I THE MORXIXG OliEGOXIATT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1909. 3 Join the Sewing Machine Club Buy a $60 Machine for $40 and Pay for It in Weekly Payments of $1 Dress Shields ?ouMe pain so ok dress shields, light weight for Summer wear, come in all sizes, sell regular at 20c the pair, special 1 f p for Friday's Economy Sale, the pair. . I Uu Safety Pins T?ie best quality safety n spring, full nickel finish, all sizes, special for the Friday Economy Sale E at the remarkably low price of, card. . . . Jb 3 1st ' Fi - n II 0UM (iIl JLJl 11 11-4 Jsi V JA VII 21 eJnkJUiIL 12V2C r Pillow Cases 11c, Sheets 52c A most unusual sale rn the linen and domestic department for Friday. A large quality of sheets and pillow cases of the better sorts, bought at low prices that mean big savings to us and to you. Thrifty housewives will delight in this of fering, and -we 're sure they 11 come in force. If you delay and find the sizes you wanted gone ' it s only because you didn't come early. The Pillow Cases are full size, full bleached and well made, by all means the best values ever offered in- the city of Portland. Lot One, specially lip priced Friday, ea. . . . I I U Lot Two, special Friday at, each. Lot Three, specially. Ip priced Friday, each..lHu Lot Four, specially 1 Cp priced Friday, each. . I uu THE SHEETS are fall size round thread, made without scams in center and come in two sizes. The 72x90-inch size is . COn specially priced for this, Friday sale at this low price, each. . UZu The Slx90-inch size, specially prioed for this Friday at 57 Boys9 Waists Friday for 29c Made of wash materials, in light or dark shades, percale or madras, broken sizes, nicely made and regularly worth up to. 75c each, QQp special for, eaph . . Zub Linen Skirts Less Than Half EVERY LINEN SKIRT IN OUR STOCK FOR FRIDAY AT MUCH LESS THAN HALF PRICE This means choice of white or colors,, and of many styles.' There are all sizes, plain or trimmed models and regular values from $1.50 to $18.50, special LESS THAN HALF 59c Regular $1.50 values for. . . . Regular $2.7c(M 1 Q values for . . .0 ' Regular $2.00 values for . . . Regular $3.5( values for. Reg. $2.50 values for. Regular $3.75 values for. . $1.50 Gloves $1 pr35c Veiling 17c SILK Gr.LUV.ES, l!-clasp style, m Hayser's or Fownes ' makes, black, white, tan or gray, finished with, pearl clasps, all sizes, regular price 01 ft n $1.50 the pair, special for Economy Sale. W I lUU WOMEN'S CHAMOIS GLOVES, natural color or white 64, 6Y2 an(i 6 only, regular 7Qp price $1.25 the pair, special sale price, pair. ... luu TUXEDO MESH VEILING, with chenille dots, or plain meshes in fine assortment of colors, reg- 1 7p ular price 35c the yard, special Friday lib EMBROIDERY REMNANTS, every short length in our stock, on sale for Friday at "reduced prices. This, offer presents wonderful savings. Women's Neckwear , New jabots, new embroidered linen collars, bow ties, Peter Pan bows, etc., large assort- 0 K n 89c $1.59 $2.09 52.19 $2.69 . 82.79 Regular $7.50 CD 1 Q values for UJi I J $3.98 $6.89 $1.13 $1.69 Regular $4.50 values for. . . , Regular $5.00 values for. . . , Regular $6.00 values for. . . . Regular $6.50 values for. . . . Regular $9.50 values for Reg. $15.00 vals., special Friday. . . Reg. $18.50 vals., C?7 OQ special Friday. . . .0' Women's Lingerie. Dresses, made of white or colored lawns and trimmed with lace or embroidery, prettily made and finished, good materials, samples and regular stock, splendid assortment. Reg. vals. in the lot np to $28.50; Friday at $7.98 Soap Boxes 98c vals 22c Friday in the small wares de partment, there are offered an immense lot of soap boxes, 600 in the lot, come in many styles, nickel-plated or plain celluloid, con venient sizes, regular values from 50c to 90c, a special buy, so QQp we price them for this day.. LLi Dr. Girard'a Cupid Talcum Pow der, famous for its quality, fine for infants or adults, Pp 10c can, for this sale, at UU Hair Brushes, 'solid backs, secure ly drawn bristles, $1.25 QQp values, on sale at, each uOb Tooth Brushes, a specially select ed lot, worth to 2jc each, on special sale it, each. . , HaSr Barretles, carved or QSp plain, latest effects, 35o val. Zuu Sole Portland Agents Royal Worcester, Bon Ton and Ad jus to Corsets. 