Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 13, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Exclusive Portland Agents for The Royal Worcester Bon Ton, Howd and Le Beau Front Lace Corsets j
Valae up to
35c Friday 15c
Neat and complete
line of Embroid
ered Ilankerchiefs
initialed hand
embroidered ; 35c
value 15
Long Silk Gloves 79c
Select assortment of Long
Silk Gloves, black and white,
all sizes, durable and pliable.
Vals. up to $1.25. Spe- 7Qp
cial sale price Friday, .low
Values np to $1.00, at. .69
Short Silk Gloves, in all
colors, at. . .50 to $1.50
Unprecedented Sale of Linen Suits
Lingerie Dresses, WashSkirts, Etc.
Two Great Millinery Reductions
Sale of Shirts Oxfords Fabrics
Olds, Worhnan & Kin
jaoois, Kouars ic
Dainty Dutch Collars and"
Jabots, Tailored Stocks, Em
broidered Linen Collars and
Pitted "Wash Belts, with de
tachable pearl buckles; val
use up to 65c, all marked
down for this Friday 17p
Economy sale, special, .lib
Reg. 75c Hair
Brushes on Sale
Friday at 59c
Regular 75c value
Hair Brushes, stiff
bristles, solid
backs, special for
one day
only, at. . .
Combination Suits
On Sale Friday 98c
Three extra specials in women's
combination suits for Friday Econ
omy Sale; materials of nainsook,
lace and embroidery trimmed, me
dallion insets:
$1.50 value on sale at, suit. . 9S
$1.95 value on sale at, suit. .$1.49
$2.25 value on sale at, suit. .$1.57
WAll Lingerie at
Temptingly Low Prices
French hand-embroidered lingerie,
consisting of gowns, skirts, draw
ers, chemise, corset covers and combination suits
to be sold at one-third less than regular prices:
Gowns ranging in price from 92.50 to $37.50
Skirts from $5.00 to $60.00
Chemise from $1.00 to $18.50
Corset covers from $1.00 to $16.50
Combination Suits from $5.00 to $18.50
Drawers from $1.5 to $15.00
65c Rubber
Gloves 49c
Best grade of Rnbber
Glows, all else, in the
popular maroon shade.
Regular values 5o.
Special 49
Absorbent Cotton, full
weight. pound rolls,
smooth and soft. Regu
lar value 40c. Spe
cial 25
8 o a p. Violet - Scented
Buttermilk, fine for
complexion. Regular
value 26c box. Spe
cial Combination Hot Water
Bottle and Fountain
Syringe, t extra points,
2-quart size. Regular
val. $1.75. Sp'l..-fl.39
Heavy Comb Ironing
Wax keeps the iron.
si..ooth, makes Ironing ,
a pleasure. Special
price 4
Bath's Suits 3SE. Reduced Envelopes
. ' tlB. YeTVI Jk mnlAnl
Are you going to the Beach? If so, you should take advan
tage of our Friday Economy Sale on Bathing Suits. We have
a complete line, all sizes and standard colors, neatly trimmed
in washable braid, with or without sailor collar.
For Women9 sW ear For Children's Wear
We Offer We Offer
$2.75 Value at . $1.89 tf.QQ Value at . . . 83c
$4.50 Value at $2.59 2 QQ y t $12Q
$7.50 Value at $3.89 vaueat.
$10.00 Value at $7.59 3'00 Value at ' ' $L79
$15. 00 Value at $10.95 $5.00 Value at . .$2.98
Complete Line Bathing Shoes, Caps, Accessories Greatly Reduced
Plain White Envelopes,
25 in package, regular
No. 6 size, extra fins fin
ish. Regular value 6c
Special ZV
Writing Tablets,- extra
fine quality, ruled,
note size. 6 by . Regu
lar value 10a Spe
cial 5f)
Alcohol Stoves, with
tin pot, nickeled, tin
plate. Regular . 85c
Special 68
Combination Spool, Pin
and Thimble Holder,
Just the thing for the
sewing table. Regular
tba value. Special-. 26f)
Lunch sets - containing
one collapsible sanitary
lunch box. 8 decorated
crepe napkins, S sheets
'wax paper, 1 pepper and
salt envelope, especially
designed for picnic ex
cursion lunches. Spe
cial 8
Outing Flannel Gowns
A sample line of outing flannel gowns to be sold
at a very low figure. Just a limited number, and
one only of each style. Excellent quality of flan
nel, well tailored and extra full width PI QC
and length. Prices from 8oc to wliuu
Children s20c
Hose 12lhc Pr.
Get your young folks
ready for the Fall
term of school. Chil
dren's Medium
Weight Hose, cotton
ribbed; value up to
20c the pair, 1 Qln
special I2U
Women's Lisle Hose
Friday's Sale 29c Pr.
