TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAN TELEPHONES. Tar states. Home. Ccunt!nr-Room MUn 7070 A 6095 City circulation jtain Managing Editor Main 7070 AM Sunday Editor M sin 7070 A 6.105 CompoMni-rooro Mlo 7H70 A w5 City Editor Main 770 A 6o5 Supt- Buildings Main 7070 A 0095 AMTSEMEXTS. ORPHEL'M THEATER (Morrison, between Sixth and seventh) Advanced vaude ville. Matinee at 2:15. Tonight at 8:15. GRANT) THEATER (Washington, between Seventh and Park) Vaudeville ds luxe, 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. PANTAGE3 THEATER (Fourth and Stark) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and l:30 P. M. LTRIC THEATER (Seventh and Alder) Athrtn stock Company In "Doris." To night at 8:15. BTAR THEATEH Movlng-plcturS Ihow every afternoon and evening. 2 to 10:30 o'clock. OAKS (O W. P. earllne.) Concert bj DonateHI's Italian band. Thla afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 8:15. RECREATION PARK. (Twenty-fifth and Vaughn) Baseball. Aberdeen va. Port land. Thla afternoon at 3:30. OREGONIAN AT RESORTS T ! : For quickest aervlee subscribe for The Oregonlan at Summer reaorta tbrougk the t ollowings cent and avoid waiting; lo llo at the poatofflee. City r a t e a. Snharrlpilona be- mall Savartably In adTaoce. Ocean Park C H. Hill Urrakrn Hotel Breakera Long; Beach Stranhal Co. Seovtew Strauhal A Co, IHvaco Hnllway Co.. Sierra Agent Columbia Beach Mis. Sannders (ioraart Severln Harkaoa Seaside F. Dreaaer Co. Newport George Sylveater Wrnnha Springe J. A. Barle Shlpherda Sprlnga.. .Mineral Hotel Wllholt Springs. . .F. w. Mcl.eran Caacadla C. M. Gelaendorfer Colllna Springe. Comna unci Exect-ttvb Committee Mekts. The executive committee of the Montavilla Roe Association held a meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. Dodge, with H B. Dickinson presiding, when It was d-clded to Increase the -membership of the committee and divide It up as fol lows: Music, reception, refreshments, ad dresses and new members. H. B. Dick inson was made chairman of the whole committee. These sub-committees will serve during the ensniing year in arrang ing for functions the association will hold. It was decided to hold a public business meeting Monday night In Warren's Hall on East Stark street at R o'clock sharp. Dr Ijb Fevre will preside. Important business will come up. All citizens of Montavilla are invited to attend. The subject, -How to Beautify Montavilla," will be discussed. There will be music and refreshments. Teachers- Examination Arranged. The city examination of grade teachers will be held at the Iadd school assembly hall, commencing Wednesday. August 25, and will continue for three days. Sessions will begin at 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. Fol lowing Is the programme: Wednesday, August 25. morning sesfdon devoted to arithmetic and reading: afternoon session devoted to grammar; Thursday, morning session, geography and writing; after noon, physiology; Friday morning, teach ing and spelling; afternoon. United Statea history. Another . East Sidb Brm,DiNO. Plans are being drawn for a six-story reinforced concrete building, to be erected for the John Deere Plow Company on the block bounded by East Morrison. East Alder, East Second and East Third streets, re cently purchased from the Ladd estate for J12O.O0O. The plans for this building are now being prepared at Moline, 111.. and when ready contract will be let and work of construction started. It will be the most Important building erected on the East Side. Free Car Tickets Received. Final ar rangements have been made by Mayor Sin-on with President Josselyn. of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Com panv. whereby city officials will be fur nished car tickets gratis while on official business. The first batch of books has been received at the City Hall. Under the Lane administration ' these tickets were purchased, costing the city about D a year. Man- and Patrou, Mibsino. Constable Wagner Is looking for Y. A. Walker, a brick-cleaning contractor, who is said to have absconded with money intenaea as the payroll for a large gang of laborers employed by him. The money is said to have been given Walker by Smith & Wat son, owners of the old penitentiary build ing near Harrison and Front streets, which was being torn down by Walker. Bri.LJCT