1G, THE MOKXIXG OREGOXIAy, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1909. 1 1 . I HELP T HI I P WAKTEFeWe. SITUATION WAXtA FEMALE. FOB REST. Fin RALE FARMS. x UK BAlJS. ...-.- " i 1 I ..i mmi.hl Rwirni In Private Family. - BROADMEAD. ' 3. 10 and 20-acre tract; the moat fer tile and productive land In tb Willamette Valley. Iniiuirfl of COLUMBIA TRUST CO,... Board of Trad Bldg. ottoo 115 acre rich garden land on Wil lamette River. 25 milea from Portland, suitable for growing peaches, truck farm Inn or dairying; boats land at place dally; terms. W. O. Waddel. 309 Lumber Ex change. ' ' . ' A C'ZY HOME 15 choice acres, near city. For particular sea Pope, 218 Worcester Koek- INDEFENDENCE AWAITS TOC IX IDAHO. A I'l-ai-re APPLE OIOARD assure! It. MA1R PR ALL. 2 Lumbermen's. SEND for oar list of Willamette Valley farms before burins;: lands souwn free. Oi instead Land Co.. Salem. Or. ALL rood ones; see ua. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bide - I OB. SALE TLMUEK LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y CO.. Chu-igo. New Orleans. Seattle. 29 Chamber of commerce. Portland. TIMBER lands for sale. 80.0n0.000 feet, 800. ,0 Ono feet and several emaHer tracts, well located; cruises wilt be furnished responsible bui erav ' BLAIR RUSSELL. oS Abuigton Bid. TIMBER CLAIM SNAP. 110 acres In Tillamook County, located in 1 S W. ; guaranteed cruise 3."-0.0u0 feet; price M per thousand: must sell at once. Call Roll.e Watson. M'mday. at Oregon Ho tel. 2 P. M. to P. M. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER and HOMESTEAD relinquishments. Worcester block. HOMESTEAD. I CAN locate you on 320 acres of the best land left In Central Oregon, near my homestead, good soil, no rock, ready for tw plow. 3 miles from forest reserve, water 10 to 30 feet; bunch grass plenty; let us tell you about It; satisfaction guar anteed. Courtol. 314 Gerlinger bldg. WANTED: A partner to drive to Central Oregon and homestead: I have house, etc Call this morning at 833 Michigan ave. J'tlMESTEAD relinquishment on Columbia River s hours' ride of Portland; you will have to hurry. 51S Swetland bldg. FARMS WANTED. WANTED To rent, with privilege of buy ing, farm. 25 to 40 acres partly stocked: Oregon Electric Ky. preferred. AL .!. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horace, Vehicles and Harne. WHY buy a second-hand: vehicle when you can F'-'t a new one from an old established wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon at almcst the s-me cost? We are mcated outside the high .rent district, own our building and can make the price. Exclu- .... ..... nt.4 reliable line of BROADMEAD LIVESTOCK FOR SALE. On account of the subdivision of the fa mous Broadmead Farm, also known as the l.add c Reed Farm, situated In Yamhill Countv. we are offering for Bale high grade'sheep. cattle, horses and mules; also 1 registered Jersey bull. 3 years old: 1 reg istered Clydesdale stallion. 1 registered 1ck and several brood mares. Apply D. E Keasev. 14 Chamber of Commerce, or iMipL McEldowney. Broadmead. S. P- West Side FOR SALE or rent teams wltn goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month cr year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day. week, or rnontb.. Phonea East 72. B 1369. Haw thorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE 4 extra good driving horses, 2 v-ery speedy; have to be sold within a week: 1 good work team, cheap. 14 80th su. Montavllla. Phone Tabor 623. WANTED 3 teams for fresno work. $0 per day with teamsters; free stabler P Saturdays, phone Woodlawn 102L Address P78 E. 26th North. PAIR big horse, weight 2 lbs.; pair horses, weight 2.""0 lbs.; pair mares, weight .'(: pair marcs, weight 245 lbs.; 4 wis double Lame?. 11 "6 Washington. $1H5 BUYS nice small team, weight 1100 lbs.; t.mn.i. gxd pullers: :- nice mare, ft'. I ail 19th and Washington sts. Exposition Stable F ; SALE One runabout and one eurrev. Inquire J. E. Pa). Woodstock ave., .w.e block east of Milwaukee road. Woodstock. ONE span young driving horses weighing 2700 Irs. sound and true to pull. Phone East 4-.04. C 14T7. 226 Russell at. TO EXCHANGE Young matched team, city broke. 2200 lbs., for lot or equity; will pay difference. X 3S. Oregenlan ONE new I-horse wagon, carry 3500; also 1 set double harness and a heavy road cart. Phone Tabor 10-.9. WANTED Good business buggy, also har ness; state price and phone number. J 3S-3. Oregonian. VOI NG team of horses. 2S00; also driving horse and rubber-tire buggy. 3-3 17th St. North. HUBERT HALL S0 Front, buy. sell. Vent horses, vehicles; low ralca on business rlgav 1! iR E?. marc, rigs and harness of all rinds for sale. 2J4 Montgomery. HEAVY team and wagon to haul lumber by the thousand. Apply at olid Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Single top buggy. 441 6th at, meat market. PR ispECTI VE buyer of piano may. learn of an opportunity to acqulne new one at large discount. F 3S4. oregonian. $72.50 Ellers Piano certificate, good till Oct. 1. 11"9..$10. X 3S7. Oregonian. GOOD upright piano, price $75. or rent $2.50 a month. Phone Main 377:i. A 1725. FOR SALE New Checkering baby grand piano, cheap. Call Main 03. fc Aotomobues. POPE-HARTKOKD. 'S. four-passenger todv. toe magneto Warner speedometer. r in only 3.1"0 miles. J200O; original price. : :ioO: perlect condltlcn; al!"0 several otherH used cars. Covey Motor Car Co. FOR SALE or trade: 7-passenger automo bile, city property; will lak-a or allow dif ference: fine livery car; will earn tlO per day. Merrill. 7th and Oak. afternoons. ONE "07 T-passnger' Thors. tcuring car. with '08 engine; best of condition; can be seen at 1SI E. Water St. FOR SALE Electric machine In fine con dition, cheap. Inquire 110 Third at. MlBcelian TYPEWRITERS. only standard makes, bought, sold, rented and repaired. 