TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY,. AUGUST 10, 1909. Great Half-Price Sale of Men's and Young Men's Suits in Clothing Dept. 2d Floor Delineator for Sept. Now in Special Fall Number 18 Meier & Frank Store $ 1 Dress Goods 3?c 1000 vanls Wool Suitinps. light and me dium effects, stripes and checks; 0 7 38 to 54 ins. wide; vals. to $1 yd. - loOO yards of Dress Fabrics, Xovelty Suitings, English Mohairs, fancy Pana mas, etc.; 44 to o( inches wide; all at tractive new materials; values up C7. to $1.50 the vard. on sale at, yard 2000 yards of 30-inch best grada of im ported French C'hallies, in Persian and large floral designs; also Persian border effects; light, medium and dark CQ colorings; 75- values, at, the yard V3 Off on ChinawVe Austrian China, blue violet decoration, stock pattern, on sale at. these prices: Regular $2.25 Sauce Dishes, doz.$1.50 $1.25 Sauce Boats, on sale at. ea..84 $1.50 Chocolate Pots on sale at..5j51.0O $1.10 Sugar Bowls, on sale at, ea..73 Regular $4.50 Platters, for, ea..3.00 $l.(io Platters, for, ea. .1.10 $Ti.OO Mush Bowls, at, the doz..$2.00 $2.50 Soup Plates, at. the doz. $51.75 $2.50 Plates, on sale at, dozen. .$1.67 50c Pickle Dishes'on sale at, each. .33 Regular $1.35 Butter Dishes, at..90' $2.10 Vegetable Dishes, at, ea..$1.4U Regular 50c Creamers, for, eaeh..33 $1.50 Tea Pots, on sale at. each.-Sl.OO Keptilar $2.50 Platters, at. each. .1.67 $2.50 Bone Plates, the dozen.. 1.67 $50 Plates, on sale at, dozen.. $2.33 Regular $3.00 Plates, at. doz. .$2.00 00c Individual Butters, at. dozen.. 60 Entire stock of Refrigerators on sale at very low prices in the Basement Store. Croat Stocks at 4? c Special lot of Lace Coat Collars and Sets in allover laces, venise laces, net top laces and embroidery effects; the QQ best $1.25 and $1.50 values, each OC Special lot of embroidered Croat Stocks, in white with embroidered dots and fleur de lis designs; best 75c vals., eaeh..47 Great sale of hand-embroidered straight Collars, also hand-embroidered Dutch Collars. French and eyelet ef- CO. forts; 75c and 85c values, at, ea. Special sale of Helen Taft Collars, white and colors; large variety of col- 1 fg ors and styles; 35c values, each A Xew lot of Oriental Spangled Scarfs, on sale at prices from $6.00 to $12.00 Xew Xeck Ruchings in handsome styles, on sale at all prices. Let us show you. Laces, Embroideries Ureal sale of manufacturers' lengths of swiss and nainsook Embroidery, Edges and Insertings for women's and ' chil dren's wear; 4J2 and 5-yard lengths; in the best patterns; values Bp to 7Qfm $2.25 a strip, on sale at, special 1000 yards allover Swiss Tucking, with inserting of lace and embroidery, for vokes and sleeves; values up J?1 QQ to $3.00 a yard, on sale at V -' 3000 yards of swiss and nainsook Em broidery Edges, Flouncing and Bands, for lingerie gowns and waists; designs in imitation Irish and filet ef-QQ fects; values up to $1.50 yd., at Three big lots 5000 yards of new and pretty Corset Cover Embroideries, in swiss. nainsook and crossbar dimity beautiful styles, in a large assortment. Regular 75c values, at, the yard, 39S Regular 00c values, at, the yard, 59 Regular $1.25 values, at. the yard, 69 "Lily White semi-made Corset Covers, in very pretty styles; the regular Cflf $1.25 values, at this low pricei ea. w"1. The Meier dm Frank S tore's Expansion Sale $100,000 Stock Oriental Rugs At Interesting WMImmul Price Reductions For the remainder of the month we announce our great annual Aug ust sale of Oriental Rugs at prices that never fail to interest the best rug buyers in the community- Rare and antique Oriental rugs at prices we guarantee the lowest ever quoted on rugs of equal value the showing is the largest and best in the city Many of the best pieces that ever found their way into the American market We list a few of the extra special values in medium priced rugs Third floor Lot 1 200 Relouchistans, deep, rich colorings ; average