. Z t .. .vrrVMUF. I SITUATION WASTED FEMALE. FOR KENT. FOB BALE TUUJEB LANDS- TIMBER LANDS ..,.,. OREGON. WASIIIXijTuX. CAUTOBS1 JAMBS D. LACK Y CO.. Chl-iKo. New Orleans Seattle, fc; j chamber of Commerc. Portland. IIMHER Isnd for . W. it fc-t and ."veral m.-vi;er tract well WjUJi crule will b furn-shed rerpooiti.. BLAIR RUSFF.T.L. J Ablrt:oo ilj IF ou aro in the market for fir or pin call on rr.e before lnve.ilng I "v.in. ,,,, dn.nblf tract. C. J. McCrackea. So4 McKay blillt SNAP 32 ooo )'" timber In Tillamook Coun ty Ti per et-nt yellow f.r. lor 70 cent. .r ion, if mkcn at once. Owner, 2l W orce.ler bldg. WK in headquarter for rmber and lum enterprise, of all kind Kinney A tiiarn,:. 3:1-32 Lumber Exchange bldg, rTTrvl wl"i 3 f.0 oh In Clatsop Countv; C mu Z :: will take $12u cash. Sea oner. 410 Falling b.dg. C1-A1M with 6"K tn Clatsop County; must ..;!: will take $12"0 casn. Sea owner, 414 FalUnC bl'.- TI1IPFR VXD homestead rellnqul.b- men. v-r' r.e -- HOMESTEADS. a HOUF-TEVDS and 4 rellnqul.hment, H bottom land, lefi; all ea.lly cleared; on a .trea.it of living water; near Portland n.il P. D. ... 14 Mulkcy bid... cor. 2d and Morrison. AM retu-nln- to Central Oreron; will Jo cat. p .T:l4 on tin. hnm.. .. .!. near m. ?..r $:'.: let . talk It oyer. Address 15 34-. FOR SALE. llrws. Vehicle, and HarneM. tiHl buy a wcond-han4 vehicle when you can get a new one from an old ..tab.l.hed whol-.aie house, 44 ear. In Oregon at !m ., ,n. wme cost? We ar. .ocatcd eLT.id. the high rent district, own our lui'ding and can ma, lb price. ,Exclu i"e rf-nt. fur tne old rollabla line of 1 . h"n Kur Company (In. vehicle 2-llvery waron top Lug!. "bu'' and farm ..ni. F-e .ure and eu. tof .re you buy. It may ave you money. K il. Wade Co . 322 Hawthorne ava. be tween E. Is: and 2d .ta. Foil S.LE Good family driving hor.e. luy and harness: lady or child can drive him: a line-looking hor.e. Hambleto tao ..ock; will take .ii0; af'er you have tte bor-e 3'1 !t "u would not take .-.. l-hon AVoodlawn or Inquire 1 1 r h Cieve.and ave. UANI.SOME bay mare, wt Irht 1 : lb... pr,,-. chunky mare. w. jrht 1 1 0 lbs-. J ..i I.uit team, wiiht K....1 harness all complex-. l,n e Vair of hay mar... weiitlit 1... price 10 hea.l of big- heavy horsea, till til Wnsliiri'tnit. I yon SALE or rent S team, wltn g-ooee-neck furniture watoua to rent by montn or year- we :u rent any kino of a ri for basin-., purrcata. day. week, or rr.or.th. I'hone. Ka.t 72. B 139. Haw thorne E:ble, 420 Hawthorne ia UAN'TFD-A fl-cl. c-rirlns h.irw: mint ho' f it ar.d well brcl. Adorewi AM 333. I re"ii:an. aivlrg price and partloulara. VAXTKIt 6 team f-T icra.lir.t wirk. t'i per iy teaT. and teamfter; a.ut four weekJT rk. free .tab.': piy Saturday.. rhor.e W.jo-liawn 1C1. T8 E. I6th at. .North. ll-OH PALE One One team younc d" hor.e.. -oelK'.t 2". and . : ara okl. veil mat.-litd. i'lione lat 4v.'4. o ltu.seU .t. !r(,i"siu: or tride, (l IlFht horae.. 10O4 I stl-w.ukle . Take Se.laood car. et off t .;rattur.'. Oruve. '-OR SALE Ore'bar Iteldmr. 130O lb... alngle or d..ui we.l bred, youi.e and aouna. ln 1 quire lTu P'ront et. cdou workln bora 7 year. old. weigh; Ibt; will .ell for i0. Inquire 72 North ith. "y(l'N lltKK good traveler, 6 year, .oilnd. Call I'aciflc Stable.. Salmon t. ! fTANDAKD Hl'.KD mare and burio' and. harne.- I'hone. V.nln 17. A HOItsES. mare, rig. nd bnrnM kind, for .ale. I-J4 Montgomery. of all BrHERI HALL, t Front, buy. eell. real boreea. rehUlee;.low rata on tiulMu rlaa. Ff'R SALE 3-ton eamelbark wagon, team and harnena; a barrarn. Phone Kaat ltaao. riiFiniT check for 95 on Reed-French piano house, on j.urrna. "i i.tn. ......w be u.ed l.y September 1. iwu.. Kaat t-' StO Hal.ey. J1AM.ET a'paVIR piano to rent: reaaon alle to re.ion.ible party. 452 Morriaon. AatomobUe. lJII1H-CT.ASP f-Yench touring car for .ale at a .arrive if taken at once. C. LandsiedeL Hotel .'.otl. G-IASS-EN;KK -J4-bor.eptwer auto In flr.t c:.i.. cot-.lltton. .e! or trade for real es tate. $riM. ::... Knoll 81. ila.t ."'U 4. A FINE automobile to be .Ud at once, cheap. Inquire Irving t. FOK SALE A l'ope Trll-une automobile at a bargain. Telepli ine t'.AM .l.-ltx ' FA KA KI f-r .ale; a .nap for ca.h. E 343. Oregouian. MiceUaneoo. '.KOAlMEAI X.Irlt".tv rvrw On account of the subdivlalon of the fa mous I;ruadnead Farm, al.o known a. the I.atld 4b iteed Farm, .itualed In Yamhill Comity, we are o.ferms for .ale high grade aheep. cattle, horje. ai d mule.; also 1 rerfi.tered Jersey bull. : year, old: 1 reg ltered Cbdeadale .talllon. 1 rei.tered lack ar.d .everal br.od niares. Apply 1. K Kearev. 14 chamber of Commerce, or Sept. McEldowney. Uroadmcad. S. F.. Wt Sldfl 'ePFCIL OFFER We have 100 .ocond hand .ewlng ma-hlnea that mu.t be .old thi. week resardlew. of iirice to make room for rar'ond; 40 drop-head, all make. White. New Home. Singer. Wheeler ft tVl'.on Domestic and standard. Do not forset the place. White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washington, cor. 1 Uu. H. D. Jonea. prop. j-. ji r jTaa bat and boat honse. valued t "ti-,o, f.u sale, or will trade for real e. tate' or for second-hand automobile In goi-d order. -Write to Charlea E. Wallen. i'amaa. Waah. LM NCH for .ale. -foot canopy top. com plete equipment. Al condition. Price ' Ir. ludmi: boathoue. A'ldre.s P. O. ilox 47. city. -iypEWIUTEitS. ali make. 120 to 0. fully guaranteed, eaay payments; rental. 3 per mcnth. Pac.fic fetationery Pig. Co.. 2J3 2d at. LAI XCH-OWNERS.- ATTENTION. f;r.ftp xi,-lnch -Schebler" carburetor, brand new. .lightly used, cost tlu.iO. An swer quick. AK S42. Oregonlan. TOK SALE Crentlenmn descriptive ticket, medium, d irk, from Seattle W a.h to M .nkato. Kan. Inquire iMl East Ash at., t-ltv. . , fOR SALE choap. large .W-ft. round-top tenta, includlne seat-. Ilsat.. etc Main H4..S. or caal 02tH. Wash. at. El SexlS boiler, and fitting., only used t month.: company going out of bualnea. T 3411. Oregonlan. OUNS, CHEAP. Remlr.gton double utoiuatlc ejector: also Winchester pump, both new. 8o tth t. NEWMAN Movfng Picture Eacnacge. rent moving picture machine, films, supplies, lowest price. 