Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 05, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Six Injured When Autos Collide
at Express Speed on Base
Line Road.
Occupants Are Hurled Into the Air
When Crash Come Fred T.
Merrill and A. Brady
Among Injured.
Two heavily-loaded automobiles, thun
dering alonB the Base Line road at a
rate of 40 miles an hour last nisht shortly
before midnight, came together In a head
on collision one mile west of Rockwood.
on the Base Line road, near the Twelve
Mile House. Six people were hurt, two
of them seriously, and the other four so
painfully that they will bear marks of
the accident for some time to come:
Half a dozen others were thrown head
long Into the air and landed In the road
way, luckily escaping with merely a bad
shaking up and the harrowing, experience
of the collision. The two automobiles
were so badly wrecked that they were
abandoned at the roadside and the vic
tim of the wreck were given assistance
in passing cars.
The injured are: A. Brady, chauffeur;
Fred T. Merrill, proprietor of the Twelve
Mile House: M. Magulre. son of the pro
prietor of the Bakeronlan Theater; Mr.
and Mrs. Haley, who live In the Tourny
building, second and Taylor streets, and
Mr. Bllyou, an automobile man.
One car, a big Thomas, containing a
party of six, comprising" Mr. and Mr.
Haley, two other women and two other
men. and driven by W. M. Tyler, whose
atand is on Sixth street, between Alder
and Washington streets, was headed for
town and was on the left side of
tha road. Tyler afterwards admitted
that the cause of the accident w
due to the fact that he was on the
left instead of the right side. The other
car was an Oldsmoblle. owned by Ross
P. Belt, of 7 East Ninth street, and
driven by Brady. In this car were Mr.
and Mrs. Merrill. Mr. Bllyou and young
Magulre. They were returning from town
to Merrill's roadhouse. and were on the
right side of the road.
When the cars came together Brady
was cut about the head by tha broken
glass of the wind shield and he and all
other occupants of the car were
thrown clear over the other machine.
Merrill was knocked unconscious, his
head striking the road with great vio
lence. Young Magulre received painful
cuts about the head and arm and back.
Brady was rendered unconscious. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Haley sustained sprained
Mr. Merrill's party was taken on out to
tha roadhouse, while Brady and the
others wan brought into the city. Brady
was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital and
the Haleys to their home. They were
attended by Dr. J. A. Pettlt.
The automobiles are not total wrecks
and may be repaired. The damages to
the cars are estimated at K000. The Olds
mobile is a new machine purchased but
one month ago. Following the accident.
Tyler, who was to blame for tha acci
dent, could not be found. He was last
sem sitting by the roadside.
Brady was the most seriously injured
but it was said at the hospital thai
morning that he will recover.
Astoria's Treasurer Laid Away With
Military Honors.
ASTORIA, Or., Aup. 4. (Special.) The
funeral of the late Thomas Dealer waa
held from St. Mary's Catholic Church at
J9' clock this mornlnir. and the funeral
cortege was conveyed by a special train
to the Ocean View Cemetery, where the
remains were . buried with military hon
ors in the G. A. R, plot.
Tile active pallbearers were representa
tive from the local loixes of A. O. U. W.,
lied Men. lilks. Foresters and Euglea, and
the honorary pallbearers were various
city officials. The services at the grave
were under the ausj.uvs of Cuhiiur Fost,
t;. A. R., the military ceremonies being
conducted by a funeral escort from First
Company, i'oast Artillery Corps, O. X. G..
of which the deceased was an honorary
Meeting at I.a Grande Provides for
Eastern Oregon Exposition.
LA GRANDE. Or.. Aug. 4, (Special.)
At a late hour tonight a meeting of the
prominent business men of La Grande
ended in the organisation of a corpora
tion to be known as The Eastern Oregon
Exposition. The corporation la for the
purpose of financing the District Fair, to
be held in La Grande In October.
The capital stock of the company Is to
be JK000. which Is to be divided Into
shares of ) each. The plan Is to get
enough business men to sign up for
shares to cover the required to
guarantee the District Fair. If the fair
proves to be a paying proposition, no
man wfll be required to pay a cent of the
amount signed for. but if it runs behind,
eac-h man will be liable for the amount
be signed for, or his pro rata.
Hlley Woodman, of Camas, Falls Be
ncath Handcar.
VANYrVKR. Wash.. Auk. 4. (Spe
cial. Riley "Woodman, an employe of the
Crown-Columbia Pulp & Paper Company
at Camas, had his left leg taken off jisst
teJnw the last night about 5 o'clock
mhll at work for the company. He was
pushing a handcar, and fell beneath the
wheels of the car, which passed over the
Young Woodman live with his family
at Camas. He is about lt years old. and
has been employed at the paper mill for
some time. It was said tonight that his
recovery was doubtful, for he Is very
weak from loss of blood.
ArreMed In Bttsement of Belvedere
After Plunging Thrnngh Screen.
Detected coming'out of tlie Hotel Brlve.
rlere last nlirht with a bundle under his
arm. Frank Burk, t years old. a hotel
thief, waa stopped and detained by tha
hotel people, from whom he made his es
cape, and was later captured by Detec
tive Reed, who found him hiding in the
cellar of the hostelry. The bundle Burk
carried contained two pairs of woolen
blankets, which he had stripped from the
bed in one of the rooms. Several raxors
and other articles of trifling value were
found on him.
Burk was seen coming down the stair
way by L. H. Larsen. the hotel clerk.
I.areea followed him out on the f treet and
demanded to know the contents of the
bundle. Built tried to get away, but Lar
sen grabbed him by the arm and took
him back into the lobby. While others
held Burk, Larsen telephoned for the po
lice. Before Larsen had hung up the
telephone Burk had broken from the hold
of his guards and made a wild rush to
get away. His route led through the
washroom, where he encountered the win
dows barred with screens. I'nable to
loosen the screens, he plunged through
one headlong and reached the basement.
A crowd of hotel employes stood guard at
all 'exits until the arrival of Detective
Reed, who arrested the thief.
Room 14 in the Belvedere was roblwd a
few days ago, the thief securing a dia
mond pin valued at J120. Burk is sus
pected of having done this work, too. He
was taken to tha City Jail.
