13 THE 3I0RNTN'G OREGOXIAX, TTJESDAT, AUGUST 10, 1909. THE PORTLAND P0KTUN3, OS. XODEm KJLST A L' RAN T COST OXB MTT.UOT SOIXUS. I HOTEL OREGON j I CORNER SEVENTH AND STARE STREETS J Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Dp EUROPEAN PLAN I I WRIGHT - DICKINSON HOTEL. CO, Props. I Centrally Located Modern Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington Phil. MeUchan A. Sons, Props. Xen rrtstaaee Phono In Every Room. Rates $1.00 - ,J. F. DAVIE S. President St. Charles Hotel COMPANY (Inc.) FRONT AND MORRISON. PORTLAND. OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ' ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION. THE Park St.. between CALUMET HOTEL Per Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. BEAUTIFUL GRILL ROOM European Plan Rates to Famines Oar Hue Meets All Trains MODERN COMFORTS MODERATE Uif. 5 i.E5:g HOTEL SEWARD Corner of Tenth and Alder Streets. One square west of Arlington Club) PORTLAD, ORJCCJOSi. "KS HOTEL OF ttl IET ELE6A5CE" . Just ODened and surpassed by no hotel In the Northwest. Do not lea-re PoVtlSna before looHn; over this charmins hostelry . hE"oPtet Reward -Excellent cafe In connection. Fifty sample rooms. The Hotel Seward Bus meets all trains. ' mtrtr m...... W. 3t. SEWARD, Proprietor. K- CLARKE, naurtr. m ML Newly Furnished Throughout. Private Baths. B eautiful Hotel Moore CLATSOP BEACH SEASIDE. OR. Portland's Nearest Beach Resort TU A ft C. R. R. Open All Tear. Directly overlooking the Pacific Ocean. A delightful Summer and Winter resort. Hot salt baths and surf bathing. Sea foods a spe cialty Walks, drives and boating. DAN J. MOOSE, Prop. A M IS EME-VTS. STAR THEATER The Big-Thing House. Town Talk IMMC FULAKOb THE 5SO ACT, And Pictures Unequalled. XCHtq AKD SQXGS XiiB BEST. HIATKJVAKTTBS . FOB TOrRlBTs, COXHERflAL TKAV&LEBa. to families and sln Kl tnitaMa The manaceroent will be plrmd at 0 times .how rooms and gtva prices. mod ern Turkish BMb ertaMtsnment bl the hotel. H. C. BOWIS8, HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. In the heart of the business and shopping district. The most modern and up-to-date hotel in the North-west. Local and long-distance phones in every room. Rooms with private bath, en suite and single. Large and moderately equipped sample-rooms. Ths Perkins Betel GrlU ansxmneea innate daily darhvr lunch, dinner and after the theater, by the famous Mars.ee Orchestra. Bos Meets) all trains. Rates $1 and up HOTEL PERKINS CO. F. J. Rnrden. Pres. L. Q. 8WCTLA.VD, Sec'r Improvements $1.50 - $2.00 0. 0. DAVIS, Sec. and Treas. A Strictly First - Class and Modem Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American, and European Hotel in Portland Last Distance Fhoaes la ISvery Room. las Meets iiil1TsatanW IubAmrka, St.M ar day and on. Rates European, SIM per day and up. month, etaale room and boara. to aooordtnc so room, xor two, sua. Board, wtthent room .M per PRICES fr' i mi fiVioVir' Hi iii Ti i'iiiiii. imi THE CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome," comer Park and Alder. Portland 's newest and most modern hotel. European plan. Single, $1.50 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our omnibus meets all trains. C. W. CORNELIUS, H. E. FLETCHER, Proprietor. Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fourteenth and Washington Mew Hotel. Elegantly Furnished. Rates, $1.00 and Up European Plan. "Bus Meets All Train. Bf. EL FOLET, PROPRIETOR. HOTEL LENOX CORNER THIRD AND MAIN STS. European Plan Rates $1, $1.50, $2 Phones In wry room. THE DONATEUJ'S ITALIAN BAND Portland's Gma Amasement Park Every Form Recreation Entertainment OAKS AJtrCSSMXXTS. P SEAT BALE OPENS TODAY""" "Polly of the Circus" Bungalow Theater. Three Nights. Beginning Next Thursday. Special Price Matinee Saturday. Evenings $3 to 59 cents. Matinee $1.60 to 50 cents. SIAIX . A ies. Mactneee Ex. Bnndays and Bonders. 1W5-50C NIGHTS THEATER 1S-25-5M5C T-een: of Anarot erxe Anser and olay er. in -Jack, the Giant Killer"; arV? "Bathinr Girls": Carson and W'd m -The imteh In Frj-pf; Thalia "?f Ixr Bloom: Moffott and Clare, sinier. and whirlwind daneorsi Frank Rodxera: Pictures. Orchestra. Lyric Theater Three nla-hte, Thnrsday, Friday and Satur day, August 12, IS and 1 Mmtlnee Every Day at 2:30. PAPKE-KETCHE FIGHT PICTURES Did the referee decide Tight? See for Two Exhibitions every night at 8 and B.ia. Prloes 50c and 25c; Matinees JSC Lyric Theater Reinilar Stock Season Openinc Sunday Mat inee. August 15 The Famous Athon Stock Company. In "DORIS" ' The Play With a Moral 0a"'Tnn Sermon. Seat Bale opens Thursday. THE GRAND WEEK OF ATJGTTST 9. Les Ploetz Larellas and J. L Emmett & Co. Matinees 2:30. Even lug Performances, 7:80 and 9:16. i. Warren feeane a: Co.. : Alfred K. Hall, Barry A Johnson. Fred Bauer. Grandaacope. Matinee Prloes 15o; Evening Prices 15 and 2ac. Box Seats, &0 cents. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaodeville; Stars of All Nations. THE 1'OIR VENETIANS, An Act of Mirth and Melody. Carter. Taylor A Co., the Scenle Novelty, "At Camp Rest": Alva York. England's Daintiest Comedienne; Ben Boyer and Brother, Daredevil Cyclists; The Gardner Trio, Musical Comedy Sketchers; Leo White, Illustrated Song. Popular prices. Matinee Dally. Curtain 2:13. T:30 and 9. BASEBALL Recreation Park, Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. VERNON vs. PORTLAND AUG. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Games begin week days 3:30 P. M.: Sunday, 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 60c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children: Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand, 25c. Ladles' Day Friday. Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednesday. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS rvi.l CHURCHLETT BROS., wood and coal tMl dealers, offios and yard 13th and MarsbalL phones Main &SL A 3931. 1' i f cut Flowers always fresh from !JUriSbour own conservatories. liartia A Forbes Co, 847 Washington st. Both phones. EI.ctricFixtnres "hon?eul prices are right . All work guaranteed. Western Electrlo Works, 61 Sixth street. Richmond and Wallsend Australian. vl'Sl Independent Coal ft Ice Company, opposite City Library Toth phonos. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Mam SOS. SECRETARY. Main IW. HTJMANE OFFICER. East 4T7S. AUCTION SAUS TODAY. At Baker's auction house. 16S Park St. F"ur nlrure. carpeu. etc Sale at lO oolock. Baker ft Bon, auctioneers. At Oilman's auction rooms, ICS M St., at 10 A. M. S. N. Oilman, auctioneer. DIED. COSMO GEIATSICH August 8. at St. Vin cent Hospital. Funeral notice later. BARGES In this city Aurust 8. Ford J. Serges, aged 20 years. The remains are at Flnley's parlors. Funersl notice here after. O ESTER In this city. August 9, Winiam Oester. The remains are at Flnley's psrlcrs. Funeral notice hereafter. NEW TODAY. A Great Farm BK A UTIFVI.LV located AND A MONEY - MAKER This 60-acre farm, near station, 35c fare from Portland, has about 1400 fine, profitable, bearing fruit trees, exclusive of 100 4 - year - old -English walnuts and filberts, 1000 gooseberry, loganberrv, raspberry and currant bushes; i acre strawberries; 10 acres timber and pasture; 12 acres suitable for potatoes, corn and garden truck; 10 acres bottom land, in hay and grain; good creek and spring. No gravel or rocks. Good 7-room house; hot and cold water: water-tank and windmill; big barn, silo, sheds, vehicles, farm im plements, stock. This is a practical stock and dairy farm also. Price only 86500. Terms given, will consider property In exchange. Let me tell you more about this place. C. L. B AMBER GER 008 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5134 A 8788 ESCHUTES Island headquarters; 209 WELLS FARGO BI .it JNO. A. ROEB14NOS SONS CO.. MFRS. OF WIRE ROPE. IRON. STEEI, AND COPPER WTRE. REMOVED TO 88 FIFTH oTREET. irGliicagii-KewYork12 Electric Air Line Railroad stock. Ab solutely safe, as the road is free of debt. Stock $25. in tea payments; In reach of ail. Portland office, 62 Lumbermen Building Fifth street. BET GEVL MDSE. BTTSINESS IN SOUTHERN" OREGON FOR SAUK. Stock now reduced below eight thousand. Cer tainly & great opportunity to get hold of this. H. MARKS CO, Roaeburg, Or. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) $23 Worcester Bldg. Phones Main S3TL A 01X- k well located double house for sale or change for a large bouse, East 464X 'w NEW TODAY. 80x100 On Hoyt, near 22d st. A bargain. $8500 Beautiful 8-room residence, Irving street, 50x100. $16,000 60xll214-ft. lot On Willamette Heights, a grand view, 1 block from car, $3000 694 Overton st., 6-rom house. 60x100, $7000 Humason & Jeff ery M 1188. 326 Stark St. A 3814. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Multnomah County will hold the regular examination of ap plicants for state and county papers at the Ladd school building. West Park and Jefferson streets. Portland, as follows: FOR STATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, August 11, at o'clock A. M. and continuing until Sat urday, August 14. at 4 o'clock P. II. FOR COUNTY PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, August 11, at 9 o'clock A. M. and continuing until Frl- day, August 13, at 4 o'clock P. M. Full programme of subjects will be fur nished on application at the office of the superintendent. Applicants intending to write here and have certificate Issued in another county should secure written con sent from the superintendent of the county from which certificate is wanted. R. F. ROBINSON. School Superintendent of Multnomah County. Lane Street Bargain Nice 7-room house and corner lot, 100x100, with a grand view that cannot be shut off, on the West Side of the river and only 10 minutes' ride from down town, will be sold at a sacrifice. Lots alone worth the price asked. J5500, S2000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. See us for South Portland prop erty. GRUSSI & ZADOW S17 Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak. LOOK! THE ONE BEST BUY 53 1-5 acres, about one mile from Tualatin, on Oregon Electric and S. P. R. R-, 24 passenger trains daily, Repots on each road few steps from door; 8 acres beaverdam worth J1000 per acre, rest finest garden land in Oregon, in high state of cultivation; two houses, barn, outhouses, beautiful well water, bearing orchard, berries, out of frost belt Come see the onions growing. You cannot afford to let this pass. Price 21!5 per acre, and very liberal terms. Would divide. 503 Commercial Bids, 2d and Wash. Sta. RIVERFRONT Buv a beautiful 194 -acre tract on the" Willamette River, only a few minutes on the Jefferson-st. train. Only tract left with real river front age. Lot of natural trees. $8000 Terms Huniason 6 Jeffery M1J88. S26 Stark St. A 3814. Y0D HAVE ADMIRED THIS PLAGE 60x100 and that beautiful 8-room modern brick bungalow, on the N. W: corner 11th and Tillamook. Sickness forces an immediate sale. Property cost last year 310,000. Price now $7750 Hurry EDW. P. MALL & CO. 309-310 Abtngton Building. Cheap Acreage Inside the City Limits 19 ACRES In a Rapidly Developing; District. PRICE $24,000 For a few days only. No other land in the vicinity selling for less than $1400 per acre. Owner needs the money for busines ventures or would not sell. REED & URWAN 637 Chamber of Commerce. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE JUST OFF OF WASHINGTON. Present buildings paying 44 per cent. Price very reasonable. PURSE A CO., 818 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. V. V. ft Co. M. 3849L SO Hamilton bldg. , Baker. Alfred A., 212 Ablngton bldg. Beck. William G., 312 Falling bldg. Blrrell A K. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages. loans, etc. Brubaker ft Benedict, 502 McKay bldg. M. 648. Chapln ft Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. ft Co 503 Corbelt bldg. Fields. C E. ft Co., Board of Trade bldg. - Jennings ft Co.. Main 168. 2O0 Oregonian. ParrUb. Watklns ft Co 250 Alder st. Richardson. A. B-. 221 Com. Club bldg. Schalk. Goo. D 28 Stark St. Main or A 382. Sharkey. J. P. ft Co.. 122 V Sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand are. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). Walker. S. T 604 Corbett bldg. White B. P.. 227 hi Washington St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. QUARTER block with three new modern 7 roorn houses for 3ST0O at corner of Flint and Tillamook streets, 7 minutes' walk from Steel bridge; will sell separately. In quire Lu E. Crouch, trustee. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SIX lots; unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for sale at a great bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 034. LEAVING THE STATE Will sell 7-room residence, 100x100, In Irvlngton, 6 acres on Oregon electric, furnished house St. Johns. 20 acres Bse Line, cheap; terms. N 2S0. Oregonian. FINE site for a pretty home: a half acre, close In. on Sunnysida car. Just one block from the attractive addition "Laurel hurst." 12600. B 2301. LOT. SNAP. t730. 50x100. 80th and E. Irving; small pay ment down, balance 110 per month. Equity Investment Co., 508 Gerlinger bldg. 5900 warehouse lot on railroad. North Portland, with two houses. N 29S. Ore gonian. :0 o"f It block, close in, good for manu facturing Or BISBiM. w . ..... vi n.. . Vuhtw owner. East Side, Batoy JJotwV-cltXvJ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. LOTS." "LOTS." "LOTS." BTTY NOW! Just 10 per cent payment down, balance 5 or 310 per month. Portland Heights lot, on carllne....1500 Alameda Park lot, on carllne 800 Sunnyside lot, on carllne 600 Waverleigh Heights lot. on carllne.. 