ft 4 , SUMMER MONTHS WET Excessive Rainfall at Montesano for July and August. MONTESANO. Wash.. Sept. 3 (Spe cial.) The total rainfall for July and August of this year was 3.05 Inches, while the average for the same month for the last 13 years has been 1.65 Inches, mak ing the rainfall of this year 150 Inches greater than former years. The total rainfall for the first eight months of this year has been 32.15 Inches, while the average for the last 13 years was 40.90 Inches, leaving a deficiency of . 8.75 Inches, which makes this year really dryer than former years. The average temperature for July and August this year has been 63 degrees above zero. 1MCJEMEMS. ENGAGEMENT BEGINS TOMORROW. BUNGALOW THEATER 12th f Mor. Thane. Main 117 and A 4224. CONTINUING ALL NEXT. WEEK. INTERNATIONAL GRAND OPERA CO. Following li rate and Names of Operas. Tomorrow evening ;A , Monday evening ...Lucia Tuesday evening Feortora Wednesdav matirwse II Trovatore Wednesday evening Rigoletto Thursday eve'ng. .Rustlcana-ll Fagllaed Friday evening Carmen Saturday matinee La Travtata Saturday evening grand composite btU . ...1'Amlco Frits. Rustl-ana. Pagllacel All the Principals Will Appear. Prices, both evening and matinee: Lower floor. I): balcony. $1, II. SO. 1. Seats Now Selling. MAIN s. A I620. Matinees Eg. Sundays and Holidays, 15-25-53; NIGHTS THEATER ',5-25-50-75". WEEK Aro. SO "ClrrnmstniiUBl Evl denr." Ed Wrra and Al Lee; "The BllUken Freshman," Charles Montrell: Crimeh and tVefc-h: Marry IL Richards and company In "Love a I.a Mode;" Musical Johnstons. Beth Stone; Pictures; Orchestra. BAKER THEATER phones Main 2. A BS0. OREGON THEATER CO. tine.), Lasses. Special Engagement of ilZETTA JEWEL. DONALD BOWLES Opens Tomorrow Matinee. One Week Only In "SALOMY JANE" Matinee Monday. Eve. prices, 23c 50c 75c; Mats. 25c 5"C THE GRAND WEEK OF AVGCST . Edwin Carewe Al Co. In "Pals." Tana Moore Stasia Mart Sharp and His Dam-ins; Belle. Matinee 2:30. Even ing Performances at T:S0 and IS. The Ahlbenr Bros. Billy Court Fred Bauer Granitiseope. Matinee prices. 15c Evenlng prices, 13c. 25c. B5I Seats. 50c. PANTACES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville Stars of All Nations. Europe's latest ser.sitton. Hanson and Jennie. Marvels of the Rolling Globes. Spe cial added attraction. Martlnrttl and Grout, European novelty artists; Hamilton and Roma, musical entertainers; Tegge and Daniel, comedians; Leo White. Illustrated bai:ad; Bhelvey Brothers, trapexian marvels; Mile. Nda Merot. monologue. Matinee dally. Curtain, g:SO. 7:15 and LYRIC THEATER Phones Main na.1, A 1026. Price 50, 20 and 10 rents. Souvenir Matinee Tuesday. Pink Tea Ma J nee Thursday. Week Commencing Sunday Matlnea, Aug. 29 "The Ranch King" Another Elaborate Scenic Production. Mauneee Sunday, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2:15. Every evening 8:10. Star Theater Supplied by Morton-Edison Film Ex change. 144 Fourth Street. THE HUNCHBACK by Victor Hugo, and 0 OTHKH FILMS 5 K XT It A ELSIE EDWARU, LONDON'S FAVOR ITE 4DSTEII SINGER. THE OARS PORTLAND'S GREAT AMUSEMENT PARK EXTRA It EXTRA!!- THIS WEEK DESPERADO Greatest As of Its Kind la the World. Doaatrlll's Famous Band .Tyrolean Quartet Big Dumond. Operatic Tenor Cars every few mlnutss from any part city. 3 cents. Get In Line Early Seat sale Is on with a rush for the great TZETTA JEWEL-DOXALU BOWLES en gagement at Baker Theater In "Salomy Jane" Prices. 25c. 80c, T5c. Mala, 23c. 60c. Engagement begins next Sunday Matinee, September 6- BASEBALL Recreation Park, (Corner Tanghn and Twenty-fourth Sta, SPOKANE vs. PORTLAND AITG. SO, 31, Sept. 1, 2, S, 4, S. Gaa.es begin week days 3:30 P. M-; 'Sunday. 2:110 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 50c; Boxes. 25c extra. Children: Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand, 25c I.adlea' Day Friday Boys under 12 free to bleachers . Wednesday. I1 KD. Bt'RKB At Dawson. Alaska. August If. Gustavo Edward Burke, aged 4 yeara Information In regard to funeral arrange ments, inquire McEntee-Erlcson Company. G1LBACOH In this city. Sept. S. at the family residence. 10iO F.elmont St.. Elisa beth Gtlnauga. aged 5 years. Funeral notice later. VAN ATTA In this city. Sept. 3. Hubert Van Atta, aged 17 years. 10 months, son of Frank Van Atta. Vancouver. Wash. FUNERAL NOTICES. PATERSON In this city. September S. at the residence of her son. Henry T. Pater son. 955 Union svenue North. Jane Pater son, late of Peterson. Wash., aged i years 11 months and IT days S:. was the mother of the following children; W. D, Paterson. of Cherokee, la.; K. E. Paterson. of Yum. Arls ; H. T. Paterson, of this city, and Mrs. H. T. Duncan, of Umatilla. Or. The services will be held at River View Cemetery upon the ar rival of the funeral, which will leavo Ftnley's parlora at 10 A. M. Sunday. Prosser. Wash.. and Gullph. Canada, patters please copy. J1ANZ The funeral services of Jacob Manx will be held at FlnleVs parlors at .1 V. M. today (Saturday). Friends Invited. In terment in Greenwood Cemetery. BASET The funeral services of the lata Isora V. E. Byars Baeey will be held at Multnomah Cemetery at 2 P. M. Sunday Friends Invited. Dunning McEntee Ullbaugh, Funeral Directors, ?tu aad Fine, Phone Main 43". , Lady Assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Fnneral direct eve. 2-0 Sd et. Lady Assistant, l'hone M. 607. ' j p. FIN LEY SON, 3d and Midlson. JAd'y attendant. Phone Main , A loss. McENTEE-ERlCSON CO. Undertakers! lady assistant. 4')9 Alder. M. $$. EAST SIDE fnneral directors, soecessore to F. k. Dunning. Inc. E. at. B taiS. IELLFR-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Direct sra, f,t Russell. Both phones. Lady assistant. LERCH Undertaker.. 420 East Alder, rhones East 7L B lo. Lad assistant. 5v c MEETING KOIICBS. HARMONY LODGE NO. 12 A. F. AND A. M Special eommunl- QY? . - . . . . V. nnritnM .NX - , , . V. . f,,r..ol nf rt.ir or con.iu'jiiiis mj ... late Drainer, jrvjw ....