g 111 Hi Jiuxt a. r mvmJian, iiitjuw.iii - ' - - i tectum POKTI-A.Nn. OREGON. Entered at Po'rtrand. Oregon. FostofTIc a gerond-Class flatter. Subscription Rates Invariably to Advance. (Br Mall ) Pally. Sunday Included, mi year $-00 r:UIy. Fanilay Included, six months 4 2 Ially. Sunday Included, three month. .. 2 Dally. iunday Included, one month -3 Dally, without Sunday, ore year c on rally. without Sunday, six months 3 23 Daily, without Sunday, three montha.... Iallv. without Sunday, one month -"o Weekly, one year 10 Sunday, one year s0 Sunday and weekly, one year.... SO ' (By Carrier.) Tally. Sunday Included, one year On Dally. Sunday Included, ona month.... .."5 How to Rasnlt Send postonTIce money rdr. expre order or personal check on jour lorai hunk S'amps. coin or rurrenry are at the fflflT'l risk. Give po'tofflce ad dress In full. Including county and state. Toelace Rate 10 to 14 pages. 1 rent: 1 to 2S pages, i rents; 3o to 4m page, 3 rents;' 4a to SO pares. 4 cents. Foreign postage double rates. v Eaetern Bttelneea Office The 8. C. Beck wlrh Special Agency New York, rooms 4-5- Tribune building. Chlcaso. rooms 510-612 Tribune building. PORTLAND. THURSDAY. AfG. 19. 190. JT9TICE TO JUDGES. It Is not likely that the legislative committee engaged in Investigating Ihe Supreme Court of Washington will find anything very terrible In the co-called Morrow case. The evidence which has been brought out, as re- viewed by a competent correspondent of the Spokesman-Review, may possi bly point to another of Judge Milff A. Root's indiscretions, but no other member of the court Is implicated by It. The gist of the Morrow case is . that a speculator named Dr. Jordan promised some clients of his to de- , bauch the Supreme Court In their in terest by making use of one E. B. Palmer's supposed clandestine rela- l tions with Judge Root. Palmer was once Judge Root's law partner, and i some people supposed. that the con nection was not quite broken off when the latter donned the ermine. What 1 Jordan actually promised his clients was to obtain a favorable decision i from the Supreme Court in a pending ; case strictly parallel to theirs. It was known in lawyers' slang as the Dog ; Johnson case. Then of course their own suit would be as good as won. The Dog Johnson decision seems to have been just about what Jordan de . sired. It was written by Judge Root, and a copy of it was circulated among the interested persons some days be fore the court had It published. This looks amazingly as if some outside person like Palmer really had a finger in the pie, but there is a telling cir cumstance on. tha other side. When the court took up the Morrow case the Dog Johnson decision was not fol lowed. This might be Interpreted In two or three different ways. It might mean that Jordan deceived his clients when he told them the Dog Johnson cn was precisely like theirs. It rn'iit mean, again, that the court thought Judge Root's decision wrong and took the first opportunity to reverse it. Whatever happened behind the scenes, it is impossible to discern anything to blame the ourt as a whole for, ex cept possibly come carelessness in al lowing too free a Tiand to Judge Root. The truth Is that, apart from moe or less scandalous gossip, the only mem- oer of the Washington Supreme Court . whose judicial character bears the faintest stain is Judge Root, and, to be perfectly fair. It must be confessed that against him nothing has really been proved except his lamentable complicity with Lawyer Gordon in the Harris case. He has been accused, to be sure, of allowing an outsider to dic tate another of his decisions and sell it for J2000. but one need not believe everything he sees or hears. In the Harris case, Gordon, who was then attorney for the Great Northern Railroad, wrote a decision for the Su preme Court and sent it on to St. Paul to be examined by his official superior, who' returned it with his approval. After being thus found agreeable to the railroad in every particular, the decision was presented to Judge Root and signed by him. It was then pub lished as the utterance of the court. Although the amount at stake In the Harris suit was not very large, the railroad lawyers were eager to win it because it had previously been de cided against them, and the reversal would both destroy an unfavorable precedent and set up one which they desired. One can imagine, therefore, how pleasant it was for them to have a judge like Milo A. Root on the bench. Here again it goes without saying that his colleagues trusted Judge Root too implicitly. They ought to have known more about the mo tives underlying his judicial opinions and the sort of argument he was likely to find convincing, but it would be pushing matters to an unwarrantable extreme to accuse them of actual wrongdoing. t It is unfair to suggest that atl the Washington Judges are corrupt be cause one of them has been delinquent and another talked about. It would be Just as reasonable to say that a:i ministers are hypocrites because now - and then one of them falls from grace, or all women unchaste because 'an oc- casional matron goes astray. Even when their purltv is absolute, courts are subject to the ill-natured grum blings of disappointed suitors. There are always rumors In the air that such a Jiwl.je is biased and 3uch a ,, one under corporation influence, and so on. When j.tual misconduct is proved agaln.it ar.v member of the bench, then people jump to the con clusion that all their suspicions are confirmed, and that very floating ru mor is true. Everybody shouts "I told you so." This is one reason why a judge's malfeasance is so much worse than a common man's. It un dermines confidence In the courts, and when it comes to the pass that we cannot trust the courts, what shall we trust? A widejrpread belief that judges were corrupt would