Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 13, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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    JLJ " : I
NEW 2-storv. 6 room, reception hull, pan
try and bathroom. Jrtp ace. paneled dining-room.
rhln closet. 3 bi-ilrf"ms. plenty
of large closets, combination lighting fix-t-.-re
fuli cement basement. fi.rnare.
;auniry travs. wood lift, cement steps and
iriiki: built by day labor; double floors
nnl aide walls; situated In a fine East
Side neighborhood: full-le.l lot. cement
walks and cure. Bu'l Hun water, streets
to be Immediately paved. 4 blocks to 1
mlnute car service; the price Is lew and
to a rood party I vill sell without any
cash down on straight r-.onthly p.tvments,
$45. winch includes interest. X 358. Ore
gonlan. FOR SALE A beautiful hom at Oak
Grove. Oregon City line; SO minutes ride;
I14 acses of ground, new 6-room house.
Pantry, storeroom, brick fireplace. 73
feet verandas. 200 choice rosea In full
bloom. 75 bearing -trap vines. .".00 bear-ins-
strawberries, loganberries, blackberries
and currants 60 bearing fruit trees or
every description, new barn and outhouse,
lare chicken corral, fenced and cross
fenced, enough garden truck planted for
good-alxed family, every foot of ground
cultivated: fine lawn around the house,
dotted with select shrubbery, etc.. etc.
Inquire on premises, Louis Brandt, Oak
Grove. Or.
Having planted 70 per cent of walnuts
In Oregon, aold 90 per cent of planting"1
ever aold in Oregon, we feel our prop
erties should Invite consideration ; $100
rash. $15 per month for each five-acre
churchill-matthews CO. (Inc.).
Lumber Exchange Bldg . 2d and Stark sts.
At PorfJand'a Door.
6 milts from city limits.
Owner must eell.
1180 acres at $50 per acre.
-nn acres clear or in cultivation.
Railroad and electric line within quarter
of mile.
Will be worth lloflO per acre
In less than 10 years.
Large barns, fine bouse, orchard.
If you want to make a fortune CfCll
P. REIMER.S. 70S Corbett Bldg.
But my S! acres, highly Improved. B.I
stocked, readv for immediate possession,
25 minutes' ride on eleclrlc line, must be
sold, and will sell cheap; very little money
required to handle. Apr y to owner.
Phone Main 74''. ,VN Board of Trade
O. W. P. Railway and rowell Valley; mac road; one or mre acres cleared,
with abucSance of pure water piped under
pressure for domestic and irrigation pur
pose; I mills from business center: 10c
car.'are; free mall delivery, public school,
e.cctrie lights and te.ephone. Let us show
14."., Washlngu-n St.
Main A "?;).
miles from Portland, between O. W. P.
t? ,.- nA tvniemeite River: about 10 acres
f r.n isme soring. lloO feet oH
water front; this place will make a de
l:gatful suburban home or can be subdi
v..ied. making several splendid building
Main 3P2. A 2.132. 2it4 Stark St.
WHAT Walla Walia wants la you." and
?-rhape. If you investigate, you will want
Valla Walla. Our valley is an agricultural
paradise; our orchards are making good.
Send for booklet S. Commercial Club.
Walla Walla. Wash.
141 ACRES near Altoona. Wash.; about
$2"v0 growing hemlock, running
stream ail the year; wouid be suitable for
Summer resort; has house on place, value
$1000 Address Ed Elliott, Altoona, Wash.
20 PER ACRE 40 acres. 4 miles cf Castls
Kock. Wash. : $1500 worth of cedar and
riling on It: A-l fruit land; spring creek
on It. C H. Plggott. owner. 14 Muikey
bidg.. 2d and Moirison.
1 TO lO-acre tract, finest cleared land,
some beaverdam. on electric carllse near
Vancouver, on easy payments. Murphy
ie Caswell, 230 Stark it Vancouver of
fice, 71i Main at.
NICE acreage on the Oregon Electric all
cleared and In potatoes, station at place,
near Beaverton. seven miles from city;
price $150 to 3.V.
CHISM. 61J Couch Bldg.
1-K ACRES on Salem car. only 15 minutes'
ride from Jefferson Station: call and we
show vou something fine. Portland Suc
cess Really Co.. Inc. 61S Board, of- Trade
bid. ;
TEX acres at Beaverton: house. Larn. fruit
trees etc.; right in town: i'HEIA?
S27-32S Lumbermen's Bldg., 5th and Stark.
CLOSE in. on Oregon Electric Rullway. va
rious tracts of acreage from 23 to 71
acres, as low as Ml.' per acre. Queen
Investment Co.. 410 Failing bldg.
ACPEAGE In large or small tracts on car
line ciose in: ch ice river fr-nt; 600 acre to
subdivide. Kinney & Stimpher. 31 Lum
ber Exchange bldg. A 4SS1
20 ACRES, seven miles east of Steel bridge,
on courty road: excellent sull. r.o gravel;
shcrt dis-arce d'-wn to water; $260 per acre.
Owner. W 265. Oregonlan.
5 and 10-acre tracts: easy monthly pay
ments: no taxes. Inquire F. W. Power
Co., 223 Henry bldg.
HOOD RIVER acreage at r.5 per acre. This
is the cream of the valley, with water
r:gh:s. If interested, call at once. 410
Failing bldg.
GARDEN' LAXD Will sell any amount tip
to 50 acre?; close to city; no agents, owner
will sell lor lu days. P 8S7. OreRonian.
We have spent 6 months examining all
the districts In the interior of Oregon
where Government homesteads are still
available and can save you valuable time
and money If you will profit by our ex
perience. We have taken homesteads
there ourselves which we wouid not re
linquish for $10. 000 and can show you
others equally as good. Rich, fertile val
ley soil, plenty wood, abundance good pure
water 14 to 25 feet deep, ideal climate,
stores, schools, churches: sawmills and
two railroads now under construction.
See ,
"."15 ComnKTClal Bldg.,
Second and Washington Sts.
