Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 18, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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    jl r i
114 ACRES within miles- pt the Postoffloa
of the Cltv of Portland. Or.. 85 acres clear,
bal. In brush, fine large barn and hoyse.
fine orchard, spring and well water; this
U one of the finest farms along the "Wil
lamette River; grand elevation, all level,
best of soil, only one mile east of the
Oregon City carline. Will make a fortune
In a few years If subdivided and laid out
In acre tracts. Now Is the time of oppor
tunity In and around Portland, the fu
ture New York of the West, but delay has
not before nor is now making any money
for you. If boufcht before our op:lon ex
pires only J32.50O for the whole place.
(Established MMJ.
Rooms 4- Mulkey Bidg.. 2d and Morrison.
37.64 acres one mile west fnm the coun
ty seat In the Willamette Valley; land lies
level; all under cultivation: good buildings;
would make a splendid little dairy to sup
ply the town. Price. ITS-JO; would oou-sl-ler
Portland property as pnrt payment.
Uttf acres, between two and three mties
west of Seappoose. covered with a Utile
over l.CV'.( feet of timber; has three
running stream; land Is rolling: soil Is es
pecially eiapted to fruit: county road up
to the place. Price. i2iO. tlw) cash and
the balance on go.d r-aon..e lime. Would
ixchanxe for a lot or if ! pror.e bonds.
47 ACRES. $8000.
"0 acres under cultivation. 0 acre oats.
6 acres wheat. 2 acres kale. 3 acres spuds,
good variety fruit, good 9-rooro plastered
house, fair barn, 4 cows, 1 yearling heifer,
12 sheep, span horses. 1 heavy and 1 llgit
wagon. 1 hack, all farm Implements, in
cluding stump puller, and most all house
hold furniture; 4 miles from electric and
2 miles from steam railroad, about 11
miles to Portland on good public road;
R. F. D. and telephone; mile to school
and store: $.VXK or $f,000 cash and would
take a $oo suburban house and lot.
270V, 'Washington St. Room 1.
WE are headquarters for Clark County.
"Wash., farms; our list Is too long to ad
vertise them separately; we have them
large and small. Improved and partly Im
proved, unimproved and stump land; we
will take you out to see any of them; buy
now and get benefit of Increased values
when electric line Is built right to somo of
them and close to others within 60 days.
230 Stark St.
Vancouver Office. 712 Main St.
320 acres, all under cultivation. In the
Justly celehrated Red Hill orchard lands
of Salem, Oregon, unsurpassed for apples,
cherries, pears, prunes, walnuts or for
small fruit; entirely surrounded by bear
ing orchards; macadam roads to Salem,
good water. R. F. D-, telephone, church
and school; nothing better anywhere for
fruit: will sell as a whole or In tracts to
suit. For terms call or WTite to owner,
H. H. Smith. 46S East 'Washington St.,
Portland, or.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 165&
JO ACRES. acres In high state of culti
vation. 3 acres In potatoes. 2 acres In
hay. I acre In berries and small fruit;
new 6-room house, good barn, good woll,
on main county road. mile from steam
line. 2 miles from electric car, 10 miles
from Portland: 1 horse. 1 cow, 1 dox.
chickens and all small tools. It pays to
aes us.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
20 acres all In cultivation, good S-roorn
house, big bam. chicken-houeee. all fenced,
spnnf and well, some fruit trees, only 6
miles from Courthouse by road; this la a
srvap: fcalf cash, balance 5 years; must be
wild by next week.
613 Board of Trade Balidlng.
OREGON for profitable home; get in on the
ground floor; we are in a position to fur
nish Oregon farms, improved, high stata of
cultivation, any size tracts to suit, 1 to
20.000 acres; choice grain, fruit or dairy
land at lowest market price, easy terms;
do your own colonizing. Write for prices
and reliable Information.
622 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or.
SO ACRES. 8 miles from Sandy P. O.. on
south bank of Sandv River: 50 acres level
tableland, some goid piling timber. 2D
acres first-class grape land. 10 acres on
running stream: best of shot loam soil:
price $30 per acre; good terms. It pays
to sea us.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 1002.
160 acres. Xj mile from R. R. station; good
house of 8 rooms, cost $130: barn holds 110
tpns hay: good orchard of ISO trees, bearing,
about 40 ai'res bottom land, halance rolling:
has some fine saw and piling timber, all
kind of small fruit: price for quick sale
45u0. Room 3ul. 286 Wash. et.
Xantana. concerning 61.000 acres of grazing
.d agricultural land in the heart of Custer
bounty. Montana; for a permanent livestock
tanch It will outclass the best; price, 14.00
per acre.
160 acres. 45 cieur and in cultivation on
main count v road, all fenced, good house,
big barn, chicken -house: if you are looking
for an Oregon farm, look this up.
618 Board of Trade Bldg.
SS00 acres, near the Deschutes R. R-. !n
Wasco County, at 112-50 per acre: 1000
acres under cultivation; $10,000 cash, bal
ance easy terms; alter 5 days this will be
advanced to $15 per acre..
602 Corbett Bldg.
WHAT Walla Walla Wants Is you. Presi
dent Roosevelt said: "Walla Walla made
the pleasanteet Impression on my mind of
any city I visited in the Northwest." The
surrounding valley Is an agricultural para
dise. It Is making good. Send for book
let S. Ask questions. Commercial Club.
WaUa Walla. Wash.
.14 ACRES, alf In cultivation, all fenced,
on muln county road. 2 miles from boat
landing and R. R- station. R. F. D. and
telephone; 5-room house, good well. 100
fruit trees. Tills Is a snap $2250. $1000
cash. It pays to see Chapin Herlow,
332 Chamber of Commerce.
loo ACRES. 80 acres In cultivation, soma
good timber, balance In pasture; land ad
joining Is selling for $10O to $1S0 per acre.
