14 THE MORNING OREGOXIAy, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1909. i 1 .T i ttitt.v .VTVRM.I.K T EU WATED-FEMAIJs! SITUATION WAXTED-FEMAIJC f FOR RENT. AN IDEAL HOMS. 16 acres; 12 miles from Portland; rood T room houM, large bim and other out buildings; fln. U. with windmill, hot and co:d water In th nous.; TOO prune trees and a Una 6-ton dryer ooatlnf 1400, 160 apple trees. 12 cherries; ft quince. 7 pears. S peach, 8 ainiond, 4 walnut, 130 grape vin-a. 3o00 strawberries, 8u0 raspberries. 60 gooseberries and an acre In vegetables; (uod wifoo, plow, cultivator and other Im plements, 1 cow and 1H dosen chickens'; close to school ami church and electric rail way; good roads. R F. D.. milk route and telcshone; complete In every way; tl'-O. part cash. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. M 4th St. Board or Trade Bid. WE are headquarters for Clark County. Wash., farms; our list Is too long to ad vertise them separately; we have them large and small, improved and partly im proved, unimproved and stump land; wa will take you out to see any of them; buy now and get benefit of increased values when electric line is built right to some of them and close to others within 60 days. MURPHY CASWELU 230 Stark St. Vancouver Office, Tilt Main St. OAK PARK FRUIT FARM. 120 acres, all under cultivation. In the Justly celebrated Red Hill orchard lands of Salem, Oregon, unsurpassed for apples, cherries, pears, prunes, walnuts or for small fruit; entirely surrounaea Dy Dear Inr orchards: macadam roads to Salem, rood water. R. F. D.. telephone, church and school; nothing better anywhere for fruit; will sell as a wnoie or in tracts suit. For terms call or write to ownor, H. H. Smith, 468 East Washington St., Portland. Or. FARM LANTS. All Kites farms' In the Willamette Valley, from 10.0io down to 6-acre tracts; we have linked them over and can give you run c"ita as to trte nature of soli ani improve ments, whether It la best adapted for dl- verslfW farming or grain alone; cut this ad out If you are looking for a farm with tock and Improvements, grain, nay. cops, potatoes, onion or fruit. We have what you are wanting ana want to wh iu Flynn. 22S Stark st. HERE Is one of the prettiest, most com plete and up-to-date 80-acre farms in rurk county, xeneeu ana crow-irntcu, hng tight; all in cultivation, oats, wheat, potatoes, corn, onions, celery. melons, grapes and other small fruits, fine or chard, all kinds of trees, modern farm buildings, wagons, hack, hordes, cows, hogs, chicken etc.. all for JV0. MURPHY CASWELL, 2.10 Stark St. Vancouver Office, 712 Mala St. noon FARM CHEAP. so acres, all fine, level loam and; 40 acres In high state of cultivation; 20 acres now ready; good house ana Darn, on main county road, 22 miles from Port land; close to R. R. station, schools and churches: on fine road the year around: this lies In fine open country: price, 14500. ea.'v terms'; must sell immediately; land adjoining sells for ilo per acre. CHAPIX HERI.OW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. HOOI RIVER FRU11 LANDS IX 10 AND 20-AORE TRACTS. THE VANDER B1LT LANDS CONTAIN" lOOo ACRES OF BEST FRUIT LANDS IN HOOD RIVER. IS NOW OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC ON EAST TERMS. CALL OR SEND FOR FOLDER. IT PAYS TO SEE t'S. CHAPIX HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce Phone Main 1632. ONE OF OUR BEST BUYS. 434 acres, all In cultivation, fenced, 12 a-eres apple orchard, bearing; 8-room mod ern house, furniture, horses, stock, crop, plnce fully equipped, all goes for $7500; 1 mile good R. R. town. R- M. CRAMER REALTY CtX, S27 Board of Trade. Call and get our homeseeker's guide, free. Full Information and prices on land In different locations. THE BEST fruit land in the State of Oregon In 4l and 8-ere tracts. 2H miles from R. R. and town: price. 20 per acre, one-third cash, balance In three yearly payments with per cent Interest. Dairy land from 112 to I T, per scr. OREGON LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY. Room 614-Mn Rothchlld bldg.. Portland, Or. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. 14 acres, all in cultivation; fi-room house nnd outbuildings; good water: 75 fine apple trees In full b"arlng: all fenced and cross-fenced with 5-board fence, as good as new: on fine graveled road. lis miles from Portland: close to R. R- sta tion: price. "'2."0. ensv terms. CHAPIX HERLOW. 3:12 Chamber of Commerce. MILE EAST OF BRAVERTON. ICO "acres' ali In cultivation, god fv-room houj. big barn, chk'ken-houees, all fenced. wtTing and well, some fruit trees, only 6 miles from Courthouse by road; this 1 a snip: half cash, balance S years; must be snM br next week. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., (Incorporated.) 618 Board of Trade Building. OREGON for profitable homes; get in on the ground floor; we are in a position to fur nl!n Oregon farms. Improved, high state of cultivation, any size tracts to suit. 1 to 20. COO acres: choice grain fruit cr dairy land at lowest market price, easy terms; co your own colonising. Wrlta for prices ard reliable Information. DEAN LAND 4 IMPROVEMENT CO., 62 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. FRUIT LANDS. LYLE, WASHINGTON We have a number of large and small tracts In this fertile section, all abund antly supplied with water and some por tions already In commercial orchards, at attractive prices. H. P PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones. Main SHWJ. A 2603. THINK OF THIS FOR A BUY. 32 S acres.- 90 cleaned, 20 miles from Portland, on a macadamized road; 600 Spltsenburg apple trees in bearing. 