A FEW Siletz homestead locations are to be,
had on entri that will be cancelled;
"i years' r-'ier.ce required; no location
fee till set'--ir.'nt made and filing ap
proved by United States Land Office. If
patented, claims would now be worth
from $10,000 to $15.0'M each. Inquire 6-3
Lumbermen's bldg.. ;th and Stark sls.
3 HOMESTEADS and 4 relinquishments, H
bottom land, loft; all easliy cleared; on
a stream of living water; near Portland..
Call P. D. S) . 14 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and
4H-ACRE relinquishment of good apple land
for 1.'0: -near white Salmon; good reason
for se.llng. AE H5l. Oregonlon.
40-ACRR relinquishment f good nl-ple land
for "A near White Salmon, good reason
for selling. AE lis'), orejonlan.
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle.
29 Chamber of Commerce,
TIVPER lands for sale. 80.000. 000 feet. SOO.-
000 0io xeet and eeveral smafcer tracts, well
located: cruises will be furnished responsible
bu era
3 Ablrgton Bldg.
120 acres In Tillamo.-k County, located in
1 s.. W. : guaranteed cruise 3.O.(V0 feet;
price wc per thousand; must sell at once.
Call Rollle Watson. Monday, at Oregon Ho
tel, t P. M. to 4 F. M.
MUST sell my tlmhber claim; lo.' feet;
50 miles from Portland on the Yamh'.ll
" River: this will stand the cruise. A 3s7,
A GOOD timber claim; must be sold by
owner: will take $1200. Call 410 Fall
ing bids- -
WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of' all kinds. Kinney as
Stampher. 3r.l-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
TIVBF.R and HOMF1STEAD relinquishments.
1127 Woroeeter block.
WE hsye three buyers 'for from 5 to 20
acres. Improved, near city, on carllne;
must be good value.
827-326 Lumbermen Bldg., 5-h and Stark.
, . .T-. c-1 V J TJI-YS.
wjy-n-r y .
- 43 acres, ail gTod. rich, level land, ri
acres under cultivation. more '"y
cleared; story and half. 6-room. rust c
from Vancouver, on good roau. pt'-""
property; 3 milch cows. 1 tons hay. 300
bufhels'wheat and oats. 150 sacks P"tJJ'"--cream
separator, etc.; good buy At e4mio,
sj.'uo ca.ah.
R acres good. level land: 2S acres un
der cultivation. 20 acres fine green timber,
balat ce easily cleerwd. 5 acres of assorted
fruits in full bearing: new. two-story,
n odern. 7-room house, with porches, nan.
etc barn 84x0.0: chicken, hog and al! out
hcuscs; good well, running stream t.irough
timber land. 3" fenced and cross-fenced;
personal property: loam. agon, two
acated spring wagon wiih top top BugRT.
plows, riarl.iw. cultivator, all small tools,
4 milch cows. :l-ycar-old heifer, some nos.
chickens, cream separator, all c-ops, etc.;
' this place Is situated mile from country
town and H miles from ancouver, in
good locality; price JSRuO. terms.
Offic 617 Board of Trade Bldg. Portland.
Home office. Citizens Nat. Bank Bldg..
Vancouver. Wash. '
INVESTIGATE these bargains in Clark
County. Washington:
20 acres. 2 miles from Camas. ClarK
County; all can be cultivated: deep soil;
ail of the 20 acres fine fruit land: "
143 acres. 0 miles from Camas. Clark
Countv. Ho acres In cultiintlon. 7 acres
In prunes, Jlooo worth of fruit this year;
hay all in the barn: oats all in the stack;
,10 head of cattle, 2 horses, all the tools
and machinery . n ceysary to run a first
class farm: large dryer: spring water
piped to good 7-room hcuse; several large
springe on the place; everything goea for
6."l0; easy termr.
For further parltculars write to
Camas. Wash. '
4:13 acres, all good rich land. -400 acres
perfectly level ajid under cultivation. 30
acre, green fir timler; 6-room house,
horse, hav and cowbarns. stone dairyhouse,
wltll spring at same, from which water
, Is piped to house; place fenced and 'ross
fenced: good farallv orchard: eultablo to
subdivide; adjoins small country t'"''"'
to which the new electric railway is build
ing, and 10 miles from Vancouver, on
good, level, graded road: this Is abso
lutely the cheapest and best dilry and
stork ranch- in the Northwest. If sold
soon. rfnly $70 per acre, half cash, balance
on terms.
617 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland. Or.
Citizens Bank Bldg.. Vancouver. Vt ash.
We hare ten thousand acres of the flneM
land ln.Rriti.h Columbia. The California
of Canada. Nine miles from the railroad
with water transportation to all Coast points.
High prices for all farm products at home;
fruit. Italrv and stock country, climate ideal;
no Irrigation: buy direct from the govern
ment. We locate you. Government ri'ioe.
J2.S0 per acre. Year's time to complete pay
ment. Can you beat It? ;
22S Stark at.
TO, 20. or 4'-aere tracts.
Name vour own terms. 1
332 Chamber of Commerce.
10. 20 and 41-acre tracts for sale on
oasv terms: practical fruit men have
bought hundreds of acres and are de
veloping; soil rich shot loam, abundance
of moisture; call and get our booklet lust
off the press and arrange to go out In our
machine. ,
832 Chamber of Commerce.
Conrad Valley project. Montana, 70.000
acres of fino grassy prairie under irriga
tion; drawing Oct. 7, 1S0; must register
for drawing before Oot. 7; can register
by power of attorney. For Information
and blanks write M. W. WAYMAN. Vaher,
. Mont., or 119J Security Bank bldg., illnne
.apolis. Minn.
WHAT Walla Walla Wants la You. Presi
dent Roosevelt said: "Walla Walla made
the pieasantest impression on my mind of
any city I visited In the Northwest." The
surrounding valley Is an agricultural para
dise. It making good. Send for book
let S. Ask . questions. Commercial Club,
Walla Walla. Wasft.
CLACKAMAS COUNTY farm. 70 acres.
highly Improved: good stock of cattle,
sheen and hogs, farm machinery, bay and
all toois. together with stock, must go
at 11.000. Full information by owner,
410 Failing bldg.
3. 10 and 20-acre tracts; the most fer
tile and productive land in the Willamette
Valley. Inquire of
Board of Trade Bldg.
