1 , r Room With Bomrd in Privets yrotly. LARGE room, with board. suitable for one or two people; also smaller room, neai arllne. reasonable. Cor. East -"i-d and Taylor st. ilu Tabor. Phone Tabor 2v7. wa JOHNVON. Large corner room. str.ctijr mvlrn. tome evkii.g. two carbines, eayy waklr. dis tance. FOR KENT Nice Is furnished room with board, modern, for two. Apply 24$ vth north. N E"W L Y furnished rooms with board; use or piano. l'.l Uth, near lamhill. Fttone Main53. LAKOE frm corner room, wirb board, for two in private family; a:i conveniences. 93 17:h it.. North. Main 4i:rt. ROOM and board suitable for two. 2 blorki rr.vn Ka idc High S.-hool: modern, private family. lo. K. Ht.v B Fl RNrHED room with board. 5 11th st, A 1m MCE room and g"od board for 2 or 4 gen tlemen. 074 Glisan. corner of 1tn. TWO larp" furnished rooms, board If de ulred. o Et 7'h st. Apa THE RE t'-KAN. 6-' 4 Marshall Street. The moat EXCLUSIVE furnished PJt menta tn the city; 3-room suites, Ir"1" VaTE BTHS and reception halls. otn phonoa FREE- In each apartment; electric elevator; nice large veranoa. both front ard back: large lawn and beautiful .hade tree: low Summer rates. Take W car to Marshall, go 1 block east. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Colombia, 4 blocks from Morriaon st.. new brick bulldins. completely first-cass. furnished In 2 3 nd 4-room family apartmenta; private batn, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator,, free phone, com-nresed-ar cleaning. Janitor service, from $3 up month; some unfurnished; come look and be surprised- THE BfcRTL Just opened; three room a large and well ventilated, three large rlnsets and two folding beds In every apartment; choice location and low rates. 63 Lovjoy st Take W car. TH E fc H E FF1 ELD. 7th aad Jefferson ate. I'nf'irnish'd apartment, with bath; strict ly modern; all outside rooms; unexcelled view 5 minute' walk from Postofflce; very 'reasonable rent. Main 2306. A R149. PTEPHEXSON COURT. Northeast cor. ldth and Mill sta., 2. 8, 4 and 6-room unfurnished apartments; hot water, bath, gas; reasonable. Main SI 10. THE HANOVER. 16. King, near Washinrton Modern three-room unfurnished apart ment; wall bed, private bath and porch; reasonable. COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished; all cool outside suites: private phone free. 11th and Columbia. Main 1111, A 270. THE MARLBOROUGH 6 and e-room apart ments; 21st and Flanders. NobHlll dls trict; very convenience. Main 7516. K,W 3-room. sream-'neated flat, mod era conveniences; reasonable rent. W. 1. Mor gan. 503 Abington bldg. THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison st. Furnished and unfurnished apartment-. Flat. JfOPERN. 6-room apper and lower flat, nU" YVest tlde High :iool, large attlo and sloping- porches. Inquire 175 16th, corner -Yamhill. VEHT desirable 6-room flat. Nob Hill dis trict; best location; rent $35. Apply l&th st. North, near Davis. PLEASANT small flr.t, modern, easy walk ing distance; reasonable rent. 230 Hall st. I-ROOM nnfurnlsned F.at with te stove, both im and electric light; nine blocks from r-.stofflce. Key at -44H- 34 Montgomery. NEW flat for rent. cor. th and Wasco, t tlo--ks north of Holladay tve. Call Main J65 W. Reidt, 401 Rothchlld bidg. MODERN 6-room flat, TTSt, Kearaey; tinted to suit tenant. Key 713 Kearney mx. MOPERN 6-room flat, nice yard. 173 Stoat 15th. near Y amhllL FLAT of 6 rooms and bath- TSfttfc Hoyt Inquire 132 6:h at. Main 6278. MOPERN" 5-room flat: porch and yard. 8 East l.h N., near Ankeay. 7 4-ROOM fiat. Apply Kaverstlo A Gal- Irger. 3-S Lumber Eichanga 5- room upper flat, modern. Phone Etoat tir.7. FLAT, furni-hed or unfurnished. Inquire K. trake, Graves Music Co. Main 1433, SIX -ROOM corner flat; a.lso three-room Mat. Inquire 4hfl4 Jefferson. $1 l-room flat. Apply Haverstlo GalTe ger. S2S Lumber t change bldg. KEW 9 and 7 -room flats. 10 minute walk from Postofflce. Call 434 Mill at. Housekerptnff Booma. th w REAV KTR. isth and Marshall jsewly furnished for housekeeping. Including- gas ranges, electric lights, hot waiar. baths, laundry, rereption-room. all free; furnished apartments $13 per month up; single housekeeping rooms $S0 week up; best In city for money ; short dis tance from Union Depot Take "S" or 14th-sU cars north, get off at Marshall at. OMEONTA. 1ST 17th. near Yamhill; take W car at depot: furnished 2. 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites, by week S5.60, by month $0 and up; hot and cold water, baths and phones free. Main 4017. A 4 Tad. tHB ROWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms ; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nure suites from 912 up. THE MERCEDES, corner of 20th and Wash ington sts., 1 nicely furnished 2-room houekeeplr.; apartment; all modern con veniences, only 20. 461 EA&T MORRISON, cor. East 8th, com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms; rea sonable. STORCHOOM. 0 1st L, SoxlOO feet. J R. Rogers. 90 1st s fl.SS week, clean, fura housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath. 20 Stanton St., U. car. TH E MILNER. 3Wi Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all convenience HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and suites. The Newcastle. 3d and Harrison. $1.,V week, large, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 184 Sherman. f-WEI-L houwkeeplng rooms In new concrete building. Phoi.e C 14o. THE ELMS 3 and 3-room apartments, com pletely furnished, bath, phone. 191 4th St. Honixke-e'pinff Kooma In FTivate Family. HOUSE KEEPIN'S rooms, clean, well fur riJhed. running water, gas. $14. 16th or :u-at. cars. Sv$ N. -4th - JC ICE. targe, sinsle housekeeping room; easy wa:king distance. 467 7th; $10. SSS JEFFERSON 3 furnished basement ' rooms; n. children; rt fere noes. TWO fn-nt h.-'Ufe Keeping rooms; every conve nience: cheap rent. 4-1 7th. 2 OR 3 (VsiraiVe rooome. completely furnished for hou.- ktep:r.g. Ml 6th st. HOUSEK SEPINfS. furnished rooms, all mod em. bj: Front st. Main 451. Huai HOl'SES and Summer cottages guarded against Are; "octter be Insured than sor ry." Columbia Trust Company. Board of Trade b.ur. FU R N i S H El or un!urn hed 7-room house, li Whitaker ft. Ai-p.y A. G. Churchley, potocraple. 