4 fine creeks, enough trees for 12.000 cords wood ; good l-room house, bam and chicken-houses; will take Portland prop erty aa part payment; only 137.50 per acre. 827 Board of Trade bldg. FARMS 136 acres, all fine bottom land, good building, close to town; lots of fruit, stock and implements, everything you need on the place f.0: will take some trade; 40 acres fine bottom land, close to town. Im proved, good fences1, crop, furniture, some stock; S2600 terms. Young, 612 GerHnger bidg. DON'T be a, "flathead;" if you have drawn a blank In the reservation lottery take this opportunity to pick your own prize by joining our weekly excursion to a fine t--act In the Valley near a thriving town at $10 per acre; no gamble, no blanks. Se Abraham, 25 u Washington, cor. 3d, room B. Main 3005. DANDY SMALL DAIRY RANCH. Ift acres, t? mile from R. R. station; good house of S room, cost il.TOo; barn holds 110 tTj hav: good orcharl of l.V trees. earlng. about 40 acree bottom land, balance rolling: has some tine saw and piling timber, all ktnrla of amall fruit: price for quick sale $4o". Room 3ol. 2S6 Wash. at. ASK C. B. TOWERS COMPANY. Mile. City. Montana, concerning &l,ooO acres of graalng and agricultural land in the heart of Custer County, Montana; for a vermaivent livestock ranch It will outclass the best; price, 34.00 per arre. 4 MILES FROM FEAVERTOX. 1W acres. 46 cleur and In cultivation on main county road, all fenced, good house, b.g barn, chicken-house: If you are looking for an Oregon farm look thlsi up. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. (Incorporated.) 618 Board of Trade Bldg. 20 ACRES fine apple or walnut land, 4 miles from Xewberg; this land all under plow, deep soil with clay subsoil ; will take East Side lot. 1 block from car. as part payment. C Heilborn, 431 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALK. Hones. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE) or trade, fine young registered stallion, best bred stallion in Oregon: also fast trotting registered mare: prize winners wherever shown; these are classy Individuals; I have no use for them, 6ud Commercial block. YOUNG horse, gentle and city broke, and new harness and business buggy; reason able. Main 12SI. A 121. HOFU-'E harness and light farm wagon, price J7.V Sunnyslde Fuel . Sut 38th and Hawthorne ave. FR SALE One six-year-old driving mare, perfectly sound and gentle. C 1477. East 4V.U. 226 Russell St. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 2y4 Montgomery. I HUBERT HALL. S0 Front, tony, sell, rent r horses, vehlelee; low rates on business rigs. I BP AN of homes wanted. 1W0 or 1X its, S or 7 ream-old. Address. i24 aat-at. ii v.hlnl. and Hil UMI I I WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you can get a new one from an old established wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon at almost the same cost? We are located outside the high rent district, own our building and can make the price. Exclu sive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Company fine vehicles, delivery wagons, top bugsles, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. Wade t Co., 322 Hawthorne avs. be tween E. 1st and 2d sts. PAIR of bay geldings. 7 and 8 years of aee. weight 240 lbs., price J110. Bay mare 7 years old, drives single or double, weight 1050, 75. Pair of horses (horse and mare), ages 7 and 8, weight 12fl0 each, price J HO. Three-year-old roan, filly. 125. Bay horse, 5 years old, drives single or double, perfectly mannered, price $90. Seven head of horses and mares for farm or delivery purposes, prices from 123 up. lbii Madison st. FOR SALE! or 'rent 3 teams witn goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day. week, or month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw thorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Teams to haul lumber. $3 per M. Good road, 12 to 15 miles. Phone East 77. 320 E. Yamhill st. Ftanos. STT5INWAY grand piano for sale, cheap, practically new; used but little. Milton J. Jones. 161 Fourth St. Phone Main 722. Automobiles. IF you have a good automobile having be-en In use less than one year, in good con dition and would like to exchange It for good real estate on cash basis, either city or country, write AK 31S, Oregonian. AUTOS stored, washed and polished at Vaughan s garage, at 54 Union ., X.: also a full line of oils, tires and supplies always on hand. 2-CYLINDER Reo oar, 108 model, good aa new, fully equipped, Wed chains, storage battery, extra tire: will sell or trade for city lot. Call at 474 Alder St.. corner 14th. WANTED second-hand automobile. 35 to 60 H. P.: no objection If out of order; cash buy. Phone East 944. A 318. Oregonian. CADILLAC runabout for sale or trade cheap. Address fiuisooro. r., mi o. Miscellaneous. SPECIAL OFFER We have 10P second hand sewing machines that must be sold this week regardless of price to make room for carload; 40 drop-head, all makes. White. New Home. Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic and Standard. Do not forget the place. White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washington, cor. 11th. H. D. Jones, prop. THREE first-class tickets, via "Frisco, to Dallas. Houston and san Antonio; stop over privilege; sell cheap. Address B 318. Oregonian. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, 120 to 160. fully guartnteed, easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery 4 Ptg. Co., 203 2d at. CHOrCE family cow. years old. Call at real estate office, 41st and Holgate sts, if you want a bargain. Phone Sellwood 22- WE have a large stock of barrels and kegs on hand, from 5 to SO gallons, suitanie ror pa- K ing purposes. Call or write Layton Cooperage Co.. 327 Water St. STEVENS' MOVING PICTURE EXCHANQB Films for rent, complete equipment for theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4th st. NEWMAN Moving Picture Exchange, rents moving picture machines, films, supplies, lowest price. 82614 Wash., near 17th. FOR SALE Typewriter, Smith-Premier No. 2. for 37SO; good aj new. Address nr. w . Fisher, 617 Washington St. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, S13 Water It. Phone Main 74il. A 5445. 2-K. SOLITAIRE diamond ring, worth J400; what cash oiler will you maker aj an. ore gonian. SECOND-HAND cement machinery, block and tile molds, mixer and sand scroen. Address J. W. Ebner. Mount Angel, Or. nkiv rmmllns cabin launch for sale cheap. 30x9. 