THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1909. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBEtiOXIAX TELEPHONES. Pac. Stats. Hon'. Ccuntlmr-Room MUn 7070 A 60S City Circulation Main 7U70 A 5 Managing Editor Main ""78 A 6-".15 Sunday Editor Main T070 A Ao'.'S Composlnic-room Main 7070 A )0U3 City Editor Main 7o70 A 6M3 Bupt. llulldlnca Main 7O70 A OoOS AMTMEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER. ISth and Morrison tn.. sensational New York comedy, "Th Girl from Kectoi-a," tonight. 8:16 o'clock. ORPHEUM THEATER Morrion. between Sixth and Seventh) Advancod vaude ville. Matinee at 2:13, Tonight at 8:13. GRAND THEATER (WashlnRton. between Seventh and Park) Vaudevill do luxe. 2:S0. 7:30 and 9 P. 11. PANTAGES THEATER (Fourth and Stark) Contlnaioua vaudeville. 2:31). 7:30 and :30 P. 51. LYRIC THEATER (Seventh and Alder) Athon Stock Company In "The Plunger." , Tonight at 8:15. , , STAR THEATE71 Movlng-plcture how every afternoon and evening. 2 to 10:30 o'clock. OAKS lO. w. P. canine) Concert bj Donattlll'i Italian band.- Thla afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 8:13. RECREATION PARK. (Twenty-fifth and Vauxhn) Baseball. Tacema vs. Portland. This afternoon at 3:30. How to Deal. With Gas in Weu. Edward Rogers, a fanner who has lived S3 ypars Just muthwost of Portland, on the Shattuck road, suifKests a few sim ple but practical methods by whloh per sons who have been prostrated by gases In wells caused by the discharge of dy namite may be revived and reex-ued with out .endangering the Mves of others. "A great many Uvea," said Mr. Rogers, yes terday, "have been lost needlessly, simply because of a lack of knowledge on the part of workmen, of one or two simple methods by which men who have ber-n overcome by poisonous gases causvd hy the discharge of powder may be riecuert. I tie metnoa to wmcn i re fer are simplv these: Lower a candle or a lamp Into the well after the blast haa gone off, and if the light does not go out. it may be depended that there Is no gas. If a man has gone down and h3 become asphyxiated, throw several buckets of water Into the well, and on the man, and It will clear the well of gas and revive the man. This method is surely far better than to send i rescuer down, who may In turn be over come and lose his life. I consider it strange that this Idea has not been pub lished before. I have been Intending for 20 years to write to The Oregonlan con cerning the matter." Sewer Acceptances? Indicated. The City Executive Board will meet this" aft ernoon in regular session, and among oth ?r things will probably order an ad vertisement Inserted for five days in the city official newspaper for the accept ance of the Brooklyn sewer. This is equivalent to an acceptance by the board and Ls merely done in conformance with a charter provision. It is likely that a special board meeting will be held to accept the work, if no objection is reg istered. The blgr drain cost $i"iO.(ViO and wan constructed by Paquet, Giebisch & ' Joplin. Your Turn Mat Comb Next. Resi dences are the favorite hunting grounds for thebeas3 of society the burglars. The wealthier the occupant, the keener the lust for spoils, yet those of us who are not possessed of millions, or thou sands, but Jute, have a modest lot of Jewelry, silverware, etc. are the most frequent victims, because there are po many more of us. The National Surety Company'a residence burglary policy fully protects, and the loss is made good at once. J. Mcl. Wood & Co., general agents. McKay building. EpwonTH Lfaote Tonight. Portland District Epworth League will hold a quarterly rally tonight in Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, nt which delrgations from all of the district chap ters will be present. The first hour will be devoted to the work of the depart ment of spiritual work, after which a social will be had. The rally ls undr the auspices of the district cabinet, of which Professor JC. C. Thome is presi dent. First Vice-President Smith will have charge of the- services during the fir hour. - Thet Paddlb 200 Miles in nine Dats. From Pasco to Portland by river in car.oe, a distance of 2(0 miles In nine days, la the record mada by a party of four who reached Portland last evening at 6 o'clock from North Yakima. The party Includes Chester Stevenson and wife, Elvln Crutchfield ar.d Carrie Moon. They left Pasco a week ago last, Tues day, after having shipped their two lj-foot canoes from North Yakima. 