Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 26, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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MB III.FFKILIIN. I i i i " ' I
A. W. Hover.
110 2d t. Phone A 1.43.
Portland. Main 1743.
Branch office. 120 K. Jersey at.. St.
Johna, 313 Washington St..
-E an headquartera for Clark County.
Waah.. farms; our lilt ia too long; to ad
vertise them separately; we have tnem
lar and small, improved and partly Im
proved, unimproved and stump land; wa
mill take rcu out to see any of them: buy
now and et b'neflt of Increased valuea
when electric line Is built right to soma of
them and clse to others within 60 days.
liSO Stark St.
Vancouver Office, 712 Main St.
48 acres fine rich valley land. 30 acres In
cultivation. 16 acre timber and pasture,
dandy 6-room house, nice barn 50x73, line
etreara of running water. 25 head of stock,
all farm Implements including wagons, barn
full of hay. small orchard, within 7 miles
of new Tillamook R. R. : crashed rock road
to Astoria; only 22B0; lies In the beautiful
- . halem Valley. The stock, house and Im
plement alone are worth 912"". And the
soil la A No. 1. Call us up and we will
explain how we can sell this at' such a
2021 Hawthorne ave.. cor. E. 34th .
Tabor 518.
V acres, S miles from Portland. S
room house with modern Improvements,
new baj-n and chlcken-houae. some fruit
land, all cleared, few minutes walk from
electric and team railroad depota; price
J4H00, terma
7iH acre near Portland, few minutes'
walk from electric station, land all In cul
tivation. 5 -room house and other build
ings, some orchard; J.V.00. term.
Some good farms well Improved, within
easy delving distance of Portland; a--k us
about them.
434 Chamber of Commerce.
120 acres, all under cultivation. In the
Jutlv celebrated Red Hill orchard lands
of Salem, Oregon, unsurpassed for apple,
cherries, pears, prunes, walnuts or for
small fruit; entirely surrounded by bear
ing orchards; macadam roads to Salem,
good water, R. F. D-. telephone, church
and achool; nothing better anywhere for
fruit; will sell as a whole or in tracts to
suit. For terms call or write to owner,
H. H. Smith. 46S East Washington at.,
Portland. Or.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 1402.
An orchard of thrifty troee 13 years old.
h-avlly laden with fruit; TEN MILKS FROM
PORTLAND; rich black o!l: everything in
first -class condition; crop estimated at $13HJ
to llSxi. goes with the place; THIS
4.11-402 Board of Trade Bidg.
10-ACRE farm at city limits, near carline:
house, barn, fruits and potatoes and
cnlon crop, horse, cow, farm and garden
tools; big snap.
12 acres in potatoes, at station and store
on electric line, 30 minutes from city;
I30 per acre.
160 acres, house, barn, orchard. 15 acres
cleared. miles from city, four milea
from R. R. : 12.30 per acre. This is a
good buy. Chlsm. 615 Couch bids
THE BEST fruit land In the State of Oregon
in 40 and 8o-acre tract. 2 Si mile from R.
R. and town; price. ?M per acre, one-third
cash, balance In three yearly payment with
6 per cent interest. Dairy land from f 12 to
$15 Der acre.
Room 614-31A Rothchlld bldg.,
Portland, Or.
480 acres, well fenced, hog-tight fence.
151 acres cultivated, enough timber for
use balance pasture land, good running
stream of water and springs, air house
and barn, lots of machinery and f3ed
goe with place. Hurry If you wont It;
15 per acre. Room 301. 2MU Wash. st.
WHAT Walla Walla Wants is You. Presi
dent Roosevelt said: "Walla Walla made
the pleasantcst impression on my. mind of
anv city I visited in the Northwest." The
surrounding valley Is an agricultural para
dise. It Is making good. Send for book
let S. Ask questions. Commercial Club,
Walla Walla. Wash.
We pay $10 a day and expenses If not
found as represented. We have all kinds
and sixes of farms throughout the North
w est. If you want good valuea for your
monev and a square deal, see
F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St.
336-ACRE1 farm 25 miles of Portland: all bot
tom land: fine timber; modern tt-room house;
all kins of outbuilding, all fenced and
croee-fenced. stock and implements, all for
yl. Young, 612 Uer'.lrger bltig.
S27V 3 acres at Multnomah Station. Just 3
miles from center of Portland; best of
soil, near station.
$12.'0 1 acre at Gray Croasing, a real
bargain, and term.
$37d0 74 acre near Eagle Creek sta
tion on O. W. P., best soil In, state, good
house and barn, some clear. and 700O
cord of wood: this place is below value
and for few day only.
$8400 21 acre at Jenne Station on O.
W. p.. flneat land in county, at this price
for short time oniv; terms easy.
529 Lumbermen. Fifth St.
To be made on either of these 20-acre
tracts, both are under fine state of culti
vation; one tract has good up-to-date
buildings and good family orchard; only
7 mile from center of city and on the
best road out of the city, 114 milea from
electric line; I can show you why this ia
1 a good buy. Geo. W. Turner, 416-17 Roth-
child bldg.
' " Jl 4-10 ACRES. 13 DOWN. !
I mile from R. R. station. In Tamhll!
i County all level, cleared and ready for the
' plow; $1425.
I 64 Fourth Su Board of Trade Bldg.
! HTHAT Walla "Walla want I you," and
perhaps. U you Investigate, you will want
Walla Walla. Our valley I an agricultural
paradise; our orchards are making gcod.
Send for booklet S, Commercial Club.
Walla Walla. Waah-
' 4 1-5 ACRES. 35 minutes out: 3S acre
bearing orchard, running water; fine
building site, close to station. Also dandy
10.35 aore tract. See Frewlng. owner, op
posite school house. Tlgard Station. Port-land-Salem
JTVE seres, near electrlo station, cleared,
level, fine soil: will double In value In
year's time; $1300. $100 cash, $10 month.
