, THE MORXIXG OREGOMAy, TUESDAY, AUGUST. 10, 1909. 17 HOPS IRE TOO LOW Crop Sfatistics Warrant Much Higher Prices. BUT BUYERS HOLD OFF Estimated Shortage of Half a Mil lion Bales in the World's Supply This Year Conditions in Ore gon Shipments to Date. If hoo statistic regulated prices, the hop market now would be at 40 or 30 cent. Estimate made of the crowing crops throufhrrnt the world Indicate a. shortage under actual require menti of about half a minion bales. In spite of thl fact, there baa been hardly any buying- of Pacific Coast hops yet by Ea-atem or foreign dealers or brewer. Moit of the buying that has been done haa been by Coast firm who have gone "Ion" on the market In the belief that thera will eventually be high prices. This buying has been sufficient to put the max ket up to 20 and 21 cents, but no higher. When the Eastern and Enjcltah traders do Come Into the market for their annual supplies, but one thing- can happen, further elevation of price. H. H- Plncua, of the firm of Isaac Pincua A Sons, of Tacoms, has prepared a table vbowirg the estimated crop and consump tion of each country which show a short age of CU.VOOO cwt, or, reduced to bales of 1H pounds. 4'T,&i7 bales. The figures on consumption, except those of the United States, are official, while the crop estimates are thoso of the beat authorities In each country. The table, which Is In hundred weights, follows: Crop. Cons'pt'n Belgium ........ Genua ay ....... Austria ........ France ......... Kussta 80,000 00.000 .. . 160. OlK) 350.000 -. . IO.OhMI IMi.OtM) 40.0OO SO.IKX) Total Continent. . , England V'nttfd Btatej , Other countries 41O.000 7HO.O0O 210.000 675.000 340.0tM 370, 0") 3o,000 llUt.000 Total world l.n 5, 000 1.S60.000 Kiaber, Wolf ft Netter received the fui- lowing cable yesterday from their Loqdon office: "Weather warm and rental. Crop pros poets about the same. Weather farorable Ir crop. Market firm but quiet." Ironmonger, of London, cabled to Isaac I'incus & Sons, as follows; Weather excessively hot and lnjurtona Crop j-rospects leas favorable., A cable to the same firm from Manger & Henley, of Ixrndon. said: 'Crop prospects bad. Estimate crop at JiMVOOO cwt. Th ere is a d 1 ff erence of oprnion among Ttopmn as to actual conditions in Oregon. IJre are bad in many sections, but there Is bt-'Joved to have been Improvement In the p.it iM hours. The situation la such, how fvj that business In Oregon contract for the time being Is at a standstill, while burrs are paying more attention to other staTfs. Contracting In Yakima at 21 cents ic reported and a wire from Santa Roa. Cal.. says the Uhlmanns have botight 800 bales of Sonornas from Farmer A Peterson at 2l cents. linp shipments by rail and water from Oregon in the It months of the crop year acp-regate -06.300 bales as compared with 1 25 8 bales In the same period last sea son. The shipments In bales, by month, were: September .... 2.M7 October 11,93T 10967 Movember 21.97 December la.MS 19.652 January --.-m 37.972 12.072 bruary . 1S.M .W.1 March .M. 13.410 0.13 April ....... - T.fll 4.2P7 ,tay 7.113 2. MS June 2.27S 1.752 July LOSS 1.22a Total 189.253 e,ao The consumption of beer In the TTnlted iftatea la June. 1909, amounted to ft, 140,7 26 iharrela, an Increase of 233,100 barrel over June, lOS. The flguree were announced by .the Internal Revenue Bureau yesterday. This Is the larweet Increase In any month lnce October, 10T. As compared with the prosperous month of June, 1907, the pro duction this year shows a gala of 193,685 barrel. WHEAT TBAPrNO cWf THE WCBBASB. Offerings la the Country An Becomtn The wheat market was yea yesterday, bat the prices quoted by local dealers were Bo lower than Saturday- Reports from the country were that offerings have be come liberal and trading Is on the lncresse. The. attendance at the Merchants Ex change yesterday was the largest this sea son. Among the out-of-town visitors wem R. W. McKlnnon. of Log-an Bryan. Chl cago; TV. P. Anderson, of Chicago; Man ager Jack. in. of the Taooma branch of the Albers Bros. Milling- Company; George Albers, of Seattle; Frank Albers, of San Francisco; Tom Smith, the San Francisco member of th-e firm of Patterson. Smith A Pratt, and T. C. FrieOlander, secretary of the San Francisco Merchants Exchange. The weekly grain statistics of the Mer chants Eachange wer as follows: American viaible supply Bushels. Increase. A u rust 9. 1P0 8.1S.V0H ftS.iX0 Aurust 10, 1 ". ItJ.tms.tHtO 82-4.000 August 12, li'7 4S.4So.o00 16S.000 Xuirunt 1.;, lMi. il,7 2S.i"n) 2.031. 00 August 14 l'.M'i. 1.1 Si'..0"0 1.M.000 August l.. imw li'.oS (M 4.V0O0 August 10 .I'.HKi lo.!00.O 3l5XM) August 11, .21.773.000 L'OO.'XMJ Vutust 12. I'.'t'l 2..Mt.t00 2.2.".10 August 1'JOO 4S.21 -iOtX itS.f ,0u0 AuruU 14. 3.2.e0tO 7Sd,000 Decrease. Quantities on rse Week Week Week ending ending ending Aug 7 July 51 Aug. S. 'OS For Bushels Bushels Bushels I. k i i.720.0 1 7. 920.0th" . 920,000 Continent .. 12. SO.OOO 12,A0.0m 8 320,000 Totals ...81.000.000 80.400.000 18.240,000 World's shipments, flour included Week Wek Week endir-K ending ending Aug. 7 July ,U Aug. S. 'OS From Bushel Bushels Bushels 1. Can... 1.4.14k o.io 1. 