V THE MORXIXG OREGOXI AX. THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 1909. , I ' I PKKSOvZlZ BUSUUtSS DIRECTORY. WRHEXT. I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BU8PTESS OPPOBTUXmES. MOXEX TO EOAX. " Hoarktinjr; Kuomi In Private Family. SEE those 2 suites or nicely furnished homikepfni; front rooms, yard, tres. rosea. fine n!ghbortifoi; waiKin ousiance, owr Jookinjr river; phono, lights, hath,; adjlt fll. .4 rZ. Bin. i'nnne t-enwooa jiuw. 8-ROOM, modern h"uo, with irai. electric lirht. city wawr, lartre attic, cement oasa- ment. furnished, sarden. one Merit from carllne and school house; rent $ -6 1'S'JQ E. Taylor at., near 4inh. FOR RENT S-room partially furnished hoiie. Council crest : larce livinir-room. 4 fireplaces. ' tooths, furnace, all modern Improvement. $73 per month, phone- Mar 74i, at noon. .ROOM house, with acre ground; west lone f r Tabor: fine view of city : 4 blocks from Hawthorne car. Phone East MODERN house, walking distance; furnace. fireplaces, double lighting. Apply SOI the Iekum bids- 10- IRVINGTON Nearly new, 0-room house. rnt $25. rail 440 Kast nth si. aonn Phone C MOKKN S-room house, attic, basvment, trays. 57 I-i. ltn a, rnone tJ " FOR RENT I-arce S-roora house. 104 East ISTh. cor. Washington; Key next uwr rent FOR RENT o-room cottage, 419 Hancock e.ectrio llht. bath, etc Inquire 435 7th st. N. EL vinnru v it-mnm ptAiia shfldes. fixtures, tlntlnr. lawn; Holladay1! Addition. $27-00. A 3v. , -ROOM flat, Cl7 Everett ; bath, furnace. Apply Bfceehy Bro. litu wtn VROOM house, newly fired up; No. 232 Glbba St.. between Lat and za, et owe. 0-ROOM COTTAGE, RENT CHEAP. SS7 OVERTON. MODERN -ROOM house, near Steel bridge. Inquire 1SS McMillan . tTEPT. I. 8-room house, rood condition; yard. 30 Haiey st. T35 RODNEY AVE Modem, roonu. bath. ga $15 month, rnone o. J-ROOM cottage, northwest corner 19th and Savler. MODERN 0-room house, Cut 22d and Main CALL on Hart man fc Thompson at the Cham- bar or ummrce. 4-ROOM cottage, bath and K S90 Hood ft, South Portland. Furnished Hooms. R.17 tItlor. cor. 18th. newly fnmlBhcd. nw!y tinted 6 -room corner flat, all new carpets. 3 large oay wmaowi, gas rajitrw, gas instant aneous water nomer ni ui rent COTTAO-E ft room, use of one bedroom reserved: llrht. water, gas, $25 month. In quire 494 Washington st. WEr mndarti nmimYA 1-room flat: B ml walk from P. O. : rent reasonable. 8S3 Bth st. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent very rea- eonable. Phone wooaiswn nu. 4-ROOM modem cottage, partly furnished. House for Ren I. Furniture for 81 e. MORRISON STREET. 9 rooms, nicely furnished; rent Is $4; some rooms are rented out and more can he if you want; the price la $mx on. easy terms; fine location ana muse do boiu; come quick. GRrPSI A ZADOTV, 817 Board of Trade Fid.. 4th and Oak. BITTERS desiring flneat-clase home furntsh- ingfl examine my oner; Det cirpeii, run, ,'andaome furniture; perfect condition; lowest price; new house, 7 rooms; gas, electricity, furnace; fine location. ft03 East Couch, near 20th. Anaeny car. iuaaiii FTTRNTTT"RE of two housekee-plns; for sale, rooms for rent by month; rent $5 month; wilt sll cheap If taken at onoe; ak. for Mr. MaJoney. 4 u-on ave. oouui, up- stair. East 40-0. FI'RMTURE of a -room flat for sale; uteam heat, modern, good location for rent ir rooms: cheaost rent In the city. 551 Washington at., flat A. THREE-ROOM flat. Columbia street, close in rent 1 2 onl v 1125: tout own term. Owner. 615 board of Trade. Splendid op portunity. Snap today. SIX-ROOM house, carllne. $110; 12 minutes' wlk Postofflce: two Momi rent for 116: fvturea and part furniture for sale. Main FTTtNITCREJ of ft-room house In good eon dttlon; house for rent; good location, olose la. Inquire at 77 wit Parte. NOB HILL, fl-room. modem cottage, rent FtTRNTTT."RB of 6-room Tat fT aale; all mod ern unprovementa. Zb& Columbia. FTTRXTTfR E 12 -room houaa paying $40 above ail expenses. 90S M1U st. Snnuiwr Rceortaw BETTER rnyeetlgate Columbia Beach, tha aeaalde capital of the Northwest. Columbia Trust company, oara or 'mat oiag. FfRNlSHED COTTAGE SEA SID Q. Apply 1T1 BO. Ktorea. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brlcsi tore building, 100x165, S. E. cor. Front and Pine ata. Apply C A. Polph, Mohawk bid. fyrORE'ROOM previously occupied by auto mobile garage; Lownsdale and Alder sts. Inquire at olh uregonian Diag. 6TORD 23x94 on prom ment street. West Bide; new building, $25. 824 Worcester Offlra, OFFICES, $13.50 and up. Desk room; furnished offleea. Suite for dentist and physician. All night elevator service. Best Location. 303 Swetland Bldg. CHOICE outside offices, new. modem build "g; reasonable. Call 835 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE outside office room for rent. Call 416 Commercial Club bidg. GROUND FLOOR office room, with basement If desired, at 90 5th M. OFFTCES for rent, reasonable, splendid lo cation. Inquire Johnston. M 7429. A FEW choice office rooms for rent In The Oregonlan bldg. Call at room 201. CHOICE business location for doctor and dentist. Phone C 1342. FOR RENT Half of furnished office. See Smith. 4ol Huchanan bids FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg. Apply Room 501. FOR RENT WARFHOVSES. NEW BRICK WAREHOi:.SE. Stc.r.iR? end transfer, K-west ratee. on raiiroaii tracks; beet facilities for shipping and transferring. Address or call on Bea.ll & Co. STORES FOR PALE. General store with busine.s of f 00 per nv'ith at irvoire; grocery ith business of $,.'.t" to $.i: per month at invoice; and or her plHi-.' for mere or Ie.s money; call an.i lnvc-t icate. 31 5 Lumber Exchange b:dg.. 2d and Stark ma. BAKERY. A fine No. 1 bakery In a fine business location; no competition within 12 blocks, larsre trade, employing fi men. 5-yenr lease on store and bakeshop. If you are Iooklng fr a good bakery on a paying basts this Is It; price W $4.-oo. GRl SSI ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bid., 4th and Oak. BI SINESR OPPORTrXITIES. GROCERY store: nice Ii:t!e place: stock and fixtures, everything complete, $400. Young, 512 Gerllnser bldg. $0f PARTNER wanted to take Interest In reliable business, paying large profile. Call 24 V Sfark st. CONFECTIONERY and clears; trade; $:.0. a day. Hall. 2irtB Ftark st. FOR SALE Feed store, beet location In the city, corner Wa'er and Montgomery. POOL and card !uh. do $2." a day; fine chance. Hall. 2'R Stark st. CONFECTIONERY, cipar and Ice cream par lor; InvestUate. Owner, 227 1st st. MRS. LENTS AGENCY. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. Phone Main o0; A 3473 2S0H Washington. Rooms 406-407. If you are looking for a rooming-house In Portland. I can save you time and monev; will locate you right. HERE IS A FINE PROPOSITION: FIRST TIME OFFERED. dti rooms, located on a good comer, rent only $300 Including steam heat; good lease, a entrances; thia place has always been a money-maker and la at present netting over $400 monthly; owner Is called out of the city and baa cut the price to $f fr quick sale. ONE OF THE BEST IN THE CITY. 50 rooms, fin new corner brick build ing, running water In all rooms, private baths with every suite, steam heat, cheap rent with good lease; this house is beau tifully furnished and pays on the average over $350 net monthly profit; $0000 will handle this. NEW AND MODERN. 32 rooms, new brick building, furnished In best grade of carpets and furniture, hot and cold running water in all rooms, steam heat: thia place is a beauty and can be handled with $IS0O. 14 ROOMS. Fteam heat, hot and cold water Includ ed in rent, newly furnished and clearing $r,0 above rent and expenses; price $140o. J BECAl'SE we ask you for capital that ahouldn't make you suspicious of the merit of what w have to offer. Some people reason that If anything is so good vou would not part with a portion f It. Just aa the ship must have propelling pow-er. to be of value, so must business have capital. Is there a man In this city, big enough, who has the nerve to tackle a large undertaking, combined with the necessary capital to make it succeed and thus acquire a valuable -Interest ? W $26, Oregonlan. DRUG STORE FOR SALE In small town In Southern Oregon; doing- good prescription business ; over 800 prescri ptlons in 7 months; only store In town; have only stock of paint and glass; will invoice about $1100; good trade In school supplies and stationery; sales about $250 cash per month; living-rooms in store building; . rent $8 per month. Act quick. W 314, Oregonlan. HOTEL AND BAR. Good hotel of 46 furnished rooms. In cludes bar and fixtures and stock; also furniture of office, dining-room and kitch en; leased for about Zhk years at $130 per month; price Is $2&0; a big bargain; come quick. GRUeSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. A RARE opportunity Is open to a man of ability who will Invest $7500; should you be seeking an opening in the commercial world that has for its market the whole of the t'nlted Ftates. communicate with us ami we can convince you that we hava it and that It will pay 100 per cent profit. K $20, Oregonlan. WHEN It was suggested to Beeman by his stenographer that he put pepsin In gum he was a struggling doctor; ho acted upon the advice and died worth millions; be had the whole of this great republic to draw upon aa a market; better answer this ad. P 332, Oregonlan. METALIZE choice roses for hatpins, souve nir to Eastern friends; flowers. Insects, etc., metaJised; latest novelty; big money selling same as Jewelry; formulae, full In struction, $1. Thompson-Glftord Co., P. O. Box 1250, Spokane. Wash. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY 6TORB. Nice little cigar store in a waiting-room doing a nice business; price is $475; must be sold; come quick. OKUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. PARTNER WANTED In an old-established real estate office to show land, etc.; ex- pt nence not necessary ; nonty and so briety Is all that Is required; very little money. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bidg., 2d and Stark stst. REAL ESTATE office, doing good business that we can show to the right man; wants partner: cannot attend to crrica ana out side alone ; man willing to work can make $150 monthly. For particulars call room 523 Lumber Licnange. FOR SALE Hotel in country towns?, ranging from $1250 to $30,000. with and without bar; rooming-houses In city also; if you want sure winners, see me. Jos. C. Gib son, 805 Gerlinger bldg., 24 and Alder. $375 BUYS money making well equipped restaurant; counter ani l" taoies; seats over SO people; old established business; once sold for $1800; force sale; big snap; apply 206 Morrison street. AN exceptionally good grocery proposition at invoice; aooui .uw. c&u oo won i 101 KllUngsworth ave. ; take St. Johns or L car. Pnone Woodlawn 1070. DRVO BUSINESS, stock and fixtures, lo cated In new brick building; long leae; cheap rent; in thriving town In the Wll- lfunette Valley. For further information address Box 244. Eugene. Or. FOR SALE Grocery, cigar, confectionery and Ice cream stand, good business, comer location. 5 living rooms in connection. Phone Woodlawn 1891. Call and see owner, 7S0 Mississippi ave.. city. REAL ESTATE! Owner wants partner to show land, etc.; require litue money ana energetic man enn clear $200 month. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. BUTCHER shop, A-l location. West Side. doing a business or Z2."oo per montn. can be had at a decided bargain. 204-5 Henry bldg. WORTH WHILE. First class grille and restaurant man with little money; call at the Different Cafe, 292 Burnalde St. CONFECT I ONE R Y worth $ 4ft0 for on ly $ Ji.0; one of the best locations In the city; terms. Owner, 015 Board of Trade bldg. Splendid opportunity. WE can locate you in paying business. Be fore buyliicT be sune ana see us. Kinney A Stampher, 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone A 468L I WANT to correspond with a doctor that has $S0OO to put Into one of the best health resorts on the Pacific Coast; a for tune in It. AK 823, Oregonlan. A-l BUTTER, eggs and cheese store, also handles boiled meats; this Is a dandy and can be bouxM cheap If taken at once. 402 Gerlinger bldg. WANTED Active partner in well estab lished profitable manufacturing plant In city. $2500 to $5000. Address B 330. Ore gonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE 24 rooms, down town; lease; good money-maker. Hall, 20GB Stark st. PARTNER wanted to check goods, keep plain accounts, etc; JoO required : will pay you $5 week. Call 24S Stark at. RESTAURANT Central, clearing, aTter paying all expenses J 20 month ; $5ou will take It today. Call 248 4 Stark st. GOOD paying motion picture theater, in gooa town, ror saie; win teacn tne busi ness. H. G. Mapes. 