DRAY CRUSHES BOY'SHEAD Wheels rM Over -.lttlo Tot Who Had Been Riding on Wagon. GHAXT3 PASS. Or., Sept. 23. (Special.) Lou Heberlle, Jr.. 6 years old. wu killed thl afternoon In a frightful accident, when his head was crushed by the. wheels of a loaded dray. The boy had been rid ing; on the. dray and had accompanied th drayman to the car for another load, but did not ride back to the barn. As the dray rounded the street, he was seen running" along the sidewalk, and the helper on the dray warned him not to come near the truck, but before the team had gone a hatf block the helper looked round only to see the form disappearing under the wheels. His father Is In Seattle visiting- the Fair. . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE la Effect Noremn" 1. 18. IMily or .ondajr. One time iff Same ad two consecutive time Same ad three consecutive lime.. .... Same ad six or seven consecutive time. . klx word, count .. en. line on cash d Tertlsenxnts. and o ad counted for less thaa twe lines. Wbe- a advertUement U not run consecutive times the on .-time rate The above rate, apply to dv"taT Oder "New Today" and ail other cUssitloa tlons excepting the following: r-ltu llous Wanted. Male. fr.llutH.as Wanted. enle. For Kent. Koom. Private Families. Koom. and Board, fr irate n.u'-... Housekeeping Koom.. Private i n,"'- - lb. me of the above ciaanncatlon to T cent, a line each Insertion. . gpVce in the "New Todar" column. U Bsured by DKMiini only 1 line to the b"lO OCT-OF-TOWN PATRONS -The Ore coobut will receive copy by mil. P" JuffUlent remittance fur a detinue nunil.er of kaaaea to Kit Acknowledgment of .uch remittance will be forwarded oromotljr. On charge of book .dvertlment. the charge will b. baaed on the actual number of line. auoe-rtii in the paper. reg-rle- of the number of word In each line. In ca-s bos office addrc I. reoulrcd. use regular form riven, and count this m port of the ad. Answer, to slvrtlmeiils will be forwarded to patron., irovlded aelf-od-dreaaed .tamped envelope, are fu'nLt'rJ A receipt will be riven for all P-j"? advance advertising. The Oreonlan wm not ndertake to correct error, or refund money tmlea. thla receipt to returned. AtCTlOS SALES TODAY. At wlam'l Auction Hue. corner Second and YamhllL Sal. at 10 A. M- J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Oilmen's auction room.. 126 3d at., at 10 o'clock A. M. 8. L N. Oilman. aucUoneer. MEETI'(1 NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP. NO. TT. tv o. W., wlil exemplify the la- rt t . riatory work and the uniform rank - - T 'I'i 'v n exhibition driJl this ' Friday) evening In their hall, lis Bast 61xth street. All Woodmen cordially in vited. Refreshments. J. M WOODWORTH. Cork. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48. A F- AND A. M Special com- St7 munlcation mis irim.,, ';"( VyV - , . rr ... . V vhth and i :rtO o rwt. ,. - Eut Burr-dde. M. M. degree. Vis itors welcome. By order W. C J. H. BICHMOXD. Secretary. MT. TABOR LODGE. NO. 42. A F. AND A. M. A stated com munication will be held this (Frl- Y7 day) evening. West Side lempie. at O cioca. um - D. R. TOl'XQ. Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 65. A. F AND A. M special communi cation at 7 :S0. Work in El A. degree. Vlaitinr brethren wel come. . - ' By order of the W. M. , MTRTLB CHAPTER. NO. 15. O. E. S. Regular meeting tr.U. (Friday) At , evening. In Masnic Temple. at 8 V o'cock. Degree.. By order VV . M. I JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Sec PIED. READING In tht city. September 23. at the residence of her eon. Wallace v. Reading. Maria Reading. Interment will be held at Cypres. Lawn Cemetery, ban Franciaco. Cal. Frlenda wishing to view th. remain, may call at the cnapal of J. P Finley A Son. between the hour, or 3:80 and 5 P. M. today (Friday). WALKER In this city. September 23. at the family residence. 555 East Davis atreet. Margaret A. Walker, aged 5 yea", o months. 21 dava. She Is survived by tno following children: A. Ruth M.. and H. B. Walker, ail of thi city. Funeral notice hereafter. WILXJF In thl. city. Sept 28. Anna E. Wlillf. ag. 4 years, 11 months and 2S daya Funeral notice later. ITXERAL yonCH. POLET At the family reaiaence, 848 E. 3d street. September 23. John Foley, ag 85 years, beloved husband of Saran and father of MabeL Margaret and Mona Foley, of thla city. Funeral will be hold from above residence Saturday September 25 at 8:30 A. M-. thence to St Francis" ChurcM. 12th and E. Oak atreeta where services will be held at A. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Et'CKMiS-At Ashland. Or., September 22, Thome. Buckm.m. aged 72 years. II . ' . it Avm. lTuneral will take place from the residence of hi. brother. Isaiah Fuckman, lw .asx mm , .' v day (Friday!. September 24. at 2:30 P. M. Friend, respectfully Invited. Interment Riverview Cemetery. LA BELL Funeral of the late Ellen La FelL ageu J years, wi.i oe ueiu a Dunning. McEntee A GUbaugh's parlora 'th and Pine streets, today (Friday) at 1:48 P. M. Thenc. to Cathedral, l&ih and Davis streets, wher. service, will b. held at 2 P. M. Friend, respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Dunning; McJEnte cnbaoch, Fnaeral Directors. 7th and Fine, i'uooe Main 4K. jsMly AMistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOI-MAN CO.. Funeral direct em. 220 d St. Lady Assistant. Phone XL 607. i F. FINLEY SON. Sd and M.irliaon. Lady attendant. Phone Mala 8. A Ltt. MeKNTEE-EIUCSO.V CO. Cndertakersi lady aaatotaat. 4UK Alder. kLiUt. KA8T VIDE funeral director., enccreeers s t. kw Donning. Ine. E. 52, B 25s6. ZELLER-BYBNES CO.. Funeral Dtrect r. 172 ituseelL Both phooee. Lady assistant. I.FRCH rndertaker.. 410 East Aides, ntooe. Las 78L B ISHa. Ladr aaatotant. 'Eff TODAY. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Cwrreat Rates. Bstlldlns; Loaaa. Installment Losss, Wm. MacMaster 3U2 Worcester Block. PENINSULA 60 lots. 6 acres, between Uni versity Park and McKenna Junction. Hutchinson, room 402. 8th and Davis. Phone Main 1263. ELEGANT APARTMENT SITE On Improved Thurman st, near 27th t.; luoxllO: $6000; terms. (Something doing- In that location very soon.) " GEO. J. SCHAEFEB, SOT Chamber of Commerce. 