Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 01, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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    10 ACRES. 22 miles Portland: one-half
mi; station: electric line right of way
bv the place; 1 acre under Plow, small
house. " cords of wood; this Is located
In the finest fruit and walnut section In
the country: only $1"' an acre, terms.
I acr. all In cultivation; young fruit
trees. rses. (-room pms'ered house and
loO chickens err.: prl'-e $''.'rM and terms.
TUB IpI X.N-M Kt.M.b IU.,
-is Alder St.
V- ACRKS choice- Hood River apple land,
with water r.Khts. worth $100 per acre:
must he s.-Id In the next few days at
lr a re: nothing hut bona fide purchasers
r.eedar.swer this ad; terms suitable will be
arranged. IB 329, Oregonlan.
11 4-10 ACRES. 8: to BOWS.
H mile frm R. R. station. In Yamhill
County all level, cleared and ready for the
84 Fourth SI. Board of Trade Bid.
WHAT Walla Walla wants la you." a
perhaps, if you Investigate, you will i
m -i- n'aito On wtlew 1 an arrlcultu
'. j . ... mnkina. rnrul
fend for booklet S. Commercial Club.
Walla Walla. Wash.
$20 PER ACRE 40 acres. 4 miles of Castls
Rock Wash.; $1.V0 worth of cedar and
riling on it; A-l fruit land; spring creek
on It. . - 11 nrfou. owner. jiuiw
bids-, 2d and Morrison.
8 and loa-re tra-ts: ea.y monthly pay-
rrente; ro taxes?, inquire r . n.
Co.. 225 Henry bidg.
FOH SALE 10 acres. 5-room house, bam,
well. 4 acres cleared, all fenced, price
$4.mX down, balance to suit. In
quire t . K. Thresner. aiuwauaie. uitkun
acnKAflE In larce or small tracts on car-
line, close in: choice river front; 5u0 acres to
ejraiv'de. Kinney t-tampner. i-ura
ber Exchange bids. A 4881.
$ ACRE? in Wllsonvllle. on the carllne, as
a great bargain; cicarea ana cuiuviibu.
To; Wells-Fargo bldg.
v-c f.w anme tiractlv buvs In Portland
acreage Columbia Trust Co., Board of
Trade blclg.
S ACRE.'! adjoining R. R station. H50
cash. Apple Land Co.. McKay bldg.
2 ACRES, ckvse In, acre; easy terms. 412
Horse. Vehicle and Harness.
WHY buy a second-han& Tehlcle when you
e-er new not from an old established
wholesale house. 44 years in Oregon at
almost the same coat T We are located
outside the high rent district, own our
i.ulluing and can make the price. Exclu
sive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Bukkv Company nne venicies.
delivery wagens, top buggJes, runabouts
and farm wagons. Be sure and see us
lfore you buy. it may save you money.
R M. Wide & Co.. 322 Hawthorn ave. be
tween E. 1st ana 2a sts.
On account of the subdivision of the fa
mous Broailtnead Farm, also known as the
Land & Reed Farm, situated In Yamhill
County, we are offering for sale mgn
graclosheep. cattle, and mules; also
1 registered Jersey bull. It years old; 1 reg
istered Clydesdale stallion. 1 registered
Lick and seeral brood mares. Apply u.
E. Keasey. 14 "Chamber of Commerce, or
f:pt. McEIdowney. Broadmeaa, 6. r-. west
HANDSOME bay mare, weight 1050 Ins.,
price $70: chunky mare, weight 1100 lbs.,
s'liv s-.ort fajit team, weight 23iK lbs.:
good harness, all complete, price $145;
pair of bay mares, weight 2340 lbs., price
el.H; also mi neau oi Dig lieu j uuik
Call 601 Washington at.
FOR SALE or rent S teams wltn goose
neck furniture wagon to rent by month
cr year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day, week, or
month. Phones Kast 72. B 1369. Haw
thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
WANTED A Mrst-clam driving horse; must
b fa-n and well bred. Address AH 333,
dreg, m lan. glvlr.g price and particulars.
FOR BALE One fine team young draft
horses, weight 2S". 8 and 7 years oM.
well matched. Phone Kast 4804. 226
Russell st.
FOR SALE this bay gelding. 1300 lbs., single
or doulile. well bred; young; and sound. In
quire 170 Front St.
GOOD working horse 7 years old. weighs
K00 lbs.; will sell for $50. Inquire 72
North 14th.
YiM NG team of horses, 28O0; also driving
horse and rubber-lire buggy. 328 17th st.
I-YEAR-OLD horse, buggy and harness for
Mir: horse will ride or drive. Call at
49 North 14th St.
CHEAP Good single Columbus top buggy.
Inquire meat market. 441 6th St.
YOUNG HORSE good traveler. 8 years,
sound. Ca.l pacific Stables. Salmon st.
AT UNION Stockyards, one car load young;
horses; one team broke.
STAN DAKD-Illt ED mare and busgy -and
harness. phones Main 17: A 1813.
liOKSES. mares, rigs and harness of all
klr.ds for sale. 2U4 Montgomery.
SIX horses, gentle and well broken, also
live saddles, for sale at 308 Front st.
HUBERT A HALL, 880 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
4- CLYI.VDER. S-passenger touring car.
s'atnlard make OS model, very fast and
powerful; will sell -part cash, balance
terms: all new tinos and fully guaranteed
without defects; if sold quick 1.100 takes
It. Call 331 Everett st.
5- PASSENGER 24-horsepower auto In first
class condition, sell or trade for real es
tate. Jtloo. 2o3 Knott st. East 6104.
A FINS atitomoMIe to be sold at once,
cheap. Inouire i'28 Irving st.
FOR SALE A Pope Tribune automobile at
a bargain. Telepixne Kast 3813.
M incelian
SPECIAL OFFER We have 100 second
hand sewing machines that must be sold
this week regardless of price to make
room for carload; 40 drop-head, all makes.