JSOOO ONLY for 20 acres, close in, O. W.
P. passing through It, finest of aoll. run
ning water, etc.: a snap; terms. Dubois
Sc Crockett, Washington bldg., room s.
A lo-acre APPLE ORCHARD assures
it MAIR & PR ALL. 2 Lumbermen's.
ALL kinds of Clark County. Washington,
farms. Murphy A Caswell. 230 Stark
at. Vancouver office, 712 Main at.
EEND for our list of Willamette Valley
farms before buying: lands shown free.
Ol instead Land Co.. Salem. Or.
ALL good ones; see us. Columbia Trust Co
Board of Trade bide.
WILL trade 17 4 acres, or part, orange land,
all In cultivation, near San Diego, Cal.,
value, $5000.
120 acres best timber land In Lewla
County, value $4000; on river, near saw
mill. 30 acres, adjoining City of Vancouver,
Wash., 2 blocks from car; plenty water;
large demand for 1 and 5-acre tracts!
$27i0 cash will handle, balance $4000 can
stand; for subdivision proposition this is
a snap. Call 326 Washington at., room
3 acres, highly Improved. . 7-room
house, barnt. etc.: twenty-five minutes out
on electric line; blooded stock; forced to
sell as I must raise money in the next two
days: $lvOO w'lll handle: will consider
trade for balance. AK. 307. Oregonlan.
HP1 '-11 and three lots In Eugene; rls&t In
the line of city's growth; fruit trees, barn,
etc; will trade for Improved acreage wlta
house and barn; price $2800.
H27328 Lumbermen'a Bldg.. 5th and Stark.
FOR SALE or exchange, for suburban prop
erty, 8-room house with all modern Im
provements: on one of the best streets in
tho city; lot dOxIOO. Inquire of owner,
7."2 E. Iturneide St. Phone East 3227.
TO exchange. 5-room cottage, lot 100x87. on
Mount Scott carllne, close in, value $ I5O0.
trade for 5 or 10 acres near Portland.
What have you?- Thomas J Ward, 305
Abin;ton bldg. Main 1975.
120 ACRES of timber land. 3.750.000 feet;
will trade for improved Portland prop
erty; value T2000.
827-32S Lumbermen's Blug.. 5th and Stark.
AM golr.g East; will eell or exchange for city
or farm land my Interest In established le
gitimate business: closest Investigation
courted. G 3i5, Oregonlan.
$2730 Bungalow, 8 rooms, will trade equity
$1650 for $200 cash and house and lot.
What have you? No agents. AF JS,
80 ACRK.S tine fruit and garden land; trade
for grocery, general merchandise, hotel in
.valley town. Sheridan Land Co., Sheridan,
I NEED a house: will exchange part of my
interest In A-i manufacturing concern; whal
have you got abotit SliOOO? G 3S7, Ore
gonlan. WHAT have you to sell or exciange?- We
hive large list. 32 Washington at., room
513. - ' '
WANTED Cash for lots close in. either side
river; no inflated Talues considered. G 366,
COUNTRY HOTEL Will exchange for
Portland realty; good money maker: posi
tive business. vAdtiress O S71. Oregonlan.
YOU can trade any krnd of property at
room 101!' Board of Trade.
8 LOTS. Chicago. 111., .unimproved; want
city, suburban or beach. Box 740.
GROCERY Corner, will exchange for bun
galow or sell. Phone Main 2731.
1845 PHARES good stock, pur $100 each, to for city real estate. 403 Couch
TIMBER claim near Columbia River; want
Heights or Council Crest. Box 740.
TIMBER lands wanted. C.
304 McKay bldg
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
TY buy second-hanA vehicle when you
. 7S,t .new ,.ne from an old established
wholesale house. 44 years in Oregon at
almost the same cost? We are .ocated
oiitslde the high rent district, own our
building and can make the price. Inclu
sive agents for the old reliable Una of
Michigan Buggy Company fine vehicles,
delivery waguns. top LuggJes, runabouts
and farm wagona. Be sure and see us
before you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. Wade & Co., 822 Hawthorne ava, be
tween E. 1st and 2d ata
On account of the subdivision of the fa
mous Broadmcad Farm, also Known aa the,
Ladd & Reed Farm, situated in Yamhill
Countv, we are offering for sale high
grade "sheep, cattle, horses and mules; also.
1 registered Jersey bull. 3 years old: 1 reg
istered Clydesdale stallion, 1 registered
Jack and several brood mares. Apply D.
E Keasey. 14 Chamber of Commerce, or
6utt. McEldowney. Broadmead. 6. P.. West
FOR SALE" or rent 9 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or ear; we also rent any kind of a rig
for buslnea purposes, day. weolVr or Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw
thorne Stables, 429 Hawthorne ave.
JUST arrived, a carload of horses from Con
don. Gilliam County. Or. Horses range
from low to 1600. lbs., from 4 to 8 years
old. and all broke to work. Come and In
spect this stock if you want something
good. 505 Alblna ave.
HANDSOME chestnut mare, fine traveler, 7
years. 16 hands. 1150 lbs. safe for lady; one
fast green trotter, 4 years. 16 hands; one
handsome mare, natural pacer, o years,
must be sold at once to clone estate. Jian-
. sen. eld Irvlngton race track.
LADY wants to sell standard bred trotter,
4 years. 16 hands: can show. 2:10 gait, or
exchange for gentle driving horse. Han-
sen . Old Irvincton Racetrack.
FOR SALE 4 extra pood driving horses. 3
-jry speedv; have to be sold within a
week: 1 good work tam. cheap. 14 80th
St.. Montavllla. Phone Tabor 2.
RE V SON ABLE, fine young driver, standard
bred, sound, city broke. 291 Glenn ave.
Hawthorne car.
A FINE carload of horsea at the Union
Stock Yards, on sale now. They will be
In the yards only 2 days. Come at once.
FOR SALE One runabout and one eurrey.
Inquire J. E. Day, Woodstock ave., one
block east of Milwaukee road, Woodstock.
YOUNG team of horses. 2800; also driving
horse and rubber-tire buggy. 328 17th st.