California Team Wins Three of Four
Sets In Preliminary Tennis
Doubles in East. ,
LAKE FOREST, 111., Aug.' 4 In the
finals of the preliminary National tennis
doubles today at the Onwentsia Country
Club, M. C. F. McLoughlin and George
Janes, champions of the Pacific Coast,
won an easy victory over Wylie C. Grant
and Theodore Roosevelt Pell, title-holders
of the South. The score was 5-7,
6-2. S-S and 6-3.
The victory entitles McLoughlin and
Janes to compete against H. H. Hackett
and F. J. Alexander, National title-holders,
for tha championship of America,
the match to be played August 17 at
The Coast champions fairly played Pell
and Grant oft their feet with the excep
tion of the first set, and when the young
Californlans seemed unable to get into
action. The work of McLoughlin and
Janes was a revelation in regard to speed.
The service of the players also was bril
liant, especially that of McLoughlin.
Fair Weather Favors and Finals Are
Rapidly Approaching;.
TACOMA. Aug. 4. With fair weather
favoring, the Pacific Northwest tennis
tournament here Is moving along rapidly
to the finals. One of the most interest
ing matches today marked the defeat of
Murray . and Hart, the University of
Washington team, by Bowden and
Wildes, of Everett, 6-1. 3-6, 6-1.
Bowden and Wildes were put out of
the running by Fit and Russell, th
crack Seattle pair.
Men's i nicies Breeze. Everett. beat
Keene. Taroma, 6-1, 6-1 : Tyler, Spokane,
heat A. Pulford. Tacoma, 6-0, 6-1; Dorm an.
Tacoma. beat Kautz, Steilacoom, 6-3, 7-5;
Bowden. Everett, beat McFadon. Tacoma,
6-0, 6-1; Armstrong, Tacoma, beat Rossi ter,
Vancouver. 6-1, -2; Breeze beat Vaeth. Ta
roma, 6-3, t)-3 : Shannon. Seattle, beat Dur
yee. Everett. 6-2, 6-S. 6-2; Rhodes, Vancou
ver, beat Lyons, Tacoma, 6-3. 6-1 ; Russell,
Seattle, beat S. Pulford. Tacoma, 6-1, 6-3;
UorrUI. Oakland. Cal., beat Hewitt, Taco
ma. 6-2.
Men's doubles Pulford and Pulford, Ta
coma. beat La we and Baker, Seattle, 6-4,
Bowden and Wilde. Everett, beat Mur
ray and Hart, Seattle. 6-1. 3-4t. 6-1 ; Fit
and Russell. Seattle, beat Bowden and Wll
t'es. 6-1. 6-0; Dorman and Armstrong. Ta
( rnia, beat Caldwell and Claghorn, Taco
ma, 6-1, 6-2; Fits, and Russell beat Duryee
and Sawyer. 6-2, 6-1 ; Hewitt and Vaeth,
Tacoma, beat Keene and Kaufman, Taco
ma, 6-2, 8-I; Gorrlll and Breeze beat Shan
non and Lyons, 6-.'t, 6-0.
Women's doubles Miss Kershaw and Miss
Keown. Tacoma, beat Miss Woolaey and
MU Norton. Tacoma, 6-2, 6-1; Mlfn Txwell
and Mrs. Southern beat Miss R. Vaeth and
Miss S. Skewis, Tacoma. 6-3.
Cut Profits on Ixs Angeles Hedliglit
District in Three ant Piiid
Krondlieufl and Kern Money.
LOS ANGELES. Aug. -4. Sweeping
aside all the objections of counsel for
the defense. Judge Davis todas' permit
led Nick Oswald, ex-"King of the Ten
derloin," to testify in the trial of ex
Cnlef of Police Thomas Q. Broadhead,
in regard to an alleged arrangement
hjr which he had paid city officials of
the Harper administration money for
allowing him to maintain a red-light
During his testimony this afternoon
Oswald uned the names of ex-Police
Commissioner Samuel Schenck. ex-Chief
of Police Edward Kern and ex-Mayor
A. C. Harper, all of whom were com
pelled to resign from office when the
expose of the alleged combination was
made some months ago. .
"Schenck arranged a meeting for me
in the City Hall with A. C. Harper, then
Mayor." he testified. "The meeting was
In regard to a new red-light district. I
had several talks with Harper and
Fchenck. I told them I could get cer
tain property on Aliao street that
woutrt pay $."P0 a day. Schenck said
that If I could make the deal we could
cut the profits In three parts. Later
Harper and Schenck informed me that
i vnnlit have to nav Chief Kern and
Broadliead. who was then a captain of f
police. $250 a month each. .To this I
"Harper told me to go ahead and tlx
lp the deal, and I leased the property.
I-ater I told the 'Mayor and Chief of
Police that I wanted them to close up
the opposition houses, and they began
a series of. raids on those controlled
by other persons."
In his opening statement District , At
torney J. D. Fredericks eald that the
state would prove that Hroadhead ac
cepted the bribes of J10.000. the amount
named In the complaint, during June and
July. IMS. while acting Chief of Police.
The prosecutor said he would show a
conspiracy on the part of Harper, Kern,
Schenck- and Oswald to place the houses
of prostitution in a restricted district;
that Oswald, who owned or controlled the
property in this district, agreed to divide
the profits of the district with the other
men, and that several thousand dollars
was paid by him to Harper. Kern and
Valencia Succeeds Reyes.
BOGOTA. Aug. 4. Gonzales Valencia
was today elected president of the re
public of Colombia by the National Con
gress to fill the unexpired term of
General Rafael Keyes, resigned.
For trunks to to the Harris Trunk Co.
The Portland T. B. E. Bournes. Rainier;
Mrs. George J. Miller, San Francisco; J.
I G. Newburger. Tacoma; Mrs. A. A. Gllrav.
Miss t. . Mclntosn, Miss r . fc.. raiwu,
Winnipeg; Miss H. Sage. Detroit; H. Hume,
wife and daughter. Fort Morgan. Colo.;
Miss Clara Ramsden. San Bernadino; M.
C. Buttertleld. Coiton. Cal.; T. E. Bolke
noogen. San Francisco; M. T. Barlow and
wlte. maid and child, Omaha; H. McGulre.
