Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 10, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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WtfSX 111 F FiRWH I JF Ain.V.lUl I I . I
r.v arte of food soil as ever 114 out of
owrs. a o.' ctt in cuu i vuion . -
r.ce pasture, all ferx-el and cmi renege.
3 mil's of wire fencing. 2 mllf from R.
P vfrft ion w-wxl Miint road, te lenhone la
h")UM. new 9-room houR. and 2 barns. 3
h-n-houj with incubator and broora,
orchard, about 500 bushel of appies
rnl vr r wit h ruar" 3SO a-os. 35 cat
tle. A rood horses. 16 sheep. 14 hog. 150
rhi-kena. 3" to 3o tons of ear in in oarna.
t! Karmw vuon. hack. tnOWW. rak.
organ'. 2 stove and all household KOoA go
with place. Good garden and lota of po
tatoes; running at ream of water and plenty
g'-d springs. If you want a. fine dairy
mi stock ranch. look this up. Access to
ihoam;t of aero outrange: ISO per acre
tikes the whole business. Come now. Room
3ol. 284 Washington at.
ln acres of land gently rolling-, about
v , nil own cuiiiiwu, .wvv.'-v -
timber on place, bouse, barn, good orchard
m 1 1 t Y TJ kKmiI 1
mis from Corvallls. Or.. Benton County;
mis ran p ooug ,.i uo -....
payment down and rest monthly to suit;
sar than savings bank; price $15 pr
a--re. ixm i mi mis p u .
-fpex-uiai. or wui iiLM 1 1 uMitT, "-k
gou ranch. Room 301. 286 Washington
20 acre, ft miles from Portland. o acres
In cultivation, balance Siar.ei ana woro.
1A irri'i beaverdam, g-d house and barn.
.v fruit tree and other small fruit, run
ning water, c!oe to depot and store. IS
chi-kens, 2 rigs. 1 cow. 1 heifer, 10 ton
rvf hay. 1 hark. eTeam separator. 1 acre
potatoes; price sMOO: easy term.
Board of Trad. 64 4th St.
THS BEST fruit land In the State of Oregon
in 40 and So-acre tracts. 2 mile from R.
R. and town; price, f JO per acre, one-third
csh. balance In three yeariy payments with
per cent interest. Dairy land from $12 to
f 1 't er acre.
Room 514-615 Rothchlld bldg.,
Portland, Or.
1 miles from Portland. 13 acre. 80
cultivated, oats running 80 to 100 bushels
to a.-re: fine residence, good buildings;
$100 por acre, worth $125; terms.
0 Lumbermen Bldg.. Sth and Stark.
BKST stock ranch tn State of Wash.; nearly
4k-o acres: May terms. Olympic View
Hotel. 2019 1st ava. Seattle.
SUXO for our list of Willamette Valley
farms before buying; lands shown free.
O'm stead Land Co.. Salera, Or.
A GEM Cory 3 .Vac re home near town,
ounty road. See W. H. Pope, 216 Wor
cester bldg.
BARGAINS Improved and unimproved
Cowlitz County farm landa Barnard ex
Co.. Kalama, Wash.
AI.I good ones; see ua. Columbia Trust Co..
Board of Trade bide.
FINK 2H-acre farm 14 mllea from Portland,
acre. 412 Marquam.
T-R(XM house or vacant lot cheap, cash 0
installments; near river oppce-ite Oaiu. or
trade for Los Angeles property. Address
U. B. Williams. 1U;4 Macadam road.
R AMI Nli-HOUSES and rea! estate for sale
and exchange everj-wtiere; California ex
change a apeclalty. racinc Realty Co., SJ0
Shetland biOg.
WILL trade good real estate, either city or
country, for automobile; must not be over
1 year old and In good condition. T 27,
Oregon ia n.
VACANT lota to exchange for small im
proved farm or acreage. AG 25tt, Ore
It on ian-
64" ACRES pasture land; will sell or trade
for business or property; will pay difference.
If any. Inquire stable. Front and Market.
- ROOM cottage. 2 lots, near Meagley Junc
fton; $1H; will take vacant lot part pay
ment. Hatneld. 160 4 4th.
( Il-L TRADE Eastern Oregon timber claim
for improved city properly, or will selL
NB Board of Trade bldg.
BAKERY and coffee house to trade foa good
rooming-house; will pay cash difference
If any. A 20i. Oregon lan.
TO EXCHANGE equity in 30 acrea of
Yakima Valley fruit land, irrigated, part
improved. 523 Lumber Exchange.
YOU can trade any km a o property at
room 101 Board of Trada
WE BTY or will trade $00 acrea for Omaha
Telephone bonds. 205 Wella-Fargo bldg.
BRICK and tile plant, near Portland, ex
change East Side lota V 302. Oregonlan.
$0rto PIANO or $oOV timber claim, part
payment for bungalow. T 300, Oregonlan.
45 ACRES tide land to trade for Portland
ralstate. M 22. Oregonlan.
LI.V-NTON WAYS 60 acrea. 4 mllea N: W.
of Llnnton. at Cornelius pasa. Unim
proved, running water, within a stone's
throw of the United Rail way a. Can be
bought for 50 per acre now. C. F. Pflu
ger A Co.. rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg-., -d
and Morrison streeta.
T4 acres In all. 4 mUea from City Hall,
level and half In cultivation, best of soil;
rorae with me, lets buy It. C to 12 of
you with all cash ; we can get it for
1260 per acre; we oan double our money
In IS months. V 299. Oregonlan.
II 4-10 ACRES. 15 DOWN.
14 mile from R. R. station, in Yamhill
County all level, cleared and ready for tha
plow; $1426.
$ft Fourth St. Board of Trada Bldg.
-WHAT Walla Walla wants Is you. and
perhaps, if you investigate, you will want
Wall Walla. Our valley is an agricultural
paradise; our orchard are making; good.