600 University Park lot, on carllne 2-M) Cedar Park Station..... 250 Falrport Hyde Park -- 230 Lents "J tfnnrinpb ................ 1311 Tnmnnt ................... 125 Rosary 100 nnn','V.i,. in Kiivln lots like these at such prices and terms. Call today. NATIONAL REALTY ft TRUST CO.. 826Vs Washington Be. FOR SALE A beautiful home at Oak Grove. Oregon City line, 30 minutes' ride, lu acres of ground, new ft-room house, pantry, storeroom. brick fireplace. T5 feet verandas. 200 choice roses la full bloom, 75 bearing grape vines. 300 bear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants, 60 bearing fruit trees of every description, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fenced and cross fenced, enough garden truck planted for good-alxed family, every foot of ground cultivated; fine lawn around the house, dotted with select shrubbery, etc., etc. Inquire on premises, Louis Brandt, Oak Grove, Or. 34000. Buys excellent 7-room modern home, extra well built; reception hall, paneled dining-room, double floors, full basement, big floored attic, fine lot 50x100, paved street; all Improvements in and paid; on carllne; really a fine buy: easy terms. Equity Investment Co 608 Gerlinger bldg. 6250 Fins NEW HOME BUILT BY DAY LABOR, of the best material; hardwood floors, oak front door and side panels, plate-glass window, 4 fine bedrooms, sleeping porch. large attic, superior plumbing, toilets and lavatories on each floor, fireplace, built-in sideboard, wood lift, gas and electricity, splendid heater; high light basement; an exceptionally well-built and well-arranged home; close in on paved street. STRONG & CO.. Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bldg. UPPER HOOD RIVER LANDS. 160 acres' choice unimproved land easily cleared, beautifully situated. 3100 per acre, terms; 100 acres, good -buildings, 10 acres bearing standard apples, small fruit, etc, all under water. Hood River one boundary of the place, 1150 per acre, near depot; will take property worth 10000 In exchange, long time on the balance. I handle exclusively upper valley lands. W. H. Marshall. Dee, Or. ADJOINING LAURBLHURST. Fine 7-room house, double floors, pan eled dining-room, big floored attic, full basement, cement walks, street paved, all Improvements paid; lot 50x100; price g-4000; 1300 cash, balance to suit. Equity t . . f . ,M fl.,lln. Vi 1 C iJlVCaLUtCU, mr " s NICE COTTAGE. $200. Nice 5-room cottage with lot .50x100, lots of fruit and flowers and a flne neigh borhood, being on East 7th st., near Mason. J2a00; J200 cash, balance like rent; see It today, owner Is going away. . GRUSSI ft ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade, Fourth and Oak Sts. WE BUY. SELL OR TRADE REAL ES TATE FOR OUR CLIENTS. Have a few choice propositions to offer at this time; It will pay you to investigate. MARGULIS ft SCHUBACH, 627 Board of Trade. Main 3558. A 8341. LAUHELHUBST, Elmhurst. adjacent tracts Lot 60x100, with graded streets, cement sidewalks and curbs, all paid: for In Elm hurst, 3600; beautiful view. See this If you want a real bargain; 3226 cash handles it. Phono A. Backus, Private Ex. 71, A 4447. IHVIIGTON A fine 6-room house and full lot on 10th St., near Tillamook; full baseT mnt, modern plumbing. Can he bought at J3250. if taken at once. C. F. Pflu ger & Co., rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. HALF-ACRE) piece 20 minutes from Third and Morrison sts.; city water. Improved street, concrete walk, fine soil and lays well in re stricted district; only 31400, easy terms. Phone Main 6407. MUST sell 6-room new modern bungalow, east front one block to Alberta car; few hun dred cash balance monthly. Causey Land Company, 806-6 Lumbermen's bldg., 6th and Stark. Main 314S. A SNAP. 100x100 on Alnsworth ave., in Piedmont. Price, 32000. EDW. P. MACE CO.. 309-310 Ablngton bldg. AN absolute bargain: A swell 6-room bun galow, all conveniences, full-size lot, 12300; J300 down and $25 a month. A M. Soaeles, Villa ave. and E. 76lh St. ; (take M-V car); Tabor 1449. STRICTLY modern homes, ready for occu pancy, and will build to suit; small cash payment, balance like rent: prices. $1500 up. See owner. James A. Clock. 252 Alder; phone Main 1274. BABAGAIN in bungalow, $2000 for a $2600 bungalow with 2 lota. Let's tell you about It. See Abraham. 