size 3 feet 6 ins. J "1 A O C by 4 feet 6 inches; values up to $30.00, on sale at this special price, each V Lot 2 200 Cabistans and Shirvans, in exquisite designs and colorings; Jl K Qti size 3 feet by 4 feet 6 inches; values up to $30, on sale at, special, each pJei7J Lot 3 200 Daghestans, Cabistans and Shirvans, averaging 4 by 6 feet; dJOO Kf) soft, rich tints, beautiful pieces; values up to $45 each, at this low price PfciJJv Lot 4 Beautiful assorted Kazaks, magnificent antique- pieces; average COQ 00 size 4 by 7 feet; regular values up to $50.00 each, on sale at, special, ea. PvfV Lot 5 Irans, Feraghans and Shifaz Rugs, 4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 ins.; CC 00 extra choice rugs; best regular values up to $75 each, on sale at, special P"J.Vvf Lot 6 Kiz Killims, suitable for couch covers and draperies; vals. "to $65, at. .$27.50 Lot 7 Princess and Royal Bokaras, large and small sizes; great special values, on sale at prices ranging from $35.00 to $300.00. On saloon the Third Floor. Lot 8 200 Sennahs, rich designs and colorings; size 4 feet 6 inohes by 7 Cfi OO feet 6 inches; regular values up to $85.00 eeach, on sale at this low price P"UVI Lot 9 Hermans and Saruks, choice pieces; size 4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet JJ7Q OO 6 inches; regular values-up to $150.00 each, on sale at this special price V f.Vvr Antique Mosuls, size 4 by 8 feet; regular $50.00 values, at this low price, ea. .$21.05 $6 to $10 Gowns at $4.48 $5 to $6 Chemise at $3.93 $3.50 Pajamas.at $2.67 Pr. Special lot of high-grade Nightgowns, trimmed in lace and embroidery, tucks, insert ing beading and ribbon; slipover and high-neck styles; all are new, pretty, Ct AQ high-class gowns; best regular $6.00 to $10.00 values, on sale at, spl., each P "T'O Special lot high-grade French hand-embroidered Chemise, with double seal- CO loped edge, embroidery yoke effects, eyelets drawn with ribbon; $5-$6 vals. Special lot of women's Pajamas, in pink, blue and tan, trimmed in braids and frogs; fine quality, sateen material, all sizes, for women and misses; $3-$3.50 vals.. $2.67 Great clean-up sale of the celebrated "Nemo" Corsets. You should take advantage. 15c-25c Wash Goods 1 lc 35c Wash Goods 19c Yard 75c White Swiss 50c Yard 2000 yds. printed Mulls and Lawns, pretty sstyles; 15o to 25c values, at, the yard. .11 2000 yards striped Suitings, new and pretty styles; regular 35c values, at, yard.. 19 2000 yards of white Madras Waistings, regular 35c values, on sale at, the yard. .19 50 pieces beautiful white embroidered Swiss, best regular 75c values, at, the yd..50 Remnants of white and colored Wash Goods, on sale at low prices. Lt us show you. Sale of Fine Lingerie Waists Great August Cleanup of all our high-class Lingerie and Cotton Shirt Waists All new beautiful styles in lawns, dimities, batistes and cotton crepes, made with rows of fine insertion, lace, white and colored embroidery Yokes trimmed in lace, em broidery, medallions and fine tucks Below values Regular $4.60 Waists at $2.95 Regular $5.00 Waists at $4.12 Regular $6.00 Waists at $4.95 Regular $7.00 Waists at $5.95 Regular $8.00 Waists at $6.85 Regular $9.00 Waists at $7.85 4fK , Regular $13.00 Waists en sale at $. 9.55 Regular $10.00 Waists on sale at SgS.foo . .., ., , of a r Regular $11.00 Waists on sale at $9.15 regular ?i.uu " $55.00 Silk Princess Dresses $18.45 Ea. Regular $40.00 Dresses at $14.85 Each Regular $12.00 Walking Skirts at $3.85 Women's beautiful Silk Princess Dresses, in rajah silks, pongee silks, taffeta silks, messaline silks and satin foulards; round and demi-train effects; in hanusome styles made with gold lace yokes, embroidered bands of net, also Irish crochet and tucked net and Persian bands. The color assortment includes tan, mode, rose, pink, lavender, black, white, catawba, blue, Copenhagen and gray; dresses selling regu- CI B Afi larly at prices np to $55.00 each, on sale .at this unusually low price, ea. T Great special line of linen, silk and foulard Dresses, with braided net waists and full flare skirts; many have clusters of pleats and all have deep hem; lace yokes and sleeves or sleeves of self material, elaborately trimmed; magnificent, up-to-date, Cll QC ready to wear apparel, regular values up to $40.00 values, on sale at, ea. r Great special line of women's Walking Skirts, in fancy tweed mixtures, panama cloths and alpaca plain flared effects with bias folds and stitched bands, also satm bands; come in hlack, navy, green, gray and tan mixtures, checks, stripes, etc.; a gg QC great variety for your selection; regular values up to $12.00, on sale at, ea. r Women's and Misses' Coats $6.45 Great clean-up sale of women's and misses' Coats in broadcloth, taffeta, serges, cov erts, worsteds and tweeds, also lace and braided net coats, in white, black, tan, plain and fancy mixtures; short, medium and Ion gengtbs ; loose, semi and tight- CfJ AC z i. a tr,n-n i.iinmJ amit:- vbItips to 50. at. carmen! V Illtirijr, garments , pituu a-uu inuij i v - t - - j ' o Eajah and Taffeta Silk Suits, in black and navy only, strictly tail- U Drrp ored styles, handsomely made and finished; $25.00 to $50.00 values I Entire stock of three-piece Silk' Suits, alt new. IWtf styles, piain tau- WflCQ ored and fancy trimmed ef facts; values ranging from $35 to $85, at I Great special values in Tailored Suits let us show you. On sale on Second Floor. Our entire stock of Lingerie Dresses, specially reduced; in colors; new, dainty styles for hot weatner ana evening wear; values irom fpxu io fj, - Special line of white Serge Suits, with black line stripe, this season's Ly Dpipg styles; regular values ranging from $25.00 to $45.00 a suit, on sale at Lace Curtains at One-Half Price Sale extraordinary of two-pair lots of white Lace Curtains, white Renaissance Cur toina whifr fTirt Antoinette nnd white Clunvs: heavy wide borders; made on the best French nets; valnes ranging from $10.50 to $35.00 a pair; only fo PC6 two pairs of a kind. Your choice while they last at y2 regular prices v'' Great sale of fine domestic Arabian Laoe Curtains, in ecru, made on plain cable nets, with heavy corded borders and insertings; corded on both sides; three lots, low-priced: $12.00 values, pair, $7.85 $15.00 values, pair, $9.75 $16.50 values, pr., $11.00 Ecru Soutache Curtain Laces, with corded insertings, on plain, fine or heavy "7QC French nets: 30 to 50 inches wide; regular values to $1.50 yard, on sale at 2000 yards of colored swiss, floral and block designs ; white grounds with blue, 1 1 yellow, pink or green figures; do inefles wiae; great special Tame, saie u, j.u. $4 Gloves $1.69 $4 Chamois Gloves $1.47 Special lot of long Glace Kid Gloves, mousquetaire style, in all colors and t 1 ( sizes; regular $3.50 and $4.00 values, to be cleaned up at this price,, pair. V Great clean-up of 16-button length Chamois Gloves, in white and natural A 7 colors; all sizes; 54 to 7; best regular $3.00 values, at this price, pair P ' Broken lines of Silk Gloves and short JSad moves on saie at wonaenuuy low prices. Meier & Frank Store Groceries Reduced Best East'n sugar-cured Hams, lb. .18 Our best Japan rice, teu lbs. for. .55 Good standard Tomatoes, 3 tins..22 Best Western Sugar Corn, 3 tins. .25 Sapolio, on sale at this price, cake. .7J Corn Meal, on sale at 10 lbs. for. .29 Jams raspberry, currant, straw- Of" berry, on sale at, special, the jar JC 60c Spider Ieg Japan Tea, at, lb..42 Baker's Cocoa, 1-lb. tins, at, tin..45 Crosse & Blackwell's Lucca Oil, '72 now selling at this price, bottle OC Mrs. Porter's Home-Made Salad yfe Dressing, at, special, 10c and'-'C Large jars of Chipped Beef, jar..25 Imported Kippered Herring, 3 tins.50 New, large, white Asparagus, JJ" (f ,pn sale at, special, 3 tins for Victor Baking Powder, money- OC back brand, on sale at, the pound "" Carnation and Pioneer Milk, doz..95 