THE MOR.MXG QREGOXIAX. TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1909. 11 . 4 mm UPHOLDS BILLBOARD FIGHT City Council Empowered to Regulate Location and Type of Signs. ATTORNEY FORESAW ABUSE K. W. Montague Drafted Exacting Provision Major Promises Fair rl Action Frederick V. Holman and Others Land Crnsade. CHARTER PROVISION GRANTING THE CITY COUNCIL 8PKCIKIC AUTHORITY TO RKUC LATB BILLBOARDS. Article IV. Section 78 (40). of. the Cltjr Charter, defining tha power of the Council, reads as follows: 'Tlw Council hu power and au thority, subject to the provisions, limitations and restrictions In this Charter eontsJned. to regu late, prevent and prohibit the erec tion, maintenance or display of sign boards and billboards, and of signs. posters or other advertisements or advertising matter which are offen sive. Improper, unsightly, lascivious or obscene upon, along or near the sidewalks, streets or public places. Mayor 81mon's determination to regu late Portland's unsightly billboards will not be hampered by lack of legal au thority, at any rate. Under the broad provisions of the above section of the city charter, the Council has full power to regulate the bill boards of the city In any manner that It may consider proper. When the present city charter was framed In 1903, one of the members of the Charter Commission. Attorney R. TV. Montague, realizing with rare fore sight that the billboard question was certain to come up for regulation some day. insisted that a clause conferring full authority to regulate and even to prohibit them altogether If necessary, be Included under the powers granted to the Council. Mr. Montague drew up this special clause) himself, and it was accepted by the other members of the Charter Commission. In view of the fact that Foster & Kleiser, who control the local billboard and blllpostlng business under what amounts practically to an exclusive franchise, might try to raise legal ob stacles against any regulation that did not meet their favor. Mayor Simon was much pleased to learn of this provision In the charter yesterday. "It certainly covers the ground and gives us authority enough," said the Mayor. "The billboards will, be regu lated, that is sure. As to abolishing them, or legislating them out of exist ence. I would not do that if I could, for I wish to be entirely fair to the men who have their money invested in the business. However, ids only right from the standpoint' of public welfare that there should be reasonable restric tion and regulation as to the slxe of the boards and the places where they are permitted. Sees Bold Sample. "Only this morning, as I was coming down Bumside street, at one of the cross streets 1 noticed a great, unsight ly billboard on the corner, extending in both directions, and covered with signs of the most flaring nature. Bill boards such as this ought to be regu lated, and they will be regulated. I am anxious to learn how the matter is handled in other cities, especially in some of the large Eastern cities, where everything making for civic Improve ment and beauty is Jealously guarded asalnst desecration. I understand that in Washington. D. C, probably the best governed city in the country, where Congress Itself makes the municipal laws. steps are now being taken towards Juot such a regulation of the billboards as we need in Portland." Councilman Frank Watklns, who was appointed by the Mayor last Sat urday as chairman of a committee to investigate the billboard problem thor oughly, is hard at work on the sub ject. Mr. Watklns is sending letters to the officials of the principal cities In the country asking them to send him data showing how they regulate bill I'oanis. When this Is received, he will draw up an ordinance embodying the bet-t provisions of all the other civic regulations. "It will take some little time to get this dafa together," said Mr. Watklns ytsterday. "but In a month I think I will be able to present an ordinance for- Mdoptlon by tne Council. 1 would tint vote for any ordinance that abol ished the billboards altogether, for this would not be fair to either the bill hoard men or to many merchants who vnnt billboard advertising, but I am heartily in favor of regulating the btll loards us to size and limiting them to places whert they will not be a source of annoyance, and will not Interfere with the scenery or convenience of the community. F.Ten Streets Shut Out. "The billboards have gone so long without regulation that some of those now erected about the city are entirely beyond pioper bounds or limits. Many im altogether too high, and cut off rot only the view but even the streets. Unsightly ins of this character, of courve. ahould not be allowed. I do not want to draw up any ordinance, however, until 1 have investigated the matter thoroughly, and then I want to prepare a law that will regulate the birroarde properly for once and all. "I am writing to the officials of such cliles as Philadelphia. Washington. Chi cago. St. Louis. Denver and Salt Lake, the last two of which are notably beautiful towns, for Information and data as to how they regulate these things. Then we can (jo about It here In the right way." Further expressions from representa tive citizens upholding