TIIE MORXIXO OREGOXIAX, TRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1909. 17 FOB KEXT. Apartment. THE RK-V-KAN. 24 Marshall Street. The mou EXCLC'SIVE furnUhed apart ment in thr city;- -room eulte. PRI VATE FtAlild and receDtlon halla: both phona FREE in each apartment; electrio ?e a tor; nice large vcmnaai not n rroni and' hark: larce lawn and beautiful shade trees; low SummT ratet. Take W ca to Marshall, go 1 block -ast. LACRETTB APARTMENTS High-class, rooms each : brick and cement building a tea in heat, hot water, Ice cbet, tele hones. flrele cooker, cabinet, gr range. private ball and br.th, janitor service; tlv - minutes from Portland Hotel; choice ceighborbood. 11th t. and Salmon, ready sept. 1. Open lor reaer. attona. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4, block from Morrison t., new brick builrt.ng. completely firM-claae. rurnihed In 2. d aad 4-room family apartments; r.im. . Vijih riat 1 on hnl a I m heat. ieat. not water, fiv ii'jr, ireo jjiiwiit. presserl-air cleaning. Janitor, service, very reasonable. com- Rent th n HPRyr Just onened: three room. large and well ventilated, three large cioaets and t wo folding betf s In every ai-artment; choice location ana ow ri. 65 i-ovejoy st. Taxe car. JtTata, MOPER.S" five-room upper flat, electric and gas liXtures, .irnn:c et.. near 6th. 122 Z0. Main 6oT. FOR RENT T-room flat," all modern -con-vnlencei- Apply Mra. K. .Stott. 5S Par, ilaan 1219. . A1A Modern 6-room fiat; lawn, basement. wonditrt. etc.: walking distance. 444 Kod Hey ave. phone East 4S0d. FOR RENT strictly modern 3-room flat, close in. West aide. O. A. Matton. 411 Coroett bldg. FOUR furnished room, choice Nob HIM ree- idtmce. euitaoie ior iwv; ratci ;u-- quired. AN -67. oregonlan. 4, 8, 3-roon-ed fa. lb. modern, pleasant, eloae in, reasocaoie rent. ui. FOR RENT -mom flat, flreplac and fur- sac. id aiwi iawinorce ave. ITTper four-room modern flat. $14. 811 William av. Wooolawa 1502. FIVE rooms; desirable: adult only. East ICth st., cor. YamhtlL 173 MODERN 6-roorn upper flat. 641 fith at, near Jackson, West Side. Main or A 1223. x-ww Tnnrfrt a -room fiat, block from car - line. 25th and Belmont. Phone East 2S79- FLAT of rooms and bath. 73i Hoyt at. inquire -u - m u. MODERN unfurnished 4-room flat. Gl 8d t. 6-ROOM flat, 2S0H N. 19th, near Lovejoy. Call between ana e r- LOU'EB corner flat, strictly modem. Nob S28 PARK ST. o-room flat; nice lawn; cen tral, reasonable. LOWER FI-AT, partly furnished; no chil dren t references. Main lo3'. 263 7:h at. IIonskeptn; Boom. TUB BEAVER. 12th and Marshall at Newly furnished for housekeeping. in cluding M ranges, electric light, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, ail free; furnlthed apartments $lo per xnanth t.p a:2ifl housekeeping room $2 30 weak tin: beat In city for money; short dis tance from Union Depot. Take 'S" or ' lOth-st. cars north, get off at Marshail st. ON EON T A, 1ST lTth. near Yamhill; take W car at depot; furnished 2, 8 and 4 room housekeeping suites, by week $5 BO. by month tuo and up; hot and cold water, bath and phones free. Main 6v7. A 73t. THB HOWLAND APARTMENTS, 631 H Washington, cor. 2"th Nlceiy furnished housekeepina; roomal gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone. Loin floors; nice suites from $12 up. FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeeping rooms: also single room. 53 Williams are. BEAUT! FULLY located two aad three-room unfurnished bay-window suites. Su Jef ferson and Fifth. $1.30 we'ek. large, clean, furn. housekeepinc rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 184 Shermaa ROOM and housekoeplr.g apartments. 429 Main tu $123 week, clean, fura. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton st.. U. car. THE MILNER. 3,VU Morrison, cor. Part home apartment, all convenience. 4dl E. MORRISON, cor. E. Sth. completely furnished housekeeping room, reasonable. SWELL housekeeping room In new concrete building. Phone C 1J42. JEFFERSON IAN. M4Jeffrm t. ; house keeping auites. $20 sfi; running hot water. Housekeeping- Rooms In Private Family. bt'ITC of 2 room, nicely furnished for light housekeeping: gas stove, phone, tach, etc.. rice neighborhood. 2 car lines; rent moderate; possession Sept. 15. 772 E. Taylor sc. East 52t0. Cail forenoons. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; water. eleetr:- llghti. bath ; located on rarline. 083 Alblna ave.. cor. Blandlna. L. car. ALAMEDA PARK. A fine lot, ixluO, on. weU-lmprored atreet: $00; terms. L S.My Oregonlan. TWO larg urfurnlshed honsekeeplng room; gas. bath, phone ; references required; no children. 4U7 Holladay ave. Ft'RNlijHKD housekeeping rooms, bath and gaa. 4oS 4th st. IRL for general housework. 425 Tilla mook st. Phone East 1771; C 1416. 201 CROSBY, rear Steel brMge, 2 or S rooms; gaa range, modern conveniences. 1 THREE ntee:y furnished housekeeping; room. 1CSS luth st. ft NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms modern; yard; $15 month. 5.2 Front st. LARGEX pleasant alcove suite; all oouven leaces: atlults only. 163 N. 10th. 8 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms txictly modern. 10B. N. 18th TW0 well-furnished housekeeping rooms, very desirable. 2 persons only. &4T Hall mt. ' TWO NICELY furniehed housekeeping rooms. 633 Everett at., cor. lTth. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 63 Tth t North. 12 TWO rooms, furntohed housekeeping, i ga plat, steel range. 620 7th. Main 4.129. Houses. rCOTTAGB, 4 rooms, modem; woodshed, basement, chicken-house; also cottage, 4 rooms. 2 lots, barn. chtckn-houe; good ' locality. Mount Pcott car. Mra. Moxley, second block west of Tremont station. 'Bt-'NOALOW 6 rm and bath. new. atrict lv modern ; 86th and F Main sts. : rent $22 CO. Inquire Main 2240. or 2.0S. or call 615 Oregonlan bklg. I-ROOM house, modern and In first-class condition. Appiy sal Front, cor. Whit- ker. ' 4VROOM houss for rentj corner 14th and B- Ankeny sts- $30 per month. W. F. Edwards, agt.. 318 Chamber of Commerce. -$27. 50 Modern 6-room residence. furrTaca, gas. electricity, shades; walking distance. Inquire 601 E. M'ashington st. FOR RENT 6-roorn cottage. 10 minutes walk from Pteel brings; $11. Inquire 435 29. 