7H H. P. engine, $450. Inquire at St. Johns ferry. FOR RENT Good duck lake, close in. Ap ply room 22 Hamilton bldg. 22-FT. LAUNCH for sale. Ray's Gas Engine IWpltal. Phone Sellwood 4. GOOD DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE, J5.00. ' 290 Main St. TWO new office desks and chairs at a sacri fice; also nouse lurniiure. niwuiain iiw. LvAUNCH; will exchange for motor cycle. Phone Tabor 1430. WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair. Deal " 62 3d at. North. Phone Main 8272. WANTED A second-hand floor case, must be In good condition and cheap. Phone East 106. FOR CASH Second-hand iron shaft flanges. boxing ana crabs of dH"carfled nnwneel. Address W. L. Bentley, Wright's. Wash. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less Phones A 2445. Main 8951. EAST SIDE AUCTION JOBBERS. Wanted 2d-hand furniture: pay highst price. 4 Grand ave. East 1051. B 2044. ADDING MACHINE operator. Comptometer or Rurroughs; must tie speedy. Apply aio Chamber of Commerce. WHAT will you take for your Gillette Safety Razor? 3i en. or commerce oiag. PARTIES wishing figures on cottage con struction address AH 818, Oregonian. 8POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1007. NOTICE Will pay highest prices for gentle men s c&stoff clothing, call Main M,4. WANTED TO BUY A second-hand range. Address 085 s. Ash St. HIGHEST prices paid for rubbers and met als. J. Leve. ls coiumoia St. M. biyg. HELP WANTKD MALE. STENOGRAPHER having $200. permanent position, good salary and security. AJ SOU, oregonian. DELIVERY boy, about 16, to clean up 'in store and deliver. Call after A. M. at 1M 3d st. BOYS WANTED Permanent employment. good wages. Apply to manager American 1 istrlct Telegraph Company, 76 Third st. WANTED Licensed physician to work In advertising oiTlce; good sulnry and per manent position. 234 Morrison st. CARRIERS, two nice routes open. Apply at ones to city circulator, oregonian bldg. WE seenre positions for our members. Special membership. Y. M. C. A- PHOTOGRAPH coupon agents, best winning oner; gooa money, cutbertn. Doxum bldg. MATTRESS makers and upholsterers. Call 18th and Upshur ata. FURNITURE salesman to take road position in tnis state, ask xor mt. Leonard, Hotel Seward. 6:30 to 7:30 P. M. ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced, no beginners, commission paid dally. Bene dictine Press, Goodnough bldg. WANTED Donkey logging foreman -with wide experience In logging steep moustalne. Apply Mundy Lor. Co., Three Valley, B. C DON'T search for work: a dime brings our plan of Immediately securing profitable em ployment. Phillips Specialty Co.. city. . DELIVERY boy with wheeL Jones' Book , . oat i : . , COOKS and kitchen helpers headquarters. California Wine Depot. l4 2Q- Main S500 BREAD and cake baker; good. Apply 663 3d at. MAX and wife wanted for fruit farm. B 319, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS coatmalter; call or write to J. Knopf, Wlnlook, v asnington. GOOD salesman wanted; young man preferred. l't" w - " " - - ' CKM KNT-FI N'TSHER wanted. Apply i Lum- brmens oiag. FOREMAN for planing mill, night no, In- PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Main Office. . 12 N. 2d St. Wanted Camn blacksmith. 13.25 tip; grade foreman, $3.25 up; 2 rough carpen ters, city. s;i.ao; 4 rougn carpenters, ia.jv, 6 house carpenters, city, $3.50; 4 cabinet makers, Kd.50. Four millwrights, 3.80 up; 2 stlcker- ynen. S.AFtO: ft ninnnr feeders. $2.50 to $2.75: 2 ratchet setters, $2.75 snd $3; a AarrinvA hh,m 9-i0- ran r edfterman. $3.50; 8 lumber graders. $2.50 and $3; 2 men to grade flooring, city. Jiw; a o"" for box factory. $1.50; 3 rip sawyers for t, Ox laciory, - -. ' ; Xo milinanaa, 50 yardmen, $2.25 to $2.50. ( Wanted Mill crew for mill at the coast; wages $2.50 up; free fare. To California Tonight. Free Fare. Lumber pliers and box factory men, wages $2.25 to $3. . Free Fare. Free Fare. tnnM list nf worir everv day for saw- mill hands, lumber-pliers, loggers, farm hands, teamsters, laborers, cooks, flun keys, dishwashers, porters, etc., etc PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office. 12 N. Second St. MAN and wife, camp cook and helper, 25 men. $75; man and wife, farm, $45 and found. Steam shovel locomotive engineer, $3.25; fireman, S2.7&; watchman, $75. Tie mill stationary engineer, $90. Wagon tallyman. $40 and board. Station gangs, new work. C. R. HANSEN & CO., Employment Agents. 20 N. Second St. Established 1878. Portland. San Francisco. Spokane. SALESMAN' wanted for Roeeburg home or chard tracts; fruit lands that meet the pop ular demand and are selling. We can use experienced real estate salesmen, salesmen who have worked In any line and men of energy, not afraid of work, who want to learn salesmanship. Call In forenoons. Department B. W. C. HARDING LAND CO., Board of Trade Bldg:. PANTRY work, young man. Apply Commer cial Club. 5th and Oak, superintendent's of fice, between 10 and 11 A. II. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduate!! last year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $16 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tool free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35 North 4th St.. Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE man wants partner; excel lent chance for young man to get in real estate business: no experieno necessary and very little money required. Par ticulars National Realty & Trust Co.. 3S Washington st., room 516. SALESMEN of character and energy and men wishing to learn salesmanship; an excep tional opportunity is now open to you; give details, how long In cliy. experience (if any), references, phone num'ber, etc. Address E 310, Oregonian. WANTED Teamsters and wheeler holders on railroad work; teamsters $40 a montn ana board; wheelerholders $3 a day, board $5.25 a week; good stock and good board. Hayden Bros.. Little Rock, Wash., 12 miles south of Olympla. ADVERTISING solicitors for soliciting ad vertisements for telephone directory; good commissions paid; only first-class solicitors reed applv. Inquire of C. K. Hickman. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., Beck bldg. WANTED Bright, energetic young man; du ties easy ; either office or outdoor work: ex perience not necessary; most have small capital and be satisfied with $20 per week for ottart. Gee manager, 326H Wash. St., room 417. WHY pay employment agencies large fees for position? Join Employes' Co-operative As sociation: ray 25c month and receive free doctor, lawyer and assistance in securing employment. Suite 020, Swotland bldg. IF YOU want a Government position we can show you how to secure the same and will prepare you at small cost. Call or write C. C. S. S., 425-42H Lumber Exchange, Port land. Or. MEN for railway mall clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers, internal revenue, etc; good salary and promotion witli each po sition; we prepare you; examinations soon. Write Pacific States School, McKay bldg. WANTED 500 men to attend my clearance sale; $22.50 suits on sale for $10; $35 suits on sale for $15. Come early. TRULY WARREN, the Sample Suit Man. Room- 315, Oregonian Bldg. MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless telegraphy and engineering. R. R. and sta tion work; practical instruction; largest pri vate station in the world. Send stamp for circulars. Wireless Institute, San Francisco. WANTED First-class groom to substitute; chance for permanent situation to right man. Von Gilmann School for Riding & Driving. 17th and Thurman. Apply before noon at office. f WANTED Reliable man to check goods, etc, as partner; pay $25 week now; can Increase with interested help; $300 re quired. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. EXPERIENCED man for stock keeping and general work In general merchandise store. Commercial Abstract Co.. 408 Com mercial Club. WANTED A competent drug label and pill box salesman for -a -Pacific Coast con cern: either exclusive or as a side line. AH 308. Oregonian. WANTED Carrier for good-paying mounted route in ML Tabor district. Apply at once to City Circulator. Room 203, Oregonian Bldg. WANTED Railway mail clerks. postofTtce clerks, carriers: examinations in Portland November 17; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 413 E., Rochester. N. Y. SHOEMAKER Must have experience In re pairing; also new work; no drunks need ap plv. Klamath ctioe Store, P. O. Box 146, Klamath Falls. Or. WANTED Neat, sober young man with lit tle money, to show property and work in office; am alone and tired of hired help. 225 5th st. SALESMEN Good, familiar with city, to sell property. Best selling proposition in Portland. Agents easily make $50 per week. 423 Lumber Exchange. MEN to study wireless telegraphy; railway and commercial telegraphy easily learned; big opportunities; day and evening classes. Oregon College Telegraphy, 83 6th st. EXPERIENCED bill clerk, wholesale gro cery house; preference one who uses type writer. Inquire Lang A Co., corner 1st and Ankeny sts. ABSTRACT man wanted. general poster and searcher; references required. Address Douglas County Abstract Co., Roseburg. Or. DENTISTS One good plate workman and one all-around operator at once. Eleotro Dental Parlors. Tacoma. Wash. SOLICITORS Salary or commission: expe rience not necessary; money maker. 267 2d st. STENOGRAPHER High-grade young man. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club. WANTED Experienced young man in gro cery business: references required. Call after noon. 733 Patton road. A 2290. DISHWASHER Neat. quick, wanted. Stein's Restaurant, 2664 Stark. No Sun day work. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. A GOOD live salesman can make $300 per ' month selling 5-acre fruit tracts. Ad dress AK 316. Oregonian. TWO salesmen to sell vacuum cleaners; mnst be well acquainted In city. Apply morn ings. 334 Mohawk bldg. SALESMAN for rapid-selling article; good money to right party; small deposit re quired. Room 537 Worcester bldg. WANTED Al canvasser, best proposition out. Call 814 Dekum bldg., lnursday, V to 10 A. M. WE want more energetic, successful nursery salesmen: free outnt: cash weekly. Al bany Nurseries, Albany, Or. ' WANTED Tinsmith who can Install hot air fumaceo and can do plumbing. Address A. C. Freeman. Corvallis. Or. MAN to work In bathhouse. 695 Front st. HELP WASTED FEMALE, GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Faotorj .vu, i, unuui skrw ii 'I. m wjrnirfc GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, to work In bag ractory. Apply at once. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO 6th and Davis Sta OFFICE- WORK Ambitious young man for wholesale house: must write a good nana and -be good at flgures; one with some ex perience preferred. Address In own .hand writing, AJ 316, oregonian. U YOU want a Government position we can h ,-iw inn how to secure the same, and will prepare you at small cost. Call or write C C H. to., -D Lumner uciiauiv, rwfc- land, or. HOUSEWORK Experienced girl for general housework; must ibe good cook; smaii iam ily; good wages. 395 E. 16th st. N. Phone mast lttn or c l46f, ariernoono niy. GOVERNESS to teaoh three children music and grammar grades; wages ?-o montn, room and board. J. Mclntlra, steamer Iralda. COOK for small family at Gearhart Park ror x montn ana permanent piacts in r i hind afterwards; wages. $30 to $35; refer ences. Apply 145 N. 18th st. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, I.oo aoz. upward, steady, reliable work. Call 224 Marquam bldg. nmTRR-Tn-Horsli! demonstrators on liiirh-vT.iiljk vnamniAeil woman's article: splendid opportunity for beginners. Call lo-ll. 2-4. room 2U4. weiis-jf argo. FIVE ladles of good address, convincing talkers: I have a rllf-edge offer that will make you good money. 833 Chamber Commerce. WANTED Young ladles to enter training school for nurses. V illapa naroor nospuaie, South Bend and Raymond. Address Mary C. Drain. Raymond, Wash. WOMAN Bright, to sell city property. One familiar with locations, our agents easily make $50 per week. 42.! Lumber hiX change. WANTED A woman wtth brains and $600 cash, satisfied with $200 per month clear; can handle her own money. D 317, Ore gonian. WANTED Girl. German and Scandinavian, for general housework; wages $20. Tabor 1320. 