16 COURT RESTRAINS Willi GAMPS Oregon Trunk Gets Injunction Against Its Rival in Des chutes Canyon. HEARING SET FOR AUG. 13 Suspension of Work Ordered by Fed eral Judge Wolverton mo I Merits of Controversy Can Be Determined. on application of the Oregon Trunk, United Stales Judice Wolverton yester day Issued a temporary restraining or der enjoining the Harriman forces from further operations on the southerly 60 miles of the railroad they are construct ing up the Deschutes Canyon into Cen tral Oregon. Included in the 60 miles covered in the restraining order there are not more than it) miles where the surveys of the rival roads conflict, but the effect of the courts injunction Is to suspend operations hy the Harriman camps for the entire distance until the merits of the controversy can he deter mined legally. Judge Wolverton has fixed next Friday. August 13. as the time when the Harriman representa ' tives must appear and show cause why the injunction should not be made per- The'suit was filed in the United States Court yesterday by Carey & Kerr, at torneys for the Oregon Trunk. . 1. Williamson, of Spokane, president or the companv. appearing as complainant. Accompanying the complaint were af fidavits bv Mr. Williamson and N. vv . Bethel chief engineer for the Oregon Trunk. In' support of the allegations In the bill of complHlnt. At the same time the complainant company filed a bond for $15,000. furnished by the National Surety Company. Voluminous Complaint Filed. The complaint is a voluminous docu ment consisting of 42 typewritten pages It sets forth that the Oregon Trunk was organised for the purpose of constructing a railroad from the mouth of the Heschutes River into Central Oregon, a distance of about 250 miles, with all desired extensions. It is fur ' ther alleged that the plaintiff company, under the provisions of an act of Con gress of May 3. 1R75. secured from the secretarv of the Interior an approval of its maps of survey, including rights of way over all of the public land ot er which Its proposed road pas se s. It la further averred that an uninterrupted right of way has been acquired over all private holdings for the entire dis tance, with the exception of one small tract one mile In length. For these : reasons plaintiffs aver they are entitled to the exclusive and uninterrupted pos session and occupancy of the r survey for the purpose of constructing and operating a railroad. Continuing, the complaint sets forth that the necessity and convenience of the public reoulre the construction and opera " tion of a railroad along the line located nv the Oregon Trunk. It is further alleged ' that ever since the complainant company : began preparation for the construction of : its road, the Harriman forces have tres- passed upon its right of way. removed : and destroyed grade stakes, torn down and destroyed portions of its roadbed and grades and by use of powder has blown up and destroyed a part of the ronstruct- ed roadbed of the Oregon Trunk. It is also charged aeainst the Harriman cam- pany that Its employes have further ob ' Juructed the right of way of the Oregon ' Trunk by constructing and maintaining a substantial wire fence across the lat ter company's survey. Assaults on Workmen Feared. Fy reason of these facts it is repre sented that the Oregon Trunk is being : delaved and interfered with In the con struction of its road, l-nless the restrain ing order was granted, the complaint al ' l.-ged that "defendant's workmen will : assault the employes of the plaintiff and ' there will be numerous arrests and prose- cutions in the courts for violations of law and order and numerous actions at : law will be necessary to protect com plainant s rights." On these representations. Judge Wolver ton signed the temporary restraining or der, which will be enforced pending a hearing as to a continuance of the in junction, which will be argued by oppos ing counsel Friday. It Is the contention of the representa tives of the Oregon Trunk that the Harri man forces not only are trespassers in the sense that they are alleged to be ob structing and destroying construction work of the former road, but for the further alleged reason that the Harriman people do not have any rights in the canvon. so far as the public land is con cerned, any further south than the first ' miles. Harriman Accused of Trespassing- Counsel for the Oregon Trunk charge in their complaint that Harriman has obtained from the