ii THE MORXIXG OREGOMAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1909. BALING HEW HOPS Market for the 1909 Crop Will Soon Open. INQUIRY FROM LONDON Condition of the English Crop nd I-atest Estimates Result of Irrigation In the Yak ima Valley. Hopplcklrg Is now under way i every hopgrowlng county In the etate. In a, few yarda where picking started flrat. baling U being dona. Tha quality la showing up bat ter than waa hoped for two weeks ago. Re port aa to tha size of ylelda ara rather conflicting, yet thera aaeir.f to be no reaaon to reduce lata estimates. It la likely that before next week la far advanced, actual tranaactlon In new baled hops will ba recorded. Tha flgura offered bow la 31 cent For laat year's growth. 29 H casta haa been offered. Thai tha London trmde la becoming Inter ested tn Oregon hope la ah own by tha fact that a well-known exporter of thla state received a cable aaklng for quotations and a description of tha quality of tha crop. Tha latest reports on the condition of the Fngllsh hop crop and market were con talned tn two cablea received by Klabar, Wolf Natter yesterday. One waa aa fol 1 lows: No change In proapecta elnca our last. We do not alter onr estimate of crop (240. OO owt.). Market dull, prlcea unchanged. Market firm, but quiet." Tha other cable read: "Crop looking better than last reported. We estimate crop at 250.000 ewt. Market quiet, but prlcea etlll firm." A Ban Franclaoo wire to tha eame firm Said I "California crop looking aa last reported. Estimate crop at 06.000 to 70,000 bales" Hopelcklng waa completed yesterday In the Sacramento, Tuba and Tolo sections of California. IRRIGATED HOPS MAKE FINK flOHlXO Rapid Growth of a Takima Yard That Waa Cultivated I -at. 4 It does not take a hop vine long to make up Tor lost time. This waa ahown In one of the YaXrma yards that Issao Plnoua Eons, of Tacomai ara running. They took charge of a 24-acre yard there on May 25 that had not been cultivated or touched in any way. The vines were running on the ground, and everything waa In disorder. By June 10 they had tha yard ready for twining, and aa aoon aa It was twined they put on water It being an irrigated yard and began cultivation. Tha plant at that time In Ita growth waa fully a month be hind the vines In adjoining yards. Now It has caught up with tha other Takima hops; and the crop will be picked at tha eame time as the other yards. Mr. Plncus estimates that tha X4 acrea will produce S25 balea of hops. WHEAT IS STEADY AND CNCHANOED. Reports From the Country Ara of a Bet ter Selling Movement. Tha wheat market held ateady yesterday at the prlcea announced Monday. Reporta from the country were that tha Belling movement waa somewhat larger. Local re ceipt, were less than half what they were a year ago. Tha .foreign situation shows no Improvement. The London cable of tha Merchants" Exchange reported cargoea dull. ' and 87s Od tha nominal quotation on Walla Walla for ahlpmenta. There were no changes In oats or bar ley, which were steady. Local receipts. In ears, were reported by lehe xTerrhanta" Exchange aa followa: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday (Tuesday ao IT o 8 20 i a i 12 7 1JS 2 8 12 2S 21 22 21 SO SLANT POOR PEACHES ARE COMINO. Demand la Checked by tha Full Prices Asked. Recelpte of peaches yesterday were large, lnd. aa haa been the case recently, a large proportion of the arrival were of poor ' quality. The best stock sold at 0c ', to II per box and othera at B0876C Tha demand was not particularly brisk, as buy . ars object to the high prlcea. and a good many peachea were, therofere. carried over. ' Tokay grafies brought 11.40 per crate. and will probably be lower today, aa a straight car will be put on aala thla morn ing. Cantaloupes, pears and other fruits , were In good supply and were ateady In prlca. ; PAT'S POULTRY RECEIPTS ARE HEATT Buyers Are Indifferent and Prlcea Decline Half a Cent. Poultry recelpte yesterdsy were tha heav iest for a long time: Buyers took advantage of the fact and by holding off caused a de cline in prlcea. Hens were put down to 18c and aprtnga to 16 He. Tha egg market waa atrong. with aala of atrlctly fresh stock at 80fl31c. Butter and cheese were firm and un changed, i' 4 Arrivals of dressed pork were unusually large and the price weakened to 10 Vic. Veal waa steady at 10c for the best. ; OREGON PRUN E MARKET IS DCXL. 1 California Growers Offerfng Their Product At a Low Price. SALEM. Or. Aug. 31. (Special.) Pack ers report tha prune market very dull, ow I lng to the fact that the California growers have pushed their product on the market at a low price, while the Oregon growers are holding off for a better figure. The . Eastern buyers, accustomed to tha low pries In California, are reluctant to pay more for the Oregon product, but as the i Oregon - growers are firm In their demand for better figures. ' the chances are that thera will be an advance In tha near fu ture. It Is claimed that In soma districts In California prunes can be bought direct from the growers on a J M, -cent basis. Drying In n-n ie exnected to commence about Sep tember 25. with excellent prospects for a .heavy crop. Bank Clearing. Clearings of the Northweetern cttlea yes terday ware as follows: Clesrtngs. Balsnces. Portland 11.171.647 3.263 Featlie l..U12 S23.2M Tacl R7K.6-14 44.5153 Spokane 7.W.4..S 159,fSl TotM bank clearinss of Portland for the month of Aurusl. l:i!. were 1:10.743.878.72. c.