TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1909. . CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBEGOXIAX TELEPHONES. Pic. Stairs Home. Counlinc-Room Min 7070 A Lone: Fir Cemi.ie.kt Problem. The committee from the Sunnyside Push Club has been unable to arrive at & means of disposing of the Lone Fir Cemetery ques tion. This committee was appointed sev eral months ago to see if some means rnuld be found to stop burials in this cemetery and make some disposition of MinVinUEditor.'::::::::::Mni.TO AMI the cemetery, on cogitation with the -Sunday Fdltor Main 7070 A t5 :ompns1ng-room ...Maln"o70 A City Editor Main "070 A S"5 Sunt. Bulldlnss Main 7O70 A 8Ui AMUSEMENTS. ORPHEUM THEATER MorTton. between Sixth and Seventh) Advanced vaude v;ll. Matinee at 2: 15. Tonight at 8:10. CRA.VD THEATER Wahlnifton. between Seventh and Park) Vaudeville de luxe. 2.-0. 7:30 and P. M. PAXTAGES THEATER (Fourth and Stark) ' Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 0:30 P. M. STAR THEATER Movlna-plcture Khow very afternoon and evening. 2 to 10:30 o'clock. OAKS (O. W. P. carllne.) Concert by Donatelll's Italian band. This afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 8:13. OREGONIAN AT RESORTS For quickest servlco subscribe, for The Ore-onla at Snmmer resorts itroilk tbe lollowlna; Kenta Bad avoid waltlnr Una at tke poatof flee. City rates. Subscriptions br mmU Invariably la adraaea Ocean Park C. H. Hill Breaker. Hotel Breaker. Laos Beach stranhal Co. Seaview Strautaal Co. Ilwaco Railway C..Sem Agent Columbia Beach Miss Saunders bearaart. Severln Harkaoa Seaside F. Dreaaer A Co. Newport Oeerse Sylvester Wenaha Sprlari J- . Barle Shlphrrda Sprlnga... Mineral Hotel Wllholt Springs. . .F. W. MrlM Caacadla O. M. Gelseadorfer Collins Springs. Collins Hotel tt , of SrvrrxTEKiTTH Street. The lm .-mr,t nt F.ast -Seventeenth street, -.v. , Mirftrv. la KoinK forward an will soon be completed, but the original proceedings to extend It through Midway and the Lada iarm were eiupimj u.. rr,,.nrbukn at the Midway Improve ment Club. tt was found that according; to the. proceedings tt was not to be tn iiwnod. there being two small tracts at the south side of the Ladri farm through which the street did not pass. Councilman Rushlight was asked to stop the old and start new pro ceedings, providing for the opening of the street through to Sellwood. Unless the .....I I. ,t.nded to Sellwood it was t.Merw1 that the people of Sellwood would derive little bereflt, and Midway would not get a through street. All tlie otreeL In the Ladd farm In the newly -..,. i oHHirinn Westmoreland, are to he Improved as a whole. East Seven teenth street was wanted for-the pro posed reinforcing waitermaln. which will be laid Into the territory wiimn ine n:i few months. Drawing: Cp Specifications. Specifi tinn for the new edifice for the Trin Itv Methodist Church, to be erected in Ldd Addition, on Hemlock and East nrrinn streets, are being drawn by the architect and ground will be broken .K,,t the ?nth of the month for the basement. Three lots have been secured l-trrim. so there will be room for manse, as well as for the church. Nat irvii tnne from Douglas jCounty, Ore gon. will be used in the walls of the bnildlpir. and the total cost wilf be about sr.oov. According to the requirements in thh addition the building will stand 35 feet bark from the street line In front and 12 feet from the side street. The old building on East Grant and East Tenth streets, which has been used for 25 vMrs. will be sold. Negotiations are now In progress by persons who want to secure the property, who will change it into a rooming house. Sats He Was Robbed. Peter Soloway and John Brook, laborers, were arrested ve-fnUy by Detectives' Oarpenter and lleislt:c on a warrant charging them with rohiiir.g Walter Addison, who lives at the Riverside Hotel, on the Macadam road, of Jewelry and money valued at 1150. Addison says he was drinking heav ily Tuesday night, and the two laborers