White, New Home. Singer, Wheeler at
Wilson. Domestic and Standard. Do not
forget the place. White Sewing Machine
Store, 42 Washington, cor. 11th. H. D.
Jones, prop.
12-HP pas boat and boat house, valued at
$ri.-.o, for sale, or will trade .for real es
tate or for second-hand automobile In
good order. Write to Charles E. Wallen.
Camas. Wash.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, J20 to 160. fully
guaranteed; easy payments: rentals. S3
per month. Pacific Stationery A Pig. Co..
203 2d at.
Snap l"-lnch -Schebler" carburetor,
hrand new. slightly used, cost S1&-30. An
swer quick. AK 342. ureKonlau-
MII-CH cows for sale; 8 fine family cows.
Just fresh, all In line condition; will sell
one or all. Young Bros.. 812 Gerllnger
hldg. Phone Main 7073.
FOR SALE cheap, large 50-ft. round-top
tents, including seats, lights, etc Main
(U.1H. or call OJtJie Wash. st.
NEWMAN Moving Picture Exchange, rents
moving picture machines, films, supplies,
lowest price- 626S Wash., near 17111
lo-FoOT showcase mirror. back doors
equipped for electric lighting. R. M.
i;m. 273 Morrison St.
MUST sell at once, 9 cows, fresh 2 months,
some very large milkers. Call 21t Har
rison St.. city
VI'.TOR phonograph, cost 1100 new. with
J.-.n records, cheap. Address W. H. Ger
raid. The Dalles. Or.
I ISO CREDIT CHECK, good at Eilers. your
own price; must be used today. 245 Mc
Millan st.
COLUMBIA records; almost new; will sell
cheap. T 347. Oregorilan.
22-FT. LAUNCH, special price. Ray's Gas En-
gn-.e Hospital. Phone Seilwood 84.
FOH SALE cheap, fine paying movins;-plc-ture
shows. Phone Main 643.5.
PTKAM wood?Tiw cheap. Portland Sash & Dorr
Factory, corner Union ave. and East Taylor.
6oo BUSINESS CARDS. SI 23. Ryder Put.
Co.. 3.'i7 Burnside st. Main B538.
231 Stark St. M. 14U7.
I FOR RENT or sale cheap Large new tent,
board wall and floor. J 34ri. Oregonlan.
INDIAN motor cycle, latest model, slight
f lr used for sals cheap. AX 840, Oregonian.
neio a At v Tte rim a-ft. flr and
wonrf Kt lowest market nriees. Hoover,
818 Water st. Phone Main 74SI. A 5445.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
hoes? we also buv household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at th "Fair
Deal.' 82 3d St. ortn. pnone jaain vdt.
SELL your second-hand furnlturs to
Ford Auction Co.. or you'll et
Phones A 2445. Main 895L
more parties on shooting reserve. AK
riET emir stTCTtnv JOBBERS.
Wanted Id-hand furniture; pay highest
price. 4 Grand ave. Kast ion, a aims.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention always given, rnone ttasi ivoi.
NOTICE Will pay highest prices for gentle
men's castoff clothing. Call Main 84.4.
WANTED Good roll-top desk cheap. 260B
Stark St.
WANTED A gent's bicycle. In good order.
J 340. oregonlan.
SECOND-HAND Underwood typewriter;
must be cheap for cash. S 348. Oregonlan,
HIGHEST prices paid for rubbers and met
als. J. Lev. 116 Columbia St. M. tla.
THREE rough carpenters. $3. 8 hours, ci
In: cement nn'.sner. i w-j.
help, milkers, loggers, mill hands, city
lar-orers. ipsninirra.
Man and wile, mnaer. -
$60 and found: man and wire, farm, 4
ana rouna. rveryiuni 1 7 '! einO
.unn Bnn. wne. iuiv dju.
Chef. tlOO; kitchen help, waiters, por-
C. R. HANSEN CO.. 26 N. 2d st.
WANTED First-class architectural drafts
man at S5.S2 per diem: a competitive ex
amination will be held September 80. 1909.
to fiM the above position. For further In
formation address. "Commandant." Navy-
Yard. Pugct sound, w asn.
REAL ESTATE man wants partner; excel
i . .i ..A . vn.inv man to ret In Tl
estate business; no experience necessary
and verv little money rryuirnj.
lars National Realty & Trust Co.. 82oi
Washington St., room 618
WANTED Young man to Invest J 100 ant
services in smaii iinuim.iuwuB , , :
can make big wages; trial given. Call
room t27. Goodnough bids . cor. 6th and
BUTCHER First-class nun for out town:
good thing to right party. Call between
11 and 12: German preferred. B. F. Price,
Louvre Hotel.
HAVE 22 M. shingles to lay and want to
give you something out of my store for
aoing me joo. c iu a. ,j .m., .-, ....
WANTED Experienced salesmar f take
charge our business Seattle field; perma
nent and remunerative position to right
party. Box 1M6. Spokane, warn
WE want a young man with some idea of
capital required; Investigate this. 826Vi
Washington st., room 417.
IF YOU want easy work; big pay; short
hoursc learn to operate motion-pictures, full
particulars gratis. Newman, 626ij Washlng-
ton at. m
wivrrn Railway mall clerks, nostofflcs
clerks, carriers: examinations In Portland
November 17; preparation tree. rranKun
Institute. Dept. 413 tl . Rochester, n. x.
WANTED Strong boy of 18 to 19 years of
age to learn the carpet business. Apply
to Mr. Wheeler in carpet department, 1.
Gevurti St Sons, 1st and Yamhill sts.
WANTED A thoroughly competent cabinet
maker and finisher; must understand his
business; apply to shipping department. 1.
Gevurts A Son. 2d and Yamhill sts.
WILL pay 3 50 per week for boy to run
errands between i:a" ana j.. m-.
must be well acquainted In city. Address
S 347, Oregonlan.
WANTED Boy to run errands and to make
himself generally useful. l. uevuns et
, Sons. 1st ana yamniu sia.
a ennn iiv ulasmin can make $300 per
month selling o-acre irun iracia.
dress AD 825. oregonlan.
