THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1909. It PILOT IS WITNESS Captain W. H. Patterson Gives Account of Collision. ELDER-KERN CASE HEARD steamship Catania arrived at the Asso ciated tanks at Linn ton last evening. Steamship Officers Corroborate Tes timony Given by Guide Hearing Continued Vntll Xext Thurs day Notes of Waterfront. Local Insfwcors BdwaiVIs and Fuller yesterday resumed hearing of witnesses In the case of the collision between the steamships Oo. . Elder and Lttnlel Kern off Waterford Hirht, Auirust 18, when the latter craft sank In 60 feet of water. The majority of the witnesses examined yesterday were members of the crew of the Elder. Pilot M. Mortran and Mate Anderson, of the Daniel Kern, were re called. Mot "XV. H. Tatterson. of the Klder. was also placed on the stand. Captain W. II. Fope. a river pilot, w railed to give expert testimony regarding the position of the wreck and the chan nel at that point. Captain V. H. Patterson, pilot In charge of the. Elder at the time of the co'.lslon. testified that he gave one whis tle on approaching; the Daniel Kern ae, a signal to pass. The signal was not answered and he gave a second signal similar to the first. After an Interval of soveral seconds this was answered by two whistles, known among pilots as a cross whistle. Pilot Patterson further stated that on failure to receive an answer to his first whistle he stopped the engines of the Elder and on hearing- two whistles in answer to his second signal, he put the Elder full speed astern. Edward Whlteman. third officer of the Elder, who was on the bridge with Cap tain Patterson at the time of the colli sion, substantiated the statements of the pilot. Captain Oeorge M. Jessen, master of the Elder, and Chief Officer Claude Smith gave what testimony was essen tial, both bing below at the time the vessels struck. Chief Engineer Slattery and Second Assistant Leahy testified as to the stop ping and reversing of the engines and elso a to the extent of the damage of the Elder. Goorge W. Clemens, second mate, made a short statement. Pilot M. Moran and Mate Anderson, of the Kern, repeated the testimony given at the hearing of August -I. In the absence of several witnesses the case was continued until Thursday of this week. Ex-Sena-tor Charles V. Fulton appeared as coun sel for the North Pacific Steamship Com pany and J. Couch Flanders looked after tho Interests of Daniel Kern. KANSAS CITY REACHES POKT Stenmlilp Arrives on Maiden Trip In nay City and Portland Service. In command of Captain William Kid ston, the steamship Kansas City, of the Pan Francisco & Portand Steamship Company, arrived up last night and berthed at the Ainsworth dock. The steamer Is on her maiden trip to Port land In the service of the Harrlman strarrship lire. On the voyage north she ma. 1-3 the run In a few minutes less than s hours, bar to bar. A strong northwest wind was encountered. The Kansas City was formerly In the passenger service between New York and Savannah. She was purchased by R. P. Schwerin and brought to the Pacific, ar riving at San Francisco last June. Tacoma Shipping Xotes. TACOMA. Aug. 3a American-Hawaiian liner MiMourian arrived today with gen eral freight from the Hawaiian Islands. The steam schooner Carlos arrived in port today to discharge cement. She will shift to Port Ludlow to load lumber for San Francisco; steamer Admiral Sampson left port today for down Sound, to torn iIt te her cargo for San Francisco. Steam er Robert Dollar was In Tacoma today making arrangements for the coming of the British steamer Haiel Dollar, which Is to load lumber for the Orient. Steam er Farallon Is due tonight to discharge cargo from Alaska. Seattle Shipping Notes. SEATTLE, Aug. SO. The steamer Xe vadan arrived from Salinas Crui with general cargo from the Atlantlo seaboard. The steamer Jefferson arrived from Skagway and porta with passengers and freight. George W. Perkins" private yacht Yu catan returned to Seattle today after an extended cruise In Alaskan waters. The- steamer President arrived from San Francisco with 335 passengers and a large cargo of general freight. She made the run in 53 hours. The steamer Spokane sailed for San Francisco with 208 passengers and gen eral cargo. Including 600 tons of wheat taken at Tacoma. The Spokane has been carrying excursions to Alaska during the Summer and will lay up at San Fran cisco until the opening of next season. The steamer Meteor sailed for South eastern Alaska, carrying a general cargo. Including a large consignment of powder. The steamer Senator from Seattle ar rived at Nome Saturday afternoon. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND, Aug. 80. Arrived, steam ship Fslrhaven. from 8an Francisco; steam ship Jrthsn Poulson. from San Francisco: steamship Osntsnla, from San Francisco: STEAXEB INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Glocomo. The repertoire follows: Sunday evening. Alda:" Monday evening. "Lucia;" Tuesday evening. "Fedora;" W-sdnesday matinee. "II Trovatore;" Wednesday even ins. "Rlgoletto;" Thursday evening. "Rm titans." "11 Paglacci;" Friday evening. "Carmen;" Saturday matinee. "La Travl ata;" Saturday evening, grand composite bill. "L'Amlco Frits." "Rustlcana," "Pag-ltaccL" WELLMAN QUITS BALLOON Leave Guard Over Broken Airship to Stay During Winter. TROMSOE, Norway, Aug. SO. Walter Wellman, who recently- made an unsuc cessful attempt to reach the North Pole In a dirigible balloon, arrived here today from Spitsbergen. He has left- three men to guard the air ship at the Spltzbergen camp through the Winter. iNim-L Sua H. El From. Date. more. TIHamoolc. . . .In port Breakwater. .. .Coos Bar. ...In port Falcon San Francisco In port Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro. . . In . port Kansas City San Francisco In port Aria Tillamook. ...Bpt. 1 Alliance Coos Bay Sept. 3 Eureka Kureka Sept. 3 Roanoke San Pedro. .. Sert. Rose City San Francisco Sept. Sella Hongkong. ... Indefl't Henrik Ibsen. ..Hocskong Oct. Z Scheduled to Depart. Name. For. Data, Geo. W. Elder. .Pan Pedro... Aug. SI Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Aug. 81 Ttreakw&tftr. CnOI BlV.... Sept. 1 Argo Tillamook Spt. Kureka Eureka bept. 4 4 4 4 5 T It Kuiai City. .. San Francisco Sept. Alliance Coos Bay kept. Roanoke San Pedro. ... Sept. Falcon San Francisco Sept. Rm rlt-r San Francisco Sept. B.11. -InnvWfinv T Tl ! fl t Henrik Ibsen. . Honskong Nov. 1 Entered Monday. Falcon, Am. steamship (Schage), with general cargo, from San Fran cisco. Virginia. Am. schooner (Lancaster), with ballast, from San Francisco. Geo. W. Elder. Am. steamship' (Jessen). with general cargo, from San Pedro and way. Maverick. Am. steamship (Mo Kellar. with refined oil, from Satt Francisco. Tosemlte, Am. steamship (Maro). with general cargo, from San Fran cisco. Breakwater, Am. steamship (Mao genn). with general cargo, from Coos Bay. Cleared Monday. Tosemlte. Am. steamship (Maro). with general cargo, for San Fran cisco, Geo. W. Elder, Am. steamship (Jessen). with general cargo, for San Pedro and way. Tawata Maru. Jap. steamship (Sakuma). with ballast, for Puget Sound. Maverick, Am, steamship (McKel lar). with ballast, for San Francisco. Breakwater. Am. steamship (Mac genn). with general cargo, for Coos Bay. Ponded Goods Arrive on Falcon. With J-X ton of bonded freight and a small quantity of freight from San Fran cisco, the steamship Falcon. of the American-Hawaiian fleet, entered at the customs-House yesterday. On the voy age up the coast the Fa I son encountered sarong northwest winds, which held her back abouf H hours. She la discharging at Columbia No. 1. Lumber Firm IJnj Steamer Mystic. ASTORIA. Or, Aug. 30. The Ham mond Lumber Company has purchased from Kelso parties the steamer Mystic recently built by Wilson Brothers of this city, and specially designed for towing log. She will be In command of Uaptaln Gue Maraxen. who for several years has been mate of the steamer Lottie, of the same company. Independent Pilot Offered Position. ASTORIA. Or, Aug. 30. Captain Arthur Leighton. who has been acting Independently since the Port of Port land took charge of the service, haa been tendered a position as one of the bar pilots In Its employ. He probably will accept the appointment. Lelcliton Xow a Port Pilot. ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 30. (Special.) Captain Arthur Leichton. who has been acting as an independent pilot on the bar during the past few months, has been employed as a pilot by the Port of Port land arj will enter the service of the Commission on September L Launch Seized on Libel. ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 30. (Special.) The gnsollne launch Teddy Roosevelt was seized by a Deputy MRrshal today on a libel suit filed in the Federal Court by Ltander Lebock for the loss of a pile driver that was wrecked near Altoona while being towed by the launch. Lumber Company Buys Boat. ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 30 (Special.) The Hammond Lumber Company has pur chased the steamer Mystic, which was recently built here for a Kelso flpm. She wli! be under the command of Captain M.irxen and will be used for towing logs. Marine The steamship Sue H. Elmore will sail for Tillamook this evening. The Standard Oil tank liner sailed from Portsmouth at noon yesterday for San Francisco. The steamship W. S. Porter Is due to arrive this evening from San Franclseo with fuel oil. The steamship Falrhaven arrived up last evening with general cargo from San Franclvco. Yt'iVi fuel oil from Saa Francisco, the steamship Hoqulam. from San Francisco; steamship Kansas City, from San Francisco. Sailed, steamship Maverick, for San Fran cisco. Astoria. Or.. Aug. SO. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M.. smooth; wind, northwest 36 miles; weather, clear. Arrived at midnight and left up at 5 A. M . steamer Hoqulam. from San Francisoc: ar rived at 6 and left up at V:30 A. M .. eteam- Falrhaven. trom ban rTancisco. banea at 8:15 A. M, steamer Yellowstone, for San Pedro. Arrived at T and left up at S:40 A. M.. steamer Johan Poulsen, from San Francisco; arrived at 9 A. M. and left tin at 1:1. P. M.. steamer Catania, from San Francisco; arrived at 11:40 A. M. and left up at 3 P. M . steamer Kansas City, from San Francisco. San Francisco. Aug. 30. Sailed at 9 A M . steamer Asuncion, for Portland. Arrived at 10 A. M.. steamer Rose City, from Port land: arrived at 11 last night, steamer F. 3. Loop-, from Portlands arrived at 2 P. SC. steitner Northland, from Portland. Eureka. Aug. SO Sailed yesterday. Eureka, for Portland. Coos Ray. Aug. 30. Arrived, steamer Al liance, from Portland. San Francisco. Aug. SO. Arrived, steamer Buckmau. from Seattle; steamer ralay. from Wlllapa; steamer Flfield, from Wll lapa; steamer Pectan. from Newcastle, Eng.; steamer Rose City, from Portland; steamer Northland, from Columbia River; steamer Homer, from Cnalaska. Sailed, steamer Maverick, for Portland; steamer Watson, for Seattle. Tides at Astoria .Tuesday. High. Low. 0:11 A. M 03 feet'TrOO A. M OH feet 1H P M. ... a fef!T-;i A. M 1 11 feet Amusements Ohio Male ( horns Tonight. - The long-looked-for concert by the cele brated Ohio Male Chorus will be given at the Baker tonight, and the sale of seats Indicates a crowded house. This will be the greatest event of Its kind Portland haa ever heard. The numbers to be rendered Include many of the foremost compositions of the musical world, and the sololsta include Rob erts, the tenor who captured the grand prize over 27 contestants at Seattle, and many others of note. Big Act at Orp heum. One of the finest acts seen in vaudeville In many moons Is the powerful comedy drama. "Circumstantial JTvldence." which Is playing st the Ocpheum this week. The story deals with the handling of a Jury, which la locked up to bring In a verdict. There la an abundance of comedy and a splendid quartet, which supplies some tins selections. Thailtlna; Act at Pasta. Locked tightly In a rolling globe, Hanson, of Hanson A Jennie, this m-eea's beadllners at Pantages. rolls himself up a steep Incline In . the most marvelous fashion. This Is the - nrst time the feat has been accom plished successfully.-and It la a real vaude vllllan thriller. Jnst "Pals." "Pals" Is a palpable hit at the Orand. It is the dramatic playlet In which James J. Corbett made his entry Into vaudeville. Ed win carewe and company are offering It this week, and It la among the very beet tabloid plava that have been shown In this terri tory. The play la original, interesting and thrilling, and Is well acted. Tho Bawa King' Matinee. There's a souvenir matinee at the Lyric today, when the Athon Stock Company will appear In "The Ranch King." Joseph Clif ton's great drama of the Western hills, a play as clean and pure as the unsullied snow. Every evening this week and other matinees Thursday and Saturday. You'll like the Lyric Desperado's Great Act at Oaks. No single act In years has caused as much favorable comment as that of Desperado this week at the Oaks. Plunging from a high tower head foremost, he strikes a wooden chute far below, and dashes to a curve that turns him In a somersault, landing him on his feet. Tho sensational act must be wit nessed to be appreciated. International Grand Opera Compwny. Beginning next Sunday night, September 5. and continuing all nest week, the attrac tion at the Bungalow Theater. Twelfth and Morrison streets, will be the International Grand Opera Company of 100 people. In cluding an orchestra of S.t musicians. Fol lowing Is a partial list of the princlpala: Ther-v Norelll. Bertossl. Strsusa. Zarah. " n..i sainnlnfT. . rnlnmhint. Arcan- gali. Zaxa, Oteri, Frascona, CUuUano. Dt AT THE HOTELS. The Portland O. C. Joalln and wife. San Francisco; B. K. Smith and wife. Fort JVorth. Tex.; F. C. Bolt and wife, G. D. Piatt, Mies L. Ellae, C. J. Wetmore. San Francisco; F . G. Owen. Owen. Wis; F. W. Armstrong. N. Aplex. F. R, Meeks. J. S. Baker. San Fran cisco: W S. Ward and wife. Ala: 6. O Rosenthal. New York: A. W. Karguham. York. Pa.; Allen Farguham. York; A H. Williams, E. Whitehead and wife, tV. Hy men. E. Levy. E. J. A. Gardner. I. A. Lew's. San Francisco; Jules Franklin. Geo. Gold berg. New York: C. Roth. Cincinnati; Gus Hyman. New York; M. Sullivan. C. B. An- T Troetnr and wife. MISS M. E. Thomas. Minneapolis; J. A. Edwards, W W Edwards and wife. Oklahoma City: R. VV. Nichols. St. Louis; L. G. Everett and wife. etnux City: J. G. Shiver and wife. Newark; Mrs. Anna Cobb. Miss J. Cobb. Mlaa M Snell. Miss O. W. Cobb. San Francisco; I. H. Dunlap and wife. Washington. D. C: D. F. McGee. Astoria: C. B. Cowles, San Francisco; F. S. Burberry and wife. Iowa; A. W. Studlvant and wife. South Bend; Mrs. J. H. Plerson. Chtcsgo: Alice . Barton. 'Slgln: trr. and Mrs. J. H. Hackett, R R. Conroy, Milwaukee; B. C Parer. Los Angeles; A. L. Currey and wife. San Francisco: R. H. Hamilton and wife. A. Feldenhelmer. San Francisco: U. M. Baue gartner. Amity; W. S. Sturtevant. Howell; Rov Howard and wife. San Diego: N Gamse. New York: Sam Kidder. San Fran cisco; G. J. Oessllng, Hood River; Mr. and Mrs. T. G. HofTman. San Francisco; J. W. Wolfe and wife. Cincinnati; E. U. Hasen, Bridal Veil: E. H. Gamble and wife. Kan sas City: Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Thompson; W C. Jones. New Orleans; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sandurs. St. Louis; B. Wendell. J. A Luckeman. Boston: A. Ltntott. S. Mil ler. Chi.Mgo; R. N. Kalgflolrch. Rochester; v n. niek. Vew York: c Snyder and wife. Pasadena; B L. Smith and wife. Fort Worth: I. Frants. St. Louis: Mlas Calton. Denver: F. D. Gormlley. Milwaukee; J. H. Weston and family. Amity; C. E. Mooney, Los Angeles: C E. Carlton and wife. Oak land: Mra R. Sanford. San Francisco! D. H. Miller G. S. Miller, Sacramento; Fred Waldred. Providence; C Wollgemuth. Paris; C. S Howard and wife, and boy. St Louis; J. W. Doupglas. New York; R. S. Benton and wife. San Diego; W. Schack, Buffalo; C R. McBlalr. Washington. D. C: Anna M. Erhardt. Seaside; Mr. and Mrs. O. Wil liams. Minneapolis; John H. Henry, Mil waukee; O. Beale. wife, maid and valet. Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. William C. Osborne. Miss Osborne Miss A. Osborne. E. D. Os borne, W H. Osborne. New York: S. Seeley and wife. St. Louis; . Hugh McGivie, city; O. D. Romney and family. Salt Lake; John S. Alder. San Francisco. The Oregon Geo. Dysart. C. Gilchrist. D. A. Aronson. San Francisco: H. A. McConkey, Seattle; W. E. Lagen. The Dalles: R. P. Marqucld and islfe. Sa.le.nas City; Mary O. Pollard. Chicago: W. M. Smead and wife, M. E. Smead. Heppner; A. A. Fuller. Rose burg; J. Murjhy, Marshfleld; C. B. Weather wax. Aberdeen; A. G. N orris. Louisville; B. A. Alton. Chicago: S. P. Reynolds. M. M. nVinA- Q U Cnnnflvav TWxtire Citv: F. F. Frye.' Seattle; Mra W. M. Godfrey and son. Mra R. J. Godfrey and son. Portland; C B. Hoadley, Los Angeles: D. M. Nay herger and wife, McMlnnvllle; Mra D. M. Brogan. Seattle; D. P. Murphy. San Fran cisco; P. A. Kline, wife and dauKhter. Cor vallls; J. F. Rice. Valdes; G. A. Snell. Cor dova. Alaska: J. F. Bovard. Eugene; Mr. and Mra. K. B. Hare. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J. Blehert. Morgan City, La.; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ehrllrh. Berevlfk. La,: J. A. C. Sath off. Qulncy; W. Maulder, Salt Lake; A. M. Gilbert. Boise; B. F. Lloyd. Park City; A H. Wilson, Des Moines; E. S. Cattron. Wasco: J. T. Roblson. Hermlaton; C. W. Barrow and wife. Providence: James J. Hood. Chicago; N. T. Breen. M. A. Oarr, New York; V. S Allen and wife. Kansas citv: W. P. Kellv and wife. Mrs. J. L. Turner, Kansas City; P. F. Gutcrl. New York: Jnmes Dickie, Agnes Montgomery, Thermopolis. Wyo.; Elizabeth Hassom. Rockspring. Wyo.: R. Dant. Meeteese. Wyo.; H. C. Pressey, Philadelphia; A. Jacobs. Balt imore: M F. C. Maur-ella, Brooklyn; J. P. Baker and wife, Cincinnati: D. Dwyer. M13B Kate M. Dwyer. Mrs. Nettle Cuso, Dayton; C J. Whetmore. J. B. Haffen, San Fran cisco: B. K. Smith and wife. Ft. Worth: H. Calahan. North Yakima: J. Schuss. Che halls; G. Dyaort. C. S. Gilchrist. Cei'tralla; B. B Harting, New York: L. Mathew, Bucvrus. O. : L. L. Parsons. W. J. A. Irvine, A. R. McElhelmey, Seattle: T. Y. Addison, F. N. Sinks. Columbus; Mrs. Sydney H. Cawston. Seattle: T. J. Seufert. Seavlew; H. J. Weller and wife. T. H. Drohen and wife. Lucille Drohen. W. K. Lowry. E. B. ODonnell. Henry M. Lester, R. L. War rlnger. Tiffin. O.; W. B. Bolton, M. Karpen. J. R. Teasdale. Portland: J. T. McDevltt. H. J. ShaefTer. San Franclseo: A. D. Smith. Belllngham: A. Munch. St. Paul; F. D. Hc Cune, Denver; F. L. Daggett. Seattle; G. F. Daga-ett. Spokane; Mrs. Thorpe. Seattle; E. R. Holt. New York: A. P. Davis, Washing ton. D C,: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Burnham, Oakland: Mrs. W. J. Peterson. Seattle; J. Scott, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. P J. Hollahan. Twin Falls; J. M. Nims, Seattle: J. H. Rlebard. Boise; J. S. Whiteman and wife. Atlanta: J. F. Blrns. Ft. Dodge: G. H. Beck and wife. San Diego; S. K. Harta vett Corvallls; E. C. Hart and wife. Fred Hart. Raymond Hart. Little Shasta, Cat; E Felger. K. Skinner. Detroit; F. E. Peter son. Rutland. Vt.; J. S, Stlllweil and wife, Searcy, Ark.; Mr. Fox. Portland: E. P. Mc Cornack. Salem; W. M. Luebbert. San Fran cis?of J. E. Finney, East Palestine; G. F. Lr.r.hy. S. E. Kohn. Denver; Emma Travis, Mrs. S. R. Edmundson. Margaret Edmund son. Eugene; E. Webe. London. The NortonlS) G. J. Blodgett, Carson City: R. R. Bevena. Munjey. m.: L,. G. McClure, Buffalo; Mrs. F. E. Martin. Mlas Alice Mar tin. Miss Mlra Martin. St. Paul: Edgar A. Irov. Vancouver. B. C. : Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Coxln. Ottswa: Mra T. M. Dumont, Wasco. Tex.; Miss Katherlne O'Neil. Santa Barbara; Mrs. Jam E. Foster. Los Ange les: L. J. Jordan. Houston. Tex.; Mrs Emll J. Hawkins. Oakland; Miaa Nettle James, Astoria; Miss Sue Williams. Moscow: Mra George Stiicklen, Buffalo; Earle E. Meyer, San Francisco; T. G. Grenfel. Forest Grove; O. M. Phillips, Seattle; M. M. Harvey. Spo kane; Orville Johnson. Everett: Mr. and Mra. A I Mason. Coos Bay; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Eidrldge. Eureka: Mr. and Mra Robert Nelley. Eureka; W. Stoddard. Minneapolis; J. A. Stewart and wife, Urbana; A. Thomp son. Shelbyvllle. 111.; J. E. Garmen and wife, W. Furshman and wife. Bethany. III.: W. Grapln. San Francisco; Miss Myrtle Lewis. J. E. Lew la. Chicago; Mrs. Oscar Graham. Mra W. O. Ranlford. Mlse Lillian Kaniford. Kansas City: A. L. Alexander and wife. The Dalles; Miss Rschael Needleman. Miss Edna Friedman. Mra Sidney Greenbaum. San Francisco; Mr. and Mra Morton. Liver pool; Mrs Josephine Rsnge. Zora B. Hall. Illinois; S. G. Baker. Tacoma: W. R. Webb, Mrs. Webb and children. IT. S. Navy: J. D. Collins. Seattle; E. R. Baker and wife. Los Angeles: Miss E. M. Fischer, Pasadena; Miss Elma Treadwell. Pasadena: Miss Florence rReyrer. Miss Mary Mulford. Mlas Ida Del- mave South Bend; w. ri. uailey ana wire. Van Wirt: Miss E. P. Luckey. Seaside: L. A. Ellis and wife. Van Wirt; W. B. Stewart. St. Paul; G. E. Marsh, San Francisco; H. P. Andrews. 