60 N. 14th St. SALOON for sale; prominent corner, long lease; finest buy in Portland. Particu lars. 610 Buchsnan bldg. PARTNER wanted for solid grocery, doing good cash rusiness; money secured. Room 417 Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT On Sept. l the Beverly dining- room, completely furnished, running order at present. Call A lfifi". SALOON for sale, cheap, if taken at once. Inquire of Wrth Pacific Brewing Co., cor. of 18th and Upshur st. WANTED Party as one of the incorpor- atora 01 an enucanonai oevice. 19 (jam bridge bldg.. 3d and Morrison. $oo Good paying lunch counter must be soin account sickness at a bargain. Call 519 Swetland bldg. FOR 3ALE Old-establlshM dye works doing gioa outness; opportunity rr right party. For particulars- address N 320, Oregonian. SALOON Doing a fine -business, downtown. long lease, at a decided bargain. 204-5 Henry bldg. 2-STORY building with store for rent, or for sale. iiO coroett su CAPITALISTS looking for rreat mining op portunity smouia ar.oress . 3.io, oregonlan. FOR SALE Half Interest In blacksmith shop; Al locality, uui. uregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale, good location. 215 11th st., cor. paimon at. FOR SALE Blacksmith and wagon shp. Ad- drest J. P. lhoniae, centerviae. Wash. GROCERY Best store in Portland; see us about it. Hall. 2WH stark st. 20 ROOMS, rent $S; g;ood furniture, snap iiu--u. inquire otnee. zi- atn at. $2 FOR 1000 business cards; 100. 50c. Rose City Printery, ld2h 3d uU, near Taylor. $0OO PROFIT PER MONTH. Hotel. In heart of business district, hot and cold water In every room; rooms single or en suite; splendid solid oak and mahogany furniture, carpets velvet; the place is clearing $600 per month; price $8000, $5000 cash, balance to suit at 0 per cent. . F & F COMMERCIAL REALTY CO., 403 Merchants Trust Bldg. AN ESTABLISHED BUSINESS FOR SALE. A department store in one of the best towns in Oregon; a money-maker, doing a cash business; will Invoice about $18,000; can reduce stock to suit purchaser; good location, low rent, modem fixtures, lease, modem living-rooms; good reason for sell ing; will take part or all in income bear ing inside real estate, in Seattle or Port land; if you mean business address W SZO, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT AND LUNCHROOM. One of the best restaurants in the city, on (Uh st., doing a large business, clearing $joo per month; we will give you a trial before you buy; owner is going away and must sell; the price for 3 days Is $1600: Jum like finding it; thle Is a bona fide proposition and will make money for you; seeing Is believing. Let us show you. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak Sts. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. Good business man wanted for partner In nice manufacturing business on a pay ing basis and no competition; only 1-s the territory covered; price for Interest to $1500; a chance not often found; come quick. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak Sts. BUSINESS CHANCE DEPARTMENT The Ames Mercantile Agency (established 1SH2). Inquiries on openings In mercan tile and manufacturing lines received dally. Information on locations for mer chants and on investments of all kinds. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Ablngton Bldg. 1. 2 OR 8 parties to Invest $2300 and multi ply It by 8 In two years; 160 acres platted in 0 and 10-acre tracts, water on and can be iut on all; close to school, stores and station on electric railway; owner, a real estate man. will attend to all de tails of marketing the tracts. M 334, Oregonlan. GOOD money-making country stores from $2500 up; good money-making hotels and rooming-houses, and manufacturing "lousi ness. Call If you want a good business. Business chances of merit listed for quick sale by F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison Btreet. REAL estate man will take young man as partner to show land; no experience neces sary and very little cash required; good chance for bright fellow, particulars Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 326 H Washing ton St., room 510. FOR SALE Barber shop and confectionery store, furnished rooms above; good loca tion, cheap rent, 2 years' lease on prop erty; good paying business; must be sold at once. Prop. Mr. Thilps, 881 H E. Pine street. PARTNER wanted to attend office and do collecting, etc. ; owner will furnish ref erences, and guarantee salary $25 weekly besides profits; very little money re quired. For particulars call room 523 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER WANTED Experience not necessary beyond ability to show land, etc.; will pay active man $200 month; little money required. Call 243 H Stark street. LIGHT MANUFACTURING Partner want ed, willing to work and learn the busi ness; pay you $20 week at start; has splendid tfuture. Call room 417 Board of Trade bldg. $20,000 TO $25,000 made by using your homestead right ; this la the best Invest ment you can make; this chance will not last long. Call and see us. Room 502 Ore gonlan bldg. AN OPPORTUNITY for young men to learn telegraphy and general railroad office prac tice; good position assured; complete course $17.50. Inquire at office of Y. M. C. A. for particular information. SPECIAL Want services of energetic man able to Invest small amount of money in reliable business; pay good salary, also proms; prefer man used to farm produce. . lioom 41 i lioara or iraae Diag. WE WANT a capable man to handle our ac count In Washington; territory covering 10 towns; 9244)0 a year to the right party; xaoM necessary as security on snipments. Address Manufacturer, AC oil, uregonian. BAKERY and confectionery in country town of lOOO population: only bakery in town. $GOO if taken this month. Address City Bakery, Medical