r- -t ,ty 1 1 r iintuf-rf i VOL. XLIX.-NO. 15,204. THREE DEATHS AT Two Killed in Races, One in Road Crash. TWO WORLD'S RECORDS MADE Barney Oldfield Does Mile in 43 1-10 Seconds. TRACK FILLED WITH RUTS Automobile Association Insists Upon Immediate Changes or Will amp Races Ten-Mile Record Is Cut. INTIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Aug. 19.-Two liv wen lost at the ope ning of the new Indianapolis motor speedway today. William A. Bourque, driver of the Knox car in the 260-mlle race, and Harry Hol comb. hia mechanician, were killed by crashing; into a fence. Cliff Litterall. a Stoddard-Day ton mechanic, who was in jured In an accident on the way to the track yesterday, also died today, making a total of three deaths laid to the score of the new speedway. Two records were broken. Barney Oldfield. driving a high-power Benx, covered a mile in 0:43.1, breaking De Palma's mark of 0:51, and Louis Chevro let. In a Buick. made ten'mllea in 8:56.4. tutting Oldf'eld's time to 9:12. Big- Race Fatal One. Robert Burman won the 250-mile race, the feature of the day. It was this con test that cost Bourque and Holcomb their lives. The winner's time was 4:36:S'.4 slow because of the many accidents that marred the race. The Stoddard Dayton Clements was second. In 4:48:01 8-10. and the National Merx finished third in 4:62:S9 7-10. Another National was the only other car of ten starters to finish. The death of the two men caused the American Automobile Association to in- ' form the owners of the track that certain changes must be made by tomorrow, or sanction for the remaining events will be withdrawn. The association demands that the track be freed from its many dangerous ruts and that every inch of it be thoroughly oiled and tarred. Today only a short portion in front of the grandstand was oiled. Crash Occurs Near Stand. The Knox car was In second place, with Barman in his Buick. leading, and had covered nearly 160 miles when the crash cam. While coming down the home stretch, the Knox car suddenly swerved and tore Into the fence at the left of the track, turning completely over and pinning its two occupants beneath. Both men were alive when taken from under the wreck, but Bourque died In the am bulance on the way to the Emergency Hospital. Holcomb died a few minutes after he arrived at the hospital. According to the story told by Private Frank Brander. of the Indiana National Guard, who was nearest the accident, something caused both men suddenly to turn and look behind. As they did so the steering wheel slipped from Bourque's hand. Then came the accident. Bourque waa 26 ye&rs old and lived at Springfield. Mass.. and had been with the Knox people several years. Holcomb waa 23 years old and lived at Grandvllle, Mass. Both were unmarried. Chevrolet Laid Out. Louis Chevrolet, of the Buick team, waa led Into the hospital almost blinded with the tar and dust from the track shortly after the two men had died. The French man, who had been leading during the early part of the long race, was forced to give up. He gazed upon the bodies of his two former rivals, then, overcome by emotion, staggered to a chair. As a result of the two deaths, the Knox Com pany has withdrawn all its entries for the next two days, and, it Is said, It will probably never again enter its cars In a race. The following cars started In the 250 mile contest: Knox' (Bourque). Na tional (Kincaid). National (Morse), Stoddard-Dayton (Miller). Buick (Bur man). Buick (Strang), Buick (Chevro let). Jackson (Ellis), and Stoddard layton (Clements). Strang Out of Race. Btrang was the first to come to grief, as hia car caught fire before he had completed one lap. He was delayed some time by this, and the officials at first refused to allow him to continue, aa his mechanism had been aided by the track volunteer fire company In extinguishing the blaze. After a long discussion, Strang was allowed to con tinue, but the remainder of the field had then gained about 15 miles on him, and he dropped out. Chevrolet dashed Into the lead at the start and held it for 52 laps, or more than half the race, with the brief ex ception of the 15th and 16th laps, when he relinquished it to his team mate. Burman. the winner. When he was blinded by dust he was led from the track and his car withdrawn. Miller, in a Stoddard-Dayton, also gave up. After Chevrolet's withdrawal. Burman a-galn