Snd for booklet & Commercial Club,
Walla Walla. Wash,
2n PER ACRE 0 acrea 4 miles of Castle
Rook. Wash-; $1500 worth of cedar and
Piling- on it: A-l fruit land; epring creek
on it. C. H. Piggott. owner, 14 Mulkey
bldg.. 2d and Morrison.
220 ACRES: 40 miles from Portland; 25
acres cleared; balance in cordwood; IS
it-lies from town; fine soil and clay sub
soil; Just tha thing for walnuts; -5 per
acre; Si 500 cash, or will take Irving ton
lot; balance on term a H Oregonlan.
10 ACRES, finest apple land, located near
New berg: fine soil; close to railroad;
win take city lot as part payment. H 301,
3& 10 acrea, H cash, worth 450O per acre;
Hillsdale; electric carllne will operate In A
month. Merchants ar Traders Exchange,
520 Lumber Exchange bldg.
ACREAGE In large or small tracts on car-
!ine close la: choica river front; 600 acrea to
rubdtvid. Kinney & Stampher, 531 Lum
ber Exchange bldg. A 4SSL
TOH SALE) $1000 91 per oent first mort
g4C. secured by acreage worth SClX: a
gvd dm-oum allowed If sold at one. 205
We: la Fargo bldg.
rr cariine. cah or terms. SUger. room S,
121 S Morrison at.
WE have some attractive buys In Portland
iTfin Columbia Trust Co., Board of
l r.le bide.
rwo and 5 acres at Jennings Lodge; dose to
... .-.a,f. -T2 itaik at. V
li ACRES for sale. Inquire owner, 24
Kst Flanders at. phone East l.ir5.
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle,
g 2d Chamber of Commerce,
NHALKM timber fc-r eale; choice loca t lows,
nesr R. R. nd logging stream; can sell
airgls claim or buH-h of 14, or I can lo
cate you 00 homestead near same R. R.
PVne Main SI 27. J. M. Radar, 430 Couch
WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A
Stamp her. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg
BY OWNER Southeast quarter section 4,
township 5 north, range ft west. Y 287,
Ore ton l aa-
WILL buy from owneVs timber lands In East
ern Oregon, sir.gie claims or larger tracts.
K. 2A3, Oregon tan.
TIMBER lands wasted, C J, McCracken,
A04 McKay bldg..
I i I , w.ALt HKM- WATF.DMA.. - WiaTHBUM.
FYCHANGE 12 acres. 9 miles west of
Portland, mile to station ; all cleared
and ia high stats of cultivation; all fenced,
good public maa. goo orchard, two good
ei!, fine S-room house, large barn, chick
en houses and granary', bognens. etc.; beau
tiful lawn and shrubs. PTi-. only ?75CO.
Will consider good city property up to
$10,000. E 275, Oregonlan.
t comer lots. Country Club: trade for
rooming-house. Merchants' & Traders Ex
change. 520 Lumber Exchange bMg.
Horses. Vehicle and Harness.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old established
wholesale house. 44 years in Oregon at
almost the same cost 7 We are located
outside the high rent district, own our
building and can make the price. Exclu
sie agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Company fine vehicles,
delivery wagons, top uugsJes. runabouts
and farm wagons. Ba sure and se us
before you buA It may save you money.
K. M- Wade at Co., 8-2 Hawthorns ave. be
tween E. 1st and 2d sta.
itor Sat.E or rent 3 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day, week, or
month. 'Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw
thorns Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE or trade, fins young registered
stallion, beet bred stallion in Oregon; also
fast trotting registered mare; prize winners
wberevcr aliown; these are c:asey uaaiviuuaa,
X have no use for them. bV5 Commercial
MRS. L. E. JUSTOX offers for sale her
team, carrlsge and harness, on account
of leaving the city. For parUculara call
113 N. Union ave.
STORAGE) RIGS Camping, laundry, grocery,
butcher, milk and bakery wasjons, also bug
gies, harness and saddles; rigs for rent.
No. 1 stable. Front and Market sts.
FINS large team. 2500 lbs., for family, de
livery or ranch; buggy and harness; cheap,
separate. Room 2 Union ave.. East Side.
AT UNION" STOCKYARDS, who says horses
are dear, when you can get young horses
from 40 to $75?
TEAM, weigh SOOO lbs., sound- and true, will
pua any ioaa. n-w wwt n ujh.
complete; pric $335. tiod Washington at.
$150 BUYS pair bay mare, weighs 2350 lbs.,
new breeching harness. Call ttuti Washington
10 HEAD horses and mares, suitable for any
purpose. Exposition Stables, 19th and
Washington atsu
HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City
Stables. 11th and Jefferson. M. 3300
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for eale. 2'J4 Montgomery.
HUBERT A HALL, 8SV Front, buy, sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
BEAUTIFUL Shetland ponies for sale. W. I.
Binkley. Woootiburn, Or.
WANTED The use of piano for good care;
no children. V 298. Oregonlan.
Dad storage, $5 per month; new 'and
second-hand automobiles for sale, repair
ing a specialty; all work guaranteed; au
tomobiles for hire.
Fhones Pacific States 101, Home 0.
Oregon City, Or.
ELECTRIC auto, cost $1800; first-clasa con
dition; will sell for $1000 cash or terms,
or trade for real estate. Inquire Seng
stake & Lyman. 90 Fifth sL
I WANT a 1909 model automobile, must be
In good condition, In exchange for good
real estate, either city or country. T
ltX9 THOMAS, nearly new, will sell for cash
ir traae as pari. pj mom vu wuurcuvx.
Lumbermen's bklg. 6th and Stark sts.
SVAPS In new and second-hand automo
biles. Randall, 315 Oregonlan bldg.
BEAUTIFUL new $500 burl walnut piano
$300; owner leaving city. Main 1192.
Ionian Court.
