Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 02, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Fae. Stales. Horn
Mtln 7070 A SiS
....."..Main T70 A O'WS
Main 7f70 A 6"&S
Mln 7170 A WW
Main 7O70 A
!aln T070 A W't'3
Main 7070 A WM
City Circulation...
Managing Editor. .
Sunday Editor....
Composing-room .
City Fditor
Sjpt. Buildings. ..
ORPHEl'M THEATER (MorrUon, between
Sixth and 6eventh) Advanced vaude
ville. Matinee at 2:13. Tonight at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER- (Washington, o.twees
Svnth and Park) Vaudeville de luxe
?:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M.
PANT AGES THEATER Fonrfh and Stark)
--ontlnuoui vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and
a:3 P. M.
LTF.IC THEATER (Seventh and Alder)
Athon ftock Company In "The Ranch
King." Tonight y 8:15.
ETAR THE ATE7T1 Movlng-plctura ihow
very afternoon and evening. 2 to 10:30
OAKS (O. W. P carllne.) Concert b
Donatlli' Italian band. Thli afternoon
at 2:30 and tonight at 8:15.
"RECREATION PARK. (Twenty-fifth and
VauKhnl Baseball. Spokane vs. Portland.
This afternoon at 3:30.
Liqlor Dealer Loses. Judge Bennett
ytcruay''rnornlng in the Municipal Court
hPln that the City Council la properly au
thorized to make such laws regarding the
regulation of the liquor traffic as that'
booy may deem fit In the city of Port
, land, and decided against Isaac Brnnn. a
liquor dealer, of 140 Third street. Brunn
nu arrested on the complaint of J. H.
. Hutchinson, a deputy license Inspector,
who charged him with conducting both a
wholesale and a retail liquor business
upon a retail liquor license. Because
Brunn pen-istently refused .to pay i0 for
the wholesale license, the city officials
caused his arrest to force him to pay up.
for. falling to procure this license after
having been duly warned by the license
inspector. Judge Bennett imposed fine
of ioO. Attorneys for Brunn gave notice
of appeal. They maintained tl:a1t waa
unconstitutional for the Council to, ask
two licenses from the same concern.
Delegate to Mrrrrso Congress. H. "W.
' Rand, a prominent mining man of this
city, has been appointed by Governor
(Benson aa a delegate to the American
Jlinirg Congress, which meets at Gold-
' field. New, September 27 to October, 2,
OPIJnso Faij. Meeti!o. The East Side
Business Men's Club will hold Its first
meeting In September tonight in the club-
, rooms of the Healy building, corner Orand
avenue and East Morrison street, to lay
plans for a general improvement cam
paign for Central East Portland and the
surrounding district. Everybody Inter
ested iy Invited to come forward with
suggestions, which will be incorporated
In the future plans of the club. "Get
your thinking cap on." are the words of
the notice the secretary has sent out. The
' Important questions are: Purchase of
Hawthorne Park by the city; widening of
' East Water street from 60 to 80 feet; how
to get a playhouse for the East Side; the
enlargement of the hard-aurface district,
and the matter q laying water mains.
Probably plans for the next Rose Festival
will be considered.
Must Go to Feder"!. Jaii. Charles
Xickell and Coe D. Barnard, two of the
convicted Oregon land-fraud defendants,
have been notified to surrender them
selves to the Federal authorities that they
may begin serving their sentences, the
United States 8upreme Court having re
fused to set aside the Judgment of the
trial court. Barnard was convicted of
perjury August 11. 1906. and was sen
tnced to two years at McNeill's Island
and fined $3000. Nickll was convicted of
conspiracy to suborn perjury, and .was
sentenced to serve 13 months at the Fed
eral prison. , .
B. W. Latton Knowt Herb. Bernard
- W. Layton, assistant sergeant-at-arms of
the United States Senate, who died in
California. August 8. is remembered by
a great many Portland people. Mr. Lay
ton was employed aa one of the subord
inate officers of the. upper house of Cort
g ;3 for about 13 years, until two years
ago falling health made It necessary for
hl.n to give up the work and go to Cali
fornia for hla health. During his many
ytars of service at Washington, Mr. Lay
ton virfted Portland a number of times
and formed a large number of acquaint
ances here.