cause a , revolution in the United States. Hence any of them who is proved to be dere lict should be criticised with pitiless severity, but. on the other hand, it is a gross wrong to blame one for an other's guilt. This is precisely what many people have been doing, so far as the Washington bench is concerned. The sooner we recognise what the facts really are and put an end to gos sipy rumors the better for our own self-respect and for the public weal. It is well to reform the courts when they need It, but not to slander them. Long, long ' ago, when you were much younger than you are now, chil dren. Walter Wellman began flying to the Xorth Pole. The entire alphabet ical list of aeronauts, from Andre to Zeppelin, has all come into promi nence since we first began hearing of the Wellman flight to the pole. The Wright brothers had not yet made Dayton famous, and while the French were flighty, they had never tried It on the English Channel. Season have come and seasons have departed. "Suns rise, and set. and. rise, sand yet" the Wellman flight to the pole is among the things to be. The worst of It ail is that, while Zeppelin, Wil bur, Orville and all of the rest of the high-flyers are in close cable commu nication with the rest of the world, the Wellman stunt is still being pulled off at the old stand, away up at Ham merfest. Sangerfest. Blunderbust or some "furrin" station, where the mov-Irsrg-plcture man has not yet set his films to working. Wellman ought to make his annual flight from Coney Island or the Oaks. DISGRACE ITON THE MARINE CORPS. The Sutton Inquiry brought out two things chiefly: First, that young Sut ton did not shoot himself with suicidal Intent; second, that the Marine Corps contains a lot of tough, rowdy, drunken, bruising bloods, who need lessons of right living and personal de cency. The testimony has done no good to the character of young Sutton, and has brought discredit upon the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps Is evidently a body of gallants wherein gentlemen must stand together... The verdict surely shows them standing together. All that the naval court determines la that Sutton was killed by his own gun. But that fixes blame nowhere. Sutton was killed in a scuffle, or rough-and-tumble fight.- He was set upon, thrown to the floor, and beaten by quarrelsome companions. He drew his gun to shoot. In the tussle the gun was discharged .and the bullet killed Sutton. The naval cjurt shields the participants to this deed. There may be a way, however, of meting, out Jus tice to them through Congress. The Marine Corps is the main suf ferer from .this inquiry. If young bloods are trained at Annapolis to fight, drink and bruise, there ought to be an Inquiry Into this very important phase of the Sutton tragedy. Worthy members of the Marine Corps and there are many of them should wel come an effort to root out the unde sirable element. CANADA'S ANTI-CIGARETTE LAW. A year ago the Dominion Parlia ment passed a stringent anti-cigarette law as applied" to lads under 16 years of age. This law went into effect July 29, 1908, and the effect of it is noted in the substantial decrease in the con sumption of cigarettes throughout the Dominion during the period covered. For a number of years past the con sumption of cigarettes had been in creasing at an alarming rate in Can ada, the annual Increase for the past six years being almost 75,000,000. Law is law in Canada, and this one is enforced In the spirit in which it was enacted that of protecting the boys during the growing period, from a habit at once seductive and deleteri ous, physically, mentally and morally. Whether Canadian lawgivers will take courage from this showing and. In due time, extend the .age linit below which cigarette smoking Is forbidden to twenty years Is a matter of conjec ture. Washington legislators put cigarette smoking under the ban last Winter by the enactment of a very drastic law against it.. The age limit was not ap plied to its use and some ado has been made about enforcing it, with results, it is said, only partially gratifying. Oregon legislators have not been un mindful in the past of the pernicious effects of cigarette smoking upon boys, but have made repeated eoffrts to frame a law that will protect this thoughtless, irresponsible class from this evil and its effects. A stringent law covering this point is now among our statutes, but It has not been strict ly enforced, although half-hearted efforts in this direction may have re sulted in the decrease, to some extent, of cigarette consumption in the state. Judging, however, from the constant and more or less open violation of the law and the almost universal -use of cigarettes by smokers of all ages, this Is extremely problematical. The Washington law probably at tempts too much, essaying as it does utterly and at once to abolish the con sumption of cigarettes In the state. The Oregon anti-cigarette law Is not, for some reason not clearly defined, enforced with any degree of stringency, though it does not seek to control the smoking ly?blt of men. The Canadian law was not made to be broken. It applies only to lads of Irresponsible age whose habits can and should be controlled in all matters of Importance by their elders, either by means of parental authority or by law. It bodes ill for- the future of a nation when Its men cannot, or do'not, think It worth while to control its boys. Canada, ac cording to the substantial decrease in the consumption of cigarettes under the law above cited is, presumably at least, not one of these. WATER COMPETITION ACKNOWLEDGED Our interior friends, who 'find , it greatly to their advantage to make use of water competition in the shipment of their freight from the East, are Just at present having much trouble in reconciling the actual fact that -water competition