We can sell this for 440 per acre and
grra good terms.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
Fur the cost of Improvements of a 6
rootp house. 30x50 barn, chickenhouee, stock
and Implements, bearing orchard, R. F. D. ;
near school and depot; $."0u0. terms. F.
liaideman. 06 Montan Ave.. Portland. Or.
fi ACRES. 12 miles from Portland. 1 mile
from carline. on good road. 2S acres
In crop. 3-room house, good barn. well,
all fenced, for $300 cash. It pays
to see Chapin A Herlow. 332 Chamber of
Government bulletin on Irrigation In tha
Willamette Valley and beautifully Illustrated
booklet, The Call of the Soil" (copyright)
sent to any address free. Address Canby
Canal Compaay, Can by. Or.
lO ACRES. all la cultivation. 1 ml'.e from
street-car line, 12 miles from Portland,
on good road, good house and barn, all
fenced. This Is a snap. $2iR0. one-half
rash- It pays to see Chapin A Herlow,
332 Chamber of Commerce.
loco acres; will divide: new railroad sur
vey goes through the land; sacrifice, sale, $10
acre, down balance A per cent.
66 Commercial Block.
12 ACRES. 10 miles from Portland. 3 acres
In cultivation, ail fenced, on main county
road, best in the state. $lVs). It pays to
see Chapin 4 Herlow, 3;'.2 Chamber of
10O ACRES near Tuajatln, aultable for trad
ing', a tine Investment at $100 per acre;
terms If desired.
602 Corbett Bldg.
160 ACRES. 10 acres In cultivation, on main
county road: price $1." per acre: easy
terms It pavs to see us. Chapin
Herlow. SS2 Chamber ot Commerce.
o arrea. Irrigated, one mils from station,
fviuslas Co.: price. $10.(hO; term, one
third cash. Owner. AL. 2.5. Oregonlan.
I CATV I n r,Mr vt. .
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
VHT buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old established
wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon at
almost the same cost? W are located
outside the high rent district, own our
building and can make the price. -Jixclu-sive
agents for the old reliable line or
Michigan Buggy Company flne vehicles,
delivery wagons, top bu sales, runabouts
and farm wagons. Be sure and see us
before you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. Wade A Co.. 322 Hawthorn ave. be
tween E. 1st and 2d sta.
SNAP $150 buvs team and harness: team
weighs lll'j each: are sound, fat. and true
pullers; harness is new; also pair bay
mares, weight 2400 lbs., good brood or
ranch mares, price $115; big team grading
horses, weight 2650 lbs., little thin, price
$lo; pair good fat work horses, weight
Zaito lbs.. Just off wood wagon, price $1;5;
pair matched bays, weight -'SCO lbs . price
$"7- II) head good mares. Call 606 Wash
ington st.; also i delivery horses, city
PAIR of bays, geldings. 7 and " yeara of
age. weight 240 lbs., price $UO. Bay
mare 7 years old. drives single or dou
ble, weight 1050. $75. Pair of horses
(horse and mare), ages 7 and 9. weight
1250 each. price $140. Three-year-old
roan filly. $25. Bay horse. 5 years old.
drives single or double, perfectly man
nered, price $90. Seven head of horses
ai.d mans for farm or delivery purposes,
prices from $25 up. 1S5V, Madison St.
PAIR mares, 6 and years old. weight 400
lbs., sound, fat. and good pullers: new
set breeching harness; also pair geldings,
weight alio lbs.; set sewed trace harness,
collars. all complete. Call Exposition
Stables. 19th and Washington sts.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams wltn goose
neck furniture wagon to rent by month
cr year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day. week, or
month. Phones East 72, B 1369. Haw
thorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave.
FOR BALE or trade, fine young registered
stallion, best bred stallion in Oregon; also
fast trotting registered mare; prize winners
wherever shown; these are classy individuals:
I have no use for tnem. . Soft Commercial
FOR SALE Ona span young draft horses,
0 and 7 years, weighing 2SO0; these are no
plugs. C 1477. East 4804. 230 Russell
street. t
FOR SALE CHEAP A children's pony for
riding or driving, age 6 years, weight about
750 ib. Foster A Kleiser. 6th and Everett.
YOUNG horse, gentle and city broke, and
rft.w harness and business buggy; reason
able. Main 1282. A 1283.
FOR SALE One six-year-old driving; mare,
perfectly sound and gentle. C 14, i. East
4H04. 226 Russell st
WANTED Teams to haul lumber. $3 per
M. Gnod roau, 1 - to 10 imicw.
77 E. Yamhill st.
GOOD team and harness for aale: good
workers. 14 cnion sre.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
HUBERT HALL. 880 Front, buy, sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates
SPAN of horses wanted. 15o0 or 1600 Ba, 6
or T years oia. Aaurue .i-u
AUTOS stored, washed and polished at
Vaughan s garage, at 64 Union awe., N. ;
also a full line of oils, tires and supplies
alwaya on hand.
-CYLINDER Reo car, 1S08 model, good aa
-.i upfl chains, storage
lit" . mil; ' )' -
battery, extra tire; will sell or trade for
city lot. Call at 474 Alder St.. corner 14th,
A 16-HOF.SE-POWEK Ford 6-passenger: will
, . . .in for Home
sen cnp . i ' v. .....
Tel. bonds. Cohn Broa, 180 let St.
for sale; good condition; a
ih. N 318. Oregonlan.
bargain lor oa
NEW pianola for aals at a bargain. L
319. Onegonlan.
SPECIAL OFFER We have 100 coitd-
hana sewing mscninw ini. "
this week regardless of price to make
room for carload; 40 drop-head, all makes.
White. New Home. Singer. Wheeler 4
Wilson, Domestic and Standard. Do not
forget the place. White Sewing Machine
Store, 430 Washington, cor. 11th. H. D.
Jones, prop.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $80. fully
guaranteed, easy payments; rentals. $
per month. Paclflo Stationery Ptg. Co.,
203 2d at.
CHOICE family cow. 6 years old Call at
real estate office, 41st and Holgate sts..
If you want a bargain. Phone Sellwood
WE have a large stock of barrels and kegs on
hand, from 6 to no gallons, imuain i
Ing purposes. Call or write Layton Cooperage
Co.. 327 Water St.
FOR SALE reasonable. 4 family or dairy
cows, mostly Jersey; must sell on ic
,.n.,nt .Irknoss. Call S05 E. 29th St.. W-W
car, second house back of grocery store.