31 isceJlaneona.
LAUNCH 22 feet, completely equipped,
magneto, storage battery, electric lights,
search light, boathouse and everything
for cruising and camping-. 8 H. P. Smalley
engine; all guaranteed In perfect condi
tion; price $((00, or trade for Portland
real estate. Inquire of Sengstake a Ly
man, 90 6th st-
Here's your chance, 35 standard makes
sewing machines, all in good order, from
$10 up: they must go quickly. White Sew
in Mtichlne Store. 420 Washington st
FOR SA LE In perfect condition, 1 Bab
cock Stanhope: practically new, for lees
than half Its original price; can be seen
at Portland Riding: Academy, 22d and
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $80. fully
guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacifio Stationery A Ptg. Co.,
203 2d st.
LARGE TEXT Fine, 50-ft. round-top tent,
including seats, lights, etc., worth $500,
will sell $150. Particulars Main S458.
526 Washington.
Films for rent, complete equipment for
theaters; teach you to operate. i4 4th st.
NEWMAN Moving Picture Exchange, rents
moving: picture machines, films, supplies,
lowest price. 526 Wash., near 17th.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak
wood at lowest maxan pneos. nwtw,
813 Water at. Phone Main 743L A 5445.
FOR SALE Five fresh cows, mostly htrre
Durham, large milkers. jav jiocacam su
Fulton car to Idaho st.
FOR SALE! Thoroughbred Scotch stag or
wolf hound. 11 montns 01a; price s-u. -v
277, Oregonlan.
LAUNCH. 22-ft., 10 H. P.: a good boat for
little money. raooo dcunumi wa. a.
7th at. fiouth.
N KARL Y new 26-ft. sailboat, will sell cheap
If taken at once. Main tHto, bsk tor jjick.
LADY'S ticket to Denver, Colo., for sale. AF
270. Oregonlan.
$50 TAKES female bull-terrier, pedigree
ana tnorougnnrea. raono 0-1 a.
4 -GALLON cow for sale cheap, gentle. 494
Vancouver ave.
LARGE houseboat float and boat cheap,
1461 Macadam road.
FOR SALE 1 pool table, good condition ;
also email saio. V an ai rnruii s onwo niuro.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings:
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 3d at. North. Phone Main 9272.
TO buy or rent a donkey scraper for grading
road on side hills; send name of make and
prle to Veeper Lumbtr Company, Vesper,
WANTED Information of whereabouts of
a donkey for aaie or nire. rnom n.asi
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co., or you' It get less.
Phones A 2445. Main 951.
Wanted 2d-hand famlture; pay higheat
price. 84 Grand ave. East 1051, B 2044.
WANTED Roll-top desk In good condition
at 334 Sherlock bldg.
WANTED To buy R. R. ticket east. Wm.
T. Behm, gen. del.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
HIGHEST price paid for metals and rub
ber. J. Leve, 1S6 Columbia st. M. 5198-
FIRST-CLASS rantsmaker wanted. NlcolL
the Tailor, 108 3d.
PRrVER. acquainted in city. Apply Graves
Music Co., Ill Fourth st.
WANTED Strong- boy to help in store and
deliver goods. R. Buetlkofer. 265 Salmon at.
HAND I R ONERS, good wages. Phone Rich
mond 991. t
FIRST-CLASS carpenters at once. Concorn
and Emerson sts.
A FIRST-CLA;?S cleaner In cleaning and dye
ing establishment. Call 504 Wash, at.
WA orv e. good dressmaker. by
day. Phone Farmer TL. Ox eg on City
burg Home Orchard tracts.
The demand for really good orchard
lands was never so good as at present
Near Roseburg. in the wonderful Lrapqua
Valley, we have some of the finest fruit
land in the world, with a truiy ideal cli
mate. Although tried and proven, this
section Is Just coming into public notice.
m ihnrt tim Unds mav be had
ana for a snort time ianu
. 11 nH on
easy terms. ... .
If you are willing- to rustle we will do
ine rest.
Please call In forenoon.
Department B.
Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Or.
I WANT a young- man who is looking for
a chance to become a merchant on his own
respon-Hbtlity. one who has had experience
ss a salesman: flna opening In this city for
one who possesses a wide acquaintance and
can furnish unquestionable references. Call
at Hotel Portland, between 11 A. M. and
I o'clock P. M. and between 6:30 and 8
P. M., Wednesday and Thursday. August
II and 12. and ask for Mr. J. W. Collins.
CONSTRUCTION work, men for general con
struction work. $2 .60 per day; $5 week
board; will ship this evening to Bayooean.
Tillamook Bay. Steady Job. Must have own
bed'tlng. We advance fare. Call 9 to 10:30
A. M. only. No fee to pay. Potter-Chapin
Realty Company. 515 Corbett bids;.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
gra d uates earn from $ Ifi to $25 weekly ;
expert Instructor; tool free; write for
catalogue. Mohier System of CoUegea. 35
North 4th St., Portland. Or.
HERE'S rare opportunity for young man to
get into business for himself as partner in
paving proposition: experience unneces
sary; small capital required. 326 H Wash
lrgton st. room 417. Better hurry.
REAL ESTATE man wants partner; excel
lent chance for young man to get In real
estate business; no experience necessary
and very little money required. Particu
lars National Realty A Trust Co.. 326V
Washington St., room 016.
STENOGRAPHER Young man; quick.- ac
curate, able to do some work on books;
small salary at start but good opportunity
for one who can take the place and will
stay with It. Apply 607 Board of Trade
bldg. between 8 and 9 A. M.
BRIGHT young men. 36 to 20 years, can se
cure employment with a large business In
stitution where chances for advan cement are
good. Should have some high school edu
cation. State age, schooling and previous
experience, if any. V 297, Oregonlan.