Lake, Wash. HAVE small capital, will join party with equal amount in small business, Portland or small town; references given and re quired. A 336, Oregonlan. WANTED A bookkeeper to act as sec retary of established manufacturing bus! ness: good salary besides profits; $1000 required. For particulars call room 523 Lumber Exchange. DO YOU want supplies or rent film? We are independent, ub not belong to tne trust. Pacific Film Co., 803 Rothchlld tldg., Portland, Or. COMMERCIAL business or partnership wanted, in Portland or country, where services and $20k would meet with fair return. V 333, oregonlan. FOR SALE One of the leading produce commission businesses of the city; will sea l-s interest, i-s interest, or tne en tire business. Call 429 Lumbermens bldg. MONEY wanted to develop an established business; good profits; no chance to lose: look Into thle at once. Address Gus Lar son, Falls City, Or. WANTED Capable party with $2000 to IdOOO to tak3 active interest in live manu facturing company doing a good business. B 291, Oregonlan. SMALL up-to-date printing plant for sale, $200 less than cost; must be sold at once; doing good business; investigate. G 331, Oregonlan. GROCERY, suburban town, at invoice, about $3oOO; owner retiring; best trade; chance of a lifetime: terms If deeired. A. D. Chris tiansen, 125 Front st, SALE OR TRADE. Fine bar fixtures, value $1500, for $350; will sell or trade for anything of value. A 3-7, Oregonlan. 1 $2H5 Splendid comer cigar store, plenty of room, valuable lease; busy comers; deal with owner. T 330, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT and lodging-house for sale cheap, on account of poor health. 375 19th North. PARTNER wanted to check goods, collect, etc.; pay you $4 day; $2.'0 required. Room 417 Board of Trade bldg. FIRST-CLASS little delicatessen, confectionery and Ice cream busint; new building; living rooms, opened by owner. Tabor 11S0. W A NTED Young man to show property ; little money required; big snap for good rustler. 225 5th at. GROCERY 4 living-rooms, no rent, lease. Invoice; will take part trade; fine family trade. Ring Main 7214. CHEAP Delicatessen and home bakery; good reason for selling. Phone East 106, or see owner. 409 East Burnslde st. SPECIAL Live man with $850 and serv ices can clear $200 montn as partner in solid business. Call 248 y Stark st. WANTED Steady man. little money, for es tablished business. Call at 303 Vi Washing ton st., room 14. WILL sell your rooming-house, business or get you partner without publicity. Room 320 Lumbermen's. Fifth and Stark. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought- and sold Fletcher In v. Co., 125 Ablngton. WILL buy a grocery with living rooms In connection from owner for caeh. N 323, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUS'E for sale by owner. 485 Alder at. 18 ROOMS, furnished complete for house keeping, at a bargain on account of sick ness. Phone East 4670. $300 AND services of hustling young man, secures good paying business proposition. Call 226 Washington St.. room 417. PARTNER WANTED for strictly cash busi ness; pay you $5 day; $275 required. Call 248 H Stark st. CIGAR STAND, center of city, long lease. Hall. 26rtB Stark st. DRUGSTORE, doing good business; excel lent opportunity. L 32a. Oregonian. RESTAURANT In a good location; good money-maker Particulars. Main 5219. 5, 10 AND 15-cent store, fine location; will Invoice. Hall. 266B Si ark St. hotttt. por SALE Extra! Extral Extra Who will be fortunate enough to get this 50-room, modern brick hotel, close down town. select neighborhood. high-class regular patronage, elevator, private baths, hot and cold water, telephone in every room, large dining-room with first-class silver and equipment to serve to peuiim, cost $15,000 to furniah. If sold this week four figures will buy It; $3500 cash, bal ance easy terms; owners have good reason for soiling; Apply Joseph C. Gibson, 305 Gerlinger Diag. HERB IT IS. A DANDY. VI rooms, fine modem building, complete ly renovated and newly furnished; CHEAP RENT AND A GOOD LEASE; this Is a fine place and a good money-maker. See It at once ir you axe hwrius bwu. uu, Price only iH. D IETZ - MUELLER CO., 815-16-17 Ablngton Bldg. TwT7-tA RTWrVT RTOTIFV A fine stock of groceries, dry goods, hnrdwnrA and seneral merchandise: flm fixtures and a fine business location In thia ntv: sales average over $200 per day lease on building at low rent; will sell at invoice, about $i)0OO. If you want to step Into a paying, established business, tni is It. GRUSSI ft ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. PARTNER WANTED In a first-class business et of references nlven and required: con tract salary of $150 per month; $300 re quired. Particulars room old iumDer nx change bldg., 2d and Stark sts. ROOMING-HOUSES. TtoOMrvo-HOUSB wanted. modem, high s-rade. 40 to 100 rooms; brick; West Side no agents; give price, terms, expense and profit. Ari fliitf, uregonian. FOR SALE 1 0-room house, 14 boarders. 446 3d st. 10-ROOM rooming-house, sacrifice, $300, four oiooxs 1 rum uiegyun. jiam BY owner, well furnished, 10-room house, rooms all rented; terms. dbS 5th. 22 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for sale, all good furniture. Call 42H Main. GOOD rooming-house for sale. . 243 Second st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals invited. 1909 Sealed proposals for removing rock iroin buuiucicu icoib mu nmni " n.l..kl. t Iiat aap TJ t rr L'Hlv will hN M celved here until 11 A.M., Sept. 23, 1909 ana men pumiciy upoueu. iului uihu iu nlshed on application. J. F. Mclndoe. Ma jor Engineers. stockholders Meeting;. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the annual atockholders' meeting of the Alt! Vista xtinine Pomn&nv of Portland. Oregon, will be held at the office of the secretary, 612 Couch blda. Portland. Oregon, luesday, at 7:30 P. M., September 7, 1909. for the purpose of electing five (5) directors and for transacting any other business that may lawfully be done at tne annual siui;& holders' meeting. D. M'KEEN, President. A. T. LEWIS, Secretary. KOTICM le hereby given that the annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Oregon Rail road A Navigation Company will be held at the office of the company In Portland, Or., Thursday. September 2, 1909, at the hour of 12 o'clock M., at whioh a board of di rectors will be elected and such other busi ness transacted as may properly come before the meeting. W. W. Cotton, secretary. Mlsceksaneona. Nfmrw TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Cltv Council of the City of Newport. Lin coln County, Oregon, until 7:30 P. M. on the 4th day of September, 1909, for the construction of water works for the City of Newport. Copies of specifications and instructions to bidders may be obtained at the office of the City Recorder. Newport, Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of deposit in some banking institution for a sum equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate amount of the bid, made payable to the City of Newport, Oregon, and bonds will be required of the successful bidder, me city reirYes me right to reject any or all bids or to accept any proposal offered. A. H. HAMPTON. Recorder. SALE OF WATERFRONT LOTS Puyallup Consolidated Indian Agency, Jacoma, waen., Aug. 21. 1909 Notice Is hereby given that on September 23, iwv, at 1 o ciocx r-. an., at the office of the Indian agency, Tacoma, Wash., I will sell at public auction 51 waterfront lots, a subdivision of tract two. Indian Addition to the City of Tacoma, at prices not lese than the appraised value. Terms of sale, one-third cash and the bal ance In one, two, three, four or five annual payments, deferred payments to bear inter est at 6 per cent per annum. Copy of the plat of the traot may be had upon applica tion to H. H. JOHNSON. Supt. Indian Agency, Tacoma, Wash. CASWELL BROS., retiring from business, send all bills to 453 Wash. LOST AND FOUND. LOST or stolen, Ivor Johnson bicycle, 1900 model, No. 141752; trussed bridge crossbar; taken from entrance uregonian oiag., Aug. 25: fair reward and no questions asked. Phone A 1265 or write room 5, 230 Yam- .hilL FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned eame day. 228 Front st. Phone Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST 'Black China Chow dog, male, clipped like lion and bushy tail; named Chow. Call office Weinhards brewery or phone Main 6rf7. Reward. LOST Pair eyeglasses at Columbia Slough, Sundav, August 22; reward. Finder phone Woodlawn 1621. LOST Lady's handbag containing two dia mond rings and about $S0. Return to A. L. Powell, City Engineer's office. Reward. REWARD $5 for return to the Columbian Optical Co., 133 flth fit., pair of Key p bb glasses. LOST A small pearl cross and small gold chain. Return to Mt Jones, care the Ja-cobs-Stlne Co. ; liberal reward. LOST Pearl pin; reward; return to J. L. Haeeltine & Co., 49 2d st. LOST Brown purse containing $45. Reward If returned to City Market wood yard. ENGLISH setter, strayed from 658 Halsey st. ; return, recive liberal reward. MONEY TO LOAN. Real estate. $1000 TO loan on flrst-class realty, 8 years, 7 per cent. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. QUICK money loans in any amount on chattel security. 820 Lumbermen's bldg.. Fifth and Stark. WB BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money; loans, Lewis & Co.. 251 Wash, at LOANS on real, peraonal. chattel or collater al security. C. W. Pallett. 804 Fenton bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Frary A Seitz, 132 5th st. Is Your Board Satisfactory 7 o TheTe is another place that gives a good deal better at the same price and it's the satis factory places that are not afraid to tell you in a "want" ad just what they. will, do for. you. Read Oregonian "want" sds and you'll be on the road to satisfaction. MONEY to loan on Improved property. If for building purposes, interest does not commence until actual disbursement of funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Lite & Trust Company, 214 Lum ber Exchange bldg. TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at 0 and T ser cent on real estate Eecurity. EDW. P. MALL CO.. 809-810 Ablngton Bldg. MORTGAGES, contracts for deed, or other real estate securities, bought on city property or lands anywhere in Oregon or Washington. H. E. 'oDle. 816-317 Lum bermen's bldg., 5th and Stark sts. OH Improved city property or for building purposes; 3 to 8 years' time; liberal re payment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable. 2u and Stark sts- - MONEY to loan In large and small amounts on real estate. MITCHELL A CO.. Suite 420 Swetland Bldg., Fifth and Washington. OREGON TRUST account taken aa part cash for furniture, carpets and ranges, or will pay cash for same. Cohn Bros. Fur niture Co., ISO 1st st. SSOO.000 ON Improved city or farm prop erty, building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specially. J. H. Mc Kinsl. Co., B14-15-16 Gerlinger bldg. TO LOAN 14000 at 7 per cent Interest, on good city property; also smaller amount at same rate. C. F. Pfluger & Co., rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. HOMES built to order on your own terms. Satisfaction guaranteed under bond. In vestigate plan. Oregon Trust Co., Henry Bldg . ii 1200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. 3. Beck, 812 Failing bldg. IMMEDIATE! loans' on real estate, chattels or personal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. MONET to loan on flrst mortgages and good collateral. .Rooms 810-311, 326i Wash ington st. Phone M. 2310. Money to loan, first and second mortgages purchased. B. L. Devereaux, Fenton bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Wm. MacMaster. 302 Worcester blk. , MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOiiON. 233 STARK ST. MORTGAGE) LOANS; REASONABLE RATES. LEWIS & CO., 201 WASHINGTON ST. MOORTGAGB loans. 