Secretary of the In terior an approval of the maps of survey for the Deschutes Railroad over only the first 40 miles and for that reason is a trespasser in all the activities It is direct ing at any other point in the canyon. This statement of the allegations in the complaint constitute the basis on which' the Oregon Trunk seeks to oust Harriman from the upper part of the canyon, pend ing the approval by the Interior Depart ment of maps of survey covering that territory. Chief Kngineer Fethel in his affidavit avers that the Harriman company has rover obtained the approval of any line of survey along the route over the public : lands described in the complaint and for that reason is. witho.it legal rlgiit In his occupation of the disputed premises. He further charges that Harriman represent atives have entered upon complainant's right of way and destroyed parts of grades and otherwise obstructed and in- timidated the operations of the Oregon Trunk. Similar facts are certified to by Sir. Williamson In his affidavit. HAT5KIM AX MEN I" XI) I STIR BED O'Brien and Cotton Decline to Dis cuss Oregon Trunk Suit. Service of papers In the Oregon Trunk injunction suit on the resident Harriman officials yesterday did not serve to disturb the serenity with which these men have clothed themselves from the inception of the activities of the rival company in the Deschutes canyon. General Manager O'Brien ar.d W. W. Cotton, general coun sel for the Harriman lines, were out of the city during the day and when they returned last night declined to discuss the suit brought by the opposing com pany, explaining that they had not read the complaint. "I understand the suit has been brought to enjoin us from obstructing the opera tions of the Oregon Trunk." commented 51r. Cotton. " But I fail to see how any body can be charged with obstructing I until he actually has obstructed some thing." That was all the head of Harriman's legal department had to say. However, frequent conferences between Messrs. O'Brien and Cotton and representatives of the engineering department are alone sufficient proof that the men who are looking after the Harriman interests are thoroughly awake and in close touch with the situation and every development. This conclusion finds further confirmation in the fact that John D. Isaacs, of Chicago, consulting engineer for the Harriman lines, is in the city, arriving yesterday. While the Harriman people will not ad mit it. it Is regarded more than probable that Mr. Isaacs is here for a purpose and that he will be found participating in the Deschutes railway right. Mr. Cotton was in The Dalles yesterday and while there instituted suits In the State Circuit Court against the Oregon Trunk to exclude the latter company from the right of way across the Dean and Smith ranches. These light of way are included in the survey for the Oregon Trunk, which contends that It acquired the rights from the original owners of the property. Subsequently, so say the Ore gon Trunk representatives, the two farms were bought oy the Harriman people and the suits filed yesterday are for the pur pose of ousting the rival road from the premises. "Mr. O'Brien spent yesterday on a tour of inspection of the Corvallis & Eastern between Albany and Detroit. Returning from the eastern terminus of this road. Mr. O'Brien made a slight detour and returned to Albany over the Wroodburn Xatron branch from Shelburn. While it was suspected that the trip at this time might portend extension work on the Corvallis & Eastern, it was learned here that the visit was purely one of inspec tion. Pending the outcome of the injunction suit, involving the southerly 60 miles of the disputed Deschutes territory, Twohy Bros., the Harriman contractors, will in crease their activities on other sections of the road which are under construction. Argument on the Oregon Trunk suit will begin Friday and an early decision on the points Involved is expected by both sides. SCENE OF BATTLE SHIFTED Harriman Attorneys File Injnnction at The Dalles. THE DALLKS. Or., Au 9. (Special.) The scene of the leral battle between Porter Bros., and Harriman representa tives for oontrol of the riprht of" way up the Deschutes shifts from Sherman County to Wasco County. Today proceed ings for Injunction were filed in the Cir cuit Court by W. W. Cotton and Bennett & Sinnott, attorneys representing the Deadlines Railroad Company, plaintiff, a pa Inst the Oregon Trunk Iine. incorpo rated, and