7t'. st. X. FOR RENT 13-room honse, corner 12th and CUy e-treet. Ir.qu'r room corner Bth and S:ark, or telephone Main MODERN" fl-room house, attic, basement, trays. S7 . 17 ih. phone E. 24o3 morning. CALL oa Harfman Thompson at the Cham ber of Commerce. MODERN house, also flat. 1ftO-192i Vc Mlllen. Inquire 13 McMUlen. Main lSoO. S33 CART'THERS ST. Inquire 72 8d at. H. Btnvhelmer. GOOD five-room two-story cottage; rent $17. Call 2-i East SOth st. for key. MODERN -room hous. opposite Holladay I .school. Phone E. 4C4R. Furnished . Houses. . I FURNISHED fc ir rooms and bah In apartment-bouse on King street. . Phone Main 7-ROOM furnished cottage for rent; near school and nr. University Park. Phoae Woodlawn 147. $25 t-room modern cotrnre. completely fur jushed. 72 MU1 St. Mjun C44. FOR RENT. Furnished Houses, T'TT.T. Mnt r,art nf hiintmoW. elerantlr fUT- ni.ie!; owners will take room and board If tenant wfch: reasonable. 3i4 ri. inn South. V 367, pregonian. 8-ROOM furnished house In oest residence ri'-ttrtot ; furimi'i. modem: 6 month. Caa &f4 K. Burnsde. mornings. NICELY furnished modern six-room house; grounds; b-st neljtn tornooa ; lerm r- able. pnone t-asi ok.o. t20 6-rcom furnished house, frutt. chicken yard, bath, near carllne, no children. bi7 Oberlin St.. Porurmoutn. FURNISHED house of rooms. 608 Broad way. Phone East 4871. House for Keot. Furniture for Sale. ww hot'SW n rooms, thoroughly modern. nr. i.iiin.' rfi-ti-ri close in. 613 Eaut C uch near 2-Vh. moderate rent ; HOM Q FI RMSHiXOS most iiect cnaracier; txmu tlful carpets, rugw. handsome furniture. On nnirM tuviUn.i rhina: used few months. perfect condition; most desirable bargain of fered. East 4781. 7 ROOMS, 10TH STKEET. Furniture of 7 roomer for sal for $300 Tf rajih. 2S cer month: 4 room ren ted for $32 per month; rent of house is $ per GRUrtiI 4 ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. V il UIT.T -ST tTLAT Modern 8-room flat; rent is $45, with $96 worth of rooms rentes ; furniture is gwa and a big bargain at $5W. it looay. GRU?SI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. PINE 0-room house, with fireplace, for rent Nob Kill. Wea; Side; walking distance; ele gant furniture, ax: minster carpets, "uir ful ccnoert piano; biggeet bargain ever of fered If taken soon. O 334, Oregonlan. FURNITURE of 8 rqoms; snap; rent only -u nT- nftnt"i and rooms all rented; via sell for $35. on terms. Call room EvL 2S6 W ashlneton at. wovr'pr:RW f M-room house for sale close In; 8 room can be rented; house rents for $80; no agents, mono keeping, clears $100 per month, lease. .tu at o 1 1 ou fi. MAKE an offer; furniture of an 8-room bouse; 4 room PJ -m. East 223. WILL sacrifice ll-rcom rooming house. 80 Everett. Main 7.-.i. FURNITURE fi-room hous4i, including piano, $4."0. rent $25, modern. 384 3d at. FURNITURE 5-room modern flat; party leaving city.- 833 isvereti St., near mm. Stores. iron HEOT. STORES. J Drugstore, grocery tore, meat market, ffdstore, woodyard, new building, rnt from $10 to $15 each; rtrst-class location; no competition; this Is at 41st and Division streets; take Wa verly-FJchmond car to 41st ?t, 2 block north, on car; Inquire at buiMlng or phone Tabor 477; also 8 new storerooms at Minaru eye.. a m jiu Scott cariln. ;e joe isasa. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick store building, juuxiod, a. c wr. r rum ml pine at. Apply C A. Dolph, Moliawk bldg. STORE 23rM on promment atreet. West Side; new building. $25. 824 Worceater bldg. BTORE. 80 by 60, will remodel to eult tenant. 4R0 Belmont st- POR RENT Store, 18x36 ft. 40th and East Madison. $10. STOREROOM, 407 East Washington sC, or. Grand ave. pnone k. iav, n 6 TOR EROOM FOR PENT. Phone East 4237. Offices. OFFICES, $18.50 and up. Desk room; furnished offices. Suite for dentist and physician All night elevator service. Best Location. 303 Swetland Bldg. CHOICE outside private offices with use of general raeept ion-room, modern, downtown building. 324 Henry bldg.. Fourth and Oak. GROUND FLOOR office room, with basement Mf desired, at &0 6th st. A FEW choice office rooms for rent In The Oregonlan bldg. Call at room 2U1. CHOICE outside office for rent. Call 416 Com mercial Club bldg. CHOICE business location for doctor and dentist. Phone C 1842. FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bldg. Apply Room 501. THREE connecting offices. McAlpin, 120 Seventh ft TO LEASE. FOR LEASE That new building. 5th and Flanders; 98 rooms above. 7 stores below; electric lighted and steam , heated, ALSO Four stores, 2d and Tamhlll; basement barber shop and poolroom; ail thoroughly modern. Three stores, 223-T-9 Id St.; large and roomy; low rent. JACKSON DEERING, 246 Btark St. TO I EA?E Two desirable comer lota on North isth st., in -vicinity of Couch School; excellent location for rtorlst or stores. Ad dress S 337, Oregonlan. TO lease or eU; . country hotel; a fine cnance ror man anu wire; win near run Investigation. Address O 870, Oregonlan. FOR LEASE 25-foot ground, central, long. reasonab.e terms1, inquire O 90S, Oregoman. BU6I"E66 OPPORTXNTTTES. $3S5 MILLINERY businesa. In nice running order, established, corner location ; can have lease; rent $15. E 370. Oregonlan. HOMES built to order on your own terms; satisfaction guaranteed under bond; inves tigate plan. R. C Y?ung. Box 4064. MIDDLE-AGED man wishes to buy an In terest in small restaurant or cigar stana. N 870, Oregonlan. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold Fletcher In v. Co., 125 Ablngion. FURNITURE! store for sale A good paying- business at Keiso. wufn.; wu su at a bargain. Frank F. Smith, Kelso, Wash. 886 PARK ST. 2 housekeeping rooms, bath. sink, phone ana gas range; rent per month. Phone Main 4410. GROCERY store for sale, 1062 Corbett at. Good reason for selling. Address 1571 Macadam road. Phone Mala 437, A 04VO. FOR SALE Half Interest In well estab lished transfer business, inquire room 60S Fenton bldg. FOR SAJ.E Moving picture mr.chine and tent, cheap; tent ftxis. Adores a. -t.-o, Oregonlan. LAUNDRY, doing over $200 weekly; reason. lack or capital to swing to increasing bualness.