3 10 up. The Northwest Typewriter tj.. H20 Ablng ton bldg. Phone Main' hS70. FOR SALE Beet dry 4-ft. Br and oak wood :t lowest market prices. Hoover. SIS Water st. Pbone Main 745L A 3445. FOR SALE A hlgMy bred Boston terrier (femalei; very affectionate, handsome ani mal. Inquire E. T. Chase. M 3d st. HOUSTON 10x12 sticker In good condition will sell cheap. T. J. Hammer. 2321 Washington st. OOLPEN OAK SIDEBOARD. horsehlde leather sofa tnfted), carpet, rocker, etc Call 1"2 Broadway. .NEWMAN Moving Picture Exchange rente moving-picture machines, films, supplies; ' loweat price. 52&1? Washington, near 17th. . . 5.15 EVERETT Furniture of 0-room .flat, 125. cash easy payments. OFFICE furniture for sale cheap at 808 Kothchlld bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE or trade; large houseboats woodshed and boat. 'A 320. FOR RENT Duck lake on the Island. W 39. oregonian. FOR- SALE Drees suit, tuxedo, 310. 87 E. 17th St. Dirt BUSINESS CARI'S. II 2S. Ryder Ptg. Co.. 357 Burnslde at. Main S53S. TTPEWRITER BAROAINS. 831 Stark it. XL 1407. M lacel laaeoite. MOST SELECT HOME FURNISHINGS. Best Axmlnster. Wilton velvet carpeta, Brussels rugs, linoleum, complete, hand some dining-room furniture. Haviland chi na, finest Universal combination wood gas range; other iealrable furnishings; practically perfect condition: finest bar gain; best opportunity offered on choice fine furnishings. East 4781- SPECIAL OFFBR We have 100 second hand sewing machine that must be aold tnis woek regardless of price . to make room for carload; 40 drop-head, all makes. White. New Home. Singer. Wheeler 4 Wilson Domestic and Standard. Do. not forget the place. White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washington, cor. 11th. H. D. Jor.es.. prop. LE S.VIXO town; will sell at sacrifice mis sion oak dining-room suit: library table, desk, chairs, hall seat and rack, beda and chiffonier. Call forenoons at 601 E. 23d at. North; 'take Irvlngton car. TTPEWRITERS. all makes, 20 to 860. fully guaranteed, easy payments: rentala. $3 per month. Paclflo Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 203. 2d at. , FOR SALE cheap. 35-foot lunch counter, slde-KQ-vi x-ar.i,. Inlaid linoleum. . ref rigerator. coffee' urn and other fixtures. Irujuire 2U Morisron. e A SEALSKIN Jacket, full 40 to 42 slie. double-breasted; sule cheap; too small for owner; as good aa new. K 3b4,' Ore gonian. FOR SALE Two house-boats, cheap. Phone -Exchange 13. y AN TKI) MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at th "Fair Deal " 62 3d at. North. Phone Main 8271. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get leas. Phones A 2445. Main S951. EAST SIDE AUCTION JOBBERS. Wanted 2d-hand furniture; pay highest price. 4 Grand ave. East 1051. B 3044. WANTED Office furniture; must be In good condition: give price and phone. K 380, Oregonian. CARPENTERS' tools wanted, new or sec ond hand. Box 230, Montavllla. Nielsen. SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt attention always aven. phone East 100T. NOTICE Will pay hlgheet prices for gentle men's castoff clothing. Call Main S4.4. HIGHEST prices paid for rubbers and met als. J. Love. 1S6 ColumMa st. 6193. HELP WANTED MALE. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. Salesmen wanted to handle hlgh-clasa residence property, close In; prices below surrounding property. Ask for Saundera. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg., 4 Fourth St. WANTED Reliable man for night work, one who can clean lirst-class harness and I.utgies; must be strictly sober, no other need apply. Kramer's Jvew York Stable, 15th and Alder ts. WANTED Railway mall clerk, postorflce clerks, carriers; examinations in Portland November 17; preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 42.".F. Rochester. X. Y. TECH your on a trade; just two months training ami ( I will have him mak ing $50 per week. I mean Just what I say. K 3S3. Oregonian SILK SALESMAN. First-elaaa, experienced man. OLDS. WOKTMAN & KING. FIRST-CLASS specialty man who can give bond and sell Electrical Coffee Mills. Port land and vicinity. X 380, regonian. ENTERPRISINO tinner wanted, business proposition. Address C. M. Benson, Lewls- ton. Idaho. WANTED Forwarder and finisher, capable of taking charge of small bindery, union. S 3S3. Oregonian. WANTED Man and wife for mining camp: woman to cook, man aa roustabout. 403 Abington bldg. WANTED Man to work In garden and around hbuse. $30 per month and board. 70S Corbett bldg. . WANTED Flrst-clas salesman, one who is In touch with capital, to sell stock and bonds. Address S 3S4. Oregonian. WANTED Good reliable boy for deliver ing purposes; steady .position. H. Llebes A Co.. 288 Morrison t. TWO bova wanted to 'learn the sheet Iron trade, not younger than 16 yeara. Apply 14 Front- st. WANTED Young man experienced In fire Insurance for office work; must operate typewriter. Hartman & Thompson. WANTED Elderlv gent to work In hotel. Call 483 Washington at., at the Commer cial. . WANTED Man to rl4 good pressing, clean ing and dyeing for men and women's . clothe. N383. Oregonian. WANTED Two good - stock salesmen; strong talking proposition, and liberal terms. Phone A 7i31. .. - SALESMEN, all line, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country. i ommerciai Abstract Co.,- 408 Commercial Club bldg. LADIES' tailor to work on jackets; none but experienced need apply. . J. rv. j-iern oc v-o., 420 Washington st. EXPERIENCED window trimmer and card writer; steady position. Apply 171 Third street. WANTBI-Boy; wage $3' per week; must be ll year of age or rermit from court" If younger. .113 Water St. WANTED Man to care for horse; salary $45 and room. Gu6 Washington st. Call after 8 o'clock. