TIIE MORXIXG OREGOMAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1909. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOXIAN IELEPHO.NES. Counting-Roam ... City Circulation.... XianiciDg Editor... CunJay l-ldit-jr Cimp 'Sing-room .. Cur fld.;or SuDt- ItuildlnKS. Pac States. Home. . . .Mzjn 7o7rt A B'J5 ...Main 7070 A 8'V5 ...Main 7"70 A 6V5 ..Main 7070 A Of.'l ...Main 7r70 A )S ...Main 7l70 A ''U . . .Main 770 A ii)l)5 AMISEMEXT8. ' BUXOALOW THEATER (Twelfth and Mor rison The International Grand Opera Co. This afternoon. 2:13 o'ciork. Oounod's "Faust." Tonlg-hl S IS. Verdi's Ktgo letto." OHPHEL'M THEATER (Xorrlson. Mta Sixtir and Seventh Advanced vauda Tllie. Matinee at 2:13 Tonight at S:15. GRAND THEATER (Washington, betweer Seventh and Park) Vaudeville d luxe 2:30.. T:30 and 8 P. M. PANTAGES THEATER (Fourth and Stark) Contlouou vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 1:30 P. M. 1.TP.IC THEATER (Seventh and Alder) Athnn Stock Company In "A Runaway Matl." Tonltht at S.15. TAR THEATER Movlnir-plcture Ihow every afternoon and evening. 2 to 10:30 o'clock. . OAKS 0. W. P earllne.) Concert bj Donatelll's Italian band. Thla afternoon - at 2:30 and tonight at 8:13. -RECREATION PARK. (Twenty-fifth and VnuKhnt Baseball. Vancouver va, Port- IaniL This afternoon at 3.3a TrtEODOBK Kruse Married. Theodora Kruse. proprietor of the Louvre, km married yesterday to Mrs. Marie E. j well-known, hotel man. The ceremony was performed by Res-, f. 'SVhitcomb I Brought and took place at Gearhart. Mrs. Kruse formerly conducted the Lenox Hotel after the fleam oi air. Daggett and recently has been employed at the Louvre by Mr. Kruse. The couple left Portland lam night on the Southern Pacific train to San Francisco. After a f?w days' visit at San Francisco they wl!I proceed to New York, and then cross the Atlantic- to Germany for a short tour through Europe, They will return to Portland to make their home. Five Hocrs in Storm. The yacht Ter rier has Just returned from a two weeks', cruise down the Columbia , River ' to Astoria. . In the party were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Backenstos. Miss Emma Bordy and Byron Barr. The trip down the river a'u made in good time, but the yacht was caught in a storm in the bay at Astoria for five hours before finally making a landing. V. C. T. U. Meets TodaT. There will be an Important meeting of the TV. C. T. L.. this afternoon' at 2:30 o'clock, at Its rooms in the Goodnough building. A number of matters of moment will be considered and a full attendance la de sired. . P. P. Yousa silk lisle hosiery all colors 65 extra quality. 290 Morrison at. Rosenthal Sister. Hairdressers ana manicurer9. SO 7th. bet. Stark and Oak. Seb the real live kids in F. P. Young", window this week. 290 Morrison street. r Finest rotation In city , for meat market. AX 355. Oregonlan. FRATERNAL DAY IS SET flELLI TO SING GILO A' i j PORTLAXD SOPRANO TO AP ! PEAR IX "RIGOI.ETTO." i Verdi's Opera to Be Presented at I J Bungalow Tonight "Faust" . I This Afternoon. "Rigoletto," Verdi's most charming opera and one of the everlasting flow ers of achievement of the last century, will be prese-.ited by the International Grand Opera Company at the Bungalow Theater, Twelfth and Morrison streets, tonight. Familiar to thousands through every medium, Rigoletto" still remains the most popular- opera of the day, and SWEDISH MGHTI.CALG WILL RE HEARD AS GII.DA OI ' UIGOLETTO." , LODGES MAKE DATE FQR LIVE STOCK SHOW. Rare Tree Is Found. Rev! Andrew J. 3Iontomety. Rev. H. H. Pratt and party, whli? at Mount Hood this year, found In the Salmon P.iver meadows a very rare tree called Hail's birch, which was dis covered at Mount Jefferson two . years ago by Professor Briedwell, of the Ore gon Agricultural Ooliece, and not sup posed to exist outside of Mount Jeffer son. Lake Lablsh and Alaska. ) mte at Mount Jefferson a year ago Rev. Mr. Mor.tKonv?ry -undertook to' locate the birch discovered by Professor Briedwell, but failed to find It. However, the tree was found on the Slmon River meadows, where there Is an open space of between . 