Joseph Porter, John D. Por ter, Richard B. Porter,. A. R. Porter, T. C. Hanford and Randall, defendants, praying that defendants be restrained from trespassing1 upon certain property named In the application for the injunc tion. The case wn eet for Tuesday at 2 o'clock by the Circuit Judpe. V. L.. Rrad shaw. but was later postponed until Wed nesday at the ?ame hour. Fifteen pages of closely typewritten af fidavits were filed with the application for an Injunction and include certified copies of signed statements from' Ray F. Smith, former owner of the land which Is the cause of litigation; F. W. Humphrey, assistant engineer for the plaintiff com pany; C. W. Moore, Register of the United States land Office at The Dalles; Theodore Roosevelt, ex-President of the United States; F. M. McKean and C. H. Brush, formerly secretary and recorder respectively of the General Land Office. A certified copy of the deed to the parcel of land signed by Mary E. Smith and Ray F. Smith, her husband, with R. A. Brown and J. Ti. Eddy as witnesses. Is also a part of the evidence filed. Deeds were filed today by J. W. Mor row, the right of way man for the O. R. Sr N., for right of way for the Deschutes Railroad Company through land belong ing to the following: W. H. "Williams and wife. C. P. l"Ren and Mary F. VRen. $2500; Mary E. Smith and Ray F. Smith. $1250; Ewen McLennan and wife, $lrt,0n0; Aratelle Staats and husband, W. H. Staats, $100; Loren J. Farre, unmar ried. $750. The Smith property was later purchased for the additional sum of $1800. TRANSFERRED FROM HELENA Great Northern to Locate Important Office Here. That the status of the local office of the Great Northern Railway is to be raised Is indicated by the announce ment yesterday of the appointment of H.- A. Jackson, assistant general freight end passenger agent at Helena, Mont., to be assistant general freight and pas senger apent at Portland. Mr. Jackson is expected to arrive today or tomorrow to assume his new duties. The appointment of Mr. Jackson makes necessary an enlargement of the local quarters and additions to the clerical staff. If the present offices on Third street are found to be inadequate sepa rate rooms will be established for Mr. Jackson. Announcement of the change was received by General Agent Harder by wire from Assistant Traffic Manager M. J. Costello. from Spokane. PREMIUM HIGHEST YE! WATER BOARD GETS $50,000 BONDS AT 3 ln2 PER CENT. A. H. Maegley Buys $83,000 Block of City's Improvement Issue at 3. The highest premiums ever secured for city improvement bonds were obtained yesterday afternoon, when the Council committee on ways and means disposed of a block of $158,000, the life of which is 10 years, and the interest 6 per cent per annum. The Water Board offered 34 per cent premium, thus breaking the record, and was awarded S.10.000 at that figure. The remaining bonds were sold at 3 per cent premium. It had been rumored for some time that high premiums would be offered for this block of bonds, but the bids exceeded all expectations. Superintendent Dodge, for the Water Department, submitted a bid of par. accrued interest and per cent premium for $50,000 worth, and of 3 per cent for the remainder. He was awarded the $50,000 and $25,000 at the lower premium. A. H. Maegley received the balance at his bid of 3 per cent. The bonds have never sold above 3 per cent, and heretofore a bid of 2S per cent pre mium was considered excellent. There were other bidders, but all were lower in figures, and there were no more bonds to sell. OBSERVATION CAR Through Willamette Valley. The Southern Pacific is now running an observation parlor car covering the deHRhtful daylight ride through the Willamette Valley between Portland and Cottage Grove. t This car leaves Portland southbound on train 19 at 8:15 A. M. Returning, leaves Cottage Grove, northbound, on train 13 at 4:50 P. M. NO AGREEMENT YET Grainhandlers Fail to Sign for Coming Season. EXPORTERS ARE SILENT Dockworkers Allege Insufficient Members In City to Hold Meeting. Same Schedule as Last Year Is Offered by Shippers. A new nan scale between the grain-handlers- union and local exporters has not been signed up and conditions remain unchanged. The grainhandlers failed to put in an appearance last Friday, when a meeting had been arranged for the pur pose of setting the wage schedule for the year. Last seasons contract expired In Explanation is made for the delay by the grainhandlers- officials that there are STEAMER rSTEIXIOENCK. Dm to Arrive. Name. From. Eureka Kureka Breakwater Coos Bay.... gue H. Elmore. Tlllamooa Roanoke San Pedro... Atko Tillamook. . . . Rnse City San Francisco Falcon San Francisco Alliance Coos Bay. Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro. . . State of Cal. .. San Francisco. Selja HonskonK. . . . Henrik Ihsen. . -Hongkong-. . . . Date. In port In port In port In port In port Aug. 10 Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 15 Aug. 16 Sept. 1 Oct. 24 Scheduled to Depart. Name. For. Eureka Eureka. . . Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook- Data. N Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 14 Aug. 14 Roanoke San Pedro.... Breakwater Coos Bay.... Arf?o Tillamook. . . . Falcon San Francisco Rose City San Francisco Alliance Coos Bay Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro... State of Cal. . -San Francisco Selja Hongkong. . . . Henrik Ibsen. ..Hongkong Aug. 34 Aug. Aug. 17 21 Sept. 10 Not. 1 Entered Monday. Asuncion, Am. steamship Brl5 gett), with fuel oil from San Fran cisco. E. K. Wood, Am. schooner (Han sen), with ballast, from San Podro. Cleared Monday. Asuncion. Am. steamship (Brld gett), with" ballast, for San Fran cisco. E. K. Wood. Am. steamship (Han sen), with 50,000 feet of lumber, lor San Pedro. only about 25 member of the union in the city and that It will be impossible to ballot on the matter until an attend ance of 75 or 80 car. be secured. The majority of the men are In the harvest fields or fishing. Exporters announced their Intention of declaring open shop unless the contract was signed by July 30. An additional week was granted the grainhandlers. Shippers are now silent as to their inten tions. The rate offered the union men was 35 cents an hour, the same as pre vailed last season. Open shop conditions prevail on Puget Sound and grainhand lers receive 30 cents an hour. Similar conditions exist In San Francisco. The grainhandlers will hold a meeting August 26. nredpre Working at Mouth of River. Steamboat masters and pilots are re quested to slow down In passing in and out of the mouth of the Willamette River. The Port of Portland dredge Portland will commence operations at that place this morning and as the location Is directly in the path of vessels proceeding up or down the river, the greatest caution must be exercised to prevent accidents. Tender Armeria Reaches. Ketchikan. earning supplies for the light sta tion in Alaska, the United States tender Armeria. Captain Gregory, and with Cap tain J. M. Eilicott. Lighthouse Inspector, on board, reached Ketchikan yesterday morning. It is the intention of the In spector to sail from Skagway for the westward about August 18. Captain Ei licott Is making an Inspection of all the light stations In the Alaska district. . Marine Xotes. The steamship Sue H. Elmore will sail this evening for Tillamook. The oil tank steamship Argyll Is due at Astoria today from Port Harford. The steam schooner Cascades will leave down today wtth lumber for San Fran cisco. The steamer Geo. R. "Vosburg will sail this morning for Nehalem with general cargo. Captain J. Speler. harbormaster, re turned yesterday from a short visit to San Francisco. For San Pedro, San Francisco and Eu reka, the steamship Roanoke will sail this evening at 8 o'clock. With passengers and freight from San Francisco, the steamship Rose City is due to arrtve this morning at Portland. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND, Aug. 9. Arrived, steamship Qulniault from San Frairrlsco. Sailed, rteam ehlti Asuncion, for San Francisco. Astoria, Or., Aug. 9. Condition at the mouth of the river at f P. smooth; wind northwest. 10 miles: weather, cloudy. Ar rived at 6 and left up at 7 SO A. M.. eteamer Qulnault, from San Francisco. Left up at 11-30 4. M., French bark Bldart; arrived at S and left up at 6:20 P. M.. steamer Rose City from San Francisco: arrived at 3:25 and left 'up at 4:50 P. M., steamer Mayfatr. from San Francisco; arrived down at 2:30 and sailed at 4 P. M., steamer Asuncion, for San Francisco. San Francisco. Aug. 8 Arrived at 11 A. M.. steamer State of California, from Portland Gray. Harbor. Aug. . Arrived yesterday, schooner Irene, from Astoria. Victoria. Aug. ".Sailed yesterday, British etcamer Suverlc. from Portland for Shanghai. Hobart. Aug. 0. Arrived, August 3, French bark Gen. Faldberbe, from Antwerp, for Port land. San Francisco. Aug. 8. Arrived, steamer