does exist with the theory that it does not exist. The Oregonian, without awakening response or expla nation, has called attention to the paradoxical policy of the ' Spokane Spokesman-Review in denying the existence of water competition at a time when it was actually using the water route for the shipment of the Ink that was employed in the dissem ination of its untenable theory. In consistency on this great question of rates is not, however, confined to the Spokesman-Review. None of the in terior points demanding terminal rates will admit that there is any merit to the water-competition argument, and all of them continue to ship their freight' by water. Denver is farther Inland than Spo kane, but. regardless of the greater distance, her merchants have found it to their advantage to ship by way of Pacific Coast ports In preference to the all-rail route across the continent. But, while the Colorado metropolis was playing second violin to Spokane's tuneful howl for water terminal rates without having water terminals, Den ver was also shipping over another water route. The extremely low cost of operation which enabled ocean car riers to bring freight from Atlantic Coast ports to Spokane by way of Portland and thence by rail to Spo kane at lower rates than the railroads made for the all-rail haul across, the continent also enabled Atlantic steam ers to carry Denver freight from New York down to Galveston, from which point it was shipped by rail to Denver. As the water haul was shorter and the rail haul longer than that Involved in the route from the Atlantic sea board to Spokane, the situation was naturally to a much greater extent un. der the domination of the railroads; but, according to a Denver dispatch in vesterdav's Oregonian, until quite re centlv "the ocean rate between New York and Galveston has been low enough to provide Denver merchants an Incentive to bring their goods to the Texas-port for shipment over local lines to Denver, thus obtaining a re duced rate. It is now charged that the railways have increased the local rate 'between Galveston and Denver to a point where it is a matter of choice whether goods are brought by sea or entirely bv rail." As It is a physical impossibility for a railroad to move freight at as low a cost as it can be moved by a water carrier, the shipper at Pacific Coast terminals can effect a considerable saving in shipping by the water route If the proportionate rail and water service necessary were the same be tween New York and Spokane by way of Portland that it is between New York and Denver by way of Galveston Spokane would be deprived of the benefits of water competition. Just as Denver has been cut oft by way of the Galveston route. But it is the combi nation oi the long ocean haul at low rates and the short rail haul at higher rates that, added together, makes a much smaller sum than the higher all- rail charge. Interior cities play an imnortant Dart in our economic sys tem as distributing centers, but they can never enjoy water terminal ad vantages until they secure water con nections for their warehouses. BALLINOER'8 MTDDLE-COCKSE POLICY The fight between Balllnger ana Pinchot is a conflict between rival in terpretations of the law the one con servative, the other radical. This con flict comes down through several rlaahlnir vears. The radical element. represented by Pinchot, has been "holding up" the public domain, cre ating reserves and denying applica tions and patents most of these acts being at variance with strict reading of the law. Now the reaction has cc.m nna President Taft. through his Secretary of the Interior, is pursuing a changed policy or administering tne law as he finds it. This excites the rival element which has 'been ac customed to cast aside "legal techni calities" when they stood in the way of Its favorite method of "saving" the public land and forest and stream "to the reople." It asserts that the vital question is not whether lands were legally withdrawn from entry, but whether the interests of unborn generations are to be conserved and greed of the- present generation is to be curbed. This plausible version of the law, the functions of the public do main and the privileges of the present generation does very well within certain bounds. But it can easily go too far; lts. method de pends on personal opinion, which Is a variable quantity; it is something that strict rules of justice and polit ical safety do not allow. There are hundreds of persons in Oregon today yes, thousands whose valid claims to land have been jeopardized by this policy, their applications denied or their patents withheld or cancel Id. All this is the result of the Pinchot method of administering the statutes. It is not strict application of the law, else the claimants would safely have had their land long ago. The new Administration is taking the middle course between the old regime, wherein fraud and greed were rampant, and the Pinchot policy, which, while being useful to the coun try, has been pressed to the extreme limit and done much injustice. Mr. Balllnger has made plain that in this "reaction" the designs of land and water grabbers will be resisted by the Government. But the Pinchot ele ment nt once rises in wrath to de clare this new plan works in the in terest of great land monopolies anu water power combines; and intimates the Secretary of the Interior is in the service of these interests, and that everybody who sides with Balllnger Is their tool. It is not believable that the coun try as a .whole will take this view. There is much to do n great water power undertakings throughout the West. These enterprises will not go forward while the Government retains the power sites, nor so long as it Is impossible for individuals to acquire and dispose of the locations. It is stretching the law to