Work ox St. Francis' Ohttrch. Work
on St. Francis Church, which. Is being
erected on East Pine between East
Eleventh and Baat Twelfth, la going for
ward steadily. Father J. H. Black, the
. pastor. Is looking after the erection of the
building. No general contract waa let,
and the erection of the church la going
' forward under the charge of a foreman.
It will be of frame construction, but will
be nearer fire-proof than many brick
structures, as the exterior will be cov
ered with concrete several Inches thick,
placed on metal laths.
Stamp Sales Increase. Stamp sales at
the Portland Postofflce for the month of
August amounted to 160,800.61 as com
pared with fciifrt-M for the corresponding
month a year ago. This difference of
$T3i5.32 represents an increase of 13.66 per
cent. Postmaster Young reports that the
sale of stamps was exceedingly brisk dur
ing the month, with the-exception of the
last 10 days, with the result that the per
centage of Increase irf these sales for the
month Is not quite as large as for pre
ceding months.
Grand Avemtb Fill Is Donb. The fill
on grand avenue through Stephens Slough
has been completed, and appears to have
settled to a aolld foundation. It is some
thing over three blocks In length and
the avenue above the surface Is 29 feet In
height. About 50.000 cubic yards of ml
tr:al was used in the embankment. After
a triort wait sidewalks will be put down
and the embankment will be covered with
crushed rock.
New East Sids Water Omca-Tht
new East Side water office on the
southeast corner of East Alder and East
S'verrth streets was opened to the public
yesterday for the first time, and water
charges hereafter will be paid there for
the East Portland district. The old of
fice. In tha Holman block, on East Wash
ircton street and Grand avenue, has been
I.eturb tst Dr.' Lev. "The Story of
Mv Conversion" is the subject of an In-t-rlin;
address to be delivered Thurs
day fvoning at 7:45 o'clock at the First
United Presbyterian Church. Sixth and
Il-jnteomery streets, by Dr. Marx Lev,
tie converted Jew. cf New York. The
!.iure will bj free, and the public is
Seventh Ward Leasce Tonioht. The
Seventh Ward League will have an lm
r r. tant meeting tonight. All matters of
irttrost to residents of the Seventh Ward
v i:i be considered, chief among which are
the n- sewer and the new water system,
aUo narks and boulevards. Everybody is
inviifd to attend.
Thomas W ithycombe has them all
skinned a mile on fine walnut groves;
alio has choice farms, suburban acres
and tracts See him at 609 Commercial
h!j.-k. Id and Washington streets, city.
phones Main 1446. A 14S5.
The new dining-room of the Meier &
Frank store is now open: excellent serv-1-e.
moderate prices; tables can be re
served by phone. 7th floor annex:
For Rent. 14.000 square feet in 'ware
hour.; located at 13th and Kearney, with
trackage facilities, elevator, -etc. In
quire Tull & Gibbs. i
"Lefferts" pure gold seamless wedding
rings, all sises; engraving free; price. 16
to ill 272 Washington street
The Oreoonian Bcildino has a few
choice office rooms for rent. Call at
room 301.
Shipherd's Springs Is the place for
you. E- L- Shlpherd. manager.
Mann Beach, Printers. 93 First at.
X)tu CABLLBta returned. Hi East 80th.
Central W. C. T. U. M EETS.-After de- I
votional exercises, conducted by Mrs. C.
M. BodKley. Mrs. J. M. Donaldson ad-
dressed Central . i. o. je-"'"""J
the Loyal Temperance Legion. She spoke
of the noed of reaching the children to
train up workers for the future. Tha L.
T. L furnishes this Instruction. There are
40 societies in this state; very, flourishing
ones at The Dalles and at Drain. Mrs.
Donaldson Introduced a little boy of the
5 T. L.. who recited very well one of
the poems. Miss Frances Gotshall spoke
of the young woman's orsaniration; the
necessity of enlisting them to fill tlje
places of the old members, and gave an
interesting account of the work of years
ago. when she was a little girl. Slie
urged tbe organization of a branch in this
citv. After remarks by Mrs. Mallet on
the work In Dakota. Mf. Mahone. of the
Civic Federation, spoke, outlining the
plans for the coming year. Mrs. M; E.