Santa Monica. Gravs Harbor: steamer G. C. Lindaner Grays Horbar; steamer State . of California, Portland: steamer Thor. Nanalmo, Sailed, steamer President, San Diego; steamer Temple E. Dorr, San Pedro; U. S. steamer ilcCulloch, for a cruise. Tide at Astoria. High. Low. SS A. M 1 feetI2:S3 A. M 0 4 feet S jn p. 1T..1 .. feet 2 IS P. M 3 5 feet MEDFORD HAS NEW PHONES Central Knergy System Installed by Pacific Company. MEDFORD. Or., Aug. 9. (frjpecial.) The Western Electric Company has com pleted Installation of a K0.000 telephone system In Medford and last night turned it over tothe Pacific Telephone and Tele graph Company. Frank I -a Point, with a crew of splicers, has been at work day and night during the past two weeks to get the new cables spliced and thoroughly tested in order to make the cut over from the old magneto system, which took place last night and was a success. Last Sunday crossed electric wires caused a fire In the telephone office, which burned away a couple of the new cables, wnlch necessitated the men work ing nights during the whole of last week in order to repair the damage, Under the common battery central energy system which has been Installed at iledford, it is no longer necessary for the people to ring for central, as in the past. Also the new system has a larger capacity, and K. T. Saylor, district fore man, assures the people- that the 200 or 300 unfilled contracts for phones will now bo attended to immediately. He expects that the present system of 400 phones will be doubled within the next year. W. R. Logus, head of the operating department, has been instructing the cen tral girls during the past week in re gard to the operation of the new board. A new system has been installed at Grants Pass and Mr. Neuby, of the Western Electric Company, leaves for Ashland tomorrow to Install a similar system there. CHAMBER WILL MOVE LEASES QUARTERS IX COMMER CIAL CLUB BCTLDIXG. Commerce Body Will Occupy For mer Location of Portland Board of Trade. Officers of the Portland Chamber of Commerce yesterday closed a five-year lease for the rental of office accommo dations on the ground floor of the Commercial Club building. Fifth and Oak streets. Not later than' October 1 the Chamber expects to be installed in its new home. This organization will occupy the rooms recently vacated by the Board of Trade, and the lease also Includes all of the floor space on the north side of the building and adjoin ing the Board of Trade Rooms at the Fifth-street entrance. The Commercial Club will immediate ly begin the extensive aJteratlon of the rented quarters to meet the require ments of the new tenants. Provision will be made for the better display of the large exhibit of Oregon products maintained by the Chamber in its pres ent quarters in the Chamber of Com merce building. Removal of the Chamber into the Commercial Club building is expected to prove the initial move towards bringing about a consolidation of the publicity departments of the two or ganizations. On September 30, Tom Richardson will retire as publicity man ager of the Commercial Club. His resignation, effective on that date, is now in the hands of the board of directors and probably will be accepted, as It is understood Mr. Richardson has other plans. Officers of the Commercial Club will not discuss Mr. Richardson's resigna tion, neither will they indicate who will probably be selected as his successor. It is understood, however, that another publicity director will be secured in the near future, that the more aggressive campaign of advertising Oregon, which has been launched by this organization, may be continued without interrup tion and further satisfactory results achieved. There Is considerable sentiment among the members of both organizations for effecting some arrangement by which the publicity work carried on by each may be consolidated. The practicabil ity of such a plan will be urged vigor ously now that Mr. Richardson pro poses to retire and the Chamber is to be housed in the same building with the Commercial Club. Some of the mem- MB shapeliness. All of this can be avoided, however by the use of Mother' Friend before baby comes, as this great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcomes all the danger of child birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical -Vi ,:ut oin it i: woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully teU of the benefit and wonaerrui remeuy. ouiu by all