Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 10, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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Hovwke"puic Romm tn Priva Family.
XICELY furnished housekeeping; suite, with
free telephone tnd bath; close la to cento-
of cit v. to married coupie without
children, for $16 per month. 321 7th at.
Phone Main li.
N E nicely furnished housekeeping suite of
two rwiu: aiso one nkciv furnished single
ro m furnace hnt iQ both; CiOee In, rea
sonable rent. 129 13th st. Main 94S3.
KK7ELT furnished housekeeping, rooms : aJl
rnnvf-nieQcea, $10 and $12. W'J4 Morrison
IINGLE ROOM for lght housekeeping.
Inr cisiance. $2 .10 J"T ff'fk; map fo
keeping, walk-
r some
wcrsmg gut. -n
COZY newlv furnished housekeeping ro-rns.
gas. eictric light, bath, telpl-cne; ra:es
reaonab;. .-- C.ltrnn St. Phone A i.29.
FOR RENT cnfurnlshed housekeeping
room, walking distance, 2d house south
of Wash., on Ella at. ,
TWO rooms complete for housekeeping: both
nhonfs. oath. gas; $16, Including light;
no diM'-ren. 6-4 Flfih at., cor. Sherman.
MCE large cl.-an housekeeping rooms. $3, $!2,
$!5; frt-c jhne. gas and Lath. l'H N. l"th
ft., cor. Kearney.
TW' front housekeeping roonu; every' conve
nience; cbep r-r.t. 421 Tth.
TWO clean housekeeping rooms; running
water. .".47 Morrison st. No children.
TWO desirable- complKciy furnished room for
housekeeping- i4l G:h st.
llDTTPN S-room bnui with furnace, water,
ei-ctric Ucht anl gas: large attic and
garden, on b!o-k from carllne and school
house. 1"U0 East Taylor, near 40th; $26
pT month.
GfOT "i-room cottage, wrjt side river, un
furnished. $14; furnished. 120; 7-room
hoime. s2i. Apjly N. 26th. W-car to
26th. north on block.
(.ROOM cottage with bathtub and free
wat.-r. with or without barn and chicken-
douse I. art: ard 212 Kant 4th t.. 2
blocks from rvlin and schoolhouse.
NEW 7 prrn h.. close n : accessible to 4
different t-nrilnM: rent $::7 50; in good re
pur. inquire 3 En Tt Taj lor St.. corner
Vr.rme Tabor 1M.
HOUSES and Piinimer cottagea guarded
against rtre; "better be insured than sor
r." Columbia Trust Company, Board of
Trade blug.
Fl RMSHBD or unfurnished 7-room house.
lO Whiraker st. Apply A. G. Church Icy.
photographer. 145' 3d.
HOI'SS of $ rooms, reception hall and
bathroom. 710 Lovejoy st. Inquire 132
Sili st. Main 627 S.
6-ROOM house, first-class order. 228 Oibba
st . Let. 1st and 2d, West Bide, tiouth
Portland; S'-O.
FK KKNT Modern 6-room cottage, cor
ntr tOtli and Norrhrup Inquire ol
N'r.rihrup. between 20th and Ulst.
COTTAilKS 91 -North lith inear Wash
'ncion ' ; i4l Kast Alder. "Drake 8.
204 4 Washintftou.
4-ItOOM cotiage. all at o Columbia at.
or phone Main Wt.
NE'V house of 0 rooms and bath, CO East
10th. near Everett, inquire 18 th at.
B-ROOM cottr-se. large lot. Sunnysid. near
car ?15 Hatncid. 15 4th.
2i7 fHAi11A.N-.MAlN. $2.": S rooms. Key
21'0 l;li; M 7fi-0. .
6iOLHi:.V rt-room huse. E. 22d and Main ste.
CU1 771 K. Sulm.-n st.. or phone Eat iW2
AlODEKN D-D-ona bungalow, between two
car line. 4 c: ave. ; lawn, fruit.
6-ROOM house for rent, $15, In good order.
Apply 4l Jerrr.n t.
$2r -T-rom modern house, walkinr cistauce.
010 Clay at.
MOD PIRN -rom house. S4 Kast Couch;
rent Phone Main 32l!ft.
CHOICE outside office room for rent. Call
41rt Commercial Club bldg.
Furnished Iloosee.
ti-OI 7 -room cottage, lurnisnea.
unfurnished. ': 4 -room lower fiat, fur
nished. tlA; unfurnLUliwd. 112. Both weal
kim river. Apply 3i4 N. 2th. W-car to
"Jrtth. north one block.
Fl'RNIa EI) or unfurnished 7-room houe.
ln WhitaKrr it. Apply A. G. Churthley.
ptioto:rapiier. 14.'t d.
tt'H'EKN 7 ro'-.m h'-me en corner with gerage,
we'.l-rurr.uhe i throush-mt; EaM Yarahlll at.,
$47..V. Call 4lu KalUr.g blog-
W K " ! urni?hd modern ?uburt n home,
r-rtsnnalde; will lae; no children. Call
lkj N. 2!st st.
pF-'tlUPLE fu-n!5hed Hir-mom flat, $aa,
bath. &;4 E:tst I'M. W. R- car.
3-Kf lOM furnished house, also -room nn
rurnlidied. lniuire 17 Pwetlund bldg.
IM TAYIH Weil furnished 6-room flat,
bath. ao. electricity; no doc.
prIRAPT-E (1-roorn house completely
""furnished. Main 1147. f.74 Mill st.
Huv for Kent, Furnltn for Sal.
FINE oparrment house; must be sold anon;
OM ....r r. ing aay: clears $15 month;
hi viil handle this : will take port
1 4i:.l 1 1 - rooms, trani' v. center of city,
cnod monevmaker. if eohl this week
I'aritic Kt-aJty Co.. Room S20. Swetland
$4"i.i r vSH tlte furnirure of a newly fur-
ni-h-d .-ix-room lli.t; three rooms rented
n t- tlvin pavs r-;it nf flat; furniture -ost
$7m: mjp: t once. Apply Flat A,
Wnshinkton St.
HI'? H-GRA.UK weathered ooi; furriture -ro
'Tii flat, i-oniplrtc' at sn. rince price ; de
sirahle locality, reasonable rent. Main
14 -'ft
H01ERN nine-room dwelling. Nob Hill, one
Koi-k Wa.oMingtini. waiking distanre; bar
tain in furrii:ui-.-; fine home; owner leav
ing city. D Or-fToinan.