14oU d. MODETRN 5-room flat for rent, furniture for sale cash or terms Inquire 133 6th st. North or I'hone A is 10. TOR RENT E:pht-room hu . m.m en vfi!fn.t beai:t:ful view. Willamette He ig fc ts. Main 51 1 . or 1 1 03 Th urman st. 6-ROOM cottage 4tf N. 20th St.; price $40 furnished, or 30 without furniture. Apply 53 N. COth st HOUE of S room, reception hall and r-athroom 710 Lore joy st. Inquire 1S '.t;i st Main f,27S. - NET.' house of 6 rooms and bsth. e East ldth. near Everett, inquire 132 6th st. 5-ROOM house for rent, al! nifxlcm eon-xfm-n.'M N. tSth. Apply 213 N. ISth. MOOFRV S-room bungalow, between two serines. SM4 Cleveland ave. : lawn, fruit. 33 WILLIAMS A V E. - room h ouse for rent. ly at 543 W-Ulams ave. T AiCI. I ' FSOIAI. . BC-1NES, DIRECTOR.. ffiR REM. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS O P PORTT NTTXES. J Btorw Md Fnrnlfchev Hoaseo. GOING East for few months and will rent to responsible party without 'hlldren our ground-floor 6-room flat, furnished com plete. Willamette Heights, finest view n city price. $30 a month. Phone Main 4716. , irrrfNi"HED or unfurnished T-room house, loJ Whitaker st. Apply A, G. Churchley. photogrspher. 143 Vb 3d. vkry desirable furnished, modern home; no children; reasonable. Call 160 N. 21st street. DEISIRABLE furnished four-room flat, gas, bath. 614 East 21st. W." R. car. NITWLY completely furr-jhed 6-room modern house. Main 6447. 674 Mill St. NICELY furnished 6-room house at E. Sth and Shaver. Key at 87 E- Mh. North. NEAT furnished flat: walking distance; moderate; for 2. Main Si&5. Houses for Rent. Furniture for Kale. MODERN nine-room dwelling. Nob Hi!l. one block Wafhington. walking distance; bar pln In furniture; fine hme; owner leav ing city. D 2H3. Oregonian. GREAT BARGAIN Party going to Europe, must sell new furniture five-room flat, val ued $650 for f 230 cash : must be seen to be appreciated. East 52fl. 64 E. 10th. COTTAGES, rooms, tenting space cheap for rest of season; camping lands on monthly payments. Address Business Chances, Box 31. Long Beach. Wash. NEW furniture 6-room houee m sale; rent $23; batt.. gas. phone, furnace, sleeping porch; walking distance. West 6e; leaving city oa account of death. A 7721. FOR SALE Furniture of 10-room house, good condition, suitable for roomers or housekeeping; $400 If taken at once. 456 th ML. SMALL ROOMING-HOUSE) tfhesp, leaving tnwn. Owner. 132 Vfc Grand ave,, cor. Mor rison. V FOR SALE? New furniture of new ft-room flat for sale by owner. Apply mornings bet. lO and 11 A. M. 424 College St., West Side, MODERN 7-room house for rent, furniture for sale. Main 0670. FURNITURE of first-class rooming and boarding-house for sale. 39 Sd St. NEW furniture of 6-room house for sale cheap; rent cheap. East 8386. S7 E. 9th. FURNITURE of 7 rooms; will sell cheap. Phone Main 8332, afternoon. Summer Resorts Mount Hood Stage Line, connects O. W . P. car leaving Portland 8:45 A. M. for Bor Injr BETTER Investigate Columbia Beach, the Fenside capital of the Northwest. Columbia Trust Company. Board of Trade bldg. Stores. TH7VEB store, business center of Ee Side, Williams are. and Russell st.; new brick tmlUilag; readv Sept. L See B. Hill at building. Tel. East 2299. STOREROOM on East Clay and Union ave. Phone East 42S7. FOR KENT Store buildtng. llvlne; rooms, flne location (corner). See owner. 201 B. 34th. 2 STORE?" for rent in newconerete building. Main 1505. W. Reidt, 401 Rothchlld bldg. FOB RENT. Stores. TO RENT From January 1. 1910. flne store In heart of retail business center, suitable for sny line, with large room above if desired. 895, on second floor, which may be connected with It. AB 26. Oregonian. FOR RENT Four-story brick store building, with cement basement 40x100; 31 Front St., N., lately occupied by American Chicle Co Apply to Fred Bickel, 751 Park ave Main 2U33. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick store building, 100x163, S. E. cor. Front and Pine sts. Apply C A. Dolpb, Mohawk bldg. STORES 23x94 on promment street. West Side; new building. 23. -24 Worcester bldg. Offlo OFFICES, $13.60 and up. Desk room; furnished offices. Suite for dentist and physician. All night elevator service. Best Location. S03 Swetland Bldg. GROUND FLOOR office, adjoining new home. Chamber of Commerce; both phones, stenographic service, reasonable. Room 3, Commercial Club. LIGHTEST, nicest modern office rooms In the city at reasonable rates at the Drexel, 246 Yamhill, bet. 2d and fid. Main 265. BM ALL outside office room. Including phone, etc., completely furnished. 709 Corbett bldg. CHOICE business location for doctor and den tist. Phone C 1342, CHOICE outside office room for rent. Call 416 Commercial Club bldg. OFFICES or commercial sample rooms. Phoenix bldg., S, W. cor. 6th and Oak. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg. Apply Room 601. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, A SNAP A general store for sale, stock will invoice about $3oM; will sell cheap; dally sales average $Q; in a prosperous country town; no delivering; man and w:t can run business; good monthly pay roll In town. P. O. address. Box 43, Scotts Mills, Or. PARTNER WANTED A sober,- reliable man can secure a half interest in well es tablished business; if you want something good It will pay you to investigate this; .u required. Call room 316 Lumber Ex change bldg., 2d and Stark st. 150 Biggest bsrguin yet; splendid paying little cigar stand, 201 Bumslde st., corner Front; busy corner; single person can make no mistake hen. Call Immediately, if Interested. FOR SALE or exchange for acreage, ho-me. lt-rooni nou . urn vuikuub j new; price $1500. See owner. 307 H Main t., Vancouver. PARTNERSHIP in a flrst-class proposition, bst of references given and required; $300 required, half cash. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark St. RELIABLE man wants partner In old established real estate office; good open ing; need help. 26 Washington at-, room 405. PARTNER In a brokerage business; will fisy $200 per month; this will bear closest nvesUgatfon. Call room 315 Lumber Ex change bldg., 2d and Stark st. ON account of sickness will sell or trade for town lots, mv cipar and confectionery and poolroom. 2S7 t First st. Phone Main 812S. WILI sell your rooming-house, business or get you partner without publicity. Room 820 Lumbermen's. Fifth and Stark. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. - Telephone and other bonds bought and sold Fletcher Inv. Co., 123 Abington. GROCERIES and home bakery; doing good business; good reason for selling. G W. Grtdley. 