Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 13, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Matt Daly, Waiter .on Break
water, Loses Life.
Man Was Under Influence of Liquor
and Ilad Been Ordered Below by
Chief Steward Gibson Was
About 52 Years of Ago.
Matt Daly, employed as a waiter on tho
, BteamshrD Breakwater, disaopeared from
the vessel Saturday afternoon at 1:30
o'cyck when the craft was off
Klver. It presumea m mo mim
either fell -overboard or committed ul
cide. Daly was ordered to his quarters
hv fhlef Steward Gibson at the noon
hour, as he was under the Influence of
liquor and unable to perform m duties
In the dlnlne saloon. Captain Aiacenn
will turn over his money and effects to
Shipping Commissioner Barnes this morn-
Matt Daly was one of the best known
steamship waiters In this section of the
country. He was about 52 years of ase
and had been" a resident of Portland for
25 years. He came to the Pacific Coast
from New York. As far as Is known he
had no relatives In this section of the
Daly was last seen at 1:30 o"clock Sat
urday afternoon by the steward. At that
time he was In the cabin. Mr. Uloson
acaln directed him to go below. Nothing-
more was seen of him. Later a search
was Instituted, but nothing was discov
ered of the man. The theory advanced by
Steward Gibson is that Daly attempted
to crawl out of "a window to the main
deck and from there proceed aft to the
eompanlonway, which leads to the glory
hold. There was a bad sea on at the time
and It Is probable that he was carried
overboard, as he was not In shape to
handle himself.
Barges and Timbers at Scene of
Wrecked Steamer.
Barges, timbers and chain have been
sent to the scene of the wreck of the
steamer Daniel Kern and work will be
rushed In the effort to save the vessel.
Heavy timbers will be laid across the
two barges and chains worked under the
keel of the sunken craft. She Is In an
easy position and no difficulty will be
experienced In raising her.
The Daniel Kern was rammed and sunk
off Waterford light by the steamship
Geo. TV. Elder on the morning of August
IB. She went down In 64 feet of water.
The Daniel Kern was formerly the light
house tender Manzanita.
Marine Notes.
With passengers and freight from San
Pedro and way ports, the steamship Geo.
V.: . Elder arrived up yesterday morning.
Th steamship Argo arrived from Tilla
mook yesterday afternoon with passen
gers and freight.
From Pan Francisco, the steamship
Kansas City Is due to arrive tonight.
The ship Belii, laden with salmon
from Alaska. Is due to arrive up thla
morning from Astoria.
The steamship Catania, with oil from
the. Associated Company, is due at As
toria this mommg. .
I.os Angeles Shipping.
LOS ANGELES. Sept. 12. The steamer
Stanley Dollar arrived, four and a half
days, from Gray's Harbor direct with
1.350.000 feet of lumber.
The steamer Santa Barbara arrived
from Gray's Harbor, via San Francisco,
with 4SO.O0O feet of lumber.
The schooner Louis arrived from
Umpqua River with K.0X feet of lum
The schooner Albert Meyer arrived
from Wlllapa Harbor with lumber.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND. Fept. 12. Arrived Steam
ship Geo. W. Elder, from San Pedro and
way; steamship Rreakwater. from Coos
Bay: steamship Argo. from Ttllamook.
Astoria. Or.. Sept. 12. rendition at the
mouth of tha river at 5 P. M-. smooth
wind northwest, 80 miles; weather cloudy.
Sailed at :25 A. M. Steamer Elmore, for
Tillamook. Arrived at 3:4 and left up at
i a. m. steamer ireaKwater, rrom ( oos
Fay. Sailed at R A. M. Steamer oiynYDlc.
for San Pedro. Sailed at 9 A. M. Steamer
Alliance, for Coos Par- Sailed at (:1S A.
M Steamer Nome City, for San Francisco.
Lft up at 8:20 A. M. Ship Berlin and
schooner W. F. Jewett. Sailed at A.
M. toteamer t-nosnone, lor san Francisco.
San Francisco. Sept. 12- Sailed at 5 J.
M. yesterday Steamer Saginaw, for Port
land, and steamer Roanoke, for San Pedro.
Wlllapa. Sept. 12. Arrived yesterday
toieamer muinauit, xrom fortlana.
TMes at Astoria Monday.
Hlrh. Low.
I 6:33 A. M 0:1 foot
12:43 P. Teti :.'. P. M 2.0 feet
A. J. Mendel, of Cooa Bay, is registered
at the Portland Hotel.
A. Anderson and wife, of Nome, Alaska,
are registered at the Seward Hotel.
H. L. Beyer, a Walla Walla. Wash.
business man Is registered at the Ramapo
H. T. Bagley. an attorney of Hills-
boro. was registered at the Perkins Hotel
L. C. Thompson, a capitalist of Carlo
ton, was registered at the Perkins Hotel
Mrs. J. S. Cloninger. the wife of
K'dlama merchant, visited at the Oregon
Hotel yesterday.
I. Blumauer. a capitalist of Tenlno,
Wash., spent Sunday at the Cornelius
during a siiort vteit here.
D. T. C. Perkins, of .San Francisco, was
a Portland visitor with rooms at the
Hotel Portland yesterday.
J. D. Hinterleltner and wife, of Chi
cago, are visiting Mr. and -Mrs. M. A.
Tibbetts at the Lenox otW.