rouowa Game. In an alterca tion over a game of craps yesterday aft ernoon near the east end of the Steel Bridge, Harry Garnett shot at M. Woods with a revolver, the bullet grazing its in aa .fffm'a fornhpftd. Both men are negro laborerr. Garnett was arrested by Patrolman Leavens on a charge of at tempting to kill. Woods later filed a com plaint against his assailant. Robbing Drunk Is Charge. Carl Lesh and Ruby Wilson, known to the police, were taken Into custody yesterday morn ing at the Eagle House, Third and Burn elde streets, charged with stealing J48 from the pockets of "YV. D. Bunton, of 55 West Skldmore street, while he was al leged to be sleeping off a "jag" In the Dewey House, opposite the Eagle resort. Matching Cost Him . Emll Stora. a Eugene contractor, complained yesterday to the police that he had. been fleeced out of fwO by two confidence men here. All of Storx' companions appeared to be strangers, and they finally became en gaged In matching dollars. When .they had finished the game all of Stora" money was gone. An Incomb for Ladies. To women of refinement who are In touch with people of standing who would be interested In an investment of character and merit, w offer an excellent opportunity to secure a splendid Income' from a few minutes occasional effort. Replies strictly confidential. V 311. Oregonlan. Belden's Trial Set. The preliminary examination of Charles L. Belden, ar rested Monday on a charge of stealing a purse in the Oregon Hotel grillroom, which was left there by Miss Mabel Montague. . of La Grande, Or., has been st for August 21. Chaitfki-rs to Be Quizzed. At 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon an examina tion for licensed chauffeurs will be held by the Board of Automobile Registry In the City Hall. All desiring to be exam ined muet b present at that time. Will. Interview Ma tor. A committee from the East Side Business Men's Club will Interview Jlayor Simon today con cerning the purchase of four blocks of the Hawthorne tract, on Hawthorne ave nue. Oddfellows to Have- Social. The members and families of Orient Lodge No 17 I- O. O. F.. will hold a social in the lodge hall, corner of East Sixth and Alder streets, tonight at 9 o'clock. LErrERTS" pure gold seamless wedding rings, all sises; engravir.g free; price, 15 to 111. 272 Washington street. Agents Wanted for an old-line Are Insurance company Just entering Oregon. H 316. Oregonlan. Rosenthal Sisters. Hairdressers and manlcurera. to 7th, bet. Stark and Oak. "Viavi Hygiene," science of health, 40) pages, free. : Write Rotb.cb.ild bid. T v-r rtrimnrm Contract. Plans ard specifications for the cluonouse oi mo S?llwood Commercial Club have been in the hands of contractors, who have sub- j ... . CTj v,,- hi will be exam-i L 2 conTm ttee Peter I ined by the building committee, re - . vr r Fixott. (nnl.hl anil tOYYOTT"OW night will be sub nume, v alter Auaua - . . . . -tll YtA Ktlh- mitted to the Board of Governors, who I will meet In the Sellwood Bank building for that purpose. If the bids are satis factory. contract for the erection of j the building will be autnonzeu u, w.s board. According to verbal reports from the committee of 10 appointed at the last general meeting, encouraging progress Is being made in placing the stock of the club among the citizens of Sellwood. Sec retary E. W. Edward said yesterday he considered the success of the movement to erect the clubhouse assured. No proj ect started at Sellwood has called out eo much enthusiasm as this one. It is de sired to have the building completed and opened this Fall with elaborate cere monies. Playground Is Wanted. The Monta villa, Rose Association, which is asking for a two-acre playground In that sub urb, will be able to submit several tracts for consideration by the Park Commis sioners. One is a two-acre tract near the Base Line road, east of the Methodist Church, which can be secured, so it Is said, at from J17O0 to 100 an acre. An other tract, comprising over a block situ ated near the schoolhouse can be had for about J3000. A tract south of the Base Line and one In Jonesmore Addition. North Alblna, are available also for playgrounds. H. B. Dickinson, member of the committee, said none of these tracts were Improved, and that it would be necessary to set out trees and shrub bery. The committee