Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 20, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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    , 14 " niE MORXI5G OREGOXIAy. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1909.
FOB SAkJS FARMS. FOR SALE FARM 8. FOR SALE. HELP WTLB-a . . Bookkwe,, t,d Clerk. Furnished Room.
320 acres, all In high state of cultivation;
rot a foot of waste land on the place; fine
for subdividing: lies In one big square r.ght
along the R. R track 1200 feet from the
elation, on 6. P.; the soil is fine black loam;
the place Is fenced and cross-fenced with
fine .fence, good house, barn and outbuild
ings; this place la not In the foothills, but
situated tn the Willamette Valley, right in
fine open country; we guarantee this place
Just as advertised and will show It at our
expense; price. $70 per acre; Terr easy
8.12 Chamber of Commerce.
120 acres, all under cultivation. Is the
Justly celebrated Ked Hill orchard lands
cf Salem, Oregon, unsurpassed for apples,
cherries, pears, prunes, walnuts or Jor
small fruit; entirely surrounded by bear
ing orchards; macadam roads to Salem,
good water, R. F. D., telephone, church
and school; nothing better anywhere lor
fruit; will sell as a whole or In tracts to
suit. For terms call or write to owner,
H. H. Smith, 46 ast Washington SL,
Portland. Or.
40 acres, 22 acres under cultivation. 4
acres slashed and seeded, balance timber
and brush, new 3-room house, barn and
other outbuildings; ell kinds of small
fruit, a few apple trees, all fenced,
watered by spring: 1 team of horses, 3
' cows, wagon and all farm Implements; 5
acres oats, 7 arres potatoes; household
goods, all go with the place; price $4500,
reasonable terms can be had.
2tiS Stark street. Rooms 17 and IS.
All sixes farms In the Willamette Valley,
from 10.o down to fi-acre tracts; we have
looked them over and can give you full
dita as to the nature of soli and Improve
ments, whether It k best adapted for di
versified farming or grain alone: cut this
ad out if you are looking for a farm with
stock and Improvements, grain, hay. hot
potatoes, onions or fruit. We have what you
are wanting and want to sell It. Wallace A
Flynn. 228 Stark st.
20 acres, lo In cultivation, 2 acres nice
grove of fir timber, balance stump pas
ture, fair barn, house; 5 acres In bearing
orchard, about 7 years old. mostly level
land, some rolling, well water, on good
road, mall, milk and telephone line. 4
mile Torn electric station. 2 mile from
Forest Grove, cleared I loon from apples
alone last year: price $4500. $2000 cash,
balance time to suit.
2'IS Stark, Rooms 17 and 18.
80 acres, all line, level loam land; 40
acres In high elate of cultivation; 20 acres
r.ow ready; good hou-se and bam; on main
county rd. 22 miles from Portland: close
to R. R. static, schools and churches; on
fine road the year around; this lies- In fine
op-n country: price. $45uo, easy terms; must
e-11 Immediately; land adjoining sells for
$100 per acre.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
HERE Is one of the prettiest, most com
plete and up-to-date SO-acre farms In
Clark County, fenced and cross-fenced,
hog tiKht; all In cultivation, oats, wheat,
potatoes, corn, onions. celery, melons,
graoes and other small fruits, fine or
chard, all kinds of trees, modern arm
buildings, wagons, hack, horses, cows,
hogs, chickens, etc.. all for $V500.
2.10 Stark St.
Vancouver Ottlce, 712 Main St
15 acres. 2-S miles from electric station.
10 acres In cultivation, 400 fine fruit trees.
Just coming Into bearing; good soil, lies
well, no waste land, on good public road;
small house; price $lloo.
2701 Washington St.. Room 8,
14 acre, all In cultivation: 5-room house
and outbuilding: good water; 75 fine an
ile trees in full bearing; all fenced and
cross-fenced with 5-board fence, as good
as new: one tine graveled road. 11S miles
from Portland: close to R. R. station; price
$2250. easy terms:.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
$31 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 165
20 acres In Heaverton; level, extra fine
soil, all in cultivation; good 5-room house,
good barn, g'Kxl water; orchard of 300 fine
apple trees. In full bearing: place Is nicely
fenced; few minutes' walk from electric sta
tion; if you want a nice country home, see
this at our expense; price $.), terms.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
1200 acres with good improvements,
abundance of water, railway station on
the place: this- station will probably make
the largest town In the county within a
very few years; price $25 per acre, part
city property.
401-402 Board of Trade Bldg.
20 acres' all In cultivation, good 6-room
house, big barn, chicken-houses, all fenced,
spnr.i and well, some fruit trees, only 6
miles from Courthouse by road; this la a
snap; ba'.f cash, balance 5 years; must be
ald bv next week.
618 Board of Trade Building.
40 acres tn the best fruit belt of Clark
County, Wash 10 MILES FROM PORT
LAND; 20 acres In prunes, remainder as
sorted fruits and nuts; prune crop esti
mated at $.-0oo. will cost about $TOo to
pick, dry and deliver, goes with the place;
price $20,000: let us show you this place.
4O1-402 Board of Trade Bldg.
I ACRES for $750; $250 cash: $350 worth
of timber.
6 acres, all In fruit. $1000; easy terms.
12 acres. 4 acres cleared, balance all
blasted and" easy to clear; $1600; $1000
332 Chamber of Commerce.
OREGON for profitable homes; get tn on the
ground floor; we are In a position to fur
nish Oregon farms. Improved, high state of
cultrvatlon. any size tracts to suit, 1 to
20,000 acres: choice grain, fruit or dairy
land at lowest market price, easy terms;
do your own eolonlx'.ng. Write fcr prices
and reliable Information.
622 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or.
10 ACRES all In cultivation, with $ acres
of fruit that will bring $400 In 60 days;
all kinds of small fruit and berries; new
6 -room house, new barn, good well, close
to streetcar line, $3000; $1500 cash.