the Mayor in his determination that the billboards must be reculated. were heard yesterday. Fred erick V. Holman. often called "The Fsther of the Rose City." and a member cf the Charter Commission of 1I02. which specifically authorized the Council to reg ulate billboards, said: "The Mayor Is right. The billboard nuisance should certainly be regulated, and large, unsightly signboards should be done away with. Portland has outgrown and gone ahead of such things, which are countrified- and have no place in a large and prosperous city. It seems an absurd ity to tolerate flaring advertising boards about the city when we want Portland to b known as the 'Rose City' and are trying to make It ths most beautiful city In the country. '"I remember how in the old days down on Front street every store had a Dig wooden awning, to which all sorts of ad vertising signs used to be attached. There was a great uproar, of course, when the ordinance was passed abolishing them, but after it once went into effect this quieted down and nobody heard any more about it. Mayor Simon has taken the right stand in a somewhat similar im provement today. There can be no ques tion about the power of the Council to regulate the billboard nuisance, for I re member distinctly that when the new charter was framed in 1902 a special pro vision to that effect was inserted." "I am absolutely against the bill boards." said Rev. A. A. Morrison, of Trinity Church. "They spoil the beauty of the city, and are of no particular use to anybody except those commercially Interested In them. The Mayor's stand Is absolutely right." " Attorney John H. Stevenson spoke em phatically on the subject. He said: A Curse, Says Lawyer. "The billboards are worse than a nui sance, they are a public curse. They embody all the elements of a civic scourge, and nobody could be more pleased than I am that at last efforts are being made to rid the community of them. They are intensely annoytng -to every body who has the beauty of the city at heart, and the worst of it is that they flaunt themselves In every public place and at every scenic point, where visitors to the city cannot help seeing them. Some of the advertisements are Intensely disgusting. I think the Mayor should have the undivided support of every good citizens." "Mayor Simon has taken the right po sition In this matter," said Attorney Gus C Moser. "I feel that unsightly bill boards should be regulated, and I am glad that he Is taking steps to do so. FOSTER & KLEISER HAVE SAY Billposters, Through Attorneys, Op pose Crusade as Illegal. Foster & Kleiser. the local billboard magnate!, had their say on the question of billboard regulation yesterday. Through their attorneys. McNary & Lundberg. In a letter to MHyor Simon they declare their business does not need regulating, and Imply that they will contest legally any legislation to regulate the billboards, that may be passed. Attorney U. A. McNary handed the let ter to Mavor Simon in person. After reading it through carefully, the Mayor turned to Mr. McNary. "The billboards will be regulated. he said. The letter follows: Portland. Or.. Aug. . 190'- Hon. Joseph Simon. Mayor. Portland. Or. Dear Sir: Mr. George W. Kleiser. of the firm of Foster & Kleiser. has asked us to furnish you with such Information and data as may be possible upon the question of the construction, maintenance and use of bill boards within the City of Portland, par ticularly having reference to the matter of restriction and regulation of the same. We will say that during the post year or two we have made a quite extenalv exam ination of the decisions of- the several State and Federal Courts bearing upon this ques tion, and based upon th almost unanimous decisions of such courts, are of the belief that a sign or billboard is not a nuisance per ae and can be dealt with only under one of the heads of the police power, that l. the public health, public safety or public morals, and municipal legislation in re straint of regulation thereof in order to be effective and valid must be confined to these questions alone. Estheticism cannot be regarded in dealing with the subject. The public safety amply Justlties a mu nicipality in prescribing reasonable struc tural requirements to prevent accident, su pervision of unsanitary conditions, if such there be. engendered by the maintenance thereof, and the moral character of the advertisements placed upon the structures. This firm asserts that the most consci entious compliance has been made, and is at all times observed as to all of these re quirements, and as it is anxious to meet all legitimate complaints with the view of not infringing upon the rights of the public or the individual. It Invitee the municipal au thorities to examine the structures main tained by- it throughout the city in sub stantiation of the lawful erection, main tenance and use of Its billboards. Mr. Kleiser especially wishes not to be regarded as proposing any compromise in the matter of extending the business of his lirm, as it will naturally increase as the business and enterprise of the community expand. Like all other businesses, it thrives only Because of a demand, and the great amount of capital Invested in this business throughout