25S Washington St., room 6. Main 3066. IRV1NGTON Choice lot, paved street, park ing, trees, lies nice, cheap, quick buyer; 18th st. between Brasee and Knott. Owner, East 6368 or 204 McKay bldg. WEST SIDE! Only 7 minutes' walk from postofTlce, a 7-room house with nice yard; near Portland Academy; splendid location for apartment- O 201, Oregonian. OWNER must sell his two flats, all mod ern, suburban Income property; snap; $2500, easy terms. Angeles Trust Co., 826 4 Washington at., room 417. TO PARTIES BUILDING A snap in gas and electrlo fixture almost mew for sale cheap; can Inspect at showroom. J. C. Eng lish Company. Medical building. SNAP $326 bays lot 80x100, East front, facing on Brooklyn carline' on East 21st St.; walking distance; don't wait. Room 201, 3264 Washington. SWELLEST 6-room bungalow in Portland: can be had for bargain; party going away; flne river view; take Sellwood car to Gratton's Grove. FINE building lots in South Mt. Tabor, 60x 100, $390. $25 down and $10 per month. Thompson ft Enders, . end of Hawthorne carliae. SEVERAL beautiful homes In Irvlngton, from $4500 to $9500. Full Information at 410 Failing bldgj BUNGALOW, close in, $200 down, easy monthly payments. 6-rooms, modern. Call on Queen Inv. Co., 410 Falling bldg. 6-ROOM cottage, large lot, fruit, shade and lawn; Sunnyside; $2700, $160 cash, $25 monthly. Hatfield. 165 H 4th. FOR SALE House and two lots on Marquam Hill. Inquire of the owner, Mlas M. Bonser, 606 Spokane ave., Sellwood. BARGAIN in suburban home; must nell. Stiger, room 8. 221tt Morrison st- 6-ROOM house, with lhi acres. 4 blocks from endl of Hawthorne car; fine view of city. Phone East 6263. FOR SALE 2 lots cor. E. 61st and Madison sts.; terms. Sigel ft Co., 836 Morrison su Phones Main 2183. A 4688. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvlngton. Call and see it. 524 E. 20th st N. MODERN S or 6-room house, close In, East or West Side; may consider Piedmont. Full particulars. AB 289. Oregonian. BY OWNER Best buy in city, 50x123 lot, 10-room house, cheap; Williams ave, Russell, Broadway. AG 288. Oregonian. MOUNT TABOR lota and acreage for sale by James Wilson. Phone Tabor 1560 or B U0. 8-ROOM house, Holladays Addition, also -room house, both good buys. 523 Lumber Exchange. $35 CASH $10 monthly, improved lot. fine view, East 6Ut. near Main; price $700. 619 SwetlsUnJ bldaC 6500 WILLAMETTB HEIGHTS 4500. A strictly modern home, ay terms. James A. Cloclc, 252 Alder at. BOOMIXG-HOUSS for sale by owner. 435 Alder st B I7NO AirO W S , bungalows, bungalows, every where, any terms. 403 Couch bldg. LXST your property with King Bros. We can sell it. 309 fiwetland bldg. Main 0039. LIST TOUR property with Sigel Co.. M Jorrloii. Phone Main 2185. A 4599- Colombia Trust Oo. .Board o Trade blds FOB 8ALL REAL ESTATE. J. W. OGILBEE. Room 11. 15H First &U Portland. Or. H-acre tracts tn Des Moines Addition, between Wichita Station on Eslacada car line and Tremont Station on Mt- Scott car line, and south of Brentwbod. These tracts are $400, $2& cash, tiO per month, at 6 per cent. $1000 Lot 50x100 feet with 4-room cot tage, one block from Brooklyn carline, on Powell street, la Smith's Addition; cheap little home. $250 Corner lot. about 120 feet facing S. P. track, with a good cortage, fl rooms, facing Powell and East 17th streets; good solid and speculative proposition; would make a small future warehouse invest ment. $S50 One choice corner lot. 50x100 foet. in "Tolman Tract" one block from Sell wood carllne, on Tolman avenue, between West Moreland and the river bluff. BRAZEE-STREET ADDITION1. The Cream of Irvington, Lots $1500' and Up. In c la ding Improvements, building re strictions. Terms, 10 down, $20 per month. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. COS Gerlinger Bldg. t ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted 70 per cent of walnut In Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plantings ever sold in Oregon, we feel our prop erties should Invite consideration; $lu0 cash, $15 per month for each five-acre tract. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc.). Lumber xonang ldg.. 2d and Stark sta A WISE BUYER. Will buy a lot In Hancock-St. Addition for $700. 10 per cent down. $10 per month, adjoining Laurelhurst; hurry if you wait one. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. &0S Gerlinger Bldg. SNAP. PRICE. $2000, INCOME $324 PER YEAR. 68x50 and two good houses; walking distance from business center; West Side. 50x63 CORNER ON 10TH ST. $6750 Nearly new 7-room house on the property and more room for flats. FRED C KING. 506 Commercial Blk.. 2d and Wash. Sta EAST LINCOLN STREET. Cottage with 3 rooms and hall, all fur stshed, cement sidewalk, improved street, 1Q bearing 2ruit trees, fine lawn; $600 cash, balance at 2 years, 0 per cent; look this up If you are looking for a flne little home. Portland Success Realty Co., Ino., 618 Board of Trade Bldg. SEASIDE COTTAGE. Nice 6-room cottage, nicely furnished, full lot, 50x100, at Grimes Grove, splen dled view of ocean, nice shade trees in rear of lot, city water piped into house, owner needs money, will sell at a bar gain; see photograph at our office. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade, Fourth and Oak Sta RIVERFRONT 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Fine barn, chicken sheds, yards, fruit, one acre, no rock, flne view, good river landing, mile from streetcar, good school; owner forced to sell; $3500, terms. F D. Nlcklln, 815 Columbia bldg. Phone A 1041 or Mrs. B. M. Hart. Jennings Lodge, O. W. P. car. IRVINGTON. A new thoroughly modern house of 8 rooms on full lot in the best part of Irv lngton; this Is an excellent buy at (6750. R. F. BRYAN St CO., 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963, A 1227. ATTRACTIVE PRICES. ON DESIRABLE LOTS, houses and bungalows in the CLASS 7,' GROWING Rosmere Rose City Park Elmhurst Laurelhurst District. W. SEABERG. PHONE MAIN 7300. (Calumet Hotel. City) . A GREAT SACRIFICE. 8-room modern home in every particu lar; beamed celling, fireplace, handsomely finished; a beautiful home; with or with out furniture; must be seen to be appre ciated; easy terms. G. W. GRIDLEY, 80 Fourth St. A 3229, M 6465. FREE MUSEUM. Every weak or ailing man should visit Dr. Taylor's museum of anatomy.. Free admission to our $10,000 exhibit. Now open at 234 H Morrison St.. cor. Second. COZY HOME! Must be oold thia week; it has 6 rooms, all on one floor; strictly modern; close in on East Side; first -class neighborhood; frac tional lot; will sell for leas than cost of building; term a. C. B. LUCAS, 408 Corbett Bldg. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Beautiful 9 -room home, perfect location, Holladay, $1500 cash, balance to suit. Vacant property for investment, great est bargain ever heard of, close in, Irvlng ton; many others. Owner, room 500, Ore gonian bldg. M- 3&30. W. H. Herdman. AN Irvington bungalow, will be finished this week; an unusual chanoe to get Into this swell addition for little money; East 27th st., between Wasco and Multnomah; take "B" car; $3500; $500 down, balance to suit. Laldlaw, 605 Commercial block. M. 6120, A 5665. HANDSOME new residence, choice locatlom, Irvington. on wld bltulithlc street, 9 very large rooms, with every modern conveni ence, beautifully arranged for comfort and entertaining; will finish la colors to suit; $9000. H 298, Oregonian. FOR SALE Attractive 9 -room house and large grounds, with shrubbery, on the best part of Hancock st. ; the price, as well as the house, is attractive. William M. Gregory, owner. 635 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $300 DOWN AND $15 MONTHLY. Fine new 5-room and bath bungalow, near Montavilla carline; ready to move into; an easy way to buy a. nice home. Poulsen-Ratcllffe, 320 Lumbermen bldg., 5th and Stark. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. $2500 Only $500 cash and balance at $25 per mo. ; 4 roojne, bath, fireplace, ga and . electricity; corner lot, 38x100; a bargain. STRONG A CO., Financial Agent. 605 Concord Bldg. IRVINGTON A few choice lots within walking distance, improvements all in and paid for, nice elevation; $1500 each. C. F. Pfluger & Co.. rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg-, 2d and Morrison sts. AM compelled to sell 100x100 on E. 6th St., with 3 good homes for $11,500; market value $13,500. See attorney 410 Failing bldg. HOMESTEADS. HOMESTEADS! HOMESTEADS! HOMESTEADS! If you want & good homestead In a rich valley and a fine climate, where all kinds of fruit are grown, as well as good grass, grain and alfalfa grow without irri gation; no alkali, stones or rocks, deep soil, good water at 10 to 20 feet, and lots of It; 8 to 12 miles to a good town now; . railroad graders will be at work within 80 days on new road, -we'll leave tonight, August 10. SPENCER & CO.. 103 2d st.. bet. Wash, and Stark. CHOIC13 valley land, recently restored to entry by the Government; deep soil, all tillable, no rocks, no stumps and water at shallow depth; having Uved there I know it is Al. Act quick. Free informa tion at 407 Lumbermens hldg., 6th and Stark. FREE homesteads on the Deschutes Railroad survey. D. Z. Robinett. room 2, 87 4th St., opposite Chamber of Commerce. ONLY 4 homesteads left, near Portland; come now or never. 