It pays to see ua
$33 Chamber of Commerce.
640 acres of good rich soli. 225 acres
tillable, with some good timber; this will
make a good fruit and dairy farm and la
a good Investment proposition; owner
would consider exchange for city property;
price $10 per acre.
4W1-402 Board of Trade Bldg.
10 ACRES, i acres of fruit. S acres of hay.
1 acre of berries and small fruit; good
house, good barn, good well: close to car
line and on good roads; price $2700, $1000
It pays to se,e us.
331 Chamber of Commerce.
We have a number of large and small
tracts In this fertile section, all abund
antly supplied with water and some por
tions already In commercial orchards, at
attractive prices.
212-218 Commercial Club Bldg.
Phones. M.tln S0D9. A 26.13.
6 acres, all In high state of cultivation;
r.he 6-room house, good barn, fine orchard;
plenty of vegetables. Implements: lO min
utes' walk from electric station; don't miss
this; price. $2rtoft. terms.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
DON'T be a "flathead;" If yotl haw drawn
a blank In the reservation lottery take
this opportunity to pick your own prize
by Joining our weekly excursion to a fine
tract in the Valley near a thriving town
at $10 per acre: no gamble, no blanks.
S Abraham. 253 H Washington, cor. 3d,
room 6. Main 3055.
aiSK C. B. TOWERS COMPANY. Miles City.
Montana concerning M.00O acre of grazing
1 snd agricultural land In the heart of Custer
1 County, Montana: for a permanent livestock
1 ranch H aul outclass the keati price, $4.00
t per aorei
WE ars headquarters for Clark County.
Wash., farms; our list Is too long to ad
vertise them separately; we have them
large and small. Improved and partly Im
proved, unimproved and stump land; we
will take ycu out to see any of them: buy
now and get benefit of increased values
when electric line Is built right to some of
them and close to others within 60 days.
230 Stark St.
Vancouver Office. 712 Main EL
160 'acres. 120 fenced, 40 or 50 acres bot
tom lend, about 35 in cultivation; 3 miles
from 2 different towns, H mile from R. R. :
sime fine saw timber and Jersey cow. good
4-year-old horse. 75 goats and 6 or 6 tons
of hay. all go for $30 per acre; $3500 cash
and balance 3 yearn. 7 per cent; has good
8-room house, cost $1300 3 years ago; barn
holds 110 tons of hay. and other outbuild
ings; hurry If you want this one: you know
these snaps don't last long. Lincoln In
vestment Co.. room 301, 266 Wash. St.
54 acres right on railroad: S. P. runs
through this piece; but i mile from Ore
gon Electric and only 15 miles from Port
land; good house, barn, fine well, team
of horses and farming Implements; 14
acres black beaverdam loam under gar
den cultivation, balance red sandy loam
especially suitable for fruit and berries;
cheapest land In community is $200 per
acre up; can deliver this for $160; $5000
cash, balance 1 year.
C A. RUFF. 418 Board of Trade Bldg.
40 ACRES, Vi mile north of good boatland
Ing on Columbia River. 14 mile from R. R.
station. mile to public school; 10 acres
cleared, balance light brush; soli rich,
good orchard mixed fruits; all fenced;
good 6-room house, large new barn, new
fruit dryer and other outbuildings; never
falling spring running to all buildings;
price only $150 per acre. The Shaw-Fear
Company. 243 4 Stark st.
WHAT Walla Walla Wants Is you. Presi
dent Roosevelt said: "Walla Walla made
the pleasantest Impression on my mind of
any city I visited In the Northwest." The
surrounding valley Is an agricultural para
dise. It Is making good. Send for book
let S. Ask questions. Commercial Club.
Walla Walla, Wash.
150 acres, 45 clear and in cultivation on
main county road, ail fenced, good house,
big barn, chicken-house: If you are looking
for an Oregon farm, look this up.
618 Board of Trade Bldg.
15 85-100 ACRES all In cultivation. acres
In fruit that will net $S00 In 60 days;
good bungalow, 'fair barns, good well, on
main county road 1 mile from R. R. sta
tion. 1 mile electric line, 12 miles from
Portland; this Is an excellent home; do
not fail to see this before buying; price
$3200: terms. Chaptn & Hertow, 331
Chamber of Commerce.
100 ACRES. 30 acres In cultivation, on
main county road, 3 miles from R. R.
station: small house; best of soil; some
good timber; price $4500; $2500 cash.
It pays to see us.
332 Chamber of Commerce,
10 ACRES fine apple or walnut land, 4
miles from Newberg; this land all under
plow, deep soil with clay subsoil; will
take East Side lot. 1 block from car. as
part payment. C. Hellborn, 432 Chamber
of Commerce.
10 ACRES all In cultivation, on main county
road M mile from streetcar line and good
country town: 5-room house; good barn;
this Is a bargain for $2000; Vi cash. .
It pays to see us.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
Government bulletin on irrigation in the
Willamette) Valley and beautifully Illustrated
booklet, "The Call of the Soil" (copyright)
sent to any address free. Address Caaby
Canal Company, Canby, Or.
100 ACRES bottom land suitable for onions,
potatoes or berries; 15 miles from Port
land. 1-3 mile from electric line: abun
dance of water for celery-growing or ir
rigation: small orchard, fair buildings. See
owner at room 23. Lafayette bldg.
FARM. 134 acres, 100 cultivation, hot and
cold water In house, on milk and mall
routes, good young orchard, 12 cows and
young stock. 4 horses: $80 per acre takes
everything. Address box 38, route 2, Gas
ton. Or.
11 ACRES. 4 acres clear, balance easily
cleared. 1 mile from R. R. station, for
only $1200; $500 cash; good terms.
It pays to see us.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
For the cist of improvements of a 6
room house. 30x50 barn, chickenhouee, stock
and Implements, bearing crchard, R. F. D. ;
near school and depot: $:16c0. terms. F.
