I r HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TauI CHrHCHLEY BROS., wood and coal vval dealers, office tod yard leitli and rinrict Cul Fiowr always fraah from C 1UI laiour own conivrvatorlea. Mart la ForL Co., 447 Wtuloioa at. .ttoia pbcsea. EUctrleFlxtnreg "homV 'SS prices ro right All work guaranteed. Weetern Electric Work, SI Sixth street- "V.-! Richmond and Wallsend Australian. Independent Coal A Ice Company, oppoelta City Library Bote phonee SEW TODAY. Choice quarter block on Grand ave nue and East Oalc U; cash: balance on terms. Jno. P. Sharkey Company Choice Residence New. 9 rooms, larg-e sleeping-porch, walls tinted, shade and fixtures; com plete and elepant in every detail: best Last Side residence district; close in; all street improvements in and paid for; low price, easy term a. By owner. D 354. Ore goman. 32 Lots $6400 Tvuw r.9 It a ? 00 (mfi for lnta lvlnff between Gladstone ave, and Holsjate j ST., WeSt Ol iOLU, UUIJ A iiiuiuLca ride from center of city. Tou can't du plicate it anywhere. Ask us about it. You can double your money. Grussi & Zadow BIT Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. MORTGAGE LOANS Losteat rates and terma to stilts spe cial rates and favorable terma on large loans on bualneaa properties. Funds Loaned for Private Investor. A. H.BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Oldie- 3d A Stark. WHO WANTS IT? 14000 A very sightly fractional corner with 8-room dwelling: walking distance, but convenient to ctfrs. Terms on part. Come early as must be sold. JICKSOX A DEEK1XO. Phones Main 345. A 3457. 246 Stark St. SILVF-n. HILL WALNUTS. Thomas Wlthycombe has walnut groves, with a speculative value of thousands of dollars per acre, which he sells for a few hundred, and easy payments. See him at 27 Hamilton Building;. Portland. Or. UIOKUK BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, (All Branches ) $23 Worcester Bldg. Phones Main 8371. A4011- CNTLK SAM IXSFKES Your Orchard In Idaho. M1R t FRALL will explain. 2 Lura bermens Building. FH.tCTlOVAL COREH, Grand ave. .ird V.'eldler. Phone B 1192. "Terms." REAL ESTATE LEALERS. Andrews. F. V. Co. M- 8349. 80 Hamilton bid. Baker. Alfred A.. 112 Abington Mdsj. Heck. William G-. 312 Falling bldg. Blrroll A. H. Co.. 202-8 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance. mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker ft Benedict. 62 McKay biog. M. 648. Chapln ft Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. a 4 Co- 603 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. E- ft Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co.. Main 1SS. 2O0 Oregonian. Parrlsh. Watklne ft Co.. 250 Alder st Schalk. Geo. D.. 264 Stark st. Mala or A MX Sharkey. J. P. Co.. 122 V Sixth st Ths Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah si. (Holiaday Addition. Walker. S. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. White B. F.. 227 H Washington st- REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. HOLLAPAT. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Hancock and 2.1th sts.. one block from carline; a fine east front lot for $100. R. F. BRYAN ft CO.. 605 Chamber of Commerce. X l&n Main 1963 SNAP $375. COST $375. 23th St.. it blocks north of Alberta stj 60x100: east front. Biggest snap in this locality. DLSHON. 407 Lumbermens Bldg. Phone Main 2018. 4 LOTS and house. Ideal place for tins garden and small chicken rancb. The wife can support the family. Only $15f0 including wood and chickens. Call 618 Chamber of Commerce. ACRE Can show you an acre at Ml per cert less than value: close In; 8c car fare It Is a rare opportunity. Call 618 Chamber of Commerce. 7-ROOM house, lot 73x100. fruit and berries; In A'.hir.a. $40O. cash: snap. L-IND HIGLEY. 132 Third Street. BUNGALOWS. 5 to 8 rooms, new. close In. $1500 to $6500; on very eaasv terms. Call 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE 8-room house, modern: part cash; farm, lota or acreage In exchange. 819 Chamber of Commerce. NICE- east front lot 40x100. East 18th near Davis: sewers, water, gas. Fhons East 1351. 80 East 20lh W. FINE high lot near Hawthorne ave., on well improved st. ; price $500; terma C A. Hatton. 411 Corbett bldg. $"5 CASH and $10 monthly: lot on 20th near Alberts, $525. 61 Swetland bldg. Main 7776. WEST SIDE lot 50x100. on 21st St.; give us your offer. Portland Success Realty Co., Inc.. 618 Board of Trade bldg. $600 100x100. EASY TERMS. Near W-w carilne. new city park. Stl ger. 221 H Morrison. N. W. corner. $23 CASH. $10 monthly; view lot. near Mr. Tsbor; a barc;ln today. 519 Swetland bldg. Main 7779. BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, large lot, 90x100; high and s-'.ghtly: $1900. easy terma. Call at once, 410 Falling bldg. NEW modern 6 rooms and alcove, lot 60x100. near carbarn, St. Johns line. X 353. Oregonian. or phone C 1053. MA KB AN' OFTER New. modern bungalow, your own terms. Phone Woodlawn 969. NEW. modern 4-room houses. $900; (.room, $1000: $100 down. C 351. Oregonian. 2 LOTS for sale very cheap: owner going East. Call at 403 Gerllnger bidg. IPVIXGTOX quarter. 2?d and Knott: lowest price. Owner. A. Backus. Hill Hotel. IF TOU OWN A LOT. Will build a house on installments to suit: plans free. Main StUja. $5300 LOT on railroad; York. Xorth Tort land: 2 housea AF 357. Oregonian. WST SIDE lor 50x100: view: price, $150: i terma Call 204 Abington bldg. KEW 7-room house, '. W. corner East soth j and Couch sis. J. Ambexson. 0t Couch. "; i rrrmTT f v... f:St. n acreage. 