Hoxter aUo spoke on railroad work. Next
week the rfports of officers and superin
tendents will be read, and all are urged
to bo present.
Church Cornerstone Laid. The- cor
nerstone of tbe edifice being erected by
the First Church of Christ, Scientist, at
Eighteenth and Everetrstreets, was laid
earlv Tuesday morning. In keeping with
the "custom of the church, the service was
very simple, and was participated in only
by the church officers and the commit
tees immediately connected with the
building work. Promptly at 6:30 o'clock,
tho hour annolnted. the receptacle, con
taining the llible and the works of Mary
Baker Eddy, together with' copies of the
current issues of the Christian 'Science
periodicals, was sealed in the cornerstone
by Superintendent HorsTra. The atone
was then placed in position, and the serv
ice, conducted by First Reader H. C. Van
Meter, followed, consisting of reading
from the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's works.
The cornerstone is of New Hampshire
granite, and is the gift of the Sunday
School children. Several carloads of
stone are on the grpund, and work 1b
proceeding satisfactorily.
HrssAND Blames Chauffeur. Blame
for the accident to Mrs. M. Potter, who
was run down by an automobile driven by
8. R. Smith, at Third and Morrison
streets Tuesday. Is placed wholly upon
the driver of the car by Mrs. Potter's
husband, who was a witness of the in
cident. "Tne automobile was on the
wrong side of the street," said Mr. Potter
yesterday. "Mrs. Potter desired to cross
the street, but three streetcars in line
intervened. We passed between the first
and second car. Mrs. Potter in the lead.
Mrs. Potter immediately looked up Morri
son street, with the supposition that any
vehicles would be approaching on the
rlgfcthand side. A noise from the other
direction attracted her attention, and she
was Just turning when the automobile
struck her. The automobile was not
traveling above the speed limit, but was
advancing, on the lefthand side of the
street." The extent of Mrs. -Potter's In
juries had not yet been ascertained yes
terday afternoon. ,
Lectures on Theosopht. Dr. . Allem
Griffiths, lecturer for the Universal
Brotherhood and Theosophical Society,
will deliver a lecture on "Theosophy and
the World's Unrest" in Women of Wood
craft Hall. Tenth end Taylor streets, to
morrow night. Dr. Griffiths is returning
to California after spending several days
in Seattle, where he, delivered three lec
tures in the Fine Art Hall on the ex
.raitlnn grounds. Dr. Griffiths will be
remembered by many Portland people,
for he passed the greater part of his
bovhobd days in this city. This is his
first visit here for 13 years, and he
naturally Is surprised at Portland's
marvelous growth in that time.
Stuart Gets Another Hearing. The
City Civil Service Commission yesterday
afternoon granted the request of R. M.
Stuart, who was discharged from the po
lice force for unbecoming conduct sevr
eral' months ago. He asked that hta case
be reopened and that he be given an op
portunity to be heard. The case of W. J.
Idleman. who was discharged as night
watchman at the City Park, was taken
up. and Secrstary Mcintosh was in
structed to ascertain whether the dis
charge was ordered by the Park Board or
by Superintendent Mlsche.- The matter
will be discussed fully later.
Bridoe Donb in Seven Months. City
Engineer Morris said yesterday that the
Madlson-atreet bridge is progressing rap
idly, and that there is no reason why It
cannot be completed and ready for serv
ice in seven months. The substructure
will be put In Just as soon as the old
pters are removed, which will be In the
near future. Barring delays In the ship-:
ments of steel or some unforeseen thing,
the span should be ready for use on con
tract time.
Patrolman Cort Resigns. Patrolman
M. -B. Cory handed in his resignation on
Tuesday to Acting Captain Keller of the
second night relief of the Police Depart
ment. Cory relinquishes the uniform to
undertake the life of a rancher. He and
his father recently obtained control of a
large ranch hi Southern Oregon, and they
intend to begin farming on a scientific
basis. Cory, had been In the police serv
ice for about three years.