BOILER for sale. 50-horsepower Russell, Bre
. . iriii.naiiM VaiHV Lum-
dox aimojyi uc". . i . '
ber Company, Dallas, Or.
Films for rent, eomplete equipment for
theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4th st.
NEWMAN Moving Picture Exchange, rents
moving picture machines, films, supplies.
. i..- Enoi: Wn oh n.n r lith.
lowest price m-v ?3 ..
FOR SALE Typewriter. Smith-Premier No.
i, tor ii.!': bwwi a
Fisher. 67 Washington st.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak
wood ut lowest market prices. Hoover,
813 Water su Phone Main 7451. A 44o.
LAiRGB 2-room housefcoat; large back porch;
swell place; lor sui cueap. i j,....
SECOND-HAND cement machinery, block
and tile molds, mixer and sand scneen.
Address J. W. Ebner. Mount Angel. Or.
NEW gasoline cabin launch for sale cheap.
3l)x9. "Vi H. P. engine, $460. Inquire at
St. Johns ferry.
ST EI NW AY grand piano for sale, cheap.
practically new; uwu imic. .
Jones. 161 Fourth st. Phone Main 722.
FOR RENT Good duck lake, close In. Ap
ply room 22 Hamilton bldg.
BOSTON terrier dog, thoroughbred, for gala.
Phone B 22W.
$5.00. 290 Main st.
LAUNCH: will exchange for motor cycle.
Phone Tabor 1430.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal " 62 3d at. North. Phone Main 9272.
FOR CASH Second-hand Iron shaft flanges,
boxing and crabs of discarded flshwheel.
Address W. L. Bentley. Wright's. Wash.
6ELL your second-hand furniture to tha
Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less.
Phones A 2445, Maln 8951.
Wanted 2d-hand furniture; pay highest
price. 94 Grand ave. East 1051. B 2044.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention alwaya given- Phone East 1067.
NOTICE Will pay highest prices for gentle
men's castoff clothing. Call Main 8474.
WANTED TO BUY A second-band range.
Address 6S5 E. Ash at.
WANTED Room and board with care for
invalid lady. D 318. Oregonlan.
HIGHEST prices paid for rubbers and met
als. J. Leve. 186 Columbia at. M. 6198. .
BUSHELMAN. good, who is able to make a
coat. 4!9 Washington st.
SOLICITORS Two on salary and commission
or commlton. 747 Northrup St.
PARTNER wanted showing property, work
In office. 32 '4 Washington St.. room 405.
SOLICITORS, salary or commission, city or
towns: good pay. D 31. Oregonlan.
WE secure positions ror our members.
Special membership. Y. M. C. A.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon agents, best winning
otTer: good money. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
MATTRESS makers and upholsterers. Call
ISth and Upshur sts.
COATMAKERS Steady work. Acheson Co.,
148 5th St.
MAN to work In bathhouse. 595 Front st.
Main Office. . 12 Second St, ,
Lumber-pliers and box factory hands,
wages $2.25 to J3. Free fare.
3 millwrights, city. 3.S0 up: carpenters,
city and country. IS.60: bench carpenters,
$3.60; cabinet-makers. 3 to $3.50; sticker
man. $3.50; planerman. or machine,
$2.75: surface planerman for box fac
tory. $2.50; ? sash stlckermen, 3; 1 mill
firemen. $60 to $70; 10 lumber-pliers. $2.o0;
teamsters. $2.25 to $2.50.
Large list of work every day for saw
mill hands, lumber-pliers, loggers, farm
hands, teamsters, laborers, cooks, nun
keys, dishwashers, porters, etc, etc.
Main Office. 13 N Second St.
SALESMAN wanted for Roseburg home or
chard tracts; fruit lands that meet the pop
ular demand and are selling! We can use
experienced real estate saieemen. salesmen
who have worked in any line and men or
energy, not. afraid of work, who want to
learn salesmanship.
Call in forenoons.
Department B.
Board of Trade Bide;.
PANTRY work, young man. Apply Commer
cial Club. 6th and Oak. superintendent a of
fice, between 10 and 11 A. M.
REAL ESTATE man wants partner; excel
lent chance for young man to -get In real
estate business; no experience necessary
and verv little money required. Par
ticulars National Realty A Trust Co.,
826 H Washington St., room 51.
SALESMEN of character and energy and men
wishing to learn salesmanship; an excep
tional opportunity Is now open to you; give
details, how long In city, experience (if any),
references, phone number, etc Address E
310, Oregonlan.
Vv A NT ; : ) Teamsters and wheeler holders on
railroad work; teamsters $40 a month and
board: wheelerholders $3 a day, board $5.25
a week: good stock and good board. Hayden
Bros.. Little Rock. Wash., 13 miles south
of Olympla.
WANTED First-class cement finisher for curb
and gutter work; nonunion; good pay; no
limit to right man: steady work all year
round; first-class Job for first-class man;
none other need spply. Sa Jose Concrete
Company. San Jose, Cal.
ADVERTTSUNG solicitors for soliciting ad
vertisements for telephone directory: good
commissions paid; only first-class solicitors
need apply. Inquire of C. E. Hickman.
Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Co.. Beck
WANTED Bright, energetic young man; du
ties easy: either office or outdoor work: ex
perience not necessary: must have sma.l
capital and be satisfied with $20 per week
for start. See manager, 826V4 Wash. St.,
room 417.
WHY pay employment agencies large fees for
position? Join Employes' Co-operative As
sociation; pay 25c month and receive free
doctor, lawyer and assistance In securing
employment. Suite 620, Swetland bldg.
IF YOU want a Government position we can
show you how to secure the same and will
prepare you at small cost. Call or write
C. C. S. S., 428-426 Lumber' Exchange, Port
land, Or.
MEN for railway mall clerks, postofflcs
clerks, carriers. Internal revenue, etc;
good salary and promotion witu each po
sition; we prepare you; examinations soon.
Write Pacific States School. McKay bldg.
MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless
telegraphy and engineering. R. R. aad sta
tion work: practical Instruction; largest pri
vate station In the world. Send stamp for
circulars. Wireless Institute. San Francisco.