druggists -at $1.00 per bottle. Our little book, telling all about this lini ment will be sent free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta, Ga. Thorough Cures for Many doctors call a suppression of symptoms a cure. Some doso for drug effects and then claim tht nothing more can be done. But the real ailment remains, and will bring the symp toms back again, perhaps the same as before, or nerhaps modified in some manner. My treatment is effectual In completely removing the disease, because it goes to the very source of the cause. It searches out every root and fiber of the ail ment and thus effects a REAL, CURE one that is permanent. The thoroughness of my meth ods in treating men's diseases has brought cures where others fail, has enabled me to prom ise much with certainty of fulfilling every promise, and has rewarded me with pre-eminence . in the medical field and with the largest practice of its kind in the West. You Can Pay When I AM NEVER IN DOUBT I am never In doubt as to what the results from my treatment will be. "Day after day for twenty years I have been curing case after case of the several diseases peculiar to men. No case coms to me now, the like of which I have not treated scores of times in t7ie past, and I can always say definitely whether I will be able to effect a permanent cure. I never hold out false hopes or make promises that I cannot fulfill, and you can rely absolutely upon any encouragement I may be able to offer you. If I promise you a cure, a cure will follow. CONTRACTED DISEASES Improper treatment of contract ed diseases can easily produce weakness. An examination reveals this very cause in a largre portion of the cses of weakness. Lingering inflammation centering: in the prostaLe g:land is sure to result in disordered functions, and the con dition will never be corrected until the Inflamed and swollen g-land is restored to its normal state. I thoroughly cure every contracted disease I treat. The remedies I employ are known to myself alone, and no 6ther physician has yet pro duced equally prompt and thor- , ough cures. COVSrLTiTION FREE MT HONEST AND CANDID ADVICE COSTS yOU NOTHING. I cheerfully give you the very best opinion, guided by vears of successful practice. Men out of town, in trouble, write if you cannot call, as many cases yield readily to proper home treatment and cure. My offices are open all day from 9 A. M. to 9 P. and Sundays 10 to 1. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 2S4V4 MORRISOX STREET, CORAER SECOXD, PORTLAND, OREGON. OF In this treatment of Varicose Veins of men we have developed methods entirely new and wonderfully sue- cassful. This important ailment cannot "be cured with electric de vices In any form, nor by lotions or medicines externally or internally. As head of this company I have re peatedly offered large sums for proof of such cures, and such proof would be worth tons of argument these claims are fatuous absurdity. This ailment can be cured by go . ing to a hospital for operation, but such a procedure entails the use of chloroform, nurse hire, big expense and loss of time. There is Just one Sensible Practical Way to cure this ailment, and It Is tho best, safest and most successful; does not involve a single objection able feature, no going to bed, no t pain, no chloroform and positively w bad results. The patient can resume any kind of hard work after seven to eight days, and Is not required to even stay In his room during this time. The organs are at once re Men's Disorders and None Other My specialty, besides being limited to men only, is confined to less than a dozen ailments. But of each ail ment I have handled many thou sand cases. My reputation has been built upon my ability to cure those that others could not cure. Inas much as I do not accept for treat ment any case that I am not abso lutely positive can be given a per fect and permanent cure, I am able to offer my services on a basis that no other Specialist can. Man's Manhood Dethroned In early youth, just when pu berty Is reached, at the age boy Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases The functions of these organs are the most Important of the body, and the derangement or obstruction of them is fraught with the most disastrous consequences. It Is of the highest importance that whenever there is reason to suspect that the kidneys, bladder or prostate are out of order, a diagnosis of a searching and scientific character should