826 W a.h,. near 17th. 10-FOOT .bowcast mirror. bck doors equipped for electric lighting. R- M. -t;ray. 273 Morriaon at. ;.ft I.Ai'NCH. .racial rrl-e. Ray's Gas En "g'.ne Hospital. P)ne sellwood 84. FOR SALE cheap. Bne paying movlng-plc-ture ..tow. I'hone Main S4." PTF1AM woodsaw clveao. Portland Sash A Dot Factory', coiner Union ave. and East Taylor. fj.Kt BUSINESS CARDS. Jl ?3. Ryder Pts;. Co., 307 Burnside t. Main 5536. IMPORTED stfck Persian kitten E. R- Chute. Two Itlxer.. Waah. F'oR SALE cheap. Morri. canoe 17 feet long. fn.iy eq-lipptl. Main e9T2. FOR SALE Large-s'.xe co.k stove, fine con dition. AM 347. oregonian. 1NDIA.N' motor cycle, latest model. .Ught ' 'ly use! for sals cheap. AN 849, Oreyooian. FOK SALE. Miscellaneous. MI'ST eell at once, cow fresh 1 month., inmt very largo milker. Call i:s Har rison t., city. FOR SALE Beat dry 4-ft. Br and oak wood at lowe.t market price. Hoover, S13 Water at. Phone Main 74.-.1. A 445. WANTF.I) MISCELLANEOCS. WANTED Men-. ca.t-eff clothing and .hoe: we alao buy household furnishings: hl.hest prices paid. Call at tht "Fair Deal 02 3d at. North. Phone Main 022- sei.l your second-band furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get Iea. Phone. A 2443. Main S'JSL DlTK-lll-NTEltS, NOTICE Chance for 2 more partie on .hooting re.erre. Ak -43, oregonian. FAST SIDE AUCTION JOBBERS. Wanted :d-hand furniture; pay hlglveat price. 14 Grand ave. Eat 1051. B 2044. A SILENT meat-cuttter: rtate condition and price. Addresa Dailen Dressed Meat Co.. The Dullc. UT. HVE about a mile of wire fence to build What can y u furnls-h cedar post, and do the who- Job for Staple, the Jeweler. SPOT caah paid for your furniture: prompt attention alr.av glren. Phone Eat lOoT. NOTICE Will par hlirhew price, for gentle men s carton cion.m. -o - WANTED Railroad ticket for either Chi cago or . Iul F., Hx 2C9. Salem. Or. WANTED A greyhound pup: state price. D 343. Oregonlan. HIGHEST price, f lid for rubbers and met als. J. Lev. 1S6 Columbia St. M. Clta. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Flrst-rlas. architectural drafts man ot -...-.2 per diem: a competitive -x-nnilnatlon will be held September 3 l'.H. to ml the above position. For further in formation address. "Commandant." Navy Yard. Puget Sound. Wash." W'ANTED Toung man to Invest $100 and e'rvlce. In amaJl manufacturing buslnese; ran make big wages; trial mvtn- call room :.27. Goodnough bldg . cor. 6th and Yam hilL HAVE 22 M. shingle, to lay and want to give you something out of my store for doing the Job. Can II Staple the WANTED Experienced .alesmar ti take charge our huslnes. Seattle field: perma nent anil remunerative position to right party. llox iMrti, Spokane. Warh. WANTED Sober man. able to keep plain account., etc.; par you 4 day; can In crease with Interested help: 200 required. Room 417 Hoard of Trade blug. WE wtnt a young man with some Idea of buslnes.. experience unnecessary; small capital required; investigate this. 320 H Washington at., room 417j WANTED Reliable real estate salesman of neat appearance and good addre... ac quainted with city. Ja C. Logan, 3.0Ml Washington t.. R. 404. WAREHOUSEMAN', salesman, solicitor. Im mediately. Employer.' & Employe.' Bene ficial Association. 223 'Henry bldg., 4th and Oak. WANTED A bright, active young man of good addres. as ak?man In Jewelry tore: must give the be.t of reference, and bond. Address A 348. Oregonian. IK YOU want easy work bl pay: short noun"- learn to operate motion-pictures, full particulars gratis. Newman, KiUia Washing ton at. LIVE office man with 200 to Invest; half Interest In office business paying flloO monthly; want the man, not the money. AC 341. Oregonlan. WANTED Railway mall clerks, postoffice clerk carriers; examination. lr. Portland "November 17: preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 413 E.. P.ochester. N. Y. WANTED A first-rla.a veistmaker, aleo fl-'st-class coarmaker. Apply Crown Tailor Shop. 4th ar.d Stark. Steady work guar anteed. WANTED First-class cutter on special sash and door work, also good machine man. al'O first-class frame makers. Oregon Planing Mills. 15th and Vaughn. WANTED Pnlnter. good Inside man. per. f.2.1 st- and Sandy road. Take Host: City 11 fx I par 25o for your old straw hats; bring them In. Leo Bertllllon. leading hat ter. 7th and Wash. PORTER In carpet department; well ac quainted with the business. G 344, Ore jronian. WANTED Toung man who has confidence In his own ability a. a businea. getter. 331 Fliedner bldg.. between 3 and A. M. IIOPPICKFRS wanted at Mcintosh land ing. Amily to Kwong Lun TaJ. til 2d L. city. WE want more energetic, successful nursery salesmen; free outfit; cah weekly. Al bany Nurseries. Albany. Or. ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced, no belnners. commission paid dally. Bene dictine Pre... Goodnough bldg WILLING ld to help with Janitor work In return for course In bookkeeping;, .hort hand. etc. V 342. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED blacksmith and machinist to work nt Hayocean. Tillamook Bay. Ap ply. 615 Corlietl bldg. SM.KSMEN. all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial Abstract Co.. 40S Commercial Club bldg. GOOD, strong shop boy; wages fit per week to start .with. Oregon Art Tile Co.. 413 Alder. Yor.Nfl MAN to milk 15 cows; must under stand the work; good wage. Phone Sell wood 773. CAV give two young men. with good ap pearance, nice, pleasant work. Phone Main 741-8. STK'KERMAN wanted; mu.t be first class; permanent po.ition. good wages. G 340, Oregonlan. LUMBER-GRADER for mill, out of town; also tallvman: good wages. Apply A. E. Cooper, 716 chamber of Commerce. WNTT.D Young man with little money to show property: must he willing to learn. 