TI'RMTrRF of R-mom cottage. Tery cheap.
114.1 E.i?t Yamhill.
fr-ROOM ci'iiag.. bath andi pantry: central;
r.-nt'le ; Uwn. Main 2165.
m'RNITIRE of ffrst-claj-w rooming and
boamlng-h.-vuse f.r Ue. 3S0 ad et-
JTXRT.T new furr.iture of r:n rooma; rent
reaanab. mocem. St7 3d at.
Hummer Rcworts,
BITTTFR. Investigate Columbia Beach, tha
seaside capital of the Northwest. Columbia
Xi-a,t coir. pan v. Hoard of Trade bldg.
(l-KOM cortoge S Mv-ka north Ivwig Reach
-'r-ot; beiuf.Ml location; ocean front. East
M2. btv E. Oak.
a CO VPI FTlmT fImlsed 6-room eotrce.
at Centeri.l, Lorg Beach, for August and
September; rcas.naUe, A 'm9. to 22d sU
Merortt Hood Btere I-lae. oonnte O. WV P.
ear Ifinni Portland :4 A M. for Bor-tr-g
NH 2 and one 4-r-xru cottage for reat, at
"L. g Bea h. U i::im ave.
IjONO BEACH Small furnished house, aea
Ka. reasonable. Tahor liltf.
XR RENT Four-story brick store building,
with cement basement 40x100: SI Front
N lately o -.up!cd bv American Chicle
ca jirp y to Fred Bickel. 75i Park ava.
pOR RENT Four-etorr and baewment brick
tto- building. 100x105, S. E. cor. Front
and Pine sis. Apply C A. Dolph. Mohawk
STORE 23i4 on prominent street. West
Side; nw btnidir-g. 2i. 824 Worcester
STOREROOM. OO 1st st.. 23x100 feet. J.
R. Kegels. HO 1st C
FOR RENT or sale, store and 5-room flat,
upstairs. 1070 Cor&ott t.
2 STOR' for reef In new concrete building.
Main liOi. W. fleldt. 41 Rjthchiid bAig.
tR.r N - Fl-OiR ofnc room ; a'.o base
men at 90 ith s:. for rnt. Inquire of
S-ngsTake A Lyman, 9 5th at.
F BNISHEP offi e for rent, central loca
tion. Inquire 4 Mohawk Bluff-
OrFirE3 er commercial sample rooms,
"phoenix bldg.. S. W. cor. 3th and Oak
1ESK room. 2o.".t, Washington at., room 5.
FtR TiKNT A few offices In Couch bldg.
Apply Booth 51.
y,E defk rooms, for rent with furniture.
OFF1CKP. $13. and up.
lesk room; furnisiied offices.
Suite for dentist and physician.
All night elevator aervUe.
Best Location. u3 Swetland Blag.
FURNISHED or unfurnished private office
In now Lumbermen's bulidiug. with use
of rectption-room and borh telephones,
with or r.-lthu. service of stenographer.
AN 21. On-goninn.
proposals Invited.
Excavation and Foundation.
Sealed pr.'jH.-ials wlU be received at the
office of W hidden & I-ewis. architects.
"'! Corbet t bldg.. Portland, Or., until 12
o'clock noon, on Monday, August 2-t. 190T.
tor rfmovin jr trees, etc., excavating and
building foundations, and for such other
woi k as called for In specifications, for
the eaat wing of a new courthouse to be
erected for tiie County of Multnomah,
State of Oregon.
Plans and sjtein cations may be ob
tained at the office of the architect.
No proposal or hid will l considered
unie? at-compnnled by a check payable
to the order of the County Court of Mult
nomah county, cert i tied by a responsible
hank for an amount equal to 10 pur cent
of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited
aa fixed and liquidated damages In case the
bidder neglects or refuses to enter into
contract and provide, a suitable bond for
the faithful performance of M work in
the event the contract is awarded to him.
The right to reject any and all bids la
hereby reserved.
FRANK S. FIELDS. County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the State
Land Board will receive sealed bids until
10 oViock A. M . September 28. llKUl, for
the following described school lands, to
w 1 1 : . , ,
Section 1ft. township 14 south, range 11
east and section 3tf, township 13 south,
range 12 east.
All bids must be accompanied by a
regularlv executed application to purchase
and bx cash or postal money order for at
least roe-fifth of the amount ottered.
No bid for less than $5 per afcre will
be considered.
The right ia reserved to reject any and
all bids.
Applications and bids should be ad
dressed to O. G. Brown, clerk. State Land
Board. Salem. Or., and marked ' Applica
tion and bid to purchase state lands." G.
(i. Brown. Clerk. State Land Board. Dated
tuis 17th day of July, 1109.
SEALED PKOPOSALE will be received at the
office of G. L. Alexander. School Clerk.
L'-'panon, Or., until Wednesday, August 18.
J!k9 at 1 P. M.. for the construction of a
a.-honl butldlng at Lebanon, as per plans,
sjf cifi''ftl"rn ar.d con. lit ions whlt'h may be
s.fn at office of S?hool Clerk. Lebanon, or
P Choppell Browne, architect, 405 Mar
quara bMg., Portland, Or. J. W. Benten
shaw. Chairman.
M lscenaneon.
Having recently purchased the D. AJex-anii-r
abstract plant and having an ex
perience of 3 years In this kind of busi
nsj. we are now devoting our time1 and
attention excliiaively to abstracting titles
in Multnomah County, and are prepared
to till promptly all orders !n our line,
ihttranm and Hearchers of Records,
412-413 Corbett Bldg. Phone Main gt.
TO WHOM ft mav concern, I. J. M. Eng
land have bought the Oregon Market at
Albany. Or., formerly owned and run by
J It. Gentry, parties holding 'accounts
asalnst that market under former owner
are requested to make same known at
once. J. M. Egland.
Arcfcltccta. contractors, engineers. rt Paclfl.'!
Builder & Engineer. 401 Board of Trade.
LOST The following banfled young homing
pigeon. Noe. D. 20.UW. P. B. 10.1.W, P. B.
lu 18, P- B. 42.25::. P. B. 4a.2Te. P. B
42.2 A. J. B. Y. 22. Q. C. C. A. 84. Q
C C. A. M. Reward will be paid for re
turn of same. Pnone East 2.H11. Sec. Ore
Sin Homing Pigeon Club.
LOST on Monday evening, a dark green
lekt'her bar contalniag gold watch and
fob, between Fraxier & McLean's stable.