Haldeman, 8"6 Montana Ave.. Portland, Or.
100 ACRES 15 cleared, orchard. trout
stream, springs, 15.000 cords of wood: 20
miles from city; price $1700. Inquire 54
4th st. .
$900 BUYS 100 ACRES.
27oo $100 cash. $25 monthly: beautiful new.
tnorougniy moaera si-iwm iuukhu.. . mw..
neighborhood. Apply 351 East 61st.
SEND for our list of Willamette Valley
farms before buying: lands shown free.
Olrostead Land Co., Salem. Or.
BEST stock ranch In State of Wash.: nearly
4000 acres; easy terms. Olympic View
Hotel. 261 1st ave., Seattle.
$25 ACRES on Sandy road, $38 per acre. 412
TTS ACRES, suitable for subdivision, cheap at
- ...... 11, Uamiiim
Horses. Vehicle and Harness.
PAIR of browns, horse and mare, weight
1200 each, 7 and 8 years of age, good
workers. price with heavy breeching
harness complete $160.
Pair of nicely-matched bay geldings.
& and 7 years old, $200; will ell sep
arate. ,
Pair of baye 8 and 9 years of age,
weight 1150 each, both work single; true
and sound; price $140.
$ head of cheap farm or delivery horses;
2 brood mares tn foal, and a 2-year-old
roan Ally. Opr prices cannot be beat.
lit hi Madison St.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old established
wholesale house, 44 years In Oregon at
almost the same cost ? We are located
outside the high rent district, own our
building and can make the price. Exclu
sive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Company fine vehicles,
delivery wagons, top bugsles, runabouts
and farm wagons. Be surs and see us
before you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. Wads A Co., 322 Hawthorne ave. be
tween E. 1st and 2d sts.
$75 TAKES good sound horse; this ' Includes
a good cart, one set single harness, one
.Mexican (band-embossed) saddle, velvet lap
robe and 8 bales hay; here is a snap; I
must sell this week. Call S. E. corner
B. 2Sth and Harrison; take Hawthorne-ave.
car, get off E. 30th. walk 6 blocks south
and 2 blocks west, or address AM 324, Ore
gonlan. HANDSOME black mare, weighs 1100 lbs.,
rides or drives; safe for lady's use; new
Studebaker, rubber-tlpe runabout and rubber-trimmed
harness; will sacrifice. 606
Washington st- Ask for Seal's rig.
PEDIGREED 4-year-old gelding by "Al
cone," broke single and double: stylish;
lady can drive; also fine rubber-tire
buggy and harness; cheap for cash; go
ing East. Phone Main 2218.
PAIR well-matched black horses. Just the
thing for delivery, bakery, milk wagon,
camping team: good breeching harness;
all goes at $185. Exposition Stable, 19th
and Washington sts.
FOR SALE One span young driving horses,
0 and 7 years old. These are dandles.
Phone East 404. 229 Russell st.
THE finest In city, Shetland pony and cart.
Call 1021 Hawthorne ave., cor. E. 34th.
Tabor 616.
WANTED Teams to haul lumber. $3 per
M. Good road, 12 to 16" miles. Phone Eaat
77. 820 E. Yamhill st.
YOUNG horse, gentle and city broke, and
new harness and business buggy; reason
able. Main 1283. A 1282.
HORSE harness and light farm wagon, price
. $75. Sunnyslde Fuel Co., Eaat 86th and
Hawthorne ave.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
HUBERT A HALL, 80 Front, buy, sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rate on business rigs.
$150 BUYS team fat. sound horses and good
harness. Call 0 Washington St.
CARLOAD big horses at 601 Washington St.,
also 10 bead msna
FOR SALE or rent 8 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or year; wa also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day, week, or
month. Phones East 72. B 1869. Haw
thorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave.
PIANO, nearly new. $r.00; Estey piano, ma
hogany case, price $20. 440 East 11th St.
North. Irvlngton or Broadway car. Phone
C 2194.
STEINWAY grand piano for sale, cheap,
practically new: used but little. Milton J.
J once, 151 Fourth at. Phone Main 722.
IF you have a good automobile having been
In use less than one year, in good con
dition and would like to exchange It for
good real estate on cash basis, either city
or country, write AK 318. Oregonlan.
AUTOS stored, washed . and polished at
Vaughan's garage, at 54 Union av. N. ;
also a full line of oils, tires and supplies
always on hand.
j -CYLINDER Reo car, 1908 model, good as
new, fully equipped. Weed chains, storage
battery, extra tire; will sell or trade for
city lot. Call at 474 Alder st.. corner 14th.
MOTOR CYCLE, single-cylinder Indian,
rood condition, used very little. $125.
Phone Taoor 3S6. 1O00H Belmont St.
WANTED Second-hand automobile. 35 to 60
H. P. ; no objection If out of order; cash
buy. Phone East 844. A 318, Oregonlan.
CADILLAC runabout for sale or trade cheap.
Address Hlllsboro, Or., Box 8.
SPECIAL OFFER We have 100 second
hand sewing machines that must be sold
this week regardless of price to make
room for carload; 40 drop-hesd, all makes,
White. New Home. Singer. Wheeler A
Wilson, Domestic and Standard. Do not
forget the place, white Sewing Machine
Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th. H. D.
Jones, prop.
THREE finet-clasa tickets, via "Frisco, to
Dallas, Houston and San Antonio; stop
over privilege; sell cheap. Address B 818,
WE have a large stock of barrels and kegs on
hand, from 5 to 50 gallons, suitable for
pickling purposes. Call or write Layton
Cooperage Co.. 32 7 Water St. '
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully
guaranteed; easy payments: rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co.,
203 2d at.
Films for rent, complete equipment for
theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4th st.
NEWMAN Moving Picture Exchange, rents
moving picture machines, films, supplies,
lowest price. 626 is Wash., near 17th.