withhold them from sale and use. The middle course which Balllnger is pursuing is the ra tional one In this matter. The Pin chot faction will gain nothing from charges of dishonesty and corruption. If Pinchot desires to continue being useful to the Government, his friends will have to cease this talk, and he will have to fall In with the Govern ment's policy. ' GRAIN STRONG, STOCKS WEAK. The grain markets, in' response to strength in Europe and bad crop re ports in the Dakotas, yesterday regis tered a sharp advance in Chicago and again passed the dollar mark on all except the December option. - The stock markets, on the contrary, all showed substantial losses, the recent leaders In the upward movement, like United States steel and the Harri mans. showing the heaviest declines. This sudden change from weakness to strength in grain, and -from strength to weakness in stocks, as a factor in the general trade situation is much preferable to the reverse move in the two commodities. This strong upward movement in stocks began months ago on the assumption that there would be revival of business after the crop was harvested and the tariff bill was out of the way. So certain were the speculators that there would be a crop and that the tariff bill would be passed that prac tically all of the possible effect of these factors was discounted before either was much in evidence. The coming of the big crop, however, was unaccom panied by the usual large demand for funds for crop-moving purposes. This left large supplies of cheap call money at the disposal of the specula tors, and they continued artificially to inflate the market on the assumption that the people would overlook the fact that prices were already at as high a figure as was warranted by the most favorable conditions that could follow a big crop and a satisfactory tariff bill. For the good of all legit imate business it is to be hoped that Wall street will recall what happened two years ago and cease this overdis couhting the prosperity that is coming fast enough and strong enough. Conservative estimates place the value of the farm products this year at J8, 300, 000, 000, which is 1900,000, 000 more than their value in 1907, when the big crop and big prices gave such an Impetus to" stock speculation that a financial crash was precipitated. Last year most of the damage from the panic was repaired, and by pro ceeding with caution the returns on the 17, 800, 000, 000 crop of farm prod ucts placed everything In fine shape for vast business expansion this year. This expansion is a certainty if over speculation can be prevented, and the increasing prices for our great staples will hasten this prosperity. It can be placed in jeopardy, however, almost as easily as it was disturbed In 1907, if the craze for stock gambling, with its attendant enormous drain on the money market is not checked. In creased demand for money for crop moving purposes and for the promo tion of legitimate business enterprises will shorten the supply for the stock gamblers, and for this reason an .ad vance in call money rates at this time may be positively beneficial. SENATOR CHAMBERLAIN, DEMOCRAT. Senator Chamberlain's grand art of humbug did much for him in Wash ington, where he boosted for high du ties in the making of the tariff bill and then voted against the bill on pas sage. His secretary. Just returned, says he stood with seven "progressive" Re publicans against passage, together with the Democrats. This is meant probably as a compliment to the "progressive" Republicans in the Ore gon Legislature who tied themselves up to him, a Democrat, with State ment One, and then were so grief stricken that they walled loudly when they elected him, saying they were not responsible for what they did. When the Senator started for the National capital he promised to serve both as. Republican and as Demo crat. Evidently he did his best, by helping Republicans out with the duty on wool and lumber and then by sid ing with the Democrats in their polit ical vote Hgainst the finished bill. Other Democrats like Chamberlain helped boost the schedules for the:r home states and then voted against, i-assage, so that there are progressive Democrats as well as Republicans. These Democrats did one thing for home consumption and another for politics at large, relying all the while on Republicans to pass the bill for their home localities. The Senator's secretary, arriving home as advance messenger, 3ays: "Senator Chamberlain co-operated with the progressive Republicans and a majority of his own party through out. Senator Chamberlain's vote is recorded with the majority of Demo crats and Insurgents 67 times." How, now, do Republicans of Oregon like this? Isn't it a fine thing to have Re publican majority voters in this state represented in the Senate by a Demo crat who co-operates "with a majority of his own party"? Meanwhile it is interesting to note that Oregon's wool and lumber are protected by the vote of the detestable Aldrich and his crowd, instead of by that of Senator Chamberlain. After the Senator's eager effort to straddle the business, that is the way he gets off. What buncombe! , The steamer Geo. W. Elder and the rebuilt steamer Daniel Kern, two craft which have had long lives and much trouble, met In the Columbia River at an early hour yesterday morning, and the Daniel Kern is again at the bottom of the river, while the Elder, bowed by her weight of thirty five years, is nursing several fractures of her ancient ribs and plates. This collision did not take place because the Columbia River-was of insufficient size to admit or the passage of two small steamers, but because the two boats attempted to pass in a space wide enough for only one. Fortu nately for all concerned, the disaster took place in the peaceful waters of the Columbia River, instead