10 and acres. -Specimens of the leaves and branches wre secured, some? - of which will be sent to Professor Sar- gert. of Harvard University, who pome time apo sent a renurst for them to Rev. Mr. , Montgomery. Constder Pastor's Transfer. A meeting- of the congregation of the Third Prerbyt.'rian Church. East Pine street, "will he held Thursday . nisrht, Sptembor ?7. to act on the call of .Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery to the S?cond Presbyterian Church, of Oak Tark. Chicago. The church will be asked to Join with the pastor In aking the Portland Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relations througii commissioners appointed by the congrega tional meeting. Portland Presbytery will convene October 4. so the question can be settled then by that body. Rev. Mr. Montgomery sa'd yesterday lie hoped to ba released In time to begin hJLs work at tr:e Oak Park Church the second or third Sunday in October. Work ox New Churches. Rev. H. C. Shaffer, of Tremont. announces that the United Brethren chapel undfr construc tion In that district will be completed and occupied next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. It will be part of the main build ing to be erected later. For the South Mount Tabor Church excavations (or the b.isement are under way. Mr. Shaffer was Rt Amboy. near Vancouver, Sunday and fiyY) was raised for the erection of a new church. He estimates that Jisoo will finally be raised for this church. He ie general superintendent of the extension work for the conference and Ms district extends into Washington. At Vancouver a large, new church is being erected. Pastor Isj-tred bt Thorn. Rev. W. T. Jordan, pastor of the Central Baptist Church, ended his vacation ppent on his fmlt farm In the Klickitat County, by a ristt 'to a physician's office Monday to ' txtract a thorn, which had penetrated a Jnger of the left hand. It had pene trated the finger deeply, and it was necessary to cut it out. Under" vthe operation Dr. Jordan fainted from the pain and " H was three hours before he was able to leave the office. Yesterday . he. Mill' was weak from the 'effects of the) operation. Iir. Jordan spent a strenuous vacation looking " after his larce fruit farm. Rev. A. Showers Injured. Rev. 'A. Showers, who was to take charge of the First United Brethren . Church, Kast Fifteenth and. East Morrison streets. September 5. was so badly Injured a few days ago that he will not be able to come to Portland until about October. Rev. Mr. "Showers . was attacked by a bull, and narrowly escaped being killed. He was seriously gored by the 'animal be sides receiving severe brukes. He is at present at Tjlodgett, Or.,- where the In juries wen? received. Addition to Cost JlrW.oO. Over H50, !") will be expended by HfTius, Greonoush V Thomson, owners of the Chamber of " Commerce butldtns:. in elevating the structure two additional stories. The ow ners " have been In consultation with Architect D. L Williams for several davs and it is expected that their final decision will he reached today. Should the proposed plans carry the Chamber of Commerce building will be a ten-story structure and will contain nearly SoO aptrtmnte. . Two Change Their Names. Frank Settjtast was yesterday granted the right to chantre his name to Frank Holton. Judge Webster also granted the same privilege to Wade Hampton LimbauRh. Mr. I.lmbaiieh will hereafter be known as WaiTe Hamilton Moreland. The change was desired by reason of the fact that the spelling and pronunciation of his former name was a source of consider able confusion. - A KrsivESS Ri-orK for the man of busi ness. The Oregonlan building. Your name belongs in our building directory; your