-mpurcd with 124.3i7.5ti7.4S for August. 1 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Eta. WHEAT Track prices: New crop, blus stem U4c: club. 80c: red Russian. 83 He; Valley. N: Fife, eic; Turkey red. 65c; eO-f.-M. R7V,c H,IR patents. .2S per barrel; straiihla. 1.130: exports, new, 14; Vslley, 1.1 graham. 5 .6". whole wheat, quarters, i a,' fc" ' HARLEI-Feed, f 28 50; brewing. ,27.50 per ton. 0T.3 September. 125 per ton. ' CORN Whole, 115; crscked. J3S per ton. iilLLSTUFfS-r Bran, $2 per ton; mid- S029; Willamette Oregon, ilfalfa. 50. dllnga, 133; shorta 329032: chop, 3: roiled barley. .2 ,,, ilAI .-cw . . ... Valley, 312318 per ton; Eastern 1718: mixed. vl-50?4 " 813 50; clover. 311613; cheat. 11314 r.uiTK n&l ftt.o each. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, "tas. 84c: fancy outside creamery. S0S34C per pound: store, 2123c. (Butter fat prices average lHo per pound under regular but- ,eEUGS!)regoo ranch, candled, 8081o per dosen. inn.,.. POULTRY Hens. 18c: Springs. 16c, roosters. 10c; ducks young. 14c; ; eese. young. 10c; turkeys. 20c; squabs. V'5a '"cheese-Full cream twlna, 17 6 18c per noun.!: young Americas, j . -.i . PORK Fancy. IOVjo per pound. VEAL Extra, thsV He Per pound. Vegetables and Fruits. FRESH FRUITS Apples, new. 818 2.25 - on'.., . ho' Tieernes. per Oox pears. - " ' 40c6tl per crate; cantaloupes. 11.2531.75 per crate; plums. 259 70o per box; wat- w - . . - h 1 . erIU.a RltCUB ermelons. lli,e per yuunu. b.-k--. 11.40; casabas. 11.B0S2 per dozen. puTATOKS Oregon. 11 ptr sack; sweet potatoes. 3c per pound. TROPICAL FRIITP Valencies. 13350. lemons. fancy. 16 ft 6.50; choice. grapefruit. 13.50 per box; bananas. 65Vo per pound; pineapples. 11.7Stf2 per 4o;i. SACK V KG KT A BLES Turnips, iJOl per sack; carrots,- II: beets, 11.25. ONIONS New, 81.25 per sack. VEGETABLES Beans. 45c: cabbage. 1 tiu. per pound; cauliflower. i5cfcl-o . . ; tMti nitr dozen: corn. 162oe per Cozen; cucumbers, lots 6c per dozen; egspiam. nomoue. ucw ' ' - per doxan: parsley. 85c per dox.; peas. 7 o per dosen; parsisy. o.-c .ei uu... - :r 15o per docen; spinach 5 c per pound, squash, 5o; tomatoea, 80S 50a Groceries. Dried Frnlta. Etc Dried FRUIT Apples. lo psr pound; nsachea. 78c; prunes. Italians, iaO 8U: prunes, Frsnoh, 4c; ourranta, un washed, casea, Hc; currants. washed, casea, 10c; flga white fancy, 60-lb. boxea, 8i4c; dates, 7STfcc . SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails, 82 per dozen; 2,-pound talis. 82 3; 1-pound Mats. 32.IU; Alaska pink, 1-pound talla, BOc; red, 1-pound tails, L45; sockeyes, 1-pound talis. 82. COFFEE Mocha. 24280; Java, ordinary, 1720c; coata Rica, fancy. 18S20c; good, 10ft 18c: ordinary. 12eioo per pound. NUTS Walnuts. 12 (i 13c per pound by sack; Brazil nuts, loc; filbert", 13c; pea nuts, 7c; almonds, 13014c; chestnuU. Ital ian. 11c; peanuts, raw. 8e: pinenuta. 10 12c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoanuta, SOo per dozen. 6LQAR Granulated. $3.73: extra C, $3.33; i j . . a... e-.tlr mwiA herrv lurir. $j.S5: Honolulu plantation, fine grain. $4.25; cubes tbsrrel), tain; powuerea ("f"". $0.10. Terms, on remlttancss within 13 days, deduct fcc per pound; If later than 15 daya and within 90 days, deduct Ke per pound. Maple sugar, l.l'tflSo per pound. t- . t t- nn..iut.rf t14 rter ton. S1.&0 Tier bale; ba t ground. 100s, $7.50 per ton; 50aJ IS per ton. BEANS Small white, 7Hc; large white, BHc; Lima, 8o; bayou, Hc; red kidney, fcc; pink, 4Vic Prorlalons. BACON Fancy. 24c per pound; standard, 204c; choice, l4c: English. 17HS1814C. DRY SALT CUKEU Reeuiar ahort cleara, dry aalt., lSc; smoked. 14c; short clear backs., heavy dry aalted. 13Vic; smoked, 15c: Oregon exporta, dry aalted, 15o; smoked. 10c. HAMS 8 to 10 pounds, 18Hc; 14 to 18 pounds, I8H0I 18 to 20 pounds, 16ttc: hams, skinned. 17c; picnics, 12c; cottage roll. 13c; boiled hams. 25024lo; boiled picnics. 20c. LARD Kettle rendered, 10s, loVc; 6a 16Hc; standard pure: 10a 15VsC; 5s, ISHci choice. 10s. 14 He; 5s, Uc Compounda, 10s, 9"ic; 5s. BTtc. SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues. each. 80c: dried beet sou. 19c; dried beef out sides, 17c; dried beet Insldea, Sic; dried beef knuckles, 20c PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Plga feet, $13; regular tripe. $10; honeycomb tripe. $12; pigs' tongues. $19.50. Hops, Wool. Hides. Etc. HOPS 1IHI9 contracts. 21c: 1909 crop, 1515Wc: 11KI7 crop, llo; 1908 crop, 8c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 1U&23C per ound; Valley. 23 6250. MOHAIR Choice. 24 6 25c per pound. CASOARA BARK ttstrSa per pound. HIDES liry hidea. 17vlSc per pound; dry kip. 16fc"l7c pound; dry calfskin. 19 (U.'lc pound; salted hides. lOU-ijllc: salted calfskin, liyltic pound; green, lc less. FURS No. 1 skins: Angora goat. $1 to 8i.2.1; badger. 25 8 50c; bear. $S20; beaver. $8 50 8 8.50; cat, wild, 7&cg$1.50; cougar, perfect head and clawi. $.110; fisher, dark, $7.5011: pale. 84.90 07: fox. cross. $3 5: fox. gray. 6oc; fox. red. $:)6; fox. silver. $'15100; lynx. IIIS; marten, dark, $Srl2; mink. $3.505 50; muskrtt, Xbit 2.c: otter. lAov: raccoon. 