941 rlawtnorne ave. HOUSRWORK trlrl wanted, general house work, small family; no washing. inquire 899 Mellnda ave. Main ELDERLY woman. keeD house for widower; 3 children; German preferred; good home for good woman. AJ Jio, uregonian. WANTED A competent girl for cooking and downstairs work; good wages. Apply mora- ings, 10 to 12. 226 10th St. PANTRY woman; first-class, with exper- l n-- U V Tl I V AlAV- ander Court, 53 Ella st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstalra Phone Main 2692. WAIN TED ExpeDlenced girl for genell housework; no children. 260 Grand ave. North, corner Multnomah st- AGENTS WANTED For best non-frlctlon snoe poiisn Bier mauv. wo viuwimwi v. Commerce. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 820i Washington St.. Room 307. Main SS36 or A 3266. WAITRESSES, city, mineral springs; kitchen, pantry, chamber; other help. "Drake's," 204 Washington. SLEEVE IRONERS. experienced, and ma chine starchers. Apply Star Laundry- co Union ave. and East Ankeny.- RESPONSIBLE nursemaid for 3 children, in famllv. out of city. Inquire Y. W. C. A., bet. 10 and 11 A. M. GIRL wanted for shooting gallery, wages $2 per day. Apply bet. 11 ana 12 A. M 42H 4th st. North. HIGH school or college girl to assist night and mornings for her room ana ooara, car fare paid. Phone, Main ttittt. BUTTONHOLE makers and finishers want ed, also nmsnera on pants; gins to leara trade. Apply 83 5th St., room 401. wiKTRn Refined, canable wom.m for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth chlld bldg., 4tn ana wasaington. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. The Ideal Oandy Co., llO N. 4tn st. i-none ji. dou. mm. for frenernl housework in small fam lly. 440 E. 8th North. Telephone E. 594. COMPETENT cook and second girl. Inquire forenoons. 751 Flanders, cor. JJa. HAIRDRESSERS, experienced, also appren tices. Grand Leader, 0th st. WAITRESSES, experienced. $35. Becker's Grill, 10th and Alder sts. SKIRT helpers, sleevemakers, stock girl and making bills. ow jaarquam oiag. WAITRESS wanted. Apply Crystal Cafe, 282 Russell St. Phone tast 4S33. COOKING and general housework girl. 146 N. lTtn. COOK Swedish woman, family: wages $40. St. Louis, 245ft wash. Main 2U3. THOROUGH course of millinery taught In a 1. - ..m,. nanalila AIR tM,, HOUSEWORK girl for general housework. 485 Alnswortn ave. ivnone nuoaiann iwio. MANGLE GIRLS, experienced, at East Side Laundry. ,ast un auu olii. DRESSMAKERS and tailor-esses. 441 Mult- noman su MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house work. Inquire 450 nm. GIRL, about 18, to assist in office. Apply af ter 10 A. M. swetiana oiag.. room too. GIRL for dining-room, at Baumann Hotel. 412 N. 19th Bt, HOUSEWORK; good, reliable girl; 4 In fam ily; good wages. 620 East Ankeny st. HOUSEWORK, girl or middle-aged woman for light. 645 6th st. GIRL for general housework, small family adults. 651 Hoyt. near 20Ui. SALESLADY, one that understands some alterations preferred. Apply to 215 First st. WAITRESS wanted. Great Northern Hotel, 610 21st st. S car north. Main 7658. GIRL to do housework and cooking. Apply 215 North 20th st- EXPERIENCED waitress. Palace Restaurant, 129 4th St. HOUSEWORK Girl wanted for general. 692 Hancock St.. Irvlngton. TWO experienced dining-room girla 46 N. 21st at. Clear Conscience I in addition to 'an earthly reward is a fine combi nation. If you find anything of value, advertise it under Lost and Found in The Oresonian. .You will have a clear con- science and the owner will undoubtedly re- J ward you liberally, J "WANTED Two cooki, 40 and $45; cook and helper for 18 men, camp, $75; cham bermaids, $20 to $25; waitresses, country and city, $25 to $35 ; girls for general housework, $55 to $35; ..housekeepers, sec ond girls, etc, etc. W have a, large number of new places every day. Call early and get your pick. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT "CO., " Ladles' Dept. 205 Vi Morrison. s CAMP cooks, $7o; kitchen helper, .$35; 2 waitresses, $35; 2 chambermaids, $20; cooks, boarding-house. $40. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Vi Washington St. WAITRESSES wanted immediately, short hours; also steady girls, high-class con fectionery and lunch room. Apply Em ployes', Co-operative Association 620 Swetland bldg. WANT girl or boy dishwashr, country town, restaurant ; wages $ 2 2 per month, room and board; also want waitress, same wages; free fare. Call rbom 301, 286 Washington st. No fee for the Job. CHAMBERMAID wanted at 832 Glisan st. HELP WAITED MALE OB FEilAXJt. 1000 KOPPICKBRS to pick 6X acres of hops; big crop, fine accommodations; bakery, butcher shop, grocery tore, restaurant, free dancing pavilion, beautiful camping grounds, delightful bathing, low excursion rates. We pay $1.00 per 1X Ibo. Register now at Krebs Bros. Office rooms 618 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sts. No charges for Job. Office hours- t:00 to 8:00 P. M., Sun day 9:00 to 1:00 P. M. Home A 4335. WANTED Hoppickers for our yards at ReeaVville; fare, 50c; only 4-0 minutes' ride ; fine grounds, long employment. A. J. Ray & Son, 334 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 842. WAINTED A typesetter to work for p. few hours per day ; permanent position. Apply to the Bradtreet Co., Worcester block. Phone Main 905. HOP-PICKERS wanted; 180 acres good hops; good accommodations. Call at Belvedere Hotel today and ask for Cor - nell. WANTED Good comedy sketch and vaude ville acts of all kinds. Apply 5266 Washington st. STUDIO Music, German, French. English literature. 452 Morrison. Main 2097. SOLICITORS for good paying proposition; grand renovating parlors. No. 4 Grand ave. MARKER wanted at the Independent Laun dery, 3d and Glisan. FISK Teachers Agency helps good teachers to better positions. 