SALESMAN High-grade specialty salesman
with experience in calling upon physicians
and surgeons in Portland and vicinity; great
opportunity for the right man. Address for
one week, giving- references, to Box H 295,
STENOGRAPHER and clerk to learn insur
ance buelnees. correctness more than speed,
accompanied by ambition to improve is de
sired. Address in own writing. J 299, Ore
gon ian.
MEN for railway mail clerks, post of flee
clerks, carriers. Internal revenue, etc;
good salary and promotion with each po
sition; we prepare you; examinations soon.
Write Pacific States School, McKay bldg.
TEAMSTERS and wheelerhold era on railroad
work; teamsters $2.25 a day, wheelerholders
$2.75 a day, board $5.26 a week;, good stock
aJid good board. Hayden Bros., Little Rock,
Wash., 12 mile south of Olympla.
MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless
telegraphy and engineering. R. R. and sta
tion work; practical Instruction; largest pri
vate station In the world. Send stamp for
circulars. Wireless Institute, San Francisco.
IF YOU want a Government position, we
can ahow you how to secure the same,
and will prepare you at small cost. Call
or writ. C, C S. 5., 425-426 Lumber Ex
change, Portland, Or.
COMPETENT mechanic for setting up 'and
connecting stoves; must be able to fur
nish good references. Edwards A Co., 191
First Bt.
WANTED Railway mail clerks, postoffice
clerks, carriers, examinations In Port
land November 17; preparation free.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 258 D., Roches
ter. N. Y. .
WINDOW -TRIMMER Wanted first-class,
and card-writer, at Silverfield Co., 4th
and Morrison at. Inquire for Mr. Silver
field. DELIVERY BOY, bright, 16-year boy, with
wheel, permanent position; references re
quired, Friedlander'a, Apply forenoon.
268 Washington at.
LEARN to operate moving-pictures; oper
atora make $30 weekly; learn business In
short time: terms reasonable. Newman,
626'i Wash.
CLERK Middle-aged gentleman with some
knowledge or oooKKewpins. an cicm m
hotel 1 must be sober. Address H 306, Ore
gonlan. PRIVATE secretary, thoroughly competent
and experienced stenographer, of good
appearance and personality. Commercial
Abstract Co,, 40S Commercial Club.
SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country. Commercial
Abstract Co., 40 Commercial Club bldg.
BAKER Young- man, about 19. for helper
In baker shop. Apply to American Bakery,
483 Williams ave.
WANTED Party to take novelty ooncefsione
on Augt 15. Apply to Wipnwr. x-erjuns
WANTED First-class architectural drafts
man. Apply ojwiiiwi.-"u
bermen's Bldg.. 5th and Stark.
DRIVER Bright young1 man to drive deliv
ery Wagon. Apply a aiauic, i-um
Irving, 6 to 7 A. M.
WANTED At once, men to learn drlvln g
and repairing automobiles; positions wait
ing". Apply 52 N. 7th at., cor. Davis.
ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced, no
beginners, commission paiu uauj. bcu
dictina Press, Good no ugh bldg.
WANTED Performers, comedians, singers,
musicians and all kinds of vaudeville and
dramatic acts. Call 626 Washington at.
DELIVERY Strong- boy to drive grocery
wagon; experience", preierrou, Bsiouti.
B 304, Oregonlan.
WANTED Experienced mattress makers. Ap
ply manuiaciurcis -
Co., Spokane, Wash.
FREE EMPLOYMENT to policy-holders of
Ulton laiaraniei mmjiihhvu. .imij
Commercial Club bldg., Sth and Oak sts.
3 SOLICITORS for day work on commis
sion and salary or commission. 747
SALESMAN Experienced for dlamoiids and
jewelry; permanent position; references re
quired. A 301, Oregonlan,
J energetic salesmen, city and country work.
Wltn book or special i rieiicito vudjicu.
Call after 9 A. M. 331 Fliedner bldg.
SALESMEN Experienced, to handle on
commission, staple easy selling line. F.
W. Main. 78, Iowa City, I a.
CHEAP fare to San Francisco and Los
.npeies On Steamer I an-auo, vycuuwuuj
morning. Inquire at 128 Third st.
BLACKSMITH or horseshoer. Apply E. O-
ourn, oresnuu.
WANTED Solicitor for Sintatorlum Dye
Works. 834 Mississippi ave.
HIGH-CLASS salesman, big wages, perma
nent, 10 tic -.
ELEVATOR boy wanted. Hotel Ramapo, 14th
and Washington ets. -
V NTED Man to make beds and do gen
eral hotel work. Apply 81 North 6th st.
DELIVERY boy wanted Apply today, room
10, 142j Jsecono su
BOOKKEEPER Wanted competent bock-
keeper. scams n.err.
WANTED Boy about 16 to work In entry
room. Lowengart & vo.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Tn d t rtm 1 1 164 2d. Main 5500.
YOUNG man at once to learn barber trade;
& A mnr, a Vil "M issiasirml ave.
SHOEMAKER wanted- Apply 283 Grand
ave. South. .
MATTRESS makers wanted. Carman Mfg.
Co.. 18th and Upshur.
WE secure positions Tor our members
Special memoersmp, 1. sa.. a-
W ANTED at once Barber at 112 North Jer-
aey at., ou juuu.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon stents, best winning
offer; guod. money t Cut berth. Dekum bldg,
salesman; experience not necessary;
RESTAURANT cook, $20 a week; chief cook,
$75; second, $.V; cook, country hotel. $0;
pantryman, $40; waiters. kitchen hands,
-Others; hotel clerk, $20 room and board.
Tunnel timberman. $4 day, free fare.
3 stonemasons and cutters.
Mortarmixer, building work. $3 day.
Carpenters, rough work. $3 free fare;
quarrymen. $2.30; city laborers. $2.6":
street laborers, $2.60; sawfilers, $3; loggers,
mill help, farm and dairy help.