the country is evidence of the fact that It has a legitimate place in the business world. He does, however, desire to meet any Individual complaint which may be lodged against the maintenance of signs In a particular locality if by such main tenance, even though lawful, tne actual con venience of suck Individual be interfered with. This is the wnly subject which he re gards permissible of compromise. We would further refer to the fact that while there are many persons whose re fined sensibilities are offended by the sight of these advertisements, yet complaint! are quite as numerous from many persons whose vocations and practices are truly open to question, as. for instance, men engaged in the liquor business or renting their prop erty for saloons or even more Immoral pur poses, have made most violent objection to liquor signs and advertisements, which in dicates entire lack of sincerity. Again, owners of property with most unsightly and decayed buildings, fences, etc.. thereon or overgrown by veedi and noxious vegetation, appear to regard their premises more sightly than staunch and well-painted billboards. Much other complaint emanates through thoughtlessness of individuals not particu larly offended but who would prevent others from following lawful vocations or would even see property and property rights In vaded without consideration of the fact that an encouragement or tnis agnation, n carried to Its natural conclusion, wouia countenance the taking of property without compensation in violation of the organic law and in derogation of air the prlnclplea upon which property rights are based. If the Important and exacting duties of vour official position permitted you te make an .examination of them we should be n'.easeri to forward you briefs covering al most all the decisions of the State and Fed eral Courts bearing upon the question be fore us and we do take the liberty of en closing herewith a copy of a letter recently addressed bv the corporation counsel of the Cltv of Seattle. Wash., to the 'floe and water committee of that city In response to a similar raising of this question there, which communication cites and quotes from some of the mst recent decisions of tlve courts on the subject. We are. lours verv respeciiuiiy, M'NART & LfXDBURO. A WONDERFUL KEYBOARD The Console or key-desk for the big Kimball Pipe Organ to be Installed by Ellera Piano House In the beautiful church now being erected for Rev. Mow rey the First Methodist Episcopal Church South is now being displayed In one of the show windows of Eilers Piano House, and attracts a great deal of attention from professional organists and laymen. Several of the larger pipes that are to go Into this organ are also displayed, and their size creates a great deal of com ment: one of the wooden pipes Is easily large enough for a child to crawl into. The key-desk shows three manuals or ranks of keys, one above the other, be sides the foot pedals, which latter are concave and radiating; and which, to gether with numerous pedal movements and levers, and the multitudinous stops, tablets and push-buttons, present alto gether a wonderfully fascinating and al most bewildering arrangement of music making devices, such as is very rarely witnessed. Filers Piano House has Just received word that the big contract for a magnifi cent pipe organ to be larger than any In this city, has Just been awarded them by the Board appointed by the Washington Legislature for the purchase and installa tion of a pipe organ at Pullman Agricul tural College. Another big pipe organ now being com pleted for this firm, which will be in stalled very shortly In Reno. Nev.. and numerous organs of smaller size are to be placed in other places throughout the Pa cific Northwest. Dispute Was Over Board-Bill. That a stabbing affray In Junction City Fridav night. In which William Parsons, a local blacksmith. Inflicted a knife wound on Charles E. Ray. proprietor of the Junc tion City Hotel, was not the result of a quarrel over Mrs. Ray. wife of the hotel proprietor, but Instead resulted from an argument over an unpaid board bill. Is the statement of F. TV. Gardner, a resident of Portland, and a brother-in-law of C. E. t Ray. Mr. Gardner also says that the af- ! watr AAmii-reH In lh notol office and hOt ' In the room occupied by Ray and his wife. and that the wound inflicted on Ray was slight. Mr. Gardner received the intelli gence m a letter from Ray, his brother-in-law. VALUATIONS ARE RAISED Auditor Booms Assessment Roll at Aberdeen. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Aug. - (Spe cial.) W. T. Ingram, member of the Council and representing the city, today filed with County Auditor Rob. mond a complete list of the tide lands of Aberdeen and other property on which the assessed valuation Is to be raised. It Is said the total amount of property filed will bring the assessed valuation of the city up to $10,000,000. It is now only $3,000,000. AT THE HOTELS. The Portland Mrs. J. T. Tuckennan. New York; Mrs. Waiter U. Olive, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Olive, Goldendale; Marlon P Colin. San Francisco; C. 1- Donahuo and wife. Miss Donahue, John Bellar. Clay ton Thomas. Wlllard; J. H. bnorl, vt. a.. Cameron. San Francisco: L. Back and wife. Chicago; Mrs. A. J. Best. Vera E. Best, Centralla; C. H. O'Neill, Jr.. Dllley; Mrs. O. Eckerman, Independence: J. W. Anderson, T. J. Burnett and wife. Tacoma; W. P. An derson and. wife. Chicago; R. M. Beard and wife. Seattle; H. A. Wall and wife, .New York: H. H. Dodge and wife. Wash ington; R. L. Dunn, wife and son. Sun Fran cisco; li. 8. Fcndler and wife. Denver; r . K. Harris. Los Angeles; Dr. T. Keens and wife, Nsw York City; L. C. Dillman, Los Angeles; Ella L. Yakey. Fay Marshall, Paul O. Davis, William Hanley. Bloomfleld ; Wal ter S. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McKin non, San Francisco: Mrs. H. Rood and maid. Paris; L. B. Woodward and wire. St. Louis; Mrs. Ren I. Harter, W. A. Ship pee and wife, Chicago; Miss E. A. Pichrell. Larnesvllle; Mrs. B. F. Burd, Kansas City: Mrs. W. P. Umgress. Miss Foote, Mrs. John Crane. J. E. Danaher and wife. Detroit; H. A. Leon.- C. L. Lamping. Seattle: O. Scherl Ing and wife. Sioux City; M. Mayer, New York; Miss R. Black. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Black. Buffalo; Mrs. C. TV. Davis. Miss F. L. Wolf, Nashville; Ben W. Reed. Oakland; George F. Order. H. N. Btabeck, Minne apolis: E. TV. Metxger and wife. Louis Mets ger, Walter Fox. San Francisco; F. O. Olney and wife, Minneapolis; Hugh McOuire. city; G. F. Hoberlng. Marysvllle; F. E. Johnson and wife. New York; Richard N'lxon and wife, -city; Mrs. N. B. Beam. Mrs. J. R. Beam. Patterson; J. S. Bonbright, Phila delphia; Betsy J. Edwards. Margaret Ed wards. Shelbyville; R. Friediander and wife, San Francisco: O. J. Wacker. F. L. Goltx. Buffalo; Arthur Morton. Seattle; E. A. War ner, wife and children. Mrs. F. R. Warner. Miss O. L. Chapln. Los Angeles; A. Straus and wife. Miss Bessie Straua. Richmond; A. J. Howell. San Francisco; Mrs. James B. Carr, Nashville: J. C. Hartman. W. M. Jardlne. Washington; S. M. Becker, Mil waukee; H. M. Parry, wife and ohlldren. Mrs. J. M. Parry. Chicago; C. X. Crooks. Quincy; Jerry Terska, San Francisco; J. L. Maver. St. Paul; D. Nerdllnger, New York; Miss E.TVIIlis. Columbus; W. H. Hill, wife and son. J. E. Lewis. HunUville; Mr. and Mrs. G. Thurman, Aurora; C. L. Trues dell and wife. Quincy; W. J. Hoscert, wife and son. Topeka; H. E. Newell and wife. Miss K. A. Llllies, Spokane; Mary E. Or ion. Carrie Orton, Denver; H. 8. William son, Norma Williamson. Lincoln; George B. Downs. Mrs. C. A. Macrums. Eugene. The Oregon Albert M. Kohlberg. H. M. Morgan. Nick King, San Francisco; Carlos Ruggles and wife, Springfield, Mass.; S. G. Hoffman, San Frsncisco; Dr. A. D. Mor rison. Ellsworth. Kan.; Mrs. N. E. Seders, Spokane; J. F. Waisner and wife, Sheridan; George A. Doan. Gilroy. Cat; G. Stillman, Fort Worth. Tex.; E. H. Hamlin, Seattle; L. C. Condlt, Cantonfcvllle. Md.; W. J. Bucklev and wife, Milwaukee; H. Durksen and wife, G. Strush and wife, Oshkoah; George W. Miller, Seattle; A. P. Hathaway, Tacoma; George S. Fredericks. Madison; J. T. Fredi-rlcks, Woodland. Cal. ; R. A Carder. Tacoma; W. A. Barrett, Albany; W. E. Mudd and wife, S. Lee. Birmingham: D. O Crane und wife, Topeka; L. E. Norter and wife, Los Angeles; R. L. Starr and wife, Bryan. Ohio; J. G. Baer and wife. Guthrie; R. F- Shier. Gates, Or.; Charlea E. Styler, Kansas City; H. F. Van Riper, Los An geles; M. Davis and wife, Dea Moines; A. E Cartington, Chicago; Wr. A. Burton. Inde- Sendence. Kan.; F. H. Bramhall. Chicago; H. Elston and wife. Caldwell. Idaho; H. R. Daggs and wife, Denver; G. W. Elchholts and wife, J. D. Porter, Indianapolis; G. M Johnson, H. M. Atkinson. Oakland; J. W. Stonehlil, E. M. Stonehill, Cleveland: Mrs J. Baumgartner. H. Stapleton, Salem: J. W. Morton, Hood River; William Strode. George T. Mayhew and wife, Kampa; Jas. Hurdenve, L. Kerkoff. Seattle; J. M. Reeves, Middlton. Idaho; Mrs. Hopkins. Denver; D. B. Thorpe and wife, Vancouver, Wash.; Anna Maegley. La Grande; Mr. and Mrs. R M. Mayberry, Gertrude Campbell. Irene Shea Pendleton; E- B. Wltmer. Chicago; Hugh W. Martin, S. E. Hlrpes and wife, Minneapolis; John S. Martin and wife. Bos ton: Mrs. J. W. Garth and son. Clarion. Iowa- Mrs W. C. Lymll, Beaumont, Texas; Mrs D. E. Strsnll. Oxford Mills, Iowa; C. H Adams, wife and son, Sacramento; J. P. Hedstrom. Big Rapids, MJch.; Mrs. B. O. Strewser and daughter. Los Angeles; Mrs L. P. Howard, Miss A. Howard, San Ra fael; Miss F. G. Taylor, San Francisco; Mrs William McCastln, Berkeley; R. C. Fisher. Galesburg: Clarence C. Clarke. Evansville, Ind. ; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Good ale. Chicago; W. S. Hadley. Wichita. Knrl N. G. Hawes, Cherrytree. Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Fletcher, Minneapolis; L. T. Hudson. L R. Bray. Sacramento; John Babcock. Denver; E. T. Dunboy. J. E. Wlndatanley. Phoenix- E. C. Wayland. wife and daugh ter. St. Louis; J. R. Smith, city; H. W. Keating. Pittsburg; F. E. Chambers, Eu gene; Marlon D. Conn. San Francslco; Chas. J. Ls-nch, E. P. Wise. Bellaire, Ohio; D. D. Daly and wife, Minneapolis; Mrs. J. P. Fal lon. William Simpson. Bolae; F. P. Mc Mullen. Tacoma; F. I. Roth. St. Joseph; T. W. Hockepul. Seattle: C. F. Tryon. Wabasha- Mrs. George P. Story. Portland: D. T. Townsend. Memphis: C. S. Holman, Los Angeles- C- E. Wilson, W. R. Saxton. San Francisco; Charles H. Carey, city: Harriet p Guild. Sedalla. Mo.; S. G. Quay. J. S. Dunham L. H. Butcher. New York; Emma A. Roy. Mrs. Charles H. Roy, Hillsdale. Mich W. H. Judson. San Francisco; J. W. Rless.' B. W. Buxton. C. M. Greene. San Francisco; S. W. McCIure, Pendleton; Wil liam Miller. La Grande; Hugh B. Latham. Murphy. Idaho; Thomas Q. Gerdlne, L. S. Geological Survey; J. W. Chute, Berkeley: W F Zurick. Seattle; A. J. Johnson. S. J. Monsoe. Minneapolis: O. C. Howard. Seattle; H M McKay, Charles Trout. Slim Canon: -W j Russell. Seattle; G. A. Rubedew aod wife.' Idaho; S. Werthslmer. Walla Walla; William J. Brant. Colorado Springs; W. T. Hlslop. Cleveland: H. A. McConkey. Seattle; E C Blckford, San Francisco; G. P. Rose. Denver: G W. Ketterjohn. wife and son. Paducah. Ky : E- Lehman and wife, Dallas. Texas; B posnansky. New York; L. H. But rhor San Francisco: G. Burnham. Si-ran-ton. Pa.; B. Blatt. New York; F. M. Long, and wl'e. M L. Long. J. H. Greer and wife. Fort Worth. Tex.: F. W. Hayard. Denver: P D. Ott and wife, city; H. J. 61ms Chi cago; Georee H. Taylor and wife. H. M. Taylor. Doris E. Taylor. Reno; W. B. Tay lor. Seattle. The Perklns-J. E. Davis. Cleveland: Mrs. Carpenter. Chicago; J. Jergenson and wife, Harvey. Cal.: Mrs. F. J. Kelly. Seattle. Wash.; A. B. Blake. Huron. S. D.; C. B. Mouser. Minneapolis; M. M. Dougall and wife. Pittsburg. Pa.; E. Anderson. Spokano. Wash.; W. H. Rhea. A. C. Lobaugh, Okan-oxan- W. H. Clifford. Philadelphia: Dr. A. G Prill. Seers; F. C. Williams. Mllford. Idsho; A. R. Badger. Seattle: C. L. Starr. Salem. Or.; W. B. Bailey and wife. Oak land. Cal.; J. A. Roach. Mrs. J. A. Rosch. Coburg- C. W. Corliss and wife, Seattle; Da vid Wlshard and wife. Seattle; H. J- Wall and wife. San Bernardino. Cal.: Carrie M. Wellington. Mrs. M. E. Wellington. Boston. Mesa- Mrs. E. D. Lunt. Mrs. Frances Hoa mer. Filverton. Or.; W. B. Johnston. Rose burg Or.; L. M Crowiell. Yacolt. Wash.: Mrs ' McArthur. Marshfleld. Or.; James F. Mah'oncv. Bralnard. Minn.: M. Romainl. M Morris. Seattle. Wash.: George Moulter and wife Michigan; H. B. Steward and wife Eureka. Cal.: E. W. Sharp and wife, Philadelphia: O. B. Allen, wife and daugh ter Ashland: Pearl M. Dallmore. Ida Dall more. Ogden. Utah; N. A. Reed, wife and maid. Boise. Idaho; Mrs. R. A. Kerr and baby. Duluth. Minn.; Mrs. D. Hlnes and son Chlco, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard. Sir. and Mrs. J. F. Freimeran, Boston. Mass.; W. H Ooodnough. Hood River: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. LaPalne. Boston. Mass.; W. J. Brandt. Colorado Springs: Mrs. 8. C- Pierce, Cordelia Pierre. Norwood. O. : Mr. and Mrs. B A Goodridge, Santa Barbara. Cal.: Mr. and Mrs B. H. Johnston. Idaho: Mrs. and Miss Anderson. Berkeley. Cal.; Mrs. J. V. Wilson. Eugene, Or.; Miss E Cordts. New York; Miss M. Cordis. New York: Dr. and Mrs Sloan. Arisona; L. E. Sears. A D. May Rockford. Mich.: M. V. Nicholson. Valentine. Neb.: J. R- Krause and wife. A G. Krause. Grand Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. J.' A. Deal. Kalamasoo. Mich.; Otto Rech tr. Tacoma: H. M. Palmer. Boise: J. B. Hinehman and wife. W. M. Hlnchman, Denver- Carla Schumacher. Chicago: Lillian Schneider. Sheboygan. Wis.; F. B. Waita. Suthxrlln: Mra. N. T. Shaw, Shenandoah, la.; George W. Dally. Thomas R. Reese. Miss E Reee. Philadelphia; J. E. Davla. Cleve land; Mrs. Carpenter, Chicago: J. Jergen son and wife. Harvey. Cal.; Mrs. F. J. Kelly. Seattle: A. B Blake. Huron. S. D. : C. B. Manser. Minneapolis; M. M. Dougsll- and wife Pittsburg; E. Anderson. Spokane; A. W Rhea. A. E. Lobaugh. Okanogan. The Imperial H. F. Miller and wife, Chi-cago- H. J. B-rry. Miss lvetta Berg. Chi cago; T. H. Miller, wife and daughter, Hoi- Have You Ever Seen the Famous Lownsdale Orchards? If you have, you are famil iar enough with their possi bilities to be willing to share in the prosperity they yield every year. If you have not, we have two suggestions to make. FIKST Take the time to visit the most wonderful apple-growing industry in the great Northwest. Seeing is believing, and, once seen, it is a certainty you will believe. SECOND Send for book let, The Last Word on Apple Growing. It is profusely il lustrated with pictures of the orchard and gives an ade quate idea of what has been done, what is doing and what is contemplated for this great fruit property the largest, best and most profitable on the Pacific Coast. ALL BOOKLETS SENT FEEE. LOWNSDALE ORCHARD bonds may be had in multi ples of $100 upon either cash in full or monthly payments. You are at liberty to buy as many or as few as you be lieve best. Every bond conveys a defi nite ownership in the big or chard. It pays dividends and pays them regularly. IT'S FAR BETTER THAN TRY ING TO DEVELOP YOUR OWN FRUIT RANCH. TheJacobs-Stine Company Fiscal Agents, 143 Fifth Street, Portland, Oregon. den; F. W. Dobbyn. M. L. Jacobson, E. M. Broam. Minneapolis; Mary V. Donnelly. Elizabeth Donnelly, Milwaukee; Gus Ber tue. E W. Bertue, Colorado; Edward Pike and wife. Seattle; F. A. Squire. L. W. Squire. Otego. N. Y-! B. A. Reiner and wife, Waltham, Mass.; Mlna Reiner Batty. Spring field: John McMillan, -wife and son, Boise; E. W' Haines. Forest