TIIE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, TnUKSDAT, AUGUST 19, 1909. SEEKS TO PROVE ITS SURVEY PRIOR Oregon Trunk's Contention Set Forth by Argument in In junction Suit. CAREY SPRINGS SURPRISE Counsel for Hill Line Submits Affi davits From Two Men Repudiat ing Their Previous Affidavits In Interest of Harrlman. Included In the counter affidavits tiled In the Federal Court yesterday by counsel for the Oregon Trunk In tha hearing In the Deschutes Injunction suit, were two by Scott E- Gordon and Georse Alexander. These young men . also had subscribed to affidavits In the ! Interest of the Deschutes Railroad. certifying that no part of the survey ! for the Oregon Trunk was made be ' tween February 24 and April 3, 1908. These affidavits were read In court Tuesday, but yesterday Judge Carey, of counsel for the HU1 road, sprang ' something of a surprise when affl davits from both of these men. exe cuted subsequent to the date of their first statements, were submitted. In these, the young men, who were mem- . bers of the original surveying crew, which operated for the Oregon Trunk in the Deschutes Canyon, declare their positive knowledge that a 'great deal of the surveying was performed by the Oregon Trunk officials during the months of February and March. 1906. This constituted a complete re pudiation of the essential fact to which they swore In their first affi davits. Judge Carey spoke for over three hours yesterday and presented the con tentions of the Oregon. Trunk people, who assert a priority of right for their survey In the southerly 60 miles of the Deschutes Canyon. He charged that the Deschutes Railroad Com pany, the Harrlman road, was not organized until February, 190.6. or after W. F. Nelson. one of the Incorporators of the Oregon Trunk, had completed his surveys up the Deschutes River. The southerly 60 miles. , explained Judge Carey, were surveyed first, the work being done between October, 1905. and Jan uary. 1906. while the survey for the first 40-mile section was made early in 1906. Later this survey was checked over, between February H and April S. Oregon Trunk Surveys Appropriated In support of his application for a per manent injunction against the Harrlman road. Judge Carey pointed out that the maps of survey of the Oregon Trunk for the 60 miles Involved In the suit had re ceived the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, while tTie maps of the Har rlman people for the same distance have not been acted upon. For this reason he charged that the Harrlman operatives were only trespassers and properly should be enjoined from interfering further with the survey of the Oregon Trunk. In view of the fact that if had received the ap proval of the Interior Department. Judge Carey insisted the approval by the Secretary of the Interior of the maps of survey for the Deschutes Railroad was essential before that road could have any standing In the Federal Court. Counsel took the position that the findings of the ; Secretary of the Interior are final and ' conclusive and not subject to modlfica f tion. The position of the Harrlman peo ! pie was declared inconsistent, for the rea son that1 H had no right to appear in a court of equity when the Issue Involved in the hearing was pending before the General Land Office. Replying to the : charge that the survey of the Oregon Trunk Is Irregular. Judge Carey said that mistakes in a survey are not regarded ' vital when a bona fi1e Intention U shown by the company to build a line of rail road. This evidence of good faith, al leged counsel, alwayR had been manifest ed by the Oregon Trunk from the time, of its incorporation. Legality of Corporation Discussed. Judge Carey argued at considerable ! length to show that the Oregon Trunk i was properly incorporated and entitled to ! transact business in this state. He said .' the company was formed under the gen ; eral Incorporation laws of the Slate of j Nevada, and that the articles of lncor 1 poration were wide as to the scope of ' business activities authorized. Answer- ing the charge of the opposition that the Oregon Trunk was not entitled to do busi- ness in this state at the time It made its j survey, nof having filed Its articles of i incorporation with the Secretary of State. Judge Carey said there was nothing to : prevent a railroad company from acqulr i Ing a survey that had been made prior to : Its organization so long aa the actual ' time indicated for making the survey, when suhmltfed to the Interior Denart ' ment, did not conflict with Intervening richts. Defending the regularity of the Oregon Trunk survey, Judge Carey said that the grant to public land does not attach to a railroad until ltf map of survey haa been approved by the Interior Depart ment In the case of the Oregon Trunk, he pointed out that Its maps covering the SO-mile