru-itlers. 12.73. 4 millwrights. ?4. new work. 2 brkklayers. union wages, out of town O R N Co. work east. 20 laborers, (2. board $4.30; free fare, ship 7 A. M. City work: 6 teamsters, 2 23 ; 5 shovel ers. $2.23. ( rienty of other Jobs coming In all the time, call and list your name with usfree of charge. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO.. 20 North Second Street. THREE locomotive firemen, with clearances. Losgers. buckers, rigging sllngers. swlpers. barkers, woods laborers. Chain sllnger. 13 to 12.50; mlllhanda. 12.50; yardmen, $2.25. Man and wife, cook and waitress, coun try hotel. $S0: camp cook. $75 Cook. 175 up; dishwaaher, $o5, country hotel, see pftrty here. Others New Dally. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 2ii N. Second St. WE don't want canvassers or agents; we want salesmen: we have the best, most sightly property In the city: sidewalks, water, gaa sewer and streetcar are all In now: this'fs first-class property and wc. want about six clafs A salesmen: liberal commissions: automobiles furnished to show property. Ask for Mr. Jones. 200 Chamber of Commerce. r 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade 1st eight weeks, help to secure positions; graduates earn from $13 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write fuV catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, it North 4th st.. Portland, Or. TRAVELING manager, young man. 25 to 30- must be keen and ambitious, with push and business ability: salary 125 per week; unlimited opportunity to advancei must Invest $1000; references exchanged. Address P 393. Oregonian. WANTED Canvassers snd peddlers, country town, to handle greatest money-maker In country; every householder will buy; be ' your own boss; don't pass this ly. Camp bell Sales Co.. 601 li Main St.. Beattle, Wash. WANTED Men and boys at Los Angelea; no expense to learn trade of electricity. plumbing, bricklaying or automobiling by actual work on JoLs in months Instead of . years; catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. ARB YOU A SALESMAN T We can pace two or three live, wide awake salesmen In a position to make $300 to $15"0 per month. See Mr. Mil s. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade tUlg.. 84 Fourth street. POSTOFFICE clerks 'and carriers' examina tion In November. File application with us now for preparation. Good salaries and promotion. Pacific States School, McKay bkig., city. . WANTED Assistant, manager for toy dept. Must be thoroughly experienced In for eign and domestic toys, games, etc.; state experience, references and salary expected. T.ie Emporium. Son Francisco. YOUNG man attention; wanted. partner; must be satisfied with S0 to $100 month profit: small capita required: no canvaselng or soliciting: experience unnecessary. Call 32b Washington St.. room 417. WANTED Reliable man: one who has been successful handling cigar, grocery line, or any specialtv; new plan of working a pop ular proposition. Call 427 Yamhill st. Fri day. 4 to 8 P. M. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Young lady, age 2a or 24 yeire to travel with lady; ex- penses paid; give phone. Address H 815, Oregonian. Y O T M i man. or boy over 38. to learn car pet --business; must be able to furnish good references; wages $tf a week. Ld wards Co.. 1S1 1st. WANTED Good bootblack for hotel lobby; space for two chairs; rent free, for light Janitor service In return. Call 128 North 6th St.. bet. 10 and 12 M. WANTED Medical doctor, registered in Ore gon, to assist me with office practice; an exoellent opportunity for the right man. X , S75. Oregonian. TAILOR to do ladles' work: one who makes collars a specialty. Apply to Mrs. Rich ards, alteration department. Olds, Wort man sx King. Earn $18 to $36 week, -watchmaking, engr g., op tica; learn In few months; psltions furnished or start business without capital. Watchmak ing School, 35 Kearney St., San Francisco. WANTKD Railway mali clerkr. postofflce clerka. carriers; examinations In Portland November 17; preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 423F. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Steady man to check goods, etc.. pay $J5 week now. which can be increased with Interested help; $300 required. Par ticulars room 417 Board of Trade bldg. RELIABLE representative In every city to sell good securities and fruit land; com mission; references. Overland Investment Co.. Board of Trade Bldg., Portland. Or. TO solicit snd clerk in grocery store- must understand care of horses; married man preferred Shaushnessy & Townaond. Ar cher Place. Phone Tabor 644. WANTED Experienced picture man to as sist or mansge framed picture dept.; state experience, references and salary expected. The Emporium,. San Francisco. WANTED Young man for offtoo position, familiar with collection work: address in own handwriting, stating experience and salary expected. Address P. O. box 430. FIRST-CLASS male stenographer and book kper; one with newe-paper exierlence pre ferably. The Tlmberman. 