of out on the ocean, and iio lives were lost. There is a very plain law of economics which should be observed more care fully by railroad engineers who try to take their trains past other trains on a single-track line, and by pilots who attempt to pass boats on a "single track" without changing course. Mr. Harriman came out of his Ore gon retreat at Pelican Bay last year feeling much improved in health. While there, he gained in weight and expressed himself as feeling better than he had felt for years. This year Mr. Harriman is homeward bound from another Summer resort, where he has been spending many weeks in the care of physicians, and, according to the press reports, he has failed to improve since he left the United States. There may be a moral in his 1909 experience as compared with that of 1908, and the difference In the manner in which he was affected may account for the report that Pelican Bay is being hurriedly placed In readi ness to receive him. 'Tis a very sick man that cannot notice some improve ment in his condition after spending a vacation in Oregon. Th Winston Bros, have secured a contract for double-tracking a portion of the Northern Pacific ttaiiroaa De KniHma and TaComa. There are the Wattis Bros, on the Natron extension of the Southern Pacinc, ana Twnkv Rros. and Porter Bros, in the Deschutes, trying to build rail roads in the Deschutes. Building railroads seems to be a ramiiy joo. nf or.nre Colonel Bryan is entltled to a day at the A.-Y.-P. Exposition. He is our greatest' American show. u oht-ava draws. But perhaps by this time he has learned that every body who comes to see mm aoesn i necessarily mean to vote for him.- Refore accepting at' its face value the story of the kiling of a,l5"00- pound bear in Trinity County, Califor nia, we demand to know whether it was weighed on the buying or the sell ing scales. - i A Tnlrlnlarht raid on fishtraps result ing i a hmil nf $10,000 will give the effete East some idea of the value of the Pacific Coast salmon industry. Heney a candidate for the down- and-out club? Well, hardly. They are Just beginning to get acquainted with Heney down in California. is hetween nubile and private enter- i-iinmit at Seattle. Mr. Taft's prede cessor would have reached a decision without a moments delay. The drowning season is at its height. "Hang vour clothes on a hickory limb, but don't go near the water," is bet ter advice than it sounds. Onnortunity now offers itself to Pu- get Sound inventors for construction of burglar-proof fishtrap, DIRECT PRIMARY FAILURES. Vcw Method la Fine Theory, nt Works Poorly Wherever Used. Chicago Inter Ocean. The more experience we have with the direct primary the more the aver age man is driven to the conclusion that it belongs in that large class of political inventions which fail to be come. Institutions because they cease to work when tried. Direct primaries were lately held In Indiana. Maryland and Virginia. In Virginia the Issues were, according to newspapers advocating the plan, "such as might be expected to call out a large attendance at the polls." But they didn't. Says the Boston Transcript's correspondent: In many counties not half the vote waa cast, and In busy Danville the proportion participating was the smallest on record. Their decision was rhe verdict of a minor Ity. The off Iceholdera are as strongly in trenched as ever, and money. If It does not "talk," works. That the direct primary does not, in the absence of some highly personal controversy, such as we had a year ago in Illlno'is, bring out the voters is the uniform wtperlence. Nor does it bring out the "better candidates" promised. On this point the Indianapolis News confesses; Those who advocated the direct primary including the News are much disap pointed In Ita operations. Today we have five candidates tor Mayor, not one of whom measures up to the standard it was aup posed we should reach under the direct primary. The good, men' who it waa pre-dictod- would "come out" do not. The ne cessity of making two campaigns, of con tributing to two campaign funds, of twice submitting to the Importunities of "heel ers," undoubtedly Increases the reluctance of representative citizens to offer them selves. The enormous expense of the direct primary to the candidates or their friends, with two campaigns, two elec tions and "two large outpourings of money," is further commented upon by the Indianapolis News, with the con clusion that: It ia admitted on all hands that if the new machinery Is retained we shall have to do something to limit expenditures, or else throw them on the public. Of "throwing them on the public" we have had costly experience in Chicago. The Baltimore American gives another illustration by showing In the reoent direct primary there, in which about 14,000 voted, or a little over 13 per cent of the registration, the cost to the public treasury of getting each ballot in the box was $2.85. As to the character of the candidates produced the Indianapolis Star offers some further testimony. While depre cating final Judgment, it points out that "at least one tendency of the sys tem may be positively recognized": The tendency to which we allude Is the encouragement given to cheap and unlit self-seekert". and a corresponding discour agement to men of character and sensi bilities who might be Induced by combined partv demand to accept responsible offices, which under no circumstances would they solicit by expenditure of money and brazen exploitation of their own virtues. The truth Is that under the direct primary, when time and death have dis sipatecf the political acquaintanceships acquired under the old system, the greater offices will be open to only two kinds of candidates. One will be the man of wealth who wants public office as a social decora tion or to increase a fortune already large and