R. R. construction men ail over, FREE
Employment Agents, established 1S76,
26 North 2d St.
Portland, Spokane, San Francisco.
WANTED A good live salesnrran can make
300 per month selling 5-acre fruit tracts.
Write for particulars, B 292. Oregonian.
best hopyard. camping grounds. good
water. Apply to Andrew Kan A Co..
STUDIO Music. German. French. English
literature. 452 Morrison. Main 2097.
FISK Teachers Agency helps good teachers
to better positions. 614 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Chambermaid, $35; cook on farm.
$30; cook for private family of three, $40.
Large list of other places.
Ladies' Dept. 205 y Morrison.
IF YOU want a Government position we
can show you how to secure the same,
and will prepare you at small cost. Call or
write C. C. S. S.. 425-426 Lumber Ex
change, Portland. Or.
tin havm wnnA oTreninrs for several ladies
ft that can devote all or part of their time
to outside work. Liberal pay. aii oe
tween 10 and 12 A, M., 829 Mohawktldg.
IKONER Shirt and collar machine lroner;
must be able to iron shirtwaists: at once;
good wages. International Laundry, 369
E. Washington.
LARGE business firm desires a woman not
under 30, who Is trustworthy and energetic;
. experience not necessary. AL 2iJ0, Oregonl
HOUSEWORK Girl or woman to assist In
gei era! housework on farm; might take
woman with child. Phone East 2166. or
call 351 E. 12th st
HOUSEWORK: experienced girl for general;
family of two; good wages." Call after
noon. 832 Raleigh at., cor. 25th- Phone
Main 3505.
SOLICITORS Two Intelligent young ladles
to go to Spokane in light respectable em
ployment; expenses paid; references re
quired. Y 304, Oregonlan.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward;
steady, reliable work. Call 224 Marquam
843H Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED A woman to supply good home-
made bread to the Woman's Exchange,
1S6 10th at.
3266 Washington St.. Room 307.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
HOUSEWORK Competent girl for general
housework, small family, 1054 Qulmby st.
Phone Main 4782.
A COMPETENT girl for general housework,
family of two, good wages. 781 Lovejoy
st. Phone Main 3760, A 4636.
SALESWOMEN 2 first-class, Worrell's
Sample Cloaks and Suits, 134 6th st-, cor.
opposite Oregonlan,
HOUSEWORK Thoroughly competent girl,
$40. St. Louis, 245 Washington, Main
WANTED -Performers, comedians, singers,
musicians and all kinds of vaudeville and
dramatic acts. Call 526 Washington St.
PIANO lessons given in exchange for as
sistance in housework; aany. v w, ore
gonlan. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; good wages. Call 896 Hassalo,
corner Grand.
HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework
in apartment. Mrs. Overbeck, 69 North
23d. Main 625T.
DRESSMAKER First-class, to care for es
tablishment; owner is out of city. Phone
Main 9590.
HOUSEWORK Girl to do housework, small
East 15th, near Belmont.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2, Grand ave and East Taylor.
THOROUGH course of millinery taught In
6 weeks; terms reasonaoie. 4x0 jLiaer.
HOUSEWORK Experienced girl to do sec
ond work. Apply 215 St. Clair st.
WANTED Finishers and operators on cus
tom pants. S3 bth st., room wu.
CHAMBERMAID girl, and wait table. 191
11th at.
GIRL for general housework; small family.
CIGAR and confectionery store, girl to work
In, at 373 st urnsioe sx.
BOAR DING- HOUSE Good girl to work; good
wages. 633 Morrison, cor. lttn st.
CAS H I ER Bri gh t. neat appear I ng. Apply
3:30 P. M., 107 H 6th St., upstairs.
HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework
and to learn cooking. 421 etn st.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
cooking. 818 Marshall st.
CHOCOLATE DIPPERS wanted ; steady
work; best wages, a 000, oregonlan.
HOUSEWORK Girl for general; to go to
Mitntrv A nnl v 745 Overton st. Main 5003.
HOUSEWORK Girl for light housework;
good home for good girl, iast 3410.
A COMPETENT girl for general housework.
824 East ilst xsiortn. 'leiepnone jast ww.
COOK and general housework girl ; good
wages. 7 1 o js ortnrup.
GIRL or woman to work for board, close
in. 82S 6th. A aoLi.
WAITRESSES wanted, flrst-class waitresses
at N. P. Kestaurant. t( otn st.
LAUNDRESS for institutiqn. Addresa T 295,
A GIRL for cooking and general housework.
Apply 215 N. 20tn st.
DINING-ROOM girl wanted at 434 Washing
ton st.
STRONG girl for dishwashing and kitchen
work. 261 latn, west.
GIRLS to do copying: answer In own hand
writing. K soi, oregonian.
CASHIER Girl experienced in handling
money, foruana uairy j.uncn, 124 isc st.
WAITERS wanted at 229 Washington st.
ARM waitress wanted. N. 6th st.
WANTED Good waitress at 145 3d
PASTRY COOK, 3S6 Morrison St.
May do something for you
tomorrow, but as chance is a
very illusive article, and to
morrow never comes, you
had .better take the sure road
and get busy with the
"want" ads.
Kead and use them the
profit will not be slow in following.""
GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, to work In
bag factory. Apply at once.
5th and Davis Sta
Saleslady in every town to take orders
for made-to-order petticoats; outfit free;
write for particulars. Denver Skirt &
Suit Co.. Denver. Colo.
WAITRESS wanted, experienced, at once.
Pacific Oyster House, 227 Alder st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks
BOOKKEEPER Has time to take set of
books and will devote most of the after
noons to the work, and evenings If the work
demands it; will also do typewriting or any
class of clerical work; first-class reference
furnished. H 299, Oregonian.
BOOK KEEPING, stenography or both, no
experience ; excel lent references and rec
ommendation. W. Rams by, 680tt Dawson
St.. University Park.