Minneapolis; E. B. Parker and wife, Los
Angeles; A. G. Abbey, William King and
wife. J. N. Saxton, and wife. Denver; D. J.
Sweeney and wife. Seattle; W. H. McPhee,
Seattle; V". D. Sullivan, Milwaukee; Miss
M. Brookman, Cleveland; H. W. Huekey.
Mrs. Huskey, Reno; Henry U Brant, Reno;
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Leach. San Francisco;
A. E. Swansoa. Barlow, N. D. ; J. M. Gore.
Los Angeles: E. W. Houghton, Seattle;
Clinton Botsford. Avalon, Pa.; E. F. Rardon.
Ohio: J. M. c. Murphy. Olannda: F. S.
Gould. C. M. Wooster. San Francisco; G. C.
DeGraw. Belvedere: B. I O'Xell, Carlton
Fox. Wallace, Idaho; Mrs. 8. W. Goodrich.
Miss Alice Goodrich. Martin, Tex.; Misses
O. Llddell. Denver; J. A. Rldon. J. A. Jor
genon, Seattle; W. Dwlght Winan, Mohne,
III.; Mrs. It. L. Nourse. Boie; Miss Grace
Crawford. Chicago; A. DeUnd, New York;
A. F. Grisuald. Erie, Pa.; Miss Roberts.
George H. Roberts and wife, Boise; G. J.
Bell. Chicago; Rebecca Howard. Los An
geles; George W. Cotter and wife. James A.
Hensey. Houston, Tex.; Mrs. George S. Fife.
Miss Bagwell. Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Shortrldge.
San Francisco; O. D Whitney and wife,
Hageman. N. M ; J. Blanth. Charles LeRoy.
Sacramento: William Natron, Fred Whitton
and wife. San Francisco: Miss M. Hanty,
Detroit. Mich.; M H. Canwell, Chicago; R.
H. Mear.e, Clarksville; F. F. Mead. Seattle;
Y. H. Plaged and wife, Los Angeles; Mrs.
A. A. Finch. Astoria; Louis Black, New
York; L. C. Wood and wife. Cleveland: 3.
H. Plummer and wife, Huron; T. L. Wll
lett. P. Arella. Helena; Miss Ruth Martin.
Miss c. W. Dayton. Minneapolis: Miss Jo
sephine Dibble. Marshall; Lee Hudson, Chi
cago: Mrs. M. B. Hepler. Pittsburg; Mrs. Q.
C. Halderman. Los Angeles; P. L. Cable,
Rock Inland; C. C. Qass, T. R. Pierce. Bos
ton; O. F. Dunbar, A. S. Walte and wife.
Max Herzog. San Francisco; W. B. Browne,
A M Drake and wife. St. Louis; J. G.
Shaftner. L. U. Loomls, W. A. Boland. New
York; B. C. Allen. T. E. Curtain. Colorado
Springs; E. P. Smith. Chicago; Louis Block.
San Francisco; Mrs. Ben L. Cable, Miss
Cable. P. F. Conner, Rock Island; Mrs.
Castleman. Miss Postlewalte, St. Louis: H.
H Blogden, Mrs. Thomas Blogden. Wash
ington. D. C. ; F. S. Bangs, Miss H. C.
Bangs. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bangs. New York:
Mrs. Annie Ross, Mrs. W. B. Carson, Pilot
Point, Tex ; W. Sheer. Mrs. Sheer, Twin
City. ra. ; Charles c. Heard. Pittsburg; Syl
vester A. Baker. Pittsburg: J. A Mears and
wife. Mrs. A. Morris. Chicago; Miss i. n.
i-tunhar ulc. ti Tl. Sorenson. Oakland: W.
a Hill' and wife. John D. Hill, M Hill.
Ksthpr Hill. Mobile. Ala.: Mr. and Mrs. F.
A. Hamilton. Mobile; Mr. and Mrs. George
Heard. Pittsburg: Max Baer. Eureka; H. E
Dlgglcs and wife, San Francisco; Mr. and
Mrs. F. P. Flrey, Pomona,- Cal.; Mr. and
vn otto K. Oslhoff. Chicago; Miss a.
wll. Hoimton: J C. Kldd. Houston, Tex.
Thomas Lynch and family. Grcensburg, Pa.;
Mrs F. Criley, Indianapolis; M. J. Kennedy.
Q.n rmiiHn- Bidnev Harkridpre. RecUands;
-wt. f A. Holder. Santa Barbara; Miss
II. E Stoddard. Salem, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Cox, W. C. Maze and wife. San Fran
cisco; E B. Hazen and wife. Bridal VeTI;
Mies M Brookman, Cleveland; V. C. Miller,
t ii'inntnti Vmii.- H c. Slmuson. Oakland;
Ann I. mvanauth. M. E. Burke. San
Francisco; E. Blehl. wife and daughter,
t.- ciiv. Trontt. Detroit: H. A.
wiMor Honolulu: R. H. Fullerton, Chill-
..oth Ohio- Miss N T. Fullerton. Wash
Inrtoti. D. C: Mrs. M. M. Ackerman. Cape
Horn- D. U Fullerton, Chilllcotne; Frank
M. Isch and wife, Oakland; R. A. Luctke,
...ian. w t srlmer. Goldfleld:
L. F. Lang. Tono'pah; H- E. Boyden and
wife Medford; Miss Zillman, Danville; i.
Emerson and wife. New York; Felix FTen
denthal. San Francisco; F. G. Beatley. Sac
ramento; Dr. R. H. Sheppard. Redding- D.
E. Frederick. Seattle; R. M. Ewlng, Dallas.
The OreirOD Mary B. Jones, Anna Kar
sten. Fredericksburg. Iowa; F. L. Abel, Spo
kane; A. K. Rennlng. Manning, Iowa; B. D.
White and wife. Seattle; Mrs. Mary C. Pur
cell Terra Haute; Thomas Hooker, J. A.
Mccartney, Crvstal City; A. L. Zimmerman,
wife and daughter, Loup City, Neb ; H. A.
McConkey. Seattle; L. F. Kebler and son,
Washington, D. C; H. H. Rusby. Constance
Husby. New York; R. O. Green, Peoria. 111.;
W H Abel, Mmtesano; Mrs. L. M. Weitten
hlller. Plattevllle. Wis.; Stella L. Marple.