took him to his Jurtel. and next morning. In addition to the usual "morning after" conditions, he found his money and Jew elry missing. Postmaster Torao Sued. Postmaster Young is named as defendant in a civil action filed In Justice Court yesterday by Isaac Baer, of Baker City. The suit Is brought to enforce payment on an al leged note made by Mr. Toung In 1898 at Baker Ctty when he lived there. It was originally J32.T5. of which $15 was paid. The Interest to date on the balance brings the total to $44.65, to which Is added tJO aa attorney's fees. Filling LP Ravtne. The ravine on Belmont street, between East Nineteenth and East Twentieth streets, is being filled by tha contractor. Archie Mason. It will be filled, covered with crushed rock and then opened to the public. At pres ent this block Is the only break In Bel mont stree between East Thirty-ninth street and East Water, end it will soon be opened to the public. Bot Dies or Injuries. Andrew Schill ing, the 17-year-old youth who was crushed In an accident In the elevator at the New Grand Oentral Hotel Tuesday night, died at Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday morning as a result of injuries received in the elevator. John Pepin said to be 14 years of age, was in charge of the elevator at the time of the acci dent. Oiuiro ?ANtT Road. The Sandy road Is being oiled from East Twenty-eighth street to the city limits. It was recently taken over by the city, -which made it a street. It is announced that proceedings are to be started to improve the Sandy boulevard with hard-surface pavement from East Sixteenth street and the city limits next year. Ritfsik Cask- Continued. The case aftalnst Ralph R. Ruffner. the Texas & Pacific railroad ticket agent, who was arrested Tuesday morning charged with assaulting Thomas C. Tevlln, receiver of the defunct Oregon Trust & Savings Company, was continued until today in Municipal Court yesterday morning. W. H. Pope Vert Iu. W. H. Pone, at one time County Auditor, is very ill. He is at the residence of L. D. Cole. 3TM Bntot street. While he has been showing signs of improvement In the last few days, his condition last night was said to be about the same as tt was be fore he started on the road to health. Fortune Tellers Fixed. Marie Cor relli, Sophia Seip and Mrs. A. L. Stephen son were each assessed fines of $76 by Judge Bennett in Municipal Court yester day rooming on being convicted of being "'fortune tellers.'" The case was ap pealed by their attorney. Henry McGinn. Thomas Withtcombe has them all skinned a mile on fine walnut grows, suburban teres and tracts. Se him at 009 Commercial block. 2d and Washington streets, city. Phones Main 1W. A 14S5. Tfte best oj the best can be had at the Oaks Tavern at city prices. Eat with comfort- Special catering to lodges and parties. James Mallett, Prop. Phone 6ellwouJ S3. For Rent. -Modern warehouse. 40.000 square feet floor space; trackage facili ties: central location. AN 267. Oreg'n. '"LErraiTS" pure gold seamless wedding rings, all sixes; engraving free; price, $6 to Jit 172 Washington street. Trt a good luncheon at the Woman's Exchange, 1S6 Fifth street. Delicious, home-cooked delicacies. Shipherd's Sprisos Is the place for foi. E. L. Shipherd, manager. City Attorney the committee was not able to arrive at any conclusion as to what course to take to stop burials, as all the lots in the cemetery have been sold and the burials are all being made in these lots owned by private individ uals. Removal of the graves during the present generation is considered imprac tical by the committee. In the ceme tery there are over 30,000 bodies, and to remove them would cost a great sum of money, even if the relatives of the peo ple buried there would permit it to be done. S. W. Walker, secretary of the club and member of tlia committee, thinks that the present difficulty on East Stark about the erection of a retaining wall may result at least in determin ing who is responsible for the care of the