MECHANIC Learned In Germany, -wants
position; has worked and repaired electric,
photograph and optic apparatus, phones
and klnematographs. AG 272, Oregonian.
STEADY young married man wishes employ
ment in hardware or furniture store; had ex
perience; handy with toola for repairing.
Write or call 608 Albina ave.
YOUNG MAN. IT, wishes employment, deliv
ery. In or about wholesale or retail store;
can give reference. Call or write, 698 Al
bina ave.
BUTLER or valet, by a Japanese who wants
place in private family or club; have good
experience and best references, Y 273,
HEAD WAITER Most experienced Jap
anese, wants place as head waiter in hotel
dining-room or restaurant; have best ref
ernces. Y 276, Oregonlan.
TEAMSTER with horse and new express
wagon. $3.00 per day in city; will board
self and horse. Box 88, R. F. D. No. L
Oswego, Or.
TWO florists want position on nursery or pri
vate place. Address Noordlnk, Sell wood Ho
tel. YOUNG MAN would like position as chain
man or rodman with surveying party; ex
perienced. F 283, Oregonian. '
builder, plumbing and heating; day or
contract. A 1927. 584 Third st.
I DESIRE a situation as janitor or any kind
of work as porter. James Thomas, 335
Couch st. Phone Main 6569.
CARPENTER,- first-class, wants position as
foreman; can give references. AK 272 Ore
gonlan. COOK Peliable Japanese, with good experi
ence, wants position In family boarding-
house ana noiei. u w, j ic6uuian.
COUPLE wish cooking, hotel, restaurant,
camp or ranch; experienced; go any place.
K BOO, Oregonian. '
JAPANESE boy, desire to co any kind of
work in country town w'thln 100 miles
from Portland. Y 801. Oregonian.
TIMEKEEPER, strictly reliable, young man,
would like steady position. H 298, Ore
gonlan. HOTEL CLERK Young man, steady, capable,
reliable, night or day. H 297, Oregonian.
FAMILY WANTS good place on ranch. H 803,
HOUSE and window cleaning by O. A
Thompson. Phone Main 3036-
WINDOW cleaning, also house and general
Jobbing references. Main 3903. y
TINSMITH, experienced, nonunion, wishes po
sition, xl ow, uregomau.
COOK Japanese, first-class, wants position,
hotel, boarding. F 2S9, Oregonlan.
COOK First-class. Japanese, wants position
in family, $40 up. C 293, Oregonian.
HANDY MAN, good references, wants work
at anything. K 299. Oregonian.
JOB every evening, Just few hours to work,
a Japanese. N 296, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy, housework, cook or porter
in saloon or store. AF 292, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
"WASHINGTONIAN" in a real estate office
as bookkeeper, rent and Insurance clerk;
experienced; salary less than $25 per
week will not be considered. H 307, Ore
gonian. CASHIER Young lady with experience
wants position, and general office work
immediately. Phone E. 1160.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires perma
nent position; phone evenings. A 6284 or
H 306, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER desires permanent posi
tion ; moderate salary ; good references.
Address Box 709. General Delivery.
YOUNG lady desires position as bookkeeper,
cashier or general office assistant; best
reference T 299. Oregonlan.
LAW stenographer, high school education,
moderate salary. S 296. Oregonlan.
LAW stenographer; substitute or permanent;
moderate salary. B 301, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs Angeles, 826 Wash, st., room 216.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailored waists
a specialty. Call Main 3616, and get prices.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as
" housekeeper for two people or for wdow
er. Apply at 314 Sh erman St., corner
6th Phone Main 1098.
HOUSEKEEPER Capable woman, widow
er's family. St. Louis, 245 V Wash. Main
2o 34).
TWO Scandinavian girls want housework,
hotel or family. Address 368 16th st. N.
HOUSEWORK Girl wishes to assist with
general housework. B 303, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED nurse would like two chil
dren to board; best care; no uimn- vnuui en.
terms reasonable. Call or address 664 East
Morrison st.
MARRIED woman would take care or help
in a rooming-nouse ; nan icut-c ,
give reference. Write or cail 598 Albina
YOUNG WOMAN, experienced, wants house
work at any kind, by the day or hour. Y
300, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, cham
bermaids, nurses, second girls, laundresses.
St Louis. 245 Wash. Main 2039, A 4775.
WOMAN wants day work sweeping, clean
ing, etc; 25c per hour; no washing.
A 4434.
WOMAN wants washing at home. 466 E.
Alder st.
WANTED Position, lady barber, first class.
best ot rexerencw- 6':'-"-
LADY desires position In button-bole making;
WOMAN wants work by day; references;
no half days. Woodlawn liilL
WANTED; Day work by capable woman.
Phone Main 4rf.
LACE curtains washed, stretched, called lor
and delivered; 40: pair. Tabor 1597.
AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money
Selling nureerj i-a., uuuv - -. -
Jjk Salem JKursexj: Co fiaiem. Ox
AGENTS wanted by Columbia Life A Trust
Company; high-class men to sell life Insur
ance in Portland and in other cities and
towns of Oregon. Washington affd Idaho;
former experience not necessary ; splendid
opportunities; first-class references as to
character required. Address the company's
home office. Lumber Exchange bldg., Port
land, Or.
WANTED Successful nursery salesmen;
choice territory, big commission; good repu
tation behind our goods makes sales easy.
Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem,
Oregon. t
WANTED to rent for 1 or years a fur
nished house of 10 roomi or more for
family of 5 adults: must be on Wesrside.
Room 304 Failing bldg. Phone Main 20.2.
MAKE $10 A DAT Agents wanted everr"
where to sell Hart we 11 mail box. Write
for branch office In your territory. Cres
cent Mfg. Co.. 712 L st., Sacramento, al.