business belongs in our building. Call a-V room 301. Notice Attoists. "Having just completed the Installation of a complete plant for the charging, car) and repair of storajre batteries, of all types" we suggest it .might be to your advantage to let lis take care of your Ignition equipment. Covey Motor-Car Co. H. W. Rand Delegate. Governor Ben-, son has appointed H W. Rand, a prAni r.ent mining man of Portland, as a dele gat? to the American Mining Congress which meets at.Goldfield, Nev., Septem ber .7 to October 2. For Rent. The new six-story building,' on Fifth, near Stark street, adjoining the I.umH'rmens:' will be subdivided to suit tenant-". Apply Wadhams & Co., Fourth ai:d Oak s'jvets. Tns Portland Dental Srvciety will hold a meeting in Dr. Earl .McFarland-s office. Swetlnnd bldg., tills evening at 8 o clock. All members requested to be present. Opportuxitt. A practical baker can lr.';irn of " a good proposition by calling upon I. Gevertz. 173-5 First street. l'REB to' Men. Pr. Taylor's llO.nno museum, now open, admission free, 234 Morrtenn street, corner Second. "LcrFERTS" pure gold seamless wedding rings all sizes; engraving free; price, 5 to 112. 2T2 Washington street. - Prestige uaisid ny a miing location. Insure yourself by taking space in The Oregonian building. Call , at room 301., JTa.'XO Diamond Displat Is. attracting much attention at Marx & Block's new store, 2sS Morrison street, see it. i v rro) Diamond Collar Don't fail to Opening at Milner, Idaho, feeptem- OrganUations Committee Sejects September 21 for Celebration. . Programme to Be Arranged. Tuesday. September 21, has been se lected as Fraternal day at the Livestock. Show.' to be held during the week begin ning September 220. Members Of various fraternal committees who met as a gen eral committee at the Commercial Club last night, predict that Fraternal day will break all records In point of attendance. Fourteen fraternities sent delegates to the meeting last night to assist in outlin ing plans for a successful turnout. A programme committee was selected from the delegates in attendance. Tom Richardson, secretary of the Commercial Club, in a brief address compared the livestock product of the Middle West with that of Oregon." showing the advantages of ths local market com pared with those farther east. City -Auditor Barbur was selected chairman of the general committee and presided at the meeting last night. S. C. Bradley was elected secretary ef the gen eral committee. One delegate from each fraternal order was chosen to serve on the programme committee. At an in formal meeting of the programme com mittee a committee of three was selected. to arrange a programme for Fraternal day. The committee on events consists of G. C. Moser, J. W. Sherwood and E. House. - The programme committee is: George Hazen. Royal Arcanum: A. L. Flnley, A. F. and A. M. : T. H. Fearey. A. O. U. W.; Gus Moser, B. P. O. Elks; Dr. A) C. Smith. A. O. H.; C. B. Merrick, Knights of Columbus; A. Dalglty, Foresters of America: J. A.-Jeffery, Fraternal -Brotherhood; L. Dammasch, F. O. Eagles: W. W. Jacques, Grand Army of the Republic; L. Carstensen. Redmen: D. N. Mosessohn, B'nal Brith: A. N. Gambell. I. O. O- F. ; Otto Kleemann. Indian War Veterans: J. W. Sherwood. Knights oT the Maccabees: 1. R Stinson. K. of P. : E. House, K. of P.; J. W, Rtmmona, Modern Woodmen of America: Henry Hanno, -Portland Social Turn Vereln: J. P. Fourner. Orangemen: W. S. Phelps. Order of ' Reindeers; John Matthlson, Sons of Herman: David Pennl, Druids: Bmll Butler. United Artisans: Adolph Woelm, Spanish-American - War Veterans, and Frank Mbtter, Woodmen of the World. FULLER SENT TO FRESNO Ixx'al Weather Forecaster Trans- . ferred to California. ' Local Forecaster Fuller, who haa been stationed at the Portland weather office for the past five months under District Forecaster Beals, received orders from