Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 18, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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State Gets in Much Testimony
Against Insurance Commis
sioner Now on Trial. -
Second Extra Session Xot Consid'
ered Necessary by Attorney
General Evidence Is Heard
on Perjury Charge.
OLTMPIA. Trash.. Aug. 17. (Staff Cor
respondence.) Seasoned old campaigner
though he Is in criminal trials. Attorney
George C. Israel, representing J. H.
Schively In the impeachment trial before
the Senate, was outgeneraled today by
the members of the impeachment board,
whose youthfulness has been the occasion
for frequnt sarcastic comment by the
' respondent's counsel.
The point gained today materially short
ens the protective length ot the trial
W making unnecessary the introduction
r amended articles to take the place of
the one stricken on demurrer and the 13
withdrawn by the state because defective.
This step and the taking of the first evi
dence on the perjury count, which is con
ridered the most Important of the 26,
marked, another day of real progress.
Mass of Testimony Admitted.
The point gained today was in secur
ing the admission of all the testimony
I marshaled by the state for the purpose of
I proving nine of the impeachment articles
I withdrawn yesterday. inis testimony
wa submitted not to prove the charges
in the withdrawn articles, but in cor-
roboration of testimony introduced yes
terday in support of other charges, and
to show a general plan or scheme or ex
tortion extending over a long period of
The only reason so many articles were
I incorporated in the Impeachment charges
waa because it was reared mat ii out. one
for two were proven the defense might
be made that the alleged extortion waa
( due to inadvertence or mistake. The evi-
there was no mistake about the extor
tion alleged in article 3 and 4. concern
ing which the state introduced evidence
Much Time Thus SaTed.
The purpose of submitting so many
articles having been accomplished, the
Impeachment managers do not now deem
it necessary to submit amended articles
to take the place of those withdrawn,
and it Is estimated that several days'
time that would have been spent in
argumentative battle is thus saved.
Attorney Israel objected to the admis
sion of the testimony except it be for the
specified purpose of showing an unlawful
Intent In collecting fee for examina
tion of companies. In combatting the in
troduction of this testimony. Israel gave
a hint that the defense of these articles
will be that Schively acted under the
coercion, demand and instructions of a
superior officer.
Depositions Piling In.
The testimony mentioned was In the
form of depositions, and In each instance
tended to support charges that 8chively
had collected either the sum of $100 or
the sum of J200 for "verification of re
port." but had made no examination of
company securities and had submitted no
Itemized statement of expenses as re
quired by law.
These depositions were by R. El Pierce,
assistant secretary of the Colorado Na
tional Life Insurance Company, of Den
ver; B. P. Richards, president of the
Commonwealth (Insurance Company, of
New York; L,. M. Fairbanks, secretary of
the Illinois Fire Insurance Company, of
Springfield: James M. Canning", auditor
of the Jefferson Fire Insurance- Company,
of Philadelphfa: W. H. Downing, assist
ant treasurer of the Massachusetts Bond
ing A Insurance Company, of Boston;
Robert J. Hazeltlne. secretary of the
Philadelphia Casualty Company: C. C.
Brown, assistant secretary of the Sea
board Fire & Marine Insurance Company,
of Galveston; R. A. Dobbin. Jr.. secre
tary, and F. B. Lloyd, general Western
agent of the United Surety Company, of
New York; Arthur D. Baker, secretary
treasurer of the Michigan Commercial
Insurance Company. Lansing; and F. C.
Overton, president Standard Life Insur
ance Company. Keokuk, la.
The state also concluded its evidence
on article 17, charging the extortion of
-ijo from the Washington Hardware, &
Implement Dealers- Mutual Fire Insur
ance Company, of Spokane. E. W. Even
son, secretary of the company, testified
that a firm of experts in Spokane was
" employed for five days on the company's
books to prepare a report for Mr.
Schively and that the company paid the
experts JSg.TO.
Schively. after spending: !5 minutes !
in the company's office, during which
the only bushiness transacted was the
delivery to him of the experts' report
and a check, charged the company $100
for "verification of report."
On cross-examination Evenson identi-.
fled a written report made to him by
Schively later" and admitted that he
could not say that the time in the
office- was all that Schively had ex
pended' in "verifying the report."
Perjury Charge Taken Up.
Article 23 was disposed of. which
charges attempted extortion from the
Atlas Insurance Company. of Des
Moines, and a recession from the de
mand by Schively when he learned
that C S. Best, of Seattle, waa the com
pany's Western representative. From
Mr. Best, who was called as a witness,
Schlvely's counsel drew out on- cross
examination that he had been in the
state two and one-half years; had no
acquaintance here prior to his arrival,
and had recently been appointed on the
insurance code commission by Gover
nor Hay.
The taking of testimony on the Spo
kane perjury charge was commenced
late in the afternoon, with the summon
ing to the stand of E. R. Ward, former
president of the Pacific Livestock Asso
ciation of Spokane. Part of the perjury
alleged to have been coramitteed by
Schively was In denying before the
Spokane grand Jury that he had signed
three promissory notes in favor Ward,
aggregating $1200. to induce him toVe
slgn as president in his favor.
Witness Mude Uncomfortable.
Ward testified to the signing and de
livery of the notes, and of the agree
ment with Schively. but said that the
notes had been turned over to the Fidelity
National Bank of Spokane as collateral
security by him and that he had not seen
them since. Schlvely's counsel gave Ward
an uncomfortable half-hour. He first
showed Ward s memory to be bad by get
ting his denial of recollection of certain
correspondence and then submitting the
correspondence. Then Israel demanded
to know if the notes had not been signed
by the company and not by Schively.
Ward declaied they had not.
In a tilt between the Impeachment
managers and Israel the latter declare
his client had informed him he knew
nothing of the notes.
