THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1D09. 13 " i i ZTZ f REAL ESTATE. 1 f FOR SALE FARMS. ) ' FOR SALE FARMS. !kl,W X X 1 lUotLi X.C? in 1.. , I 111 I I - 1 . J . I ' 1 I ! It I ..i.otTnn.iiT trnUL-'L! (-T I - O Hp ir-T I $10.00 Down $5.00 a Month Fractional acres on Main street near Lents. 5c fare. Water piped to each tract. Graded (streets. Cleared and perfectly level. Title guaranteed per fect. One of the best chances to se cure a home on easy payments ever offered in Portland. Splendid school near by and entire district rapidly building up around this tract. Take Mt. Scott car, get off at Lents Sta tion, go north on Main street a short distance, not over 7 minutes' walk, and you will find agent at office on tract at Cadwell's Acres, from 10 to 4 o'clock. Lambert-Whitmer Co. 404 East Alder St. Corner SO lOO One of the most desirable apartment-house sites on the West Side; close in; present income $45.00per month. Price and terms are right. Smith 6 Everett FAILING BOLDEVG. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At cnrreoi ttaiea. Building; Lmi Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 302 Worcester Block. A HOME FOR NOTHING - Handsomo elM-room house In the fashionable Nob Hill district for sale on easy monthly payments. Call or ad drees the owner, 01 Board of Trade Dlds. Phone, Main 447. PENINSULA 60 lots. 5 acres, between Unl--prslty Park and McKenna Junction. Hutchinson, room 402, bth and Davis. Phone Main 1263 $25,000 WANTED For 2 or 3 years, secured by note and morta-asre on first-class inside prop erty. No agents. Apply for particu lars room 29 Hamilton bid)?., 131 3d st. MORTGAGE LOANS EDWARD E. GOl'DEY, Corbet Dolldlnff. RKAL ESTATE DCALEBS. Backus. A. (Irving-ton). 619 Bd. Trade. Andrew!, F- V. at Co. M. 34l SO Hamilton bids. Baker. Alfred A.. 212 Ablngton' bids. Back. William, G.. 812 Falling bid. Blrrell. A. H. Co., 2o2-3 McKay bidg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loan, etc Brubaker A Benedict. 5o2 Mcb.ay bid. M. 619. Chapfn 4k Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. B. A Co. 603 Corbett bids. Fields. C E. a Co Board of Trade bids. Jennlnsa 4k Co. Main 108. 200 Oreaonlaa. Parrlah. Watkln 4k Co.. 250 Alder at Schalk. Geo. IX. 284 Stark st. Main or A 892. Eaarker. J- P. Co 122 Sixth at. The Oregop Real Estate Co.. Grand are. and Multnomah at. Holladay Addition K Walker, B. T.. 604 Corbett bids. White B. F-. 227 H Washington at. REAL ESTATE. lor Kale Lot. WAVERLY HEIGHTS, on Kentlworth ave.. 40x100. cement sidewalk, street improved; 8400 esah. terma. Portland Success Realty " Co., 61 Board of Trade bid. EAST 12th and Powell at.. lOOxlOO. half caah. balance 2 yeirs. 6 per cent. Port laad Pu'ceea Realty Co.. 618 Board of Trade bldg. BT OWNER Two BOxlOO lots all traded, with 4-room. modern cottage: bath, clec trie and gas; price 3uO If taken at once. J 8k7, Oregonlan. NICE FL'LL LOTS on Mt. Scott carllne, t&- tricted building district, he fare; only 82" -So cash, hilance $5 per month LIND 4k H1GLEY. 132 Third at. FOR SALE by owner, two lot on corner, exejuslv residence district. Walnut Park. 8. sou; terma 409 Ablngton bldg. Phone Alain 8410. MOUNT TABOR Nearly an acre, on Wast ac ; c!t- view: $3"0; terms. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON corner 100x10 at a bargain; this week only. A- Backus, 618 Board of Trade bids;. CHEAP FOR CASH. Lot and a half In Sunnyside for 8050, See Minor, 1005 Belmont at. SNAP Only $450 for One corner lot on East Flanders. Dubois A Crockett, Washington bidg., room. 3. 60x100 on KUltngsworth. close to car barns, $$00. Dave Lewie, 627 Board of Trade bldg. SOUTHEAST corner of Maryland and Emer son, I block from KllUngsworth, $t25. 627 Board of Trade bldg. WEST SIDE lot, 50x100 ft., 5-oent car fare, $150- eaar terma See owner, 614 Board of Trade "b'.dg. IF YOU own lot will build yon a house on terma. Eastman Co.. So3 Ablngton bldg. Main S2i6. 8100 CASH. 819 monthly, fine corner lot. 1 block of Alberta, price $50; 2 lota on E, 8th et., 8000. Call r19 Swetland bldg. FOR COUNCIL CP. EST PARK bargains, see BAKER. 510 Board of Trade Bldg. T HAVE finest lot in Portsmouth Addition; must be sold at $300 cash. P 404. Ore gonlan. S ONE-ACRE lots at South Mount Tabor, phone Tabor 16.10. $.M CASH. $10 monthly, building sites near Hawthorne. 51i Swetland bldg. AOxl'MV Near Kenton; cheap for cash. Owner. AM Orsgonlan. For fcaloU. For SalHau.. ; SlH ARB YOU INTERESTED IN PORTLAND REAL ESTATE T , BUT OUR NEW MAPS, they will be of great advantage to you. 1. Latent map of town, giving new addi tion and electric l:r.e. 2. 25-mile circle of Portlaad's surround-: Ings, sectional may. giving township, range and section numbers R. R. and electric linea Price each 60 cent. Send stamps. THE CROSSLEY CO.. 700 Corbett bldg. THINKING ABOUT BUILDING? We hare two fine building site and we will help you build- Come in and talk It over. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 23 LOTS FOR SALE 28. $14 per foot will buy one or all; located only 2 blocks from street car, adjoining beautiful Columbia Park, facing Chautau qua and Fowler sta; both 100-foot streets; lots all cleared and in cultivation. Come and get them while they last; will sell on terma WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO.. 021 Corbett Bldg. OWNER has lot 60x100, graded streets, ce ment sidewalks and curbs. citywater, electric lights, building restrictions, beau tiful view. $50; corner on Tillamook st. with improvements paid, $900; also cor ner 100x100, 22(1 and Knott sta., at a bar gain. A. Backua. B19 Board of Trade bldg. 11 LOTS and a new 7-room house In South Mount Tabor district, ana in one i liveliest growing communities, on carllne; 20 tier cent loss than orescnt value for cash tranaaction; values win increase 2. per cent upon completion of Jlawtlurne avenue paving. . " E. F CANNON. 310 Corbett bldg IRVINGTON BARGAINS One of the best lota on East 20th for $1250; terms. H cash; also the best and only remaining vacant corners on Knott at.; one as low as $U300. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main Sfi9. A 2653. IRVINGTCN LOT. Fine lot on E. th. near Thompson. SO xlOO; all improvements In and paid; cheapest lot In the distrlot; 81530; some terma ' GRUSfll & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Two good adjoining lots, price 81000, on easv term. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main &&9. A 2fl."3. A NICE LOT near Union-are carllne. fine bltulitMc street, cement sidewalks, re stricted buildtnps. only $lir.O. one-third caah; 30 minutes' ride to center of city. LIND &, H1GLEY- 132 Third st 100 CHOICE IRVINGTON LOTS. I can show you all there Is for sale In this beautiful realdence district. A. Backus. M9 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main M60. TWO choice corner lota 50x200 feet. East Alder St., in factory district: 20 per cent les than value for quick caah transac tion. E. F. CANNON. 810 Corbett bldg. WB have 25 lotf in Wrr.on Add. we are offer ing very cneap: -siw caan. di. iv per month; 0 per cent interest on deferred pay ments). DUBOIS At CROCKETT. Washington Bldg., Office 8. KENTON. SWIFT'S TOWNSITB. Choice kit on Derby St.. adjoining ban budding, in heart of business center. Owner, ftMii Mi-Kay b!dg. For Sale1 $6.r00 An exceptionally well built, beauti fully flninhed and well-arranged home in an exclusive residence district with all streets paved, has large reception hall, living room with fireplace, dining-room with built-in sideboard, kitchen with woodltft. high, light basement containing furnace, laundry and provision room, lava tories and toilets on each floor". 4 nne bed rooms, sleeping porch, fine large attic, hardwood floors, built by day labor. ' STRONG & CO., Financial Agents, fi05 Concord Bldg. 7-ROOM Holladay Park home, 8-VX0. faces south, 3 blocks imia -a car ana duih 3 years; lot oOxlOO. In fine shape; this house Is remarkable for having four large rooms on first floor; fireplace, furnace, doutie floors, built-in bookcase, cement basement with laundry tubs; good attic, floored; a bargain and only 82000 cash needed CH A PIN & HER LOW.' 332 Chamber of Commerce. S4O00 A decided bargain In a flrpt-clasa, new, 6 -room house, near Hawthorne ave.; has 8 bedrooms and bath upstairs, con crete basement, laundry tubs, fireplace, large sleeping porch, gas and electricity, piped for furnace, cement walks; splen did value for the money. s STRONG A CO.. . Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bldg. MODERN 8-room house, lot 100x100. sleep ing porch, furnace, fireplace, paneled dln-inr-room; best buy on E. Ankeny carllne. $0O0; terms; also 5-room bungalow. E. Washington st., fixtures all in; best In Funnyside, $3000. T. J. Byrnes. 245V4 Morrison St. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? We have one on Airwwdrth ave., new, mod ern, ft-room home. cor. lot; price 83000; 4 cash, balance to suit. DUBOIS & CROCKETT, Washington Bldg., Office 3. UNION AVENUE HOME. Modern 6-room house, on corner; beau tiful yard: price. $.Vj0; terma H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones MhIh 8(tt0. A 26."S. FOR SALE Practically new 6-room house, 20 minutes' ride to center of city; 6 nice fruit trees and lawn, very cheap buy. Price. $1000. ?.00 d:wn. baL easy terma Room 610. Buchanan bldg. CH BAP. 6-room modern hoe. lot 60x100. 722 Grand are. N. ; price f'-Wft. J. J. OEDEK. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. GOOD house and 4 full lots; young fruit and berries; an Ideal place for chickens, r.irden, berries, etc. ; close to ctir; only $13o and terms. Call 513, Chamber Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Modern 8-room bungalow, 8 lots, $S0oO, part cash or trade, near carllne; many tree; a beautiful place. Owner, 923 Board of Trade. BEAUTIFUL home for few months. 5 or 8 rooms, fine lawn, furnace, every con venience, walking distance, overlooking river. 349 E. GiL-an. $nriOft WILL buy 10-room res:dence. Includ ing furniture, on carllne. in South Port land; $1000 cah required. G odd aril 4b Wiedrlck, 243 Stark st. FOR PALE 5-room hou-e and lot 100x100, 81400. easy terms. Six-room house, lot OxlOO. on Main street, $1VX cash. 610 Buchanan bldg. FOR RENT Three new cottages on corner Third and Wood sts.; two 6-room, one 4-rom; bath In each. Apply 353 Wash ington at. MODERN B-room house, fruits and flowers, at a bargain. See owmtr. second house west Howe station. W. V. car MODERN, new, 7-room cottage for sale by owner. W. N. Harrison. 1042 East Sher man at.; owner on ground. NEW, modem 6-room cottage, lot 52xtOO, $200; half cash, balance time, 839 East Kelly at. W-W car. BY owner. 6 rooms, reception hall; modern, large porches?, high and. rightly. N. W. cor. 2uth and E. Mad. son. Terms, $2750 New. modern 5-room bungalow, full lot. east front. 1185 Maryland ave. Inquire at 10W5 Maryland ave Terms. MODERN 6-room house, $;t000, $200 rash, $2. monthly. Phone Woodlawn 1709, C 2456. SACRIFICE sale, noarly new, 7 rooma, mod ern, Holladay Park; must sell. O 392. Oregonlan. WILL sacrifice 2-room house, 2 corner lots, Clarks Station. Mt. Scott carline. A 5430. $200 Lot 50x100. 6-room house in Ivanhoe; Balance to suit. Phone Tabor 108. BY owner. 5x100 lot on 8outh Sherman at., with f'-Hir-room cottage. Apply 30S Davie. NEW, modern bungalow, $2250; $250 down; going away, must sell. AJ 3y7, Oregonlan. BUNGALOWS, bungalow, bungalows, any where, any terms. 43 Couch bldg. AGENT We want to co-operate with a couple Uvo firuia AF 419. Oregonlan. NICE LITTLE BUNGALOW HOME. On top of MU Tabor, 5 rooms, modern, beautiful view, excellent car service. Price; $2500. cash $10OO. LARGE 8-ROOM bungalow, 1 block car, 20 min. ride. 5c fare. Price, $Si00, cash FINE 9-ROOM RESIDENCE, beautiful corner lot, on carllne. $3K. cash $1000. FINE 100x101 CORNER, residence site, 8 blocks splendid car service, on East Side. Price, $4200. You'll find It the BEST WAY to get my Illustrated booklet of Portland homes for Bale. . G. T. WALKER. 604 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON, THE BEAUTIFUL. And to think of being able to own a home on 10th and Tillamook streets, full corner lot 50x100, tine modern 6-room house with den, etc., furnace heat, etc., furnished completely with made-to-order furniture from select oak and mahogany; owner going away; will teave everything but linen and keepsakes, canned fruit, etc. go along; an exceptional bargain for this beautiful home; price $$000; terms $2000 down, balance as mortgage. "R." CHAPIN & HEKLOW, 332 Chamber of Cominerce. EXTRA FINE LOCATION. ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. 6-room bungalow. 