106 ACRES. Fine plattlne proposition, 5-cent car fare, west Side. Price $205 per acre for quick sale. Terms. Owner, 204 Abington bldg. I have finest lot in Portsmouth Addi tion must be sold at $300 cash. V 402, Oregonian. OEOBGE BUCK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branchea) 2S Worcester Bldg. X rbeaes Mala 88U. A eOlsV . ' OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Iw Vmir-VT M In IMl BKCithlAKY. Mala oss. HIM AVE OFFICE B. Fast 77. REAL ESTATE. Elegant Eight -Room Mouse Only 53000-8500 Down Modern eight-room house has four large bedroms, nice clothes closets, large reception ball and den. porcelain bath, wash bowl and medicine chest, a fine large linen closet, living-room and dining-room with openings, china closets, built-in window hall seat, a well finished fireplace, wood 1 ft, fine Dutch kitchen, porcelain sink tn back, gas, electric, and combination fix tures, nice front and rear porches 'wltn lights, cement steps and walks, well built double floors and walls, cement basement with floor and stationary tUHouf.e is riew, nice terraced lawns and shrubbery and in a good neighbor hood. Sixe of lot 60x100. This place 1; close in. and price Is only $3000, $o00 down, balance $25 per month. RALPH ACKLEY 005 CorbetT Bids. A Snap Near Hawthorne Ave. Modem 6-room cottage, has 2 large bedrooms, nice clothes closeta, large re cepton hall, porcelain bath and wash bowl, nice living-room and JlnlnB room with openings, built-tn window and hall seats, fine kitchen with pantry, porcelain sink with back, nice front and rear porches, cement walks, well-built double floors and walls, full cement basement: fine terraced lawn, anJ shrubberv; good neighborhood: size ot lot 60x100 feet. Price $2200. $500 down and $15 per month. RALPH ACKLEY 60S Corbert Bids. CAPITOL HILL On the Oregon Electric Railway; 5 cent carfare; inside the city limits; 18 minutes' ride from the business center: all full lots. 50x100 each; Improved streets and sidewalks; city and moun tain view unsurpassed: no stone or gravel; all In grass plot; prices $200 to $400 per lot; title perfect; complete abstract of title to date furnished free to every purchaser. Take the Oregon Electric car at Front and Jefferson streets for Capitol Hill and see for yourself. Clohessy & Smith 401 McKay Bids. Phone Main IOCS. HOPS AND PRUNES A Combination That can"t be beat as money-makers. We have the combination in one ot the best farms In Yamhill Co.. wh cn also contains other farming lands, fine timber, springs and running water. Ve o'fer this splendid farm for sale at a bargain, and it must be sold by October 1, or it goes off the market. So you will have to hurry if you want this bargain. For full particulars, call on McKINLEYMITCHELL 202V Stark St. $8.00 1S00 ACRES $8.00 "FAMOUS YAMEILL COUNTY" Land about 12 miles from present railroad. Must all be sold In one body; $4.50 an acre cash, balance $3.50 mort gage. This contains some fine bottom land, lightly timbered, plenty of water. A person could subdivide It In 20 acre and 40-acre tracts and sell them on easy terms at $25 an acre. I will not deal with agents. Write J 406.. Oregonian. South Portland Fine Business Corner Income 9 Also 60x100 good for flats and cot tages, both very cheap. ROSS EAGLIsn HT. CO, 823 Mohawk Bids. ' Acreagelnvestment We have the best for profit on the PENINSULA. Call If Interested. BRON'G-STEELK CO., 110 Second St. EASTERN VISITOR LEARN About Government-watered land in Idaho before you go home. lUalr A Frail. S I.umbermens Building. . HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. Backus. A tlrvlnxton), 619 Bd. Trade. Andreas. F. V. A Co. M. s44& 40 Hamilton bids. Baker. Alfred A, 212 Ablnaton bids. Beck. William G-. S12 Fallln. bids. Blrrell A. H. Co.. S02-8 McKay blda. Real estat.. In.urance, mortxacea. loans, .to. Bruoaksr A Benedict. fiu2 SlcKiy blcg. M. S4S. Chapln Herlow. 88J Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. a A Co bt Corbett bldg. Fields. C B. Co.. Board of Trad. bldg. J.nnlnss Co.. Main 188. 200 Oregonlaa. Parriah, Watkins Co.. 150 Alder at Schalk. Geo. IX. 284 Btark rt. Main or AS91 Sharkey. J. P. A Co.. liMt. Sixth at. The Orea-on Real Estate Co, Grand are. and Multnomah at. Holladay Addition). Walker, & T.. 604 Crrbett bids. White B. P.. 227 tt Washing-ton st REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. IP you own lot will bulM you a house on terms. Eastman Co., 303 Abington bids. Main 8238. FOR SALE One or two lote one halt block from Alberta carllne, cheap by owner. 847 Garfield ave. " MODERN HOMB t rooms, nearly new, 642 East Ankeny t.. will Mil at sacrifice. 4,03 Commercial Club bldg. CHEAP FOR CASH Lot and a half In Sunnyside for $980. Bee Minor. 1005 Belmont at. WEST SIDE lot, 80x100 ft., 5-cent car fare, $150: easy terms See owner, 614 Board ot Trad. bldg. IF YOU own lot will build you a house on terms. Eastman Co 303 Abington bldg. Main 3230. ; I HAVE nnest lot In Portsmouth Addition; must b. sold at 1300 cash. P 404. Ora- gonian. TWO lota, Waverlelgh H.lfrhts; must sell at once. AB 409, Oregonian $7M10 Six lota, close In: stabl. site. Owner, Fuhr. 387 Vi East Burnslde st. A DESIRABLE comer In Irvlnsrton Park. on. block from cars. V 06. Oregonlaa. $50 CASH, $10 monthly, bulldlne; sites near Hawthorne. 61 Swetlaad bids- -. THE MOUSING P-IEGOX-AN, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1909. ' . f otRm ) FOB SALB FARMS. i NKii. mr i k i ,.j -.-. i . For Sale Lota. ELEGANT VIEW LOT. Lot 50x100. on Water and Lane at... north front with an elegant view that can't be .hut off; If you want an Ideal place to build a house, see this; price S'2.00. See us for South Portland prop erty. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 81T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. A BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT 50x100, located at Mt. Tabor Heights, 2 blocks from car line, east front, cement aldewalks, fine realdencea all around; this 1. a view that Is hard to find; lot la level, will sell cheap If taken at once. SELLERS REALTY CO.. 506 Board ot Trade. Phone Main T48S. 7050- WHAT DO YOU THINK? Only $4G0O for a new, thoroughly modern bouee. i larye rooms, nrepiace. furnace, ground lOOxliS. with atone retaining wall; 40O feet from car: a-ood residence district; the secret is we need the monty. Pbne Main 43V or call room 201 Gerllnger bldg. GARDEN, CHICKENS. ETC. $100 BUYS NOW lot. on carllne. new add ition. 