PORTER In carpet department; well ac
quainted with me duiiubh. ur o, uiff
gonian. .
WE want more energetic successful nursery
salesmen: free outnt; casn weeaiy. jai
bany Nurseries. Albany. Or.
ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced, no
beginners, commission paia aauy. uw
dictlne Press. Goodnough Wdg.
JCXPERIBNCED blacksmith and machinist
to work at Bayocean, iiusmwA xsay.
ply 515 Corhett bldg. -
FIRST-CLASS registered dentist; give
phone number ana salary expeciea. a
34. Oregonlan.
LUMBER-GRADER for mill, out of town:
also tallvman: gooa wages. appijt a.
Cooper. 71 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Young man with little money
to show property: must oe wnnus
learn. 225 Fifth St.
CARPENTER who will buy lot and apply
part wages on it. as i omjuuu,
moreland. on Seilwood line.
WANTED A first-class starcher and polisher
at once: union man. capitoi steam laun
dry. Phone 46.
WANTED At once, men to learn auto
mobile driving ana repairing. appu i
North 7th St.. cor. Davis.
WANTED Men 'to Invest on a good propo
sition; a little money requirea. sua
346. Oregonlan.
CASHIER and bookkeeper; one having ho
tel experience prererrea. Apply v
- Oregonlan.
BALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city ana country. commercial
Abstract Co.. 408 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Good salesman to handle the
business chances in estaoiisnou real estate
office. 8 849. Oregonlan.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new. swell oner. uutuerui, pmaunrspuar,
Dekum bldg.
GOOD proposition for newspaper rustler.
Room oils imperial noioi.
WANTED Carpenters and derrick men;
church. East inn ana r-ine sis-
SALESMEN for finest orchard tracts In
Northwest: liberal terms. nenry oiag.
HIGH-CLASS hustling salesmsn; big wages;
permanent. 215 commercial oiock.
EXPERIENCED window trimmer and card
writer. Apply in inira si
MAN dishwasher at once; 87 week. 628
Wash at.. Auto. Rest.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special membersnip. x. m. u. jl.
COOKS and kitchen helpers headquarters.
California wins Depot, io zo. iiain odou
LIVE photo coupon and portrait agents.
Davis, The n ayes aiuaio. o - r niun.
BOY over 16 to learn harness business. Llnd
Harness Co., 2S3 Front si.
WANTED Neat-appearing and sober sales
man. Call 404 Marquam oiag.
FURNITURE finished. 15th and Thurman.
Carman Manufacturing to.
WANTED Errand and office boy; state age
and give address, r os. uregonian.
ACTIVE old gentleman for running elevator.
Phone Main 1S. or A ooio.
WANTED A shoenaker: must be perfect.
Inquire coo Alain St.. iiregon -ny.
BOY. 16 years, with wheel. 840 month. Ap
ply 125 Fifth SU
r'ANT one first-class waiter. Apply 41 8d
St.. Peerless faloon.
BOYS wanted. Carman Mfg. Co., 18th and
Upshur sts.
WANTED Mattress and couoh-roakers.
Carman MIg. CQ.. ism ana tpiuur sts.
WANTED Good welldlgger at once. Ap-
ply to wuaman ec t-o.. -s At oi.
BOY for work In library. Apply Public Li
brary. 7tn ana ours.
PIOTC and shovel men wanted at loth-TJma-
tllia St.. beiiwooa; v uuuii.
BARBER Good, wanted. 816 per week:
guarantee steaay jod. a mu
COOK wanted; apply 88 North 2d st.
aARJBKR waatsd. atssvd Job. 3M W. tO St.
SALESMEN WANTED For the next few
days we will make a proposition to sales
men that will make them alt up straight.
There Is a bag of money waiting for the
live, honest, clean repuiaoie kuua
Those are the kind we warn.
Ask for Mr. Hlckok.
Board of Trade Bldg.
The Portland Woolen Mills of St. Johns
can offer employment to men and boys
who wish to learn to weave blankets ind
flannels; work Is not hard and If quick to
, i.. 1 .tt.a in u hort
learo, call 1 1 1 n ' ,
time: every inaucemem unncu
workers. Apply Superintendent, Port
mono positions for graduates last year
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks, help to secure positions,
.rtriiiitMi earn from 815 to 825 weekly;
expert Instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohier 6stem of Colleges, 85
North 4th St., portiana, -ir.
MEN wanted, young, strong, good vision-,
account increasing business on all rail
roads, for firemen or brakemen; experience
unnecessary; $76. $100 monthly: promoted
to conductor or engineer. 8150, J200; state
age, weight, height. Railway Associa
tion, care oregonian.
W ANTED 50 first-class molders and 25 flrst-
c ass core makers on machinery worn
steady emolovment: union wages. union
hours, open shops. Apply by letter or wire,
. or come at once. Apply Colorado Foun-
' drymen's Association. 1739 Blake St., Den
ver, Colo.
WANTED Men and bovs at Los Angeles
no expense to learn trade of electricity,
plumbing, bricklaying or automoblllng by
actual work on Jots in months Instead of
years: catalogue free. United Trade
School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles.
WHY pay employment agencies large fees for
position? Join Employes' Co-operative As
sociation ; pay 25c month and receive free
doctor, lawyer and assistance In securing
employment. Suite 620. bwetland oiog.
TRAVELING salesmen earn 81000 to 810.000
yearly. Write for free book, "How bales
men Succeed" and secure position with re
liable firm. Braostreet system, uept. ado,
Rochester. N. Y.
POSTOFFICE clerks and carriers' examina
tion in November. File application with
us now for preparation. Good salaries and
promotion. Pacific States School. McKay
bldg.. city.
WANTED 500 men to attend my clearance
sale; 122. 50 suits on sale' lor siu; jt
suits on sale for $15. Come early.
TRULY WARREN, the Sample Suit Man,
Room 816, Oregonlan Bldg.
MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless
telegraphy and engineering. R. R. aad sta
tion work; practical instruction; largest pri
vate station In the world. Send stamp for
circulars. Wireless Institute, San Francisco.
WE HAVE openings for several bright boys
from 16 to 18 years old. with grammar
Scnool eaucaiions. wno win u oili-iucu
verv opportunity to learn the business.
P 39, Oregonlan.
REAL ESTATE salesmen wanted. "Special
sale," big commissions can be earned dur
ing next few weeks: prospects furnished.
American Trust Co., 200 Chamber of Com
EXPERIENCED man to take charge of city
delivery In shipping room of retail furni
ture store in the city; reference. K 345,
WANTED A bright, active young man of
good address as salesman in jewejry
store; must give the best of references.
Address A 849. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS electrician, able to wind and
repair motors; must have good experi
ence; give references and experience.
O 848, Oregonlan.
WANTED Reliable, steady man for work
about private place with experience as
chauffeur. Apply, with references, O 847,
six first-class salesmen wanted on special
propositions; big money can be earned for
the next SIX weeas. oi ivnemuer oi vuiu
merce. TO BOYS wishing a first-class business ed
ucation with one of the largest houses
on the Coast, we offer a future limited
only by their ability. R 845. Oregonlan.
WANTED at once, expert meed salesmen for
shoe department. Robert &ros., d ana
SOBER man with $150 and services In busi
ness; pays better than wages. Call room
417 Board of Trade bldg.
SALESMAN, experienced, to handle on
commission, staple, easy-selling line. F.
W. Main. 78 Iowa City. Ia.
ACHESON Cloak & Suit Manufacturing Co.
want tailors ana taiioresses, nnisners, op
erators, stock girl thlrty-slx size; boys,
first-class floorlady; good accommodations,
steady work; second cutter.
THE Fraternal Employment Association
male and female help suppllea. Al
der, bet. 4th and 6th, will get you a sit
uation on easy terms; open every day.
Main 7436 or A 8vS5.
IF YOU want a Government position we can
show you how to secure same: will pre
pare you at small cost. Call or write C. C.
S. S., 425-428 Lumber Ex., Portland, Or.
HOPPICKERS wanted, good shacks and
camp ground, long Job. M. Harding will
be at the St. Charles Hotel Monday and
Tuesday to engage pickers.
160 HOPPICKERS wanted at Massey yard,
near Brooks. Or.: will be at St. Charles
Hotel let. 2d Sept. Wm. P. Massey and
G. W. Massey.
76 HOP-PICKERS wanted for Thursday
morning at. foot of Taylor at. at 6:4o
o'clock, for Champoeg. Home phone A
2194 or call 91 North 4th st.
WANTED 200 more hop-pickers; best yard
In Oregon; fine camping ground; good ac
commodations. Apply to Andrew Kan A
Co., 244 Washington St.
160 HOPPICKERS for the M. L. Janes
yard, near Broods. Inquire Tuesday and
Wednesday of Mr. Lundy. St. Charles Ho
tel. TWO or 8 rooms, furnished for housekeep
ing; io minuter waijc xrom rosiotnce, rea
sonable. 370 4th.
HOPPICKERS wanted; shacks furnished;
some fruit and vegetables, call at 321
6th and Clay sts. Mr. Geelan.
600 HOPPICKERS wanted to buy 600 camp
ing stoves, 99c apiece. 290V& 1st St.. bet.
Jefferson and Columbia sus.
HOPPICKERS wanted, 803 Corbett St.; fine
yard; snacks lurnisnea; some iruil. can
afler 12 M. Mrs. Knapp.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sition to A-l Instructors. ol4 bwetland bidg.
LIVE young men or women who can sell
goods, city or country, zai btarit st.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert. 86 a month. 259 14tn. Main 3b93.
WANTED First-class retouchers; steady po
sition. James & Bushneu, beattle.
STUDIO Music. German. French, English
literature. jauinsuii. xunu ,wi.
RELIABLE woman who understands cook
ing and will assist In care of old lady.
Inquire 394 Salmon st.
GIRL to assist with general housework; $5
per -week. 860 13th st.
GIRL to assist with care of children and
second work. b& jonnson st.
GIRL for light housework who understands
care of children, fnone a amu.
FIRST-CLASS millinery maker: also an ap
prentice, call .;is eeiting-tiirscn mag.
WANTED Two lunch waitresses; references
required, vegetarian caxe. too otn st.
CAPABLE Swedish woman family cook. $40.
. i mn, W..h U.I. OIWO
O I- IjUUM, . . K . . ...... -WO.
GIRL wanted at Custom Laundry, 867 Love-
joy st.
GIRL for general housework at Day Nur
sery, .J .'Ul l U Wt.ll "... ,," li . .V. U.
GIRL to help with chamber work and wait
table. 191 lltn.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for general
housework, call llo nn St.. mornings.
GIRL or middle-aged woman to assist with
housework. ins i. woucn si.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Btandard Factory
No. 2. urana tv ana a.asi Aayior.
JAPANESE girl. Call after 10 A. 4L, Par-
tor C iroruaaa tuw.
Ladles" Department. 205 S Morrison St.
Cooks for country hotel. $35 to $45.
Waitresses, out of city, $25, board and
Waitresses and chambermaid, out of
city, 820 each, room and board.
Cook for delicatessen cltv. 835.
Camp waitress. $30. room and board.
General housework girL
Other good positions.
The Portland Woolen Mills of St. John
can offer employment to git Is and women
who wish to learn to weave blankets and
flannels: work is not hard, and if quick to
learn, can make good wapes In a short
time; every Inducement oiTered to steady
workers. Apply superintendent. Portland
Woolen Mills. St. John.
The Portland Woolen Mills of St. Johns
can offer employment to girls and women
who w-ish to learn to weave blankets and
flannels; work Is not hard and if quick to
learn, can make good wages in a short
time; every inducement offered to steady
workers. Apply Superintendent, Portland
woolen Mills. St. Johns.
EXPERIFNCED head waitress. $75 room
and board.