Washington, D. C, yesterday to take immediate charge of the Weather Bureau at Fresno. Cat. He will leave Saturday morning for his new position. "Fresno, the center of the raisin industry. Is one of the most important weather stations-in California and is considered a very good assignment, although U gets pretty hot there sometimes during- the Summer. While here Mr. . Fuller has made an enviable record and his transfer is re gretted. At Fresno he will relieve Fore caster Bolton, who has resigned after many years of service. Before coming to Portland Mr. Fuller was for ten years forecaster at Los Angeles. . His suc cessor at the local office has not been named. , PERSONALMENTION. J. L. Marens. commercial agent of the Cotton Belt line, of Kansas City, Mo., visited Railroad row yesterday. M. Thomson, a Seattle capitalist, ' !s registered at the Oregon Hotel. He will spend several days here In the Interests of his business. Attorney Ralph R. Duniway. who has bean In Seattle for a week with his fam ily attending the A.-Y.-P. Exposition, re turned Monday night. ' . i F. T. Bentley. 'of Chicago, traffic man ager of the Illinois Steel Company and the Indiana Steel Company, visited local railroad men yesterday. E. J. Stoll. traveling freight agent for the New York. Chicago & St. Louis Nickel Plate Road), has located here, with officers In the Chamber of Com merce building. 1 J. P. Baird, general freight agent of the Northern Pacific Railroad, with of fices In St. Paul, pass-4 . through 'Port land yesterday and called at the various railroad offices In the city. Two of the Senators of Canada, John Yeo. of Prince Edward Island, and W. Thompson, of New Brunswick, spent Sunday and Monday in Portland. They were favorably Impressed with the city and left Monday- night .for Los Angeles and - Denver. Mr. Yeo visited Friday with Mr. MacNelll. of this , city, as 60 years ago they were together in the island Legislature. GREAT CAREY ACT LAND se- It In tlie window of Marx & Block's r.e-v store. 23 Morrison street. .- F. P. T00 ! showing new Fall models in La Tosca corsets. 2C) Morri son street. Thb Oreookian, Building has a few choice 'office rooms for rent. Call at room 201. Shipherd's Springs, Is the place for you. E. L Slapherd, manager. Turkish. Electric Baths. - B. L. Turney, 2-1 Drexel bldg , 2d and Yamhill. "uai A Printers. W FlraA sU . ber 20th at 10 Q'CIcok. Write for booklet to the Twin Falls Oakley Land & Water Cornpany, Milner, Idaho. ' ' ' . WHERE TO DINE. . AIL the delicacies o- the season at tha Portland restaurant: fine prlvats apart ments tor ladies. 20a Wash, near Fifta. t. ' Madame N'orelll. everywhere it is presented, capacity bouses are the rule. Madame Moreiu, who will be heard in the role of Gllda nas a pure, ricn voice ana can re&cii two notes beyond high C with -positive ease causing one to hold one's breath for surprise that the human voice can attain such clarity and volume. Signor Bari, the famous tenor, sings the role of the Duke of Mantua, which Is. said to be his best role. Mile. G. Strauss, whom the San Francisco press refer to as the velvety-voiced Ameri can, will be heard In ' the role of Maddelena. Signor Arcangeli sings the title role and will be heard at his best, as in the character of Rigoletto he has made himself famous. Other members of the company who will be heard are Signor Oteri, Franscona Giuliani and Kaplan. Instead of Verdi's "IV Trovatore," which was announced for this after noon's performance, Gounod's "Faust" will be given with the following cast: Margaret Mme. Bertoesl Evbel. Martha Mile. Zarad Faust.) ' M. SamoilolT Valentine M. Zara Warner M. Franscona Mepnletophelea. , .". M. Cervt Following will be the repertoire for the remainder of the week: Thursday night, "Rusttcana II Pagliacci"; Friday evening, "Carmen"; Saturday matinee, "La Traviata"; Saturday evening: grand composite bill, "L'Amico Fritz," "Rus tlcana