Tii.Camook Coast Praised. B. "W.
Moon, tho artist, has returned from his
trip to Tillamook Bay. Mr. Moon speaks
Very highly of the new Oregon Summer
resorts that are being put in condition
for next season. He thinks that the
beaches from Bayocean Park to Lake
Lytle are tbe prettiest and cleanest of
any in the Korthwest. Mr. Moon selected
a lot at Bayocean and one-at Lake Lytle.
Sawed Shingle Sawtxr SuES.--Failure
of the University Lumber Shingle Com
pany to place guards in' front of Its
shingle saws is made the basis for an
damage suit, filed In the Circuit
Court yesterday by Fred A. Kenney. who
says his right hand slipped while he was
at work, and jvas cut and permanently
injured on the saw. The accident
happened on October 14, last year.
Mothers' Strike Declared Orr. Two
years ago the machine shops of Portland
declared an open shop, with the result
that the iron molders struck and went
out. A few days ago they, declared the
strike off. and so notified the foundry
men. During the past two years most of
V tha men have not been working, hut this
action will enable them to get employ
ment again.
Arm Fractured in Accident. Mrs. A.
L. Welch, mother of Mrs. J. .Chaney, of
1S1 Fourteenth street, who was run down
by the automobile of A. Glebisch, August
24. was more seriously Injured than at
first reported. She is confined to her bed
with a fractured arm, besides various
bruises, from which she will not soon re
cover. The new dining-room of the Meter &
Frank store Is now open; excellent serv
ice, moderate? prices: tables can be re
served by phone. 7th floor annex. Pro
fessor Rosebrooks' Orchestra dally from
11:30 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Apartment House Sold. The Poulsen
Ratcllffe Realty Company yesterday sold
for Mrs. C. Carlson, the three-story apart
ment houe at 305 Eleventh street, adjoin
ing the Columbia apartments, for $26,000,
to Nelson Giles.
Council Crest Dancing Pavilion.
Beautifully decorated, fine floor; capacity
Son couples. Will be rented for private
parties on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days. Phone Main 2763.
A business block for the man of busi
ness. The Oregonlon Building. Tour
name belongs In our building directory;
your business belongs in our 'building.
Call at room 301. .
But your peaches for preserving now.
Walllng's fancy Oswego Crawfords are
arriving daily at Dressers & Sealy-Mason
Co.'s. They won't last long.
Tocno Women's Christian Association
irymnaslum for Fall ternv Register at
once. " ' '
A Splendid grocery store, doing good
business, is for sale. W 345, Oregonlan.
Himovskt Wallsteed. ladies' tailors.
Selling-Hlrsch bids-
Willard A. Roberts, dentist, returned.
Medical bids.'
i-.. , v r c A. . Executives.
The new catalogue which has Just been
issued bv the Y. M. C."A. shows the fol
lowing changes in the executive force:
J. Vi Guthrie, who 1ms been employed as
secretary of the employment department,
has been transferred to th business de
partment, and A. R. Gray, coming from
Huston. Tex., has taken the employment
secretary's position: P. W. Lee- comes
from Seattle to take a position as assist
ant physical director. According to the
catalogue, the T. M. C. A. will conduct
this year -jne of' the most comp!ete in
dustrial schools to be found on the Co'ast.
Most of the class work Is to be done be
tween 7:.T0 and 9:30 in the evening, but
there will aleo be a limited number of
classes arranged for hours during the
day. The regular season of classes is
due to begin September 27. and will be
divided inld three terms. At present the
new building Is uncompleted inside, but
It Is expected to .have everything in shape
and in running order in six weeks. Until
the other floors are ready, the second
floor will be peed for all the general of
fice work. This floor will afterward be
used by the boys' department.
Ralph Praboer Dead in Germany.
Ralph Praeger, formerly a well-known
resident of Portland, died recently In, Ger
many. The news was received yesterday
by Fred Rothschild. Nineteenth and Hoyt
streets, in a telegram from San Fran
cisco, where Mr. Praeger resided after
leaving Portland. The death occurred at
Frankfort-on-tfie-Main. Mrs. Praeger was
with, him at the time. They were en
route to Manhelm, traveling for his
health. The deceased is well liked among
the local lodge of Elks, of which he was
a member. .