30.000 a 176.040 Aieentlna ... tv).0 S7H.000 2.SS0.OtO Australia ... lt'2.0"0 lt;o.oiH 304.00 In. porta.. .l.l:.Hh 1S4.0N) 'JT.6.000 Kussla 1 ' 0.. l.sv.04o 152.U00 India 2.776.0OK l..,li.000 Totals . . .S.4'X?.0OO 070. 000 6.424.0O0 Local receipts tn cars were reported by the Merchants Fx-'hare aa follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Mondav -2 1 3 4 31 Total last week..! ?8 4 Bl r.OOn DEMAND FOR All FRVITS, t'lr Oregon Crawford Peaches Received. Plenty of Orape. Fruit receipts were large yesterday. In cluding three cars of watermelons, two cars of cantaloupes, two cars of bananas and two mixed cars of poaches and pears. The demand was good and trade was active. The first Oregon Crawford peaches came in and sold at $1 per box. The best Ore gon Ha'i brought 75 90 cents and Cali fornia Elbe-tas were steady at JOctf 11. There was good supply of grapes on hand and they sold weil. seedless bringing lZ5tfl.50. blacks. 11.25 and sweetwaters ' ti cents, Slackberrlec vera firm at 1160, Cantaloupes and melons moved readily t the old prlcea. Xew potatoes continue plentiful and hoi about steady, the best bringing 90c $l per sack. Some fine celery la coming along and sells at 76 S5 cents. California is more plentiful and brings 101.2fi if fancy, while No. 2 sWls at 60 cents. HALF OF LAST YEAR'S CBTERRP CROP. Packing Season at Eng-ene Ended Other Small Frnlts Light. EUGENE, Au. 9- (Special.) The Allen Fruit Company, which only recently finished packing its cherry crop, report having handled over lf0 tons this year, which Is only about one-half of the amount handled last year, owing to a shorter crop. In cluded in the above amount are BOO barrels of ms reach I no. The other fruits ana not coming tn yet, so it is impossible to give a correct Idea of the quantities to be han dled In these lines; but on the whole, crops will be lighter. The only berry emp handled so far are the strawberry and the loganberry. Of the latter about 12 tons were handled, as com pared with 23 tone last year. Mr. Allen reports a strong demand for loganberries In the Chicago markets this year, whereas there was no demand at all last year, as the berry was practically unknown in that market. Mr. Allen visited Chicago last year and took with him a number of sam ples, with the result that this year he has received heavy orders, only a small pro portion of which be has been able to fill. He also reports a strong demand for dried blackcaps. The prospects for the fruit and berry crops yet to be handled Indicate a general shortage as compared with last year, with the exception of peaches, which will be about the same. Last year Mr. Allen han dled about 400.000 pounds of dried prunes, but this year It Is expected that there will be only about half a crop as compared with last. Pears also will run about 60 per cent though of unusually good quality. Apples will run only about 40 per cent. There will be a fairly good crop of black berries, with only a slight falling off from last year, while- black caps and raspberries will be short, as the vlr.es were Injured by the unusually coldweather of the last Win ter. Tomatoes promise a good crop, though It Is feared that they will not mature early on account of the cool Summer. BITTER ADVANCES ONE CENT A POUND Prices Lifted Because of Light Supply and Higher Prlcea Elsewhere. The local butter market was advanced 1 cent yesterday morning, making the price for city creamery butter in box lots- 314 cents. The supply on hand was not heavy and. It went well at the new prlcea The advance was partly brought about by the quoting of higher prices In outside mar kets. The new cheese quotation, half a cent over last week's prlcea, also w-3nt Into ef fect yesterday morning. The egg trade was slow and the market was weak. Large stocks are being carried by some of the dealers and they are in clined to cut prices. The Seattle market Is quoted much higher than Portland, but offers of Oregon eggs to Seattle dealers bring no response. Poultry receipts were small and the de mand as usual on Monday was light. GRAND BONDB CHERRY SEASON ENDS. Three-Fourths of a Normal Crop This Year. Na Early Apples. LA GRANDE. Aug. 9. (Special.) The close of last week saw the last of the cherry crop In the Grand Ronde Valley. The best authorities placed the yield this year at about three-fourths of the normal crop. In the rlclnlty of Cove the crop was about normal and the quality was good enough to compensate the orchard 1st s for the light yield. Tb-ore ar no early apples for the mar kets, as there la only acreage enough to supply the local demand. On the Winter apples the best-Informed fruit-growers state that while tba young apples are thin on the trees the crop will be little short of normal In value owing to the extra quality prac tically Insured at the present time. Wheat Sale at Weston. WESTON, Or.. Aug. . (Special.) One transaction was recorded yesterday tn the local wheat market. R. G. Sallng sold 2200 bushels to the Pacific Coast Elevator Com pany at 12 oents. Bank Clearing. Clearlners of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows: Clear nga Balances. Portland ,4l,69.23l4 in.rM.75 ci-attle l,S.