80 4th St. A 3220; Main 6463. NICKELODEON outfit in one of the best down-town locations, to be moved by September 1. W 275, Oregonian. FOR SALE Drug store In live city, averaging $lO0t a mnth sales: Invoice about 6500; terms. Address Y 2i7, Oregonian. WE have several good business propositions that will stand in vestipation. 100O up. Z'10 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark. PARTNER wanted for business suitable for workfag man; $350 required ; pay ener getic man $4 day. Call 24$ H Stark st. CONFECTIONERY for $230; terme if desired- worth $400; good location. Owner, 615 Board of Trade, Splendid opportunity. PARTNER wanted to check goods, keep plain accounts, etc. ; $350 required ; will pay you $100 month. Call 24&Ss Stark u TO LEASE or for sale A new hole! in Washington; reason tor semng. oiner n--r-ests. Address O 301, Oregonian. . MAKE me offer for $10rtO equity in good paying located restaurant. AK 2y3, Ore gonian. HOTEL 35 beds, lease, a money maker; only $1000. 372 Stark WANTED Attraction. September Carnival. Address Box 61. Bandon. Or. HOTEL BAR for sale cheap. Inquire 35 Morrison iu $2 FOR 1000 business caras; 100. 60c. Rose City Prlntery. 19. 3d St., near Taylor. THE MORNING THE CLARK COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CO.. of Vancouver. Wash., owners of the electric railway system now being ex tended ta a point about 6 miles northeast of Vancouver, in Clark County, have plat ted a townslte on their property at the terminus of the electric line; the county roads from all directions lead to this townslte, which will be electric lighted and a splendid opportunity will be open for all kinds of business; no locations have as vet been sold, and applications will be given preference in the order of their receipt; state business for which lo cation is desired and address all communi cations to MURPHY st CASWELL, AGENTS. 2.10 Stark St.. Portland, Or., or T12 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. CONTRACTOR WANTS PARTNER. Mr. M. R.. an experienced contractor, now employed as engineer for a large general contracting company located In Chicago, wishing to form a contracting company to have headquarters and do business in tne Northwest, wants a partner who can put $10,000 or $15.0i'O In the business. Mr. M. K. can furnish about $TOX. and as he has charge of several contracts In this "ate now for his company amounting to about $)0Oio, is prepared to show hl ability and trustworthiness. No experience necessary, but no one need apply who Is not prepared to Show their trustworthiness and ability to do or learn ordinary office work. Can show any one where they can make better than loo per cent on their money. AD 2W, Ore gonian. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR INVEST MENT IN LARGE LOCAL PLANT, READY FOR BUSINESS IN SEPTEMBER; )," EARN NOT L-BSS THAN lO PER CENT FROM THE) START AND MORE WHEiN ITS BUSINESS IS WELL UNDRR WAY; ONLY $To00 OF ITS CAPITAL OF $100,000 R BM A IN S UNSOLD ; THOROUGH IN VBSTIGATION DESIRED AND HIGHEST RKFERENOEB, BANKING AND INDI ID U AL. S ITPU E P. FOR F ART1CL LARS ADDRESS AK 216. OREGONIAN. RESTAURANT. The best paying restaurant In the crty; right down town, on 3d e., establWhed 7 years; this is a money-maker; $JlfK will handle; must smll on account of stckness; come quick; a chance not often found. GRUSSI ft ZADOW, 81T Board of Trade. 4th and Oak Sts. IF you want a hotel, see me. Best hotel, good country town, clearing 26 per cent on price; $25. 000. 20-room brick European hotel, country town, good business; quick sale, $1000. New brick, 140 rooms to lease, city, and A bunch of others. JOS. C. GIBSON, 806 Gerllnger Bldg. GENERAL merchandise business for sale In good growing town of 3000 Inhabitants; No. 1 trade, best location in the place; satisfactory reasons for selling; a money maker from the start; a good proposition for a party with about 130O0 cash. Ad dress Lock Box 9, New berg. Or. A GOOD INVESTMENT. 82 lots In a good subdivision at $200 each; these lota must be sold as a whole on reasonable terms, but are close In and will ahew 100 per cent profit within a few months. AF 298. Oregonian. POULTRY, fish and vegetable market, the finest place in tne city; doing large busi ness ; everything complete; long lease. Come and see this place. Young, M2 Gerllnger bldg. CIGAR, Confectionery and Ice cream; cen tral; one of the best places in city; must sell today; located on Washington at.; don't fall to look this up. Call 248 Vs Stark st. SHARE Alaska's wealth; Investigate our water-right system; army of men working there now; stock 30c now. will be dollar this Winter. Inquire Alaska L ft D. Co., 617 Board of Trade. INVESTIGATIONS Titles, accounts and business transactions thoroughly and sat isfactorily investigated; all business strictlv confidential; 10 years' experience; best of references. AC 302, Oregonian. WANTED Small well-located cash grocery in Portland or vicinity that will stand investi gation; prefer one with living-rooms In connection; give particulars; owners only. Y 21. Oregonian. $2000 with services will place you In manu facturing business; established 14 yearn; earning 5uo monthly; bond furnished. See proprietor, 620 Lumber Exchange bldg. PARTNER wanted, prefer man used to farm products; trial given; owner will guaran tee energetic man JtlftO month. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. DO YOU want supplies or rent fllmT , We are independent, do not belong to the trust Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchlld tldg., Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE partner wanted; If you have 200 and are reMable and active. I will give you the best proposition in town. B 306, Oregonian. CIGAR and confectionery store, soda foun tain, full line soft drinks, at invoice price-first-class location, good business; don't overlook this. 233 H 1st st. PARTNER WANTED, experience not neces sary beyond ability to show land, etc.; will pay active man $150 to $200 month; little money required. Call 248 Stark. WILL SELL my equity In flne corner on proposed business street; will double In value In two years; I must sell. O 800, Oregonian. HOSPITALS, sanitariums and medical In stitutes bought and sold. Room 22, Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington sts-, Portland, Or. 6EB THIS Nloe delicatessen store, best loca tion in the city; flne equipment and stock, almost your own price. Owner, 807 Rothchlld bldg., 4th and Washington. FOR SALE One of the leading produce commission businesses of the city; will sell 1-3 Interest, 2-3 lnteneat, or the en tire business. Call 42$ Lumbermens bldg. WILL sell my interest in corporation for $.1000 that Is 'worth $6000 by actual as sets; best of reasons for selling. AH 296. Oregonian. FOR SALE Drug store, country town; net profits $1600 to $2000 yearly; win bear most rigid lnvee?tigation : lump or Invoice. Ad dress AM 296, Oregonian. 