Country Club Races.
On Labor Dat. September 6.
Running races, trotting races, pacing
races, pair-horse race and a farmers' race.
The best day's sport of the season:-
8. A. Tilzer has removed his offices to
suite 222, The Marquam, 2d floor. Phones:
Pacific Main 744, Homo A. 7740.
RrvERsiDB Driving Club.
Tickets, including grandstand, BO cents.
Cloud Cap Inn closes September 10.
Corbett-Smlth Wedding
Is Society Event
Ceremony Performed at Unitarian
Cnurch, and Reception Follows at
Smith Residence on Portland
Heights Couple .Off for Europe
Tomorrow. ,
rOR. the past few days there has been
.a marked Influx from the beaches
owing to the wedding of Miss Alta
Smith and Eliot R. Corbett which
occurred yesterday at noon at the
Unitarian Church. Dr. T. L. Eliot per
formed the ceremony, and a pretty bit
of sentiment was the fact that Dr. Eliot
had also officiated at the wedding of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
T. Smith.
Decorations for the church were on
an artistic but simple scale, palms, pink
asters, lilies, Oregon grape and ferns
being used. The bride, who is acknowl
edged one of the most charming and
popular girls In society, made a splen
did picture in a lovely gown of ivory
satin with full-length train and 'a veil
held, in place by a cluster of orange
blossoms, which were arranged lq a
coronet effect. The bodice was elab
orated with ancestral lace and she wore
a necklace of diamonds which was Mr.
Corbett's gift, and carried a bouquet, of
lilies of the valley and orchids.
Miss Leslie Smith, the maid of honor,
a strikingly handsome brunette, pre
sented a marked contrast to her sister,
who is a decided blonde type of beauty.
Her gown was built on the Dlrectoire
lines of pastel green satin combined
with lace, with which she wore a pic
ture hat of mauve, and carried a great
arm bouquet Of lavender orchids. . Mr.
Corbett was attended by his two broth
ers, Henry Ladd Corbett and Hamilton
Corbett, and the ushers were Roderick
Macleay, Walter Beebe, Plowden Stott,
Gerald Beebe, Lloyd Smith and Bruce
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served at Mr. and Mrs. A.
T. Smith's Portland Heights residence,
at 444 Twentieth street. The spacious
grounds as well as the various drawing
rooms were used for the reception, a
great awning being erected on the lawn
with tete-a-tete tables and chairs. In
the receiving line In one of the drawing
rooms were Mrs. W. S. Ladd, Mrs. Helen
Ladd Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Smith
and Mrs. H. W. Corbett.
In the dining-room presided Mrs. Wil
liam Warrens, Mrs. Charles F. Beebe,
Mrs. C. S; Jackson and Mrs. David
Shindler. '
The decorations for the house were
on an elaborate scale, roses in great
profusion being used as well as lilies
of the valley, pink tiger lilies and
orchids'. t Owing o the beautiful day
the majority were served in the gar
den, which presented a pretty kalei
doscopic effect of color with men in
frock coats, matrons and girls in filmy
Summer gowns and picture hats and
gay parasols.
The bride Is the eldest daughter of
Mr. and 'Mrs. A. T. Smith and a sister
of Miss Leslie Smith and Lloyd Smith.
Mr. Corbett is the secopd son of Mrs.
Helen Ladd Corbett and a grandson of
Mrs. S. Ladd and Mrs. H. W. Cor
bett. The, bride is a graduate of Smith Col
lege and one of the greatest favorites
at college, having held every possible
collegiate office of. honor. Mr. Corbett
Is a Harvard man and was conspicuous
on the football team.
Mr. and Mrs. Corbett left in their
motor for the country and will leave to
morrow for the East, sailing on Sep
tember 9 for Eurdpe on the George
Washington. They will be abroad for
over two months and upon their return
to America will visit in the East before
coming home for the holidays. .