1 block from Haw thorne ave., at only $2500, on desirable comer lot, east front, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, woodllft, laundry trays, very complete Un se Co., 407 Wells Fargo bldg! Main 2S59, A 1747, sr 1046 Hawthorne ave. Ta- bor S60. IRVINGTON HOME, must De sold; atrlctly modern 9-room, well-built house, at S32 Hancock st. (cor. of E. 26th st.), must be old. Large verandas, sleeping balcontss. oak floors in both stories, enameled wood work, 2 fireplaces, full concrete basement, etc. This house was built for a home and will be sold at very reasonable price and terma Price $10,600. Address room 11. 250 8d st. Phones A 2S&3 or Main 5692. " ' NEW, elegant residence, large reception hall, living-room. bookcases, paneled and beamed dining-room and den, buffet breakfast room, kitchen, pantry, four bedrooms, large sleeping porch, polished oak floors, combination lighting fixtures, duplex shades, very stylUih exterior, close in, 2 blocks from quick car service, paved streets, select neighborhood, low price and easy terms. N 393, Oregoman. A HOME Best built 7-room bungalow on 87th and, Hawthorne avenue, all street Improvements, 2 porches, bath, paneled dining-room, window Boats, linen closet, fine large kitchen, large pantries, a per fect home in every respect at a bargain. House open Sunday or call A 1857, Home phone. FOR SALE by owner, new 6-room house,' ilcely furnished ; cement basement, lawn, fruit trees; cloae in; $S0O; terma 1 Pretty home, 7 rooms, comer, lawn, full cement basement. Walnut Park, $700O; terma . ' 409 Ablngton Bldg. Phone Main 8410. HOLLA DAY'S ADDITION For sale or lease 1 2-room residence In choice section on Holladay ave., 100x200, beautiful grounds, fruit bearing trees. Is completely furnish ed, will sell at a sacrifice; no agents j get full particulars from HARRY 'T. NICOLA I. 227 Davis St. BRAND new artist la bungalow of 5 rooms in sightly Belle Crest, 200 feet above the city, corner 50x100, 1 block to Rose City car, improved stroets; price $2750; $1000 cash, balance to suit ; you will like the district; it's a beauty Inside and out: ab solutely double construction; key at office, Jas. C. Logan, 326 H Wash, at., room 404. GOOD FOR A HOME OR INVESTMENT. 8-room house with magnificent view, on Corbett St., Went Side ; pays 10 per cent net on the investment; -extra high elevation ; unobstructed view ; 33 1-3x10 0, $.1500; $2000 cash; easily worth S4500. W M. Cor.klin & Co., 407 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main 259. A 1747. T 28 AN unusual offer. $3350; beautiful 6-room home juat completed, piped for furnace, lot 40x100; less than a block off Killings worth ave., near new High School ; best buy in the city; terms $500 down, balance as rant. "R" CHAPIN A HERLOW, 333 Chamber of Commerce. HOLLADAY ADDITION. On East 7th st., H block from Broad way car. 2 new flats, full cement base ment, cement sidewalk. Ptreet improved, facing east., bringing good income; half cash. Portland Success Really Co., 013 Board of Trade bldg. YOU CAN BUY A HOME At a smalt amount down, balance monthly, price $1900; S rooms, fine bath, new bunga low, on good carllne; you will never own a home till you quit paying rent; see my agent, 320 Lumbermen bldg., 5 th and Stark. FOR SALE-. Up-to-date 6-room house in the choicest location in Sunnyside; two car linos, all conveniences, highly Improved corner lot ; east and south exposure ; ce ment walks; everything flrst-class; $3200; will make terms. Call owner. Tabor 1079. NEW 2-atory, 6 large rooms, piped and wired, fireplace, furnace, modern and flrst class in every respect, situated In a fine neighborhood, 4 blocks from the car line; the price Is low and terms are easy. N 394. Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR LEASE 7-room modern house near West ave. ; flowers, fruit, lawn, chickens; good neighborhood ; references required. Phone morning, Tabor 602; pos session October L SPLENDID new 8-room home, choicest lo cation, Irving ton; fixtures, shades, fur nace ; very complete ; and many others. W. H. Herdman, room 500 Oregonlan bldg. Phone Main 3830. A BARGAIN New 8-room bungalow, 1170 Burrage at., 100 ft. from Klllingsworth ave.; take St. J. car to Greely L .Walking dis tance from, new high school; terms. Owner, 1095 Maryland ave. 6-ROOM modem home, 2 blocks to car. with ftr-oplace and improved streets: won't last long at $2000; $30 0 cash, balance $25 monthly. Jas. C. Logan, S26 Wash ington St., rbom 404. FOR SALE By owner, beaut'.ful 8-room house, Portland Heights, view unexcelled, large sleeping porches, fireplaces, hardwood floors; all modern conveniences; easy terms. O 4o2, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON Bargain If taken nt once, owner leaving city; modern house, 6 rooms, est front; furnace, fine lawn, choice fruit .trees and rose bushes. See owner. 453 E. IKth st. N., bet. Tillamook and Thompson A BARGAIN. $22006 room house, bath, pantry and closets. 4 fine lots. A. C. Harris, Lincoln ave., soirth of Myrtle Park. Phone Sell wood 11 7S. 6-ROOM bungalow, E. Washington and 3Stb. thoroughly modem; must sell this ' week. BAKER, 510 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT to soli my home; a modern bunga low, nice lawn, nice location, fine place; will sell for less than cost ; $750 cash, balance long time: call any time; take Alberta car. 894 E. l&th North. KEARNEY ST. 60x100. 6-room house; a good bargain. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg.. $45AO SEVEN-ROOM house, bath, toilet, basement, electric light, three lots. 23 bearing trees; corner, on carline; $2500 cash. Owner. 218 Board of Trade. 2 FOUR and 2 i-lx-room modem cottages; In stallments. South Portland. C. H. Plggott, owner, 14 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Morri son. 6-ROOM house on 50x100 lot. for $1000; $300 caah. W. J. BAKER, 619 Board of Trade -Bldg. 5-ROOM modem bungalow, on East 38th St., 3 blocks from S- S. car, $75-0 cash, balance monthlv. Portland Suct-ess Realty Co., 618 Board of Trade bldg. 5-ROOM modem bungalow. lot SOxlOO. all fenced. $300 cash, balance monthly. Port land Success Realty Co., 618 Board of Trade bldg. IF we haven't a home on land to suit you we will build you one. Jas. C Logan, 326 Washington St., room 404. $400 Nice 7-room house, lot 75x100. not far out on East Side, one-third cash. LIND 3c HIGLEY. -132 Third st. CENTRAL ALBINA 6 rooms, modem; owner offers $300 below value. See it. 876 Gantenbein ave. ' GOOD 5-room house and fractional lot on prominent East Side street for $1000. J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber of Commerce, BY SEEING some of our bungalows you will find out why we sell so many. Jas. C. Logan, 326 Wash. St., room 404. IRVINGTON 12 nice residences, $6250 to $12,500-'. every one a bargain. Backus, 610 Board of Trade. Main 6uC0. , 7-ROOM house Holladay Add. Owner, room 304. Board of Trade bldg. A NEW 4-room cottage on 50x100 lot. $050; built and occupied by owner. 