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; new. swell offer. Cutberth, photographer, Dekum bldg. WANTED Vaudeville and dran.atlc acts. singers, musicians, etc. 6-6' Washing-. ton. Phone Main 8458. BENCH HANDS and frame makers, also cutter for aash and door works. Oregon Planing Mills, 19th and Vaughn at. A GOOD live salesman can make $300 per month selling 6-aere fruit tracta Ad dress AL 346. Oregonian. CASHIER for theatrical company: $35 and ex pense weeklv; cash security required, same fully ecured. K 365. Oregonian. WE want more energetic, successful nursery salesmen; free outfit; cash weekly. AI .'bany Nurseries. Albany, Or. $150 MONTH for man who Can sell cut-rate fire insurance; you will have to show us. Y 375. Oregonian. . WANTED Office man in an up-to-date printing office, who ha had experience; state experience. J 882. Oregonian. WANTED A first-class coatmaker; steady work; pay $9 and up. Becker Wal qulst. tailors. Rainier. Or. Telephono 1. WANTED Clothing salesman- one who un derstands Installment clothing business preferred. J 884. Oregonian. WANTED Photographer: good arlsto print er: steady. Cutberth. Dekura bldg. TWO good solicitors, salary $12 weekly wth Increase according to ability. 127 -11th st. WANTED Platen and cylinder pressman; wages, $15. Address Rawlings. Albany. Or. BOY wanted to deliver, packages. Apply Robinson Se Co.. 2S Washington st. BOY to run errands. Inquire Anderson A Dunlway Co.. 208 Alder st- BLACKSMITH helper wanted. " Columbia Wire. Iron Work Co., 368 E. Wash. st. WANTED Kalsomlner. Call for work at 4A0 Benton st. - BOT for grocery store: must be neat. 103 Glbbs st- FIRST-CLASS shoemaker wanted. 2t Yam hill st. WANTED Clothing salesman. local, cap able, servmg fine trade. R 380. Oregonian. BOY ABOUT SIXTFT1N. with wheel, to de' llver and help In store: Dermarent. good wages. Fraley Bros.. 214 Third. FIRST-CLASS painters. Myrtle St., bet. 10th and :1st sts. . WANTED Delivery hoy. Apply Bailey J Co.. 41!4 Washington St. BOY wanted. 61T Deknm bldg. LjlBOREAB and diifers, Burasld st ND SAWYER, chain sling. $ a day', aftman,- $3; loggers. $3; mlllliand, $2.U to $2.75 3 derrick rigger. $3.50. House carpenter. suburbs, $3.0". hours, long Job; bridge carpenters, $3.00. Furniture packer. $13 SO week. Rear chalnman. $40 and expense; take man. $40 atid board. R- R.-survey. Man and wife, farm. $50, and house. Restaurant cook, $20 a week; cook small country hotel, $4; S camp flunkeys; porter, $2.-,; kitchen help. $10. $D. $8 week. - City laborer, farm help. R. R. construction headquarters, team ster, laborers, rockmen, tunnelmen, sta tion gangs. Eastern Oregon.' Southern Ore gon and California: free fare. C. M HANSEN & CO.. 26 N- 2a.st- ' Spokane, San Francisco. Portland. Established 1876. IF YOU are an experienced, reliable and hustling real estate salesman, we -have something for you to sell. You can earn big conAniisslon. i HARTMAN THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A young man as night clerk; must have best of references; no other need apply. Portland Commercial Club. 0th and Oak sts.: Superintendent s office, between 10 and 11 A. M- ABLE-BODIED men to get small tracta of land with permanent water right, only $-. per acre; small payment; no taxes or interest; located In the Deschutes Val ley: the new railroad survey goes right through it; the best hance for a good in vestment in lands you ever had. Call on or write Mossmau & Co., Commercial Club Bldg.. Portland. MEN wanted, young, strong, good vision, account Increasing business on all rail roads, for firemen or brakemen; experience unnecessary; $75, $100 monthly; promoted to conductor or engineer, $150. $200; state age, weight, height. Railway Associa tion, care Oregonian. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduate last year; men and women to learn barber trade la eight weeks, help to secure position; graduate earn from $15 to $25 weekly, expert Instructor: tools free; write fo catalogue. Mohler System of Co-lieges, Zt North 4th t., Portland, Or. SALESMEN We have.the best property In the city, sidewalk, water, gaa and ewer all In now, liberal commission, automobile furnished, will put on six good live ones that want to make money. Ask for Mr Jones. 200 Chamber of Commeroe. WANTED Canvasser and peddlers, country town, to handle greatest money-maker In country; e-ery householder will . buy: be your own boss; don't pass this by. Camp bell Sales Co.. 501 ft Main su. Seattle, Wash. ' WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles; no expense to learn trade of electricity, plumbing, bricklaying or automoblllng by actual work on Jots in months Instead of years: catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. WANTED Young Japanese student desir ous or attending Oregon Agricultural Col lege, to do some cooking for room, board and some compensation. With Oregon Ag ricultural College, care Business Office. Corvallls, Or. TRAVELING salesmen earn-$1000 to S3000 yearly. Write -for free book. -"How Sales men Succeed." Graduate assisted to po sitions with reliable firms. Bradstreet Sys tem, Dept. 150. Rochester, X. Y. MOTION PICTURES. If you desire to go Into the motion-picture theater business we will equip you complete on ettey term. Particulars Newman, pio neer dim -house, 62.1Vi Washington. YOUNG men learn wireless telegraphy, railroad telegraphy, easily learned, rail road wires In school; day and evenlns classes; Investigate. Oregon College Telegraphy, 88 6th St. POSTOFFICE clerk and carriers wanted; ex animation will be held Portland and many other cities November; particulars free. Washington Civil Service School, Dept. 369 Washington. D. C. YOUNG man. about 20. with fair knowl edge of bookkeeping; muat be well recom mended; full particular in first letter. S 880, Oregonian. COUCH maker and mattress makers, also cabinet maker- steady work for right men. Portland Furniture Mfg. Co., 1249 Macad am road. Fulton car. SOBER, reliable man to take charge of small dairy at Mt. Tabor, young man pre ferred, good plate for right party, vail after 11 A- M.. 17S West ave. DRUG CLERK with 2 or 3 year' ex perience, one with some horse sense; no .dudes need apply; store and windows to be kept clean. 