Weather Bureau Predicts Cooling
Winds and Showers for Today.
Cooler weather, showers and south
erly winds am predicted for Portland
today by the Weather Bureau. The
barometer has been faUlng In the
northern portion of Oregon and there
has been a rise in Southern Oregon
and Northern California. The ther
mometer climbed up to 85 degrees yes
terday afternoon. 5 degrees higher than
on Tuesday. There was very little
Vumldlty and the heat was not op
pressive. The atmosphere is still heavi
ly laden with smoke, which will only
be dispelled by rain. Hourly tempera
tures yesterday follow:
5 A. M V"M2 noon ..
6 A. M nr t P. M..
7 A. M... 57 2 P. M..
,8 A. M M 3 P. M. .
!) A. M 4 4 P. M. .
10 A. M s s p. M-.
11 A. M 73J
I'm going "Down the Columbia" to
CLATSOP BEACH on the A. & C. R.
special Labor day excursion train, leav
ing Portland at 7:45 A. M. and return
ing at 10:15 P. M. COME ALONG.
38.000 acres of Carey act land' open for
entry September 20 at 10 o'clock. .Write
for booklet to the Twin' Falls Oakley
Land & Water- Company, M liner, Idaho.
City and Bourne Will Share in
Entertaining President.
President AVill Be Guest of Local
Committee Saturday, October 2.
" Will Speak That Night
at Armory. v
President Taft will be considered the
guest of the city and will be in the
hands of the local committee on enter
tainment from Saturday morning at 7
o'clock until that night at 10 o'clock, and
after that he will be turned over offi
cially to Senator Bourne for safekeeping.
This is the decision reached by the com
mittee of he. whole, which met- in open
session yesterday afternoon at the City
Hall, Mayor Simon presiding.
To yield gracefully to the wishes of the
President, even though they be not in
strict accord with those of the mem
bers of the committee, was the conclusion
to which the committee- came after dis-
1 -u hhniuii nf thn nituatlon. Thus
Mr. Taft's visit will be divided Into two
distinct and separate parts; and Senator
Bourne will have the distinguished guest
over night Satin-day. October 2, and all
day Sunday. 1
While T. B. Wilcox announced that ne
had reserved a wing of the Hotel Port
land for President Taft and party prior
to the date upon which Senator Bourne
reserved the same suite, Mr. Wilcox said
that he would not use such bad taste as
Senator Bourne has, and would not in
sist upon pressing the priority of the
claim on the rooms. Mr. Wilcox said
that he does not care anything about
the matter, only that he, in common with
the other members of the committee,
wished to see President Taft the guest
of the city, and not of any individual,
while here. ,
As matters stand, the President will be
met at the depot by members of the lo
cal committee and military escort, and
will be taken to the Hotel Portland to
breakfast, with members of the com
mittee. After breakfast he will be taken
about the city and through the down
town streets, so that those who wish
may see klm 'at that time. He will then
be given a luncheon at the Portland, and
the afternoon win be free.' At 7:45 P. M.
the committee -will meet the President
and escort him to the Armory, where
the President Is scheduled for a brief
public address.' Here the duties of the
committee end. The President will then
return to the hotel to 'become the guest
of Senator Bourne for the remainder of
his stay. Sunday afternoon the Presi
dent Will lay the cornerstone of the Uni
versalis! Church, East Twenty-fourth
and Broadway, a"nd will leave for Cali
fornia atN6 P. M. y
Of Interest to Women of Fashion.
By One" Who Knows.
During the latter part of August
there was held In Madison Square Gar
den, New York, a great fashion exhibit
under the auspices of the "Style and
Fabric Association."' To the .devotees
of fashion as well as to the creators of
fashionable garments for wiynen, this
magnificent exhibit afforded a splendid
opportunity to get in touch with the
coming Fall styles. The new modes in
Dress, in Fabrics, in Garnitures, were
.11 .k.miino-iv 1-pnrespnted. but tha
great outstanding feature of the exhibit
was undoubtedly to Da louna in me
various Corset Exhibits..