25 mlnuHi from business center; Ju."t the place to grow garden truck, own your own cow. chickens, etc.; terms 3 or 5 each month. National Realty A Trust Co.. 301, Washington mt. A BARGAIN IN LOTS. We have 3 lots in Maplewood Addition, 80x100 each, for $160. half cash, or fliOO all cash, or one or two of them at propor tionate prices: here 1. a snap. Volgt A Lewis. 8:iCi Washington at., room xo. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Two good adjoining lota, price liooo, on easy terms. H p. PALMER-JONE3 CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phone. Main 8090. A 2653. VERNON BARGAIN Lot 60x100. Improvements In, face, east, S blocke from car: price $7O0; term.. H. P. PALM EH-JONES CO.. 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8690: A 2653. HALF-ACRE piece, 15-minute ride from 3d and Morrison sts.. city water. Improved trset and in restricted district; only 11600; on verv easy terms. Phone Ta bor 431. B 20SO. WAVERLY HEIGHTS, corner lot, 50x100, cement eiaewaia, sni. .u.'.", solnr East; give us your offer. Portland Success Realty Co.. 618 Board of Trade bldg. 100 CHOICE 1RVINGTON LOTS. I can ahow you all there Is for sale In thl. beautiful residence district. A. Backu.. 610 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 8860. KENTON. SWIFT'S TOWNHITUX Choice lot on Derby St.. adjoining benla building-. In heart of business center. Owner, 603 McKay bldg. WAVERLY HEIGHTS, on Kenllworth ave.. 40x100. cement sidewalk, street Improved; S400 cash, terms. Portland Success Realty Co., 618 Board of Trade bldg. EAST 12th and Powell ts.. 100x100. half cash, balance 2 years. 6 per cent. Port land Bucnas. Realty Co.. 618 Board of Trad. bldg. BY OWNER Two 60x100 lots, all graded, with 4-room. modern cottage: bath, elec tric and ga: price 88800 if taken at once. J 807, Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, two lot. on corner, exclusive residence district. Walnut Park. 8S500; terms. 408 Abington bldg. Phone Main 8410. For Sale Houses. PIEDMONT. O-ROOM. NEW. MODERN HOME: this property was Improved for a home, but the owner must sell; lot 50x100; beautiful lawn, cement walks, modern conveniences; a big bargain at $3500. W. H. Morehouse Investment Co. 5 Lumb.nr.en'. bldg. $200 DOWN FOR HOME, or perhaps less down and balance monthly, will buy you a bungalow of 5 rooms and hath with best nttlngs. right on Montavilla carllne; your Tent money will buy this property; price $1900. See my agent. 820 Lumbermen's bldg.. 6th and Stark. HOLLADAY ADDITION. On East 7th st.. H block from Broad way car. - new flats, full cement base ment, cement sidewalk, street Improved, facing east, bringing good Income; half cash. Portland Suoces. Realty Co., 618 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. B-room modern bungalow; cement base ment, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcase and buffet: lot. 60x100; price, J 3 250; terms, H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phone. Main ta(9. A 2653. FINE, modern 8-room hou.e on East Taylor, full cement basement, furnace, gas and electricity, fin. lawn, corner lot, 80x66 2-3; 815.O00 home next to thla place; If you are looking for a fine home look this up. Port land Success Realty Co.. 618 Board of Trade bldg. NEW 2-story, 6 large rooms, piped and wired, fireplace, furnace, modern and first class In every respect, situated in a fine neighborhood. 4 blocks from the car llne: the price Is low and terms are easy. X 884. Oregonian. DO YOU WANT A HOME? I have two of T rooms, two lota each; modern, restricted; $12u0 caeh and $35 per month will take one or $3500 cash and mortgage will take the other; Broadway. Owner, V 408, Ore gonian. IRVINGTON Bargain If taken, at onoe, owner leaving city; modern house, 6 rooms, east front; furnace, fine lawn, choice fruit trees and rose bushes. See owner, 4f3 E. 13th at., bet. TUlamook and Thomp son. 4UROOM house, plastered, gas, sewer, ce ment walk, street graded, barn, dosen bearing fruit trees, stra wherries, rasp berries, loganberries and grapes; lawn, rose bushes, $3000; term, to right man. Owner, R 406. Oregonian. L BARGAIN New 8-room bungalow, 1170 Burrage t.. 100 ft. from Killingfworth ave.; take St. J. oar to Greely st. Walking dis tance from new high school; terms. Owner. 1085 Maryland ave. HOUSE FOR SALE. Have a nice 5-room bungalow, full lot. 2 blocks from carllne; it will cost $300 to finish It. making It a 82O00 house; price 81200. Call room 7, 181. .First at. DO NOT MISS THIS. T0O0 Only $3000 cajh necessary to buy a rood Income-bearing property In nioe loca tion on West Side; brings $00 rent a month. F. FUCHS, 22H4 Morrison St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Modern 8-room bungalow, 8 lota 80OO, part cash or trade, near carllne; many trees: a beautiful place. Owner, Oil Board of Trade. t FOUR and 2 elx-room modern cottages; In stallments. South Portland. C. H. Plggott, owner, 14 Mulkey bldg.. cor. 2d and Morri son. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, n East 38th .t., 8 blocks from S. S. car. S7M cash, balance monthly. Portland Success Realty Co., 618 Board of Trade bldg. 6-ROOM modern bungalow. " lot 80x100. all fenced, S3O0 cash, balance monthly. Port land Success Realty Co., 618 Board of Trade bldg. 6Et3 tht. beautiful corner lot and 6-room mod ern house at No. 174 Grover St., In South Portland, then call tn E. J. GEISER, 221H Morrison st. IRVINGTON 12 -nice residences, $0250 to $12,500; every one a bargain. Backus, 518 Board of Trade. Main 8960. $200 CASH, balance like rent; new, modern . five-room cottage, Flrland. G. EV. Ohaleldt, 145 First st. HOLLADAY ADDITION RESIDENCE. $42oO House on Wasco Bt.. near 2d Backus, 518 Board of Trade bldg. SNAP 5-room bungalow, modern. $2850; $1000 cash. $20 per month; no Interest. Tabor 83 L - MODERN, new. 7-room cottage for sale by owner. W. N. Harrison. 1012 East Sher man St.; owner on ground. NEW. modern 6-room cottage, lot 52x100. $2200; half cash, balance time. 839 East Kelly st. W-W oar. BY owner. 6 rooms, reception hall; modern, large porches high and eightly. N. W. cor. 20th and E. Madison. Terms. MODERN 6-room house, $3000, $200 cash, S15 monthly. Phone Woodlawn 1799, C 2455. SACRIFICE sale, nearly new, 7 rooms, mod ern, Holladay Park; must .ell. O 332. Oregonian. ILL .serine. 2-room house, 2 corner lots, Clark. Station. Mt. Scott carllne. A 5450. 1200 Lot 50x100. 6-room house in Ivanho-a; Balance to suit. Phone Tabor 108. BY owner. 