having the matter in hand is composed of Henry Freebor ough. H. B. Dickinson. Mrs. H. B. Dick inson. Mrs. J. D. Sullivan and Mrs. La Follet. New - Schoolhousb v" anted. There will be a meeting of the Seventh Ward Auxiliary League Wednesday night at Nashville on the Mount Scott line to con sider the question of a new schoolhouse between the Arleta and the Lents school buildings. It is said that In the tracts of Brentwood. Pomona. Woodmere, Ar leta, Kenwood, Tremont Place, Arleta No. i and. Diana Park there are over 200 children who are too far away from these two schools to attend. The corner of Klndorf and Gaston streets Is suggested as the best place for a schoolhouse. A committee appointed at the last meeting of the league to bring the matter to the attention of the Board of Education will submit a report. Also a report of the park committee will be submitted at this meeting. Annual Campkeetino to Open. The annual campmeetlng of the Seventh-Day Adventists will open tomorrow on the ground on the Powell Valley road and Mount Scott line, to continue till August 2. Already many of the tents are in place. Attendance as high as 2000 Is ex pected during the meetings, from different portions of Western Oregon and Wash ington. Many of the leading ministers of the denomination will be present and assist in the meetings. The tents are pitched In the grove between Powell Val ley road and Anabel station. Lineman Falls 35 Feet, Unhurt. After falling 35 feet from the top of an electric lig.it pole at Twenty-third and Wasco streets. L. M. Ross, a lineman In the employ of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, living at Third and Mill streets; was able to walk home. While two of his fellow-workmen rushed to his side when he fell, a third went with all hasto to a nearby residence and telephoned for the Red Cross ambulance and Dr. Fred Ziegler. This was later found to be unnecessary, as the lineman was able to walk home. Jutkje After Wife-Beaters. Munici pal Judge Bennett announced yesterday morning at the conclusion of the trial of W. M. Strlplin. charged with beating his wife, that he Intends fathering an amend ment to the present statute governing the passing of sentence on wife-beaters so that a fine greater than o0 may be Im posed. Strlplin was given the limit. Sev eral months ago the same man. who is being sued for divorce by his wife, was arrested for passing worthless checks and was released on his promise to make the bogus paper good. Wife- and Hoithb Captured. "A man has stolen my wife and driven me out of the house by the sscond-story window," was the telephone message received by Deputy Constable Klernan yesterday morning. Upon Investigation it developed that-N. S. Downs, of 23V4 Union avenue, had taken possession of the residence of J. H. Reynolds, at 300 East Washington street at the point of a revolver. Downs was arrested and- Is locked up in the Countv Jail on a charge of threatening to kill. Child-"Wife on Parole. On a promise to return to the home of her mother in St. John, Mrs. Isabella Biddle, the child wife of J. E. Biddle, who was arrested with her husband for the theft of Jewelry and clothing valued at 400 from Viola Du Boise In the Oak rooming-house 10 days ago, was released yesterday morn ing by Judge Bennett in Municipal Court. Biddle was sentenced several days ago to one year at Kelly Butte. A suspended sentence of six months hangs over Mrs. Biddle. Saloon Man Forfeits Bail. M. Sanko vlch, proprietor of a saloon at 2S8 Burn side street, arrested Monday night for conducting a disorderly place by Patrol man Wanlcss. failed to app?ar In Munici pal Court yesterday morning and J25 bail which he posted was declared forfeited. It is understood the police will make com plaint to the license committee of the Executive Board regarding the place. Sales in "Walker's Addition. R. G. Brand has Just sold to L. D. Jackson seven lots in block 2. Walker's Addition, between McKenna and Maegly Junc tion, on the Peninsula, for $4700. There is one house on the property, and others are to be built. J. S. Eychen bought three lots, in Walker's Addition for $2500, Including a large house. He expects to change the building Into a hotel. Body of Lad Found. After remaining In the water two days, the body of 6-year-old Arthur DJork, who met death In the Willamette