-. member of Germsnia Lodge of Bpston. Mass Members are requested to atK-nu. Visitors are cordially Invited. W M. PELIN. Secretary. ORKOON LODE, NO. 101. A. F. AND -A. M. Stated communlca- 3f7 tlon tr.is ' l-1 5i " . ' 7 , brethren cordially Invited. Tly order W. M. A. J. HANDLAX, 9-JC OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH PRESIDENT. Main 800. BtCKfcTAIlV. Main SOS. , HUMANE OFFICER. East 47TS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1. 1008. Dully or Sunday. Per Line. One time i2 Same ad two consecutive times --o Same ad three eonseculive times.. SJNs Same ad six or teven consecutive times, .olio Mx words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted for lees than two lines. Vhn an advertisement Is not run consecutive times the one-time rote Whesbove rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classllica tinns excepting the following: Situations Wnuted, Male. Sitaatlons Wanted, Femnle. For Kent, Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping Room. Private ianillles. The rate of the above classification la 1 cents a line each Insertion. SiHtce In the "New Today- columns Is nam red by measure only 14 lines to the '"to OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore gon tun will receive copy by mail, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number of Issues Is sent. Acknowledgment of such remittance will be forwarded promutly. On charge of book advertisement a the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the noxnber of word In each line. In case box office addrea Is remit red, use regular form given, and count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopea are furnished. NEW TODAY. These Are Special Bargains 83100 20 acres close to Vancouver Lake and Vancouver; especially suit ed to all kinds of fruits, as it Is ex empt from frosts. Convenient to both Portland and Vancouver markets. S3500 For 18 H acres also In fine fruit district; S acres In full-bearing: orchards, 3 acres in grain, 5 acres in brush, with l-room house. These properties are excellent value for price asked for them. J. M. FRENCH A CO, 413-418 Ablngton Bids;, lOOVi Third St. 2 ACRES With artistic bungalow containing large living-room with cobblestone fireplace and chimney. 2 bedrooms with large cloeets. bathroom with porcelain tub and toilet. Dutch kitchen and rsntry. also woodshed with laundry room and wash trays, hot and cold water tinder pressure, electric lights and Home telephone. The land lies hifth and level. Is all cleared ready for cultivation and has an abundant water supply piped on It for Irrigetlon. This property Is located a short distance from the Gresham or Casadero electric road. 85 minutes ride from Morrison street with 10-cent car fare. Is also close to the Powell Vstley macadamised road; it must be seen to be appreciated. The price Is only 12330, and terras can be arranged. OREEN-WTnTCfWB COrPANY. 245 Washington St. Phones: Main SUo3, A 4928. Choice quarter block on Grand ave nue and East Oak at.; hi cash; balance on terms. Jno. P. Sharkey Company 122V4 Sixth St. Tte one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOORAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE reslltnce property o: the city. SEEING 19 BISI.IBVIVG BETTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the lin rruvementa going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AYE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. VILLIM1S AVE. BARGAIN Cheapest quarter block on Williams ave., JOOxUHj corner, with fln larfc 6-room house. This property fa worth flO.OOO. aid ypu can fcuv It for a few dava for SStXX). half cash; Just Ilka nndtnr IKOOO. Look at It today. GRUSSI & ZADOW S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $3490 Mr. Investor 14 We have a new store building;, lot o3x2G0, In a thriving town on the Co lumbia River. This Is rented and la paying: 14 per cent on $3400; H cash will handle It. J. M. KERR CO, ' 2US Stark St, Room 10. Phone A BI4S. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rates. Bolldlnz Loan Installment Lotai. Wm. MacMaster 303 Worcester Block. Sacrifice Make us an offer on our 6-acre tract at Courtney Station. It Is the best of soil and very little work will clear It. We will sell It at a sacrifice. J. M. KERR A CO, 3418 Stark St., Room 10. Phone A B148. WHO WANTS IT? 4000 A very sightly fractional corner with 8-room dwelling; walking distance, but convenient to cars. Terms on part. Come early as must he sold. JCK"OX A DEER1XG. Phones Main 345. A S457. 246 Stark St. A REAL BARGAIN. 2 acres, platted, fine river view, building restrictions, bearing fruit, lm- 5 roved street, cement walks, near St. ohn carline, adjoining Madrona Hill; will sell 40 per cent below actual value If sold In 10 days. Need a little money. Can arrane terms. SUMMIT INVESTMENT CO., 129 K I lings worth Ave. OKORGK BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches ! 823 Worcester Bldg. Phones Main Hill. A 401. 11 LITTLE FARM li. IDAHO Talk with MAIR & PR ALL, about it. t Lumbermen's Building. $30,000 Holladay's Addition THE MORXIXG OREGOyiAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. ' . I "I FOR SALE FARMS. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF FICE FROM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE OOMA.N OFFICE: A 329, SU. 333. 33S, 839, ,347, 48. B 391, 333. 343, 336. 349. C 295, 312, 316. 336, 844, 345. S4. i I) J37, 33?. 342. 34S. 349. 1 E 332. 335, 336, 338, 343. r 12. 321. 324. J4c, 346. 347. S51. O 327. 331. 335. SZt 337. 339. 340, 841, 344. 345. S46. 349. H 326. 337. 339. 340. 341. 845, 34S, 3M. J 306, 313. 340. 34S, 349. K 30, 307, 321, 34i. 343, 345, 349. I. 188. 323, 325, 333, 340. 348. M 317, 3U, 3.11. 345. 314 . ' 3'2. 323. 32S. 332. 335. 336, 843, 34, 352. 354. 336, 357. 358, S. O 313, 314. 304, 341. 345. 847, 352, 853, 859. P 342. 344, 346, 147, 348. R 349. S 32S. 33S. 345. T 143. 