-W.1810O 1K5.778 00 Tacoms 993.501.00 46.2H2.00 Spokane 777.3O2.0O 5.418.00 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Floor, Feed, Ec WHBAT Track prices: New crop, blue stem. 9S097o: olub. 01 93c; red Russian, 80r90o; Valley. l94c; Turkey rod. 91 2o; 40-fold, ar3o. FLOL'R Patents, $0.25 par barrel; straights, 5 3u; exports, $4 70; Valley, $3.50; graham. $3.60; whole wheat, quarters, $5.80. BARLEY ffeed, $2( brewing-, $27 per ton. OATS New crop, $18 1$ BO per ton. CORN Whole $36; cracked, $37 per ton. MILtOTTFFS Bran. $1W per ton; mid dlings. $3S; shorts. $2932; chop. $222; rolled barley, $32.S0?3S 50. HAT New crop: Timothy, Willamette Vallev, $1216 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $l7Jfl8; mixed. $10.8016 50; alfalfa, $18 OO; clover. $11618; cheat, $13914. 50. GRAIN BAGS Qc each. leKetcbios niMl J "rait a. FRESH FRUITS Apples, new, $103.23 per box; pears. $lS$l-7ft per box; peaches 50rft$l per crate; cantaloupes, $2 2.50 per crate; plums, STc$l per box; watermelons. liltHc per pound; grapes, 65cff$1.60; blackberries. $1.50 per orate; casabas. $2.23 per dozen. Potatoes Oregon. 73c4r$100 per sack; sweet potatoes. 4S4Hc per pound. BACK VEGETABLES Turnips. $11.16 per sack; carrots. $1 231.50; beets. $1.50. TROPICAL FRUITS Valenolas. $3350; lemons. fancy, $6-50 37; choloe, $.''96; grapefruit. $3 per box ; bananas, 5 5 per pound; pineapples, 2f4 per dozen. ONIONS New. $1.25(91.50 per sack. VEGETABLES Beans. 45c; cnbbsge, 1 1 Sc per pound; cauliflower, GOc $1.25 per dozen: celery, 75ttf5c per dzen; cu cumbers. 159 250 per dozen; eggplant. 10c per pound: onions, 12'.stjl5c per dozen; parsley, 5c per dozen; peaa. 7c per pound; peppera 5c per pound; radishes. 15c per dozen; splnarh, 5c per pound; squash, 5c; tomatoes, 75c 6 $1.50. Dairy and Country produce. BU1TER City creamery, extra. 81 He; fancy outside creamery. 27Hg30UjC per pound;, store, 21$ 22o. ((Butter fat prioes average l1o per pound under regular but ter prices.) EtiGS Oregon ranch, candled, 26 27Hc per dosen. POL'LTRY Hens, 15c; Springs, 33c; roosters. l0c; ducks. young. 12H 13 He; geese, young. 9 10c; turkeys, 20c; squabs. $1.73-&2 per dozen. CHEESE Pull cream twins. 1717Hc per pound; young Americas. 1818V;C. FORK Fancy, 1111H per pound. VEAL Extras. 9H&10c per pound; ordi nary 7So; heavy, 7c Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. DRIED FRUIT Apples, o per pound; peaches, 7 ti Sc; prunes, Italians, 6a9 6 W?1 prunes. French, 4 yj 6c ; currants, un it ashed, cases, 9Hc; currants, washed, cases, 10c; figs, white fancy, 60-lb. boxes. 6c; dates, ;"Hc. SALMON Columbia River.. 1-pound tails, $2 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.95; 1-pound flats. $2.10S ; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails, 90c; red, 1-pound tails. $1.43; sockeyes, 1-pound tails, $2. COFFEE Mocha, 242Sc; Java ordinary, 17$20c; Costa Rica, fancy, lS-gOe; good. 363 18c; ordinary. I20rl6o per pound. NUTS Walnuts. 12fc 1.1c per pound by sack; Brasil nuts. ljc; filberts, 15c; pea nuts, 7c; almonds, 13914c; chestnuts, Ital ian, lie; peanuts, raw, 6c; plnenuts, 10 32c; hickory nuts. 10c; cocoanuts, oc per dozen. SUGAR Granulated, $373; extra C, $3.35; golden C $5.25; fruit and berry sugar, $.Yb5; Honolulu plantation, fine grain. $0.25; cubes barrel), $6.40; powdered (barrel), $6.10. Terms, on remittances within 15 days, deduct 3 c per pound; If later than 15 davs and within 30 days, deduct Ho per pound. Maple sugar. lSfilSc per pound. SALT Granulated. $13 per ton, $1.90 per bale; half ground, 100s, $7.30 per ton; 30s $S rr ton. BEANS Small white, 7Hc; large white, flc; Lima, 6c; bayou, hct red kidney . IKE NEW RECORDS High Points Reached by Lead ing Stocks. MOST OF LIST IS FIRM Steel, Union Pacific, Reading, Atch ison and Great Northern Ore Certificates Sell at Their Highest Quotations. NTHV YORK. Aug. . United States Steel at T8H. Union Pacific at 206",. Beading at lSi4. Atchison at 13Hi. Great Northern Or. Certificates at 89t these were the, stocks showing no record prices today. The only particular Influence bearing on theoe moTe menu was the news that the remaining hold ings In the Union Paclflo treasury of Great Northern Ore Certlflcatea had been marketed There wa some question whether a policy of liquidation of Investment holding, waa not In fore by Union Pacific Discussion was also revived of the condition of E. H. Harrl man's health. A rlae In the London price of copper failed to benefit Amalgamated Copper. American Smelting and National Lead were among the early atrong features. Tha GoTemmenfs re port ,u a disappointment, especially In me estimate of corn. . . A firmer tone In the call loan market was an Incident of the day. The per cent rate waa hither than since the second week In June, when the hitch In the plan to Hat United states steel on the Par Bourn in duced a stock market fulrry. Bonda were Irregular. Total sale, par ralue, 4.ia,000. United- State. 4, coupon declined per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. AllisChalmers pf. 600 Amal Copper 18.S"0 Am Agricultural.. SOU High. Lo mo. 48U 47 84 Vk StlH 84', 484 47", 84(4 48 MH 69 ' 4i 4 17" Am Bfet Sugar... Am I'm nf 700 Am Car & Foun. Am Cotton Oil.. Am Hit Lt pf Am Ice Securl.. Am Linseed Oil. 6.100 1,300 1.000 10.400 Aft 4U0 100 17 167 V Am Locomotlv 88 -V 6714 63 Am Smelt A Re'f'.'. 8.3-0 12 100, j - -."ark jlrtU 11ft 101 H 116 l:iV. Am Fugar Ret ... 41. 