Mrs. F. Messang. Mrs. M. Symne and
G. J. Hessman are Clnclnatti tourists
staying over Sunday at the Nortonia
Mrs. Robert McCoy and Mrs. M. A.
Giasf. of Pittsburg, are Eastern tourists
who are staying temporarily at the Cor
nelius Hotel.
H. H. Sullivan and wife, of Weed. Colo.,
visited In Portland yesterday en route to
the Fair at Seattle, taking rooms at the
Nortonia Hotel.
A. C. Dixon, manager of the Booth
Kelly Lumber Company, of Eugene,
spent Sunday with his family here and
staved at the Imperial.
Brn a Bingham and wife, of Eugene,
the former a. son of Senator Bingham, of
Lane County, were guesta at the Im
perial Hotel yerterday.
A. B. Higginson and wife, and Mrs.
S. S. McGowan, tourists from Santa
Barbara, Cal.. spent Sunday In Portland,
staying at the Seward Hotel.
Arthur Barry, manager of the "Fifty
M.les From Boston" company and sev
eral members of the company have taken
quarters for the week at the Lenox
Aubrey H. Bond, a student of the Uni
versity of Oregon at Eugene, stayed at
the Ramapo Hotel Sunday en route to
Eugene, where he will resume his studies
this Fall.
Mrs. Charles Scott Johnson, of Denver,
Colo., and Mrs. William R. Adams, of
Greely. Colo., took quarters at the Xor
tonla yesterday. Their husbands, both
prominent railroad men, will arrive to
day from Colorado.
X. K. West, president of the United
States National Bank of La Grande, Is
In Portland at the Imperial Hotel for a
short visit. Mr. We6t Is Interested In
fancy horses and Is here la the interests
of tha coming livestock show.
Judge J. B. A. Robertson, wife and
family, of Chandler, Okla., have taken
quarters at the Imperial Hotel during a
short visit to Portland en route ,to Se
attle where Judge Robertson will attend
the soverlgn grand lodge meeting of the
I. O. O. F. as an Oklahoma delegate.
Being a member of the committee on ap
peals. h will leave today, a week before
the session convenes to arrange tho leg
islative feature. Judge Robertson Is the
judge of the Third district of Oklahoma
and to a prospective candidate for the
nomination for Governor of that state.
CHICAGO, Sept. 12. (Special.) John S.
Francis, Lydell Baker, J. H. Dickson and
Master James Dickson, all of Portland,
are registered at the Great Northern. Les
lie Butler, of Hood River. Or., Is at the
John Driscoll, member of the Port of
Portland, who was recently stricken with
paralysis, is rapidly recovering and Is
now able to be up several hours each day.
......... . . nn.
McMlnnnile ?W111 Hold Fair
November 12 and 13.
M-MXN'XVELLE. Or., Sept. 10. (Spe
cial.) Yamhill County will hold an Apple
Fair in McMlnnville, November 12 and li.
The apple crop of the valley is so short
that It will not be easy to assemble an
extensive exhibit, but orchardlsts are
anxious that the regular Fair be not
At a consultation of growers yesterday
assurances were given that a creditable
display would be made notwithstanding
the light crop." Mr. Lownsdale promised
50 boxes for the exhibit, and other grow
ers agreed to make proportionate dis
The magnificent trophy donated by Sen
ator Hodson, of Multnomah, will be the
chief prize In the competitions. The
trophy is offered for the best three boxes
of packed apples of different varieties-
size, form, color, - type and quality of
fruit as well as excellence of pack to
govern in the decision. Numerous other
cuds will be donated by business men
of McMlnnville. W. T. Macy will be
the. manager of the Fair.
France sends great Quantities of . cheap
Jewelry all over the world.
trtrtrts to utilize tne spiaers wen ror
practical purposes war made as early as
1710 In France.
Many Portland Girls Have
Won Distinction on Stage
Careers of Maud Adams, "Blanch Bates and Other Footlight Celebrities
Had Their Beginnings in Local Theaters.
ISPITE the fact that Portland has
yet to gain any great degree of
prominence In metropolitan stage-
do m, it can rightfully boast of. being
the home of -more than a dozen stars
who at various periods of their careers
twinkled brilliantly from the theatrical
firmament. '
During a lull in his activities as gen
eral manager of the Shuberts on the
Pacific Coast, "Dad" Russell, one ot. the
best-known theatrical men In the coun
try, became reminiscent the other day
and recalled Incidents In the lives of a
galaxy of stage celebrities who for
merly lived In Portland. The veteran
and popular dean of theaterdom enu
merated the trials and eventual distinc
tion gained by the many Thespians
with whom he was associated. Speak
ing of the feminine contingent of stars
who blossomed forth in Portland theat
ricals, Mr. Russell's memory went back
over a span of a quarter of a century.
"Many of them are gone, but not for
gotten," he said. "I well remember
how the two Plxley sisters, Annie and
Mary, both shivered with stage fright
upon their first appearance before the
footlights In a little Washington-street
theater over SO years ago. They strug
gled for recognition, and eventually
won. Anna Plxley created the part of
"M'Liss," and a'ter several seasons of
triumphant success, married Robert
Fulford. her manag-er, and retired from
the stage. Mary died just as she was
springing Into popular favor."