54 Union block, city. TRADE publication wants active news and subscription man: moderate salary and commission; typewriter operator preferred. AK 34. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER WANTED Would prefer sf had some advertising ability also; age be tween 3V and o. Apply Kerr Glass Mfg. Co., 4th and Hoyt at. WANTED An experienced man to dig a well on Columbia Blvd. Immediately. Y 408. Ore gonlan. WANTED Shoemakers, hand lapters and peg gers. Aprly Theo. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. Co., 621 Thurman St., city. MAN to take care of "8 cows snd milk route; references or bonds. 178 West ave., ML Tabor, call after 12. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country, commercial Ab stract Co.. 408 Commercial Club bltlg. WANTED Yc.ung man with Mttle money to show property; am tired of hired help. 225 6th st. GOOD sticker men wanted: also cabinet makers. Apply Union store Fixture Co., East 15th and Powell ats. WANTED Tailor to work on ladles' Jackets; must be experienced. J. K. Stern & Co., 4-tf Washli'.g'.on. WANTED Photo coupon agents; exclusive t&rrltory for two months. Mr. Carter, Portland rhoto Suppiy Co., 149 3d. I WANT a party In my law office to handle real estate and business chances. call Main 3289. A GOOD htwrtling man to sell a staple article; steady employment to right party. 4u2 Wash ington st. WANTED At 624 Msrshall at., a young man to act as Janitor. Call from 1 to 6 P. M. Apply to Janitor. BOOKKEEPER wanted, young, well edu cated and with good references. Address full particulars to AC 4o6, Ofegonlan. WANTED Young lady .to learn, experienced clerk preferred. Cutoerth Photo Studio, De kum bldg. EXPERIENCED advertising or specl-tl edition solicitors always in demand. 6u3 Goodnough bldg. WANTED Setters, trimmer men, off-bearers, etc., for sawmill. Standard Box A Lumber Co. GOOD delivery boy; good chance for ad vancement. Apply Lowengart & Co., 92 Front su WANTED Carpenter to take contract to build 5-room house on Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment Co.. 418 Corbctt bldg. COMPETENT and fast ladies' taitora. ACHESON & CO.. Acheson Bldg.. 14S 5th St. WANTED Machine man to cut for cabinet work; also bench men. Oregon Planing Mills. 19th and Vaughn. WANTED Good, strong boy for city de livery; chance to learn printing trade. Apply room lO. 142 H Second st. BOY about 15, familiar with city, with wheel to deliver and help la store; $9 week. Apply M Front st- BOYS-1R years of age and over. Ames, . Harris, Neville Co., 5th and Davis sts. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. SALEWOMEN Wanted one ex perienced waist saleswoman, one experi enced suit and coat saleswoman. Apply at once. Cleaver & Havellck. 409 Washington street. WANTED competent stenographer. some bookkeeping; salary $12: eive references. - address and telephone numbers. X 407, Oregonian. ' CLERK (lady) for railroad office, must have knowledge of stenography. G 407, Orego nian. COMPETENT and trustworthy second girl, highest wages paid; references required. Phone Tabor 1750. VERY experienced cook and girl for general housework. Call at 493 Hassalo. Phone East a390. WANTED A competent girl for cooking and general housework. Apply at once, i0 Salmon st. SALESLADIES Frst-class, capablo of handling high-Krade cloaks and suits. Acheson & Co. 148 Fifth at. WANTED Lady to address envelopes; must write a good hand; give address and phone number. X 400. Oregonian. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework, wages $.10. Apply, with refer ences. 124 E. 10th St. N., cor. Gllsan. EXPERIENCED Beeond girl; family of two; good wages; city references. 295 West Park. COMPETENT girl for general housework; small famllv; good wages. Apartment 1, 69 North 23d. Main WANT a young girl to help with hosse work; two In family. Apply mornings .01 Hoyt st. WANTED Good practical nurse to care for babv and assist with second work. 662 Myrtle St., Portland Heights. WANTED Experienced cook: must assist with general housework; good wages. 743 Everett st. ' LADY demonstrators for department and drug stores; good pay. 315 Merchants Trust bldg., cor. 6th and Washington. WANTED Competent girl for general house work, three in family, good wages. Apply 210 N. 25th, bet. LoveJoy and, Kearney. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. WANTED Girl to asalst housework; 2 in family. Apply mornings. 305 11th St.; apartment top floor. EXPERIENCED help wanted in ladles' al teration room. K. M. Gray. 4th and Mor rison. WANTED A first-class girl for general housework; good place. Apply 495 Mult nomah st. WANTED A girl for general housework: also an experienced Ironer. call 867 Wash ington st. , WANTED Show girl, good soprano, ex perienced. Apply box office Baker Thea ter, today. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, V .84314 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Experienced operators on over alls: also learners; paid while learning. 75 1st st. WANTED Experienced, competent lady stenographer; state experience and salary expected. N 4U, .Oregonian. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework.- Apply 505 20th st., cor. Myrtle, Portland Heights. i LADY demonstrators for department and drugstores; good pay. SI 6 Merchants Trust bldg., cor. flth and Washington. WANTED Kenned, capable -oTtiat f.-r re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 0 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. TWO attractive lady solicitors, subscription work, salary or commission. Apply room SOfl Chamber of Commerce bldg. t MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 32tfVa Washington St.. Room 307. Main S83S or A 32(16. STENOGRAPHER Neat handwriting, ex perience not necessary; small salary. 231 Stark. WANTED Competent girl to do cooking where second girl is kept; good wages. 669 Everett st. EXPERIENCED help, ladles' tailoring and dressmaking: also millinery apprentice. Moore Trading Co.. 410 Alder. WANTED Girl, about 18 or 17 years of age. for general houBework; no cooking; no washing. Inquire 369 6th st. GIRL for cooking and general housework; no washing: good wages. 1135 Thurman St., Willamette Heights. EXPERIENCED woman for alteration room on Jackets, skirts, etc.; also one who can fit and finish. 171 Third St. EXPERIENCED Dressers on ladles' gar ments; good wages. Vienna Dye Works, 226 3d IL ' STEADY work for first-class Jacket and c.-atworkers. Acheson si Co., 14S 5th st. EXPERIENCED waitress, rant, 129 4th st. Palace Restau- YOUNG girl to assist in general housework. 769 Hancock-st. Phone East 2510. THOROUGH course of millinery taught In 6 weeks; terms reasonable. 415 Airier. GIRL for general housework; no children. 321 6th st, "gIRLS wanted to make shirts and overalls. Apply Mt Hood Factory, 233 Couch su 6KIRTMAKERS Steady work. Acheson Co., 143- Fifth. GIRL to assist with general housework. 747 Gllsan St. GIRL for general housework, small family. Phone Main C313. WANTED A girl to do general housework. Apply at 63 22d st. North. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 440 E. 19th st. North, Irvlngton car. GIRL wanted to sew or press In tailor shop. 146 Park st. WANTED A girl for second work, family of 1. SSI 12th st. GIRL for housework. 1:09 Hawthorne ava., cor. 41st. Tabor 1483. MAID for general housework; 2 In family, 7ST Irving St.. West Side. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, good wages, small family. 435 Market st. COMPETENT woman for general housework; small family. Apply room 525 Medical bl.ig. LADY pianist, one who -can sing preferred. 5267 Washington. Phone Main 8458. A GIRL for cooking and general housework, 4 adults. 500 Taylor st. WANTED 1 waitresses. Sd and Davia Merchant Hotel, EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; good wages. Apply 354 10th at., cor. Mill. WANTED at once, experienced second girl. 7S3 Flanders st. y YOUNG LADY for general office work. Ap ply 504 Commonwealth bldg. FIRST-CLASS nurserymaid: wages $25. St. Louts. 24&te Wash. Main 2039. WANTED A girl for general housework. 394 College st. W ANTED Housekeeper for widower's fam ily. Call after 6 P. M., 641 Thurman Bt. ELDERLY lady as housekeeper; family of i. Apply after 7 P. M. 766 Kerby st. EXPERIENCED cook with city references. Phone Main 5046. WANTED A second' girl for small family of grown people. 570 Hoyt. . TWO lady barbers; no apprentice need apply. - 06 4th st. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave and East Taylor. GIRL to assist with general housework. Apply 706 Flandera st. Torvfl rlrl to assist housework. 17 East fj 16th, or. TamhUL GIRLS 16 vears of age and over to work In factory. Apply at once. Ames, Harris, Neville Co., 5th and Davia sts. OAMP COOK, $45: hotel cook, $45; boarding-house cook, $40. Chambermaid, $9 a week. Young women to pack, currants, $1.50 daValtresses, $9, $S, $7 week; kitchen help. Household help of all kinds. HANSEN'S LA DIES' AGENCY. S43Va Washington St.. Cor. 7th. , COOKS, camp, hotel, boarding-bouse. $40 to $G0; waitreee-, chambermaids, kitchen help ers, cook for private family, out of city, $40; girla. general housework $20 to $36. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Dept. aj6V4 Morrison. JACKET, SKIRT AND GOWN WORKERS. Permanent positions -to thoroughly ex perienced and competent workers. Apply to Mrs. Richards, in charge of alteration department. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly experienced and competent, wanted In a number of our departments; permanent positions to the rlKht persons. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Trustworthy, experienced girl for general housework; German or Swedish girl preferred. Phone East 636S Dr call 85 Grand ave.. N, cor. Hancock. Good wages to right party GIRLS to work in candy and cracker fac tory, good wages, steady employment. Pa cific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers; eteaSy employment. Pacific Coast Biscuit Company. 12th and Davis. WANTED A child's nurse of ability and experience; must possess references as to good character also; wages $30 per mouth. Apply this morning. 