400 134 132H Am Tel & TV1 4,100 343 Am Tobacco pf . . . l,2t0 102 A:n Woolen 00 1W4j .... j - . AO IW 142 14-14 lOl-e loiy 30 4K 48 lai'-i Atchison 29,900 120 11 OO preierreo Atl Coast Line Tnl. A Ohio 8.700 iiihi 134 136V4 8, .I V l'-A lit." do preferred ... i uu Bethlehem Steel ... 1,700 t. i. u rs... io Ann HI 34H 81 04 3.1 8014 187 33 80 187 36 10fl 816 81 Aft 4 HM 162 Tf-H 4'J 60 Canadian Paaiflo. . 2,5X 187 . .. , . .V . Kte v! li .15 ' 800 109Vk 10 r nref erred Central of N. J.. Ches & Ohio Chicago & Alton.. s.ooo " 400 1.5O0 81 H 6T4 80 68 4 168 161 4 - V. 1 . . .. a. xt w 2 .'4 .1 C, M i St Paul.. 13,200 1B2T, C. C, C & St 1. Cro Fuel & Iron.. 8.300 Oolo & Southern do 1st preferred ..j . . OftA 8' 80 80 OO i&Q preierreu. ov7, nnua-A, Clom n flTjrt 144. 143 80 iy i4 Corn Produtcs ... 2.200 24' 24 24 186 61 88 89 37 Del & Hudson.... 2.10O 1117 D i R Orand.... 8,100 61 do preferred ... 13.T00 8S lUd 6o 86W S 87 66 U. rnwtlllers' Seoul!.. 600 40 Erie 18,400 88 66 do 1st preferred. Ifciuv k 2d nrefcrred. 700 Ml 4 46 46 , -An 1-.K ITllZ 17114 General EJectrlc... fit VHh.n nf 12,' 700 165r- 164 164 Gt Northern Ore , 22,100 86 84 86V. Tlllnnia r-entrfil 3,300 1S7 166 166 l.fcM 163. 15 16 InterboroiiKh Met., do preferred .., Inter Harvester .. 4,800 411 48 I 48 Hn) 8S 84 l'i 1,8-10 23 22 22S Inter-Marine pi lnt faper -.aw it-m 7 !nl.r",n - v; -m: i" K C Southern ... 4,000 48 47 47 7-2 W An t-referred ... 3-0 -3 Louis it Nashville 6,800 162 148 J61 54 66 Minn & St L a D m. a a M 1.400 56 6UO 145V. 144 144 if'-ciirl 1a.flc.. . K.200 75. Mo. Kan Te: o.nv 600 40 74 42 .74 42 T4 108 do preferred . . National Lead ... 16,100 92 61 91 Mex r.at ny asi pi N r Central 9.200 141 139 61 95 N Y Ont & west. 1. m-u Norfolk ft W. XGO0 no 61 S 95 86 North Anaeeioan.. o- o v.. Northern Pacific. . 1T,J 166 JB6 166 r,..i.i- fLm HI 0,1 all. 31 87 86 Pennsylvania .... laiu" U1U 14114 Pvnla a (MJ .... 1.000 116 115 110 P C C St Lcml.. 82 02 62 PreFsed Steel Lar 1.800 54 52 56 Pullman Pal Car. f0 198 11H Ry HtMl Spring.. AM 53 . i4a.. 1tWl 1-tla. 1A4I-. R(Tlnar , 33,900 36614 1WL Kpubllo 6tl b,tMJ 38h WJi o-7U do prefrreo: 700 IMS Rock Island Co. . 83,7)00 An rii-sfM-a4 St L. A S F 1 pf. St L &outhwfMftern do prfifrred ... Rlnjm-Sheffleld 9outhr Pac.fle Southern Kallwy. 5,400 A r-k nntfArnvl TVnn CoDuer Texaj & Pftctflc. Tol. Bt I do preferred ... Union Pacific . do preferred . . . TT R P4alt v a t.ii eras! eivRu 2t-3X 3,000 104 1U4 104 83 U S Rubber 700 46 46 45 U S BtMl An TirffeiTi ... 18, 8--0 78 7 77 6.700 127 126 126 Utah Copper .... bl (-2 va-uaro unemicai. 2O0 61 22 67 6 90 5n 21 57 6 88 ftos; S abash Ho nrsferred. ... 1.90-1 8.2--0 31 57 6 8 76 T 1.8O0 Wetrtlnghouse Eleo S.1O0 western union . . . w Kaal a. T. Tirim . 67 Total sales for the day, BOZ.ww anares. BONDS. NHTSV YORK. Aug. 9. Closing quotations: TJ. a ref. 2e reg.ldO IN T C O 8s. .. 82 do coupon. .. .101 U. S. Ss reg 101 do coupon. . . .loi TJ s New 4s reg.116 do coupon. ... 119 D s R G H U7 North pacific 4s. 102 Union Pacific 4a. 104 ariwAn Cant 4a.. 96 Japanese 4a 86 .Stocks at London. LONDON. Aug. 9. Consols for money, 84 18-16; do for account, 84. Amal Copper Anaconda . . . Atchison .... do pref. . . . Bait A Ohio. . 88 Mo. K. -T 44 .101 N. T. Central. . .144 .173Norfolk A West. 98 .107i do pref 93 .1! Ont Western.. 63 .lit Pennsylvania ... 72 . 82 Rand Mine 10 Can Pacific.. Ches Ohio. Chi Qrt Wet 4 Reading .. 4 C. M. 8. P 16 De Beers 15 D 4 R a 63 do pref 88 Erie 89 do 1st pf 57 do 2d pf 4T Clrand Trunk... 24 Southern Ry. . .. 83 ..74 ..139 ...204 ..10T ..97 ..132 .. 22 ..60 .. 95 do pref South paclflo. Union Paclflo. do pref U. 8. Steel... do ifref Wabash ..... do pref. .... 111 central 161 LAN 152 (Spanish 4S. .. . Money Exchange, Etc NEW YORK. Aug. 9. Money on call easy, 162 per eent;rulmg rat. 1 par cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans firm and fajrly active: 80 daya. 22 per cent and 90 daye, 23 per cent; 6 month.. 8 4 per cent. Prim mercantile paper, 44 par cent- , Sterling exchange, ateady. with actual business in bankers' bills at I4.S51094 8625 for 60-day bills and at 84.8660 for demand. Comirerclsl bills. $4.84 6 4 65. Bar silver. 50c. Mexican dollars. 44c. Konds Government, easy; railroad, ' Ir regular. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 9. Sterling on Lordon. 60 davs. . 84.85 ; sterling on Lon don, sight. 84 86: silver bars, 60c; Mexi can dollari. 45c; drafts, sight. 2c; drafts, telegraph. 5c LONDON. Aug. 9. Bar silver. 28c: money. per cent. The rate of dlsoount In the open market for short bills Is 11 per cent The rat. of discount In the open market for three mouths bills Is 1 7-16 1 per cent. roily Treavsory Statement. WASHIKaTOX, Aug. A(J3f condition of 404& 39 40 000 CO 4 - 6fV4j dTV. ft0t 28 28 800 07 64 ft7 1.1O0 87 86 H M 55 515 1 700 40 40 39 8,000 38 36 86 S'O 53 63 62 the treasury t the fce&lnnlns of lrastnes today was a, follows: Trust funds . Gold coin I-SSo Sllv.r dollar, 4SJ'?I2'nS Silver dollar, of 1S!0 ...ILi'X Silver certinc-ates outstanding. .4So,8. 8.000 General fund Standard silver dollar. In en- eral fund ? r Current liabilities ,'.-- WfTce. " . r1!"". . . . - '39.361.954 In banks to the credit or ion Treasurer of the U. S Subsidiary sllrer coins S9.326.3.1S 226.437.504 22.S-0.8O5 109,961,798 Total balance in general fund. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 9. Evaporated apples, quiet. Fancy. 8ec; choice, S-f: prime, 77c; common to fair, 56c Prunes steady; quotations range from 3 llc for California, and ffom 69c for Orexon fruit. Apricots, steady; choice, 10-8J10c; extra choice, 1010e; fancy. ll13c. New crop peaches on the Coast strong and higher; spot unchanged; choloe. 5-3i c: extra choice, 66c, and fancy. J eRalslns. dull; loose muscatels, 8ff4c; choice to fancy seeded. 4 6c; seedless, 3e5c. Dairy Produoe in the East. NEW YORK. Aug. . Butter Steady. Creamery specials. 26 S 27c I of flcla! price. 26c): creamery extras. 262c; Western fancy. 19-5 21 c , , Cheese Steady; state full cream, specials, 1416c; do fancy, 14c. Ergs Barely steady; Western firsts to extras. 224?25c; do seconds. 21322c. CHICAGO. Aug. 9. ButterSteady. Creameries. 2225c; dairies, 2023o- Eggs Receipts 9640 cases; weak at mark, case. Included. 17c; firsts. 20c;- prims firsts. 22c. Cheese Steady. Daisies. 1IMJJJJ twins 1414c; Young Americas, 16 16 c; long horns, .15'9'lgc. HEW APPLES ARE SLOW SEATTLE RECEIVES A CARLOAD FROM WENATCHEE. Reports of Cantaloupe Blight In Easte-n Washington Butter Steady and Eggs Weak. SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug. 8. (Special.) The llret straight carload of new apples from the East Side reached Western ave nue today. The shipment came from We natohee and consisted of a mixed assort ment. New apples are slow sellers on this market ss yet. Peaches were very scarce today at $1 to 11.10. Tomatoes ara also In limited supply at $1.60 for top stock. Five cars of watermelons were on the track this morning, greatly relieving the market. Top stock sold early In the day as high as 1 but later dropped back to 1 cents. Cantaloupes are very scarce. Bhlpmanta from Etfstern Washington are not up to the expectations of commission men. Reports of blight from many sec tions are being received almost dally. One hundred and fifty cases of pineapples were unloaded this afternoon. The market la bare of sweet corn. The boat that arrived this morning brought the smallest consign ment of fruits and vegetables laid down on the docks thla season. V. Butter was steady at the advance, with a noticeable let-up In the demand for Wash ington creamery stock and an Increase in Eastern. The price of butter fat went to 34 cents on the dairy exchange thla morning. Eggs were steady at S5 cents. The sup ply is Inclined to exoeed the demand in all quarters. An Immediate change in prices Is not anticipated. Poultry was scarce. Wheat was In better demand but the mar ket was weak. The only bid recorded on th exohang. was that of 95 cents for Sep tember delivery, but $1 was asked. trCOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce in the Bay City Market. BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 9. The following prices were quoted In the produce market to- daMlIlstufts Bran. 828.60 30; middlings, f 3C.S087.60. Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers, 40-tf5c; string beans, l3o; tomatoes, 5085o; garlic, Ju5c; green peas, ;5c&$l.C0; egg plant, 60 4 76. ' Buttei- Fancy ereamery, 28c; creamery seconds. 27c; fancy dairy, 2a Poultry Roosters, old, 84.50R; young, $6 5010: broilers, small. $2.5003-50, large. 5.606.50; fryera. 4.50e9; hens. 66; ducks, old, 56; young. 68. Kggm Store, 29c; fancy ranch, 330. Cheese New, 16 16c; young Americas, 15 16c Hay Wheat. 814-ffl850: wheat and oats, I1817; alfalfa, 810318; stock. 810; bar ley flOwJlS-SO; straw, per bale. 6075c. Fruits Apple, choice. 81.50 0 2; common. 8085c; bananas. 81-25-2.50; limes. 85-5-6; lemons, choice. 84; commons, - 81.50; pins apples. $1.50 02.50. Hops Contracts, 1908. 15 S 21c. Receipts Flour. quarter sacks, 4807; wheat, cental a 660; barley, centals, 83.418; oats, centals, 2436; beans, sacks, 24; pota toes, sacks, 6D55; bran, sacks, 180; mid dlings, sacks, 230; bay, tons, 1336; bides, 880. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Quoted Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Livestock receipts over Sunday were the smallest for two days In a considerable time, and as a result the market was not an active affair. In .-Its tone there was no particular- change. There was- a fairly strong demand for the best quality of cat tle and sheep, but not much desire to take on Inferior stock. The hog market still has a tendency toward weakness. The receipts were 178 cattle. 15 hogs and 18 horses. Local prices quoted yesterday were ao fol lows: CATTLE Steers. top, 14.50; fair to good, 84&4.S&; common, $S.7o&4; cows, top, $3 LO; fair to good, 33.2o; common to me dium. $2.50J.75; calves, top, $65-60: heavy, 8S.50P4: bulls and stage, $2.75 3.75; Spring lambs, $6.25 6.60. SHEEP Top wethers, $4.25; fair to good. 18.60'a J.76; ewes, o lees on all grades; yearlings, bast, $4; fair to good, JJ.60O HOOS Beat. 33.75; fair to good. $S-S 8.60; stockers. $67; China fats. $6.7507. . Eastern Livestock Markets. TJHICAGO. Aug. 9. Cattle Receipts, esti mated, 22,000 head; market, steady. Beeves. 4.4O27.50: Texas steers. 84-6ei.6u; Western eleers, 84$4: etockere and feeders, :ira5.16: cows and heifers. 82.8Oetl.S0; calves. S5.GU&S. Hogs Receipts, estimated, 40.000 head; mar ket. 15c lower. Light, 87.fi0tTT.85; mixed. $7.35S.10; heavy. $7.20S.10; rough, $7.2C"!f 7.48: good to choice heavy 87.49Stt.10; pigs. 78; bulk of sales. 