It was with no little enthusiasm that
Mr. Russell told of the initial appear
anec" of Maud Adams, who is today rec
ognized as one of America's leading ac
tresses. Her phenomenal success in fhe
leading role of "Peter Pan," during re
cent sessions, occasioned a contrast
with her youthful efforts In child parts
under the guidance of J. P. Howe, at
the old Newmarket Theater, in this
city. Miss Adams was born in Portland.
Essie and Minnie Tittle, another pair
of sisters who experienced their initial
stage frights in Portland, achieved phe
nomenal distinction through the United
States after a number of successful en
gagements here under the tutelage of
Russell & Jewell, a quarter of a century
ago. Minnie Tittle is now Mrs. Clar
ence Broune, and at present Is starring
in Australia.. Several years ago she
was seen on the Pacific Coast in parts
through which Fanny Davenport be
came famous. Essie Tittle became a
Frohman protege, and gained enviable
favor abroad. Charlotte Tittle, a sister
of these two, made her initial appear
ance on the Portland stage several
years after her sisters. She left Poft
land 20 years ago and supported E. H.
Sothern for several seasons at the Ly
ceum Theater. New York-. Since then
she has won favor with New Tork theater-goers
in stock productions.
Kate Dalgllsh, Portland's favorite
stock actress in the past decades, has
abandoned the stage and retired to pri
vate life. Catherine Herran, a- pro
tege of Mrs. M. S. De Young, for sev
eral seasons leading in stock produc
tions in Cordray's Theater, in the early
90s, married and has also retired to
private life.
Mamie Gllroy, a favorite soubrette
with Portland amusement-seekers a
dozen years ago. is still appearing be
fore the public "doing" frivolous roles
In Eastern productions.
Margaret Mayo Is the name adopted
by Lillian Slatter, a born and bred Port
land woman, which has gone down In
history of theatricals as a premiere
comedienne of the old school.
Harriet Ross, of the old school of ac
tresses, won her first favors from Port
land audiences over 20 years ago while
appearing in leading roles in the Georgle
Woodthorpe Repertoire Company in the
old Cordray Theater at Third and Yam-
hall street. She was last seen on the
Pacific Coast 18 years ago when she ap
peared as leading woman In stock pro
ductions presented at the Cordray Stock
Theater in Seattle.
Coming down to the present period of
theatricals Portland has been well repre
sented on the American stage by ambi
tious young actresses who have achieved
National distinction. Portland has con
tributed several prominent vaudeville ac
Welch Talks of Plans of
Northwest Corporation.
Five Million Dollars Will Be Used
la Developing' Light and Power
Plants In Pacific North
west States.
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Sept. 12.
That the Northwest Corporation has con
solldated Its entire holdings under this
name In Washington, Oregon and Idaho
and mortgaged them for J5.000.000 In order
to secure capital to develop Its properties
on a large scale, was admitted by A.
Welch, general superintendent of the cor
poration, who arrived in walla wana to
day for the purpose of filing papers rel
ative to the merging of the corporation
"The mnnov will be used in developing
I water power and In extending our lines
; everywhere In the Northwest, said Air.
j Welch. "We intend to spend the entire
provements contemplated.
Pressed to be specific, he refused, say
Ing he couli give out nothing at this.
time. He inlimatea, nowever, mat me
largest part of the work contemplated
was in this section.
Superintendent Welch and H. K. Lug
ger, chief engineer of the Northwest Cor-
portatlon, were in consultation tonight
with Wilbur hunt, one of tne directors
of the newly Incorporated Washington
Traction Company, which is now making
the survey for an electric line from Day
ton to Wallula, via this city. This meet
lng tonight has given rise to the belief
that the Washington Traction Company
is but another of the subsidiary concerns
under the control of the Northwest Cor
poration, and that the money obtained by
the Northwest Corporation through inort
gaging Its holdings will be used to
finance the proposed electric line to be
built by the former company.
Confirming this theory .Is the fact that
the Washington Traction Company a few
'days ago announced it had secured Lon
don capital to the ..extent of J5.000.000 to
build its line. Another feature regarded
as significant Is the presence here until
a short time ago of E. M. Raymond, of
Germantown, Pa., an engineer employed
In the Interests of unknown parties to se
cure rights of way between this city and
Wallula and Dayton. Mr. Raymond is
also said to be a stockholder In the Ger
mantown Trust Company.
tresses and women who have been ac
corded praise and fame for their efforts
in music, drama and grand opera.
Mme. Norelll, prima donna soprano ot
the International Grand Opera organiza
tion, which closed a successful engage-
Miaa Mlnette Barn-eft, a Former
Portland Girl Who Is a Mem-'
ber of "A Gentleman From Mis-
iMlppin Company
ment here last night, was a resident of
this city for years. Her husband Is a
prominent practicing Portland physi
cian. During the past week the Port
land public also heard Diamond Donner,
a Portland girl, sing several difficult
roles in grand opera. This week local
theatergoers wll have the privilege of
seeing Mlnette Barrett, another Portland
girl, in a prominent part with "A Gen
tleman rTom Mississippi."
Mary Connor, violinist, made her ini
tial bow before Portland music critics a
few years ago. Her ability won her en
gagements extending over two seasons
with Sousas band.
By her aceentrlo ability Annie Brigham,
need food that will keep brain
and nerves well nourished, else
the brain grows dull and tires
Suppose you spend a few.
minutes studying the. Subject
and a few days on an easy,
pleasant trial ot
That will furnish a clean
cut argument to drive the
facts home.