section were approved by the Secretary of the Interior in the Summer of YjOS. over two years after the company had filed Its articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State and was qualified to do , business in this state. Counsel Insisted that the Deschutes Rail road was without any rights In the court. The question of the legality of the In corporation of the Oregon Trunk and the regularity of the proceedings by which It acquired the grant of Its survey, he said, should bo raised by either the United States or the State of Oregon and not by j the defendant Harrlman road. Cotton Concludes Argument. W. TV. Cotton concluded his opening argument shortly before noon yesterday. He alleged that the Harrlman interests were the only people who seriously con templated building a road into Central Oregon. He charged that the survey for the Oregon Trunk was so irregular that If adopted as final. It would be impos sible for any other company to construct a railroad up the Deschutes River. He questioned the legality of the Oregon Trunk Incorporation and its authority to operate lnthis state, declared that the survey for the 60 miles which r.ad been approved by the Interior Department was not made during the time represented In the af fidavits of the officials of the company and charged that fraud was practiced by "the Oregon trunk in securing the ap proval of Its maps by the Secretary of the Interior. Judge Carey expects to conclude hla argument before the noon ' adjournment today. He will be followed by his asso- ') elate, J. B. Kerr, and 2tr. Cotton will conclude for the Harrlman road. It la not likely that the argumenta will be concluded until late tomorrow. NEW TEACHER SELECTED Professor Edward A. Thurber to Suc ceed Dr. Carson at V. of O. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Or., Aug. 18. (Special.) Professor Ed ward A. Thurber, of the department of English of the University of Missouri, haa been elected head of the department of Professor Edward A. Thurber, Who Succccda Dr. Lnella Clay Carina at University of Oregon. rhetoric and American literature In the University of Oregon to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Professor Luella Clay Carson, who leaves the Uni versity to assume the presidency of Mills College In -California. Professor Thurber was graduated from Yale in 18S1. After a year spent in Paris at the Sorbonne and College de France, he returned to America, taking graduate work In English at Harvard University, and received his A. M. degree In 1894. He later took up the profession of teaching. In which he has made a great success. He was an Instructor in English at Yale, leaving there to assume a more Important position in the University of Missouri. He now comes to the University of Ore gon as head of the department of rhet oric and American literature, a position considered one of the most important In the University. Professor Thurber will begin his work In September. LARGE FLEET ON SOUND Eight Cruisers Arrive In Good Order From Navy-Yards. SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug. 18. The eight cruisers of the Pacific fleet arrived in the harbor at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the Mare Island and Puget Sound Navy-yards. The second squadron, the cruisers West Virginia. Maryland. Callforuia and South Dakota, came from Mare Island. The first three of these were here to attend the A.-Y.-P. Fair exer cises In June. The first squadron composed of the Tennessee, Rear-Admiral Uriel Sebree's flagship, the Washington, Pennsylvania and Colo rado, have been In the Puget Sound yard. The cruisers will sail for San Fran cisco August 28 to finish taking sup plies, and then will begin their long cruise to Manila, China and Japan, from which they will return next February. The gunboat Yorktown and five tor pedoboat cruisers are also in the bay. The cruiser St. Louis will arrive from Samoa in a few days. DAYTON JARRED BY QUAKE Building Crashes Down as Result of Earth's Trembling. DAYTON. Wash.. Aug. 18. (Special.) A distinct trembling of the earth, be lieved by tome to be due to a volcanic disturbance in the Blue Mountains, was felt here yesterday morning by many per sons. Many say they were awakened by the agitation. One building, the Selle machine factory, collapsed. When the rear wall of the big building fell, the crash could bo heard for .several blocks. Fortunately, none of the heavy machinery was at tached to the wall, so the damage will not amount to over J500. The building was completed only four months ago. Weston Has Plenty of Water. WESTON. Or.. Aug. 18. (Special.) For the first time in many years dur ing the Summer season, mountain water supplied by a gravity system is going to waste at Weston. Pumping was form erly necessary each Summer. The large ly increased flow was obtained