'The par' left by train for Albany last night for aii outing. ' Ike Lawrekcb Aoai! in Toils. Re leased from Kelly Butte only the day be fore, Ike Lawrence was arrested by Spe cial Agents Lillls and Wood yesterday and charged with larceny. Lawrence had Just finished serving a term of 30 days for a similar offense. As soon as 1)3 secured his freedom he hird an ex press wagon to go to the Northern Pa cific dock, where he loaded on 10 sacka of coal. Lawrence and the expressman wer just driving away when caught. Rabbi Wise to Preside. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will crrodudt the -services at Temple Beth' Israel tonight at g o'clock and tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock. At tonight's services the musical pro gramme will be as follows: Solo by Dom J. Zan. "Like as the Hart Desireth." by Allltsen; duet by Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer and Mr. Zan, "Forevere With the Lord." "by Gounod; eolo by Mrs. Bauer; "A Prayer." by Miss Amy Seller. The public ls welcome. Pawnshop la Robbed. The pawnshop of H. Rosenkrantz. l3Vi Front street, was robbed Wednesday night and seven revolvers, seven watches, six watch, chains and other trinkets of small value, aggregating $25. were taken. The police are inclined to think the burglary la the work of boys or amateurs. Wanted Experienced salesladies, to whom prominent positions are offered by Lipman. Wolfe & Co.. in underwear, ribbons, suits, notions, hair goods, art, cotton goods " and toilet goods depart ments. Salespeople with less than ono yar's experience need not apply. . Notice. Owing to our increased fam ily liquor btisinees. we have sold our bar and retail department, and will hereafter confine ourselves strictly to family trade. Salesrooms same place, 3S3 East Burn side st. P. Zimmerman. j Ladies' Aid Meets- Todat. The La-dl.-s Aid Society of the First United Presbyterian Church will hold an im portant meeting at the church parsonage. Sixth and Montgomery, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Office Location, when properly made, is unquestionably an asset. Why not start right by. renting suite of rooms In the Oregonlan Euiidir.g. right in the log lea; business center of the city. Call at Room 2"1. . Ratb War. Steamer Nome City sails direct for San Francisco 2:30 P. M. Sat urday. Cahln. $io. berth and meals in cluded. Frank Bollam. agent, 128 3d st. Free Two lots at Sunset Beach to be given away absolutely fre. Watch for ad in Sunday's paper. American Trust Company. "Lefferts" pure gold seamless wedding rings, all sires; engraving free; price, ta to 112. "T7I Washington atreet. The Oreoonian Bltldiso has a few choice office rooms for rent. Call at room 201. Good Roads Convention and Barbe ci'H. Beaverton. Aug. 2S." All welcome. Shipherd's Springs Is the place for you. E. L Shlpherd. manager. DR. McCracken. dentist, has returned, 4f5 ilacleay building. pa. P. H. Rand baa returned. j Succumbs After Lono Illness. Charles W. Herrall, a native of Portland and a son of thd late George Herrall. ona of the early brewers of this city, who died Wednesday night at 10 o'clock at his home, Hood and Whittaker streets, of a complication of diseases, was sec retary of the Pioneer Sodaworks up to the time of hia last illness. He was 44 years of age, and was confined by Illness to his home for the past four months. He leaves a widow and two children, a boy of 11 and another about 18 months old. The funeral will be held from Finley's Chapel Sunday at 2 P. M., the order of Eagles having charge of the obsequies. Mr. Herrall was a half brother of Henry D. Griffin, of this city, and "Patsy" Griffin, of Walla