cemetery. Ms. Walker thinks that the cemetery should be kept as a park until such time as the graves could be moved, as It is now being thickly settled on all sides. East Twenty-sixth street, along the east side of the cemetery, is to be opened and improved, and will present the same problem as had to 'be met on East Stark. Thronos View Exhibits. Never be fore in the history of the Portland Cham ber of Commerce have the exhibition rooms in connection with the Institution been thronged with as many visitors as during th-i past week, i The enormous in flux of tourists and Eastern homeseekers during the past ten days Is accountable for the i-eritable stream of humanity that visits the exhibit rooms during busi ness hours. Scores of the visitors seek advice and. facts relative to prospective Investments In Oreson. Wnx Build New Church. Members of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, ait a meeting held on Monday night, at which the pastor. Rev. O. Hagoes, was ipresent, decided to build a new church at a cost of $20,000. The plan adopted Is to sell the present site at Bast Tenth and (East Grant streets and buy a new loca tion more suitable. This is the oldest -Norwegian church in Portland. Pats Bio Price for Lot. Ernest iMorris, employed by the O. R. & N. Com pany, has paid J6O0O for a lot on Killings worth and Alfcina avenues. This is a record price for a lot in that district. Four years ago this same lot was sold for $400. Practically all the property on Kllllngsworth avenue has become busi ness property since hard-surface pave ment was laid on the avenue. Child Not Ki4naped. The reported kidnaping of the 3-year-old grandchild of Mrs. Harry B Smith, who lives at the east end of East Thirtieth street, Tues day evening, proved to be a mistake. The clilld reappeared at the home pi its motlfcer less than 20 minutes after its supposed disappearance. The police were notified of the mistake early yesterday morning. Push Oi.ub to Be Organized.-, new -push club is to be organized to be known as the Central Heights Push Club. It will include the territory between East Fifteenth, East Thirteenth, East Stark streets and Hawthorne avenue. One of tfte questions to be considered will be tho filling of the gulch between Bel mont street and several streets south. -Death of Mother and Child. Mrs. Laura A. Douglas, wife of George A. Douglas, died at the Portland Sana torium July 31. Her infant, 1 month old, died the same day. The funeral was held from the family home, 1121 Belmont Btreet, Tuesday, August 3, and the Inter ment was in Multnomah cemetery. G. A. R. Women to Meet. Winslow Meade Circle No. 7, Women of the G. A. R., will hold their regular meeting this evening In their room on the sixth floor of the Goodnough building. Fifth and Tamhill streets. Further meetings after this one will be discontinued until September. $5000 Lot 60x100. on Johnson street, be tween 24th and 25th streetsi This Is a rare chance to get a fine lot in this choice part of the city. This price a few days only. Half cash. Remember other lots in this vicinity are held at higher figures. F. S. Akin, 623 Chamber of Commerce. Calvart Presbtterian Church. Next Sabbath. ALIENISTS TO MEET Mrs. Collins' Mental Condition Will Be Determined Today. WOMAN STILL UNDER GUARD Prosecution for Murder of Husband May Hinge on Findings "of Lu nacy Commission State Will Proceed Against Her. Alienists -appointed by County Judge Webster, sitting as a lunacy commission, will today, commencing at 11 o'clock, ex amine into the mental condition of Mrs. Kate Van Winkle Collins, charged with the murder of her husband. Dr. Roy A. Miles1 Collins, the morning of July 24 last. The examination will be held at Mountain View Sanatorium, where Mrs. Collins has been confined under police guard since the night following the shooting. The ap pointment of the commission was the re sult of an application filed by Judge A. L. Willis, counsel for Mrs. Collins, before Judge Webster July Zl. The