I 13 THE MORNING OKEGONIAK, wwiam5 AT, SEPTEMBER 1, 1009. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS CHURCHLEY BROS., wood and coal i . i , . - ,ani1 varH 1 J r n nft Coal Marsnall. rr.or.ci jaaiu vol. m. a. ri.,;. Cot Flowers always freeh from ri0nlour 4Wn conservator! Martin A Forbes Co, JUT Washington SC. Both phones. Electric FItnres? .3 'SSI prices are right All work guarantee Western Elsctrlc fforU 61 Sixth street. rA1 R!ctimor.d and Wallaand Australian. VO&I Independent Coal lea Company, opposite City Library Both phones- OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PB ilDENT. Main MM. ttCRtlABl'. Main BM. HI MANE OFKICtK. East 477. NEW TODAY, $85,000 A nice investment on 6th st., be tween Burnside and "Washington. $85,000 100 feet frontage on 6th st. Brings in good income. $100,000 100 feet frontage on "Washington Bt. Pays good interest. s Humason & Jeffery 226 Stark. A 3314. Hood River Bargain lO ACRES, being one ft the best lit tie places In this beautiful valley: 9 acres In apple orchard, part of which la full bearing: 3 acres. In berries be tween - the trees. Free water. Good buildings, stock. Implements and every thing necessary goes with the place On latin road only 2 miles out of town. Nothing else like it for less than $1000 per acre in this district. Price Is only $8200, $4200 CASH. We have two parties who are selling out to come to the cltv and will consider exchange for good city property on a cash basis. Devlin sTireftaugh LEiS DEALERS Main Offlce SwetlsLS Building Portland, Oregon Branch Office Hood River Oregon aoa 40 Room Apartment House For Rent $150 Per Month Portland Trast Company of Oregon S. E- Cor. Tblrd and Oak Stn. $19,000 Investment There is no question but that that section of the city south of Morrison street la good investment even without income Improvements. But we offer on Tenth street south of Morrison a lot 60x100, with nearly new Improvements In the shape of flats, that bring over $1600 clear per year while the ground value grows. The price Is $19,000; S9000 cash down, balance at 6 per cent. This Is a mighty good place to put $9000. . The Poulsen-Ratclife Realty Co. S30 Lumbermen's Bids-, Fifth and Stark Portland Heights Residence Corner The most sightly quarter block on the Heights, surrounded by beautiful resi dences, two blocks from Washington St. For Immediate sale at $12,500, terms. This price is fully $2500 below the mar ket. H. P. PAUSER-JOHES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main S699, A 2653. 12th and E. Couch Elegant, modern 8-room house, cor ner lot, 50x100, has gas and electric, furnace and fireplace; full basement, fine plumbing; fine lawn and plenty roses; streets are improved and cement sidewalks all around. If you want an elegant home, walking distance, in a fine neighborhood, for less money than you can buy the lot and build the house, see this one. For price and terms see Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. Goddard&Wiedrick Have Removed To their new Office, 243 Stark Street Telephones Main 245. Home 2452. $27,500 "Will buy a whole block. Elegant factory site. Close in on the East Side. Otto 6 HarKson Realty Co. WEST SIDE HOME . 8-room. modern. Goldsmith Addition. Sacrifice sale- Easy terms. Tabor 48. GEORCE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branchaa) 123 Worcester liidg. Pbonaa slain 8371. A 4011 A LITTLE FARM IS IDAHO Talk with MAIR & PRAM, about It. 1 Lumberman's Building. WEW TODAY. . I - I I i -.. . I vlwllfuiemis- Mb' UN BAKIiAlf. Eight-room modern home, lot 50 by 100; fro fireplaces, hardwood floors; kitchen ' finished in white enamel. Patent cooling closet. House equipped with all of latest improvements. Price $6000 Terms to suit. J. O. EIrod 519-520 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or. $20, ,000 Modern apartment house, new, near ball grounds, quarter block, building covers half the ground. Net income over $2100, after pay ing all expenses, including taxes and insurance. 102Net E. J. DALY . 222-223-224 Tailing Bldg. Choice quarter block on Grand ave nue and East Oak St.; y, cash; balance on terms. Jno. P. Sharkey Company 122 Sixth St. See Pacific Place Price Advance (Sept. 15th. Paclflo Place la 2 blocks west of AJblna ave. and Peninsula Park. Paclflo Place fronts Portland boulevard, which Is part of the great boulevard and park system. Pacific Place la blocks from public school and within easy walking- distance of the Jefferson High School, Portland s newest. Pacific Place lots are selling now for $525 and up to S620. When the electric cars ara being operated on Albina ave. (about Sept. 16th), there will be an advance in prices. a. H. VAN HOCTEN. BIO Beck Bids. Agent on ground all the time- ACREAGE Five acres at Multnomah Station, choice land, four minutes' walk of sta tion. Terms. $2750 $1500 cash. Eight one-third Tlgardville garden , i I17KA tnttft. nuh. Five acres at Tualatin, in fruit, choice garden lana, siouu idu tu. FREDERICK C. FORBES CO, 62 Lumbermen's. East Taylor Street Beautiful 8-room home, full cement basement, furnace, gas and electricity. Corner lot, 80x68; fine lawn; half cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. PORTLAND SICCKSS REALTY CO, IC, 618 Board of Trade Bldg. A REAL BARGAIN. -2 acres, platted, fine river view, building restrictions, bearing fruit, lm- 5 roved street, cement walks, near St. ohn carline. adjoining Madrona Hill; will sell 40 per cent below actual value If sold in 10 days. Need a little money. Can arrange terms. SUMMIT INVESTMENT CO, 129 Klllngsworth Ave. 12 PER CENT NET The owner will sell fine CENTRAL WEST IDE Income residence property, new and substantial, will double In value, present Income over one hun dred dollars per month. Price $10,000, terms. G 341. Oregonlan. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1. 1908. . Daily or Sunday. Par Line. One time ; Same ad two consecutive times ';i Same ad three consecutive times. siie Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .BHo Mix words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted for lese than two lines. When an advertisement la not run consecutive times the one-time rate PThe"above ratea apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classlllca tlons excepting: the following: Situatious Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted. Female. lor Kent, Rooms. Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms. Private Families. Tbe rate of the above classification Is 7 cents s line each Insertion. bpace In the "New Today" colnmns Is figured by measure only 14 lines to the inch. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore. gonian will receive copy by mail, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number of Issues la sent. Acknowledgment of such remittance will be forwarded promDtly. On charge of book advertisements tbe charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of words In each line. In case box oft ice address is required, use regular form given, and count this as part of tbe ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are -furnished. A receipt will be given for all paid-in-advance advertising;. Tbe Oregonlan will not undertake to correct errors or refund money unlets this receipt is returned. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V. A Co, It. 8349. 80 Hamilton bldg. t Baker. Alfred A.. 212 Ablngton bldg. Beck. William G.. 312 Falling bldg. Blrrell. A. H. Co., 102-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker A Benedict. 502 McKay bldg. M. 649. Chapln ft Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. E- ft Co.. Board of Trade bids. Jennings ft Co-. Main 188. 200 Oregonlan. Farrish. Watklns ft Co. 250 Alder st. Schalk. Geo. D- 284 Stark st-'Maln or A 892. Bharkey. J. P. ft Co.. 122 Sixth St. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holiadar Addition). Walker. S. T, 604 Corbett bldg. Whits B. F.. 227 H Washington St. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. $7O0. line view lot, near 2Sth and Frank lin sta; bargain; must be sold st once. Howard Land Co.. 619 Swetland bldg. 18 LOTS, close to Portland, on the Colum bia; must be sold at once; make us an ofter; will exchange.' 519 Swetland bldg. THREE choice lots, five blocks this side of Laurelhurst. for 82500; worth 83500. Hart man ft Thompson. Chamber of Commerce. 8-ROOM modem house, full lot, close In. for sals by owner; must sell quick on account, of leaving town. AC 342. Oregonlan. $15.000 Quarter block, close In; $64 Income month; good proposition foe flats. Apply Fuhr. owner, SS7V East Burnslda. IRVLNGTON LOT, 18th bet. Knott and tan too. $1850; Inside price. 403 Couch bl&r $30,000 -: " - -- ' ' . -. I " KT. FSTATK. - FOB SA IE FABM8. FOB BALE-FARMS. I Y TfiTITK I IVEiAJU f i, m w. I I - For Sale Lota. r o I . ARB YOU INTERESTED IN PORTLAND REAL ESTATE? BUT OUR NEW MAPS, they will be of great advantage to you. 1. Latest map of town, giving new addi tions and electric lines. 2. 25-mlle circle of Portland's surround lnirs. sectional may. giving townships, ranges and section numbers R. R. and electrlo llr.es. Price each 50 cents. Send stamps. ' THE CROSSLEY CO.. T08 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A quarter block of ground with small cottage in the neighborhood of fine homes, with a very good view. The Inside lot can be sold at bargain figures and on good terms. R F. BRYAN. B"5 Chamber of Commerce. Main 196J. A 1217. AS AN INVESTMENT. 100x100 on East 88th su, near the bridge, for the very low price we can sell should sppeal to one with few hundred dollars to handle. Also another corner lot on Tillamook st. VANDUYN ft WALTON, 616 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON QUARTER8 We have six of the most sightly cor ners, each 100x100, on paved streets, ranging in price (mm $:iS0O to $4000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8lltf9; A 2853. $87.50 CASH will buy a 50x100 lot. on grad ed street, with new sidewalk, city water, close to best carline and 10 minutes from bridge; the balance of price (J376) can be paid 810 per month; this Is your oppor tunity; act at once. 618 Ablngton bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS LOT lox:l2. overlooking river, one block from car. surrounded by fine homes; price $3000. terms. H. P PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial ClJ.b Bldg. Phones Main 86K9: A 2653. IRVINGTON. A fins lot on 25th St., near Hancock; this lot Is one block from new carline and one of the cheapest and best east front lots in lrvlngton; price $16o0. R. F. BRYAN A CO.. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1B3: A 1227. BORTHWICK. NEAR RUSSELL. Lot 45x100. the only lot left In the block, and a barcaln at $1500; half cash; let us tell you about It. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. WAVERLY HEIGHTS corner lot. 60x100; cement sidewalk, street Improved, laying hiph and fine, facing east; give us your offer. Owner going East. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Inc.. S18 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN 2 full lots, on E. 20th, near Stanton, at $1250 each: terms, one-half cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Cltb Bldg. Phones Main 86U9: A 2853. BIX lots; unexcelled new of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for sale at a great bargain by owner. 610 Board of Irade bldg. Phone Main 934. WEST SIDE LOT 60X100. On 21st street. Give us your offer. Own er must sell. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Ine, 618 Board of Trade Bids. 50x100 LOT, Corbett St., West Side, 12 min utes from 3d and Morrison sta, fine view of East Side and river, 81500, with $130 down, balance monthly terms. O 848, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON 2 fine lots, near Knott, east front, 60x100 each, suitable for two first class homes; $1250 each; terms. Jaa. C. Logan. 326 Wash. St., R. 404. PIEDMONT. Choice corner; faces north and east on Jarrett and Rodney. ' Make offer; easy terms. Call 295 Ainsworth, city. $60 CASH. 310 monthly, fine view lot near Havtoome avenue; Dargain ior qiuca sale. Howard Land Co.. 619 Swetland bldg. IF YOU OWN A LOT, W111 build a house on installments to suit; plans fres. Main 2669. IRVINGTON Owner has quarter on Knott at bargain. A Backus. Hill Hotel. 75x100. Willamette Heights, 3600. LIND & H1GI-EY. 132 Third St. For Sale Houses. A BARGAIN, $0500. terms; 3 lots and mod em 10-room house, suitable for boarding house; Commercial St.. near Williams ave. and Russell st.; room for one 4 and 6-flat building. Slnnott ft Slnnott, 621-625 Chamber of Commerce. 8-ROOM modern bungalow, full plumbing, lot 80x100. all fenced. 1500 cash, balance monthly. This is a fine buy for little rnony. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. Inc. E18 Board of Trade Bldg. GREAT SNAP. EASY PAYMENTS. Swell 6-room cottage, close to car. Sun nyslde; modern, concrete basement, eleo trlc light and gas. water and nice lawn; lot 50x100; only $2900. and on your own terms. Room 301. 2S6 Washington st. MODERN 6-room house In Dink of condi tion, two blocks from Williams ave.; own er offers 830O below value; terms. Go and see It at 876 Oantenbeln ave. Phone C 121L MODERN eight-room houss. barn and woodhouse. on fine corner business lot. 60x100, on Mt. Scott carline, Stewart Sta tion. This is a bargain. Address Box 41!. Arleta, Or. EIGHT-ROOM, modern house, barn, garage, fruit trees and roses; lot 60x105; price $6,000. $4OO0 cash, balanca 7 per cent. Call between 10 A M. and 1 P. M. 268 East 321 at., near Hawthorne. 8-ROOM house, new. large porches, attlo, basement, large barn. 2 full lots, 2 blocks car, 827O0. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder et. 6-ROOM houee, corner lot. bargain; owner go ing away; $1600 down, balance any time; agents can make quick commission. Inquire 851 E. Couch, cor. 31st. Phone East 4463. 6-ROOM cottage, lot 60x120, East 19th and Ash sts. ; 2 carllnes, walking distance to business center. Price. $4500. Inquire of owner, 673 East Ash st. MUST sell new 6-room bungalow; Dutch kitchen, deep porch, full lot. $2500; 8300 down. $26 month; restricted district- 606 Commercial block. $2700 $lO0 cash. 825 monthly, beautiful, new, thoroughly modern 6-room bunga low, south of Hawthorne, 51st. Dr. Darl ing. BY OWNER Half bungalow. 6 rooms and open sleeping room; modern conveniences; furnace. 429 49th St., cor. Tillamook, Rose City Park. STRICTLY modern new 6-room bungalow on W-W carline. 82250. on terms: $300 down, or $1700 cash: by owner. Phone Sellwood 816. FOR SALE House and 2 lots: "Mt Scott line; terms. Inquire at 874 11th St. up stairs. STRICTLY modern new 6-room bungalow. 50x100 corner, W-W carline, $2350. cash or terms. Owner phone Main 8058. 6-ROOM house and 2 lots, Montavtlla car line; $1600; terms. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON 6-room house, near corner, built two years, sleeping porch, polished floors, screens on every window. Phone C 1673. DANDY little home. 4 rooms, large lot, en carline; $1450; your own terms. Inquire 242 5th st. 6-ROOM house, near East Ankeny and 81st; very cheap for qulctt sale: 81S00. LIND 4 HIGLEY. 132 Third St. T-ROOM house, lot 75x100, fruit and berries. In AlMna. $4000. H cash. A snap. LIND ft HIGLEY, 132 Third at. T-ROOM modern house, close in; cement walks. Improved street. Apply 810 Eaat Tamhlll st. $4500. Terms. 8100 CASH, $16 per month, buys $3300. 6 roorn, modern cottage. Call Main 7833. or 116 Allsity Diog. $4200 HOME. 6 rooms. 73x100. bearing fruit trees, for $3500. terms. W 32S, Oregonlan, owner. $2600 See that 6-room bungalow at Ver non; you'll take it; terma. 403 Couch bldg. IRVINGTON Modern 6-room house, above grade, fir trees, $3500. Phone East 6179. $2250 Sunnyslde; new 6-room bungalow. ee It; you'll take it. 403 Couch bldg. BUNGALOWS, bungalows, bungalows every where, cash or terms. 403 Couch bldg. IRVINGTON residences $4600 to $18,500. Call afternoons. Office 610 East 18th et. IRVINGTON T-room cottage, completely curolsbedi let 50x100; $4300. Sast 881, WALKING DISTANCE. An $8000 HOME FOR $9000. 7 large rooms, telephone hall, 2 very large dens, trunk room and large attic SLEEP ING PORCH; cove ceiling in living room; dining room HEAVILY BEAMED. HIGH PANELED WALLS, woodwork below fumed oak finish, while that above is ill white enamel, faultlessly TINT . ED WALLS, larire FIRE PLACE, first-class furnace, double construction through out. Full CEMENT BASEMENT; A-l COMBINATION FIXTURES; FUEL GAS piped to every room; built for home, but circumstances compel Us sacrifice; lot 40x128 feet. Ladd Addition: PAVEMENT, sewer, ce ment curbs and walks; Everytnlng. including 8 YEARS' INSURANCE on house paid; $6000, $4000 cash. balance 2 years. S COLUMBIA TRUST COM PANT, Board of Trade Bldg., 84 4th St- SOME BARGAINS IN HOMES. None of these were built to sell. IRVINGTON 7-roora modern house, on corner, lOOx 100; price $8500. , 7-room house, price $7000. 6-room new. modern house; price $5000. 5- reom bungalow: price $6000. HOLLADAY PARK 6- room house; price $3850. 6-room house; price $4200. . PIEDMONT 6- room bungalow; price $3650. 