A strong, sturdy, money
making set of brains can be
built on Grape-Nuts and
trial proves it.
ere s a Keason
Poatum Cereal Co.. Ltd.
Battle Creek, Mich, -y
' m J
: ,''''"""""i
, (
t f 1
STAR Theater
Russell & Drew,
Nights at 8:15: Matinees. Wednesday and
Saturrfav at 2:15 P. M.
Otter Clyde Fitch's Clover Comedy.
As played 225 times in New Tork at Daly's
Theater, and two. eolld weeks at Alhambra
Theater, Seattle.
Prices NlEhts. KOc. 75o. 11.00. 1.S0: Mat-
tnees. $1.00 and 50c. ,
- Phone Main 117 and A 4221.
Special Prico Matinee Wednesday.
The Great American Comedy Success.
Evenings, f 1.S0 to 50c. Matinee. $1.00 to 2."ic,
Main 2. A 0360.
GEO. L. BAKER. Manager.
Bargain Matinee. Wednesday; 25c any aaat.
Tonight All Week,
Geo. M. Cohan's Big Musical Comedy Success
COHAN Girls. Boys. Music, Noise.
Eves.. 20c to J 1.00. Sat. Mat.. 25c, 30c.
Sex Meek "The Girl Question."
MAIN 6, A 1020. Matinees
x. Sundays and Holidays.
THEATER 15-25-50-75C
Edna Aug In Tyses." Jessie Shirley in "The
First Woman. Goveraor," Bis: Clt3- Quartet.
The Wallhour Trio. Henry Olive, Duvey it
Pony Moore in "The Dancing; Tenderheel,"
Le JtlyowUi, Pictures, Orciieatra.
WK OF SEPT. 13, 1900.
Dolen and Leniiarr.
Four Stagpoolc
The Three VajftUoada
Blanche Sloan
Johan and Matt
Caawcll and Arnold
Fred Bauer
Grandaacope .
Matinee every day at 2:30, any seat 15c.
Even In f per onnancea, 7 :30 and 9:15;
lower floor, 25c; balcony, 15c; box seata. 50c.
Phones Main 4685, A 1026.
Prices 30, 20 and 10 cents.
The Athon Stock Company Presents
Matinees Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday, at 2:15. Every Evening-, at 8:15.
Live Baby Given Away Friday Evening.
You'll JAke the fcyric.
Advanced Vaudeville Stars of All Nations.
Engagement extraordinary, Menetekel, or
"The Mystery of Babylon"; Montague's Com
edy Cockatoos; Miskel, Hunt and Miller;
Arthur Doming; Leo White; Rivell and
Doery; Jones and Walton; Pantagescope;
Curtain 2:15. 7:30 and 0.
Donatelii's Famous Italian Band
Slg Dnmond, Operatic Tenor -FRANCES
HOYLK, glueing Soubrette.
Cars every few minutes from any part ot
tne city, o cexus.
, ' I
Recreation Park,
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-xourth St a.
BEIPT. IS, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 10. 1
Games begin week days 3:30 P. M.
Sunday. Z:Q P. M.
Admission Bleachers. 26c: Grand
stand, 50c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children
Bleachers, ivc; uranastana, zoc.
Ladles' Dar Friday.
Boys under 13 free to bleachers
Salem, Oregon
Don't MlH the Finest Display of
LlvaatcxW Fiver Made In
the Northwest.
Trotting and Running Races Daily
another Portland girl, whistled' herself
into the hearts of vaudeville patrons
throughout the country and has been
booked solidly for the coming two sea
At Wilson's Auction House, cor. 2d and
Yamhill sts. . Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson.
M'AtUSTER At her residence. 472 Taylor
street. Mrs. Margaret McAllister, aged eg
years, notice ox lunerai later.
ROSE Joseph Rose, late a member of Com
panies K. 22 ana ?u, Micnigan volunteer
Infantry, who died at the residence of
J. J. Hirshheimer, No. 820 Water street,
at South Portland, on the 12th day oi Sep
tember, 11)00. Funeral services will bo
held at the Holman chapel, corner of Sal
mon and Third streets, Portland, Or., on
the 14th of September, at 2 P. M. Com
rades and old soldiers are respectfuhy in
vited tp attend.
OOLEY At Gooding. Idaho. September 9,
Ralpn uoley, agea l years. uneral serv
ices will be held from Hohnan's chapel.
Third and Salmon streets, today (Mon
day), at 1 P. M. Friends invited. Inter
ment at Rlvervlew Cemetery.
WIL.DE7R In this city. September 16, at
the resiaence oi ner srepaaugnter, Mrs H.
Farage, 65 East Sixteenth street, Mrs
Elisabeth Wilder. Friends are Invited 'to
attend the funeral services, which will be
held from the residence today, Monday,
September 13, at 2 p, M. Interment, Rlv
ervlew Cemetery.
TJiinnin-r- McP.ntee i Gllhanerti. Fnn.r.l
Directors. 7th and Pine. 1'Uone Main 43".
Lady Assistant. Oft ice of County Coroner.
KI WARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral ilrrt.
ors. 220 3d st. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 607.
J. F. HNLBY" SON. 8d and Madison.
Lady attendant. Phono Main 8, A. 1508.