Municipal Court docket shows that Mrs, Collins case has been set lor a pre liminary examination toomorrow before Judge Bennett. It is understood the state plans to proceed with the prosecution, whatever may be the result of the com mission's findings. It is Intimated that County Judge Web ster may override the wishes of the "Dis trict Attorney's office and commit Mrs. Collins to the state asylum for the in sane, which would preclude the possibility of a trial at this time, unless it should be ordered by a court of higher Jurisdic tion. Drs. W. T. Williamson, W. N. Jones and William House were named by Judge Webster as members of the commission to examine Mrs. Collins. It was said at the sanatorium last even ing that Mrs. Collins was in a much bet ter physical and mental condition than she had been since the shooting. If she should prove to be sane at this time, the plan of prosecution evolved some days ago by Deputy District Attorney Fitz gerald will have proven successful. This means that Mrs. Collins will be forced to stand trial for the murder of her husband, in which event her attorneys will try to prove her insane at the time the crlma wnie- committed. LOSES HUSBAND AND BABE Police Help Wife Search City for Lreon Kleemo. The police are endeavoring to locate Leon Kleemo, who, with his wife and three small children, arrived here Tues day night from The Dalles. While the search is being made (or Kleemo, who has their 18-months-old babe in his keep ing, Mrs. Kleemo, an invalid, is being sheltered by the police at the St. Charles Hotel. The separation of Kleemo and his wife was involuntary and occurred when the woman left their lodging-house In the down-town district yesterday afternoon to consult a doctor. Afte.r emerging from cne pnysician a on ice, jurs. jvieemo, wun her 3-year-old child, became bewildered. After tramping about the streets for hours, unable to recall the name or loca tion of the lodging-house where she left her husband, she wandered Into the Plaza block. Third and Main streets. Pa trolman Small observed her and the child crying piteously on a bench in the park. She was sent to police headquarters and the search for her husband began. Up to late hour last night no trace of the husband had been secured. WHEREJTO DINE. Don't fail to try the new Imperial Kantong Cafe, 462 Washington. Special Sunday chicken dinner with ice cream 40 cents. Merchants' lunch daily 2o cents. All boxes decorated la Oriental style. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; nne private apart ments for ladies. SOS Wash., near Fifth. When at the A.-l.-P. Exposition, Seat tle, dine at Oregon Restaurant, In Oregon building. W. F. Watson. Prop. OBSERVATION CAR Through Willamette Valley. The Southern Pacific is now running an observation parlor car covering the delightful daylight ride through the Willamette Valley between foraiand and Cottage Grove. This car leaves Portland southbound on train 19 at 8:15 A. M. Returning, leaves Cottage Grove, northbound, on train 18 at 4:50 P. M. ROOF GARDEN. Nortonia Hotel. Seventh street, off Washington. Dinner parties arranged for. Phone Home A 0M. Main 7161. Shermanlay 5&Gbi Sixth and Morrison, Opp. Postoffice. Player-Pianos "We carry the largest line of high-grade Player-Pianos on the Pacific Coast. "We are sole representatives in the Northwest of A. B. Chase Aristano Conover Inner-Player Carola Inner-Player -" Kingsbury InnerVPlayer Sohmer Ceeilian Farrand Ceeilian Ceeilian Piano Euphona ' Packard Player-Piano Estey Player-Piano Kurtzmann Player-Piano By making comparison side by side, feature for feature, it is easy to make your selec tion. "We are always glad to demonstrate ourplayers, whether you buy or. not. Steinway and Other Piano Victor Talking Machine CLOSING OUT BATHING SUITS DSUMMER SALE Closing Out Summer Goods Regardless of Cost PARASOLS AT COST Note the Dress Materials Offered at 5c Per "Yard to Close Them Out 9c Ladies' fine swiss ribbed Vests, taped neck, all sizes, regular 