TRAVELING salesmen earn $1000 to $10,000
yearly. Write for free book. "How Sales
men Succeed" and secure position with re
liable firm. Bradstreet System, Dept. 160,
Rochester. N. Y.
MEN to sell the most sightly subdivision on
East Side; Improvements all in; liberal
commission: references. Call mornings.
American Trflst Co., 2O0 Chamber of Com
merce. WANTED A competent drug label and pill
box salesman for a Pacific Coast con
cern: either exclusive or as a side line.
AH 308. Oregonlan.
WANTED Carrier for good-paying mounted
route In Mt. .Tabor district. Apply at once
to City Circulator. Room 203. Oregonlan
SALESMAN for furniture and carpet house;
must be active and willing to help In
general; man familiar with city trade
preferred. Reply. W Soa Oregonlan.
WANTED Railway mall clerks, postoftlce
clerks, carriers; examinations In Portland
November 17; preparation free. Franklin
Institute. Dept. 41.1 E.. Rochester, N. Y.
SHOEMAKER Must have experience In re
pairing; also new work; no drunks need ap
ply. Klamath Shoe Store. P. O. Box 146.
Klamath Falls. Or.
SALESMEN Good, familiar with city, to
sell property. Best selling proposition In
Portland. Agents easily make $50 per
week. 423 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Steady, sober man to show land,
etc.. as partner; pay you good salary, also
share profits; littlo capital required. Par
ticulars 417 Board of Trade bldg.
MEN to study wireless telegraphy: railway
and commercial telegraphy easily learned;
big opportunities: day and evening classes.
Oregon College Telegraphy. 83 5th st.
WATCHMAKER The Meier A Frank Store
wants a competent watchmaker and en
graver; one who Is an expert In both lines.
Apply to the Supt. 8 to 10 A. M.
STEAM SHOVEL fireman. $76: mill fireman,
$67.50; craneman, $90; bridge carpenters,
$3; others.
C. R. HANSEN A CO.. 28 N. 2d St.
uriVTF.n Neat sober young man with lit
tle money, to show property and work In
office: am alone ana urea oi mrcu oeiy.
25 6th St.
EXPERIENCED bill clerk, wholesale gro-
wrlter. Inquire Lang A Co., corner 1st
and Ankeny sts.
ABSTRACT man wanted, general poster
and searcher; references required. Address
Douglas County Abstract (o., xtoseDurg,
Or. 1
WANTED First tenor for mala quartet;
good vaudeville engagement If right
party secured at once; for Interview, ad
dress H 313. Oregonlan.
SOLICITORS, wide awake, high-grade prop
osition; also other vacancies. Employe's
Co-operative Association. 620 Swetland
NEAT, active young man with Nome lunch
room experience. Jersey Lunch Room,
6th and Stark.
BOYS WANTED Permanent employment,
good wages. Apply to manager American
Llstrlct relegrapn uompany, ,o imru bi.
SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, steno
graphers, city and country. Commercial
Abstract CO.. us commercial uiuo oiug.
WANTED A good strong boy over 18 years
to work In frame factory. Apply Lowen
gart 4 Co., 82 Front St.
BOOKKEEPER, assistant, wanted with lum
ber mill in city; salary $50. Address with
reference, P. O. Box b4l.
CARRIERS two nice routes open. Apply
at once to City Circulator, 203 Oregonlan
WANTED A good, reliable boy for deliv
ering purposes and to learn me iur traae.
H Llebes A Co.. 2 Morrison St.
WANTED Al canvasser, best proposition out.
Call 814 Dekum bldg., Thursday, 8 to 10
A. M.
FURNITURE salesman to take road position
In this state. Ask for Mr, Leonard. Hotel
Seward. 6:30 to 7:30 P. M.
WANTED A good, live salesman can maka
J300 per month selling 5-acre fruit tracts.
Call 611 Swetland Bldg.
ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced, no
beginners, commission paid daily. Bene
dictine Press. Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Donkey logging foreman with
wide experience In logging steep mountain
Apply Mundy Lbr. Co., Three Valley. B. C.
DON'T search for work; a dime brings our
plan of immediately securing profitable em
ployment. Phillips Specialty Co.. city.
FINE openlnc: wanted, young man; $1.10
required. 326' Washington St., room 417.
COOKS and kitchen helpers headquartera
California Wine Depot. 104 2d. Main 5500
FOREMAN for planing mill, night run. In
quire Standard Box Lumber Co.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduate last year;
men ana women 10 ir.m u - . -eight
weeks; help to secure positions:
graduates earn from $16 to ?23 weekly,
expert Instructor; tools 'res; writs lor
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35
North 4th St.. Portland. Or.
GIRLS. 16 years of age and over, to work In
bag factory. Apply Bt once.
5th and Davis Sta
WANTED Cooks, cooks' helpers, waitresses,
chambermaids, housekeepers, houseglrls.
second girls, etc., etc.. In and out of the
cltv; top wages.
We have a large number of new places
every day. Call early and get your pick.
Ladles' Dept. 205 ft Morrison.
COOK and helper. $70 (city): 2 chamber
maids. $25 and $20 (out of city); board-Ing-house
cook, $40; chambermaid. $1
day: factory girls, $1.25 day; waitress
(out of city) $35; fare paid; second girl,
843 H Washington St.
WANTED A bright young woman for per
manent position In our stamping depart
ment; must have knowledge of drawing.
147 ft Sixth St.
SALESLADY The Meier A Frank store
wants a competent ealeslady -for picture
department; one who understands taking
framing orders. Apply to the Supt. 8 to
10 A. M.
WOMAN to work in small rooming-house
and take tare of two boys; good wages,
good Job and good " home for the right
party. 1271 Hood st.. S. Take Fulton car
to Sweeny ave.
IF YOU want a Government position we can
show you how to secure the same, and will
prepare you at small cost. Call or write
C. C. S. B., 425-426 Lumber Exchange. Port
land. Or.
