THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1909. JUST SIMPLE CASE HOSTS AT DENVER ACCLAIM HOT So-Called Enemies of Policy Cheer as Lustily as His Ardent Admirers. SPEAKS OF CONSERVATION Forester Carries Trans-Mlsslssippl Congress With Him and He Ex changes Bouquets With Walsh, Mineowner. DEXVER. Aug. 18. GiffoixJ Plnchot. Chief Forrester of the rnited 9tates. and Thomas Ft Walsh, millionaire mineown r. exchanged bon mots today before the Trans-Mississippi Congress, and. as a concluding note In the harmony of the session, the delegates followed Mr. Pin c hot's address with a round of applause that shook the auditorium. The so-called "enemies of Plnchotism ' said they were satisfied with the conser vation ideas of the speaaer ana juiin-u ui the cheering: as lusmy aa uiu iuo Mr Walsh, In presenting Mr. Plnchot. referred to the latter as a patriotic young American, who, rich in his own right, is devoting himself to the service of his country, ana wnose raiswucs, it th, orn onv ft Tf t hnK nf the hPL(i and f fin hMrt In return. Mr. Plnchot cDoke of the mine magnate as "a soldier of the common good." alone In the applause getting, for there was present John B. Leeds of Colorado, who in presenting a resolution to the congress saw Japanese fleets swarmi down on Washington. Therf f nr " fULffsrested he. "let' move the Capital to Denver, wherethe Japanese navy won't have a chance." Before Mr. Plnchot spoke a number of resolutions were otrerea. jne cm on Af lrlrnn KtK'IfP,) a rPROlUtiOn dO manding separate statehood for the territory, and shippers advocated resolution asxlng that railways be no narmltl.H tn InrriUM rates Without dU application to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Also there was a neman for more Industrial schools broadcast. acres on the Tully and Sandy roads be set aside for a park. This was referred to a committee consisting of Walter Sea borg, A. B. 61osson and B. B. Merrick. PRISON CONGRESS ELECTS Feature of Day Is Tongue-Lashing Given Speaker by Woman. SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug.. 18. The con gress of the American Prison Association today elected the following officers: President Amos W. Butler. Indianapolis; vice-presidents. James A. Leonard. Mans field. O.: Rev. D. Reed Imbrle. Hoboken, Pa.;' General Demetrlo Castillo. Havana; Lieutenant-Colonel A. G. Irvine. Stony Mountain. Canada; Robert V. Ladow, Washington. D. C; general secretary. Joseph P. Byers. Randall's Island, X. Y. ; financial secretary. H. H. Shirer, Colum bus. O.; treasurer. Frederick H. Mills, New Tork. Judge Richard R. Lands of Havana was appointed a member of the committee on criminal law reform. The National Prison Physicians' Associ ation chfse the following officers: President. Theodore Cooke, Jr., Bal timore: vice-presidents, John Gerin. Au burn, N. Y.; Walter N. Thayer. Clinton, N. Y.; secretary, Daniel Phelan, Klngs ston. Canada. The National chaplains chose: Presi dent, Hev. Aloys Fish. Trenton. N. J.; secretary. Rev. H. Cresson McHenry. Philadelphia: treasurer. Rev. D. Reed .Imbrle, Hoboken, Pa. A sensational incident of the morn- Jerome Decides Persch Not Victim of. Financiers. NO REDUCTION IN BAIL In Spite of Arguments of Lawyers, Young Broker Tells CourtNoth ing of "Men Higher Up, as Anticipated. NEW TORK. Aug. 18. Donald L. Persch, the young note broker. Indicted for grand larceny for selling mining stock belonging to F. Augustus Helnxe, went back to the Tombs yesterday, accused by District Attorney Jerome of being the manipulator of a "simple vulgar steal." Although urged to reveal the "man PORTRAITS OF TWO PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF TRANS MISSISSIPPI CONGRESS. ting 'ir Save Forests, Says Pinchot. Mr. Plnchot was given a hearty ov. tion as he began his speech. All morn ing he had been handshaking those about the hall and. when he arose to speak, deafening applause greeted him, "That the National duty lies in the direction of conservation there is no doubt." he said. "I can conceive of no higher plane of duty than that we con serve our vast resources along the lines of the Roosevelt policies, and to these policies I am committed. "It is folly for us to say there is land In plenty and forests In plenty, when we know that our forests are being depleted far more swiftly than it is possible for us to reforest. We have forests in plenty for the present generation and perhaps for the next, but in the