6 first-class waitresses. $8 & week, S
nours; no Sunday work.
Camp cook. $40; family help, chamber'
maids, cooks.
343ts Wash. St., cor. 7th. upstairs.
WANTED A competent saleslady In suit
department; only experienced person need
apply. Call between hours of 9 and 11
A. M. I. Gevurtx & Sons, corner 2d and
xamnlll sts.
WANTED Good, steady girl or woman to
Keep house tor man and wile in new
small flat: must have good references.
Phone B .018.
RFLIABLE girl for cooking, general house'
"work. 4 In family, good wages, seennd
girl kept. Apply 794 Gllsan St., from 9
till 1 p. M.
Main 2039, A 4773 Housekeepers, cooks,
chambermaids, nurses, waitresses, laun
HOUSEWORK Young girl wanted for
housework. Apply 830 wasco st. pnone
C 2135.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; must be good cook. Inquire
939 East Main St., near East 32d st.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
in apartment; good wages. Airs. trver
beck. 69 Tiorth 23d. Main 6267.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 608 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
EXPERIENCED machine lroners. Apply
Star Laundry Co., Union ave. and East
S2GV4 Washington St., Room 807.
1 Main 8836 or A 8266.
COMPETENT nurseglrl, good wages. Cath
olic Women's League, 210 Columbia hldg.,
M. 245.
APPRENTICES at The Elite Hairdresslng
Parlors, 109 7th, bet. Washington and
LADIES st home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain, $1.50 dox. upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
COMPETENT woman cook, having experi
ence and good city references. Apply
mornings. 901 Board of Trade Didg.
WANTED 2 experienced girls for dipping
chocolates and 2 for packing; good wages.
383 Burnside St.
GOOD girl for general housework; Nor
wegian preferred. 1153 Salmon. . Phone
Main 6708.
WANTED A first-class stenographer; must
be thoroughly experienced; give phone
number. F 346. Oregonlan.
HOUSEWORK Girl to do; small family;
plain cooking. 174 East 15th, near Bel
mont. PAPER BOXES Experienced girls steady
work; good pay. F. C. Stettler, corner
10th and Gllsan sts.
COLORED girl, experienced In hotel cham
ber work. Hotel Euclid, 18th and Wash
ington. WANTED Girl to care for two children.
The Beaver, 12th and Marshall. Room 714.
Take 16th-st. car.
WOMAN capable of earning 815 a week; no
clerical work, but energy and honesty
required, C 839. Oregonlan.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
plain cooking, good home and good wage
24 Park st.
WANTED Girl for peneral housework; good
J .' I 1 C II
room ana wages, reieieiicc jtniuuvu.
683 Broadway.
GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. $25 per month;
no washing; good home; must have reter
ence. Call 429 Washington St.
WANTED AT ONCE Three salesladies for
notion department. Roberts .tiros., aa ana
WANTED An experienced waitress and
chambermaid at ine weaver, io wasn
Ington st.
GIRL for cooking and general housework;
wages $35. Phone B 2380. 891 ijurt yam
hill. GERMAN girl willing to teach English to
take care of child and do upstairs work.
Main . 5843. 332 North 23d st.
GIRL to assist with light housework and
care of two children, call between ana
12 A. M. Tabor 831.
EXPERIENCED girl to take care of baby
and assist with upstairs work. 074 loyl
8481s Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
HOUSEWORK Competent woman for gen
eral; 4 In family; good wages. 020 bast
Ankeny st.
WANTED An experienced and up-to-date
hairdresser at onoe. Aaaress 312 wnite
Temple bldg., Eugene, Or.
HOUSEWORK Young woman for general;
small family; phone c 14o. call tore
noons. GIRL for general housework, no laundry,
small family, gooa. wages. Apply aui
Morrison St.
HCNEST girl to work at rolling board
" Council Crest.
WANT girls to sew mattress ticks. Carmen
Mfg. Co. istn ana l psnur.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 809
Pearl St.. in Piedmont.
GIRL to do housework, small family-: no
children. 883 hi. Main near corner 2tn.
PANTS-FINISHERS wanted. 28 Stark St.,
room No. 2.
YOUNG lady copyholder in printing office.
Address Box u. 34U. ureeonian.
WANTED Young girl to assist with house
work. Call 553 Johnson St.
GIRL for general housework family of 3;
wages $30. 72 23a st. isortn, cor. tveretL
WANTED Girls. Yale Laundry, 500 East
Morrison: st.
A SEAMSTRESS wanted at 3B2 Park street
GIRLS to sew In shop. 173 11th st.
WAITRESS, experienced. 82 N. 6th st.
will see many excellent ar
ticles advertised for sale for
various reasons. If you are
in need of furniture for your
house, begin-now to read the
ads in The Oregonian under
for sale in the miscellaneous
columns. '
You 11 be surprised how
much money you can save by
watching these ads.
In a number of our departments wo
want first-class experienced saleswomen.
BUSINESS woman, pleasing address, to as
sist local organization; not clerical, and
capable of earning $15 per week. V S45,
WANTED Competent married couple to
work on small farm. Apply in person at
772 Marshall St.. on Wednesday. Septem
ber 1. at 9:45 A. M.
HOUSE-TO-HOUSE demonstrators on a
high-grade, guaranteed woman's article;
splendid opportunity for baglnners. Call
10-11. 2-4. room 204. Wells-Fargo.
GIRL for general housework and cooking.
Call 209 13th, between Salmon and Taylor.
Main 3058.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking, two In
family. Mrs. Clarence Nichols. 434 Salmon
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
small family, $30. 399 Hancock st. Phone
East 1685. C 149L
THOROUGH course of millinery taught In
6 weeks; terms reasonable, 415 Alder.
WANTED Maid for general housework.
988 Raleigh. Main 6463.
WANTED Girl or mlddte-aged woman for
general housework. 447 10th St.
WANTED Experienced waitress. 131
Grand ave.. bet, Morrison and Alder.
WANTED Servant girl, good wages. Ap
ply N. E. cor. 17th and Couch.