10c ment now on sale at the exceptionally low price of 35cRibbonsl9c 65c Underwear at 29c . Aclean-up of women's Summer underwear that offers quite the best values and best assortment of any we've heard of for many a day. There are lof neck, sleeveless vests, and ikce-trimmed umbrella, style pants in goodly assortment. All sizes in the lot, but not all sizes in each style, vests are finished with, silk tape and crbchet edges. Reg- OQn ular values to 65c garment, special. ..Luu A cash purchase brought these ribbons to us, and they were bought so that we can sell them for much less than the regular price, even though they are all fresh new good3. Bright-hued silken strips in glorious assortment in plain taf- fetas'or moire effects. Come in all the leading col- -ors, five inches wide, prime quality silks IQp and regularly worth to 35c the yard, special. I Uu Misses', Women and Children ?; Half Price Friday) Children's 35c Hosiery 9c Allover lace, or boot lace styles, in black, tan, pink, light blues and cardinals. Regular values up Qp to 35c the pair, special for Friday at .. 0u WOMEN'S. SEAMLESS TAN HOSE, extra quality, sizes 8y2, 9, 9Y2 and 10, regular values up to 1 En 25c the pair, on sale at this low price, pair I ub $6.50 Sun Umbrellas at $3.98 Made of extra good quality silk, .in navy, cardinal, green, gray and brown. They are fitted with neat handles, mount ed on good strong frames and are in all ways high-grade umbrellas that are regularly worth up to $6.50. (j0 QQ each, special Friday at the iow price of, each OuiUU s I t tie nowu uiiu x- fShoe Cleanup Every Pair of Men Women and Children's Ok fords in Our Entire Stock Radically Reduced Friday J Front Lacing Corsets A Blanket Sale $1.15 Pair, Up White blankets, gray blankets, fawn colors or plaid effects. Blan kets for every purpose, for the beach, for use this AYinter or when you will, but all at money-saving prices. No matter what grade of blanket your needs or purse sug gests, look for it in this list. Regular $1.50 blankets, (?1 1 R special Friday, the pair. . 0 I ' 3 Regular $2.50 blankets, 01 OK special Friday, the pair. .0 I 0U Regular $2.75 blankets, special Friday, the pair, Regular $3.50 blankets, special Friday, the pair, $3.75 grades, the pair. . $6.00 grades, the pair. .. .4.95 $8.50 grades, the pair 6.75 Sole Portland Agents for the Howd and Le Beau .$2.10 .$2.75 .$2.95 Royal Wash Taffeta 59c yd. Best wearing silk made to sell at a popular price. Comes in every wanted color! special price for C Q n Fridav, 2400 vards in the sale, at, yard JUll MESCALINE SILKS, 21 inches wide and comes in all colors, will not split in the seams, our besl regu- 71 p ale at tins low price . . i iu ARRIVING DAILY. CHOOSE WHILE THEY ARE FRESH. lar $1.00 grade, on special NEW FALL SILKS ARE Nurses9 Aprons at 64c Made of fine white cambric, with or without bibs, have vide strings and good well-fastened pockets. They are regularly sold at 85c each, but for the regular P M Friday apron special they are priced at, each . 0iTu CHILDREN'S MUSLIN SKIRTS, made with waists, ages 6 months to 3 years, lace or embroidery QQ- trimmed, regular values to 65c, for 0 Ju Worth to 90c, sp'l. .47 Worth to $1.25, sp'l. .6S Baby Week Bargains Mothers remember that everything in the infants' wear department is reduced this week, and that you must come during this six-day sale if you would share in the savings. Merchandise of the most dependable sort only is offered. Baby Eiographies Free to All Customers in Our Baby Department. Every Man's Bathing Suit V2 See the window display pn Fifth street and note what 'a (j splendid lot they are, and see for yourself the moment J your eyes rest on them what good values they were at 3 regular prices. Every man's and boy's bathing J-Jnlf mner3e The third floor offers exceptional bargains for Friday. The low prices on silver ware, refrigerators and Summer needs are continued, and these are added to by the contribution from the china department. Thrifty housefitters come and share. Haviland China Dinner Sets, 6 pieces, Q0Q reg. $36.00, sp'l.OZOil J Haviland China Dinner Sets, 60 pieces, .QQQ QK $44.50 val., sp'l.OZUiiJ J 100 pieces,' worth Q Q K 1 fl $53.25, on sale. . ,ud Ji I U 100 pieces, worth OA Q OK $65 pn sale for. UTUiOJ Decorated Haviland China Dinner Sets, QQQ nf worth $45.00, fordZZiUU Sets worth $46, special price . . . Sets worth $87, special price . . . 