22.'. Fifth St. CARPENTER who will buy lot and apply part wages on it. M I- McMInn. W est morelaml. on Sellwood line. WANTED First-class bushelrr.an and press er. Inquire at once. The Pressary. D07 Idaho .1.. Bolpe, Idaho. SALESMEN. experienced. to handle on commission, staple, easy-selling line. F. W. Main. 7S Ioa City. Ia. WANTED A first-clasw .tarcher and polisher at once: union man. Capitol Steam Laundry- Fhone 46. WANTED At once, men to learn auto mobile driving and repairing. Apply 62 North 7th St.. cor. Davi SALESMEN for finest orchard tracts in Northwest: liberal terms. 224 Henry bldg. WANTED Boy with bicycle. Haack Bros.. 351 Alder st. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers and sten ographers. 323i Washington, room 29. WANTED 1 team.ter and men to shovel dirt. 22d and Thunnan ats. HIOh'cLASS hustling saleaman: big wages; permanent. 215 Commercial block. CARPENTER wanted; first-class finisher. Green. Water and Glbbs st WE secure position for our member Special membership. T. M. C. A. COOKS and kitchen helpers headquarter California Wine Depot. 184 2d. Main 6300 LIVE photo coupon and portrait agent Davis. The Hayes Studio; 342 u, Wash. WANTED-i-Ooatmaker for country; 10 for sack coats. Apply D. B. McBrlde & Co. EXPERIENCED helper on cakes. Apply at Royal Bakery. 11th and Everett st. WANTED Surveyor, young Easterner pre ferred. Address B S47. Oregonlan. BOY over 1ft to learn harness buslnes Llnd Harness Co.. 2s3 Front st. FRESSER for Sultatorlum Dye Works. 834 Mississippi ivc. - ' GIRL for light housework who understands care of children. Phone A 3610 OFFICE WORK Boy for. Call room 4 Alnsworth fclrtg. 2t.7 Oak St. DISHWASHER wanted. 24 3 Holladay ave. BARBER wanted, gteady Job. .165 N. Ut gt. HELP WANTED MALE TOUNG MAN for night watchman: must have references. Apply Commercial lub, 5th and Oak st. superintendent s office, tith floor, between 10 and 11 -A. M. CHEF, cafe, glOO; head cook, $5; man and wife, cook and helper. $100; man and wire as milker and cook for country hotel. VI0 and found; camp flunkey. $40; kitchen help. S to 12 a week; pantry men, bu. Iki.vs, waiter Grade foreman. $73; cement finisher. $4 up. Carpenters, logger., mill help. , R. R. Headquarter L-iO station men; new work. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 2u K. 2d St. WANTED Two donkey engineer $3; donkey fireman. $2.2.r. Two hotel rook tX and ?i. Man and wife, cook and helper, country hotel. $70. Hundreds of other Jobs. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO Main Office. 12 N. 2d St. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last rear; men and women to learn barber trade In elt-ht weeks, help to secure positions; graduate earn from $15 to $23 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of College 33 North 4th L, Portland. Or. MEN wanted, young, strong, good vision, account Increasing business on all rail road for firemen or brakemen: experience unnecessary: $75. $100 monthly; promoted to conductor or engineer. $150. $200; state age. weight, height- Railway Associa tion, care Oregonlan. WANTED Men for construction work at Barocean, Tillamook Bay; Scandinavian, preferred. $2. So per day, 5 per week board: no fee tr pay: fare advanced; ship tonight; only men expecting to do real day. work wanted. Apply 615 Corbett bldg.. 9 to 10:30 till, morning only. WANTED 50 flrst-clas. molders and 25 flrst clase core makers on machinery work; ateadv employment; union wages, union hours.- open shops. Apply by letter or wire, or come at once. Apply Colorado Foun-drymen's- Association. 17.1H Blake St.. Den ver, Colo. "DRY GOODS" WANTED An experienced piece goods man to take charge of depart ment In best town In Willamette Valley; must be good stock-keeper and salesman; one with knowledge of window and ledge trimming preferred; state experience, etc. A 345. Oregonlan. - REAL- ESTATE man wants partner; excel lent chance for young man to get In real estate business; no experience necessary and very llttie money required. Particu lar. National Realty A Trust Co.. 32C4 Washington st.. room 51G. WANTED 2 men of good appearance and affable approach, capable of meeting tno public and presenting a matter of highest character in a manner that will gain rec ognition; for 2 such men we have an unusual opening. A 348. Oregonlan. WE are extending our subscription bust noss and can use two young men of in telligence In the field work. Apply 8 to A. M.. 4 to 6 P. M. Tuesday. Review of Review's Co.. Fliedner bldg. WANTED A good man. who Is a carpenter, to live In a Summer hotel at a beach re sort during Winter month.. Good salary paid to right man. Apply to Columbia Truat Company. 84 Fourth st. WHY par employment agencies large fees for position? Join Employes' Co-operative As sociation; pay 25c month and receive free doctor, lawyer and assistance- in securing employment. Suite 620. Swetland bldg. POSTOFFICE clerks and carriers' examina tion In November. File application with us now for preparation. Good salaries and promotion. Pacific States School, McKay bldg.. city. W4.NTED BOO men to attend my clearance sale; $22.50 suits on sale for $10; $35 suits on sale for $15. Come early. TRULY WARREN, the Sample Suit Man, Room $15. Oregonlan Bldg. . NO. 1 live, energetic salesman, with little monev to invest in established concern manufacturing automobile attachment of merit that sella; patented. Call 72 No. 8th MEN WANTED o learn telegraphy, wireless telegraphy and engineering. R. R. and- sta tion work: practical instruction; largest pri vate station in the world. Send stamp for circular. Wlreles Institute, San Francisco. TOUNO man wanted a Janitor; wage. $60 per month. Address, stating age and ex perience. AC 340. oregonlan. DISHWASHER wanted at 229 Washington street. TROMBONE, cornet, flute and drum play ers. Apply National Theater 2 BOYS with wheels; good wages. Central Messenger A Delivery Co., 332. Alder. YOUNG man to work for room and board; good home for right party. 