Pagliacci." All the principals will appear. WILL SING SEPTEMBER 15 Miss Harwas to Be Assisted by John f laire Montelth. The many friends of Miss Elizabeth Harwas will be glad to know that she Is to appear in concert before leaving for the Winter. Miss Harwas has sev eral plans for her future work under consideration, and one of which will mean a career for her. Her wonderful voice with Its ;warmth of coloring and dramatic quality, as well as her charm ing personality, has won for her many friends who have expressed themselves as glad of this opportunity to show their appreciation in a substantial way. Miss Harwas will sing a number of arias and German, French and English songs and will be assisted by John Claire Monteith, baritone. The evening of September 15 has been set as the date of the concert, and the Masonio Temple at West Park and Yamhill has been engaged. . T COAL ' Retail; or car lots mine direct. Crystal Ice & Storage Co., 432 E. Salmon St. FELLOWS GROCERY CO. GROCERIES AND MEATS ' Rose City Flour, per saek.Sj1.70 Quaker Oats, 3 pkgs. for.". ..25 Grape Nuts, 2 pkgs. for 25 Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. for. 25 Violet Oats, 2 pkgs. for .25 Economy Cream, per doz. . . .75 Mt. Rainier Cream, per doz.,05 Carnation Cream, per doz.$1.00 Apples, per gallon can. . . . . .25 Apricots, per gallon can 30? Pears, per galloH can. . . . . . .35 Peaches, per gallon can.,...35 MASON FRUIT -JARS Pints, per dozen....... 55 Quarts, per dozen 65 Half GalIons,-per dozen 85 Extra Covers, per dozen. . . . .23 Jelly Glasses, per dozen. ... .35 Jar Rubbers, 3 dozen for....25 Pound Paraffine Cakes 2 for.25 Fly Paper, per box. .35 349-351 Oak St. 348-350 Ankeny St. Both Phones 2596' PORTLAND, OREGON Tne V Concentration of one's business saves time, avoids complications and worry. i -. . " We are equipped to handle all business pertaining to a modern Trust Company. Banking -Trusts Real Estate Insurance V Rentals Ca.Il for oar Statement and Book of TtXrSTBATIONS.,r - Portland Trust Company j of Oregon S. L CORNER AN3. OAK STREETS BTVJ. I. COIfEX '....President H. 1- PITTOCK Vee-President DR. A. 8. NICHOLS... 2d Vlce-Pres. B. I.EE PAGET ..Secretary , W. JGILt, Assistant Secretary C W. DEGRAFF. r..i Cashier Testimonial Concert for Miss Elizabeth Harwas at Masonic Temple West Park and Yamhill on Wed. Evening. Sept. 15 Tickets, $1.50, on sale at EILERS and WOODWARD-CLARKE'S SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CLOTHES Save money on the boy's school outfit by coming direct to A. B. Steinbach Co., the largest boys' store in Portland. We're showing an exceptionally hand someline of suits for young college fellows, 15 to 20 years; made with all ... - those striking novel features that you want, very pronounced styles from $15.00 to $30.00. V F.or the smaller boys 6 to 16 years a great line of knicker suits, some have two pairs of knicker pants, all the new ideas and fabrics priced from $2.65 to $ 10.00. Boys' Fall Headwear; Boys' Fall Furnishings. Boys and Children's Holeproof Hose, guaranteed to wear 6 months. J ef U - 1 ' EXPERIENCE COUNTS in Kodak developing ancl print ingjust as it does in every other" line of work ;andit's not ac- quired in a week or a month,, either. If you want really ' good pie tares from that next roll-of films bring them here where they are handled from start to finish . by men who. have had years of experience in'this work.. A trial roll is all I ask that's enough to make you a steady cus tomer. Remember the place., COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 13s Slxtb Street SATISFACTION IN GLASSES by the aid of our new system of eye testing. Our prices are the most rea sonable In the city and we make no extra charge for our careful examina tion. A. complete grinding plant turns he work out in a few hours, and our personal 'attention given td" each case. Established 1896. DALLAS OPTICAL