60(j'73c; sea otter, $100i250, as to slse and color; skunks. efltfSOc; civet cat. 1015o; wolf, $26 3; coyote. 73ce$1.23: wolverine, dark, $3 0 5; wolverine, pale, $20 2 50. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Priors Quoted LocaUly on Cattle, Sheen and Hogs. Cattle were the weak feature of tha live stock market, because of the heavy move ment In progress and the alower demand. Tha best ateera were quoted at $4.50 and the market ahowed a downward tendency. Hogs were steady at last prlcea. while there was a eomewhat better feeling In the sheep market, as smaller offerings are looked for. Recelpta for the day were 818 cat tle. 599 sheep and 120 hoga Late sales at the yards lnoluded 20 steers, averaging 1171. 14 50; 8 steers, averaging 1170, $4; 28 ateers, averaging 1210. $4 30: 1 bull. 1418, $2.25; 8 steers, averaging luuo. $3 75: 23 cows, averaging 997. 13; 2 steers, averaging 950, 13.25; 10 cowa, averaging S2. 12 60: 7 cows averaging 952, 2; 25 calves averag ing, 244. 14. Local prices quoted yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Steers, top, $4.50; fair to good. $4tf$4 2r; common. $.1.754; cowa, top. $3.40'.i 3.65; fair to good. $33.25: com mon to medium. $2.5052.75; calves, top. $3 5 50: heavy, $3.504; bulla and ataga, 9J. 7563. 25; common. $22. BO. SHEEP Top wethers. $4; fair to good, 81.50x3.75: e, He less on all grades; year lings, best. $4; ra'.r to good, $3.6033.75; Spring lambs. J.1S5 25. HOGS Best. 50; fair to good. 19 8.25; etockers. 10(17; China fats. $7.508. Eastern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO. Aug. 81. Cattle Receipts es timated, 4300; market, steady. Beeves. $4.25 fi8; Texas steers. $4(75 40; Western steers, t4.40ff8.4O; stockers and feeders. $3 85 9 $5 23; cows and heifers. $4.258.40; calves. $ i 9. Hoti Recelpta estimated, anoo; market, BulOc higher. Light, $7.558 20; mixed, $7 45'(f 8.2'T; heavy, $7.15S 8.22V ; rough, $7.1337.45: good to choice heavy, $7,45 3' 8 22S,: pics, $7.108: bulk of aales, $7,650 8.10. Sheep Receipts, estimated, lS.fWlr mar ket, steadv. Native steers. $2.7.'5,4.75: Western. $3'Sr4.75; yearlings, $4.50tf35O; lambs, native. $4.4087.55; Western, $4.75 7.90. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 81. Cattle Re ceipts. 2mi0; market, steady to weak. Na tive steers. J4.257' 7.SO; native cows and heifers. $2 ft 6.50: stockers and feeders. $2.75 ft. "25: bulls. $2 50'n 3t5; calves. S3. Wit 7.50; Western steers. $4.356.75: Western cows. $2..u) il 4.5U. Hoes Receipts. 11.000; market. 8c high er. Lulk of sales. $7.80 -.: heavv. $7 80 6 7.90: packera and butchers. $7,80 3 S; liKht. $7 iota H; pigs. $IUi 7.40. Sheep Receipts. lO.lU'O: market, steady. Muttons. $4 2.Vtt3 25: lambs. $0ff7.5O: range wethei-a. $443.25; range ewes, $36'4.73. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 8L Cattle Re ceipts. 3400; market, steady to stronger. Western steers. $3 5O'j7.0O; Texas steers. $8 tr5: range cows and heifers, $2.75174.25; fanners, $1.752.75; stockera and feeders, $2.759 3 25: calves, $3.25 u 6.83; bulls and stairs. $2.7ot3.5'J. Hogs Receipts. 18.000; market, steady. Mixed. $7.70'n 7.S0: light. $7 85&8.25; pigs, $d.25rr 7.25; bulk of sales. $7 t45 if 7.83.- Sheep Receipts. 18.01HJ; market, steady. Yearlings. 4 75'cf 7.4i: wethers. $4-94.73; ewes. $1734(4.40; lambs, $6.7537.75. BOSTOX WOOL MARKET IS STRONG Sixty Per Cent of the Territory Clip Has Been Sold. BOSTON. Aug. 81. Trading In. the local wool market for the laat week waa ohlefly confined to tha smaller consumers, but was of a the average volume for this time of year. There is a stronger feeling In all parts of the market. At least 60 per cent of the 19t9 clip of territory wool has been sold. Quotations: Texas Fine. 12 months, 7378e; fine, 8 to 8 months. S7oc; one Fall. 58 3 60c. California Northern. 68t70c; middle county. 63905c; Fall free, 606520. Oregon Eastern No. . 1 ataple, 77tf 78c: Eastern clothing.- 70 72c; Valley No. 1, 57 5c. Terrllorv Fine staple, 77?0c; fine medi um staple. 7072r: fine clothing. 70g72c: fine medium clothing. 67roSc: half blood. 73g7c: three-eighths blood, 670c; quarter-blood. 67388c. Pulled Extra. 7237Sc; Dno A. 3ff68c; Jl. supers, 65 S 62a, DULL BUT STRONG INTEREST IS LESS Excitement Subsides in the Stock Market. BUT PRICES ARE STRONG Comment on the Harrlman State ment Closer Attention Given to the Agricultural Outlook. Bonds Irregulnr. NEW YORK, Aug. 81. It became evident from the outset today that J:h of the excitement and feverlshness had died out of the stock market. The dullness of trad ing and tha narrowness of fluctuations were In strong- contrast with the violence of last wects movement, and even with the audden recovery of yesterday. . , The statement made by Mr Harrlman himself yesterday and the disposition man ifested oh the part of the etreet and the publlo to take him at his word geemed to remove the only factor having power to was not letf with- out some Interesting comment, neverthelesa While It had tna enw;i . 