In a sim ple manner by ridding the feed pipe near the Intake of an accumulation of rock and gravel. Fire hose Is used for street sprinkling, with sufficient pressure to drive the stream a distance of 100 feet. Roads toBe Well Rocked. ASTORIA, Or.. Aug. 18. (Special.) ID. A. Gerdlng haa completed hia contract for rocking the road between Seaside and Elk Creek as far as the summit and tha rocking of the balance of the highway will be undertaken at once by Alex Duncan, to whom the contract has been awarded. Shoe Bargains at Rosenthal's sale. Women a Specialty Th well-known 8. K. Chan Chines Medicine Company, with wonderful hrbi and roots, haa cured many suffer- 'V wnen " other remedies fv"- have failed. Sure cure female, mm.:. iJk chronic, private diseases, nerv MPQ C Lf PUAM ousness. blood poison, rheum a Mltt. a.R.bnftll liBm a9thma, throat, lunr troubles. consumption. stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. o operation. Honest treatment. Examination for ladles by Mr. 6. K. Chan. TIIE CHINESE MEDICINE CO., 6 Morrison M., brt. 1rt and Second. lf?TFOR WOMEN ONLY bavin and Cotton Root Pills, and beet only reliable rem edy for FEMALE TIIOIBLES. ('ure tha most obstinate cases In 8 to 10 davs. Price 2 per box. or 2 for 15; mailed In plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCE, SIS Allsky bldg.. Woodard. Clarke & Co.. 4th and Wash. - - iTO-NIGHT I OVERDUE BARK IS IH Zinita at Townsend 278 Days From Newcastle.. CRAFT HAD BEEN POSTED Brings Hard-Luck Tale About Diffi culty of Getting Out of English Channel, but Did Not Suf fer During Voyage PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Aug. 18. The British bark Zinita, 278 days from Newcastle. Eng., posted for reinsurance at 30 per cent, and for which much ani letv had been felt, passed In at Cape Flattery in tow of the United States life saving tug Snohomish at 7 o'clock this morning. The Zinita sailed from Falmouth Janu ary 24. Under ordinary conditions she should have arrived In port two months ago. She had an abundance of ill-luck before she finally began her voyage, hav ing had to put back twice before she got clear of the English Channel. CONVENTION DELEGATES SAEL Members of Development Congress Off for Coos Bay. With a full list of passengers, most of whom are delegates to the Oregon I'.aho Development League convention, which Is scheduled to meet at Marsh field Friday and Saturday, the steam ship Breakwater. : Captain Macgenn, sailed last night for Coos Bay. The delegates thronged the decks of the steamer and many friends were at the dock to bid them farewell. The Breakwater is scheduled regu larly to leave Coos Bay Saturdays, but on this trip she will remain over until Sunday In order that all of. the dele gates may complete the convention business and return to Portland by Monday. Gold Reaches Seattle. SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 18. The steamer Jefferson, which arrived today, brought 1205,000 in gold from new claims In Southeastern Alaska.. v The British ship Ben Lee, which also came In, was 106 days from Leith, Scot land, via Honolulu. Captain Atkinson confirms the reports of hard sailing weather In both the Atlantic and the Pacific that have been made. Off Cape Horn in a gale three sails were carried away and rigging damage sustained. The ship is seeking business. Tacoma Shipping Notes. TACOMA, Aug. 18. The Pacific Coast liner President arrived this morning, to depart during the night for San Fran cisco, via Seattle, Other arrivals were: Steamer San Mateo, from Seattle; steam er Leelanaw, from Nanalmo, and steam schooner Lake, from San Francisco. United States transport Dlx departed this afternoon for Seattle. San Pedro Shipping News. SAN PEDRO. Aug. 18. The steamer Governor cleared today for San Pedro with freight and passengers. She will call tomorrow, bound for Seattle via San Francisco and Eureka. The steamer Coronado arrived this Dont you know that frequently a heart-to-heart talk with someone that you can regard as a friend Is often a greater comfort than anything else could be? Somebody that can ap preciate matters from YOUR viewpoint, and who can get away from the money side of it long enough to do a little golden rule thinking and advising with you, whether you have a dol lar in your pocket or not? Money Is not everything In this world, and the man without any other attribute Is poor indeed. Of course. It takes a certain amount of money to run anything, but there Is a difference between fulsome sordidness and legi mate needs. Half the people I treat commence without a dollar in their pocket or In sight, and there is not a man In Portland who can say he had to forego my treatment for want of money. Come In and get acquainted understand us better and you will like us better. DOX'T LET MONET" MATTERS OR FALSE PRIDE KEEP YOU AWAY I