fllE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, AUCxUST 26, 1909. HUSBAND TO HELP 11 Mrs. Barclay Ready to Put Up Hard Fight for "Incu bator Baby.' ... CHILD IN COURT'S HANDS Abductors Must Stay in Jail Until Friday.'" When Court Will Pass on Habeas Corpus Proceed ings Brought by Them. KANSAS CITT, Augr. 25. Jarries Bar clay, of Buffalo,' N. Y., husband of Mrs. : Stella Barclay, arrived here tonight : to help his wife in her fight for the ; possession of little Marian Bleakley, ; the kidnaped "incubator baby." Mrs. i Barclay and Detective James Gentry. , of Kansas City, will have until August I 30 to prepare arguments in their ' habeas corpus case whereby they hope to a.void being: returned to Topeka . for trial as kidnapers. Governor Hadley next Friday will give Mrs. Barclay and Gentry a rehear ing In the Kansas extradition proceed lngs. If he decides to recall the requl- Fltlon papers the kidnapers will go free, but the baby still will be under ; the court's orders. Mrs. Barclay and Gentry are going to try to get bonds. They are not pleased at the prospect of staying In jail until August 30. Child in Court's Care. Marian was today placed tem . porarlly in the custody of the clerk of the Juvenile Court of Kansas City. i There were two habeas corpus pro j reedlngs on the docket today, both 1 brought by Mrs. Barclay. One sought ' to .prevent Mrs. Barclay and J. N. ! Gentry from being returned to Topeka I for trial. The second sought to pre ' vent baby Marian from being re , turned to the custody of Mrs. Bleakley. ! whom the State Supreme Court has t declared Is the legal mother. Today's i proceedings, though brief, were fraught ' with much Interest and were partici pated in by the greatly-sought 6-year-old child and the two women who ' have been so strenuously fighting for ' her possession. ' During the progress of the proceed : lngs today Marian nestled In the lap of i Mrs. Bleakley. who sat Just in front of ; the Judge's bench. During Mrs. Walsh's j argument for the Immediate possession 1 of the child, Mrs. Bleakley gave way j to tears as she caressed the little one. Mrs. Barclay sat unmoved beside one ! of her attorneys In the rear of the ! room. Later there was an affection- ate parting between child and mother as the- clerk of the Juvenile Court was given Marian and led her from 1 the courtroom. Mrs. Bleakley will be I allowed to visit her. Mrs. Barclay and Gentry were remanded to the custody of the Chief of Police. Says Mother la an Actress. Marian Is not the child of Mrs. J. j Bleakley. of Topeka, according to Mrs. '! Stella Barclay, of Buffalo, N. Y., the i foster-mother of the little girl. Her real mother. Mrs. Barclay declares, is an actress. Mrs. Barclay, resting under a charge of kidnaping Marian and who has said she would fight until ' she died to retain possession of the little one. said this morning as she , talked to a reporter In the matron's 1 room: "If I thought for one minute there was a drop of Mrs. Bleakley's blood In the child, I would not have her for n instant. But I know to whom she belongs. She is the child of an actress. And. by the way. little Marian Is the exact picture of her mother. The strong similarity of features to my mind makes the Identification com plete. If we could only by Immediate legal proceedings get the actress into ; court there would be no doubt In the matter." SLAYER IS TO PAY PENALTY llezekiah Barnes Must Hang for Killing Ann M. Aldrich. OLTMP1A. Wash., Aug. 25. (Special.) ' The State Supreme Court today af ' firmed the conviction of Hezekiah ; Barnes, who Is under sentence of death j for the murder of Ann M. Aldrlch. of Walla Walla. May 1. !!. The appeal was based chiefly on the contention Barnes had been twice placed In Jeopardy because the Jury in the first trial had bn dismissed by Judge Brents. This appeal point is held to be without merit. The record here shows the Judge dis missed the jury after it had been out 43 hours because the jurymen asked ques tions whW-h the court said "are none of your Dusiness." The Jury agreed Barnes had killed the woman, but wanted to know what his punishment would be If they found he had been Insane when he committed the crime. Other decisions otday affirmed convic tion of C. Z. Erickson. who was sen tenced to ten days' imprisonment and to par a fine of J."