be made. Too often these examinations are superficial, hasty and made with Inadequate testing methods, and the consequence Is that the pa tient is frequently lulled into a feel ing of safety, to realize when too late that he is In the clutches of a St. Louis Medical Co. bers would have the two organizations merged into one, but others are not so insistent. It is contended by many of the members that there is nothing to prevent a consolidation of the publicity work of the two organizations without Every woman covets a shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the loss of their girlish forms after marriage. The bear ing of children is often rtpctrirt-ive to the mother's relief derived from the use of this Cured DR. TAYLOR, The Leading Specialist. WEAKNESS So long as physicians continue along the old lines of treatment of this disorder, men will continue to be disappointed time and time again In their efforts to obtain a cure. I have found that disorders entirely local are responsible for weakness In men, and that there is not even the slightest possibility of obtaining a cure through use of Internal remedies. My treatment is directed toward the removal of all ibnor mal conditions throughout the organs involved, and I do not fail in a sir.gie instance to restore complete and permanent activity of ail the functions. Men MEN lieved of tax, normal circulation is promptly reestablished and the. ja tieat restored to a condition of Health, Snap and Vitality If you want a real, prompt, per fect and reliable cure without pain or confinement to your room, is it not about time to commence look ing at the logical, practical and plain fact side of It? If I could be paid one-half the money that is spent on these fake electrical ap pliances, that positively never cured a single well-developed case in a hundred years, I would be willing to treat and cure every case of Vari cose Veins in the state free. Prejudice from one cause or an other prevents many men from doing their duty toward themselves in this respect. Prejudice is an unreason able and a stout enemy to overcome, but if men do not overcome it, it will overcome them and blind them to great benefits in more ways than one. Punishment from neglect of duty sometimes comes slowly, but It comes as surely as wilful neglect brings woeful regret. hood is changing to manhood, ignor ance and folly have done their fa tal work. It is here the nervous system is weakened and the mind loses its power to resist temptation. It is here manhood is dethroned. By years of patient study and ob servation at home and in foreign hospitals in all forms and classes of CHRONIC AND NERVOUS DIS EASES, I have evolved a method of curing these diseases which has met with the approval and sanction of all the leading specialists on nervous diseases of America, and their vote deadly disease. If you have any of the symptoms of disease of the kid neys, bladder or prostate, suoh as pain in the back, dlffloult or fre quent urination, smarting, burning or straining, dull aching or throbbing sensation in the bladder, headaches, dizziness, sleeplessness, tired feel ing, cold hands and feet, puffiness of the eyes and face, swollen ank les, difficult breathing, palpitation of the heart, come before it is too late. My study and extensive- practice in the treatment of all forms of Kidney, Bladder and all Urinary Troubles have familiarized me to the 2301 Yamhill STREET destroying the identity of either as a commercial body. New York William Travia. a burglar who PRIVATE CURE FOR MEN "WORNOUT- DISEASED MEN . NOT A DOLLAR NEED I AM FOR MEN MODERATE CHARGES, FAIR DEAMNR, FAITHFUL SERVICE AND LASTING CURES are responsible for my im mense practice, the largest in this city. Consult the best. I Cure All Blood and Skin Diseases Never to Return. I Cure Nervous Debility ( No Stimulant, But Permanent. I Cure All Urinary Diseases Without Surgery In Aay Form. I Cure All Complicated and Associate Diseases of Men, Consult Me (Free) Before Placing Your Case Elsewhere YOUNG MAN, DO YOU KNOW healthy' nrvouBystemUrmorePthan nj thing else? ummr iren uru should not forget that no matter th cause MIDDLE AbfcD mtll of their TISSUE WASTE, that they can be cured by my NEW SYSTEM where all else tried tails. nin MEM today by the use of my NEW SYSTEM need not undergo the ULD lUtN misery they have had to undergo In years gone by. I heal and strengthen diseased, weakened CONSVI.TATIOX ADVICE EXAMINATION We