1159 Mall at. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? If you want to aee something" fine, see that 6-room new home on East 37th St., near Hawthorne ave. We. can give yo good terms on this. Prescott-street home of 5 rooms; fine lawn and flowers; only two blocks from car; $i00 cash, balance of the, $000 easy terms. 7-room home on East 26th, near Clin ton st., on carllne and within one block of another; $2tf00. " Neat 4-room cottage on East Morrison near 37th. only $2500. New 7-room home at Myrtle Station; lot 40x100; price only $2000; this is a buy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S- E- Cor. 3d and Oak Sta. SIX ACRES. . WITHIN CUx LIMITS. Platted all around. This is one of the finest places for a home In the. city. New nine-room house, good barn,, fine out buildings. Land all set to fruit and berries. Bull Run water. I own this property and want to cell It at once. , , Will give very liberal terms with small cash payment or take grood secured note as a flrt payment. Price $13,000.00. ' 4U( The Improvements alone are worth this amount Close to a carline, splendid view. Let me show you this property at once, AL 3&ti, Oregonlan. HOLLADAY SNAP. House with eight large rooms, two bathrooms, hall and pantry; bigger house than It looks from the street: 411 East 12th st.; fine location, two blocks from Broadway carline; furnace, grate, with a dandy mantel, paneled library, both fixtures. cement cellar floor, cement washtubs; house papered throughout; was built for a home and repaired; it's a bar gain at $S50 less than it's worth and $1000 will handle it; .five years' time on the balance. Phone East 92. or East 728. C L. Buss. 320 East Morrison st. $10 PER MONTH. Here Is a chance of a lifetime; 5-room home, corner lot. cement walks in and paid for, fine lavut. fruit trees, gas stove, heating stove, 5 cords wood and some other furniture. The price is $2900; $1100 down, balance only $10 per month. We recommend this to you because we know it U a good buy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sta. 836O0 CHOICE new dwelling; $200 cash, $20 per month; very desirable; thie price would be low for caph. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO., Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark Sta. LITTLE WEST SIDE HO&E. $1900 Good 6-room ho up and fractional lot: it will pay you to lnvestlr-.te; close In. $2600 Good 6-room house, 25x100; Havler street, THREE FINE HOMES. $rt7oi Corner on 10th; good 7-room house, ro-m for apartments. $1000 lOOxlOO, new 7-room bouse, with an modem conveniences. $10,000 Corner, new 8-room house and garage; Nob Hill district; you should eee these homes before purchasing. FRED C. KING. 600 Commercial Bldg., 2d and Wash. Sts. HOLLADAY HOME .BARGAIN. ' 824 East 15th St.. N., an the Irving ton carline. a block and a half from the Broadway line; best workmanship and material; six rooms, furnace, grate, gas and electric fixtures, wood lift, full ce ment cellar floor, cement wash tubs, fine bathroom, inside finish, hand rubbed; house, double boarded: the price much less than it can be built for. Phones at my store. East l2, or B 1362. House phone. East 72S. Sept. 19, 10OB. DEAR MADAM: I should like to call your attontlon to . the prettiest homo in Irvington. It has seven beautifully designed and artistically ' finished rooms and every convenience that the. modern builder can devise. Wide . porches, a sleeplnp balcony and beautiful trees in front and the rear add to its com fort. Please let us hear from you. R. F. BRYAN & CO.. 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227, Main 3903. EAST YAMHILL ST. HOUSE. $500. Nice 6-room," story and h.tlf house: street Improvements and sidewalks in and fold ; on East Yamhill, near 21 st ; price, 2750; $500 cash: $25 per month; beats paying rent; walking distance. GRUSSI & ZADOW, S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. 6-room modern bungalow; cement base ment, fireplace built-in bookcase and buffet; lot, uOxiOO; price, $3250; terms. H. P. PALM ER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main K609, A 2653. for Sale Business Property. AN INVESTMENT. A quarter block In factory district, and Is bound to increase one-third In value in 1 year; It is leased for five years at a fair price; will sell at market price of $15,000, half cash, bal. to suit; no agents. T 3US, Oregonlan. ABSOLUTELY FREE. Pay us Just the worth of a good buslners lot on East 2Sth st. and the 6-room ..cottage on It we give vou ahpoluteiv free. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Washington Bldg., Room 3. M Isceilaneoua, FOR SALE A beautiful home at Oak Grove, Oregon City line; 30 minutes' ride; 1 acres of ground, new 6-room house, pantry, storeroom, brick fireplace, 75 feet verandas. 200 choice roses in full bloom, 75 bearing grape vines, 300 bear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants, 60 bearing fruit trees of every description, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fenced and cross fenced, enough garden truck planted for good -sized family, every foot of ground cultivated ; fine lawn around the house, dotted with select shrubbery, etc., etc. Inquire on premises, Louis Brandt. Oak Grove, Or. MAN OVERBOARD with 10 lots and 2 un finished houses, near carline; must sell; price $2500. Man . struck with paralysis, must sell 150-acre farm, good soil, 14 head cattle, 3 good horses, 2 wagons and all other farm ing implements, new 5-room house, large barn with 25 tons of hay, farm watered by spring, all for $3300, half cash, bal ance to suit. We have all kinds of bargains in houses, lots, small acreage, timber land, etc. For good bargains see V STATE LAND COMPANY. 