-1) for being in a combine with other milk dealers to control the rlce at which milk could be sold at Seattle and held that the Seattle Electric Company, which has valuable franchise rights on Third avenue. Seattle, could be taxed for no part of the cost of widen ing that thoroughfare. S. M. BARR LAID TO REST Dr. Djott, in Obsequies. Pays Trib ute to Life of Pioneer. mm v nMiiDcp ivu v n i mumm lm The funeral of Samuel M. Barr. who died last Sunday from heart failure, wu held yesterday afternoon from his late , residence at 362 East Fifteenth street. The services were conducted by Dr. Luther R. Dyott, of the First. Congre gational Church, who paid a glowing tribute to the life of the pioneer. During the services Mrs. Hutchinson ! Weir and Mrs. John Ankeny sang In duet the hymns'. "Abide With Me" and ' "Iead. Kindly Light." The pallbearers were W. D. Scott. W. i I Archambeau. W. Swart. H. West. W. - L. Johnsr.on and W. K. Shaw. Inter- ment was made In the Riverview Ceme tery. FISH GO WITH SEALIONS ;' Scarcity of Salmon Attributed to ; Killing of Sealions. ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 25. (Special.) Al though the slaughter of seallons has been carried on systematicaly for some years and has received the sanction of the state authorities as being a means of getting rid of one of the greatest natural ene mies to the salmon, there is a well defined opposition to the practice being continued growing among some of those who have been directly interested In the fishing industry for several years. They assert that while the seallons en 1st on salmon and destroy many of those fish, they also drive the fish Into the river, and that otherwise the salmon will not enter fresh water until they are ripe and ready to spawn. To substan tiate their contention these men say that a similar case occurred In Norway some years ago. There the government took up the work of destroying certain natural enemies of the salmon and the result was that the fish stopped entering the rivers in schools or "runs." but straggled In much as they have done in the Colum bia this season. This year there were hundreds of sea lions killed off the mouth of the Colum bia and many more were frightened away, and the runs of salmon have been small. At Tillamook and Nehalem there were large numbers of seallons and more Chinook salmon were caught there than ever before. PACK 20 PER CENT LESS ESTIMATES COMPILED OF SAL MON OUTPUT AT ASTORIA. Cut of One Month in Season Is Held Largely to Blame for Short age in Canneries. ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 25. With the salmon fishing and packing on the Co lumbia River this year notoriously short, the heads of the industry are naturally rather indisposed to quote any figures whatever. The figures named below are verified at the headquarters of the salmon business here, and tell the story of a 20 per cent reduction from the totals of last year, which, considering the rather pessimistic tone of those en gaged In the trade all through the sea son, Is measurably less of a falling off than might have been anticipated; and which, again, in the light of the pro nounced reduction in days of fishing, leaves the gross output at practically 20 per cent less than 1908. Following are the totals from the various interests within the Columbian territory for the present year: CasM. Columbia River Packers Association. .5,000 Union Fishermen's Co-op. Packing Co. 24. 000 Sanborn cutting Company 9.J00 A. Booth Packing Company S.500 Altoona Packing Company ,2'0,JS Pillar Rock Packing Company 8.000 J. G. Megler & Co 7.000 Tallant Grant Pkg. Co. (2 canneries). 