East Davis st-. Randy Road and East S4th
st. Reward. Return to 445 Morrison St.
Phone Main 2705.
$"5 REWARD for return of dark bay or
brown gelding, weight 9b0 lbs.; star on
forehead, chunky built, slightly stiff in
front, no ahoea on; stolen from Garden
Horn; wire any Information .o George
D. Hancock. Sheriff Washington County.
LOST Monday, between 6 and T P, M.,
either on 6th or Washington rt. cnr. circu
lar hnwh. t.ft wlfh pearl. Call Main 2ft91
or 312 Sherman at!; reward.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metxger.
LOFT OoJd braoelet. with opal sets; finder
please phone B K56 or M. 300; reward.
LOST, No, ! Brown 1 kodak, at tho Oak a
Notify C 1217. Reward.
RETIRING from business; will sell a nice,
clean stock of groceries in brick build
ing, center of town of 2000, or would
exchange for house and lot or business
Irop.Ttv: would pay difference In cash,
value J3jOO. 599 tiantenbein ave.
1 ELI OAT ESS EN. owner I revl ri ng from
business and will guarantee to show busi
ness in paving $2om yearly net; for par
ticulars room 623 Lumber Exchanga.
WANTED Young man as collector In my At partner; will pay salary of $25
weck'y. beside profits. Call room fi23 Lum
ber En change.
HAS own store, owner wants partner to
attend to shipping, for particulars call room
623 Lumber Exchange.
$o BITS' H Interest m a nice growing- busl
oesM. the work ts not hard aad easily
learned. Particulars 4S Berlin a-r bldg.
INVESTIGATE) Grill and restaurant man
wanted; rent fre to right party.
B urns id e.
i i imkh Snndstoue & Construction Co.
s;.x k for anything- of value, 14 East
Cak. Phone East lOST
I HAVE a goo4 opentng for a young man In
a cash hu.1neas. $l!VO required. Call 408
Gcr'.irger bldg.
SPECIAL J350; partner wanted to ehck
goods. kep plain accounts, eto-i will pay
active man $S(j weak. Call 848 "A Stark st.
KirKKLODEOV outfit In one. of the best
down-town locations, to be moved by
September 1- W 75. Orenan.
CEM ENT BUSINESS Reliable partner
wanted; duties easily teamed. Call 141
Stark at.
POOL parlor. $330 sacrificed; good location,
lease 2 year. Chance, room 6, 815 Couoh
CIG4R and confectiowry en basy street, for
sJe reasonable; Investigate thle. Phone
RELIABLE PARTNER wanted used to farm
products- guarantee $10 month salary,
also share profits. Call r4Ss Stark at.
WILL sell your property for you quickly.
poulsen-RatclirTe Realty o, 320 Lumber
men s. Fifth and Stark.
W ANTED To buv United Wireless, or will
trale stock In water power company for
wireless atock. F 2. Oregontan.
CIGARS, confectionery. Ice cream; one of
th-j best places In city; $45 will handle it.
Call 24SH Stark st.
FIVE-TEAR less, cheap, on Waah, st.; lo
cation the beat; storeroom 5x70. AK 257,
Oregon ian.
FIVE Irt and 16-oent store: good location;
doing $1W a week. 272 Stark st.
LADY desires to hear of flrsT-elaaa busi
ness opportunity. V ii01, Oregonian.
Ct'NFECTl iNHRT; several to choose from.
See us. 272 Stark st.
WANTE a Attraction. September Carnival.
Address Box 61. Bacdon. Or.
CIGAR atacJ. corner, long lease; $&0. 272
Stark st.
HOTEL BAR for sale cheap. Inquire $65
Morrison st.
WILL locate you in poolroom, cigar,
confeciionery. 6t S. th at.
GROCERY, conf.. grain; no competition; at
invoice, 272 Staik at.
GENERAL store, near Orejon City; rent IS;
invoice. 272 Stark st.
tOR lhoo buslnesa cards; 100. 50c. Rose
City Printfti j-, 12 51 st., cear Xayiox,
- - 1 - I -vnM. 1 XAIA 1 BUSIES MaBCTOBT. .
CO., of Vancouver, Wash., owners of the
electric railway system now being ex
tended to a point about C miles northeast
of Vancouver, in Clark County, have plat
ted a townsite on their property at 'the
terminus of the electric Una; the county
roads from all directions lead to this
to-p naite. which will be electric lighted
and a splendid opportunity will bo open
for -all kinds of business; no locations
have aa vet been sold, and applications
will be given prefereace in the order of
thefr receipt; state business for which lo
cation Is desired and address all communi
cations to "
2mo titark St., Portland, Or.,
ok 712 Main St., Vancouver, Wash.
Business, see this 80-room hotel with
ground floor office, furnished complete,
long established, well known and doing
the business in location to get the busi
ness, both permanent and transient; rent
a snap; long lease; pays over 4u0 a
month profit. Price $:JO.
O. C- It. ELLIS & CO.,
Washington U. Rooms 201-22.
The best pavikg restaurant- Jn the city,
right down town, on 3d St., established
7 years; this is a money-maker; $lloo will
h an lie; must sell on account of sickness;
come quick, a chance not often found.
517 Board of Trade, Fourth and Oak Sts.
IF you want a hotel, see me. Best hotel, spod
country town, clearing 25 per cent on price;
S25.lt0O. .
2o-ro.m brick European hotel, country
town, good buaine6; quick sale, $10UO.
New brick. 14U rooms to lease, city, and a
bunch of others.
JOS. C. GIBaON, 305 Gerlinger Bldg.
Furniture of 10 rooms, near ."th and
Harrison, all rented up for $s:; per month,
besides owner uses some rooniB; rent la
$;t.v a snap, furniture nearly new; price
$700. $;i0 cash, balance you can pay
after you make It; come quick.
fil". Board of Trade, Fourth and Oak Hts.
2f4-room modern apartment-houae. l
Nob HHI district, well and completely fur
nished, fllled with nice class of roomers
and clearing S1O0 every month. Price
$l."nO, y0ij casli required.
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO..
S215H W'ashlngton at. Rooms 201-202.
FINE chance for good man. one-half Inter
est In well-eetablished REAL ESTATE of
fve; ccmnilssior. averaged ?750 a month
this Summer. Call AT CNCB. Present
owner has business elsewhere.
O. C. R. EJ.LIS & CO.
S20V4 Washington st.. Rooms JVl-SQg.
ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 rooms; price $450; X
cah; nire molern cor. houe; every r-xm
loTKe, iiirht and rented; rent cheap; lease
If desired; clears ?G- mo. and have i
rooma for yourself: every room rented;
nlcelv furnished ; plenty of everything. See
H. W. UAKLANI & CO 191 4th St.
$20O0 required for partnership ; a nianu
facturiny business; will earn you from $-ik)
to, $5X monthly, and has made this money
for past years. See party with Merchants
A- Traders' Exchange, f20 Lumber Exchange
GENERAL merchandise business for sale In
good growing town of 3000 Inhabitants;
No. 1 trade, best location In the place;
satisfactory reasons for selling; a money
maker from the start; a good proposition
for a party with about jnooO cash. Ad
dress Lock Box 9. Newberg. Or.
TRY IT" before you buy "It," guarantee
profits $200 to $300 per month, cigar, n
fectionery, pool and barber shop ; bona
tide proposition; half Interest $7."0. Par
ticulars National Realty & Trust Co.,
320: Washington St., room 516-
FOR RALE Stock of dry goods, furnishing
goods, shoes, notions and groceries, in
good valley town; brick building, low
rent; good clean stock and good live business-
will invoice about $11,000; . no
agents. AM 142, Oregonian.
WILL sell all or half interest In well-established
mercantile buslne. located in
Eastern Oregon; reason 'for selling, have
other business requiring time and atten
tion. For particulars address W 206, Ore
gonian. I .
REAL ESTATE man will take young man
aa partner to show land; no experience
necessary and very little cash required;
good chance for bright fellow. Particu
lars National Realty & Trust Co.. 3-6
Washington at.. Boom 616.
INVEST IG ATE Money - making confection
ery - fully equipped candy. Ice cream man-ufer-turing
plant, fine fixtures. "Pjnajdlo
catlon. good buFinesa; sell all or half-interest:
my time given outside business. Box
21t7, Salem.
Mighty good, profitable retail business
for sale, ciea.ring over $110 week; growing
rapidlv. low rent, long lease. Room
Lumbermens bldg., oth and Stark.
U, Interest In old est.Tbiished real OFtttte
office too much for R00 proposition
to right party; furnish references; expect
same. 721 Board of Trade.
WANTTJl A good man who la a bustler
and honest, to take Interest In a rood solid
legitimate business chance office; will pay
an active man $150 mo.; small capital re
quired. Call UL 4rn v
REAL ESTATE man. alone, must have help,
prefer young man that hae had some ex
perience dealing with the public. Call
4H Gerlinger bldg.
FOR SALE One of the leading produce
commission businesses of the city; wil.
sell 1-S interest. 31-3 Intensst, or the en
tire business. Call 429 Lumbermens bldg.
PARTNER If you want something good for
a small amount of money and let It pay
for Itself, call room SIR Lumber Ex
change bldg.. 2d and Stark sts
No work to handle, low rent, surprising
ly cheap; good location and leaee-; terms.
Call 721 Board of Trade.
Doing a nice little buMness, will pay you
to investigate this before buying. Call 4US
Gerlinger bldg.
$3.V Partner wanted to check goods, etc;
pavs ;i5 week row; can increase wtth In
terested help. Boom 417 Board of Trade
Call and see our list. Kcom 315 Lum
ber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts.
Rtrlctlv modern, srwell new furniture,
good lease; .a big money-maker. 721 Board
of Trade.
SPECIAL $200 cash will aecnre Interest in
soild business, where steady man is wanted
m ore 1 1 ian h la money. Part leu 1 a rs 41 7
Board of Trade bldfr.
CASH STORE A email plane that will clear
you over $125 per month, all ca.h, no
worry. Particulars, room 315. Lumber
Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark st.
PARTNER wanted; owner will guarantee
energetic man good salary, also share prof
its; prefer man used to farm prod-uce. Ca.l
loom 41 T Board of Tmde bldg.
Low rent; good lease; new building end
furniture; best buy In city. Call 721
B-ard of Trade today.
WANTED Unfurnished rooming-house, with
tore in connection; suitable for saloon.
A $04, Orogonian.
HOTEL Suburban place, with 40 room?;
a money maker and cheap. Room 315
Lumbar Exchange bidg., 3d and Stark.
PROFITABLE East Side grocery store for
saie. Call 320 Lumbermens bldg., 5;h and
CEMENT tnistocs; partner wanted1 to tend
sh. p. collect, etc.. pay active man $10o
month. Room 417 Board of Trade Bldg.
Ideal location; a little money-maker; let
us show you this. 721 Board of Trnde.
BUTTER, egg and produ store cheep; en
ergetic man ran clear $110 i $2v month.
Call 417 Board of Trade bldg.
ROOMING-HOUSK. 24 rooms; close In; lease.
272 Stark st.
137' .partner wanted for store; pay bet
ter than wages. Call 248 s Stark sL
REAL estate partner: good openinr tor lit
tle money. 2T2 Stark st. x
KOOMINO-HOUSB for sale, good location.
215 HUi at-, cor. Salmon st
FOR SALE Good paying corner saloon ;
bargain. A 303. Oregonian.
ICE cream cone factory, profile $12.50 a
day. 272 Stark st.
CONFECTIONERY, cipar and Ice cream par
lor. Owner. 227 FirM st.
ON account of other business, will sell mf
cigar store at 60 N. 6th
22 rooma. all on one floor, new building,
clean and neat, gas and electric lights. 2
porcelain baths, new furniture, oak quar
tered oak, etc. velvet and Brussels carpets-
full of good paying roomers, clearing
4100 a month -besides your own rooms;
lease 2 vears; you can buy it for $1-00;
much Uss than cost. COME AT ONCffi.
O C. B. ELLIS &. CO.,
826 Vk Washington St., Booms 201-202.
Close -n. West Side location, furnished
new and fine few months ago. all in nice
condition, clean and neat, all housekeep
ing, clearing $lOO a month,! lease 2 years.
This will suit you. Price $2000.
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO..
323 Vt Washington st. Rooma 201-202.
Ames Mercantile Agency "
1SJI2). Inquiries on openings in mercan
tile and manufacturing lines elved
dally. Information on locations for mer
chance and on investments i of all lnda
Ablngion Bldg.