Inspect your supply of Summer
Hosiery and replenish it now
at economy prices. We are of
fering a complete line, in black
and colors, either plain, em
broidered or all-over lace;
values np to 65c, now OQn
selling at special price. ..jb
30c Gingham Aprons 19c
Protect your pretty house dresses with large ging
ham aprons. Standard checks in fast colors that
wear well and wash well. Extra large, with IQn
pockets and strings. Values to 30c, special. . Uu
Sale of Dainty Lingerie
Dresses-Marvelous Values
$18.50, Friday for $4.97
Final clean-up sale of Lingerie Dresses good styles and favorite
colors. Made in the most desirable styles, princess effects, of the
sheerest and daintiest of lawn and trimmed with venise and val
enciennes lace, embroidery and tacks. Especially cut to fit with
ease and grace, no surplus fullness at hips and waists, carefully
inspected in every detail. White, blue, pink and
lavender. Best values to $18.50, at this low figure
See Our Great Window Display of
Advertised Dresses, Skirts, Etc., Etc.
Monster Cut on
All Linen Suits
The season's best models
in linen suit3. This assort
ment will help you to
solve that vexing ques
tion how to dress welL in
correct style, at moderate
LOT A Consists of plain
and fancy tailored styles,
colors in blue, gray, nat
ural linen and white, val
ues $45.00 Friday only
at, the suit $12.79
LOT B Consists of linen
suits and dresses, subdi
vided into three special
Lot 1, $10 value, at $3.98
Lot 2, $15 value, at $5.98
Lot 3, $20 value, at $7.98
Great Reductions
on All Wash Skirts
Unheard-of reductions on
"tub" skirts for Friday
only. Plain gore and other
models, well cut and well
hung, finished with straps,
plaits or buttons. The most
substantial Skirt Sale of the
season. Come early while
there are many to choose
Lot 1, $1.50 value at 89
Lot 2, $2.75 value at S1.49
Lot 3, $3.75 value at $1.89
Lot 4, $4.50 value at $3.39
Lot 5, $5.50 value at $2.89
Lot 6, $6.50 value at $3.39
Lot 7, $7.50 value at $3.89
Lot 8, $10.00 value at $.00
Lot 9, $15.00 value at $7.50
Lot 10, $20.00 value $10.00
Great Friday Sale Shirts
August Clean-Up
Sale in men's furnish
ing department is
working wonders, but
there is plenty for all
still left. Special sale
of shirts and hosiery
continues at even
greater reductions-
$3.00 golf or negligee
shirts, price ..$1.95
$2.50 golf or negligee
shirts, price. . .$1.75
$2.00 golf or negligee
shirte, price . . $1.35
$1.50 golf or negligee
shirts, price ..$1.15
$1.00 golf or negligee shirts, price only. . .. .59
Fancy Hose 15c. Porosknit Underw'r35c
The extra quality of these lines costs you nothing
extra. Come and see for yourself and be con
vinced of the great bargains in these..
25c Hose at. 15 50c Hose at". 25
The famous Porosknit underwear needs no in
troduction. It comes in separate garments,
shirts and drawers, colors blue or pink. Sold
everywhere at 50c the garment, Friday 9 En
and Saturday, special sale price iJulf
85c Nurses9
Aprons 69c
Cambric Aprons for the trained
nurse and the nursery maid.
Fine cambric, with or without
bib, button belt or wide strings.
Values up to 85c each, CQp
special price, this sale... 03u
Women 's Un ion
Suits $1.35 Val.
Friday Only 98c
Summer weight Knit
Union Suits, low
neck, lace trimmed,
in all sizes; values
up to $1.35,
snecial crice.
Children9 s Aprons Redu'd
Mother Hubbard Gingham Aprons, without sleeves, in
for the little miss, from 2 'to 8 years, special price. ... I UU
Dark Blue Percale Aprons for girls, made box style, Aft
turn-over collar, wide string and pockets, special Hub
Buy a Regular $1.00 Golf or tQ'n
Negligee Shirt Friday for only OZfC
Oxfords tY&'o'o at $1. 00 Pair
Summer Footwear at very spe
cial prices. Decidedly the best
values to be had today any
where. Every purchase means
a great saving. Quality, work
manship and style up to our
usual high standard.