133H . Alder St., Second Floor, Room 1. ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted 70 per cent of walnuts In Oregon, sold 00 per cent of planting ever sold In Oregon, we feel our prop erties should Invite consideration; $100 cash, $15 per month for each five-acre tract. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO- '(Inc.), Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. OWNER must leave city, so will sell his beautiful horn, west slope Mt. Tabor. 9 rooms, electric Hsrhts, water, etc. ; lot 75x 135. Price, S00UO; terms. Fred Broetje. Mt. Tabor. SUNNYSIDE SNAP 6 rooms and all Im provements in, $2350 ; $6iti) cash, balance easy terms; no agents. 103S Belmont st. Phone B 1762. NOB HILL HOME. 8-room bouee, full lot, upper Love Joy st.; a fine buy at $S-0t. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. BUNGALOWS 4 to S rooms, $1500 to $6500, easy terms, all new: Call 313 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR anything In Portland real estate se Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. 10 ACRES rich land. fmprovetf, Yamhill. Write or call evenings. Poole. 29 N. 10th. LIST YOUR property witn Sigel & Co., 838 Morrison. Phone Main 21 85. A 4;.09. FARMS WANTED. TO RENT FARM Wheat or dairy farm wanted at once on shares, stocked and ' ready for business. Call evenings or Ad dress W. K. Deaver, 754 E. 8th st. WANTED AT ONCS-rTo lease dairy ranch near Portland. What have you? 558 ast 2Mb. U city. .T.oiTnn.M irrillL'J (T I'D tip iCT O. W. P. Railway and Powell "Val.ey; mac- edamlzed road; one or more acres cleared, with abundance of pure water piped under pressure for domestic and irrigation pur poses; only 7 miles from buaines center; 10c ; carfare; free mail delivery, public school, electric lights and telephone. Let us show you. GREEN-WHITCOMB CO.. -245 Washington St. . v Main 8033. A 492 I HAVE 20 ACRES within one mile city limits, close to electric line, 5c fare. They are platting land all around me not as good as mine and selling in 4 -acre lots at average of $1BX per acre. I will sell mine In a body for half that. Get busy If you want to clear 100 per cent. S. T- WALKER. 6O4 Corbett bldg. 8 ACRES. 11 miles from Courthouse, on O. W. P. electric line; surrounded by bear ing apple orchard and cultivated potato land; overlooks Columbia River; an Ideal tract; price, $2400; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main tG00. A 2653. 10-ACRE lot. 10 miles west of the city. lying bet; the electric line and the S. P. R. R-. at station, part clear, part In brush, run ning water on several lots, fine for chick ens or hogs, beautiful home site: $175 to 8250; email payments and easy terms. Chlm, 615 Couch bldg. SO ACRES, all fenced and under cultivation, 2 to 3 acres geunlne beaverdam : small stream fed by springs on land ; close to Tigard Station on Salem Electric; graded school within mile; only 25 minutes from Portland; most attractive buy. Julia Maxwell, 309 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BROADMEAD. 5, 10 and 2o-acre tracts; the most fer tile and productive land in the Willamette Valley. Inquire of COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. WHAT Walla Walla want Is you," and perhaps. If you investigate, you will want Walla Walla, Our valley Is an agricultural paradise; our orchards are making good. Send for booklet S, Commercial Club, Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED, ACREAGE. Colonization client waiting for 200.000 to S00.0O0 acres cheap land in Oregon or Washington; option wanted. -v OVERLAND INVESTMENT CO. 401-2 Board of Trade Bldg. HOOD RIVER. X have 40 acres of fine unimproved land In the East Side apple belt of Hood River, which must be sold at once; will sell alt or part cheap. AG 338. Oregonian. 1 TO lO-acre tracts, finest cleared land, some beaverdam, on electric carline near Vancouver, dn easy payments. Murphy & Caswell, 230 Stark st. Vancouver of fice, 713 Main at. HOOD RIVER orchard tracts near city of Hood River from $50 to $200 per acre; very easy terms. Call soon, while they last. Dufur Realty Co., 602 Corbett bldg. ACREAGE in large or small tracts on car line, close In: choice river front; BoO acres to subdivide. Kinney & Stamp her, 631 Lum ber Exchange bldg. A 4881. ACREAGE In various quantities on the Ore gon Electric Line, to trade for Portland property. Full Information at 410 Failing bldg. ON 8ALKM car, only 15 minutes' ride, ly ing at station, 2 1-3 acres, half cash, bal ance 2 years. Portland Success Realty Co, 613 Board of Trade. A VALUABLE platting proposition, close In, 5o car fare, adjoining property selling fast. AL 305, Oregonian. $50 PER ACRE 8 miles from Postoffice, Eastern Exchange, 2116 Morrison. WAXTKD T7.F4X B STATIC WE HAVE been very successful In handling city vacant. If you have any vacant prop erty that you wish to dispose of kindly call and see us regarding same. THE SOUTHEK-ALliERTSOX COMPANY, 203 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or. WE ARB In touch with parties wishing to purchase desirable homes on either east or West Side. If your house is for sale call and see us or phone Main 6719. THE SOUTH ER-ALBERTSON COMPANY, ' 203 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED 2, 6 or 7-room heuse, modern, close to car and school, between $2500 ana $3wO. MRS. LENTS AGENCY, 2S6Vi Washington, Rooms 406-7. I WILL buy a 6-room house on the East Sido for cash; it must be a bargain, and well located ; give location and descrip tion. W 399, Oregonian. FRACTIONAL lot; Inside will do; must be sewer and gas, not over 3 blocks to car; will pay up to $750. What hava you got? J. R. aTHJE. 720 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Bungalow of 5 or 6 rooms; $200 cash, $15 per month; close to car. MRS. LENTS' AGENCY, 260 '4 Washington, Rooms 406-7. MODERN HOUSE to cost 84000 to $0000, on West Side, from owner. Call Wednes day before 5 o'clock P. M. G. W. Bow man. 615 Board of Trade, WILL pay cash for & vacant lot on the West Side; must be well located and a bargain; give location. X 395, Oregonlan. BUNGALOW In Irvington, small payment down ; owner only ; state price, location and term. AB -397, Oregonlan. WANTED for cash, a house and lot on the West Side; gUe house number and lowast price. X 396, Oregonian. WANTED Acreage, relinquishment or farm pear Portland. Call at 526 Washington, or phone Main S458. WANTED Bargains In houses and vacant lots. Baker, 519 Board of Trade bldg. FIVE to 80 acres within 15 miles of Port land. Baker, 519 Board of Trade bldg. FOR, SALE TIMBER LANDS. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR TIMBER? Over 6000 acres, large per cent sugar pine; R. R. right of way cut within four miles of this tract; price $25 per acre, half cash, balance 6 per cent; compact tract. 40,000.000 feet of fine Port Orford cedar and yellow fir; price $25,000. 42,000.000 feet Port Orford cedar and yellow nr.; $21,000. Over 57.5O0.000 feet mostly yellow fir, tributary to Willamette River; 00c per M. 400-acre ranch, over 15,000,000 feet of fine timber; ranch well equipped; $21,500; timber alone, $15,000. Many large and small tracts at reason able price, buys that you can make money on. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER FOR SALE. Will sell 3.0IHJ.000 feet of fine timber, 120 acres, located in Tillamook County, section 10, 1 south. 9 west, on Kelchis River. -for $1650 cash If taken at once. This stumpage Is worth every cent of ,$1 now as an Investment. Rotlie W. Wat - son, . at Oregon Hotel.' We need the money now. TIMBER LANDS OREGON, WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y & CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. H2J Chamber of Commerce Portland. TIMBER lands for sale. 80.0tf0.000 feet, SOO, 000,000 leet and several smaKer tracts, well located; cruises will be furnished responsible . buyers. BLAIR & RUSSELL, 4o3 Abingrom Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. Good timber in tracts to suit, fir or pine. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. 15,000.000 FEET on tidewater. Oregon coast, at itOc per M.; snap. Come quick. AF 399. Oregonian WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney s Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER and HOMESTEAD relinquishments. 327 Worcester block. HOMESTEADS. TWO good homestead relinquishments, one 5 000,000 and one 7.000,000; price $S0O and $1000, .close to railroad. AH 399, Orego nian. WE can locate you on 320 acres dry farm ing land,' Eastern Orccon; representative on ground. Call at office for particulars. Oliver & Haviland, 416 Lurabermens bldg. 320-ACRE homesteads, finest in Central Ore gon ; level, s toneless, rich soil, well water everywhere, cheap lumber. Nno expense un less satisfied. Box 5. Bend. Or. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Timber claims In fir. direct from owners. 920 Board of Trade bldg. M. 7206 TIMBER lands wanted, C J. McCracken, 804 McKay bldg. TILLAMOOK COUNTY DAIRY RANCH aunoo tAfo. $2500 in cash will land anyone on a $0000 dairy ranca in Tillamook Tills place is a 10 - acre Improved ranch; 130 acres of which Is hay land and the balance, pasturage and- grass land; 23. head of high-grade cows. In come from cows $250 per month; one good v horse, chickens, all larra implements, tools too numerous to men tion; barn 46x80 feot; small house of 4 rooms, cheese factory on the place and belongs to the property; running water through the place; lots of small berries, good garden and small or chard; terms $2.00 cash, bal. on long time at 7 per cent. This is a snap now. Rollie W. Watson, at the Oregon Hotel until September 25. Call or write for further particulars. HITHER HOOD. GENERAL FARMING AND FRUIT LANDS PRODUCE LARGE CROPS. Oats from 60 to 100 bushels per acre. Wheat. 40 to 80 bushei per acre. Timothy. 4 tons per acre. Fruits of all kinds grow to perfection. Absolutely free from early , and late frosts. Rich shot loam soil, no gravel; free from hardpan. Hundreds of acres will be planted to apples next year. Good automobile road through country. The Mt. Hood Electric line will tap the .center of Hither Hood. Land for sale in tracts of 10 acres and up. Prices range from $30 to $10O per acre. You will be Interested after reading our booklet. Arrange to go out in our ma chine, CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. ONE OF CLARK COUNTY'S BEST FARMS 63 acres, 40 acres under cultivation. 20 acres in pasture and three acres in gar den and orchard; soil is the very bust ; 8- room house, in fine condition ; large barn, new blacksmith shop, with com plete set of tools, and other outbuildings; fine well of water, with windmill that pumps the water Into the house: all machinery, consisting principally of plows, disc, mower, rake, 8-aeated hack, cider mill and several other small tools too numerous to mention; two double har nesses, 19 hogs, 4 cows. 2 calves. 4 dozen chickens, also 125 bushels of oats and 15 tons of hay; place Is all fenced and cross fenced; 82 miles to Vancouver, 2 miles to Brush Prairie, miles to Glenwood and 2 in miles to the end of the New Orchards Electric Line, mllo to 9- months school and 40 rods to church; price. $0800; part cash; time on balance. Address Troea & Forbes. Vanoouver, Wash. 167 y ACRES All in cultivation but 4 acres which is in fine timber; good 7-room house, nearly new,, good barn and other buildings; all household furniture, good family orchard of 2 or 3 acres; 15 acres young orchard, prunes and cherries, 2 good wells, one at barn and one at house: good living spring in the pasture; land Blightly rolling. line soil, on good county road, 4 horses, 4 cows, 3 hogs, 2O0 chick ens, wagon, buggy, harness, cultivator, plow, harrow, reaper, mowing machine and all farm Implements; barn full of hay, 1200 or more bushels of oats, some wheat, 4 acres potatoes and other vegetables; good fencing, mostly woven wire ; school 400 or 500 yards trom place; look this up If you want a good place ; price $15,000. $6000 down, 5 years on balance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. ONE OF THE CHOICEST FARMS IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 73 acros, 45 acres under cultivation (up- land), and 33 acres of river bottom land. 7 or 8 acres of which are under cultiva tion; balance In good ash and maple trees; finest kind of vegetable land; also A- fruit land; there are about 2o0 peach tree set out, one-half of them bearing this season, had about 100 bushels of nice peaches this season; 8-room house, barn 40x44 ; good team of horsus, new mower, wagon, rake, disc plow, harrow, large cream separator and 6 good cows; this is a splendid place for a truck or dairy ranch; only a miles from the county seat; price $70o0; terms $2500 cash, balance easy terma ; would consider trade for va cant city lots to the value of about $1000. OTTO & HARKSON. 