FOR SALE Moore's Laundry. Hillsboro,
Or equipped with the best machinery,
doins a profitable business, and no com
petition; will teach any inexperienced
purchaser the business; goodi reasons for
selling. For further information apply to
E. L. Moore. Hillsboro, Or.
ROOMING-HOUSES, fine furniture. 1 6-room
house; $1000. part cash Fine furniture 8
room flat, only $550, Swell furniture 11
housekeeping rooms, $R50. part cash. I
have house all sixes and prices Mrs.
Koonta, 227 Ablnffton bldg. Main TTbl.
WANTED Neat young man witti little money
to show property and work in office; ground
floor location; right man can mft
money; must be witling to learn. 225 Fifth
ONE general merchandise store, Invoice
about $3500 to $40u0; one grocery, about
$M00- each of these an exceptional bar
gain. A. D. Christianson, 123 Front at.
Phone Main 1261.
BANK WANTED Banker, 15 years' expe
rience and means, would Join in organiz
ing new bank, or buy interest in good
hank in Oregon, Washington or Iaaho. N
2i, Oregon ua ri.
EXPERIENCED subdivision man soon to
visit your citv, has money for develop
ment. Party with good acreage writ
Street Realty Co. (Inc.), San Antonio,
$1200 BUYS swell ice cream parlor on Wash
ington st.; money-maker; don't bother untew
you have cash ; going East. Apply S8
Washing lots st. '
$Syv Lunch counter and restaurant, near
Wells-Fargo bldr. Apply Merchants &
Traders' .Exchange, 620 Lumber Exchange
MILL cell an interest in wen-estaWshed busi
ness to German with some experience in
grocery or delicatessen; full investigation
desired. C 2S7. Oregonian.
WANTED Capable party with $2000 te $5000
to take -active interest in live manufacturing
company, doing a good business. B 201, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE The best hotel In Tillamook,
Or., good furniture and lease. Other busi
ness my reason for selling. Address Box
104. llllamook. Or. '
$t5&0 Backet store; 14 years established; suit
able for dressmakers; centrally located; 2
11 v i n g- room s. Merc h an t A Traders' Eat
change, 520 Lumber Exchange bldg.
Goodl chance for young man, German pre
ferred; can make good money. Call 3434
Vf a sh i n gton at. --
FOR SALE Bakery and grocery doing a
fine business In a country town; will sell
at invoice; must sell at once; you cannot
go wrong here. O 274, Oregonian.
GENERAL store in country town near port
land on S. P.: old established business.
$15,000; full, clean stock; easy terms, L
48, Oregonian.
CIGAR FACTORY In a large town In South
ern Or ok an ; big trade; mostly bit goods
trade; on account 111 health. G 2S5, Ore
gonian. TRUSTWORTHY office man, with $600 se
cures permanent position of trust with mer
cantile corperation. Address 18o4 East 10th
st. Phone Seilwood 3 SO.
thing for a live man; $25,000 a year busi
ness; can be handled for $5000 cash, M
241, Oregonian .
IMPERIAL HOTEL furniture, lease and pay
ing business for sale; modern brick build
ing, reasonable rent. P. M. Skinner, New
berg, Or.
WE can locate you m paying business. Be
fore buyinsT be sur and see us. Kinney
& Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Excfaan-ge
bldg. Phone A 4S81.
FOR SALE Confectionery and grocery, IH50,
fine location, good cash business, low rent,
with Irving rooms; might consider a land
trade. See owner, S 2SS. Oregonian.
WANTED Partner in old-established elec
trical contracting and retail business;
must have best of references. V 206, Ore
gonian. ,
BO YOTJ want auppltes tr rent film? We
are independent, do not belong to the
trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchild
bldg.. Portland, Or.
SALOON Steady partner wanted, previous
experience not necessary; no trouble to
clear $150 to $200 month ; IRtle money
required. Call 24S4 Stark at.
SALOON for aale cheap. Inquire of North
Pacific Brewing Co., cor. of ISth and
Upshur sts.
WOULD join party In buying and subdivid
ing tract if It can be ld on the electric
line. Address Lock Box 250.
SPECIAL $200 with services will pay en
ergetic man $100 month as partner in
cash business. Call 248 Stark st.
FOR S ALE Restaurant, cheap, clears $20
to $26 per day; rent is $20 per month.
384 Hawthorne ave.
ON account of sickness will sell or trade for
town lots, my cigar and confectionery and
poolroom, 287 i First st. Phone Main S128.
WANTED Contractor or architect of
means to join me In building houses for
the market. Post Box 250.
SPECIAL $800 will buy store with living
room; man and wife can clear $8 to $10
a dav. Call 24 8 Vf. Stark stJ
WILL sell your rooming-house, business or
get you partner without publicity. Room
320 Lumbermen's. Fifth and Stark.
Telephone and other bonds bought and
sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 125 Ablngton.
SOLID BUSINESS opening for' man with
5i)00; one of the paying businesses In
Portland. Call 24S4 Stark st.
I WILL pav $ft00 cash for a working part
nership in some well-paying legitimate
business. E 28L Oregonian.
FOR FALP) Stock dry goods, shoes and
furnishing goods. Communicate with E.
Merc Co., Aberdeen, Wash. About $12,000
GOOD clean stock general mdse. ; tn-v. $3500;
po.wl town. Polk Co. Full particulars ad-
dre5s owner, H 2fiQ, Oregonlf.n.
Money to Loan.
PRIVATE money loaned on real estate
mortgages. H. Mllley. room 204. Gerlinger.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chatteL
The Loan Co.. 414 Dekurn bldg
Your location? Thpn read,
the rent ads. in The Orego
nian each morning. No mat
ter whether it's a furnished
room, unfurnished room,
house, flat, office or ware
house, vou will always find
I the best vacancies-published
on these pages.
MoaiT to Leas.
If you want to borrow privately witn
out delay, .
For a loan on your piano and flture
(without removal), storage receipts life
Insurance policies, jewelry and diamonds
and ail valuable collaterals.
On easy weekly or monthly instaUmena.
All business strictly confidential.
Room 12 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 Third St.
Phone Main 20S4.
t t t $ $ t
If so, you can have the money today. Loans
made privately on furniture, pianos, etc. ,
also salary loans at the lowest rates, fay
menta can be made to suit your income.
Liberal rebates If paid before due. Call ana
see us, as our payments are sucu as honest
people needing money can aftord to pa.
You mav like us. others do.
HOURS. 8 A. M. to 6P. M.
Installment loans on pianos, furniture,
warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance poli
cies, canaries and ail kinds of securities,
41i Abinyton Bidg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
ers upon their own names without secur
ity; cheapest rates, easiest payments; or
fices in 66 principal cities; save yourses
money by getting my terms first.