50x100 lot on South Sherman t., with four-room cottage. Apply 308 Davie. A NEW 4-room cottage on 50x100 lot, $1)50; built and occupied by owner. 1159 Mall at. NEW, modern bungalow, $2250; $250 down; going away, must sail. AJ SOT Oregonlaa. For Sale Houses. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New, 7 rooms, modern In all Its arrange ments, on finest corner In Walnut Park, nice lawn and boulevard, shade trees, full cement basement with laundry and fur nace, new gas range and watep heater; cheap, terms " New, modern 6-room house, furnace and other equipment all in, full cement base ment, cement walks and retaining walls, sewer and water connection., fruit tree, and pretty lawn, 2 blocks from carllne, close In and fine residence district; price $3800. terms. Inquire 409 Abington bldg. Phone Main 8410. $2600 CHOICE new dwelling; $200 cash. $20 per month; very desirable; thla price would be low for cash. - CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO., Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark Sta $6500 An exceptionally well built, beautN fully finished and well-arranged home in an exclusive residence district with all street, paved, has large reception hall, living room with fireplace. llning-room with built-in sideboard. kitchen with woodllft. high, light basement containing furnace, laundry and provision room, lava tories and toilets on each lioor, 4 fine bed rooms, sleeping porch, fine large attic, hardwood floors, built by day labor. STRONG & CO.. Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bldg. TWO DANDY HOMES CHEAP. Brand new 7-room bungalow; 8 dormer bedrooms, 4 rooms below; modern through out; j block from St. John car; $2500, with $100 cash snd $25 a month or $50 down and $50 a month, or $2350 all cash. Take, your cholc. 6-room bungalow, nicely finished; wired for electricity and piped for gas; modern; Iruteh kitchen, china cloeet, bath, etc; $2100. only $700 cash, balance to suit you. Volgt & Lewis 8i6i Washington St., room 204. BEAUTIFUL HOME, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Large grounds, 7-room house, new and modern, very large living-room, fireplace, dining-room, Dutch ktchen. 8 bedrooms, very large closets, dressng-room, 2 large porches, grounds 200 feet front, splendid view Mt Hood and city, also Columbia River; near carllne, no ateps to climb; J rice 6S00: wll sell furniture very rea onahie If desired. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. GET ON BITULITHIC PAVED STREET. $2500 $250 cash will take this com fortable bungalow of 5 rooms, attic, full basement, pantry, beamed ceilings, closets, large bath, nloe porch; thl. Is on Division, which Is to be paved with bltulithlo pave ment; work starts In 60 days; reap the benefit of the consequent advancement In value while paying rent. W. M. Conk lln A Co., 407 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main 2S59, A 1747, or 26th and Clinton sts. Sellwood 48. S-60. EAST TAYLOR ST. HOME. Thoroughly modern home of six rooms, reception hall, parlor, dining-room and kitchen; three bedrooms and bath; full cement basement. full equipment of closets and conveniences: In good neigh borhood and close In; price $50o0, on easy terma R. F. BRYAN. 608. Chamber of Commerce. Main 11193: A 121'7. GET. IN GROWING DISTRICT. Bungalow on corner. 1 block from Haw thorne ave.. modern and artistic In every respect, cement basement, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen. 1 -story. 6 rooms, $2500 is the price and It's too low, but thl. takes it if .old soon; little cash re quired. W. M. Conklln A Co.. 407 Wells Fargo bldg. Main 2868. A 1747. or 1046 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 806. S-47 IRVINGTON HOME, must De sold; strictly modern 9-room, well. built house, at 832 Hancook st (oor. of E. 2Sth St.), must be sold. Large verandas, sleeping balconies, oak floor. In both stories, enameled wood work, t fireplaces, full concrete basement, etc This house was built for a home and will be sold at very reasonable price and terms. Price $10,600. Address room 11, 250ft 3d st Phones A 2882 or Main 6692. NEW. elegant residence, large reception hall, living-room, bookcases, paneled and beamed dining-room and den, buffet breakfast room, kitchen, pantry, four bedrooms, large Bleeping porch, polished oak floors, combination lighting fixtures, duplex shades, very stylish exterior, close In. 2 blocks from quick car service, paved streets, select neighborhood, low price and easy terms. N 393. Oregonian. $30 A MONTH FOR A HOME. Fine lot 100x100, 1 block to M-V car; modern 5-room house, all conveniences; . good neighbors. Here is an absolute bar gain; owner in East and orders me to sell, $3450; pays $30 a month; no first payment If good references. A. N. Searle East 76th and Villa ave., M-V car. My office is open Sunday. $4000 A decided bargain In a first-class, new, 6-room house, near Hawthorne ave.; has 8 bedrooms and bath upstairs, con crete basement, laundry tubs, fireplace, large sleeping porch, gas and electricity, piped for furnace, cement walks; splen did value for the money. STRONG & CO.. Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bldg. $250 CASH, modern five-room house: price $2750 If sold this month: balance $25 monthly; corner lot 50 by 100; fine lawn, five fruit trees, roses, berry bushes, etc ; modern bathroom. cement, basement porches, halls, big closets, buffet pantry; this hodse is at 310 E. 50th. only two block, south of Hawthorne ave. Take Mt Scott or Hawthorne cars. Also furniture, etc, for sale. Phone B 2517. BEAUTIFUL HOME. STRICTLY MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 50x100 lot cement walks, full cement basement, furnace and fireplace, fine lawn, house newly painted and everything first -class: select location on East Martisou St. Owner, 319 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. Phone Main 1116. WEST SIDE HOUSE. $500. Good 6-room house, gas, nice bath, all In good order, norta front on Grover St.. price Is $2000, $500 cash, $20 per month. 25 minutes' walk down town. See u. for South Portland property. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. HOLLADAY PARK SNAP. 60x100 corner; 8-room modern house: easy walking distance to buslnera center; fine lo cation and surroundings; price ir'X). terms. Equity Investment Co.. 60S Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION For sale or lease 12-room residence in choice seotlon on Holladay ave.. 100x200. beautiful grounds, fruit be -ing trees. Is completely furnish ed, will sell at a sacrifice; no agentsj get full particular, from HARRY T. NICOLAL 227 Davis St PRETTY 6-room modem cottage: 60 feet of porch, full lot, lawn and rosea, cement walks, improved street, one block from Unlon-ave. oar; walking distance; price $4uOO If taken rnon. GREBN-WHITCOMB COMPANY. 245ft Washington at., over Merchant. National Rank. 40TH-ST. HOMB, $2700 Near Gladstone, on 4'th, a fine. Inrge new bungalow, all mod ern, with bath, hot and cold water, elec tric lights; two lots go with it; a very at tractive place; $1000 down. Poulsen-Rat-cllffe Realty Co., 820 Lumbermen's bldg.. Ctb and otark. $1 DOWN buys 6-room house on carllne, Katherine Addition; $.0 down, $i u-.r month, 6-room bungalow, Woodstock car line. National Realty & Trust Co., . 32oVi Wash. St., room 516. FOR SALE Six-room modern house, full lot, young fruit tree; near car and echool; terms. Tabor 780. $2750 New, modem 5-room bungalow, full lot. east front. 1185 Maryland ave. Inquire at 1095 Maryland ave Terms. For Sale Bmlnw Property. BU6INES8 PROPERTY. On Wllliame ave., near Russell; excep tional bargain; f."O0. part cash. Equity Investment Co.. SOS Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. Main S251. Mlsrellaneona. OWNER must leave city, so will sell his beautiful home, west slope Mt. Tabor, 9 rooms, electric lights, water, etc.; lot 75x 135. Price, $5000; terma Fred Broetje, Mt. Tabor. SUNNYSIDE SNAP 6 rooms and all Im provements in, $2350; $000 cash, balance easy terms; no agenta 1038 Belmont st Phone B 17S2. $13 SCO BUYS N. W. cor. 16th and Raleigh; well improved, with good Income; this price for few days only. C. C. Smith, 401 Mc Kay bldg. BUNGALOWS 4 to 8 rooms, $1500 to $6500, easy terms, all new. Call 313 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LIST YOUR property with Slgsl A Co., 818 Alorrisock. Phoaee -teat -185, A 4488, . . Mlscenaneoaa, FOR SALE A beautiful home at Oak Grove, Oregon City line; 30 minutes' ride; ju acres of ground, new 6-room house, pantry, storeroom, brick fireplace, 75 feet verandas, 200 choice roses in full bloom, 75 bearing grape vines. 300 bear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants, 60 bearing fruit trees of every description, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fenced and cross--fenced, enough garden truck planted for good-sized family, every foot of ground cultivated; fine lawn around the house, dotted with select shrubbery, etc.. etc Inquire on premises, Louis Brandt Oak Grove. Or. ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted 70 per cent of walnuts In Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plantings ever sold In Oregon, we feel our prop erties should invite consideration: $100 cash, $15 per month for each five-acre CHURCHILL-MATTHEW3 CO. (Inc), Lumber Exchange Bldg-. 2d and Etark sts. $700 BUYS beautiful lot 50x125, on hill side overlooking river, in South Portland, W7est Side, 1 block from carllne; owner leaving city, must sell. C. C. Smith, 401 McKay bldg. ' FOR anything In Portland real estate see Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. ACREAGE. SUBURBAN HOMES CLUB TRACT. O. W. P. Railway and Powell Valley; mac adamized road: one or more acres cleared, with abundance of pure later piped under pressure for domestic and irrigation pur poses; only 7 mllee from business center; loo carfare; free mall delivery, public school, eleotrio lights and telephone. Let u. .how you. GREEN-WHITCOMB CO.. 245 ft Washington St. .Main 8U33, A 462S. ACREAGE. $SO0 2 acres near Lenta station. tsxiO 1 acre. 5c carlare. $1000 4 acres east of town. $1100 2 acres, Jcnnlr.gs Lodge. ' $1125 5 acres eaet of town. $15'X 2-acre orchard. Jennings Lodgs. $1800 5 acres east of town. We have a number of other very choice tracts In sizes to suit on easy terms. Equity Investment Co.. 606 Gerllnger bidg., 2d and Alder. COLLEGE VIEW HOMES. JOINING MONMOUTH. OREGON. i Just the place to educate your children and enjoy the benefits of country. We have a tract of land on country road and R. it-, all in cultivation, has fine, good soil. 5 acres up; price $140 per acre. Ask us about it . CHAPIN & HERLOW, 882 Chamber of Commerce. A SUBDIVISION PROPOSITION. A MONEY-MAKER. $3500 cash and $4000 on time will buy 90 acre, of land, that will eell for $400 and $500 In acre tracts: three blocks from 5-cent carllne. Thl. will make at least $4500 clear on $3600 cash Investment; must sell at once. S2ft Washington St., room 513. 10-ACRE lot. 10 miles west of the city, lying bet the electric line and the S. P. R- R-. at station, part clear, part In brush, run ning water on several lots, fine for chick ens or hogs, beautiful home site; $175 to $250; small payments and easy terma Chiam, 615 Couch bldg. SO ACRES, all fenced and under cultivation, 2 to 8 acres geunine beaverdam; small stream fed by springs on land; close to Tigard Station on Salem Eteoirlc: graded school within mile; only 26 minutes from Portland; most attractive buy. Julia Maxwell, 309 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BROADMEAD. 8, 10 and 20-acre tracts; the most fer tile and productive land In the Willamette Valley. Inquire of COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. SNAP ' IN ACREAGE 400 acres on Columbia River, opposite mouth of Willamette; very cheap; terms if desired; now paying over 4 per cent WM. LAUGHLIN. 505-T Chamber of Commerce. . -WHAT Walla Walla wants Is you." and perhaps, if you investigate, you will want Walla Walla. Our valley Is an agricultural paradise: our orchards are making good Send for booklet S. Commercial Club.. Walla Walla. Wash. , 4 1-10 ACRES, right at Jenne Station; cleared; quick sale, for srpot cash, $275 per acre. CHAPIN A HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. 1 TO 10-acre tracts, finest cleared land, some beaverdam, on electric carline near Vancouver, on easy payments. Murphy & Caswell. 230 Stark st Vancouver of fice, 712 Main st. 106 ACRES, fine platting proposition. o car fare, West Side; price. $205 per acre for quick sale; terms. Owner. 204 Abington bldg. $500 BUYS 2 acres, beautiful place to build, right on county road with sidewalk from station; half hour ride from Portland. J. F. Compton. 