'Smith-Wagoner Co., 333 Chamber of Com
merce. 6 ACRES. 2 under cultivation; good lersl
land, some timber, a little house on place;
$40O will handle this, or will take a lot as
first payment, balance $15 per month; near
Portland. See us. 402 Gerlinger bldg.
6 and 10-acre tracts; easy monthly pay
ments; no taxes. Inquire F. W. Power 4k
Co., 225 Henry bldg.
I 16 ACRES 85 minute out on electric line;
' good house, barn, team. crop, wagon, cow,
; chickens: snap today: $4O0O, "4 caah. How
ard Land Co.. 516 Swetland bldg.
' ACREAGE In large or small tract on car
line close In: cholc river front; 50O acres to
subdivide. Kinney A Stampher, 531 Lum
ber Exchange bldg. A 483L
20 ACRES, 3 mile east of Montavllla, fine
land no gravel, $260 per acre. Owner. C
321, Oregonlan. ,
, WE have some attractive buya In Portland
acreage. Columbia Trust Co., Board of
Trade bldg.
64 ACRES close city; nap for quick aaJe.
Owner. 30S Mill st.
14 ACRES in Oak Grove for sale cheap;
terms. Purse. 818 Chamber of Commerce.
'1 FOR the grandest bargain in small acreage
t near Portland call East 3845.
I '
1- ftVACRE apple orchard. $100 cash, easy
payment. E .118. Oregonlan.
120 PER ACRE 40 acres. 4 milea cf Catl
Rock. Wash.; $15O0 worth of cedar and
piling on It: A-l fruit lana; spring creea
on It. C. H. Plggott. owner. 14 Mulkey
bldg.. 2d and Morrison.
For acreage suitable to cut up on carline
close to city, see
515 Chamber Commerce.
rariT LANDS.
GOOD fruit land, cleared and level, within
5 and IOC fare limit, ana up. at pur
chaser's own terms. Call 217 Drexel bldg.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old established
wholesale bouse. 44 years in Oregon at
almost the same 'cost? We are located
ottside the high rent district, own our
building and can make the price. Exclu
sive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Company fine vehicles,
delivery wagons, top uugales, runabouts
and farm wagons. Be sure and see us
before you buy. It may save you money.
R M. Wade & Co., 322 Hawthorns ave. be
tween E. 1st and 2d st.
FOR SALE or rent 3 team witn goose
neck furniture wagon to rent oy monin
cryear; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes. day, week, or
month, phones East 7X B 1390. Haw
thorns Stables. 420 Hawthorns ave.
MUST sell before 2 o'clock, called away un
expectedly, all for $53: 800-lb. pony, rids
or drive; $0 hand-embossed saddle; $:5
cart, new harness, robe, martingale and
other things; bring cash. Cor. llstfi and E.
FOR SALE Pair of bay mares, 7 year old,
and practically sound; a most delightful
and safe pair for any lady, and they are
fearless as well as fast; both are saddle
broken S. H. von Glllman School for
Riding and Driving, 27th and Thurman.
TEAM mares, weight 2S00 lb., sound and
good worKers, extra neavy iiiwii. an
plete, price $205; also pair maree, weight
24"tt. good harness, price $225. Call 606
Washington st.
HANDSOME orrel horse, five years old, city
broke, sale for lady to drive, rubber-tire. 1
runabout and harness. ee at Frailer A
McLean's. Ark for Wellman'a rig.
ONB TEAM of young Valley horse, 6 and 7
years old, weighing 2S0O lbs.: one 6-year-old
delivery mare, weighing 1200 lbs Phone
E. 4&04 or C 1477. 226 Ruseell st.
FOR SALE Young team, weight about 1300
each, color brown; alo harness and wagon.
Inquire U. S. Barns, Front and Madison.
"WANTED 5 team for grading. 0 per day,
team and teamster: free stable. Phone
Woodlawn 1021. S78 E. 26th. North.
FOR SALE One bay gelding. 1300 lb..
single or double; well bred; young and
sound. Inquire 170 Front st.
WANTED Some one to par $9 a month for
use of good small saddle horse. Miss
Young. 60J Couch Bldg.
YOUNQ mare, gentle, sound, weight 1050
lbs.; rubber-tire buggy, cheap. Sellwood
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for ale. 2K4 Montgomery.
MUST SELL 5-year-old horse, almost new
buggy and harness, cheap. East 1200.
HUBERT HALL. SSO Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
YOUNG horse, rubher-tlre buggy and har
ness, very reasonable. Main or A 12S2.
FINE horse and buggy and harness lor
sale cheap. 49 N. 4th at.
AT UNION STOCKYARDS, Just arrived, 50
head, from $15 to $75.
Plan o.
$150 CREDIT CHECK at Ellers or Reed
French Piano House on purchase of
piano; must be used by Sept. 1: will sell
very reasonable. Address or call 245 Mc
Millen. 3 to S P. M.
THREE credit checks on Reed-French Piano
Co.. two for $125. one for $100, cheap.
Phone Woodlawn 742.
A HIGH-GRADE piano. Call .evening after
6. flat 45. 270 7th St.. cor. Jefferson. Ray
W. Lang.
FOR SALE $12B credit check on Reed
French Piano Co. for ale cheap. Phone
Main S3.
FOR SALE Prize check by Reed-French
Piano Co.. at a reduction. Address L 33S.
AT bargain, a $125 credit check on piano.
E 331, Oregonlan.
CREDIT check for $125 on Reed-French Piano
... ... ... . . ... ..n ion.
t.o. ; w in sen lor 4iv.
CREDIT CHECK of $125 on Reed-French pi
ano houK. K 333. Oregonlan.
$85 CREDIT CHECK on piano house for
$10. 735 Washington st.
S5 RE ED-FRENCH credit check for sale,
$10. Phone Main 705.
CREDIT check of $125 on Reed-French Piano
Co.; will sell for $10. Call A 3814.
REED piano certificate,- $150. cheap; also
good mandolin. $.. A31 East 16th N.
$123 RE ED-FRENCH piano check. $50. Wm.
Gibson, Woodstock.