1. Louis; J. R. Baker, San Frai.ciseo; Miss Ethel Duyer. Albany; Mrs. J. Rowley and children. McMlnnvllle; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Glbbs. Wallace; Miss Ger trude Watts, Seattle: H. F. Taylor. Eugene; It. J. Harder and wife, city: F. H. Green and wife, city; W. J. Curran. Cmatllla; Mrs. D. E. Elchnor and daughter. Salt Lake; Elisabeth M. Powers. San Franclaco; Mra W. O. Worthington. Mlas Cecil Gordon, Louisville; Miss Vera Langdon. Miss Nora Langdon. Waco. Tex.; J. A. Graham. Ohio; MIfs Marie Chrlstensen. Meta Albright, CURES ECZEMA QUICKLY f T - New Discovery Haa Revolutionised the Treatment of Skin Diseases. Nothing in the history of medicine has ev,er approached the success of the marvelous skin remedy known as, poslam, which, it is safe to say, has cured more cases of eczema and skin diseases than any remedy ever offered for these ills. The success of poslam la not at all surprising when it is considered that even a very small quantity applied to the skin stops itching immediately and cures chronic cases In two weeks. The very worst cases of eczema, as well as acne, herpes, tetter, piles, salt rheum, rash, crusted humors, scaly scalp and every form of Itch, yield to Vt readily. Blemishes such as pimples, red noses, muddy and inflamed skin disappear al most Immediately when poslam is ap plied, the complexion being cleared overnight. Every druggist keeps both the 50 cent size (for minor troubles) and the 32 jar. and either of these may be obtained In Portland at the Skidmore Drug Co. and W'oodard, Clarke & Co. as well as other reliable drug stores. But no one is even asked to pur chase poslam without first obtaining an experimental package which will be sent by mall, free of charge, upon re quest, by the Emergency Laboratories, 33 Wesi Twenty-fifth street. New York City. . Davenport. la.; Harry Sontag. Helena; R. A. Farrln, Salem: Mrs. B. R. Anderson, Spokane: Miss Alice Henderson. Tacoma Will Barnes and wife, Washington; Ancil Martin and wife. Phoenix; S. B. Scott and son. Omaha: G. H. Van Buren. San Fran Cisco: Mr. and Mra H. H. Bakemeyer. San franclseo: rc. A. Jacobs ana wire, isortn Dakota: W. Bomsardner. San Diego: C C. Monger. Mt. Pleasant, la.: Mrs. W. C. Luts. Eldon. Ia.; J. H. Culbertson. Hsod River: H. Welse. Avoca. I a. : w. E. Fannelle. Arkansas; G- H. Menters and wife, Emery. la.; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. BlddJe. St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Abrams. Los Angeles; Mrs. James McKae and son. San Jose: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray. Jamestown; Miss Mable Kennith. Mra Louise Gordon. Miss Martha Lonard. Miss Nancy Lundon. Quincy; Mrs. L. S. Mansfield and maid. New- York. The t. Charles Alice McKay. Roseburg: Arthur Kaufman, San Francisco; Charles Olson. Toledo: G. H. Feikert. Seattle: W R. Chlsholm. Aberdeen; Andrew Wilson and wife, Astoria; Mra G. S. Raddon. Mrs. Fowler. Salt Lake City: H. M. Whlttler. Boston, Mass.: Homer Gouley. Chlmeketa; m. naraing. saiem; a. u. Thomas. Logan, Utah; Jo Merchant, San Francisco; John Corrigan, Hood River; Frank Peabody, Du fur; M. Joseph and wife. New York; Mrs. C. L. Weaver. Prescott; W. B. Frlnk, Hop- Kins, Minn.; Artnur Clampitt, New Prov idence. Ia. : J. T. Moody and wife. La Cen ter;. Charles McCauley. St. Helens; Mary pottrotr. Silverton; F. G. Lester and family, Camas; D. S. Clemens. Timber Valley: J. a. w lest and wife. &kamokaw-a; 1. J. Gill, Oregon City: J. H. Stipp, Pendleton; Mrs. Slbaon, Portland; N. D. Peier and wife. Gresham; P. R. Davidson and wife, Wheat land; H. M. Dale, McMlnville. Or.; James Whitehead and family, Emporia, Ky. ; Ezra Wrlgtu and wife. Forest Grove, Or.; George . Bacon, Deer Island; A. Davis and wife, Richland. Wis.: T. J. Rabarge. Tacoma. TV ash.; H. C. Glimore, North Yakima; Frank Rice, Clatskanie; C. F. Tolson and wife. Washougal; Charles Destel, Cottage Grove: F. S. Martin, Aberdeen: J. C. Hutch ens. city; J. M. Elliott, Moser; C. N. Eng- strom and son, Mrs. cooley, Peoria, III.; Mrs. H. A. Foster. The Dalles; D. B. McCarnell, P. A. Stlmmar, Ed Stimmar. Estacada; E. L. Palfrey.-Eagle Creek; Mrs. L. Ostrand, city; Fred Davis, Steppson; J. H. Pherman, The Dalles; M. L. Stewart, Newberg, Or.: R. C. Bryant and wife, Kernvllle. Or. ; J. R. Grahm. Yale, Wash. ; F. R. Yamay, Kelso, Wash - H. D. Elliott. Kelso: J. W. Collins, St. Paul; A- Burns, c. MeRae, Seattle; Charles Martin, Kelso; A. Shirley, Dover; P. R. Robbins and daughters, W. E. Lynch. Salem: J". D. Walgren, Damascus; B. D. Palmquist, Mrs. L. L. Smith. Gresham; H. Moore. C. F. Mayer. C. P. Bowers. Philo math; Lloyd West. Brownsville; Fred Seha- fer, walla walla: R. o. Davis, ueorge oias. Lisle Ross, Osceola, Ark.; L J. Walsted. La Center; L. B. Coley, A. H. Watson. Alex ander City, Ala.; S. Patterson, Seattle; Eu gene Smith, Woodland. The Cornelius Dr. H. M. Whelping. Mrs. H. M. Whelping, St. Louis. Mo.; Miss