535 Clay st. WANTED All-around printer, $15. The Herald. Albany. Oregon. FURNITURE finished. 15th and Thurman. Carman Manufacturing Co. PICK and shovel men wanted at Irjth-Uma-tilla st.. Sellwood; $2.50 day. 9 hours. COOK wanted at 8 North Sd st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. 1000 HOPPICKERS to pick 600 acres of hops- big crop, fine accommodations; bak ery, butcher shop, grocery .tore, restau rant, free dancing pavilion, beautiful camping grounds, delightful bathing, low excursion rate We pay $1.00 per 100 lbs Register now at Krebs Bro Office rooms Bis Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak. No charges for Jos, Of lice hours :00 to 8:00 P. M.. Sunday 8:00 to 1:00 P. M. Home A 4333. Main SUU5. IF YOU want a Government position we can show you how to secure same; will pre pare you at small cost. Call or write C. C. S S. 425-420 Lumber Ex., Portland. Or. HOPPICKERS wanted, good shacks and camp ground, long Job. M. Harding will be at the St- Charles Hotel Monday and Tuesday to engage picker 150 HOPPICKERS wanted at Massey yard, near Brooks. Or.; will be et St. Charles Hotel 1st, 2d Sept. Wm. P. Massey and G. W. Massey. "fs HOP-PICKERS wanb-d for Thursday morning at foot of Taylor st. at 6:43 o'clock, for Champoeg. Home phone A 2194 or call 91 North 4th su WANTED 200 more hop-pickers; best yard In Oregon; fine camping ground-; good ac commodations. Apply to Andrew Kan & Co.. 248 Washington St. 1C0 HOPPICKERS for th M. L. Jones yard, near Uroo': Inquire Tuesday and Wednesday of Mr. Luudy. St- Charles Ho tel. 600 HOPPICKERS wanted to buy 600 camp ing stove., 99c apiece. 2804 1st St., bet. Jefferson and Columbia sts. HOPPICKERS wanted. 803 Corbett St.; fine yard; shacks furnished; some fruit. Call after 12 M. Mrs. Knapp. FISK? TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po sition to A-l Instructors. 614 Swetland bldg. LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 280 14th. Main 3893. WANTED First-class retouchers: steady po sition. James & Bushnell. Seattle. STUDIO Music. German. French. English literature. 452 Morrison. Main 2097. HELP WANTED FEMALE. RELIABLE woman who understands cook ing and vrfll assist in care of old lady. Inquire 8114 Salmon st. GIRL to assist with general housework; $B per week. 360 13th L W ANTED An experienced girl to do second work. Apply 215 St. Cllr st. GIRL for general housework. 711 Brosd way. Phone East 1409. C 1499. GIRL, to assist with care of children and second work. S22 Johnson st. LADY kitchen helper. 82, N. 6th St. GIRL to do housework. 703 Nortbxup BU OREGOSIAX, TUESDAY, rx-E-r.v Ti rrn r r i i i . i WANTED Competent girl for general housework; must be good cook. Inquire 039 East Main at-, near East 32d St. EXPERIENCED girl for gerteral housework in apartment: good wages. Mrs. Over beck. 69 North 23d. Main 6257. HOPPICKERS wanted at Mcintosh Land ing. Apply to Kwong Lun Tai. 61 -d st-. city. . . . .., nahi, woman for re- .ponalMTposltlon. Vlavl Co.. 600 Roth child bldg., 4th and Wa.hlngton. J EXPERIENCED machine ironer Apply Star Laundry Co.. Union ave. and East MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326Vx Washington -St.. Room .307. Main 8S36 or A 8206. GIRL, for general housework and cooking. Call 20! 13tn, between Salmon and Taylor. Main 3058. GIRL for general housework; small family good wages. 440 East 8th st. North, near Tillamook sU. APPRENTICES at The Ellto Halrdressing Parlor 10a 7th, bet. Washington and Stark. . LADIES st home day or evenings, applying . , ci -.o dm. uDward: trarsicra uu oon.i.i., - - - steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. MIDDLE-AGED lady for light housework, three in family: good home to right party. u uicr." COMPETENT woman cook, having experi ence and good city reerer-ees- . Apply mornings. SOI Board of Trade bldg. W NTED 2 experienced girls for dipping chocolates and 2 for packing; good wage 3S3 Burnside st- WANTED A first-class stenographer; must be thoroughly experienced; give phone number. F 340. Oregonlan. GIRL or woman for general housework to go to Coast with family. Phone A 4852, after 12 M. TOUNG lady to assist with light housework and care of baby; sleep home. Phone A 2094, afternoon HOUSEWORK Girl to do; small family; plain cooking. 174 East 15th. near Bel mont. PAPER BOXES Experienced girls; steady work; good pay. F. C. Stettler. corner 10th and Glisan sts. WOMAN capable of earning $15 a week: no cl-rical work, but energy and honesty required. C 839. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework: one who understands cooking; good wage Apply 741 Irving. FIRST-CLASS tailoress to make ladles coats: good wage Mrs. Zeltfuch 846 Alder. . WANTED Girl for general housework, plain cooking, good home and good wage 2S4 Park st. WANTED Copvlat for Remington machine; state experience and salary expected. Ad dress P. O. Drawer 727. Portland. GIRL for cooking and general housework; wages $33. Phone B 2395. 891 East Yam hill. GERMAN girl willing to teach English to take care of child and do upstair, work. Main 5843. 332 North 23d St. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 848 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstair Phone Main 2692. HOUSEWORK girl to do light work; no washing; good home, good wages. 491 Davis. HOUSEWORK Competent woman for gen eral; 4 in family; good wages. 