Walla. River Victim to Be Buried Saturdat. The funeral of Miss Mattie E. Schuyler, who wa drowned in the Willamette Wednesday evening, will be held from the Sellwood Pr?sbyterian Church, East Seventeenth street and Spokane avenue, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment will be made in Sellwood Cemetery. Miss Hepn Petsch, who was a compan ion of Miss Schuyler and who narrowly escaped a similar fate through the he roic efforts of Birrell White, a 15-year-old Sellwood youth, has almost entirely recovered, from the effects of her haz ardous experience, though still weak. To Entertain Japanese. The meeting of the entertainment committee of the Chamber of Commerce, a committee ap pointed to make arrangements for the entertainment of the Japanese Commis sion on September 9 and 10. was post poned yesterday and ls now scheduled to meet jointly with the finance committee on Saturday morning. At this meeting all the-final details of entertainment will be arranged, the place of holding the banquet to . the visitors, the pro gramme for the day and other matters in connection with the care of the im portant visitors. Pardon Sought for Halverson. In a report last Tuesday to the effect that an effort was being made by the wife of J. H. Hanson, a Tillamook contractor, who was sentenced to 60 days' imprisonment at Kelly Butte, In the Municipal Court, July 27, to secure a pardon for her hus band from Governor Bc-nson. there was a mistake in the names mentioned. In stead of J. H. Hanson, it was Tom Hal verson, who calls himself Tom Hanson. ERWKI.TN MEETTINr POSTPONED. The regular irTeeting of the Brooklyn Repub lican and Improvement Club, which was to have been held last night, was post poned until the first Thursday In Sep tember. The meeting will be held In the hall at Brooklyn und Powell streets, and the street and sewer questions will be discussed. Ahavai Sholom Services. Services will be held at S o'clock this evening at Congregation Ahavai Sholom, corner Park and Clay streets. Music by the choir. Services tomorrow morning at 9:50 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abrahamson will officiate. All are welcome. Mann. & Beach, Printers, 92 First st. Dr. D. H- Rand has returned. MAYOR ASKS CO-OPERATIOX OF MAJOR M IXDOE. NEW HOLMES MANAGER V. S. Engineer Is Requested to For ward Resolution on Bridges to Department. Mayor Simon has forwarded to Major Mclndoe, in charge of the United States engineering corps at Portland, , resolu tions from the Port of Portland and City Council and indorsement by County Judge Webster, In an effort to secure regulation of the draws on the bridges spanning the Willamette River so that they will not be opened during rush T.ours morning and evening The Mayor ln cloBed a communication, requesting the Major to transmit the combined seta of resolutions and requests to the Secretary of War at Washington, asking for an order favorable to the proposed regula tions. The Mayor haa now done all In his power to secure the relief so greatly needed, in having the draws closed from 7:15 to 7:45 A. M., and from 5:30 to 6:30 P. M. If the Secretary of War will sign an order, authorizing this regulation, it can be put into effect soon. He ls the supreme authority on the subject, and upon his action depends the final result. The resolution passed by the Port of Portland Commission Joins with Mayor Joseph Simon in advocating that the draw bridges in the city be kept closed during the rush hours of the morning and evening when traffic ls congested. The resolution advocated that no boats be permitted to whistle for the opening of the draws from 6:30 to" 7 A. M. and after that they will be closed again from 7:15 to 7:46 A. M.. after which boats will be permitted to pass through the draws. A full hour during which the draws should be closed ls advocated fox the evening, the time set being from 5:30 to 6:30 P. M. GOOD CREMATORY IS SURE j. ii . Long, Well-Known Pennsyl iia Educator, in Charge ol Holmes Business College. The Holmes Business College opens for its 23d year on the first