K. C. Baking Powder, at, the tin..22 Best Family Soap, at 15 bars for..50 All lines of Groceries and Provisions sold here at the very lowest prices. Prompt delivery. Phones Exchange 4 and A 6101. August Linen Sale Thousands and thousands of yards Table Damask in all grades, at extraordinary low prices. Best patterns in large as sortment. On sale at these low prices: 66-inch silver bleached Damask, OQ regular .60c value, at, the yard OIC 68-inch mercerized satin Damask, flfif, Tpmilar 75c value, on sale at. vd. Ww 72-moh double satin Damask, regular $1.50 values, at, yard 72-in. double satin Damask, regular $1.75 value, at, yard Satin Damask Napkins of superior qual ity and best pattern, on sale as follows 200 doz. 24-m. Napkins, best patterns, $4.50 values, dozen 300 doz. 22-in. Napkins, best patterns, $3.00 values, dozen 5-8 Napkins, regular $.00 values, on sale at, the dozen 3-4 Napkins, regular $10.00 values, on sale at, the dom Sale Scalloped and $1.29 $1.39 $3.75 $2.50 $5.00 $7.00 Embroidery Cloths Great sale of scalloped and embroidered Cloths, very pretty pieces, three sizes: Size 36 by 36 inches, at, each, $5.00 Size 45 by 4) inches, at, each, $6.00 Size 54 by 54 inches, at, each, $7.00 Hemstitched Linea Table Sets, beautiful styles-and qualities, at these low prices: 8-10 Cloths, with Napkins to KA (( match, regular $5.00 values Pff 8-12 Cloths, with Napkins to C f( match, regular $6.00 values f'ww Great values in Towels and Toweling. Great values in Sheets and Pillow Slips. Great values in Blankets and Comforters. Great values in Bedspreads, in all grades. 50 handsome linen Table Sets, cloths and napkins to match; beautiful patterns, fine quality; values up 1 CQl fff to $20.00 set, on sale at J0 Vil Hand-embroidered Table Linens reduced. 500 pieces of aU-linen Crash Tow- Q eling, regular 12y2o value, at, yard 300 dozen linen Huck Towels, 1 Q best regular 25o values, at, each V 300 dozen Bath Towels, in good 1 A size, best regular 20c values, each 200 Bath Mats, $1.25 values, each.-98 500 good heavy Cotton Pillow Cases, sizes 42x36 and 45x36; best "JOlAp 15c values, on sale at, each 2000 good heavy cotton Bed Sheets, size 81x90 inches; special value, each.. 75 '5000 yards of good quality Cam- 1 ru bric, exceptional value, at, yard: VC SOLUTION IS FOUND Children's Playground May Be Moved Few Blocks South. MAKE PLACE FOR NEW JAIL Opinion Prevails That Purchase of Sit for Municipal Building at Park and Everell Slrerls Will Be Authorized by Council. Mayor Pinion has offered to have the children's playpround at Park and Ever ett street moved joiith one or two blocks jimi Installed - In even better condition with added facilities, if needed, and it is believed, therefore, that all opposition to the site selected for a new municipal building is thus eliminated. Miss Prltch Hid. who has charise of the grounds for the People's Institute, in discussing the matter with th Mayor sakl she believed that, if the children's apparatus Is placed farther south, there can be no objection. That the city building. In which are to be located K)Iice headquarters. Muni cipal I'ourt. emergency hospital and City Jail, will be established at Parle and Ev erett streets, seems certain, as the re quired number of votes in the Council have been pledged to Councilman Lom bard, and the administration will there fore proceed to build at that corner. This is the slle selected by the Council committee on health and police, after careful study of the situation, and al though the committee on ways and means yesw-rdav afternoon recommended that the appropriation ordinance "do not pass." It Is generally believed that it will pass, and that the .new structure will be pushed rapidly to completion. A number of locations for the proposed building were offered, and great rivalry exists between the agents concerned. Tha price for the quarter block at Park and Everest streets is J42.000, which every one admits Is