620 East Ankeny st. WOM AN' of. experience to take care of baby 3 months old, $25 board and room, every thing free. Call 434 Oregon St. WANTED An experienced and up-to-date hairdresser at once. Address 312 White Temple bldg.. Eugene, Or. WANTED First-class Otter; none other need apply. J. S. Graham, 714-716 Sec ond ave., Seattle, Wash. GIRL for general housework, no laundry, small family, good wages. Apply 4104 Morrison st. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking, two in family. Mrs. Clarence Nichols. 434 Salmon WANTED Two lunch waitresses; refer ences required. Vegetarian Cafe, 100 6th STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper: salary $30: good beginner preforred. 630 Worces ter block. GIRL to do sweeping In a rooming-house. . 474 N. 6th St. ; GIRL for second work; small family of grown persons. 570 Hoyt t. ' NURSE GIRL to look after Z small boys. 703V. Hoyt st. CIRX. wanted at Custom Laundry. SC7 Lovs Joy st. SKIRT and waist help; stock girl who under stands bookkeeping. 506 Marquam bldg. GIRL for general housework at Day Nur sery, 25 North 9th St.. near Burnside. GENERAL housework, family of 2L Inquire before 11:30. 447 West Park. THOROUGH course of millinery taught In 6 weeks; terms reasonable. 415 Alder. GOOD girl for general housework; no chil ' dren. Apply 739 K'earney st. I GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave and East Taylor. JAPANESE girl. Call after 10 A. M Par lor C, Portland Hotel. EXPERIENCED waist and skirt finishers, also apprentloe. Apply 425 Marquam bldg. WANT girls to sew mattress tick Carmen Mfg. Co. 18th and Upshur GIRL to wait table and help with chamber work. 191 Hth St. CAPABLE Swedish woman family cook, $40. St- Louis, 245H Wash. Main 2039. GIRL to wait on table and assist with housework: no cooking. 462 Morrison. CHAMBERMAID, wages $20; room and board. 564 Flanders st. WANTED Girl for general housework. 309 Pearl st.. In Piedmont. TWO first-class experienced waltresse Alexandra Court. 53 Ella st. WANTED Competent nurse girl. 687 Davis St., near 21st. GIRL for general housework; must know how to cook. 834 Alhambra ave. WANTED Hand Ironer, Yale Laundry. 500 East Morrison St. GIRL for general housework; family two. Phone East 946. GIRL to do housework, small family; no children. 883 E. Main near corner 29th. PANTS-FINISHERS wanted. 268 Stark St.. room No. 2- GOOD waitress wanted at once. Call 371 Ea-st Burnside. YOUNG lady copyholder In printing .office. Address Box D. 349. Oregonlan. GIRL wanted at Coftman's Candy Store. 350 Washington st. ! Become j 1 Your Own Boss! By reading the many fine op portunities offered each morning in The Oregonian where only a very small amount of capital is needed. A regular reader of The Oregonian business opportu nity columns is never at a loss how to invest. a rr.rsT 1909. rAi-ir iv- l. ... . .j . ... . Ladles' Department. 205 Morrison St. Cook, country hotel, $45. Cook, country hotel, $40. Cook, boarding-house, city, $35. 5 waitresses, out city, $25 and $30; fares advano&d. 1 Camp waltresse $30. Janitor, $35. 10 girls, general housework, from $20 to $40; other positions. Call early. A few specials today. . ........ T.-..I). (1V1I V V T ("- ri EXPERIENCED hotel head waitress, Mon tana. $50 up and fare. Chambermaid, city, $43; camp cook. $40. Waitress. $20; pantry girl. $20; cham bermaid. $20: same country hotel. Cook., second girls, nurseglrls, house girls, waitresses, chambermaids. HANSEN'S LADLES' AGENCY. 3434 Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstair SALESWOMEN. In a number of our department we want first-class experienced saleswomen. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. $" 00 PER DAY paid to one lady In each torn to distribute free circulars and take orders for Concentrated Flavoring in tubes; permanent position. J. S. Ziegler Co.. Chicago. " COMPETENT. middle-aged woman. or widow, with one child would bo no ob jection, to keep house for widower, with three small children. In country. H 336. Oregonian. WE can use the services of one or two young ladles in our subscription work; clean, profitable business. Apply between 3 and 4 P. M. Review of Reviews, 831 Fliedner bldg. ' . GOOD, plain seamstress; permanent resi dence position for unattiiched woman. Ap ply Hughes, 2 Cambridge bldg., 3d and Morrison. Afternoon WANTED Woman or girl; light house work and plain cooking; sleep home. Call apartment 32 Chetopa, 6S4 Flanders St., after 10 A, M. WANTED To exchange elocution or dra matte lessons for typewriting; typewriter and material furnished. AB 340. Oregonl sn. WANTED Competent married couple1 to work on small farm. Apply In person at 772 Marshall st., on Wednesday, Septem ber L at 9:45 A. M. POSITIONS open for stenographer, waitrea cashier. Employers' and Employes' Bene ficial Association, 223 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE demonstrator on a high-grade, guaranteed woman', article.; splendid opportunity for beginner Call 10-11. 2-4. room 204, WelI-rargo. WANTED Woman every afternoon from 8 or 4 to 7: plain cooking; pay 25 cents an hour. Phone A 45S2. or call apartment 32 No. 6S4 Flanders St.. after 10 A. 11. Lady to represent manufacturer hosiery, salary and commission. Apply A. Blgger staft. 11 Pearl st., Montavilla- YOUNG girl to assist with demonstrator; references. Room 35. the Yamhill, cor. Park and Yamhill. Call after P. M. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. RELIABLE and energetic young man. age 24 desires steady position as bookkeeper with lumber company. Portland or vicin ity: salary reasonable. AM 34G, Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER and office man, experienced in general merchandise, groceries, fuel and railroad station work. Write, AL 843, Oregonlan. BY LAW stenographer who Is admitted to practice and familiar with all trances of law work. AN 338, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant wishes position with good firm. B 346, Oregonlan. Ml.cellancou WANTED An all-year-round Job on a farm- intelligent Christian young man, reared on Middle West farm, with some farm experience In Oregon, wants Bteady place with good farmer. Write or call. 8dr, East 30th South. Phone Sellwood 1399, Portland, Or. Wm. Y. Griffin. STUDENT In American School of Corre spondence desires position In electric power plant to gain practical knowledge In electrical engineering. AM 836, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man. 27 desires position with some reliable concern. 7 years' experionce in office work, timekeeping, etc: trustworthy and capable; references. AM 348, ore gonian. BARTENDER, young, sober, not afraid of work, desires position in saloon or whole sale liquor house: reference AL 340, Oregonlan. 60BER man wants steady place do chores, understands garden work, horses; can do Janitor work. John Joughans. 442 -Jefferson st. Main 642i SOBER, honest, lndrstrlous. experienced young married man wants work in cigar store or stand. X 348', Oregonlan. JAPANESE who has experience wants po sition as porter or any other kind of work. Main 9361.-A 1669. CUTTER and designer, high class, wants position with tailoring establishment. AN 347, Oregonlan. ' COLORED man and wife, man first-class cook, vif.3 second work or waitress. Wil son. Main 61&5. EXPERIENCED clothing salesman, city or country. AN 348, Orcaonlan. WHO WANTS a flrts-class painter, goo'd me chanic, town or city. AM 349, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position housework after schooL D 348. Oregonlam WANTED Position on farm, young man and wife. A 347, Oregonlan. WAITER would Uk-a position, city or coun try. E 348, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, first-class bartender, would like position. N 348, Oregonlan. CARPENTER and builder, day or oontraot work. Address 4 railing, imwm.n HpXEST Japanese wants to work for board and room. X 346. Oregonian. GOOD Japanese wants about 2 hours' work every evening. E 346, Oregonian. WASH, polish, repair automobile at home; experienced man. Parker, Main HOl.w WINDOW and house cleaning by experienced man: reference Main 3903. HOUSE) and window cleaning by O. A. Thomp son. Phone Main 3C38. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Stenograph era. SITUATION as bookkeeper; 9 years' experi-t-nce; references. Phone Tabor 456. LAW- stenographer, well educated, moderate salary. M 331. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER with some experience de sires position. Phone B 1705. Dressmaker FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowe.t price. Mrs. Ant-elea. 3264 Wash. St.. room 216. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the day. Phone Tabor 4S3. Housekeeper. WANTED By refined English lady situa tion as housekeeper; good cook, excellent reference Miss Stanton. 1273 East Madl son. MOT'S ETC EE PER Respectable lady. neat. desires nosltlon in widower s famll rooming-house; references, plan. C 844. Orego- THOROUGHLY competent experienced American woman desires position as houso keeter where have full charge. Mrs. Lois Murril. Ferndale, Cal. Cf. box 195. COMPETENT woman would like charge of rooming-house. Addres or call 103 N. 6th st. . HOUSEKEEPER Thoroughly experienced, hotel housekeeper, wants position; city references. AL 341, Oregonlan. SITU VTION by young woman as manager of an apartment-house. AD $22, Ore- gonlan. FAMILY second girl, housekeepers, laun dre St. Loul Main 2039. A 4775. Domestics. COWETENT woman wants general house work in a family of adults; good cook. AB 347. Oregonlan. TWO girls would like to work together In 1 same family. Please call at 368 N. 16th street. SITUATION wan-ed to do general or up stair work. AC 343 Oreronlan. NEAT colored woman wishes work as house keeper. t2 Water St. Miscellaneous. AN experienced woman would like a posi tion as seamstress and chambermaid in a, private family, or to help with half grown children. Call 2 to 4. 184 North 17th. A COMPETENT lady with daughter wishes nnHnn a s hoiisekeener in hotel or pri vate family; references exchanged. AG l 341, Oregonian. YOUNG lady, graduate in pharmacy, w!?nc position in drug store; references given. Call Y. W. C. A., hours 10 till 4. LACE CURTAINS, beautifully laundered; fine sun-drying, grass-bleaching facilities. Tabor 1630. NICE middle-aged lady wants to keep house for widowor or bachelor. X 338, Ore gonlan. 4 YOUNG woman with some knowledge of mil linery wants position, small pay at first. P. O. Box 317. city. WORK by the day or hour. Phone A 3271, ask for room 13. AN experienced cook; wages $10. 10 to 12. 1S4 17th st. North. WANTED Work by hour or day by capable woman. Phone Main 4394. EXPERIENCED piano teacher givee lessons, 60c; special attention beginners. Main 0415. EXPERIENCED colored cook. $45-$50 mo., $2.50 day. Katress, Main 1101. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 cents per pair. C lfijS, East 5.137. LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for and delivered. 40c pair. Tabor 1697. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted by Columbia Life ft Trust Company; high-class men to sell life Insur ance In Portland and In other cities and towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho; former experience not necessary; splendid opportunities; first-class references as to character required. Address the company's home office. Lumber Exchange bldg., Port land, Or. WANTED Successful nursery salesmen; choice territory, big commission; good repu tation behind our goods makes sales easy. Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem, Oregon. AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money soiling nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of nursarv stock; ca.h weekly; outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. I WANTED TO RENT. WANTED 9-room residence, or larger, fur nished or unfurnished, for short or long term. In first-class West Side residence dis trict, by prominent, thoroughly responsi ble Portland business man (no children). X 847, Orenonlan. WANTED Room and board, for students of Holmes' Business College. Price must be reasonable and on West Side. Telephones Main 513 or A 064 from 9 to 11 A. M. Wednesday. WANTED Names of private families within walking distance of Portland Academy who will take a student for room and board. Address Portland Academy IF YOU have a llttie money aved and a good salary you might a well have a home as pay rent. Talk it over with Hartman &. Thompson. Lady wants room and board In private family, on West Side, between 8tlt and 12th st preferred. Address E 845, Ore gonlan. WANTED By three adults. 2 or 8-room housekeeping suits; -walking distance; not over $20. A 346, Oregonian. WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished flat or cottage,' walking distance; West Side pre ferred, -with yard. V 338, Oregonian. W'ANTED By young lady, room and board In refined, respectable family, Central lo cation. West Side. AB 848, Oregonlan. HARTMAN k THOMPSON, at the Chamber of Commerce, want houses and flat. ROOMING-HOUSE, unfurnished, from 15 to 20 rooms, close in. 24S N.- 17th. city. FOK KENT. Furnished Rooms. THE MOODY HOUSE. 8d and Jefferson Sts. Away from the noise; 6 minutes walk, Washington and 3d: Just completed; new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory", convenient, rooms large, light, airy; .ingle rooms or suites; permanent and transient: $3, $4 and $5 per week. Phone A 7731. M. 8639. HOTEL ET7CLrr. 18th and Washington. New and strictly modern elegantly fur nished rooms, single and suites, with pri vate baths. Will open for business Sep tember 1st. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner loth and Washington Sts. New management: THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS: single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist trad solicited. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites witi running water. . $22 50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647. THE HANOVEfR, 165 King, near Washington Large unfurnished front room, wall bed, private bath, both phones; everything mod ern. PACIFIC HOTEL. 214 Columbia st. ; Summer rate.; run ning water in all rooms; transients 50o to $1 day; one call means another. THE MERTARPER. 120 ISth, cor. Wash ington, brand new handsomely furnished; every -modern convenience; hot water In all rooms; very reasonable term HOTEL IRVING. 812 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH. Just opened; new and elegantly fur nished: all conveniences; rates reasonable. HOTEL NOP.RIS. Washington and 17th. new building, newly furnished, every room light and sunny; hot water, steam heat, reasonable prices. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main st... fur nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite the Plaza. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 3274 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. NICE large furnished rooms, al' conven iences, close th. nice lawn and porch; very reasonable. Aster House. 7th and Madison. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient Solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park. ELM PLACE. 414 YAJIHILL. Exclusive furnished rooms. THE BRAE-SIDE 429 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3. $4, $5 per week: transient. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, phone: 60c to $1 4ay. $2 to $4 week. Fumlrhed Rooms In Private Families. FURNISHED front rooms, all modern con veniences. Phone A 2840. SO 16th St. North. 25.84 13TH ST. Nicely furnished room, new house, every convenience: gentlemen only NICELY furnished front room, every conve nience. -170 Chapman, opp. Multnomah Club; gentlemen only. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room In modern private home. 585 E. Main st B 1254. ROOM near two earlines. in private family; adelus: 2 gentlemen preferred. -AE 3.14. Oregonlan. NICE, clean furnished rooms for gentlemen: bath and phone; walking distance. 2494 Halsey. . ' S TWO nicely furnished rocms. walking dis tance. 651 Taylor at. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED ROOMS. A courlo large, cheerful front rooms In a beautiful private home with every con venience: one block Washington; one bock Alexander Court; walking distance.. Call till N. 21st St. LARGE pleasantly furnished front room with or without board; steam heat and electric light, close in. uood location, rea sonable. Phone A 260.). 715 Johnson, cor. 2Jd. 5C.' IRVING Singlo room and room suit able for two. in attractively furnished modern house; reasonable, close in. Main 03S9. NICELY furnished front room on lower floor, suitable for one or two gentlemen; nice location, free phone and bath, very reasonable. 70 N. l.ith St.. near Davis. NICE, newlv furnished rooms, with break fast if desired; walking distance to busi ness center: KOOd location: furnace heat. 430 Mill st. $10 VERY' desirable light, airy room, sult arVlo lor two; modern conveniences. 475 Clay. 213 1.1th st. Clean furnished rooms; modern conveniences; suitable 1 or more persons. VERY nice parlor, also other rooms at 891 7th st. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern in every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water la every room, elevator and bellboy servloe. with excellent meals a specialty. Cor, Grand and Hawthorne ave THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and e-xcellenco, the- minimum of expense. If you want the best in th clt for the money, call and lnKpeat; dlu'lng-ro.im In connection. PORTLAND Women'. Union. 