Pendleton; Ethel A. Gardner, Valparaiso.
Ind.; J. A. Welch and wife, Pittsburg;' E.
C Davis, Cleveland; W. B. Harahan. Phila
delphia; P. J. 1-onergan and wife, Denver;
J Peebles and wife. St. Louis; J. M. Lewis.
White Salmon: D. M Stuent. Astoria; Mrs.
W M. Renshaw. Mrs. Hoffman, Eugene;
T O. Meyers, San Leandro, Cal.; F. Le
Blond. H. K. Freeman and daughter, M. J.
Jeffs. Mrs. L. C. McDonough, Mrs. H. Noble,
and daughter. Seattle; Mrs. R. B. Paddock.
Walla Walla; Katy F. Lilly. Fay P. Lilly.
Burlington; A. D. Wllloughby and wife. Ta
coma: Marmlon K. Lewis, S. W. Lewis, Cin
cinnati; Dr. P. F. Wiley and wife, Portland;
Mrs. T. Studivant. Nashville; W. M. Mcin
tosh. Nachez. Miss.; 1- F. Tucker and wife.
Miss Alber. Miss Reamer. Denver; A. Rob
ertson. Chicago; Corrinne Garrette, Ethel
Shean. Cedar Rapids; Emma Wallace, Anna
Oswald. Salt I-ake City; E. J. McKanna
and wife, O. A. Patterson and family. W.
M Matthews and wife. Seattle; E. Smith
and wife. Maud Smith, Manduson. Wyo. ;
Janet Welttenhiller. Plattevllle, Wis.; May
Banl. Butler, Mo.; Anna Bard. Butler; W.
H Eccles. .1. W. West and wife. Dee, Or.;
J. Inglls. Inglis. Or.; Miss J. L. Sheppers,
St. Anthony Park. Minn.; C. F. Hall and
wife Dundee. 111. ; F. A. I Pease and wife,
Tucson; Miss D. J. Sorrls. Los Angelas;
Mrs U 11 Campbell, San Mateo; Miss M.
FIvnn. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. von Joclium
sen. Los Angeles; B. F. Smith. Portland; E.
H Lynch. Chicago; B. A. Gillmore, Los An
geles W H Dean. White Salmon; E. T.
Kruger, Corvallls: II. O. Booth and wife.
r- nr nrhv I.os Angeles: Ella
p. Johnston. C. B. Johnston. Chicago; M. E.
Shaw. Bollingham; C. G. Palmbury and wife.
Astoria; .1. B. Dorsey. Fresno: C. D Bow
lev Seattle: H. W. Hance, Holly wood. Cal. ,
W v Halsten. Fort Dodge, Iowa: W. D.
Sullivan. Milwaukee; J. M. Gore. Los An
geles F C. Williams. Oxford, Eng.: N. A.
Degefstiom. Rochester: S. 1. Banks and
wife, poriland: J. M. M. Kee and wife. Mr.
and Mrs. Wilcox. J. P. Wrayton. Owen Mc
Hugh. Robert Forgle. J. H. Blg.-low. New
York- Dr A F. Sether and wife. Roseburg:
A. Rothschild. New York; George Dow. San
Francisco: Mrs. L Stllson, Loralne Still
son. Eleanore Stlllson. Lois Stlllson, Chicago-
D. Blederman. San Francisco; T, . fc.
Brun'er. Aln.yra. Ark.; W. B. Sellers Bend;
William Weaver and wife. Boise; Mrs. S.
Sbcdd. Pullman. Wash.; H. J. Fischer and
wire. Cleveland; J. Johnston and wlf4 Des
Moines': B. C Cramlall. Pasadena; C. V
Uarv LO, Angeles; J. B. Hungerford and
t hree Carroll. Iowa ; G. H. Leghorn. Seattle-'
1. W Jacobs, Seattle: G. Davidson,
wire 'and child. San Antonio. Tex.; J. G.
Bldlerman and wife. San Antonio; W. J.
Coleman. Rayvllle. La.; R. D. H - Vroom.
New York; W. B. Shearer. Eureka, Cal.,
W Pollak. Mrs. S. A. Allen. Albany. Or.
The Perkins Miss : a. Sherman. Dr S.
Sherman and son, Mllwauke.; A Tuller
ton Columbus; Charles E. Jacobson. North
Powder; G. W. Bryant. Illinois: C Johnson,
Decatur; R. A. Carpenter. Seattle. T. B.
Pangle, Chicago: J. H. Musgrotv. Raymond.
M J. Smith. HoQulam; M. Duggan and
wife. G. W. Williams. Oskosh ; J. B. Pope
and family. Fort Worth: Al. Kaufman. San
FrancTsco; Mrs. Dr. Roller Seattle; Mr.
and Mrs. Curty. Chicago: Myrtle Pow.eI'
Seattle; Mrs. W. S. Harvey and daughter.
Washoucal: Miss A. Telland. Kennewlck; W.
S Lyons, Tacoma; J. H. Rodenbach, Lyons:
Madame Schafer. Portage: L. L. Jacobs.
Modford: Mrs. McOummerhays. San Fran
cisco; Frank T. McNutt. Centralis; S. A
Dunn. San Francisco; Jessie Smith. Reeds-burg-
Grace Dangel. Maud Dangal. Kate
Dowllng. W. H. Fowls and wife. Fort Jones;
George E Mattes. Berkeley; W. B. Nutter.
H F Higgenbothon, Nelson G. Smith and
wife Stockton: Mrs. R. Morrison. Inde
pendence: Mr. Conley and wife. Seattle; J.
H Conley and wife. Seattle; Jack Curly
and wife. Chicago; Mrs. Alma Coppen. Salem-
M T. Nolan. The Dalles; A. Y. Lyons,
sookaiw: J. M. McKennan. Pome.-oy: N.
Wheahlon. The Dalles; J. B. Hunt. Hood
River- II. J. Sweeney and wife. Seattle; W.
Hil' Gatwell and wife. N. H. Scldmore and
wife Forest Grove: Dr. and Mrs. Slocum,
Courtland; G. E. Randall and wife. Cleveland-
A. G. Lautzmusi-cr and wife. Belie
Lautzmuster. Jessie Grepelan. Leila B.