8.000 Warren Packing Company 19.500 P. J McGonan & Sons (2 canneries) 9.500 Seufert Bros. Company .22.000 Total 190.500 Another feature of the situation here this year, that accounts In a distinct way for the shortage, is that the season Itself has been cut one full month, or 25 th. nntrpdlnr spaKOn. a matter which will be taken Into consid eration when all balances are sirucK, even though more boats have been put into service. The cold storage output for the year, save in the case of the Union Flsnermens' Co-operative Com pany, which Is ahead of its 1908 pack by 150 tierces, is fully 20 per cent shy, and Is reckoned as follows: Tierces Vnlon Fishermen's Co-Op. Pkg. Co...H0 Tallant-Grant Packing Co Sanbom-Cuttlng Co '- Warren Packing Co '- c BUtA A- ir COO J. Llndenberger. Inp 225 venasyssei i-aciting v. .............. . luevennusen Total 4oOO This pickled pack stands for 4.730.000 pounds, or 2365 tons, which, reduced to cases, adds to the straight yield for the season, in cases, 70.S50. plus the packed fish from the canneries. 190,500. or a grand total pack. In 43-pound cases, of 260.000, or 12,52S.0O0 pounds of prepared fish. v WRONG MANJS ARRESTED Joseph Furey Charged With Mis deeds' of His Brother. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 25. (Spe cial.) Terrence Furey, an old man of this city, father of Joseph Furey, stated today the report printed nbout his son Edward Fnrey. for Whose Mis deeds His Brother, Joseph Fnrey, SneeesKful in Flathead Drsif. Ins, la Mistakenly Held Ac countable. Is untrue in one respect. Joseph Furey, who won the first claim In the Flathead land drawing. Is not guilty of what has been laid to him. but his brother, Edward Furey. aged 32 years last June, Is guilty and served several years in Salem. Furey. father of the boys, says his son Edward was selling fruit in Portland when he was arrested for burglary. The teal burglars stole the stuff and placed It In Edward's room, but the father says Edward knew nothing ofit. At the time Edward was disowned by his father, but when he learned the boy was Inno cent he got up a petition and had him teleased. Terrence Furey, who is 76 years old, regrets that his son Joseph should be wrongfully accused of what his son Ed ward was proved guilty of. Joseph Furey is coming West soon to visit his father. Joseph is the one arrested for robbing a man named White in the post grounds several years ago. Joseph is a liquor salesman, so the father says, though he has not seen him for seven years. Detective Day. who made the arrest at Seattle, is thought to have got the two boys mixed. AT THE HOTELS. The Portland N. H. lum. Llllle Isam. Arkansas: A. Otis and wife. Boston: T. H Lawretce, San Francisco; J. C. Allen and h - t i- ' ; f - ' v- ; t ? y '' - " " "'' "' "' ' , 1 : ; - ' v F t - . ,1 it ;-- v- 1 it if iii ji 7 i , -A irr " J i t wife, Seattle: T. G. Hoffman. San Fran cisco: T. J. Hyland. Denver; H. C. Levy. Tnpb.- -T m "Miliar M!m Miller. Sacra- memo; H. C. Brownlee. J. B. Brownlee. Oklahoma: Mrs. A R. Curzen, Boise: O L. Erhard and wife. Seattle: A. Schuer and wife. Chicago: E. N. Condit and wife. Dayton; Miss Wooduct. Dayton; W. Fri day. Chicago; G. N. Trlplett. Jr.. Wash ington, D. C. : U Goodwin, Mrs. Orme. Miss Orme. Washington, D. C. : J A. Cussn. San Francisco; J. L. Anderson and wife. New York: J. S. Monaghan. Denver: G. W. HIM. Cincinnati: E. H. Dewey and wife, Nampa: Miss Dewev. Nampa; H. G. Hill, Redlands; G. Hamburg. St. Louts: C. B. Wllbee and wife. Chicago; J. I. Havcraft and wife. American Hotel Register; Davm Fss. A. Feiss. New York: K. L. Johns. San Francisco; T. F. Ryan. Seattle; R. Raker. Chicago: P. f. Gerheardt. San Iran Cisco; F. S. Lucas. New York; Mr. and MS. A. T. Klngsburv, Akron. O.: R. W. Steb bei.a. Hood River: F. J. Heney San Fran cisco; H. Haas. Weiser: E. J. Smith. J R Haravey. Chicago: Miss Drude. Chicago: O. L. Brammuller. New York: Mr. and Mrs. Bullion. M. Henog. A. H. Bullion. San Francisco; Mrs. B. Speer, Pasadena; R- - Yates. San Francisco: Y. Nakaya, Toklo; W. H. King. Salt Lake: Mr. and Mrs. . . Knobe. Chicago: H. J. Simons. El Paso: L. T. Lynch. San Francisco; A. B. Mar shall. New York; Mrs. J. L. Cohn, Miss Cohn. Elsie Cohn. Salt Lake: W. J. Davis. Jr.. San Frarcisco: T. Thather and wife. Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Goon win. K. W. Osborne and wife. C. C. Kinney. San Francisco; Mrs. Howard. San Francisco; R. Goodrich. Minneapolis; J. N. Jack and wife, Los Angeles: Mrs. L. Lebeck. 'Miss Lebeck, Miss Ross, Nashville: Mary Ringe. M. D. Rlnge. F. Deltrlcks. Philadelphia; K. Con ness. Miss M. Sheck. Pittaburg; E. D. Gart ner. E. D Gartner. Pittsburg; Mrs. G. E. Seely and wife. Minneapolis; Gall Borden, Los Angeles; A. W. Howard and wife. Chicago: Miss Mabel Hayward. Chicago; Y J. Vaughn and wife, Woodland; Mrs. J. H. Mitchell. Berkeley; J. C. Evans and wife. San Francisco; D. Halverstadt, Seattle; E. H. Cobb. Kankakee; E. Cobb. Kankakee; L. H Herron and wife. Chicago; Mrs. R. Young, E. Y. Young. .Miss Everhaid, Miss T. Everhard. Wadsworth; F. M. Selby and wife. Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hall. Ken tucky. The Oregon O. D. Wheeler. Council Bluffs; F. w. Chase and wife, Los Angeles; L. A. Test, Lafayett; J. Foster and wife, Belolt; F. P. Thorne and wife, W. E. Tal bot and wife, Delia Thorne, Waterville; F. A. Baarsch. Seattle; S. A. Abbey. Pueblo; W. R. Seiton. Mrs. J. Sexton. Ventura; Mrs. M. M. McCrum. San Francisco; L. K. Farrts. 1. Ellis. S. A. Hlltz. Rainier; W. S. Rlsley, Tacoma; P. R. Merrll and family, St. Paul; A G. Feehan, H. A. McConkey. Seattle; G. H. Clarke, Lincoln; T. G. Steele. Clem; F. P. Egan and wife. White Salmon: W. H. Eccles and wife. Hood River; E. O. Brun wold. Rav; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Schneider. Chihuahua: Mrs. M. E. Butler. Chicago; Mrs. E. M. Ritchie, Deer I,odge: J. Kidman, Sloui Rapids; J. R. somervllle and wife. Napavlne: E J. Young. Seattle: O. R. Mor his. San Francisco; R. B. Brown. Stockton; F. P Yuderig. Springfield; E. O. Putnam. Great Bend; Mrs. W. J. Lew-ellen. Spring water; U. E. Lewcllen. Moro; J. F. Devs, Willows; J. C. Stanley, Boomvllle; R. S. Stanley, Memphis; Mrs. C. B. Fagnant, Stockton; Mrs. W. G. Cohen. Alameda; Misa Florence Johnson. Mill Valley; Bertha Coop er, Grace Cooper. Saginaw; D. W. Alton, H. S. Hamilton. M. W. Hanck. Pasco; Will French. La Grande; L. G. Bowers and fam ily. Dayton; Mrs. L. Gluck. A. Gluck. Mabel Gluck. Minneapolis: Clara Glesman. Mer rlan: S Coles. J. Scower and family. Ogden; H. Gerson. New York: F. B. Preston and wife. G. I. Buxton. Los Angeles: J. C. Eccles. Belle Fourche; J. W. McFarland and wife. Denver; E. H. Belden. Spokane; A. H. Irving. Berkeley; F. E. Howard. Oshkosh: T E Scott. Jr., and wife. Los Angeles; J. L. Blynn and wife, M. Blynn. Denver; Mrs. F H. Thornton.. Astoria; Mrs J. P. Will lama. Shullsburg; Miss Belle RIckert. shulls-burg- J G Morris and wife, Corvallis; R. Johnson. New York; B. Franklin. South port; E. S. Hlne and wife. C. A. Crawford. Miss Frances Taylor. San Francisco; B. F Lawrence and wife. Indianapolis; E. E Johnson and wife. Coquille; N O. Miller Moline: Mrs. Jennie Burleigh. Miss Minnie Shiftier. Los Angeles; F. E. Stewart. George Gray. San Francisco; W. S. Berdan. N9v York- Dr. S. H. Leach. Columbus; Mrs. B. Wright and daughter, Mrs. D. McKay, Grand Rapids; I. H. Dornsife. wife and son. Kansas City: J. J. Swigart. R. F. Swigart. Pomona; C. Fladln. Chicago; J. A. Fore hand. M. E Bryant. Josiah C. Moore. Seattle- T P. Mack. Indianapolis: A. R. Black, Coeur d'Alene; T. G. Gerdine. U. S. Geo logical Survey; Mrs. W. B. Hewitt, Ross Hewitt. Mansfleld; 1. F. S. Levans. Vale, G. L Blggers. La Grande: Z. A. Johnson, Net Perce- F Diedrlcks, Philadelphia; Miss M. E. Ringe.' Miss Margaret Ringe. German town: J. Harvey. Chicago; J. J. Moynahan. Leadvllle: J. F. Donnelly. A. V, . Creadick Raker City: F. C. McGowan. C. A. Alisky and f