7- room bungalow; price $4750. MT. TABOR 0-room house, on corner, 80x100, for SHAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT 4-room bungalow; price $2200. CENTRAL EAST SIDE 8- room house; price $fv0. 6-room house: price $4550. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 8-room house; price $7500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.. Phones. Main 8699; A 2653. HOLLADAY ADDITION. On East 7th street. H block from Broad way, 2 new, beautiful flats, full cement basement, gas and electricity, cement side walk, improved street, facing east, lays 3 feet above sidewalk; bringing good In come; half cash, balance 2 years. 6 per cent. Call we will show you something fine. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. Inc., 618 Board of Trade Bldg. MASON-STREET HOUSE, $300. Good 3-room story-ajid-half house; hna gas and electricity- nice bath; cement basement, and . will make you a nice home; on Mason st., between Union and Williams aves. ; price. $2500: $300 cash, $20 per month. Key at our office. GRUSSI ft ZADOW, 317 Board or Trade Bid;;., 4th and Oak. LOTS 18. 19 and 20, block 14, Northern Hill Addition, with 24x28 store building, glass front; 6 living rooms above, electric lighted throughout; Bull Run water; in Al condition; for sale by owner at sacrifice. Call at 877 Princeton St., cor. Montleth. J. H. Murphy, or 824 Chamber of Com merce bldg. HANDSOME new home, choicest location In refined Irvlngton; 9 very large rooms, billiard hall, large sleeping porch, 2 baths, 2 toilets. 8 lavatories, built-in buffet, book-cases, seats, refrigerator, clothes and dust chutes, handsome fixtures, beauti fully arranged and finished. $9000. B 339. Oregonlan. GENUINE WEST SIDE SNAP. Modem house, with 10 large rooms; few minutes' walk from Washington St.; fine district; full basement; lot, 50x100. I must sell this at once and will sacri fice for cash. Price, $5600. Address 868 Irving St., East. Tel. East 716. LAST CALL. For this new. 6-room bungalow, on South Portland Heights; this Is on carline. faces east, has an income of $180 per year out side of bungalow; easy terms. SELLERS REALTY CO., Main 74)8. 50 Board of Trade. IRVINGTON. New 7-room. modern house, on 17th St.. bet. Braxee and Knott sts.; this is one of the best-built houses In Irvlngton; price 86100. R. F. BRYAN ft CO.. y 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963; A 1227. QUARTER block with three new modern 7 room houses for $6750 at corner of Flint and Tillamook streets, 7 minutes' walk from Steel bridge; will sell separately. In quire L. E. Crouch, trustee. 42u Chamber of Commerce bldg. For Sale Business Property. WAREHOUSE property on 18th St., lOOx 150; $5000 down, balance easy terms; five buildings on property. N 849, Oregonlan. BUSINESS corner. South Portland, $3400. 26uB Stark st. Miscellaneous. ' 81 X 115. This Is close In and two blocks of Haw thorne; streets graded, 8-lnch water mains and cement walks and curb, all in and paid; 81800. This is 8300 below market value. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. East 34th and .Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 518. MOUNT TABOR home, i lots, fruit, fine , view. Mount Tabor home site, well located, convenient to carline. very desirable. Fliva comer lot. also quarter block, walking distance. East Side. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. SOUTH PORTLAND CASH BUY. Corner lot, 40x100, one block from 2 car lines; fine view; good neighborhood; 8 minutes from 3d and Morrison sts.; side . Walk and all improvement in. Price, $2200. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones Main 8899. A 2653. CHEAPEST BUT ON EAST SIDE. Close-in comer, elevated, walking dis tance; owner must meet obligation in Eastern Oregon; this is .he cheapest buy In Portland; adjoining lot worth $2500; will sell this corner for $1900; must be half cash. Phone East or B 1894. PIEDMONT HOME 7-room modem, well-built and beauti fully finished house, on 73x100; large flr trees In yard: price, $H5O0. terma H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg.. Phones Main 8C09, A 2653.. LOOK HERE New modern 4-room cottage, all furnished, new furniture, corner lot, 3 blooks from carline; $1000; must be sold at once. Take Mt. Scott car; get off at Millard ave. - See Geo. Kash. Phone Ta bor 47T. - NEW. modem 6-room bungalow, close In, good streets, cement walks, full base ment, piped and wired for lights; only $2200, $250 cash, balance terms. Call B 1972. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest bungalow In Irvlngton. Call and see It, 524 E. 20th St. N. 160 ACRES. $1200 cash; house, bam, fences. 1 acre loganberries-; 2 miles from town. 412 Marquajn. 6 ACRES, all cleared, at station. 14 miles out; levsl: $100 cash. $10 month. Smith Wasoner Co.. 333 Chamber Commerce. FINE 7-room residence on West Side. 110 ft. front, with garage, modern. Call at 652 First at, CORNER lot. with modem six-room resi dence. 183 East 26th st; it speaks for Itself. ' FOR anything In Portland real estate see Columbia Trust Co.. Board -of Trade bldg. LIST YOUR property with Sigel ft Co., 836 Morrison. Phone Main 2185. A f Before Breakfast i if your ad is here, hundreds have read it and many -will have answered it before noon in person, if it has definite address, by leter if addressed to a box number. No. quicker, more satisfac tory or less expensive method. X OWN a now. up-to-date residence, com plete and elegant in every detail, ready for occupancy, reception hall, large living room, fireplace, bookcase, beamed and paneled dining-room and den, bullet breakfast-room, kitchen. pantry wltn cooling closet, front and rear stairways, four bedrooms, linen closet, broom closet, clothes chute, best plumbing. medicine closet, extra large sleeping porch, attic cement basement. frultroom. furnace, laundry travs, the first floors are of pol ished oak with inlaid mahogany borders, square combination lighting fixtures tint ed walls, window shades; the exterior is of stylish design and Is painted in pleas ing colors; it Is situated in the finest East Side restricted residence district, within easy walking distance, but there Is a four minute car service two blocks distant; the streets are of asphalt pavement; gas and electric lights, sewer and water all In and paid for; I guarantee that this property will please the most exacting person In elegance and surroundings; It Is tor sale at a very low price to a quick cash customer. M 317, Oregonlan. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. 6-ROOM bungalow on Mount Scott line; an Ideal home; only $2500. A BEAUTY See that 6-room home on East 37th st., ix-ar Hawthorne ave. It Is JUST right. Price $3750. . MOUNT TABOR home of 8 rooms with lot 100x100; fine view of the city; price $4260. MARSHALL ST. home of 7 rooms; re member this is close in on the West Side. Price onlv S60CO PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. WE RECOMMEND THESE. We have Just ONE lot left on East 44th. near Hancock St.. and it Is a bargain at $600. See us about terms. HANCOCK ST. CORNER for only $1000. That fine corner lot on Hancock and East 44th St. Just one block from car; side walk In and paid for; lot about 3 feet above gr&cte; Just the place for your home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta Buy a lot in HOSBORNE'S ADDITION. $200 a lot and up. - -10 per cent down and $10 a month. Price includes water and clearing. Two blocks south and one east of end of Rosa City carline. MULTNOMAH LAND CO., 8SV6 3d St. . Room 8. FOR ' SALE A beautiful home at Oak GroVe, Oregon City line; 30 minutes' ride; 14 acres of ground, new 6-room house, pantry, storeroom, brick fireplace, 75 feet verandas, 200 choice roses in full bloom, 75 bearing grape vines, 300 bear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants, 60 bearing fruit trees of every description, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fenced and cross fenced, enough garden truck planted for good-sized family, every foot of ground cultivated; fine lawn around the house, dotted with select shrubbery, etc., etc . Inquire on premises, Louis Brandt, Oak Grove, Or. SPECIAL BARGAINS. $8500 Elegant, modem home, Waverly Heights. $2600 Bungalow, one-four block. Fir land Station. $2600 6-room, strictly ' modem. close In. $2550 Bungalow, a beauty, Creston. $750 Corner lot, on paved street. $750 View lot, location first-class. $500 Building site, 66x100. close to oarllne. Can arrange satisfactory terms. C. B. LUCAS, 408 Corbett Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS CORNER A magnificent Quarter block in the Cedar Hill district, large trees, splendid, view; is surrounded by beautliul resi dences and is the only property- in this vicinity for sale. Price for immediate sale, $12,600: terms. H. P.- PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-113 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 86D9, A 2663. ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted 70 per cent of walnuts In Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plantings ever sold In Oregon, we feel our prop erties should Invite consideration: $100 cash. $10 per monta for each five-acre tract. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc). Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark sta WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME S-room modem Queen Anne house, large verandas and sleeping porch; garage; on paved street. 1 block from car; magnifi cent view of river and mountains. Price $7500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES. CO.. 212-213 Commeroial Club Bldg. Phones: Main S699, A 2653. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New, modern 6-room bungalow, close In, good cement walks, oiled streets, comer lot, full basement,' oement floor, wash trays, fireplace in living-room, nice hall with pillars between living-room and dining-room, buffet, beam celling, paneled wainscoting in dining-room. cabinet kitchen, 3 nice bedrooms; has back hall and bath, walls tinted, piped and wired for lights. Only $2700; $500 cash, balance terms. Call B 1972. THE SPOT FOR FLAT. ON EAST 2SD ST. we have a lot 70x100 that is located Just right for two nice flat buildings. This will not last long at our price. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. 6-room, new, strjctly modem bunga low and half acre of ground, in perfect state of cultivation, on Oregon City car line; spring water piped in house and tiled bathroom and kitchen; everything strictly modern; only 30 minutes' car. ride; price. $2050; easy terms. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 610-511-512 Swetland Building. OWNER MUST SELL FINE HOME. In Irvlngton. all fitted up, finest Btyle. sleeping porch, big fireplace, large fur nace, modern firebox, finest fixtures and plumbing, attic and basement; highly Im proved; rooms all largo; elegant corner with beautiful yard, roses. ,etc. ; streets paved. 1 block from Broadway car close in- will sell this less than cost for rea son. Cost $7250. Call room 616. Ablng ton bldg 16 LOTS, whole block, 6 left, going fast; 1 fine residence, 9-room, fine arrangement, photo; great many properties. Owner, room 600. Oregonlan bldg. M. 8830, C 1271. W. H. Herdraan. $400 CASH buys new modem 5-room bunga low. In Sunnyslde. Price. $3000. Swetland bldg.. Room 610. FOR SALE "-TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA , JAME3 D. LACEY ft CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. $29 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. TIMBER lands for sale. 80.000,000 feet. 300, 000 000 feet and several smaller tracts, well located; cruises will be furnished responsible buyers. BLAIR ft RUSSELL. 