near Rivera by falling from the platform of the boathouse of Charles E. Ladd. was recovered yester day by Hugh Brady. It was removed to the Dunning morgue. No arrangements have been made for the funeral. Lents Wants Commercial Club. Citi zens of Lents, a suburb on the Mount Scott Railway, will hold a meeting to night In Duke's Hall to take steps to organize a Commercial Club. One of the questions to be considered will be the matter of forming an incorporated town or taking steps for annexation to Port land. Ross City Park Meeti.no. There will be a regular meeting of the Rose City Park Improvement League on Wednes day evening, August 17. to be held at the brick store. All owners of property in Rose Cy Park are asked to attend this meeting, for other Important matters will be considered. Business Men's Club to Meet. The East Side Business Men's Club will hold a meeting tomorrow night in the club rooms of the Healy building, corner Grand avenue and East Morrison street. The Hawthorne Park question and other mat ters will be considered. "Wanted Active interest in reputable concern by young man of ability and good standing H 319. Oregonlan. The Firm of H. J. Meaoher & Co. con tinuing business at 308 New Lumbermen's building. Patronage solicited. Steamer Aroo sails for Tillamook with passengers and freight today at 5 P. M. from Oak-stree't dock. The Oreoonian Building has a few choice office rooms for rent. Call at room 201. Dr. J. Arch Stewart. Eye. Ear. Nose Throat, returned. Macleay building. Bhipherd's Springs Is the place for you. . L. Shlpherd, manager, -VAT.rt Prnvm PcT.riRicn. On advices piiu Priii.. Oliver fit Hoaauim. Edward Mallory. the 21-year-old youth, who eloped from Hoqulam with 15-year- old Edith Thorpe, aaugnter oi an vrics. pioneer, and who was arrested with the v . h Detectives Hyde and Craddock when they arrived here, was released yesterday afternoon. Mal lory asked permission to see his pros pective bride, which was granted him. He went out Into the city to look for work, announcing his Intention of later returning to Hoqulam and claiming the young girl as his bride. Miss Thorpe's father will come here to take ner nome w. Plaitde Adams. Dentist, has re turned. Office 12214 Grand ave. BRIDGE DELAYS TO END COUNTY AXD POKT OF FORT LAND TO AID MAYOR. Morning and Evening Schedule tot Opening Draws Set to Bar Holdups. MAvor Simon vesterdav appeared be fore tha aneclal session of the Port of Portland and secured the co-operation of that organization regarums i" regulation oi draws on ine Drmses, l.rK.t.T.r wont tn PntintV JUdgO Webster and also obtained his assist ance. He will next seek the help of the United States Engineer, and fully ex pects to have the matter in such con dition soon as to alleviate holding up of crowds during the morning and evening rush hours. Hours agreed upon by the Mayor, the Port of Portland and Judge Webster, it is believed, will inconvenience none of . v n (Hni.nni.iatlnn i.rnnnanlfl.1. It lS proposed to keep the draws closed from 6:30 o clock to 7:16 o ciock in wo niuiu Ing, then to open them for 15 minutes for any boats wishing to pass through, after which the draws will again be kept closed until 7:45 o'clock. At night will be closed from 5:30 to 6:30 o'clock. The schedule will make It possible for tnousanas oi workingmen and women to reach their f hi,.lnRa On time without the present annoyance of waiting for open draws, and to return nome wnnoui una trouble. r.v(.i dmAn ovnresAert crreat satis faction at the result of his efforts, after he had appeared before the Port of Portland and had interviewed Judge Webster. The latter and the members of the Port of Portland are greatly Interested in tne sudjbci, uhu Webster assured the Mayor he will nssict him in everv Dossible manner in bettering conditions. "I have no doubt at all,' saia mayor Clmnn "thar tha HrAWS Will be regU- lated soon in such a manner that the many thousands or worKing people anu others who have to cross the river sev . i haiiv win not bA subiected to the present great inconvenience ot being held up lor every muo ui passes up or down the stream. I feel much pleased with the hearty manner in which the members of the Port of Portland and Judge Webster entered into co-operation, . and feel certain we will also have the assistance of the Federal authorities