20c grade, special at, each 9J 12V2C Ea. Ladies' .fine lisle finished ribbed Vests, crocheted insertion and plain. Regular 25c grade, each 12V2 5c Yard Entire Line of Lawns and Organdies and Fancy Duck Suitings, 10c, 120 and 15c values, special at, yard. .5 Extra Special lie Yd. 40-inch fine white India Linon, very sheer, soft finish, a fine, even weave. Regular 20c grade, special, yd. $2.98 Ea. Ladies' White Voile Skirts, trimmed with two narrow folds , and buttons; were specially priced at $4.95, now, each $2.98 .Ladies' white linen finished Duck Skirts, soft finish, well made, 7-gore, a regular $1.50 value at, each 9S fp 1 .25 Elci White Marseilles Bedspread, 24 yards square, extra heavy, fringed all aroHnd; regular $2.00 grade, each $1.25 12V2C Yd. 40-inch Cream Lace Stripe Scrim, soft finish, nice assortment of patterns, a 20c seller for, yard 12V2$ 1.49 Ea. Ladies' tailored Shirtwaists, white and white with black stripe, fine pique, all sizes ; a regular $2.50 value-at...... $1.49 17c Pr. Ladies' Hose in gray and black and white polka dot. This is our regular 25c grade, alt sizes, at, pair 17$ 25c Pr. Ladies' Black Lace Hose, big assort ment of patterns. Sold always at 35c, special, pair 25 Men's Soft Shirts, all colors, all . sizes, best material, plain and silk fronts, always sold at $1.50, now, each 75 12V2C Pr. Fine line Men's Sox, silk finish, black and tan, all sizes, a regular 20c grade, for, pair 1212 SPECIALSIN MUSLINS AND KNIT UNDERWEAR McALLEN-McDONNELL Cor. Third and Morrison STORE NOTED FOR BEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES AT ' FINE LINE CAMPING BLANKETS SIMMER RESORTS. E. W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PRINTING pu Main 165 Phonea Home A1165 First and Oak Kimb.0 H.IL 239 to 251 Wba At.. Cbicata. III. American Conservatory The Ladinr School of Marie a4 Dramatic Aft. Seratr miint inatrneton. Uocarpanrd covm tf wniy. Tm cher'i Traintas Department. Public School Mafic. B loca tion, pbrsicil CvHare. Modem Languages. School of Acting-Hart Conway, Director. Mn?Frte Advantages. 30 Free Scholars ktpt Awarded to Talented Pupils of Limited Means. 24th Season Be- gtm Thmrsdaj, Sept. 9. CaUtoc Free oh Application. JOHN J. HATT5TAEDT, riesident. $S6 ALASKA AND BACK INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS Only $g a Pay for XI Pay SUMMER EXCURSIONS via "Inside Pas mere" from Seattle to Land of Midnight Sun, Totem Poles. Ice Floes, Glaciers, Mirages, Fiords, Mountains. Islands and Forests. ONLY TWELVE EXCURSIONS RESERVE BERTHS NOW Pacific Coast Steamship Co. E. F. DeGranotrb, P. & F. Aot. 249 Washing-ton Stroat Portland Kouud trip O. R. & Is", tloketa $12.00. Rates at Inn, $4 per day; $23 per week. Artrtrew-J Cloud Cap Inn. Hood Rtver. Or. HOTEL SALTAIR Entrance to xrounds at Saltalr Sta tion. Open for the season. Make your reservation early, write lor rates to postoffice, Seaview, Wash. THE HACKNEY COTTAGE, Seaview, Washington, NOW OPEN FOR SEASON. Greatly increased accommodations; all newly furnished; home comforts; ex cellent table board; delightfully and centrally located; beautiful surround ings: unsurpassed surf bathing;. A most desirable place for families. Write or wire for space or rooms. H. O. Addreaa, Seaview, Washington. Gearhart Park Hotel CLATSOP BEACH, OR. For' rates apply M. E. Daggett. Mgr., Gearhart Park, Clataop Beach, Or. PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune, Columbia Bids- Main. A 163S. MY SEW LOCATION. Dr. Edwin C. Holmes, specialist, ap pendicitis, rheumatism, stomach, nerve Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system, cure constipation and sick headache. "HIPPO" GARDEN HOSE Guaranteed to Stand 600 Pounds Pressure. Goodyear Rubber Co. 61-63-65-07 Fourth St Cor. Pine. WESTON, Ocean - to - Ocean Walker, Sa!d recently: "When you feel down and out, feel there is no use living, just take your bad thought with you and walk tlwm off. Before you have walked a mile things will look rosier. Just try it." Have