TOL1IAN, 317 Lumber Exchange Blag-
MONEY to loan on Improved property. If
for building purposes, interest does not
commence until actual disbursement or
funds. Liberal repayment optloua. Co
lumbia Lif-a & Trust Company, 214 Lum
ber Exchange bldg.
ON improved city property or for building
purposes; 3 to 8 years time; liberal re
payment privileges; money advanced as
building progress. The Equitable, -d
and Stark sts.
MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other
real estate securities, bought on cay
property or lands anywhere in Oregon or
Washington. H. E. Noble, 316-317 Lum
bermen's bldg., 5th and Stark at.
Plenty of money to loan at 6 and l
per cent on real estate security.
SOv-310 Abington Bldg.
$500,000 ON improved city or farm prop
erty, building or small loans at lowest
rates; large loans a specialty. J. H. Mc
Kinxle Co.. 614-15-16 Gerlinger bldg.
EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., 321 Abington bldg.
Money on installment plan.
$5000 TO $10,000 to loan pn first mortgage,
inside improved property that has an In
come. National Realty & Trust o., 8264
Washington st.
IMMEDIATE loans on real estate, chattels
or personal security. W- A. Hathaway,
room 10 Washington bldg. phone Main 302.
$200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty,
building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck,
812 Failing bldg.
SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get and
easy to pay. F. A. Newton, 615 Henry
bldg. cor. 4th and Oak sts.
$70O 2 or 8 year, 8 per cent, real estate se
curity. Call at 268 Stark St. Main 8754,
Room 24.
MOORTGAGE loans, 6 to 8 per cent; no com
mission. Loewenson. 105 Sherlock bidg.
State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom
as, state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 C. C.
LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds
and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d at.
MONEY to loan on improved city property.
Wm. MacMaster, 8o2 Worcester blk.
MONEY to loan on real estate, mortgagee
bought. E. Pierce, 816 Allsky bldg.
WE loan money same day on any security.
205 Wells-Fargo bldg.
QUICK loans on all securities S. W. King,
45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100.
TO LOAN on dwellings $W0, $1100, $700.
Ward, attorney. Alisky Bldg.
WE BUY bank acoounts, securities, foreign
money; loaned Lewis A Co.. 251 Wash, st-
Money to loan, first and second mortgages
purchased. E. L. Devereaux, Fenton bldff.
MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent,
Frary & Seitx, 132 5th st.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collater
al security. C. W. Fallett, 804 Fenton bldg.
$15,000 or part, improved city property; Pri
vate money. 83H Mill et.
$10,000 to loan on Improved real estate; no
brokers. K 298, Oregonian.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W.'H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg.
Loan Wan tea.
$5000 MORTGAGE on West Side income
property, on Park St., corner sold for
$10,500; drawing 6 per cent interest since
May this year; will sell for face value and
discount thxs Interest,
$900 WANTED for 2 or 3 years on 6-room
h oi ! se an d lot 1 OOxl 00 ; propo rty w ort h
J2O00- will pav 8 per cent. A. N. Searle, E.
7Hth and Villa ave. (Take M.-V. car) Tabor
FROM PRIVATE parties, will pay T per cent,
roalty eecurltv. P. O. Box 35. Lents, or
call phones Trunk B 1133 or B 1134. No.
1911. '
WILL pay 8H Pr cent interest for loan of
$3000 on gilt-edge country security; will
deal with principals only. T 238, Orego
nian. WE can place first mortgage and building
loans. Columbia Trust Co,, Board of
Trade bldg.
DR, PIERCE, specialist, diseases of women;
all Irregularities corrected, drujrless sys
tem; no exposure. Call on write 316
Alisky bldg.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, $1.50 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark.
SEXOID A marvelous cure for weakness
in men; money returned if It falls; price
$1. T. J- Pierce, 316 Alisky bldg.
USE Bassett's the Original Native Herbs
for rheumatism, constipation; 50 tablets
for 25c. in black boxes, at all druggists.
PORTLAND Matrimonial Club for lovers of
home and family; sincere, -sober people.
Call or address with 10 cents, Mrs. H. C
Wilbur, 146 First.
LADIES, take notice; Mme. Hudson gives
the only scientific facial massage In the
city. Manicuring. 25c 268 Washington
St., room 207.
PRIVATE hospital for women; any physician
you choose; ofiiee. 300 E. 5"th st. ; Mt.
Scott or Hawthorne ave. cars. Phone Tabor
8U9. Dr. Isabella Mackle.
DR. WALKER, specialist, quickly cures
diseases of men, blond and skin diseases,
sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kidney,
bladder and piles. 1S1 1st st., Portland.
Mme. Courtrlght, skin and scalp treat
ments, facial deformities corrected, plas
tic surgery. 225 Fliedner bldg. M 50-i2.
LOST vitalltv restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve
Tonic Tablets, 25c box. EysseU's Phar
maey, 2S9 Morrison St., bet. 4th and 5th.
MR. DONALD MUNROE, please leave your
address, very important. L. S. D. Address
Y 302, Oregonian.
WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. Ketchum. prompt relief, confiuentiat
lTOi 3U IU .Male om
WOMEN use Femolds when others fail. Sold
and guaranteed by Ausplund Drug Co. 105
X 6'h at. Phone Main 810ft
MRS. BENNETT'S stores at 375 Yamhill st.
and 144 2d St. are open and doing busi
ness again.
MRS. BENNETT'S stores are selling her
famous home-made pies and doughnuts
MRS. BENNETT'S home-cooked foods are
being sold at her stores as usual.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bidg. M. 3473.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 560
Gllsan at. Main 9215. Agents wanted.
FACIFIC Introducing Club for those matri
moniaUy inclined; circular 10c. 2294 lst
AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable skin
specialist; b:emts-hes, wrinkles and small
pox pits removed; hamirescing, manicur
ing and dermatology taught; largest stock
of hair gooes in the West at cut prices.
Parlors. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder.
SWEDISH trained nurse, Heisingiora gradu
ate cures rneurr.a! im, stomach troubles
and nervous liisurders by hand -rubbing;
team, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7
Eae 11th st., one tioor Irom East Ankeny
car. Phone E 200. Home B 1S03.
DR LEWIS -Phvslcian and surgeon; treats
women and children exclusively; private
hospital accommodations; examinations
free. Main '4047; A 2411. 506 Common
wealth bldg-. tn and Ankeny.