HUBERT HALL, 890 'roni, buy, sell, rent
horses, vehicles, low rates on business rigs.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 2W Montgomery
A FINE high-grade piano at a bargain:
also a number of old violins. 15 Russell
blk., 165 li 4th St., city.
POPE-H A RTFOKD. '0B. four-passenger
tody. top. magneto Warner speedometer,
run only 3VW) miles. $2r,tl0: original price
; 300; perfect condition: also several other
used cars. Covey Motor Car Ox
FOR SALE or trade; 7-passenger automo
bile city property; will takra or allow dif
ference: fine livery car; will earn $20 per
day. Merrill, 7th and Oak, afternoons.
ONE '07 7-passenger Thors. touring car,
with 'OS engine; best of condition; can
be seen at 1S1 E. Water st.
FOr? SALE Electric machine in fine con
dition, cheap. Inquire 110 Third st-
SPECIAL OFFER We have . 100 second
hand esewing machines that must be sold
this week regardless of price to make
room for carload; 40 drop-head, all makes.
White, New Home. Singer. Wheeler
Wilson, Domestic and standard. Do not
forget the place, white Sewing Machine
Store, 430 Washington, cor. 11th. H. D.
Jones, prop.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred white bull ter
rier female dog. with 9 pups: all pure
white, and will be sold at a bargain. In
quire 8S3 E. 12th, near Harrison.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 820 to 800, fully
guaranteed; easy peymenta: rentals, S3
per month. Pacific fctaUonerjr Ptg. Co..
203 2d at.
FOR SALE Firrt . mortgage for $1275. draw
ir, k o.r cent: Issued April 1. 1909; will
discount Interest to date. Answer quick.
S 306. Oregonlan.
100 WELL-BRED sheep, alao one Jersey
bull and cheap work horse; may be -seen
near'Rlsley station, on Oregon City car
line. H.- G. Starkweather.
FOR SALE Best dry -ft. Br and oak
wood at lowest market prices. Hoover.
813 Water at. Phono Main 7451. A 445-
FOR SALE Densmore typewriter, almost
new- latest model; very reasonable. Phone
Main 2 lily.
FOR SALE Yale motorcycle, 8-hore power
Acme F.anlng Mills, n mtr v.
CHOICE Jersey cow, 2 gallons milk per day,
7 years old. fresh March 1; $35. -Tabor
492. 1240 Division St. .
SCOTCH collie puppies: see them in our window-
fine high-bred stock at reasonable
prices Routledge Seed Co.. 169 2d st.
HOUSTON 10x12 sticker in good condition;
will sell cheap. T. J. Hammer, 232.4
Washington st. .
GOOD dairy cow for sale. Inquire D. W.
Robertson, mile south Tremont Station;
take Mu Scott car.
NEWMAN Moving Picture Exchange rents
moving-picture raachinea. films, supplies;
' lowest price. 526 Washington, near litn
BOO BUPIXESS CARDS, $1.25. Ryder Ptg.
f.-pK SALE: Two house-boats, cheap. Phone
Exchange 19.
VERY handsome.- well-bred cocker spaniel;
well mannered; 18 months old. 413 Main.
231 Stark St. M. 1407.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at ths "Fair
Deal ' 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less
Phonos A 2445, Main S95L
WANTED Male pup. either English mastiff,
Dane or Newfoundland. Address Box 8,
Joseph. Oregon.
Wanted 2d-hand furniture; pay highest
price. 94 Grand ave. East 1051, B 2044.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
NOTICE Will pay highest prices for gentle
men's castoff clothing. Call Main 8474.
HIGHEST price for combings: also comb
ir ge made up to order. 109 7th at.
HIGHEST prices pld for rubbers and met
als. J. Lews, 18 Columbia St. M. 5188.
WANTED An imposing atone. John M.
Mann. OS Fourth st.
GOOD appearing man to show city prop
erty. 318 Abington bldg.
NEAT, quick dishwasher wanted. Steln'i
Restaurant. 26614 Stark. No Sunday work.
HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman: big wages;
permanent- 215 Commercial block.
MAN for poolroom: must have $200; half
interest. 66 North 6th.
BARBER wanted; first-cla
tel Barber Shop. t
Imperial Ho-
WANTED Man for fruit and cigar store;
must have referencea. 171 N. 6th st.
WANTED Solicitor, salary and commission.
Sultatorium Dye Works, 8-14 Mississippi.
WE secure positions ror our members
Special membership. -Y. M. C. A.
RAILWAY mall clerks, examinations soon.
Address F 370, Oregonlan.
COOKS and kitchen helpers headquarters.
California Wine Depot. 164 2d. Main 5500
LIVE photo coupon and portrait agents
Davis. The Hayes Studio. 342Hi Wash.
term Sept. 27. 630 Worcester block.
J. ucuncin i i
SALESMEN WANTED For the next few
davs we will make a proposition to sales
men that will make them sit up straight.
There Is a bag of money waiting for the
live, honest, clean, reputable fellows. Those
are the kind we want.
Ask for Mr. HIckok.
Board of Trade Bldg.
EXPERIENCED salesmen and others will
ing to learn salesmanship, to sell
Roseburg Home Orchard Tracts.'
Big pay and liberal Inducements to
rustlers. Call between 10 and 12.
Floor, Board of Trade Bldg. .
MEX wanted, young, strong, good vision,
account increasing business on all rail
roads, for firemen or brakemen; experience
unnecessary; $75, $100 monthly; promoted
to conductor or .engineer. $160. $200; stale
age, weight, heighL Railway Associa
tion, care Oregonian.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks, help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $16 to $25 weekly:
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35
North 4th st.. Fortland. Or.
WANTED Canvassers and peddlers, coantry.
town, to handle greatest, rmrney-mnker in
country; ecery householder will buy; be
. your own boss; don't pass this by. Camp
bell Sales Co..- 50H4 Main St.. Seattle.
WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles;
no expense to learn trade of eleotrlclty.
plumbing, bricklaying or automobiling by
actual work on lots in months Instead of
years: catalogue free. United Trade
School Contracting Co.. Lob Angeles.
WANTED Young Japanese student desir
ous of attending Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, to do some cooking for room, board
and some compensation. With Oregon Ag
ricultural College, care Buslcieas Office.