HOUSEWORK Experienced girl for general
housework; must be good cook; small fam
ily; good wages. 396 E. 16th st. N. Phone
East 1767 or C 1467, afternoons only.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain, v -. -.
steady, reliable work. Call 224 Marquam
HOUSE-TO-HOUSE demonstrators on a
hish-grade, guaranteed woman's article;
splendid opportunity for beginners. 'Call
10-11. 2-4. room 204. Wells-Fargo.
WANTED Young ladles to enter training
school for nurees. Willapa Harbor Hospitals,
South Bend and Raymond. Address Mary C.
Drain, Raymond, Wash.
WOMAN Bright, to sell city property. One
familiar with locations. Our agents easily
make $50 per week. 423 Lumber Ex
change. WANTED A woman with brains and $500
cash, satisfied with $2O0 per month clear;
can. handle her own money. D 317. Ore
gonlan. WANTED A competent girl for cooking and
downstair wora; gooa J -Ings,
10 to 12. 225 10th st.
PANTRY woman: first-class, with exper
ience; none other need apply. Alex
ander Court. 63 Ella st.
FINISHERS of cloades and suits; steady
work. Acheson Cloak Co., Acheson bldg.,
148 5th st. e :
843 H Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
BUNDLE WRAPPER Young lady with some
experience; permanent position. Bannon A
Co. 388-390 E. Morrison St.
TWO GIRLS for shooting gallery; go to San
Francisco and willing to travel; all ex
penses paid. Address K 313. Oregonlaa.
HOUSEWORK A middle-aged woman to do
general; good wages. Apply 81 North
6th t.
SALRSLADY for lace and embroidery depart
ment; permanent position. Apply Bannon A
Co., 388-390 East Morrison st.
RTROVft woman wanted to clean house, 434
Oregon St., before party moves In. Apply
Carl Strauss, cornenus zioiei.
COOK, waitress and kitchen helper, ex
perienced, at The Weaver, 710 Washing
ton st. ,
AGENTS WANTED For best non-friction
shoe polish ever made. 333 Chamber of
BASKET makers: several ladles wanted at
Multnomah LumDer a .box wo., iooi xu
croft st.
OAT PCT.iTlV miialln underwear and COr
set department; permanent position. Apply
Bannon & CO.. jsa-juo r-aai jiuw Dt'
320H Washington St.. Room 307.
Main 8S3S or A 32U6.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. viavi LO., wjo w,u
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED A companion, ona who Is willing
to do light housework lor lamuy oi iwu.
Call A 4030.
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. The Ideal
Candy Co., HO 4tn at. r-none ija. utw.
COOK, small country hotel. $45. Pioneer
Employment Co., 10 ivortn oetuuu blicc
COMPETENT oook and second girl. Inquire
fofannnnA 7K1 Flanders, cor. 23d.
HOUSEWORK Girl for general; small family;
wages $o. ojo r.. im si. cvi. . cm, .
HAIRDRESSERS, experienced, also appren
tices. Grand Leader, 6th St.
SKIRT helpers, sleevemakers, stock girl and
making bills. ou Marquam oiag.
THOROUGH course of millinery taught In
6 weeks; terms reasonaDie. i Aiuor.
GIRL for general housework: four In fam
ily; good wages. Apply at iolu mi.
H OUT S E VVOR K Girl, general: Swedish or
Norwegian. Call 8 to ii, Jonneon.
HOUSEWORK; good, reliable girl: 4 In fam
ily; good wages. 620 r.ast Aiieny st.
HOUSEWORK, girl or middle-aged woman
for light. 505 5th st.
TAILORESS Steady work. Acheson & Co.
Acheson blag., 14 -om st.
GIRL for general housework, call Monday
mn-nnv flf1 Ath at '
SALESLADY, one that understands some
alterations preferred. Apply to 215 First st.
WAITRESS wanted. Great Northern Hotel
510 21st st. S car north. Main 7658.
TIDY girl for general housework; no wash
ing. Phone 631 Sellwood.
GIRL to do housework and cooking. Apply
21.) North Bittn st.
EXPERIENCED waitress. Palace Restaurant,
129 4th st.
COOK Swedish woman, family: wages $40.
St. Louis, 245H vasn. -jiain iiuir.
HOUSEWORK Girl wanted for general. 691
Hancock st.. lrvlngton.
TWO experienced dining-room girls. 46 N
21st st.
2 EXPERIENCED girls for packing chocor.
lates. 383 Burnside st.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2, Grand ave ana ,asi iywr.
EXPERIENCED waitress. 3S6 Morrison st
GOOD kitchen girl wanted. 386 E. Burnside.
HOPPICKERS wanted, 180 acres. Call
Belvedere Hotel, tnis aiternoon.
MARKER wanted at the Independent Latin
dery, 3d and GUsan.
FISK Teachers' Agency helps good teachers
to better positions. oi sweuauu uiua
AUGUST 18, 1909.
Dig crop, une acujiiiiiivuaH0"0' '
batcher shop, grocery store, restaurant, free
dancing pavilion, beautiful camping grounds,
delightful bathing, low excursion rates. WfO
pay $1.00 -per 100 lbs. Register now at
Krebs Bros. Office rooms 618 Worcester
bldg.. Third and Oak sts. No charges for
Job. Office hours 9:00 to 8:00 P. M., Sun
day 9:00 to 1:00 iP. M. Home A 4336.
. . A nn.4nnB h.VAr,
WANTED Hopplckers for our yards at
Reedville; fare. uc; oniy u mmuica
ride; fine grounds, long employm-int.- A.
J Ray Son, 834 Sherlock bldg. Phone
Main 842.
WANTED Good comedy sketch and vaude-
VlllO aClB Ul l "-f - J --
Washington st.
WANTED A typesetter to work for a few
hours per aay; permanent pusmuu. flii"i
to the Bradstreet Co., Worcester block.
STUDIO Music. German, French. English
literature. 452 Morrison. Main 2097.
SOLICITORS for good paying proposition;
grand renovating panure. i-.u. '
Bookkeepers and Clerks
MIDDLE-AGED German-American, robust.
active ana or great ouayiuinmi
work with fruit and produce concern; pre
fers manual work, but la also an excellent
bookkeeper and office man; flne Eastern ref
erences. W 803. Oregonlan.
j HAVE one friend a salesman not an order
taker, but an eiperwuvou,
salesman; employed now, but determined to
make a change. If you can use a seller
communicate confidentially with me. F. L.