- AN 357, Oregonlan. WE have an efportunlry for a man whV an invest JfH'0 to make big money, call at onoa, 4-S Henry bldg. No trlfler need apply. FOR PALE Shingle mill. 80,000 capacity. For further particular aaarees p. u. .box 00, Long Besch, Wash. ' PRODUCE bualnes; fin corner location; can be bougnt ror jov; investigate, can 417. Board Trade bldg. ICE ORFAM and luncheon stand for man and wire, wttn -year ieaae; cneap; ssza. T73 Stark st. CON'FBC and cigars; 8 living rooms; at In voice. Hall A iiiocn, 200 a otarjt ax. GOOD cigar stand, down town, long lease snap to rigr-t party. jj bi. PLANING MILL and lumber yard; good proposition. Hall ft Bioch, 266 B Stark st. BARBER CHOP for rent; new tub, eta. Phone Mjn ansa. GROCERY, delicatessen, and confectionery store wild iimuh ruuiio. - HARDWARE STORE; good stocjt and trad lian & is.ocn, o n siar eu POOLROOM for sale, rent or trade;, right. 6tf N. 6th st. BARBERSHOP; 5 chairs; good location and 1bm. Hall ft Bioch, b 0 a stark st. SPLENDID stand for a butcher In a grocery itore. East 43d and Hawthorne. $2 FOR 1000 busirewa cards; 100. flOc. Rose wivy rriaitry, iss ja iu, near xayior. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. nppvrva por haker. "WANTED A practical baker to Investi gate a new and- profitable business propo sition; we are erecting a large two-story business block, of which one store, 20xi feet, with full cement' basement, will be devoted to - a bakery, confectionary or lunchroom ; will build oven and all par titions, etc.. to suit tenant, but If oven Is to be built In basement we must know at once. We want to get in touch with a good tenant immediately. "Will glvo five-year lease, rent reasonable no cum: petition in neitrhDornooa. appit w Gerurtz buna, lia-o rirsx u. land. 24-apnrtment house, 2 and 8-room suitee; , - . . , a -u. m nne resiuence aisirict, won luruiwwu, . . .1 mA em noutfe; rent a snap; cieois month; always full of nice claw of peopi; 1 i i,vi. .w .. 1 -..i Clinic 6, C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 826H Washington at., rooms 201-2O2. GROCERY and market doing splendid cash easiness, fv aaiiy iveinns, w week before buying: aisw mr m. $700 for half Interest; owner Is butch v c .-Am.ni-i jl naUv Co.. a er. 403 Merchant Trust bldg-. 6th and Wash. UU1I.U , with a run nouse, locaiea in a "u - this la a fine place for man and wife can maxe rig inonwy. vu Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. BBCITRE NEW HOME. , $5 down and $1 ner week secure a home for you. If Interested write for free booklet telling how. E. D. Babcock, 60 Henry Diag. A GOOD opening for an M- CM can aasure a At iat aiona nar vear: .slve me $3000 cah for my home and the field wilk be clear for you; no opposition; investi gate. B 871, Oregonlan. LOCAL manufacturer has proposition to make party who wishes to Invest with services; factory running full time and making large proms; pernmuvni iivwmwu dress AO 867, Ocgeonian. r a xi tvf.k wanted In & first-class busl nna- will v a aalarv of $130 per monthi will bear eloaeet investigation; $B00 re quired. Call room 813 Lumber Exchange bldg., MX ana biaxa sts. BARBFTR FHOP for or to leasw: all Complete, reaov w ww. - Jones' drugstore- Front and Glbbs st. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Fine grocery on East Side, aoing gooa ouanet.. leaving town on account of sickness; must sell at once; a oarcain. 04 j-uuiua men's bids- oth and Stark. $300 Cigar, tobacoo. oandles and loe cream narlor doing a good business; other Inter ests at stake; must sell; no agents. D StO, Oregonlan. DinTVFn wantbd in a lorsrlnr nroDoei (Inn nf rrontinnil mejrlt: aamD 0Dnd and machinery on groundi rail and water PARTJE3 desiring good location for email sawmill, where they can secure atumpage ' at reasonable rate on railroad, addres J 362. Oregonlan. LIGHT manufacturing; partner willing to work and learn the business; pay you 130 per week at start; small amount money . required. LSll lit, uosra ox i. rauo utun. GROCERY, confectionery. Ice cream, corner tore. loEg la. cheap rent; will exchange for property or sell; two living rooms In rear. Pnons Main di. BARBER shop, -cigars, confectionery and pool; guarantee net profits $250 per month; must sell thi week; come, make me an of fer. 383 N. 17th, FOR SALE Steam laundry in town of 7000 1 good plant, good business, gooa prospects, cheap if sold at onca; reason, ill health, F SftO. Oregonlan. Partner wanted for strictly cash store; pay you $90 month salary: also share prorits; small oapuai requireu. tau Stark st. SPECIAL SNAP. Confectionery and cigar store. In heart of city, only $350; cheap rent. Duboie ft Crockett, office 8. Washington bldg. ttavP! nr ala one 1ob nrtntlna: plant with paper cutter ail complete; win taao terms; good 'business, uiuara at ciwut Boseburg, Or. DO YOU want supplies or rent film 7 W are independent, ao mot Dciong to iu trust. ' Paclflo Film Co.. B03 Rothchlld tldg., Portland, Or. GROCERY, suburban -town, at Invoice, about $3iXK; owner retiring; best trade; chance or a lifetime; terms If doelred. A. D. Chrls tlanaen. 125 Front st. GREAT SNAP 8-room house, rents for $30 per month; rooms all rented; close in, and will sell furniture for $323; your own terms. Room 301r 26 Washington st. WE can locate you in paying business. Be fore buying be sure ana see us. tvinney ft Stampher, $31-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone A 488L REAL ESTATE owner wants reliable part ner; a fine chance for small amount cash; balance out of business. Particulars 417, Board Trade bldg. ' A COZY home built on your lot; terms like rent; we can ana win -pieave you ; iuii particulars and plans free. Tebbetts Henry bldg. PARTNER wanted; experience not neces sary Teyond ability to snow lana, etc.; will psy sctlve man $200 months; little money required. Oall 248 Stark st. HIGH-CLASS massage parlors, with elite patronage. $1200 required. will teach business to buyer. Merchants ft Traders Exchange, 520 Lumber Exchange bldgy $375 PARTNER wanted; must be satisfied with 25 weplc; experience unnecessary. Call 248 1 mark st. WILL build store to auit tenant; living- rooms In rear. Call 615 W ashlogton at. or phone A 472L PARTNER wanted to check goods, collect. etc. ; pay you per aay ; iiv requirso. Room 417, Board Trade bdg. $250 PARTNER wsnted for light work; easily learned; owner guarantees you Sjf. month at start. Call 24tf Stark st. 8 ROOMS, modern rooming-house; 5 rooms rent 550 month; leaving city; come, make an offer. 