Oorvallie. Or.
MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless
telegraphy and engineering. R. R. and sta
tion work; practical instruction; largest pri
vate station in the world. Bend stamp for
circulars. Wireless Institute, San Francisco.
POSTOFFICE clerks and carriers wanted; ex
amination will be held Portland and many
other cities' November; particulars free.
.Washington Clvi! Service School, Dept. 869.
Washington. D. C.
MEX wanted for wireless telegraphy, rail
road telegraphy, easily learned; good posi
tions when competent; day and evening
classes; investigate. Oregon College
Telegraphy. 88 5th st. -
If you desire to go Into the motion-picture
theater business we will equip you complete
on easy terms. Particulars Newman, pio
neer film house. 52it Washington..
PERMANENT position at fair wages for
half dozen good men with $1000 or more
to Invest in a paying manufacturing
business within the city.- Address Box
. 241, Arleta, Or. :
IF you can sell stock and Investment bonds
that are strictly first-class, answer this
advertisement: liberal .commissions. R
386, Oregonlan.
WHY work for others? Why not own prop
erty of your own? I have something
new that may Interest you.- Write for
particulars. A 352. Oregonian.
WANTED 5 young men bet. 18 and 20, to
learn hardwood floor trade. Apply bet. 8
. and 9 Monday A. M., Oregon Planing Mill.
19th and Vaughn.
TWO first-class stock solicitors for splendid
investment stock; none but experienced
money-getters wanted ; liberal commis
sions. P 388, Oregonlan
F'irst-class, experienced man.
MUST have a good sober, reliable man at
once to take interest in a very profitable
business; $225 required. Spencer & Co.,
102 Second st.
JAPANESE orchard laborers, woodchoppers,
etc. can be engaged at Tochlo's. 304 3d
st North, room 1, Portland. Phone A
. 1S60.
EXPERIENCED window trimmer and card
writer: steady position. Apply 171 Third
WANTED Boy with wheel to work In gro
cery": one living on East Side preferred.
Apply 127 orana ave.
WANTED Young man with little money to
show property and work In office; good
man can make big money. 225 th at.
TWO sheetiron helpers who have little ex
perience In sheetiron stoves. Apply be
tween 7 and 8 A. M. 614 Front st.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new. swell offer. Cutberth, photographer,
Dekum bldg. r
EXPERIENCED clothing salesman; good
opening for a flrat-clabs man.- Call at the
.Brownsville Woolen Mill Store.
WANTED Hard wood floor layers at Ore
gon planing Mill, loth and. Vaughn. Apply
Monday, bet. 8 and 9 A- M
WANTED Young man from 19 to 25 years
who has knowledge of hardware busi
ness. Inquire from 7 to 9 A. M. 44 3d St.
WANTED Boys over 16 years of age to
file applications for Oregonian routea.
Room 203, Oregonian bldg.
BENCH HANDS and frame makers, also
cutter for aaeh and door works. Oregon
Planing Mills, 19th and Vaughn sts.
A GOOD live salesman can make $300 per
month selling 5-acre fruit tracts. Ad
dress AL 346. Oregonian.
CASHIER for theatrical company; $3K and ex
penses weekly; $o0 cash security required,
same fully secured. K 365, Oregonlan
WE want more energetic, successful nursery
salesmen; free outfit; cash weekly. Al
bany Nurseries, Albany, Or. '
SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country. Commercial
ADSuraci .o.. vuiujud. . .
$150 MONTH for man who can sell cut-rate
fire Insurance; you will have to show us.
Y 375. Oregonlan.
WANTED Coat, pants and vestmakers for
out of town: good wages. Apply D. B.
McBride &. Co. .
WANTED 15 sheet-metal workers, blowpipe
men and Jobbers preferred. Northwest
Blowpipe Company, 500-606 Lorlng St..
BOY, ABOUT SIXTEEN, with wheel, to de
liver and help In store- permanent, good
wages. Fraiey Bros., 214 Third.
EXPERIENCED candy salesman for Port
land and Valley. Good Roblln Candy Co.,
Vancouver. Wash.
WANTED First-class metal polisher, also
boy to help. Apply Oregon Plating Works,
16th- and Alder.
WANTED 3 first-class bench carpenters,
capable of working to details. McMlnn
ville Planing Mills. McMlnnvllIe, Or. .
STRONG bov. handy with tools. Pacific
Window Shade Co., 26S 3d at.
BOYS wanted to work In spring mattress
factory. Call at ISth and Upshur. .
GOOD coatmaker to learn ladles- tailoring;
steady place. Hoenig. 211 Fliedner bldg.
MAN presser on ladies' coats at Eaat Port
land Dye Works. 148 Grand ave.
WANTED Horseshoer and blacksmith's
helper at 231 Madison st.
BOYS wanted, permanent employment, good
wages. Apply to manager, 76 Third st.
WANTED Elderly lady as housekeeper,
family of three; care pf boy 4 years old
during day. Apply after t P. M. 766
- Kerby st.
WANTED Three experienced girls for dip
ping chocolates; good pay. 2S3 Burnside
WANTED Neat young woman for general
work in small restaurant. 3i5 Yamhill.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 228 North lttth st.
WAITRESS Capable of taking charge of
dining-room. 145 3d st-
WANTED Girls to work on shirts and over
alls. Mount Hood Factory. 233 Couch at.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Apply 186 East 19th st. phone Bast 2007.
GIRL for general housework. 42 Tillamook
st. Phone East 1771. C 1416.
COMPFTENT girl for general housework.
Apartment No. 1, 69 N. 23d st. Main 6257.
TWO experienced lady pressers. East
Portland Dye Works. 148 Grand ave.
AN' experienced waistm alter. 76 N.. ltli su
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, family of 2, good wages. Call
832 Raleigh St.. oor. 26th; $30 per month.
Phone M. 3605.
Permarwn; positions to thoroughly ex
perienced and competent workers. Apply
to Mrs. Richards, in charge of alteration
WANTED Competent maid for general
housework: no washing or baking; good
. wages. Apply 707 Wayne st., apartment
8, between 7 and 9 P. M.