100 Abington bldg. GARDEN LAND, T miles from Courthouse, river frontage, private dock; $350 per acre; reasonable terms. Eastern Exchange, 220 ft Morrison. HOOD RIVER orchard tracts near city of Hood River from $50 to $200 per acre; very easy terms. Call soon, while they last Dufur Realty Co., 602 Corbett bldg ACREAGE In large or small tracts on car llne close In: choice river front; 600 acres to subdivide. Kinney & Stampher. 631 Lum ber Exchange bldg. A 4881. $1750 10 acres, convenient to carllnes, school, churches, stores. S mile, from my office, 100 Abington bid J. F. Oompton, agent ACREAGE in various quantities on the Ore gon Electric Line, to trade for Portland property. Full Information at 410 .Falling bldg. ON 6ALEM car, only 15 minutes' ride, ly ing at station. 2 1-8 acres, half cash, bal ance 2 years. Portland Success Realty Co.. 618 Board of Trade. A VALUABLE platting proposition, close In. 6o car fare, adjoining property sailing fast AL 305. Oregonian. FOR LAND OR ACREAGE SEE Stlger, 330 Lumber Exchange CO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 87 lots on Oregon Electric; townslte; (plat at office); this Is cheaper than sur rounding acreage; station on place; must settle estate; will take part Portland property. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. WILL exchange 9-room modern, new home, full cement basement, furnace, gas and electric lights: 3 blocks from W-R car: I want a small farm. Owner, B 409. Oregonian. TIMBER. Have 8,000.000 feet to trad, for? 1 URNER, 416-17 Rothchild Bldg. 10Oxl26ft near P. O. at St. John; will give good deal for house and lot not too far out. AS 396. Oregonian. FINE city residence, close in, 100x138, on prominent corner, to exchange for farm, value $8000. Address AH 397. Oregonian WILL trade 17ft acres, or part, orange land, all In cultivation, near San Diego, Cal.. value $9000. T 3S6, Oregonian. WILL exchange 2 lots In restricted district, value $25-X. for eTinll rooming-house; must be good stuff. Phone Main 4378. TWO good close-in lots in exchange for any good collateral or Title Guarantee Bank account. V 879, Oregonian. YOU can trade any kmd ot property at room 1019 Board of Trade. 8 LOTS, Chicago, 111., unimproved; want city, suburban or beach. Box 740. IF you have anything to trade or swap, call 314 Gerllnger bldg. TIMBER claim near Columbia River; want Heights or Council Crest. Box 740. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS. 2 CHOICE agricultural relinquishments, on stream and county road, near " Portland. 14 Mulkey bldg.. cor. 2d and Morrison. PRCIT LANDS. FOR SALE 1K acres choice fruit land In White Salmon Valley: rapidly increasing In value; bargain. F 46, Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LAJila. w ANTED Timber claims In fir, direct front owners. 920 Board of Trade bldg M. 7298. TIMBER lands wanted. CL J. ItcCxacken, ' -04 AidKAy bids. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 11 acres, right In the city limits of a thriving valley town. 35 miles from Port land: all In a high state of cultivation, partly described as follows: About . acres are In loganberries. 2 acres straw berries, balance In garden; there are bo Winter apple trees 10 years old, CO young Winter apple trees. 30 cherry trees lti years old. and other fruit trees In full bearing: trees have had good care ana are In fine condition; other improvements consist of an attractive 9-room house with bath, hot and cold water, fine windmill with 5000-gal. tank and water piped to house, barn, lawn and outbuildings: a good barn and other outbuildings includ ing a hothouse 2ux40. all la glass, with furnace installed, complete; there is a beautiful lawn with a fine assortment of ornamental shrubs, rose bushes, etc" Good fences with artistic entrance gate, side walks, etc; altogether A BEAUTIFUL HOME; price only $5300. $2000 cash, for a few days only. SEE PHOTO AT OUR OFFICE. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 Fourth St Board of Trade Bldg. 80 ACRES located In one of the best dairy ing sections, about 20 miles from the city. 4 miles from wideawake country town and R. R. station; 80c fare and 4 trains dally each way; land lies a little rolling, the soli is black and heavy; can show you straight timothy 6 feet high; about 00 acres In cultivation; seeded to clover, tim othy, oats, vetch and other cow feed, which 1. already In the barn; 8 choice dairy cows, 1 cream separator, 2 large mares worth $000; new heavy harness, new 3 ft -axel, 4-inch tire wagon, mower, rake, binder and all small, tools; some pigs and chickens, large family orchard, good sized creek crosses the pasture, large : spring at the barn, good well at the s house, 1 large modern dairy barn, an other good-sized barn for horses, ma chinery and wagons; a fair house of 4 rooms; this Is an Ideal dairy proposition, with best of soil, no rock or gravel, with plenty of good water; price $7000, ft down, balance to suit. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD BUYS In WASHINGTON COUNTY, r.ear ELECTRIC LINES. 80 acres 50 acres cultivated; watered by srrlrg and creek; 2 acres orchard; 7-roora house. 2 barns. 1 horse. 11 cows, farm im plements, 20 tons hay; $100 per acre. 21ft acres. 17 acres cultivated; family or chard, assorted fruit; spring at house and barn; land can be irrigated by creek; price $2800. Includes horee and wagon, chickens, 2 plg. 3 cows and all household furniture; place ready to move In. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. 602 iMcKay Bldg.. 3d and 6tark. Phone 11. 649. BUY HITHER HOOD FRUIT AND DAIRY LANDS. MT. HOOD ELECTRIC LINE WILL TAP THIS GREAT SECTION. Prices range from-' $30 to $100 per acre. As soon as the electric lino is running, prices will be doubled. Work on the power plant is now progressing. Get our BOOKLET. It will Interest you. Arrange to go out and look these lands over: tracts from 10 acres up to several hundred acres. Shot loam soil very deep, no gravel or hard-pan. abundance of moisture, irrigation not necessary, numerous springs and creeks; good fishing; a regular para dise for Summer home and camping. We are making a specialty of lands in this section. ' ' CHAPIN & HERLOW. 882 Chamber of Commerce. 117ft ACRES. 20 miles from Portland. 