Gollehur Chapman Advertising Company. .
RETAIL GROCERY salesman, 8 years' ex
perience, would like position Immediately;
steady and reliable; well posted in sci
entific salesmanship; good penman; best
of city references. M 316. Oregonlan.
POSITION wanted by thoroughly capable cash
ier and pooKKeeper; oesi ui rewi A
812. Oregontan. '
STENOGRAPHER and typewriter: Ameri
can; experienced; accurate; trustworthy;
references. Hogg. 207 6th st.
MAN with 11 years' experience in bank desires
position In Portland or small town in vi
cinity best of references. O 316, Oregonlan.
BRIGHT young man, 19 years of age, de
sires position as bank messenger, good
penman; references. G- 318, Oregonlan.
SINGLE man 33 years of age, good-looking.
. .-j TT11 -UnAt A T-l C1 1 1 1 1 1 1- '
graauatea nigu oi-iiwi . . :,'
wishes position on farm In good family;
small wages, board, room; not afraid of
work. H 814. Oregonlan.
CIVIL ENGINEER, from first-class tech
nical school; employed in the City Engi
neering Department, would like position
in evenings; drafting or computing. L 816.
RESPECTABLE young man wishes position
in private home to work part of day for
board and room. Address H 315. Orego
nlan. PLUMBER wants Job with nonunion plumb
er Anderson, 537 Montgomery st. Main
EXPERIENCED painter and paperhanger
wants work. H. E. Chapman. Quimby
Hotel, Fourth and Burnside sts.
JAPANESE boy wants position to do house
work in family; speaks English good.
J 311, Oregonlan.
POSITION WANTED by young man. 23 years
old, Wltn electrical auu -'.7,
beet of references. Phone Main 4i63.
OLD experienced high-class Chinaman waste
place, cook in restaurant, noioi ui w""ua
house. AK 309. Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER and office man, thorough
ly efficient, experienced, reliable, would
to go out of town, a 819. Oregonlan.
HOUSE and window cleaning, new houses a
specialty: or Janitor work. - Iby O. X.
Thompson. Phone Main S036.
YOUNG German, experienced- driver and sta
bleman, wants position. Walter, 208 Couch
St. Main 7735.
BARTENDER, young man, stranger In city,
desires situation; best references. AH 30..
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants position, any
kind of housework. AG 314. Oregonlan.
BOY, 18. living with parents, wants to
learn trade. O 315, Oregonlan.
YOUNS man from East would like steady
work. L 312, Oregonlan. -'
ALL-AROUND baker wants work on bread
or cake. A 314, Oregonlan
JAPANESE, talk good English, wants work
before 2 P. M. AG 308. Oregonlan.
TINNER, experienced; will go to small
town. R 314. Oregonlan.
MAN wants work by day or hour; handy
at anything. L 317, Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
INTELLIGENT young women. two years
bookkeeeper In city; can fill position of
business correspondent or ad writer; salary
secondary consideration; must have work:
- willing to prove ability; references. AN
812. Oregonlaiv .
LAW stenographer, well educated moderate
salary. N 317, Oregonlan.
FOR good stenographer, experienced or be
ginners, phone Clearlcal Office, A 5446.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and ladles'
, tailoring. Mrs. Anderson. 537 Montgomery
st. Main 1018.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking sit home or by
the day. B 1307.
INFANTS' clothes or other plain sewing
"done by the day. $1.25. A 8721.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prlcfj.
Mra Ani;elea. 32BH Wash. St.. room 16.
WANTED Sewing to do at home. Phone A
DRESSMAKING by the day. Miss Chls
holm. Main 6792. s
HOUSEKEEPER wants position as house
keeper by experienced young lady. Phone
A 3239.
POSITION as housekeeper In roomlrig-housei
city reference. Phone Main 7-S5.
GIRL wants position at housework; no
washing preferred; wages $15. X 815,
Oresonlan. . '
GIRL wante position at llffht foiwework;
no washing preferred; wages $12. D 316.
HniTR-'wnRK- Two girls would like to do
Hhousewo?k together fn same family. Please
call at 368 N. 16th st
COMPETENT woman wants general house
Work; good caok; no children. E 319.
SWEDISH GIRL wants situation as cook;
good plain cook. 624 Upshur st.
HOUSEWORK girl, small family adults. St.
Louie. 245 Wash.- Main 2039.
EXPERIENCED woman, pastry or Testaurant
cook' practical nurse, any kind sickness;
references- housekeeper, refined woman, girl
13. St Louis. 245 Wash. Main 2039.
WOMAN wants work by the day, house
cleaning, etc; references. Phone East 4813.
Room D.
STRONG German woman wants washing
and Ironing by the day. 25c per hour.
Phone East 154.
WOMAN wants work cleaning offices: ex
perienced and references. Mrs. Wilson.
Main 6048
LACE curtains beautifully laundered; fine
sun-drvlng, grass-bleaching facilities. Ta
bor 1530.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Call after P. M. Main 4598.
WOMAN wants work Thursday and Friday:
references; no half days. Woodlawn 1611.
HAND laundry, sun dried, prices reasonable.
594 2d st. Main 1815.
LAUNDRESS, j-klllful. wishes day engage
ments: fine lingerie preferred. A 36.19.
LACE-curtains washed, stretched, called for
and delivered; 40c pair. Tabor 1597.
YOUNG WOMAN wants day work, 25c hour.
Phone Sellwood 1109.
AGENTS wanted by Columbia Life ft Trust
Company; high-class men to sell life Insur
ance in Portland and In other cities and
towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho;
former experience not necessary: splendid
opportunities; first-class references as to
character required. Address the company a
home office. Lumber Exchange bldg., Port
land, Or. ,
FOUND A new money maker, a household
necessity; every home buys. G. Hanley.
New York, sold 131 first two days, made
$S2. Sells Itself when shown. People
borrow money to buy; costs 40c; sells $1;
300.000 sold In New York since Septem
ber. Write for your county. Catalogue
free U. 6 Co., 765 Main. Lelpsic. Ohio.