LAUNCH Must sell this week; l-ft., toi
. .,, , a ri- u,i.
peao, tuny ryuippvu. v.w.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak
wood at lowest market prices. Hoover,
813 Water St. Phone Main 7451. A 5445.
SECOND-HAND cement machinery, block
and tile molds, mixer and sand screen.
Address J. W. Ebner, Mount Angel, Or.
FOR RENT Good duck lane, close In. Ap
ply room 22 Hamilton bldg.
22-FT. LAUNCH for sale. Ray's Gas Engine
Hospital. Phons Sellwood t4.
$5.00. 200 Main St.
FRESH Durham cow, good family or dairy.
1)5 East 30th; Sunnyslde car.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal " 62 3d st- North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED A second-hand floor case, must
be in good condition and cheap. Phone
East 106.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less.
Phones A 2448. Main 8951.
Wanted 2d-hand furniture; pay highest
price. 94 Grand ave. East 1051, B 2044.
PARTIES wishing figures on cottage con
struction address AH 31S. Oregonlan.
WINDOWS' and frames cheap. Address 1075
E. 13th North, city.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention always given, phone East 1067.
WANTED Room and board with care for
invalid lady. D 31S, Oregonlan.
NOTICE Will pay highest prices for gentle
men's castoff clothing. Call Main 8474.
HIGHEST prices paid for rubbers and met
als. J. Lew. 1S6 Columbia st. M. 5198.
WANTED 500 men to attend my clearance
sale; $22.50 suits on sale for $10; $35
suits on sale for $13. Come early.
TRULY WARREN, the Sample Suit Man.
Room 315. Oregonlan Bldg.
COLLECTOR and bookkeeper; state experi
ence, salary, reference, etc. AO 315, Ore
gonlan. DENTISTS One good plate workman and
one all-around operator at once. Electro
Dental parlors. Tacoma, Wash.
AGENTS At once; country work: extra
good commission. Write to W. Headland.
Mgr., St. Johns, Or.
APPRENTICE, machinist trade. Intending
complete course, strong, living with par
ents. A 32U. Oregonlan.
A GOOD live salesman can make $300 per
month selling 5-acre fruit tracts. Ad
dress AK 316. Oregonlan.
TWO salesmen to sell vacuum cleaners; must
be well acquainted in city. Apply morn
ings. 334 Mohawk bldg.
WE want more energetic, successful nursery
salesmen; free outrtt; cash weekly. Al
bany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
WANTED Tinsmith who can Install hot air
furnaces, and can do plumbing. Address
A. C. Freeman. Corvallls, Or.
AT ONCE. 2A Al solicitors; big money to
hustlers. New York Cosmetique Co., 673
East Ankeny.
BOYS. 16 to 18 years of age. to work In
factory. Apply at once, Amea Harris Ne
ville Co.. 5th and Davis sts.
WANTED Young man partner in best
paving business; small capital rctjuireu. a.u
242 Fifth and Main.
FURNITURE salesman to take road position
In this state. Ask for Mr. Leonard, Hotel
Seward. 6:3Q to 7:30 P. M.
ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced, no
beginners, commission paid dally. Bene
dictine Press, Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Licensed physician to work In
advertising office; good salary and per
' manent position. AE 316; Oregonlan.
DON'T search for work: a dime brings our
plan of Immediately securing profitable em
ployment. Phillips Specialty Co.. city.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special membership. Y. M. C. A.
COAT-PRESSEK. Call at 884 d st., room
PHOTOGRAPH coupon agents, best winning
ofTer; good money. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
MATTRESS makers and upholsterers. Call
18th And Upshur sts.
COOKS and kitchen helpers headquartera
California Wlno Depot, 164 2d. Main 5500
WANTED 100 men to file on homesteads,
quick. 502 Oregonlan bldg.
DISHWASHER Neat, quick, wanted Stetn's
Restaurant, 266 Se. Stark. No Sunday work.
LIVE photo coupon and portrait agents.
Davis, The Hayes Studio. 342 S Wash.
BREAD and cake baker; good. Apply 658
3d st.
SOLICITORS, salary or commission; age
and experience not considered. 267 2d st.
WANTED 'An experienced hall man. The
Hill. 23d and Washington sts.
WANTED Boj- for office. Oregon Fuel Co.,
863 Washington st.
MAN and wife wanted for fruit farm. B 819,
WANTED Tesmster acquainted with the
city. 420 Hawthorne ave.
BOY about 20. Inquire 91-98 Front St.
BUtBKR wanted, steady- Job. S21 Madisoa st.
Main Office. 12 K. 2d Bt.
Wanted Two camp blacksmiths, $3.60;
general blacksmith and horsee-hoer, $3.50;
grade foreman. $100: 4 carpenters. $3.50; 6
rough carpenters. $3.50; 3 cabinetmakers,
Two millwrights. $3.60 up; stlckerman.
$8.50; planerman. one machine. $.1- 3 planer
feeders $2.50 to $2.75; 4 lumbeT graders,
$2.50, $2.75 and $3; S ratchet-setters. $2.75,
$3 and $3.25; 2 men to grade dressed lum
ber, city, $2.50; 3 boys for box factory, city,
$1.60; 2 ripsawyers for box factory. $2.25
and $2.60: no mill hands, $2.50; 50 yardmen,
$2.25 to $2.50.
Men for two large mills Just starting up;
wages, $2.25 to $3.50; fare paid.
To California Tonight.
Free Fare.
Lumber pllem and box factory men;
wages $2.25 to $3. .
Free Fare. Free Fare.
Large list of work every day for sawmill
hand. lumber-pliers, loggers, farm bands,
teamsters. Is borers, cooks, flunkeys, dish
washers, porters, etc., etc.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St.
SALESMAN wanted for Roseburg home or
chard tracts; fruit lands that meet the pop
ular demand and are selling. We can use
experienced real estate salesmen, salesmen
who have worked In any line and men of
energy, not afraid of work, who want to
learn salesmanship.