Grove; Dr. J. An derson, city; G. T. Dorland. Spokane; C. A. Butler. Grass Valley; F. E. Harris, Ashland; H O. Bornson, Bishell; E. Frazer. wife and son Ontario; Mrs. J. H. Wilkinson, Miss Stella Wilkinson, Eugene; Delia Yerley. Chicago: C. M. Hidd, Medford; J. C. Mayo, Spokane; Sam King. W. W. Smead. Burns: P N. Skinner and wife, Newberg; R. E. Williams. Dallas; E. W. Shutt and wife. Fort Wayne; H. H- Bernstein. San Francisco- F F. Snedeeon and wife. Mrs. M. H. Sn'edeeon. Birmingham; Mrs. C. T. Hewitt. Miss E. Hewett, Los Angeles; E. J. Meyer. Chicago: H. B. Harlan, H. A. Harlan, Alex andria, Ind.; J. O. O'Brien and wife. Little Rock- B. F. Allen, Riverside; George Hart man, Chrlstana; J. H. Graves, Sheridan. Pa.; P. V. Walters. Jennie, Mich.; L. Tay lor E. Taylor Negannee. Mich.; Lucas and wife, Benton Harbor, Mich.; Mrs. J. J. Camp. Miss Marie Camp, John Graham, Phoenix. Ariz.: J. B. Perry, Pendleton; M. H. Gibbons. Portland; H. M. Horton and wife. Burns; J. A. Carson, F. D. Nelson, Salem; H B. Schmlts, wife and child, TV. U Best, Ethel Best, Freeport, 111.; Olive E. Lender and nephew. Chicago: John E. Johnson, Vale: R. C. Hamilton and son, C. Ranler. Kcota. Iowa; W. O. Best. Riley; J Dugan. Stockton; B. N. Johnson. Fergus Fails- E. J. Swelback. Minneapolis: E. H. Crane, Fresno; Cofle Patterson. Ethel Spald ing. Frankfort. Kan.; D. W. Taylor Smith, Sheridan; T. J. Cowan, C. J. Blrchley, Olln. Iowa; Grace King. Hastings; H. S. Foreman, R E Gerry, Seattle; A. A. Walker. Gaston: Mrs. L. L. Fellds. Forest Grove; E. M. Cronell. Yacolt; W. D. McGregor and daugh ter. Troy. Idaho; H. Faust and lady. Boise: H A Buckley and wife. Grass Valley: w. H Ferguson and wife, La Grande; Mrs. J. L.' Carey, Miss Carey, Burns; Mrs. R. N. Plnkerton. Moro; S. W. Childers, D. J. Cooper. The Dalles. The St. Charlee Dave Xln, K'??: T. Anderson, city; p. A. Oscar. Seattle. T. Jones. Vancouver; Rev. J. L. Jones. Clack amas; B. F. Oakley. Hoqulam; F. Gohrm lev city A J. Shepler and wife. Hood River; C. J. Alexander. Th Dalles; F. Koethe. Baker City; B. Colllnson. Wood burn: W. Bernard. Eugene; Clyde Brown. Rov Butler. McMlnnville; Ed Taylor, Wood burn; R. E, Moore. Albany; R. TV. Terry and wife. Camas; E. R. Sunto. I waco: J. Griffin, Texas; William Beck. Kelso; Wil liam Saunders. William Turpen. Coos Bay; J. Christopher. Camas; Vine Matheny O. H Haves, C. Lester, city: B. Seeley. William J Svkes. Coos Bay: B. W. Snover and wife, Arlington: W. Butler and wife. Gregory; Henrv Chrlstensen. Orleans: C. Chriaten sen. "Boise: J. P. Williams. Tinton: E. Hageman. Akron; Mrs. T. J. McNanan and daughter. Kansas City; S. J. Davis. Eureka; John Smith. Pendleton; M. Bernard. Kala mazoo; S. A. Jefferson. Pendleton: T. W. Kibbey, Coos Bay; W. M. McDonald. Kelso: A 8 Dickerman and wife. Rainier; S. A. Swarts. Rhlneland; R. B. Winslow. Dallas: George L. Jennings. Vancouver; J. H. El mery and wife. Idaho Falls; A.' M. Gwing and famllv. Dakota; G. B. Iveson. Tacoma: B "N. Aimer and family. Rapid City; G. A. Marsh. Tacoma; W. O. Salaway. Banks; Miss B. Hughes. John C. Hughes, Seattle; Henry Pelleter. Sclo; J. S. H. Grulsler, Molo; H Wltherwax. L'nderwood; T. M. Hill. Ostrahder; Mrs. G. G. Shanafelt. Edith Shanafelt. Segeney: Elha Vleet. city: A. J. Shepler and wife. Hood Rler; F. W. Dyer. Battle Ground; Ira E. Spencer. Loulscllle; William Saunders. Coos Bay; W. B. Ham. Jefferson; Bullis & Bullls. Falls City; G. W Eckert, Stevenson; Mrs. H. C. Smith, city; S. M. Johnson, Atchison: T. J. Town send. D. Townsend. F. Katcher, - Andrew Hagery. city: Mrs. G. G. Moore. Condon; W O. Parsons, Fairbanks: E. Nichols, Vic toria: S. Holcomb, Hillsboro; A. W. An thank. Hood Rlvsr: D. H. Smith. Roseburg; Martin Johnson. Plataue; George Brami. C. Lester, city; E. T. Wallace. Rainier. The Cornelius P. J. Stadelman. The Dalles: William G. Buershaw and wife. Los Angeles. Cal.; L. A. Powers. Spokane, Wash.: B Vande Car, Salem. Or.; C. J. Ma honey. Portland: Mra. E. D. McArthur, Marshfleld. Or.: Burr J. Clark. Sibley, la.: Edward A Hanson. Garden City. La.; L. B Tarlton. Franklin. La.; W. B. Hawley and wife. Seattle; C. G. Cole.' Mrs. J. H. Klngwell and Bernlce Kingwell. Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lolebot and Ray mond Lolebot Canton. Ohio; Alex Page, Ta coma; Frank R. Smith and wife, Minneap olis, Minn.; Miss Renter. Miss Dorothy Ren ter and O. R. Klen and wife, The Dolles; Miss Darling. Montreal: Charles Ranak. Condax Kid; Clara E. Morrissey and J. B. Morrissey. Orland. Ca!