87.65ff7.80. Sheep Receipts, estimated, 20,009 head; market, steady to 10 lower. Native, $3ff5; Western, $8'o"f; yearlings. $4.705.75; lambs, native. 84.50-87.75; Western, $4.507.66. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 9. Cattle Receipts. 17,000; market, steady to 100 lower. Native steers. $4.60-5-7.50; native cows and heifers, $3.00-7: stockers and feeders, $35.25: bulls, $3.10g4.25; calves. $4?7; Western steers, 1 6.20; Western cows. $2.504.50. Hogs Receipts. 7000: market, 10c to 15c lower. Bulk of sales, $7.6067.73: heavy; $7.70 61.90: packers and butchers, $7.6067.80; light, 87.4OST.T0: pigs. l6.5ueT.29. Sheep Receipts, 6000 head: market, steady. Muttons, $4-jh": lambs. $55t-S7.40; range wethers, $3,764-0.26; rants ewes, 83&4.T5. OMAHA. Aug. 9. Cattle Receipts. 7800 head; market, slow to 10c lower. Western steers, 8S.60g4.45; Texss steers, JSSTj; range cows and heifers. $2.76-4.25: cannerB, $2-Sfl: stockers and feeders, 82. 7583. 10; calves, f61f 6.55: bulla and stags, etc, 27fS4.T5. Hogs Receipts. 2500 head; market, 10c lower. Heavy, 87.40-ST.86: mixed, 87.45-9T.di; light. 87.45S-7.56; pigs, $8S"; bulk of sales, $f.45-g-7.55. Sheep Receipts. 8700 head: market, strong to 10c higher. Yearlings, 84.73Su.40; wethers. $44.76; ewes. 83.754.60; lambs, $6.407.40. Coffee- and Sngar. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. Coffee futures closed stesdy. net unchanged to 10 points higher. Sales, 15,750 bags. Including Au gust at .106.15c; September, 6.75c; Octo ber. 6.40c; December, i.405.46c; March. 6.4665 60c; May, 6.60c and July, 6.55c. Spot coffee quiet. No. 8 Rio, 34c; No. 4 Santos, 8 c. Mild quiet. Cordova, i 12c , Sugar Raw firm. Fair refining, 8.68c; centrifugal 98 test. 4,80a; uo lasses -sugar, w.41qi floed, steady..- i TWO-CENT BREAK Government Crop Report Causes Slump in Wheat. SELLING IS VERY HEAVY Estimated Total Yield Is Far More Than Was Generally Expected by the Traders, and Liqui dation Is General. CHICAGO, Aug. 8. Wheat prlcea broke nearly 2c today, following the publication of the Government crop report, , and all de liveries fell below the dollar mark. The report Indicated a total yield of Winter wheat amounting to 638,820.000 bushels, a much larger yield than generally expected. Wheat was Inclined to be wak all day, but little activity was msnlfest until the final 15 minutes, during which period there was general selling, based on the exceed ingly bearish showing of the Government statistics. The estimated total yield of Spring and Winter wheat of fl8.00,000 bushels Is. with ons exception, the largest on record. The trade was not prepared for such a radical report. September sold between 96o and $1.00. May for the first time In the session sold below the dol lar mark. The price at the bottom was 89 c. The market closed weak with Sep tember at 98 o. An offlolal forecast for rain took the edge off the corn market. The marioot closed steady at o higher to c lower. Oata were weak all day on account . of selling of country houses. Closing prices were off c o 9c Provisions, after a weak session, oloeed 8c to 10c lower then Saturday. The leading futures ranged as follows WHEAT. Open. , High. Low. $ .98 .85 .98 Close. $ .98 .96 .99 Sept. .. Dec. .. May... $ .99 Sl.uun .87 .98 1.00. 1.01 CORN. .04 .64 .68 .68 ..4 -64 OATS. .86 .36 .87 .37 .89 .39 MESS PORK. Sept. Dec. , May. .63 .52 .63 .64 .54 .54 .! .36 .39 - Sept Deo. ..... May...... .36 .86 .38 9ept-. Dec- .. 20.30 18.40 20.46 16.40 20.90 16.87 11. 42 37 , . LARD. 11.27 11.27 1L25 11.25 10.87 10.87 Sept.... Oct... Nov. 11.2t& 1125 11.20 11.20 10.87 10.82 SHORT RIBS. 10.87 11.00 10.98 in toii in 4714. 16.60 ' Sept. . 10.98 10.66 Oct. Cash quotatisis were aa follows: Flour dteaay. . . Barley Feed or mixing. 6066o; fair to ohoice malting, 6270c Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $1,85; No. 1 Northwestern. $1.43. Timothy seed $3.80. Clover $11.60. Pork Mess, per "barrel. $20.43 20. 45. Lard Per 100 pounds. $11.26. Short ribs Sides (loose). $10.90fU. Sides Short, clear (boxed), $11.50 11.62. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 24,000 bushels. Primary receipts were L400.000 bushels, compared with 1, 630,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in the United States decreased 580,000" bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage decreased 3,860,000 bush els. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 424 oars; corn, 244 cars; oats, 432 curs; uga, j.s,vvv ucau. Receipts. Flour, barrels 22,000 What, bushels 816.300 Corn, bushels ...231,700 Oats, bushels 474,000 P.ye. bushels 7,000 Barley, bushels 16.500 Shipments. 81.100 684,400 301.400 172,600 4,300 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. Flour Receipts, 1S.000 barrels; exports, 4100 barrels. Mar ket quiet and nominally lower. Wheat-rReceipts. 121,900 bushels. Spot weak; No? 2 red, new, $1.11 nominal ele vator and $111 t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth old, tl.39 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter new, 81.10 f, o. b. afloat. About the only feature in wheat to day was a moderate decline, due to bigger receipts Following the crop report, the market broke lo and closed 1 to lc net lower. September closed at $1.07; De cember, $1.04; May. $1.06c. Hops and hides Weak. Petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 9. Wheat Bare ly steady. Spot Quotations Wheat Shipping, $1.9T "J2.00; milling, 8200; barley, feed, $L40-g 1.42: brewing. $1.4201. 