133 Va First Streot. 40 ACRES 29 acres cleared, good 7-room house, cost $2i00; good well and windmill, cost $6ou ; good barn, all painted, cost $500; other buildings cost $50u; good fam-1I5- orchard, '2. buggies, 1 new, 1 new 24 heavy wagon, mower, rake, roller, plow, harrow, cultivator, cream separator and . all farm implements; good young team, 4 cow s, 1 sow, 1 yearling heifer, 2 dozen chickens, 1 acre potatoes, 1 acre stock kale, all kinds of vegetables, fenced and cross-fenced ; good soil, good county road, li miles from R. R. station. 14 miles from Portland; don't buy till you see this plitce; price $ti)00. half cash, good terms. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth St. Board Trade Bldg. 53 Acres. 134 miles from Portland, on good county road, 1 miles from steam and electric line. 20 acres in cultivation, balance slashed, burned and seeded; fine large new house, large barn and other good buildings; all fenced and cross fenced; good well and pump, good team, young colt, 5 cows, 3 heifers, 4 pigs, 5 dozen chickens, 20 tons of good hay, 1H acres of potatoes, 1 acre of stock kale, good garden, good soil and all level ; price $70V0 ; good terms. Columbia Trust Company. 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade bldg. RAILWAY LANDS. $12 to $16 per acre, 10 years' time, crops pay for tha land; the wheat lands of the Canadian Pacific Railway in Al berta are the best; harvested the largest yields of wheat and oats on the continent this year; next excursion about September 25; reduced rates. Come in or send for particulars and illustrated literature. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY, General Agents Canadian Pacific Railway Lands, 425-26 Lumbermen's Bldg. WHEAT LAND. 640 acres wheat land In Gilliam County. 6 miles west of Morgan station; 4S0 acrca level and under cultivation; 160 acres broken partly in canyon, but has water; this land capable of raising 40 bushels of wheat to the acre; one crop will more than pay for the land; price. $25. Ad dress owner. 321 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portlard. Or. $3i0 PER acre for 30 acres, 8 miles from heart of city and 1 mile from Oregon City carline; hind all level and nearly all clear; fine spring, some timber fnr domestic use, no-buildings; you can double your money on this piece of land In 2 years; adjoins nice vegetable farm. C. F. Pfiuger & Co., rooms 4-6, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison streets. ISN'T THIS A SNAP? 1 hour's ride from Portland ; 40 acres, all lies level, 20 cleared, including a 10 acre apple orchard in bearing ; improve ments Include" fine barn, fulr house, fine well, spring and gasoline engine; land li.s on -two county roads. Price S.vjimj ; will take residence up to $0o0. AM 395, Oregonian. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND. OPENING UNDER CAREY ACT. Conrad Valley project, Montana, 70.000 acres of fin-a grassy prairie under irriga tion ; drawing Oct. 7, 1909 ; must register for drawing before Oct. 7; can register by power of attorney. For Information and blanks write M. W. WAYMAN. Valier, Mont., WHAT Walla Walla Wants Is You. Presi dent Roosevelt said: "Walla Walla made the pleaantest Impression on my mind of any city I visited in the Northwest." The surrounding valley is -an agricultural para dise. It a making good. Send for book let S. Ask questions. Commercial Club, Walla Waila. Wash. 3C1 ACRES Fine dairy and hog ranch, on Colum bia River bottom. 34 miles from Portland, with 4 trains to city dally; station on place; $6." per acre ; adjoining land from 75 to $150. HARTMAN, A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. FINE DAIRY FARM Of 340 acres, less than 20 miles from Portland, half mile to shipping station; well Improved with residence, bams, etc.; will eell if taken Boon at about $100 per acre half cash. S. -T. WALKER. 604 Corbett bldg. BROADMEAD. 3, 10 and 20-acre tracts; the moat fer tile and productive land In the Willamette Valley. Inquire of COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade Bid?. LOOKING FOR FRUIT LAND? Klickitat County. Washington, lies op posite Hood River fruit district. I have lands from $15 up. Call for Information end booklet. S. T. WALKER. 604 Corbett bldg. 5 ACRES, half cleared, 2 acres swale, half mile of Beaverton. on two roada. $750 cash, balance ?asy terms. W. J. BAKER. 619 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE 119 acres, half under cultiva tion; 25 miles south of Portland; good 11-room house and fine barn. For particu lars write J no. MundorL Canby, Or. MODEL farm, suitable for dairying or gen eral farming; fully equipped, containing 166 acres, every foot fine Qep black aU; 15 acres In high state of cultivation, all fenced and cro&s-tencetl. 5 springs and 2 running streams, flnex-room hoiw-s,' good large ba.rn, with water piped to same; iu.rn iioed with hay; 14 head of fine cow. 1 bull, 4 flno horses. 50 chickens, with ail chicken-houses and outbuildings, 3 wagons, 1 buggy. 3 sets of double harne. 1 set lngie harness, mowers rake, plows, cultivators, all iann tools and implements, cans, strainers and everything neceswary to run the place; this place la 30 miles from Portland. In Yam hill Countv, 2 miles from S. P. R. R. sta tion, telephone, it. F. D. and milk rout-?; everything go..- at a sacrifice price of $st) per acre, terms. CHAPIN A HERLOW, 332 Chamber of 4.vmmrc. WHEAT AND STOCK RANCHES. 14ihj acres wheat land. 40 head stock. Eastern Oregon. $30 per acre; terms. 160 acres on Hllvits River. Harney Coun ty, SO acre fine bottom land, good im provements; $2000, $12:i0' cash. 4M acres fine fruit, alfalfa and grain land. Harney County; loo in cultivation, water for Irrigation, good buildings, 300 bearing trees, a fine ranch for only $10. 000. acres of grass land on Malheur Lake, all fenced; a splendid stock or dairy ranch; only $10 per acre. ATLAS LAND CO . 42o Lumber Exchange FINE FARM. 40 acres. 80 acres In high state of cul tivation, 2 acres of flue appio orchard and ell kinds of email frultf ; larp modern 7-room house, with all water connections; 2 good barn and wagon shed, lai b wind mill and tank. 1 fine uam, 4 good cow, 1 yearling, 16 hogs, 2 d- Z'-n chickens, 2 good wagon. 