375 11th st. s APPRENTICE wanted at Jeweler trade; one who has had ome experience pre ferred. Q. Heltkemper Co.. 286 Morrison t- WHY work for others? Why not own prop erty of your' own? I' have something new that mtfv interest you. Write for particulars. A S.V2. Oregonian. t BRIGHT, Industrious boy. -16 or 17 year old. as errand and office boy for whole sals house. S 877. Oregonian. COAT MAKER wanted. $10 and up for sack coat; steady work. "Morgan." 654 Gan' .vllle St.. Vancouver, B. C. WANTED A partner to drive to Central Oregon and homestead; I have house, etc. Call this morning at 853 Michigan ave. HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wages; permanent. 215 Commercial block. MAN for poolroom: must haver $200; half Interest. 66 North 6th. WE secure position ror our membera Special membership. Y. M. C. A. COATMAKER wanted. John Noes Co., St. John. Or. PORTLAND LAW' SCHOOL open Its Fall term Sept. 27. 630 Worcester block. WANTED Young man, small capital; In vestigate. 3261-j Washington St., room 417. COOKS and kitchen helpers headqusrters. California Wine Depot. 164 2d. Main 5500 WANTED Errand boy with wheel, all day. Heller's Millinery. 3S0 Washington st. LIVE photo coupon and portrait agents. Davis. The Hayes Studio. 842H Wash. BOYS to work In factory. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam Road. BOY wanted at grocery store. 203 lat. HELP ' WANTED FEMALE. LADY attendant, doctor's office: must have money to Invest. T 380, Orugonlan. WANTED Washwomen, hand laundry. 127 Nj 16th st. PLAIN washing; girl for half day. good wages, ti N, 4th st. x; WANTED Milliner's Main 3564. apprentice. Phone WANTED Girl to assist in light genera! ' housework. Phone East -4716. GIRIj General' housework, family 4 adults. 726 Northrup. Phone Main. 2440. . GIRL to assist with housework; two In fam ily. 664 Flanders, Ap. S. Main 4858. GIRL or -woman for light housework; small wages. 486 Washington St. GIRL for general housework. 898 San Ra fael. Phone East 1103. COOK and waitress. Great Northern Hotel, B10 N. 21st st Main 7608.. S car N. GIRL wanted for housework.'' Inquire at 825 Overton t- or phone A 8384. GIRL for general housework,- small family, wages $30. 680 Tillamook St. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. gOOO. Wttljes, imuhj.-w. ...... - EX PKK IKNTKD dining-room girl. 147 13th WANTED Girl for general housework. 447 10th st WANTED Experienced girl. -Apply Rebe's . Confectionery. 310 Wash, st- COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply 186 East 16th st- Phone East 2007. FIRST-CLAS8 finisher and apprentices In dressmaking. Room 414 Flledner bldg. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. 709 Marshall, near 22d. . WNTED Experienced mangle girls. East Siile l.junrtry. East Ash and 6tll sts. EXPERIENCED second girl. Call after 11 - A. 821 X. 24th St. "WANTED1 Freossr on shirts. TO 1st at J. LADIES. I teach manicuring, hair dressing, dermatology, all work guaranteed. Room 70S, Rothchild bldg.. bet. 4th and 5th on Washington. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and "sten ographer, October 1: timber lands and lodging. Reply in own handwriting; ref erences. J 381. Oregonian. . SALESWOMEN wanted for our cloak and suit department: none but those with ex-, perlence need apply. The Golden Eagle, 3d and Yamhill. ST. 1XDUIS LADIES' AGENCY. 24.m Wash. Main 2IJ.1H, A 4775. Housekeepers, cooka, chambermaids, nurses, waitresses, laun dresses. GIRL for general housework; one to go - home nights preferred. 750 East Burn side. Phone East 310. COMPETENT help for ladles' tailoring and dressmaking. Moore Trading Co.. 415 Al der st. GIRLS---Chocolate and aream dippers; new, light, sanitarv candy feretory. F. F. Hara don & Son. East 6th and Conch sts. WANTED A conscientious woman capable of taking charge of business and directing employes. N 372. Oregonian. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain. $1.50 doz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. STRICTLY first-class cook wanted; refer ences required. Miss Alnsworth. Ravens view drive. Phones Main 752, A 5i20. WANTED Experienced nurse to take care nt infant; city references; good wages. 115 N. 22d. cor. Glisan. WILL give use of machine and doskroora in new office building to stenographer lor slight services. Phone A 7C31. GIRL for light housework, small family, good wanes, no washing. 57 Main st. Main 6003. ' WANTED Responsible woman for position of trust, who can go out of town. 302 ' Commercial block. 2d and Washington.. CHAMBERMAID Between 1G and 21 yeara of age. Apply 51 2 Savier St., room 4, between 8 and 12. tcday. GIRL to do some second work and take care of child 3 years old; reference. 893 West Park. STENOGRAPHER Apply In own hand writing; state age and salary expected. P 3&2, Oregonian. GIRL to assist with llgt housework: good wages; close in; convenient to streetcars. 410 Holladay ave. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, S43Vs Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. . WANTED Experienced girl for general work; none other need apply: good wages. 274 Vi Park st. - WANTED Experienced operators on over alls; also learners; paid while learning. 75 1st st. ' EXPERIENCED marker and sorter and two mangel girls. . U. S. Laundry Co.. corner Grand ave. anil Salmon. WANTED Refmeri. capable womn t'-r re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Rotn child bldt;., 4lh and Washington. , WANTED Woman for housework., moder ate wages, but good home with elderly lady. Address V 3S2. Oregonian HIGH SCHOOL or college girl to work for room and board; car fare paid. Phone Main 6176. COMPETENT girl for general housework, good cook, small family, good wages. Phones East 1707 or C 1467. afternoons. GIRL wanted for light housework, small family; good pay and time off. Irving ton car. 6S0 Tillamook St. MIDDLE-AGED lady to take charga dining room. B. O.i-eall at Irwin Hotel, between 9 and 10. - Room 1. . WANTED Cook and housemaid In family of 4 Apply 2-"'3 King st. Phone Main 3265. Mrs.' F. G. Wheeler. . WANTED Three experienced girls for dip ping chocolates; good pay. 2S3 Burnslde street. TRUSTWORTHY young lady as saleslady and for general store work. Apply after - 10 o'clock at 849 Morrison st. GOOD GIRL; good pay; 3 in family: new bungalow: good home to right girL Phone East 5810. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, bet. 25 and 35 years old; one that likes children, phone East 980. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, -small family; references required; $33. 74S Weidler, cor. 22d. Broadway car. MIlA. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, 32UV. Washington St.. Room 307.. Main St-aa or A 3200. MATRON- for British Columbia at $45 and traveling expense. Call .9:30 room 1, 205 Morrison st- GOOD girl for general housework. Apply 256 12th St. Phone Main 3715. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, good wages. 315 Hassalo St., corner Grand avenue. WANTED Vaudeville -and dramatic acts, singers, musicians, etc 526!4 Washing ton. Phone Main 8458. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework and cooking, $30. 340 Haasala street. - " APPRENTICES Ladles' tailoring. dress making; iraid while learning. Moore Trad ing Co., 415 Alder. GIRL for general housework; good salary. Apply 1619 East Hoyt St., or phone Tabor 653. NURSE girl" to take care of young baby, sleep home. 1131 Franklin St.. Willam ette Heights. Phone A 2420. WANTED Japanese girl to assist' with housework; 4 in family. 449 E. 20th st. North. , GIRL for. general housework. Apply 142 Union a've. North. THOROUGH course of millinery taught In 6 weeks; terms reasonable. 415 Alder.- GIRL to assist In light- housework. Apply 778 Hoyt st. GIRL or woman assist in housework-; no washing. . 733 E. Couch. COMPETENT girl to do cooking and house work; second girt kept. Phone Main 2862. WANTED Gil for general housework: wages $25. 786 Corbett st. GIRL to do general housework. 1103 Thur man st. - GOOD girl for general housework. 704 Northrup St., , GIRL for general housework; small family; plain cooking. 175 16th. cor. Yamhill. WANTED Olrl - for general housework; good wages. 475 10th st. WANTED Girl for Phone Main 4048. general housework. GIRL for general housework; two In family; West Side.- 787 Irving St. WANTED Two waitresses. Vienna Cafe, 131 Grand ave., bet. Morrison and Alder. COMPETENT girl to do cooking and house-work- Apply 752 Flanders st. NURSEGIRL wanted, one child a year old. In family. Phone East 5312- GIRL to assist with general housework. Apply 706 Flanders st GIRL wanted for second, work. Apply 779 Marshall et. . GOOD girl for. general housework. Call 3J0 . Park st. " ' TAILOR ESSES for alteration on ladles' coats and skirts. 12914 5th st J. Harris. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply 354 10th St.. cor. Mill. GIRLS WANTED Appiy Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave and East Taylor. GIRL to label bottles. Apply at 127 Grand ave. v LADY teachers, apply today from 2 to 4. 145 Vm First St. SECOND girl for small family. Apply 763 Northrup St., bet. 23d and 24th. WANTED Girl for second work; go home nights. 355 11th St. A 1636. GIRL to wait on table, assist with house work: no cooking. 403 Morrison. GIRT for general housework, month. Call 683 Broadway. wages $35 WANTED Girls, experience not necessary. Tale Laundry. BOO East Morrison. GIRL for general housework. $94 College VJ JACKET, SKIRT AND GOWN WORKERS. Perman-ent positions to thoroughly ex perienced and competent workers. Appiy to Mrs. Richards, in charge of alteration department. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. COMPETENT German or Swedish girl for general housework and cooking; one who lik-38 children; good wages and home to the right party. Call at 395 Grand ave. North, cor. Hancock, mornings. COMPETENT girl for general housework, must be good cook, modern apartment, 2 in family; references required. Apply mornings. Mrs. A. D. Kata, 69 N. 23d, apartment 3. Main 6282. SELL or exchange, 28-room house, all full, long lease, for acreage or lots near Port land; part' cash: value .$2200. Mrs. Koontx. 227 Abington bldg. Main 7761. COMPETENT woman cook, with city ref erences. German preferred. Apply Tuesday. 901 Board of Trade bldg. Wednesday 653 Johnson st. WANTED Girl for general housework In small family. Call 300 Park st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. THE Fraternal Employment Association male and female help supplied. 287 Al der, bet. 4th and 6th. will get you a sit uation on easy terms; open evory day. Main 7435 or A auoo. E B. U. GIVES the most careful drill in 'shorthand, bookkeeping, tywpwrlting. English- speckil low rates now; positions sure. 629 Worcester block. 68 Third. MAKE- MONET writing stories: pleasant work, big pay; send, for free booklet, tell how. Press Syndicate, San Francisco. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offer good po sition to A-l instructors. 514 Swetland bldg. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by Expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. STUDIO Music. German. French. English literature. 