MAKE offer Reed-French piano credit
check for $123. Phone East 5271.
FOR SALE. CHEAP $"!3 Reed-French
piano check. Call phone "Woodlawn 1017.
THREE $125 Reed-French piano credit
checks for sale, cheap. Tabor 424.
BEBD-FREXCH piano certificate - for $S5,
cheap. Call Main S2M.
20 ACRES good apple land, some money,
for full'-'-equlpped. good condition auto
mobile. 5-passenger. What have you?
A lexander Land Co.. 4 N. 6th t. A 31S2.
AUTOS stored, washed and polished at
Vaughan's garage, at 54 Union ave., N. ;
also a full line of oils, tire and supplies
always on hand.
AUTOMOBILE taken In exchange for excep
tionally well-located lot at Bay Ocean Park.
AN 325. Oregonlan.
5-PASSENGER auto to exchange for city
real estate; best of condition. 403 Couch
A FINE automobile to be aold at one,
cheap. Inquire 52S Irving at.
WHITE steamer. 7-pessenger. A-l condition,
cash or trade. M 336. Oregonlan.
SPECIAL OFFER We have 100 second
hand sewing machines that must be sold
this week regardless of price to make
room for carload; 40 drop-head, all makes.
White. New Home. Singer. Wheeler &
Wilson, Domestic and Standard. Do not
forget the place. White Sewing Machine
Store. 420 Washington, cor. 11th. H. D.
Jones, prop.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully
guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co.,
203 2d st.
FOR SALE A good second-hand stump
puller; a bargain. J. E. Thomas, Holbrook.
THOROUGHBRED female bull terrrler; leav
ing city: will take $50; quick. Phone M.
NEWMAN Moving Picture Exchange, rents
moving prcture machines, films, supplies,
lowest price. 526? Wash., near 17th.
Films for rent, complete equipment for
theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4th at.
FOR SALE Best dry 4 -ft. fir and oak
wood at lowest market prices. Hoover,
S13 Water St. Phone Main 7451. A 5445.
FOR SALE $125 check on Reed-French
piano. N 330, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE $123 Reed-French piano cer
tificate for $35 cash. J 333, Oregonlan.
COMPLETE set Oregon art views for sale,
$10. L 330, Oregonlan.
PRINTING PRESSES and type for sale
cheap. W 321, Oregonlan.
TWO tables, chair, carpet, for office ; cheap.
Inquire afternoon. 404 Marquam bldg.
FOR SALE A 6-foot steel range. 86 N.
3d st.
FOR SALE $160 Reed-French piano certifi
cate for $25 cash. S 334. Oregonlan.
CLEAN 2d-hand bricks for sale, cheap. 7th
and Taylor.
A JERSEY cow for sale cheap, for family
use. East 1S4. .
WANTED Men' cast-off clothing and
shoes: we also buv household furnishing;
highest price paid. Call at th "Fair
Deal." 62 3d st. INortn. pnone Mam d.ia
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
'Ford Auction Co.. or you 11 get less.
Phone A 2445, Main S951.
wast siric a iTTrnv jobbers.
Wanted 2d-hand furniture; pay highest
price. 4 Grand ave. East 1051, B ZU4.
GOOD second hand gasoline 'engine, two
horse power with or without saw ouini.
B 339 oregonlan.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
. . , . . . . 1 , , -. . . iilAT
attention tiwajj givrn. t 11 1.11.7 -
NOTICE Will pay highest prices for gentle-
, .-1l CiTl
men s c&aiuu ctuuiiuK. v... .uan. "-
rC rt. 11U1VE.1 to i. ijuib ui .a j
Male medium height. W 325,, Oregonlan.
HIGHEST prices paid for rubbers and met
als. J. Lev. 156 Columbia St. M. 6188.
WANTED Rolltop desk. B 334. Oregonlan,)
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year:
men and women to learn barber trade in ... 1. h.i. t, ,mipa nnfiitfons:
graduates earn from $tS to $25 weekly;
expert Instructor: tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35
- 01 Lfl iin su, jrorimiiu. v.
MEN wanted, young, strong, good vision,
account increasing 'business on all rail
roads, for firemen or brakemen: experience
unnecessary; $76. $100 monthly; promoted
to conductor or engineer. $150. $200; state
age. weight, height. Railway Associa
tion, care Oregonlan.
WANTED By prominent Coat house, a
nrst-class. experieacea miuinery
man- nnn hn h n ntirl controls trade In
the' Northwest; good salary and liberal
inducement. Apply .box a o.. ureiu
nlan. REAL ESTATE man wants partner; excel
lent chance for young men to get In real
estate business; no experience necessary
and very little money requirea. particu
lars National Realty A Trust Co., 326 V
Washington st.. room 516.
MAN. with experience and references, for
retail tea and coffee route, one who wants
to get ahead In a permanent Dusmess,
salarv and commission; wagon equipment
furnished. Apply before noon. Grand
Union Tea Co.. 448 Washington.
WHY pay employment agencies large fees'for
position? Join Binploye' co-operative Je
eoclatlon; pay 25c month and receive free
"doctor, lawyer and assistance In securing
employment. Suite 620. Swetland bldg.
MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless
telegraphy and engineering. R. R. and sta
tion work; practical instruction; largest pri
vate station In the world. Send stamp for
circulars. Wireless Institute, San Francisco.
MEN for railway mall clerks, poatoffic
clerks, carriers. Internal revenue, etc.;
good salary and promotion with each po
sition; we prepare you; examination soon.
Write Pacific States School, McKay bldg.
WINDOW-DRESSER, cardwriter. for cloth
ing store, experienced man wno can asaiBi
in salea; permanent position, good salary.
Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial
WANTED Two more parties to Join duck
hooting club on Sauvle Isiand, one of
the best lake. Phone Main 703, between
12 and 1.
WANTED Railway mall clerk, ostofflce
clerk, carriers: examinations in x-uinnw
November 17: preparation free. Franklin
Institute, Dept. 413 E.. Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Traveling salesmen to Interview
bank in each town; little time requirea; a
remunerative sid line. Suite. 432, Peyton
block, Spokane, Wash.