of Septem ber. . The school, which has-been built up by the able and untiring efforts of the principal, Mrs. G. Holmes Lawrence, begins this year with very bright pros- t, if ; - . - i 'I " V ': 'I s- - ' d X v ... : -- . k r i I i 9; ' ' ! V ' ' J ' 1 t SX N 1 J t Vr ' T 4 : . -tr" I i . n it i J. H. Long. 4 t 1 No Doubt but First-Class Type AVill Be Chosen, Says Mayor. "There ls no doubt that we will be able to select from one of the bids sub mitted a first-class -crematory," said Mayor Simon yes'terday when asked as to the probable outcome, of the proposals submitted by various concerns last week, and which were discussed at length Wednesday night by the Mayor and Board of Health at the City Hall. It seems certain that Portland will soon have a garbage destroyer that will In a measure take care of the large amount of the city's refuse. The present one is conceded to be entirely out of date and inadequate. Another subject definitely settled I that It will not be necessary to sell any of the bonds voted for the purpose of building the crematory. There is enough in the general fund, and Mayor Simon states that no bonds will be disposed of at present. The unpaid bill of J100.000 for water, due the Water Board, need not be paid, he states, until some future time, and perhaps not at ail. It may be that the people, at the polls, will cancl the debt, and thus pay for the crema tory and have a comfortable balance left. At the meeting Wednesday night, the Mayor and members of the Board of Health, Drs. Alan Welch Smith. George B. Story and R. J. Chipman, discussed with various representatives of the con cerns submitting bids, all phases of the situation. Superintendent Napier was present and assisted In explaining the de tolls to the members of the Board. The new crematory will be located on city property at Gulld'a Lake, near the old one. The Day After Tomorrow Some people live onl for today, others provide for tomorrow, but the thought ful man is saving for the "day after tomorrow." We will help you by pay ing interest from 2 to 4 on your savings. Call for our Statement and Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Portland Trust Company "of Oregon S. E. CORNER THIRD AH OAK STREETS BEN'J. I. rOHEJf Prenldent II. L. I'lTTOCK Vice-President DR. A. 8. NICHOLS. . .2d Vlce-Pre. B. LEE PAGET Secretary W. J.'GILL .Assistant Secretary C. W. DEGKAFF Cashier " """ 1 1, i i ' nil"!" ADVANCE FALL DISPLAY OF Tiff mm s Suits waitMmwtM Church at Sandy will be dedicated Sun day with appropriate ceremony. The, programme will be in charge of the pas tor, Rev. J. W. Exon. Among the speak ers will be Rev. D. L. Rader, D. D., edi tor Pacific Christian Advocate; Thomas F. Ryan, W. C. Hawley, George 0. Brownell, B. F. Rowland, D. D.; R. A. Booth, B. Lee Paget and T. S. McDan lel. ' In 1!KS the product of the fuiharies of Canada was worth $2.1,500.000. a decrease of JTSO.000 from 11)0'.'. occurring chiefly in Pa cific salmon and sealskins. Last two days Rosenthal's shoe sale. MASTERPIECES TO BE SEEN pects. J. H. Long has recently taken up the business management of the in stitution. Mr. Long has been Identified with commercial education In the East for a number of years, having Intro duced business education in the State Normal Schools of Pennsylvania, and having been also the proprietor of a group of successful schools in that state. Sir. Long is enthusiastic over educational as well as business condi tions In Portland, and the Holmes Busi ness College has felt already the addi tion -of his l!rge experience and engag ing personality to toe faculty of the in stitution. All Indications point to a very large enrollment of students this Fall, and several further additions to the faculty are contemplated. BAD BILL HANDED PATRON He Proffers It in Restaurant and Is Nabbed by Police. Arrested on the charge of attempting to pass a raised bill, it is very prob able when Vincent Wallich, a Scap pooso millhand. comes to Portland again he 'will spend his money in a respectable quarter of the city. "Wal lich made a purchase amounting