is willing to spend freely In self -advertising. The other will be the kind so accu rately described by The Portland Ore gonian, published In the state which in electing a Senator has managed to an nul the Constitution of the United States: The man who can shake most hands, make himself the best "mixer," communi cate with the largest number by means of empty speeches or fltmtiam circulars, or make In any way the most touching ap peal to the fancy of hobbyhorslcal citizens, such as silver advocates, single-tax fa natics, or other groups entertaining half baked notions, will walk off with the nomi nation. That Is. the direct primary in the end confines us to a choice between the shallow-pated demagogue and the man of wealth whose notion of happiness and success is to "buy what I want when I want it," regardless of price or manner of purchase. No wonder the Indianapolis News asks, "Has the delegate system been fairly tried?" and its contemporary, the Star, suggests as "a wholesome thought" the direct primary's new proof that "the hope of making officials able and honest, or voters wise and vigilant, by law, is vain." Judged by experience, the direct pri mary is merely another of those roads to the millennium, down which some men are always eager to be blindly led by the blind, with the result that all concerned go into the ditch. Bottled Bait L,ursj Flah. Wlnsted (Conn.) Corr. N. Y. World. All piscatorial artists who enjoy bass and pickerel fishing will be interested in the way D. J. Coffey, a member of the Winsted fire department, who lias been putting in a week's vacation on the Highland Lake fishing grounds, managed to break all previous records there for big catches. Here's how he did it: He placeu a number of shiners, or live bait, and one or two small frogs in glass bottles of two gallons capacity and then suspenaea tne Domes in ueep water from a small raft. As the big bass and pickerel tried in vain to get the little fish in the glass inclosure, Coffey, who fished from a rowboat near by, dropped his baited line close to the bottles and the assembled fiBh were caught as fast as they could be pulled in. Paine a Plagiarist f ' PORTLAND, Aug. 19. (To the Ed itor.) Was Thomas Paine ever accused of plagiarism? It seems to m uim "Age of Reason" is almost a liberal transcription of Spinoza's "Theological Political Treatise," which preceded Thomas Paine over 100 years. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN. Faine's biographers do not accuse him of plagiarism. Spinoza wrote 100 years before Paine and his ideas had become common property when "The Age of Reason" appeared. Weather Predictions. New York Times. By gum! " Ain't the weather bum Sometimes, and mostly so, When you fix to go Somewhere And want it fair? You turn In at night Feeling all right Because you have read What the Weather Forecaster has said. To wit: "Fair tomorrow and cooler; I-iprht winds, northwest." And you sink to rest. By predictions blest. And you dream Of emerald valley and silver stream. And over all the azure skies. And you rise Early the next day To find the skies are ugly gray. And you kick And feel sick. And you want to slug the forecaster In the neck. And put the whole darn weather bureau On the wreck; But you take a chance On a meteorological circumstance. And go anyhow. Wow! Will you ever forget How draggly wet You were beneath those azure Pkies Of the weather bureau enterprise? But. say. It won't be that way, Anv more! What? Why will it not? Because The weather laws Will hereafter be administered by youth Which will always tell the reliable truth, Ring out the old; ring in the new : Ring out the false: ring in the true; The oid forecaster's got to go And let the young one have a show. Now when you're told Bv some knowing young fellow. That the day will be fair. Don't forget your umbreJJ What! . PIXCHOT VERSUS BALLIXGER. Forester Wanta l.xr Strained to Fulfill Hia Ideaa. New York Times. Mr. Gifford Pinchot, the savior of the country's forests, is wrong. Unless he rights himself speedily, he may cease to become a member of Mr. Taft's Ad ministration, despite his great serv ices to tne Nation. If he does not dis trust Mr. Taft in the Administration's methods of dealing with, the Water Power Trust, it is manifest from his speech at Spokane this week that Mr. Pinchot distrusts- the methods of Mr. Taft's Cabinet officer, Secretary of the Interior Balllnger. Mr. Balllnger last April threw open 1,400,000 acres of the public domain .which had been withdrawn by Presi dent Roosevelt for the purpose of con serving water-power sites, thus cutting down the area of withdrawals to 154, 000 acres. The Geological Survey had apprised Mr. Balllnger that Mr. Roose velt withdrew townships where the withdrawal of sections would have answered every purpose. A recent trustworthy dispatch to our neighbor, the Tribune, declared that "the Presi dent is in hearty accord with the policy of Mr. Balllnger." Other withdrawals of coal, oil and phosphate lands were found to be illegal. With respect to these tho Tribune of Chicago last month defined the intentions of the President and Mr. Balllnger as follows: New York Times. It Is the intention of Secretary Balllnger, also, to prevent the monopolization of coal, oil and phosphate lands, and he is prepar ing to advise the President as to what rec ommendations to this end ought to be sub mitted in the first annual message to Con gress of the Chief Executive. Both the president and the Secretary realize that their duty at this time is to enforce the law as it exists and to prevent any abuse of its provisions. The clash in methods advocated by Mr. Pinchot and Mr. Taft may be seen in the subjoined dispatch from the Washington bureau of the New York Tribuno and" an extract from Mr. Pirichot's speech at Spokane: The president's View, Mr. Plnchot'a