730 Hoyt st. GIRL for felling lining, also girl for putting In lining in ladies' coats; must be expe rienced. J. K. Stern & Co., 429 Washing ton. GOOD wages to flrst-clars woman to cook and do general houseworkln small family, Portland Heights. Phone Main 566 and A B5SI. WANTED Girl to assist In general house work; German preferred. Call 300 Park. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. INSURANCE solicitors wanted; men and women. Inquire "Advertiser," Ramapo Hotel, bet. 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. LESSONS In shorthand and Typewriting by Expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3S93. STUDIO Music. German. French. English literature. 452 Morrison. Main 2097. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po sition to A-l Instructors. 514 Shetland bldg. SNITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXECUTIVE- accountant, thoroughly experi enced office management and full account ing practices Is open for engagement as manager auditor or any confidential ca pacity. Position must pay reasonably good salary. Clean record, age 45, Highest refer ences. Will go anywhere on Coast. AB 393, Oregonian. MR. BUSINESS MAN, Investigate. I like Portland and want to locale here; young man, 10 years' business experience am willing to prove my abn It. v. Can I talk to you personally? AD 393.' Oregonian. " FIRST-CLASS man with 15 years' experi ence accountant and office manager for lumber company, desires position with good concern. AB 407, Oregonian. YOUNG man from East, not afraid of work, 4 years' experience In general store, wants position of any kind; references; hustler. AG 396. Oregonian. WINDOW trimmer and card writer open for position, first-class department store; 10 years' experience, G. C. Harbott, 1224V4 Santous St.. Los Angeles. Cal. F; r--T - r I , A : ; bookkeeper, stenographer and correspondent eee-lts- a position; good salary expected; best of reference. Y 405. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED clothing, furnishing goods salesman, with thorough knowledge of dry goods, desires a change; best reference given. T 397, Oregonian. W'ANTKD By experienced accountant, two or three small sets of books to keep even ings. Y 408, Oregonian. I AM a bookkeeper, typewriter and buslneys man, want position; Al references. A 408, Oregonian. BY YOUNG man. with knowledge -f book keeping, office or outside; rc.ssFnces. B 3JJ3. Oregonian. WANT position in reliable wholesale house; shoes preferred. F 395, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED Steady position In auto repair shop of any kind; 2ii years' experience In machine and auto repairing; age 20 years. N 408. Oregonian. POSITION by thoroughly experienced gro cery and general merchandise man. city or country; speaks German. N. 6. Berg. Port land. Or. MAN would like something to do by day or week, until 4 P. M. daily: handy at cP'an infr; willing to do anything; small wages. R 408. Oregonian. LUMBERMEN Man experienced in lumber, wants position as manager of retail yard or as traveling salesman. G 405, Orego nian. ENGINEER that Is Al machinist and elec trician looking for position, well recom mended. E 407. Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE position as Inside watch man by a trustworthy marrltd man. AD 895. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR would like position as driver; speaks English and French; can do own repairing. J 40S. Oregonian. PRINTER Situation on country newspaper. Sober, industrious; thnee years' experience. O 40S, Oregonian. WANTED Positions by mnn and wife; ho tel work preferred; experienced as clerk, N 406, Oregonian. A 15 YEARS' experienced fireman, newcomer from E:ist, good reference, wishes to have a position. Address K 406. Oregonian. JAPANESE, first-class cook, good many years' experience, position In restaurant or hotel. AN SWT. Oregonian. YOUNG man. good teamster, wants work driv ing delivery wagon; wages no object. L 4;ti. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wants care steam plant, janitor or window cleaning; refer ences. Phone East 6077. EXPERIENCED Japanese cook and wife want place in family, city. M 406, Oregoni an. - EXPERIENCED saK-sman wlfthes work, Sat urday afternoon and evening, any line. L 4t9, Oregonian. A YOUNG man. 18 years of age. wants po sition In hotel or department house. W 40S. Oregonian. WANTED By a Christian gentleman, light inside employment, part or ali time. R. H.. 763!3 rhurman . st YOUNG man. 24 years old. wants position in family or general housework. R 407, Ore gonian. JAPANESE wishes situation to do general evening work In hotel. AF 895, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted as window decorator. R 405. Oresonlan. WINDOW or houfeclear.lng by day or hour; references. Main 3903. OWNER must sacrifice new player piano, cheap for cah. X 408, Oregonian. WANTED Job steam or pipe-fitting. Ad dress AF 398, Oregonian. ELECTRICIAN and machinist wishing, posi tion. E 4ut. Oregonian. HOUSE CLEANING and floor painting by O. A. Thompson, phone Main 5864. POSITION In camp by man and wife (cooks.) H. Cllne, 143 Mill POSITION as traveling salesman. October first; experienced, familiar Oregon. Wash ington. Idaho territory; grocery or whole sale fruit line preferred. Address 500 Maiden ave. Phone Sellwood 1Q78. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and StenocTaphers. COMPETENT bookkeeper and office assist ant, capable of taking charge of office, wants position as bookkeeper or assistant. Phone B 2074. YOL"NG lady wishes position in office, can do stenography; will s tart for small sal ary. A 5052. P 406. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer de sires position with lawyer; good education K 407, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER desires position with firm not requiring entire day; large salary not nec essary. V 407, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS lady stenographer and book keeper desires position. T 399. Oregonian. Dressmaker WANTED Infants' outfits to make; reason able prices. 116 Humboldt St. Phone Wood lawn 22. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs Anyeles. 3204 Wash. St.. room 216. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse desires the care of sick infant. Invalid or institutional work. Main 4469. COMPETENT, experienced nurse desires po sition aa companion to Invalid, best of references. Main 5293. H 403, Oregonian. Housekeepers. WANTED By widow with first-class refer ences, a position as housekeeper in good family. P 405, Oregonian. AN INTELLIGENT lady of long! experience would take charge of first-class rooming house. Address T 391. Ore3onian. HOUSEKEEPER, widower's home, by neat and competent lady with valuable house hold furnishings. C 407, Oregonian. Domestics. CAPABLE young woman wants work; good chambermaid or second girl. Address room 87 Y. W. C. A. bldg. EXPERIENCED girl wants position, cook and general housework, good wages. P 407, Oregonian. COLORED lady wants chamberwork. wait ing on table or cooking. Call Main 3569. M IscellaJieoas. YOUNG LADY would like washing. Ironing or cleaning by the day: best of refer ences. Address 652 Vi Thurman St. Phone A 3865. WOMAN wishes washing to do at home: rough dry 35c per dozen; work called for and delivered. East Side. AG 399, Orego nic.n. REFINED woman housekeeper, practical nurse, waitresses, laundress, chambermaids. St. Louis, 24514 Wash. Main 2039, A 4775. WANTED :X position to pose as model for artists. Phone Main 9049. LACE CURTAINS washed, stretched, called for and delivered, 40c pair. Tabor 1397. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Salesmen who can sell trees: outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good territory. Address Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Or., via Hlllsboro. AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money selling nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Salem Nursery Co., .Salem, Or. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of nursery stock; cash weekly; outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. WANTED TO RENT. WE ARE in touch with several parties wish ing to rent desirable homes on either East or West Side. If your place Is for rent kindly call and see us or phone Main 6719. THE SOUTHER-ALBERTSON COMPANY, 203 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or. WE will rent your house for vou. What have you to offer on East or West Side? All rents guaranteed In advance. National Realty & Trust Co., 3264 Wash. St., room 616. TWO SISTERS want two rooms for light housekeeping, private family ; centrally lo cated: good references. Miss Patterson, the Beverly. Park and Yamhill sts. STRICTLY modern house, polished floors, 7 or 8 rooms; good locality. Call Main 2050 or A 1268. WANTED To rent, modern, well furnished house on West Side. 6 to 9 rooms. Mrs. J. O. Humphrey, 193 22d st. North. WANTED Alcove room or two rooms, with board for two; state price. AB 408, Ore gonian. WANTED 2 or 8 furnished or partly fur nished clean rooms. East Side, north Morrison, east Grand ave. Phone C 1414. SINGLE man wants room and board private family, walking distance. X 409. Ore gonian. W.'NTED By married couple", a 8-4 flat, walking distance preferred; state particu lars. A. Wuebel, Eilers Piano Hou FIVE-ROOM two-story cottage, rent $17. Call at 220 East 30th at. for key. "WANTED Good stock and dairy ranch by competent party. X 894, Oregonian. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS Now opened and ready for business, new, modern, fireproof building, steam heat, hot and cold running water in all rooms, at all times, very richly furnished and the best beds that money can buy. and It doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on the ground floor; everything first-class except the prices; rates 50c, 75c, $1 per day; $3, $4 and $5 per week. Call and see If you ever saw its equal before. RAINIER HOTEL CO., 128 North Sixth St. HOTEL ANTLERS, Corner 10th and Washington Sts. New management; THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and Burnside. ' "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homeiike and comfortable; rntes reasonable- - Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL EUCLID. 