CURE FOREVER CASES OF VARICOSE VEIXS, BLOOD DISEASES, NERVOUS DEBILITY, PILES, ECZEMA, FALLING HAIR, FAILING MEMORY, OBSTRUCTIONS, NERV OUS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER AILMENTS. I don't care who has failed, lf you come to me I will CURE you of any of the above-named ailments or not charge you one penny for my services. Don't give up before seeing me. For years I have been talking through the columns of this paper on matters of health, and thousands have profited by my advice and consultation, many of whom needed nothing in the way of treatment but good, wholesome advice, which I always give cheerfully. - In getting and maintaining health there Is nothing more uncommonly displayed by the average man than good, common sense. They seem determined to never know the worth of water until the well runs dry. They throw away their health by Indiscretion and neglect as though their bodies were ma chines that could never wear out. Today I want to impress upon you the Importance of looking after your health. Don't let the canker worm of delay hypnotize you into neglect but get the "today habit." Come over today and let us examine the nerve tensions and have a free, confidential, heart-to-heart talk about your health. ONLY SCIENTIFIC METHODS CURE v My examinations are free, and lf, from any cause, a patient should not desire to take my treatment, ther Is positively not the slightest obligation to do so; no more than you would be expected to buy a suit of clothes from a merchant that did not fit. I make a specialty of diseases of the delicate and sensitive centers and treat no other class of ailments. I NEVER DISAPPOINT MY PATIENTS; I FULFILL EVERY PROMISE ' HOPES-TO ANY MAN. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE Every afflicted man la earnestly Invited to come to my office, where I will explain to him my methods and where he will receive private counsel, a careful personal examination and an honest and scientific opinion of his disorder absolutely free of cost. I have ELEVEN WELL-EQUIPPED OFFICE ROOMS And if you will be wise enough to compare notes when seeking treatment my large business will become larger and disappointments to the public will become fewer. I Jiandle cases in my line on any plan In the world that is satisfactory to the patient and an honest business proposition to myself. You can arrange to pay the whole fee when cured, or In small payments as you are satisfied wfth the benefits. I will cheerfully, give you any Information concerning your case free of cost, and lf your condition is one that I consider curable I will make price and terms that will unquestionably be perfectly satisfactory to you. My little booklet contains valuable points that you ought to know, and lf you can't call, write for it. , I will mall It under plain cover free from public observation. Consultation and advice, always free, whether at 'Office or by mail. Medicine from ftJMt to 9tJM a coorae within any man's ruck. If yon cannot rail, write for self-examination blank. Honrs A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 to 12. Address correspondence to ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CO. INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAW CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STS., PORTLAND, OR. morning from Grays Harbor with pes sengers and lumber. The German steamer Ella, Captain Bruha, cleared tonight for Seattle, via San Francisco, with freight and mer chandise. The steamer San Gabriel cleared to night for Umpqua River to reload. Marine Notes. The steamship State of California will sail on her last trip from Port land Saturday. The three-masted bark reported off the river Tuesday night turned out to be the French bark Emilia Seigfreid from San Francisco in ballast. Two French vessels bound from Eu rope for Portland have been spoken at sea since August 1. They 'were the Bougainville and the Sully, and all hands were reported well. ; Several passengers who were aboard the steamship Goo. W. Elder at the time of the collision early yesterday morn ing, returned to Portland last night. They will not go to California until the Roanoke sails. Arrivals and Departures. Astoria, Aug. 1- Condition at the moutn of the river at i P. M., smooth; wind, north west 18 miles: weather, clear. Arrived in last night and left up at 9: SO A. M. Steamer Vosburg-. from Nehalem. Arrived last night French bark Emilie Siegfrtond. from San Francisco. Arrived down during the night and sailed at 7:S0 A. M. Steamer Eureka, for Eureka, and steamer Elmore, for Tillamook. Arrived down at A. M. Steamer Geo. W .Elder. Arrived down at S:S0 P. M. Steamer Tosemlte. Steamer Elder In collision with steamer Daniel Kern near Waterford Light at 1 this morning. Daniel Kern sunk. Sailed at :25 P. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for San Pedro and way ports. San Francisco. Aug. 1. Sailed at 4 P. M. yesterday Steamer Nome City, for Port land. Sailed at 4 P. M. Steamer Rainier, for Portland. Spoken, July 27 1 south 83 west, French barge Bougainville, from Cardiff for Portland. Spoken August 2, no position, Frenoh bark Sully, from Limerick for Port land. Arrived Barge No. 8, from Coos Bay; steamer HUonlan, from Honolulu. Sailed Steamer Rainier, for Astoria; steamer Penn sylvanlan. for Ancon. Montevideo. Aug.- 14. Arrived Sakkarah, from Tacoma and San Francisco via Val paraiso, etc., for Hamburg. Yokohama. Aug. 18. Arrived previously Shinlna Maru, from Seattle and Victoria, B. C. for Hlogo and Hongkong. Hongkong, Aug. 18. Sailed Sella, for Portland. Yokohama, Aug. 18. Arrived Steamer Empress of China, from Vancouver. Seattle, Aug. 18. Arrived British ship Ben-Lee Leith via Honolulu; steamer Jef ferson, from Skagway and ports; U. S. A: T. Dlx. from Tacoma; U. S. C. Tennessee, Colorado, Pennsylvania. Washington and United States torpedoboat destroyers Whip ple, Hopkins and Hull, from Bremerton; United Stakes cruisers West Virginia. Mary land. California and South Dakota, from Mare Island; Japanese steamer Tacoma Maru, from Port Townsend. Sailed Steamer Senator, for Nome; steamer San Mateo, for Tacoma; Japanese steamer Tacoma Maru. for Bremerton. Tides at Astoria Thursday. High. Low. 2:S0 A M 7.8 feetl8:5B A. M 1.1 feet 3:12 P. M 7.9 feet!9:22 P. M....2.1 feet Jacksonville Examinations End. JACKSONVILLE, Or., Aug. 18. (Spe cial.) The examinations for teachers' certificates just ended here resulted in the following awards: Third grade Doris Olivia Msgnear, Tal ent; Maude Peackey. Ashland; Nettle Marie Abbott. Ashland; Nell C. Palmer. Ashland; Edith Isabella Kaler. Ashland; Helen Sid lev, Lake Creek: Saye Burchell, Wood vllle: Edith R. Tredenburg. Butte Falls; Bernlce Beulah Corder. Medford; Bertha Anna Rr-ran. Wellin: May Rea Gibson. Ash land; Marguerite Holmes. Central Point; Anne S. Sansen. Medford. Second grade Lillian Shardarson. Eagle Point;. Grace Hullenger. Medford; Viral Hensley. Ashland; Mrs. L. M. Ships. Ash land: Bertha M. Dldsworth. Peyton; Peter J. Klngery. Medford; Lottie Viola Sweet. Medford; Sarah Elizabeth Wright. Portland. First grade Alberta Stacy, Beagle; Jes sie Ashby Ashland; Julia Sldley. Lake Creek: Thornton S. Wiley. Ashland; Gay Webb, Medford: Lucy G. Bachtell. Ash land; Mary B. Underwood. Ashland; Mrs. Katie Weavers. Canyonville; Mona May Ward. Talent: Viola Pheister. Woodville. Primary Mary E. Bigham. Eagle Point. "Hanan" shoes at less than factory cost at Rosenthal's house-cleaning sale. MISSING GIRL HERE Custodian Refuses to Turn Her Over to Japanese. HE REVILES TOT'S MOTHER Caretaker, Portland Hotel Cook, Ex plains Case to Police Juvenile Court Takes Charge of lilt-' tie Mildred Waldorf. The mysterious disappearance of Harry E. Hallock. formerly of Astoria, with Mildred Waldorf, the 6-year-old daughter of Mrs. Bessie Brown, of Astoria, who, with the child left that place four weeks ago en route to Boise, Idaho, where the little girl was to be delivered to her grandmother, was cleared up yesterday morning. ' Hallock appeared at police headquarters and gave an explanation, which exonerated him of any wrong. According to Hallock's story he la well acquainted with Mrs. Brown and agreed to come to Portland with the child and work until either he or Mrs. Brown ac quired sufficient money to defray the child's expenses to the Idaho city. Since that time, he said, he has been employed as night cook at the Hotel Portland and the little girl has been under the care of Mrs. J. Oliver, of 690 Fourth street. Two Japanese, L Kinona and F. K. Nobuye. who were commissioned by Mrs. Brown to get the child from Hallock, will return to Astoria without her as a result of Hallock's refusal to turn her over to them. Acting Chief of Police Moore ordered the girl sent to the Juve nlle Court after Hallock's statement that her mother Is not a proper custodian. Patrolman Barze, who was detailed by Acting Chief Moore to Investigate Hal lock's care of the child, reported that from what he could learn the little girl had been treated In the most considerate manner, being dressed well and pro vided with a good home. SALOONS. MUST BE SEEN Spokane Relentless In Enforcing New Law. SPOKANE. Wash.. Aug. IS. (Special.) "In spite of the decision of the City Council in the case of Wilmot, the police department will Insist that all partitions, screens and other devices be removed from saloon entrances. We shall still Insist that the law be lived up to strictly In all other cases." The above statements were made by Polloe Commissioner Carl W. Tuerke. "In some places I notice that they noT-titinns. but that the view 'is obstruced by means of large placards. These will nave to no nmuvtu. Reception Today for Mm. Jewett. r j-HMAii To-tt president of the ... t. -"l.o, nt Illinois and ed- itor of the Union. Signal, official organ of the W. C. X. u., wno n guest of Mrs.' Ada W. Unruh. & promi nent member of the local union, will be the.