wife. Deary : J. A. Cussen. fan Fran cisco; A. Forgate. Los Angeles: J. H. Boal and wife. Chicago: H. Parker. San Francis co; H. Meblus and wife. Wichita; C. Harmls. New York: I. L. Lower, Pasadena; Mrs. A. R. Nunn. St. Louis. The Xew Perkins. Harris Woodward, Ok lahoma: Mrs. S. Schmelser. Davis Cel.. Mrs. 1 A. Schmelser. Davis. Cal.: Miss E. F. Schmelser. Davis. Cal.; W F Botford lS Angeles- E. Rowe. Victoria, B. C. . Dell Fuller and sister. Everett: Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wellman. Arlington, Iowa: Louise Mor ton. Salt Lake City; P. L. Castle and wife. Dallas: Miss Nettle Christian Tacoma. A. Hvland. Clubla. Wash.: B. Wapner Seattle- N N. Jean, Albany: Margaret Mclnern. Caj; Mrs. A. Campbell. S. L. C.:- Henry Lee and wife. Proctor. Nevada; Anne Kom on Proctor. Nevada; M. B. Wellman. Proc tor Nevada: W. C. Thompson and wire. Dank?) 111.; John Anderson. Hood River; T. W Frame. Minneapolis; Miss Jessie Chap llni Minneapolis; Rose Miller. Astoria; A. R. Miller. Astoria; Mr. J. Hill and wife. St. Louis: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W Irwin Mc G1II. Nevada; Master Geo. Irwin. McGill. Nevada: Miss Charlotte M. Phillip Mc Minnvllle; H. H. Hastley and wife. Golden-dale- M. H. Lighthouse, Los Angeles; K. T Marion, Minneapolis; Ed Anderson and wife Carson. Wash.: A. B. Imel and wife. Ford Kansas: J. M. Imel. Ford. Kansas; Mrs S E. J.nkel. Dodge City. Kansas; A. S Wilson. Dodge City. Kansas: E. F. All shaw and wife. Portland; Mrs. Arlngton. Coos Bav; Fred Shafer. Mortella; S. S. S Smlch." Nordoff. Cal.: M. J. Ellen. Seattle; May Oger. New York; M. H. Waller and party New York; Mrs. B. O. Hennlng. Chicago- T M. Smith an family. San Antonio- 'Chas. E. Fay and wife. Spokane: H. Wilson. Hood River: Edgar Franz. Hood River- E. A. Franz. Hood River; T. Cherry. Wasco; A. Gibbon, Riley; Mr. and Mrs. Walbank and child, Kuna. Indiana; Mr. and Mrs B. H. Person. Kuna, Indiana: George Perry, Anderson. Indiana; B. H. Martin and wife Sheridan: Samuel Goldstein. New York: J. J. Rohan, Fong. N. D. : W. Hope. New York: George Senton and wife. Se attle: Robert Johnston and wife, Lawrence, Kansas; Mrs. E. H. Brown. Los Angeles: Lllla M. Gordon. Seward: W. B. Johnston. Roseburg; Mrs. R. H. -Wlscawer, McMlnn vllle. The Imperial. L. Wright. Union: P. Seel Ig Marshneld: Mrs. A. Seellg. Marshfleld; J. Kramer and wif. Falls City; M. Pratt and famllv. Milwaukee. Wis.: J. Holland and daughter. Burns: C. Wallen and wife. Cam as: P. Monfout and wife. Spokane; W. Gllller. Bandon: A. Moster. Canyon; Alice Beebles. Salem; Eva Savage. Salem: G. Eb rehard Grants Pass: Mrs. Ebrehard, Grants Pass: Mrs. J. W. Burges, Pendleton; Mrs. N A Ashby, Antelope; C. Cunningham. Saratoga. Cal.: Mrs. E. Cunnlngtaum. Sara toga. Cal.: Florence Cunningham. Saratoga, Cal.: C. S. Walkers, city: A. Barker, city; B Barker, city; Gene Beanpoe, city: E. Snelling. Cathlamet; C. Sproat. Hood River: A Stelncamp. Sumpter: Mrs. S. M. Welst. Marshfleld; J. Hilts. Roy. Oregon: Mrs. Sample and daughter. Brookings. S. D. ; Miss H. Poolev. Hlllsboro; Mrs. L. Sample and children. Hlllsboro: F. Wash. Alameda. Cal : J. Glllett. Pilot Rock; J. Baits. Pilot Rock: N. M-eyer, New York: Mrs. J. James. Denver. Oregon: Mrs. B. Hastings, Silver City. Idaho: Miss Hastings. Silver City, Idaho; J. Evans, Winnipeg; Ed Evans, Win nipeg: J. Chick and wife. Pasadena, Cal.; C. Klllen and wife. Pasadena, Cal.: C. J. Ivanhoe. La Grande. Oregon: W. Horbelt, Dee, Oregon: H. Hornton and wife. Burns; Mrs L. Lyss and son. Atchison, Kansas; T. Carmishall and wife. Gaston. Oregon; C. Perrln and wife. Cedar Rapids; N. R. Kln cald. Eugene; R. C. Malon-e, Frisco, Cal.; E. M. Malone. Frisco. Cal.; M. Horner. Wal ler Lake. Mich.: J. Rhodes. New York; F. Newbv. Hood River; L. R. Brough and wife. Ogden; V. Mlnnette, Bingham, Mich. The Seward H. A. Walker and wife and child. Nebraska; Miss Kate Sears. Mits Eva Sears. Minneapolis: Miss Mary M. Williams. Boston: A. B. Ogle and