reasonable. However, there Is a division of opinion among the mem bers of the Council as to the proper place to build, and It is such difference of opin ion as this that has caused the delay of years In this and other very Important pubUo problems, such ma Uis crematory. The Council wrangled for many years over a site for the crematory, and then never recommended one. Mayor Simon and the Board of Health picked a site In 30 minutes, and are now advertising for the incinerator. At the meeting yesterday afternoon of the committee on ways and means. Coun cilman Baker moved that the appropriat ing ordinance "do not pass." and Coun cilman Cellars quickly seconded it Chair man Devlin was the only other member present, and the recommendation carried; however, it must go before the Council tomorrow, at which time It Is believed that it will pass and the site will thus be settled upon. "AH I care about the matter is that I want to do tilings," said Mayor Simon "and. while personally I Inclined to the belief that a quarter block near the. City Hall would have been better, I gave, my sanction to the site at Park and Everett streets in order that the building could be started and soon completed, as It Is very much needed. The only thing which has been brought forward against the site Is In regard to the children; none of the other arguments appeal to me at all. for there will be opposition no matter where the building is placed, but I think we have solved that problem by offering to make the children even more comfortable farther south." I YESTERDAY'SSALES $5191 Nothing can show more forcibly the prosperous condition of Portland and vi cinity than the sales records made now adays at Eilers Piano House. A large factory overstock of new high-grade pi anos which was secured at an unusual ad vantage is being disposed of at corre sponding reductions to retail buyers. Also an extraordinary display of finest of Pianola Pianos is being made. . . These special inducements bring buy ers from everywhere. Yesterday three fine Pianola Pianos were sold and 11 regular pianos were taken. besides orders placed tor five more, making altogether 19 instruments sold yesterday, which In dollars and cents amounted to exactly $5191.55. As the Information concerning the big sale Is becoming more generally known, today's sales will undoubtedly exceed yes terday's by several thousand dollars. OBSERVATION CAR Portland and Cottape Grove. The Southern Pacific Is now running an observation parlor car between Portland and Cottage . Grove. Leaving Portland, southbound, train 19, at 8:15 A. M., returning on train 18, leaving Cottage Grove, northbound, at 4:50 P. M. re L ANTPUIED Original River Site at Oregon City Is Selected. Trunks, suitcases and bags. Largest variety at Harris Trunk Co. ENGINEERS GET ORDERS Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. to Add 45,000Horsepower, High-Water Service to Present System. Engineers In the employ of the Port land Railway, Light & Power Company have been Instructed to begin preliminary work immediately on ""a new high-water power plant on the east side of the' Wil lamette River at Oregon City. When completed the plant will have a capacity of 45,000-horse power. It will be possible to utilize this property nine months a year. The probable cost of installing the plant will not be announced by the com pany until the plans have been com pleted. The new power plant will be construct ed on the same site that was occupied by the original power station In this sec tion of the Pacific Northwest. It will probably be three years before sthe plant Is completely Installed, but It may be possible to derive some power from that source, if desired, within the next 12 months. The plant will provide a source of power supply In addition to the com pany's established plant on the opposite side of the Willamette at Oregon City, and which generates 15,000-horse power. In the meantime work is progressing