2 mile, from R. R. station and 14 mile from Postofflce, church, store and graded school ; 70 acres In cultivation, balance .lashed and best of pasture; entire place is level, rich loam soil, free from gravel; large running stream through pasture, all fenced and cross-fenced; large house In good condition; good size barn and other outbuildings: fine family orchard in full bearing, plenty of small fruit and berries; good well at house; telephone, R. F. D. and cream route; 20 head cows, sev eral heifers, 4 horses, harness, wagons, buggies and hacks, 2 plows, harrows, seeders, cultivators and 70 tons hay and all small implements go with place; price $130 per acre. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 Fourth SL Board of Trade Bldg. 0 ACRES 29 acres cleared, good 7-roora house, cost $2600; good well and windmill, cost $000; good barn, all painted, cost $.nu; otner buildings cost $tou; gooa iam iiy orchard, 2 buggies, 1 new, 1 new 2 neavy wagon, mower, raae, roiier, yuv, harrow, cultivator, cream separator and all farm Implements; good young team, 4 cows, 1 sow, 1 yearling heifer, 2 dozen chickens, 1 acre potatoes, 1 acre stock kale, all kinds, of vegetables, fenced snd cross-fenced, good soli, good county road, 1 miles from R. R. station. 14 miles irom roniana ; nun 1 cur 1111 yon " ni place; price $0000, half cash, good terms. Chapln & Herlow. 382 Chamber of Com merce. 16 ACRES. 12 miles from Portland., ft mile from church, store and graded scnooi, all in cultivation, about 8 acres of orchard consisting of apples, pears and prunes, talance In garden, hay and grain; good 8-room house, barn and other buildings; well fenced, a good road, R F. D.. tele phone and cream route; 1 mile from R. R. station ana eiciria runway, tuto oovi terma COLUMBIA TRUST CO, 84 Fourth St Board of Trade Bldg. SEVERAL GOOD FARMS. 600 acree. 4 miles from town and R. R. and 85 miles from the city; 250 acres under cultivation; all good soli; about 1DO acres oan be irrigated by the gravity system; most all of the land can be tilled if de sired: plenty of water, springs and creeks, two sets of buildings; this place will make two or more good ranches; the price is only $42 per acre and can give goon terms, ueo. V. Turner. 416-17 Rothchild bldg. A 20-ACRE apple orchard in the Yakima Valley, near Richland, gave Mr. F. Wal den $21,000 Income In one year. This Is the home of the big red apple; get one of our 10-ocre tracts before the price goes up, October 1; selling now for $1-5 per acre, wun water. RICHLAND LAND CO.. A. W. Hover, Manager. 110 2d St Phone Main 1743, A 1743. WHEAT LAND. . 640 acres wheat land In Gilliam County. 6 miles west of Morgan Station; 4S0 acres level and under cultivation; 160 acres broken partly In canyon, but has water; this land capable of raising 40 bushels of wheat to the acre; one eroo will more than pay for the land: price. $25. Ad dress owner, 821 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Portiara. or. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND. OPENING UNDER CAREY ACT. Conrad Valley proiict. Montana. 70,000 acres of flrws grassy prairie under Irriga tion; drawing Oct. 7, 1909: must register for drawing before Oct 7; can register by power of attorney. For Information and blanks write M. W. WAYMAN. Valler, Mont. 270 ACRES. 200 acres of bottom land. 150 under cultivation, sultanje ror uairying. hops or grain; good buildings. 25 cows. 7 horses. lfiO goats, all machinery and tools, 8000 bushels of oats, plane well wat ered. 60 acres can be irrigated; in Wash lnston County, four miles from United Railways: all for $10o an acre. D 407. Oregonian. A REAL BARGAIN. $5000 on good term for a fine 10-acre place 9 miles from Courthouse; fine for vegetables; ever-running water with which to Irrigate the whole; all the stock, orop and machinery g es with place; Just the place you aro looking for; a good living and making money besides. F. FUCHS. 221ft Morrison St WHAT Walla Walla Wants ts You. Presi dent Roosevelt said: "Walla Walla made the pleasantest impression on my inmd of any city I visited In the Northwest" The surrounding valley is an agricultural para dise. It is making good. Send for book let S. Ask questlona Commercial Club. Walla Walla. Wash. FARMERS AND HOMES EE KERS. $10 and expensfce paid if not found as we represent It to be; we have choice farms of all klnde and sizes throughout the North west; If you want good value for your money and a square dfcal. seo F. FUCHS. 221ft Morrison St. BROADMEAD. 3, 10 and 20-acre tracts; the most fer tile and productive land In the Willamette Valley. Inquire of COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade Bldg. SMALL farms on bay and river, or will ex change; $760 for 160 acres, small Improve ments; 8 acres and house, $600; 55 acres, well Improved, $2500; easy terms. O. Mld- QiekaUll, lUKUU. ui i annua, v. BY OWNER 10-acre tract, all improved, with house, barns, etc.; can't be beat for price; located on Oregon Electric 21 miles from Portland. J 399, Oregonian. INDEPENDENCE AWAITS YOU IN IDAHO A 10-acre apple orchard assures It Malr & Prall, 2 Lumbermen's bldg. ALL kinds of Clark County, Washington, farms. Murphy & Caswell. 230 Stark t., Vancouver office, 712 Main st. ALL good one. ; see us. Colombia ?Bf. 0, Board 0$ Trade bids. . 20 ACRES, 10 acres of the richest kind of peat or beaverdam land. 200 sacks of onions per acre have been produced an nuallyVon a portion of this garden land: this place ts located less than 11 nilfs from the city Courthouse. 14 mile from R. R. station, store and school, also about 20 minutes' walk from electric line. SOd fare; family orchard, good-sized barn and old house, daily mall, phone In house, on Hazelwood cream route and main section line road, thickly settled community. 