In the effort to make conditions better In this respect." GREAT DAY IS PLANNED German Societies Leave for Seattle to Engage in Festivities. Over 1000 Germans, representative of 28 German-speaking societies in Port land and surrounding towns, left yes terday for Seattle to participate in the festivities of German day at the A-Y-P Fair today. For the past month execu tive committees, augmented by the Ger man press, have been bending every effort toward making the affair a bril liant success. Of the 28 societies whose representa tives will affiliate with similar organi zations from Oregon and Washington in a parade this morning through the streets of Seattle, 22 are from Portland. The scattering half dozen are from Albany, Medford, Salem and other towns !n the state. This afternoon the events will be held in connection with the appointed day at the exposition grounds. Music a ..M..... uiii h heard at the auuitorlum. A score of athletic stunts will take place In tne staaium. im evening a gorgeous fireworks display will be, given after a musical concert at the music pavilion, where melodies of the fatherland will be rendered by the German singing societies and Wag ner's A-Y-P Band. The following selections will be given b the singing society: German and American National hymns, "The Watch on the Rhine," "Pot Pourri," and "Der Bettelbub." Solos will be rendered as follows- Robert Velten. concerto; "Wieniawskl"; Mrs. Llonberger-Scott, "Waldgespraech." Mr. Thomas will give a recitation entitled "Nadescha," and two tableaux will be given, "Ger mania and Columbia' and "Hermann the Chorister.'- FREDERICK BEAL DEAD Druggist and Old Resident of City Passes Suddenly Aged 69. Frederick Real, aged 69 years, a resi dent of Portland lor tne pasi m ye. died yesterday afternoon in his drugstore at Seventeenth and Savier streets, of heart failure. He was sitting In a chair in the back end of the drugstore when death came, which was unexpeuieu to himself and members of his family. The dead man lived at 549 Lovejoy street. Four children survive Mr. Beal. One of these. Harry Beal. is a gunsmith on Third street. Tne otner inreo a ,i q ..a tyittfo Th latter Is in num. i . u 1 "-1 . . -. . - Seattle. The funeral arrangements have ; not been made. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland restaurant; fine private apart ments for ladies. 305 Wash., near Fifth. .Vhen at he A.-Y.-P. Exposition, Se attle, dine at Oregon restaurant. In Ore gon building. W. F. Watson. Prop. ROOF GARDEN. Nortonla Hotel, Eleventh street, off "Washington. Dinner parties arranged for. Phone Home A 6021. Main 7161. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. W. McMillan and family, of Beaverton, Oregon, desire to thank friends and acquaintances for sympathy and kindness shown them In their re cent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS. t -ih tn thank the Arteslans. Lady Macabees and my neighbors and friends for their kindness and assistance in my recent bereavement. r cahoox Save money. Buy shoes now at Rosen thal's house-cleaning sale. For trunks go to tbe Harris Trunk Co, Muscular Strength is gained by exercise Financial success is gained by saving some part of your income THE OLDESTTRUST C0MPANY1N OREGON Invites you to deposit your money with it and you will receive interest on the same at from 2 to 4 Call for our Statement and Book of ILLUSTRATION S." Portland Trust Company ot Oregon c r PflRNFB THIRn INI fllK STREETS I BTNJ. X, COHEN President m n. mj- riin-n DR. A S. NICHOLS... id Vtce-Pres. 5 B. LEE PAGET.... Secretary 5 W. J. GILL Assistant Secretary I c. W. DEGRAFF Cashier GROCERIES AND MEATS Oldest and Most Reliable Cash Grocery House in the City. Apples, per gallon can 25J Apricots, per gallon can. .30 Pears, per gallon can 3o Peaches, per gallon can. . .35c4 Condensed Milk, 4 cans...25 Table Salt, 4 pkgs. for...25 Table Syrup, per gallon. . .50 Royal Soap, 12 cakes for. .25 MASON FRUIT" JARS . Pints, per dozen 55 Quarts, per dozen 65 Half -gallons, per dozen... 85 Extra Covers, per dozen.. 25 Jelly Glasses, per dozen... 