- chiropractors.
Have moved from. 207 Allsky bldg-. to
rooms 41S and 419 Drexel bldg., cor. 2d
and Yamhill sts.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichestera
Diamond Brand Pills, For 25 years known
ad the best, safest. Reliable. Take no
other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills
are sold by diUKsmts everywhere.
Diseases of women and children. No
chargs for consultation. Repm 10, Grand
Tr eater bldg., Washington and Park at.
Main 3928, A 5607.
DR. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills, sure remeay iur ueiayea pe
riods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5. T. J.
pierce. 316 Alisky bldg., 265 Morrison.
DESIRABLE company found for lonely peo
ple, either sex; 500 to select from; gents
$2. ladies free; circular 10c. Portland In
troducing Bureau, S16 Alisky bldg.
X, D. PALMER School of Chiropractic Is
located in room 417 Drexel bldg.
Commercial, County and Municipal.
Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing.
824 Worcester Block. Phono Main 6567.
Accordion Plaiting
MISS O. GOULD, 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac
cordion and knife pleating and pinking.
Assayers and Analysts.
622 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M. 5080.
Wells it Proebstel, mining engineers, chem
ists M-IJU aj"!ia. 4.V- 7S '
and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st.
Attorneys at Law.
EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law
offices to 909-913 Board of Trade bidg.
CLARENCE 'h. GILBERT, 2u5-207 Chamber
of Commerce. Main 7471, A 4544.
H. H. RIDDELL, attorney-at-law, 735 Cham
ber of Commerce. Main 4764, A 3531.
Commission Mercnauts. g
TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com
mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland.
W;e collect everywhere; general law. Inter
state Adjustment Co., 50i Gerlinger bldg.
Carpet Weaving.
RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial
rag rugs woven. Northwest Rug Works,
153 Union ave. East 35S0, B 1280.
DR. O. O. FLETCHER. the people's favor
ite chiropudist and foot specialist; treats
all Ills of the foot without danger of in
fection. See him and take no chances. $05
Alisky bldg. Main ttTtii
WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveny, the only
eclentinc chiropodists '.n the city. Pulora
8t'2 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2u and
Alder. Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 429 Fliedaer bldg. Phone Main 3473.
CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs.
Dunton, Tilford blag., R- 204, 10th and Mor.
C. F. EOOTHBY Scalp and foot specialist.
167 Park st.
Coal and Wood.
YAMATO WOOD & COAL CO. All kinds of
best fir wood. Thanes E. 813, B 1867. E. 6th
and Main sts.
BOX, p'aner and cord wood in any quanti
ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2315, B 1695-
Bilks, mattings, ruga, fancy goods. TO Hh.
BUMMER DANCING lessonB 25c, including
ladies' and gentlemen teachers, wlth'vmu
Bio prof. Val Wilhson School, 3S6 Wash
ington street, bet. West park and 10th at.
Prof. Ringler, dancing master, 3 dances
guaranteed. $5. 3S6& E. Morrison. Phones,
Dog and Horse Hospital.
DR. BROWN D. V. S., D. C. M. Office 113
N. 6th. Main 4086, A 4o86.
lectrlo Motors.
Bought, repaired and exchanged.
623 Mission St., San Franciaco, Cal.
Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d su
Feed Stores. t
ZIGLBR & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ce
ment, shingles. 294 Grand ava. E. 482.
Harness and Saddlery.
r. m. PRICE HARNESS CO., 331 Ankeny
st. Phone Main 2402.
Leather and Findings.
CBAS. L. MASTIC K &. CO., 74 Front, leather
of every description, taps. mfrs. findings.
'tabliehed 1858. 188 Front st.
HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 5th at. Main
53, A 2153. .Johnnie on the spot.
EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil
of Sevcik. A 4100. Pine 334, Main 3045.
M C Smith, teacher ol piano. 452 SaJmoa
at. Main T340. Beginners a specialty.
Osteopathic Physicians,
415-16-17 Dekum bldg.,
Third and Washington ste.
Phone, office. Main 349; res. East or B 1028,
FaintsT Oils and Glass.
B-ASMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils,
glass, sash and d ours. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Patent and Pension Attorneys,
B. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents; infringement. tfcrt. un iaum.
J J HIRSHEIMER, pensioa and patent ax
'torney, roou 20-21 Labbe bldg.
Portland. Ofiiee 42-3-4 Worcester block.
WARREN Construction Co., street paving,
sidewalks &id cro&singa. 317 Beck bldg.
PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO., office 301 Beck
bldg. Main 34fc9. Factory 24th and York.
OLYMPIC ROOFING CO.. 820 Chum. Com.;
damp-proonng, repairing. M. 310, A 4220.
Bubber Stamps,
ALSO trade checks and ail office goods. P. D.
C. Co.. 231 Stark art. Both phones 1407.
Showcase, Bans and Store Fixtures.
THE LL'TKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand
Kapids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyt. R.
Lutke, Mgr.
THE Jas I. Marshall Manufacturing Co.,
manufacturera show cases, cabinets, store,
office fixtures. 289 Couch sl Main 203.
THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safes
at factory prices. Second-hand safes.
STOVES connected and repaired. Mala 1110.
614 Front.
Taxidermist and Furrier.
flRFOOX'S best taxidermist: expert in ail
branches. C M. Harris. 45 Washington st.
Wall Bauer.
ERNEST MILLER CO., 172 1st. Wall pa
per Iincrustra, room moulding, etc.
storage and transfer,
C. O. PICK Trariler and Storage Co., ofTJoe
and commodious fourstory brick warehouse,
separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults ff
vaJuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.
Pianos and furniture moved and packed for
shipping. Main 5otl, A
General trail: erring and storage; safes,
pianos and furniture moved and packed for
shipment. 2j9 Oak. st., bet. Front and 1st,
Telephone Min 54T or A 2247.
Storage, Free Trackage,
Heavy Hauling.
Phones Main 69, A 116ft.
Furnkure and piano moving a specialty.
40-42 2d st. Phone A 1084. Main 1618.
The target eiga-makera in the North
west. 5th and Everett sts. Phone Private
exchange 55. Home A 1155.
WE ARE the exchange for the largest type
writer concern on this Coast; Investigate;
ail makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex
change, 2871 Washington at.
SPECIAL prices; all makes rented, sold, re
paired. P. D. C. Co., 2.;i Stark. Main 1407.