3-piece Silver regular $7.25 OP JZ values, special at. .0 Ji I J $4,00 Silver Cake QQ IE Baskets on sale atuui lu $1.55 Silver Bread O Trays, on sale at. $1.90. Silver Fern O Dishes on sale at. U $12.65 Silver Cof fee Sets on sale at S23.00 S43.00 19 Tea Sets, .15 .45 .98 Refrigerators, Now One Third Less. Every one in our stock, regardless of for mer value, reduced Ay for this sale J Reg. "'$9.75 values, 6.50 Reg. $10.80 values, $7.20 Reg. $12.00 values, ?8.00 Reg. $12.60 values, $8.40 Reg. $14.40 values, ?9.60 Reg. $15.00 values, $10.00 Reg. $18.00 values, $12.00 Reg. $21.00 values, $14.00 Reg. $24.00 values, $16.00 Reg. $26.75 values, $17.83 Reg. $27.00 values, $18.00 Reg. $32.40 values, $21.60 Reg. $36.60 values, $24.40 Reg. $40.80 values, $27.20 Reg. $42.00 values, $28.00 Our New Fall Dress Goods The first arrivals of the new Fall fabrics are charming in the extreme. 'Tis no trouble for us to show goods and we cordially invite your inspection of this hand some assortment whether you wish to buy or not. NEW NEW NEW NEW CHIFI'ON BLACK PERSIAN PLAID FAILLES CORDED SILKS SILKS SILKS Combinat'n Suits Vz Less 13 "We believe that this will be the most-called-for special that we have offered in the muslinwear section this season. Every woman seems to want combination suits, and all who see ours say that we have the best assortments and val ues. For Friday we offer an immense lot of suits that have become slightly mussed from window displa3-s. etc., at ONE-THIRD iESS THAN REGULAR VALUE CHILDREN'S NIGHTGOWNS, high or low necks, long or short sleeves, regular prices ranging from 75c to $5.00, all j u n go for Friday's selling at Z lllCC CHILDREN'S MUSLIN SKIRTS, made with flounces of India linon, and trimmed with tucks and insertion, or edges of lace and em broidery, regularly $1.25 to 5no. snecial for Friday at l 1 $3, 75 Heather Bloom Petticoats Friday $2.13 Made with full flounce, and under ruffle, come in fancy striped effects, a grade that sells regu larly at $3.75 each, special for the (?0 1 Q Friday Economy Sale at, each OZilO I I JU T ' ! . . ; 1 " " 1 r " . . . . i ERIDE KILLS HER HUSBAND After Six Months of Married Ufe, She Slays Man, Then Herself. OAKLAND, AufT. 26. After killing her husband while ho slept, according to the theory of the police, Mrs. Charles Herzog-, a bride of six months, took her own life In the kitchen of her home hf re yesterday. Neighbors, missing the couple, noti fied tl authorities and Deputy Con stable Sheehan broke Into the house to find both bodies fully dressed, lying in pools of blood. They were heard quarreling yesterday. Afterward all was still, and the matter was for gotten until the discovery this after noon. Nearly all ot the 15.000 Inhabitant of Marehneuklrchen, anxony. are eng-aged In violin making. Rosenthal's shoe sale ends Saturday. SENATORS- VISIT PROSSER Irrigation Committee Inspects Gov ernment Projects.' SPOKANE. Aug. 26. The Senate com mittee on irrigation arrived here this morning and resumed Its Journey West at 11 A. M. Senators Carter, Chamber lain, Warren and Painter are In the party with W. H. Newell and other de partment officials. The committee will visit the irrigation work near Prosser today, proceeding to Sunnyslde and Seattle. DROWNING IS DELIEBRATE Seattle Bookkeeper Swims Out Into Lake to End His Life. SEATTLE, Aug. 26. Thomas C. I. Millikin, aged S8, a bookkeeper, went to the shore of Lake Washington to day, undressed carefully, swam out 100 yards into the lake and then deliber ately drowned himself. His nearest relative is Miss Elizabeth MiUikln, of Hamilton, Mont. Trunks, suitcases and bags. Largest variety at Harris Trunk Co. ft