years to come there will be famine a-plenty if we do not at this time take the stitch In time. "Conservation on the line laid down by Roosevelt will not only keep our present forests, but will give us lum ber when we nee it most. To save these forests now may require much self-denial, but it will give the country resourcus in the years to come. Following his plea for the forests, he urged reclamation and said It lies witn the West to' make fertile with its own labor the vast tracts which would otherwise be lost. He promised the aid of the Government in every mer itoriou enterprise looking toward con, serration. Xoble Is for Conservation. John W. Noble. ex-Secretary of the Interior, spoke on conservation of for erts and water rights. He said the forest reserve laws did not contem plate paring down the reserves by the relinquishments or tracts lor private settlement or for grazing where they were needed to preserve water supply. There was no substantial ground to criticise the reserves as made, it be ing admitted that they were needed to grow timber and to preserve the soil from being swept away. Public opinion showed a purpose that the country's natural resources, believed to be essen tial to the Nation's vitality and prog ress, should be protected from private and particularly corporate greed and monopoly, and controlled for the publio elfare now and hereafter. The benefits were National in char acter, extending from the state where the reserves were created to every state along the streams which rose in the reserves, and individual and local community Interests could not be con sidered at the expense of the public good. The lesser claim on these re sources must yield to the greater. For All, Not for Monopolies. It was apparent, the speaker con tinued, that the great benefits of the forest and water resources, if they were ailowed to fall into the hands of indi viduals, and particularly corporations, would be administered fop the greatest pecuniary gain possible to the owners. He said that, if the National Govern ment or the several state governments where they had obtained similar re serves, lightly allowed them to become monopolized by individuals or com binations, they would be deemed to have abdicated the very seat of govern ment and. after having so long pre; tended to protect the people, would have at last turned them over, cribbed and penned, to their oppressors. The very least that could be expected of the Government would be to keep ultimate control of all rules and regulations, so that the ministration of the trust could r.ot be successfully perverted. SUBURBAN OWNERS MEET Rose City Park Residents Sign Pe tition to Widen Sandy Road. At an open-air meeting of the Rose City Park Improvement League last night, several subjects of importance were dis cussed. . Property owners representing 1670 acres nlgned a petition for the widening of Bandy Road from 60 to 80 feet for a dis tance of 2500 feet. A move win be made later to pave the street and construct cement sidewalks. H. J. Blazing was ap pointed t confer with the City Council pvxt Friday for the purpose of urging the completion 'of the Improvement. Public schools for the coming season were given considerable attention. It was reported that there are 125 children in the entire district for wllom there is not room In the present school buildings. It was voted to utilize two vacant store build ings for publio school purposes this Win ter. B. B. Merrick mad a motion that VA If y. - ' Jit! ?r r: -. ' J Thomas F. Walsh, President. If. G. Larlmore, First Vice-President. We're practically throwing away the bal ance of our Summer stock. Don't kick about the heat get into a light-weight Suit and be happy $20 2 and 3-piece Suits ?10 $40 3-piece Suits.. $20 $2 and $2.50 Straw Hats S5 Lion Clothiers 166-170 THIRD ST. sold 80 acres on the mountain, partly im proved, to Albert Allyn. of Morrow Coun ty, for J3600. Chris Thoeny sold 20 acres on Pine Creek, above Weston, to L C. Bottorf, of Freewater, for J3000. Ing session was a tongue-lashing ad- mlnlsterea to rreatrit n. New York. Prison Labor Commissioner of that state, by a woman. In a morn ing paper Mr. Mills had made an at ,.k nn Tnrio-a T.indsev. of Denver. Colo., and his Ideas in the treatment of prisoners. This morning miss -nay Kreuger, of the Seattle Humane So n vnnnir wnman with an aston ishing command of language and light ning speed in delivery, rose 10 ucmuu Judge