MeENTEE-ERICSON CO. Undertakers,
lady assistant. 40S Alder. M. 6133.
EAST SIDE funeral directors, successors
to F. b. Dunning;, Inc. . S2, B I52J.
ZELUER-BYRNES CO.. Fnneral Direct
rs. 272 Kussell. Both phones. Lady assistant.
LERCH Undertaker.. 420 East Alder.
Phones East 781. M 1883. Lady assistant.
AL ARCANUM meets at TC. P.
Hall. 11th and Alder streets, th
second and fourth Monday of each
month at 8 P. M. Vlimora cor
dially welcome. H. Claussenius,
Jr., secretary. 12S 11th c
A v AND A. M. Special commu
nicat'ion this (Monday) evening at
7:SO o'clock. Work in E. A. de
gree visiting brethren welcome.
W. S. WEEKS. Secretary.
Regular meeting this (Monday) afternoon at
2 o'clock, in their rooms, city Hau. y or
der of the President.
R. M. DONOVAN, Secretary.
F. AND A. M. stated communica
tion this (Monday) evening at 7:30
o'clock. . A tun attendance is re
quested. Business of Importance.
Visitors are cordially invited.
W. M. DB LIN. Secretary.
TEH, NO. 14, O. E. S. Stated meet
ing this (Monday) evening. East Sth
and Burnside. By order W. M.
Whist and dancing. Tuesday evening, Sept.
14, luuv. Admission, ioc.
rna CHURCHLEY BROS., wood and coal
w M dealers.
office and yard 13th and
pnonea ilala 931, A 3831
ll1Af.ct Cut Flowers always fresh from
t lU!13lour own conservatories. Martin
a- Forbes Co.. 347 Washington at. Hoia
Electric Fixtures loSX SS
prices are right. All work guaranteed.
Western Electric Works, 61 Sixth street.
Richmond and Wallsend Australian.
Independent Coal A Ice Company.
opposite City Library. Both phones.
PRESIDENT. Main 300.
See Pacific Place
Prices Advance Sept. 15th.
Pacific Place Is 2 blocks west of Albtna
ave. and Peninsula Park.
Pacific Place fronts Portland boulevard.
which is part ot the great boulevard and
park system.
Pacific Place la 6 blocka from public
school and within easy walking: distance of
the Jefferson High School, Portland's newest.
Pacific Place lots are selling now for $525
and up to :620. When the electric cars are
being operated on Alblna ave. (about Sept.
15th), there will be an advance in prices.
510 Beck Bldg.
Agent on ground all the time.
$275 PER ACRE.
Five-cent carfare. Best platting
proposition in the city. AC 368,
September 8d and 4th one-eighth of
all the building: permits of ALL Port
land were in the Rose City Park district-
That's growing some; each day
sees a new home started.
Few choice home lots, amid grove of
fine small trees, in this growing", com
injf district, onlv $550, terms. Lots 50x
100. GRAVELED and graded streets.
cement walks and curbs, parkins: an
crossing:, and Bull Run water to lot,
all only extra, fnone Main juu,
ask for SEABERG, care Calumet Hotel,
New. 9 rooms, large sleeplne-poroh.
walls tinted, shades and fixtures; com
plete and elegant in every detail; best
East Side residence district; close in; all
street Improvements in and paid for; low
price, easy terms. By owner, D 358, Ore-
At Multnomah Station, 20 minutes out.
In fine district. fZibo; terms.
Frederick C. Forbes Co.
Lumbermen's, Fifth street.
Warehouse Sites
621 Board of Trade Bldg.
Modern residence, nine rooms: fln
lawn: will also sell. If desired, caroeta.
shades, light fixtures, inlaid linoleum.
stoves, etc., all as grood as new. aQ
East Madison street, near 14th.
69-foot frontage on Washington st.:
one of the few opportunities left in
this popular apartment-house district;
some income; terms.
Hitchcock, 14 Rotbchtld Bids;.
Uncle Sam Insures
Your Orchard in Idaho.
MAIR A PR.4LL will explain. 2 Lum-
bermens Building.
AT1 Branches.)
S23 Worcester Bldr.
Phones Main 837:. A 4018.
Andrews. F. V.
A Co. M. 2349. 30 Hamilton
Baker, Alfred A., 213 Ablngton bids;.
Beck, William O.. 812 Faliini: bldg.
Birrell. A. H. Co., 02-3, McKay bldg;. Real
estate, insurance, mortsraces. loans, mttt.
Brubaker A Benedict, 502 McKay bldg. M. 649.
ChaDln & Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce.
Cook, B. S. & Co.. DOS Corbett bldg.
Fields. C. B. A Co.. Board of Trade bldff.
Jsnnlnff & Co.. Main 163. 200 Oregonian.
Parrlsh. Wat kins A Co.. 250 Alder at.
Schalk. Geo. D., 264 Etark st. Main or A 302.
Sharkey. J. P. & Co.. 122 V Sixth st.
The Oreffnp Real Kstate Co., Grand st. and
Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition).
Walker, 8. T., 604 Corbett bldir
Whlte B. P., 2274 Washington at
For Sale Lota.
IRVINGTON Will sell at sacrifice, fine lot;
meai location; term. j ass, uregonian.
PINS comer lot, Ba.t Plander. only 3450.
mioois t vrocKet, warning ton Diflt-. room 8.