1 fob sale farms. ! to exuso. For sale Lots. For Sale Houses. For S.Ue Houses. MONEY IN' TOUR POCKET. , Any one of these lots win malca you a nice pront, SOxlOo on East 44th it., near Broadway, only two blocks from car. Thle 1 the oast buv In tha diatrict; $100 down, balance $10 per month; price $600. We hare a beautiful corner lot on Han cock St.. near the Hose City car; this Is Just the spot for a fine home; $300. $100 down, balance $15 per month. East Salmon st. corner; can bulid flats and one fine house; Is a good Investment. We have choice lots In Marlow and at our price they are line buys, either fo home sites or Investment ; $575. $10U down, balance $10 per month. POHTLA.ND TRUST CO. OF OEERON, S. E. Corner Third and Oak Sia. M'KAT HEIGHTS. Known as the old McKay homestead, ke enly a short distance went of Buritngton. Holbrook. the United Railway. Northern Pacific Ry.. the Astoria Columbia Ky. and about ore mile from the river; beautiful oil, overlooking the Peninsula. Vancouver and the Columola River for miles. Now. if you want a square deal, buy a half-acre tract for $45 at $6 down and $5 per month lor as many ts you wrat). Ab stract copies furnlihed to purchasers. Call or send for maps to the owner. Open till 8:30 P. M. W.' RE1DT. 01 Rothchild Bid. HOW TO BUT. WHERE TO BUT. If In doubt, consult a reliable antno knows values and has made the realty market a study. Ton will save money, worry and time. We hold our clients by msklng money for them. We can help YCL. It costs you nothing. BRfPAKtTR BENEDICT, 0O3 McKay Bid . ad end Stark. Phone Main 543. PORTLAND HEIGHTS CORNER. A magnificent quarter block In the Cedar Hill district, large trees, splendid view; Is surrounded by bea.utif.ul resldencee and la the only property in this vicinity for sale. Prioe for Immediate sale, $12,500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bids;. Phones Main 8699. A 2653. HOLLADAT. IKVINGTON" DISTRICT. On 27th St.. near Hancock. 85x100; we ran sell this property at a very low price. This la 8 blocks from new carline. R. F. BRYAN ft CO.. 605 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227 Main 183 CHEAP LOTS. 100x100 on N. W. cor, of E. 14th and Karl sts.. or the S. E. cor. of the same streets: you can buy either of these quar ter blocks at a bargain; look at them today, then see us. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. $17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A new hornet We have several choice building sites. Buy one of these and we will help you build. Come In and talk It over. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OEEOOX, R E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. CHOICE HOME SITES. Several line sightly lots Upper Overton St.. In an exclusive neighborhood, all street Improvements In- For price and terms see VANDUTN ft WALTON. 61a Chamber of Commerce. KBNIOK. SWIFT'S TOWNSITE. Choice 50x100 on Derby st.. In heart of buslneae center. Owner. Third and Stark. 302 McKAY BLDG., WEST AVENUE DISTRICT Lot 80x160. facing north on East Taylor, near East (Oth St.: 3 blocks from Mount Tsbor car; price $2500: terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. J12-2U Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main S693. A 2663. A FINE building lot 60x100; 50 feet Fora Mason st., H block from carline; cement walks, water, sewer, gas, electric lights are in and paid for; price $1000; will ac cept small cash payment, balance long time. 471 Main st. WEST SIDE BARGAINS. $2f.O SfxlOO on Clay st., near 14th: fine location for apartments or flats; nothing as cheap In this vicinity. W. O. Waddell, 3i-9 Lumber Exchange. WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. $22.C0O Full quarter block. centrally located on 14th St.; Income $176 per month; terms. W. O. Waddell. 800 Lumber Ex change. SIX lots; unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for sale at a great bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 834. WAVERLY HEIGHTS Corner lot 60x100. cement sidewalk, street Improved; owner going East; give us your offer. Portland Success Realty Co., Inc.. 618 Board of Trade bldg. HOMES. HOMES. HOMES. We have several very desirable West Side homes. Nob Hill district, end some extra good East Fide ones. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. 425 CASH and $10 monthly; fine view lot. near W-W car; a snap; must be sold at once. Owner. 319 Swetland bldg. Main 777(5. 100x200. a beautiful M block In Woodstock, high and sightly, with natural trees on the lot: price $1300. See owner. 410 Fail ing bldg. $15,500 BUYS corner lot 60x100. well Im proved, on 14th st. north of Marshall; this price for few days only; by owner. Address X 858, Oregonian. TEN 60x100 lots near car. $3300. present value $5100. Baker, 619 Board of Trade bldg. DIRT CHEAP 4 view lots; level, boulevard, on Mount Tabor, at $50 If sold now. 322 Henry bldg. THREE lots on 29th. near Knott, for sale at $1300 for the three; $700 down, bal ance terms. Boom 51S Henry bldg. WAVER LEIGH Heights lot will be sac rificed; make me an offer; on terms to suit. 519 Swetland bldg. For Sole Houses. MODERN home. 6 rooms and bath, large porch, fine view, lot 50x100, large variety choice fruits and flowers: terms. Owner, 2d house west Howe Station, W.-W. car; bargain. INVESTORS. NOTICE. $130 cash and $20 monthly will buy 3 room house and lot in loo feet of car, with cement sidewalks; rented at $12.50 monthly; price $1500. 519 Swetland bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7-room house, strictly modern: owner leaving city; will sell at a bargain. Young Bros.. Ger llnger bldg. 2 FOUR and 2 eix-Toom modern cottsges; in stallments. Sauth Portland. C. H. Piggott, owr.er. 14 Mulkey bldg.. cor. 2d and Morri son. MUST sell new -room bungalow; Dutch kitchen, deep porch, full lot. $2500; $3u0 down. $25 month; restricted district. $0$ Commercial block. $2730 New, modern 3-room bungalow, full lot, east front. 1185 Maryland ave. Inquire . at house or at 10t3 Maryland ave. Terms. NEW 4-room bungalow. 3 closets, pantry, facing carline. $100; $10 per month. In quire Mount Scott drugstore. Lents, from 2 till P. M. NEW Irvlngton home, 9 very large rooms, beautifully arranged and finished. $S5wO. AB 344. Oregonian. HOLLADAT PARK. 7-room modern house, complete. $5000; bargain; terms. Phone Main 2015. For Sale Houses. 8-ROOM modern, almost new residence. Mallnry ave. Full lot. east front. This must be sold regardless of price. Best bargain in Portland. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. A NEW. mortem 7-room bouse, extra well built, lot 5xll5. for sale by owner. 766 E. Gilsan, near 24th St. ABSOLUTELY ths best buy In Irvlngton Artistlo bungalow. 2 lots, hard-surface street. Get our figures and be convinced. Owner. 4l4 East 20th at. North. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, full plumbing, lot 80x100. all fenced. $500 cash, balance monthly. Portland Success Realty Go., THE .MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTE3IBER 9, 1909. HERE IS THB PICK OF THB CITY. If you want to see something flne. see that 6-room new borne on East 37th st, near Hawthorne ave. We can give you good terms on this. Prescott-street home of 6 rooms; flne lawn and flowers; only two blocks from car; $0o cash, balance of the $3000 easy terma If yon have $1000 cash and want a home that Is a home, here it is; rooms, flreplsce. furnace, two toilets, cement walks; everything that makes a home worth having; this place is on Hancock St.. within one block of the Rose City Park carline; the price is 370O. $1000 cash, balance $23 per month. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. S. E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. 10TH STREET CORNER. $5750 50x63 and near new 7-room house. SAVIER STREET LOT. $3750 50x100 and 5-room cottage. LITTLE BARGAIN. $2900 2 good houses; rent $27.00. SPLENDID HOME. $10.00f3 Fine corner, new modern 8 room house, also garage for automobile; Nob Hill district. WEST SLOPE MOUNT TABOR. -$0000 100x100, new modern 7-room house. You should see these before buy ing. FRED C. KINO. 60S Commercial Block, 3d and Washington Sts. TWO beautiful 6-room bungalows; gems; cement walks, paved streets, cement block retaining wall, full cement basements, - cement wash trsys, wood lift, eta; pan eled walls, beamed ceilings, plate rails, built-in buffets of art glass and beveled plate, art glass In windows throughout, art glass domes and shades, art glass doors in pantry. combination fixtures throughout, bathroom and kitchen in white enamel, balance In shades of brown; plenty closets, sink In pantry; one on cor ner, one next to corner of East 34th and Lincoln streets. Take Hawthorne car to Eaat 34h street, four blocks south, 1026 and 102S East Lincoln street. Corner $3250, inside one $:050. terms; no commis sion for agents. See owner at 1030 East Lincoln st. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. 8-roora modern Queen Anne house, large verandas and sleeping porch; garage; on paved street, 1 block from car; magnifi cent view of river and mountains, price, $7500; terma H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main StiuD. A 2653. LOTS. $225 40x!0 Tremont Place. $40 loxlOO, near car. $7o0 5OxS0, Tillamook st. S7.-r0 50x100, 3i h and E. Irving. $i25 5ixl00. 31 and Pacific. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO., 608 Gerllnger Bldg. READ THIS THEN' THINK. Lot 671x100: cheery trees, grapes, well kept lawn, house of 8 rooms, flne finished, first-class throughout; full basement, pan eled dining-room; the fullest description can give you no adequate idea what a good buy this is; convenient to two cariines and close in; price only $3250. W. M. CON KLIN ft CO., 40T Wells-Fargo Bldg. Main 2S58. A 174T. Or 28th and Division. Sellwood 49. MT. TABOR HOMES. 8- room modern house on 85x135 feet near Mt. Tabor car; price $4230, terms. 9- room modern house on corner 80x100 feet, 1 block from car; price $800(1, terms. 7-room modern house on lOoxlOO feet. V, block from car; prioe $9000, terms. All three of these houses are on high ground and have very fine views. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.. A 2853. Main 8699. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. For sale by owner, new and elegantly finished 6-room house, in, choicest district; large sleeping porches, view unexcelled; eays walking distance; price reasonable. AG 365. Oregonian. 10 PER CENT INCOME. Walking distance. 100x100. improved, containing 3 large modern houses, worth $7000. The lot alone Is worth $7500. The whole proposition can be bought for $1100, y, cash; this Is a swell proposition, on swell corner. In a swell district; don't miss this opportunity for a snap. 803 Cor bett bldg. Main 7491. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Built for my home: beaeutlful lawn, rose bushes, fruit trees, cement walks and basement, furnace, mission fixtures, flre- giaos, beamed celling in dining-room, andsome built-in sideboard, lot 65x100, east front: for sale by owner at cost price; terms- 1065 E. 15th North. Take Alberta car. BEAUTIFUL 8-room strictly modern new bungalow ; finest finish ; wash trays, wood lift, built-in sideboard, beamed ceilings, paneled dining-room; restricted district; fruit trees; close to 3-cent car, 10-mtnute service, 20 minutes out; $2750; small amount down, balance $15. Owner only. AN 365, Oregonian. $5O0 DOWN, balance monthly, for a new 6-room colonial home, on East Going st., corner; faces southeast; full basement, wash trays. 2 wash basins, bath, toilet, wired for electricity, piped for gas; built for a home; need some money; only $2700. If you want a snap and a good home, see this. Phone A 154S. Room 81, 268 Stark st. F. L Blanchard. SPLENDID 8-room house, finest location in Irvlngton, on Schuyler St., price $5000, week only; worth $6000. One choice 5-room bungalow, $4000; don't fall to see this. M. 3S:;o. C 1271. Room 500 Oregonian Bldg. W. H. Herdman. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A cosy cottage on corner lot with a good view and in a good neighborhood at the wary low price of $4000. on easy terms. R. F. BRYAN. 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 1227. LOOK AT THIS BUNGALOW. 6-room new, modern bungalow, 2 lot, beautiful fireplace, paneled dining-room, walls all tinted, washtrays. largo porch, only half block to Alberta car. Price, $2fltO, which is less than cost; a genuine bargain; terms. 305-6 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and Stark. Main 314S. FOR SALE, BY OWNER. Fine new residence. East Side, 7 rooms, magnificent view, ideal kitchen, cold-air cupboard, big fireplace, finest plumbing and electrio fixtures, full-sized basement with Royal hob-water heating system; your own terms. A 365, Oregonian. ALBINA COTTAGE. $1700. Neat 6-rocm cottage, and barn, full lot 60x100, on Mississippi ave., near Beach; you can pay some down, balance easy terms; this is a real bargain; come quiok. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak HOLLADAT ADDITION. On East 7th St., block from Broad way. 2 new fiats, full cement basement, cement sidewalk, street improved, facing east, bringing good Income, half cah. Portland Success Realty Co., Inc., 618 Board of Trade bldg. IRVLNGTON HOME. New modern house with good view, all street Improvements in; a bargain at the low price of $4850. VANDUYN 4 WALTON. 