4.12 Morrison. Main 2097. SITUATION WASTED MALE. Bookkeepers "-and Clerks. YOUNG man. experienced In all-around office 'work, would like to associate his feervices with some downtown firm in the capacity of billing clerk, bookkeeper or stenographer; understands telegraphy; ex cellent references. Address W 380, Ore gonian. BY A-l bookkeeper, acquainted with Ore gon and Washington territory; only those uesiring first-class man and willing to pay. reasonable remuneration need apply. P 383, Oregonian. OXFORD UNIVERSITY graduate, with seven years' experience in teaching desires position In high school,, private college, or university; English classics, mathematics; language and history; references if required. AE 869, Ore gonian. NIGHT position wanted: a man of busi ness experience, familiar with clerical work and bookkeeping, and competent to handle anything demanding Intelligence and general capability would like to se oure work. - B 3S3, Oregonian. BY young man, 26 years old, 8 years ex perience as salesman and buyer large gen eral stock merchandise; country town near coast preferred. AG 387, Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer, young man, with slight knowledge of bookkeeping; state age, experience, salary expected. R 382, Oregonian. ' I AM a business man. bookkeeper, tj-pe-wrlter operator and all-w around office man; want a. position; A-l references. B Oregonian. '- YOUNG man. business college graduate, desires position with good firm in some office capacity: good reference. N 384, Oregonian. POSITION by competent young man who has had experience in both salesmanship and office' work; reference If desired. K 3S1. Oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced in bookkeeping, office or outside work; consider anythingi references. AN 35S, Or8gonian. . YOUNG man with 4 years' experience in drug business wants- position. M 368, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS stenographer with knowledge of bookkeeping desires 'position; several vears' experience. D 383, Oregonian. .Miscellaneous. BY man and wife of experience In mining camps or other boarding-houses; man 1 a first-class cook; has had full charge and management of several large camps, etc.: last place one year: references. Apply 612 Alder St., W. B., upstairs. A 1007. " THE Free and Fraternal Employment As sociation can supply you with competent help, male and female: always open. Phone Muln 7435 or A 3065. 28 Alder, bet 4th and 5th. YOUNG American speaks Japanese and English fluently, looking for a situation in a business house connecting with Jap anese trade. AJ 3S7. Oregonian. NEAT young man wishes steady employ ment; experienced timekeeper: will con skier anything. 510 Borthwlck st. East 3144. ENGINEER. 10 years' experience; also grad uate I. C. S., wants position in mill or light plant, au ooo, iosuuiq... BARTENDER, now 'employed In first-class house, but desiring a change, wishes po sition; references. AG 3S6, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese family cook wants a posi tion In country; willing to do anything. AF 875, Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes a position as dish washer, day or night. Inquire 246 Couch. Phone Main 7405. GOOD, experienced Japanese wants posi tion as cook or general housework In family. A 383. Oregonian. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants situation in private fajnily: has good references; $30 and up. Address AD 367. ' Oregonian. LOCOMOTIVE engineer and air brake ex pert, sober, steady man, wants position. AM 8S6, Oregonian. WHO will give a good man a chance? Have good business ability, good appearance and good letters. V 3S4, Oregonian EXPERIENCED moving picture operator desire-5 position. Address G. B. Clark, 490 ft Washington st. JAPANESE wants few hours' Job. AM 370. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese schoolboy wants position after school hours. M 383, Oregonian. SO Y'EARS of experience In painting; your residence. Address M 381. Oregonian. WILLING Japanese wants position any kind totel work. Phone A 4179. HOUSECLEANJNG "by Thompson. Phone Main 5864. Call 8 P. M FIRST-CLASS mechanic wishes Job house building carpenter. M 380. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS bartender,, good mixer; ref erences. V 3S0, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wishes work, 2 or S hours, evenings. D 384. Oregonian. WINDOW and houaecleaning by experienced man; reference. Main 3903. MIDDLE-AGED man a elevator driver. Address R. Nelson. 63 , 3d st. , CARPENTER and builder, day or contract work. Address 48 Falling. Woodlawn 1236. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. LADY stenographer desires position; 'two "years' experience law office; accurate; state salary; references. 911 6th t Ore gon City. EXPERIENCED office woman and book keeper. years' experience as head of large offices; best of reference. Phone Tabor 456. . ' YOUNG LADY wishes position as book keeper, some experience; references. Phone Woodlawn 1343. LADY stenographer, 6 years' experience, de sires permanent position; references. O SS7. Oregonian. - WANTED Position as cashier, 6 years ex perience. . Main 6040. FOR good stenographer, experienced or be ginner, phone Clerical Office, A 5446. YOUNG lady stenographer desires position Phone B 1703. Domestics. REFINED, middle-aged German woman de sires cooking, smalt family, wanes, $25, $30. 245 4 Wash. Main 2039. A 4775. TWO girls want house-work. Pettygrov u Call at 654 GENERAL dressmaking by competent and experienced seamstress: references; goes to homes. X 4901. DRESSMAKER to go out by the day: shirtwaist a specialty. Main 8978, room 84. ' GOOD seamstress would work in dressmak ing shop. W 370, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs Anueles. 3261 Wash. St.. room 216. LADIES' TAILORING. 270 North 10Lh st. Nurses. TRUSTWORTHY, middle-aged woman, ref erences, desires care of invalid; will travel. 245 hi Wash. Main 2039, A 4775. NURSING by experienced, middle-aged lady. Phone Main 3113. MRS. J. W. BUTLER, colored, trained nurse. 522 Northrup "t. Phone A 7771. Housekeeper. COMPETENT housekeeper. ' worthy of re sponsible position; prefer rooming-house. AE SS6. Oregonian WOULD like position as housekeeper. Mrs. Anne Coleman. 842 Harvard St.. Ports mouth. Portland. Or. St. John line. TWO young Scandinavian ladies want posi tion as housekeepers. AG 3S8, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE girl wants position general housework or second work. V 38S. Ore gonian. ' GERM AN lady wants work by day wash ing ironing. Phone Main 6427, ream 9, after 7 P. M. WANTED Educated, refined lady, orphan, wishes position as companion; no ob jection to travel. M 3S4. Oregonian. LADY warfts kitchen work In restaurant: no table waiting. Mrs. Addison. Main 6427. Lace curtains, beautifully laundered, fine sun drying, grass-bleaching facilities. Tabor 1530. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, washing. Ironing. Main 4508 after 6 P. M. YOUNG lady wishes to work for board and room and attend school. Phone Jersey 4S1. LACE CURTAINS washed, stretched, called for and delivered. 40c pair. Tabor, 1597. WANTED AGENTS. "FINDING THE NORTH POLE." by Cook and Peary. Cook's own story and Peary's ' expedition. Reviewed by Admiral Mel ville, survivor of three Arctic expeditions. Greatest opportunity for money-making Jn recent years. Large book, low price, pro fusely Illustrate Extra liberal terms. Outfit free. Write today. Universal House, 350 Wabash ave., Chicago. AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money selling- nursery .stock: outfit free; caah weekly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of nursery stock; cash weekly: outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WB ARE In touch with several parties wish ing to rent desirable homes on either East or West Side. If your place is for rent kindly call and see us or phone Main 6719. THE SOUTH ER-AUBERTSON COMPANY, 203 Corftett bldg., ' Portland. Or. WANTED To rent for long term, a six or seven-room house on East Side near carllne; must be in good condition, furnace, gas and electricity; will furnish reference. VV 867, Oregonian. WANTED to rent strictly modem 8 or 4 ' room furnished flat or apartment; choice . location. T 382, Oregonian YOUNG man wants room, with or without board, walking distance. X 3S5, Orego nian. WANTED Office desk room desired, ground floor, bet. Front and Fifth. Stark and An keny sts. M 387. Oregonian. WANTED Small flat or cottage, furnished or unfurnished, within walking distance of St. Helen' Hall. 618 Main- st. WANTED Room and board In private fam ily for two young High School girls. Ad dress Baron's Shoe Store. HARTMAN sr THOMPSON, at the Chamber of Commerce, want houses and flats. LADY employed wants reasonable room and board. V 383, Oregonian. BOARD and room, single young man: low est rates; close In. T 381. Oregonian. WANTED To rent 7-roomed house, West Side, walking distance. M 388, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE, unfurnished, from IS to 20 room, close In. 248 N. lTtn. city. FOR BENT. Furnished Booms. THE MOODY HOUSE. 3d and Jefferson Sts. Away from the noise; 5 minutes' walk, Washington and 3d; Just completed; new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy: single rooms or suites; permanent and transient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phone A 7731, M. 8639. HOTEL ANTLERS, Corner 10th and Washington Sts. New management; THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnslde. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. ' PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated tnroughout; 10 outside rooms, steam heat, electrio lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant .public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL EUCLID. 18TH AND WASHINGTON New. modern elegantly furnished rooms, single and en suite, with private baths; permanent or transient. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2347. M. 5647. THE MERTARPER. 126 13th. cor. Washing ton, brand new. handsomely furnished; every modern convenience: hot water In all room: very reasonable terms. HOTEL NORRIS. Washington and 17th; new building, newly furnished; every room light and sunny; hot water, steam heat; reasonable prices. HOTEL IRVING, 312 OAK ST., COR. 6TH. Just opened, new and elegantly fur nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable. HOTEL LENOX, cor, 3d and Main sts.. fur nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite the Plaza. PACIFIC HOTEL. . 214 Columbia St.; Summer rates; run ning water in all rooms; transients 50c to $1 day; one call mean's another. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327H Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE HANOVER. 165 King, near Washing ton; modern large front room, wall bed, private bath, steam heat, both phones. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 363 Stark, cor. Park. ELM PLACE, 414 YAMHILL. Exclusive furnished rooms. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral. $3. $4. $3 per week; transient. JHB RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; batn, pnone; ovu io i ui. Famished Rooms In Private Family. ELEGANTLY furnished front room, suitable for two gentlemen; modern: close in. Phone 7815. FURNISHED room, private family, for gen tleman; 5 minutes' walk Portland Hotel; references. Tel. Main 7329. FURNISHED front room for gentleman. 425 Taylor at. - ; 500 FLANDERS, bet. 14th and 15th. neatly furnished room. $6 per month. 161 N. 14th St., corner Irving, room suitable for two. WELL-FURNISHED alcove room, good loca tion for one or two gentlemen. 251 loth. n0 or more nicely furnished, one suitable for 1 gentlemen. 651 Taylor. i A couple large, cheerful front room la a beautiful private home with every con venience: one block Washington; one block Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 69 N. 21st St. CHOICE 2 or 3-room suite, suitable for 4 or 6 gentlemen; fireplace, bath, phono, porch: lower flat, corner, close in; brand new elegant furniture and rugs; willrent single cheap to right parties. Main 7285. ELEGANTLY" furnished front suite, also single room: steam heat, hot and cold water, .electric lights, bath, phones free; reasonable rent. Call A 52S0. M. 5435. NICELY furnished front room, piano, suit able for two gentlemen, with board, pri vate family. Flat D 519 W. Taylor t. Phone Main 7695. NEWLY furnished room In private family: all modern conveniences; reasonable; walking distance. 