to $1 in a notorious North Second-street resort, and got In change wtfat he be lieved to be a 10 bill. He offered the currency for change in paying for a lunch yesterday at the restaurnnt of T. Tamamoto at 266 Burnside street, nnd-was detained by the proprietor un til Patrolman Gill was sent from head quarters to take charge of him. Wal lich was later given into the custody of the-Federal authorities. Splendid Repertoire for Grand Op era Season at Bungalow. The Fall season at the Bungalow Thea ter will open on September 5 with the International Grand Opera Company of 100 people. This magnificent organization has Just completed a six weeks' run In San Francisco and a two weeks' stay In Los Angeles. In both cities the press and public have been lavifh in sounding their praises. Portland theater-goers and music-lovers are indeed fortunate In having an opportunity this early In the season of hearing this stupendous aggregation of artists. Following is a partial list of the principals Terry, Norelil. Bertossl, Strauus, Zarad, Samaloff, Bari, Colum blni, Arcangoll, Zara, Oteri. Gravlana, to gether with a splendid chorus and a su perb orchestra of 25 musicians, under the direction of Almerico Vlnaccla. The repertoire in this city will he: Sun day night,- September 6. Verdi's grand spectacular opera. "Aida"; Monday night, "Lucia di Lammermoor"; Tuesday night, Giordano's "Fedora"; Wednesday mati nee. "II Trovatore": Wednesday night. 'Rlgoletto": Thursday night, a grand dou ble bill, "Cavallerla" and "II Pagliaeei"; Friday night, "Carmen": Saturday after noon, "La Traviata ; Saturday night, a composite bill comprising the following operas: Second act of Cavalleria Rusti cana," first act of "II Pagliaeei," and the new Mascagnl opera, "L'Amico Fritz." We Have it Everything that is good to eat ano" drink. We also have the cleanest and freshest stock of Groceries, Wines and Liquors in the :itv. When a mer chant keeps liis store in "apple-pie order it is a pleasure to buy. Do your trading at our store. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WE OFFER "Our Own" Catsup (better than any- other), per pint 20 Ripe Olives, pint cans, 6 for $1.25 Regularly 2oc per can. O. K. Bourbon, per quart $1.00 CantreU & Cochrane Ginger Ale, per dozen. . . . $1.75 Open an account with us. We can please you in all your wants. Ring us up, and give us a trial' order. We deliver to all .parts of the city. L Mayer & Co. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third Street. Both Phones. You must come soon to look at our preparations for your Clothes for Fall. We want to show you early the new things that America's best tailors have made for us exclusively. The new kFall styles and models in a countless variety of patterns and shades. Special things in new fashions for the young men; you ought to see them before leaving for college. At our usual moderate prices Canby to Dedicate New Church. OREGON rial.) The CITY, new Or., Aug. Methodist 26. (9pe-Kpiscopal sso ALASKA and back INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS Nine Day Excursions Your opportunity to see Alaska as cheaply as staying at home. About $6 a Day No outside expense : the ship is your borne, your hotel, all paid for in the fare. Get a free folder at 249 Washington St., Portland Pacific Coast Steamship Co. WHEREJTO DINE. All the delicacies oT'the season at the Portland restaurant: fine private apart ments for ladies. 305 Wash., near Fifth. ROOF GARDEN. Nortonia Hotel, Eleventh street, oft Washington. Dinner parties arranged for. Phone Home A,C1. Main 7161. COAL Retail or car lots; mines direct. CrystaK Ice & Storage Co.. 342 E. Salmon st. CARD OF THANKS. We slncc-ely thank all the kind friends for their sympathy and pervicea extended to us in our recent bereave ment. MRS. WILL GRILLS. MRS. GLYNN". FRED GRILLS. Portland Agent for P. Centemeri Kid Glove., La ' Tottca Cornet., Florahelm Waist... F. P. YOUNG Corbett Bnlldtiur. 