WANTED Woman to do housework, small
family; short time. Phone Woodlawn 120.
GIRL for general housework, 1209 Haw
thorne ave. Tabor 14S3.
FINISHERS and apprentices, experienced.
Room 414 Fleidner bldg. Call 9 to 12.
YOUNG GIRL for light housework. 628 3d
St. South.
GIRL for second work: small family of
grown persons. 670 Hoyt st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
BOOKKEEPER, age 25, German, knows
double entry and loose leaf In all
branches; corresponds English, German
and French, seeks position Immediately;
salary mod-arate; references furnished. M
349, Oregonlan.
GENTLEMAN 24 years old, 6 years bank
ing, good penman, office work wanted
where good work will secure promotion;
references exchanged. O 316, Oregonlan.
BY LAW stenographer who Is admitted to
practice and familiar with all brances of law
work. AN 338, Oregonlan.
BY experienced bookkeeper, correspondent
and office manager, with good firm; best
city references. T 345. Oregonian.
A POSITION as clerk, department store
preferred; references. K 348, Oregonian.
WANTED An all-year-round Job on a
farm; Intelligent Christian young man,
reared on Middle West farm, with some
farm experience in Oregon, wants steady
place with good farmer. Write or call.
805 East 30th South. Phone Seilwood
1399. Portland. Or. Wm. Y. Griffin.
THE Free and Fraternal Employment As
sociation can supply you with competent
help, male and female: always open.
.Phone Idaln 7435 or A 3065. 287 Alder,
bet 4th and 5th. .
WOULD like to hear from man Interested
in moving-picture show, men who will
consider, opening one or men who want a
good man with good references. C. C.
Kocher. P. O. box 340.
YOUNG man. 27 desires position with some
reliable concern. 7 years' experience In
office work, timekeeping, etc.; trustworthy
and capable: references. AM 348. Ore
gonian. SOBER man wants steady place; do' chores
around place; understands Janitor work
and garden work. Jonghans, M. 4625. 442
BARTENDER, young, sober, not afraid of
work, desires position in saloon or whole
tale liquor house; 'references. AL 340,
SOBER, honest. IndfStrlous. experienced
young married man wants worn in cigar
store or stand. X 348, Oregonlan.
SURVEYING--Young man wants position as
rodman or chainman with surveying
party; referencos. N 345, Oregonian.
HAVE you an opening for a first-class vio
linist with pianist (nonunion). In city or
country? F 349, Oregonlan. ,
CUTTER and designer, high class, wants
position witn tailoring eetaoiisniiieiiw -n.-.
847, Oregonian.
SITUATION as woodworker and black
smith; satisfaction guaranteed. F 348,
A YOUNG Japanese wants a situation at
housework but no experience ai cooamg.
P. O. box 226. city.
GERMAN, has experience In first-class ho
tel. Janitor; leaves preseni piace, wants
position. K 347, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wants position with chances
. . .. - i i- uao riT-A.
lor aavanceiueut ; miisnu.. 1. uv, w
MAN with experience in cigar and news
.v....t... ,irh k.nt references, would
,..- Jl. C c lT..har Krt 340. cl t V.
WOODCUTTING by the 1000 cords wanted.
F 347, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED clothing salesman, city or
country. Jiin -", un(u.'
WHO WANTS a Arts-class painter, good me-
.. , . . .i. iu tlQ nrrnnlin
cnanic, iuu or titj. " "
YOUNG Japanese boy wants position house
work, after scnooi. u 00. oicismiiAi-
WAITER would llfcs position, city or coun
try. E 348. oregonian.
YOUNG MAN. first-class bartender, would
like position, im 34s, uregonmii.
WINDOW or house-cleaning by experienced
man; references. Alain awa.
CARPENTER and builder, day or contract
, work. Address 40 ramus.
JAPANESE wants few hours' Job. Main
GOOD Japanese wants about 2 hours' work
every evening, r. Jtn. ureKuum"-
WASH, polish, repair automobile at home;
experienced man. rarnor, mam -nv.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
LAW stenographer, well educated, moderate
salary. M 3t. oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER would like position with
chance of advancement. At o-i.
STENOGRAPHER with some experience de
sires position, rnuco x nw-
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
-. sdru WAAh. At., room 216.
airs. ab", - - -
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day. Phone laoor soo.
,NT1SU ay reinicu f.iti,iiai, j
ion as housekeeper; good cook, excellent
references. Miss Stanton. 12 ti East tiaai-
THOROUGHLY competent experienced
American woman aeancn, i,u " -keeper,
where have full charge.- Mrs. Lois
Murrel. Ferndale. Cal. Cf. box 19
HOUSEKEEPER Thoroughly experienced,
hotel nouseaeepei, ".u - '
references. AL 341. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED girl wants to do cooking
In small lamuy; 110 "
North 22d St. Phone Main 9oSS.
COMPETENT woman wants general house
work in a lamuy wi wuuno, a"
AB 347, Oregonlan.. :
TWO girls would like to work together In
" . ... . 1 ., jio v lath
same tamny. jr-ieaso cn w ...
LACE CURTAINS, beautifully laundered;
nne sun-arymg. grass-uietitiniis iowhuca.
Tabor 1530. -
I'ORK hy the day or hour,
ask for room 15.
Phone A 2271,
WASH, polish, repair automobile at home;
expsrleDoea man. 1-arasr, aain iauu
YOUNG Women's Christian Association
wants Christian home for girl of 15; good
musician, to have use 01 piano, atieuu
school and work for room ana ooara.
CAPABLE young woman desires situation
cooking for men, on rancn; wa-Bea eo.
St. Louis, 2451s wash. Mam ivoa.
LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for
and delivered. 40c pair. Tabor lasi.
WOMAN wants work by the day washing or
house cleaenlng. Main 430s.
EXPERIENCED colored cook. $45-$50 mo.
$2.50 day. Parker, Main 1101.
WAITRESS wishes position, nights pre
ferred. S 346, Oregonlan.