7 . henslon of an Immediate crlele In the flnan cler a case. Its admissions were suff clently candid to prove a condition of health pre cluding present close attention to business affair, arid leaving quite undertermlred I the possible duration of this enforced abstinence. A report of an Intended Winter sojourn by the patient In a Southern climate gave a fur ther suggestion of the longer view of the C8Even more Interest attached to the veiled allusion to the Interest ahown In bin wel fare by hie frlenda, "and perhaps by some others." The passage was read In Vvall street, in the light of persistent rumors that the recent upset In the market waa du to underground machinations against the Harrlman dominance, and that develop ments in this matter wera as much re sponsible for Mr. Harrlman's hasty return from abroad aa the atate of his healthy With the partial obscuration of 'he Har rlman topic, the affect was to call attention to other possible agenta In the downward turn in prices of stocks. The question arose whether the elimination of Mr. Harrlman s poor health would have left the n"ket capable of sustaining Itself at the unstable level to which It had been Phed. The Indecision of the buying following the ad vance which was established yesterday was marked when the market opened and not less so on the wider advances later. The agrlculaural outlook waa given closer attention with the Imminence of the Gov ernment's monthly report on the cotton crop and the evidence that the crop had been going back during the last month. The Bureau'a weekly balletln on weather showed a continuation of condltlona unfavorable both for cotton and corn. ,k.. Tho apeculatlve mood created by these facta gave added influence to the warning not. uttered by James J. Hill and by ' some of the Northwestern milling authorltlea. of a danger of overestimating the volume of the present year's wheat crop. In another direction there Is an expecta tion that copper atatlstlca for August will prove less favorable than for July. The falling off in the vaime of copper exports In thst time points to such a conoluslon. Borne of tha selling was supposed to be stock, bought last week for PP0 supporting the market during it. weak new, which would be resold on the first ad vantageoua opportunity. The good earnings of th" Harrlman Pacific, during July were Ignored Beptber m0ney settlements were without effect In the call loan market, but the tone of time money grew still firmer. ' Bonds were Irregular Total aales par value. 82.920.000. United Statea bonda were unchanged on call. -..-CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Rales. Allls Ch. pfd... 1.100 Amal Copper .. 19.600 Am iD-WfllltlirA 100 Am. Beet Sugar 1.800 Am. Can pfd... 800 Am. Car A Kdy i.KOO Am. Louon uii. Am. Hd I.t pfd Am loo Sec't's. Am Linseed . . . Am Locomotive Am Smlt & Itef. do preferred. . Am Sugar Rer. Am Tel Tel . . Am T'b'c'o pfd. A ... U'uilan An'c'mla Mng Co 2..M10 ,0 0 1.100 S.500 1.S00 400 i.800 600 1.000 600 Atchison 12,900 HO 600 800 " "4(io 2.600 1.000 17,600 100 100 17,700 200 4.900 UO 4,4 00 100 1.200 " '206 300 2.600 TOO ,00 900 300 600 8,300 400 100 1,100 5. POO 8.400 600 600 700 do Dref erred.. Atl Cut Line.. Baltl ft Ohio.. do preferred. Bethleham Steel llklyn Rpd Tran can rac Central Lt.... do preferred. Central of N J. Chsa A Ohio . Chicago & Alton Chi & Ot West. Chi ft N W. . . Chi ft St. Paul C. C. C & St. L-. Colo Fuel ft Iron Oolo ft Southern do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd. . . Consolld'fd Gae Corn Produota. Del ft' Hudson.. D. ft R. Grande do preferred. . Distillers' Sects. Erie do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd... Gen Electric. . . . Gt Northern pfd Gt N'rn Ore ctfs Ililnotls Central lnterb'r'gh-Met do preferred.. Int Harvester.. Int'r-Marlne pfd Int Paper Int Tump Iowa Central... Kan City 80. . . . do preferred.. Louts ft Nash. . Minn & St Louis M St P ft 8 St M Missouri Pac... Mo Kan Texas do preferred.. Nat Biscuit Nat Lead Mex Nat R R pf N Y Central... N T Ont A West Norfolk ft West North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mail.... Pennsylvania ... Peoeple'a Gaa... T 1' c a, i T. Pnes'd Steel Car Pullman Pal Car Rv Steel Snrlna. Reaeiilng 102.000 Republic Steel.. 1.10O do preferred . . Hock Island Co. do preferred . . St L ft S P 2 pf St Louis Sowest do preferred. . Sloss-Shefdeld .. ooutnern 1 ac High 64 86 49 46tt t3S 6SS 74i,ii 481 4H 17 61 101 114 4 1424 10 m 404 48m 119 104H 157 117 "i?Vi 79 I.-16H 42H 110 80 4 82H 64 v 12 19714 167 74 V 46 H 82" 80 148 244 192 T 4SW 86 . 88 36 68 H 4SS 169Vt 168 824. 166 14 47 Low. 68 83 49 4 83 . 68 7 47 83 16 60 S9 114V4 140 101 39 43 118H 104 136 117 "s" 78 185 40 110 804 81 64 Utt 196 156 74 44 '8s" 80 146 23 191 48 . . 86 , 87 36 68 43 169 16t 81 164 li 47 1.700 7.100 1.100 4.iu0 300 1,800 800 400 900 2.400 1,900 i.'s'o'o 10,'ioo too 4.900 100 6.S0O 1,900 100 900 400 400 19 46 80 48 73 168 64 143 73 41 76 '2 139 18 44 29 47 73 181 64 143 78 41 74 '91 138 200 9.400 1,800 600 300 800 . 200 11 100 Southern Rv... 8.000 do preferred.. 400 Tenn eCopper. . . 300 Texa. ft Paclflo 10.300 Tol St L ft West 700 do preferred.. 200 Union Pacific. 71.200 Union Pao pfd. 6,600 U S Realty Tj S Rubber.... 1.900 U 8 Steel 113.100 do preferred.. 1,800 t tah Copper.... 100 1 a-Caro Cham.. Wabash do preferred. . W Maryland Went Ele Western Union.. Wheel ft L Erie 600 100 2.000 6.800 400 2.600 2.000 Total sale, for the day 620,000 shares. BONDS. 