went Into the lead, with Borque second and Kincaid in a National third. This order continued until the fatal acci dent to the Knox. Kincaid then moved INDIANA SPEEDWAY (Concluded ea Fags S.JJ EXTRA 3 SUSPECTS FLEE; 1 SHOT, 2 CAUGHT OFFICER ACTS PROMPTLY AS BAD MEN" BOLT. Search of Captured Pair by Police Reveals They Are Equipped for Attempts at Burglary. Three susnicious-looking men took to their heels early this morning when Pa trolman Thomas Swennes accosted them, and the policeman tired six shots after the fugitives as they ran west from the corner of King and Washington streets. It Is believed one was wounded. Two of the three were captured later by Patrolman Swennes In the grounds surrounding the Hirsch home on Wash ington street. One of these crouched be hind the fence and the second was sliding down the bank when nabbed. Search of the prisoners at the police station re vealed several burglar tools and a black mask of the handkerchief type popular with highwaymen. A sharp scream ringing out after the patrolman's first shot leads the captor of the thugs to believe one of the trio was wounded and sought refuge in the vicinity of Twenty-third and Washington streets. This locality was combed by the police for the third man without avail. When first seen by Patrolman Swen ness the men were standing at the corner of King and Washington streeta as If on watch. The policeman ap proached them and they ran, six shots from the policeman's revolver not stopping them in their flight. One headed for an alley near the Hirsch home, another ran up St. Clair street and the third disappeared in the dark ness. Thoroughly aroused by the pistol shots and the screams of the fugitives, residents of the neighborhood rushed to the street and many aided Patrol man Swennes and other policemen who gathered, in the search. In less than half an hour two of the fugitives were In the toils. They gave their names as E. Rogers and Walter Brennan. The police believe the men to be yeggmert and are Inclined to think they are the perpetrators of the safe-cracking at Doernbecher's factory last Tuesday night. MINISTER QUITS PULPIT Rev. Robert J. Bnrdette Resigns His Pastorate. LOS ANGELES, Cai., Aug. -(Special.) The trustees of the Temple Baptist Church today accepted the resignation of the Rev. Robert J. Burdette. noted preacher, humorist. Journalist and good fellow. When the question" of his resig nation came up .there was strong opposi tion to It, many of the trustees propos ing to give their pastor an unlimited va cation, in the hope that his health would recover sufficiently to permit him to return to the pulpit, but a letter from the pastor put an end to the discussion. It is known among his friends that Dr. Burdette will never recover from his present illness. He probably will live for many years, but his health is perma nently broken. He Is resting at his Summer home at the beach, and has to wear a plaster cast to support his back, which was injured last Winter in a fall. No choice, has been made as to Bur dette's successor and the only name men tioned as yet Is that of Dr. Brougher, of Portland. MEANS DIRECT STEAMERS Ruling on Imports From Philippines Under New Tariff. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, D. C. Aug. 19. The Treasury Department today, in passing upon the Philippine tariff schedule as contained in the Payne bill, held that the low rates apply only upon direct shipments between the islands and United States. No transfer of shipments .at Chinese, Japanese and other Asiatic ports to other vessels will be permitted under the new schedule. The decision Is far-reaching, and those in a position to know declare that the new ruling will result in the estab lishment of direct steamship connection between this country and the Phllip plnea, as in no other way can shippers get the benefit of the new rates. It was also held by the department that all cigar shipments from the isl ands must enter under a certificate or a bond guaranteeing production of a certificate within 120 days of the time the cigars enter. Under the terms of the law. 70,000.000 cigars may be ad mitted free of duty. POSTMASTER SHOT DOWN Joseph Greuner, at Forest, Receives Bullet in Neck. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Aug. 19.