1 heavy. 1 llht, 1 bugtjy. mower and rake, aa harness, need dn.l. ail kind of farm Implements and tools; 12 m:ies from Portland on gvnd gravel road; 2 rr.!:es from R. R. and electric line; price $575o, $30o0 cash, balance lorg time. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. 63 H ACRES on the Oregon Electric R. B., 24 acres in hops, hop kiin 30x:i0, storeroom xlo; good barn. 7-room house and other buildings; good well and running water; a good large creek; 1H acres good fir timber estimated at 2000 cords of wood; good soil ; l acre or more good family orchard; some large oak tr.-es in the yard, also 12 maple trees, making It nice and shady; only mil from station on elec tric R. R. ; price $6350, $2000 down, 3 to 5 years on balance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth St. Board Trade Bldg. SOME OF THE BEST farms in Deschutes country for sale; titla guaranteed, also can locate you on Government Innd and give you full Information as to towns "f Shanlko. Madras. Red burn and Bend ; have Just returned from personal Inspec tion of that country; some great bargains on hand. Inquire f ir our Mr S'rnng. THE DESCHUTE3 TOWNSITB A INVESTMENT COMPANY. 402 Commercial Block. Portland. 184 ACRES; first-class soil; about 0 acres cleared and in cultivation ; balance good timber; there Is errough cord wood 011 this place to more than pay for It; fair house, barn and outbuildings; this is only 4Vi miles from Vancouver and -i mlie to trolley line; in fine neighborhood; this is an Al buy; $2rt0O; $bwo cash; balance terms. American Trust Co., 200 Chamber of Commerce. HOW IS THIS FOR AN 80-ACRE FARM? Two forties, facing each other, on two county roads; 40 acrns of the 80 in a high state of cultivation, Including a Id acre apple orchard, 10 years old; fine Im provements on place ; 1 hour's ride from Portland and 2 miles from town of liton; $i.T00 If sold at once. 627 Board of Trade bldg. 35 ACRES, very finest soil. In high ntate cultivation; very best Improvement"; right close to Portland, on Salem Electric, wn! personal property on same; $300 per rr and terms. If you wont a high-clans farm, this will please you. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. CHEAP LAND 600 acres cut-over land on railroad Rnrt river. Clatsop County line for dairy, stock or fruit; $S.50 tier acrt. ATI. AS LAND CO. 420 Lumber Exchange, 5-ACRE TRACT. Five blocks from United Electrlo line; all level, cleared, fine oll, at station; has tele phone, rural free delivery; if taken at once can be had for $1Hn, $1u0 cash. $10 month. 3J3 Chamber Commerce. BY OWNER 10-acre tract, all improved, w!lh house, barns, etc. ; can't be beat for price; located on Oregon Elect rlc, 21 miles from Portland. J :U'S, Oregonlan. INDEPENDENCE AWAITS YOU IN IDAHO A 10-acre apple orchard assures It. Mair & Frail. 2 Lumbermen's bldg. A SNUG little home of few aeres near city; best bargain on the market. Pope, 216 "Worcester bldg. ALL kinds of Clark County, Washington, farms. Murphy & CrbwhII, 2.)0 Stark st., Vancouver office, 712 Main Bt. ALL good ones;-see us. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE. 105 acres, 00 acres in cultivation, houses, large barn and outbuildings, run ning water, good orchard, 12 head cattle, mostly cows; 3 horses, 10 hogs, chickens, hack, wagons and all farm implements, hay and grain lor Winter's f-ed and seej, lng in Spring; price $10,000; will take part In city property or sell on easy terms; cream route at door. JORDAN & GARBADE, 232 Washington Street. 2 40 ACRES, good soli, part cleared, build ings of all kinds, with stock, crops, im plements, vehicles, etc., all ready to use. only $2.""per acre; would accept Porti.i:ul real estate for part. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. 12H ACRES, all in cultivation and level, t mile from station of Salem Electric line, 4-room house, barn and outbuildings; good well; priie $2.M0; to exchange for houpo and lot In city. KaufTmunn Ac Moore, 323 Lumber Exchange. TOWNSITE, platted on Salem electric; sta tion on tract; will exchange for Portland property. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. 6-ROOM, strictly modern home, close In. on corner of Hancock St.; price $;c0i. for 2 to 40 acres, part ly improved, fronting on the Columbia River. Kaulfmann & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. 6,300.006 FEET yellow fir and hemlock. Til lamook SJoun,ty. trade for lot, acreage, farm, equity ' in house. Owner. A h. iHT, Oregonian. j WILL trade 30-room lodging-house, close to OreRonian, to day ; splendid proposition, good lease and money-maker. 615 Board; of Trade. Your opportunity. HOUSE on East Side for Tillamook 01 Springfield property. B. T. Randall. Eu gene, Or. lm-xISO! near P. O. at St. John; wlil giv good deal for house and lot. nut too far out. AE I'.WG. Oregonian. FINE city residence, close In, lOnx 1 3S. on prominent corner, to exenarge lor farm, value $S0o0. Address AH 3l7, Oregonian WILL trade 17 acres, or part, orange land, all In cultivation, near San Diego, Cal value $1W0!. T 30. oregonian. TWO good close -In lots In exchange fnf any good collateral or Title Guaranioi Bank account. V 379, Oregonian. WILL give good trade for a few shares o( Campbell's Automatic Safety Gas Cut-off, Lawless. 204 Abington bldg. YOU can trade any krnd of property at room 10it Board of Trade. S LOTS. Chleago, 111., " unimproved; want city, suburban or beach. Box 740. IF you have anything to trado or swap, call 314 Gerliuger bldg. TIMBER claim near Columbia River; wanl Heights or Council Crest. Box 740. FRUIT LAVDS. HOOD RIVER ACRES. I haw 86 acres fi miles fmm Hood River, all good orchard land; has a good crek running across it; at $100 per acne; ?3i0i cash. 721 Board of Trade bldg. FRUIT FARM for sale cheap, 12 mile from Portland, i miles frm Vancouver. For par-t'culars- R. W. Rankin. 7S6 R.rthwtck st. FOR RENT FARMS. WANT good tenants for ranch east of cttj muM have good team and some knowledge of fruit raising. A gnod opportunity ti right party. Vanduvn & Waiton, 513 Chamber uf Commerce. FOR BALE. Horaea. Vehicles and Harness. FINE team of draft mares; Belgians; .stylish 328 17th. North. FOR SALE Almost new top buggy an harness, cheap. Apply 314 lotU st, X