For Sale Lota.
Known &s the old McKay homestead, ia
only a short' distance wee I of Burlington.
Holbrook, th United Hallway. Northern
Pacific Ry., the Astoria & Columbia. Ry.
and about one mile from the river: beautiful
oil, overlooking the Peninsula. Vancouver
and th Columbia River for miles.
Now, If you want a equarc deal, buy a
half-acre tract for $45 at $5 down and $3
per month (or aa many as you want). Ab
stract copies furnished to purchasers. Call
or send for maps to the owner. I have also
houses, lots and business property for oale.
Open till P. M.
W. RE1DT. 401 Rothchild Bldg.
Fourth and "Washington Sts.
100x85, on corner 20th and Kim sts.;
traded: all improvements in : on canine
fine view; the best buy on the Heights at
the price, S4500. terms; this. property will
be offered for 3 days only.
212-213 Commercial Club Bldff.
Phones Main 8ti9d, A 2633.
$750 Corner 50x100, on paved street.
$700 Fine view, 50x100, cement wajki.
$500 66x100; water In front.
$750-lAxlOO; building restriction.
Theee lota are choice and prices low.
C. B. LUCAS, 408 Corbett Bldg.
Nearly new; strictly modern; 6 rooms; best
of Dlumbinr. basement- fine lawn. 5fxl00
lot; street improved; near carllne; everything
nrst-ciass; price reduced to 400 ror quick
sale, part cash. 1
C. B. LUCAS, 408 Corbett Bldg.
Have beautiful fractional corner, very
close In, in very best locality; street
paved, cement walks all In ; must have
cash at once; will sell at sacrifice; this is
a bargain for close-in property. Phone
East or B 1804.
$700 FOR 50x100 LOT.
Just three left; talk fast If you want
one or all. Little cash handles them.
Office, East 15th and Halsoy ats. Holla
day Addition. Phones E. 696, C li93. J.
E. Dolen.
Between Williams ave. and Union ave.,
you can build 6 houses or flats on this
can get renters soon as completed; owner
going to buy farm and will sell at sacri
fice. Call mornings, 516 Abingtoh bldg.
27th St., near Hancock. 85x100; $2000,
essy terms.
R, F. BRYAN & CO. ,
POft Chamber of Commerce.
Main 1963. A 1227.
TWO choice lots in Irvtngton, $200 under
value if sold this week, V block from Irv
Ington car; great bargain. Office, East
15th and Halsey St.. Holladay Addition.
Both phones. J. E.- Dolen.
TvxlOO on corner; $2o00, terms.
R. F. BRYAN & CO. , '
505 Chamber of Commerce,
Main 1063. A 1227.
GLEN HARBOR lot. number 53, block 1, for
the best lot and location there; cash
$40, balance $10 per month and interest.
Telephone B 2517, or address S 370, Ore
gon ian.
SIX lots; unexcelled view of city, snow
capped mountains and Tualatin Valley;
the first lots selected on Couvtcll Crest;
for sale at a great bargain by owner.
810 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 034.
WAVERLY HEIGHTS Corner lot 60x100.
cement sidewalk, street improved ; owner
going East; give ua your offer. Portland
Success Realty Co., Inc., 618 Board of
Trade bldg.
WILL sacrifice 2 corner lots, 2-room house
at Clara s station. Mount Scott carllne.
Owner. Phone A 5450.
THREE lots on Rodney ave., not far out.
All street lmprovem-ajitB paid. Cash or
terms. Phone Woodlawn SI.
WEST SIDE lot 60x100, on 21st St.; give us
your orrer. Portland success Realty Co.,
Inc., 618 Board of Trade bldg.
BLOCK, 100x200. with trees, close to
gooa canine, $ i auu, on terms. call on
owner, 410 Falling bldg.
IRVINGTON" district snap; lot between Til
lamook and. xnompson; 9900. A aSo, Ore
gonian. IF YOU OWN A LOT,
Will build a house on Installments to suit;
plans free. Main 2668, -
IRVINGTON quarter, 22d and Knott; lowest
price. owner, a. Backus, Hill Hotel.
For Sale 'Houses.
NEW 2-atory, 6 rooms, reception hall, pan
try ana Darn room, nrepiace, paneled
dining-room, china closet, 3 bedrooms,
plenty of large closets, combination light
ing fixtures, full cement basement, fur
nace, laundry trays, woodlift, cement
steps and walks, built by day labor,
double floors and aide walls, situated in
& fine East Side neighborhood, full-sized
lot. cement walks and curb. Bull Bun
-water, streets to be Immediately paved,
4 blocks to 10-mlnute car, service; the
price Is low and to a good party I will
sell without any cash down on straight
monthly payments $45, which Includes in
terest. K 333; Oregonlan.
We have the largest list of houses in this1
beautiful district of any firm In the city;
prices from $4500 to $12,000.
600 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 1003. A 122T.
On East 7th st., H block from Broad
way, 3 new flats, full cement basement,
cement sidewalk, street improved, facing
ease, onnging gooa income, nair cash
Portland Success Realty Co., Inc. 618
uoara ot j. raae oiag.
For sale by owner, new, modern, 8-room
house, convenient walking distance, largo
sleeping porches, view unexcelled, 2 fire
places, hardwood floors; one of choicest
homes in city. B 38, Oregonlan.