-: Mrs. G. B. Stranse and daughter. Los Angeles; P. R. Conart and wife, Clinton. IlL; Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Arrles. Lodl, Wis: Georglana Hunter and Margaret H. Campbell. Montreal. Canada; r H Lyon. Fayette. Ind.; Miss Clara Dougherty. Nashville, Tenn.: Miss Janet Sandera Silverton. Or.; Robert Buchanan and W.' T. Buchanan. Des Moines, Iowa; Thomas W. Bryan and wife, Lincoln, Neb.; C. F. Cathcart and wife. Des Moines. Iowa; C. F demons. Honolulu; M. H. Douglas and wife. Maulkton. S. D.; R. A. Carder. William V. Snyder, Tacoma; John M. Stare don't let anything dissuade you from a pianola-piano purchase now a situation such as this will never arise again the pianola piano extends the means of producing music to everyone irraiiiisrm I VI Vl y Iti n lu www w jrrt&ps&fs- ir; t r SS, -"""fl a J j if IMF do you realize what the pianola piano offers you? Think of this for a moment! A few years ago there was no such thing as a Pianola, or a Pianola-piano. Today, the name of this instrument is as well known as the name of the piano itself. In every city and country of the old world in South America and even in far-off Australia, thousands of Pianolas and Pianola-pianos have been sold. Every year the Pianola-piano is becom ing more and more popular. The Pianola-piano has taken music out of the class of the so-caUed accom plishmenthas made it an art to be enjoyed by all, rather than the exclusive possession of the privileged few. ,.,.-- We wish now to call special attention to our magnificent exhibit of Pianola-pianos. , We have an enormous stock of them on hand never heretofore, not even in New York, has it been possible to show such a tremendous number of latest Pianola-pianos of each of the various styles and in the various superb and cost ly woods and finishes used only by the world-renowned makers of this mag nificent art product. Many are deterred from investigating the Pianola-piano because of the er roneous impression that such an instrument costs $1000, $1100 and $1150. While we have genuine Pianola-pianos at such prices, m fancy selected woods and handsomely carved cases of special design, it should be borne in niind that regular catalog styles of the genuine Pianola-piano are now obtainable for one-half such prices. . Payments are arranged just now on a $15 month basis for those not wishing to pay all cash, at time of purchase. . Never again will Portland witness a showing of so extensive and superb a variety of styles and designs. ' There's many a "silent" piano m many a home, where there ought to be a Pianola-piano, a genuine Pianola-piano, an instrument that is not "mechan ical " but, on the contrary, makes it possible for every member of the family. to produce tne cnoicesi uj. muotu fi-iJ-'vu viduality and expression. . We are now prepared to take such silent pianos" in part payment for one of these very latest Metrostyle and Themodist Pianola-pianos, and we will make it an object for any owner of such old-style piano to do business with us now. If you ever expect to own a Pianola-piano now is the time to see about it at pianoreliabiliVr Retail Department, "the always busy corner," at Park (Eighth) and Washington Streets. and wife, Hutcnlnson; Mabel K- B ngamon, Vandalia. 111.: Eva M. Bnell. Lincoln. Neb. . Adrian Bruderlln. Denver; Dr CJV"15 Knapp and wife. Evansville, Ind.. H. . LaCell and wite. Santa Rosa, Ca ; Dr. and Mrs A. O. Swaney. Dees Summit, M. Mc Carthy and C. E. McCarthy, Dorchester, Saw " Walter Mettlkelo and Frank Huhes, San Francisco; Mis. Gertrude Voorhee. Mrs. B. C. Voorhees and Miss Beatrice Halllne. Seward-George T. McCabe, Ernest McCabe. Kate McCabe. Maurice McCabe. Narapa: W. C. ButledBe. Moro; John Sin clair Vew Tork; H. M. Morrow Mabel Mrrrow?eMinneapol!s: Mlei . Law Wash niton- R. E. Shlnn, Coos Bay; Fred Flint. C B. Carpenter. Spokane: E. N. Carpanter H. llle Carpenter. Zellle Carpenter T. Aneeles: C. R. Woodruff and wife. Kansas cut E. vT Covell. Allen Bryer San Fran cisco; Victor T. Jeep. Jahawah; E. R. Ingles. Kansls City T. M Bachman and wite. In dependent;' A ri Rohrer, city ; Kent Mar shall. J. L. Smith. San Francisco; E. A. Jackson and wife. New York; W H. Can non and wife. Milwaukee; C. A. McConger Mosier; B. H. Ellis. H. G Farcham. Helena. H O. Olney and wife. Minneapolis. Dr. K. D. Wise and niece Los Angeles W. F. Maile and wife. Freeland Park. J- H Rosenberry and wife. Gdwln; w- Harn -mersteln and wife. Bertha Kliessle bt. Lou's; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gans. Portland: Mrs W. J. Kerr. Vesta Kerr. Genjvlve Kerr. Corvallls; Mrs. A". J- Kerr. Bertha Kerr Salt Lake City: W. A. Anderson. Washburn; O. B. Lebman. !-?. w The Calumet. R. E. Wvckort, Vinton, w. Ch.notC Tampa: F. E. Morreil. St. Louis F Diern Pocatello; M. D. Russ. M. A. An derson. Fort worth: John W. Cox and wife. Mrs. D. T. Cox. Medford: E. M. Chejter. M Garnan. Guthrie; Fi E. Stroup. Philadelphia. William Butler. Ruby Landlngham, On tario; G D. Baker. Cedar Rapids; A. Och- I. r. Spokane: Albert Boeh'.e. Peoria: J. M. Miil.rPLake City; W. A. LaiTerty. Igrned. C C. Wilson. Camner: Mrs. A. R- Bu''"; T os Angeles- A. J. Perlllat. city; Graham VTabef. j"Mark Hlatt. Seattle; 1. E Head M. E. Head. Jefferson: L. S. Hill and fam ily Eugene; J. L. Jenkins. Tacoma; Mrs. I L Greeley. Rav Greeley. Chicago; E F. WentwSrth. city: C M. Tyler. Boston ; n R Parker M. C. Parker, Spokane; N. B. ?rane. Orovll?; J. M. Dyer and family. Kansas City: George Rockey and wife. Ral nier H R Net San Francisco; Harry Slmrners. Vancouver; John A. Sexton, St. Paul- V. Ballmer. Cosad; E. A- Bonlne, Pasadena; Mrs. L. McLourln. C. McLouHn. ?IViFranc!sco; Dr. W. H. Bold and wife. C f J. Anderson and wife. S M Peter, and wife. Aurora; George Drinhard and wife. Chicago; Mrs. A. Dakan, Mrs. Murray Da kan. Logan; Fred Poppe and wife, Bern, F. E. Smith, Denver: George Ros, and wife ?itv- Charles Foster and family. Baker r-ltV- W Hoggan