LADIES, I teach manicuring, hair dressing,
dermatologv. all work guaranteed. Room
70S. Kothchlld bldg.. bet. 4th and 5th on
GOOD maid for general housework In apart
ment; family of 3; no baking or washing:
good wages; apply 3 to 5 P. .M. Room
811. Board of Trade bldg.
TAILORESSES to help tailors on ladles'
Jackets; must know how to-make butten
hores; none but experienced. J. K. Stem
& Co.. 429 Washington.
THREE good-appearing ladies to sell olty
lots on monthly Installments; can make
from $25 to $50 per week. 318 Abington
Main 2039. A 4775. Housekeepers, cooks,
chambermaids, nurses, waitresses, laun
dresses. GIRLS Chocolate and cream dlppe; new,
light, sanitary candy factory. F. F. Hara
don & Son, East 6th and Couch sts.
WANTED A conscientious woman capable
of taking charge of business ana directing
employes. N 872. Oregonian. .
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
EXPHRIEXCED nurse girl for young baby,
1100 Franklin St., Willamette Heights.
Phone A 3584. '
APPRENTICES Ladies' tailoring, dressmak
ing; paid while learning. Moore Trading
Co.. 415 Alder.
AX experienced woman for shooting gal
lery. .Write J. H. Hearde. Montesano.
NEAT appearing young lady In physician's
office, stenographer preferred. 1011 Cor
bet bldg. Apply Monday morning.
EXPERIENCED help wanted In shipping
room of wholesale furniture house. Call
at 18th and Upshur.
WANTED Quiet girl for general house
work; good home; good wages. Phone
C 1290.
848 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
EXPERIENCED woman for alteration-room,
women's garments; steady position. 171
Third St.
INTELLIGENT middle-aged lady, to take
. charge of ftrSt-class rooming-house; state
age and particulars. AB .".S9, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced . girl for general
work; none other treed apply: good wages.
274 Vj Park st. '
WAN1ED Experienced operators on overalls:-
also learners; paid while learning.
.75 1st st
FOUR young ladles, must not weigh over
125 lbs., must be between 20 and 25 years
old'.' AD 386 Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted. Apply
Clary's The Fair,. 652 Thurman. between
20th and 21st: must .have city references.
HIGH SCHOOL or college girl to work for
room and board; car fare paid. Phone
Main 6176.
WANTED Girl for general housework; 8 in
family. 752 E. Burnside st- Phone East
NURSE girl to take care of young baby,
Bleep home. 1131 Franklin St.. Willamette
Heights. Phone A 2420.
A GOOD COOK, good wages. Apply 193
King st.. In morning or evening. Phone
Main 2470.
WANTED Helmed, capable nomsn for re
. sponsible position. Vlarl Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
826Vi Wasnington St.. Room 807.
Main 883S or A 3268.
TWO ladles wishing $25 weekly, call today.
Room 303 Goodnough bldg., opposite P. O.
Hours. 10 to 4.
WANTED A girl for general housework,
good cook. Apply 881 Melinda ave. Phone
M. 6318.
WOMAN or girl for general housework. Ap-
ply before noon. 291 Seventh.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 124
East 10th N. Small family.
GOOD, strong -girl or 'woman for general
housework. Apply 1S7 6th at.
WANTED Dining-room girl and pantry
girl. Winter s Restaurant, zau rirst si.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wanted. In
quire at 42to-N. 6th St.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
good wages. 475 10th st.
GIRL to assist with general housework.
Apply 100 r iditucn .1.
COMPETENT help for ladies tailoring and
dressmaking. Moore Trading Co., 415 Alder.
A GIRL to do general h3usework. Apply at
63 North 22d St. ,
WANTED Good woman cook. Apply No.
715 Everett st.
FIVE waitresses wanted a-t Salem Fair.
Call 382 Morrison st. Monday morning.
GIRLS WANTED eappty Standard Factory
No. 2, Grand ave and East Taylor.
GIRL for general housework. 74-5H Hoyt
AN experienced second girl.
North 22d st.
Apply 111
GIRL for general housework. 398 San Ra
fael. Phone East 1103.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
. family of 3. Address AB 3ST, Oregonlan.
COOK and waitress, -Great Northern Hotel,
510 N. 21st St. Main 7658. S car N.
IN FAMILY of S adults at 355 East 8th
st. North, corner Broadway.
GIRL to wait on table, assist with housework;
no cooking. 452 Mprrlson.
GIRLS wanted to sew mattress ticks. Call
at 18th and Upshur sts.
YOUNG girl "to assist at ligt housework.
187 North 16th st. v
GIRL FOR general housewdrk. 688 Lorejoy.
Call mornings.
GIRL for general housework; $25. 941
Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1820. '
GIRL wanted for housework. Inquire at 825
Overton st. or phone A 33S4. .
WANTEID Woman for general housework In
small family. 352 Jackson, near Park.
FIRST-CLASS hairdresser and manicurist.
109 7lh St. Main 2334.
THOROUGH course of millinery taught in
- 6 weeks: terms reasonable. 415 Alder.
GIRL to' assist with general housework.
747 Glisan st. -
GIRL for general housework, 8 adults. 210
25th at. N.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
good wages, smaji family. 455 Market st.
SCHOOLGIRL, housework for board, room,
wages. 684 Schuyler st. E. 4056.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 447
10th st.
WANTED Experienced girl. Apply Rebe's
' Confectionery. 310 Wash. st.
YOUNG lady wanted to pose for artist. AB
385, Oregonlan.
ERRAND and stork girl. Teesdale. 606 Mar
quam. GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply
569 Johnson st.
WANTED - A pantry girl at 163 12th St.,
corner of Morrison.
GIRLt wanted for second work.
Marshall st.
Apply 77
WANTED Preiser on shirts. T5 1st st.
HOPPICKERS wanted at Geo. Bertrand's
hopflelds, Olequa. Wash.; houses and wood
free, water handy; hops one, $1 box.
MAN and wife, no children, to work on
Eastern Oregon atock ranch; lady to be
good cook and know how to make butter;
man to be able to milk, do chores and
work garden. Call Hotel Breslin, 11th and
Washington, from 12:80 to 2 P. M. F. A.