22d year, room with board, use of .ewlng room and li brary. 610 Flanders St.. Miss France. N. Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th t. Mrs. M. E. Hrel hereon, supt. THE COLONIAL. 105 and 167 10th .t. cor. nor Morrison. Select family hotel; reason. able rates for transient guests. W car to and from depot passes the door. THE LINDELL, 2(19 Market Nicely fur nished front rooms, flrst-clas board; mods ern, reasonable; line walking dlstance. THE MANSION, central beautiful gTounds, elegant furnished rooms, conservatory, dining-room. Fifth and Jefferson. THE CALVARD Take W. car at depot to door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 209T. Rooms With Board lit Private Family. LARGE outside room with board for ono or two people; also smallor room; modern conveniences, nico location, walking dis tance, terms reasonable. Main 32ci0. FTJRNISHED front room with board, suit able for lady; convenient and central; term reucsonuble. 210. 14th st. NICELY furnished room, with board: mod ern; walking distance. Main 4294. 124 N. 17th sL KOOM and board In private family; prlc reasonable. 6o9 E. Pine t, 2 FRONT room suitable for 4 person 208 12th St. PLEASANT front room with board for two; modern. 93 17th St., North. Main 4220. LARGE, pleasant front room, with or with out board; reasonable. 1684 10th. BOARD and room, bath, phone, use of piano. 191 11th. Main 6903. WANTED Two young ladles or gentlemen, $2$ and ISO eac ich. 429 layior. Alain biib.i. ROOM and board for 1 gentlemen, reason able. 663 Washington. Apartments. THE RE7-U-KAN. 62-1 Marshall Street. Th most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart ment, in the city; 8-room suites, PRI VATE BATHS and reception halls; both .phones FREI1 in each apartment; electiio elevator: nice large veranda, both front and back; large lawn and beautiful shade trees; low Summer rate.. Tak W car to Marshall, go 1 block east. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison St., new brick building, completely flrst-clas furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apartment.; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, ot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air cleaning. Janitor service, from $25 up month; some unfurnished. Com look and be surprised. LAURETTH APARTMENTS Hlgh-olass, 8 rooms each; brick and cement building, steam heat, hot water. Ice chest, tele phones. lirolesB cooker, cabinet, gas range, private hall and bath. Janitor service: hie minutes from Portland Hotel; choice neighborhood. 11th .1- and Salmon ready Sept- L Open for reservations. THE BERYL Just opened; three room large and well vontilated. thre large closets and two folding beds In every apartment; choice location and low rate 695 Lovejoy st- Take W car. THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson St.. Unfurnished apartment, with bath; strict, ly modern; all outside rooms; unexcelled view; 5 minutes' walk from Postoftlce; very 'reasonable rent. Main 2506, A 3149. LADY to share occupancy of swell fur nished apartments, three rooms. Pa; panti-y and bath; olose In; seferenoe Y 349, Oregonlan. JEFFERSON I AN, 10th and Jefferson Fur nished 3-room apartment.. Phone, hot running water. Main 5432. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders 111 Modern 4-room apartments. Inquire of Janitor. THE SIIRLBOROI'GH 6 and 6-room apart ments; 21st and Flanders, Nob Hill dis trict; every convenience. Main 7516. NEW 5-room. steam-heated flat, moder conveniences; reasonable rent, W. L. Mor gan. 503 Abliigton bldg. TWO young ladles to share ldoal apartment; nurses preferred. Phono A 8441S. THE WESTMINSTER Unfurnished 4-room apartments. 6th and Madlscm sts. nut. -FLATS. 6 rooms, modern. 7s0A Kearney. $35. 6-room. modern, 22d and Kearney, $35. 6 rooms, Irving St., near 23d. $40. 7 rooms. Kearney near 23d; will tint to suit, $40. T rooms 147 N. 2Rd, very modern, $43. 4 rooms, modern. MeMlllen St., $20. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak sts. MODERN upper six-room flat, 126 North Eighteenth St., between Glisan and Hoyt, $30. Key at lower flat and Donald Wood ward. I'M 2d st. FOR RENT Good B-room lower flat- 48T Davis st. Rent. 520 Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 229 Stark St. NEW flat for rent, cor. 6th and Wasco, 3 blocks north of Holladay ave. Call Main 1505. W. Reidt. 401 Rothchlld bldg. 9-ROOM upper flat for rent, 150 24th, near Irving. Call afternoons.' Phone Main 691 or A 011. 5-ROOM modern flat, near 2 carllnes and East Side High School. Inquire at 146 2d St. ONE new 7-room flat. 10 minutes' walk from Postoffice. Call 4114 Mill St. 4, 3. 2-roomed flats, modern, pleasant, closa 'in': reasonable rent. 2:154 Hall. ,j.q NEW. modern, lower 4-room flat- 71 East 22d and stark. NEW 5-room upper flat, porch, 4734; mod ern, inquire 468 Park st. FIVE- rooms, doslrable: adulte only. 175 East 15:h, corner Yamhill. LOWER FLAT; partly furnished; no chil dren; reference; Main 1010. 203 7th st. MODERN 5-room flat, 114 East 10th. Stokel & Zeller, 39o East Stark. 1 MODERN 5-ronm flat. Ml 3th. near Jack son. West Side. Main or A 1223. MODERN 5-room flat. East. 2879; 1 bloca to carline. LARGE modern 7-room flat, 49S Mill st,, near 14th, -West Side. MODERN 5-roomed upper flat, plenty of light, near Montgomery. Inqulro 4"l 12th. 5-ROOM cioiee corner fln.t: no children. In quire 402 Park. cor. Harrison. FLAT of 6 rooms and ba'h. 7334 Hoyt Bt, Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278. 2S PARK ST. 5-room Hat. central. ONE five roomed flat. Inquire 4264 6th at.