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. WANT ED REAli E8TATM. WE HAVE inquiries for all classes of prop erty, Improved and unimproved, in and around Portland; owners will do well to list with us; 40 years In Portland. Reed & Urwan, 637 Chamber oi commerce. 5000 Good bonds to trade for residence on East Side (or Irvlngton lots); state price and street number, first letter. Post Box 250. 'CHOICE homes and building lota our great est need- we can sell them. Columbia Trust Co. Board of Trade bldg. WILL pay $6000 to $10,000 for modern house, Portland or Willamette Height; give full particulars. C 291, Oregonian. FLATS paying good rent; Nob Hill dis trict; not over $7000. Y 303. Oregonian. WANTED good lot at a bargain, easy term grelexradv fil fiwetland bide FOR SALE FARMS. ELECTRIC LINB BARGAINS. Ob the extension of the Vancouver Trac tion Company's line in Clark County, a lit tle over one hour's ride from Portland, and adjoining the company's TOWN SITE. These ' properties will double in value within the next 60 days. 1207 acrea on track. aJl In culttvatlns. orchard. vegetable garden. 7-room nice house, large barn, several outbuildings, a beautiful home; $4000. 66.33 acres, all in cultivation, SO acres finest beaverdam, balance rich loam; will cut up nicely tn small tracts; $250 per acre. Si acres, all hlffhly improved, nice hom?, fine barn, numerous other buildings, 80 acres finest beaverdam ; no finer farm in Clark County; will cut up nicely in smali tracts, $250 per acre. 4.6 acres on track, all in cultivation; $1000. Terms on any of the above. The above propertiM are r!ght at the Railway Company' TOWN SITE. MURPHY & CASWELL, 230 Stark et. Vancouver Office, 712 Main et. 17 ACRES, 10 miles east oa Johaeon Crek; county road, fine spring water; Improve ments, etock. etc.. worth $2SO0; price $5000. . 8 acres, near Portland Heights: $4600. 2 good 6-room houses on East 12th, near Ladd tract; lot 50x100; income . $45 per month; price $5500. 100 acres 1 mile from Gresham; partly cleared; a good proposition to subdivide; . $165 per acre. 65 acres near Newberg; 35 In bearing or chard, balance grain; city water, excellent Improvements, new bungalow-style house, all implement, plumblns and blacksmith out fit; furniture, including piano, all for $20' per acre, part cash, balance In property in or near good Coast town. Fine fruit and agricultural lands near the Columbia and In the Willamette Valley from $10 an acre upward. See "Abraham," room 5, 2535 Washington, corner 3d. FIVE and 10-acre fruit and berry tracts In the famous Richland Valley. "THE COLUMBIA RIVER EARLY FRUIT BELT. Moat profitable farms and you practically live in town. On or before August 15 you can buy 10 acres for only $312.50 cash and $187.50 per year for 5 years; 5 acres for just half of that. When paid for you are independent for lif. Call for freo booklet and join our regular Saturday evening excursion, returning Sunday evening, or later. RICHLAND LAND CO.. A. W. Hover, manager. 110 Second St.. Portland. Phones. Main 1743; A 1743. Branch offices 120 N. Jersey St., Et. Johns; 312 Wash. st.. Vancouver. 6 ACRES, acres; house and barn, on county road, 11 mile from Portland; price $7urt; "$300 cash.; terms on balance. 10 acres all In cultivation: a few rods from Columbia River on R. house and bam; price $3200; terms. 20 acres on R. R-, 12 miles from Port land. 12 acres cleared, good house, barn, bearing fruit trees; price $3800; terms. 40 acres on R. R.. IS- acres cult., house, barn, stock, farming Implements, on main county road; 14 miles from Portland;- price $4200; $2000 cash. It Fays to see us, CHAPIN & HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. WE are headquarters for Clark County. Wash., farms; our list Is too long to ad vertise them separately; we have them large and small, improved and partly im proved, unimproved and stump land; we will take you out to see any of them; buy now and get benefit of Increased values when electric line is built right to somo of them and close to others within 60 days. MURPHY & CASWELL. 