18TH AND WASHINGTON New, modern, elegantly furnished rooms, single and en suite, with private baths; permanent or transient. HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647. HOTEL NORRIS, Washington and 17th; new bulldlns, newly furnished; every room light and sunny; hot water, steam heat; reasonable prices. HOTEL IRVING. 312 OAK ST., COR. 6TH. Just opened, new and elegantly fur nished; all -conveniences; rates reasonable. HOTEL LENOX, cor, 3d and Main sts.. fur nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite the Plaza. PACIFIC HOTEL, 214 Columbia St.; Summer rates; run ning water in all rooms; transients 30c to $1 day; one call means another. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327ft Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, phone; 50i- to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. NEWLY furnished front room for gentle men. 221 Morrison st. ELM PLACE, 414 YAMHILL. Exclusive furnished rooms. THE BRAE-SIDE. 42 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3. 14, $5 per week; transient, . THE MOODY HOUSE. 3d and Jefferson Sts. Away from the noise; 5 minutes' walk Washington and 3d: just completed: new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric llshts, call bells, bath, lava torV. convenient, rooms large, light, airy: inr-!A rooms ot suites: permanent and transient: $3. $4 and $3 per week. Phone A 7731. at. seaa. THE MERTARPER, 126 13th. cor. Washing ton, brand new, handsomely furnished; every modern convenience: hot water in all rooms: very reasonable terms. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED ROOMS. A couple large, cheerful front rooms In a beautiful private home with every con venience: one Bock Washington; one block Alexander Court; walking distance. Call oS N. 21st st. LARGE, elegantly furnished front room, all modern, suitable for two gentlemen; three 1 locks of Washington, noar three carllnes. close In. Main 7815. EXCEPTIONALLY line large room: ateam heat, fireplace, hot and cold water; rea sonable to permanent gentleman. aii Morrison. HAVE front sunny room (o rent, 2 gentle men, gas, phone; also pleasant single room. 4 blocks from Steel bridge, opp. depot. 164 Cherry st. NICELY furnished front room, up stairs flat, facing river, swell location, walking distance; rent reasonable. Inquire 292 'u Margin st. COMFORTABLE front room, bath, electric and phone, $20 er month. 31 N. 17th St., near Washington. , FOR SLE Furniture 12-room rooming-house; rooms nil full; must aell account leaving city. 241 6th St., cor. Main. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished room, suit able for one or two gentlemen; references. 307 Wept Park st. ELEGANT front sufte single rooms; steam heat electric lights, hot and cold water; close In, reasonable. A 52S0, M. 5435. WELL-FURNISHED room in modem home, suitahle for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 866 East Flandera Phone B 2575. ONE elegant front room, walking distance, all conveniences, private faanlly. reaaon t.ble. 30 Vi North 10th St. Main 6703. NEWLY furnished rooms en suite or single, steam heat, hot water. Apply Flat 10, 494 Morrison at. SUITE of 2 newly furnished rooms, suitable for 3 adults: steam heat; close In. 664 Couch st. Flat 1. 258H 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, new house, every convenience; gentlemen only. VERY pleasant room, every convenience walking distance. Main 3312- 301 loth Bt. TWO large, pleasant rooms In private fam ily, no children. 594 .E. Taylor. ELEGANT front room, with sleeping alcove; all modern conveniences. 133 12th st. AN Inside room, suitable for gentleman, $5 a month. 889 6 th St. NICELY furnished room, 607 Everett Bt Phone Main 8122. PLEASANT room In reflr.ed home; no other roomers; references. X 403, Oregonian. 213 13TH. nicely furnished rooms, modern conveniences, suitable for 2. Main BS14. NICELY furnished room, all conveniences, private family. 192 ISth. near Taylor st. FURNISHED front room with use of kitch en, close in, reasonable, phone East 5914. TWO nicely furnished front bedroefms. $9 per montn. 266 12th st. VERY pleasant newly furnished room for rent at 554 Thirl. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern In every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water In every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne avex. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington St., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; tha maximum of convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want the best In the city for the money, call and inspect; dining-room in connection. PORTLAND. Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary, 510 Flanders st.. Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th ' st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. supt. THE COLONIAL, 163 ar.tl 167 10th St., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. . THE LINDELL, 2U9 Market Nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board; mod ern, reasonable; line walking distance. JsICELY furnished rooms In- private family, with board, reasonable; nice locality. Phone Main 2071. . 