Call In forenoons.
Department B.
Board of Trade Bldg.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men ana women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks); help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert Instructor; tool free; write lor
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, $5
North 4th at.. Portland. Or.
WANTED The Columbia Trust Company
wante several good men who know how to
solicit Insurance and who will appreciate
an opportunity to make liberal commissions
on the side selling subdivision properties;
there is a great chance here for YOU. Call
for Mr. Tlndolph. 84 Fourth st.
SALESMEN of character and energy and men
wishing to iearn salesmanship; an excep
tional opportunity 1st now open to you: give
details, now long in city, experience (If any),
references, phone number, etc. Address E
310, Oregonian.
WANTED Teamsters and wheeler holders on
railroad work; teamsters $40 a month and
board; wheelerholdere $3 a day. board $5.25
a week: good stuck and good board. Hayden
Bros., Little Rock, Wash., 12 miles south
of Olympia.
REAL ESTATE man wants partner; excel
lent chance for young man to get In real
estate business; no experience .necessary
and. very little money required. Particu
lars National Realty A Trust Co., 326 Vs
Washington st.. room 516.
ALASKA next season; men may now ar
range for places, ditch work, cheaper
now than later In season; Fall trip both
wavs; $5 per day and board; $100 re
quired. Write or call Alaska I. A D. Co.,
617 Board of Trade bldg.
WHY pay employment agencies large fees for
position? Join Employes' Co-operative As
sociation; pay - 26c month and receive free
doctor, lawyer and assistance in securing
employment. Suite 620, Swetland bldg.
WANTED Two first-class saddle makers,
one man on flowered stamped saddles;
top-notch prices and steady work for good
men. Address Sentinel Butte Saddlery
Co., Sentinel Butte, N. D.
IF YOU want a Government position we can
show you how to secure the same and will
prepare you at small cost. Call or write
C. C. S. S., 425-426 Lumber Exchange, Port
land, Or.
BE INDEPENDENT $200 cash, with services,
will secure interest In growing business;
'start you at $3 day; will Increase with in
terested help. Particulars room 417 Board
of Trade bldg.
MEN for railway mall clerks, postofflca
clerks, carriers, internal revenue, etc.;
good salary and promotion witli each po
sition; we prepare you; examinations soon.
Write Pacific States School. McKay bldg.
MEN WANTED to leam telegraphy, wireless
telegraphy and engineering. R. R. and sta
tion work; practical instruction: largest pri
vate station in the world. Send stamp for
circulars. Wireless Institute. San Francisco.
FIRST-CLASS groom to substitute: chance for
permanent situation to right man. Von Gll
mann School for Riding & Driving, 2ith
and Thurman. Apply before noon at office.
WANTED Competent solicitor, good appear
ance, high-class proposition: no capital re
quired. Employes' Co-operative Association,
620 Swetland bldg.
MAN and wife, camp cook and helper, 20
men. $75; cement finisher, $4; curb setter,
$4: bridge carpenters, $3; others.
C. R. HANSEN & CO., 20 N. 2d St.
WANTED Carrier for good-paying mounted
route In Mt. Tabor district. Apply at once
to City Circulator. Room 203, Oregonlan
WANTED Railway mall clerks, postofflce
clerks, carriers; examinations In' Portland
November 17; preparation free. Franklin
Institute. Dept. 413 E.. Rochester, N. Y.
SALESMEN Good, familiar with city, to
sell property. Best selling proposition In
Portland. Agents easily make $50 per
week. 423 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Neat, sober young man with lit
tle money, to show property and work in
office; am alone and tired of hired help.
122 Fifth St.. room 610.
FIRST-CLASS stock salesman to handle ex
ceptionally good proposition that appeals; lib
eral arrangement to right man. AF 315,
MEN to study wireless telegraphy; railway
and commercial telegraphy easily learned;
big opportunities: day and evening classes.
Oregon College Telegraphy. S3 5th st.
MARKER snd aesorter Good wages, steady
employment to steady, reliable, accurate
man: boozers not wanted. Robinson's Do
mestic Laundry. Pendleton. Or.
EXPERIENCED man for stock keeping and
general work In general merchandise store.
Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial
MAN to take V Interest In cleaning and dye
ing shop; hustler can clear $20 to $30 per
week: will sell cheap to right party. Call
at 230 3d st.
BOYS wanted for newspaper routes on East
Side. People's Press, 4 Grand ave. Call
between 8 and 10 Saturday.
STENOGRAPHER High-grade young man.
Commercial Abstract Co.. 40S Commercial
WANTED A good mnn to drive bus for
Northern Hotel, Astoria, Or. None but a
rustler need apply.
SALESMEN all Mnes, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country. Commercial
' Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg.
MAN to work In bathhouse. 595 Front St.
EXPERIENCED waitress. Palace Restaurant,
129 4th st. i
HOUSEWORK Girl wanted for general. 692
Hancock st.. Irvlngton.
TWO experienced dining-room girls. 46 N.
21st st.
WAITRESS wanted. Apply at S3 N. 2d st.
Servant Girl?
Yes, if you want one.
There are plenty
now holding positions
who want to better
their condition and
many good ones not
employed, both kinds
of which would read
your ad' were it
among The Orego
nian Help ads today.
GIRLS. 10 years of age and over, to work In
bag factory. Apply at or.ce.
5th and Davis Sts.
WANTED Cooks, cooks' helpers, waitresses,
chambermaids, housekeepers, girls for gen
eral housework, laundry girls, etc., etc;
good wages.
We have a large number of new places
every day. Call early and get your pick.
Ladies' Dept. 2o5H Morrison.
IF YOU want a Government position we can
show you how to secure the seme, and will
. prepare you at small cost. Call or write
C. C. S. S., 425-426 Lumber Exchange, Port
land, Or.