Of supreme importance Is the Corset
of today. It Is simply impossible for
any Modiste, jiowever expert, to make
a perfect fitting gown, in the present
modes, unless the gown is made over a
perfect fitting Corset; hence its im
portance. Again the health preserving
properties in the newest models are
highly commended by physicians of re
pute. The tight lacing, uncomfortable
Corsets of the past are gone forever
and the new Corsets are built along
scientific lines, so that no woman, prop
erly fitted, to these newest models, need
have' any anxiety concerning her ap
pearance, even if, as one expert' has
said, "nature has been lajc irf the proper
distribution of tissue."
Perhaps the most striking feature of
this great Corset Exhibit was the im
portance . attached by . experts to the
new front laced models. The "Modart"
Exhibit of front laced Corsets in par
ticular was favored by all the New
York experts. Beautiful in outline, of
exquisite material, and of ready adapt
ability to a wide range of figures, the
Modart Corsets found favor at the first
glanc"whlc?i greatly strengthened upon
closer acquaintance.
It was Instructive to watch the effect
of the Modart Exhibit upon the visitors.
Along the aisle comes the keen eyed
male expert, quick to discern the rare
beauty and symmetry of the Modart
Corset, or some beautifully gowned
woman would more slowly approach,
looking at this igroup of modelsand
then at that group, with an evidently
only casual interest,' but as she ap
proached the Modart Exhibit her atten
tion centered and( her interest became
most Intense.
Judging from the great interest cre
ated during the days' of the Madison
Square Garden Exhibit, it seems very
evident that the front laced corset will
very soon supplant ' the back laced
The "Modart" Corset is new this sea
son; It is the' result of years of close
study by the greatest expert corset designers-
of the world today and is a
revelation in scientific corset manufac
ture.' The demand for it in New York
already far exceeds the present supply.
The introduction of the "Modart"
models will in the, opinion of all expert
designers inaugurate a new corset era.
The front lacing corset Is easy of ad
justment and shapes the back, hips and
bust of the wearer perfectly; so much
so that these charming "Modart" models
are receiving the commendation of all
New York's foremost Modistes. The
problem of beauty and comfort, whether
the wearer is standing or sitting. Is
practically solved in the new "Modart"
front lacod corset.
. . ' ;
All the delicacies or the season at' the
Portland restaurant; fine private apart
ments for ladles. 305 Wash.. near Fifth.
Best meal at the new Kantong Cafe, 452
Washington street, near 12th Special
Sunday chicken dinner, with Ice cream, 40
cents. Merchants' lunch daily, 25 cents.
Aune, Columbia Bldg.. Min. A 1635.
They're Always Listening;
For vour want ad. The Oregonlan want
ad clerks are always ready to take your
want ad as you read It to tbam. Call
As there Is little or no danger of sore
gums or other troubles while the warm
wea'her lasts. -Our plates give the
mouth n natural expression, and will
prove a lasting comfort.
President and Manaicer.
22 Years Established in Portland.
We will give you a good 22k gold
- or porcelain crown tor.. 3.50
Molar Crowns 6.00
22k bridge teeth 3.00
Gold or enamel fillings 1-00
Silver fillings -SO
Inlay filings of all kinds
Good rubber plates 5.00
The best red rubber plates...: 0
Painless extraction -50
Painless extraction free when iates
or bridge" work is oraerea.
Work guaranteed for 15 years.
The Falling; Bids-, 3d and Wash. Sta,
Office Hours A. M. to 8 P. M.
Snndaya, 9 to 1.
Phones A and Main 2020.
SCHOOL days are the days
when most of the im
portant habits 'of life are
formed Teach your
children the daily use of
and they will some day rise to
call you blessed. It cleanses,
beautifies and preserves the
teeth and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
Main 7070 or A 6095, and' ask for the
want ad department.
fares still irf effect. .
Special Train, L,abor Day, to Seaside.
Via Astoria and Columbia River R. R.
Leaves Union Depot Monday. 7:45 A. M..
arrives Seaside 11:30 A. M. Returning
leaves Seaside 6:40 P. M., arrives Port
land 10:16 P. M. '
That Bark Tonic is the greatest rheu
matic remedy in the world. It drives
all impurities out of the system. . Price
7re per botle at the J. A. Clemenson
DruB Co., cor. Front and Morrison Bts.