WANTED Successful nursery salesmen;
choice territory, big commission: good repu
tation behind our goods makes sales ea-y.
Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem.
WE POSITIVELY have the fastest selling
household patent on the market. Woolverine
Co., Pittsburg. Pa.
AGENT Every county, Vaco-Hook, great
seller; $10 per day. Desk A, 325 1st NaVl
Bank, Oakland, cal.
AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money
selling nursery stock; outfit free; cash week
ly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
A YOUNG widower, aged 29. with 2 little
girls, aged 5 and 2. wishes a place to
board in private family with no children,
or place with respectable widow. Call In
person or address Mr. Berry Turner. 632
Union ave. North., city, after 6 o'clock.
WANTED iBy responsible couple, well-furnished
6 or 6-room house, lower flat or bun
galow; desirable location, West 61de. K 815,
IMMEDIATELY, 4 or 6-r00m bungalow,
furnished, for 6 months or longer; ref
erences. A. R. Thayer, room 64 Lnlon
WANTED Room and board, by young lady;
.,iuinlr distance from Postoffice. West
Bide; particulars to F 816, Oregonlan.
WANTED Well-fumlshed 7-room house by
September 8, West Side. Dr. Baar and
his sister. Phone Main 6507.
WANTED Room with breakfast, private
home, business man and wife. L 814,
TWO YOUNG gentlemen wish nice room and
board with private family, commencing Sep
tember 1; state terms. A 313, Oregonlan.
ROOMING-MOUSE, unfurnished, from 16 to 20
rooms close in. i. iim. i-ny-
Furnished Rooms.
8d and Jefferson Sts.
Away for the noise; 6 minutes' walk,
Washington and 3d: Just completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava
tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy;
single rooms or suites; permanent and
transient, $3, 4 and $5 per week. Phone
A 773L M. S639.
Corner 10th and Washington Sts.
New management; THOROUGHLY
BATHS: single or en suite; SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
month; tourist trade solicited.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside.
Everything brand new, homelike and
comfortable; rates reasonaoie. reo dus.
xnc Daniuni --- --
aement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
n t-. . .1 -i-..- to.t. 1 IHur ntiw man
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 8647.
THE MERTARJ?ER. 126 13th. cor. Wash
ington, brand new handsomely furnished;
every, modern convenience; hot water In
all rooms; very reasonable terms.
Washington and 17th, new building, newly
furnished, every room light and sunny; hot
water, steam heat, reasonable prices.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts., fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason
able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite
the Plaza.
$12 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH.
Just opened; new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
214 Columbia st.; Summer rates; run
ning water in all rooms; transients 60c to
$1 day; one call means another.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 32 1 i
Stark, corner 8th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2; $2
to $4 per week; nice yard and surroundings.
Aster House. 7th and Madison.
THE HANOVER, 165 King, near Washington
Large uniurnisnea iroiii rwum, v,,
wall 'bed, private bath; something swell.
frTjc- Mpprn-nRi! '"Oth nnd Washington sts:
elegantly furnished single rooms, with all
modern conveniences; oniy iv auu h
THE BRAE-SIDE 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral, $3, $4, $5 per week: transient.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite, hot and
ciiifnhlA for three or four gen
tlemen; breakfast if desired, also several
other desirable rooms; beautiful lawn;
central location. 181 11th St., cor. Yam
hill. A 3680.
4. couple large, cheerful front rooms In
a beautiful private home with every con
venience; one block Washington; one block
Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 68
N. 21st st.
ROOMMATE, to snare nicely lurmsucu
lor with young lady; sanitary couchj,
piano, modern conveniences, first floor;
walking distance. West Side. G 316, Ore
gonian. $10 Furnished front room, modern, steam
heated second floor apartments. Flat D.
469 Jefferson at.
FURNISHED room for gentleman; bath; S
minutes' walk of Portland Hotel; no
other roomers: references. Main 7329.
LARGE front alcove room, choice location,
house modern, suitable for gentleman. 8S8
Salmon, bet. West Park and 10th.
SWELL front parlor, also other flne rooms;
no objection to woman. 456 6th st. Phone
Tabor 1762.
WELL-FURNISHED room; all conveniences;
strtctlv private family; walking distance.
Main 9002.
NEWLY furnished room, reasonable, flow
ers, all modern. 624 Flanders. Phone
Main 7815. .
PARTLY furnished rooms, very light and
large, suitable for two people; $9. it93 11th.
FURNISHED rooms all modem conveniences;
flat A. 649 Washington st. Phone A 2975.
ONE modern furnished room, $2 a week, with
private family. 4o0'. Second st.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished bedroom $1.50
per week. 431 6th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
Modern unfurnished rooms; single or en
suite: reasonable; no housekeeping. The
Drexel. 246J4 Yamhill. Main 2905.
Rooms With Board.
THE LINDELL. 269 Market Nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board; mod
ern, reasonable; fine walking distance.
THE CALVARD Take W. car at depot to
door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2o97.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
ONE large front room suitable for man and
wife, or flne for 3 gentkemen, with table
board; also table board given; terms rea
sonable. 173 16th st. South.
BOARD and room. bath, phone, use of
piano, home cooking. 191 11th, near Yam
hill. Phone Main 6963.
PLEASANT front room with board for two;
modern. 83 17th SL North. Main 4220.
ROOM with board. 149 15th St.. between
Morrison and Alder. . Phone Main 3412.
ROOMS with board. 149 15th St., between
Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 3412.
Rooms With Board.
Modern In every respect: steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water in
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meala a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
710 Washington St., near King, brand new,
elegantly furnished; every room has a
private bath, telephone; the maximum of
convenience and excellence, the minimum
of expense. If you want the best In the
city for the money, call and inspect;
dining-room In connection.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with boara. use or sewm ruum nnu li
brary. 610 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N.
Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th
st. Mra M. E. Bretherton. sup
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th at. cor.
ner Morrison. Select family hotel: reason,
able rates for transient guests W car to
and from- depot passes the dooi
THE M ANSION. central, beautiful grounds,
elegant furnished rooms. conservatory,
dining-room. Fifth and Jefferson
LARGE furnished room, with board; home
COOKing, an convenience, u-i -v., -
Flanders. Phone M. 6513.
64 Marshall Street.
The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart
ments in the city; 3-room suites, PRI
VATE BATHS and reception halls; botn
phones FREE In each apartment; electric
elevator: nice large verandas both front
and back; large lawn and beautiful shade
trees; low Summer rates. Take W oar
to Marshall, go 1 block east.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments;
private bath, reception hall, steam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air
cleaning. Janitor service, from
$25 up month; some unfurnished; corns
look and be surprised.
LAURETTE Apartments. 8 rooms each;
choice neighborhood, brick and cement
building, hib-h-class: flreless cooker, steam
heat, hot water cabinet, gas range. Ice
chest, telephone, private halls, and bath.
Janitor service; open August 15; 5 min
utes from Portland Hotel. 11th St., near
Salmon. Open for reservation-
S. E. Cor. 13th and Clay Sta
Elegant S and 4-room suites, modern in
every way, newly furnished, complete and
ready for occupancy; also line single
rooms for bachelors; reasonable rates.
Both phones.
THE BERYL Just opened; three rooms,
large and well ventilated, three large
closets and two folding beds In every
apartment: choice location and low rates.
6U5 Lovejoy st. ' Take W car.
MADISON PARK apartments. Park and
Madison Unfurnished apartments; hot
and cold water, electric elevator and
Janitor service; 5 minutes' walk from
Portland Hotel. Phone Main 6556.
Northeast cor. lth and Mill sts.. Z 8, 4
and 6-room unfurnished apartments; hot
water, bath, gas; reasonable. Main 5110.
THE NORDICA. Phone East 3418. Newly
furnished apartments; every modern con
venience; $20 and up. Grand ave. and
. Belmont.
THE BUELL. 14th and Salmon Furnished
apartments; new bldg.. steam heat, ele
vators. THE MARLBOROUGH 6 and 6-room apart
ments: 21st and Flanders. Nob Hill dis
trict; every convenience. Main 7516.
NEW 6-room. steam-heated flat, xnodera
conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor
gan, 503 Ablngton bldg.
Modern 4-room unfurnished apartments.
11a ts.
MODERN. 6-room upper and lower flat, near
West Side High Sohool. large attlo and
sleeping porches. Inquire 175 16th, corner
NEW flat for rent. cor. 6th and Wasco. 8
blocks aorth of Holladay ave. Call Main
1505. W. Reldt, 401 Rothchlld bldg.
NICE flat of four rooms, flne location; fur
nace heat, $26. Phone East 3034, after 1
F. M.
MODERN 6-room lower flat, near West Side
High School, larse attic and sleeping
porches. Inquire 175 lth. corner Yamhill.
FOR RENT 7-room flat with gas. bath,
etc.; good location. Apply 794 1st St..
corner Glbbs.
NICELY furnished 6-room flat; rent reason
able. Inquire Mr. Drake. Graves Muslo
MODERN 6-room flat, 778Vj Kearney: tinted
to suit tenant. Key 712 Kearney at.
FLAT of 8 rooms and bath. 733 1 Hoyt st.
Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6273.
6-ROOM strictly modern flat, corner 25th
and East Belmont. Phone East 287.
TWO new modern flats, near Washington
High School. G. C. ilatt. A 2213.
B-ROOM upper flat, modern. Phone East
MODERN 6-room flat, nice yard. 175 E.
loth St., corner TamhllL
Sr?J rooms, modern, yard, porch. Apply
315 Eleventh, cor. Clay.
MODERN 6-room flat; porch and yard. 8
East 12th st. North., near Ankeny.
SEE those new flats on East 24 th and
Burnside; rent reasonable C 22o8.
FIVE light rooms, modern flat. Inquire 401
12th street, near Montgomery
FIVE rooms: steam heat, hot water, close in;
no children. 604 Couch.
FOR RENT New flats, 12th and Belmont.
B. H. Bowman.
PLEASANT small flat, modern, easy walking
distance; reasonable rent. 235 Va Hall st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. I2th and Marshall stsr
Newly furnished for housekeeping. In
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, not
water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
free; furnished apartments $15 per montll ,
up- singlo housekeeping rooms $2.50 week
up; best In cltv for money; short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or
Idth-sl. cars north, get off at Marshall st.
ONEONTA, 187 17th, near Yamhill: take
W car at denot; furnished 2. 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites, by week $5.50,
by month $20 and up; hot and cold water,
baths and phones free. Main 4097, A 4i39.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms: gas ranges. hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
west side river; 2 rooms $7 month: 3 for
$12; cottage $20; flat 4 rooms. S16. Ap
ply S64 North 26th; W car to 26th. block
TIIE MERCEDES, corner of 20th and TV ash
Ington sts.. 1 nicely furnished 2-room
housekeeping apartment; all modern con
veniences, only $20.
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. com
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms; rea
sonable. $1 25 week, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms,
laundry, bath. 203 Stantou St.. U. car. -
THE MILNE II, 350 Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all convenlencea
SWELL housekeeping rooms In new concrete
building. Phone C 1342.
$1.50 week. large, clean, furn. housekeeping
rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 1S4- Sherman.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms: gas
range, $3. Room 15, 2:12 4 Washington.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, com
pletely furnished, bath, phone. 191 4th st.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
4 FURNISHED housekeeping Moms, rr.c.--ern
conveniences, rent $16. Phone Main
7773. -
TWO housekeeping rooms, free bath, gas
and phone; no children. $12. 605 N. 2.d
SUITE o two small housekeeping' rooms:
well furnished; phone, gas, bath. 421
6th St.
534 MORRISON Two larce bay-window
rooms. furnished; gas range. closets,
phone, bath.
CLEAN. light furnished housekeeping rooms,
gas. bath, vard. reasonable. 692 Front.
, a
3 NICE larpre furnished housekeeping rooms,
ground floor, modern. 6X0 2d st.
VERY pleasant room, every convenience;
walking distance. Main 3312. 361 10th SU