45; oats. red. $1.80 el.BO; white, $1.651.67; black, $2.50 2.75. Call Board Sales Wheat No trading; barlev, December. 8143; corn, large yel low. $1.75 1.85. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Aug. 9. Cargoes dull and de pressed, nominal; no buyers. Walla Walla for shipment at 41s. English country markets easy; French country markets easy. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 9. Wheat September, 8. d; December, 7s 7d; March, 7s 6d. Weather fine. Wlieac at Tscoms. T A COM A, Aug. 9. Wheat Bluestem, Sep tember. 81; club, 9Se; red, 90c. Flaxseed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 9. Flax closed $1.37. "eastern Alining Stocks. - BOSTON, Aug. 9. Closing quotations: Allouei 46 INevada 24 Amalgamated .. 85 Old Dominion... 57 Ariz Com 44 'Osceola 146 Atlantic 10 IParrot 32 Butte Coal 26 Quiney 90 Cal ft Aril. . i. . . 106 'Shannon 16 Cal & Hecla....6T5 (Tamarack 70 Centennial 34!Trlnlty 1". Copper Range. . . S3 1 17. S. Mining 55 Daly West 8U. S. Oil 36 Franklin 17' iUtah 45 Granbv 103 Victoria 4 Greene Cananea. 101 Winona 6 Isle Rovale 20SWolverine 154 Mass Mining.... 9'North Butte 55 Michigan 10 New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 9. Cotton close: Fu tures. August. 11.88c; September. 11.86c; October. 11.80c; December. March and April, 11.85c; January and February, 11.84c; Mi-y. 11.8Sc. Cotton spot closed quiet, 20 points lower; middling uplands, 12.40c; mid dling gulf, 11.65c Sales. 4100 bales. , Wool at St. Iuls. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 8. Wool Steady; ter ritory and Western mediums, 2328c; fine mediums, 2224c, and fine, IStJ-lOc. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 9. Hops in London (Pacific Coast), firm; 1391. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Moore Investment Company to Rose dtv Construction Company, lot 16, block 84. Vernon 1 650 John Horn to Clara E. Nelson, Iota 28, 2. block H, Jtiawtnome Avenue auu.. s.ooo P. M. Moore and wife to Eugene Da mon, lots 6, 6. biS 1, Montavilla. . 8,000 Mercantile Truat & Investment Com pany to J. C. Beck, lot 30, block 6, Broadway. Add. 100 Hi G. Epton et al. to H. H. Wright, lot 17. Mock T4, Sellwood 10 Hans Johntson and wife to Jewle Mc Klnney, lota T, 8, block' 1, Bubdlvlalon of Tract 1. 4. Fern wood 60O D. B. McBrlde and wife to Frank A. Roff;n. eoutn i reet or 101 ih, Doick '22. Alblna Homestead 1,000 R. W. Stevens, Sheriff, to George W. Collins lot 9. block 49. Sunnyside... 135 B. M. Lombard and wife to John Lock- fa art, ioVf &, 6, V, 19, 1&, Ati, bloclx ' t 1 LUMBERMENS National CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, nrad and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. . It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND 6UEEST. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 817 BECK BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR, LAND sSS Made in any amounts for long periods of, time. Secured by irst Mortgage on Timber Lands. Releases of timber from" the 'mortgage at any time may be arranged '. to suit t the needs of the borrower. LYON, GARY & COMPANY 408 Marquette' Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS' Downing-Hopkins Co. ESTABLISHED 1893. .BROKERS: STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Bought and sold for cash and oa luirEln, Rooms 201 to 204, Couch Building PRIVATE WIRES 2, sad lots 0. . 11, 12, 21, 22. SI. 32, block 8, Brsse St. Add HemiHIT Aij-ttrsu!t &. Trurt ComDasy to 11,800 Charles Nunan. lot 1, block 26, Ross City Park Old People's Home to Maxy P. Allen, lot 4, block 21. Ladd's Add Dora S. Ide and husband to John P. Gerardy et al.. lots 5. 6, block 13, 6mltfh' Add. to B. Portland Dora 6. Ids and busband to John P. Gerard et al., lot 8, block 3,- Sell wood Portland Realty A Trust Company to Frances Carpenter, lot 28 and east half of lot 27. block 2. Kenwood Park J. A. Pettlt and wire to t. D. Reed et al., lot 2, block 2, Walden Park McKinley Mitchell and wife to John Brugffer, 10 aures, commencing? In north line of Sec. 15, T. 1 S R. 2 E. 7. SO chains eaet of section corner in north line of said section Frani ls'lbler, administrator, to Klcho las Mlckel same as above John J. O'Neill and wife to W. W. Stephenson, lots 17, 18, block 10, Irv Ington James Sargent to Benjamin W. Slocum lots 22, 23, 24. 25, 28. 27. block 14, Greenoe Heights Merchants Savings Tb Trust Company to Mary E. Crosby, lot 18, block I0i, Irvlnsion Charles J. Schnabel and wife to George W. Collins, fractional lots 4, 6, 6, block 8, Subdivision St. John's Heights, Bt. John Ladd Estate Company to Pauline Gett mar., lot 8, block 34. "Westmoreland.. Carlotts, A. O'Connor and husband to W. Burke, lot 10, block 35, Sunnyside Richard A. Butler and wife to George E. Qulggle et al. S. E. 14 of Sec. 24. T. 1 8.. R. 4 B William H. Markell and wife to O. K. Howltt north 100 feet of lot 8. block 2, Mt. Tabor Central Tract Security Abstract A Trust Company to F. A. Johnson, lot 16, block 16, Elm hurst James Sargent to V'alter Blackburn, lots 18. 