BEAUTIFUL 8-room home on East Taylor
st., full cement basement, furnace, gaa
ana electricity, corner lot suxeo, nne lawn,
half cash, balance 2 years 6 per cent.
Portland Success Realty Co.,: Inc., 618
rxim u oi x raae xsmg.
BEAUTIFUL new homes in Holladay and
. Irvington. I can suit you. All sizes and
very low prices and attractive terms. Call-
on me ror information. Both phones, E
896, C 19S3. Offices. East loth and Hal
sey sts. J. E. Dolen.
CLOSE IN, corner 100x100, with S good
nouBeo, cunacrvauve vaiue l4,vitu; will
offer for sale until sold" at $11,500. This
Is Al property. It will bear your closest
inspection, out must do so a. For nartlc
ulars cil on attorney. 410 Failing bldg.
A BARGAIN New 8-room bungalow. 1170
. Bun-age st., 10O ft. from KUUnirffwofth ave,
take St. J. oar to Greely st. Walking dis
tance rrom new nign scnooi; terms. Owner,
1095 Maryland ave.
If you are looking for a home, be sure
and see this 100x100 new 7-room house.
modern, two stories, fine shad and lawn:
plenty of fruit; four blocks car; only $3500
quicjc saie. terms. wiarn.
I have a few good bargains in residence
jirupci tj-, tiuoo iu i.iiu iiaimy iu canines ,
also a few good vacant lots. Come in and
see me ir interestea in residence property,
Geo. W. Turner, 410-17 Rothchild bldg. t
FLA T at Oak G rove, f urn lshed or 'unfur-
nlahed, high, sightly corner. 100x138, 50x100
In lawn with rosea and firs, sidewalk to
car two blocks. 1 block from school and
church. Address C. L). Smith, care Olds,
Wort man & King.
$1900 Bungalow with two lots; sightly lo
cation, H ciocK irom gooa carune; prop
erty la new and in good condition. Call 410
Failing oiog.
NEW, attractive Irvington home, choice lo
cation: V very largo rooms, beautifully ar
ranged and finished. $8300. P 303. Orego
nlan. RUSSELL 8T. Lot 50x125, highly im
proved ; modern new 5-room house. T his
is choice, close-in property; $3650. Call
410 Failing bldg.
FOR SALE Sunday look at 440 E. 20th, N.
Irvington s cnoicest block, new house, 8
rooms, strictly modern. Inquire 701 Tilla
mook, or Main 108; E 693. Owner.
5-ROOM modern bungalow, full plumbing.
ioi suxauu an iencea, ouu cttsn, balance
monthly. Portland Success Realty Co.,
Inc., 618 Board nf Trade Mda.
2 FOUR and 2 elx-room modern cottages; In
stallments, south Portland. c. H. Plgsott,
owner. 14 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Morri
son. MUST sell new i-room bungalow; Dutch
aitcnen, aeep porcn, run lot, izaoo; $300
down, $25 month; restricted district. 405
Commercial block.-
$2750 New, modern 5-room bungalow, full
lot, east front. 1185 Maryland ave. Inquire
at house or at 1065 Maryland ave. Terms.
NEW Irvinfrton home. 9 very larre rooms.
beautiruiiy arranged ana finished. $8500.
AB 344, Oregonlan. i
for Sale Rouses.
$2700 9-room new. modern house; full
$2H,V 5-room bunKalow, full lot.
$20O tt-roora house, full acre; pretty
$.(4:ft 8-room; full lot; nice place.
$4".n (i-room beautiful new home.
$5500 tt-room cottage, Kearney . st. ;
good buy.
$tr0o 7 -room modern home. West Side.
7000 0 rooms, full corner lot ; near
Steel bridge.
$S500 a rooms; pretty home; 50xHM);
West Side.
$i!500 rooms, modern, concrete; lOOx
100 ; corner.
$UOOu 8 rooms; up to date; 157x100;
$10.000 Elcpant S-room bungalow; 4
acres ; Willamette River.
$10,000 Beautiful 8-room house; 60x100,
West Side.
$12.000 A fine home. Nob Hill.
$15,000 H lots, good S-room house;
fine view.-
Fine homes all over city; impossible to
describe; good business and home sites.
Call at ofhee for particulars; many photo
graphs. ZIMMERMAN,
' 621 Board of Trade Bldg.
TIONS. House up where al! the new fine homes
have just been built, with 6 rooms, fine
bathroom, furnace, grate, gas and electrlo
fixtures, wood lift, cement cellar floor,
double boarded .house, flrst-clats work and
material, near both car lines, at bargain
price, $4500 and can arrange terms.
Fine quarter block at the southwest cor
. ner of E. 12th and Weldler ste., at reduced
$1000 profit on your buy of a house built
for a home, 8 large rooms besides 2 bath
rooms, hall and pantry, furnace, grato with
fine mantel, paneled den, cas and electric
fixtures, cement cellar floor, cement wash
tubs, new paper, everything up to date;
house just repaired and painted. 411 'E. lth
st. X.; 2 blocks from the Broadway carllne;
fine neighborhood ; cheaper than anv prop
erty in that locality. Phones at my s(re
East 02, B 1362, or at my home East "US.
Cf L. Boss.
West Side Fractional Corner.
$125,000 $Hi00 Cash.