514 Swetland bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkepers and Clerks JAPANESE, a graduate of business college, desires situation as bookkeeper or any office work. C 3o5, Oregonian. DRUGGIST, experienced, d-esirea relief work, capable of taking charge. Phone Main 60O1. POSITION" wanted by thoroughly capable cash ier and bookkeeper; beat of references. AG 312, Oregonran. BRIGHT young man, 19 years of age, de sires position as bank messenger, good penman; references. G 318, Oregonian. BY experienced bookkeeper and all around office man; sober, reliable, energetic; best city references, AL 317. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. CIVIL ENGINEER, from first-class tech nical school ; employed in the City Engi neering Department, would like position In evenings ; drafting or computing. L 316, Oregeonlan. ELDERLY man wants position as Janitor or caretaker of houses or apartments; is handy with tools and can do all kinds of repair work. Address C. Christensen, 124 Knott st. RESPECTABLE young man wishes position In private home to work part of day for board and room. Address H 315, Orego nian. WANTED By stationary engineer, place in city; can do his own repairs; best of ref erences. A 316, Oregonian. ALL-around repair man, used to gas and steam fitting; wnuld like place in city; ref erences. AM 319, Cregunlan.,, EXPERIENCED machinist desires position Willi gUUU IttUlUi Ul v. u 1 1 1 jju i jr m i-nj , tA- cellent references. AL 315, Oregonian. BY young man, position driving light de- livery wagon; experienced. James, East 4974. PLUMBER wants Job with nonunion plumb er. Anderson, 637 Montgomery st. Main 1018. GOOD girl wants to care for children. . Catholic Women's League, 2-10 Columbia bldg. M. 2451. POSITION by Japanese driving auto and machinery of any kind; good experience. Address 327 Everett st. JAPANESE by-hour workers, houeec leaning. cooking. Sellwood HZZ. Close Madison bridge. DISHWASHER wants position as dlsnwaaher or putting in wood. Call 184 Sherman st. iPhone Main 6427. EXPERIENCED painter and paperhanger wants work. H. E. Chapman, Qutmby Hotel, Fourth and Burnslde sts. OLD experienced high-class Chinaman wants place, cook in restaurant, notei or ooara id g house. AK 809, Oregonian. GARDENER, experienced, wants situation. Apply Gardener, lias MUwauKie st. Phone Hen. ua. STENOGRAPHER and office man, thorough ly efneient, experienced, reliable, would to go out of town. G 319, Oregonian. HOUSE and window cleaning, new bouses a specialty; or janitor work, ioy -. Thompson. Phone Main 3030. BARTENDER, young man. stranger in city, df-rlree situation; best reierences. ah avi, Oregonian. BOY, 18, living with parents, wants to learn traae. o iio, oregonian. YOUNG man from East would like steady work. L 312, Oregon ian . JAPANESE, talk good English, wants work before 2 P. M. AG sua, oregonian. GOOD outside man, no objections to going out of city. Address 12 N 2d st. MAN wants work by day or hour; handy at anything. L 317, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. REFINED, capable woman solicitor, best of references will con3iaer cjty or roaa po sition with reliable firm; salary or com mission; be explicit. Address AH 319, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position. commercial lines preferred; references. j 3u7, Oregonian. LAW stenographer, well educated; moderate salary. N Bit, oregonian. FOR good stenographer, experienced or be ginners, phone oiearicai oince, a Da. SITUATION -wanted by experienced office girl with chance for advancement- tia&i 66w. SITUATION wanted as bookkeeper; good city references, phone wooaiawn lwzu. Iressmakersw FASHIONABLE dressmaking and ladles tailoring. Mrs. Anaerson, od Montgomery st. Main 1018. 'IRST-CLASS dressmaking at home or by the day. B 1307. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants engage ments, 91.00 and rare, .rnone be u wood i. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs. Ange.es, uzo wasn. st.. room 210. N INFANTS nurse, experienced and reliable. WlSReS position ; icicix:uu. M. oxo, Vii- gonlan. House keepers. POSITION as housekeeper In rooming-house; City reierene, 1 nuno jatun Miscellaneojis. GIRL for general housework In amall fam ily. Main e6J- LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for ana aeuTersa; uo juv isoar .wt. KXaocnaaeou, MIDDLE-AGED woman, plain housework, practical nurse, housekeeper. St. Louis, 245 H Wash. Main 203d. A 4775. LACE curtains beautifully laundered; fine sun-drying, grass-bleaching facilities. Ta bor 1530. EXPERIENCED woman wants work by the day, washing or ho usee leaning. Main 4308. YOUNG, capable, well educated woman wishes managing of small hotel or rooming-house. Call A 3721. WELL educated young woman wishes po sition as demonstrator. Call A 3721. WOMAN desires housework by the week. Call Woodlawn 1515. HAND laundry, sun dried, prices reasonable. 594 2d st. Main 1815. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted by Columbia Life & Trust Company; high-class men to sell life insur ance In Portland and In other cities and towns of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho; former experience not necessary ; splendid opportunities; first-class references as to character required. Address the company's home office. Lumber Exchange bldg., Port land. Or. WANTED Successful nursery salesmen; choice territory, big commission; good repu tation behind our goods makes sales easy. Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem. - Oregon. AGENTS WANTED Chicago N. Y. Electric Air Line Railroad Co., 629 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th street. WB POSITIVBLY have the fastest selling household patent on the market. Woolverine Co. , Pittsburg, Pa. AGENT Every county, Vaco-Hook, great seller; $10 per day. Desk A, 325 1st Nat l Bank, Oakland, Cal. AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money selling nursery stock; outnt free; cash week ly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED TO RENT. A YOUNG widower, aged 29, with 2 little girls, aged 5 and 2. wishes a place to board in private family with no children, or place with respectable widow. Call in person or address Mr. Berry Turner, 632 Union ave. North., city, after 6 o'clock. WE have several applications for ft and 6-room houses, either furnished or unfur nished. If you want to rent yours quick, list with us. G. T. Moore. 