6-YEAR lease on modern apartment-house. Close in, -l oiuo, --' cost; $2000 required. Owner. AE 299, Ore gonian. - BARGAIN Small hardware store, living rooms and furniture; good location; no competition; no agents. C 294, Ore gonian. SWELL modern grocery; will Invoice fftftOO; established. See owner at Merchants 4 Traders' Exchange, 620 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Man wtth Eastern connection to handle good proposition; no money but ref erence required. 102 First st. FOR SALE Restaurant, cheap, clears $20 to $25 per day; rent is $20 per month. 34j Hawtnorneave. BARBER SHOP for sale cheap, 1064 8d st. North ; good location and trade ; owner must leave account health. FOR SALE) A good business In Salem, Or.; will trade for real estate, valuation about $9000. Address N 811. Oregonian. BUTTER and egg store cheap, a good busi ness where active man can clear $173 month. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. SPECIAL $200 with services will pay en ergetic man $25 week as partner in cash business. Call 248 Vs Stark St. FOR SALE A flrst-claes saloon for cash in Baker City, Or. Address K. Box 957, Baker City. BARBER SHOP for sale, 4 chairs, good lo cation, doing good business; owner leav ing city. L 303, Oregonian. NEVADA prospector wants grub stake; ex penses and interest in claims to prospect la Idaho. AD 213. Oregonian. WILL rent reasonable dining-room, with some boarders. Phone at once East 4237. OREGON DIAMOND COAL at a sacrifice. Fletcher. 223 Abington bldg. 6, 10 AND lS-cent stone; good location, lease, invoice. 272 Stark St. GROCERY STORE, corner, living rooms, good location. 272 Stark st. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale, good location. 215 11th st.. cor. Salmon st. ONLY hotel. Cove. Or.; good tousin Foye. Cove, Or. Grace ICE) CREAM and light lunch; prtce $325. Young. 612 Gerllnger bldg. CIGARS, candy, etc; $450 buys good place today. Call 248 V Stark st. ROOMING-HOUSE. 24 rooms; close in; lease. 272 Stark st. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale -by owner.. 485 Alder st. ONE of the best saloons in Portland, must be sold. N 304. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, grocery and feed; no caiieUUon; flne trade. 372 Stark sL f OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, HA RJTWA RID AND FURNTTURB STORE in a growing seaport town ; sells at Invoice, about $1400; oales 26 per cent per month; purchaser must have $3000 to put Into stock to handie the business; no competition with in eight miles; modern flat over store; good long lease on both store and flat; owner Is short of ready cash and cannot handle the trade on his present capital. 602 Swetlaad hi dg. ROOMTXG-HOTSE. 10TH ST. Furniture of 9 rooms on 10fh st.. all rent-' ed up for $35 per month, besides owner use some rooms; rent Is $25: a snap; fur niture in fine shape: price Is $4M); yuu will make monev on this; come quickj,' GRUSSI & ZADOW. 31T Board of Trade. 4tb and Oak Sts. REAL ESTATE man will take young man as partner to jihoW land; no experience neces sary and very little cash required; good chance for bright fellow. Particulars Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 320H Washington st., room 616. ONE general merchandise store, invoice sbout $3500 to $4000; one grocery, about $2000; each of these an exceptional bar gain. A. D. Christiansen, 125 Front st. Phone Main 1261. FOR PALE One of the best grocery stores In the suburbs of Portland, duing fine business. Apply J. C. Jacobsen. care Dres-sers-Sealy-Mason Co.. 3th and Stark sis. PARTNER wanted to check goods, etc.; don't reqiure experience and will pay you $4 day; little money required. Particulars room 417 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Capable party with $2000 to $3000 to take active Interest in live manufacturing company, doing a good business. B 291, Ore gonian. FOR SALE The best hotel In Tillamook, Or., good furniture and lease. Other busi ness my reason for selling. Address Box 104, Tillamook, Or. WE can locate Vou in paying business. Be fore buy In be sure and see us. Kinney ft Etampher, 581-533 Lumber Exohange bldg. Phone A 488L SPECIAL $700 will buy stone with living-rooms; man and wife can clear $8 to $10 day. Call 248 hi Stark st. GOOD clean stock general mdse.; Inv. $8500; good town. Polk Co. Full particulars ad dress owner, H 290. Oregonian. A BARGAIN Are you looking for first class rooming or boardlng-housaT If so, call and buy a bargain. 455 6th st. VERY good bakery with, an equipment; must go cheap. Inquire 226 Morrison at. CONFECTIONERY, cigar and ice cream par lor. Owner, 227 First St. WANTED Dairy, close in. East Side. What have you7 B 80S, Oregonian. PARTNER for real estate office; good thing; ask us about It. 272 Stark st. DENTIST'S CHANCER Office and practice; owner leaving city. N 802. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE, 24 rooms, close In, lease, terms. 272 Stark st. TEA and coffee stock, doing $250 a week; long lease. 272 Stark st. RESTAURANT for sale cheap to right party; good business. Barr ft W ight, 40 N. 6th. 10-ROOM boarding-house, newly furnished; 14 boarders. A 1725. HOUSE and acre on river front; on Oregon electric. 372 Stark st. ICE CREAM CONE factory; market for all can make. 272 Stark st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Excavation and Foundation. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Whidden 4 Lewis, architects. 701 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or., until 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, August 23. 