338, 348, 349. V S35, 336. 841. S4. 833. W 237. 275. 311. 327. 328. 835.. 345, 346, 34$. 349, 350. X 331, 332. 346. 347. V 297, 332, 334, 339. 343, 345. 847. A3 328, 330. 332. 333, 346. 347. 348, 853, AC 325, 329, 332. 333. 334, 357. 343, 846, 347. AI 314. 313. 316, 329. 330, 843, 850, 353, 356. 358. 361. AE 311, 320. 335, 338. 344. 846, 361. AF 86. 323, 324. 326, 331, 843, 345, 848. AG 324, 328. 336, 339, 330. 334. 341. 342, 345. AH 347. 805. 31S, 827, 330, 332, 339, 340, 341. 843. 346. A J 801. 810, 332, 833, 884. 386. 388. 340, 844. AK 326, 33ft, 840, 846, 347, 850. AL 801, 807. 811, 823. 326, 334, 886, 339, 343. J AM 373, 826, ?23, 827, 383. 341, 842, 349. 851. AN 330, 881. 341. 844, 848, 886. 320. If above answers are not called for within six days, same will 4e destroyed. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F-. V. A Co. M- 8349. 80 Hamilton bldg. Baksr. Alfred A., 212 Ablngton bldg. Beck. William G., 312 Falling bldg. Blrrell. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, losns. etc. Brubaker A Benedict. 002 McKay bldg. M. 68. Cbapln A Herlow, 832 Chamber Commerce, Cook. B. S. & Co., &U3 Corbett bldg. Fields. C E. A Co., Board o Trade bldg. Jennings A Co.. Main 16S. 200 Oregonlan. Farrlsh. Watkins A Co.. 330 Alder at Echalk. Geo. D.. 2S4 Stark st- Main or A89X Sharkey. J. P. A Co.. 122 Vs Eixth at. The Oregno Real Estate Co.. Grand ava and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). Walker. 6. T.. 004 Ccrbett bldg. White B. F.. 227 Washington st. REAL ESTATE. For Kale Lots. WEST SIDE APARTMENT SITES. We have two of the best sites on the West Side near Washington at. and in center of residence and apartment-house district; if interested call on u. H. P. FALMER-JUNKS CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main A 2053. ONX.Y MOO, TERMS, FEW CHOICE HOMES , LOTS. Rossmere section Rose City Park, amid the grove of small trees. East 40th or Bast 47th (Wlberg Lane) and Thompson fits., where all the new homes are being built. Phone Main 7300, ask for Seaberg. IRVINGTON QUARTERS We have six of the most sightly cor ners, each 100x100, or. paved streets, ianglng In price from Jil.Wd to J4000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main SCU0; A 2013. WILLAMETTB HEIGHTS LOT 00x112, overlooking river, one block from car, surrounded by line homes; price $3000. terms. , H. P PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial CUb Bldg. Phones Main 80H; A 265.1. IRVINGTON BARGAIN 2 full lots, on E. 2(lth. near Stanton, at $1260 each; terms, one-half cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO-212-213 Commercial CKb Bldg. Phones Main 8C09: A 2O0X IRVINGTON QUARTER. 100x100. on corner E. 23d and Knott sta.; price $a300. terms. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8I.D0, A 2053. WAVERLY HEIGHTS corner lot. 60x100: cement sidewalk, street Improved, laying high and One. facing east; give us your offer. Owner going East. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Ine., 618 Board of Trade Bldg. SIX lots; unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains end Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for sale at a great bargain by owner. S10 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 934. WEST SIDE LOT 50X100. On 21st street. Give us your offer. Own er must sell. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Inc., 618 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON. choice location; best buy on 17th bet. Brasee and Knott; 80-ft. paved tneet; 81800 takes it; worth 82100. Owner, phone East 6368. $975 3 lots, 60x100, only 4 blocks from Woodlawn sta.: terms. See owner at 550 Windsor at., Woodlawn. before noon Sun day. IF YOU OWN A LOT. Will build a house on Installments to suit: plans free. Main 2oC8. WILL sacrifice, 2 corner lots, 2-room house at Clarks Station, Mount Scott carllnet Owner. Phone A 0450. CORNER lot, 100x10", close In. worth 31300, but (700 cash gets It. 272 Stark st. For Sale Houses. A BARGAIN New 8-room bungalow, 1170 Burrage St., 100 ft. from Kllllngsworth ave.; take St. J. car to Greely St. Walking dis tance from new high school; terms. Owner, 101.5 Maryland ave. EIGHT-ROOM, modern house, -barn, garage, fruit trees and roses; lot 50x105: price $.1,000. $4000 cash, balance 7 per cent. Call between 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. 209 East 32d St.. near Hawthorne. FOR SALE by owner, modern 9-room house, Portlana Heights; unobstructed view, all modern improvements, hardwood floors. 3 -fireplaces, 20 minutes' walk from Cham ber of Commerce. AF 845, Oregonlan. SL'XNTSIDE district; 6-room bungalow; full basement, fireplace, paneled dining-room. Dutch kitchen, walls tinted; price, 82900. Terms. Owner, 1009 Belmont, or Phone Tabor 840. 2 FOUR and 2 eix-room modem cottages; in stallments. South Portland. li H. piggott. owner. 14 Mulkey bldg., cor. 21 and Morrl- FOR ALB 4-room new. house, 2 fine acres: no stone; mesh wire fence; 80 minutes' ride from Front and Jefferson; $13,10, half cash. $20 month. W 355. Oregonlan. MUST sell new 4-room bungalow; Dutch kitchen, deep porch, full lot, $2500; $300 down, $25 month; restricted district. 60$ Commercial block. $2700$100 cash. $25 monthly, beautiful, new, thoroughly modern O-room bunga low, south of Hawthorne, 31st. Dr. Darl ing. $2750 New, modern 6-room bungalow, full lot, east front. 1185 Maryland ave. Inquire at house or at 1095 Maryland ave. Terme. BY OWNER Half bungalow. 6 rooms and open sleeping room; modern conveniences; ' furnace. 4'9 4!)th St.. cor. Tillamook. : Rose City Park. HAWTHORNE AVE. district. 6-room bun galow, 50-ft. corner lot. full basement, fireplace. $2450; $500 down, 825 month. B 2471. 6- ROOM modern house. 447 Halscy at., near East 7th, $'S50. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and East Ankeny. NEW modern 4 rooms and alcove, lot 60x101). near carbarn. St. Johns line. N .1.11. Oregonlan. or phono C 1053. 