wife. Courtknd; B. E. Watson. Olympia; J. C. Kramer and wife. Falls City: C. E. Gutman and wife. Pendleton: Miss M. Robins. San Jose; K. Sternberg. Mary Hyland, St. Louis: T. Hy land. Denver: W. D. Griffin, and wife. Omaha: Mr. and Mrs. Evan Williams. Ohio; J. G. Vlkamp. Grand Canyon: R. G. Babbitt. Arizona: E. S. HofTman. New York; Frank Yak. San Francisco: D. H. Palmer. La Crosse: B. A. Gilford. The Dalles; E. E. McClure city: E. E. Mills and wife. White Salmon: Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Granger. Den ver: J. W. Page and daughter, Carsconi W. B. Beaming and wife and son. Union. Neb.; A. Blown. Montreal: Mr. and Mrs. Ehle. Chicago; "J. D. Gray and wife. Toronto: E. McFarland. C. Malone. L. S. Redmond. Den ver: R. Hendricks, Hood River; Anna Keam, Omaha: Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Swinton. New York: R. P. Cross. Chicago; J. E. Squires and wife. Iowa. The Lenox Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Nelsln. Gordone: Mrs. J. Mason, Corvallis: T. C. Wilson and wife. Spokane: J. W. Garrett, Tillamook: F. G. Miller and wife and child, Phoenix: Mrs. R. W. Hindley. Roseburg; E P. (Thesnut. Joplln: V. E. Radles, city; C Klnsey. L. R. Griffith, city: A. P. Kar bauk Omaha: E. F. Bauer and wife. New York: C. H. Cornell and wife. Santa Cruz: C. Neavepiz. Tacoma: W. D. Kingsburq and wife. Denver: G. Penman and wife. Kellogg, Idaho: Mrs. M. H. Nichols. Denver: G. C. Nichols. Denver; W. J. Wade and wife, McAallister: A. K. Deffenbaug and wife, Hastings. Neb.; Mrs. V, G. Phlpp, Chicago; F. G. Coyner. Rockford: A. C Welhelll, Sumpter: W. Woods and family. A. C. Hub hard and family. Med ford: F. K. Bean. Mc pherson Kan.: J. W. Jones. Dallas. Tex.; F J. Eppler, Sherwood; B. Tooze, Sumpter; ( Special Notice to Business Men Through the courtesy and permission of the well-known artist, Mr. Alonzo Kimball, we have arranged to issue a series of Souvenir Calendar 'Postal Cards, bearing repro ductions (in colors) of illus trations by Mr. Kimball. . A new subject will be is sued every month and mailed by us, free, to our friends who will send us their home address, or call at our store. This series comprises ex amples of Mr. Kimball's best work; every picture "tells a story"; and the set is well worth the effort to secure. Let us hear from you at once, so you will get the first issue of the set of twelve. LION CLOTHIERS 166-170 THIRD ST. Miss Dot Saylor. Sumpter: L. J. w'nebsf and wife. Lewlston: E M. Buckley. Ka lama zoo; S. Simon, city: A. L. VVebb. t.hicago (-. V. Hawk, city: Gertrude Adams, orand Forks, r. v.; airs, anincn. C. F. Num. A. Num. Los Angeles: J. 1. Logan. The St. Charles. Harry w,e,lsA "w N H. McKav. Sauvies Island; c. H. mc Clain. Skamokawa: C. Flsk. Swensen; J. A. Johnston. Falls City; S. L. Woods, hlielton. J. H. Tlmmeu. Ilwaco: J. E Tlmmeu. 11 waco; Mrs. B. Fanbion and child. Rf'"'" Paul Klrsch. Philadelphia: Emil Klecker, Philadelphia; A. Holien. Flandreau S. D. J. P. Tenold. Flandreau. S. D.: C. E. Rey nolds and wife. Tillamook: Cosy Clark. Til lamook: Geo. Mann and wife. Ostrander; J. N. McNeil. Halsey; Mabel Spear. Latourelle, Ella Wltlnyer. Camas: Maud erebery. Camas; D. Sturgs. Mosler: J. K. McGregor. Mosler; H. O. Thomas. Logan, Utah: Ld-w-in Remington. Logan. Utah; E B. Brown. Grants Pass; Mrs. A. J. Van Vassell. Ka lama: Mrs. N. Le Roy. Kalama: M. k Mc Lennsn. Hutchinson. Kansas; Frank Mlssl mer and family. Bunker Hill. Kansas: Max Young. Astoria; J. W. Goddard and wife. Spokane; Mrs. Drain and daughter. Butler. L. Henry. Lafayette; F. Janes and wife. Washougal: A. Jones and wife, Washougal; George Smith. Elma: John Barr. Clatskan e. O S. Boyles. Molalla; J. H. Stlpp, Pendle ton; C. E. Anderson and family. Boring: A. Bell. Sandy; J. A. Barhan. fjty: W. Meraks. Canby: John Murray and wife. Rock Falls. Idaho; H. Clase and son. Newberg: V S. Talbott, city; Rev. Henry Pitteiars. Tacoma; Harry Waldo. Tacoma: C C. Hutchinson. Canby: Hattle Hutchinson, Can