19, 20, block 5, Inglevlew... T. M. Hill and wife to W. J. Guy, lot 13. block 18. East Portland Heights. . Same to V. F. Landry, lot 12, block 18, LJasrt Portland Heights Lawrence Connell and wife to Mllo Seaver, lots 1, 2. block 20, .Columbia Hofirhf ' BOO 2,000 0.000 1,500 222 1.000 10 600 2.900 140 1.100 TOO 493 1.500 10 20 BOO 100 100 100 00 575 8,000 2.000 Moore Investment Company to Sallle D. Duke, lot 10. block 35, Vernon HuMa M. Howe et al. to Joseph Began, ' lots 1, 2, block 20, Lincoln Park . . . Johanna Jensen and husband to Harriet K. Mendenhall, lot 6, block 10, Central Albiriu T. S. McDanlel and wife to Susie Crouse, lot 9, block 8, Park View Ex tension, also beginning at N". E. cor. of said lot , thence north 6 foet, thence west 80 feet, thence south ft., thencs east 00 feet to beginning Eugene Blaster and wife to Stewart Creighton et al. west 85 feet of lot 1. block 80 Carter's .Add Stewart Creighton to Steve King, lot 10, block 8. Waverleigh Heights Jasper J. Johnson and wife to James G. McEIroy, lots 16, 16, block 16, Kenllworth Olga Zernlcho snd husband to John Helter et al., lot 11, block 16, North Irvlngton John Carlson to JC. M. Dean, lots 1, 2, 8 4, block 6, Xormandale L H. Maxwell snd wife to Michael J. Keating, lots 1, 20. block. 1. Max well Irvlngton Investment Company to C. A. Bell, south 85 feet of lot 4, and north 80 feet of lot 5, block ., Irvlngton -J',' ' li" Charles Wanier to Margaret Paffrath, lot 16, Bucnanan'a Add. J M Fletcher and wife to Frederick J. Rlesland et al. east 35 feet of lot 6 block 4. Bartsch Park Add Colonial Investment Company to May "Wlnford O'Reilly, lota 4. 6, block -'. Fordham Heights' :; ;.'.' D. B. ilcBrlds and wife to Wallace . Patterson, north IS feet of lot 12, block 22, Alblna' Hsmestead Municipal Railway A Improvement Company to Clara Rafferty, lot 10. block 1, Terrace Park .. John E Butson and wife to Alice A. Cutting, lot 8, block 6, Arleta Park To. 4 Ladd Estate Company to S. S. Range lot , block IS, Laddfs Add. Moore- investment Company to I, . 2,850 10 10 1.T00 1 1,600 10 1,410 2,400 8.000 450 10 1.900 1,900 anic LOANS Telephones M 335, A 22.17 Fortune, lot 14, block 84, Vernon BOO Title Guarantee & -Trust Company to Mary Meeoher, lots 33, 34, block 11. Dover 2T0 Finlay McKercher to W. Verne Struble lr.ts 12, 13, 14, block 4, Qoncord Heights 880 Same to Eva M. Sandy, lot 11, block 4, Concord Heights 125 Edward Murphy to Mabel T. Murphy, lot 6, block- 1, Miriam's Ad-d 1 Carolina Nlebur to Edward J. Fay, S). H of N. W. 14 of N". W. 14 of Sec IP. T. 1 8.. R. 1 E J Edward J. Fav and wife to T. M. Shear man, west half of N. IV. 14 of N. W. 14 of Sec. 19, T. 1 S., R. 1 E 1 Total 169,003 Room 6, Board of Trade bids;. Abstracts a specialty. Certificates of Title made by the Title Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. TRAVELERS' GLIDE. jamburg-Zkmerican. All Modern Safely Devices (Wlrelesi. Eta.) London Paris. Hamburg. Kaleerln A. V.,Aug. 7Bluecher Aug. 25 Pennsylvania. Aug. 11 ('Amerika Aug. 28 P. Llnclnnew)Aug. ISi Waldereee Sept. 1 Cincln'ti(new) Aug. 21Cleveland(new)Sept. 4 Rlts Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. IT w 7' Ta Gibraltar.' Naples X X 1 and Ot-noa. 'Calls Asorea S. S. HAMBURG, 'Aug. 14. Sept. 80 S. S. MOLTKB, Sept. 9, Oct. 21 Tourist Dept. for Trips everywhere. Hamburg-American I.lne. 160 Powell St., Han Irancicj. and Local Agents, Portland. HONOLULU Beat Them All for sailing:, surf- and back $1 10. Firrt Claw boatinK.&urf-board " 1 " 11 riiiing, seautiLimiK, swimming1 and aquatic Bports; fishing, base ball, tennis, golf, automobilingr. Mot at tractiv spot on entire round the world tour. Five and one-half days from ban Francisco by S.S. Alameda (wireless), sailing June 5. 26. July 17th. Aug. 7. etc. BOOK NOW and secure the best berths. Line to Tahiti. New Zealand and Australia S. S. Mariposa sailing July 1. Aug. 6. etc. Tahiti & back $125. Wellington & back $260. O. S. S. Co.. 673 Market St., San Francisco NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. For Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct. The steamships Roa noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at ? P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, near AJder. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314. H. YOUNG, Ageat. 8AN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. 8. CO. Only direct steamer and daylight salllnc from Ainsworth Dock, Portland, 1 A. 11. 8. 8. Rose City, A us. 11, 28, etc. 8. 8. Male of California, Aug. 1. From Pier 40, San Kranisco, 11 A. M. 8. 8. Htnte of California, Aug. 14. 8. 8. Hum City, Aug. M, Sept. 4, etc J. W. Ranaom, Dock Agent. Main 208 Alnsworth Dock. M. J. BOt'HE, City Ticket Agent, 142 8d St. Pnone Main 402, A 1402. COOS BAY LINE Tbs steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port land every ttednesuaj. X. M., from Alas worth dock, for .Norm Head. slarsbBuld sad Coos Bay points. Freight received till P. M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, first class, $10; second-class, 7, including ber.li and meals Inquire city tloket office. Third and Washington street, or Aloj sorts dsaa. rtiB Main Mfc . i