615 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL 8-room home on East Taylor St., full cement basement, furnace, gas and electricity, corner lot 80x66. tine lawn, half cash, balance 2 years 6 per cent. Portland Success Realty Co., Inc., 61$ Board of Trade Bldg. IP.VINGTON Nice 5-room Queen Anne cot tage with modern plumbing; nice concrete . basement, beautiful lot and nice fruit trees; $360a $610 cash. Phone Sunday, C 1290. C. F. Pfluger ft Co.. rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. New, modern, convenient; everything com plete; paneied dining-room, beamed ceilings. Dutch kitchen, very desirable; $3000, very easy terms. Clark-Cook Co., No. s Board of Trade. LOVEJOY ST. HOME. Good 7-room house, full lot. Nob Hill section, big value at $8000. VANDUYN ft WALTON. 615 Chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN New 8-room bungalow, 1170 Burrage su, 100 ft. from Killlngsworth ave.; take St. J. car to Greely st. Walking dls- tancs from new high school; terms. Owner, 1U96 Maryland ave. WHY PAY RENT 7 Yon never get rent money "back, bnt on the same monthly payments and $250 cash you can buy a new bungalow In a well improved district and besides havlsg a home of your own, you get tne oenent or en hancement in value; 5 rooms, Dutch kitch en. full basement, nice porch, tiled bath' room and kitchen, tinted walls, beam cell ing, large bedroom: price $2250. W. M. CONKLIN & CO., 407 Welle-Fargo BldgJ Main 2S59. A 1747, Or 1048 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 806. For Sale Business Property. EAST 12TH and Powell. 100x100 business comer, half cash, balance 2 years. Port land Success Realty Co., Inc.. $18 Board of Trade bldg. Miscellaneous. CHEAP ACREAGE. One acre Improved and lota of fruits: 6V room house; this to a good home and close to fine car service; $1500. One acre, improved, and 75 fruit trees and 5o car service; a 4-room box house, good land and lies nice; $11W. One acre, all improved, but no buildings; all In fruits; this la close in and well lo cated; $;250. One acre, close In, all Improved; a flne berry patch: $1700. 8 acres; 5 acres In fruits and hay; good 6-room houwe. good small barn and out buislings; flne location, convenient to elec trio and steam car; a fine little home; $2000. CITY HOMES. A 6-room house and lot 40x117. close to flne car service; this Is a fine proposition; party must sell: $700. A flne home with new 6-room house and Oxioo lot for $1000. A 60x100 lot and new 6-room house; ow ner lot. close to car; $1000. A flne lot 50x100 and 4-room house and one block from three cariines; 15 minutes' ride; $1000. Vacant lote In a choice location, from $850 up to $1500. Some very fine strictly modem homes; restricted district. EVERETT ft M'CLEOD. Room 617 Rothchild Bldg., 4th and Washington. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $2500 Fine corner lot, 2 blocks of car line: good view. all improvement paid; $1000 will handle this. $2000 Nine fine lots: good view. few blocks from car; you can sell these oft sep arately at a good profit; $800 cash will han dle. $3000 Good 6-room house; flne location and view; all Improvements paid; now. rent ing $22-50; 2 blocks from cor; $1000 cash will handle. $4.100 Modern 7-room houpe; flne view. 2 blocks from car: now rented $30; lees than cash will handle. See us for Height bargains. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO., 60S Gerllnger Bldg. FOR SALE A beautiful home at Oak Grove. Oregon City line; 80 minutes' ride; acres of ground, new 6-room house, pantry, storeroom, brick fireplace, 73 feet verandas, 200 choice roses In full bloom, 75 bearing grape vines. 300 bear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants, 60 bearing fruit trees of every description, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fenced and cross fenced, enough garden truck planted for good-ized family, every foot of ground cultivated; fine lawn around the house, dotted with select shrubbery, etc.. etc. Inquire on premises, Louis Brandt, Oak Grove. Or. RIVERFRONT HOMES ITES. Are getting scarcer and higher priced every day. We have two acres at Rockspur Sta tion, on Oswego branch S. P.. 22 mlnutea' ride from town; faces on river, 125 feet, flne treee; a beautiful building site. Price, $:00. half cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent; adjoining property held 100 per cent higher. Equity Investment' Co., 608 Ger llnger bldg. Main 3251. HOLLADAT HOUSE.' $1000 profit on your buy of a house built for a home, eight large rooms besides two bathrooms, hall and pantry, furnace, grate with fine mantel, paneled den, gas and e'.eo tric fixtures, cement cellar floor, cement washtubs. new flne paper, everything up to date; house Just repaired and painted. 411 East 12th street N., two blocks from the Broadway carline; flne neighborhood; cheap er than any property in that locality. Phones at my store East 1)2. B 1302 or at my home East 92. C. L. Boss. NO CHANCE AT ALL. $100 DOWN. $15 per month for a new, modern 4-room and bath now in construc tion: if bought now will be completed as you wish: one block from Mt. Scott car line at Lents; pri-e. $13.0. It you have a house started I will complete It for you. or If you have a lot I will build a house, or If you have a little money I buv the lot you like, build a house you like, you pay monthly payments. Money at 8 per cent per annum. EDWARD MILES. 121 Main St.. Lenta ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted 70 per cent of walnuts In Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plantings ever sold In Oregon, we feel our prop erties should invite consideration; $100 cash. 1j per month for each five-acre CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc.). Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Etark sts. 16 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 130 acres. $40 per acre; easy terma 15 acres In cultivation; old house and barni 8000 cords of wood on the place. 2 to miles from R. R. station; near Ore gon City; sell the wood at the usual price of $1 per oord and you have the land and $3200 as a present. 1.000.000 feet is finest saw timber. If you want It. call at once. THE CROSSLT COM PANT, 70 Corbett Bldg. 2 ACRES. All cleared and the very best of soil, lvlng right at the station of Covell on the Oregon City Electric carline; it is a beau tiful corner and a splendid location for a store or greenhouse; a fortune can be made there in a short time by the right party; only $1100, easy terms. THE DUNN-LA WRENCH CO., 248 Alder St 22 ACRES, 1 mile from Mount Angel. On railroad, close to station. No finer land in Oregon. Running water all year. 16 acres in cultivation. No buildings; $&5 per acre; half cash. 1 mile to high school and public school; adjoining land can be bought same price. 