241 N. 22d. THE CALVARD Take W car at depot to door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097. THE MORRISON, 633 Morrison; American plan; rooms $10; hot and cold water. WELL furnished rooms with good home board. 167 11th street. Rooms With Board In Private Family. LARGE front room suitable for 2. alio 2 nice single rooms, all newly furnished, modern conveniences, walking distance to Steel bridge; board if desired; private family. 443 Halsey St. ' 442 JEFERSON ST. Rooms with or with out Board, home cooking; phone, bath, easy walking distance. i . CHOICE rooms, breakfasts, dinners, modern, new house, walking distance; roasonable. Main 2219. A GOOD home for a young child with a mother and grown daughter, can furnish references. 700.4 Irving st. LARGE front room, with board, for two; modern. 93 17th St.. N. Main 4220. NICE room with board, private family, two gentlemen, home comforts. 852 Morrison. EXCELLENT home-cooked table board, nice rooms near. Call 549 Johnson st. GOOD board and room, close In, reasonable. 434 Burnside st. FIRST-CLASS room and board for two In private family. 545 Yamhill. ROOM, with board, for two Utiles, walking distance. 43 ! 5tli St. Apartments. . THE RE-U-KAN. 624 Marshall Street. The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart ments in the city; 3-room suites. PRI VATE BATHS and reception halls; both phones FREE in each apartment; electrlo elevator; nice large verandas both front and back: large lawn and beautiful shade trees; low Summer rates. Take W car to Marshall, go 1 block east. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison at., new brlrk build ing completely first-class, furnished in 2 3 and 4-room family apartments; prlvaw bath, reception hail, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air clean ing. Janitor service; some unfurnished; rent very reasonable. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair street, near Washington Will be com pleted October 1. A few three-room apart ments left: they possess every modern convenience including wall beds, gas ranges, refrlterators. etc.; location and surroundings unsurpassed. LAURETTE High-class three-room and bath, fireless oooker cabinet, gas range, steam heat, hot water, telephones, janitor service, new- briyk. ready for occupancy, choice neighborhood. 11th and Salmon sts. STEPHENSON COURT, 515 Mill St., 2, 3. 4, 5-room apartments, bath, hot and cold water, free phone, gas; very reasonable. Phone Main 5110. THE BERYL. Only a few of these beautiful, new and modern apartments left; come early and secure one. 695 Lovejoy St., near 21at. SPLENDID outside corner apartment, new fumed oak furniture, for sale. Main 4492. THE DAYTON Fine 6-room apartment; heat, hot water, etc. Inquire 658 Flandera, MODERN 6-room upper fiat, nice location, close In. Inquire 529 Everett St. 4-ROOM flat r porch, hot water, good out look, central;' reasonable. 412V 2d st. 6-ROOM flat, 7 minutes ' to P. O., 328 Park. 4, 3- 2-ROOM flats, modern, pleasant, close In; reasonable rent. 2i5Vi Hall. TO responsible party without children, ele- . -v..,. Ulll- a rooms, light. gam new ua-i. .-wu - --- - : airy; swell neighborhood; convenient to all kinds first-class stores; lawn (owner takes care). Address N 497. Oregonian. ELEGANT modern upper flat; every con venience; walking distance: adults Inquire 32Si- Mill St., bet. 6th and 7th. Phone Main 78397 MODERN 4-room lower flat, basement, yard, sunny, near car; adults; $16. 780 Williams ave. Phons Woodlawn 426. S-ROOM modern corner flat. $37.50; easy walking distance. Call forenoon. Main 7112. ' 649Vj UNION AVE. N., six-room flat with heat; $20 per month. John Dick. 209 Com mercial bldg. NEW flat of 4 rooms and bath, unfur nlahed. In fine location. 768 East Burn side st. FIVE-ROOM modern upper flat; easy walking distance, Vet Side. Main 867. MODERN upper corner 4-room flat, $15. 811 Williams ave. Woodlawn 1502. FURNISHED flat, 3 bright rooms; ba1, hot water, porch; reasonable. 233 Vj Hall. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall stsr- jsewly furnished for housekeeping. In cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, ail free- furnished apartments $15 per month up- smglo housekeeping rooms $2 50 weak up; best In city for money; short dis tance from Union Depot. Take "8' or 16th-el. cars north. s;et off at Marshall st. THE ROWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 Washington, cor. 20tU Nlcsly furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. ONEONTA. 187 17th. near Yamhill; take W car at depot; furnished 2. 8 and 4 room housekeeping suites, by week $5 30, by month $20 and up; hot and cold water, baths and phones free. Main 46117, A 43. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms; rea sonable. BEAUTIFULLY located two and three-room unfurnished bay-window suites. SOiii Jef ferson and Fifth. $1 25 week, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton St.. U. car. THE MILNER, 350"j Morrison, cor. Park, .. , n n , an con fenienc , . . SWELL housekeeping rooms in new concrete building. Phone C 1342. BASEMENT flat for rent; also housekeeping-rooms upstairs. Call at 2ti9 7th at. JEFFERSON I AN, 514 Jefferson st.; house keeping suites, $20 up; running hot water. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, reiisonable. 251 th st. $1.50 week, large, ctean. furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 184 Sherman. Housekeeping- Rooms In Private Family. 623 CLAY ST. 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, private entrance, nice sink, private bath, hot and cold water, nice yard; price $4 per week; no other roomers; no chil dren. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, with free use of phone and piano; very rea sonable to marriea couple without children. 309 Market Bt. Phone Main 94 6. REFINED young lady wants girl to share suite of housekeeping rooms In private residence; reasonable. G 396. Oregonian. TWO partly furnished basement housekeep ing rooms, cheap. Call 699 Everett, or phone Main 59tiS. REFINED young lady, room newly furnished with facilities for housekeeping: reason able. 32 North 16th, near Washington. NEW. light, clean housekeeping rooms; free bath, phone and linen: $lo P'r month and up. 35oto Hawthorne. Phone East 6253. FURN.'SHED housekeeping rooms, all mod ern. 595 Front st. FRONT alcove housekeeping suite. 253 11th, St., near Main. ' TWO nicely furnished housekeeping roams, modern yard. $15 month. 6i2 Front su NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms; pri vate bath. 29014 12th st. LARGE room with alcove, gas range. $14 month. 47 7th st. NEAT quarters for housekeeping, central, cheap; phone, gas, laundry. 32 11th at. N. House. WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new furni ture. Buy It Judiciously and the savings will exceed vour movine expenses. Our NO-KENT PRICES made us one of tlie largest furniture houses In the city In less than two years. Lookers are shown the same courtesy as buyers. MOBHAN-ATrm.Er FURNITURE CO.. Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. East- Ankeny. Montavilla and East Slda line cara pass our door. FOR RENT 2 4-room ana 2 6-room mod ern cottages, $10 and 15; 2 9-room fiats, $10 each; all in South Portland. C. H. Piggott, owner, 14 Mulkey bldg. Pac phone. FOR SALE OR LEASE 7-room modern house noar West ave.; flowers, fruit, lawn, chickens; good neighborhood: references required. Phone morning. Tabor 5U2; pos session October 1. MODERN Five-room cottage, 898 Halght Ave. TURNER, 416-17 Rothchlld Bldg. FOR RENT Three new cottages on corner Third and Wood sis.; two 6-room. one 4-room; bath In each. Apply. 353 Wash ington Mt. FOR RENT 150x100. S-room house, barn, etc fruit, lawn: East 4('.th: choap rent. It Taylor. 49th and Hawthorne. Phone B 1516. FIVE-ROOM house at 310 East 5lth street, modern In every respect. Hawthorne ave. and Mt. Scott carllnes; price $20. Phone B 2517. BUNGALOW 5 rooms and bath, new. strict, ly modern; 3ith and E Main sts.: rent $22.50. . Inquire Main 2240. or 2908. of call 515 Oregonian bldg. 6-ROOM modern house, nearly new, I block from Hawthorne ave. 2.',2 East 37th st. No children. LOVELY 6-room hnus', University Park; without fault; reasonable rent. Owner, bli Board of Trade. Main 4557. $1 S -GOOD 5-ronm cottage, 009 llalsey, near 10th; nice yard and fruit trees. Wood ward, 104 Second st. WE HAVE a large demand for good places. Hartman & Thompson, rent dept.. Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM. modern house. South Portland, rental $22.50 per month. W. H. Morohouse Investment Co.. 5 Lumbermen's bidg. MODERN house, walking distance, furnace, fireplace, electricity and gas, rersl $.'10. Apply 301 Dekum bldg. FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage. Sell wood. $16 month. Inquire 20514 Morrison, room 1. 9-ROOM house, bath, porches, yard, excel lent neighborhood, walking distance. 331 12th; inquire 33S 12th, or phone A 3755. COTTAGE. 4 rooms, modern; chicken house, basement; will rent stable if desired. Mrs. Joxley. Tremont, Mount Scott car. , FOR RENT 5-room house. Maryland ave., bet. Humboldt and Alberta. 1035 Maryland ave. 6-ROOM house, modern and In flrst-clasa condition. Apply 621 Front, cor. Whit aker. 1RV1NGTON 0-room house. Fhone East 1004. CHEAP 6-room 'cottage on Flint St., near Russell. Inquire 301 Tillamook. $13. 4-ROOM cottage at 11S5 Sherman St.; water In house. Apply 308 Davis. FOR RENT 2 buildings. 829 andt 831 Front St. Inquire 331. Mr. Cohen. FOR RENT Down stairs of house. 5 rooms, all modern. 12S Grovor st. Main 9-189. $20 5-room cottage. 446 11th. Inquire 449 11th st. FOR RENT Nine-room houso. Hams ave. Phone B 2408. Furnished Houses. NEWLY furnished house; No. 419 E. Slst; 6 rooms; rent $20: no children; references re quired. Louis Salomon & Co., 233 Stark st. FOR RENT Private residence, furnished. 330 Salmon st. Inquire 108-110 4th St. Refer siKnitatft