88 166 31 140 116 92 60 Vi 195 60 161 38 105 40 77 66 26 65 85 130 21 71 38 35 62 7074 203 16 'm 78 1-'5T. 51 48 21 63 5 86 76 10 05 83 155 31 140 115 92 49 195 49 159 37 105 39 76 55 25 65 85 128 30 70 37 38 61 70 200 T 18 '52 77 125 61 48 21 53 S 86 , 75 17 65 Bid. 64 83 48 45 83 67 73 47 38 16 CO 97 113 131 141 101 89 48 118 104 136 117 93 32 78 185 41 109 810 81 84 12 196 167 74 44 62 81 79 146 23 191 47 86 38 35 63 1 43 168 152 81 154 14 46 89 20 18 46 80 47 73 15! 68 143 73 41 74 105 91 63 13S 47 93 83 155 31 140 115 92 49 196 4974 159 37 105 39 77 65 26 66 84 128 30 70 37 38 61 69 201 15 81 62 77, 125 60 48 21 63 5 85 75 10 66 for 60-day bills and a4 4.8650 for demand. Commercial bllla, 84.64 64.84. Bar silver. R2c. Mexican dollars. 44c. Bonds Government, steady; railroads, lr- "jrloney on call, firmer, 2?S per cent: ruling rate and offered at 2 per cent: closing bid. 3 per cent. Time loans firm er and active; 60 days, 8 per cent; 90 days, 83 per cent; six months, 4 per cent. LONDON. Aug. 81. Bar sliver, steady, 24d per ounce; money per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for three months bUl Is 1 per cent. SN FRANCISCO, Aug. SV Sterling on London. 00 days. $4 85; sterling on Lon don, sight, 4.S. Silver bars. 62 e. s Mexican dollars. 44"c. Drafts, sight, 2c; drafta, telegraph, 8c. Stock at Ixmdon. LONDON. Aug. 81. Consols for money, 84; do for account. 84. Amal Copper... 87! Mo. Kan ft Tex. 48, . in V central ...143 Atchison .;;"!l21l,Norfolk ft West do pref 10ti 00 prei Bait ft Ohio ...121 Ont ft west Can Pacific 191 Pennsylvania .. Ches & Ohio ... 84Rand Mines ... Chi Gt West... 12, Reading Chi, Mil ft St P.101iSouth Railway. t vtra lit :w i do nref Den ft Rio O. .. 4a'Southern PacIflo.lS3 do prof 28lUnlon Pacific. . .208 Erie !! do Pret 10S do 1st pref... 55 U S Steel 80 do 2d pref... 44 t do prof 128 Grand Trunk .. 24 Wabash 21J4 Illinois Central.. 158 do pref 84 Louis ft Nash.. 156 Spanlsh 4s 65 91 . 40 . 71 . 9 . 82 . 82 73 Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Aug. 81. The condition er the Treasury at the beginning of busi ness today waa as follows: Trust funds Oold coin 8S9.1T2,889 Surer dollar. I'??2"222 Silver dollars (1890) 11?2'2!12 Sliver certificate outstanding.. 48 1. 888, 000 General fund Standard silver dollars In gen- eral fund I 8.999,088 Current liabilities 102,109,828 Working balance In Treasury of- flee. 29.857.891 In bank, to credit of Treamirer of United States 88.290,411 Subsidiary silver coin 25,839.908 Minor coins 1.936,742 Total balance In general fund... 90,894,872 MELONS FROM IDAHO CAR OF CANTALOUPES REACHES THE SEATTLE MARKET. Sluggish Demand for Watermelons. Steady Decline In Grain Prices. Dairy Produce Firm. SEATTLE, Waah., Aug. 81. (Special.) A carload of Idaho cantaloupes reached the local market today. No more cantaloupe, will be shipped here from California, and a. recent shipment, of Eastern Washington cantaloupe, have been of very poor stock, local commission men are sending out of the .tate for tho melons. The first Salway peaches and quince, reached the local market this morning. Green Gage plums were offered today. Some fancy Flemish Beauties and Clapps Favorite pears were numbered among today's re ceipt.. The watermelon market 1. Iug gish. Opening prices on patent flour were an nounced, and show a sharp decline of 80 cents per barrel on all grades. There ha. been a steady decline In the price, of local grain for the past few days, but the market was steady today. The dairy produce market was Arm. Cheese was strong, and may Jump before the end of the week. Poultry was un changed. ' QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce in the Bay City Market. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. SI. The follow ing prices were quoted In the produce mar- kMmsdturf.-Bran, 828.50SO; middlings. Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers, 25 40c, strlni besns. l2c; tomatoes. 2050c; garlic. 3186c; green peas. 293c; eKBplant. Butter Fancy creamery. 31 c; creamery second. 29c; fancy dairy. 27c; dairy sac- npouUryRoosters. old, $4.50 5: young. taoorH9.00: broilers. small, 82.60S3.0u, large; $3.25S.60: fryers. J5.50.50: hens, S4 60 9; ducks, old. $o6; young. 6 8. EgeS store. 34c; fancy ranch. 38c. cheeM New, 15ffll8c; young Americas. 18S17c. Hay Wheat. 815S19: wheat and oats. 813(1116.50; alfalfa. 111S-. stock 8710: barley. 12813; straw, per bale, 607oc. Fruits Apples, choice, 8ac; common. 30e; bsnanas, 75etS; limes. 56; lemons choice. 13; common. 81.50; pineapples, 31.50 62.50. Hops Contracts, 190S, ISA 20c. Potatoes River reda. CSijlHic; Salinas Bur banks. 31. 251.50; sweets, 81. 6.101. 80. Receipts Flour. 3498 quarter sacks; wheat, 1685 centala; barley. 1790 centals; oats. 2130 centals: potatoes. 4480 sacks; bran. 275 sacks; middlings. 8R0 sacks; hay, 594 tone: wool, 94 bales; hides, 1435. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, Aug. SI. Closing quotations: Adventure Mont C ft C 25 Amalgamated .. 8;Nevada 24 Arls commercial 4lQJd Dominion ..60 ... .f IfL Vti.enln. ...141 AllKlHl1' ........ - c.... .-nmlnn. 17, u "Parrot 82 Cal ft Arizona. .105Qulncy Cal Hecla...875 Shannon Centennial 38 Tamarack Copper Range . 