6ee owner, P. Reimers, 709 Corbett bldg. FOR RALE 156-acre ranch, good land, fair buildings, a good one, $0500; 40-acre ranch, close to town; a dandy, $130 per acre; Income bearing town property to exchange toward good farm; other prop erty for sale and exchange. C M. Critten den. Hubbard. Or. WHY buy a few acres at a high price when you can own an Interest in $000 acres at a price ranging from $7.50 to $30 per acre that is selling readily at $250 per acre 7 If you havo any Idle money. Investigate this. A 366, Oregonian. HOMEBUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. $1600 for fine full lots, improvements all in, walking distance, fine neighbor hood; all bargains. F. FUCHS, 221 H Morrison St. MODERN 6-room house: furnace, fireplace, stationary tubs; H block from carline, 1 blocks from Holladay School: owner leaving city. V 366. Oregonian, or call after 6 P. M., East 5439. TEN acres fruit land, 4-room house, good barn; must be sold at once, $1000: terms 51O0 down. 820 per month. PAUL E. CLELAND INVESTMENT CO, 622 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNER must leave city, so will sell his beautiful home, west slope Mt. Tabor. 9 rooms, electric lights, water, etc.; lot 75x 335. Price, $3000; terma Fred Broorja, Ml Tabor. NEW 4-ROOM modern bungalow, nice lawn. home, half block to Alberta car. Price, $1900. terms. 805-8 Lumbermen' bldg.. 6th and S:ark. Main 8148. SMALL fruit and chicken farm for sale, quarter mile from Columbia Beach prop erty. Address owner, box 30, R. F. D. L Warrenton, Or. WB have 5 or 6 cash buyers for 3 and 6 acre tracts with improvements already on. Particulars room 523 Lumber Exchange. FOR auythlng In Portland real estate see Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. LIST YOUR property with Sigel & Co.. 333 Morrison. Phonee Main 21S3. A 4f09. ACBEAGE. NICE acreage on the Oregon Electric all cleared and In potatoes, station at place, near Beaverton. seven miles from city; price $1.')H to $300. CHISM 613 Couch Bldg. 8 1-8 ACRES on Salem car. only 15 minutes' ride from Jefferson Station; call and we show you something fine. Portland Suc cess Realty Co., Inc., 613 Board of Trade bids. 60-ACRE FARM Near Tualatin, all cleared and In high state of cultivation, good new 2-story dwelling, flne roek potato cellar and granary; 2 large barns, everything convenient, 5 acres in bearing orchard, considered best farm near Tualatin, $225 per acre, half down, balance at 6 per cent. Improvements alone worth half the value of land; will sell 10 acres or any part In excess. THOMAS J. WARD. 806 Abington Bldg. Main 1975. SUBURBAN HOMES CLUB TRACT. O. W. P. Railway and Powell Val ley. . macadamized road. one or more acres cleared, with abundance of pure water piped under pressure ror ao mestlo and irrigation purposes; only 7 miles from business center; 10c carfare, free mail delivery; public school: electrio lights and telephone. Let us show you. GREEX-WHITCOMB CO., 24514 Washington St, Main 8033, A 4928. SOMETHING GOOD. 514 acres within 200 yards of Tlgard, all under plow, fenced with wire fence, good well at house, new o-room nouae, witn Dain room, pantry, cement basement, porches all around it, cement sidewalks, cowshed, chick en peas, 1 cow and 40 chickens; only $2750; $1600 cash balance can stand on place. CHITTENDEN, OTTO ft NBILL, 268 Stark sL, rooms 17 and 18. ATTTRArrrTVlD HOMES. Fine new modern home, corner, on East 6th near Broadway; $6000. New, modern home now building on E. 23d near Hawthorne ave.: hardwood, floors. sleeping porch, garage, paved streets; price $i0uO; terms to suit. SENG STAKE LYMAN, SO 5th St. FivE At Multnomah Station. $330, terms; 8 1-3 at Tigardville, fin garden land, $17.)l. $:C0 cash. 21 at Jenne, near Gresham. choicest In county, on R. R, running water, $400; one-third cash. FREDERICK C. FORBES CO., Lumbermen's, Fifth St. 8 ACRES. 11 miles from Courthouse, on O. W. P. electric line; surrounded by bearing apple orchard and cultivated po tato land; overlooks Columbia River; an ideal tract. Price $2400; terma H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. CHOICE acre tracts near the electric car line, all in a fine stato of cultivation, no stone or gravel, flne soil for any kind of fruit or vegetables, 6-10 or 20-acre tracts; price $100 per acre; easy terms. LANG-HILL LAND CO., 414 Abington Bldg., 106 ft Third St. "WHAT Walla Waiia wants Is you," and perhaps. If you investigate, you will want Walla Walla. Our valley Is an agricultural paradise; 1 our orchards are making good Send for booklet S. Commercial Club. Walla Walla. Wash. BROADMEAD. 6. 10 and 20-aere tracts; the most fer tile and productive land in the Willamette Valley. Inquire of COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. 5 ACRES, easy cleared, 7 miles from Port land or Oregon City carline: flne place for small fruit or a chicken ranch; will sell very cheap. J. M. Kerr & Co.. 268 Stark St., room 10. 141 ACRES near Altnona. Wash.; about $2000 worth growing hemlock, running stream all the year;, would be ' suitable for Summer resort; has house on place, value $1000. Ad dress Ed Elliott. Altoona, Wash. $20 PER ACRE 40 acres, 4 miles of Castle Rock, Wash.; $1300 worth of cedar and piling on it; A-l fruit land: spring creek on It, C. H. Piggott, owner. 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. 1 TO 10-acre tracts, finest cleared land, some beaverdam, on electric carline near Vancouver, on easy payments. Murphy & Caswell. 230 Stark st Vancouver of fice, 713 Main st. ACREAGE In large or small tracts on car line close In: choice river front; 600 acres to subdivide. Kinney & Stampher, 631 Lum ber Exchange bldg. A 4881. NUTLAND HILLS. 