1909, for removing trees, etc., excavating and - building foundations, and for such other wotk as called for in specifications, for the east wing of a new courthouse to be erected for the County of Multnomah, State of Oregon. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the architects. No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied - by a check payable to the order of the County Court of Mult nomah County, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter Into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work In the event the contract Is awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby rsserved. FRANK S. FIELDS, County Clerk. OFFICE VANCOUVER TRACTION CO NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Proposals will be received at the office of the Vancouver Traction Co., Vancouver, Wash., until 2 P. M., Monday, August 16, 1909. for furnishing all material and building a bridge over Burnt Bridge Creek, on the Vancouver Traction Co.'a line extension to Orchards, Wash. The structure will be a pile trestle ap proximately 850 feet long. A- certified check for 5 ver cent of the amount of the bid will be required, accompanying the bid, to insure the entering into contract. The right is teserved to reject any or all bids. Plans and specifications may be had on application at Ihe office of the Vancouver Traction Co.. or of Lotter ft Cunningham, Civil Engineers, Vancouver, Wash. SEALED proposals are invited for the con struction of a steel hull, single-screw tug boat, by the Port of Portland. Bids must be presented at the office of the Port of Portland by 4 P. M. of Thursday, the 26th day of August, 1909, and all bids must be accompanied by a certified check in favor of the Port of Portland for 3 per cent of the amount bid. Plans and specifications are on file at the office of the Port of Portland, and will be furnished prospec tive bidders providing security for the sum of $150. The Port of Portland reserves the right to reject any and all bids. John P. Doyle. Tlerk of the Board. SELED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of G. L. Alexander, School Clerk. Lebanon, Or., until Saturday. August 23, 1909 at 1 P. M., for the construction of a school building at Lebanon, as per plane, sneclfJcatlons and conditions, which may be seen at office of School Clerk, Lebanon, or P Ohapnelle Browne, architect. 406 Mar quatn bldg.. Portland, Or. J. W. Benten shaw, chairman. Stockholders Meeting. NOTICE le hereby given that the annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Oregon Rail road & Navigation Company will be held at the office of the company In Portland, Or., Thursday, September 2. 1909. at the hour of 12 o'clock M.. at which a board of di rectors will be elected and such other busi ness transacted as may properly come before the meeting. W. W. Cotton, secretary. Bflscskxi kseoa a. THE) D- ALEXANDER ABSTRACT OFFICE. Having recently purchased the D. Alex ander abstract plant and having an ex perience of 25 years in this kind of busi ness, we are now devoting our time and attention exclusively to abstracting titles in Multnomah County, and are prepared to fill promptly all orders In our line. J. M. ft E. H. SMITH, Abstracters and Searchers of Records, 412-413 Corbett Bldg. Phone Main 66. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereby given that ths partner ship heretofore existing between Otto G. Helfriclit and Anton Guber. under the firm name of Helfrlcht ft Guber Mill Company, has been this day dissolved by mutual con sent. " August 11 . 1 909. OTTO G. HELFRICHT, ANTON GUBER. I Architects, contractors, engineers, get Pacifl.i Builder ft Engineer. 401 Board of Trade. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. ke make 80 per cent building loans. Time and Installments. Call Main 8915. IMMEDIATE loans on real estate, chattels or personal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money; loans. Lewis ft Co.. 251 Wash, st PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgage H. MUley. room 204, Gerllnger. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co-. 414 Dekum bldg. Monev to loan, first and second mortgages purchased. E. L. Devereaux, Fenton bldg. $100 3 years on good real estate security. Jfewton McCoy. AG 29. Oregonian. MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent, Frary ft Seita, 132 5th st. LOANS on real. ersonal. chattel or collater al security. C, W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg. uovrt loaned on real estate mortgages or tr.rir w. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bids. AUGUST 14, 1909. fff tfS$tt$ MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. If you want to borrow privately wltn- - out delay, , HERE IS THE PLACE For a loan on your piano and furnlrurs (without removal), storage receipts, are Insurance policies, jewelry and diamonos and all valuable collaterals. AT LOWEST RATES IN CITY. On easy weekly or monthly Installments. All business strictly confidential. -U- S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO., Room 12 Hamilton Bldg-. 131 Third St. Phono Main 2084. $$$$$$$ FURNITURE LOANS. SALARY LOANS. ARE YOU IN NEED OF MONEY? If so. you can have the money today- Loans made privately on furniture, pianos, etc.. also salary loans at the lowest rates, pay ments can be made to suit your income. Liberal rebates if paid before due. Call ana see us, as our payments are sued as honest, people needing money can afford to pay. You may like us, others 4o. HOURS. 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. , WED'S AND SATS UNTIL 8 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO-, 308 FAILING BLDG. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horaes, insurance poli cies, ea.aries and all kinds of securities; REAL ESTATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN ft MTG. CO.. 416 Abington Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth ers upon their own names without secur ity; cheapest rates, easiest payments; or fices in 66 principal cities; save ourseir money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Kxchange Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved property. If for building purposes. Interest does not commence until actual disbursement of funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Life & Trust Company, 314 Lum ber Exchange bldg. ON improved city property or for building purposes; 8 to 8 years' time; liberal re payment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable. d and Stark sta ' TO LOAN. -Plenty of money to loan at 6 ana 1 per cent on real estate tecurlty. EDW. P. MALL CO., 309-310 Abington Bldg. , MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other real estate securities, bought on city property or lands anywhere in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble. 310-317 Lum bermen's bldg., Cth and Stark sts. $500,000 ON improved city or farm prop erty, building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. H- Mc Kinzle Co.. 614-15-16 Gerllnger bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. M- :Delovago. jewelers, 269 Washington at. 1 EMPLOYES LOAN CO., 821 Abington bldg. Money on installment plan. $200,000 TG LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, Hi Failing bldg. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get and easy to pay. F. A. Newton. 616 Henry bldg-. cor. 4th and Oak sts- State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 C. C. LOW rates; wo loan money- on.' diamonds and jewelry. .Marx & Bloch. 74 3d st. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on improved city property. Wm, MacMaster, 802 Worcester blk. MO0RTGAGE loans, 6 to 8 per cent; no com mission. Loewenson, 105 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate, mortgages bought. E. Pierce, 316 Allsky bldg. QUICK loans on all securities 8. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. $300, $500. $1000 Private mortgage money; no agents. Ward. Alisky tldtj- MORTGAGD LOANS; REASONABLE RATES. LEWIS & CO.. 251 WASHINGTON ST. $5000 TO LOAN at T per cent. C 296, Ore gonian. Loans Wantea. $6000 MORTGAGE on West Side income property, on Park St.. corner sold for $10,600; drawing 6 per cent interest since May this year; will sell for face value and discount th Interest. SENG-STAKE & LYMAN. 80 5th SL WANTED On business property, building loan of $-0,000, at 6 per cent, for 5 years; value $30,000. G 303, Oregonian. WANTED $350 for 8 months; excellent se curityM $1400 contract pay - Per cent. A 306 Oregonian. $1800 LOAN, on $8000 worth of property In Chehalts, Wash.; one year, 10 per cent; all expenses paid. B 805, Oregonian. WE can place first mortgage and building loans. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. WANTED $1000; private parties only, $3300 security. Phone Main 5536. LOAN of $1000, first mortgage, inside realty; no agents. Phone owner, J. R., Exchange 17. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Friday afternoon between 33d street and Columbia Slough, a black leather bag containing email purse and silver. Reward If returned to Ira Russ. grocer. Morrison st., between West Park and 10th st. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front st. Phone Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. WHITE Spits, pup, male. Return 300 Alns worth ave. LOST Black and white fox terrier named Whiskey. Reward if returned. 1SS 11th st. ERSONAL. DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon ; treats women and children exclusively; private hospital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047, A 241 1. 506 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. WANTED To communicate with Solomon W. Jewett or his direct heirs. Was In Sac ramento, California, in 1861. Address S. R. Seybold, New Kensington, Pennsyl vania. YOUNG man, 26, with means, wishes to cor respond with young lady or widow, 20 to 80, with mean?; object matrimony. Address N 807, Oregonian. DESIRABLE company foond for lonely peo ple, either sex; 500 to select from; gents $2, ladies free; circular 10c. Portland In troducing Bureau, 316 Allsky bldg. PORTLAND Matrimonial Club for lovers of home and family; sincere, sober people. Call or address with 10 cents. Mrs. H. C. -Wilbur, 146 H First. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin diseases, sores, ul cers, swollen glands, kidney, bladder and piles. 181 1st at- Portland. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3o9 Stark. LADIES, take notice; Mme. Hudson gives the only scientific facial massage in the city. Manicuring, 25c 2bG Washington st., room 207. PRIVATE hospital for women; any physician you choose; office. 300 E- 60th st.; Mt. 1 Scott or Hawthorne ave. cara Phone Tabor 8ti9. Dr. Isabolla Mackie- LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills are positively the best. Take no other. Price $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Address T. J. Pierce, 316 Alisky bldg. WANTED To buy second-hand pool tables; also box bowling alleys. Phone Main 8468. 526 Washington. DR. LOR ENS' NERVE TONIC. Tablets, 25c box. Eyssell's Pharmacy, 289 Morrison et., bet. 4th and 6th. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. Office hours. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. 1704 8d st. Main 8770. Mme Courtright, skin and scalp treat ments facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M 5042. USE Bassett's the Original Native Herbs i for rheumatism, constipation ; 50 tablets for 25c, In black boxes, at all druggists. PACIFIC Introducing Club for those matri monially inclined; circular 40c 229H 1st. FRANKT, write to Joseph; mother very anxious; confidential. Mother. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. JJ- mil. - J u ea.no r Diag- a i. o 4 -. I BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 660 Glisan st. Main 921G. Agents wanted. , - FREE MUSEUM. i Everv weak or aillns man should visit Dr. Taylor's .museum of anatomy. Free admission to our $10,000 exhibit. Now open at 234 Morrison St., cor. Second. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reiiaole akin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed ; hairdressing, manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock of hair goods in the West at cut prices, rarlors. Grand Leader, 6th and Alder. SWEDISH trained nurse, He;stngfors gradu ate cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing; steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th St.. one door from East Ankeny car. Phone e 200. Home B 1803. DRS. LAV ALLEY ft FARNUNG, Chiropractors, Have moved from 207 AlUky bldg., to rooms 413 and 419 Drexel bldg.. cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.- LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest Reliable. Take no other. Chichestera Diamond Brand Plus are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. ALICE A GRIFF. Diseases of women and children. No Charge for consultation. Room 10. Grand Theater bldg.. Washington and Park eta. Main 392S. A 5607. DR PIERCE cures all nervous, blood and skin diseases, both sexes; charges 30c up. Address 816 Alisky bldg. BCtilNKSS DIRECTORY. Accountants, B. H. COLLI3 ft CO., ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6361. Accordion Flailing. MISS O. GOULD, 333 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking. Assay era and Analysts. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 6880. Wells ft Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204fc Washington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. Attorneys at Law. EMMONS ft EMMONS have removed law olflces to 909-613 Board of Trade btdg. CLARENCE H. GILBERT, '205-207 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7471. A 4544. H. H. RIDDELL, attomey-at-law, 735 Cham ber of Commerce.' Main 4764, A S531. Commission Mercnanta. TAYLOR, YOUNG ft CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Collections. We collect everywhere; general law. Inter atate Adjustment Co., 50 i Gerllnger bldg. Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial rag rugs woven. Northwest Rug Works, 153 Union ave. East 3380. B 12bO. Chiropody. DR; O. O. FLETCHER, the people's favor ite chiropodist and foot specialist; treats all ills of the foot without danger of In fection. See him and take no chancea 800 Alisky bldg. Main S7ti. WM. ESTELLE and Floosie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 8;2 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 8473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton, Tilford bldg.. R. 204. 10th and Mor. C. F. BOOTHS Y Scalp and foot special-. 167 Park st. Coal and Wood. DRY MILL cuttings, $2.50 a load, within reasonable distance. NIcolai-Neppach Co. Main 7UO0. A 1495. YAMATO WOOD ft COAL CO. All kinds of best fir wood. Phones E. 818, B 1867. E. 6th and Main sts. BOX, planer and cord wood In any quanti ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2316, B 1695. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE CO. Silks, mattings, rugs, fancy goods. TO 6th. Dancing. SUMMER DANCING lessons 23c, including ladies -and gentlemen teachers, with mu sic p-of. Wal Willson School, 380 Wash ington street, bet. West Park and 10th St. Prof. Ringler, dancing master, 3 dances guaranteed, $5. 38616 E- Morrison. Phones. Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN D. V. S., D. C. M. Office 118 N. 6th. Main 40S6, A 4u86. Electric Motors. MOTORS Bought, repaired and exchanged. WEIDENTHAL-GOSL1NER ELEO WKB, 623 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 218 2d St. Feed Stores. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 482. Harness and Saddlery. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO., 331 Aakeny st. Phone Main 2402. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MAST1CK ft CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J A. STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1838. 189 Front mt. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 5th at. Main 53, A 2153. .Johnnie on the spot. MualcaJ. EMIL TH1ELHORN, violin teacher, pupil of Sevclk. A 4100. Pine 334. Main 3046. M C. Smith, teacher oi piano. 452 Salmon et. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty. LADY will give piano lessons. Phone Main 6222. Osteopathic Phyalcxana. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 416-16-17 Dekum. bldg., Third and Washington sts. Phone, office, Min res. East or B 1023. PaintsT Oils and (xiass. RASMUSSEN ft CO., jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent and Pension Attorneys. R C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; Infringement caees. 604 Dekum, J J HIRSHEIMER, pension and patent at "torney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. Paving. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. at Portland. Office 402-3-4 Worcester block. WARREN Construction Co., street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 817 Beck bldg. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO., office 801 Beck bldg. Main 3489. Factory 24th and York. Rooting. OLYMPIC ROOFING CO., 820 Cham. Com.; damp-proofing, repairing. M. .3010, A 42o. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade check and all office goods. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark st. Both phones 1407. Showcase, Bamc and Store Flxtnres. THE LUTKK MFG. CO., branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co., 6th .and Hoyt. R. Lutke. Mgr. THE Jas I. Marshall Manufacturing Co., manufacturers show cases, cabinets, store, office fixtures. 289 Couch St. Mam 2703. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Bewing Machines. ARTHUR 8. DICKINSON adjusts and re- nairs sewing machines of ail kinds. Main 6999. 22 N. Uh St., Portland, Or. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 614 Front. Signs. FOSTER ft KUEISER, SIGNS. The largest eign-makers in the North west. 8th and Everett sta Phona Private exchange 63. Home A V 13 C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co.. office and commodious rour-story Drick warenou , separate lroa rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. V. cor. 2d and Puis sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed lor shipping. Main 596, A. lt6. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General tranef erring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved aad packed fot shipment. 2v4J Oak St., bet. i'rum and 1st. Telephone Main 647 or A ;2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO. Storage, Free Trackage. Heavy Hauilng. Phones. Main 68, A 1168. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving a r pwdalty. 40-42 2d st. Phone A 18S4. Main 1618. Taxidermist and Furrier. OREGON'S best jnxidermlft ; expert In al branches. C. M. Harris. 4'.I5 Washington st Typewriters. WB ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate: all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 2S7 Washington st. 6PECIAL prices; all makes rented, sold, re paired. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Mala 14QT. Veterinary schools. DR GEO. KIRKPATRICK, veterinary sur geon. 42 Union ave., hospital petterson'l stable, 14 Union ave. E. 4016, B 3SU8. SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College. Cata log mailed free. Dr. Keane. 1818 Market st. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st. Wall pa per Ilncrustra. room moulding, etc tt ANILS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland. Oregom. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK- COlt. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL RANKIN BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS A AIL ARLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIL.S OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV IN C S A CCOU NTS; S A FKT DK POSl T VAULTS. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Fachlc. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Cottage Grove passenger... Shasta Limited California Express San Francisco Express. . . . . West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Uirove Passenger. . . . Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger... Rosebure Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limited. - West Side Corvallls PaSKPnger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 8:19 m- 4:15 p. m. 6:k p. m. 7:45 p. m. , 1:30 &. m. 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8 : 50 a. m. 1 : 00 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 7:30 a. m, 10:40 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 11:00 a. m. 9:30 p. m. 6:35 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 11:50 a. m. 4:40 p. m. Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland 1 Portland and Seattle Express. ... 8:15 a. m. Portland and Vancouver Special. (10:00 a. m. Puget Sound Limited I 8:00 p. m. Express. for North Coast pointel and Chicago 112:15 a. jo. Arriving Portland Express from Chicago and North Coast points 7:00 a.m. Seattle and Portland Express 4:00 p.m. Puget Sound Limited I o:.io p. m. Portland-Vancouver Special .,110:30 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Atlantic Express Chicago-Portland special. . Soo-Spokane-Portland Eastern Express Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portiand Oregon Express Chicago-Portland Special. . Pacific Express 8:10 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 7 :00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 9 :00 a. m. 7:2( a. m. 8:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Astoria t Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria & Seaside Express Astoria and Seaside passenger... Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Seaside Special. Saturday only. Arriving Portland Portland Express Seaside and Portland Passenger.. Hairier and Portland Passenger.. Painler and Portland Passenger.. Seaside Special, Sunday only. . . a. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. m. p. m. p. in. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland C. P- R. Short Line via Spokane. Via Seattle Arriving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane. Via Seattle 7:00 p. m. 12:15 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. bout hern Pacific. Leaving Portland -. Dallas Passenger I 7 ' Dallas Passenger I 4.80 p.m. Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger . . . .110: 15 a. m. . . . . f 5:05 p.m. ELEVENTH ASH HOYT STREET PASSEN VtK STATION. Spokane, Portland tt Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland ,,,. : Inland Empire Express .8:45 a. m. ; For Chicago, St. Paul. Orr.aha. Kansaa C'itv Pi Louis. Billings. Spokane. Cheney. Larn'ont.' Washturna. Kahlotus, Pasco. Rooievelt. Granddalles, Lyle. White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and Intermediate sta- Columbia River Local i:lX S" North Bank Limited ..... .. .-.. .5.40 p.m For Chicago. St. Paul Omaha. Kansas Citv St. Luls. Hillings. Spokane. Chent.. Lamont. Washtm-na. Kahlotus. Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddailos. Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and Intermediate sta tions. Arriving Portland North BanK Limited a "i ,? a.m. Fiom Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kama, Citv St. Louis, Hillings. Spokane. Cheney, Lamont Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco. Roosevelt. Oranddalles, Lyle. White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate ta- CoTumbla River Local .12 noon Inland Empire Express. ........ ..8.60 p. m. From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. KJ"" Citv St Louis. Billings. Spokane. Cheney. Lament. WaJ.htu.na. Kalhlotus Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles. Lyle. coldendale White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and Intermediate stations. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co, Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. stuUons 6:30. 7:40, 9:35, 11:33 A. M. I 2:00. S-5V 6 :'0 11:00 P. M. Limited for Tualatin inV-Balem-UiW A. Local for Wilson- vllle and. Int. stations 0:15 P. M. , Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int s7ations---6:4U. 8:30, 10:10 A M.; 12:13. 2?15. SY0. 6:33. 8:23. 11:15 P. Jd. Arrivine Portland from Salem and Int. .tat"mi 9:00 11:00 A. M. ; 12:05. 1:15 8:03. 8 15 8:20. 10:40 T. M. Limited from Salom and Tualatin 5:05 P. M. aonvlllo and Int. tatlon Local from Wil- -7:2U M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations 7 :M. 9:35. 11:23 A M.; 1.30, 2 55 4:35. 5:25. 8:10. 11:00 P. M. Portland Railway. Light Power Company. Car. Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting Room. First and Alder and Last Water and East Morrison t'reets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND CA MORRISON STREETS. ...... .-.i.An n-sn a t . and every miriutes to and including UP. M.. then 80 ln-0O 11"00 P- M.: last car miamgnu Gresham and intermediate points J:fS5. 5s ll:3. 10:45 A. M.. 13:45. 8:4 H'il 4 45. 5:45. 6:45. 7:45, 11.15 P. M. ..fTJotrsX iir&Z. S:4i :7 4:45l k xt. 6:45 P. M cadero and intermediate points 6:55. A. M.. 12:45. 2:45, 4:45. 6:45 8:45. 10:45 p. M. For Vancouver Ticket Ulllce ana waning ii. and M..671S. 6:30, 7:25. 8:00. 8:35. 9:10. A. 8:50, p 10:30. 11:10, 11:50. v 1:10. 1:50, 2:S0, 8:10. 8:50, .'is !:, B 30 7:05. 7:40. 8:15. 9:25. 4 -nn 10:3 :?. "11:45. ........ On Third Monday la every montn in. immi ,ivea at 7:05 P. M. , "Dally Monday, except Bunoay. . vmyr