35 1 Best Jar Rubbers, 3 dozen for 25 Ponnd Paraffin Cakes, 2 for 25 Ply Paper, per box 35 349-351 OAK STREET 348-350 ANKENY ST. Both Phones, 2596. PORTLAND, OREGON. Try this! It is a recipe for clean ing straw hats. Make a stiff suds of Ivory Soap and luke warmwater. Applywith a brush. Rinse with a sponge and clean water. Dry with a towel. Now, look at your hat it is as good as new! Ivory Soap 994ioo Per Cent. Pure. u & ALASKA AND BACK INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS Only $6 Pay " Py SUMMER EXCURSIONS via "Inside Pas sage" from Seattle to Land of MidniRht Sun, Totem Poles. Ice Floes. Glaciers, Mirages. Fjords. Mountains. Islands and Forests. ONLY TWELVE EXCURSIONS RESERVE BERTHS NOW Pacific Coast Steamship Co. E. F. DeGkakdfrx. P. & F. Agt. 249 Washington Strt Portland THE PERRY HOTEL Madison St. CBtV Boren Ave. SEATTLE Absolutely Fire-Proof European 'Flaa United Wirclesi Station The Bifineat Grade Brery Slodarn ConTenlec Centrally located and commanding a view of th Olympic. Cascade Mountains. Mt. Raimerand Fua-at Sound. Auto-'Bua meeta trains and boata on direct carline to the A.-Y.-P Exposing' j. a llcTERNAN, Maoag.r. FELLOWS GROCERY CO. Advance Display New Fall Suits and Overcoats FINAL WINDUP SALE OF ALL SUMMER 'S133" PANTS AND FANCY VESTS PRICES EXTREMELY LOW DESKS OFFICE FURNITURE FILING CABINETS CHAIRS Glass & Prudiiomms Co. PRINTERS BINDERS STATIONERS 6S-67 SEVENTH STREET When a Grocer gives you Burnett' Vanilla voluntarily, te& assured he is a high class grocer who is look ing out for your interest Burnett's Va nilla is as superior to ordinary vanilla as rich cream is superior to skimmed milk. Remember to ask for it and see for yourself. Burnett's Vanilla HUNTER LAND CO. Taking the past Eleven Years the Terace Dally Sales of tannine lands made by the Hunter Land Co. of Minneapolis, Minn., exceed one thousand acres per day for the entire period, the purchasers of which all made money. Is it your Idea of happiness for yourself and your children to pay tribute to a landlord all your life? Of course, the landlord Isn't to blame. OREGON AGENTS FOR THIS COMPANY Fourth Floor Lumbermen's Bldg. Write for catalogue and Prc ? ewer pipe, chimney pipe, drain tile, water, will and culvert pipe, pipe for aeptlc tanks, etc OREGOX WASHINGTON SEWER I'IPE CO. 41 N. Front St. . PIPE REPAIRING Of every description by mail. Amber, brier and meerschaum. Artificial coloring. Sig Sich'I & Co.. 83 Sd at.. Portland. 'CHWAB PRINTING CO kJSOLICITS YOUK PATRONAGE 247i STARK, STREET ctWhhk"'ii""mi""1"""" miin. imiw. Y ing an early display of. Some stunning weaves and models for you when you're ready VISIT- THE MOST POPULAR SEASHORE RESORT THE MOST EASILY REACHED AN ALL RAIL RIDE-NO CHANGE OF CARS QUICK SERVICE-UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT VIA ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD -LOW Week-end Tickets, $3.00; TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND UNION DEPOT 8:00 A. M. DAILY 6:00 P. M. SATURDAY SPECIAL 2:30 P. M. , Ticket Offices: 255 Morrison St, Corner Third; 122 Third Street, near Washington; Grand Central Station. Nothing is too dainty for us to handle. The costliest lace is as safe here while being cleaned as if you were superintending it yourself. CITY LAUNDRY CO. PHONES, Main 429 and A 5773 pOKl! pRI QUSE C? A 2281 Main 6201 ETEHTTHIHS But Women of Woodcraft Building 188 Taylor Street, corner Tenth "HIPPO" GARDEN HOSE Guaranteed to Stand 600 Pounds Pressure. Goodyear Rubber Co. Cl-eS-eS-OT Fourth St. Cor. Pine. FredPrehn,D.D.S. 112.00 Foil Set Teeth. 18.00. Crowns and Brldee work, WOO. Koom 105. Utkua. Open JircnlBsa 'Xiil T. Printers of rzT .j i . , OU ought not to neglect a look at the new rail Dims and Overcoats we're mak RATES - Season Tickets, $4.00 RHEUMATISM Call for Tree Uricsol Booklet on Treatment and Diet, at Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland, or write to Uricsol Chemical Co., Los 'An geles, Cal. . HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH. It makes the toilet something: to b enjoyed. It removes all stains and rourhneas. prevents prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the bith It brings a plow and exhilaration which no com mon soap can equal, imparting; the vigor and life .sensation of a mild Turkish bath. All grocers and drug glsts. MT. TAM.VLPA1S MILITARY ACADEMY, nan Rafael, Cal. Fully accredited U. S Army Ofllcer. Only Western School Witt Cavalry and Mounted Artillery. Open-alt Gym and Swimming Pool. Opens Augmt Is. Arthur Crosby. A. M.. I. Headmaster.