7- ROOM modern house, close In; cement walks, improved street. Apply S10 East Yamhill St. $4500. Terms. FOR SALE House and two lots, Mt. Scott district; terms and reasonable. Address B 853, Oregonlan. $2500 See that .l-room bungalow at Ver non; you'll take It; terms. 403 Couch bldg. $2250 Sunnyslde; new 5-room bungalow. See It; you'll take it. 403 Couch bldg. BUNGALOWS, bungalows, bungalows every where, cash or terms. 403 Couch bldg. IRVINGTON residences 14500 to $12,500. Call afternoons. Office 510 East 18th St. 1 SVS." - . I I - - I ' I For Sale Houses. SOME BARGAINS IN HOMES. None of these were built to sell. TO VfTTOV T-room modern house, on corner, lOOg 100; price h.hkj. , 6-room new modern house: price $5000. 5- room bungalow; price $0000. . HOLLADAY PARK , fl-room house; price $3350. 6- room house; price $4200. PIEI1MONT B-icom bungalow; price $.6o0. 7- room bungalow; price $4750. 0-room house, on corner, 80x100, for IS0O0 HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT 4- room bungalow; price $2200. .CENTRAL EAST SIDE 5- rnom house; price $0500. 6- room house: price $45oO WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS " . 8-room house: price $7500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones. Main S0; A 21553. NEW 2-srory, s "rooms, reception hall, pan try and bathroom, fireplace. paneled dining-room, china closet. 3 bedrooms, plenty of large closets, combination light ing fixtures, full cement basement, fur nace, laundry travs, woodlift, cement ..on. n-gllre hntlt hv dV labor. double floors and side walls, situated in a One East side neiff nDornooa, iuii-bw lot. cement walks and curb. Bull Run water, streets to be immediately paved. 4 blocks to 10-minute car service; the price Is low and to a good party I will sell without any cash down on straight monthly payments $45, which includes Interest. N 853. Oregonlan. SWELL BUNGALOW AT A BARGAIN. Extra well built and well arranged; ft large rooms, full basement, flne nrepiaee, beamed ceilings, tinted walle. paneled dining-room, brass light fixtures; a model home; ready to move In; guaranteed to be the best In the city for the money. Be sure and see this property Sunday. Take Al berta car. get off at E. 20th St.. go one block south to No. 1004. Phono owner. Main 8420, A 3429. NEvfr . eeven-room modern home, finished throughout In white enamel; tiled bath and toilet room. One sleeping porches, two toi lets', plastered attic and basement; a hand some residence. Just completed and ready . to occupy. Elliott ave., second house south of Hawthorne. Will lease to small reliable family for two years at $00 per month. i a A. H. P1RRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. HOLLADAY ADDITION. On East 7th street, ft block from Broad way, 2 new, beautiful flats, full cement basement, gas and electricity, cement side walk, improved street, facing east, lays 8 feet above sidewalk; bringing good In come; half cash, balance 2 yearai 6 per cent. Call we will show you something flne. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Inc. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW Built for a home, on full lot 80x100, cement sidewalk, nice . yard, in good neighborhood, a bargain at $2200; terms 5uu cash and balance in monthly pay ments. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. ' FIRST-STREET BARGAIN. Good 8-room houee, 2o minutes' walk; owner mupt sell and has cut the pries to $3S50; worth easily $4250; you can buy thia on any reasonable terms, bal. 6 per cent. See us for South Portland property. GHI'SSI 4 ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. HANDSOME new home, choicest location in refined Irvlngton; 0 very large rooms, billiard hall, large sleeping porch, 2 baths. 2 toilets. 3 lavatories, built-in buffet, bcok-cases, seats, refrigerator, clothes and dust chutes, handsome fixtures, beauti fully arranged and finished. $!K)00. B 3li, Oregonian. MOUNT TABOR HOME 9-room modern and conveniently ar ranged house on corner SOxlOO, 1 block from carlliM. which runs on only street paved all the wav in. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 5699, A 2653. 6-ROOM modern house on Union" ave., faces east, in good residence locality, hard surface pavement; the prettiest home on the avenue; price $5500; terms. H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 811)9. A 2053. MUST SELL my new house and furniture this month, leaving town; modern 6-room house, corner lot 50x100 feet; fruit trees, bushes, ross, etc.; located at 810 EaBt 50th at., near Hawthorne ave.; if the place sulta you, we can agree on terms. Tele phone B 2517 or address AK 348, Ore gonian. QUARTER block a-lth three new modern T rooin bouses for $'1750 at corner of Flint and Tillamook afreets, 7 minutes' walk from Steel bridge; will sell separately. In quire L. E. Crouch, trustee, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. (NEW BUNOALOW. $500. New 6-room bungalow, Just finished, on Eaet 7th St., in Highland; owner must eell and has cut the price to $2100, $50O cash, bal, $20 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Blug., 4th and Oak. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, full plumbing, lot 80x100, all fenced, $500 cash, balance monthly. This Is a fine buy for little ' money. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Inc.. 618 Board of Trr.de Bldg. A GOOD INVESTMENT. New building containing 2 large apart ments on lot 50x100. ISth, near Lovejoy St.; price $15,000; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main t0U9. A 2653. IRVINGTON. 8-room modern houee, 2 fireplaces, hard wood floors, all Improvements: lot 5"xl00; a very desirable home; only $6000, terme to suit. AE 35S, Oregonian. FOR SALE Comer lot. fenced, and seven room house, plastered, having electric light and bath; lot set out in fruit trees and rose bushes; one block from Mt. Scott car line. AJ 349. Oregonlan. $75uo. , Fine home in Holladay Add.; a snap; 9 rooms, modern In every detail; terms. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., Phones. Main 650. A 1550. 122',4 6th St. STRICTLY modern 'new 6-room bungalow, COxlOO corner. W-W carllr.e. $23o0, cash or terms. Owner phone Main 31153. IRVINGTON 6-room house, near corner, built two years, sleeping porch, polished floors, screens on every window. Phone C 1678. Miscellaneous. ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted 70 per cent of walnuts In Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plantings ever sold In Oregon, we feel our prop erties should Invite consideration; $100 cash. $15 per month for each five-acre CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc.), Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d asd Stark sta WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME S-room modern Wueen Anne house, large verandas and sleeping porch; garage; on paved street, 1 block from car; magnifi cent view of river and mountains. Price $7500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699. A 2653. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 clinker brick fire places, artistic tinting, panel and beam work large closets, on improved street; faces eart; only $.150 cash required; for a pretty and convenient homo this can't be beat. See It at once. W. M. Conklln & Co., 407 Wells-Fargo bldg., or 1046 Haw thorne ave. BUNGALOW SNAP. 6-room modern bungalow and 2 lots, beautiful !ir?place. paneled dlntng-room, tinted walls; price. $2500 This Is the cheapest buy In tho district; located half I lock to Alberta car: give terms. 305-6 Lumbermen's bldg. Main 3148. OWNER must leave city, so will sell his beautiful nome. west slope jit. laou., rooms, electric lights, water, etc.; lot 75x 3 35. Price, $5000; terms. Fred Broetje. Mt. Tabor. DO YOU want a choice 5-acre tract, all clenreil. neir Electric stati n, for $1300? $100 cash. $10 a month. Smith-Wagoner Co.. 333 Chamber Commeri-e. (loon Irvlngton. SOxtno, on mth, $:t.13 down. DHL O Pr irni, 11110, irvci bi.oti. Jes. C. Loaan. 326 Wash. st. R. 404. LIST YOUR property with Slgei A Co.. $3$ Morrison, rnonee jaain zibo. a w. FOR anything In Portlana real estate see Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Miscellaneous. THE swellest home In the Mount Tabor district: has absolute ly an unobstructed view of the city, beautiful grounds, all kinda of roses and orna mental plants; sire, of lot lOOxlCO; only H block from carline; the house Is perfect in every respect, has eight rooms, with all modern con veniences, hardwood floors, all highly polished oak; place In first -claes condition: to ap preciate this place you should see it; we ctsnot speak too highly of this home; it le a bargain: can be bought fur $9000, $3500 caeh. balance very eaay terms. CHAPIK & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. Buy a lot In HOSBORNE'S ADDITION. . $200 a lot and up. ' 10 per cent down and $10 a month. Price Includes water and clearing. Two blocks south and one cast of end of Rose City carline. MULTNOMAH LAND CO., 8Stt 3d St. Room 6. SPOKANE PROPERTY. WHAT WILL YOU PAY FOR THE FOLLOWING 7 I wish to cloee out my Spokane inter ests. Pick out what you want and name your price and terms. 3 lots. South Side Cable Addition, lote 1' 1A nnH 10 hlnrlr 17. 8 lots. Northern Heights Addition, lots IB ts 26. Inclusive, block 19. 1 house. 703 East Bridgeport ave., lot 19. block 126. 25,000 shares Coeur d'AIene Silver Bell 'Mining and Milling stock. 4000 shares Idamont Mining Company's stock. J. T. STODD. 470 East 11th St., Portland, Or. nviD of the most beautiful: hinhly Improved six-acre tracts Inside of the city limits of 'Portland; new, modern 9-room house. Bull Rdn water, fruits of all kinds In abundance, convenient to trolley, o-ceni fare: flne roads, beautiful view: this place la nimnlv Ideal and matchless for any one wanting a suburban home of the highest class; price sjj.oou, eiu-y it-rnia. Just so sure as Portland grows and grow It must Just so sure will this beauti ful six-acre tract increase steadily in value. AE 357, Oregonlan. FOR SALE; A beautiful homo at Oak Grove. Oregon City line; 30 minutes' ride; 1 14 acres of ground, new 6-room house, pantry, storeroom, brick fireplace. 75 feet verandas. 200 choice roses in full bloom, 75 bearing grape vines. 300 bear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants. 60 bearing fruit trees of every description, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fenced and cross fenced, enough garden truck planted for good-sized family, every foot of ground cultivated; fine lawn around the house, dotted with select shrubbery, etc., etc. Inqulre on premises, Louis Brandt," Oak Grove. Or. FROM $300 TO $450. Think of it! Fine, sightly lots. 62 foot frontage. Bull Run water to each lot: near school, churches and stores; right In heart of Sellwood, only 20 minutes' trolley ride. From $300 to $450 each: 10 per cent cash and 2 per cent monthly; best buy In Portland for the money. Let me show you. J. W. CROS.SLEY, 620 Corbett Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS CORNER A magnificent quarter block In the Cedar Hill district, large trees, splendid view; is surrounded by beautiful resi dences and Is the only property in this vlcinltv for sale. Price for immediate sale, $12,500; terms. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699, A 2663. BUNGALOW THAT IS. 63x63 corner, ast front. Improved with S rooms, full attic, first-class In every re spect, has a large porch, full basement; this Is one block to Sunnyslde carline aner Is classy, let me tell you; fireplace, large . bathroom, in fact STRICTLY MODERN. Get this today as ownor needs the money; $600 will handle, balance monthly or to suit. SELLERS REALTY CO., 606 Board of Trade. Phone Main 7498. ON RAILROAD. 