Lindsey. who is absent from the i . KA h-van n nnslausrht On Mills that brought him to his feet with a protest against Miss Kreuger continu ing. Rev. James C. Reed, of Walla mnvd she be permitted to con tinue, and the congress with one shout told her to go on. She resumed, fac . i. -fiiia nnd sneaking with still greater severity, the delegates express ing their approval at irequeiu iulci- vals. HARRIMAN STRIKES BLOW (Continued From First Page.) ht the Inauguration by the Union Pa clflr of its through train service over the Northern Pacific to Puget Sound points hnrt heen abandoned indefinitely. une only explanation obtainable at the local Vfarriman offices yesterday for the aban donment of this proposed service was the announcement that it had been 1m possible for the Harriman road to pro cure the necessary equipment for the ser vice. It was declared that notning or an official nature regarding the subject had been received from the head offices at Chicago, and until these advice have been received confirmation of yesterday's rumor cannot be expected. Sonnd Service Overlooked. Inability of the Harriman system to s semble extra equipment by which to op erate a service to Puget Sound is re garded as a lame excuse for deferring without date the Inauguration of a pass enger service between this city and Ta coma and Seattle. ' Announcement that Htll has taken a hand in the Deschutes railroad situation and Is personally sup plying the funds with which the Oregon Trunk expects to build a competing line Into Central Oregon, regardless of the operation of the Harriman system. Is believed to be the real reason for a post ponement of the Union Pacific train ser vice to Puget Sound, especially when It has been heralded repeatedly that such an agreement had been reached between Hill and Harriman for the joint use by the latter of the Northern Pacific track to the Washington cities. Terminal Situation Worse. For the very same reason It Is gravely suspected that tlie promised settlement of the terminal situation and other points of difference between the two rival rail road generals, especially affecting Port land and Its interests, has been longer de ferred. It Is naturally to be expected that Harriman will resent the threatened Invasion of his long-time enemy of a ter ritory Harriman has regarded as his ex clusive property. Just to what extent this resentment will be manifested Is, of course, a matter of conjecture, but the unofficial announcement of an indefi nite postponement of the execution of the Hill-Harriman compact respecting the operation of a Seattle train service Is regarded as exceedingly significant at this stage of the game. Man Falls Through Ceiling. VALE, Or., Aug. 18. (Special.) F. B. Browning, electrician In the employ of the Vale Light & Water Company, was treated to a fall - yesterday afternoon that just missed being serious. Brown ing was wiring a residence in the west part of town and was at work In the attic. The room was dark and while groping around he lost his balance and fell through the plastered celling, landing on his head on the floor below. He suf fered from a sprained ankle and a shak ing up. Chehalln Ratifies Bonds. CHEHALI9. Wash., Aug. 18. (Special.) Chehalls voters yesterday again ratified their decision of a few weeks ago, 91 to 22, in the matter of (15,000 City Hall bonds. The former election was made useless because of a flaw In the ordinance passed regarding the bonds. An order for the bonds has been made by the Security State Bank of Chehalls and it Is expected the work will now go ahead as riginally planned. higher up" and the intricate ramifications In high finance which Persch has sug gested from time to time, he failed ut terly to say anything to convince Mr. Jerome that there was any conspiracy. Persch was charged with the larceny of J100.000 worth of stock, which he is alleged to have procured from the Wind sor Trust Company, where it was placed In good faith by A.' M. Joyce, acting for Mr. Heinze, as collateral for a $50,000 loan. The young man't attorney Insisted that Perch had been victimized by wiser and bigger men. but his client refused to make any statement which would bear this out. The court refused to reduce bail from 450,000 and the prisoner entered no plea, the case going over to Monday. Mr. Jerome told the court that from what he had ascertained the Windsor Trust Company was In no way responsi ble. The release of the securities