GOVERNESS to teacb three children music
and grammar grades; wages $25 month,
room and board. J. Mclntire, steamer
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain. $1.60 dox. upward;
steady, reliable work. Call 224 Marquam
EXPBRJE3NCBD fur operators and flrst-clasa
finishers end liners capable of taking charge
' of workroom: steady employment. A. Rein
er. 14B 6th st.
HOUSE-TO-HOUSE demonstrators on a
high-grade, guaranteed woman's article;
splendid opportunity for beginners. Call
10-11, 2-4. room 204. Wells-Fargo.
STENOGRAPHER, permanent position, $30
month. Apply own handwriting; state ex
perience and typewriter accustomed to. AC
316, Oregonlan.
FIVE ladles of good address, convincing
. talkers; I have a gilt-edge offer that will
make you good money. 335 Chamber
LADIES Rare chance to learn a fasoinatlng
business at home with large profits. Address
Lock Box 750, Tacoma, Wash. Correspond
ence confidential.
WOMAN Bright, to sell city property. One
familiar with locations. Our agents easily
make $50 per week. 423 Lumber Ex
change. HOUSEWORK girl wanted, general house
work, small family: no washing. Inquire
S99 Mellnda ave. Main 3769.
ELDERLY woman, keep house for widower;
8 children: German preferred; good home
for good woman. AJ 316, Oregonlan.
848 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Expetflenced girl for genefa.1
housework; no children. 260 Grand ave.
North, corner Multnomah st.
AGENTS WANTED For best non-frlctlon
shoe polish ever made. 333 Chamber of
HOUSEWORK Competent middle-aged Ger
man woman for general; 4 In family; $30.
620 E. Ankeny, corner 16th.
WOMAN to do chamber work and help some
In kitchen; $6 week, room and board. 347
Everett st. Cali at 10.
COOK, $40;. waitresses, city, 2 Mineral
Springs; camp, $30. "Drakes," 204
WANTED A good country home for a jrlrl
7 years of age; good pay. Address 1416
Madrona st.
820V4 Washington St., Room 307.
Main 8S36 or A 3266.
ADDING-MACHINE operator. Comptometer:
must be speedy. Apply'318 Chamber of
SLEEVE IUONERS, experienced, and ma
chine starehers. Apply Star Laundry Co.,
Union ave. and East Ankeny.
GIRL wanted for shooting gallery, wages
' $2 per day. Apply bet. 11 and 12 A. M.
42ii 4th st. North.
HIGH school or .college girl to assist night
and mornings for her room and board, car
fare paid. Phone Main 6176.
BUTTONHOLE makers and finishers want
ed, also finishers on pants; girls to learn
trade. Apply 83 5th St., room 401.
WANTED Refined, capable wonmn for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
GIRL to do general housework: family of
four: no children. 883 East Main. Tabor
HOUSEWORK Girl for general and assisting
in cooking. Call morning, 328 10th St., near
Clay. WOMAN cook, also waitress for restaurant
3 N. 3d st.
GIRL for general housework in small fam
ily. 440 E. 8th North. Telephone E. 5U4.
HAIRDRESSERS, experienced, also appren
tices. Grand Leader, 5th St.
COOKING and general housework girl. 146
N. 17th.
THOROUGH course of millinery taught In
6 weeks; terms reasonable. 415 Alder.
GIRLS wanted at Yale Laundry, 600 East
Morrison st.
HOUSEWORK girl for general housework. 485
Ainsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 1913.
BRIGHT. Intelligent-looking woman. New
York Cosmetique Co., 673 East Ankeny.
$25 PER MONTH Two In family; general
housework. 70 Ella st.
MANGLE GIRLS, experienced, at East Side
Laundry. East Ash and 6th.
HOUSEWORK Good girl for general. 872
34th st
MILLINERY apprentices wanted at the
Chapeau, 115 7th st. -
COOK Swedish woman, family: wages $40.
St. Louis. 245 i Wash. Main 2039.
WANTED Licensed lady barber at once.
Call at 291 Second st. Steady Job.
HOUSEWORK Wanted, competent girl; 2 In
family. 631 Clackamas st. Phone -C 1875.
IRONER wanted. Call early,
lngton st.
East Wash-
DRESSMAKERS and talloresses. 441 Mult
nomah st.
EXPERIENCED lady pressers, $2 day up;
must be good. Reliable Dye Works. Tacoma.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house
work. Inquire 450 5th.
HOUSEWORK woman to do general house
work for two. ' Phone A 4807.
GIRL for dining-room, at Baumann Hotel.
412 N. 19th St.
HOUSEWORK, girl or middle-aged woman
for light. 565 5th St.
GIRL for general housework, small family
adults. 6M Hoyt, near 20th.
WAITRESS wanted. Great Northern Hotel,
510 2ist st. S car north. Main 7658.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2, Grand ave and East Taylor.
1000 HOPPICKERS to pick 600 acres of hops;
big crop. fine accommodations; bakery,
butcher shop, grocery store, restaurant, free
dancing pavilion, beautiful camping grounds,
delightful bathing, low excursion rates. We
pay $1.00 per 100 lbs. Register now at
Krebs Bros. Office rooms 618 Worcester
bldg Third end Oak sts. No charges for
Job. Office hours 9:00 to 8:00 P. M., Sun
day 9:00 to 1:00 P. M. Home A 4335.
WANTED Hopplckers for our yards at
Reedvflle; fare, 50c; only 40 minutes'
'ride; fine grounds, long employment. A.
J Ray A Son, 334 Sherlock bldg. Phone
Main 842
WANTED Good comedy sketch and vaude
ville;, acts cf all kinds. Apply 520 Vi
' Washington St.
STUDIO Music, German. French, English
literature 452 Morrison. Main 2097.
FISK Teachers" Agency helps good teaohera
to better positions. C14 Swetland bldg.