on the company's new power plant on the Upper Clackamas, about two and one- half miles above Its Cazadero station. The survey for the extension of the Ore gon & Water Power electric railway line from Cazadero to the new power station is nearlv completed and estimates are being prepared showing the cost of mak ing the extension. Actual construction work on this extension of the electric railroad will begin within the next few weeks. Weston Has Ladies' Band. WESTON, Or, Aug. 9. (Special.) instruments have been ordered for the newly organized ladles' band at Weston, whose membership is as fol lows: Mrs. Clara Price, Miss Zilla Simp son, Miss Bernlce Richmond, Miss Gladys Richmond, cornets; Mrs. Minnie Walker Mrs. Alice Price, altos; Miss Stella O'Hara, baritone; Miss Lillie Waddingham, tuba; Miss Rose Wad dingham. Miss Luella Cratgen, slide trombones; Miss Edra Simpson, snare drum; Miss Josle Lavender, bass drum. An orchestra has been organized in connection with the band. PERS0NALJWENTI0N. N. D. Simon, the attorney, who had been on a three weeks' vacation, returned home yesterday. John D. Jsaacs, of Chicago, consulting engineer for the Harriman lines was registered at the Portland yesterday. F. M. Whitaker, of Cincinnati, freight traffic manager of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, was in Portland yesterday. Rev. D. A. Thompson, pastor of the Sellwood Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Thompson and C. L. Whipple and fami lies, of Sellwood, have gone to. Ocean Park to spend the month. Rev. Father Lawrence Jago, O. P., who had been residing at the Dominican mon astery, on the . East Side, for several months, has returned to Benecia, Cal. The change was considered necessary on account of falling health. Henry Wenz, teacher of art in the Lincoln High School, on the East Side, is touring England In an automobile with a brother of W. J. Standley, of this city. Mr. Wenz went to England to make a study of art in that country, and will re turn In time for the opening of school next month. VANCOUVER. B. C. Aug. 9 (Spe cial.) F. E. Burgess, formerly a resident of Portland, who has made a small for tune as an optician in Manila, returned to this Coast via the Mont Eagle from the Orient last night. He Is accompanied by his wife and will return to Portland to reside permanently. CHICAGO, Aug. 9. (Special.) Miss W. Richards, of Portland. Is registered here at the Congress. OBSERVATION CAR Through Willamette Valley. The Southern Pacific is now running an observation parlor car covering the delightful daylight ride through the Willamette Valley between Portland and Cottage Grove. - This car leaves Portland southbound on train 19 at 8:15 A. M. Returning, leaves Cottage Grove, northbound, on train 18 at 4:50 P. M. A dental collere has recently been added to th University of Madrid. BILL OPPOSES HIKERS PROPOSED ACT BARS THEM FROM DOWNTOWJi SECTION'S. Councilman Ellis Introduces Ordi nance Which Bids Fair to Pass. Termed JJulaanc. Another attempt to drive the hawkers from the downtown streets Is to be made, Councilman Ellis having Introduced an ordlnanoe defining a district wherein they will not be allowed to operate. This In eludes every thoroughfare from the river to Park, and from Burnside to Taylor streets, and It Is believed the ordinance will pass. There is said to be a growing sentiment against the presence of the peddlers, largely because they create no end of nuisance by the offal from their rigs. Several attempts have been made to displace tha hawkers, but always without success. The Council at one time passed a restricting ordinance, but ex-Mayor Lane vetoed it and there were not enough votes in the Council to carry it over his objection. The police are greatly inter ested in the matter, and are hoping the ordinance will pass. It is certain, how ever, that It will meet with a vigorous fight on the floor of the Council. CHRJSMAN GETS HIS MAN The Dalles Sheriff Traces Fugitive Through Washington. THE DALLES, Or., Aug. 9. (Special.) James Walkenshaw was arrested by Sheriff Carter at"Tekoa, Wash., today, on information furnished by Sheriff Chrisman, of The Dalles. Walkenshaw, It Is charged, passed five worthless checks and secured $120 from merchants of The Dalles ten days ago. The Wasco County official located his FARMERS-COUNTRY MERCHANTS Ship Tour Produce to Smith. He Will Pay YOU 11c for Dressed Pork. 10c for Dressed, Small Fat Veal. 15c for Live Spring Chickens. 