11 TIIE MORNING OHEGONIAN. THURSDAY. AUGUST 19, 1909. !,'i--rrH-:,,:V:-;:f If ! Ill i lf Mi .... ii ' ! ;: ' '!! ' -I- 'f"1 '!. "fi ii f 'I:iii!'i !::niii! f ;i f fiif vj iiMi'ii'i I : ! ; : ! - L ' ' i'fl Ii;11'! I 1'f ' ! I kk i if'' V ll ": ;,,nii: if: v-WW-VI:':.. f "!;: ::' 'i! i , fii'i ii hi i'li !i! . i iil " i !, ii i f'iiiiJ M ffjfiM iiiliiiililliBlilMl : Hi Ii il l I ii i:riil Jifft um:W; k f I'M-:: WW !::;'! !' Vvr.illil'ii:!.!!!;!';;!! llr'liliiiiiiiliMifi'iil'iii:!!!;!! ("hiir'iihij'.liiiipl! lWW.-kK 'fifffilf f .m ; jiir'l:!;:!;;!!!! muff. III! i ;;: if ! ! i!i ;!!!M'!i I! i , 1 1! : !,". :i :; i ; if III ! I f ii Si! I Mi1!: U m mm i mmi h I !i I, nil. if, I 'f i;:ii;:!I j-'i ,i;m J f i: i ,u, N;.iiiTij" i'l l :l!f':;jl!;.f;i;f:;;i:!fli'ij;::;;i;;i!i .;!;fc:i;;is;iiit!!; -:i&::4rfl!;! 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I l !j IIII I il 11 I II U ! 1 1 I ifesl -t.ihiiiimiiiiiii ijii mmm n I I l un I fl !; I III II I I III I i I I II IS Ii 1 I lil i 111 I ! I i l l H lllllll te !S Ii ! i I I S liiilillliliililiiilillililia I iiii iii SSI ifllH-SiiiriliFTr""'-''-'"'--"1-- Because of Tillamook joyed at BAYOCEAN That Think'of taking a dip in the surf or the Plunge Bath and a few minutes later gliding lazily out across the broad bay in a sailboat! It is Pleasure, Recreation and Health all at once. There is plenty of room in the bay it is seven miles long and three miles wide. For smaller craft the five rivers coming down from the forests into the bay are all navigable. Rowing, sailing, motor-boating you may enjoy them all on Tillamook Bay. A Launch Harbor that will become the home port of the finest boats in the Northwest is being provided on th'e bay side near the central pier. BAY OCEAN, where every detail unites in appealing to the taste of the tourist and Aquatic Sports May Be Era Are Possible Nowhere Else the pleasure-seeker, will see its magnificent bay dotted with craft from East sncL West The value of the bay to BAYOCEAN cannot be estimated in dollars. It is - one of the peculiar Natural Advantages of BAYOCEAN one of the reasons why there can never be another resort equal to BAYOCEAN on the Pacific Coast. Potter-Chapin Realty Company 514 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon 416 R. A. Long Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. 421 Columbia Bldg., Spokane, Wash. 901 Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. SUB-JAIL' IS NOT NEEDED COUNTY TO ABANDON KELLY BCTTE ROCK PILE. Road Work Within Hauling Dis tance of Crusher Almost Com pleted Use Llnnton. Quarry. The ub-JH at Kelly Butte will toon he a thing of the past, according to County Commissioner Llghtner. He ixiys that the complaint of the Grand. Jury that the sleeping- quarters are In adequate and that the air space al lowed the prisoners at night Is Insuffi cient, is unjust and not borne out by facts. "The last time I -lslted the place there were 58 prisoners at work." aald Mr. Llghtner. ,-Of these about 35 were county prisoners and 23 city prisoners. If the place Is crowded It Is not the fault of the County Court, as the Sher iff Is not obliged to keep the city pris oners there. "It will be but a short time when the county will have no place to put the rock- from" Kelly Butte, except as It Is reeded now and then to keep In re pair roads already made. We hava completed almost every road within hauling distance of Kelly Butte. There Is a strip 1 1-3 miles long on Section Line Road yet to be macadamised, an other strip between Kelly Butte and Ints, and about t miles on the Powell Valley Road.' Judge Webster said It was the plan of the County Court to put city pris oners at work at the new Llnnton quarry,- but that there might be shortage of these, in which case free I labor would be employed at first. ROBBERS STILL AT LARGE Detectives Say Perpetrators of Two Hold-rps Have Left City. Although all suspicious places were visited and e-ery effort made to appre hend them, the six "crooks" who perpe trated two bold holdups In Portland ear ly yesterday morning have not been caught. The detectives express the be lief that all have left the city. The attempted cracking of the safe In the building of -the Doernbecher Manu facturing Company by four yeggmen early yesterday morning. Is said by De tectives' Mallet and Maloney to be one of the boldest crimes yet undertaken since the surge northward of criminals to the A.