5 and 10-acre traots; easy monthly pay ments: no taxes. Inquire F. W. Power & Co.. 225 Henry bldg. HOOD RIVER acreage at $65 per acre. This Is the cream of the valley, with water rights. If interested, call at once. 410 Failing bldg. HOMESTEADS. MY PROPOSITION YOU PAY AFTER SEEING THE LAND If you do not nie you do not pay me any location fee what ever; there are no lfs or ands about it. We show you the ground, if it is what you want, you pay me, if not, you do not pay. I require no deposits. If the homesteads were not extra tine I could not afford to make such an offer. Am going in with special party with my own rig Monday evening, the 13th. to locate on fine ground near my homestead In Central Oregon, along the new railroad, this land la in a fine valley, near forest, deep, rich soil, no rock or stumps, all level and every foot cultivable; raise good crops without Ir rigation; good water 12 to 18 feet; saw mill, small town, school, rural delivery, dally mails; large oommunlty of fine peo ple now there; am making special rates on this trip; see me and arrange to go. Will be at office 9:30 A M. to 7 P. M. exctpt Sunday. ALVIN S. HAWK, Printer. 88V4 Third St, CHOICE CENTRAL OREGON HOME STEADS FREE. We have spent 6 months examining all the districts in the interior of Oregon where Government homesteads are still available and can save you valuable time and money if you will profit by our ex perience. We have taken homesteads there ourselves which we would not relinquish- fof $10,000 and can show you others equally as good. Rich, fertile val ley soil, plenty wood, abundance good pure water 14 to 25 feet deep, ideal climate, stores, schools, churches, sawmills and two railroads now under construction. See CITY BUSINESS EXCHANGE, J15 Commercial Bldg., Second and Washington Sts. CENTRAL OREGON. We can locate you on free Government homesteads of 820 acres, nearly all level; can be cleared for plowing for $3 per acre; railroads being built near or through the land; wood for fuel and grass for pasture; 20 to 30 feet of water; best of prospects for artesian wells; will grow grains, fruita and vegetables. This land Is being taken very fast; our man is now on the ground. Why miss this oppor tunity? It may never come again. THE STROUD-FRY CO.. 434 Chamber of Commerce. I CAN locate you on best land left In Ore gon, near my homestead; either 160 or 320 acres; no rock or stumps; every foot can be plowed; water 10 to 80 feet; homes for all who come early. Courtois, 314 Gerllnger bldg. 8 HOMESTEADS and 4 relinquishments. H bottom land, left: all easily cleared; on a stream of living water; near Portland. Call P. D. Q-. 14 Mulkey bldg.. cor. 2d and Morrison. 20,0 00 ACRES, no rock, gravel or hard pan, R. F. D., telephone and R. R., $750 to $10 per acre. 818 Lumbermens bldg. Phone M. 6162. HOMESTEAD relinquishments in timber. Call room 21, Russel bldg. Tel. Main 9301. FOR SALE 40-acre apple land homestead. cheap; near Hood River. V 3tu. Oregonian. FOR SALE TLUBLR LANDS. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR TIMBER 7 Over 6000 acres, well bunched, large per cent sugar pine; cheap; thia is your op portunity to get a bargain. 40,000.000 fen of fine timber, well lo cated, for only $25,000. 400-acre ranch, well equipped, over 15, 000.000 feet of excellent timber, every thing Included to run ranch, for $21,600. Full description at office. 160 acres, close to R. R.. county road and river, excellent fruit land; about S.OOO.OOO feet of good timber; price $2500. Have many large and small tracts of timber: perfect titles. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. S29 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. TIMBER lands for sale, 80,000,000 feet, 300,- 000.000 feet and several smaher tracts, wen located; cruUes will be furniehed responsible buyer. BLAIR ft RUSSELL. 4v3 Abington Bldg. AM forced to sell good timber claim in Olatsop tjounty at aiuu. aee owuer, tiu Failing bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney & Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER AND ' HOMESTEAD relinquish, jnents. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. A MODEL FARM. Located on the Willamette River, SO miles from the city and 1 mile from R. R. town, school and churches; a nice trout stream through the place, county road and boat landing: the soil Is second to none In the valley and the view from the bouse of the Willamette River and the surrounding coun try cannot be duplicated. The buildings are all in good condition, all kinds of fruit for family use; this farm contains 70 acres, 45 of which is in a fine state of cultivation, balance timber and pasture; r.o waste land; It's a bargain at SSuvO. with god easy terms: all the stock, tools, grain, hay, gar den, etc., can be had at a very low figure; If you are looking for one of the best self supporting homes in the Willamette Vailey, don't overlook this one. Geo. W. Turner, 416-17 Rothchild bldg. JOIN OUR REGULAR SATURDAY EXCUR SION TO RICHLAND. LEAVING OUR OFFICE AT 5 P. M.. RETURNING SUN DAY EVENING OR LATER; SO-DAY TICKET; LAND SELLING NOW AD JOINING OUR NEW TOWNSITE FOR $125 PER ACRE, WITH WATER RIGHT. WENATCHEE LAND. WHICH IS IN THE SAME VALLEY. SAME KIND OF LAND. SOLD FOR THE SAME PRICE 10 YEARS AGO; NOW IT IS SELLING AS HIGH AS $4000 - PER ACRE. BUY BE FORE THE IMPROVEMENT, WHILE PRICES ARE LOW. RICHLAND LAND CO., A W. HOVER, MANAGER. PHONES, A 1743, MAIN 1743. 110 SECOND STREET. 20 ACRES 10 acres A-l beaverdam soil, best onion land In the state, bal. In pasture, easily cleared; all fenoed; small house, good-sized barn; 10 miles from Portland. mile from R. R. station, fare 30c; good family orchard. 8 first-class Jersey cows, 1 good horse, wagon, heavy harness, 1 top buggy, light harness, 1 60O-!b. capacity De Laval " cream separator, mower, rake, plow, 200 chickens. 40 turkeys, pigs, 1 heifer calf, hay In barn for stock, potatoes and other garden truck, good living stream on place; everything ready, nothing- to buy; price $4000, $2o00 down, 5 years on bal., 6 per cent. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. FINE FARM. 40 acres; 30 acres in high state of cul tivation, 2 acres of flne apple orchard and all kinds of small fruits; large, modern 7-room house, with all water connections; 2 good barns and wagon sheds, large wind mill and tank, 1 fine team. 4 good cows. 1 yearling, 16 hogs, 2 dozen chickens; 2 good wagons, 1 heavy. 1 light. 1 buggy, mnwer and rake, all harness, seed drill, all kinds of farm Implements and tools; 13 mile from Portland on good gravel road; 2 miles from R. R. and electrio line; price $5750. $30O0 cash, balance long time. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. LOOK AT THESE FOR BARGAINS. 10 acres, half mile station; proposed electric line along the place. 1 acre under plow, small houBe, 600 cords of wood; this is located in the finest fruit and wal nut section of the country; only $100 per acre; terms. 