Manager Edge admitted that the state
could not produce the notes, and Israel
secured a subpena for Cashier J. vv
Lindsey. of the Spokane Bank, with in
atructions to produce the bank register
of notes, loans and discounts tor juiy
1906. Mrs. Ward, who followed her nus
band on the stand, testified that M
Ward had shown the notes to her before
sending them to bank. She swore that
the name signed was J. H. acniveiy.
V. J. M'Ginn, of the O. R. & X
Gets Lucky Number in Drawing.
William J. McGinn, of 1S5 North Four
teenth street, a clerk in the office of the
auditor of the O. R. & N. Co., received
notice yesterday from the office of Super
intendent Witten, of the Land Depart
ment, that he had drawn No. 55 In the
drawing for Flathead lands. Mr. McGinn
was represented in the lottery by W. H
Monahan, of the City Engineered office,
who registered for him, . a privilege to
which he was entitled by reason of his
Army career during the Spanish.-Ameri
can War.
David E. Bales, who drew No. 85 in
the Spokane reservation land drawings
at Coeur d'Alene Monday, is a resident
of Portland and has lived here since 1895.
W. J. McGinn.
He resides at 129 Bancroft avenue and is
a son of I. N. Bales.
Another who won a Government tract
is Charles A. Marcy. ot 863 Syracuse
street. Mr. Marcy drew No. 1681 in the
drawing for the Coeur d Alene reserva
tlon. Here 1500 will be winners, and the
shrinkage may give Mr. Marcy a chance.
He is a Spanish V ar veteran, having
served with Company G of the Second
Oregon. He was wounded at the battle
of Malabon on March 25, 1S99.
Spokane Learns That Entire Rail
road Commission Is Coming.
SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 17. Speclal.)
The shippers of Spokane and the sur
rounding territory will have the advan
tage of the presence of the entire Inter
state Commerce Commission at the hear
ing of the supplemental complaint on
transcontinental rates, according to pres
ent indications.
Attorney H. M. Stephens, representing
the Spokane Chamber of Commerce. City
of Spokane, Spokane Jobbers' Association
and the County of Spokane, said this
morning that it has been Intimated that
the entire Commission would be here at
the hearing, probably on October 4, and
would also visit Bjeno, Portland, Salt Lake
ana omer points.
The taking of testimony will begin on
September 28, before Commissioner
Prouty, of Vermont, in the case of the
supplemental complaint filed before the
Commission in May last. At the last
hearing of the original complaint the Spo
kane shippers won their rates on 27 of the
32 commodities specifically mentioned in
the complaint. The present case Involves
the balance and something more.
Prosecution Argues That Plantation
Strikers Intended Revolt.
HONOLULU, Aug. 17. The trial of the
leaders in the so-called sugar strike con
spiracy is nearing an end. William A.
Kinney made the opening argument for
the prosecution today, speaking for six
hours, and John Lightfoot, replied for
the Japanese defendants.
Kinney, In the course of his argument.
expressed the view that the strike of
the plantation workers probably would
prove beneficial to the territory, having
caused a movement that would end the
domination of Japanese labor in the isl
and and give more encouragement to the
citizen class.
He declared that the plans for the
strike leaders on trial involved the con
fiscation of plantations, the Japanese
hoping to get complete control. They
also expected to Involve the Japanese
Government, he asserts.
Plead Guilty of Selling Butter Not
Up to Required Weight.
ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 17. (Special.)
Paul V. Maris, of Portland. Deputy
State Food Inspector, has been ' con
ducting investigations in this vicinity
during the past few days, and as a re
sult complaints have been filed in the
Justice Court against one firm at Sea
side and three here, charging two of
them with selling rolls of butter that
were below the standard weight, and
Hamburger steak containing adultera
tions. Three of the defendants paid fines of
$25 and costs each, and the case against
the fourth will come up for hearing
next Saturday.
Houses of the Desirable Kind Snapped
I'p Quickly. '
From now on till Fall there will be
a big demand for houses to rent, and
anyone wanting a desirable place will
do well to keep in close touch with
the situation and not lose any time in
taking the first opportunity.
Portland is growing at a rapid rate,
and there are hundreds of strangers
here today looking for a good house
to rent.
AH the good ones are published each
morning in The Oregonian under For
Rent Houses.
Attend Rosenthal's shoe sale,
Lifeguards Make Brave Res
cue on Long Island.
Skipper of Schooirer Mistakes Lights
of Hotel for Distant Liner
and Runs Vessel Ashore
in the Surf.
NEW YORK. Aug. 17. Long Island
lifesavers. after a' half hour's battle,
added another victory against the sea
to their long list of remarkable res
cues today, when they brought safely
to land the captain and crew seven in
all from the three-masted schooner
Arlington of Boston, which went ashore
early today on the south shore of Long
The eighth member of the crew. Mad
den. Pierson. who nut off from the
schooner on a raft with the hope of
reaching shore with a line, was swept
out to sea by the tide, but was driven
ashore, exhausted, more than five miles
to the south. v
The rescue from the schooner was
witnessed by cheering guests of the
Nashua Hotel at Long Beach, and by
hundreds of cottagers.
The hotel was Indirectly responsible
for the vessel's plight, for Captain Ira
Small, after having lost his bearings,
mistook the glimmering lights in the
structure for those of a liner in mia
ocean, and. thus misled, ran aground.
Tha PnHl-inil T H. TTIIln. BurllnKtOtl,
v Mian Hills. Burlington. Va.: L. L. Da
Brov. wife and child. Lansing: B. Bane,
rMnru-n- V. M KhnhM-d. Hood River
ri stnrpv and wife. San Francisco; J. L.
Snider, wife and family. En Lansing,
Vlh Mlu U'rlnrard. Miss E. Wclncard,
New York: W. L. Stubzcrg Brents and sons.
Walla Walla- T. s. OreenburaT and wife.