230 Stark St. Vancouver Office, 712 Main St. A SNAP ON THE ELECTRIC LINE. 110 acres of flrst-cla&s land all in culti vation, only 4 mile from the Salem Elec tric carline; practically level and lies line for cutting up Into tracts; 1-3 of this year's crop goes if taken at once. Price only $86.50 per acre, or $9500; it will pay you to investigate this; land all around this tract is selling from $lo0 to $200 per acre. RALPH ACKLEY, 605 Corbett Bldg. WEST SIDE FARM. 20 acres, 14 miles from Courthouse, 17 acres under cultivation, soil black loam, good family orchard In full bearing, all under good fence, 3-room house, bam. 8 cows, 2 heifers, 2 horse, 5 doz. chickens, 2 pigs, plow, cultivator, harrow, wagon, buggy, single and double harness, 2 wails; price $3800; part cash. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade, 84 4th St. HOOD RIVER FRUIT LANDS IN 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. THE VANDER BILT LANDS CONTAIN 1000 ACRES OF BEST FRUIT LANDS IN HOOD RIVER, IS NOW OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC ON EASY TERMS. CALL OR SEND FOR FOLDER. IT PAYS TO SEE US. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main ltJo2. A HOME FARM. K acres adjoining city limits of town of 2500 population. 26 miles from Portland, all in high state of cultivation, running stream, 60 assorted fruit trees, strawberries and small fruit; A-l 7-room house just about finished; good barn and outbuildings; good well, lawn and ornamental shrubbery; price $3600; terms. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade, 84 4th St. GOOD LANDS! CHEAP LANDS. FRUIT LANDS. DAIRY LANDS. In Columbia County, 23 miles from Port land, on the railroad, beat of soil. For a starter, $25 per acre; very easy term a Join - our partv and look the lands over. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. OREGON for profitable homes; get in on the ground floor; we are in a position to fur nish Oregon farms. Improved, high state of cultivation, any size tracts to suit, 1 to 20,000 acres; choice grain, fruit or dairy land at lowest market price, easy terms; do your own colonizing. Write for prices and reliable information. DEAN LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO., 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. $5tO DOWN. 18 acres, 8 miles from thriving Valley town, all cleared, 5-room house, barn, etc., young orchard, berries, etc., good fences, fine creek, cow. calf, horse and all farm Implements ; $2400. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade, 84 4th St. A BARGAIN IN 16 ACRES ON SALEM LINE AT $175, IN WILSONVILLE Cleared, worth from $200 to $300 per acre; this Is a snap; Investigate and you will make money. 205 WELLS-FARGO BLDG. 85 ACRES, 2 miles west of St. Joha. 1 miles southeast of new United Railway; all good heavy timber, estimated 10,000 cords wood; running water, oil rich, land lays well; adjoining good public school. . Price only $100 per acre; terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 H Stark at. WHAT Walla Walla Wants Is you. Presi dent Roosevelt said: "Walla Walla made the pleasanteut impression on my mind of any city I visited in the Northwest." The surrounding valley is an agricultural para dise. It is making good. Send for book let S. Ask question. Commercial Club, Walla. Walla, Wash. STOCK and grain ranch. 400 acres plow land, rich foothill loam, 6ti0 acres grazing land; modern improvements, plenty of water and timber; no sage brush; all fenced; 16 miles south of Heppner ; price $10 per acre ; a snap. Address R. W. Hlckok, Heppner, Oregoa. 4 M ILES from Beaverton on county road, 150 acres, 45 clear, under cultivation; good 5-room house, large barn and out door bldgs.; all fenced, on main county road; if you are looking for a farm this Is a snap. Portland Success Realty Co., Inc., 61S Board of Trade bldg. $70 PER ACRE for best land In Willamette Valley, near Broadmead. Go with us and look it over. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. FREE- TO ALL TILLERS OF THE) SOIL. Government bulletin on irrigation la the Willamette Valley and beautifully Illustrated booklet. 'The Call wf the Soil' (copyright) sent to any address free. Address Can by Canal Company. Canby, Or. 60 ACRES, 20 genuine beaverdam, 8 cleared, good house, water and R. R. transportation; worth $100 acre, if sold soon will take $60 arre. For particulars, Nathan Hale, Ostrander, Wash. SNAP IN CROOK COUNTY LANDS. 1000 acres; will divide; new railroad sur vey goes through the land; sacrifice sale, $1. acre H down balance 6 per cent. 605 Commercial Block. SCKACRffi farm. $60 fiex acxa 412 iiarq.uam, , f ren 102.0 1