View. President Taft Is Kluld construction wholly unwilling that the law shall" be strained, or that the members of his Ad ministration shall ex ceed their Constitu tional and statutory powers. In the effort to prevent the monop olization of water power sites. He has of the law works, and must work, in the vast majority of cases, for the benefit of the men who can hire the best lawyers and who have the sources or innu- ence In law-making at their command. Strict construction necessar ily favors the great expressed himself en ergetically In opposl interests as against the people, and In the tlon to the proposi-llong run cannot do tlon that "the end Justifies the means." and in the process of making certain that no executive act shall be opn to the charge of being without legal warrant, a number of these sites will Inev itably be thrown open to settlement under the existing land laws. otherwise. Wise exe cutlon of the law must consider what the law ought to ac complish for the gen eral good. That is. in Mr. Pinchofs view, the Executive need have clearly in mind only "the general good" and a hatred of corporations. If the acts thus far passed by Congress distinctly authorize the exploitation of minerals and they do while Mr. Roosevelt's orders set ting aside ranger sites specifically for bade such exploitation, Mr. Pinchot be lieves that Mr. Taft ought to follow Mr. Roosevelt without respect to the law. Mr. Taft, on tho other hand, believes that the law ought tirst to be changed in the interest of a worthy Rooseveltlan policy. This is not Mr. Pinchofs first mis take. No sooner had Mr. Taft become President than the Chief Forester cir culated among President Roosevelt's illegally paid commissions the Roose velt memorandum declaring that the sundry civil act, which reiterates a clause of the Constitution providing that no money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appro priations made by law, was "an inva sion oj the Executive prerogative." Mr. Taft and Congress saw the matter with other eyes. The present difference of opinion be tween Mr. pinchot and President Taft is Important, In that it Indicates with clearness and precision tne ainerence in methods between the present and the nast Administration. It should never be forgotten that Mr. Taft was a Judge before he became President. As the Nation's Chief Executive he still re tains his respect for its laws. BILLBOARD IS ATV ANACHRONISM. If Local I. aw- Caa't Suppress Nuisance, Call Congress, la SuKgeatlon. Washington (D. C.) Star. The District commissioners are to be congratulated upon their firm stand in connection with the billboard nuisance. The advanced position taken receives the hearty indorsement of. practically all residents of Washington, ana tne abolition of the billboard eyesores may be the happy consummation of the not distant future. The decision to carry the matter to the courts Is to be wel comed, as clearing the ground for ulti mate action in the case. The ruling of the court in this matter will show in what respects, if any, present laws need to be amended in order that tne nui sance can bo legally abolished. And In order to do this the case, when It goes to the courts for adjudication, should be made to cover every possible feature of the controversy. If the present law is not sufficient to remedy the abuse, Congress can be depended upon to make it broad enough to cover every emer gency. The development of esthetic ideas in recent years in America, particularly In connection with the beautlllcation of cities, has made the billboard an an achronism, as Commissioner McFarland declares. While nearly everything else has felt the uplift, the billboard keeps fast to its pristine hldeousness. Not only is the day of the billboard passing in the cities, but there is evi dence that the smaller towns and the countryside are awakening to the neces sity of action in the way of either abo lition or strict regulation. Railroads are refusing permission for the erection of billboards upon their right of way, and when the thrifty Jersey farmers are better educated perhaps a trip from Philadelphia to New York will less re semble a Journey through a tunnel of horrors. Come Again, Mlaa Vldo. Silver Lake Leader. We are under obligations to Miss Vida Chrisman for a plate of choice home made candy. Miss Vida, you are always welcome to the Leader office, especially when you bring such delicious candy. A Challenge. John Kendrick Bangs In Alnslee's. tome. worry, let us walk abroad today; Let's take a little run along the way: I know a sunny path that leads from Fear Up to the lovely fields of Wholesome Cheer. I'll race you there I'm feeling fit, and strong. So, Worry, come along! We started on our way. I and my Care. I set the pace on through the springtime air, But ere we'd gone a mile poor Worry stopped, - Tried hard to catch his breath, and then he dropped. Whilst I went on An easy winner of that Marathon. And since that day when vexed by any fear, When Worry's come again with visage drear, I've challenged him to join me in that race. And found eacb, time ae could not etaad ' th pace. Life's SunnySide Just as he was sleeping along about 40 miles an hour and never slowing "1" for crossings. Dr. C. II Battles was aroused by somebody firing a salute on the telephone at the head of his bed. The little clock on the dresser recorded 1 A. M. "This is the municipal lighting plant," said a voice. "Would you mind looking out of the window to see if the street lights are burning there on your corner?'' Anybody but a doctor would have slammed the receiver into place without waiting to hear another word. But beins used to getting out of bed at all hours of the night, tho doctor went over to the window end looked out. The lichij seemed to be sticking to business same as usual. Having diagnosed