BUSINESS man, reliable, trustworthy and
sober, seeks situation in office or ware
house; good writer, quick at figures; haa
had widespread commercial education but
alwavs ready to learn anything new; la
hustler: tall, clean cut with good address;
age 88, O 317, Oregoniam
JAPANESE, a graduate of business college,
" desires situation as bookkeeper o any office
work. C 305, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by thoroughly capable cash
ier and bookkeeper; best of references. AG
812, Oregonlan.
BRIGHT young man, 19 years of age, de
sires position as bank messenger, good
penman; references. G 818, Oregonlan.
CrVIL ENGINEER, from first-class tech
nical school; employed In the City Engi
neering Department, would like position
In evenings; drafting or computing. L 316,
Oregeonian. (
WANTED By stationary engineer, place In
city; can do his own repairs; best of ref
erences. A 316, Oregonian.
ALL-around repair man, used to gas and
steam fitting; would like place In city; ref
erences. AM 319, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED machinist desires position
with good factory or company In city; ex
cellent references. AL 315, Oregonlan.
POSITION by Japanese driving auto and
machinery of any kind; good experience.
Address 327 Everett St.
GARDENER, experienced, wants situation.
Apply Gardener, 1195 Milwaukle . st.
Phone Sell. 955.
PHOTOGRAPHER. Just from the East, wants
position In photograph studio In or out of
town. AE 319. Oregonlan.
MARRIED man wants work on farm; ex
perience in farming and dairying. AC 818.
EXPERIENCED moving-picture operator
desires position. Address G. B. Clark, 251
7th St., or phone Main 6331, Portland, Or.
BY experienced accountant, credit man and
collector, sober industrious, reliable; ref
erences. Main 8S91. E. 4S01.
HOUSE and window cleaning, new houses a
specialty; or Janitor work. Iby O. A.
Thompson. Phone Main 3036.
BARTENDER, young man, stranger In city,
desires situation; best references. AH 307,
JAPANESE, by-hour workers; houseclean
Ing, cooking. Sellwood 1122. Close Madi
son bridge.
PAINTING and - decorating wanted, day or
contract. Write W. Headland, St. John, Or.
BOY, GREEK, 20 years old, wante any kind
position. 289 Burnslde st.
JAPANESE wants a few hours job.
320, Oregonlan.
BAKER on bread and cake wants situation.
A 322, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. position driving light delivery
wagon; experienced. James, East 4974.
CHAMBERMAID, experienced. Ramapo
Hotel, 14th and Washington at.
BOY, 18. living with parents, wants to
learn trade. O 316, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man from East would like steady
work. L 312, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position,
commercial lines preferred; references. C
307, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer; would prefer
law or abstract work; city references. AF
317, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER will work from 8:30 to 1
P. M. X 314, Oregonlan.
FOR good stenographer, experienced or be
ginners, phone Clearlcal Office, A 6446.
LAW stenographer, well educated; moderate
salary. N 317, Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted as bookkeeper; good
city references. Phone Woodlawn 1920.
DRESSMAKER Experienced dressmaker
desires work; $1.60 per day. Call Main
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and ladies'
tailoring. Mrs. Anderson, 537 Montgomery
st. Main 1018.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs Angeles, 320 "4 Wash. St.. room 216.
HOUSEKEEPER Position wanted .by ex-
perienced housekeeper. Phone A' 3230.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, plain housework,
practical nurse, housekeeper. St. Louis,
245 Wash. Main 2039. A 4775.
LACE curtains beautifully laundered; fine
sun-drying, grass-bleaching facilities. Ta
bor 1530.
LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for
and delivered; 40c pair. Tabor 1597.
AGENTS wanted by Columbia Life A Trust
Company; high-class men to sell life insur
ance in Portland and in other cities and
towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho;
former exoerience not necessary: splendid
opportunities; first-class references as to
character required. Address the company's
home office. Lumber Exchange bldg., Port
land, Or.
WANTED Successful nursery salesmen;
choice territory, big commission; good repu
tation behind our goods makes sales easy.
Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem,
AGENTS WANTED Chicago N. Y. Electrlo
Air Line Railroad Co., 529 Lumbermen's
bldg., 5th street.
WB POSITIVELY have the fastest selling
household patent on the market. Woolverine
Co., FIttjsbuig. Pa.
AGENT Every county, Vaco-Hook, great
seller; $10 per day. Desk A, 325 1st Nat'l
Bank. Oakland, Cal.
AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money
selling nursery stock; outfit free; cash week
ly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
EDUCATED young man desires a well-furnished
side room, electric lighted, in pri
vate home. West Side preferable; state
price. C 309. Oregonlan. ,
WANTED Two or three-room furnished
housekeeping apartment. West Side, or near
Washington High School. AG 318, Ore
gonian. ,
home, business man ana wue.
WANTED Room and board in private family;
walking distance; .etate price. Y 318, Ore
gonian. HARTMAN THOMPSON, at the Chamber
of Commerce, want houses and flats.
FURNISHED cottage or flat, 3 to 6 rooms;
modern. X 313. Oregonlan.
ROOMING-HOUSE, unfurnished, from 15 to 20
rooms, close In. 248 N. 17th, city.
Furnished Rooms.
Washington and 17th, new building, newly
furnished, every room light and sunny; hot
water, steam heat, reasonable prices.
812 OAK ST., COR. 6TH.
Tn at nnoned: new and elegantly
nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable
214 Columbia St.; Summer rates; run
ning water in all rooms; transients 60c to
$1 nay; one .call means another.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Vs
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2; $2
to $4 per week; nice yard 'and surroundings.
Aster HoAe. 7th and Madison.
THE MERCEDES 20th and Washington sts;
elegantly furnished single rooms, with all
modern conveniences; only $10 and up.
THE BRAE-SIDE 421 Alder Modern, Cen
tral, $3, $4. $5 per week; transient.
8d and Jefferson Sts. t
Awav for the noise; 5 minutes walk.