Crepelan. Greenville-. T. W. Lusk. SJlverton;
Mrs. Madge Taylor. Mrs. E. J. Newton.
Kugene; T. Z. Maupen, Jr., and wife, city;
Mrs M Swendwn. Richmond; Mrs. S. Salls
burv. Marvsvllle: Mrs. Murdoi k. Spokane;
C "D Wlillamson and wife, Pomona; G.
Kraft and wire. San Francisco; Miss M.
Oimtead, St. - Louis; E. Smith, wife and Unnilfnim: S - H. Smith, city:
Mr. Lewis and wife. Colorado: Miss E.
McWerter. Weiser: Miss L. A. Herron, Miss
E. M. Herron, Shellsburg; Mrs. M. Bran
don. Collins Springs; Miss E. Berry, Van
couwr; Miss S. Schneider. Wisconsin: Miss
C J. Schumacher, Chicago; N. J. Morgan,
Seattle- Mrs. C. Dorn. Mrs. E.' F. Dora,
Boston: J. H. Marguardt. ChirasJo; S R.
Badglev and wife. Cleveland; W. P. Spar
ling. Mileta: S. E. Lord, Kankanna; Mrs.
K. Carroll. San Francisco: Mrs. M. C. Har
ris. San Jose: C. A. Iratt, Chicago: Miss
M. Richardson. Darlington: M. Crosby.
Blackfoot; Mrs. A. Shaw, San Francisco:
E. K. Dorotbv. Reno; A. M. Johnson. Col
fax: W. W. Woodard. F. Woodard, T. F.
Bvron. Minneapolis; R. H. Hamilton. Stan
ton; I.. Parsons. Mrs, E. Merrill, Miss E.
Hendricks. Richmond; Mrs. Louise Willhlte,
Srdalla: A. W. Rldgway. A M. Rldgway,
Amnandau: Mrs. L. Rldgway. Belgrade;
A. Spalding. W. Willis and wife. Seattle;
J. Ewir.g and wife. Ventura: W. Gilbaugh
and wife. Woodard: Miss Florence Leach.
H. B. Leach. Jr.. Alton: Miss S. Lee. Cald
well: R. Watklns. city: J. Bunting. Wash
ington. D. C: E. Grayan, San Francisco:
J. N. Ryan. Wallom Lake: J. Porter. Aber
deen; T. E. John. Am Falls: J. Beach and
wife. Eugene; Mr. Grew and wife, Seattle;
Miss C. Linn. North Yakima.
The Imperial Mrs. C. H. Glas. city; J.
B. Church and wife. Nevada: J- S. Evans.
Centralla: F. L. Taylor, Hakersfield; John
Murdock and wife, Kufjne. Mrs. 'F. .
Wyatt-Mather, Dallas: Henry Hoeck. North
Bend; J. G. Onrnev and wife. San Francisco;
Mrs. M. E. Nichols. Ixs Anjreles; Mtf. E. A.
HodRklns, Los Angoles; Josephine Hasel-hof-r.
Efflo Haselhofer. Watsonvllle. Cal.:
H. D. Roberts. Lakevlew: W. 8. Beebe. city;
Katherine Sternie. Nevada; Mr. Fltjjslmons.
and wife, Nebraska; A Klmbali and wife.
Thatcher. Arix.; E. H. Raymond and wife.
Wisconsin: F. Kemp. Pasco; G. E. Peoples,
Ooquille; F. Dyer, Grants Pass; H. W. Keat
ing. Pittsburg-; A. C. Farley. California; G.
W. Word and family. San Francisco; E. C.
Hamill and wife. Vale; F. F. Spalding and
wife. The Dalles; R. Payne and family.
Miss Jean Joycox, Mrs. Graca Joycox, Walla
Walla; H. Lord, Honolulu; P. Wajtera and
wife, Sacramento S. E. Abmw, L. Agnew,
A. V. ARnew, Ohio; J. F. Dale. Pennsylvania;
0. P. Clark. Georgetown, ill.; John Clark,
Georgetown; Zolo Clark. C. Canaday. George
town ; Nort Parker. Martha Parker. New
berg; J. W. Beding, T. B. Perrin. Minneapo
lis; J. B. Hall. Kalama: H. O. Worcester,
G. A. Spellenck and wife. E Peelnes. H.
Peoples. M. P. Elliott and family, J- Mason
and wife, Minneapolis; W. H. Bentley and
daughter, Shanlko; J. N. White, A. A.
Dales, Panama; A. Gilchrist, Chicago; Mrs.
A. F. Botton, Miss Giissie Botton, Frankie
Botton, Ethel Botton Texas; Mis Fownley,
Amity; Mrs. Harriet Donohan. New Mexico;
Miss Jessie Nlrhols Miss Gladys Nichols.
Kansas; Mrs .Elizabeth Oakes, Little Hock
ing; Mip Clara Oakes, Little Hocking, O.;
J. G. Swartswood. Mrs. Swartswood. Miss
SwartKwood, Rockford; J. C. Backer and
wife. Chicago; Clarice Anderson. Verna Aiu
derson. Perry. Ia.; W. O. Brink, J. J. Sar
gent, Ontario.
The St. Charle Mrs. E. J. Thomas. Miss
Thomas. The Dalles; J. W. Wilson, Rainier;
Levi Chlsman, The Dalles; F. Upperstrom
and wife, Marquette, Mich.; Mrs. Masterson.
Rldgefleld; D. E. Van Dyke. Seattle; E.
Slckafoose, Rainier; P. R. Robblns. Miss
Bobbins. Scappoose: Tom Hendricks, Albany;
J. Dasbney, The Dalles; A. C. Sargent and
wife. The Dalles; S. D. Stuart. Newberg;
Mrs. Wlnoheetor, Miss Ptuart.,
Kan.; L. Soioman, Garrett Bend; T- M. Gar.
rritt. City; H. Allen. Falls River. Maps.;
H. S. Perry. Forest Grove; F S. Smith,
Ridgelleld; J. G. Eddlngs. Vancouver; R.
Robbing. Garlield; W. J. Dunigan, Sacra
mento; F. W. Heyfce. Clifton, A. T.; A. D.