Veterinary schools.
DR. GEO. KIRKPATRIOK, veterinary sur
geon. 421 Union ave., hospital petterson's
stable, 14 Union ave. E- 4016, B 2S9&.
SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College. Cata
log mailed free. Dr. Keane. 1818 Market st.
Portland. Oregon. .
Southern Pactnc.
Leaving Portland
Ashland Passenger
Cottage Grove Passenger. .
Shasta Limited
California Lxpress
San Francisco Express...,
West Side ,
Cor va Ills Pnssenger -
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger....
Forest Grove Pn.senner. . . .
Forest Grove Passenger...
Arriving Portland
Oregon .Express. .
Cottage Grove Passenger.
Roseburg Passenger. .......
Portland Express
Shasta Limited
West Sidti
Corvallis Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger....
Forest Grove Passenger....
Forest Grove Passenger. . .
8:15 a. m.
4 : 1 5 p, m.
6:0) p. m.
7:45 p. m.
1 .30 a. m-
7:20 a. m.
4:00 p. m.
8:50 a. m.
1:00 p. m.
6:44 p. m.
7:30 a- m.
10:40 a. m.
5 :30 p. m.
11 :20 a. m.
9:30 p. m-
5:35 p. m,
10:30 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
11:50 a. m.
4:40 p. m.
Northern Pacific.
Leaving Portland '
Portland and Seattle Express.... 8
Portland and Vancouver Special. 10:
Pugot Sound Limited 1 3:
Express, for North Coast points!
and Chicago U2:
A rrivlnp- Portland
Express from Chicago and North
Coast points
Seattle and Portland Express..
Puget Sound Limited
Portland-Vancouver Special.
a. m.
p. m.
p. m.
p. m.
Oregon Kailroad Navigation Co.
Leaving Portland
Atlantic Express
Chicago-Portland special. .
s.i-i .oka iie-Portland
8:10 a. m.
10:00 a- m.
7 :00 p. m.
Eastern Express J 6:00 p.m.
Arriving fort J ana r-
Oregon Express. . .
Chicago-Portland Special
Pacific Express
9:00 a. m.
7:20 a. m.
8:00 p. m.
6:00 p. m.
Astoria Jk Columbia River.
Leaving Portland
Astoria & Seaside Express
Astoria and Seaside Passenger...
Rainier Passenger.
Rainier Pasensfcr - -
Seaside Special. Saturday only.
Arriving Portland
Portland Express
Seaside and Portland Passenger.
R airier and Portland Pafpenger.
Rainier and Portland Passenger.
Seaside Special, Sunday only...
Canadian Pacific Railway Co.
Leaving Portland
C- P. R. Short Line via Spokane.
Via Seattle
Arriving Portland
C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane.
Via Seattle. ,
7:00 p. m.
12:15 a. m.
9 : 00 a. m.
7:00 a.m.
Southern Pacific.
Leaving Portland
Dallas Passenger
Dallas Passenger
Arriving Portland
Dallas Passenger
Dallas Passenger
7:40 a. m.
4:15 p. m.
10:15 a. in.
5:50 p. m.
Spokane, Portland Seattle Railway Co.
Leaving Portland
Tnliiiid Empire Express.; 8.45a.m.
For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas
City St lxi u is. Billings, Spokane, Cheney,
Lamont.' Washtucna. Kahlotus. Pasco,
Roosevelt. Granddalles, Ly!e, White Salmon.
Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate sta
tions. '
Columbia River Ixcal J P J?
North Hank Limited 6:4,. m'
For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas
Citv St. Louis, Billings. Spokane, Cheney,
1 im'ont Washtucria. Kahloius. Pasco,
Roosevelt. Granddalles, Lyle. White Salmon,
Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate sta
tions. Arriving Portland '
North Buna Limited ......8.80 a.m.
From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas
City St Louia, Billings, Spokane, Cheney,
Lamont Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco,
Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle. White Salmon.
Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate ata-
Cohfmbia River Local....... - noon
Inland Empire Express . . . . .8.50 p. m.
From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas
City St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, Cheney,
'Lament Washtucna, Kathlotus, Pasco.
Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle, Goldendale,
White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and
Intermediate stations. '
Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co.
Leaving Portland for Salem and Int.
tatlonS T 6:30, 7:40, 9:55. 11:35 A. M.; 2:00.
8-45 6-20, 11:00 P. M. Limited for Tualatin
and' Salem 8:50 A. M.. Local for Wilson
ville and Int. stations 5:15 P. M.
Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and
Int stat inns 6:40. 8:30. 10:10 A. M. ; 12:15.
2?15. 3:30. 5:35. 8:25. 11:15 P. M-
Arriving Portland from Salem and Int.
stations 9:00. 11:00 A. M-l 12:0j. 1:15, 3.05.
6 15 8:20. iu:40 P. M. Limited from Salem
and' Tualatin 5:05 P. M. Local front W il
sonville and Int. stations t :20 A. M-
Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and
Portland RuJlway. Light & Power Company,
Cars Leave.
Ticket Office and Waiting Room,
First and Alder and East Water
and East Morrison Streets.
Oresron City 4:00. 6:30 A. M.. and every
SO minutes, to ajid including 9 P. 51.. then
10 00. 11:00 P- M. ; last car midnight
Gresham and intermediate points 6.5...
74? 8 45, 9:45, 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:4
a 4 4 45 . 5:45. 6:45. 7:40, 11:15 P. M."
Fairview and Troutdale 6:55. 7:45. 8:45.
9:4. 10:43 A. M., 12:45, 2:45, 3:45. 4:45.
5 'rawdtro and intermediate points 6:5".
S 45 10:45 A. M.. 12:45, 2:45, 4:45. 6:45
P. M.
For Vancouver .
Of rice and Waiting Room, Second
and W asnuiKioii cuccis.
A. M. 0:15, 0:50. 7:1
in-9a l1:m 11:50.
8:00, 8:35, 9:10.
"r ' -km ' i:SO 1:10 1:50.
2. 30, 3:10. 3:!W.
4:30, 5:10. 5:50. 6:30, 7:05.
7:40. 8:15, 9:2a.
rn Third Monday In every month the
he last
car leaves at 7:05 P. M.
Daily except. Sunday. Daily eicept
8:00 a. m.
6:00 p. m.
1 :15 p. in.
9:20 p. m.
2:30 p. m.
12:10 M- m.
!10:On p. m.
9:15 a.m.
5:20 p. in.
10:15 p. in.