San Francisco; A. Gulterman and wife. Alex
M. Gulterirnw). St. Paul; u. v. uwtn.
Wis.-. Jennie Ruell. Ann Arbor. Mich.; K.
I.. Butterfild and wife, Amhurst. Mass;
J E. Stubbs. S. B. Ooten. Keno. Nev. ; H.
Gorman l,exln(rton, Ky. : O. F. Curtis. Ames,
la.; N. D. Oibbs, Durham. N. H.; Mrs.
W. G. Stafford. Miss Stafford. San Fran
cisco; F. B Mumford. Columbia. Mo.; L.
Don-, wife and son. Boston; F. J. Horley.
Boston; Hazel C. Cohen. Boise, Idaho; J.
G. Mecler and wife. Biookficld. Wsl; D.
C. McWatters. Mllner. Idaho; Miss Rca Nib
ley and party of live. St. Louis; R. R.
Chase city; A. J. Francis. Manila. P I.:
A. B. Ward. Manila. P. I.: O. M. Luger and
wife, H. L. Buis and wife, Mrs. H. H. Lyer.
Miss Buss. Boston: A. D. Shepard and wile.
San Fiancisco; C. E. Lathrop, Miss Lath-
rop. Stanford University; u. A. - ftewKint,
wife and daughter. Denver; Dr. John 1
Barnhill, Indianapolis: Max Mayfleld. A. B.
Storms. E. H. Worship. E. C. Worship. G.
W. Cuzen, Boise Idaho: C. A. Haines. Har
rows. Or.: Mrs. F. L. Shaier. Los Angeles;
N. C. Duncan. Los Angeles: C. C. Royce
and wife. Chlco. Cal.; S. S. Burdett. Wash
ington. D. C. ; Max Lowenthal and wife,
Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Sheriff.
Chicago: H. J. Water. Ed H. Webster, Man
hattan. Kan.; L. W. Foster. Washington, D.
C: H. Lustre, wife and daughter, Oma'.ia;
W. H. Wetherbee and wife. Oklahoma City;
J. W. Parker and wife. Houston; E. .1.
Wlckson. Berkeley, Cal.; Mrs. H. O. Head,
Mrs. G. D. Eader, Sherman. Texas; Mrs W.
C. Wester. E. N. Wester, Chattanooga: W.
P. Damon. W. P. Sharpless and wife. Rob
ert Stewart and wife. Mrs W. 8. Dolg, Miss
Mary Knox. Rev. John G. Baum and wife.
Miss L. Carle. Miss J. Carle. Miss Caroline
Paige. F V. Dare and wife. F. E. Willets
and wife. Miss M. E. Giifflth. Misa O. W.
Bates. Mrs. Edwin Bergh, Edwin D. Bergh.
Miss Sally Barrows. Miss Betsy B. Barrows,
Miss E. E. Clark, Mrs. Isaac ti. Koss. Miss
M. A. I.orkhart, A. R. Huston and wife,
Mrs. William Utz. Miss S. 1. Utz. William
M. Hays, R. H. Pleasants. Miss M. C. Long.
Louis Lowen-.hal, Mias Caroline Billings,
N c. Nash M. C. Nash, Raymond & Whit
comb's Tours; W. H. Beal. Washington. D.
C. : Max Lowenthal and wire. L.os Angeles;
Andrew R. Sheriff and wife. Chicago; H.
J. Watter. Manhattan, Kan.; E. H. Webster,
Manhattan. Kan ; S. W. Foster, washing
ton. D C. : H. I.usge, wife and daughter.
Omaha: W. N. Wetherbee and wife. Okla
homa City: Mrs. George w. sara. Reading,
Pa.; Miss Betsy B. Barrows. Atkinson De
pot N. H. ; Miss same T. narrows. Atmn
son Depot. N. H.; Miss Belle S. Bassett,
Boston; Miss Octavia Williams Bates, Bal
timore; Rev. John G. Bawn. Mrs. John G.
Bawn. Philadelphia; Mrs. Edwin Bergh,
Edwin D Bergh. New York: D. B. M. Buck
ley. Brandywine Summit, Pa.; Miss Sophia
Carle. Boston: Miss Ellen E. Clark, Atkin
son Depot. N. H. ; H. E. Clement, Mrs. H.
r cimnt. cheraw. S. C. : William P. Da
mon. Philadelphia; F. V. Dare. Mrs. F. V.
Dare. Mrs. w. s. Dolg. rNew York; .ura
George W. Eckert. Miss Katherine Eckert.
Allentown. Pa.; Charles L. Goodwin, George
R. Goodwin. Hartford, Conn.; Miss M E.
Griffith. East Orange. N. J.; William M.
Haves, west cnester, fa.; . rt. nunon.
lra A R. Hutson. Brighton. Mass: Miss
Mary Knox. New York: Miss Mary A. Lock
hart. Berwick. Pa.; Miss M. C. Long. Phil
adelphia; Luis Lower.thal. Rochester; Mrs
L o. Marun. iiranaynine summit,
Nathaniel c. Nash. Nathaniel C. Nash. Jr.,
Cambridge. Mass.: J A. Nealey, Providence;
Miss Caroline Paige. tirooKiyn; sirs. n. n.
Pleasants, Baltimore; Miss Helen Ross, Mrs.
Isaac E. Ross, Miss Mary L. Ross. King
ston. Pa.; William P. Sharpless. Mrs. Will
iam P. Sharpless, West Chester, Pa.: Miss
Annie R. Stevenson. Philadelphia; Robert
Stewart, Mrs. Robert Stewart. W. J. Stud-
well. Mrs. W. B. southard. New York; Dr.
H. C. Thompson, Mrs. H. C. Thompson. H.
C. Thompson, Jr.. Washington. D. Ci F. E.
Wllllts. Mrs. F. E. Wlllits. Glencove, L. I.,
. Y.