- guest of honor at a reception to be j v., t i - Ann R. Monroe at her home in Woodstock this afternoon. Mrs. Jewett came to the Coast as delegate to NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED AND NEVER HOLD OUT FALSE , - - Something more than an ordinary tonic Is required to restore health to a weakened, run-down system; the medicine must possess blood-purifying properties as well, because the weakness and Impurity of the circulation is responsible for the poor physical condition. The blood does not oontain the necessary quantity of rioh, red corpuscles, and is therefore a weak, watery stream which cannot aSord sufficient nourishment to sustain the system in ordinary health. A poorly nourished -body cannot resist disease, and this explains why so many persons are attacked by a spell or sickness when the use of a good tonio would hare prevented the trouble. In S. S. S. will be found both blood-cleansing and tonio qualities combined. It builds up weak constitutions by removing all impurities and germs from the blood, thus supplying a certain means for restoring strength and invigorating the system. The healthful, vegetable ingredients of which S. 8. S. is composed make it splendidly fitted to the needs of those systems which are delicate from any cause. It is Nature's Perfect Tonic, free from all harmful mineralsv a safe and pleasant acting medicine for persons of every age. S. S. S. rids the body of that tired, worn-out feeling so common at this season, improves the appetite and digestion, tones up the stomach, acts with pleasing effects on the nervous system, and reinvigorates every portion of the body. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.", ATLANTA, Ga, the National Editorial Association's re cent convention In Seattle. While there Mrs. Jewett acted as correspondent for several Eastern papers, covering the ses sions of the National Council of Women and the Woman's Suffrage convention. Mrs. Jewett leaves tonight for San Fran- CisCO- l.ljiJj.1 ii Kelso Votes Bonds. KELSO, Wash.. Aug. 18 (Special.) At the special election yesterday, called for the purpose of voting on the bona Issue of $25,000 for the pur I AM MASTER OF MEWS AILMENT Consult Me Today' The study of medicine Is as broad as life and as complex as Nature. It Is there fore Impossible for any Individual to master the treatment of all human ills. The man who attempts to do so Is able to cure only the most simple ailments. The ordinary physician Is like the man who attempts to master every branch of mechanics, from watchmaking to shipbuilding. Such a man becomes neither a pood watchmaker nor a successful shipbuilder. The general medi cal practitioner knows aa much about one disease as he does about another and he has no Intimate knowledge of any. The cures he performs when he Is fortunate enough to cure are usually purely accidental. The patient gets well, not because of the phy sician's efforts, but In aplte of then. When the ordinary physician treats men's diseases, all. TATXOR, HE H.1HE1Y EFFECTS A CIRK. The Leading Specialist. I AM A SPECIALIST I7f MEJT'S AILMEXTS. My practice Is confined wholly to the ailments of men. and the fact that 1 invariably cure every case that I accept for treatment PROVES that my methods are correct. Indeed. 1 have for twenty-five years made a specialty of men's ailments and have so closely studied them that I am able to meet-every phase and condition of each individual case, and to effect a permanent cure in a very short time. I am never . for a moment In doubt as to my course. I know just WHAT to do and WOW to do It, to obtain satisfactory RESULTS. This explains why my practice has grown to be by far the largest In the western part of America. e Go confident am I that I can effect a thorough and LASTINO CURB In each case that I accept for treatment, that I will Klve a Written and Binding GUARANTEE TO CURE VOL', AND YOU NEED NOT PAY ME A DOLLAR UNTIL YOU ARE WELL. Bear In mind that I could not afford to do this If I did not KNOW that my treatment would not fall. I am the only doctor who dares to make such a proposition. Under no circumstances do I ever take cases for treatment that are doubtful. Hence, if I accept your case for treat ment you may absolutely rely upon it that I will cure you. MY METHODS ARE ORIGINAL. My methods are entirely original with me, and are the result of many years of special study and experience. Instead of filling my pa tients up with powerful drugs and stimulants, as do other specialists, I apply snothinp, healing and absorbent medicines DIRECTLY to the DISEASED REGION, and