175 17th st. NEAT little confectionery store, near the largest school In Portland. 1011 Union ave. North. ' CASH mcatmarket in suburbs; low rent; good trade; best or reasons ror selling. Call 417, Board of Trad bldg. SPLENDID cigar; fruit and confectionery tore, corner location: bargain u taken this week. Owner, 237 2d. RESTAURANT: central; clearing after pay ing all expenses, $150 month; 70OQ will take it tomorrow. Call 148 Stark et "WANTED Younr rnan with little money to snow property ana iea.ro tne Dusinea. Fifth St. FOR SALE Well -established dressmaking and tailoring business and stock. X B5tf. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted foi grooery business do ing cash business; money secured. Partic ulars 417, Board Trade bldg. FOR SALE Controlling interest In well- established real estate business C 806. Oregonlan. DRUGSTORE Good business and location; 11 heaitn; must aeu. ah sio, uregoman. STATE RIGHT; staple goods; big money maker, iian & uiocn, ae a stark at. CHOICE rooming-house, down town, worth tJSOO, wtU take $1800. 372 Stark St. DYEING and cleaning ahop; good business; 9329. Hail ft Biocn, zt6 ts btark sL FOR SAJE1 Blacksmith and wagon shop. Ad dress) J. P. rnomae, centerviiie, yaah. COUNTRY etoro; close to Portland; at ln- DINING-ROOM FOR RENT. Phone East 4303. POOLROOM: center of city; good lease. Hall ft Blooh, 268 B Stark st. ARTNER fr packing business; small cap ital. - I 860. Oregonlan. GROCERY and market; sales $150 a day; invoice. Hail ft uocn, 206 a stark st. CONFECTIONERY, cigar and Ice cream parlor; investigate, uwner, 227 1st st. CIGAR STAND, down town, long lease. Hail ft ttiocn, ztt a stark st. PARTNER $200. learn paving bnslncYs. be Independent. Call room 0O, McKay bldg. CONFECTIONERY; sales $30 a day; will ln- voi co- Han ft uiocn, zee B Stark st. PARTNER wanted; with $250 pay you $8 day. can 23 i atartc st. ROOMING-HOUSE: 120 rooms; swellest in tow a, Hau ft Bioch, 28 & Stark, at BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $300 DOWN, $15 a month, wljl buy a new 5-room bungalow; price, $20no. $V"00 cash, balance 2 years, swell bun galow, 25th and Alberta sts.; lot, aoxiuu nrice S2r.OO. iSOO cash, and balance to suit,- buys the best 7-room house and two lots on Han cock at. ; modern In every respect; these won t last long; better come today. POULSEN-RATCLIFFE REALTY CO., Lumbermen's Bldg. HOTF.I. AND BARROOM. Hotel of 4fl furnished rooms, besides large kitchen, dining-room and office; also saloon. " incluaing stock, cash- regimar and large eafe; rent is $130 per month, lease ror x. years; rooms ail renren; no regular ooarucrw, price is a barKaln $2k0. GRUSSI ft ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Blt.g., 4th and Oak, ITOTTOV-PICTTTRE films, scenic. Biblical. drama, comedyv for sale from lo foot up; first-clasa condition; independent films to rent $2 per reel; terms on machines ana supplies; write lor epeciei pnow oa latest Independent film service; no license; no truet; no graft; straight business. Laemmle Film Service, 214-815 Wells- targo bldg., Portland. CIGAR ANT) NTTECTIONERY. Nice store, handling cigars, tobacco, candy. home baking and some groceries! include furniture of 2 rooms; rent Is paid until October 1, $20 per month; owner going to Wyoming and must sell: (&u, pan casn. GRUSSI ft ZADOW, V 817 Board of Trade BUg., 4th an d Oak. STOCK of general merchandise, all new. In one of the best, trading points In the Willamette Valley; fine farming country; everal merchant have made fortune here: will require about $S0OO, and If purchaser puts in $2K0 more it would ftay big; lack or capital reason ior aeu ng. F 308, Oregonlan. OFFICE manager for city In "Washington l $300 a year guaranteed salary and com mission or straight commission. Do not apply unless you have $2000 cash which we require manager to use in the busi ness; money will also araw aiviaenas. Address, giving phone number if possible, s dWJ, uregonian. FOR RENT 12o-room hotel, centrally 16 cated on Rlversid ave., one block from N. P. deDOt. strictly modern, long lease. ready for occupancy Nov. 16, '09; building now under construction. Address Stand- ard Fumltur House, Spokane, ash. FOR SALE Stock of dry goods, furnishing roods, shoes, notion and groceries, in good valley town; brick building, low rent; rood clean stock ana gooa live ousi ness; will invoice about $11,000; no agents AN 851. Oregonlan- PARTNER wanted to help manage old es tablished bifsiness; must be sober and reliable; $1000 cash, balance out of profits 01 the -business; thorough investigation. It's a man I want, not his money. Austin, ropm 4. 32 Washington st. PARTY experienced in fish, poultry or meat to open market in connection with Port- lana oyster to.; spienaia opportunity ana v not much money needed. Apply 48 N 2Sd st ROOMING-HOUST08. buy from owner a rooming-house, brick preierrea, in goou vv est oiuo iwnuwu anywher from 40 to 125 room; glvo de ecriptlon, lowest prlos and term a B 878 Oiegonlan. ROOMING-HOUSS people, look-here! $5500 lor tne ceac centra iiy jocatea 1 riuum house In Portland, worth $10,oyX F. FUCHS. 221 ft Morrison st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-Lara-e-eized cocker snanleL black with white on breast, ears rather short; Portland Wire & Iron Works tag on collar; answers nam Bird; reward- Portland wire ft iron Work, Second and Everett streets. FOUND Fur containing small sum money and ring, on Washington. owner esq hnv rvm f hT rcnvlnr nronert V. G. K. Branslll, First Infantry, Vancouver Bar racks. LOST Allltrator handbag, containing about $16. on Missouri ave. North and Mason west to patton ave. nowaru. a. h.. n ai der, StJft Alblna ave. LOST, strayed or stolen, sorrel horse, white face, white hind feet, bad scar above knee on right front leg. Reward. The Stephen son Co., 234 Front st. LOET Brindle bull terrier; legs and tip of tall white: name Van on collar, pnone East 13fK LOST September 4, Lewis & Clark gold dollar brooch. Finder return. 