WANTED First-class cutter on special ash
and door work, also good machine man,
also first-class frame makers. Oregon
Planing Mill. 19th and Vaughn.
WANTED Steady man to check goods, etc..
as partner: pay ween: can mcreuw
with Interested help; $20O required. Room
417 Board of Trade bldg.
MEN to Btudy wlreles telegraphy; railway
and commercial telegraphy easily learnou;
big opportunities; day and evening classes.
Oregon College Telegraphy, 83 Sth St.
YOUNG man of good habits who wishes to
learn the abstract ana title business, can
'Pacific Title & Trust Co., 204-5-6-7 Falling
WANTED Boy about "Sixtoen to learn the
electric supply business, call 8 o cioca.
SI Sixth Street.
FREE fare to Los Angeles for man handy in
- 1.- nn Knot rnll after
10 A. M. today at 128 Third st.
HOUSEWORK Japanese boy wanted for.
274 Caruthers, cor. tn; nome until 1.
BRIGHT young man at The Wardrobe, 739
Washington St. as driver; must ue ac
quainted with city.
A GOOD live salesman can make $300 per
montn selling u-nue mm .ut
W 823, Oregonlan.
WANTED Man and wife to do cooking and
take charge of boarding-house. Appiy
4U7 Mohawk bldg.
WANTED A first-class starcher and polisher
at once; union man. Capitol Meant Laun
dry. Phone 46. ,
SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country, commercial Ab
stract Co., 40S Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Reliable man for Janitor In bank
and office bldg.: must be able to furnisn
references. A 338, Oregonlan.
HAVE fine opening for young man; In
terest in business ror small capital. 3Zt5
Washington ft., room 417.
WE want more energetic, successful nursery
salesmen; free outfit; cash weekly. Al
bany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
$150 A MONTH, young business man; small
pay to start, aavancemem rapiu ir yuu
can do the work at all. A 330. Oregonlan.
"WANTED Sober. experienced Turkish
Bath attendant: references requirea. u
334 Oregonlan.
WANTED Several first-class solicitors;
those with Insurance experience prererrea.
Apply 82!) Mohawk bids-, after 10 A. M.
WANTED Experienced night clerk, must
understand bookkeeping: salary $75; an
swer fully. B 330, Oregonlan.
COUPON AGENTS New and best offer In
city. Rembrandt btuaio. ojo Aoington
ADVERTISING solicitor, experienced, no
beginners, commission paia daily. .Bene
dictine Press, Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Experienced advertising solici
tor, salary ana commission; address witn
references. AL 323 Onegonian.
SALESMEN Experienced to handle on com
mission staple, easy-sening line. s. w.
Main, 78 Iowa City, Iowa.
SALESMEN to handle finest orchard tracts
In Northwest; liDerai terms. iienry
WANTED Young man to how property:
little monev required; big snap lor good
rustler. 225 5th st.
WINDOW-TRIMMER on breakfast food In
Portland; state salary and experience. J
332, Oregonlan.
WANTED At once, strong boy over 16 years.
Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison st.
WANTED Young man to carry dishes, $10
per week. Peerless Cafeteria, 104 5th.
WANTED An engraver for plain work; good
alary. T 333, Oregon lan.
B TEACHERS, science, athletics, commer
cial, $UO, $100. 514 swetlaml bldg.
WANTED A doctor to work in a sani
tarium. E 332. Oregonlan.
HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wages;
permanent. 215 commercial block.
WE secure positions Tor our members.
Special membership, x. M. u. A.
EGG CANDLER; must be experienced. Ap
ply 120 r-ront st.
PANTS presser, also learner. 83 Sth at.,
room 400.
COOKS and kitchen helper headquarter.
California wine Depot, 164 2d. Main 5500
GOOD laboratory man. Electric Dental Par
lor, cor. 5th and Washington.
WANTED 100 men to file on homesteads.
quick. 502 Oregonlan bldg.
LIVE photo coupon and- portrait agent.
Davis, The nayes stuoio, a.Vt wain.
WJVTEn it millwrights in city. $3 30; S
rough carpenters. near city. $3.50; 2
stlckermen. $3.50; sash stlrhermen. a;
planer feeder for box factory, $2.50; 4
lumber graders. $2.50 up. city and coun
try: 2 yard tallymen. $2.50 up: tallymen
for small mill. nigm-wan-iuuaii
$60; man and wife cooks, mill boarding
house, $105; second cook for camp. $40
flunkey. $30; dishwasher. $30: 25 yard
men, $2.23; 6 carpenters' helpers, $2.25
mill hands. $2.25 to $2.75.
Lumber pliers, for California: free fare.
Hundreds of other Jobs.
Main office. ' 12 N. 2d St.
EDITORIAL of The Oregonlan under date
of August 17th, say: '"There are nearly
2000 persons In the classified civil service
aged 70 and over, and indications point
to an effort soon to provide pensions for
them. Tlelr present Job seem to be pretty
good pensions already for most of them."
Why not make provision for your old age
by preparing yourself for civil service po
sition? We will prepare you at small cost
Call or write, C. C. S. S.. 425-7 Lumber
Exchange. Portland, Or.
WANTED By a large corporation, a man
or selling and executive ability tor a po
sition of much importance; must be a
man or keen and qulcK perception,
coupled with rare business judgment and
experience in meeting men of just such
character. The position is worth $5000
annually and you must necessarily become
a stockholder. P 33.1, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED srlrl or woman for general
housework! small family, good wages. 106
East lath st.
HOUSEWORK Experienced girl for gen
eral housework; no children. 260 Grand
ave. X.. corner Multnomah st.
EXPERIENCED "girl for general housework;
3 In family; good wages- references required.
tall .18 ;ast Salmon. Phone feast llbi.
FEMALE stenographer and bookkeeper
wanted; state experience, reference and
wages expected. 1 332, Oregonlan.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain, $1.50 duz. upward;
steady, reliable work. Z4 Marquam Diag.