The Oregon W. H. Bowman and wife. W.
H. Bowman, Jr.. Charles R. Bowman.
Owensboro, Ky.; R. E. Woodcock. W. R.
Wolgomott. C. A. Ives. Salt Lake City; B.
M. Smith and wife. Misses Smith, Chicago:
F. Durbln, Mrs. J. r . uurDin. Denver:
M. Haselett, D. McCeinmon, Aberdeen; C.
Hutchins and family, Minneapolis: F. J.
Schwarx and wife, Charles Krehwisch and
wife, Detroit: N. Seymour, San Francisco;
W. J. Carkuk, wife and daughter. New
York: F. W. Lurmanjt. San Francisco: E.
Leonard and wife. Fort Wayne; C. L. Brown
and wife, Abilene, Kan.; J. M. Card. C.
Fleming. Atlanta: J. D. DeWolfe. New
York: C. A. Hoffman, St. Paul; A. H. Barnes.
Tacoma; Barbara Wohlgemuth. Douglas,
Arix. ; A. Irene willaman, Jerome, laano;
R. H. Wilcox. Pendleton: Mr. ana Mrs. s.
Prelefleld. New York; Fannie I. Pritchard,
Fannah E. Jerry. Miss Emma Chapin, Gene-
seo; George Chandk?r, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Newbaun. J. H. Helms, s. rrezzoiam,
Al Hilton. San Francisco: J. H. Curran. Al
bany. Or.: J. H. Johnson, Eau Claire. Wis.;
O. C. Hyde and. wife. Prlneville, Or.; A. C.
Goerig. Seattle; N. Davison, A. C. Glass
cock and wife. Roseta Baker, R. S. Shank
and wife. St. Johns. Kan.; G. u. Hairerty,
Aberdeen; Mrs. C. H. Crawford, F. A. Gam
ble and wife. San Francisco; William' van
Nordln. New York: E. C. Pitcher. S. S. Free
man. San Francisco; E. H. East and wife.
Alece, Texas: F. G. Schumacher, Los An
geles; S. H. Cawston and daughter. Seattks;
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bakem. San Fran
cisco: H. P. Kuhuke, T. M. Hansen, Seat-
le: J. B. Ellis and wile. Omana; J. F.
Chvneworth, M. C. Beer. Captain Christen
en. Seattle; J. E. Upton, St. Louis; S.
Avery. Lincoln: Mrs. W..J. Coleen, Alameda;
Mrs. C. B. Fagnant, Stockton; Miss Florence
Johnson. Mill Valley; I. F. Talbott, Mc
pherson. Kan.: B. N. Settlemyre and wife,
Lebanon. O.: Mrs. - M. T. Marks. Florence
H. Kohler. Salt Lake City: Tlllle Wilkinson,
San Francisco: M. T. O'Connell. Wlnlock;
G. M. McDonald. Coulee City. Wash.; H. B.
Johnson. Berkeley; R. Harris. A. Ross. Los
Angeles; Scott Rutledgo. Earley; H. J.
Walters. Seattle: E. H. Flynn, New York:
. F. Adams. Winnipeg. Man.: L. T. Hard
ing and wife. Sioux City: H. E. Frlesell and
wife. Pittsburg: J. B. Carpenter, Oshkosh;
I. Dillon. J. s. Dillon, Plttsnurg; J. c.
Hardy and wife. A. and M. Collegv?. Miss.:
G. O. Llllev. Baker City: F. Soharfer. San
Francisco: J. Pemberte and wife, Salem; A.
Campbell. Washington. D. c. : i J. w.
Iybourn, Osage City, Kan.; C. W. Haxle
ton. Chicago: H. C Burns and wife. Mc
Mlnnvllk: Mrs. F. E. Selover. Eugene; Mrs.
W. Frlcke. San Francisco; c. T. Mc-
Devitl. Corvallls: J. S. W. Harmanson, Jr.,
New Orleans; P. T. Brady and wife. New
ork: W. McGirrert. K. D. Kline and wife.
Seattle; R. W. Thatcher and wife, George
everance. Pullman, Wash. ; Lee Lewisteln,
Kansas City; Charles Parker and wife,
T.ewiston: J. L. Doss and w-ife. Colorado.
Texas; J. Kantef. Louisville; L. T-- Reynolds,
Salem: W. P. Walsh. San Francisco: J.
Blackford. Seaside: S. C. Senckey, Dayton,
O. ; J. C. Hooe. Seattle.
The Perkins Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moon-
ead. Minneapolis: Miss J. M. Hallwell. Phila
delphia; Mtfas Josephine Johnston. Bethlehem.
Pa.; Sam romian ana wire. &eame; f .
Rurwell and wife. Tm-oma; B. Bane, W. B.
lloway. sn rram-lsco: u. l Lumsden,
Troutdale: D. Whinn. Oregon, City: M. H.
Gould. Boston. Mass.; I.. C. MeRrud and
slighter, Cecil; F. L. Thomas: -. i.. Dogg,
Hayette; T. J. Mcintosh, lacoma: Mr. and
rs. Nemmey. rtoseDurg: v . . .layion and
lie, Camen, Mich.; J. H. Thompson, Norma
A Dirty Straw Hat is
not to be tolerated.
Self-respect should com-
pel you to look after
your head and our
prices are surely a step
in the right direction.
85 will do the trick for
$2.00-$2.50 straws . 85
166-170 Third St
B. Thompson, Clear Lake: C. A. Neal and
wife T.r,Biq naioort. Ind .; F. D. Brog. Wlte ani
child. Lansing. Mich.; W. B. Johnston, Rose-
burg: W. R. Black and wife. Belleville. Kan.