Bay. Ia Grande; C. Murchisen, La Grande;
V. Josten. Riddle; W. G. Calvin, Orient; M.
McKelvev. Antelope; G. W. Beach. Pitman;
J. H. Nelfon and wife. Boring. H- Ferguson,
A. C Ferguson, Nome; F. IT. preen, Houlton;
1. O. James, city; Mrs. N. Olsen and daugh
ter. Oak Point: A. N. Wearas, McCloud; C.
W. Harkens. city; L. Linn, South Dakota;
W. Wilson. Collins: A. Williams. Heppner;
C. B. Woods. H. Anderson. Redheld; S. E
Higgln and family. Tacoma; R. Lambert,
Vancouver; E. F. Miller. A. L. Marshall and
wife. Morrow; W. C. Batherford. Cottage
Grove; B. Hurkness. Kansas; Joe Stanton,
Indiana; E. A. Merrick. Philomath; N. W.
Ames, Oakland; D. S. Gibbons. Philomath;
C. E. Smith and wife. Aberdeen: N. Lem
berg. Sherwood; W. Milltrr, Reedville; R.
Winslow. Dallas: C E. Reynolds and wife.
Tillamook; R. Reeves, Chicago; L Tingley.
La Grande; J. Peterson, Woodland; F J.
Williams and wife. S. P. Talesman. Mrs.
C. T. Williams, Toppenish; G. Brown, ciy;
C. F. Jnmes and wife, Toppenish; S. B.
Smith, Peoria; J. P. Lawrence. Little Falls;
S. E. Camp, Oakland; E. Plunkett, Amity;
W. B. Spiker, Goldendnle; Mr3. Krouse, The
Dalles; Mrs. Gassa. Wasco; C. L. Rogers
and wife. Hood Klver; Al. E. Stevens. t.
P. Stevens-. Sussex; G. Washburn. HDod
River; Delia James, Oklahoma; P. Behrens,
August Leitz, Herington; Mr. and Mrs. Pres
cott. Aurora: V. P. Smith. Baker City;
Fred Hagg, Reedville; W. Lundgen, Reed
ville; Olive Lundgren. Dassel; J. A. Whtt-
liey, Mrs. wnitley, i-.a uranae; j. rc. Jttose,
wife i and child. Salem; A. Sage, Chicago;
H. B. Barrlck. Clatsop; w. J. Karusay,
The Seward R. M. Ewing, Dallas. Or.:
Mis Louise Ornesby, New York; C. J.
Northrup. Boise ; A. P. Bateman, M osier;
.. H. Snyder, Ames, jowa; A. w.
nd wife. Joseph Pewault and wife, Boise;
F. P. Firey and wife, Pomona. Cal. ; Mrs.
and Miss Shuve, T-nion City, Pa.; H. B.
Horde, U. S. S. Washington; G. S. Speer,
wife and maid. New York City; W. H.
Bertraan and wife, Oakland; Dave R. Clark,
Jacksonville. 111.; Harry S. Palmer.- Reno;
R. L. Bromley, oaiuana; w. rtosenoerg ana
w If e. Leo Rosen berg, Heald sburg ; Mrs. A.
J. Smith, Miss Smith. Falrport, N. Y. ; L. A.
Simpson ana wire. Mrs. rsora main, iry
O. Kell, Aurora, III.; Mr. and Mrs, Casassa.
San Francisco; William Macbeth and wife,
R. W. Macbeth, New York; Mrs. A. Morten-
son, Mrn. E. J. be.Now, ius Angeles: m.
F. Golding. St. Loins; Charles P. Green
wood, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. S. Kauf-
mann. San jn; miss i aronne rJium, jnica
go; R V. Sebree. Idaho; Mrs- G. W. Kaw-
li rigs. Mtse r lorence nit-e, jtvctvstnj jijb.
Charles Caspar!. Jr., Miss A. C. Caspar!,
Bato. Mo.; Mis. M. S. Stearns, Chicago;
Leo P. Greenbaum and family, Boise; Mr.
and Mrs. I. S. Char!g, New York; F. E".
Hurlev and wife. Fort Worth. Tex.; Fred
Schmidt and wife. Miss Tes Schmidt. Den
ver; J. J. M- La'Jgniin. Mazatian; Mrs. M.
P. Deady, city; Cllda L. Smith, Fairmount,
W. Va.; Ada H. Hangfitt. parkersburg. W.
Va. ; M. E. Hultx and wife, Columbia, Mo.;
Miss Wetheus. Mexico, Mo.; Mrs. Ira J.
Harman, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. S. D.
Ayres, Central CUy. Neb.; F- Roblnon and
wife. Edwardsbury, Mich. ; Mr. and Mrs.
Anson E. Mead, Chicago; J. S. Madery,
Salem; R. L. Hyde. Cascade Locks; R. R.
Neale, Clarksville, Tenn. ; W. H. Esworthy
and. wife. Fort Collins. Colo.; J. L. Lorrier
and wife, Memphis. Tenn.; C. D. Mackenzie,
and wife. Vancouver, B. C. ; George C.
Sheets. Philadelphia; Hvilma Nelson. G.
Eugenie Nelson. New York; Mrs. E. M. Wil
liams. Miss Margaret Sampson. The Dalles;
O. F. Nartese, Cleveland; John R. Hervin,
Duluth E V. Fleming, William Morton,
Spokane: H. C- Schmidt, Chicago; Margaret
McCampbell, Lois Wallace. Denver; Mrs. J.
E Campbell, St. Poul; Margaret McDonough,
Chicago; J. E. O'Malley, Phoenix; O. C.
Greene, M! Marian Greene, St. Paul; Mrs.
F. B. Venman. E- M. Venman, Champaien;
Mr. Anna Pierce. Winifred Pierce, Boulder.
The Calumet C. A. Edwards. Jr., Santa
Barbara; N. Gynt and wife. Seattle; S. D.
Scherck, Peoria; S. B. Brown and wife.
Grants Pass; F. J- Salisbury and wife,
George F. Salisbury, Cherokee; E. Eysell.
city: Willa W. Hawley, The Dalles; y.