WANTED For private telephone exchange,
experienced and nice appearing operator;
answer fully. M 337, Oregonlan.
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and
upstairs work; good wage. Apply morn
ings, 10 to 12. 2C 10th st.
NICE office for public stenographer, rent
free; want someone In office all the time.
Inquire room 402 Oregonlan bldg.
NORWEGIAN or foreign girl: family of three-
new bungalow; good home for right girl. 295
East 16th, cor. Clackamas.
WANTED Saleslady or demonstrator for de
partment store; must be experienced and
understand her business. T 334. oregonlan.
WANTED Housekeeper In good home
family three adults. Call 319 Chamber
of Commerce. Phone A 2727.
WANTED At once, saleslady ror cloak and
suit department. Roberts Bros., 3d and
Morrison sts.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
small family, $30. 399 Hancock st. Phone
East 1685. C 14U1.
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and
general housework for family of three
adults: good wages. Apply 6S9 Flanders st.
HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework,
small family. Apply 55 N. 21st, cor. Davis
WANTED A woman who takes washing at
home, plain family washing. $2 a week;
steady position. 434 Oregon st.
WANTED Schoolgirl to work In exchange
for good home and $5 month; small fam
ily. 020 East Main st.
A GIRL to do second work. Apply 213 St.
HOUSEWORK Girl for light housework;
good wages and good home. 304 Park St.
GIRL to assist with housework and cook
ing. 712 Flanders, corner 22d.
WANTED 3 experienced girls for dipping
chocolates; good pay. 21 N. Park st.
GIRL for light housework; homelike fam
ily. C 1137.
HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework,
family of 4. Phone Main 2925.
WANTED Licensed lady barber at once.
Call at 291 Second at. steady Job.
LADY solicitor; live ones only. Room O,
The Willamette. 322 Vi stark st.
GIRL to assist with general housework. 747
Glisan st.
MAID to take care of a baby, help with sec
ond work. 574 Hoyt.
GIRL for general housework for family of
two. Phone C 109, East 4654.
THOROUGH course of millinery taught In 6
weeks: terms reasonable. 415 Alder.
EXPERIENCED girls to address letters. H.
Beadner. 311-12 Alisky bldg.
WANTED Bon bon dippers. 44-46 East 6th
EXPERIENCED lady presser. $2 day up;
must be good. Reliable uye works, lacoma.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave ana feast Aayior.
EXPERIENCED bindery girls. Apply An
derson & Dunlway Co.
WANT young girl to assist in light house
work. Call 778 Hoyt st.
HOUSEWORK Experienced girl for gen-
. eral. 793 Clackamas st.
WANTED Millinery apprentices at the
Chateau. 113 7th st. faia wnue ie&rciinK.
CHAMBERMAID St. James Hotel. 345 K
First st.
GIRLS to make shirts and overalls. Mt. Hood
Shirt factory. 233 couch st.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
small family, zji i-argo n.
DRESSMAKER and tailores. 441 Mult
nomah st.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 746H
Hoyt st.
TEACHER French and piano. $60; board
and room. 514 Swetland blag.
HOUSEWORK Good girl for general. In
- rrivate boarding-house. 168t,4 10th.
WANT girls to sew mattresa ticks. Carmen
Mfg. Co. lHtli and upsnur.
EXPERIENCED girl to do general house-
nn, 11 M KT1
WOrK. I V.UFIIC11 I UOU- v..
RELIABLE and willing nurse maid, good
wages. Apply 65 North 21st st.
COOK wanted Girl to do cooking and part
of housework. 461 Hassalo st.
FAMILY cook. $40: second girl. $25. St.
. a.k, -rt' 1. u.i. -mo
FINISHERS on men's neckwear. 29114 Stark
HOUSEWORK Girl wanted for general. 692
Hancock st., Irvlngton.
1ENERAL housework, family of 2. Inquire
before 11:30. 447 W. Park.
Real Estate
Are you going to wait until
all the real estate men are so
busy they don rt know which
way to turn (and prices always
advance under such conditions),
Or answer their acls when they
have more time to give you in
showing property?
Three weeks from now the
real estate offices will be very
busy places. The Fall business
will then be on.
WANTED Cooks for boarding-houses in
country 35 to J45; cooks city. 30 to 40;
waitre syies. 8 to $10 week; pirls f;r
general housework. $lTi to $ii5; others too
numeroui to mention nere.
Large list of other places every day.
Ladies' Dept. -'Oo ha Morrison.
The Portland Woolen Mills of St. Johns
can oiTcr employment to girls and women
who wish to learn to weave blankets and
flannels; work is not hard and if quick to
learn, can make good wages in a short
time; every inducement offered to steady
workers. Apply Superintendent, Portland
woolen Mills, St. joiins.
Th Portland Woolen Mills of St. Johna
can offer employment to girls and women
who wfoh to learn to weave blankets and
flannels; work is not hard and if quick to
learn, can make good wages- in a short
time; every Inducement offered to steady
workers. Apply Superintendent, Portland
woolen Mills, St. Jonns.
COOK, resort. 580; boarding house, $50;
two chambermaids (out of city.
girl for confectionery. $9 week; sewing.
$1.5 day; kitchen keeper, 3U; cierK ci
gar store. $30 and board.
343 V Washington Sxreet.
Japanose school to teach English, at 8 to
0:30 P. M. Please report between 1 and 3
P M. at English-Japanese School, at 353
Burnside st.. cor. rarK.
STRICTLY tlrst-claes bookkeeper; must b
quick and accurate in figures; thoroughly
Annl!. TTopf fllaia Mannfflcllir-
ing Company, between 4th and Sth on Hoyt
IF YOU want a Government position we can
show you how to secure same; will pre
pare you at small cost, tan or wrue .
S. S., 425-426 Lumber Ex., Portland. Or.
TiniTGir.'rn-wr.TTRTi: demonstrators on
hik..rat cn-arnn tAri woman's article;
splendid opportunity for beginners.. Call
1U-11, I UU111 "-. f T ?1B-J.
r.nnn niRi, for housework and cooking
family of Z, where second girl la kept;
wages Apply S-Z uarsnaa mi..