Washington and 3d; Just completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava
tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy;
single rooms or suites: permanent and
transient, $3, $4 and $5 per week. Phone
A 7731, M. 3639. "
Corner loth and Washington Sts.
New management; THOROUGHLY
BATHS: single or en suite: SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
month; tourist trade solicited.
Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde.
Everything brand new, homeitke and
comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
publlo parlor; phones and baths free.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms,, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
THE MERTARPER. 126 13th. cor. Wash
ington, brand new handsomely furnished:
every modern convenience; hot water In
all rooms; very reasonable terms.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts., fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason-
able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite
the Plaza. .
THE HANOVER. 165 King, near Washington
Large unfurnished front room, with
wall bed, private bath; something swell.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite, hot and
cold water, suitable for three or four gen
tlemen; breakfast if desired, also several
other desirable rooms; beautiful lawn:
central location. 181 11th St., cor. Yam
hill. A 8530. ,
A couple large, cheerful front rooms In
a beautiful private home with every con
venience; one block Washington; one block
Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 68
N. 21st St.
TWO newly furnished front rooms to rent;
suitable 1 or 2 ladies or gentlemen; tran
sient. 81 13th St. Phone A S572.
LARGE front alcove room, choice location,
house modern, suitable for gentleman. 383
Salmon, bet. West Park aad loth.
$10 Furnished front room, modern, steam
heated second floor apartments. Flat D,
469 Jefferson st.
NEWLY furnished room, reasonable, flow
ers, all modern. 624 Flanders. Phone
Main 7815.
SWELL front parlor, also othor fine rooms;
no objection to woman. 455 6th at. Phone
Tabor 1762.
TO RENT Nice large, airy rooms, right on
carllne. South Portland, private residence.
Phone 9049 Main.
FURNISHED front rooms, reasonable. 80
N. 16th. A 2S40.
FURNISHED rooms all modern conveniences;
flat A. 549 Washington St. Phone A 2975.
ONE modern furnished room. $2 a week, with
private family. H0i Second :
NICELY furnished rooms. 67 North 14th,
between Davis and Everett.
Unfurnished Rooms.
Modern unfurnished rooms; single or en
suite; reasonable; no housekeeping. The
Drexel, 24G4 Yamhill. Main 2905.
Rooms With Board.
Modern In every respect; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
710 Washington st., near King, brand new,
elegantly furnished; every room has a
private bath, telephone; the maximum of
convenience and excellence, the minimum
of expense. If you want the best in the
city for the money, call and Inspect;
dlning-roim in connection.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary. 610 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N.
Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th
st Mrs. M. E. Brelherton. supt.
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th St. cor.
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason,
able rates for transient guests. W car to
'and from depot passes the door.
THE WALDORF One large front room,
running water; also single rooms. 14T
13th. Phone .Main 2118.
THE MANSION, central, beautiful grounds,
elegant furnished rooms. conservatory,
dining-room. Fifth and Jefferson.
THE L1NDELL, 209 Market Nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board: mod
ern, reasonable; Una walking distance.
THE CALVARD Take W. car at depot to
door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2087.
BOARD and room at 442 Jefferson; under new
management; rates reasonable.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
REFINED, elderly gentleman, retired from
active life, wishes room and board with
small private family where he can have
real home reasonable ; is good company;
references. AB 319, Oregonlan.
LARGE furnished room with board for one
or two people; also smaller room, reason
able; near carllne. 52 East Taylor, Mt. Ta
bor. Phone Tabor- 207.
ONE large front room suitable for man and
wife or fine for 3 gentlemen, with table
board; also table board given; terms rea
sonable. 173 16th st. South,
LARGE furnished room, with board; home
cooking, all conveniences. 107 16th St., near
Flanders. Phone M. 5513.
274 COLLEGE, large outside room with
board for one or two people; modern
conveniences. Phone Main 8280.
PLEAS NT front room with board for two;
modern. 93 17th St. North. Main 4220.
ROOM with board. 119 loth St., between
Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 3412.
624 Marshall Street.
Tho most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart
ments In the city; 3-room suites, PRI
VATE BATHS and reception halls; both
phones FREE in each apartment; electrlo
elevator; nice large verandas both front
and back: large lawn and beautiful shade
trees; low Summer rates. Take W car
to Marshall, go 1 block east.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brick
building,' completely first-class, furnished
In 2 3 and 4-room family apartments;
private bai.h. reception hall, steam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air
cleaning. Janitor service, from
$35 up month; some unfurnished; come
look and be surprised
LAURETTE Apartments, 3 rooms each;
choice neighborhood, brick and cement
building, high-class; tireless looker, steam
heat, hot water cabinet, gas rajige. Ice
chest, telephone, private halls, and bath,
janitor service; open August 15; '5 min
utes from Portland Hotel, lltli St., near
Salmon. Open for reservation
THE BERYL Just opened: three rooms,
large and well ventilated, three large
closets and two folding beds in every
apartment; choice location and low rates.
693 Lovejoy st. Take W car.
MADISON PARK apartments. Park and
Madison Unfurnished apartments; hot
and cold water, electric elevator and
Janitor service; 5 minutes' walk frem
Portland Hotel. Phone Main 6i56.
Northeast cor. loth and Mill sts , 2. 3. 4
and 5-room unfurnished apartments; hot
water, bath, gas; reasonable. Main 5110.
THE NORDIC A. Phone East 3418. Newly
furnished annrtments; every modern con
venience; $20 and up. Grand ave. and
Belmont. "
THE BUELL. 14th and Salmon Furnlclied
apartments; bldg.. steam heat, ele
vators. THE MARLBOROUGH 5 and 6-room apart
ments; 21st and Flanders. Nob Hill dis
trict; very convenience. Main 7516.
NEW 5-room. steam-heated flat, modern
conveniences; reasonable rent. W. 1 Mor
gan. 503 Ablngton bldg.