403 Ablngton Bldg. nNAp 82 000,000 timber In Tillamook Coun ty 76 per cent yellow fir, for 70 cents per 1000. If taken at once. Owner, 218 Worcester bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney ft Stampher. 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. CLAIM with 6000 in Clatsop County; must sell; will take $1200 cash. See qwner, 410 Falling bldg. . TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquish ments. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. FOR RENT FAR-MS. WANTED to purchase Oregon and Paclflo Coast timber lands; state in first letter price wanted and location. Address rooms l6 and 213 Oregon JotL SPECIAL EXCURSION TO CALGARY. AL BERTA. LEAVING PORTLAND SAT URDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH. The Canadian Northwest is fast becom ing the wheat granary of the world. Nine tenths of the wheat marketed In Alberta la raised In the famous Bow River Valley. The Canadian Pacifio Railway is selling land in this valley at $12.00 to $18.00 an acre. It Is the land that produces 40 to 60 bushels wheat. 75 to 100 bushels of oats an acre, and other grains In propor tion. You can buy it for one-tenth cash, balance In nine annual payments, with ln .. terest at 6 per cent, or one-tenth cash, balance crop payments; NO CROP, NO PAY. The quality of the land, the terms or the pric-ss cannot be equaled anywhere. Go on the excursion and satisfy yourself of these facta Exceptionally low rate for round trip. Call or -write for full particulars. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY, General Land Agents, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 435 Lumbermen's Building, Portland, Or. SNAPS. CLOSE TO BBAVERTON. 2H acres, all In cultivation: 4-room house; V mile to Oregon Electric sta tion; close to Beaverton; price, $1100, $600 cash. 2Vi acres, 4-room house, orchard, mile to Oregon Electric station. Price, $1100, $600 cash. 8tt acres, all In cultivation, 1 acre bsaverdam, 2 blocks from Beaverton. on Oregon Electric; 23 minutes' ride from Portland. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, - 832 Chamber of Commerce. COLUMBIA VALLEY DAIRY FARM. 219 ACRES 140 in high state of culti vation. 200 level land with black loam on clay subsoil. 19 timber, balance pasture, plenty water, good wells, two houses, one 10-room, new; 4 barns, and other out buildings; 22 cows, oalves. heifers, chickens. pigs. farming machinery of every description, hay. grain, potatoes, kale and corn: toe many articles to men tion; located in the best part of the Co lumbia Valley of Clark County 14 miles from Vancouver. Washington, 8 miles to railroad station, one mile to school, cream ery. 3- stores. blACksnilth shop, butcher shop, church; on 2 county roads: the 140 acres under plow Is worth $2u0 per acre; the above place Is one of the best bar gains on the market; old age the reason for selling; price Includes every article on the place. $24,000, $8000 cash, balance to suit, 6 per cent: the new Vancouver electric line will pass the place In a short time. SWEDISH LAND ft COLONIZATION CO.. 311 Wotcester Bldg. ON OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. 20 acres, all In high state of cultiva tion, finest of soli. 8 miles from Port land, 25 minutes' ride on electric oar, 10 minutes' walk from Beaverton, good 6-room house, good barn and outbuildings; 4 acres of fine merchantable apples In full bearing, 5 acres of potatoes. 8 acres of hay and grain, plenty of vegetables, good water, 1 team of good horses, har ness, wagon. 1 cow, 25 chickens, 1 plow, cultivators, and ail farm implements; this place lies In a perfect square; crop, stock and implements go with place at $5250; terma You can't beat this for a country home. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 114 ACRES within S miles of the Postoffloe of the City of Portland. Or., 65 acres clear. baL in brush, fine large barn and house, fine orchard, spring and well water; this Is one of the finest farms along the Wil lamette River; grand elevation, ail level, best of soli, only one mile east of the Oregon City carline. Will make a fortune in a few years if subdivided and laid out in acre tracts. NoV Is the time of oppor tunities in and around Portland, the fu ture New York of the West, but delay has not before nor is now making any money for you. If bought before our option ex pires only $82,600 for the whole place. C F. PFLUGER ft CO., (Established 1S80.) Rooms 4-6 Mulkey Bldg.. 2d and Morrison. ' FINE FARM. 40 acres, 80 acres in high state of cul tivation, 2 acres of fine apple orchard and all kinds of small fruits; large, mod ern 7-room house, with all water connec tions; 2 good barns and wagon sheds; large wlndwlll and tank; 1 tine team, 4 good cows, 1 yearling, 16 hogs, 2 dozen chickens; 2 good wagons, 1 heavy, 1 light; 1 buggy, mower and rake, all harness, seed drill, all kinds of farm implements and tools; 13 miles from Portland on good gravel road; 2 miles from R. R. and elec tric line. Price, $5750, $3O00 cash, bal ance long time. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. APPLE LAND. If Interested in frultralslng in one of the best orchard districts In Oregon. 