50 E. 16th st. North. NEWLY" furnished room In private family of two, with all modern conveniences. Main 7904. NEWLY furnished rooms, all modern, near two carllres; ten minutes' walk to P. O. Phone Main 7815. DESIRABLE room, with hay window and fireplace; line location; also suite of rooms. 67 20th St. North, near Washington. NEWLY furnished rooms reasonable. 349 Ross st. C 1522. NEWLY furnished rooms, reasonable, modern; three blocks of Washington. 624 Flandera TWOnice modern rooms in private family; rent reasonable. 430 2d st. 2 NEWLY furnished rooms; modern conven iences; walking distance. 443 Halsey. NICELY ftirnished room, suitable for one or two. 391 Yamhill at. THE IDAHS7), 389 6th St., front suites housekeeping rooms, phone A 2645. Unfurnished Rooms. t ROOMS. $10; 3 rooms furnished, $15. 1165 Belmont. Tabor S65. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern In every respect; steam heat, electrio lights, hot and cold water In every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne avea THE WEAVER, T10 Washington st., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you. want the best in the city for the money, call and Inspect; dining-room in connection. PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room with board, use of sowing room and li brary. 510 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th st. Mr. M. E. Bretherton. supt. THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th st.. cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. THE L1NDELL, 269 Market Nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board; mod- ern, reasonable; tine walking distance. THE CALVARD Take W car at depot to door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097. WELL furnished rooms with good home board. 107 11th street. Room With Board In Private Family. PLEASANT room, convenient to Portland Academy, suitable for 2. reasonable, board if desired. Phone Main 6674. QUIET lady can have room or room and board with private family In coxy flat. West Side, references. O 384. Oregonian. FRONT and back parlors, connecting, suit able for 2 or 4 gentlemen, with board; also table board. 147 Main st. CHOICE rooms, breakfast, dinners, modern, new house, walking distance; reasonable. Main 321S. TWO connecting rooms, 4 gentlemen, with board, $25 each. Call at 649 Yamhill. Phone A 3875. ROOM and board for 2 girls; walking dis tance. Main 6629. NICE, newly furnished room, with board. 595 East Oak, cor. 15th. Phone B 2619. BOARD and room for two; bath, phone, use of piano. 191 11th. Phone Main 5963. Apartments- THE RE-U-KAN, 624 Marshall Street. The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart ments In the city; 3-room suites. PRI VATE BATHS and reception halls; both phones FREE in each apartment; electrio elevator; nice large verandas both front and back: large lawn and beautiful shade trees; low Summer rates. Take W car to Marshall, go 1 block east- LACRETTE APARTMENTS High-class. 8 rooms each; brick and cement building; steam heat, hot water, Ice chest, tele phones, flreless cooker, cabinet, gas range, private hall and bath, Janitor service; five minutes from Portland Hotel; choice neighborhood. 11th st. and Salmon, ready Sept. 1. Open for reservations. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison St., new brick building, completely .first-class, furnished In 2, 8 and 4-room family apartments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air cleaning,. Janitor service. Rent very reasonable. STEPHENSON COURT, 615 Mill St., 2. 8. 4, 5-room apartments, bath, hot and cold water, free phone, gas; very reasonable. Phone Main 6110. -. NEW 5-room, steam-heated flat, modern conveniences, reasonable rent. W. L. Mor gan. 503 Abington bldg. 6-ROOM apartment. Nob Hill, strictly mod ern, expensively furnished, steam heat. M. 6422. Flots. FOR RENT Elegant upper 9-room flat. ISO N. 24th St., between Hoyt and Irving. Phone Main 591. MODERN five-room upper flat, electrio and gas fixtures, furnace, etc. 332 Sherman St.. near 6th. $22.50. Main 8U7. 407 BENTON ST., near Dixon, new 5-room Hat, strictly modern, near Steel bridge. East Side, walking distance. L car. FOR RENT 7-room flat, all modern con veniences. Inquire Mrs. R- Sto.tt, 263 park. Main 1219. $16 4-room flat, bath, gas, cor. Chapman and Jefferson. Inquire Donald Woodward, 104 2d st. LOWER flat, furnished, no children; refer ences; desirable. Phone Main 1030. 263 7th st. FURNISHED or unfurnished 3-room flat for rent. Inquire 225 Market. Phone Main 516. FIVE rooms; desirable; adults only. 175 East 15th St., cor. Yamhill. 5 ROOMS and bath. $18. Inquire 689 E. Morrison. TWO modern 5-room upper corner flat. $27.5": walking distance. Main 7112. MODERN nice upper 4-room flat: $14: on carllne. l'hone Woodlawn 1502. 6-ROOM fla!. nice lawn, reasonable. Key 330 Park st. 4 8 2-ROOM flats, molem. pleasant close in; 'reasonable rent. 235 Hall. FOR RENT Modern new five and six-room flats, 12th and Belmont. Housekeeping Rooms. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 to Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms: gas ranges. hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. $1.50 week, large, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 184 Sherman. $1.25 week, clean, furn. housekeeping room. . laundry, bath. 203 Stanton St.. U. car. THE MII.NER. 350Uj Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all convenience. 461 E. MOr.RlSON, cor. E. 8th. completely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. THREE very nice, modern housekeeping rooms, suitable 4 persons. 5S0 Second st. BWELL housekeeping rooms In new concrete building. Phone C 1342. FL'RNISHED housekeeping suites; gaa, bath. phone. 492 Clay st. NICE newly furnished 2-room housekeep- Ing ulte. The Barton, 13th and Alder. JEFFERSONIAN, 514 Jefferson .; house keeping suites, $20 up; running not water. .at