6 to 8 per cent; no com mission. Loewenson, 105 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount. 5 to 7 per cent. Llnd & Higley, 132, Third at. QUICK loans on all securities 8. W. King, 46 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. PRIVATE morvey loaned on real estate mortgages. H. Mllley. room 204, Gerlinger. Chattels and Salaries. tsitstt MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. If you want to borrow privately with out delay, HERB IS THE PLACE For a loan on your piano and furniture (without removal), storage receipts, life Insurance policies. Jewelry and diamonds and all valuable collaterals. AT LOWEST RATES IN CITY. On easy weekly-or mouthly Installments. All business strictly conildentlaU U- S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO., Room 12 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 Third St. Phone Main 20S-1. ItSIItttt FURNITURE LOANS. SALARY LOANS. ARE YOU IN NEliD OF MONEY? If so. you can have the money today. Loans made privately on furniture, pianos, etc.; also salary loans at tne lowest rates. Pay ments can be made to suit your income. Liberal rebates if paid before due. Call and see us, as our payments are such as honest people needing money can afford to pay. You mav like us. others do. HOURS. 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. WED S AND SAT'S UNTIL 8 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. 308 FAILING BLDG. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies, eaiarles and all kinds of securities; REAL ESTATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO., 418 Ablngton Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth ers upon their own names without secur ity; cheapest rates, easiest payments; of fices in 08 principal cities; save yourself money by gettlnr my terms first. TOLMAN", 317 Lumber Exchange Bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry Ht rensnnnh a lnrrest ror ir.nif or tllun time. A. M. Delovage, Jewelers, 2BU ashlngton st. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., 321 Ablngton bldg. Money on Installment plan. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to got and easy to pay. F. A. Newton, Dio nenry bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. I HAVE 6, 7 and 8 per cent money to loan on real estate first mortgage, u. J. iianea, 402 Commercial block. LOW rates; 'we loai. money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Blocn. da st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wantea. WANTED A loan of $1500 on Improved farm near Portland; best of security; will pay 7 per cent. See Hargrove & Sons, 113H 6th st. N., cor. oth and Glisan. A-l CONTRACT mortgage for sale, bears 7 per cent Interest. nominal discount; amount $1050. Jas. C. Logan, 326k Wash ington St., room 404. fAN place loans of $500 to $5000 on real es tate at 7 and 8 per cent. W. A. Hathaway, lu Washington bldg. FOR SALE Several mortgages, T per cent, S years. $1300 to $3000.. Butterworth. Main 850. WE can place first mortgage and building loans. columDia Trust o.. ooara oi Trade bldg. LOAN of $2000 to build residence on cnolce Elmhurst property. iv 320. uregonian. FEKSONAL SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfors gradu ate, curea rheumatism, monuicn irouoies and nervons disorders by hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East llth St., one door from Eatst Ankeny car. Phone East 260. Hume B 1803. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases .of women and children. No charge for consultation. Room lu. Grand Theater bldg., Washington and PaTrk sts. Main 8028. A 5007. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. $1.60 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, Duitons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. LADIES, take notice; Mme. Hudson givea the only sclentino racial massage in tne city. Manicuring, 25c. 286 Washington St., room 207. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills are positively the beat, tane no otner. .rrice $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Address T. J. Pierce. 316 Allsky bldg. DESIRABLE company found for lonely peo ple, either sex; iuu to select rrom; gents $2, ladles free; circular 10c. Portland In troducing Bureau, 310 Allsky bldg. DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures biooa ana sum uuteaseo. sores, ul cers, swollen glands, kidney, bladder and piles. 181 1st St.. Portland. DR. LORENS' NERVE TONIC TABLETS. 2-"c box, restores lost- vitality, stipe, Taylor Drug Co., 2b5 Morrison su DR. LORENS' NERVE TONIC. Tablets, 25c box. Eyssell's Pharmacy, . 289 Morriaon St.. bet. 4th and Bth. DR. PIERCE cures all nervous, blood and skin diseases, Dom sexes; cnarges Due up. Address 316 Allsky bldg. Mme. Courtright, skin and scalp treat ments, facial aeiui-iiiiiiea correciea. plas tic surgery. 225 FUedner bldg. M 5U42. USE Bassett'a tha Original Native Herba for rheumatiam, constipation; ,du tameta for 2oc in black boxea, at all druggists. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. otllce nours. a. m. to o p. M. 170H 3d at. Main 8770. DR. 1NGEHORG ABEJRG, Chiropractor, moved to lKum uiug.. oa noor, room joy. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 560 GUsan at. Main 9215. Agenta wanted. PACIFIC Introducing Club for those matri monially inclined : circular 10c. zzuvi 1st. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 FUedner bldg. M. 3473. SOMETHING NEW, YET 'TIS OLD. A book of mistakes. Your life wants this book of religious tone, Borrowed Time, by Nilsud. Cut this out and mall with 62 cents to Hendrlckson. care of Smith-Brooks Printing Co., Denver, Colo. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. relianle skin speciolift; blemUhes. wrinkles and small pox pits removed; hatrdreselng. manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock of hair goods in the West at cut prices. Parlors, Grand Leader, 5th and Alder. DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively; private hospital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047. A 2411. 506 Commonwealth bidg., 6th and Ankeny. LADIES Ask your druggist for ChlchesMra Diamond Brand Pills. For 26 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Clilchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. B. H. COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6567. Advertising. IF YOU wish to get Japanese customers, ad vertise your business in "The Oregon News," only Japanese dally paper in the state. 11 Jf. 6th st. . Attorneys sv las. EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law offices to &09-&13 Board of Trade bldg. CLARENCE) H. GILBERT. 