.Inhn fvilllnaa Destruction Island: Fred 9hrow
lev and wife. Falls City; Frank Holmes and
wife. Salem: A. Reillv. McAllister: E.
DnniK-r. Kearnev: A. B. Lapnian and wife,
Grand Rapids: J. W. Braw, Tacoma; Mame
E. Smith, Mercer, pa.; coionei anq
Earle, Waukon. Ia; W. T. Daly. F. Gunning.
GF-nre-e Dunn. W. B. France. Rawling. Wyo
E. W. Kearny. Pittsburg; E. C. Philbeck,
Raymond; A. E. Labagh, Fairfield. Idaho; D
T. Todd, Seattle; c. D. Benneia. ceaar napias
Mrs. E. A. Smith and daughter. St. Thomas
A R Kllncrferbez and wife. Berkeley: W. H
Tolman. Mrs. W. C. Davis. Silverton; Mary
E. Griffin. Mav M. Griffin. Chicago: E. Buss
man. Mr. and Mrs. Bussman, Paul White'-
house. Oxaca: E. R. squires, Lascot. Ivan.
Mattle McCarthy. Los Angeles; C. B. Ellis.
Columbia. Mo.; W. C. Harding, KoseDurg: vv,
H. James and wife. Miss Alice James, Mrs,
J James Cornus Chrlati. Tex.: Mr. and Mrs,
Holmes. Grand Ranids: S. OlD. Welser; G. E.
Stewart. Harlem: B. Young and wife. Daniel
Werti and wife. Evansville: Albert Johnson,
Minneapolis: A. J. Brown. New York; F. R.
Sonnor. Chicago: E. L Sherman. F. J. Bel-
llnirer. A. A. Eoucher. San Francisco; S. A.
Schneider. Gordon City. Kan.; C. F. Stewart.
Denver; K. Murphy, Sin Francisco; Mrs. J.
T. Stayne, M. M. Loyd. Chicago; c. a. Beck,
W. A. Beck Lake Benton, Minn, fiaxet i-,
Sohn, Cleveland; Ed Kohl, Pittsburg; George
Woods: Dr. w. J. Kennedy, wire ana noy, u.
W Jones and wife. Auburn: W. S. Bradley
and" family, Pendleton; Miss Nell Brown. Dav
enport; S. J. Lynn and wife, Winifred Lynn
Salt Lake: E. W. Locks and wife. F. H,
Pratt. A. 8. Johnson. Minneapolis: F. C. Tay
lor, Montana: S. M. Shlnn. Cottage Grove; W.
F. Wood. North Bend; S. B. stock, shosnone
A. P. Otto, wife and daughter. Bloomington
J. W. Condon and wife The Dalles, Mrs.
A. Kellev and two daughtersr Colorado: t. a.
Jones and wife. Clarkston. 111.: H. S. Wilson,
The Dalles; B. B. Johnston and wife. Miss B.
Rank. Miss B. Kreschenbecker, .Minneapolis
The Imperial Jessie Hart, Cambridge,
Ind.: J. B. Dow and wife. St. Paul; u. .uc
Carthy, Grand Rapids; L. Oxman. Kath
lamat! Mra. W. Perham. Butte: Ella Grif
flth and daughter. San Jose. Cal.; H. D.
Tt-naa. Medfnrri- Charles Bailev and Wife,
Dayton. Ohio; F. Baker, R. Wallace, Brent
wood. Cal.; G. Metchel Miss . ijaaoKeg.
Lawrence, Kan.; J. Flower, Falls. City, Or.;
S. Cortland and wife. Baker City; J. Avers,
Kelso. Wash : E. Savatre and wife. Wash
ington. V. C. : W. Parsons, McC'abe, Ariz.;
F. Oxman and wife, Durkee. Or.; P. hkln-
ncr. Newbere: C. Johnson. V. Waters. G.
Slcelton D. Osburn. Corvallls: H. Bryson,
Walla Walla; G. Pierce and wlte. . Seattle;
W. Illmm and wife. Paul Rham. Minneapo
lis: C. Arthur. Salem: T. James and son,
Spokane: Mrs. H. Johnston. Mrs. J. John
ston, Cordoa: R. Burns, Rainier: H. Webber
and wife. Eagle curt; J. A. iioneiny, As
toria) J. S. Cooper. M. Wallace. Independ
ence; B. Bohannon, Independence: M. ivei
ly. Oregon City; E. Hentley. H. Talbot, Oak-
lana: J. ainun, ocaine; .Mrs. jeiunis,
Ontario, Or.; Mrs. A. Knarp, Camas, Wash.;
Mies A. Thompson. &an Diego.; ,ttm.
A. Christie. Bradford. Pa.; A. O'Neil, Ash
lard. Or.; D. Hynd. Miss A. Hynd. Hepp-
ner. Or.; H. C. Mahon. Eugene; Mrs. B. lit
Mullen and son, Roseburg. Or ; J. S. Egg-
lester. Newport, ind.: p. JrJrlKelo ana wire,
Humboldt. S. D. ; Lizzie Brevlg. Hancock,
Minn .: Helen Age, Colton. S. D.; J. Ncr-
haneer and wile. St. Paul: F. Kieffum,
Portsmouth. O. ; H. White and mother. Dor
ris; O. Fuller, Wagoner. Okla. : H. J. Kal
vorson. Norway Lake, Minn; P. Stark and
wife. Winnipeg. Man: J. Hansen. Oakland
C. Dermed, Oakland; J. Hales and family
Adams. Or.: H. Wilson. The Dalles; S. Gar
diner and wife. La Grande; J. Settegaat,
Houston. Tex. : George Allen and wife, Kan
saa City; J. P. Proomac. Mitchell, S. D. :
E. D. Briggs and wife. Ashland: M. Street,
Hanford. Cal.; W. Stansbury. Hanford, Cal.;
W. SDurgeon. Ogden: J. Mayncst. H. May
nest, Topeka, Kan.; Mrs. F. Pulzel. Rice
Lake, Wis.; Mattle Burghardt, Rice LaKe,
Wis.: Miss A. Joyce, Murphy, Idaho; M.