82 Trinity Paly West 8 United Copper. Franklin 1 US Mining ... Granny 99 U 8 OH Greene Cananea. 9,Utah Isle Royale 27 .Victoria Mass Mining ... 8 Winona Michigan 8 Wolverine .... Mohawk (North Butte .. 89 lfl 65 12 10 57 33 45 3 6 185 61 NEW TORK, Aug. 81. Closing quota tions: Alice 190 Brunswiok Con. 1 Com Tun Stock. 25 Com Tun Bonds 18 Con Cal ft Va..l40 Horn Silver ... 75 Iron Silver ....170 Leadvllle Con ..45 Little Chief ... 7 Mexican 105 Ontario 825 Ophlr 133 Stanaara xov Yellow Jacket... 110 Dried Frnlt at New .Tork. NEW TORK. Aug. 81. Evaporated ap ple, steadv to firm; fancy. 89oi choice. aaHo; prime, 7o; common to fair. 660. Prune. Unchanged; California, 2 Uc: Oregon, SiJOc. Apricots Firmer on the Coast, but show no ouotable improvement locally; choice, 10T10c; extra choice. 1010c; fancy. 11peahes Quiet; choice. 8 6c; extra choice, 6fr6c; fancy. 7 8 c. Raisins Hull; loose muscatel, S(fr4c: choice to fancy seeded, 46c: seedless, 385c; London layers, 1.151.20. Dairy Produce In the East. , NEW YORK, Aug. 81. Butter Firm; creameries. 24?29c; dairies, 2226c. Eggs Steady; receipts, 9027 cases; firsts, 20c; prime firsts, 21 c. s Cheese Strong; daisies. 18c; vtwlna, 15 o; Toung Americas. 16c. NEW TORK. Aug. 81. Butter Firm; process firsts to specials. S2-J38C: Western factory firsts, 2022c; Western Imita tion creamery, 23f?24c. Cheese and Eggs Unchanged. Largest Cotton drop. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 81. Following the close of the cotton futurea market today, Secretary Hester', annual crop .tatement waa made public on the floor of the Cot ton Exchange. It made the commercial crop for the last year JS.825.45T bales, the largest on record. NEW TORK Aug. 31. Cotton Spot Closed quiet. 10 points decline; middling uplands. 12.80c; do gulf. 13.05c; sales, 800 bales. NEW TORK. Aug. 31. Closing quotations: TJ 6 ref 2s reg.inoN T C O 3s... 91 do coupon ... 1O0 ' North Paclrtc 3s. 74 TJ S 8s reg.. .. 101 iNorth Pacific 4s. 102 do coupon . . .101 jsouth Pacific 4a. 103 U S new 4s reg.l1Wis Central . 95 do coupon ...118 Japanese 4s .... 87 D R G 4s... 97! Money. Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK. Aug. 81. Prime mercantile paper. 4 84 per cent. Sterling exchange, weaker, with actual business la bankers' bills at 34-85 4.8510 Coffee and Sugar. NEW -YORK, Aug. 81. Coffee futures closed steady, net unchanged to 10 points lower. Salea. T260 bagsi. Including Septem ber 6.45c; December, 5.30c; February and March, 6.35c; May, 6.40c; July. 5.4oc Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 7c; No. 4 Santos, 8(&9c. Mild coffee, steady: Cordova, 8Hi!fl2. Sugar Raw, steady. Fair refining, 8.6I0; centrifugal 96 test, 4.11c; molasses sugar, 4.8iic. Refined, quiet: crushed, 5.75c; powdered, 6.15c; granulated. 6.05c. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 31. Wool Steady; ter rllorv and Western mediums, 23&2Sc: Una Lroedlumi, 22i&4oi line, 13 19a, Wheat Prices Gradually Ad vance at Chicago. FOREIGN MARKET HIGHER Sept. .. Deo. .. May... Sept. Deo.. May. Sept. Dee. , May. Sept. . Jan. .. Sept. .' Oct Open. Light Receipts at Primary Points In This Country Add to- the Strength Close Is Near the Top. CHICAGO, Aug. SLi Dullnesa and strength characterised tradlntg In wheat all day. The market opened strong with price, up O o to S c and during tho day fur ther gain, of about liaJf a cent were an nexed for all deliveries. The close waa al most at the top figures. The bulge at the opening waa due ohlaaly to an advance of d at Liverpool, and the later np-turn waa largely tho result of ,a falling off In pri mary receipts In thla country, particularly In the Northwest. Private e.tlmatea. wIoh olalmed a much smaller crop of corn tthan was Indicated by the Government report, were factors re sponsible for a sharp, advance In prlcea. September gained o. The market closed strong at almost the top, with prices up o too compared with yesterdays finals. Oat. were dull, but firm. The close waa firm, with prices up c to c Trade In provisions were decidedly quiet. At the close prices were a shade higher to 25o lower. The leading futures ranged as .followa: WHEAT. High, t nil .94 .87 .98 CORN. .65 .68 .58 OATS. .87 .37 .83 MESS PORK. .62 22.62 22.60 17.60 17. LARD. . 11.22 13-25 12 20 12.22 Jan 10.46 10.46 SHORT RIBS. Sent.- 11.77 11.80 H-T6 Oct 11.66 11.65 11.67 Jan 9 82 9-82 8 27 .... C&sh quotations were as follows: BarJfW or mixing. 4750o fair to choice malting, 676c. Flaxseed -No. 1 .Northwestern, $1.48. Porf-Mees, per barrel, 522.80 2J. 65. Lard Per 100 pounds. $11.60 3 11.80. Short ribs Sides Uoose). $11.80. " Sides Short, cleaer tboxed), $1.87 12.60. Grain statistics? Total cloarances of wheat and flour wore equal to 270,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 680.000 bushels, compared with 81.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The world's visible supply, aa shown by Bradstreefs, decreased 865.000 bushels. Estimated recelpte for tomorrow: Wheat. 48 cars: corn, 228 cars; oats, 174 cars; hogs, xieceiy is. . . 30,000 ..137.000 . .350,000 ..353.00U . . 1,000 .. 