3 acres, all cleared, right at station, postoftlce, store, churches and school; house, poultry houses and parks; large bearing fruit trees of apples, pears, prunes and cherries; price $1500, half cash. THE DUNN-LA VVRENCB CO.. 248 Alder St. 10 ACRES- 11 miles from Portland. H mile from R. R. station, 100 roos from good graded school; all in cultivation, some full bearing fruit trees, about 6 acres black swale land, equal to beaverdam. balance of soil Is sandy loam; fairly good 4-room house and good barn; well at house, all fenced, telephone line, daily mall. Hazelwood cream route; located in a thickly settled commun ity, cn main traveled section line road: nj gravel, soil adapted to gardening and small fruit; price $2tH, y, cash, balanoe 6 years. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. DESIRABLE UNDERWOOD FRUIT LANDS. 80 acres, best soli In Underwood, 2 miles from R. R. station; a dandy fruit ranch that will appeal to people of discriminating taste; deep red shot soil; grand view; 33 acres In cultivation, mostly In trees from 1 year to 10 years old; cozy house; best buy in Underwood for a man of moans; we have seen It, CHAPIN ft HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. OAK PARK FRUIT FARM. 120 acres, all under cultivation. In the Justly celebrated Red Hill orchard lands of Salem, Oregon, unsurpassed for apples, cherries, pears, prunes, walnuts or for small fruit; entirely surrounded by bear ing orchards; macadam roads to Salem, good water, R. F. D-, telephone, church and school; nothing better anywhere for fruit; will sell as a whole or in tracts to suit. For terms call or write to owner, H. H. Smith, 468 East Washington st-, Portland. Or. BUY HTTHER HOOD FRUIT LANDS. 20-acre tracts, cleared, all ready for plant ing, with or without buildings; cash, easy terms. You can't buy better land on earth Everybody likes Hither Hood. Call and get our booklet. Just oft the press, and make arrangements to go out in our machine. You will never regret your trip. Call today. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. GREATEST BARGAIN IN OREGON. Stock and dairy ranch, 675 acres: R. R running through place; 1 mile to station; about 100 acres bottom land; about 50 In cultivation; has good 7-room house, 3 large barns, about 3 acres in orchard, H acre berries, 3 acres potatoes, about 30 or 40 tons of hay in barn; 24 cattle, most ly cows, 130 goats, 20 sheep. 7 hogs and lots of farm Implements and household goods, all go for $21 per acre; good terms. Lincoln Invr Co., room 301, 2-S6 Wash. st. 40 ACRES, fairly level, small house, barn, etc., 1 Vi miles from station, acres In cultivation, 4 chicken-houses. 200 bearing trees, 25 acres fenced for pasture, run ning water, team, 2 cows, 4 pigs, 150 chickens, 15 turkeys, ducks, bee stands, furniture. 5 tons hay, cash or trade $2100; easy terms. ROSE CITY REALTY & INV. CO., 515 Lumber Exchange Bldg. SELF-SUPPORTING homes in tho glorious Lake District, Southern British Columbia, for $10 cash and $10 per month, for 5 acres; annual profits several hundred dol lars per acre growing fruit, without irriga tion; delightful climate, warm Winters, cool Summers, scenery, fishing, hunting, boating. Information free. Write today. Whatshan Orchard Association, Dept. 17. Box 1, Nelson. B. C. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN 7 40 acres 14 miles of electrio car; all In high state of cultivation; 20 acres of It fine apple trees. 6 years old, now full of fruit; has fine house, -8 rooms; a No. 1 barn. 15 tons of hay, 10 cows, good team, wagon and harness and other tools: all for $6O0O, l cash, balance to suit; 6. acrea potatoes. Lincoln Investment Co., 801-26 Washington St. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND OPENING UNDER CAREY ACT. Conrad-Valley project, Montana, 70.000 acres of fine grassy prairie under irrigation: draw ing Oct. 7, 1909; must register for drawing before Oct. 7; can register by mail. For in formation and blanks write M. W. WAY MAN,' Valler. Mont., or 1193 Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. WHAT Walla Walla Wants is You. Presi dent Roosevelt said: -Walla Walla made the pleasantest impression on my mind of any city I visited in the Northwest." The surrounding valley is an agricultural para dise. It is making good. Send for book let S. Ask questions. Commercial Club, Walla Walla. Wash. A HIGHLY Improved farm 16 miles from city, 125 acres, about 90 in cultivation. Al buildings; will trade for Portland propertv. What have you? Show me. Call 320 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. INDEPENDENCE AWAITS TOU IN IDAHO. A 10-acre Arft-is ukumaku assures It- MAIR & FRALL 2 Lumbermen's. BROADMEAD. 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts; the most fer tile and productive land in the Willamette Valley. Inquire of COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade Bldg. ALL kinds of Clark County. Washington, farms. Murphy ft Caswell. 230 Stark at. Vancouver office, 712 Main St. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. GEO. W. TURNER. Farms. Acreage. Real Estate and Exchanges. 4ib-i7 Kothchim .mag. ALL good ones; see us. Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bids- WANTED TXMBLR LANDS. WANTED. TIMBER LANDS Are in mar ket for pine In Eastern uregon, irom 100 acres up, send description and price first letter. F 337, Oregonian. I AM In the market for large or small tract of timber; give location, v sia uregunian. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. Mccracken, 304 McKay bldg. )3 400 ACRES 90 acres under cultivation, bal ance in pasture; every foot of land is till able when cleared, no waste: located 24 miles from R. R. station. In one of the best dairy and stock sections of the Willamette Valley, land lies rolling and Is splendidly adapted to fruit and walnuts; all under good fence; plenty of water: a fair house, some fruit and outbuildings: price $10.00". " $1000 cash and will take up to $5000 in, good unincumbered improved or unimproved Portland property or good acreage near Portland. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. WILL trade lVg acres, or psrt. orange land, all in cultivation, near San Diego. Cal., value $9000. 