512 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main S02. FOR A LIVERY STABLE. To lease for a term of years, 50x100, close to Great Northern depot. Hartman & Thompson. SMALL furnished flat, apartment or bun galow to responsible couple with child for the Winter. Address Box 209, Esta cada. EDUCATED young man desires a well-furnished side room, electric lighted. In pri vate home. West Side preferable; state price. C 309, Oregonian. WANTED iBy responsible couple, well-fur-nLshed 5 or 6-room house, lower flat or bun galow; desirable location. West Side. K 315, Ore go ian. TWO cottages, four or five rooms, modem, with bath, close together. A 319, Ore gonian. WANTED Well-furnished 7-room house by September 8, West Side. Dr. Baar and his sister. Phone Main 6507. WANTED Room with breakfast, private home, business man and wife. L 314, Oregonian. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, at the Chamber of Commerce, want houses and flats. WANTED -Three furnished or unfurnished rooms; no children. B 316. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN desires unfurnished back room; must be quiet. T 275, Oregonian- 4-ROOM cottage, rent cheap, gas, water. 587 Overton st. ABOUT 6-room cottage or flat In two-mile circle, reasonable. Apply A 317, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE, unfurnished, from 15 to 20 rooms, close in. 248 N. 17th, city. FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. THE MOODY HOUSE. 3d and Jefferson Sts. Awnv for the noise: 5 minutes' walk, Washington and 3d; just completed; new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tnrv. convenient, rooms large, linht. airy; single rooms or suites; permanent and transient, 43, 54 and per week. Phone A 7731, M. 3639. HOTEL ANTLERS. Pomsr 10th and Washington Sts. New management; THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE kathS : sinirle or en suite: bfBUiAi. LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnslde. 1 TH R HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasouaoie. tree cus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric -lights, etc: rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to $30;, elegant puo. lc parior; pnones ana cams irec. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, tirst-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2G47, M. 5fa4T. THE MERTARPER. 126 13th. cor. Wash ineton. brand new handsomely furnished; every modern convenience; hot water In all rooms; very reasonable terms. HATRT. XORRIS. Washington and 17th, new building, newly furnished, every room light and sunny ; hot water, steam heat, reasonaDie prices. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts., fur nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite the piaza. HOTEL IRVING. JI12 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH. Just opened; new and eiegantiy fur- nisnea; all conveniences. raie reaaonituia. PACIFIC HOTEL. 214 Columbia St.: Summer rates; run ning water in all rooms; transients 6O0 to 31 day; one call means anomor. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2; $2 to $4 per week; nice yard and surroundings. Aler House, 7th and Madison. THE HANOVER, 165 King, near Washington Large unfurnished front room, wun wall bed, private bath; something swell. THE MERCEDES 20th and Washington sts; elegantly furnished single rooms, with ail modern conveniences; only $10 and up. THE BRAE-SIDE. 420 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3, $4, $5 per week; transient. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. 2 to $4 week. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite, hot and cold water, suitable for three or four gen tlemen; breakfast If desired, also several other desirable rooms; beautiful lawn; central location. 181 11th St., cor. Yam hill. A 3580. FURNISHED ROOMS. A couple large, cheerful front rooms In a beautiful private home with every con venience; one block Washington; one block Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 69 N. 21st st. FURNISHED room for gentleman; bath; 5 minutes' walk of Portland Hotel; no other roomers; references. Main 7329. LARGE front alcove room, choice location. house modern, euitaoie xor gentleman. os Salmon, bet. West Park and 10th. SWELL front parlor, also other fine rooms; no objection to woman. 455 6th st. Phone Tabor 1762. WANTED Three furnished or unfurnished rooms; no children. B 3L6, Oregonian, FURNISHED front rooms, reasonable. 30 N. 16th. A 2J4U. FURNISHED rooms, all modern conveniences; flat A, 4 wasningion su mono a r.o. ONE modern furnished room, $2 a week, with private family. dv seconq sr. NICELY furnished rooms. 67 North 14th. between xav4J ana a.vereu. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. 110 Furnished front room, modern, steam heated second floor apartments. Flat D, 4fi9 Jefferson st. Unfurnished Rooms. ' THE DREXEL. Modern unfurnished rooms; single or en suite : reasonable ; no housekeeping. The Drexel, 248 Yamhill. Main 2U65. . Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern In every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water la every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want the best In the city for the money, call and Inspect; dining-room" in connection. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room wtth board, use of sewing room and li brary, 510 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N. Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, supt. x THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th st cor. ner Morrison. Select family hotel: reason, able rates for transient guests W car to and from depot passes the door. THE WALDORF One large front room, running water; also single rooms. 