Reduced Fares
To the East
- low Summer "Tourist Tickets
on sale September 9 and October 4.
When you go East take the
"Scenic Highway Through the
Land of Fortune." Service as
superb as the scenery. Visit Yel
lowstone Park en route. Full par
ticulars, with illustrated litera
ture from
A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A.,
235 MorrlHon St., Portland.
F. W. JBaltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
Main 165
phone8 Home 11165
First and Oak
. . Friday. Oregonian
Best mountain resort on Coast; best
medicinal water, scenery, hunting and
fishing; nature's own conservatory of
health. Auto from Albany, stage from
Brownsville and Lebanon. Write or
phone to
Caacadia, Oregor
it J ' '
lr. Lynns .
I eoiii rewaer
B Gag ii
abor Siay
Via Astoria & Columbia River Railroad
' 'TO
Clatsop Beach Resorts
MORRISON (Columbia Beach)
SKIP ANON (De Laura Beach)
Tickets Good Going Saturday, Sunday and on Monday
Morning Trains.
Returning Sunday or Monday.
Leave Portland 8 A.M., 6 P.M. Leave Seaside 7:40 A.M., 5 P.M.
Leave Portland Saturday, 2 :30 P. M. ; Monday, 7 :45 A. M.
Leave Seaside Sunday, 6:40 P. M.; Monday, 6:40 P. M.
for parlor aar reservations and detailed information as -to
train schedules, etc., call at City Ticket Offices,
, 122 Third St., Near Washington.
255 Morrison St., Corner Third.
Grand Central Station.
ti, i;.tt f ri; hnnk is to cultivate liehiful business re
lations with its depositors and to
WW h their needs demand and
We invite accounts subject to
12-month-and 3 per cent on
J Train Time Now Equalled, Two Nights
S. S. KANSAS CITY (Wm. Kidston, Master)
142 Third St. Main 402, A 1402. Main 268. A 1234. Alnaworth Dock.
Tell Your Troubles to Us
; '
We have a complete line of Supplies,
and our price are the loireat.
Western Electric Works
61 Sixth St,. PORTLAND, OH, Phones Main 1696, A 1696
Is the watchword for health and vigor,
' ... . . -w , . I A i 1 am
comrort ana neauiy. man n.mvi m
lng not only the necessity but the lux
ury of cleanliness. SAPOLIO, which
has wrought such changes in the home,
announces her sister triumph
A special aoap, whioh energizea the
whole body, starts the circulation and
leaves an exhilarating glow. All ro.
cers and druggists. ,
Millinery Dept.'
in high-class cloak and suit housed
best location. 1206 Call Building, San
Francisco, Cal.
Guaranteed to Stand
60i Pounds Pressure.
Goodyear Rubber Co.
61-63-65-07 Fourth S Cor. Vine.
(12.09 Full Set of
Teeth. $6.00.
Crowns and Brldse
work. 13.00.
' Boom 405, Deknm,
Open Evenings XI U 7.
render at all times the service
which our equipment insures.
check and pay 4 per cent on
O-montn cemiicaies oj. uepuMi.
to San Francisco, Three to Los Ansele.
The Ely-Norrl Maaard Mannanea.
Steel Bank Safes, the Strongest in tho
This challenge appears In all the
leading papers throughout the United
States. We hereby agree to put up one
of our safes against any three so-called
burglar-proof safes manufactured
either by one firm or a collection of
firms, agreeing to open all three safes
in less time than Is occupied in open
ing or uafe, allowing them the amount
of explosives .used upon their three
safes upon our one safe. We will fur
nish the -safe free of charge and If
necessary will buy the "dope" with
which to operate on the safe.
Money and Metal Talks. Come to Time. .
All Sunny Outside Rooms.
Hotel Colonial
Stockton, Street Above Softer,
San Francisco.
European Plan, $1.60 and Up.
, American Plan. $3,00.
Sutter-street Cars Direct From Ferry.
Howard T. Blethen, Manacar.