by; Wm. Ryan and niece, city; Mrs. Llzie Hodlev and daughter, city; C. S. Robinson and wife. Walla Walla; Thos. Haggert. Newport- J. C. Durant. Oakland: J. L. Med ley Oakland; W. H. Smith, Oakland; L. F. Braun. Oakland: Brt Brain. Rainier: J. W. Klrkpatrick. Wlnfleld. Kansas; Mrs. May Miller. Wlnfleld. Kansas: A. A. Suber. Dan alsvllle Ga. : Mrs. J. H. Helnen. Jennings; Mrs. McRoberts, Jennings; Miss Ermlns, Jennings; Mrs. B. A Allison. McPherson, Kansos; Mrs. G. W. Allison. McPherson. Kansas: Mrs. J. B. Danah. McPherson, Kan sas: Mrs. D. A. Brodley, McPherson. Kansas- W. W. Harvey and wife, Eugene: C M Toby and wife. La Center; J. C. Rath burn and wife. Everett; W. T. BInser and son Woodland; Ralph Gibson. Woodland; Jessie Wilson, Woodland; Doro Gibson, Woodland: M. J. Martin. Lake Shore, Wash.; Frank Pelbody, Dufur. The Cornelius. Wm. Gerlg. Memphis, Tenn H. A. FortreidVi, San Francisco; R. S Bovne. San Francisco: Marian MacRae, Hood River; Mrs. W. R. Lyle. Rlpon, Wis.; Mrs B Schallern. Rlpon. Wis.: Frances Carter. Mexico. Mo.; Mary Elber. Mexico, Mo : Miss A. O. Webster, Seattle: Mrr. H. Hoffman and sons, Los Angeles; Miss Itose Hoffman. Los Angeles; E. Rhodes Moller, Hood River; O. H. Esman, Grants Pass; A. Erlckson, Oregon City; T. C. Russell, Coos Bay; Blanche Stanton, Sllverton; O. E. Graves Chicago; Daniel McKlnnon. 1909: J. N Cleaver, city; Mrs. F. U. Gormley and son Milwaukee: R. S. Hyde. Cascade Locks; H P Dlsher and wife. Wasco: Mrs. Galksher arid child. Wasco; O. B. Scott and wife, Bethany, Mo.; H. C. Davis, Sandy; M. H. Mosgrove. Milton. Oregon; Chas. Barrow, Athena: O. H. Johns and wife. Seattle; Geo. W ' Belmont, Seattle; Stella M. Bennett. Ml'leford, N. Y. ; Ella A. Morehouse. Hart wick N. Y. : Frank N. Wlnlon, Hayward, Cal F R. McMellon and wife, Sunnyslde; Chas K. SpauMing. Salem. Oregon; Louis sh and wife. Colusa, Cal.; E. B. Broderick. San Francisco; Mrs. Frank Frosberg. Ore gon City; Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Lelir, Parla. Kansas: Chas. C. Smith, Danville. 111.: G. H Smith. Danville. 111.: O. Harmony, Okla homa City; Randolph Mason. Portland: W. B Clint and wife. Houston: Margaret A. :)iiiiinHiiiiiuiiir.ittmiiiii!iiiiii!DiiiiiiiEMinniiU!iJ!ii!!iiaiiii w atch the Grocer's "TOUR grocer is not going to offer you a "substitute" for Shredded Wheat Bis cuit He knows there is no substitute for it He knows that Shredded Wheat is in a class by itself unique and incom parable that no other cereal can take its place but mistakes happen in the best regulated groceries. See that the grocer's basket always contains Shredded Wheat Give your grocer a standing order packages a week that means health and happi ness for children as well as grown-ups it means well-nourished bodies, strength and health for the day's work. Shredded Wheat is made of the choicest selected white wheat, cleaned, steam-cooked and baked. Try it for breakfast to-morrow with milk or. cream. The Biscuit is also delicious for any meal in combination with fresh or preserved fruits. THE ONLY " BREAKFAST CEREAL" MADE IN BISCUIT FORM 53 III Hi r j' Ml II 1 1 ji 1 mm iw GAMBRINU PHONES A 1149 Freese. Salt Lake; Steva Secarup. Salt LaThe Caluraet-C Cunningham and wife. McMinnvllle; Mrs. C. BHbbs. Columbia. v. . Tj,-(ik citv G C. Daubson. Salt laKe. a! R?cke'rkson. Burns; G. R Rb's; "f mlstcn: C. K. Williams. Boise . F Mejers Salt Lake- C. H. Putnam and wife, kock ford;" Burke. Bainler: W. Brown and ?i&1?w.