LAUNDRY work or cleaning by hour. Main
04-1. room 1.
A YOUNG girl wants home In small family.
AM 342, oregonian.
AGENTS wanted by Columbia Life A Trust
Company; high-class men to sell life Insur
ance in Portland and In other cities and
towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho;
former experience not necessary: splendid
opportunities: first-class references as to
character required. Address the company's
home office. Lumber Exchange blag., fort
land. Or.
AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make
money selling nursery stock; outnt tree;
cash weekly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem.
WE POSITIVELY have the fastest selling
household patent on the market, woofer
ine Co.. Pittsburgh. Pa.
AGENT Every county. Vaco-Hook, great
seller; $10 per day. Desk A. 826 1st xtai 1
Bank. Oakland. Cal.
AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line
of nursery stock; cash weekly; outnt free.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. ,
WANTED 9-room residence, or larger, fur
nished or unfurnished, for short or long
term, In first-class West Side residence dis
trict, by prominent, thoroughly responsi
ble Portland business man (no children).
X 347. Oretfonlan.
ROOM and partial board by gentleman who
Is out of the city a good part or tne
time: East Side north of Morrison pre
ferred; cleanliness and some home com
fort are more desired than low price. J
348. Oregonlan.
WANTED By responsible married couple,
no children or pets, 3 or 4 furnished or
partly furnished rooms for housekeeping"
In desirable locality; rent must be rea
sonable. Address M 847, Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent for a term of years, a
(building suitable for a bakery: sltuatea
between the Steel and Madison bridges
and 10th or 12th sts, on either side of the
river. P 843. Oregonian.
RELIABLE party would like to rent farm
with stock and tools; have house and lot
In city near school; can furnish refer
ences if required; good man with stock
and tools. N 347, Oregonlan.
WANTED Store for sale of stationery,
magazines; living-rooms above in resi
dential district; state price, location. M
348, Oregonlan.
WANTED Two or three furnished, rooms
Including private bath, for light house
keeping, for two people; write full de
tails. F. a Hindle, gen. del.
WANTED Names of private families within
walking distance of Portland Academy who
will take a student for room and board.
Address Portland Academy.
IF YOU have a little money saved and a
good salary you might as well have a
nome as pay rent. iaia it uor "u
Hartman & Thompson.
WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished flat or
cottage, walking distance; West Side pre
ferred, with yard. V 338, Oregonlan.
6 OR 6-room bungalow, not too far out.
Phone East 5452 or address AN 343, Ore
gonian. IF you think that we cannot rent your
place, do not try us. Hartman 8c Thomp
son, Chamber of Commerce.
HARTMAN & THOMPSON, at the Chamber
01 tommerce, want nouees awiu nais.
YOUNG man wants room and board In
private family. S 345. Oregonian.
YOUNG couple want 2 nicely furnished
rooms for housekeeping. R 349, Oregonlan.
WANTED Small cottages and flats, close
In. Apple Land Co., McKay bldg.
ROOMING-HOUSE, unfurnished, from 16 to 20
rooms, close in. 248 N. 17th. city.
LARGE hall for dances or lodge meetings,
with piano, for rent. Auditorium Hotel,
208 4 3d St.
Furnished Rooms.
3d and Jefferson Sts.
Away from the noise; a minutes' walk.
Washington and 3d; Just completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava
tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy;
single rooms or BUites; permanent and
transi-ant; $3. $1 and $5 per week. Phone
A 7731. M. 8629.
Corner 10th and Washington Sts.
New management; THOROUGHLY
BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
month; tourist trade solicited.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside.
Everything brand new, homelike and
comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated tnrougnout; 10
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up: suites wlti
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegaft
public parlor; phones and baths free.
New, modern, elegantly furnished rooms,
single and en suite, with private baths;
permanent or transient.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 6647.
214 Columbia St.; Summer rates; run
ning water in all rooms; transients 63c to
$1 day; one call means another.
THE MERTARPER. 126 13th, cor. Wash
ington, brand new handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot water In
all rooms; very reasonable terms.
812 OAK ST.. COK. 6TH.
Just opened: new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rates re&onable.
Washington and 17th. new building, newly
furnished, every room light and sunny; hot
water, steam heat, reasonable prices.
THE HANOVER, 165 King, near Washington
Large unfurnished front room, wall bed,
private bath, both phones; everything
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts., fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason
able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite
the Plaza.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 32714
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
NICE large furnished rooms, al conven
iences, close In. nice lawn and porch; very
reasonable. Aster House, 7th and Madison.-
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
Exclusive furnished rooms.
THE BRAE-SIDE 420 Alder Modern, cen
tral. $3. $4. $5 per week: transient.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, phone: 50c to 81 4ay, 82 to 84 week.
Furnished Rooms In Private Families.
FURNISHED front rooms, all modern con
veniences. Phone A 2840. 80 16th St.
VERY desirable, well furnished east room
for one or two gentleman; modern con
veniences; near carllne. 586 Northrup St.
FOR RENT NeatAy furnished bedroom.
$1.50 per week. 431 6th st.
213 18th Bt.1 Clean furnished rooms; modem
conveniences; suitable 1 or more persons.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, walking dis
tance. 651 TayW- -
A couple large, cheerful front rooms Is.
a beautiful private home with every con
venience; one block Washington; one bloji
Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 69
N. 21st St.
FOUR blocks from Grand ave. and E. Mor
rison St., a nice, large, light, clean newly
furnished room, with large closet; bath,
gas and phone;, cheap. 231 E. 6th St.,
near Salmon.
ONE OR TWO splendid rooms, or large
front, with sleeping P"rch ; gjod closet,
private family, good location: splendid
home for right party. 65 E. 14th St., cor.
Oak. Phone B 2537.
NICELY furnished front room, nice neigh
borhood: 10 minutes' walk from Postof
flce; reasonable to desirable parties. 370
4th st. .
FURNISHED room, suitable for two gentle
men. $4 per week; batn. phone, heat, 10
minutes' walk from P. O. 2J6 12th St.,
near Salmon.