H Bullock. Nanaimo; Henry Welburn. Peoria; Frank C. Hurlig and wifeT Dedphos; W. E. Hawkins. Greens-boro- J N. Garnet and wife. Dixon; Arthur Kelthley and wife. Peoria: S. A. Burton, fnclependence; Charles G Lindgrenard and wife. Clatskanie: B. Cumlngs. baiem: Mrl T. Caldwell. St. Louis: J- S. Jensen suid wife, Albert Jensen. The Dalles; A t. Rome. Victoria.; Norman Hall, Tacoma, C. E. Woods city; Mrs. Mitchell, Long Beach; C H. Marsh. Fremont; I. M Bailey. Washington- W. N. Noum. city; F. C. Dallmore. OgdeS- G. A. Edmunds. H. R. Edmunds. F. B Handley. Tillamook: E Josepene M. T Gaa-en. J. W. Bennett and wife. Belgrade, Charles R Hansen and wife, city; S. B. PavVe Ralph Bell. Philadelphia: A. B. Barklr and wife? Baltimore; Frank Wilson and family. Sioux City: C B Sundberg. Seattle- C. B. Johnson and wife, Clarks daJe; W. E. Clark. Omaha; Fred WV Durbln. Antelope: A. E. Beck and family. Boise; W I Stewart and wife. M. E. Stewart. Tulsa; J. S. Werner and wife. Daw-son; H. S. Griffin. Chicago; C. E. S tatty, Hum boldt; E. C HuklU. Des Moines; Mrs. Clay McNamle. Seattle; Fred W. Browa and wife, Sunnyside; J. H. Fell and wife. John Day, Mrs. Snyder and family. Mrs. M. A. Line gar. Coqutlle; S. B. Cloverdaje; ; O Johnson. Coquille; J. Jones, city; D. B. Guile and family. Kansas City; James Fallon and wife St. Paul; J. A. Pearce and wife. Se attle; R. V. Eyerly. Wlnterset: R. C. opeei. ' t r-hiacrn- Charles J. Slso. Colorado Springs; James t. Mahoney. San Francisco: R. B. Alveson. Oakland; J. I H. Lang, city; C. E, Perlito, Everett: W. E. ! Shipley and wife. Sacramento; Mr. and Mrs. I Barn-. New Tork: J. W. Keane and wife, San Francisco; Alfred K. Hall and wife. . Jake Wlllard. wife and aon. Ge-jrge Carson I and wife. New York; P. Hunt. Mrs. I. A. Hunt, Brooklyn; Captain George Auger and me T. J. Hyde. New York; Lewis Blooin. Readli.g; M. Fitzgerald. New York; B. Barry. D. Don Matthews. E. Dupuis. Chi cago; A. Elder. Cincinnati: Mrs. J. E. Lon geville Dubuque: L. Snyder and wife, co quille;' A. C. Stanley and wife. Lois Stan lev. L. Howard Stanley, Rock Falls; H. M. Williamson. Chicago: P. Truson. West Bend: J. S. Llghtfoot, Boliver; N. A. Vart. New York; Charles Bock. Sioux Falls. The NortonU H. M. Jack and wife. Brad ford. Pa.; Henry A. James and wife, Doyles town. Pa.; Charles Cochran and wife, Ar lington Or.; Mrs. D. Sherman, Miss Perry, Seattle.' Wash.; E. L. C. Farrin and wife. Coos Bay; A. B. Smith. Fresno. Cal.; George M. Reed, Grangeville, Idaho; Carl S. Reed. Monticello, 111.; Frank H. Olmsted, wife and child. Los Angeles. Cal.; J. B. Pope. San Francisco, Cal.; William G. Brad sham and wife. Los Angeles. Cal ", Charles E. Odell, New York City: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder. Cleveland. Ohio; J. H. D"ut ron and wife, Miss Ethel Dutron, Master Edgar Dutron, Detroit. Mich.; C. L. Cox and wife. Miss Leah Cox, Hollister. Cal.; G. S. Bills and wife, Sherman, Tex.; C. Brown and wife, Wilton Junction, Iowa; E. J. Poulln, L. L. Roberts, Tacoma, Wash. ; Mrs. J. P. Brown, Danville. 111.; Dan Mullin, Portland; 8. N. Crowell, Yacolt, Wash.; D. W. Green, C. D. True, Saginaw, Mich.; W. S. Janett, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Dana A. Cammon. Cleveland, Ohio; F. C. Carell, Jacksonville, 111.; J B. Klune and wife, Mrs. T. Grenhler, Sacramento, Cal.; Tina Bally, Seattle. Wash.; Mrs. C. W. Allison. Chicago; Clara F. Crowder. Crawfordsvllle. Ind; Mrs. J. H. Miller. Lafayette. Ind.; C. W. Colllneau. Mrs. F. G. Colllneau. Machlnson. Wis. Hotel Kairutpo W. P. Balderston. city; Mrs. C. C. Myers and daughter. Lincoln; O. B. Gilbert and wife, Emmetsberg; C A. Goodale and wife, Chicago; D. C. Lee, L. D. Baugh, Kentucky; G. D. Allaby, E. J. Klley, Chicago: J. P. Guilfoyle. Anna Wtndick. Warsaw; F. H. Friend. Gresham: E. A. Beck. Sheridan; H. W. Eggert and wife, Custer City; Grace L. Noyes, Sheri dan; Ruth Hobeon, M. Hobson. city; Mrs. L. M. Lutthlll. L. M. Lutthill, Quincy; D. W. Bailey and wife, Pendleton; L. B. Eaton, Mrs. A. E. Slate, Pasadena; Miss Julia Plumb, Miss I- M. Plumb, Des Moines: John Shettenly, Willamlna; L. A. Donavan and wife, San Francisco; C. S. Parks. Seattle: Mrs. w T. Shaw, shenadoak. Iowa; T. J. Brlstow. Omaha; T. J. Patternson, Seattle; Frank Bllogow and wife, Astoria; John J. Betelle. New York City; Fred Blanchard. Soco, Me.; Harry Nelson, Champ Lank ford. Jamestown. N. D.; T. F. Howard, Van couver, Wash.; G. H. Taylor. C. H. Taylor, Santa Cruz; D. L. Gordon. Seattle; G. F. Lee. Danville, Ky. ; J. L. Harrington, Butte; Mrs. C. A: Abbott, New Oeleans; Minos O Short. Georgetown. Del.; Mary F. Short. Laurel, Del.; Kate Ferguson, uoeu, m. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES It will pay electrical contractors to see us before buying elsewhere. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS No. 61 Sixth Street. Phones. Main 1696, A 1696. Portland, Oregon. INCLUDING MEALS AND BERTH, SECOND CLASS LOW RATES TO LOS ANGELES Train Time Now Equalled, Two Nights to San Francisco. Three to Los Angele. -S. S. ROSE CITY (E-W. MASON, Master) SAILS SATURDAY, AUG. 14, 9 A. M. M. J ROCHE, CITY TICKET AGENT. X W. HANSOM, DOCK -AGENT, 142 Third St. Main 402, A 1403. Malo 268, A 1234. Aln.wortU Dock.