-D TElrod' Po'ccno; M. We?. I wel? ' Chicaso: M?s. F. Pencoast. Pitts bur? M C W Nelll. Chicago; Mrs. Henry lang Salem: J. Dunckler. Marion; J. W. Da'anS wife. Boise; H Senfort Seaview; W R Marlon. South Bend; J. Ale"nd" and wife, centeryille; J. A. shaw,-,Alban' O. insram and wife. Lebanon; Mrs J- B. Lee. Corvallis: Miss Lee. corvallis. Mrs. T. M Larson. Spokane: A. G. Feehan. Seattle. E' F Falrchild, San Francisco; H. A. I andes J W. Lockhart, Galveston; C M. Muente. New York; A. Arnold, Minneapo hs; Mrs D. Stewart. Rio Vteta; Mrs. Nettle Morton. Mia. L. Paulson. B Paulson. San Francisco: K. Mullen. Los Angeles: D E. Stadler. Seattle; H. Pope, city; B E. Las. Hood River; Mrs. C Chase, Seattle; D W Swd and family. Philadelphia; C. Oaborn and wife. Rainier; A. J. Cartwrlght and wife. Chico; J. A. Butchcoe and wife. Cle Elun; Mis. C. A. Holme-. A. J. Stiles. Mrs. W W Holmes. Des Moines; R. Bowen and wife. Bo:se; J. M. Ross and wife, Baker i-itv: Mrs S. M. Weist. Marshland; Mrs. C. H. Glo. city: P. J. Featherton. K. Fcath- Biscuit The Bottled Beer of Quality The beer that makes, but never loses friends, "GAMBRINUS SELECT" always the same, always in demand, always to be had in first-class places. Order a case from your grocer, or call up the brewery both phones prompt delivery. Once obtained, we never lose a customer. PRICES: Large size, $1.75 per case of one doz. Small Size, $2.00 per case of two doz. Usual allowance made for return of empty bottles WING MAIN 49 erton, Appleton; T. Johnson and wife. Baker citv; J. K. Lewis and wife. Miss Jessie Lewis. Redding; B. Farrell. Appleton; C. H. Hawkins, F. E. Simon, Seattle; R. F. Magulre. citv; C. Clegg. Seattle; K. Youle, W. Youle. Wlnfleld; J. S. Buraell and fam ily. Camas; G. S. Smith, Washington; C. H. Adams. Ontario; T. W. Luke. Silverton; R. A. Baggs. Grlnnell; H. B. Landaal and wife, Wupun; F. A. McNair. Oregon City; F. W. Rankins and wife. C. L. Ranklns. Buffalo; F J. Bradner, Canton; E. O. Keefe, Hood River; R. W. Paulson, Seattle; Hon. C. E. Waldo. Canton: H. Campbell and wife. Kansas city; J. Roseburough. Cincinnati; Mrs. Slaughter. Miss E.. Slaughter. Spring field: H. O. Thompson. Cottage Grove; W. ! C. Gallagher and family. Calgary; P. H. Klagwav. seaitie; uowning unu nur, n. Hampson. Rainier; H. V. Dalton and fam llv, Seattle: H. B. Beard, Reading; I. Shakes. Bourbon; H. W. , Grout. Waterloo; ,r. N. Cleaver, city; H. L. Dunn, city; J. P. plane and family, Oakland; C. E. Benton and wife, Seattle; J. W. Barry, New York; Mrs. Faught, Miss Faught, Washington; O. Branbaugh. A. B. Wilson. Tacoma; Sam Gaches. George Gaches, Hongkong: A. Her man, F. E. Dale, Edgemont; W. T. Clarke and wife, Berkeley: J. H. Branscomb. Butte W E. Lott. Colorado Springs; J. F. Stewart. Toledo: W. W. HeUskell. Seattle; T. J. Han ley, Everett: K. O. Walker and wife. Sacra mento: C. Toll. Shell Rock: H. R. Wilkin son. St. Louis; S. Seowerft, J. Scowerft. Ogden: W. H. Ellles. Hood River; M. E. for so many BRE Basket COMPANY PORTLAND. OREGON Taverner, Ashland: B. Richardson. Klamath Falls; A. Leonard. Scappoose; E. Henderson. Houlton; W. E. Wright. Omaha; M. Blocker and wife. Springfield; Mrs. R. W. Paulson, San Francisco; F. W. Durbln, Antelope; C. E. Carter. Grinnell; J. F. Richardson and ' wife. Payette; M. West. Washington; W. A. Robinson. San Francisco; C. W. White. Byron; E. A. Richardson. Phoenix: H. P. Hicks and wife, F. H. Beverly, Denver; H. E. Buffum, Astoria. The Ramapo John McOMntock. Orms town; J. H. Krok. D. Collier and wife. P. J. Fltzsimmons. L. M. Chlsney, Indianapo lis; B. S. Davis. North Dakota: Mrs. T. J. Campbell. Lathrop, Mrs. A. G. Gall. Latn-op. Mo.; O. A Hartley and v.ife. Maine; D. A Poller. Colorado: B. Nelson. Salt Lake: S." L. Poage city; Miss Anna Ogden, ll. P. Cahlll ar.d wife. Paso Rnhl: C. A. Little. G. E. Oliver, K. Fantar. Seattle; J. Reavls. Indiana: Fred P. Smith. Cticago; Fred Potter. Seattle: J. J. Meadan, Spokane; A. A. Wheaton. Miss H Smith. Minneapolis; H. H Cort, Portland; Florence B. Rey nolds. Portland; C. G. Mooman. Maine; F. J. Stevens, and wife. Hlllsboro; Mattle Glesson. St. Paul: J. Robson, Virginia; N. F. Eversole and wife. Sedalla: S. E. Welsh. Pittsburg: D. Moore. Wisconsin; W. Caster line. Wisconsin; J. F. Gooding. Denver; P. N. Ferguson and wife. California; G. E. Williams. St. Paul. Minn.; A. M. Powell. Alaska: N. P. Woodward. Texas: W. W. Hair and family. Texas: Miss Mary Larson. Jacob Gllfricd. Sacramento; O. C. Hyde and wife. Prinvllle. I