30 miles from Portland, the best city on the Coast. It will pay you to get our WESTERN HOOD free booklet. We have unquestionably the best proposition on the market. ' Prices from $30 per acre up. Get in on the ground floor, where there Is lots doing and double your money in short time. The closest investi gation solicited. Will gladly show you. VANDUYN ft WALTON, 616 Chamber Commerce. , HITHER HOOD THE GREATEST Undeveloped fruit section in the North west. Thousands of acres of finest soil lying in tables or plateaus, the elevation being about 1200 feet. Location begin ning 20 miles east of Portland and ex tending east to Mount Hood. This sec tion Is commonly called Sandy River country, but has been christened Hither Hood. Prices range from $30 to $100 per acre. Go with us and look this country over. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commeroe. WASHINGTON COUNTY. 20 acres, all In high state of cultivation except 4 acres; good 6-room house, good barn and outbuildings; crops all in and consist of kale, potatoes, hay and grain; cow, 2 horses. 1 plow, 1 cultivator and all farm Implements; harness and wagons; close to Hillsboro; mile to Oregon Sur vey. Price, $3200, $1600 cash, balance long time. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. LEVEL AND RICH RED LOAM SOIL 35 acres, cleared, 3 acres good orchard, fr-0 acres fine saw timber, remainder light limber and brush, easily cleared; 6-room house, large new barn, living spring at house; 38 miles from Portland, Hi miles from railroad; price $4600. terms easy. THIS FARM L3 WORTH ONE THOUS AND DOLLARS MORE THAN PRICE ASKED. OVERLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 401-402 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 320 acres, all in high state of cultiva tion; 1000 feet from R. R. station; fine for subdividing: every foot first-class black loam soli; land lies in square 1 mile long. 4 mile wide; large 7-room house; large barn; this place is right In the Valley and In fine open country; you can't beat It. price, $70 per acre; easy terms. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. FARM AND SHINGLE MILL. Another Lincoln County bargain; 100 acres. 9U. miles from Eddyville; 60 acres RICH BLACK BOTTOM LAND: tt acres cultivated. 120 acres fir and cedar timber and a shingle mill run by water power: a 4-room house, bam and two sheds. 17 head of cattle and 0 calves; price $3400. OVERLAND INVESTMENT CO., 401-402 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME, lo acres, all in extra high state of cul tivation; modern, 6-room house, hot and cold water, bath, water tower, gasoline engine, fine new barn, chicken houses; everything nicely planted and up -to date; crops all In; 10 miles from Portland; 8 blocks from Electric station. Price $6730; terms. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. U. 8. GOVERNMENT LAND OPENING UNDER CAREY ACT. Conrad-Valley project, Montana, 70.000 acres of fine grassy prairie under irrigation; draw ing Oct. 7, 1909; must register for drawing before Oct. 7; can register by mall. For In formation and blanks write M. W. WAY MAN, Valler, Mont., or 1183 Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. LINCOLN COUNTY BARGAIN. Here Is a QUARTER SECTION with 80 acres level, 85 acres timber, good family orchard, RICH BLACK LOAM SOIL; 7 ROOM CEDAR HOUSE, bam. roothouse. shoo and woodhouse; creek and springs. THE IMPROVEMENTS ARE WORTH THE PRICE ASKED FOR THE PLACE. OVERLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 401-402 Board of Trade Bldg. U-MILE EAST FROM BEAVERTON. 21 acres all In cultivation, good 6-room house, big barn, chicken-houses, spring and well, some fruit trees: only 6 miles from courthouse by road. This is a snap. Half cash, balance 8 to 6 years at 6 per PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CC, Inc. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. TWENTY ACRES ALFALFA IN IDAHO. COME AND HEAR ABOUT IT. MAIR ft PR ALL 2 Lumberman's Bldg. ALL good ones; see ns. Oelmmbla Trust Oo Board of Trade bids' HMAT.Y. SNAPS 8 ACRES, S00. Sty acres in cultivation; 8-room house) good barn; good well; mile from elec trlo line; 12 miles from Portland. 12 ACRES, $1200. 4 acres In cultivation; balance slashed and seeded; on main county road; $300 cash, balance time S ACRES. $2500. All in cultivation; good house and barn, good well; $500 cash, balance time. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. OAK PARK FRUIT FARM. 120 acres, all under cultivation, in the Justly celebrated Red Hill orchard lands of Salem, Oregon, unsurpassed for apples, cherries, pears, prunes, walnuts or for small fruit; entirely surrounded by bear ing orchards; macadam roads to Salem, good water, R. V. D.. telephone, church and school; nothing better anywhere for fruit; will sell as a whole or in tracts to suit. For terms call or write to owner, H. H. Smith. 468 East Washington at, Portland. Or. 10 ACRES, with beautiful modem 6-room house, large barn, chicken house, Iron wa ter tower, tank 2000-gallon capacity, gas oline pump; UO-foot cemented well; all fenced; 21. acres In strawberries; 2 acres In all kinds of berries; 3Vi acres In potatoes- 2 acres In clover; 40 yards from electric line; 10 miles from Portland; close to high and public schools; railroad survey In front of place; must be sold on account o' sickness; 14 cash, balance terms. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Inc. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. WH T Walla Walla Wants Is You. Presi dent Roosevelt tald : -Walla Walla made the pleasantest Impression on my mind or any cltv I visited In the Northwest. The surrounding valley Is an agricultural para dise It la making good. Send for book let S. Ask questions. Commercial Club, Walla Walla, Wash. CLOSING OUT AN ESTATE H mile city limits, Vancouver, 8 miles Courthouse on good county road; 80 acres with the buildings and family orchard of the old homestead at a price far below what it would hrInK at public auction. C. A Ruff. 41S Board of Trade bldg. FREE TO ALL TILt.EUS OF THE SOIL. Government bulletin on Irrigation in the Willamette Valley and beautifully illus trated booklet. "The Call of the Soil' (copvright) sent to any address free. Ad dress Canby Canal Company. Canby. Or. q ACRES A fine little farm, only 29 min utes' ride from center of city; 5 acres Im proved, for $:;n,10, part cash, some trade. Address AK 310. Oregonlan. BARGAINS Improved and unimproved Cowlitz County farm lands. Barnard ft Co.. Kalama. Wash. FOR SALE 12V, acres at Willamette. Ore gon; a bargain. Inquire Shoenhelnx Shoe Shop. Oregon City. BEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. TO EXCHANGK. HOUSE and lot on the Sound, bringing $-3 per month; will take Portland property In exchange: only $1800. 