Mahon. Boise, Idaho.
The St Charles C. Gezel, Fella; Ernest
Fegley, Corvallis; Bert Auberg, James Knott,
Scappoose: John Garwood and wlte, be tittle
G. H. McAllister, W. B. McAllister, Lexing
ton: G. A. Gottberg, Oregon City;. H. p.
Shears, August Bonn, city: M. F. Woods,
Glenwood; A. L. Goldie and son. The Dalles;
J. L. Pollay, Tacoma; R. F. Inman, Mise
Mary Dnoo, Jane Iman, Stevenson; L. R.
White. The Dalles: Maude Merrill. Pearl Eby,
Evelyn Johnson, Hood River; Rose Delafleld,
Grace Delafleld, Chic-age; Archie Knight, Cen
tralla; F. E. Sweetner, Vancouver; C. H.
Gemmell, Pendleton; N. R. Relchert, Coos
Bay; C. A. Hyland, Oysterville; A. S. John
son and wife, San Franclsrco; Miss G. Robin
son. Coqullle; W. B. Ham, city: E. Beal.
Long Beach; C. 9. Smith. The Dalles; A.
Shirley. Houltoo; R. Smith. Canby; H. Ernst,
St. Paul; J. T. Killeen, R. L. Rice, Chicago;
W. H. Sharp. The Dalles; Mrs. Ruby Wilson.
Rainier; Mattle Roberts, Poeatello; Chris
Tarvlck, Moro; G. F. Townscnd and family,
Mrs. G. F. Townsend, Long Beach; Elsie H.
Gallagher, Mlllbank; George Hebbert. Chi
nook; Poseph B'enzes. Seattle; J. F. Abraham,
Y-amhill; E. C. Simpson, Sheridan; Guy Faul
coner Vancouver; Mrs. Van Doozen, Albany;
C. F.' Williams, Gates; A. Z. Syhor and wife,
Hlllsboro; Mrs. P. Hopkins, P. Hopkins, city:
Mrs. B. Balaster, Mis. M. E. Davis, Arleta;
Mrs. Mattle Lahey, Lillian Erickson, city; H.
D. Sallman, Yamhill: R. L. Cary. Cottage
Grove; B. F. Watklns, Monmouth; B. Day
ton. Portland; H. Stlllwell, Arleta; William
Thurston and son, Carson; W. F. Towne. Ore
gon City; H. F. March. Ariel; Mrs. M. E.
Thomas and daughter, Molalla; T. J. Gill, Ore
gon City; C. Thrasher, Corvallls: Mrs. F. L.
Bayley. Kelso; M. Patterson, Salem; W. O.
Galaway and wife. Banks; X. R. Rlchert, Coos
Bay; Mrs. Chimes, Henora Stewart, Newberg;
J. E. Denham, South Bend: W. M. Roberts,
Salem: R. M. Lewis. Hortonvllle. Wis.: W.
Rich, Washougal; E. W. Heald. D. J. Tawney,
Silverton: C. Edwards. lone; George Burwell,
city; L. Hands, Jack Anright, Silverton; C. T.
Mays, city; T. F. Covert, San Francisco: Mat
Blake. R. L. Stokes. V. D. Swartz. D. E.
Twilegar. A. B. E:dred, Vlsalia; F. F. Knight,
Paola, Kan.; S. H. Catching. Spokane; J. J.
Attridge, Vancouver: C. M. Hemphlil, J. Go
wood and wife, Pendleton: Roy Bethers, Mro;
J. D. Hadley, Palmer: C. D. Robinson and
daughter, Lone Rock: T. J. Randall and wife,
Miss M. Randall, Dallas Center, la.; Mrs. A.
Logan Vlckers, Miss L. Geisen, Covington;
Harry Hutson Hood River;- Alman Baker.
Goidendale; Mrs. F. C. Smith. Yankton; H. B.
Kirk. McMlnnville: S. L. Overton. T. O. West,
Salem; R. 'H. Wylie, South Bend; J. A.
Frakes and wife, La Grande; Chris Torvick,
The Cornelius A. Fowler, Toronto, Can.;
Francis J. Ciieisez, San Francisco; F. L.
Kent, H. D. Scudder, Corvallis, Or.; J. C.
Hardyn and wife, A. and M. College, Miss.;
B. F. Jones and wife, Belllngham; Mr. and
Mrs. H. Wunder, San Francisco; Mr. and
Mrs. D. H. Hart, O. M. Schors. F. R. Pltner,
Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rush,
Ida Collins. Middleton. Ohio: W. B. Rundle
and wife. Clinton, 111.; W. E. Hoag, A. A.
Scarborough, San Francisco; Carl Strauss,
Seattle: Jay S. Hamilton and wife. City;
J. S. Doran. Buffalo; C. W. Morath. St.
Louis; Leo M. Dillon, James H. Dillon,
Pittsburg: E. G. Pituson, Duluth. Minn.; J;
B. Schultz, Oakland: C. C. Coblelgh, New
York City: C. A. Haines. Narrows, Or.; A. F.
Richter, Watertown, N. J.; R. S. Shaw.
Lasing, Mich.; A. B.' Cordler, G. A. Covell,
C. T. Lewis. Corvallls, Or.; R. W. Webster,
College Park: Thomas J. Ross and wife,
Thomas E. Miller and wife, Elgin, Or.; H. F.
McFeely and wife. U. S. A.; James M.
Burch. Homer D. Burch. Dubuque. Ia.; E.
G. Settle, Chicago: D. L Jackson. C. H.
Hornesj, Ashvllle. N. C. ; Mrs. M. G. Cressey.