147 13th. Phone Main 211S. THE MANSION, central, beautiful grounds, elegant furnished rooms. conservatory, dining-room. Fifth and Jefferson. THE LIN DELL, 269 Market Nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board; mod ern, reasonable; fine walking distance. THE) CALVARD Take W. car at depot to door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2o97. Rooms With Board in Private Family. ONE large front room suitable for man1 and wife, or fine for 3 gentlemen, with table board; also table board given; terms rea sonable. 173 16th st. South. LARGE furnished room, with board; home cooking, all conveniences. 107 16th St., near Flanders. Phone M. 5513. PLEASANT front room with board for two; modern. 93 17th St. North. Main 4230. ROOM with board. 149 15th st., between Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 8412. Apartment. THE RE-U-KAN. 624 Marshall Street. The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart ments In the city; 3 -room suites, PRI VATE BATHS and reception halls; both phones FREE In each apartment; eleotrlo elevator; nice large verandas both front and back; large lawn and beautiful shade trees; low Summer rates. Take W car to Marshall, go 1 block east. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison st., new brick building, completely flrst-class, furnished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments; private bath, reception ball, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com' pressed-air cleaning, janitor service, ' from $2o up month; some unfurnished; come look and be surprised. LAURETTE Apartments, 8 rooms each; choice neighborhood, brick and cement building, high-class; fireless cooker, steam heat, hot water cabinet, gas range, ice chest, telephone, private halls, and bath, janitor service ; open August 15; 5 min utes from Portland Hotel. 11th St.. near Salmon. Open for reservation. THE LUXOR, S, E. Cor. 13th and Clay Sts. Elegant 3 and 4-room suites, nyidern In every way. newly furnished, complete and ready for occupancy; also line single rooms for bachelors; reasonable rates. Both phones. THE BERYL Just opened: three rooms, large and well ventilated, three large closets and two folding beds in every apartment; choice location and low rates. 695 Lovejoy st. Take W car. MADISON PARK apartments. Park and Madison Unfurnished apartments; hot and cold water, electric elevator and janitor service; 5 minutes' walk from Portland Hotel. Phone Main 6556. STEPHENSON COURT. Northeast cor. Itjth and Mill sta., 2. 3, 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments; hot water, bath, gas; reasonable. Main fllO. THE NORDICA. Phone East 3418. Newly furnished apartments; every modern con venience ; $20 and up. Grand ave. and Belmont. TUP: RI'KI.L. 14th and Salmon Furnished apartments; now bldg., steam heat, ele vators. THE MARLBOROUGH 5 and 6-rootn apart ments; 21st and Flanders. Nob Hill dis trict; every convenience. Main 7616. NEW 5-room. steam-heated flat, modern conveniences; reasonable rent. W. 1. Mor gan, 503 Abington bldg. THE CHETOPA. Modern 4-room unfurnished apartments. Hats. NEW 3-ROOM modern flat with gas ranffp. linoleum on kitchen floor and water fur nished, only $16 per month. O. A. Hatton, 411 Corbett bldg. NEW flat for rent, cor. 6th and Wasco, .1 blocks north of Holladay ave. Call Maln l&tb. W. Reldt, 401 Rothchlld bklg. NICE flat of four rooms, fine location : fur nace heat. $2H. Phone East 3034, after 1 P. M. MODERN 6-room lower flat, near West Side High School, lame attic and sleeplm? pun-'hes. Inquire 175 Wth, corner Yamhill. FOR RENT 7-room flat with gas. bath, etc. ; good location. Apply 794 1st st., corner Gibbs. . MODERN 6-room flat. 778H Kearney: tinted to suit tenant. Key 712 Kearney t. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. Hoyt st- Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278. 6-ROOM strictly modern flat, corner 25th and East Belmont. Phone East 2S79. TWO new modern flats, near Washington High School. G. C. Hatt. A 2213. 5-ROOM upper flat, modern. Phone East 6257. MODERN 5-room flat, nice yard. 175 E 15th st., corner Yamhill. MODERN 5-room flat; porch and yard. 8 East 12th st. North., near Ankeny. SEE those new flats on East 24th and Burnslde; rent reasonable C 2258. FIVE light rooms, modern flat. Inquire 401 12 th atreet, near Montgomery. UP-TO-DATE flat, close to Portland Academy; free phone. Main 7112. FOR RENT New flats. 12th and Belmont. B. H. Bowman. PLEASANT small flnt, modern, easy walking distance; reasonable rent. 235 4 Hall st. Housekeeping: Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts Newly furnished for housekeeping. In cluding gas ranges, electric lights, ho water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up- singla housekeeping rooms $250 week up; best in city for money; short dis tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or lath-el- cars north, get oft at Marshall st. ONEONTA, 3 87 17th. near Yamhill; take W car at depot; furnished 2. 8 and 4 room housekeeping suites, by week $5 50, by month $20 and up; hot and cold water, baths and phones free. Main 4697. A 4739. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS, 6314 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. west sine river; . rooms $1 month; 3 ror $12 ; cottage $20 ; flat 4 rooms, $16. Ap ply 364 North 26th; W car to 26th, block north. THE MERCEpES. corner of 20th and Wash ington sts., l niceiy lurr.isnea i-rwin housekeeping apartment; all modern con veniences, only $20. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th, com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms; rea sonable. $1.25 week, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms. laundry, bath. 203 Stanton st., u. car. THE MILNER, 3504 Morrison, cor. Park. home apartments, ail conveniences SWELL housekeeping rooms in new concrete building. Phone- u uia. $1.50 week, large, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, Datn, parior. b ner man. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, com pletely xuxnisheo. Dun pnoc. xvi Ata at.