6 flrst-clai- Jersey cows, 1 600-lb capacity De Laval cream separator, 1 good heavy horse, wagon and harness, 1 top buppr and harness, 100 chickens; 40 turkeys and all other tools and Implements; a good living stream crosses the place; good well at the house; price $4000, $2000 cash, bal ance 6 years; I crop off 3 acres of onions next year will more than pay the mort gage CHAPIN A HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 63 ft ACRES, on Oregon Electric Railway, 43 acres In cultivation, balance in limbo and pasture; 000 cords of wood on the place which will bring $5000 over snd above cost of cutting, etc ; land lies nearly level with splendid drainage and is A-l soil; living stream on property, good well at house, all well fenced anr! cross-fenced; good house o'f 7 rooms, hard finished. large barn, good new hop kiln and store house; 20 acres of cleared land, in hops: a fine young orchard In full bearing; house sits back from road in clump o large maple and oak trees; close to echool. This is an attractive rural home and a good-paying farm; price $7000, $2000 cash, balance to suit. . COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg 10 ACRES, about 8 acres cleared, land Is level, .oil If of the very best quality of sandy loam, can be cleared easily, no .tumps, large enough to blast, can lt pulled with stump-puller; located 10 mlrc-i-from Portland. R. F. D., phone line, cream route, ft mile to R. R. station, lare spring on place, running creek 12x24 Inches with 10-foot fall, hydraulic ram will furnish water enough to Irrigate the entire tract: this is a rare snap and an in vestment with merit and will be taken by the first man that reaches the tract; price $1250. half cash, balance a eeara CHAPIN & HERLOW. 382 Chamber of Commerce. 210 ACRES. 200 acres level bottom land: has , line big new barn. 5-room hnu?e. 60 tons of hay In barn, orchard 2 acres, lot of V thoroughbred dairy cows, good horses, nil c kinds of machinery: $40 per acre; goi-d terms. Lincoln Investment Co., room 301, 2S6 Washington st. , . 4 acres, half mile from Clarkamns. 2 acres in strawberries!. 15 Royal Anne cherryv trees. good 7-room house, good well; $30"-0. 412 Marquam. FOR SALE 119 acres, half under cultiva tion; 25 miles south of Portland: good 11-room house and fine barn. For particu lars write Jno. Mundorf. Canby. Or. 60 ACRES, 26 cultivated. 10 acres orchard, house and bam; $3500. 412 Marquam. , WANTED REAL K8TATB. WE HAVE been very successful In handling city vacant. If you have any vacant prop--., erty that you wish to dispose of kindly call and see us regarding Mm ' THE SOUTH ER-ALBERTSOM COMPANY,.; 203 Corbett bldg., Portland. Or. WE ARB In touch with parties wishing to purchase desirable homes on either east rv," West Side. If your house la for sale call and see us or phone Main 1719. ' THE! SOUTH BR-ALBERTSON COMPANY. 203 . Corbett b!dg., , . Portland, Or. " WE pay cash for equities, contract. Whst- , have you bought on payment, lots or acie-t . ages? Will buy or eell yours st once. Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 32rtft Wash. WANTED From owner, a vacant lot north of Hamilton ave.. In South Portland. E. J. Gelser, 221ft Morrison st. BUNGALOW In Irvington. small payment down; owners onlv; state price, location -and terms. AB 397, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room cottage, walking distance. West Side preferred. 843 ft Wa blngton. WANTED Acreage, relinquishment or farm near Portland, call at 526ft Washington, or phone Main S4IS. WILL pay cash for modern 6-roomed house in good location. Y 407, Oregonian. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, mate particu lars and location. Y 40ft, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y CO.. ' Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 629 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. TIMBER lands for sale, 80.000.000 feet $00. 000 000 feet and several emaher tracts, well located; cruises will be furnished re.poa.Ibie buy era BLAIR RU9SELL, 4o3 Abington Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. Good timber In tracts to suit, fir or pine. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. 15 000.000 FEET on tidewater. Oregon' coast, at 30c per M.; snap, come quick. AF 399. Oregonian GOOD timber claim for sale In White Salmon Valley: cruise S.OOO.OoO. Price. $luo0. , L 407. Oregonian. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney Siampher, 531-32 Lumber fcxehsngs bldg. TIMBER and HOMESTEAD relinquishments. r.27 Woroeeter block. HOMESTEADS. FREE LAND IN OREGON. We can locate you on a 320-acre home stead In Central Oregon; no expense for livery hire after you gt to stags station; three men with teams on ground doinif survey work and locating; years of ex perience; no charge If you don t locate; last and best opportunity for the landless man on the maniess land; railroad now building. b s 0004 co.. 503 Corbett Bldg. WB can locate you on 320 acres dry farm- In land. Eastern Oregon; representative (. or ground. Call at office for particulars. Oliver & Havlland, 416 Lumbermena bldg. SILBTZ homestead relinquishment: five mli-... lion feet fir timber; price reasonable. 3.;ft .'. Washington et.. room 26. FOR RENT FARMS. WANT good tenants for ranch east of city must nave gooa tuani uu -m of fruit raising. A good opportunity to right party. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce FOR BAJ.E. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you can F-t a new one from an old established wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon at almost the same cost 7 We are located outside the high rent district, own our building and can make tne price. h.xc'u; .lve agents for the old reliable Una of Michigan Buggy Company fine vehicles, delivery wagons, top bugsles, runabouts and farm wagons. Bs ure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. r. M. Wade A Co.. 322 Hawthorn ave. be- , tween E. 1st and 2d t . FOR BALE or rent team, wltn goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month cr year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purpoaos. day. week, or month. Phones East 7 B 1369. Haw thorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE cheap, new wagon and harness and team of young mares. Will be on corner 1st and Morrison from 11 A. M. to 3 P. M. WE have some very good work horses; will sell cheao- also some driving horses, two very speedy. G. K. Howltt Co.. 14 80th st. Montavilla. BROWN driving mare, 6 years; sound and gentle; lady can ride or drive. 828 17th, North. FOR SALE A good work horse. 1200 lbs.i make a good horse on farm; will sell cheap. 61 Albina ave. FOR SALE Team 4-year-old ponies, wagon and harness, cheap. Cor. 19th and Marlon. Sellwood. TEAM ot young mules, weight about 1050 each. Call 124 Grand ave. FINE team of draft mares; Belgians; stylish. ' 328 17th. North. t - HUBERT A HALL, 8S0 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rig.. RUBBER-TIKE buggy and harness for sal. cheap. 328 17th. North. BLOODED driving mare, two Hal B colts, gentle and speedy, a 408. Oregonian. HORSES, mares, rigs and names of All kind, for sale, 294, Montgomery