-(SpeciaI.) About 9 o'clock tonight, at Forest Post office store, eight miles southwest of Che halls, John Bemier shot Joseph Greuner, the postmaster. It is believed the wound will be fatal as Greuner was shot In the back of the neck, and the latest telephone message was in effect that he was dangerously wounded. Sheriff Urquhart, Deputy Forster and two physicians left at 9:30 for Forest. Bernler is a young rancher living near Alpha. He has had the reputation of being troublesome to the. local officers on his visits to town when drinking. Mr. Greuner Is highly respetced and has lived at Forest for years, 4 PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST SOLON AIH1S BLOW GOT FAILS TO Fist Fight in House Routed by Caugh. HUBBEL'S RETORT ANGERS Slayden Advances to Strike, but Is Intercepted. HALSEY REPORT DELAYED Committee Asks ' for More Time. Palmer Helps to Clear Situation by Resigning Soldiers' Home Bill Fails in Hot Debate. OLTMPIA, Wash., Aug. 19. (Staff Cor respondence.) Comedy mixed with seri ousness In the House proceedings today in the course of a heated debate over the bill removing the Soldiers' Home from Ortlng. In Pierce County, to Port Orchard, in Kitsap County, where it was desired to combine it with the Veterans' Home at that place. Thfl word "blackguard" passed between Representatives Slayden, of Pierce, and Representative Hubbell, of Kittitas, an! Slaydun aimed a blow with his right fist at Hubbell, but fell short of tho mark. The comedy ensued when Sergeant-at-Arms Wilson started to rush down the aisle to separate the prospective com batants. Wilson's foot tripped, and he sprawled on the floor. This Incident cre ated general laughter, which helped to clear the atmosphere, and Slayden, who had left his seat, returned to it volun tarily. Slaydcn's Blow Warded Off. The Soldiers' Home bill brought out a lengthy debate. Hubbell, of Kittitas, is a member of the general investigating committee, the House report on which showed that the Soldiers' Home at Orting has been inspected and which rec ommended the removal to Port Orchard. Slayden, a Representative of Pierce County, fought the measure. Dur ing the debate Slayden left his seat, and. walking' over to Hubbell's chair, said something, to which Hubbell responded In low but angry tones. Slayden struck at his colleague, but Representative Whalley, of King, interposed and warded off the blow. How Fight Started. According to Slayden's story, the Ta coma man accused Hubbell of not being willing to support any bill unless he had an Individual interest in it somewhere, and that Hubbell retorted by calling Slay den a blackguard. Hubbell says that Slayden used the epithet first and that he called Slayden "another." The Soldiers" Home bill as it finally came before the House for i. . i action was with the section stricken providing for the transfer of the Home for the Feeble-Mlnded from Medical Lake, Spo kane County, to the vacated buildings at Ortlng. This section was stricken on the suggestion of H. W. Thompson, of Lewis County, an old soldier, in an ef fort to gain the support of the Spokane County delegation. A number of Grand (Concluded on Page 4.) HIT " " ' ' CLEAR THE TRACK! t.MH ,' FIVE KILLED AT DEAD-MAN'S CURVE SPEEDING AUTO DASHES FROM TRESTLE AT SEATTLE. Four Women and Chauffeur Meet Instant Death in Tide Flats at Night. SEATTLE, Aug. 19. Four young wo men and one man. the driver of the car, met death and two young women nar rowly escaped a similar fate when a large Winton touring car, going at a hight rate of speed, crashed through the railing of the long trestle over the tide flats at the point known to automobile drivers as "Dead man's curve" at Fourth avenue. South, and Andover street, at 11 o'clock tonight. All the members of the party were from Vancouver, B. C, except the driver of the car, who is a Seattle man. The dead: Miss Agnes Cowen. Miss Maggie Paul. Mrs. J. Colvln. MPS. M. M. Grothe. Ira Parry, the chauffeur. The tide was at its flood when the au tomobile crashed through the rail and the victims were hurled into several feet of water. The body of the chauffeur was found floating half a mile from the scene of the accident two hours afterwards. The bodies of the four young women who met death have not yet been recovered. Mies Mary Paul, a sister of one of the dead, and Miss Kate Hiscock, were res cued by a boatman who heard their cries and found them clinging to the wrecked car. All of the young women are said to belong to prominent families