to Persch. he saltf, was due enteirely to the act of an employe. WHEAT YIELD IS UNDER HARVESTING HALF OVER AND IS DISAPPOINTMENT. Average at Ritiville Runs 6 51 Bnshels to Acre and in Some Lo calities Goes Much Less. SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 18. (Spe cial.) Wheat harvest Is about half over at Ritzvllle, Adams County, and the yield is not as good as counted upon a month ago. E. H. Herring, who is cutting with a combine, is making 35 bushels per acre on his farm 15 miles south, and it Is understood the yield over the flat is good. A. S. Newland, four miles west. Is making about 25 bushels per acre, and says that is about as good as there is in his vicinity. In some localities the yield is much lighter than 25 bushels. In Reardan, Lincoln County, harvest has only just been started and but very little threshing has been done. Only two reports have been received on the yield, showing an average of 25 bush els per acre, the quality being all No. 1, At Wilson Creek about 50 per cent of the wheat crop has been cut and 25 per cent threshed. Northeast of there the wheat has averaged 20 bushels, but the light crop In the southern part of the territory will bring the average down to 16 bushels per acre. Harvest weather Is Ideal and nearly all the farmers in the Harrington wheat belt have their combined harvesters or headers In the field caring for their crops. Yields on Fall plowing are mak ing 15 bushels and on Summer fal lowed land Spring sowing yields of from 15 to 32 bushels have been re ported. PERSONALMENTION. T. A. Heldlnger, manager for Etlers at Spokane, Is in Portland on his vaca tion. Hy Filers has just returned from an extended trip to Spokane, the Puget Sound and other places in the State of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. A. Haussler and daugh ter, of Kansas City, Mo., are stopping at' the New Drexel for a few days and are on their way to Seattle. Mrs. E. B. Crowder and son, E. W. Knapp, of Los Angeles, are in the city for a short time and are staying with relatives at 6S8 Irving street. Charles Wanamaker, a third cousin of John Wanamaken, the merchant prince, has been visiting at the home of William Lawrence, at Arleta. with his wife. He spent several days there and then went to McMinnville to visit his wife's brother. D. C. Lewis, an attorney from Bel llnghani. Wash., who has been trans acting business in Portland for the past two days, says every person from Portland who visits the fair at Seattle should go on to Belllngham and see the fish traps, where 200,000 fish are being caught daily. He declares it is a greater sight to see a fish trap raised than all the sights of- the fair combined. CHICAGO, Aug. 18.-(Special.) Miss H. M. Robblns, of Portland, is at the Great Northern. Mount Hood Road to Resume Work. It is announced at the offices of the Mount Hood Railway that the construc tion of thlB road will be resumed Im mediately. E. P. Clarke, of Los An geles, president of the company, and his chief engineer, F. C. Flnkle, have been spending several days In Portland looking after their Interests. It is said the company has plenty of funds to complete the installation of its power plant on the Sandy, and also to build the projected line of electric railroad from this city to Mount Hood. Calvin Here on Pleasure Trip. E. E. Calvin, vice-president and gen eral manager of the Southern Pacific system, arrived yesterday from San Francisco in his private car. He Is ac companied by Mrs. Calvin, and both of them are convalescing from severe at tacks of appendicitis. The trip is one of pleasure only, Mr. Calvin not having sufficiently recovered his health active ly to resume the exacting duties of his official position. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin will go to Seattle today, where they will spend a few days at the exposl- GAMER The Bottled Beer of Quality The beer that makes, but never loses friends, "GAMBRINUS SELECT" always the same, always in demand, always to be had in first-class places. Order a case from your grocer, or call up the brewery both phones prompt delivery. Once obtained, we never lose a customer. PRICES: Large size, $1.75 per case of one doz. Small Size, $2.00 per case of two doz. Usual allowance made for return of empty bottles GAMBRINUS BREWING COMPANY PHONES A 1149 MAIN 49 PORTLAND. OREGON tion. They will be away from San Francisco about two weeks. SUSPICION CLEARED AWAY Husband