18,000 .64 .56 .67 .86 .26 .38 Low. $ .87 .83 .87 .64 .66 .66 .36 .86 .88 Close. $ .83 .84 .88 .64 66 .67 .T .87 .88 17.60 11.15 12.20 10.42 22.60 17.60 12.17 12.15 10.42 11.7T Flour, barrels... Wheat, bushels. . Corn, bushels. . , . Oats, bushels.... Rye. bushels Barley, bushels. . Shlpmenta. 13.000 17LOO0 268.01)0 228,000 3,000 18,000 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 31. Flour Receipts, 42, 205 barrels. Exports, 9509 barrels. Market, steady with a quiet local trade. Wheat Receipts, 36.500 bushels. Exports, 148.817 bushels. Spot, nrm. No. 2 red, 81.04; nominal elevator, $1.08-, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.07, nomi nal f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.10. nominal f. o. b. afloat. Tho wheat situation was a little stronger today, owing to firm cables, predictions for frosf In tha North west and lighter receipts, particularly In the Southwest. As a result, commission houses and BhorU were fair buyers, prices advanced sharply and closed o to c net higher. Sep tember closed $1.06; December, 1.02; May. $1.04. Hops Firm. Hides Quiet. Wool Steady. Petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. " SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 31. Wheat and barley steady. Wheat Shipping, $1.7B1.80; milling, SI 624 - Barley Feeding. $1.86 1.88; brawlng. 'OaSRed.' $1.751.85; white. $1.85 1.00; black, $2.352.70. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December, $1.41 asked, $1.40 bid. Corn Large yellow, $1.75 1.85. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Aug. 81. Cargoes dull; Walla Walla for shipment, 37s 6d. fc English country markets quiet. French country markets quiet, LIVERPOOL, Aug. 31. Wheat Septem ber 7a 9d; December, 7s 6d; March, 7s 6d. , Weather, unsettled. Wheat at Tacoraa. TACOMA. Aug. 31. Wheat Milling and export, lower; bluestem, Olo; club and red Fife, 86c; red Russian. 84o. Wheat at Seattle. SEATTLE, Aug. 31. No milling quota tions Export wheat, bluestem, 2o; club and red Fife, 88c; red Russian, 86c. Re ceipts, none. Changes in Available Supplies. NEW YORK, Aug. 31. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreets show the following changes in available supplleo, compared with previous acount: Decrease, BuaheU?. Wheat. United States, east of Rockies - ; . Canada " 405,000 Total. United States and Canada..' 85,000 Afloat for and In Europe 400,000 Total, American and European suoply - 365.000 Corn United States and Canada 118.000 Oats, United States and Canada 1,008,000 Increase. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. AINSWORTH. President. R. W. SCHMEER, .-CasHer. R. LEA BARNES. Vice-President. A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant CasMer. W. A. HOLT, Assistant lQasldsr, LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS Drawn ON ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES Flaxseed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 81. Flaxseed, 1.89. Metal Markets. NETV YORK, Aug. 31. The tla market was irregular today, and the only business re ported on the New York Exchange was five tons of December at 80.62HC. Closing prices: Spot and August, 80. 62 3-30. 75; Septem ber 80.5530.7oc; October. S0.6030.87o; December, 30. 60 30.75a. The London market closed weak at 139 8a for spot, and at 140 6s for futures. The market for standard copper was easy, with spot, August and September closing at 12.6012.76c; October, 12.6512.S5o; Novem ber 12.7012.0Oo; December, 12.76812.85o. No sales were reported. The London market was quiet, with spot quoted at fB9 13s 9d. and futures, 60 12s od. Locally lake copper waa quoted at 13.0OS13.S7Mo; electrolytic, 12.9714 13.124o; casting. 12.76fflS.00c Lead olosed steady, wrth spot quoted at 4.8584.40c. New York, and 4.206-4.30. East St. Louis. The London market closed at 12 lis Spelter was easy at 6.65!35.75o for spot,' New York, and o.oofl.i.n. twu o.. Spelter In London closed at 22 10s. The English Iron market waa higher at 51s lUd for Cleveland warrants. Locally iron was Arm and higher. No. 1 foundry North- j era, .18.2sSa8.t6j No. , 17.7fi318.25j Ko, 1 LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK CORNER FIFTH ANDvSTARK STREETS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITUUTHIC PAVEMENT Itinsures against dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHI0 INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 BECK BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, 117.76 &18.25. Stock Exchange Will Close. NEW YORK. Aug. 81. The governors of the New York Stock Exchange voted to day to close the exchange Saturday. Sep tember 4. as well as on the following Mon day, Labor day. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Edwin Merrill and wife to Catherine W- la 11 hlnclc ft. in. jo 1 .ui - . Edendala Add A";'T Rose City Park Association to B. L. Keeney, lots 6, 7, block 111, Rose City Park Alma Klngsley et al. to N. Kaplan et al., south half of lot 7. block 63. Caruthers Add. to Caruthers Add.. O. A P.0S5 and wife to H. W. Little, east half of lots 1. 