you notioed the Increase In walking of late in every community? Many attribute it to the comfort which Allen's Foot-Enae, ths anti septic powder to be shaken into the shoes, gives to the millions now using It. As Weston has said. "It has real merit." MA Very Delightful Plaee." NORTH BEACH INN NEWTOS STATION. A Strictly First-Class Resort. All Rooms Large and Bright. With Kine View of Ocean. Postoffice and telegraphic address LOG BEACH. WASH. HO, FOR CASCADIA Best mountain resort on Coast; best I FAIRMONT H ) T L SAN FRANCISCO Scenic Hotel of the World . Overlooks San Francisco Bay and City Five Minutes Ride from Ferries 600 rooms. Every room has bath Rates single room and bath $3.00, $3.50. H.00, 4.50, $o.00, $7.00, $10.00. Suites $10.00, $12.50. $15.00, $20.00 and np. N&n&ament Palace Hotel Company INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS Private accounts of men and women, as well as commercial deposits from firms, corporations and banks, are welcomed by this institution, where all funds entrusted to it for safe- keeping are protected by large resources, careful management and the strict supervision of the United States Government. AH Sunny Outside Rooms. Hotel Colonial Stockton Street Above Sutter, San Francisco. European Plan, $1.60 and Up. American Plan, S3. 00. Sutter-street Cars Direct From Ferry. Howard T. Blethen, Manager. - 1 The Man who revels- in Red Tape would NOT be interested in Y and E Filing Systems. I The Tanas' Idea is to Sim plify tO h.ndli routine office work with AUTOMATIC methods instead of special think ing wherever possible. . Smill stack of Y and Sections placed thus, utcs steps and time. 9 Wouldn't you like complete Catalog? I !A word to 1 Y and 1 is sufficient.1 FOR THE DENTIST A SPECIAL SALE ON ADJUSTABLE ELECTRIC DENTAL BRACKETS. Complete with shade, wired and ready for installation. No. 5 Five feet over all $2.15 No. 7 Five feet over, all. ... . .$3.35 No. 8 Three feet over all .". $2.65 Othr lengths at proportionate prices. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS No. 61 Sixth Street. Phones, Main 1696, A 1696. Portland, Oregon. Br. Lyon's J PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth and purifies the breath Used by people of refinement for almost ' Half a Century TnriirinAt water, scenery. nuntlnK and fishing: nature's own conservatory of health. Auto from Albany, stagre from Brownsville and Lebanon. Write or phone to G. M. 6EISENDORPER, Caacadla, Oretoa, IEWETT FARM RESORT, On the brink of the Colombia Qorg ntrancin View Walk. Drive. Waterfall Moan tain Climbing Real Craam, Frh Buttar, Fresh VeffataWei, Frwlt Fruit Etc S8 to 110 per Wek Booms. Tenia, Cottarea. Fhon atwdwwdwi wUl lav laiidpo GLASS & PR UD HOMME CO. Printers. Binders, stationers. Desk Ch-virs, Office KHrniture. 66-67 SEVENTH ST. FfedPrehn,D.D.S. fU.M Full Set of Teeth. 16.00. Crowns and Bridge work, (8.00. Boom 405, Dokom. Opea Kvcaina XU1 I. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH. Delicate enough for the softest skin, and yet efficacious in removing- any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect con dition. In the bath gives all the de sirable after-effects of a Turkish bath. It should be on every washstand. AXO. GROCERS AJTD DRUGGISTS. The El-Norria Manard Huiumm Steel Bank Safes, the Strongest In the World. This challenge appears in all the leading papers throughout the United States. We hereby agree to put up one of our safes against any three so-called burglar-proof nates manufactured either by one firm or a collection of firms, agreeing to open all three safes in less time than is-occupied in open ing our safe, allowing them the amount of explosives used upon their three safes upon our one safe. We will fur nish the safe free of charge and If necessary will buy the "dope" with which to operate on the safe. Money and Metal Talks. Come to Time. NORRIS SAFE AND LOCK CO. PORTLAND SEATTLE SPOKANE ICCHWAB PRINTING CO rOS0LICITS YOUR PATR0NACE 2471 STARK STREET