CLOAK and suit saleslady and attend to
books; must n experienced, .romana unv
fitting Co., 2CC 3d st.
8434 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main '2Q92.
WANTED Itefinea. capab! woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 09 Roth-
cnita Diag., mm ana w juumgiuu.
"LADY cashier for shooting gallery; wage 92
per day. Apply 42 N. 4th St., between
11 and i a. 31.
32G Washington St.. Room a07.
Main 8836 or A 8266.
WAVTED Thoroughly experienced waitress,
$25. room and board. Apply Alexandra
Court. &3 Klia st.
EXPERIENCED waitress. 3S6 Morrison.
GIRL to do housework. 702 Northrup at.
WANTED 2 chambermaids at 253 Front st.
1000 HOPPICKERS to pick 600 acres of
hops; big crop, fine accommoaanons: d&k-
- mrv Vinf r-hnr hnn. irronerv store, restau-
rant. free danrinc iavllion. beautiful
camping grounds, delightful bathing, low
excursion rates. We pay $1.00 ptr 100
lbs. Register now at Krebs Bros. Office
rooms 618 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak.
No charges for Job. Office hours 9:00 to
8:00 P. M.. Sunday ::uu to :uv v. m-
Home A 4335. Main 8U0D.
WANTED 100 more hoppickers, best yard.
fine- camping-grounds, long picKing. Ap
ply Andrew Ivan & Co.. 246 Washington
600 HOPPICKERS wanted to buy 500 camp
ing etoves, 99c apiece. 200 1st St.. bet.
Jefferson and Columbia sis.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sition to A-l Instructors. 14 Swetland bldg,
WANTED Boys and glrl over 16, candy fac
tory. 44-46 E. 6th st. North.
STUDIO Music. German. French, English
literature. 42 'Morrison. Main 2UW. .
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and. office man
desires position. Portland references.
Temporary or Bteady position. A hard
worker; not looking for a snap. D 831,
A MIDDLE-AGED man desires manual as
well as office work ; very active ana re
liable; fine Eastern reference. V 334, Ore
gonlan. A-l STENOGRAPHER and office man, five
years' experience, legal, commercial, hard.
worker, -efficient, renaoie. w ore
gonlan. SITUATION wanted by experienced young
man as bookkeeper; references, u 6dS,
S10 REWARD paid to anyone informing me
or a aesiraoie position, prneiauij ljchliu,
if accepted. X 329, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, cashier and general office
man desires poeition with legitimate firm;
local references. S 331, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by young man capable
of writing ads, corresponding and doing
general office work; Enstern references;
moderate salary to start. N 331, Ore
gonian. rriTPlR and fitter. experienced, practical
tailor, at present manager of first-class tailor
busines. wants position any kidu, 10
out West. Address G. Hurzier, 1317 6th
ave.. Rock IHand, 111.
YOUNG MAN, 3 years' experience. a sta
tionary engineer, wants position with the
erecting force of some engineering house in
the city; wages not the object. R S33, Ore
gonian. AD WRITER I have some knowledge of ad-
wrltlng ana a neaa iuu ui ongniai minna.
Let me show you. Add re ss R 332, Ore
gonlan. SITUATION WANTED Electrician, good
trouble man, wants work, either a Inside
wire man or in power plant. S 330, Ore
gonian. YOT7NO man 20 years old wishes some kind
of meld work. Address room 28. Pacific Ho
tel. CUTTER and designer, experienced, deeirea
position witn tailoring emaoumuui. 010,
GOOD, experienced Japanese cook wants
joo, Doaraing-noueo or ikici. jm, v
g on tan. ,
EXPERIENCED gasoline engine man wants
position selling or repairing gasoline en
gines. V 331, Oregonian.
SINGER A No 1 tenor voice wants position
.t no. miiatrwtpH nv nlace and any
where. M 335, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED moving-picture operator
desires position. A-ddres G. B. Clark, 251
7th st.. or phone Main 6231, Portland. Or.
PRACTICAL man, good worker, wants some
steady work in charge or nimseu. !,
JAPANESE by-hour workers, cooking.
housecleamrg. seuwooa xn, ciose Pau
lson bridge.
STATIONARY engineer wanta position; I have
got the experience and references. Adoresa
Engineer, 0J5 Guild et.
POSITION wanted by young maji; steady
position as ariver. ua. urejtonian.
JAPANESE schoolboy want position, house-
worK. AQuresB .ov.
MAN" with some experience wants position
In autO supply nouae. v oJ, rt:guniB.n..
MAN and wife want work on fruit farm or
other work. a az. urt-goniau.
JAPANESE wantj work 2 hours evening, hotel
or bojrding-nouse. w vrcBmnau.
WANTED Position by sheet metal worker
. j. 1 -d ioa nrocnnlnn
ana untie., n o-, w o
STATIONARY fireman wants position.
George Beck. rnone n-aai. isroi.
CARPENTER and builder, day or contract
. . 1 1 10 T7-,. Illnrr Tl'nrull 4 H'h T?ia
WOrK. Aaare5 to ..- amu.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
LAW stenographer, well educated, moderate
salary. M 33 1, uregonian.
POSITION as bookkeeper or copyist by Sep
tember I. u 329, oregonian.
SITUATION as bookkeeper; best city ref
erence. L 3tJ-, uregonian.
DRESSMAKER wishes to go out eewlng by
the day; tailored sklrta and shirtwaists a
specialty. Main 6581.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prtees.
Mrs. Angelea, 3264 Wash. St., room 216-
WANTED By experienced lady, charge of
department or first-claes rooming-house. K
334, Oregonlan.
WAITRESS Boarding-house, chambermaid,
laundress, girl small (amily. $30; house
keepers. St. Louis, 245 Vi Wash. - Main
LACB curtains beautifully laundered; fine
sun-firying, grass-bleaching facilities. Ta
bor 1500.