I WANT to rent a furnished cottage at Gear
hart Park from August 15 to Sept. 1; must
have 3 bedrooms, also mattresses. Phone
Main 1652 or A 4770.
WANTED To rent, small house or 6-room
apartment, furnished In nice neighbor
hood, beginning Sept. 1st. Phone East
WANTED House of 9 or 10 rooms, by
September 1. in neighborhood of Portland
Academy, unfurnished. Phone Main 2661.
YOUNG man would tike room and board with
private family w ithin walking d&stanc of
Postoffice. H S04, Oregonian. -
WANTED Vacant store, suitable for first
class buffet; state iocatloln. A SOX, Ore
gonlan. WANT to rent a desirably located 7 or 8
room modern house to occupy Sept.. L
West Side preferred. Phone Main 6860.
WANTED A we 11-furnished T-room house.
West Side, by September 8. Dr. G. Baar
and his sister.
WANTED A strong, steady boy for de
livering; wage $5 per week. Apply room
10, 1424 Second st.
WANTED Furnished cottage at Long
Beach for 1 week. Phone Woodlawn 2268.
WANTED By two Eastern girls; board on
large ranch; state terms. B 302. Oregonlan.
STORK wanted for nickelodeons dtowatown
location. W 276, Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
Corner 10th and Washington Sts.
New management; THOROUGHLY
BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
month ; tourist trade solicited.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burns! do.
Everything brand new, homelike and
comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and batns free.
Washington and 18th; beautiful rooms,
single or en suite, or adjoining; free phone
in each room, elegant parlor and lobby;
weekly rates $3 up. Main 7195.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647.
THE MERTARPER, 126 13th, cor. Wash
ington, brand new handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot water in
all rooms; very reasonable terms.
Washington and 17th, new building, newly
furnished, every room light and sunny; hot
water, steam beat, reasonable prices.
Furnished rooms, moaern Dries oiag. ;
S cars from Union Depot south to Taylor
st. Ratea 75c and up.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sta., fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason
able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite
the Plaza.
812 OAK ST., COR. 6TH.
Just opened ; new and elegantly fur
nished; ail conveniences; rates reasonable.
The Mercedes, 20th and Washington sts
elegantly furnished single rooms, with all
moaern conveniences; amy iv auu uu.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2; $2
to $4 per week; nice yard and surroundings.
Aster House, 7th and Madison.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 827
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral, $3, $4, $5 per week; transient.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited. 385 Stark, cor. Park.
NICE attractive rooms. $1.60 to $5; free
phone, lights, bath, etc. 2 N. 14th.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week.
Furnished Booms In Private Family.
A couple large, cheerful front rooms In
a beautiful private home with every con
venience; one block Washington; one block
Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 69
N. 21st St.
COZY furnished rooms, gas telephone, bath
free; one complete housekeeping suite;
rats exceptionally reasonable; 2 blocks
from cariine ; 8 minutes walk to Post
office. $91 7th st. Telephone Main 1145.
NEW and elegantly furnished rooms, price
reasonable. Call after 10 o'clock- 264
2d st.
LARGE front alcove room, choice location,
house modern, suitable for gentleman. 388
Salmon, bet. West Park and 10th.
BEAUTIFUL large room, neatly furnished,
suitable for one or two people, all mod
ern conveniences, reasonable. 393 11th st.
STEAM-HEATED West Side rooms; new fur
niture; walking distance; $3 to $4 weekly;
three carl 1 nee. 567i Glisan st.
FINE, large front room; partly furnished;
modern conveniences: suitable for one .or
two people; reasonable. 393 11th st.
GOOD room, new modern house; choice lo
cality; central; reasonable. Phone Main
NEWLY furnished, modern conveniences,
reasonable. Phone Main 7S15. 624 Flan
ders. REFINED young man wants roommate:
large, clean room; two beds; cheap. 66
North 14th st.
213 THIRTEENTH ST. Nicely furnished
rooms, modern conveniences, reasonable,
FRONT suite, ground floor, phone, bath and
gas, 8 minutes from P. O., $3.50 per week.
Main ,7124.
NEWLY furnished room in private family,
close in, reasonable. Telephone Main 1576.
564 GLISAN Pleasant front room, all con
veniences, walking distance.
$8 MONTH Nice clean room on 1st floor;
bath, good location. 452 5th st.
ONE modern furnished room, $2 a week, with
private family. 430 Second st
NICELY furnished front rooms. Call 549
Yamhill st. Phone A 3875.
NICELY furnished rooms, every convenience,
gentlemen only. 220 Knott. Phone East 6257.
TWO beautifully furnished rooms, all con
veniences, at 210 13th st.
FURNISHED room in private family, walking
distance. West Side. Phone Main 8106.
228 10TH ST. Newly furnished room with
bath adjoining.
266 12TH Nicely furntehed front bedroom;
49 per moatn.
Rooms With Board.
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th st. cor.
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason,
able rates for transient guests. W car to
and from depot passes the door.
THE LINDELL, 269 Market Nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board: mod
ern, reasonable; fine walking distance.
ELEGANT rooms with excellent board;
prices $6 per week upwards. 261 13th W.
THE CALVA RD Take W. car at depot to
THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison; American
Suoa; xovcos fiw-
Modern in every respect; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water la
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne ave.
1 very large light and airy living-room,
with alcove bedroom, partially furnished, or
will furnieh to suit partiea; private tele
phone, hot and old water, electric lights,
steam heat.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary. 510 Flanders st.. Miss Frances N.
Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange. 133 10th
t. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, supt.
THE MANSION, central, beautiful grounds,
elegantly furnished rooms, modern, bouiU
Fifth and Jefferson.
ROOM and board at the Sterling, 535 Couch
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
YOUNG COUPLE want 1 or 2 gentlemen to
hoard and room; refined, comfortable, pri
vate home; home comforts; reasonable.
C 290, Oregonian.