-T.-P. Exposition at Seattle. Fred W. Lutkmeler. proprietor of a saloon at 49 Union avenue, who. with R. Hartman and C. Johnson, two of his patrons, was held up and robbed by two masked men an hour prior to the at tempted wrecking of the safe, were un able to furnish the detectives with .an accurate description of the men and little hope Is entertained of catching them. STEAMER BREAKWATER Leaves Marshfield Sunday. In order to accommodate delegates to the Oregon-Idaho Congress, the sailing of the steamer Breakwater from Marsh field has been changed from Saturday to Sunday. I ' The world's most successful medicine for bowel complaints Is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has relieved more pain and suffering, and saved more lives than any other medicine In use. Invaluable for chil dren and adults. CUPID AIDS BOLD GROOM BRIDE IS CLAIMED BEFORE AXGRY FATHER ARRIVES. Robert H. Murray Weds Miss Helena ' M. Dunckley, or Centralla, Secretly. Another unsuccessful crusade against the plans of Cupid was recorded In Port land Tuesday night, when Robert H. Murray claimed Miss Helena M. Dunck ley as his bride in the manse of the pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church. The bridegroom Is the eon of W. L. Mur ray, and is associated with hl& father here In the manufacture of machinery. The bride la the daughter of Colonel T. H. Dunclfley, publisher of the News-Examiner, of Centralla, and a niece of W. H. Dunckley, of Ladd & Tllton's bank. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Walker. The romance which culminated In Tues day night's wedding commenoed two years ago when young Murray, who is 25 years of age, met Miss Dunckley In Centralla. He met with parental oppo sition from the first, but persisted, and went into business in Centralla. thinking to win over Miss Dunckley's parents, but without favorable result. Two months ago he returned to Portland and became associated In business with his father. Tuesday afternoon Miss Dunckley told her father she intended remaining over night with a friend. She took the mid night train for Portland, was met at the Cnlon Depot by young Murray vand his father, and they were married, leav ing here early yesterday morning on their honeymoon. Murray has led a rather adventurous career since his 16th birthday, when be went to Alaska and prospered. When President McKlnley was assassinated, Murray bought the finst 600 newspapers reaching Nome, Alaska, and sold them at 32 each. He later visited various foreign countries, returning horns three years ago. .Colonel Dunckley arrived in Portland yesterday noon to find his daughter mar fled and already on her honeymoon. The eloping pair could not be located In Portland last night. Up to a late hour they had not registered at any of the downtown hotels. It Is believed the elop ers are In the elty, though keeping their Identity concealed. SPEND DAY AT OREGON CITY Elopers Evidently In Fear of Irate Father of Bride. OREGON CITY, Or., Aug. ' 18 Spe cial.) Robert H. Murray and his blush ing bride passed the afternoon In Ore gon City. Manifesting extreme nerv ousness over the fear that Thomas Dunckley, father of t-he bride, would find them and Interfere with their new born happiness, Murray and his wife reached the Electric Hotel early this afternoon and engaged a room. They registered under protest, stating to Manager Tobln that Dunckley was after them and they were trying to' evade pursuit. The happy pair had dinner at the ho tel, and soon after they left they city on an lnterurban car for Portland, de parting from Oregon City on the 7 o'clock ear. Murray told Manager To bln they might return, but it is thought that the newly-married couple will put as many miles as possible between themselves and the pursuing parent. NEW TRAIN DE LUXE The Soo-Spokane-Portland