NEAT German girl, fnmily. second work.
245 Wash. Main 2039. A 4775.
LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for
and delivered; 40c pair.. Tabor 1597.
WORK wanted by day by a woman from
the East. Main 45HS.
WOMAN wants work by the day, washing or
houfecleanlng. Main 4308.
CAiPABLB woman short order d inner cook.
St. Louis, 245 Waeh. Main 2039.
AGENTfl wanted by Columbia Life & Trust
Company; high-class men to sell life insur
ance in Portland and in other cities and
towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho;
former experience not necessary; splendid
opportunities; first-class- references aa to
character required. Address the company's
home office. Lumber Exchange bldg., Port
land, Or.
WANTED Successful nursery salesmen;
choice territory, big commission; good repu
tation behind our goods makes sales eany.
Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem,
AGENTS to sell Coast property ; It sells ;
your commission big: beginners taught;
investigate. 311 Commercial blk., 2d and
AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money
selling nurecry stock; outfit free; cash week
ly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
WB positively have the fastest selling house
hold patent on the market. Woolverine Co.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern con
veniences, by middle-aged couple, en
gaged during day. Not too close to car
line. Rent not to exceed $20. D 88S Or
egonian. WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished
house, 10 or i2 rooms, within 10 minutes'
walk from P. O., to use as boarding-house.
N 332. Oregonian.
r -
WANTED Board and room in private
family by younj lady aqd gentleman
Separate rooms. Close in; west side. D
832 Oregonian.
FOR two weeks from Aug. 80 housekeeping
rooms for 2 at Gear hart or Seaside. L 336,
WANTED Furnished housekeeping rooms
near Sunny side or Hawthorne ave. C 333,
TO RENT Furnished house, T to 9 rooms,
close In. West Side preferred. MulUn, 31
16th at. N.
WANTED To rent a 200 to 600-acre stock
ranch, must be bottom and high land. AN
326, Oregonlan.
HARTMAN & THOMPSON, at the Chamber
of Commerce, want houses and flats.
WANTED to rent small house in Irving
ton. Home phone C 1034.
TABLE board for two, private family, cen
trally located. B 337, Oregonian,
SUITE modern rooms, two beds, close to
business district. N 338, Oregonlan.
FURNISHED room. West Side private tam
- ily, give phone and price. H 833, Oregonlan.
ROOMING-HOUSE, unfurnished, from 15 to 20
rooms, close In. 248 N. 17th. city.
GENTLEMAN wants family board and
room; name price. K 330, Oregonlan.
Furnished Rooms.
3d and Jefferson Sts.
Away from the noise; 5 minutes walk,
Washington and 3d; Just completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava
tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy:
single rooms or suites; permanent and
transient; $3, $4 and $6 per week. Phone
A 7731, M. 8689.
Corner 10th and Washington fits.
New management; THOROUGHLY
BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
month; tourist trade solicited.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside.
Everything brand new, homelike and
comfortable ; rates reasonable. FTee bus.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout ; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites wltfi
running water, $22 60 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
214 Columbia St.; Summer rates; run
ning water in all rooms; transients 60o to
$1 day; one call means another.
THE MERTARPER. 126 13th. cor. Wash
ington, brand new handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot water In
all rooms; very reasonable terms.
812 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH.
Just opened; new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rates reaonabla
NICE clean basement room, suitable for
two. 26 N 17th St. First house on right
off Washington St.
Washington and 17th, new building, newly
furnished, every room light and sunny; hot
water, steam heat, reasonable prices.
ENTIRE floor. 3 rooms and bath, furnished
for housekeeping; modern, centrally located;
on good -carline; very reasonable to desirable
party. 286 Eugene st.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts., fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason
able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite
the Plaza.
475 CLAY, pleasant, airy room with fire
place, suitable two; reasonable; all con
veniences. N
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327V6
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
NICH, large furnished rooms, ail conveniences,
close in, nioe lawn and porch; very reason
able. Aster House. 7th and Madison.
564 GLISAN, nice front room, suitable for 2;
gas, bath, phone, walking distance.
NICE desirable rooms, from $150 to $5;
free phone, lights, bath, etc.2 N. 14th st.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, phone; 50c to SI ay. $2 to $4 week.
THE BRAE-SIDE. 421 Alder' Modern, cen
tral, $3. $4. $5 per week: transient.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
A couple large, cheerful front rooms In
a beautiful private home with every con
venience; one block Washington; one block
Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 69
X. 21st st.
$3.50 PER WEEK Large front room, suitable
ror two; single ntom. -: nm ,
walking distance.
165 N. 17TH ET. Nicely furnished front
room; gas. bath and phone, $10.
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO unfurnished front rooms cheap to
permanent party. Main S643. l-th st.
Rooms With Board.
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th st. cor.
ner Morrison. Select family notei; reason,
able rates for transient guests W car to
aad from depot passes the door.
THE MANSION, central, beautiful grounds.
elegant furnished rooms. conservatory,
dining-room. Fifth and Jefferson.
Rooms With Board.
Modern in every re.spect ; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water in
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne ave a.
710 Washington st., near King, brand new,
elepsntly furnished ; every room has a
private bat h. telephone; the maximum of
convenience and excellence, the minimum
of expense, if you wajit the best In the
cit Tor the money, call and inspect;
dining-ro-im in connection.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary, 510 Flanders St.. Miss Krancs N.
Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th
ft. M rs. M. E. Breiherton. supt.
THE LINDELL, 269 Market Nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board ; mod
em. reasonable ; fine walking distance.
THE CALVARD Take W. cnr at depot to
door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2o7.
. .
Rooms With. Board In private Family.
FINE. larse room, newly furnished, with
board for one or two people; ni-e loca
tion ; walking distance. Main
ROOM with board. 140 15th St., between
Morrison and Alder. Phono Main 3412.
PLEASANT front room with board for two;
modern. 93 17th st. North. Main 4220.