5th and Morrison, LADIES' HABERDASHER. TODAY'S SPECIALS: $125 Capital Cape Gloves, 98c Dent style. $125 Chamois Gloves, 98c Pair White or yellow. " They ara the better grade, $2 Florsheim Tailored Waists $1.48 $2 Embroidered Waistings, $123 For making shirtwaist fronts. $3.00 Parasols. Special $1.50 Each Assorted colors. 20c Cotton Torchon Laces. 5c Yd. For trimming underwear. Specially good for children's wear. , 45c Taffeta Ribbons. 25c Yd. All colors or black. For children's hair rib bo as. Columbia University PORTLAND, OREGON. A Catholic Boarding and Day School FOR YOUXO MEN AND BOYS. Collegiate, High School and Commercial Courses. Grammar Grade Studies tor Boys Over Eleven. Catalogues Free on Request. Addrcna Rev, Joseph Gallagher, C, 8. C, President. DESKS OFFICE FURNITURE FILING CABINETS CHAIRS Glass & Prudhomms Co. PRINTERS BINDERS STATIONERS 65-67 SEVENTH STREET ....... u, ,. Write tor catalogue and prices on sewer pipe, chimney pipe, drain tile, water, well and culvert pipe, pipe tor septic tanks, etc. OREGON Jt WASHINGTON SEWER l'IPB CO, 41 N. fr'ront St. "HIPPO" GARDEN HOSE Guaranteed to Stand 600 Pounds Pressure. Goodyear Rubber Co. fll-B3-tt.".-!7 Fourth St.. Cor. Pine. Wishing for something to happen nev er made a man independ ent. Stop wishing and commence saving, and see how soon you will become cured of the wishing habit. Bring your savings to this bank. interesf paid on time de posits. Your check ac- "' count, however small, is cordially invited. Every thing consistent with safe banking at your command. Open 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. ; Saturdays, 8 P. M. 4 FredPrehn,D.D.S. 13.00 FoU Bet of Teeth. f6.00. Crown, and Bridge work. (3.00. Boom 405. Uekum. Open livuiuo '11U I. MI. TAMA LI A IS MII.ITAKV ACADEMY. San Rafael, Cal. Fully accredited U . a. Army Officer, only Western School with Cavalry and Mounted Artillery. Open-air Gym. and Swimming Pool. Open. August IS. Arthur Crosby, A. M., D. I)., Headmaster. ORTLAMD RENTING IJOUSE m a- 1 A 2281 Main 6201 rioters f EVERYTHING But' .Rloney Women of Woodcraft Building 968 Taylor Street, corner Tenth WHAT WESELL -AND- WH AT WE DO Stationery Department We are the exclusive agents for the Wrlterpress, Edison Mimeo graphs and supplies, Kee Lox Carbona and Eibbons, Ne Plus Ultra and Progress Typewriter Papers, Dietzgen Architects' and Engi neers' Supplies, Standard Blank Books, Kilham Loose-Leaf Ledg ers, 0. S. & R. B. Co. Files and Binders, Wagoner's Tree-Hand Binders, and carry in stock all standard lines of Stationery. Desk and Cabinet Department We carry a complete line of the celebrated Cutler Desks, the standard for quality, workmanship and design; Wabash Filing Cabinets and supplies a line without a peer; Dick Steel Safe-Cabinets and All-Steel Office Equipments. Printing Department Equipped with modern machinery for printing and binding, new type, and skillful workmen in all departments. Our specialties are high-grade Commercial Printing, plank Books and Advertising Work. Wo offer you prompt and painstaking service at the right price. Engraving Department For superior Copperplate and Steel Die work. If you are inter ested in high-grade office stationery, our embossed work will please you. We also specialize in Wedding and Visiting Cards, Monogram Stationery and Commencement Work. Ask for special catalogue of any line that may interest you. STATIONERY AND PRINTING COMPANY Fifth and Oak Streets. Nothing is too dainty for us to handle. The costliest lace is as safe here while being cleaned as if you were superintending it yourself. CITY LAUNDRY CO. PHONES, Main 429 and A 5773 THE CARMELO CIGAR A clear Havana Cigar made from Cuba's perfect 1908 tobacco crop. EK11FH MFG. CO., Tampa and New York City. M.tSOX FIIRMA CO, 1'urllucd, Distrlt ntori. CCHWAB PR.f.Tir.G CO OS0LICITS Y0UK PATRON ACE 247i STARK STREET HELPFUL BUSINESS RELATIONS The policv of this bank is to cultivate helpful business re lations with its depositors and to render at all times the service which their needs demand and which our equipment insures. We invite accounts subject to check and pay 4 per cent on 12-month and 3 per cent on 6-month certificates of deposit.