Mrs. G. W. W. Cressey. Boston; Miss Nellie
Presby. Goidendale. Wash.; R. G. Hersch,
City; C. E. Kitchen, Kelso, Wash.; Clarence
M Roberts. Covington. Ky. : J. T. Knight.
Seattle: H. Nunn. McMlnnville: S. Drew and
wife. Ida Drew. Highman, S. D. ; Mrs. L. W.
Ruck. Miss Helen .Buck, Charlotte. N. C. ;
Mrs. E. P- Stanley. Mrs. Jerry Hayes, Dick
inson, NV D. ; W. A. Lester. Okleffe. VP. Va.;
Riley. Lester, Hurley; .Hugh Batterhee, Fort J
You will find some of the latest catchy new
ideas in models, a very rich display of
new weaves and patterns. Your
inspection inyited.
Priced $20 to $50
Clatsap; R. P. Gillette and wife. Minne
apolis: B..L. Goze, Toledo; C. Preslln. Joe
Schafter. Shasta, Cal.; J. A. Edwards and
wife irhnn. ill H. M. Cummlngs. Seattle;
J. W. Condon and wife. The Dalles; W. A.
Manning and wife, staniora universnj,
Mary C. Newton. Catherine Newcomb. Al
bany, N. Y i E. A. Swan and wife. Waren-
tosa- T. R. A. Lucas, New ions; ol. v.
Ryan. Goodland, Kan.; Thomas Ryan, Clyde,
Wash.; Miss Nellie Ryan. Goodland, Kan.;
Mra. Margaret Ryan. Goodland, Kan.; A. W.
Whipple and wife. St. Louis; Mrs. R. M.
Tod. Chicago: F. D. Mcllrary and wife.
Sioux City. .
Th. Vartnnli Mabel Hart. Spooner, wis.;
L. J. Woode. St. Paul; R. L. Brown, Ray
cbtr-nern: T. A. Merrtai. Miss Hyde,
Miss Merrll. L. J. Merril. R. H. Merril, Des-
Molnes: R. R. case, portiana: .nis a. joiw.-
son, Pasadena; Lena u. iee. .ew
B. G. Davidson, La Crosse. Idaho; G. H.
Raleigh. R. H. Madison, lacoma; n.
Burest and wife. S. A. Guy and wife, Iowa;
Mr and Mrs. R. R. Hasklll, San I-ran-cisco:
Mrs. Samuel Smith, Mr. Kutcher. St.
Louis; Albert Rubert. Clara Rubert, Boise;
George W. Llles, Belle Center, O. ; H. N.
Morton and wife. New York; E. J. Poulln.
Portland; William Wilson. Tacoma; T. E.
Donaho and wife. Chicago: Miss Mills.
Shasta: W. W. Chatterton and wife, Basco,
Wis.: W. W. Trully and wife. Wisconsin:
F. w. Mulce. wire ana cnuu, .eurasna, rv.
R Chase. Portland: C. A. Kunlne. J. A.
Hopper, George B. J. Biegoerl. H. B. Hoyt,
Texas; G. Conaberne. F. w orleslng. J.
Courchesne, G. Gulon. J. J. Mundy, C. E.
Kelly, W. E. Roce, Eckan, Texas; G. R.
Lindsay and wife, Mamaua, Wis.; Gaspar
Giran. San Elgeario, Texas; Mrs. Charles
H. Dearborn. St. jonn, a. ; u. vv. Laity.
Pavette. Idaho: W. E. Waldrous and wife.
Montana: R. Greene, city; J. G. Muljer and
wife. Payne, Or.; Mrs. J. D. Wright. Clear
Lake, Idaho; E. P. Carmack. Salem; B.
Maces, scranton, pa.; ft. n. .vungen, -ew
York: T W. Raymond. Lawrence, Kan.:
Charles J. Ralhenase. Jamestown: C. E.
Burton. Douaglac; Henry Leopennagen,
Auburn; E. R. Fulmer, Tonopah; Agnes W.
Nolan. Erma Brown, salt Lake city; Mr.
and Mrs. Dougas. San Francisco: Clara
Edlneton. Cora Edlngton. Fullerton: Mrs.
Charles F. Bales and child. Parang; A. M.
Havden. E. L Hayden. Evansvllle: H. J.
Morrison, Columbus: Marlon Bothwell. Fair
field. HI.: G. E. Carter. James U. Edlison.
Philadelphia: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMllye.
Washington. D. C. ; Mr. and Mrs. Keehres.
Baltimore; c. A. &weus ana wile, han f ran-
cisco; Miss Mills, Louisiana; George W.
Fouhe and wife. Arkansas; J. Lee and wife.
Mrs. W. G. Granges, Detroit; Laura Rice,
The Rama no P. E. Hayes. Sacramento;
George Olson. Seattle: V. W. Williams. Scap-
poose. Or.: Phillip Gilbert, St Paul; W. F.
ones. Jefferson. Or.: Miss Garner. Miss R.
Garner. Astoria; Charles Pratt. Seattle. J.
Choice agricultural land, under the Carey Act,
will be otien to entry and settlement, in the
Tuesday, September 14, 1909
Yoa Must Register Between September 9th and 14th
If you do not take land after your number is ,
drawn it costs you nothing.
Title Acquired With Thirty Days' Residence
Water Eeady for Delivery, May, 1910.
Homeseekers' rates oil all railroads and special rates from all
northwestern points.
For illustrated booklet and' all desired information,
Call on or address
C. B. Hurtt, Colonization Dept.. Boise, Idaho
Fall and Winter Suits
Men's Fall and Winter
College Clothes
I A Townsend. Seattle: J. J. Corum. wife and
son. Los Anceies; nariets v. i.iaii.c
daughter. Alameda. Cal.; P. King and wlfo.