205-207 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7471, A 4544. H. H. RIDDELL, attorney-at-law, 735 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 4764. A 3531. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking. Assayera and Analyslsta. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. SttsO. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 2u4j Washington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. FOOD, commercial and drug analyslsts. Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., Portland, Or. Collections. Bonded representatives Commercial Law In terstate Adjustment Co.. 620 Bd. of Trade. Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old cariets; also Colonial rag rugs woven. Northwest Kug Works, 153 I'nljg ave. East 35S0, B 12SO. CARPET and rug weaving. 1)88 East 12th st N. Phone Woodlawn 2124. Work called for and delivered. Commission Mercnont. TAYLOR, YOUNG 4 CO., ehip brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 8u2 Gerlinger bldg. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Muln 1301. DR. D. O. FLETCHER, D. C, chiropodist and foot specialist, treats all ills of the feet without danger of lntection. Why suf fer? 305 Allsky bldg. Main 8762. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. HHU room 426 FUedner bids. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton, Tllford bldg., R. 2u4. loth and Mor. C. F. BOOTHBI Scalp and foot specialist. 167 Park st. Coal and Wood. YAMATO WOOD ft COAL, CO. All kinds ot best fir wood. Phones E. 818, B 1S67. E. 6U1 and Main sts. BOX, planer and cord wood In any quanti ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2315, B 165. SUN SOON HUIE CO. Silks, mattings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 6th. Dancing. SUMMER DANCING lessons 25c, Including ladies' and gentlemen teachers, with mu sic P'of. Wal Willson School, 3S0ht Wash ington street, bet. West park and 10th at. Doe Trainer. GENTLEMEN wishing their dogs trained for the coming field trials or hunting season can have the service of John 11. Stewart, the Eastern trial winner and trainer, by communicating with the Lelprum kennels, cor. 45th and Division sts., or phone Tabjr 125. Dos and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN D. V. S., D. C. M. OUico 113 N 6th. Main 4086. A 4t86. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or saie. 213 2d St. Feed stores. ZIGLER & M1SNEK. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, ahingle4. 2114 Grand ave. E. 482. Harnesa and saddlery. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 331 Ankeny at. Phone Main 24o2. Leather and lndlnga. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J a. STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO, Ks 'tabtished 1858. 1 Front st. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 5th St. Main 53, A 2153. Johnnie on the spot- M-USlCUl. BMIL THIELHOKN, violin facher, pupil of Sevcik. A 4160. Pine 334, Main 304S. M. C. Smith, teacher of piano. 452 Salmon St. Main 734t. Conservatory course. Osteopathic Phvlikans. DR. R. B. NOHTHRUP, 416-16-17 Dtkujn bldg.. Third and Washington el. Phone, office. Main 349; res. East or B 1028. Paints, - Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, g lafcs, aaah and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. patent and Pension Attorneys. R C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat enls;v Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. J J. HIKSHEliltlH. pension and patent ' torney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. Paving. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. at Portland. Office 4U2-3-4 Worcester block. WARREN Construction Co., street paving. aidewaika mm aumii. jjccjl uiug. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO.. office 301 Beck bldg. Main 34b9. Factory 24ih and York. Restaurants. UNION OYSTER HOL'Siil. Will open Tuesday, August -4, as a flrst-class restaurant and oyster houso. 12S 2d st. John Richer & F. Rothacher. props. Roofing. OLYMPIC ROOFING CO., 820 Cham. Com.; dainp-proonng, repairing. iu. ouiv, a tiv. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, office stationery, etc. Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 14o7. Showcase, Lana and Store Ilxturea. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rapids Showcase io., Ota auu nuyu n. Lutke, Mgr. THE Jas. I. Marshall Manufacturing Co., manufacturers snow cases, caoiueut, store, office fixtures. 289 Couch at. Main 2703. storage and xransfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co., office and commodious lour-sturj ones, warenouse, separate iron rooma and fireproof vaults for valuabiea. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine ats. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 596. A 1996. ' OLS EN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; aafea, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, 209 Oak St., bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 647 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO. Storage. Free Trackage. Heavy Hauling. Phoaea. Main 69. A 1169. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano "moving a specialty. 40-42 2d at. Phone A 1984, Main 1618. THE MOSLER SAFE) CO., I08 2d at. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Stove. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 614 Front. Slsna, FOSTER A KLEISER, SIGNS. The largest sign-makers In tho North west. 8th and Everett sta Phona Prlvata exchange 55. Horns A 1155. Taxidermist and farrier. OREGON'S best taxidermist; expert In all branches. C. M. Karris. 495 Washington st. Typewriters. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type' writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 2874 Washington st SPECIAL prices; all makes rented, sold, re paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. Veterinary Schools. DR GEO. KIRK PATRICK, veterinary sur geon. 42H Union ave., hospital Petterson'a stable, 14 Union ave. E. 4010, B 8n8. SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College. Cata log mailed free. Dr. Keane. 1818 Market at. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO., 172 lat- Wall pa per llncruatra, room moulding, ate. BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK . COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON ST9. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATF.'S AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. FIRST NATIONAL BAKK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL A WD SURPLUS $1,000,000. GRAND CKNTRAL STATION. southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger, Shasta Limited California Express San Francisco Express, . . West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger. . Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger, Itoseburg Passenger...... Portland Express......... Shasta Limited West Side Corvullls Passengor Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. . . Forest Grove Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger. . 8:16 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 6:tx p. m. 7 :45 p. m. 1 :3o a. m. 7:20 e, m, 4:00 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1 :U0 p. m. 6:40 p. m. T:30 a m, 10:40 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 11:00 a. m. 9:30 P. in. 8:35 p. m. 10:30 a m. 8:00 a. in. 11:5 a. m, 4:40 p. m. Northern Pnclflo. Leaving Portland Portland and Seattle Express.... Portland and Vancouver Special, puget Sound Limited :15 a m. 00 a. m. 00 p. m. 15 p. m. 13 a. m. ....aa K..,lh r"not n.ilnln and Chicago 112 Arriving Portlnnd Express from Chicago and North Coast points Yacnlt Passenger Seattle nnd Portland Express.... Puget Sound Limited Portland-Vancouver Special I :O0 a, m.. ;oo a. m. 00 p. m. 35 p. m. 80 p. III. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Atlantic Express Chicago-Portland special. Ore 11- Washington Llmll Soo-spokane-l'urtland .... Salt Lake Express , Arriving Portland Oregon E'xpress Oreiron-WushinKton Llmll Soo-Spokane-Portland ... Pacific Express Chicago-Portland Special. 7:30 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 5:45 p. m. 7:00 p. m.4 8:00 p. m. 8:10 a. m. 8:30 a m. 9:00 a. m. 0::0 p. III. 8:00 p. m. Astoria X Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria & Seaside Express Astoria and Seaside passenger... Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger ..- Seaside Special. Saturday only. Arriving l'orrtanu Portland Express Senside and Portland Pnssencer. . Hairier and Portland Passenger. . Rainier and Portland Passenger. . Seaside Special. Sunday only.... 8:00 a. m. 6:UO p. m. 1:15 p. m. 9.20 p. ni. 2:80 p. ru. 12:15 p m. 10:00 p. m- H:lo a nij ft :20 p. m. 10:15 p. in. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. It. Short Line via Spokane. Via Seattle Arriving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane. Via Seattle 7:00 p. m. 12:15 a. m. 9:00 a m. 7:00 a m. JKl-'l'ERfON-STKKET STATION. Southern PucWo. Leaving Portland I . alibis Pnasenger I ?- alias Passenger i 4.3U p. Da Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Pussenger 10:15 a m. 6:05 p. m... ELEVENTH ANI U.OYT STREET PASSEN GER STATION. ' Spokane, Portland Si seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 8:45 am. For Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City St Louis, Hillings, Spokane, Cheney, Lam'ont. Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco. K?."evelt. Granddallea, Lylo. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermediate sta tions. ' , Columbia River Local 4.15 p.m. North Bank Limited 5:40 p. m For Chicago. St. Paul . Omaha, Kansas Cltv St. Louis, Billings. Spokane. Cheney, Lamont. Washtucna. Kahlotus. Pasco.. Roosevelt. Granddallea. Lylo. White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and iiitttrmodiuto sta tions. Arriving Portland North Hans. Limited ......8.30 am. F'om Chicago, at. Paul. Omaha, Kansas Cltv St, Louis. Killings, Spokane, Cheney, La'nont Washtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco, Roose-velt. Granddallea. Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate sta tions. . ,., ,0 ,,- Columbia River i.ocui - ----- Inland Empire Express ..8.0Op. m. i. ' ,-i,r,.,. m I'aul. Omaha. Kansas Cltv St. Louis. Billings, Sp"kane. Cheney. Lament. Washtucna, Kathlolus. Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddallea. Lyle. Goldendaln. White Salmon, stevenaon. Vancouver and Intermediate stations. Time Card Oregon Electrio Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. stations. 6:30, 7:10, 9:55, 11:35 A. M -; 3. 00, 8-45 6 20, 11:00 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem 8:50 A. M.. , Local for Wilson--ville and Int. stations o:16 P. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grova and Int stations 6:40, 8:30, 10:10 A. M. ; 12:15. 2:15. 3:30. 6:35. 8:2S. 11:15 P. M. Arriving Portland from Salem and Int. stations 9:00, 11:00 A. M. ! 12:05. l:lo, 3.00.. 6:15. 8:20, 10:40 P. M. Limited from Sa em, and Tualatin 5:00 P. M. Local from Wll soiivlllo aud Int. stations 7:20 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations 7:30. 9:35. 11:25 A M ; 1:30, 2 55 4:35. 5:25. 8:10. 11:00 P. M. Portland Railway, Light Power Company, Cur. Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting Room, First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Creels. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:lK), 6:80 A. M.. and every 30 minutes to and Including 9 P. M.. then 10:00. 11:00 P. M. ; last car midnight. Gresham and intermediate points 0:55, . 7-45 8:45. U.45. 10:45 A. M., 12:45. 2:45. 8- 45 '4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 7:45, 11.15 P. M. Falrvlew and Troutdale 6:55. 7:45, 8:45, 9- 4.-, 10:45 A. M.. 12:45, 2:45, 3:45. 4:45. 6:45. 6:45 P. M Caxadero and Intermediate points 6:55, S'45. 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:43. 4:45, 6:4S P. M. For Vancouver Ticket Ollice and Waiting Room, Second . and Washington Streets. : A. M 0.15, 0:50, 7:25. 8:00, 8:33, 9:10, 9 50. 10:30, 11:10, :l:50. p M. 12:30. l:lo. 1:50. 2:30. 3:10. S:0, : 4-30. 5:10. 3:50, 6:80. 7:05. 7:40, 8:15, 9:25, ' 10:?5. 11:45. On Third Monday In every month tha laal , : car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Dally except Sunday. Dally except Monday.