the rase of the liehts as practically normal, the doctor pit-a-patted back to the phone to make his report. "They're all right," said he. just that tersely. "Very well, then," came back the voice, "suppose -you blow 'em out!" The next day the telephone man came around and patched up the phone so that it was just as good as new. Cleveland Plain Dealer. A number of Topeka printers at lunch recently were talking of funny fights. "Out at Garden City a funny thing happened long years ago." said one of the printers. "Garden was having some sort of a celebration: Just what it was, I've forgotten. John A. Martin was then Governor of Kansas, and he was present to open the festivities with a speech. A parade preceded the affair, and Governor Martin rode in a carriage with I. R. Holmes, who was then Mayor of the town. A big blacksmith insisted on driv ing his horse in front of the carriage oc cupied by Martin and Holmes. The latter told him to get out of the way several times, but lie paid no attention. " 'Governor,' said . Holmes to Martin, hold these lines a minute, please.' llo stopped the horses, climbed out and ad ministered a rattling good licking to the disturbing blacksmith. "Now, doesn't it strike you as funny that the highest peace officer of the cltys shoufd hand the lines to the highest peace officer of the state while he gets out to break the poaca?" Kansas City Journal. Captain Tracey, who lived down in Kentucky, was a good old hard shell Bap tist, who occasionally would tell a. story at the expense of the brethren. Years ago they were not so conspicuously ortho dox on the temperance question as they are in our time. "On one occasion," said the Captain, "the brethren in my region were about to have a grand church gathering, nnd all the faithful in the neighborhood werj expected to exert themselves to enter tain suitably and hospitably the visiting brethren. Two of my neighbors met each other Just before the grand gathering. One of them said: " 'What are you going to do?' " 'Well,' replied the man, 'I've laid "in a gallon of first rate whisky.' " 'A gallon!' retorted his neighbor, with a look of contempt, 'why, I've got a bar rel, and you are just as able to sunpoit the gospel as I am." Philadelphia Record. Two Kansas farmers, one' of them a Republican and the other a Democrat, were quarreling over their polilicnl be liefs. The more thoy argued the furth -r apart they drifted. Finally they called ia a neighbor to settle the dispute. This neighbor was a man 'who seldom sail anything, who went about his business, was a good citizen and substantial i:i every way. "Well," he replied, after both had stated their sides, "my son and I have been hauling wheat nearly 40 years now There are two roads leading to the mil!. Oiie is the valley road and the other leads over the hill. But never yet has the miller asked me which road wc came. He always askf: 'Is the wheat good?' " Kansas City Journal. m "Do you think luck cuts much of a figure In'fhe success or failure of a man nowadays?" "Yes, I believe it does. There's Bat; shaw. for instance. What show would he ever have had to live at ease and helonir to clubs if he hadn't hhd the luck to find a banker with a daughter who was so homely that a large premium had to be offered with her?" Chicago Record Herald. Heirs of John Paul Jones, Marietta, O., Dispatch. One million acres of land near Marietta, owned by the Ohio Company in 17SS and deeded to Admiral John Paul Jones in 1792, is now in litigation here. Attorney A. Dewey Follett has start ed proceedings to gain possesion of cer tain land, -which Mrs. Gomhault. of Paris, France, an heir of John Paul Jones, claims legally belongs to her. She asserts she has a deed of trust for the lands, given to her by other heirs of John Paul Jones. C. A. Hereshoff Bartlett, of Paris, former Judge-Advo-eate-CJeneral of New York, represents Mrs. Gombault ' and believes this con veyance is not absolute, hut Is a trust deed. The records of Washington County show that Jones once owned the land in question, and it may still be the prop erty of his heirs. Poverty forced Mrs. Gombault to seek title to the land and show the deed of trust In her possession. Found A While Snnllow. Lenox, Mass., Dispatch to the New York World. George Parker discovered a white swallow in an unused oats box in his barn. Mr. Parker says the box had not beep opened in two years. He thinks the bird entered the box before the lid was turned down in 197, subsisting on the oats in the box, and that the con finement turned its feathers white. Girl Snved by Ifnlr of Her Head. Baltimore News. Alice Kinsey; 15 years old. saved Ger trude Shant, 17 years old, from being burled alive in quicksand in a woods in Pennsylvania by holding her by the hair as she sank in the bed of a small stream and summoning help. Table of lO.OflO pieces of Wood. Pittsburg (ra.) Dispatch. Levi M. Longenecker, of Marietta, Pa., has finished a table which contains iO.OfiO pieces of wood gathered from all parts of the state. The work required vil hours. There are 110 different varieties of wood used. So Kny. Chicago News. So at last you're Fafely raged. Being actually engaged! How you marvel at your fears And your anguish fringed with tears! Now your skies are tinged with rose Since you've clinched tho girl you chose. Much you wonder that for days Courage you could npver raise. Couldn't find a word lo say When she chanced to pass your way. It waa chance, of cource, ynu thought. Not design! Well, you've been caught. If her thoughts you could have guessed. Easy would have been the rest. Tou would have been truly bold: Aa It was your feet were cold. How you stammered in your doubt, With your courage oozing out! When she whispered. "Yes. you'll do, With prodigious courage you Swelled up like a whole parade Aa you murmured, "Who's afraid 7 . '