Women's Oxfords, in broken
sizes, tipped or plain toes,
blucher and regular laces, pat
ent leathers or plain kids,
black, tan and brown; values to
$5.00; special while CM nn
they last at only M lUU
Canvas Shoes, in white or col
ors, button, lace, blucher or pumps, leather or covered
heels i values to $4.00, special price, this sale
Colored Oxf o r d s, Plain Black, values Popular Models,
values to $6.00, up to $5 the pair, values up to $5.00,
special ... $3.49 special . . . $2.98 special . . . $1.98
Economy Sale in Millinery Department
One Great Special at $3.98
Season-End Sale in the millinery department
for Bargain Friday. Entire clean-up of mid
summer hats, straw and lingerie. Trimmed
hats,, rough straws and hand-made O Q Q 0
hats, at the low price of, each udiuU
Trimmed Hats for Only 98c
Another lot of astonishing Millinery values
trimmed hats, good values, usually
priced at a great advance over this small
price. The lot is limited, but while QQp
they last you may have your choice at. u 0 u
Dress Fabrics at 69c
Final clean-up of fancy dress fabrics, val
ues to $2.50 per yard, at 69. Many
weaves and colors to select from, suitable
for suits, separate skirts, waists CQn
and children's dresses. Special at. Oull
$1. 75 Silk Pongee at $1.39
Yard-wide imported Silk Pongee, hand
some luster finish, regularly sold 01 0 Q
at $1.75 per yard. Special U 1 1 0 J
Irish Point Lace C urtains)
Special sale of Irish Point Lace Curtains, six differ
ent styles to select from. Values to $3.50. Qr
Special at the very low price of . . . . .M i JU
Wool Smyrna Rugs at $1.45
Double-faced, all-wool Smyrna Rugs, oriental and
floral designs, size 30x60 inches. Value, ff-l yjr
to $2.25, on special sale at, each. $ 4U
Regular 35c Cretonnes 27c
New Fall Outing Flannels 8c Yard
Hundreds of pieces to select from in new Fall outing
flannels, light, medium and dark colorings, in stripes
plain colors. Friday special only, the yard Ob Oon t Miss the ureat rnday Lconomy Sale in the Suit Room
Special values in figured cretonnes, white ground
with pink, red, yellow and blue flowers, 36 f)7n
J finches wide, value 35e, on special sale at.
Veilings Laces, Ribbons
Late arrivals in Veilings, Em
broideries, Laces and Ribbons
marked down for Friday Econ
omy Sale. New lot of Auto
Veils, square effect; also 2
and 3-yard Auto Veils.
Corset Cover Embroideries and
wide .Flouncing, with Irish
crochet . edges, $3.00 CM AD
values, special price. . .0 I 0
Assortment of Edges and Inser
tions in batiste and nain- Q0n
sdoks, values to $2, sp'l.. DOli
Batiste Medallions and Festoon
Bands, Venise Lace Bands and
Edges, Chantilly Laces and
Bands, regular prices QQp
to 75c, special price..... Zuu
Novelty Ribbons, in checks,
plaids, stripes, Dresdens, plain
taffeta and changeable effects; values to 50c yd., special 23
Crepe Paper 7c
Fancy colors in crepe
paper, 9 feet to the roll.
Regular value 10c 7p
special price, roll. I u
Stationery Cut
Superfine writing paper and
envelopes, fabric finish, 24 en
velopes and 24 sheets paper.
Regular value 20c, Iflp
special sale price I Uu
50c Center Pieces at 39c
Art department special offering for Friday Econ
omy Sale 22 and 24-inch center pieces, stamped
on good quality of white linen, attractive and artis
tic patterns, a large assortment of designs QQp
to choose from. Values to 50c, special Friday .0 J U
OFFICERS GIVEN BLAME bonga tTom J1 x ta Auiust . Investt- Brlgadler-aenera! Harry H. Bandhotts, lag privates before the mutiny and for CYDCDT RIIRftl AD PATPHFR than ny other -woman on record In New owners of the property may target this,
. atln; the Davao mutiny, which oc- chief of the Philippine constabulary. abandoning his post. - . . t.n UUIlUtMn OHIOnLn York, .explained to Magistrate Cornell but I always remember It- So. whenever
xfntlnv fnlt nf rvinim.n.l.rt. curred June C, submitted today a report The investigators demand the resigna- The report also recommends the re due- .. . her methods of taking prisoners. Mrs. I see a burglar in the house I shout .at
Jar.o Mutiny Fault or Commanders, recommending severe punishment for tion oJ cantata Platka and lieutenant tion of Lieutenant Golcouria to the bottom Gotham Woman Tells How She Got jACObs eaid: him and startle him. Then I run for
Says Conrt. f"ur of th officers who had charge of rw,rth th ,. . ' the list of Lieutenants and his sua- Four In Thrwi Vb. "I bave caught four of them in the last him. I ruji till I catch him. I then punch
,f u,t"ous company. Dunsworth, on the ground that they are pensjon for a month. Special leniency our In Ihree Weeks. three weeks, and I have caught each of him until a policeman comes. His nerves
- The board examined numerous wit- lacking in the proper qualification of of- shown in the case of Goicouria. on - them in the same way. To begin with, a are always unsteady."
MANILA. .Aug. 1 The high ranking tiesses. including several of toe captured fleers, and recommend the dismissal of account of his youth and the bad. exam- NEW YORK, Aug. 13. Mrs. Freda Ja- burglar Is more frightened than the peo- Charles A. Beyer was Mrs. Jacob's lat-
Constabulary Board, which sat at Zam- mutineer, and its report is approved by Lieutenant Debelaine for unjustly punish- pie set for him by his superior officers. cobs, who has. caught more burglars pie whose property he is stealing. The est prisoner. He was held in J1000 ball.