Train do Luxe is the fast train between Portland and St. Paul. Electric lighted, wide ves tlbuled, buf fet-llbrary-eom partment-obser-vation cars. The best of service. PRINTING TRUST FOILED COTJXTY COURT REJECTS BIDS OX BLANK BOOKS. the dates for the third annual Albany Apple Fair. The Fair will probably be held In the big gymnasium of the Alco Club. Six Concerns Make Identical Prices of $14.40 on Articles Purchased Last Year at $9.80. Finding evidence that six of Port land's printing and bookbinding con cerns had combined to hold up the county when it came to awarding the contract for 100 half-bound books, the County Court rejected all ths bids yes terday morning, and It Is probable the needed books will be purchased from some firm in the East or in San Fran cisoo. The six firms whose bids were rejected were: Lovejoy & Lincoln, Bushong H Company, Glass & Prud homme, Irwin-Hodson CompanyPort land ' Printing Company and Howe, Davis & Kllham. For the books used by County Clerk Fields In recording deeds, mortgages and like Instruments, and for which bids were advertised. the County Court has been paying 314-40 each. Six months ago the oounty bought 50 of them for 39.80 each. Every one of the six bids opened yesterday demanded 314.40 apiece for the books. A queer circumstance in connection with the affair is that Bernard & Com pany, of St. Louis, sent a certified check with a letter saying their Port land agent would place their bid for the books. But the agent failed, for some unaccountable reason, to make the bid. -. Apple Fair Dates Set. ALBANY, Or., Aug. 18. (Special) Ootober 37, 28 and 29 have been set as MAYOR HEARS COMMITTEE He Promises to Consider Purchase by City of Hawthorne Park. A committee consisting of Rev. Nel son Allen, W. R. Bishop and C. A. Blge low appeared yesterday before Mayor Simon and the Park Board for the pur pose of urging them to consider favor ably the purchase of the Hawthorne tract for a city park. C. A. Bigelow states the Mayor promised to consider the subject carefully if the committee would set a price wanted for the land. This the committee expects to do soon. Residents In the vicinity of Haw thorne Park are desirous of having a city park in the neighborhood and are not anxious as to what particular tract is purchased. The nearest pleasure-ground. Holladay Park, is one mile and a quarter from Hawthorne Park. A mass meeting will be held next Monday evening, probably in Haw thorne Park, for the purpose of obtain ing expression of the sentiment of resi dents concerning the purchase of Haw thorne Park by the city. In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough ana rener is sure 10 iuuuw. reconimenueu iwr whooping cough. coughs. EsDeciallv colds and Welcome Words to Women Women who suffer with disorders peculiar to their ex should write to Dr. Pierce and receive free the advice of a physician of over 40 years' experience a skilled and successful specialist in the diseases of women. Every letter of this sort has the most careful consideration and is regarded as sacredly confidential. Many sensitively modest women write fully to Dr. Pierce what they would shrink from telling to their local physician. The local physician is pretty sure to say that he cannot do anything without "an examination." Dr. Pierce holds that these riistiMfeful examinations are generally need less, and that no woman, except in rare cases, should submit to Dr. Pierce's treatment will cure you right in the privacy of your own home. His Favorite Prescription" has cured hundreds of thousands, some of them the worst of cases. It is the only medicine of its kind that is the product of a regularly graduated physician. The only one good enough that its makers dare to print its every ingredient on its outside wrapper. There's no secrecy. It will bear examina tion. No alcohol and no habit-forming drugs are found in it. Some unscrup ulous medicine dealers may offer you a substitute. Don't take it. Don't trifle with your health. Write to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y., take the advice received and be well. them. i v.5