14c for Live Hens. Immediate payments. No Commission charged. ADDRESS FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO, ' Fighting the Beef Trust," Portland, Oregon. man at Tekoa yesterday and tele graphed to have him arrested. Walken shaw is in Jail at Colfax, Wash., and Sheriff Chrisman will leave for that place as soon as requisition papers can be secured. Guest Victim of Heart Disease. CANBT, Or., Aug. 9. (Special.) Miss Ada Wrolstad, a daughter of H. Wrol stad, of Stevens Point, Wis., died sud denly this morning of heart failure, at the residence of James Melum, where she was visiting. The body will be taken to Stevens Point, Wis., for burial. Miss Wrolstad was a sister of Mrs. James Erickson and a niece of L, G Wrolstad, both of Barlow, Or., and had been visit ing in Oregon for some months. The Crime of Idleness. Idleness means trouble for any one. It's the same with a lazy liver. It causes constipation, headache, jaundice, sallow complexion, pimples and blotches, loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King's New Life Pills soon banish liver trou bles and build up your health, 25o at all druggists. Amoy, China It Is officially reported that 109 deaths from bubonic plague and 35 from cholera occurred here daring -the two weeks ending" last Saturday. Frank L. Smith Meat Co. ''FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" WEST SIDE. 641 First Street. Kosher Market, 224 Sheridan Street. 22 Alder Street. Twenty-first and Johnson Streets. 188 Gibbs Street. Eleventh and Montgomery Streets. Third and Jeffersou Streets. ASTORIA. 253 Taylor Street (I nlnntown). Twelfth and Bond Streets. EAST SIDE. I'uion Avenue and Tillamook Sts. 13th Street and Tenlno Ave, Eellwood. 512 Williams Avenue. 363 East Morrison Street. Thirty-third and Belmont Streets. Grand Ave. and Hnwtborne Ave. 352 East Iturnside Street. Jersey Street. St. John. fH4 Alberta Street. 791 MlKSinsippl Ave. SEASIDE Bridge Street. SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR DINNER THIS WEEK : . Of course, the first suggestion is, go to a Smith Market, for at any Smith Market you can get Prime Ribs of Beef, per pound, 10$. They are fine roasted plain and served with a rich brown gravy, and they are the real thing baked with Yorkshire pudding. Beef Hearts, per pound, 5. They are good stuffed like chicken and roasted, and they make an extra good stew. Shoulder Steak, per pound, 8. Can be made into beefsteak pie, and it may be rolled with spiced stuffing and braised. Round Steak, per pound, 10, is the steak above all steaks to smother in onions. Sirloin Beefsteak and Tenderloin Beefsteak, per pound, 12Vz. The proper way to cook them is to broil. , Pot Roast Beef, 6, 7$, 8$. The best Pot Roasts at 8c make Beef a la Mode. Beef at, per pound, 5$ and 6, is nice to boil and make hash , .and good hash is a good thing. Make stew of it. Boil and make dumplings. Boil with noodles, cabbage, onions, greens or corn. If you should come to Smith's Alder-Street Market, be sure you get in the right place. Come to 226 Alder street, and see that Smith's name is over the door. Avoid the markets of the Beef Trust on both sides of us. Mutton, per pound, 5S makes a good stew ; makes a tasty mut ton pie. Shoulder of Mutton, per pound, 8S is the right thing for a curry; makes a fine roast; is delicious boiled. Leg of Mutton, per pound, lS1. -You may boil it. bake it, braise it, or roast it.