487 Taylor ' et. Reward. LOST On 8th, between Thurman and Halelgh, a ladies' small silk, sewing bag Phone A 0506. LOST Chauffeur badge. No. 284. between Linnlon and St- John ferry si Id. Return 788 E. 2th; reward, f. LOST Brown water spaiflel, 4 months' old dog. Wednesday night. Call up wooaiawn vol. LOST Cocker pup, white feet, white breast. return 411 Geriinger oiag.; rewara. LOST Purse containing $270 In gold; $50 reward, yr?. k. Hoot, urana ave. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. BALE OF "WATERFRONT LOTS Puyallup Consolidated Indian Agency, lacoma. wash., Aug. 21, l&'-9 Notice is hereby given that on September 25, ltK. at 1 o'clock P. M., at the office of the Indian agency, Taooma, Wash., I will sell at public auction 51 waterfront lots, a subdivision of tract two, Indian Addition to the City of Taeoma, at price not less than the appraised value. Terms of aale, one-third cash and the bal ance in one, two, three, four or five annual payments, deferred payments to bear Inter est at 6 per cent por annum. Copy of the plat of the tract may be had upon applica tion to H. H. JOHNSON, Supt. Indian Agency. Taeoma, Wash. THE ANNUAL meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Auto-uespatcn will oe neia In the office of the secretary. 006-Wei ls Fargo blag., on Monday, September 27, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. May En right. secretary. NOTICE! I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Maggie Joseph from this date. Jake Joseph. Architects, contractors', engineer, get Pacific Rullder ft Engineer. 401 iioara or 'iTaoe. MONEY TO LOAN. Real Kstate. $500,000 ON improved city or farm' prop- rates; large loans a specialty. J. H. Mc Klnxle Co.. 514-15-16 Geriinger bldg. MONEY to loan S4 reasonable rate. In sums from $500 up. lui Duaa-LAwreQca Co., 24o Alder st. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. bullaing loans, lowest ratee. vv. u. .Bee, . $12 Falling bldg. FOR BALE $1000 first mortgage drawing 6 rer cent, on west ciae property, secure a by $4000 yalue. 917 Board of Trade. MONEY to loan, any amount, 5 to 7 per cnt. Lina ft Higiey, us intra st. MONEY to loan promptly, any amount, on good security. Worcester DiUg. ONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent, Frary ft Seltx, 132 5th at. MONEY to loan on improved real property. Call on'A. T. Lewis, 612 Gouch bldg. State fund loaned, 6 per cent. W. E .Thom as, state agent, u&uunoman wo., sou j. C MORTGAGE loans, 6 to 8 per cent; no com mission. Loewenson, 105 Sherlock bldg. - Money to loan, first and second mortgages purchased. E. L. uevereaux, f enton bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Muey, room 204 uernnger. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money; loans, iewis at iu.. vv as a. sc. PER CBNT money to loan on real estate. Equity Investment Co., 50S Geriinger bldg. $300. $500, $1000 PRIVATE mortgage money, no agents, wmu, w aush uiug. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collater al security. -.- vv. jraiietL. u r emon Ding- MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. U- uun. 4- oner iocs: Diag. MONEY bo loan on improved city property. W m. MacJuaster. nureooioi- out. MORTGAGE LOANS 8 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SAJ-UAiWlX. -JO O A Alt D 1. VM)0 and up to $50,000 to loan on real ea- V . . . I ... A ,1 Oan krAnn. taie; goou w, o9wniwi. MORTGAGES LOANS; REASONABLE RATE3. LEWIS ft CO., 251 WASHINGTON ST. MONEY to loan on real estate, mortgages bought. H.. rierce, dio Jiiis.y iug. QUICK loans on all securitiea 5. W. King, 4s -W asnwgtou uius, mvut m i 11 tivv. MONKV TO LOAN. Real Estate, MONEY to loan on Improved property. If for b5ildlng purposes, interest does not commence until actual disbursement or funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Lite & Trust Compaay, 214 Lum ber Exchange bids. - TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at a and T per cent on real estate security. EDIT. P. MALL. CO.. 309-S10 Ablngton Bids;. MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other real estate securities, bought on city property or lands anywhere in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble, 816-317 Lum bermen's bids;., Cth and Btark sts. Cr Improved city property or (or building purposes; 8 to 8 years' time; liberal re payment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable. 2d and Stark sts. OREGON TRUST aocount taxen as part cash for furniture, carpets and ranges, or will pay cash for same. Conn Bros. Fur niture Co., ISO 1st st. PRIVATE party will build modern horn, to order on your lot on monthly pay ments; plans and estimates free. Ask for particulars, TebbetU. 301 Wheeler. X HAVE money tn sums from 0O to fGOOO to loan on real state; 'A-l building ' loana taken. Bee atttorney, 410 Falling bldg. Chattels and Salaries. STATE SECURITY CO., 80 8 Falling Bldg. WH HAVE MONET TO LOAV On salaries, pianos, "household goods, etc at th. lowest possible rates. REMEMBER. We do not remove furniture from youT home. Salary loans are strictly confi dential. Our well-known reputation for square dealing and courteous treatment during th. past is our beat reference. STATS SECURITY CO.. 30S Falling Bldg. Boos. 8 A. M. to P. M. Weds, and Hats, until I P. M. $ MONEY TO LOAN. The key to success Ls ready cash. We have it and will loan it to you, Oulckly without delay and strictly con fidential, on your real estate, furniture and piano (Without removal), storage re ceipts, life Insurance policies. Jewelry and diamonds and all kinds of securities; at lowest rates In city; on easy weekly or monthly payments. U. 8. RE.U. ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. Room 12. Hamilton bldg. Phone Main 131 Sd st. $' CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loan, on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, in.surance poli cies, wearies and all kinds of securities; REAL ESTATE- LOANS from 3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO.. 110 Ablngton Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth ers upon their own names without secur ity; cheapest rates, easlost payments: of fices in 8 principal cities; save yourself mone'y by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 317 Lumbsr Exchange Bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount, on furniture or any kind of security; chattel mort gages purchased; Quick service. Room 620 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Btark. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. M. Delovage, Jewelers, 209 Washington at. ETMPLOYE3' LOAN CO.. 821 Ablngton bldg. Money on installment plan. WH CAN loan your money at 7 per cent on ap proved real estate security. Equity Invest ment Co., 508 Geriinger bldg. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get and easy to pay. F. A. Newton. B10 Henry bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. a' LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loai. money on diamonds and Jewelry, Marx & Bfoch, 74 3d st Loans Wantea. $1000 ON new dwelling; will pay S per cent A, 2 or o year.. o u.vo w. up to five strictly first class. CHURCHILL-MATHEWS CO. WANTED 420.000 loan on 150,000 value; first-class vacant property, close in; pri vate parties only; will pay 7 per cent. a gbs, uregonian. I WOULD like to arrange for i2000 loan on 4W0 resldeno at 1 per cent. An oou, Oregonlan. J1S00 TO $5000 wanted on Improved real es tate security. fcee ri. . J. Aiamson, 101 Front St., upstairs; no agents.- WANTED To borrow $JooO for 8 years at 8 per cent on Improved city rrAiuenoe prop erty; ample security. av aw, uregonian WANTED To borrow 2O0O for S years at 8 par cent on country real estate wortn SilUUU. Address ALt 6d, ureguniaa. $9000 FOR 4 years for building purposes security Al. Phone Main C42. WANTED Loan of $1000 on new home costing fasoo. A m ail. uregonian PERSONAL SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfors grad uate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th St., one door from East An keny car. Phone East 200, Home B 1S03. ' SWEDISH trained nurse. Helslniriors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervons disorders by Land . rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th St., one ooor Irum h.at Ankeny car. Phone East lome is jaod. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE, reliaDle skin specialist; blembines, wrmk.es and small pox pita removed; halrdreelng, manicur ing and dermatdlugy taught; largest stock of hair goor.s in tne v tst m cut price.. Parlors. Grand Leader, Cth and Alder. mt. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hosplttil accorumodatlors; examinations free. Main 404. A X-ill. OUO I.UU1Q1UUW0.11U UlUS,. 6th and Ankeny. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesters Diamond ttrana puis, ror ztt years jtnowu as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Cliichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere DR. ALICE A. ORIFF. Diseases of women and children. No ' charge for consultation. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg., Washington and Park sts. Main 8028, A 5607. LADIES, take notice; Mme. Hudson gives the only selentino facial massage in tne city. Manicuring, 25c 2sQ Washington St., room 207. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. $1.60 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, Duttons sewed on, rips sened. Prompt calls aad de liveries. ' Unluue Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. DESIRABLE company found for lonely peo ple, either sex; 000 to select irom; gents S2, ladles free; circular 10c. Portland In troducing Bureau, 31(1 Alisky bldg. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood ana sutin aiseasea. sores, ul cers, swollen glands, kidney, bladder and piles, lei 1st St., Portland. MEN When weak, nervous or despondent. use Sexold puis as a oracer; Detter tnan whisky; price $1 per box, li boxes for $5. Address T. J. Pierce, 316 Alisky bldg. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills are positively 1110 ucau aw vtnet. 1 1 , v. u $2 per box or 8 boxes $5. Address T. J. Pierce, 818 Alisky bldg. DR. ISABELLA MACKIE, Private hospital for women. 800 B. 60 th St. Tabor 809. DR. PIEBCE cures all nervous, blood and skin dlaeuses, ootn sexes; cnarges hoc up. Address 310 Alisky bldg: IF you want to become a drugless healer call On u . xiuiiiu. Jii Aourny uiug., cor. 2d and Taylor sts.; terms easy. DR. LORENS' NERVE TONIC TABLETS, 25c box, resioreo loen. viiauiy. oiipe, xayior Drug Co., 289 Morrison st. Mme. Courtrlght, skin and scalp treat ments, racial uciwiiiiuicb cuuccieu, plas tic surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M 6042. WOMEN Whatever your aliment, call on Dr. Ketchum. unsco uuui., v a. so., m o tr. jut. 170 3d St. Main 8770. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 560 Gllsan St. Alain tiio.- aficiiLD waiiieu. PACIFIC Introducing Club for those matri monially inciineu; circular iwc. --v?s imi. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. m; u. hiu, xv meaner mass as. at 1 a, BCS1MCSS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking. Architects and Builders. D. B. FUCKIN-GER. architect and builder, 1833 East Yamhill St.. Mt.' Tabor. Phone is l&Vd. Accountants. E. H. COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS, Ce-nmerciftl. County and Municipal. Auditing, investigating and systematizing. H. A. MOSER. Accountant and Auditor. Buaines. of rornomliona. estates, counties, municipalities solicited. 250 V2 3d. M. 248:1. Assayer and Analysts. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, G22 Worcester bldg., 8d and Oak. M. S'JSO Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. Zu4'to Washington St. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. . lSd Morrison st. FOOD. commercial and drug analysts. Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., Portland, or. Attorneys at Law. EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law oflices to 900-013 Board of Trade bldg. CLARENCE H. GILBERT, 205-207 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7471, A 4044. H. H. RIDDEX.L, attorney-at-law, 735 Cham. ber of Commerce. Mam 47B4, a soai. Carpet Weaving. RUGS mads from old carpets; also Colonial rag rugs ' woven. Northwest rtug w oras, 153 union ave. it 3330, is lov. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG 4 CO., ship brokers, com mission mercbants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. Chiropody NO blood, no soreness, everything antiseptic, .no pain; you don't need to make 8 or 4 trips; 11 you nave Dumons, corns or in grown nails, bring them to me. Dr. E. A Ivev, graduate chiropodist, 221 Drexel bldg.. id and Yamhill. Main 193S. A 193S, WM. f.stelle and Flossie Deveny. the only " sclentlflo chiropodists in the city, parlors 302 Geriinger bldg., a. w. cor. 20. ana Alder. Phone Main 1301. and foot specialist, treats all ills of the feet without danger of infection. Why sui tor? 805 Alisky bldg. fraln ii.oz. rhlronodv and Pedicurlne. Mrs. M. D. Hill room 420 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 8473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton, Tlllora Diag., rt. lutn wia aior. C. F. BOOTHBY SoeJp and foot specialist. 107 park at. Collections Bonded representatives Commercial Law In terstate Adjustment Co., t30 a. 01 ir Carpet) Cleaning. IONB Carpet Cleaning Works; work guarsn teed. East 360. B 226. Coal and Wood. DRY WOOD cuttings, fine for kitchen, J2.R0 per cord, ,wlthln reasonable oisianco. iico-lai-Neppach Co. Phones A 14U5, Main 7900. tn-v Tiinm. r anil rnrrt wood in any Quanti ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2315. B 1695. Carlos. t.,-. CnnV ttt-tw fry OOl ouu.i Silks, mattings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 Bth. Dancing. RINGLER'S Dancing 8chcols open Sept. 13, East Side; Sept. 14. Western Academy. 2d and Morrison, pnone r-asi iraiu, Do' and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN. D. V. S., D. C. M. Offlcs 113 N. Oth. Main 4U-S0. a 4000. KduontionaL AN OPPORTUNITY for young men to learn . . . -i . - 1 nffli. tl.B. teiegrapny anu scu.ij ' - - tioe; good position assured; complete course 17 kn Tnnnlr. al AfticS of Y. M. C. A. for particular information. PROFESSOR MORRIN, High School course . 1 .. L'..tUh milt hAinn.tira private wmuua, ...... - ---- - Iitln. French, etc 239 4th and Market sta. " Electrio Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or saiet ia .w J'eed Stores. ZIGLER & M1SNER. hay, grain, feed, oe ment shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 482. 1 Harness and Saddlery. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 831 Ankeny St. Phone Alain u. Leather and Findings. CHAS. Li MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, tap., mn.. """'"g J. A. STROWBRIDGH LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1B08. l& rront .1- Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO.. 128 8th St. Main 53, A 2103. jonniuo on SlusicaJ. EMLL TH1ELHORN. violin teacher, pupil of, SCVCIk. A 41UW. rui 00.. M. C. SMi'TH. teacher of piano, 452 Salmon Sti Main t;;4U. conservatory cm ma.. PIANO STUDIO 209 14th. noar Jefferton modern methods. Phone Main -8803. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTH RU P. 413-16-17 Dekum bldg., Thirl nnrt Washington sta Phone, oftice. Main 34.); res. East or B 1028. Paints. Oils and Glass. t? & KXfTTfitr.N CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent and Pension Attorneys. r c WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases, 604 Dekum. J. J. HIRSHEIMEK, pension and patent at torney, rooms 202-1 Labbe bldg. Pattern Making. PORTLAND Pattern & Novelty Mfg. Co;j"u0 ceasors to McLynn Pattern Co.. East Water and Yamhill. ' Poyvlng. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., at Portland. UH10 .U-O-. r uri-wiwui. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving, sidewalks and' crossings .117 Beck bldg. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO.. Office 801 Beck bldg. Main 8486. Factory 34th and York. Kubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, office stationery, sto. Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Roofing. OLYMPIC ROOFING CO.. $820 Cham. Com.; damp-proonng. repairins. "VJ " THH MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Bafsa at factory price.. wwiuu-uuu . . glsns. FOSTER & KLEISER. 8IGNS. The largest sign-makers in the North west, Bth and Everett sts. Phone Private exchange 65. Home A 115S. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co., office and COmmOaiOUS mUl-BlVljr UllCn. HBIO- house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and parked for shipping. . Mall 596. A 1990. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO.. General transferrins and? storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment- 209 Oak St., bet. Front and 1st. Telephones Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. Storage, Free Trackage, Heavy Hauling. Phones. M-iln 69, A 1169. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving a special ty. 40-42 2d st. Phone A 19S4. Main 1618. Showcase, Banc and Store Fixtures, THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co.. otn ana noyi. n. Lutke. Mgr. THE Jas. I. Marshall Manufacturing Co., manufacturers snow cases, caomete. store, oflUs fixtures. ' 389 Couch st. Main 8703. BLSLNLSd DiliECXOltY. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 614 Front. Tailors. H. BEADNER. late of New York, has opened ui; a first-class ladies' tailoring establishment at rooms 311-12 Alisky bldg., cor. 3d and Morrison: a trinl order will convince you that my work ls as represented. MME. Tt'TTLE. modiste; tailored suits a specialty. 2i'.2 12th st. Phone Main 3163. Taxidermist and Furrier. OREGON'S best taxidermist: expert In all branches C. M. Harris, 495 Washington st. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS. only standard makes, bought, sold, rented and repaired. $10 up. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 320 Ablng ton bldg. Call M. 3066. WE ARE tr.e exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Cr-ast; investigate ; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 287 Washington st. SPECIAL prices; all makes rented, sold, re paired. . P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. Veterinary Schools. BAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College. Cata log mailed free. Dr. Keane. 