Rented for $157 Monthly.
On 11th, a little south of Montgomery
St., we have 6 good little steam-heated
apartments; nice-looking building; always
rented; you can get your $150 per month
and your capital always Intact; get your
money any time you want it and may bo
more. Call owners.
321 Board of Trade Bldg.
$2000 CHOICE, new dwelling; $200 cash,
$20 per month; very desirable; this price
would be low for cash.
IDEAL home, choice location ; good In vwt
ment; Irvington: S-room house with every
convenience conducive to comfort and econ
omy; $1000 worth of Interior furnishings;
quarter block, terraced lawn, trees, im
proved streets; price $11.5(Vr; we believe this
property to be fully worth the figure named;
we only accept propertied for sale at what
we consider fair values and sell strictly for
a commission only.
6th and Vashington Streets.
$250 CASH, balance $25 monthly with inter
est, ror my new r-room modern nouse at
aiu fcj. outn st., just 'Z blocks south of Haw
thorne ave. The price is $J50. Corner lot
50x100 feet, high elevation, fine lawn,
roses, shrubbery, berry bushes, five fruit
trees, excellent view and location. Mount
Scott cars go jj'a"t the house, also Haw
thorne ave. cars two blocks distant. Hons
has porcelain bnth. pantry, closets,
porches, fine basement, etc. Telephone B
2517 or call and see the place.
NEW 7-room modern home, flnlshd through
out In white enamel; tiled bath and toilet
room, fine sleeping porches, two toilets,
plastered attic and basement; a hand
some residence, just completed and ready
to occupy. Elliott ave., second house south
of Hawthorne.
Will lease to small, reliable family for
Jtwo years at $60 per month.
202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark.
Nice 5-room house, gas and electric;
nice bath, cement basement, walls nicely
tinted; handy to Union ave. and Williams
ave. cars; on Rodney ave. and Mason; you
can pay $300 cash, $20 per month. Key
at our office.
817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak.
Fine new modern home, corner, on East
6th. near Broadway; $ft000.
New, modern home now building on E.
23d, near Hawthorne ave,; hardwood floors,
sleeping porch, garage, paved streets; price
$7000; terms to suit.
00 5th St.
Good S-room houe on 1st St., near
Hooker: price Is $;;850. and owner is will
ing to pay $10o in advance for 3 months'
rent; $2000 can stand as long as you want
at 6 pfr cent. Let us take you and show
you today.
' 31T Board of Trade Bldg . 4th and Oak.
$.1400 BUYS fine 8-room modern house, near
Union ave. and Walnut Park, full lot,
facing east; lawn, roses, shrubs and
fruit; cannot he duplicated less 'than
$4000; part cash: this is a bargain; with
best car service In the city.
Phone A 15ftS. C 3 287. 20S Stark, room 81.
0-ROOM house, new, strictly modern. Sunny
side, near Belmont, $.'1500; terms. Call
313 Chamber of Commerce.
BUNGALOWS. 4 to 8 rooms, new, close In,
$1500 to $6500; easy trms. Call 313
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
For Sale- Business Property.
EAST '12TH and Powell. 100x100 business
corner, half cash, balance 2 years. Port
land Success Realty Co., Inc., 618 Board
of Trade bldg.
BUSINESS property, street improvement,
sewer system, 100x113, near car shops,
Alblna, $4000. D 383, Oregonlan.
Lot 100x150, corner Market and Water
streets); splendid site for manufacturing
purposes; will sell, lease or build to suit
6th and Washington Streets.
12150 $-room house, large bath, light,
concrete basement, electric light ; built 3
years; newly painted and tinted; large
porch; full lot. 50x100; south front; ce
ment sidewalks and steps; handsome re
taining wall ; high, sightly lot, tine view.
Terms, $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent 3
years. Don't miss this; close in, two blocks
to two carllres. See
203 McKay Bldg.. Sd and Stark.
FOR SALE 156-acre ranch, good land, fair
buildings, a good one. jti.VK); 40-acre
ranch, close to town; a dandy. $150 per
acre ; income bearing town property to
exchange toward good farm; other prop
erty for sale and exchange. C. M. Critten
den, Hubbard. Or.
OWNER must leave city, so will sell his
beautiful nome. west slope Mt. Tabor.
rooms, electric llRhts. water, etc.; lot 7.ix
135. Price, 5000; terms. Fred Broetje,
Mt- Tabor.
FOR SALE BY OWNER 7-room house. 2
lots, electric light, basement, 10 fruit tres.
Price 1S00. Inquire 1177 Holgate. W. W.
car. Terms.
LOT 50x100. with stable on East 9th and
Mill St.. close to three canines. 10 blocks
from Madison-street bridge. Inquire 4ti8
East Mill. Owner.
$4700 buys new modern 7-room house on
Williams ave, cor. lot &xinu. This is a
great snap. S wetland bidg.. room 610.
5-ROOM modern bungalow on E. Yamhill
st.; easy terms; price. $3000. 3264
Washington st., room 405.
5-ROOM cottage, Sunnyside, Improved street,
gas and sewer, nice lawn, large lot, $2600.
Hatfield 1651 4th st.
FOR anything In Portland real estate see
Columbia i rust co., .tsoara oi Trade bldg.
iir yuuk property witn sign! a kjo,
Morrison. Phone Main 2185. A 4&&&. .