THE Fraternal Employment Association
male and female help supplied. 287 Al
der, bet. 4th and 5th. will get you a sit
uation on easy terms; open every day.
Main 7435 or A 3065.
E. B. TT. GIVES the most careful drills In
shorthand, bookkeeping: typewriting,,
Rlteh- special low rates now; positions
sure. 629 Worcester block. 68 Third.
POSITIONS open for Postofflce clerk and car
riers' examinations Nov. 17. Address F 371.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good no
al'.lon to A-l instructors. 514 Swetland bldg.
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by
Expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893.
STUDIO Music. German. French. English
literature. 452 Morrison. Main 2097.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
OXFORD UNIVERSITY graduate, with seven
years' experience In teaching desires position
in high school, private college, or university;
English classics, mathematics, languages and
history; references if required. AE 369, Ore
gonian. .
EXPERIENCED young man seeks position
down-town office, manager or billing clerk;
understands bookkeeping and shorthand;
excellent references; open for engagement
Thursday neat. N 374, Oregonian.
AN all-round general merchandise ani
clothing man, thoroughly experienced,
would like position; also speaka German;
country preferred; references. J 364, Ore
gonlan. .
EASTERN man, experienced stenographer
and law graduate, desires position in law
or real estate office; atate salary. Ad
dress F. H. Garrott, Shenandoah Junction,
. W. Va.
BOOKKEEPING or clerking in general mer
chandise or groceries, by man of experi
ence. N 373. Oregonian
YOUNG MAIN, ' experience in bookkeeping, of
fice or outside work; consider anything; ref
erences. AN 358, Oregonian.
BY man and wife of experience In mining
camps or other boarding-houses. Man Is
a first-class cook; has had full charge
and management of several large camps,
etc ; last place, one year; referencea. Ap-
' ply 512 Alder St.. W. p.. upstairs.
THE Free and Fraternal Employment As
sociation can supply you with competent
help, male and female: always open.
Phone Main 7485 or A 305. 287 Alder,
bet 4th and 5th.
YOUNG man, licensed steam engineer, de
sires position In or out of city, or would
accept work with good firm to enable
learning gasoline engineering. O 374. Ore
gonlan. YOUNG " Japanese, good and honest boy,
wishes situation aa light or general house
work In small private family; $30 up. AD
3S7. Oregonlan.
SCHOOLBOY, 16, wishes work after hours for
board and room or part payment for same.
t D 3H8, Oregon ian.
GOOD Japanese family cook wants a posi
tion In country; willing to do anything.
AF 376. Oregonlan.
PRINTER Good Job compositor, with $100
to Invest, wishes situation. AF 377, Ore
gonlan EASTERN man out of college wishes posi
tion In office; 2 years' experience In public
school work. Phone East 6003.
JAPANESE, flrst-clasa cook, wants situation
In private family; has good references;
$30 and up. Address AD 367, Oregonlan.
PROFESSIONAL Japanese day workers;
housedeanlng, cooking. Sellwood 1122.
Close Madison bridge.
EXPERIENCED moving picture operator
desires position. Address G. B. Clark.,
. 4904 Washington St.
FIRST-CLASS meat cutter and sausage
maker wants Job. young, married. N. C.
Bishop, Roseburg. Ore.
SOBER ' man wants place as Janitor; work
mornings In exchange for board. Jong
haus., Main 4625.
HOUSECLBANING by Thompson. Phone
Main 6864. Call 8 P. M
CAREFUL, experienced chauffeur would like
position. W 359, Oregonian.
JAPANESE) wants position, any kind of work.
AJ 389, Oregonian.
CARPENTER and builder, day or contract
work. Address 48 Failing. Wood lawn 1236.
JAPANESE) wants position; any kind of work.
Main 9361. 121 N. 16th St.
JAPANESE elevator driver wants Job at any
place. AF 888. Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
FOR good stenographer, experienced or be
ginner, phone Clerical Oftlce. A 5446.
DRESSMAKER to go out by the day;
shirtwaists a specialty. Main 8978, room
LADIES' tailored waists; French under
wear; infants' wardrobes. Suite 26, Cam
bridge, 3d and Morrison.
FASHIONABLE drossmaTtlng. ladles' tailor
ing; all flrst-class work and latest style.
537 Montgomery st. Main 1018.
DRESSMAKER wants lady to sew. Call to
day at 410 Jefferson st.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs Anceles, 326'4 Wash. St.. room 216.
270 North 16th st.
MRS. J. W. BUTLER, colored, trained nurse.
522 Northrup St. Phone A 7771.
vate family for two months: good cook;
light work, no children. Room 37, Young
Women's Christian Association.
COMPETENT housekeeper, worthy of re
sponsible position; prefer rooming-house.
AE 386. Oregonlan.
Domestics. -
TWO ladies wish situation together as flrst
clafs cook and second, in city, thoroughly
competent. P 389. Oregoniam
LVDY wishes work afternoons from 12 to
6; can do anything. Call 12 to 2 P. M.
4414 2d St. Room 67.
Laoe curtains, beautifully laundered, fine sun
drying, grass-bleaching facilities. Tabor 1630.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c
pair. Phone C 1658. East 5337.
POSITION wanted by experienced manicur
ist. Address V 389, Oregonlan.
LADY ' wishes day work; reference. Phone
Main 5226.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants day work; 25c
hour. AB 388. Oregonian.
GERMAN woman wants work by- day or
hour. Phone A 3271.
LACE CURTAINS washed, stretched, called
for and delivered. 40c pair. Tabor 1597.
AGENTS wanted by Columbia Life A Trust
Company; high-class men to sell life insur
ance In Portland and In other cities and
towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho;
former experience not necessary; splendid
opportunities; first-class references aa to
character required. Address the company's
home office. Lumber Exchange bldg , Port
land, Or.
AGENTS for "North Pota Discovered," by
Dr. Cook. Biggest sensation in world's
history; complete story of discovery;
numerous photographs; "everybody wants
it; be first in field and make $300 a month;
big book; only $1; you- get half; outfit
free; send 10c for mailing. Standard
Book Co., 3sl Wabash ave., Chicago.