60x100 lot, on terminal track; $5500 if taken at once. F. E. (DUKE) MANCHESTER. 203 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON corner. 100x100. high and sightly on 22d. $2400; $S00 cash, bal. 6 per cent. Call and let me show you a high-class district for future home or In vestment. Jas. C. Logan, 320j Wash. St. R. 404. NEW. modern 4-room houses, $900; 6-room, $1000; $100 down. C 361. Oregonlan. HOMESTEADS. MY PROPOSITION YOU PAY AFTER SEEING THE LAND If you do not file you do not pay me any location fee what ever; there Is no ifs or ands about It. We show you the ground, If it is what you want, you pay me. if not. you do not pay. I require no deposit. If the homesteads were not extra line I could not afford to make such an offer. Am sending In special party with my own rig Monday evening, the 6th. to locate on fine ground near my homestead in Central Oregon, along the new railroad, this land Is In a fine valley, near forest, deep, rich soil. 110 rock or stumps, all level and every foot culti vatable; raise good crops without irriga tion: good water 12 to IS feet: sawmill, small town, school, rural delivery, dally malls; large community of fine people now there; am making Rpeeial ratta on this trip: see me and arrange to go. Will be at office 9:30 A. M. to 7 P. M. ALVIN S. HAWK. Printer. Third St. HOMESTEADS Sectional map of Oregon; also up-to-date blue print map of any coun ty; Indispensable to prospective settlers and investors; $1.00 each by mall. J. C. Struble. 407 Lumbermen's bldg. I WANT to buy a centrally located West Side business property, either something improved, with income, or something with more or less Improvements on -it, . that is well located. A 350. Oregonlan. 8 HOMESTEADS and 4 relinquishments, H bottom land, left: all easily cleared; on a stream of living water; near Portland. Call P. D. Q.. 14 Mulkey bldf.. cor. 2d and Morrison. HOMESTEAD timber rallnqulshml.'nt Hot sale, $400. Over two million feet good saw timber. Poulsen-Ratelltfe Realty Co., 320 Lumbermen's. Fifth and Stark. WILL locate, stake and record crown land in Northern British Columbia, for purchase, along route of Grand Trunk Pacific Rail way. Postoffice Box 306. Victoria, B. C. HOMESTEAD, relinquishments 'in timber. Call room 21, Russel bldg. Tel. Main 9301. WANTED FARMS. FARMS wanted from 40 to SO acres, within 25 mlleo of Portland; have clients wait ing for same. Dave Lewis, 027 Board of Trade. 40 ACRES to rent, 12 miles east of Port land, all Improved. Phone Main 9008. HAVE buyer for 40 acres good 5-oil close to Portland. Apple Land Co.. McKay bldg. WASTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED to purchase Oregon and Pacific Coast timber lands; state In first letter price wanted and location. Address rooms 215 and 216 Oregon Hotel. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. MoCracksn. 304 McKay bldg. RUBY ACRES, At Dean's Landing, on the beautiful Willamette River; level and very sightly, in high state of cultivation, no rock or gravel, a paradise for fruit culture and poultry; steamers pass 4 times ach day; electric cars and steam cars short drive; dairy and fruit ranches In Willamette Valley a specialty; write for booklet. DEAN LAND CO.. 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. 8 ACRES, 11 miles from Courthouse, on O. W. P. eiectric line; surrounded by bearing apple orchard and cultivated po tato land; overlooks Columbia River; an ideal tract. Price ?'400; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones: Main S699. A 2653. "WHAT Walla Walla wants Is you." and perhaps. If you Investigate, you will want Walla Walla. Our valley Is an agricultural paradise; our orchards are making gcoa. Send for booklet S. Commercial Club. Walla Walla, Wash. BROADMEAD. 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts; the most fer tile and productive land In the Willametto Valley. Inquire of COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg. l'i ACRES, on carline. within 30 minutes of Portland; best of soil, close to river and is in good district; $800; terms. (F45). HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chambor of Commerce Bldg. . Ill ACRES near Altoona, Wash.; about $2000 worth growing hemlock, running stream all the year; would be suitable for fummer resort; has house on place, value $10C0. Ad dress Ed Elliott, Altoona, Wash. $20 PER ACRE 40 acres. 4 miles of Castle Rock, Wash.; $1500 worth of cedar and piling on it; A-l fruit land; spring creek on it. C. H. Piggott, owner, 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. FINE 6-ACRE HOME. 84500. 10c fare, good road, no hills; city prop erty up to $3500. Stlger, room 8, 221 ft Morrison st. NUTLAND HILLS. S and 10-acre tracts; easy monthly pay ments: no taxes. Inquire F. W. Power A Co., 225 Henry bldg. 1 TO 10-acre tracts, finest cleared soil, some beaverdam, on Vancouver carline. eaRy payments. Murphy & Caswell. 230 Stark st. Vancouver office, 712 Main st. ACREAGE In large or small tracts on car line, close In: choice river front; 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney A Stampher, 631 Lum ber Exchange bldg. A 48S1. 5 ACRES Just beyond Gregory Heights. 5 milos from Court House, all cleared, fine fruit land, $500 per acre. AD 357, Orego nlan. 6 ACRES In Wllsonvllle, on the carline. a great bargain; cleared and cultivated. 805 Wells-Fargo bldg. 8 LOTS In Tacoma to exchange for house and lot in Portland, worth $4uvo. 630 Worcester block. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE 17 acres; long frontage on county road, half mile from Tigard station, on Oregon Electric, with 5-room house, barn, chicken-houses and well: will take vacant or Improved Portland property for all or part, with mortgage ror Balance, r.x change at current values. Owner, AE 354 Oregonlan. FOR SALE, or exchange for property, good cash merchandise business, one side Issue pays rent and one exclusive line; owner has other 'business out of town; must -be sold at once. 103 Jersey at., St. Johns, Or. 640 ACRK9. highest class oyster lands, on San Francisco Bay, $100 per acre; will ex change for Oregon or Washington lands or city property, or what have you? V 348, Oregonlan. TO TRADE. Remington typewriter, new No. 7, for Underwood No. 5. . A. W. HOOVER, 110 Second St. 6-ROOM modern house. In Flrland. one block from car; full lot. all fenced. For sale, rent, or exchange on easy terms. Call owner, Woodlawn 2205. GOOD paying depot hotel and lunch counter for rejl estate In Portland or vicinity. Call at 73 Sixth st. WILL trade 100 acres of fine farm land for telephone Donas, ettner umuun, 1 ugoi Sound or Portland. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. WILL exchange $1500 equity in a new modern 6-roum cottage, Sunnyslde. E 351. Oregonian. 640 ACRES In Lincoln County, Nohraska, to exchange for Oregon land. Inquire 308 Lum bermen's bldg. ACREAGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. Stlger. room 8. 221 Morrison. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. LOGGING CHANCES. A small one for a few thousand dol lars. AA Another for a little iwr $100,000. Terms. C J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAXIES D. LACE Y A CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. TIMBER lands for sale, 8u.000.000 feet, 300, OGO.tioO feet and several smaHer tracts, well located; cruises will be furnished responsible buiera BLAIR ft RUSSELL, 403 Ablngton Bldg. 160 ACRES land 2.250.000 feet timber, ft sugar pine. 2 mllus from railroad, $1600. Room 606, Buchanan bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney & Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquish ments. 827 WORCESTER BLOCK. WANTED REAL. ESTATE. WANTED Warehouse site, vicinity South ern Pacific car shops, about acre and half on track. JACKSON ft DEERINQ. Phones Main 345, A 3457. 246 Stark St. WKT Side well located business or seml buslness property wnuted. up to $50.1100; give particulars. Owners only. Afc. SM. Oregonlan. J W LAWLESS, dealer In real estate, wants Duyers for many bargains. 204 Ablngton bldg. WANTED Good reuanue-brlnglng Portland property, not higher than $35,000. F. Fuchs, 221 li! Morrison St. 6-ROOM modern house In Sunnyslde; will trade loo acres, balance in cash; will deal with owners only. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. WILL exchange $1000 first mortgage for good city Income property or telephone bonds. 203 Wells-Fargo bldg. FOB SALE FARMS. WHAT Walla Walla Wants is You. ,q,. nnn-t nld: "Walla Walla Presl- made the pleasantoet Impression on my m any city I visited in the . Northwest. Ind of " The surrounding vaney is an agricultural dlse. It is making good. Send for let S. Ask questions. Commercial Walla Walla. Wash. TWENTY ACRES ALFALFA IN IDAHO. COME AND HEAR ABOUT IT. MAIR A PRALL. 2 Lumberman's Bldg. BROADMEAD. 5. 10 and 20-acre tracts; the most fer tile and productive land In the Willamette Valley. Inquire of COLUMBIA TRUST CO., . Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE or trade. $3000 equity in 13.6 acres irrigated land. Spokane Valley, on railroad; unimproved, fine soil; will con sider ranch Willamette Valley or Krorer les to $1500, small town. P. O. box 394. Mesa, Wash. A GOOD ranch of S6O acres; 250 in cultiva tion- good house and Darns, ciose 10 rail road, for city property. AE 300. Ore gonlan. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Qr. GEO. W. TURNER. Fa-ms. Acreage. Real Estate and Exchanges. 416-17 Rothchild Bldg. ' 160 ACRES. $10 acre, 2 miles from, town, house and barn. 412 llaxquam. SPECIAL EXCURSION TO CALGARY. AL BERTA, LEAVING PORTLAND SAT URDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH. The Canadian Northwest Is fast becom ing the wheat granary of the world. Nine tenths of the wheat marketed In Alberta la raised In the famous Bow River Valley. The Canadian Pacitlc Hallway Is sellinu land In this valley at $12.00 to $18.U0 an acre. It Is the land that produces 40 to HO bushels wheat. 75 to loo bushels of oats an acre, and other grains Hi propor tion. You can buy it for one-tenth cash, balance In nine annual payments, with In terest at 6 per cent, or one-tenth cash, balance crop payments; NO CROP, NO PAY. The quality of the land, the terms or the prica cannot be equaled anywhere. Go on the excursion and satisfy yourself of these facts. Exceptionally low rate for round trip. Call or write for full particulars. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY, General Land Agents. Canadian Pacific Railway Company. 425 Lumbermen's Building, Portland, Or. THE HYLANPS OF YAMHILL. 800 arns. 60O in cultivation, bnlnnce easily cleared: at edge of valley, elevation (HH feet; 3 large si-rinas on hill and line creek at lower end; .-will deep and r i ; would niuke the largest and finest walnu: or apple orchard in the state; a big flat rounding bill: fine Improvements, beautiful beyond any description; come and see pho tographs and learn what Government ex perimental station sjdl expert. Heard, of the Horticultural Department, a number of profeors of agricultural college, also ex trcsldent of the college, who have bought 640 nearby lands, say. For sale by owner. First time offered; has other plans; low price, good terms. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 923 Board of Trade. GOOD DAIRY AND HAY FARM. 435 acres, all good rich land. ui acres perfectly level and under cultivation; 35 acres green fir timber. 6-room house, horse, hav and cow barns, stone dairy house with spring at same, from which water Is piped to house: plate fenced and cross-fenced; good family orchard; suitable to subdivide; adjoins small country town, to which the new electric railway Is building and 10 miles from Vancouver on good, level gradel road. This Is absolutely lhe chespest an 1 best stock and dairy ranch in the North west, If sold soon only $70 per acre, half cash, balance on terms. THOMPSON 4i SWAN, Citizens Hank bldg.. Vancouver. Wash. INVESTIGATE these bargains In Clark County, WafhlnKton: 20 acres. 