80 ai res. 2 (4 miles from electric line, 20 in cultivation, enough timber on bal ance to pay for entire tract: will exchange for Portland pnip.Tty; $6000 300 acres, unimproved land. Z-.T miles from Portland, some timber, all under laid with coal: $20 per acre. Will take city property. 420 Lumber Exchange. 125 000 40 ACHES of magnificent, bearing orchard; fine improvements, 4 miles from tan Jose. Santa Clara Co., CaL ; lnoome 1909 so per cent on price asked: exchange for land In Western Oregon or business propertv: same value. L. D. Hoback, 21 North ist St., San Jose Cal. .200,000 feet good building lumber exchange l025blMKf Capacity sawmill. 7,000,000 feet Al timber, excellent transportation, for Willamette Valley farm or city property equal value. D 817, oregonlan. $7. EQUITY in 5 acres, worth $1500: most ly clear: has some fruit trees; right on trolley line near Base Line road. Want building lot or equity In house and lot 822 Mohawk bldg. NEW 5-room cottage. Marie end Avery, Price. $1000; equity, $000. What have you In 5 or 10-acre tract? C A. Ruff. 418 Board of Trade bldg. COWS Will trade one or all of 8 fine milch cows, all fresh 2 months; these cows are In A-l condition: come and see them. Young Bros., 612 Gerlinger bldg. Phone Main 7073 TO EXCHANGE 4 1-10 acres at Tigard; all clear; half under cultivation, with small house and barn, for Improved city property, close In. Phone Muln 6480. GOOD paj-lng depot hotel and lunch counter for real eetate in Portland or vicinity. Call at 73 Sixth st. YOU can trade any kmd of property aa room 1019 Board of Trade. HOUSE and lot in Walla Walla for Port land property. Phone Main 2160. WANTED REAL t ST ATS, WANTED. Some fine business and residence lot in good locntlon; also homes at prices at tractive to the buyer, with good terms. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Building WANTED Prom owner, lot or quarter block In E. Ankeny or Burnside district, suitable for apartment site, walking dis tance. Jas. C. Loean. 326 Vi Wash, su, R. 404. A VIEW lot or quarter block on Portland Heights; owner only; glvo full particulars, location, price and terms in letter. a 840, Oregonlan. 1 WANT to rent a 4 or 5-room modem cot tage, furnished, with the privilege of buy ing later; close to car; owners only; give full particulars. Address A 841, Oregonlan. OLERK wishes home, 5 or 6-room house, one or more full lots; bargain and terms only: convenient location. K 346, Ors- gonlan. WANTED Nearly new 6-room house and full lot In Upper Albina; owners only; $2o00; $500 cash. 248 Cook ave. J W LAWLESS, dealer in real estate. ' wants buyers for many bargains. 204 Ablngton bldg. ONE to 6 acres on Peninsula, close to and good view of Willamette: glvu location and cash price. R 3H. Oregonlan. HAVE some money to Invest in snaps; give exact location, price, etc. P 347. ore gonlan. WE HU'E customers for good investments; give us particulars of what you have. Purse 818 Chamber of Commerce. WILL exchange $1000 first mortgage for good city Income property or telephone bonds 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. WANTED An unimproved ranch or home stead relinquishment: must be on the river. M 345, Orgonlon. CHOICE homes and building lots our great est need; we can sell them. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. HOMESTEADS. MY PROPOSITION YOU PAY AFTER SEEING THE LAND If you do not his you do not pay me any location fee whatever- there is no ifs or ands about It. We show you the ground, if It is what you want, you pay me. If not. you do not pay. I require no deposit. If the homesteads were not extra fine I could not afford to make such an offer. Am sending In special party with my own rig Monday evening, the 0th. to locate on fine ground near my homestead in Central Oregon, along the new railroad, this land Is in a fine valley near forest, deep, rich soil, no rock or stumps, all level and even' foot cultl vatable: raise good crops without irriga tion; good water 12 to 18 feet; sawmill, small town, school, rural delivery, dully mails; large community of fins people now there; am making special ratts on this trip: see me and arrant" to go. Will be at office 9:30 A. M. to 7 P. M. ALVIN S. HAWK. Printer. 8S4 Third St. $ HOMESTEADS and 4 relinquishments, H bottom land, left; all easily cleared: on a stream of living water; near Portland. Call P. D. Q , 14 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Morrison. HOMESTEAD relinquishments in timber. Call room 21. Russell bldg. Tel. Main 9301. FRUIT LANDS. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Nine-acre fruit ranch overlooking the Columbia River, 7 miles from Vancouver; 8 acres grapes, lty acres strawberries, 200 fine fruit trees, ty acre gooseberries, mammoth blackberries, loganberries and other small fruit; water right and land piped for Irrigation: 8-room house, hot and cold water, barn, chickens and fruit house; horse, two-seated hack, farm ma chinery, cow, chickens. Inquire of C W. DuBois. river road, east of Garrison. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J, 804 cSA. bldg, t