AGENTS Pplendid opportunity to make money
selling nursery stock; outfit free; cash
weekly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. ,
FIFTY agents wanted, men and women. Chi
cago N. Y. R, R. Co., 629 Lumbermen's
6th s.
AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line
of nureerv stock; cash weekly: outfit free.
. Capital City Nursery Co,. Salem, Or.
WANTED Unfurnished, modern, hlgh-clast
residence of ten or 11 rooms. In beat VI est
Side district; family consists of three
adults; will give first-class references,
pay good r?nt and take one or two years
lease for right place; In answering give
full description, location and rent wanted.
Address AE 306. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent for long term, a six o
seven-room house on East Side near carllne;
must be In good condition, furnaoe. gas and
electricity; will furnish references. 867,
YOUNG COUPLE would like four unfurnished
rooms modern, with nics family, or a. flat.
East or West Side, close in; willing To pay
Address B. D. P.. P. O. Box 62.
WANT a 7-room modern house In good
neighborhood. West Side preferred: rent
not over $50 a month. Address L- 850, Ore
gonlan. WANTED 6 to S-room house (unfurnished).
modern, by couple, no children: Portland
Heights. Nob Hill or Irvlngton. R- 875.
WANTED By colored man. 3-room cottage or
2 apartment rooms. Box 4114, Station J);
rent not over $12.
WANTED Room and board for boy within
walking distance Washington High School;
references. V 389, Oregonlan.
HARTMAN Sc THOMPSON, at the Csfember
of Commerce, want houses and flats.
ROOMING-HOUSE, unfurnished, from 16 to 20
room, close In. 248 X. 17th. city.
Unfurnished Booms.
I ROOMS, $10: 3 rooms furnished. $16.
Belmont, Tabor S65.
Furnished Rooms,
3d and Jefferson Sts.
Away from the noise; 5 minutes' walk.
Washington and 3d: Just completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electric lights, call bella. bath, lava
tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy:
single rooms or suites; permanent and
transient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phone
A 7731. M. 8639.
Corner 10th and Washington Sts.
New management; THOROUGHLY
BATHri; single or en suite; SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
month; tourist trade solicited.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside.
Everything brand new. homelike and
comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus.
THE BARTON. 18th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 10
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights. .
etc.: rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths tree.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite, hot and
cold water; also several single rooms;
breHkfast if desired; beautiful lawn;" cen
tral location. 181 11th. cor. Yamhill. A
New. modern elegantly furnished rooms,
single and en suite, with private baths;
permanent or transient. .
THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington
sts., 1 elegantly furnished room, hot and
cold running water; phone, bath; Ideal
place; price $17.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con-.,
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 6647.
THE MERTARPER, 126 13th, oor. Washing
ton, brand new. handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience: hot water la all
rooms: very reasonable terms.
hote;l norris.
Washington and 17th; new buildings newly
furnished; every room light and sunny;
hot water, steam heat; reasonable prices.
812 OAK ST., COR, 6TH.
Just opened, new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
HOTEL LENOX, cor, 3d and Main sts.. fur
nished rooms, single o en suite, at reason
able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite
the Plaza.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and bathe free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Bates.
THH HANOVER. 166 King, near Washing
ton; modern large front room, wall bed.
private bath, steam heat, both phonea.
VERY attractive room, everything clean,
for men. Phone A 7772, Main 1762.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited. 3'15 Stark, cor. Park.
Exclusive furnished rooms.
THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral. $3. $4, $5 per week; transient.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week.
LARGE ulcely furnished rooms, reasonable
rates.' The Butler, 4011 Washington.
NICE- desirable rooms, from $1.50 to $5
free phone, lights, bath, etc. a N. 14th st.
Furnished Rooms In l'rl-.ute Family.
A couple large, cheerful front rooms In
a beautiful private home with every con
venience; one block Washington: one block
Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 611
.N. 21st st.
CHOICE 2 or 3-room suite, suitable for 4
or 6 gentlemen; fireplace, bath, phone,
porch - lower flat, corner, close In; brand
new elegant furniture and rugs; wlllrenl
- slncls cheap to right parties. Main i2s5.
EXTRA large parlor with fireplace and
sleeping porch; atrlctly modern and close
In- plentv of room for three men; price,
"$30 per month. D 379. Oregonlan
A "NICE room, with heat, gas, electric light,
to man of good habits; walking distance,
East Side, references. AE S67. Oregonian.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for one 01
two gentlemen: all modern conveniences;
fine location. Phone A 3Q63. Main 6263.
TWO nicely furnished fooms. with bath,
separate or en suite: suitable for two of
four gentlemen. 388 Columbia st.
446 TAYLOR, near 12th, very desirable single
front room for gentleman; modern, reason
able. -
FURNISHED room, private family, for gen
tleman; 6 minutes' walk Portland Hotel;
references. Tel. Main 7329.
$4. PER week; large front room, for two;
single. $2.50. 21)4 11th at. ,
TWO nice modern rooms in private family;
rent reasonable. 430 2d st.
NEWLY furnished sleeping room In private
family. 823 4th st.
228 IOTH NEAR SALMON Modern furnished
room, bath adjoining, close In.
FURNISHED rooms. 131 12th st.
Rooms With Board.
Modern In every respect; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and 'bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and' Hrievthorne avex
710 Washington St., near King, brand new,
elegantly furnished: every room has a
private bath, telephone; the maximum of
convenience and excellence, the minimum
of expense. If you want the best in the
city for the money, call and Inspect;
dining-room in connection.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, ue of sewing room and li
brary. 510 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt- Woman's Exchange. 133 10th
st. Mrs M. E. Bretherton, supt.
TWO pleasant connecting rooms, newly fur
nished, single or together, good neighbor
hood, near 2.1-st. car; good homo cook
ing. 735 Hoyt St.,
THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 ioth St.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
THE LINDELL. 269 Market Nicely fur
nished front rooms, flrst-clasa board; mod
ern, reasonable; fine walking distance.
THE CALVARD Take W car at depot to
door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097.
WELL furnished rooms with good horn
board. 167 11th street