120 acres best timber land in Lewis County, value $4000; on rl3r. near saw mill. 30 acres, adjoining City of Vancouver, Wash., 2 blocks from car; plenty water: large demand for 1 and 5-acre tracts; $2750 cash will handle, balance $4000 can stand; for subdivision proposition this is a snap. Call 326 Washington St . room 613. 40 ACRES, south of Beaverton, surveyed into 10-acre tracts, uncleared. 1300 cords wood, some good garden land on this tract; would exchange for Portland resi dence from 8th to 20th, Weldler to Haw thorne, or good lot on West Side up to $6000 and pay cash difference; price of this tract $4000; owners only. The Stroud Fry Co., 4o4 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD BARGAIN Equity In house In Sun nyslde; 2 blocks car; 5-room modern bungalow: lot 50x100; street grsded and cement sidewalks; price $2S0t; equity $r20; rest easy payments: will sell on terms or trade. Room 301, 266 Wash. St., or phone Main 7685. MOST desirable home site east of Irvlng ton; sightly 14 block, surrounded by fine homes, southwest cor. Tillamook and Sorb, sts. ; would take part payment In Plppin st. lots along now carline to Swift's. E. F. Ferris, Hillsdale, Or. WILL sell or trade for farm or city prop erty, 160 acrea of flne white oak timber land, about 70 miles from St. Louis, Mo. Pullman Car Co. will buy all lumber; can clear $25,000. A 367, Oregonian. R. R. STOCK Will exenange for team of horses or fresh cows; lot to trade for mining stock. If you want to trado, sea ' Young Bros., 612 Gerllnger bldg. HIGH LOT, facing MV carline. $10 down. $10 month; 14 acres fruit land, near Beaverton, for small place. Owner Tabor 1463, H 333, Oregonian. EXCHANGE. A good tract of land near Woodhum, Or.; will trade for any kind of income bearing property. Room 523 Lumber Ex. change. HAVE first-class Portland property for im 1 proved farm near Portland; can pay cash difference; value to $25,000. F 372. Ore gonian. WISH to exchange vacant lots for furniture for 6 or 6-room cottage or fiat. Call Main 2156. 783 Johnson st. 4 LOTS In coast town, will sell or ex change for fresh cows or good driving hor&e. loung Bros.. Gcrlinger bldg. COUNTRY HOTEL Will exchange for Portland realty; good money maker; posi tive business. Address O 371, Oregonian. WHAT have you to exchange for Income and vacant Chicago real estate? Want ma chinery. N 305, Oregonian. YOU can trade any krnd of property at room 10i9 Board of Trade. 8 LOTS. Chicago, 111., unimproved; want city, suburban or beach. Box 740. TIMBER claim near Columbia River; want Height! or Council Crest. Box 740. 1500-ACRE wheat ranch; take one-th(rd, balance long time. 252 Worcester bldg. IF you have anything to trade, call 822 Henry bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATtL i WANT at once 5 or 6-room modern cot tage or bungalow on large lot; must he worth the money, about $2500; also want lot in Irvlngton. Phone Main 314S or write AG 308, Oregonian. WANTED Nice corner lot. good neighbor hood, modern 6 or 7-room house, for " about $6000 cash; nothing but good values considered. F. FUCHS. 221H Morrison St. WANTED A residence on the West Fide; state location and price. AE 372, Orego nian. I WANT to buy acreage, improved or unim proved, from 10 to 20 miles out. X 365. Oregonian. 1 HAVE $50,000 to Invest In paying or good business or vacant 14 blocks. AG 370, Oregonian. " WANTED FAKM9. WANTED One or two good farms within a radius of 30 mllee of Portland for East ern buyers arriving next month: price must be right. Before taking buyer will send our representative to investigate. Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay bldg.. Portland, Or. AT ONCE. Good farm lands suitable for dairy and fruit farm: also good hog ranch; must be near water and railroad transportation. E. Bloom & Co., 426 Lumber Exchange. FARMS wanted from 40 to SO acres, within 25 miles of Portland; have clients wait ing for same. Dave Lewis, 627 Board of Trade. WANTED Farm, of owner, close to Port land. Norman R. Lewis. 319 Chamber of Commerce. FRUIT LANDS. WESTERN HOOD APPLE LANB. Call for our free booklet descriptive of this favored fruit section; unsurpassed for commercial apple raising claimed by practical orchnrdists: it will pay you to investigate NOW while prices are still very reasonable: if interested, call and let us show you the best fruit proposi tion on the market easily accessible to Portland. VANDUYN ft WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons 10 rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day. week, or month, phones East 72; B 1309. Haw thorne Stables, 120 Hawthorne ave. PAIR big horses, weigh 81x10 lbs., good workers; pair mares, weight 1100 ea.'h; team, horse and mare, weight 25'iO lbs., taken on mortgage and will be sold 10 highest offer. Man in charge at Exposi tion hiables, 10th and Washington sts. FOR SALE 3 fast race horses, trotter and pacer, young' and sound; must be sold or exchange for gentle family drivers. Han sen, old Irvlngton racetrack. PAIR big horses, weigh 2550 lbs. sound and true every way: set heavy, sawed trace harness, all complete; half cash, balance to suit. Call today. 49 N. 4th. $125 BUYS good team bay mare and gray horse, both good workers every way; also good pair horses, weigh 1100 lbs. Prico $145. Call 616 Washington si. FOR SALE One span of tine young horses, weighing 2700 lbs.; these are beauties and true as steel. Phone East 4S04: C 1477. 226 Russell St. YOUNG, sound team horses, 4 and 5 years old. weight 900 lbs. each, P4-ton goose neck furniture wagon, complete. $250 cash. Amstey Bros.. 325 1st st. HORSE for sale, thoroughbred, combina tion, high school, gentle and kind, all gaits. Austin, room 4, 362 Washington. YOUNG team of horses. 2800; also driving horse and rubber-tire buggy. 38 17th su North. BEAUTIFUL Shetland pontes for sale. W. T. Blnkley. Woodburn. Or. FOR SALE A good delivery mare, 7 years old. cheap. 11& North 16th st. 81O0-POUND team and wagon, earning $8 a day; Job goes with team. 306 Failing. MOST stylish pony in city for riding or driving. Harrington. 495 East Davis st. HORSE, 8 years, good for delivery or buggy for sale. Inquire Star barn. 3u8 Front st. WANTED Team, 5 to S years old. 3200 weight, sound. 164 N. 7th st. WANTED To buy horse weighing about 1100. Phone East 4SW4. HUBERT ft HALL, 8S0 Front, Buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rlga. AT Union Stockyards, 2 young sorrels, small, $56; 1 4-year-old. brown, $26. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. 1