Bomick. H. Walsh, Denver; B. F. Doran,
Ej-nW Hardwerk, Chicago; Mrs. B. Lynch, I
is made in a two million dollar' bakery two million
dollars spent for cleanliness, for purity, for sunshine and
the result is a cereal food that stands the test of time a
food for old and young, for any meal in any season con
tains more real nutriment than meat or eggs, is more
easily digested and costs much less. At your grocer's.
Shredded Wheat i made of the choicest selected v white
iatIsmK -Wrt.r1 tnm-cooked and baked Try it for breakfast
to-morrow wifh milk or cream. The Biscuit is also delicious
for any meal in combination with fresh or preserved fruits.
Tha Dalles; Mrs. W. D. Droves, Denver;
William Jones. Heppner; S. Young. Be
loit; John Young. Seattle'. E. H. Morse and
wife. Salt Lake; H. C. Atwell, S. F. Wilkin
son, Forest Grove; R. W. Turney, Medford;
G. W. Scramlin, Macksburg; E. Boldman,
Chicago; A. Cole and wife, Dubuque; R.
W. RadclifTe, Palneavllle; G. P. Norgren,
R. C. Farrish, Minneapolis; O. West. Salem;
R. B. MoMurray. North Yakima; F. W.
Currie and wife. Memphis: C. J. Arnold and
wife, W. G. Marsh and wife. Long Beach ;
Fred Wilson, Condon; J. F. Benson, city;
S. A. Alspach and family, Carroll; Lee Hut
ton. Chicago ; Jame-J N. Miller, Wichita;
E. Griffin. H. Mundo'ff. E. Mohler, C. Berry,
H. McArdle, R. L. Williams, F. Browning,
H. Melohoir. C. Henley, J. Williams, F.
EastLey, R, Zelder, F. Peters, F. Bodle. San
Francisco: W. Fraser and wife. Los Angeles:
W. C. Kransgull, San Francisco; Fred
Kentzman and family, Pasco; Charles Hous
ton, M. Gerard, New York; H. F. Phillips,
city; Mrs. Sherman, Oklahoma City; F. W.
Thomas and wife, Philadelphia; M. E.
Pipher, D. F. Alexander, Charlaaton; M.
Bryne, White Salmon; J. Morgan Lewis,
Los Angeles ; C. B. Sandberg, Seattle ; W.
T. Hardwicke, William Berg and wife, Mc
Mlnnville; Lyle D. Reynolds. Adel; A. Rob
ertson, Salt LaJto; Mrs. Edna Portrude, Sac
ramento; John M. Starr, Hutchinson; A. G.
Campbell and wife, Kansas City; L. C. Price,
Fairmount ; F. C. Harkins, Chicago ; N. C
Christensen, Patterson; L. Pferdner, Seat
tle; C. C. Chatten and wife. Rainier; J. H.
Rowland and wife, Seattle; D. S. Kloepf-er
and wife. Wennetka; R. J. Burn and wife,
R. J. Kelly and wife, San Francisco; Wil
liam King and wife. A, J. Abley, Denver;
Leo Mailloux and wife. North Yakima; F.
A. Tell, H. R. Tweed, Winnipeg.
The Nortonin Edward McDonald and
wife, Maria McDonald. Cincinnati; T. H.
Robinson, Ellen H. Robinson, Chicago; Mark
McGee, Brown wood; Frank G. King and
wife, San Jose; Mr. Gemd, Louis Gemd, and
Miss Gemd, Marcus; Robert J. Ross, Mrs.
J. E. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ross, Master
Edwin Ross, Miss Josephine Ross, Miss E.
R. Dunday, Cascade Lake; John E. Resin,
Tallahasee; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans, San
Francisco: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards,
Red Bluff: E. J. Glancey. wife and daugh
ter, Kiethsburg; George E. Young and wife,
E. A. Thayer, wife and child, Muriel K.
Thayer, Linda McLair, Indianapolis; Carl
S. Reed. Monticello; Mrs. M. Cohen, San
Francisco : Miss E. G. Pattison, New York
City; T. W. Boughen and wife, Hamilton;
Mr. and Mrs. George Heard, Charles Heard,
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hamilton. Pittsburg;
Miss Mamie Doer, Zanesvllle; J. N. Lager
and wife, Chicago; F. E. Cannon and wife,
Fargo; Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Robinson, Wash
ington, D. C. ; Martha A. Craven, Alice A.
Craven, Philadelphia; Annie M. Coulter,
Clinton; Miss E. H. Ore, Orengvllle; Mrs.
Carrie Crowd-ar, Crawford; Miss Maude
Crowder, J. H. Crowder and wife, Gordon;
George E. Hauschild, Mrs. A. L. Crayzer,
Chicago; Nellie E. Simons, lone Benham,
Meriden ; S. H. Blackshear, San Francisco ;
S. G. Baker, Tacoma; Isaac Reed, Mrs. M.
Reed, Contact; J. Patterson and wife, De
troit; Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cummins. Bel
laire; J. B. Bell and wife. Eugene; Raymond
Hoobler. Mrs. Raymond Hoobler, New York
City; D. C. Marshall and wife, San Raefel;
Otto Gennke, Milwaukee; A. I. Eglarned,
N. M.Nilarshall. Portland. M-e. ; R. Sanders
and wife, Canada ; Miss Henoenway, Boon
vine; .Katherine Kelly, Kuide.
The Ramapo Mrs. N. M. Speidel, Miss
Grace Speidel, Edmond ; Ida Hoedeyker,
Hammond; A. M. Johnson, Colfax; R. H.
Hamilton, Stanton; Lou Starrett, Forast
lirove ; A. J. Clemer, Seattle ; C. G. Doug
las. C. I. Douglas and wife. Salt Lake ;
L. H. Smeck. city; Hugh Smith, Corvallls;
Mrs. Margaret Collins, Mrs. Mary Brooks,
Independence; William RHter, Alaska;
Nellie Brown. Margaret Brown, Seattle;
Mrs. Martin Olson. Alnaba; Frank Daley
and wife. Park City; John Warner, Oskosh;
M. L. Bowman. Ames; O. B. Prael and
wife, city; J. M Speidel, Edmond; W. C.
James, Minneapolis: Theresa Nichols, Den
ver; A. L. Carter, Milwaukee; George Olson,
Wadena; C. A. McCammon. city; Misa E.