5 miles from Camas. Clark County: all can be cultivated; deep soil; all of the 20 acres fine fruit land; $,o 143 acres, 5 miles from Carias. Clark Countv; 05 acres In ctiltlvatl in. 7 acres In prunes. $1500 worth of fruit this year; hay all In the barn; oats all In the stack; 30 head of tattle. 2 horses, all the tools and machinery n t essary t ) run a first class furm; larse diwer; spring water piped to good 7-room h;use; several larse .springs on the place; everything goes for $0500 ; easy terms. For further parliculars write to THE CAMAS REALTY CO.. Camas. Wash. APPLE LAND. If Interested fn frultralslng ng In one rr ihw hpNi orchard districts In Oregon, 80 miles from Portland, the best city on the Coast, it will pay you to get our WESTERN HOOD free booklet. a hav. unquestionably the best proposition or. tho market. Prices from 130 per aero up. Get In on the ground lloor. where there Is lots doing and double your money In short time. The closest Investi gation sollrltl. Will gladly show you. VANDUYN WALTON. 615 Chamber Commerce. TOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY. 20 acres of as fine land as lies out of doors; only-", mile font Tualatin oil good road; good house, nuibulldlngs and well. All fenced and in splendid shiny) to make vou monev. If you want a smiiU place don't let this get awoy; only $lu per acre. F. E. (DUKE) MANCHESTER. 2o3 Henry Bldg. HITHER HOOD THE GREATEST Undeveloped fruit section In the North west. Thousands of acres of finest soil lying in tables or plateaus, the elevation being about 1200 feet. Location begin ning 20 miles east of Portland and ex-, tending east to Mount Hood. This sec .tlon Is commonly called Sandy River country, but has been christened Hither Hood. Prices range from $30 to $100 per acre. Go with us and look this country over. CHAPIN A HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. OAK PARK FRUIT FARM. 120 acres, all under cultivation, In the Justly celebrated Red Hill orchard lands of Sa'.em, Oregon, unsurpassed for apples, cherries, pears, prunes, walnuts or for small fruit; entirely surrounded by bear ing orchards; macadam roads to Salem, good water, R. F. D-, telephone, church and school; nothing better anywhere for fruit; will sell as a whole or In tracts to suit. For terms call or write to owner, H. H. Smith, 40S East Washington St., Portland. Or. WHO WILL GET ITT 100-acro farm: one of the best In the vallev; near Cornelius; line house and all outbuildings; loo ucres In fln-J state of cultivation; on elevated point, command ing splendid view; bearing orchard or choice fruit; even- Inch 1 an be cultivated; SO ucres tine cediir timber; only $100 per aLFe'F. E. (DUKE) JIANCIIESTER. ai:l Henry Bldg. 10 ACKE9 with beautiful modern 6-room house, large barn, chicken house. Iron wa ter tower, tank 2000-gallon capacity, gas oline pump; 00-foot cemented well; all fenced; 'J1 acres In strawberries; 2 acres In all kinds of berries; ll acres In potatoes- 2 acres In clover; 40 yards from electrlo line; 10 miles from l'ortlund: close to high and public schouls; railroad survey In front of place; must be sold on account of sickness; u cash, balance terms. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Inc. (118 Board of Trade Bldg. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND OPENINO UNDER CAREY ACT. Conrad-Valley project, Montana. 70.000 scree of line grassy prairie under Irrigation; draw. Ing Oct 7. ISM: must register for drawing before Oct. 7; can register by mall. For In formation and blanks wrlta M. V . A -MAN. Valicr. Mont., or 1193 Security Bank Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. ONE OF TUB CHOICEST HOMES ON TUB MARKET. Consisting of ten acres, all under plow, with a five-room houso costing $2hk). new barn costing $0o, good horse, harnees and wagon, KM) chickens, couple of hogs and au necessary farming tools; price $i2.i0; sjoou cash will handle It. .- OTTO A HARKiWN REALTY CO., 133Vi First St. 14-MILE EAST FROM BEAVERTON. 21 acres all In cultivation, good 6-room house, big barn, chicken-houses, spring and well, some fruit trees; only 6 miles from courthouse by road. This Is a snap. Half cash, balance 8 to 6 years at 6 par PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Inc.. 018 Board of Trade , Bldg. TO CLOSE estate, must sell one of the best 1 "5-acre farms In Washington Co., 1 miles from Portland. Improvements cost $4500; you can't equ ual It for $125: we ask $'l00 per acre; one-third cash, bal ance to suit. Better look at It Sunday. Poiilsen-Uatclirfe Realty Co.. 320 l.um- oermen's bldg 6-ACRB ranch close to "Vancouver; good house, barn and cisterns; will sell or tratlu for Portland property. AE 350. ore gonian. ALL kinds of Clark County. Washington, farms. Murphy Caswell, 230 Stark at. Vancouver office, 712 Main st. 720 ACRES on John Day itwer. iw uatio irrigated, snipping mini ..' "'"" orchard. $4oo0. half cash. 412 Marquam. ALL good ones; see us. Columbia Trust Co.. Board of 'iraus disk. FOR RENT FARMS. WANTED Some one to buy my 8 teams and take contract to haul all my brick; also. I have 80 to 160 acres In Imperial Valloy, Southern California, that I will lease for 8 years to reliable party, first year free. The land has never been farmed, but needs very little work to put In shape, as It Is as kivnl as the floor, and has Just enough fall to Irri gate nicely, and Is the same rich silt as Is found along the celebrated River Nile. Plenty of water to Irrigate. You cer tainly can make money on that land raising alfalfa or any other thing. O. V. Pays, Eugene, Or., R. D. No. 1. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and names. HORSES, marea. Hits and harness of all kinds for sale. 2i4 Montgomery. STANDARD-BRED mare and buggy and harness. Phones Main 17; A lMU. 1