Ida Cultman, St. Louis, Mo.; J. H. Beals, Co lumbus, O. : J. A. Koch, Pittsburg, Pa.; J. G. Godding and wife, Boston. Mass.; George F. Payne, Atlanta; Spencer B. Lane. Boston. Mass.; H. B. Cramer, S. R. Jacob, Washington. D. C. ; O. E. Sholders. San Francisco: Charles P. Mueller, Elizabeth, N. J.; James S. Stubbs and wife, San Francisco; J. .R Pallock, wife and daughter, Fernle, B. C. ; A. M. Churchill, Washington, D. C. ; A. D. Marks and wife, Clark Hop kins and wife, Theo Hopkins. Kansas City, Mo.; S. B. Leon and wife. Salt Lake City: Mrs. M. Gorman, Miss Carrie Morgan, J. J. Burke. Cathlamet. Wash.; Donaca A. Duff. Seattle; F. F, Peterson, Rutland; J. B. Dike, Chicago; John J. Harrison. Portland; J b. Harding. Spokane; Ed Wynn, Phila delphia; Miss Jennings, Eugene. Or.; C. J. Bassett, city; H. H. Sanders and wife. Kan sas City; J. W. Van Lennan and wife, Cin cinnati. O. ; D. C. Wilson, La Grande, Or.; Leta E. Caenas. Seattle; J. K. Boyd, Pitts burg. Pa.; E B. White, Pittsburg. Pa,; L. H Cooney, Youngstown. O. : Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Saunders, Ruth Saunders, Evansvllle, Ind. - Mrs. ,F. J. Kelly. Seattle; Roy How ard and w ife, San Diego. Cal. : J. C Barth old, Ellenshurg; R. D. Hart and wife. Texas; H F. Coolev and "wife, San Francisco; E. s' Crutchneid. North Yakima; Margaret Ham. Jetman. Kan.; Sherman Johnson. Boise. Idaho; H. O. Doane and wife. Ontario- Martha Winn, Kansas City, Mo.; S. H Foster, Arlington; Mrs. Frederick Hickok, Denver, Colo.; Anna Powderly. Rochester, Minn : J. S. Jones. Mosler; O. H. Brown and wife. Dixon. 111.; S. J. Smith. CelUo: P D Atw-ater. Mount Hood, Or; 6. M. Bob son, South Orange, N. J.; H. C. Campbell, Palestine. Tex.; C. J. Callaghan, Pittsburg. Pa E. M. Walker. Jerome. Idaho; H. B. Walker, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Schoeneman, V and M Schoeneman. Lethbridge, Ala.; e; Havenhagen. Jr.. Galveston. Tex. ; H. B. Douglas" and wife. Aurora, III.; Joseph Vol ler. Elgin. 111. The Karaspo Chaa. Olson. Indianapolis; W. C. Shaw. C. C, Roberts. Tennessee; G. S. Smith and wife. Seattle; J. T. Lee and wife. San Francisco; S. W. Clark and wife. Redland: C. P. Tally. Terre Haute; A. B. Hendricks and wife. New Orleans; 8. C. pVcston and wife. Illinois: J. B. Murphy and wife and son. E C. Shears Spokane; fa. Clegg Amity; John Daley, Chicago. F. . B Igefow "nd wife. Mrs. W. 3 Frlsbie, Mrs. W B Fuller. Wyeth: M. Davidson and wife, St." Louis; B. F. Gilbert. Denver; F. C. Hyndman and wife, A. Felt and wife. Wel lington. Kan.: S. J. Hyndman and wife Mrs. Moore and daughter. D. C, Roberts and wife. Illinois; E. Looney. Mrs. Preandall, Salem: J. O. King. Phonlx; H. C King. Farmlneton; J. W. BrowVi. Iowa; J. C. Rey nold" Albany: L. P. White See.ttie; . Walker. VancouverH W. C. Shaw. E. C. Roberts. Hammond: Blanche Johnson. Alma; Harriett Woodward. A. M. Cunningham, city- Miss Oummont. Miss Cuddy. Boise; J. T Stot. Salem: E. Brown, Mrs. W. C. Brown. Hot Springs: Mrs. T. B. Foster. M. Foster city: M. L. Coleman. Mary Coleman, Memphis. The Lenox Peter Erlckson, Hawards, Ia. ; Mrs. Nell Smith, Tacoma, Wash.; Robert M. Alton. Oswego, Or.; J. W. McFadden and wife Portland, Ind.; G. P. Woodward and wife and daughter. San Francisco. Cal. : I. Yassen and wife. Chicago. I1L; G. B. Eck ler Rochester, N. Y.; George W. Williams and wife. Los Angeles. Cal.; C. M. Hall and wife Lincoln, Neb.; H. H. Erman and wife, Baltimore. N. D. ; .Edna Banks. Normandy. Ind.; Jennie Dickey. South Whitley. Ind Nellie Brown. Seattle. Wash.; J. E. Reardon, San Francisco; Mrs. E, McCurdy, Thomas McK. Nelson, Chippewa Falls. Wis.; Ardella Davis. 8. Alta Davis. Chicago,. 111. ; John Olson, city; Edw Flues. Astoria. Or : Misses Ellen and Bettle Wllklns. W. W. Sherrlll and wife, Louisville, Tex.; J. E. Williams and wife, Seattle, Wash.-,- J. F. Davis and wife. Greenboro, N. C. : J. T. Stevens and wife, Minneapolis. Minn.; W. C Reed, San Francisco, Cal. : J. Ferette, BEHOVES LOOS HUMORS NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED The past century has witnessed wonderful progress in the science of medicine and surgery. Discoveries for the amelioration of pain and the cure of afflicted men, undreamed of years ago, are nor in use by the specialist who has kept himself abreast with the rapid advancement of the medical profession. This applies only to the specialist who was well prepared by ad vantages of study and experience in a chosen- field of medicine. It is unfortunate that all specialists who go by the name are not competent to do the work entrusted to them, hence the many failures that are made. Years ago doctors were supposed to charge as much for failures as for good results, but it is different with the up-to-date specialist of today, and my fee is a mere pittance compared with the results every patient receives in exchange: A man said the other day, "I would have come to you sooner but there are so many quacks and unreliables I have been afraid to try." Of course there are quacks and fakirs in every line of business from Portland, Me., to Portland, Or., and always will be, but because there are counterfeit coins in existence are you never to ac cept money on any account for fear of fraud ? x You don't have to accept the statements of every doctor you go to see. It's strange that men will take so much for granted. If banks did business that way there would be failures every day. For 31 years The St. Louis Medical Co., has been located at present address, over 27 years longer than any competitor in Portland. I have the most complete offices and my practice is double that of any other specialist in Portland. My references are the best banks and a generation of cured men. Nature has taken as much pains in forming the body of the ordinary citizen as an emperor, and you should be as careful with yours as an emperor is with his. Science of the present age has made it possible for you to get as good treatment at nominal cost as an emperor, re gardless of cost, and there are times when your system is as hungry, for the right kind of medicines as for food. By the latest and best methods I cure, to remain cured, Nervousness, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Sores and Ulcers, Varicose or Knotted Veins, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Rheuma tism, Catarrh and Indigestion. I cover the entire field of Nervous, Blood and Skin Diseases, and cure to stay cured forever. If you take any Treatment, why not g'et the best to be had anywhere? The best will cost you no more. My consultation and advice is always free, whether you take treatment or not. If you cannot tall at office, write for self-examination blank. Many cases cured at home. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. ; Sundays, 10 to 12. All correspondence in plain envelopes. Address St Louis Medical Co. sssSIWV ae - 2301 Yamhill Street Portland, Or. citv Edith and Leona Blum. Los Armeies, Seattle, wasn ; . " - K Boye, S?' JohMo.; Royalum. sWon:JV. Burkett and wife. Ab Instdotv .11 . KoaHe Harting, John Harting.' Newton. Ia.. A. N. Gaylord ana wue. . - vriffl,h flth and wife. Jack Griffith. Joe Grimm. Portland: Mrs. FredFocht, Oklahoma: J. Srown? SscaT Wallacewbere-: William Douglass, M- Lynch Carriage . M O. Walter Hood Riser. s Richards, "'ardi 'wlnnipe;: Can.; Arthur Sorning. ndusky O , A. Carne ana wife. Spokane; W F. c"rf: Arthur P. cada. or.; r. ax- '" , e tmv Port- ro.i.i;; The Calumet 1. "ul"'""iJ "h Ha- R P Murphy, ti. A ii KenoVa- W H. Roberts. W. Powers. O. M. Wlmer 'ani wife. Marlon; D. Currier De troit; Frank K. AWngdon W L J; Rand, rveiso; - - -R h; Thomas Carden. San Francisco; L. R. Rob Fs:wr''d- s,ifeH-HoodgRniV.rcha;ie. f. "and'; O. J. Green. Toledo: T J Mason a?d w re. Atlantic v.nj. - - ""y. Oregon City; R. T. James, city; N. A. Parks and wife. Denver; E. E. Place and wife Los Gatos; W. E. Claflln. L. F. Chase and rife. Chicago: itrs. ji a. n.j. , ft' . ..V. anA wife. ChflJIl- palgn; Fred M. Nesbltt and wife. Golden- ale; Wyatt l-umam. . trode. Kansas City; Harr yClark. Gillespie; 1. F. Evans, Salt Lake: R. M. Shaw and wife. North Powder; John Kinesh, A. Wil liams. Dubuque; M. Holt and wife. Rainier: Frank Zumpfe and family, Swanton; E. Lun dell. L. Lundell. Turlock; M. L. Bellus and wlCe, Los Angeles: A. J. Heiman and wife. Kelso; John Meyers, Mitchell; J. H. Spring er, city; Mrs. M. Nlven, Anaconda; Mra Lewis and family, Butte; J. H. Laughton. Wentworth; J. W. Duckell, Marlon; M. Mc Vlchie, E. Messmore. Salt Lake; J. B. Thompson and wife, Dallas; U. Peters, Al bany; L. I. Hewes, Goodnoe Hills; C. N. Elliott, city: Burt W. Rosseter, O. Venrlch. F. W.-Schumacker, De Witt; F. F. Nichols. F. R. Wild, Cincinnati; J. P. Runnenapp. Morencl; George R. Dobbins, LafayetteT W. G. Allgreen, Chicago; K. N. Summeiville, K. Summervllle, San Francisco; E. C. Hunt, New York: J. B. Binnes, Mattoon; E. C. Schmltz. New York; P. A. Johnson and fam ily. Alameda; W. C. Shaw. Lincoln; J. L. Roe. C. E. Roberts. Jr.. Harrlman; C. B. Headley, Los Angeles; F. A. Reed, Wash ington; W. A. Hessel. city; H. M. Peterson, Chicago; P Barton. Champaign: Ralph Bell, city: Charles M. Merwln. Washington; C. M. Black and wife, T. E. Kirk. San Francisco: R. Bowen and wife, Boise; F. Brown, H. Brlnker. F. Nordyke. E. Wright, J. James. F. Weed, C dynes, F. Killilay, L. Altman, A. Claflln, T. Baker, I. Ostdlck. H. Jensen. M. Holm, T. Burnett, I. Gregg. E. Spencer. Spokane; H. F. Wilson, city; W. A. Rains, Grants Pass: V. Zetterberg, Silverton; M. Goldlsen, Des Moines; Mrs. F. A. Converse. Harvev; William Singer, C. Shehey. M. She hey. Frank Shehey. New York: F. A. Tur ner, Buffalo; Georgw Shaffer. Fred Spencer, Philadelphia: Tom Moore and wife, New York; M. Towle, Baltimore; M. Sharp and wife. Fred Welbour. William Lambert. New York; J. 1C Newman, B. Court, Springfield; J Ashberg. Cincinnati; Albert Johnson. A. Lee. Kansas City; D. Daisy. A. Ferguson, New York: H. V. Richards. Chicago; John Eke. R Crovel, Los Angeles; George Welch, New York; H. Adelberg. Cincinnati; K. L. Mills and family, Denver; J. R. Rice, Louis ville; H. E. Buffum, ABtoria. Women a Specialty The well-known S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Company, with wonderful hvsrbi and roots, has cured many suffer ers when all other remedies aSi'S have failed. Sure cure female, -.?r&l chronic, private diseases, nerv tuc o w nuiu ousn-ess. blood poison, rheuma- njftO. O.n.UIIKIl