Returns to Wife After 14 Tears, Refuting Murder. PHILL1PSBUBG. N. J., Aug. 18. Mrs. George Frey, who for 14 years has suf fered under, the suspicion of her neigh bors that she had foully done away with her husband, is now enjoying her day of triumph. With the long-missing husband seated beside her, she is driving through out the countryside, calling the farmers' wives from their homes and exhibiting the man for whose strange disappearance she has snffered so much. She cries: "Here is my husband I See, he is alive. I did not kill him." N After a quarrel with his wife 14 years ago, Frey ran away and went to Chi cago, where he says he has since accu- mulated a modest fortune as a building contractor. Following his disappearance ugly ru mors spread, and scores of suspecting residents of this vicinity went to the Frey farm, turned over every square foot of It and searched every nook and corner for his body. Although it was not found, Mrs. Frey continued to rest under the suspicion of her neighbors, and had been practically ostracized until the re turn of her husband on Sunday. Frey says he has come back to take his wife to Illinois with him, but she has replied that she has lost all love for him. and that another man Is desirous of making her his wife. But she is enter taining Frey in her home as a guest and using him to refute the rumors concern ing her. She states that she will give her husband another chance to win her love, and that If he fails she will obtain a di vorce and marry the other man. Scaffold Breaks; Two Fall. HILLSBORO, Or.. Aug. 18. (Special.) A scaffold gave way from the second story of the new publio eohool annex today, precipitating M. S. Holland, the contractor, and a carpenter by the name of Henry Doughty to the ground, about 25 feet. Doughty suffered a bro ken arm and a badly lacerated face and head, while Holland was practically un injured. The scaffolding was not se curely nailed. Many Cows Sold. HILLSBORO, Or., Aug. 18. (Special.) The largest dairy sale ever recorded in Washington County took place here today, when H. Strycker. a Columbia River dairyman, sold over 100 head of dairy oows. Buyers were here from Idaho, one man buying over a carload. The cows brought from $30 to $50 each. Barrett Is Xow Delegate. SALEM, Or., Aug. 18. (Special.) Governor Benson today appointed John Barrett delegate from Oregon to the Trans-Misslssippl Congress In sessior at Denver. The appointment was madr by wire to Denver. HUME'S MONOPOLY ENDED Anybody Can Catch Salmon Xow la Rogue River, Says Court. MARSHFIELD, Or Aug. 18. (Spe cial.) Attorneys have returned from Wedderburn, in Curry County, where they went to take part in a lawsuit In volving the fishing rights on Rogue River. Twelve men who were employed by the Union Fisheries Company, fish ing for salmon, were arrested for tres pastng on the tidelands of the estate of the late R. D. Hume. Herbert Hume holds a lease for the fishing right from the estate, and his manager, John Hume, complained that the employes of the Union Company were drawing up their nets on the Hume land. The estate owns 12 miles upon each side of the river, and the company has to load the fish in boats anchored in the river. It is asserted they had been lately trespassed and the arrest followed. The fishermen were taken before Judge Daly and dis. charged, the court holding that the Hume lease was not good. R. D. Hume during his life succeeded in keeping all others from catching salmon In the Rogue River. Mountain Land Bought. WESTON", Or., Aug. 18. (Special.) Real estate dealers report an increas ing Inquiry for mountain land in this vicinity. Two deals were com pleted this week. B. F. Barklov Start the Day Right j and you will be right Start it by eating Wheat Shredded Biscuit with hot milk or cream and a little fruit If you eat more than the stomach needs you are wasting both money and strength. Overtaxing the stomach impairs digestion, weakens brain power and lays the foundation for disease. Cut out heavy meats and soggy white flour pastries for ten days, eat Shredded Wheat and see how much better you will feel then tell your friends about it Your grocer sells it Shredded Wheat i made of the choicest selected white wheat, cleaned, steam-cooked and baked. Try it for breakfast to-morrow with- milk or cream. The Biscuit is also delicious for any meal in .combination with fresh or preserved fruits. THE ONLY "BREAKFAST CEREAL" MADE . IN BISCUIT FORM i V