Ellendale; T. J. Downey. Leavenworth: G.
Murray, Vancouver; Ethel Winn. Chicago;
Bertha Selbeuman. Chicago, Fred P. Smith,
Chicago; Mrs. Maggie O'Donnell. Mrs. Rose
Hensley. Butte; Walter Scholes and wife.
George Scholes. Mrs. F. Graham. Miss F. B.
Graham. Des Moines; O. E. Thompson. Min
neapolis; E. J. Miller. Chicago; R. R.
Went Chicago; C. W. Colby and wife, Oak
land; C. E. Thompson, Spokane; J. L. Ash
tory. Cascade Locks: C. H. Corbin and
wife. Spokane; A. F. Smith. Memphis; John
Hartvlch and w ife. McGregor. Ia. ; G. N.
Meyer. Boston; F. P. Rice and wife. Chi
cago; W. C. Hockeny and family; Raymond
Foster and wire, A. S Foster. Elizabeth:
Mrs. S. K. Adriance, Elizabeth; O. H.
Holmes and wife. Oigare. la.; J. R. Manion.
Texas: E. C. Shears. Spokane; F. S. Garrett
and wife. Buffalo; Miss L. M. Stagec. Spo
kane; Mrs. R. L. Stagee. Spokane; M. E.
Ewinger. Rimes, la.; F. W. Hodge and
wife and son. Lebanon, Me.: M. C. Hodge,
Sheldon. Wash; William H. Dean. LaSalle.
III.; Mrs. L A. Brady. M. M. Brady. Rock
Island. III. Arthur Kaufram. San Francisco;
R. J. Madden and wife, Minneapolis.
The Seward A. B. Wood. Cottage Grove;
P. A. Leonard, Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. T.
A. Wllhelm. Dallas. Texas; David Scholl
and wite. Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Kinnev, Montana; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hud
man. Opdike; G. D. Phillips. J. M. Phil
lips. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. P. Elliott. Chi
cago; Dorothy Peterson, Mabel A. Post. Og
den, Utah; John C. Richter. La Porte. Ind.;
H W. Anderson, Little Rock; C. C. C. To
tu'm and wife. Los Angeles; S. L. Kelly,
Manitowoc. Wis.: R. E. Carter. San Fran
cisco; E. A. Proctor. F. M. Warren. Peoria.
111.: H. W. Haines. Denver: Miss Kate
Earle, Birmingham; Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.
Foy Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. John Blscourt.
Calumet: Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Marble. Miss
Marble. Los Angeles; Dr. and Mrs. T. O. Mc
Swain, Vasilia, Cal.: Mr. and Mrs. D. E.
King. St. Louis; J. S. Aisheart. New York;
M S. McGawed. San Francisco; Mrs. E. H.
McKee. Evelyn McKee. Edna McKee, Sac
ramento: Edgar T. Bougher. wife and child.
Riverside; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Evans. Des
Moines; A. H. Roher, city; Eyklrt C. Misner,
and wife, Freemont. Neb.; Mary K. Griffin.
Mary M. Griffin. Chicago; Miss Pearl Eni
ken, Portland; E. E. Elliott and wife. Mos
cow: Florence K. DeveriU, Hanalu Kanal,
T. H. ; J. James McLean, Moscow ; M. W.
Alexander. Seattle: P. A. Leonard. Tacoma;
Fred Russell. Denver; W. B. Dennis. Black
Butte. Or.; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Edmunds,
Sioux City: John Griffin. Miss M. A. Grif
fin. Los Angeles; Dr. and Mrs. V. OIKelley,
Danvers. Mass.: Arthur H. Waddlck. New
York: A D. McKean and wife. Hanford.
Cal.; Miss Evelyn Cohn. Mrs. M. T. Emanuel.
San Francisco: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wright,
Hillburn. N. Y. ; Mrs. M. A. Welles. Chicago;
Mrs H H. Evans. Miss Nella Evans. Shellby-
villas, Tenn.: Clint Deeroow and wife. Kan
sas City: Jennie Lee Campbell, Milwaukee;
Homer C. Price, Columbus, O. : Mrs. E. L
Luedderaann, Colorado Springs: Ed Cal
lon and wife, Omaha; E. H. Shipard, Hood
River; J. W. Rogers. Salt Lake t'itv.
A Word to Mr.
mn airlrtfihlliln'Mi'iiYftilfiaawlmnininlMIIHri ial
Do you'realize how extremely tiring
to women is the confining, monot
onous work of the household? No
man could stand it. It is necessary
therefore that her system be fortified
and the nerves toned with a sooth
ing preparation like
BBfflst Extract
Keep a supply of it in your home at
all times for the lady of the house.
It will strengthen her when over
taxed with household cares, keep
her happy and retain her beauty and
Insist Uon it Being Pah$t '
Order a
Dozen from Your
Local Druggist
The Fruit Basket
of the World
A poor man tans a mall
chance of ever becomiu
wealthy lu the Far Eastern
States. Even in the Middle
Went the openings are be
coming scarce and many
energetic men see that they
can better themselves by
comlujg to the Northwest.
Some who have come West
find they have not suttfi
cieut knowledge of the
country to be able to lo
cate at once in a business
which vi!l pay them well.
If you are of this number
why not investigate the
district which has more
openings and opportunities
for men of sinutl or large
capital than any other sec
tion of the Northwest f
The Columbia Kiver Val
ley cannot be surpassed as
a desirasle place to live
wheu you consider the
many lines of business that
are still i?eded, the Uirjce
population which will sure
ly settle here, and the vast
luerease which will follow
any small investment made
at this time.
It will pay yoa to look
Into the conditions In this
' land of opportunity. Kenne
wick and Pasco are al
ready the important com
mercial centers of this dis
trict. For information con
cerning openings In all
lines of business address