A. Brooks. Minneapolis; Mary Newman,
Effle Peppen, Omaha; E. C. Shears, Spo
kane; W. S. Sarper and family, Rockford;
J. R. Arvidson. Oscar He lb erg. Minneapo
lis; L. Pryor, Fairmount; C. L. Lewis. Chi
cago; J. R. Relllngton, Oakland; H. Bran
non, Los Angeles; L. Barlow and wife.
Redding; A. Kelly, Siletz; II. N. Fox and
wife. Tllton; J. J. Mfddleton, Mellville- J.
D. Parker, Fayette; Laura Molllner, Canon
burg. The Cornelius John Irving, Victoria; N.
S. Souther, Portland ; C. W. Darby. Los
Angeles; H. B. Smith, Seattle; Mrs. Fred
erick Hickok, Denver; Ralph I. Radcllffe,
York; J. I Davis, George Meller, Charles
E. Frasser. James Wood, John Mel lard,
Russell Gulch; J. B. Chapman, E. L. Bailey,
Waynesville: George M. Trowbridge, city;
H. A. Whitley, San Francisco; J. E. Burton,
Seattle; J. H. Miller, Wilmington; V. C.
Miller, Livingston; Ira E. Rasbach. Parsons;
W. H. Irwin, wife and two children, Butte;
A. D. Willoughby and wife, Tacoma; O. H.
Dickinson and wife. You'll Like Boise;
Erastus Young, Omaha; F. L. Ostrander and
wife, San Francisco; Roy G. Hersh, city;
J. M. Appleton and wife, Lacte; J. F. Gross,
W. Lynburgh, Angola; Dr. C. M. Baldwin,
Chicago; Mrs. A. K. Nunn. St. Louis;
John J. Geis, Clem Gels, Gertrude Gels, Rose
Devine, Salina; Louis A. G-3is, Carl Ceis,
Johnstown; R. F. Lytle, HoQulam ; Mrs. .
R. Olson, St. Pau 1 ; E. F. Bardor, Ohio ;
Miss W. A. Seale, Seattle.
The Moore, Seaside W. Anderson. O. M.
Ash and wife, J. F. Howard, N. E. Utinzer,
Jesse Sands, G. .Sea ton Taylor, R. T. Mon
tag, Ruth Haines. F. H. Call. Myrtle Tooze,
J. G. Fleishman and wife. Cora Fleishman
AL J. Prloe, F. P. Shanghnny, R. Smith
S. H. Morgan, Mrs. J. W. McKenzie, Hugh
C. Gearin, Mrs. Alfred M. Wilson and
daughter, H. C. Bickett. Miss Daner, Miss
uoimes, aura. -. l napman, J. H. Har
rington, C. M. Cotes. Marlon J. Jones,
Thomas Scott Brooke, T. W. Mann, Leon W.
Benham, A. J. Christinson. C. R. Lew
thwaite. R. E. Bristow and wife. H. M.
Wnither. Jr., Miss Bradsburry, Dorsey B.
Smith, E. W. Mills and wife. W. M. Cake,
Enoch Mathfson. W. H. Jobes. lone Lewia,
Philip Grossmayer. Florence Grossmaver, E.
Byford. E. E. Lilly and son, A. E. Whee
lock and wife, Mrs. C. i Adams, Mrs.
Walter Honeyman, Ada Patterson, all at
Portland; W. K. Newell, Gaston; F. A.
Galling, San Francisco; Hellen I. Kelly,
Ella M. Kelly, Helena; A. M. Blake. Van
couver; Robert MacKay and wffe. Miss Ella
MacKay, Philadelphia; R. A. Grar. Oregon
City; I. W. Root. Boring: Peter Grant. As
toria; J. H. Campbell, Oregon City; G. A.
You Can't Eat the Box
or the Signature
but you can eat the contents of
every package of Shredded Wheat
with the satisfaction of knowing
that it is the cleanest, purest, most
nutritious cereal food in the world
Martell and wife. Holyoke ; M. W. Molr
and wife. Glenwood; Dr. W. L. Helskiss and
wife, Indianapolis: William McHardy and
wife, Joseph McHardy and wife. Dallas;
James E. Rea, Forsyth; H. A. Wennaffel,
Evansvllle; O. Van Dusen, Astoria; Dr. S.
Weist and family. Seattle; Fred Sinnington,
ABtoria; D. E. Mather, Fort Stevens; Mrs.
Don Mulvane, John Fleishman, Topeka; J.
S. Dellinger, Astoria; E. H. Bock, Roches
tor; G. B. Johnson, George F. Judd. Frank
THE ORIENTAL LIMITED Leaves Tacoma 5:25 P. M., Seattle 7:10 P. M,
Spokane 7:50 A. M. daily; runs through to Chicago without change of cars
Elegant modern equipment; Compartment, Observation car, Standard ami
Tourist sleepers, Day coaches and the BEST of Dining Car sen-ice; eleotru
lighted throughout. Connecting trains leave Portland daily 8:15 A. M. and
10:00 A. JL.via Seattle and 5:40 P. M. via NORTH BANK ROAD.
THE SOUTHEAST EXPRESS Via Great Northern to Billings, thence vis
Burlington Route. Leave Seattle daily at 10:00 P. M., leave Spokane 11:45
A. M., connecting trains leave Portland daily via Seattle and Spokane.
Full information regarding rates, tickets and sleeping ear reservations.
H. DICKSON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 122 Third Street, Portland,
Or. Telephones Main 680, A 2286.-
Train Time Now Equalled, Two Nights to San Francisco, Three to Los Angeles.
142 Third St. Mvlu 402, A 1402.
Woodfleld. Astoria; M. W. Neary, Spokane;
E. W. Rcdfleld, J. W. Redfleld. Cambridge
George E. Young and wife. E. Thayer. Linda
McLain. Minneapolis; Miss A. Abramscn.
Michigan: F. H. Smith and wife. Chicaeo;
E. W. Mersereau. New Haven; Mr. Pome
roy and wife. Mrs. Kahn. J. W. McKenzie,
Astoria; J. E. Rea and wife. Forsyth; E. W.
Peterson. San Diego; E. A. Hlggins. As
toria: L. Marx, Seattle; M. Van Dusen, ChaL-tanoog-a
Main 268, A 1234. ALnsivorth Dock.