In Vancou ver, B. C. They came to Seattle to visit theExposltion. Tonight they attended the theater together and then hired the auto mobile for a pleasure ride. RUNAWAY CAR HOLDS BABES After Wild Dash, Auto Upsets, Hurl ing Children Into Ditch. VICTORIA. B. C. Aug. 19 (Special.) Rosa and Nell Hutchison, the 7 and B-year-ok children of Mattljew C. Hutch ison, of the Hutchison Motor & Launch Works, narrowly escaped death in a mad ride in a runaway automobile this morn ing, but have only scratches and bruises to show for an adventure that threatened certain death. City Electrician Robert Hutchison had stopped his car to give the children and a third youngster, the son of Ernest Price, a short ride. Lifting the children In and not noticing that the speed lever was off the neutral, he cranked the engine and the car bounded away. Hutchison had barely time to snatch the Price child and was knocked sense less. The runaway car, ' with the two terrified children, narrowly missed plung ing into the harbor, and after a zigzag run of a quarter mile turned turtle in a sewer excavation and was badly wrecked. The children were extricated from be neath the wreckage with no bones broken. HUGE CLAIM IS ALLOWED Lucky Baldwin's Estate Called Upon to Pay $1,320,000 to Bank. LOS ANGELES. Aug. 19.-A record breaking claim in the local courts was allowed by Judge Wilbur today. It called for the payment of M,32O,O0O to the Hibernian Loan and Savings Society of San Francisco, and bore the signature of E. J- (Lucky) Baldwin. The claim was a note executed by Baldwin Janu ary 12, last, due in one year. This evidence of Indebtedness was the last contribution of Baldwin to his cred itors. It was secured by a trust deed covering all of the real estate holdings of Baldwin nere ano in pan r rancmco. 20, 1909. BALLMER TALKS COOLLY OF CRITICS Mot Running Office on Extreme Lines. MANYILLUSIONS ARE DISPELLED Complaints of Irrigators Due to This Cause. NO POWER SITES GRABBED More Withdrawn Than Under His Predecessor and None Restored to Entry No Controver sy With Pinchot. HELENA, Mont., Aug. 19 "As long as any public lands remain to be adminis tered, there will be complaints," declared Secretary of the Interior Balllnger to day, speaking of the recent controversy at Spokane and the complaints concern ing the Reclamation Bervlce. "No two people are constituted alike, and there is always ample opportunity for disagree ment. "Some of the settlers on the reclama tion projects were ignorant of the condi tions that would confront them and they settled on the land in the expectation of reaping a fortune without the necessity of understanding irrigation methods. They have been disillusioned and now desire the Government to release them from their contracts and to reimburse them for their expenditures. "Such difficulties are to be expected when a new work is taken up, and they should not be allowed to assume too much importance when the whole work is taken Into consideration. Action, Grossly Misrepresented. "Since I entered the office of Secretary of the Interior I have administered its affairs, not as an extremist might dic tate, but as I understood my duties. That will continue to be my policy. . "At the same time I realize there are some things In the law governing the disposition of publ'c lands which ought to be modified and as soon as I shall- have opportunity I shall suggest in a report to Congress such changes as appear to me to be necessary. In the meantime the established policy of the Interior De partment will continue. Gross misrep resentations have been sent out regarding the action of the department In certain matters. Criticisms have been pretty severe from some quarters, but, knowing that I am absolutely right in the position I have taken, I have paid no attention to them. ' In time it will be shown beyond a doubt that my course has been abso lutely right. No Power Sites Grabbed. "It will be shown also, when the facts are made known, that despite the claims of the restoration of power sites during this administration, actually more sites have been withdrawn during this admin istration than under the former one and (Concluded on Page 4.) YACHT MAY MEET HARRIMAN AT SEA TAKE HIM OFF STEAMER AND DODGE INTERVIEWERS. Stock Market Advances on News of His Restored Health and U. P. Arrangements. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. (Special.) Ar rangements are being made by the North German Lloyd people to transfer E. H. Harrlman from the Kaiser Wilhelm II to some craft, probably Mr. Harrlman's yachts at some point beyond Sandy Hook, to prevent the railroad man front being annoyed when he reaches this side. The boat to which he will be transferred will either proceed to the Erlo station, where a private train will take the Harriman party to Arden or some point up the Hudson In the neighborhood of Ardon. Prices advanced today, first on the strength of plainly-worded dispatches that Harriman had jntirely regained his health and next on the trustworthy infor mation that the Union Pacific segrega tion plan had been perfected. ' The Union Pacific may carry out its contemplated plans, but, if so, Mr. Harriman will not take a prominent part in such action In the near future. Irrespective of either the stock market or Mr. Harrlman's plans. It can be stated on tho best of authority that Wall street will be surprised next week to find that It has been misled during the last few weeks by foreign cables regarding the condition of Mr. Harrlman's health. MOTHER IS HELD IN JAIL Believed to Have Killed 15-Months-Old Child. BELLI NGHAM, Wash., Aug. 19. On suspicion of having done away with her 15-montlis-old baby, Mrs. Thomas J. Qulnn was arrested tonight by the local police and is held without bond until the disappearance of the child can be satisfactorily explained. Mrs. Qulnn returned Monday from a visit with, her mother. Mrs. C. B. Richardson, at Oakesdale, Wash., with out the child, whom she had taken with her. On her arrival In this city she told an astonishing story of the baby's having been strangled to death by Its grandmother while she lay bound and helpless watching the tragedy. Telegrams from Spokane tonight re vealed the fact that Mrs. Richardson Is still at her home In Oakesdale, per fectly sane, and that Mrs. Qulnn and her baby had left Oakesdale together for Bellingham. The woman told a muddled story when asked by the po lice to explain the discrepancy between her story and this telegram, and she was arrested on suspicion. FIRE BANKRUPTS OSAKA Insurance Scandals Rise and Gov ernment Will Probe. VICTORIA. B. C. Aug. 19.-According to advices brought by the steamer Akl Maru, the losses resulting from the great fire at Osaka have bankrupted between 4000 and 6000 merchants of the Japanese city, and great distress has followed. The official statement is that the loss was $15,000,000. The Insurance companies' losses were $2,500,000, and few will be able to meet them. Scandals are arising and a government investigation of lnsuranc-i companies will probably follow. GOLD IN RAILROAD TUNNEL Rich Quartz Ledge Struck by Work men in California. AUBURN. Cal., Aug. 19. (Special.) The work on the railroad cut-off from Rocklln to Colfax Is developing some un known mining prospects. Yesterday in the tunnel through Baltimore Hill near Auburn workmen ran through a very rica quartz ledge: one piece as large as a man's fist produced $5 in gold. Near Weimar, a nice prospect was found, with the result that men are now sinking a shaft on the ranch of R. A. Nicol. STORM WARNING ISSUED Government Weather Sharps Spot Hurricane in Carrlbean. NEW. YORK, Aug. 19. The ' local Weather Bureau today received the-fol-lowing from Washington: "Disturbance south of and near Porto Rico moving westward. Considered unsafe for vessels in vicinity of Greater Antilles during next two days, and probably later off our Southeast Coast." LOST WITH ALL ON BOARD Vessel Sinks Off French Coast, Prob ably Spanish Steamer. BREST, France, Aug. 19. The mys tery of the wreck of a vessel during last night's storm off Raz de Zin has not yet been cleared up, but the ill fated craft is believed to have been a Spanish steamer, which was lost with all on board. TAKE LIVES TOGETHER Famous Austrian Professor and His Wife Commit Suicide. GRAZ, Syria. Aug. 19. The famous sociologist, Ludwig Sumplowicz, profes sor of political law at Graz University, and his wife, Franclsca, committed sui cide today. He was suffering from an incurable disease. PRICE FIVE CENTS. FEAT IS BY CURTISS Prevents Collision of Airships by Skill. FRENCHMEN CHEER WILDLY After Awaiting Crash With In tense Suspense. HE HAS PERFECT CONTROL Sees Demarest Approaching on the Same Level and Soars to Avoid Him Will Enter Only in Contests of Speed. RHEIMS, Aug. 