1818 Market st. Wall Facer. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 171 1st. Wall pa per llncruBtra, room moulding, etc BANKS. GERMAN AMERICA.N BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON 8T3. TRANSACTS A 1'ENh.KAL BANKING BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Orcgoa. CAPITAI. AND SURPLUS 81,000,000. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Paclflo. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger S;13 a. m. 4:15 p ru, 8:00 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 1:80 a. m. Ti20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8 : 50 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 6:40 p. m. .Cottage Grove Passenger. Shasta Limited California Express , Ban Francisco Express. West Side Corvallls Passenger. ... Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger.. Forest Grove Passenger. Forest Grove Passenger. Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger. Roseburg Passenger , Portland Pxpress Shasta Limited West Side Corvallls Passenger....... Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. Forest Grove Passonger. . Forest Grovo Passenger. . l0:40 p. m. R 11;1 n. Til. 11:00 a. m. 0:30 p. m. K-S!t tv m. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 11:50 a. m. 4:40 p. m. Northern Paclflo. Leaving Portland Portland and Seattle Express. . . Portland and Vancouver Special. Pcget Sound Limited Yacolt Passenger North Coast Limited, via Sound. North Coast Limited, via North Bank Arriving Portland . North Coast Limited, via Sound North Coast Limited, via Ncrth Bank Yacolt Passenger Seattle and Portland Express.... Pi-get Sound Limited Portland-Vancouver Special 8:15 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 8:00 p. in. 4:00 p. m. 12:15 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 8:60 p. rn. 9:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:83 p. m. 10:80 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Atlrntlc Express Chicago-Portland Special Oregon-WaBhlngton Limited... 600-Spokane-Portland Salt Lake Express............. Arriving Portland Oregon Express Oregon-Washington Limited.... Eoo-Kpokanc-Portland . . '. Pacific Express Chlcago-Portlajid Special 7:80 a. m. a, m. p. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. a. m. a. 111. p. ni. p. m. 10:00 5:45 7:00 6:00 8:10 8:80 0:00 6:30 8:00 Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria & Seaside Express Astoria Ac Seaside Passenger Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Seaside Special, Saturday only. Arriving Portland Portland Express Seaside and Portland Passenger. . Rainier and Portland Passenger. . Rainier and Portland passenger. . Seaside Special. Sunday only.... 8:00 a, m. 8:00 p. m. 1 : 1 5 p. m. 9:20 p. m. 2:30 p m. 12:15 p. m. 10:00 p. m. 9:15 a. m. 5:20 p. m. 10:10 p. ru. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane T:00 p. m. 12:15 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. Via .Seattle Ai-rivlTi!? Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane Via- Seattle JEFFERSON STREET STATION. Southern Paclflo. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger....... 7:40 a. m. 4:80 p. m. Dallus passenger Arriving Portland Dallas Passonger Dallas Passenger 10:15 a. m. I 5:05 p. m. ELEVENTH AND HO IT STREET PASSEX. GB STATION. Spokane, Portland Seattle Kallwuy Co. Inland Empire Express 8:45 a.m. tor Chicago, 01. ram, u""" Clty, St. Louis. Billings. Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddallos, Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and Intermedial, sta tions Co olumbia River Local 4:15 p. m. 01th Bunk Limited ..o..up. m for cnicguo, est. rtiui, City. St. Louis. Hillings. Spukane. Cheney, Lamont, v, asiuutn., Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyie, White Salmon. 1 ., , . anl Int.rmalt. I!a. &teveuuoi, ...... tlons. Arriving ronianu North Bank Limited. ....... ...8:80 a. m. r rom ldicheu, n 1 City, St, Louis Billings. Spokane. Cheney, Lamont, asntucna, vuntuhu Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lylv Goiaenaale, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and I termeaiai siatiwii . . . . . 1 . . .. , 1. nnnn c lumcia rtiver ................. iland Empire Express. ..... . .8l50 p. m. Inh From t-nicago. 01. x-ui. r'ltv St. Louis. Billings. Spokane. Cheney, Lamont, ,,o..u.... oosevalt. Granddalles. iyie. uumwiu.. hits Salmon, bwvwiwu, v lntc crmedlaie siation. Time Card Oregon Electrio lUdlway Co. Pal.tn Yl (t Int. ,to tlons-0:30. 7:40. 9:55. 11.35 A. M . ; f:0O. 3-45. 6:20, ll:uo f. ua. ajiiiiiiuu 2nd Salem S:uO A. M. Local for W lUon- vllle and Int. stations 5:10 P. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and ti mtlons 0:43. 8:80, iu:iu a, at-; u:i, 2:15. 8:30. 6:85. 8:25. 11:18 P. M. Arriving Portland from Balem ' and Int. rations 5:00, 11:00 A. M. ; 12:05. 1:18. 8:0S. 6'15 8-20 10:40 P. M. Limited from Salem 'T.i.iHn r.-Atn P. M. Local from WU- onvifle and Int. stations 6:56 A. M. Arriving Portland trom J orest Orova and , .tarirtnE 7:51. 9:35. 11:25 A. M.; 1:30, 2:55. 4:85. 6:25. 8:10, 11:00 P. M. Portland Railway, light Power Company. Cnrs Leave. Ticket Office nnd Waiting Room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. n,.,in flir 4 .1)0. 0:.10 A. M.. and every 80 minutes to and Including 9 P. M., then 10 00. 11:00 P- ui-: last car mldnlgnt. Gresham ana iiiituiituijio ijnuin n..,, 7:45. 8:46. 9:45, 10:4.1 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45. 8:45. 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 7:4o. 11:15 P. XL. Falrvlew ana iroutaaie o:.o. -i:.j. o..., P:4.-, 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:43. 8:45, 4:45. 6:45. 6:45 P. M, , , Cazanero ana intemiuiaiw iiviuio u.v-j, 45. 10:45 A. M., 12:43. 2:45. 4:46, 6:45 P. M. 1 For Vancouver Ticket Office and Waiting Room, Second and Washington Streets. A. M - 6:ir.. 0:30. 7:25, 8:00, 8:SS, 8:10, 9:50. 10:80, 11:10. 11:60. p M 12:30. 1:1. 1:50, 1:30. 8:10. 8:50, 4-30 5:10, 5:50. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:15. 0:23. , 10:85. 11:45. On third Mondav In evory month the last oar leaves at 7:05 p. M ' Dally except Sunday. Dally except Monday.