have added to our office equipment, for the benefit of MEX ONLY a FREE MUSEUM of Anatomy and irallery of .clentific urnnder.. Man, know thynelf. I.lft-.ljse model. IlluatratlnK the mj-.terie. of man, ahovrlng the body in health and dl.ea.e, and many natural aubjeeta. Men make no mistake when they come to us. We give you the re sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best serv ice that money, can buy. If you are ailing consult us. Medicines fur nished in our private laboratory from $1.60 to J6.50 a course. If you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. Sundays 9 to 13 only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 291 MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH, PORTLAND, OR. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills, and best only reliable rem edy for FEMALE TROUBLES. (7urA thA mnitt nbstinatA caficm in 8 to 10 davs. Price 12 ner box. or 3 for $5; mailed in plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCEl. Sl Alisky bldg., Woodard, Clarke & Co., 4th and Wash. NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNLESS CURED of thanks a a body is but a small token of their esteem and apprecia tion of the researches and many val uable discoveries made by" me. My New Methods My New Method treatment gives old men the vigor of youth, makes midQle-aged men strong as the youth, makes young men strong and revitalizes the nerves when ex hausted from overwork or worry. It cures nervous decline and debil ity of man, difficult In concentrat ing your thoughts, and the whole train of symptoms that result from the above causes. extent that I have attained skill, which insures successful treatment In all cases not absolutely incur able. I determine the condition by a eclenttfio analysis of urine, and the severs genito-urinary troubles I have cured by my systematic course of treatment after being unsuccess fully treated by other specialists, gives me such confidence in my method to assure you a cure. My consultation and advice is al-f ways free, whether you take treat ment or not. If you cannot call at office, write for self-examination blank. Many cases cured at home. Office hours 9 A, M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 12. All correspondence in plain envelopes. Port! an is to be executed for murder this week, has a $1000 life Insurance policy which the com pany will contest on the ground that ho misrepresented his occupation and that legal execution was not contemplatea. BE PAID UNLESS CURED d, Or.J AFFLICTED MEN T want yon men In whom are sown the seeds of early follies, later exrennpH or flln ease, you whose failing memory, lost vigor, wrecked nerves lame back, disordered stomach, warn you- disease Is at work undermining: your phynicral, mental and vital powers, to call at my office and learn of my methods of curing the diseaMes of men after all others have failed entire y. I make no charge for my counsel, and it I accept your case will guarantee you a perfect and permanent cure or no pay. CERTAINT YOF CURE IS WHAT YOU WANT Any man who Is diseased and discour aged today baa no one to blame but him self. There Is now absolutely no excuse for a man to allow himself to gradually waste away In the clutchen of a Private Disease. If you are a suiterer zrom a ei vlo Disease which you should well know will la time make a total physical wrerk of you, you may attribute your present condition to one of two thing, vix.i Von either have failed through neglect to give yourself the attention which you well know your condition demands, or you have never placed yourself In the bands of a Spe cialist, Competent and Reliable Specialist. It requires more than ordinary ability to cure any one of the diseases of which I have made a life work and specialty. memoranda. FREE AND EARNESTLY INVITED Kodo FOR Weak Stomachs prevents nausea by Dicestinp all the food yon eat, cures Indigestion, slops Dyspepsia, makes weak stomachs strong. Kodol acts promptly, is pleasant to take, and may be used by any one as directed with perfect conUdeoce of good results. Every tablespoooful of Kodol diirests a 54 pounds of food. It is guaranteed. Try it WONDERITL REMEDIES From herbs and roots, euro career, nervousness, ca tarrh, asthma, coughs, la grippe, lung, liver, throat, kidney and stomach trou bles: also all private dis eases. No operations. "We cure when others fall. Consultation free. Young Mfnr Chinese Medicine Co.. 347 Taylor il, beu 2d & 3d,