NICE, newly furnished rooms, with break
fast If desired; walking distance to busi
ness center: good location: furnace heat.
430 14 Mill st.
292 12TH Pleasant front room for two. also
single; running water, central and reason
able. $10 VERY desirable light, airy room, suit
able for two; modern conveniences. 475
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front rooms
In modern private home; will give break
fast. 585 East Main St. Phone B 1254.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room in
modern private home. 585 E. Main St.
B 1254.
NICE, clean furnished rooms for gentlemen;
bath and phone; walking distance. 24914
NICELY furnished bedroom for ons or two
gentlemen. 408 Main St.
$8 AND $10 month, 2 fine rooms; bath; nice
location; close In. 452 6th St.
NICELY furnished room, walking distance,
v.rv renAoniihle. Phone Seilwood 1870.
LOVELY front room, suitable for 3. 821
West Park st.
Rooms With Board.
Modern in every respect; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
710 Washington St., near King, brand new,
elegantly furnished; every room has a
private bath, telephone; the maximum of
convenience and excellence, the minimum
of expense. If you want the best In the
city for the money, call and Inspect;
dining-room In connection.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary, 610 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N.
Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange. 183 10th
st. Mra M. E. Bretherton. supt.
LARGE, pleasant front room In private
boarding house; Deautnui grounas; ex
cellent home cooking; also accommoda
tions for transients or table board. 404
Madison, corner 10th.
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th St. cor.
nor Morrieon. Select family hotel; reason,
able rates for transient guests. W car to
and from depot passes the door.
THE LINDELL, 29 Market Nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board; rood
em, reasonable; fine walking distance.
THE MANSION, central, beautiful grounds,
elegant furnished rooms. conservatory,
dlnlng-roOm. Fifth and Jefferson.
THE CALVARD Take W. car at depot to
door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097.
LARGE room for 2, with fcoard, at The
Sterling, 535 Couch.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
FURNISHED front room with board, suit
able for lady; convenient and central;
terms reasonable. 210 14 14th st.
3 ROOMS with board In private home; 7
blocks fropi poslofuce; ail modern con
veniences. Main 4504.
NICELY furnished rocm, excellent board,
private, modern, reasonable, fcr two. 521
NICELY furnished room, with board; mod
ern; walking distance. Main 4?4. l.t
X. 17th St.
LARGE, handsomely furnished room, all
conveniences, board If wantea; gentlemen.
227 7th.
16814 10TH. Large, pleasant front room.
Witn Or WllIWU, UUAI U, lc"M.,u.w
LARGE newly furnished room for 2; two
meals: walking distance. Slain 7664.
(ROOM and board In private family; pries
reasonable. 569 B. Pine st.
2 FRONT rooms, suitable for 4 persona
268 12th St.
PLEASANT front room with board for two;
modurn. us 17th st.. lortn. Main u.
LARGE, pleasant front room, with or with
out board; reasonaoie. 10s ft lutn.
TWO small rooms, with board; modern;
reasonable. 89 East Stn St. fcast lit.
WANTED Two young ladles or gentlemen,
$28 and $30 each. 429 layior. aiain buoj.
THREE unfurnished rooms to rent for
housekeeping. Call evenings. 4du Aiaer st.
ROOM with board. 149 15th St., bet. Morri
son and Alder, pnone Alain a.
BOARD and room, bath, phone, use of
piano. 1111 11m. aiaiii iii'vj.
624 Marshall Street.
The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart
ments in the city; 8-room suites, PRI
VATE BATHS and reception halls; both
phones FREE in each apartment; electrio
elevator; nice large verandas both front
and back: large lawn and beautiful shade
trees; low Summer rates. Take W car
to Marshall, go 1 block east.
rooms each: brick ana cement ouhuiuk.
steam heat, hot water( Ice chest, tele
phones, f.reless cooker, cabinet, gas range,
private hall and bath. Janitor sorvlce; five
minutes from Portland Hotel; choice
neighborhood, 11th st. and Salmon; ready
Sept. 1. Open for reservations.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison st new onciv
building, completely first-class, furnished
In 2, 8 and 4-room family apartments;
private bath, reception hall, steam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air
cleaning, janitor service.
THE BERYL Just openod; three rooms.
large and well ventiiatea. tnree iaxo
closati and two folding beds In every
apartment; choice location and low rates.
605 Lovejoy st. Take W car. .
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson Sts.
Unfurnished aparimeni, witn oatn. Birm
ly modern; all outside rooms; unexcelled
view; 6 minutes' walk from Postofflce;
very reasonable rent. Main 2506. A 3149.
near Washington 1 nree-roum umm imneu
apartment; wall bed; private bath, private
porch; reasonable.
JEFFERSONI AN. lth and Jefferson Fur
nished 3-room apartnieiiio. A-ni'im, iiu.
running water. Main 5432.
THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders sts.
Modern 4-room apartnieiiLs. iiiquiia ui
THE MARLBOROUGH 5 and 8-room apart
ments; ZlSt ana r lanuers. o u nm mi
trict; every convenience. Main 7616.
;EW 5-room. steam-heated flat, znodera
conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor
gan, 603 Ablngton bldg.
TWO young ladles to share Ideal apartment;
nurses preterrea. fnone a ouc.
THE WESTMINSTER Unfurnished 4-room
apartments. 6th ana Aiaaison sis.
$18 NEW. modern, lower 4-room flat. 71
feast ZAa ana oiar.
MODERN 4-room flat. 681 3d st. Ring
Hoiman s bell.
FIVE rooms, desirable; adults only. 175
East 15th, corner lamnni.
LOWER FLAT; partly furnished; no chil
dren; reference; Alain iu.ju. jdj itn at.
MODHRN 5-Toomed upper flat, plenty of
light, near Montgomery, inquire ui ijtn.
5-ROOM choice corner flat; no children. In-
uire At. munDuu.
FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 73314 Hoyt at.
AA1UU11V A. v. -