624 Marshall Street.
The most EXCLUSIVE furnLshed apart
ments in thti city; 3-room suites. PRI
VATE BATHS and reception halls; both
phones FREE in each apartment; electric
elevator; nice large verandas toth front
and back; large lawn and beautiful shade
trees; low Summer rates. Take W car
to Marshall, go 1 block eat.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. !4th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison st.. new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments;
private bath, reception hall, steam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air
cleaning, janitor service, from
$25 up month ; somo unfurnished. Come,
look and be surprised.
rooms each; brk-k and cement building,
steam heat, hot water. Ice chest, tele
phones, flrt'.less cooker, cabinet, gas range,
private hall and bath. Janitor service; hve
minutes from Portland Hotel ; choice
neighborhood. 11th st. and Salmon; ready
Sept. 1. . Open for reservations.
THE BERYL Just opened; three rooms,
large and well ventilated, three large
closets and two folding beds in every
apartment; choice location and low rates.
695 Lovejoy st- Take W car.
St. Clair Apartments. 715 Wayne St., Kings
Heights; 0-room apartment; all modem
conveniences. 1'hone Main 403ti.
THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders sts.
Modern 4-room apartments. Inquire of
THE MARLBOROUGH b and 6 -room apart
ments; 2bBt and Flanders, Nob Hill dis
trict; every convenience. Main 7516.
COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished;
all cool outside suites; private phone free.
11th and Columbia. Main 1111, A 2720.
NEW 5-room. steam-heated fiat, mod era
conveniences; reasonable jent. W. L. Mor
gan, 503 Abington bldg.
$30 Pi-room apartment; steam heat, hot
water, janitor, all modern, nice building,
good location. Call Janitor, 454 11th st.
NEW flat for rent, cor. 6th and Wasco, 3
blocks north of Holladay ave. Cail Main
1505. W. Reidt, 401 Rothchlld bldg.
LOWER FLAT; partly furnished; no chil
dren; reference; phone Main 1030. No.
263 7th St.
-ROOM upper flat for rent, 150 24th, nenr
Irving. Call afternoons. Phone Main 51)1
or A 601 L.
FIVE rooma desirable; adults only. 175
East 15th. comer Yamhill.
6-tROOM flat and attlo. 933 Williams ave.
Phone B. 8004.
MODERN, light, ft-rooen flat, nar Mont
gomery. Iuquire 401 12th st.
MODERN five-room fiats. Ml 6th. near
Jackson, West Side. Main or A 1223.
7-4tOOM flat, with gas, bath, etc.; good lo
cation. Apply 704 1st st, corner Gibbs.
MODERN 6-room lower flat, large, pleasant
rooms, poroh, grate, furnace. Main 21t0.
6-ROOM upper flat, modern. Phone East
MODERN 6-room flat, 778H Kearney; tinted
to suit tenant. Key 712 Kearney st.
4, a, 2-roomed flats, modern, pleasant close
In; reasonable rent. 235j Hall.
NEW, two 7-room flats, 10 minutes' walk
from postofnee. Call 431 Mill st.
FOR RENT Modern 0 and 6-room flata,
12th and Belmont.
LARGE modern 7-room, flat, 496 Mill at,
near 14th, West Side.
FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt sU
Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6273.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room lower flat, 23d
and East Salmon sts. Phone Sellwood 453.
UPPER 6-room flat; central; key 330 Park.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshal! star-"
Newly furnished for housekeeping, in
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot.
water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
free; furnished apartments $15 per month
up; smgla housekeeping rooms $250 wek
up ; best in city for money ; short dls-
, tance from Union Depot. Take "S or
16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall sr.
ONEONTA, 3S7 17th. near Yamhill; take
W car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites, by week $5 50,
by month $20 and up; hot and cold water,
baths and phones free. Main 40U7. A 473D.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, tree phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
THE MERCEDES, corn-r of 2(Uh and Wash
ington sts.. 1 nicely furnished 2-room
housekeeping apartment; all modern con
veniences, only $20.
$1.25 week, clean, furn. hotiFekeepIng rooms,
laundry, bath. 203 Stanton st., U. car.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, com
pletely furnished, bath, phone. Hl 14th st.
ONE or three nice large furnished houso
keeplng rooms; modern. 50 2d st
NEW and clean, houfekeeping room 429
Main st.
Til E MILN K R , 350 H Mo m son . cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
461 EAST Morrison. cr. Kas: Sth. completely
furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable.
SWELL housekeeping rooms In new concreta
building. Phune C 1342.
$ . a ( week, lare. clean, furn. housekeeping
rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 1S4 Sherman.
Housekeeping Rooms in private Family.
THRKE or four nl-c!y furnished housekeep
ing rooms, la'ge ym l. flowers and fruit. $l
and $12 montn. mmtilxt hi., .iuniti uih.
THREE Inrge 5imny r-vtms, nicely furnishe.I
for h"ust'kping, modern. 515 20th, Port
land HeiKhts.
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent; . ga.s bath and running water!
private family. 4'5 First St., flat K.
H 1G H-CLASS suite of rooms suitable 3
adults; pleasant home; $;;:. 50 per month;
close in. 52s MorrLson.
FOR KENT Furnished housekeeping suite in
private family, alt conveniences; also good
sleeping room. 340 Hail.
ENTIRE floor, 3 rooms and bath, nicel;
furnished, II sh t, clean, reasonable. 22 i
Grant st.
2 OR 3 furnifhed housekeeping rooms, neai
ptt-cl bridge; fine lorat ion ; tree bath and
phone, nice yard. Apply 35o 13onton st.
3 OR 4 nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping. 3331,2 Market st.
388 JEFFERSON. S r.lceiy furnished rooms;
no children; references.
TWO lovely housekeeping, for rent, with
bath. Apply 5S6 pottygrove st.
TWO front suite of riomf, every convenience,
cheap rent, 421 7th et.
DESIRABLE suite, bath, gas, phone, laun
dry. $17. 105 N. 17th st
466 MAIN ST., housekeeping rooms.
) X