tlsmi asthma. throat. lung troubles, consumption, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No operation. Honest treatment. Examination for la.lfcs by Mr. S. K. Chan. THE CHINESE MEIICINE O., 9cai6 Morrison St. bet. First and Second. WONDERFUL REMEDIES From herbs and roots, cure cancer, nervousness, ca tarrh, asthma, coughs, la g rippe, lung. liver, throat, kidney and stomach trou bles; also all private dis eases. No operations. W rure when others fall. Consultation free. Young llns; Chinese Medlrlne Co., 47 Taylor St., bet. 2d A 3d. IH'"'ll.UPWllU... ' FH W TFOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pllla, and best only reliable rem edy for FEMALE TROUBLES. Cure the most obstinate cases in 8 to 10 days. Price fi per box, or 3 for $5; mailed In plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCE. 31 Allsky bldgr.. Woodard. Clarke & Co., 4th and Wash. SPECIALIST f rrr w Every pore and gland of tho skin Is employee In the necessary work of preserving its smooth, even texture, softening ant. cleansing it, and regulat ing the temperature pi our bodies. This is done by an evaporation through each tiny outlet, which goes on continually day and night. When the blood becomes Infected with humors and acids a . certain percentage of these impurities also pass off with the natural evaporation, and their sour, fiery nature Irritates and Inflames the skin, and dries up its natural oils, causing pimples, boils, pustules or some itching rash, or hard, scaly skin affection. 8. S. S. cures skin troubles of every kind by neutralizing the acids and removing the humors from the blood. S. S. S. cools the acid-heated circu lation, builds it up to its normal strength and thickness, multiplies its nutritious, red corpuscles, and enriches it in every way. Then the skin. Instead of being irritated and diseased by the exuding acrid matter, is nourished, soothed and softened by this cooling, healthy stream of blood. S. S. S., the greatest of blood purifiers, expels all foreign matter and surely cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum and all other diseases and affections of the skin. It removes pimples, blackheads, and other un sightly blemishes from the skin and assists in restoring a good complexion. Book OB Skin "niaaasea and any medical advice desired free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, The doctor GUESSES. The doctor TREATS. The doctor symptoms. relieves the , good doctor has SOME instruments and equip ment for all ailments. The specialist KNOWS. The specialist CURES. The specialist goes farther and removes the cause. A good specialist has ALL scientific mechanical aids for his specialty. DR. TAYLOR, The Leo dins; Specialist. MEN'S AILMENTS MY SPECIALTY r have treated hundreds of men who had ions; suffered a gradual decline of physical and mental ner;y as a. rnTt nf snenia.1 ailments, and have been interested In notingr tne raarneu general improvement '"'-'"''""--turi,,,h rS Of the chief disorder. My success In curing difficult cases of long- standing has made me tho foemclt spall't treaUns men" diseased Thi. succees la due to several thine. It U due to the study I havo given my icfaHy; to my having ascertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and the original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific method, of treatment T employ ow , it case Is one of tha io tnoBe m ouuui io """ir'r" TTiTr.: , fv,,, rnrr.nnd.L If voi l"e?Tt. JTLU rh I wffioVr. t iff." t.tmt, nor will I urge my services upon anyone. I treat cnrable oases only, and euro all casoa I treat. Free Museum Dr. Taylor's $10,000 Mu seum, of Anatomy Now Open. FREE TO MEN OBSTRUCTIONS My treatment la absolutely painless, and parfect ro-B-ulta can bo depended upon In every Instance. I do no cutttog or dilat ing whatever. Office Honrs 9 A. M. Dallyj Sunday, 1- to 1. CONTRACTED AILMENTS. Every case of contracted ailment I treat Is thoroughly oared: my patients have no relapses. When I pronounce a case cured there Is not a. particle of infection or Inflamma tion remaining, and there Is not the slightest danger that the disease will return to Its original form or work; Its way Into tho general sys tem. No contracted ailment Is so trivial as to warrant uncertain methods of treatment, and I espe cially solicit those cases that other doctors have been unable to cure. YOU PAY WHEN CURED Consultation and Diagnosis Free TARICOSE VEINS. Without using knife, ligature or caustic, without pain and without detention from Duslness. I cure Varicose Veins in one week. If you have Bought a cure elsewhere and been disappointed, or if you fear the haroh methods that most phy sicians employ in treating this dis ease, come to me and I will cure you soundly and permanently by a gentle and painless method. Don't delay. Varicose Veins have their dangers and bring their disastrous results. If you will call I will be pleased to explain my method of curing. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless blood cleansing remedies that re move the last poisonous taint. Alibis; Men Out of Town Who Css mot call, Write for IMagnesda Chart. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234Va Morrison Street Cor. Second, Portland, Or.