COMPANY 21H-219 Failing Bid;..' Cor. Third and Waahlnirtan. Second Floor. ".Take Elevator. PORTLAND - PRINTING - BJQUSE'C B U A 99C1 Mnin fi2f A 2281 Main 6201 toney Women of Woodcraft Building J88 Taylor Street; comer Tenth a it'. STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. DESICS OFFICE FURNITURE FILING CABINETS CHAIRS Latest Styles in Wedding Invitations Announcements Monogram Stationery Visiting Cards J FIFTH AND OAK STREETS THE PERRY HOTEL Madison St.' Boren Ave. SEATTLE ABaoIntely Fire-Proof Earopeaa Glass & PrudhGmme Co. PRINTERS BINDERS STATIONERS 65-67 SEVENTH STREET 4 1nr41ant Amvah f R-opn0 September 14tn. A limited num I in tli Lr number of new pupils can be received in th day achooL No vacancies In Res ident Sent. AddIv to Sister Superior. altedWirelaM Station Tne Highest Grada Every Modern Coarenlencs Centrally located and commanding a view of th Olympics. Cascade Mountains, Mt. Rainier and Fiurat Sound. Auto-'Bus meets trains and boat oa direct earllne to the A.-T.-P Exposition J. 8 McTEBNAN. Manaser. RHEUMATISM Call for Free Uricsol Booklet on Treatment and Diet, at- Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland, or write to Uricsol Chemical Co., Los An geles, Cal. B. E. WALKER. LL.D., President. A. LAIKD, General Manager. S '...' ESTABLISHED 1867 ' The Canadian Bank of Commerce : HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO LONDON OFFICE 2 Lombard Street. E. C NEW YORK OFFICE 16 Exchange Place Branches Throughout the Dominion of Canada. Also at Saa Francisco, Seattle and Skag way CANADIAN COLLECTION'S This Bank, having- over 180 branches distributed throughout the Dominion, is enabled to offer unsurpassed facilities for mak - lng collections in any part of Canada. PORTLAND BRANCH, CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS ' ' F. C. JIALPAS, Manager. n'WlWllJ . iiiMII'IfllWiiiM,.. -MHMtW&Hm. MUX ' vr T ; ft1!;1!''"!!";!: i inirW,lll?1!1 !; i ::i!ti;l i tiiiTitvn!ii"h!H!'l! mnmiHiHmnami i '; 'th..r 1 I. 'IllilWlillillUl. $72,50 Chicago and Return '.$72.50' 1: On September 9 THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY will have on sale tickets from Portland to Chicago and re turn at rate of $72.60 for the round trip. -Tickets allow ten days lor going passage, good for return until October 31. Good going via GREAT NORTHERN, returning same route or via any oilier ilrect line; stopovers allowed. Choice of routes, either via Seattle or via the NORTH BANK ROAD. THREE TRAINS DAILY i " i ""i"' "i 00 iiinii'1 THE ORIENTAL LIMITED THE FAST MAIL THE SOUTHEASTERN EXPRESS For tickets or sleeping ear reservations call on or ad dress H. DICKSON. C. V. T. A.. 122 Third St. I'ortlanad. Or. I'hone Mln HSn 2286. Mm 'ittmiiimit '"iii!iiiu!ljililliH "mi uii i, !,. Ullli i Mil 1 ! II Hill' "IliLliiiWI"" '1l ili! !i ii! s 111 i. l, i Ml I " ,U 1(1, ! II i.tii i' i' ; : .Ji1' i" ... ii. ' "ii I I I II " ' I il "tlll ll " W Nil i U e ! ! :f 1 ;ii mm Ellllilllillllilllilllilllll""!"!'""""" "im ionmhl''"Ui'"lluu4u(''!lr!!m ' m .' aUsiimiMimwBitsw 'yrr i I If I IllliUllllll11 Nothing is too dainty for us to handle. The costliest lace is'as safe here while being cleaned-as if you were superintending it ' yourself. , CITY LAUNDRY CO. PHONES, Main 429 and A S773 "HIPPO" GARDEN HOSE Guaranteed to Stand 600 Pounds Pressure. Goodyear Rubber Co. 61-63-65-67 Fourth' St Cor. Pine. 6CMMKR HESCfRTS. FredPrehn,DJ).S. S1S.00 Foil Bet of Teetn. 6.0. Crowns and Krldjre- werk. S3.0U. Room 40S. Uekum. Opes Krenlng Xlll 7. ICCHWAB PRMTMG CO OSOLICITS YOV PATR0NACE 247i STARK STREET an ALASKA and back INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS Nine D.V Excursions Your opportunity to see Alaska as cheaply as staying at home. About $6 a Day No outside expense : the ship is your home, your hotel, all paid for in the fare. Get a true foldur at 249 Washington St., Portland Pacific Coast Staamshlp Co.