FOR RENT Furnished room with first
clasa board. In private family, for one or
two partiea; central location. Inquire 389
Main st.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with
board, modern, for two. Apply 248 2Cth
st. north. mm
NEWLY furnished rooms with board, bath,
phone, use of piano. 191 11th. Phone
Main 5963.
NICELY furnished front room with board
for 1 or 2 people; modern conveniences;
walking dlstanoa. Phone Main 32S0.
LARGE front corner room, with board, for
two, in private family; all conveniences. 93
17th at.. North. Main 4220. a
WANTED Lady roommate, room and board,
$20. 696 Everett.
SIDE room with board, horn cooking, close
in. 828 Sixth. A 8622-
$42 FOR -two large front rooms and alcove
470 Main st.
ROOMS with board. 149 15th st between
Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 8412.
FIRST-CLASS furnished rooms, with board.
849 6th mu
LARGE room, suitable far two. 26$ 13th W.
624 Marshall Street.
The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart
ments in the city; 3 -room suites. PRI
VATE BATHS and reception halls; both
phones FREE In each apartment; electrls
elevator; nice large verandas both front
and back; large lawn and beautiful shad
trees; low Summer ratea Take W. car
to Marshall, go 1 block east.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison St., new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
In. 2. 8 and 4 -room family apartments;
private bath, reception hall, steam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air
cleaning. Janitor service, from
$25 up month; some unfurnished; com
look and be surprised.
MADISON PARK apartments. Park and
Madison Unfurnished apartments; hot an
cold water, electric elevator and Janitor
service: 6 minutes' walk from Portland Ho
tel. Phone Main 6666.
Washington; ' large unfurnished front room
with private bath and one three-room apart
ment; wail bed, private porch; reasonable
THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts.,
unfurnisned apartment with bath, every
con ventence ; desirable location ; reason
able rent. Main 2306.
Northeast cor. 16th and Mill sts., 2, 3. 4
and 5-room unfurnished apartments; hot
water, bath, gas; reasonable. Main 6110.
COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnlshei;
all cool outside suites; private phone free.
11th and Columbia. Main 1911, A 2720.
THE MARLBOROUGH 6 and 6-room apart
ments; 21st and Flanders, Nob Hill dis
trict; every convenience. Main 7516.
NEW 5-room. steam-heated flat, modern
conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor
gan, 503 Abington bldg
JEFFERSON IAN, modern 2 and 8-room fur
nished apartments, $20 up. 16th-Jefferson.
MODERN. 6-room, upper and lower flat,
near West Side High School, large attic
and sleeping porches. Inquire 175 lttth,
corner Yamhill.
NEW flat for rent, cor. 6th and Wasco, 3
blocks north of Holladay ave. Call Main
1606. W. Reldt, 401 Rothchlld bldg.
A SWELL, up-to-date 7-room flat, furnace
and fireplace. 448 Park St., $37.50; no chil
dren. Phone East 1431 or Tabor 763.
MODERN 6-roomed flat for rent, furniture
for sale, cash or terms. Inquire 163 N.
6th st. or A 1810.
PLEASANT small flat, modern, easy walk
ing distance; reasonable rent. 2354 Hall
CHOICE Nob Hill flat, cor. 19th and Davis,
apply 66 N. lttth st.
NEW 9 and 7-room flats. 10 minutes' walk
from Postoffice. Call 434 Mill st.
MODERN 6-room flat; porch and yard, 8 East
12th N., near Ankeny.
Housekeeping Rooms.
tuii DB.iv ctr 1 2t h and Marshall
Newly furnished for housekeeping, in
cluding gas ranges, electrlo lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
free; furnished apartments $15 per month
up- singla housekeeping rooms $250 week
up; best in city for money; short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or
16th-st- cars north, get off at Marshall st.
ONEONTA, 187 17th. near Yamhill; take
W car at depot; furnished 2, 8 and 4
room housekeeping suites, by week $5.50.
by month $20 and up; hot and cold water,
baths and phones free. Main 4697. A 4739.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms;
west side river; 2 rooms $6 month; 2 for
$12: front part cottage $16; flat 4 rooms,
$16. Apply 364 North 26th; W-car to 26th,
block north.
FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeeping
suites, very cheap; $4 per room a month.
"The Falrmount." 36th and Upshur sis.
Clean, sanitary and convenient.
THE SANGERT, 24 Trinity Place, Cor.
Washington, between 19th and 20th Fur
nished housekeeping apartment with pri
vate bath.
THE MERCEDES, corner of 20th and Wash
ington sts., 1 nicely furnished 2-room
housekeeping apartment; all modern con
venances, only $20.
BEAUTIFULLY located two and three-room
unfurnished bay-window suites. 805 Jef
ferson and Fifth.
461 EAST MORISON, cor. East 8th. com
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms rea
sonable. $1 25 week, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms,
laundry, bath. 203 Stanton at., U. car.
THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
$1.50 week, large, clean, furn. housekeeping
rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 184 Sherman.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, all mod
ern. 695 Front st. Main 451.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, com
pletely furnished, bath, phone. 191 4th st.
Housekeeping Rooms fas Private Family.
FURNISHED rooms, right downtown. 310
Oak. Reasonable rent.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, modern.
Phone Main 6067. 140 North lotn si.
LARGE, well-furnished housekeeping rooms.
very reasonaoia. rs
354 SALMON, 2 very desirable rooms, fur
nished for housekeeping.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping; water In
room. 328 I-ront. near mhiki. j. -
HIGH-CLASS suite rooms, piano, bath, nice
yard; suitabto $ adulft. 6-8 Morrison.
THREE nice, large, light, modern furnished
houBekeeping rooms. 590 Second st.
468 TAYLOR 2-room suite, neatly fur
nished; good location; reasonable; modern
TWO fine large rooms, furnished. Main 5034,
pom j,uiitwM .-'