2, block 2, Field's Add, -,': August Nelson to C. R. Wallace, lot , 2. block 15, Klnsel Park . . . . . . ... Dora "W. Savage and husband to H. W. Wells, lots 3, 4, block 211, city Caroline McKenzle to S. C. Priestley. lot 17. block 34, Belle Crest....... W W Pankey and wife to P. C hunter, lot 8, block 20. Berkeley... P J. Brandt and wife to 8. C. Priestley, lot 16, block 5, Elberta.. O. Q. Raney et al. to H. R. Scheuer- man, lot 12. block 1L Arleta Park A 1 E Butt'ner and wife to Mrs. M. La Barre, north half of lot 3, block 136, Caruthers Add- C. H. Plggott to N. K Raymond, lot 11. block 8. Peninsula Add. HM. Staudinger to W. A. Carter et a'., lot 8. block 2, Watts Add. .... Norman Draper to F. W. Ingle et al.. lot lfl. block 13. Arleta Park No a Peter Maurln and wife to Gus John son and- wife, lot 1. block 85, M. Patton's Second Add Portland Trust Co. to tt . J. Yager, lot 4. block 118. Woodstock........ W D. Pike to S. J. H. French, lot 30, block 8. Rlverdale ............. J. c. Alnsworth and wife to B. A. Baldwin, lots 1, 2, S, 4, block 263. Couch Add - J. E. Hamlin and wife to Emma Mc Neil, north 16 feet of lot 13 and all of south 36 feet of lot 14. Park View Annex :.'",':" A Demlng to Clara E. Nellson, lots 30 31, S3. 88, block 22, Peninsula Add. No. 2. :i'-Vi"'n C. V. Kellogg and wife to L. D. Ames, lot 13, block 10, Arleta Park 0.NJ.' Jones' and' wife to' Victor' Mar tin, lots 9. 10, 11, 12. 13, block 9, Love's Add. "-.'''i' Victor Martin et al. to Maud Lewis, lots 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, block 9, Love a Add - - H H. Newhall and wife to W. A. Carter, lots 1. 2, 8, block "B," Park View Ext ' ' L" Ut' Elizabeth Gllbaugh to Ruby Q. Gll baugh et al.. lot 3, block 69. Sun ns side Third Add F A. Wlllard and wife to P. p. Lang, lots 12 to 17, block 10. North ern Hill Add. V'.Vl Herman Metzser, trustee, and wife to J. H. Hibbard, lota 4, 6, block 6, Reservoir Park ......... Security Abstract & Trust Co. to W. M. Johnson, lot 4. block 48, Rose City Park O "T. Wlllett and wife to C. si. Thompson, lot 1. block 2. Paradise Springs Tract . . . . H. E. Noble and wife to W W. Payne, lot 24, block 1. Albion Add. Multnomah Real -Estate Association to J. K. Carr, lot 24. block 8, tVll- RosaU Idhudy "to Jennie Mey'ette, lot 9, block 11, Riverside Add. James Kingsbury and wife to B. I. Snow, lot 7. block 2. Point View . . F R Bussard and wife to David Lorenx et al.. lot 16, block 9, North Irvlngton Mamie M. Clements and husband to J O'B Scobey. lot 9. block 2. Moul ton & Scobey'o Subdivision of block "B," Tlbbetts' Add. Nellie M. Tyson et al. to C. C. Wheeler, land beginning 80 feet east and 30 feet south of Intersec tion of East ISth and Division ats.. Ella D. Watts and husband to A. E. Worthlngton. lots 1, 2. block 8. Seward - 950 1,000 2,500 aioo 400 10 290 1 600 278 1 500 1 2,800 750 825 10 10 100 650 530 2.300 2,325 4,500 10 . 10 800 600 500 400 10 1,500 180 10 1,900 8,000 760 Total -j. 5S-048 LAWYERS' ABSTRACT A TRUST CO.. Room 6. Board of Trade bldg Abstraota a specialty. Certificates of Title made by the Tltla Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. Elisha A. Corey, Sr., Dead. SCRANTON, Pa., Aug. 31.-Elisha A. Corey, Sr., who. with Daniel Drew, was A member ot the New York Stock Ex change, and was prominent in the af fairs of tho Erie Railroad and as a banker, died at Exeter, Pa., agd 83 years. Bonds Investments CAXXi OR WRITB T. S. McGRATH l umber Exchance, PORTLAND, OBEGOK, TRAVELERS' GUIDE. CLARK'S CRUISES OF THE "CLEVELAND" (Hamburg-American Line) 18,000 tons, brand new, superbly Btted. ,0DNDtheW0RL -From New York October 10, 1909; from San Francisco, Feb. 6, 1910, nearly four months, costing only $050 AND UP, Includ ing all expens'-s n float and anhore. SPECI AL i KATl KEM Madrrla. Egypt, India, Ceylon, iturmu, Java, Borneo, Philip" pines' Japan. An - unusual chance to visit unusually attractive places. 12th Annual Orient Cruise. Feb. S. '10l by North German Lloyd S. S. "Grosser Kur fuerst," 73 days Including 24 days Egypt and Palestine. SiOO up. FRiNTt C. CI.AKK. TTMT,9 BT.DO.. Jf. Y. C. E. Stinger, 254 Washington St.. Portland NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. For Eureka, San Francisco and Lot Angeles direct. The steamships Roa ooke and Elder sail every Tuesday ai i P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, neai Alder. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314, H. YOUNG, Agent. SAX FRANCISCO 4 PORTLAND 8. 8. CO, Onlv direct stamer and daylight sailing From Alnsworth Dock. Portland, 9 A. M l S. S. Kansas City, Sept. 4, 18, etc 8. 8. lWse City, Sept. It, 25, etc From Pier 40. San Francisco, 11 A. M. : 8. S. Rose tty, Sept. 4, 18, etc. S. S. Kansas City, Sept. 11, 25. etc J. W. Ransom. Dock Agent. Main 2C.S Alnsworth Dock. M. i. ROCHE, City Ticket Agent, 148 8d SV Phone Main 402, A 1402. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port land every Wednesday. 8 P. from Alns worth dock, for North Bend. Marshtleld autt Coos Bay points. Freight received until 4 P. M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, first class, $10; second-class, 7. Including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket ofnee. Third and Washington street, or Alnsworth dock. Phone Main 268. CANADIAN PACIFIC WEEKLY SAILINGS BETWEEN MON TREAL, QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL. Nothing better on the Atlantic than our Empresses. Wireless on all steamers. T. R. JOHNSON, P. A. - 112 Third 6L, Portland, Oj f 4