19. The American avia tor, Glenn H. Curtlss, at sundown today Prided a dramatic feature to the trial flights of aeroplanes entered for the con tests of aviation week, by skillfully guid ing his machine above another aeroplane, thus averting a collision. The feat was accomplished when, for the first time in history, three heavler-than-alr craft were maneuvering to gether at the same time. All were fly ing rapidly when suddenly Curtiss saw M. Dumanset in an Antoinette monoplane approaching at right angles and on the same level with him. Curtiss, realizing the danger, elevated his plane. His ma chine instantly shot upward and soared safely over the Frenchman. Wild Cheers for American. Spectators watched the maneuver with bated breath, but when they saw it waa successfully and brilliantly carried out, they applauded the American wildly. The third machine in the air at this time was that of M. Tissandier. Experts tonight were agreed that Mr. Curtiss had made a fine demonstration of his skill and ability to control his ma chine. They declare that his bi-plane was a real racer. The wind, which had been blowing; for two days, suddenly died out at sun down and the aviators rushed to the sheds and dragged out their machines. Count de Lambert, In a Wright ma 'chine, was the first to start and make a complete circle of the aerodrome. M. Tissandier, also on a Wright bi-plane, followed htm. Lands at Place He Names. Then the Curtiss machine, looking smaller and more compact than the (Concluded on Page 5.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 80.S degrees; minimum, 00.2 degrees. TODAY'S Fair; westerly wind.. l-'oreign. Curtiss avoids airship collision by skillful work at Rheims. Page 1 Cretans hoist Greek nag In defiance of powers and Turkey prepares lor wax. Page 4. Reyes makes revolutionary move In Mexico and Diaz concentrates troops against hint. fse 4. National. Tart dismisses seven West Point cadets for haling Roland Sutton. Paste 2. Balllnger denies he has given up' power situ, or that he has controversy with Pinchot. Page 1. War game ends In Massachusetts and re sult Is not decided. Page i IMtmestlc. Trans-Mississippi Congress squelches ex Senator Patterson's attack on Plnchou Page 8. Harriman to be met by yacht on arrival and taken to country home. Page L San Jose capitalist and wire killed and baby fatally injured in auto accident. Page 6. Burdette's resignation as pastor at Los An geles accepted. Page 1. Averell Harriman prefers roughing It on railroad survey to European tour, page 3. President Katz. ot Windsor Trust Company, and broker Indicted for frauds on Helnxe. Page 3. More floods come in Colorado and great dam bursts. Page 4. Sports. Coast League scores: Portland 4. San Francisco 1; Los Angeles 4. Oakland 2. Vernon 2. Sacramento 1. Page 10. Northwestern League scores: Portland X Aberdeen 1; Seattle 6. Vancouver l;.Ta- n u Kt.nknne 2. Pace 10. Burman wins 250-mile auto race at In dianapolis arter two men are itiucu, i- world s records broken. Page 10. Defeat of Miss Kyan is surprise at Long Beach tennis tourney. Page 10. I'imIIIc Northwest. Olympla solon angered at colleague's r- strt. alms mow. dui ahumo nit Page 1. Scblvely's counsel attempts to show books were "fixed" against him. Page T. Condon saloonkeeper, in attempt to sep flirhrers. kills one. Page 7. First accurate survey of Mount Baker is completea. .rage i. George Bobbins. Hood River murderer sus pect, breaks Jail but is captured. Page 8. Elma shingleweavers go on strike. Page T. Portlaud and Vicinity. City enters field as competitor to contractors in municipal ihiijiuiihu.. . . Strait Is scored for complaint about Colum bia County deer hunters. Page 10. Hellig Theater will open under new name In October. Pago 0. New traffic war is on between Hill and Harriman systems. Page 11. Judge Gatens will investigate Mrs. Collins" mental condition. Page 12. Hill's lawyers maintain that Harriman has no legal rights in Deschutes country. Page 11. President Taft will bo elaborately enter tained while here. Page 9. Steps taken to stop monstrous Lne Ceme tery graft. Page 12. Mayor after United Railways for delay In laying rails. Page 16. M. D. Wisdom dies of heart failure. Page 5. Teamster stops runaway and aves Uvea of woman and two children. Page 11. National Commission plan is discussed by delegates ot Agricultural College Con vention. Page 4. DRAMATIC 001