thus aid Nature in overcoming the trouble. The best that human skill can do is to ASSIST NATURE. It is Nature that performs the cures. Powerful drugs taken through the stomach do not cure. They merely set up a new disturbance in the system, which, for a time, diverts the energies from the old disease to the new attack. This process is invariably attended with a reaction, and in consequence leaves the patient In a worse condition than before treatment. Another method employed by another class of physicians Is to dose the sufferer with tonics, which exhilarate the patient so that he actually believes himself Improving under such treatment. But after a very short time these stimulant medicines cease producing the desired effect, when the dis ease gains a new and firmer grip upon the patient. HOW I CURE. My method of treatment overcomes Inflammation and congestion by aiding th tissues of the diseased region to throw off the poisonous secretions and the deadly toxins caused by disease. Some o? these toxins are more poisonous than the virus of the rattlesnakes fang. Thousands of the cases of sudden death which occur with alarming frequency in every city In the land, are directly due to toxic poison, al though such cases are usually pronounced "heart failure" or heart dis ease. Mv treatment completely eliminates every trace of diseas and accumulated poisons from the system, and thus allows Nature to perfect a COMPLETE CURE. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. My methods have revolutionized the treatment of ailments peculiar to men, and consequently altered former medical theories. - Imitators of my system of practice have sprung up everywhere. A pronounced success In any field of human endeavor begets imitators. Following the Genuine, there always come the Counterfeit. These Imitators of mine insist that thev cure by means similar to those I employ. Such statements are uttered with a base intent to deceive. The facts are that NO OTHER PHYSICIAN ANYWHERE TREATS MEN'S AILMENTS BY MY METHODS. Mv treatment is the ORIGINAL and ONLY GEN UINE Direct-Method Treatment for the Diseases of Men. MY MODERN and up-to-date methods effect a certain and speedy cure of CONTRACTED AILMENTS, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON, NERV OUS DEBILITY, PROSTATIC TROUBLES, and all reflex ailments. Examination and Advice Free I offer not only FREE CONSULTATION and ADVICE, but of every case that comes to me I will make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis without charge. If yon cannot call, write for Dfaarnmla Chart. My off flees are open all day from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., and Sunday, from 10 to 1. The DR. TAYLOR Go. 234 V4 MORRISON STREET. CORNER SECOND AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. For Mil FREE DOCTOR'S BOOK To any man or woman who will mail me this coupon I will send free (closely sealed) my finely Illustrated book regarding the cause and cure of disorders. This book is written In plain language and explains many things you should know. It tells how you can cure yourself in the privacv of your own home without the use of drugs. NATURE'S o PERFECT TONIC chase of a fair grounds, ball park and city park, and the erection of a new city hall and fire department house, the voters decided to grant the council the right to Issue these bonds. The vote was about two to one in- favor of the bond issue. The city hall will be erected on a site recently purchased by the city. The park will probably be purchased from the Catlln estate at West Kelso. The smslter production of le In United State. In 1908 wa. 4CS.523 tons of &.3 pounds, against 2,015 tons in 190T and 418.- 6Jt8 tons in Weak Nerves You can't cure weak Impoverished nerves by dos ing yourself with' drugs. What the nerves require Is new life that's electricity. You know that the nerves convey the force which runs the human body. This nerve force, as It is called. Is only another name for electricity. Now, when your nerve force la over taxed by hard work, worry or dissipation, there Is sure to be trouble. Not only the nerves are affected, but the heart, stomach, kidneys, .liver and other or gans of the body suffer as well. Complicated dis orders often result and can only be cured by building up more nerve power. A few weeks' use of Electro Vigor will do the work. Electro-Vigor Is the newest and most successful device for Infusing electricity Into the body. It gen erates a steady, unbroken stream of electric life, with which it saturates the nerves and vitals for hours at a time, without the least shock or burn or unpleasant sensation. Electro-Vigor cures all such troubles as lumbago, sciatica, nervousness. Insomnia, rheumatism, kidney, liver and bowel disorders. DR S. G. HALL CO. 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